ghoulsister1 · 8 months
●▪︎We Were Going To Be A Family▪︎●
Dante Sparda x Female Reader. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. TW: Miscarriage. This doesn't start off well. Heartbreak. Dealing with loss. Grief. Dante comforts Reader because Dante is the best and most sweetest half-Devil husband. There is hope. There is a happy ending I promise.
⚠️Warning: This story contains and features the topic of miscarriage. Miscarriage is a very sensitive subject to some people, so if you are uncomfortable with this subject in any way, please do not read. Please note this is my first time writing such a topic, I do not want to come off as offensive or insensitive in anyway so please understand. Thank you.⚠️
Requested by @xx-scene-queen-of-vampires-xx
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The day you were told you were pregnant was you and Dante's most exciting moment. You and Dante prepped and got everything ready in anticipation for the baby. Until one day, you awoke to the worst case scenario every expecting mother fears. Now you are unsure how to proceed in the aftermath. But your loving husband Dante isn't going to let you go through this alone.
You remember the day you told Dante to take you to the hospital after you woke up to throw up last night's take-out and realising your monthly was late.
You remember sitting nervously in the waiting room with Dante, anxiously biting your nails and Dante tapping his foot nervously as you both awaited results. Then the doctor called you both in.
You remember feeling nervous until the doctor told you the words.
"You are pregnant"
You remember looking at Dante, nervously. Then you felt joy at seeing Dante give you the biggest, most happiest grin ever and you both shared a joyful laughter as he picked you up and spun you around, holding gently on to you as you giggled.
Dante leaned forward and planted a big kiss on your head.
"I'm gonna be a Dad" Spoke Dante excitingly and softly.
"I'm gonna be a Mom" You Gasped, feeling the excitement bubbling.
"A badass Mom!" Remarked Dante winking at you as you giggled.
"And you, a badass Dad" You Replied back and kissed Dante with happy tears in your eyes.
Everything went great. Dante told Vergil and Nero about it, you told the girls Kyrie, Trish, Nico and Lady. Patty and Morrison stopped by to give their congratulations and you couldn't be happier.
The weeks flew by. You and Dante were building the nursery, Nico and Nero helping Dante build the crib. You didn't know what colour to paint the nursery.
"Pink!" Cried Patty excitedly.
"What if the baby's a boy?" You Asked Patty sweetly.
"Blue then!" Patty Replied.
"Yeah but we don't know if the baby's a girl or boy" Dante Remarked. You nodded as the baby's gender was still unknown.
"How about a different colour than the traditional colours? Maybe a nice bright yellow?" You Suggested.
"Or a flaming hot red?" Suggested Dante.
"How about green?" Patty Asked.
"Green? That actually sounds nice. Green is a lovely colour" You Replied smiling softly as Patty danced around excitingly. For an 18 year old, Patty was still full of beans as ever.
Kyrie took you shopping, picked out cute baby clothes and maternity clothes. Looking at the purchased baby shoes, your heart raced excitedly as you thought of the baby, waddling around in these shoes.
You and Dante attended appointments with the doctors and made sure to take your prenatals. Everything was going great. You and Dante were looking forward to the day you'd meet your child.
It was all going well......until it wasn't. One morning, you woke up to blood staining the bedsheets and pain shooting through you. Panic immediately set in. It was too early, far too early for the baby.
You were rushed to hospital and down the hospital's hallways as Dante held your hand throughout. You turned to the doctor, begging for answers.
"Doctor, it's too early for the baby! It's too early! Is something wrong?!" You Cried, panicking.
"Everything's all right, we're gonna help you" The Doctor would say but you didn't feel reassured. The doctors wheeled you into the room and Dante was made to wait outside the room.
After a hour or so, the doctor came out and told Dante the most heart crushing news no expecting father to be has to hear.
"Your wife has suffered a miscarriage. I'm very sorry Mr. Sparda. This is a very difficult situation and I understand if you need a moment or two" Explained the doctor.
Dante's heart sank. The child you and Dante made together, the child you both were eager to meet, was gone. Not even beginning to live and already their life was snuffed out.
And Y/N? Oh god was she okay?
"My wife! How's is she? Please tell me she's alright" Asked Dante tearfully.
"Your wife's condition is stable. She'll be alright. Though this unfortunate news will not be easy to take in. Let her rest first, in the morning you can go in to her. She'll need you when we tell her the unfortunate news" Explained the doctor.
And Dante was there, holding your hand as you screamed and cried upon hearing the news. Dante held you close as you sobbed into his chest, your heart utterly broken. Dante's eyes welled up with tears and he too quietly sobbed with you. But there was one thing you wanted to know.
"Was it a girl? Or a boy?" You Asked tearfully.
The doctor looked at his notes and looked at you with sympathy.
"It was a girl" Answered the doctor and a wave of hot tears came over you and Dante as you both held on to each other and cried.
When you were cleared to go home, you felt like a zombie. You'd walk past the nursery and see the crib, empty and cold. The green paint and design of the room mocked you, the toys you received from friends and family, taunting you. Worst was holding the shoes you picked out for the baby, it's small size making your heart shatter all over again as fresh tears welled in your eyes as you clutched the baby shoes close to your chest and sobbed.
"This wasn't supposed to happen! We were supposed to be a family! Why did this happen to us? Why?" You Sobbed loudly.
Dante came upstairs and took you into his arms as you both sat on the floor of the nursery.
"I'm sorry Dante" You Whimpered.
"Hey, don't say that. Don't ever apologise for something that we couldn't control. You did everything right, you ate good and took your prenatals. We went to the appointments, we did everything we could" Explained Dante as he held you in his arms.
"But why? We were gonna be a family. We were gonna have a little girl" You Sniffled.
"I don't know why babe. I wish I knew, some people would say it wasn't meant to be but I honestly don't know what to say to make this better. Maybe there's nothing to say to make this all better. But i know one thing. I love you Y/N and I know this feeling won't heal overnight but I promise I'll be here by your side. You don't have to go through this alone. We'll do this together, I promise you Y/N" Declared Dante.
You both looked into each other's teary eyes.
"We'll get through this" Dante Assured you.
"Together?" You Asked, feeling so much love for your husband in that moment and even though the pain will not go away overnight, you knew you didn't have to go through this alone.
"Always" Replied Dante and together you both shared a comforting embrace, tears falling from both each other's eyes.
That was 3 years ago and looking back on that terrible moment, you were thankful for your husband. Friends and family came together for you two and with their support, your recovery from this traumatic chapter in your lives began. It was a slow recovery, there were times where things got hard but you and Dante had each other and slowly you both pulled through.
To help with copying with the loss, You and Dante kept the pregnancy scan photos, along with a pink hair ribbon, a pair of baby shoes and a small teddy in a decorative box on the mantlepiece, a sort of memorial to the little girl you and Dante were hoping to meet. You both named her "Danielle".
3 years on and you both pulled through, stronger and closer than ever. You looked over to the mantlepiece and smiled softly.
You then turned to the window and smiled when you felt Dante's arms wrap around you.
"Hey babe" Purred Dante happily as he nuzzled your neck lovingly.
"Hey honey" You Replied and turned to kiss your husband's scruffy cheek. You both chuckled and continued looking out the window, deep in thought.
"Something on your mind?" Asked Dante softly.
"Nothing much. Just....." You Began but stopped yourself. Dante frowned, confused.
"What's wrong babe?" Asked Dante turning you around to face him. You felt unsure how to tell him what you were thinking.
"It's just......" You Began.
"Go on" Spoke Dante softly.
"I wanna try again" You Answered.
Dante looked shocked, then surprised.
"You mean, try for a baby?" Dante Asked nervously. You nodded.
"I think I'm ready. But if you're not, we can always wait Dante" You Assured him, smiling softly.
"Only if you are sure you're ready babe" Said Dante.
"I am" You Confirmed, confident.
"Alright then. Shall we take this upstairs?" Asked Dante, smirking. You giggled softly and let Dante carry you upstairs.
"Yes, my darling husband" You Remarked and you two proceeded upstairs.
A few weeks later, you were confirmed to be pregnant. Naturally you and Dante were nervous, given what happened 3 years ago. But soon it was apparent, this time was going to be different.
9 months later, you gave birth to a beautiful boy. You and Dante named him Julian. And you both promised little Julian that when he grows up, you will tell him about his sister who went on to become an angel and watch over you, Dante and baby Julian.
❤️‍🩹Okay, so that was a lot of angst. And I due to the subject of the story, I decided to put in a happy ending for reader and Dante. It would feel wrong of me to leave it here without giving it at least a happy ending❤️‍🩹
Thanks again for the request👍❤️
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bergilandbante · 3 months
(clip from a dmc panel around 2011)
dan giving us a demonstration of vergil's flirting skills (sound on)
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ariseur · 3 months
they made him this attractive and for what? for him to die??
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cupidscrule · 4 months
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Why can't he kill my dad :(
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ollieolliewrld · 4 months
DMC Men in Bed (NSFW)(afab!reader)
A brief take on what the Sparda men are like in bed~
0.8k words
☾ He is a very playful lover
☾ With a sex drive as high as his you will be pushed to your limits
☾ While he is a giver all of the pleasure given to you comes with teasing 
☾ Adores seeing you mindlessly drunk on pleasure
☾ He is never pleased with just one orgasm out of you
☾ Dante craves more from you having you on his cock on the brink of tears 
☾ Watching as you try to squirm away from his thumb circling your clit
☾ “Don’t run from it, Baby”
☾ Loves to have your leg on his shoulder as he fucks you
☾ He wants to see the look on your face when he thrusts his full length inside of you
☾ Will ask you questions knowing that you are unable to answer
☾ “How does that feel, Princess? Do you know how good you feel around me?”
☾ The messier you get the better
☾ If he can’t cum inside of you he will be cumming on your tits
☾ He would take a picture of you if he could and keep it with him
☾ Dante thinks you look so cute covered in his cum, your thighs slick with your juices 
☾ Just when you think he’s done he will pull one last orgasm from you
☾ “You can take it, show me you can”
☾ As you lay there out of breath and mindless he takes the time to engrave this image in his head, each time better than the last
☾ He will always clean you up afterward, making sure you know that you are cared for 
☾ Then he pulls you to his chest stroking your hair and whispering to you until you drift off to sleep
☾ His dominance in bed ranges from slow and controlled to making it so he will be helping you walk the next day
☾ No matter what Vergil is a vocal lover
☾ Very big on praise as he has your face buried in a pillow, his hands on your hips as he thrusts into you you’ll hear
☾ “You’re so pretty like this”
☾ He flips you over and slides back into you placing a hand on your throat
☾ “Keep your eyes on me or I’ll stop”
☾ Gets drunk on the sounds that you make 
☾ The surprised gasp you let out as he places a slap on your ass 
☾ The moans you illicit when he takes your breasts into his hands 
☾ “Say my name”
☾ Will fuck you until all you can say is his name like a mantra
☾ Rough sex is his favorite, having his hand pulling at the roots of your hair bringing your back against his chest so he can speak directly into your ear
☾ “Look at you taking my cock so well, my little slut”
☾ He takes his time with sex wanting to feel every part of you
☾ As rough as he gets with you Vergil takes his time to kiss over the marks he has left on you
☾ Sex to him is sacred and carries meaning, he uses it as a way to show you his feelings for you allowing himself to be fully vulnerable with you
☾ Breeding kink, seeing his cum leaking out of you drives him feral
☾ He loves to watch it slowly dripping out and then fuck it back into you with his thick fingers
☾ This sweet boy doesn’t have much experience yet
☾ At first, he is a bit timid but is eager to learn 
☾ It starts off with him wanting to finger you 
☾ Taking it slow Nero works his way along your body learning where to touch, the sounds you make, what makes your back arch
☾ The first time you have sex you get on top of him rolling your hips experimentally 
☾ He holds his hands on your hips watching where your bodies meet desperately trying to control his hips as you ride him
☾ Nero does not talk much as he is too focused on how he feels and making sure that he is doing what you like 
☾ Switches between whimpers when you are on top and small grunts when he is thrusting into you 
☾ But he likes to move you around, picking you up from off his lap and walking you over to a wall holding you up as he thrusts into you 
☾ Loves to use his strength in the bedroom, no matter what size you are he will be moving you with ease 
☾ Gets easily egged on by your voice, hearing you moan signals him to go harder 
☾ Doesn’t mind you being in control at first but he becomes more dominant as time goes on
☾ As his confidence rises Nero starts to take more control putting you into different positions 
☾ Cannot control himself while you go down on him
☾ Grabbing at your hair and bucking his hips 
☾ When he sees you swallow his cum it unlocks a new kink for him as he pulls you up to kiss him
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Author's note: Very open to any comments, recommendations, or criticism!! I don't write a lot of NSFW pieces so let me know how I can Improve <3<3
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mannequinreligi0n · 5 months
How The DMC Boys Eat Out
WARNINGS: NSFW! - oral (female receiving)
WORD COUNT: ~150 per person
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Dante’s a busy man but what does he always make time for? Dessert. Though it’s not often you get dedicated alone time, Dante has made it a habit to at least reward you for sticking by his side as often as possible. This usually has you seated atop his desk, hands grasping at bills and work permits, as he sits before you in his beaten leather chair. Hungry and eager, he’ll kitten-lick at your hole ensuring that he’s tasting every single drop of arousal that leaks out. Dante’s a pleaser at heart, meaning he’ll go til his jaw locks or you yank him off of you. But until that point, he’ll make sure to mutter praise and sweet nothings in your heat, making you twitch and squirm. When he’s not holding your hips down, he’ll switch off between pumping digits or his tongue into you, knowing the right combination to make anyone unlucky enough to be at the agency hear you cry out his name til you lose all capability of intelligent speak.
“So wet - just for me, sugarplum. M’gonna make sure you can’t walk after this.”
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Unlike his twin, Vergil appreciates more calculated encounters, rather than spontaneous ones. Ambience is very important to him; he’ll make sure that everything leading up to the moment is just right. Candles, wine, and soft sonatas playing in the background - all leading up to get you seated above him, thighs nearly squeezing his head into the mattress. The crude act of face-sitting is made into a poetic one when Vergil is under you. Methodical tongue movements and cherry lips sucking the life out of you make your hands grip the headboard with unbeknownst strength. Calloused hands will knead into your hips, thumbs rubbing soothing circles in an attempt to calm your jolting above him. Vergil has spent years mastering the art of patience and playing the long-game. He’ll make sure to draw out every single second til your legs give out. Aftercare is a biggie for him, holding you to his chest and praising your behavior to calm your pounding heart.
“Don’t mock me, little one. When I say sit, I mean sit.”
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Nero is the happy-medium of the trio. Whether it’s quickies in the van or the good ol’ ‘wined and dined’, he’ll make sure that you are his number one priority. If there’s one thing Nero loves, though, it’s getting to stay in bed with you on his day off. Tired kisses and slow petting will eventually lead to Nero disappearing under the covers to take post between your legs. Inside the cocoon of blankets, Nero will lazily drag his fingers over your sensitive folds before anchoring his mouth to your bud. Gentle flicks of his tongue timing to the pump of his two fingers buried in you to the knuckle. Intermittently, his mouth will detach from you and trail kisses along your inner thighs and navel, whispering how good you taste and how much he loves you. He won’t emerge from his hideout until you’ve came - peeking out of the covers to kiss you sweetly, the taste of yourself prominent on his lips.
“There you go, let it out. You’re doing so good for me, sweetheart.”
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Dating Vergil headcannons
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-Vergil is undoubtedly a loving sweetheart. Yes, he has a grumpy side, but he truly loves you and cares for you however he can.
-Always protects you, be it from devils and grotesque monsters or a dog that happened to growl at you a little too much.
-Kinda gets overprotective like a dad over you whenever you get sick or injured, no matter how small the wound/illness is. He will immediately go into full parenting mode and wrap you up in a cocoon of blankets while worriedly feeding you soup and forcing bitter tasting medicine down your throat, or force you into a chair so he can dress and disinfect the wound as needed.
-Very jealous around Dante. Even though he knows that his brother would never attempt to steal you away from him, he can't shake that feeling; that nagging worry that perhaps you would fall for Dante's charms and leave him all alone.
-Of course, you'd never ever leave him, but Vergil's not the best at reading people, so he often needs to be told that.
-Shower this man in all the love and affection he deserves--you're the only one he'll ever allow to anyway.
-Calls you cute nicknames (but only in private) such as Babe, Dove, Sunlight, Sweetness, Queen, and My Motivation.
-Not good at expressing his affection through speech (bro I feel u) but excels at writing love letters to you, which he will never give to you in person--he'll just leave them lying around and hope you notice them.
-In order to escape teasing from Dante, he refuses to participate in any kind of PDA, no matter how small. He will, at the very most, hold your hand, but only when Dante is not around and if you ask nicely.
-Behind closed doors, however, things are entirely different. You will have yourself a living koala. He will latch onto you and never let go, using his huge frame to keep you pinned to whatever you happen to be lounging on, be it his plastic chair or your living room couch.
-Can't cook. It's a Sparda family curse. You are now tasked with the sacred duty that is producing a meal for this poor dude.
-Once a year, he undergoes his demon mating period--during this time, he gets really grumpy and cuts off all contact with everyone for like a month, the only exception is you.
-That's cause he needs you for something, if ya catch my drift. ;)
-Literally cold as ice, all the time. No matter how much you hold and snuggle him; no matter how many layers of clothes he wears, he's always cold.
-He doesn't feel it though, only you do, and because of that, he wonders why you always want to wrap him up in blankets and cuddle him.
-Complete and utter NERD for books, movies, TV shows, anime and so on. Knows enough about these topics to write an entire wiki but unfortunately must suppress this knowledge to save himself from the agony that is Dante's taunts.
-If you happen to share the same interests as him, then good for you! You two can spend all day holed up at home, geeking out about literally everything like the soul mates you are. 💓
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jellys-compendium · 5 months
Tying the Knot
A Vergil x f!Reader Oneshot
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Rating: Explicit (18+ Only)
Summary: To many, Vergil's demonic form is frightening. But to you, it's just as adorable and endearing as the man that lies beneath. Cw: smut, fluff, tender sex, monster sex, knotting, cockwarming, stuffing, teasing, Vergil is touch starved but he will never admit it, Reader is mute, non-traditional 'marriage' proposal Word Count: 1'684 A/n: The saga of fluffy writing for Vergil continues.
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The content purr thrumming in Vergil’s chest is so soothing. It’s deep and blissful, lulling your own body to relax and melt into the heat of his own.
Your hands gently caress over Vergil’s body, your soft pliant flesh tracing the jagged and unyielding plates that lie beneath. Vergil’s appearance in this form is formidable, even frightening. But the tender way in which he cradles you in his claws has you softly cooing his praises and pampering his chin and teeth with soft, little pink lipped kisses.
Each and every single one of Vergil’s movements is careful. They are calculated and precisely timed. The hide of his devilish body is strong and sharp in most places, and he knows that with one wrong move he can slice open your fragile flesh with ease. 
So, Vergil tempers the wanting. You can feel the itching burn of his hunger twitch beneath the muscles on his body. The passion and desire that swirls and swims through his veins is like an expertly crafted wine—potent and powerful. But Vergil’s will proves to be the victor. He won’t risk harming you in a fleeting moment of carnal lust. 
Still, that doesn’t mean that you’re impervious to impatience.
Gently wiggling your body beneath his, your pussy clenches, and you silently groan, drawing in breath as the engorged and throbbing knot inside you presses harder against your g-spot.
Vergil tenses, a warning little growl catches in his exhaled breath as his grip on your hips tightens.
“Be still.” His words are strained, but his tone is soft and gentle even with its demonic trill. 
You smile, a wordless “sorry” in your eyes as your lips press into a thin line. The giggle you try to suppress writhes in your chest, and Vergil feels it. If he could frown in this form, you imagine that he would.
“You’re laughing.” He accuses.
Being cradled by the pillow, you shake your head as best you can. But the voiceless dance of air that tumbles past your smiling lips betrays you.
 ‘Sorry.’ You sign. ‘Just a little impatient for the next round.’
Vergil sighs, and you hear shifting along the sheets. A gentle pressure circles around your waist, and you look down to see that the culprit is Vergil’s tail.
“Insatiable little succubus, aren’t you?”
You smile, pressing another little kiss to where you imagine his nose might be if he were in his human form.
‘Look who’s talking. It better not be the demon who’s locked his cock inside me for the third time tonight.’
Vergil snorts, rolling his glowing blue eyes at your response. You reach up to spoil him with more kisses all while running your hands over his wings, his back, his horns. Vergil’s hypnotic purring gets louder with each part of him you worship.
He really does love to be touched. By you, specifically. Every time your fingers seek him out, he’s always leaning his body towards yours. If the two of you are in the company of others it’s quite subtle, but the moment it's just you and him behind closed doors, it becomes so adorably obvious.
Like a cat, Vergil basks in the softness of your touch, arching against your fingers while pulling you deeper into his embrace. And while Vergil still does retain his stiff and standoffish demeanor most of the time (even with you), it’s tender little moments like this where you can peer behind the curtain and bask in the gentle warmth of his tender heart. He really is a big sensitive softy. With the soul of a poet to boot.
“Have you had your fun?” Vergil’s mouth opens and his long blue tongue slides out from between his sharp fangs to tenderly lap at your cheek.
Exhaling wistfully your own satisfaction, you nod.
‘I have. But I won’t object to one more round.’
Vergil’s amused chuckle fills the air as your brows wiggle. Your teasing fingers make their way down to the place where the two of you are connected. As you touch him, the comforting purr in Vergil’s chest intensifies—the vibrations traveling all the way down to where he has you knotted. 
Your jaw slacks as a spark of pleasure ignites a new fire in your core. With hips arching further up to grind yourself against him, you bite your lip before pulling your hand back to massage your neglected clit.
Vergil growls, eyes fixating on where your fingers toy. 
Then abruptly, the half-demon ends your play. With a heavy groan Vergil takes both your hands into his own, entwining your fingers as he brings them to his mouth, licking the remnants of both of your fluids from your digits.
His sigh of rapture sends another pang of heat flowing through you. And when Vergil looks at you, the demonic glow of his eyes holds within them all the tenderness in the world.
“You are so precious to me.”
Vergil’s words are so soft—whisper quiet—like they are a secret to the very air itself. But to you they may as well have been screamed in your ear. Your eyes widen and your heart nearly stops in your chest as Vergil looks down at you. There is the slightest tremor to his breaths now.
Then his hands release yours and using the words you had taught him, he clumsily signs.
‘Stay here with me.’
Then, he points to his heart.
You’re dumbfounded, staring at the half-demon above you with utter awe as your heart and mind tries to process what you had just seen. Vergil stares silently back at you, patient as he allows you to ponder your response. He never rushes you. He is never demanding of the beautiful words you craft into the air.
But you find yourself rushing at this moment. Rushing to tell him exactly how you feel. Neither you nor Vergil had been very good at communicating your feelings in life, but now —in this private little moment—it feels totally effortless.
Happy little tears spring in your eyes, and you smile, reaching up to wipe them away with one hand as you sign with the other.
And Vergil purrs happily, leaning down to take you in his arms. You wrap him in your embrace too, pressing kisses to his face. But your pampering is cut short, as Vergil takes hold of your waist and shifts his hips away, slowly pulling and popping his knot out of you.
A pathetic little whine escapes your throat as Vergil pulls out. Losing the feeling of his hot cock throbbing inside you makes you feel so lonely and empty. 
“Shhh,” Vergil hushes, clawed fingers moving down to capture and cup your ass. You gasp as Vergil hoists you up, placing you prettily upright and in the crux of his lap, dangling you just above the glistening cock still covered in your arousal and his cum.
Gosh, he’s still so hard and throbbing like he hadn’t just spent the last ten minutes nestled deep inside you.
Lowering you down gently, the head of Vergil’s cock presses against your swollen folds, then strokes from your clit to your entrance. 
Your hands land upon his shoulders, steadying yourself as you sigh and peg him with a pleading look.
‘Please. Don’t tease me.’ You mouth.
Vergil nods, nestling his cockhead at your twitching entrance. He pauses for a heartbeat, then two, before he slowly slides you all the way down to his knot.
You gasp in pleasure as you’re filled anew, pressing your lips to his teeth as you melt into his arms. Vergil hums, snaking that long demonic tongue into your awaiting mouth with rapture—the only way the two of you can kiss while he is in this form.
You suck on his tongue, relishing in his taste and how he trembles as you clench your pussy around his cock. Coaxing him and milking him, grinding against him as you beg him with each sensual movement of your body.
And Vergil is more than eager to oblige.
The thrusting starts slow as Vergil eases himself in and out of your sopping pussy. There’s not an ounce of hurry in his movements. Instead, he frees his tongue from your mouth and moans—the demonic trill he releases sending shivers all along your skin as he savors every fleshy inch of your insides with his cock.
“So sweet,” Vergil softly pants. “No matter how many times…”
You want to tell him that you feel the same way, but your hands are currently busy gripping for dear life against his armored shoulders. So instead, you press a tender little kiss to his forehead, and Vergil understands.
The two of you writhe and thrust and pant, clutching one another with loving and desperate hands as Vergil pounds into your cunt. The wet slap of your skin against his and the desperate little breathless sounds from both of your mouths send the two of you into a frenzy. Rutting against the other as you both seek that blissful release.
It’s not long before you’re coming on Vergil’s cock, and he groans with pleasure, stilling as your pussy pulses and grips his monstrous girth like a vice.
“Let me knot you,” Vergil gasps, voice strained as he fights off his own climax. 
You nod desperately, tears of pleasure staining your lashes as you work yourself down on his knot, trying to take it yourself but knowing that you’ll need his help to do so.
And with one forceful push, Vergil stuffs his knot inside you, tearing a voiceless cry from your throat as you wrap your arms around his neck—both of your bodies quivering as Vergil fills you to the brim and then some.
Vergil moans softly as he succumbs to his own pleasure, holding you tight as he pumps you full of his cum. He wishes that he could stay right here, inside you and on this bed forever. But Vergil has lived long enough to know that such moments are fleeting, and to savour every second while he can.
He’ll treasure you—his little muse—until the day that he dies.
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ghoulsister1 · 8 months
🥀♡•♡"Wherefore art thou Dante?"♡•♡🥀
Dante Sparda x Female Reader. Some angst. Hurt/Comfort. There's fluff don't worry. Forbidden Love. Romeo & Juliet inspired. Disapproving parents. Love is powerful. Secret relationship. Eloping. Happy ending.
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Your family have always had a disdain of Sparda and his kin, despite Sparda being a kindhearted and caring demon with a beautiful and sweet human wife and two handsome sons who were twins, but still they hated them. And they would hate you if your family found out about your secret relationship with Dante, younger twin brother of Vergil, son of Sparda.
For years, your family hated demons and devils. They hated what they done to humans and hated the wars raged on them by Mundus. And in particular, they hated Sparda. They despised him despite Sparda betraying Mundus and protecting the humans from harm. They hated him even when he choose to live amongst the humans and married a beautiful woman, Eva. They hated him, even when Eva gave birth to twin sons, Vergil and Dante. They could never let go of their hatred towards demons and Devils, even if there were good Devils in the world.
And you knew, if they found out what you were up to when you snuck out at night, they'd definitely hate you. Possibly even disown you. Because you were in love with Dante, son of Sparda and younger twin brother of Vergil.
You two met at a masquerade ball, hosted by your parents. They had forbade Dante and Vergil from attending, but that didn't stop Dante from planning on crashing it for fun. Vergil warned him not to do it, but Dante being Dante he went along and snuck into the ball with his own masquerade disguise.
His plan was to sneak in and cause a ruckus, maybe switch out the classical music for some heavy metal songs and put them on full blast throughout the speakers. He had a whole plan laid out to wreck this boring party, until he saw you. And you saw him.
You were dressed in a beautiful, white and gold dress adorned with a gorgeous matching masquerade mask. Your hair done up and adorned with a gold laurel leaf crown. You were stunning, an angel sent from above to Dante and his plans of wrecking the party was all forgotten.
You couldn't help but notice Dante, striking white hair, beautiful blue eyes and dressed in striking red with a matching masquerade devil mask. You two stared at each other, both lost in each other's eyes.
Without thinking, Dante spoke.
"You wanna blow this place?" Asked Dante.
"Only if you share a dance with me first" You Replied.
"With a beautiful angel like you? Hell, how could I say no?" Remarked Dante winking. You giggled and soon you two took to a slow dance on the floor, your parents wondering who was this mysterious masked man dancing with you.
"Who is he? That man in the red masquerade get up?" Asked Mother. Father narrowed his eyes.
"I don't know. He looks familiar but I can't say I've seen him. Perhaps it's the hair" Remarked Father. When the dance ended, you two slipped away from prying eyes and snuck outside together, giggling and laughing all the way.
You spent that wonderful night with Dante under the stars, getting to know one another and sharing a few laughs. However, when the party ended and your family went looking for you, Dante fled into the night, leaving you with a promise to return again.
And the next night, he visited. You snuck out and even went into the city with him, took you to a diner where you and him shared a strawberry milkshake and some burger and fries. You wished this night wouldn't end and wanted to stay longer with the charming half-Devil, but sadly you knew your family would come looking and so with a reluctant sigh, Dante returned you home.
"Promise me, we'll still hang out together? Promise me you'll return" You Pleaded as you snuck back up to your bedroom balcony.
"I promise!" Whispered Dante and with a wink, he was gone into the night once more. You giggled and felt your heart flutter at just the mere thought of him as you lay in your bed that night, the sweet taste of strawberry milkshake still on your lips.
This continued for many nights and with each passing day, your love for each other grew. You hoped with time, maybe your parents might hear of Dante's good deeds and look upon him more favorably. But alas, that was not the case.
"Did you hear about that rogue Devil in red running amok? Causing nothing but damage to our city!" Spat Mother angrily.
"But he's just trying to keep the people safe from the demons and devils that try and hurt us!" You Argued. Mother laughed bitterly.
"You are much too young and naive to understand. He is the son of Sparda, a Hell spawn half-breed. He belongs in Hell with his family" Remarked Mother bitterly. Your heart clenched at such a harsh remark, knowing that only Dante and Vergil were the only ones left of Sparda's bloodline, Eva died during a demon attack and Sparda had vanished, presumably held captive or killed by Mundus. You knew Dante and Vergil still felt the pain of that tragedy.
"Mother, how can you say such cruel words? Don't you know those brothers still bear the scars of the tragedy that befell their mother?" You Asked, holding your hand over your chest.
"Don't feel sympathy for those Devils my child, they are nothing but monsters and god forbid should you associate with them. The very thought of you mingling with those vile creatures makes my blood run cold. You aren't in league with the Sparda twins are you?" Asked Mother, eyeing you suspiciously.
You shook your head.
"No Mother" You Replied.
"Good. The last thing I want is for my daughter to be tainted by such unholy creatures" Remarked Mother. You said nothing. It was clear that your parents still held deep hatred for Sparda and his sons.
You still continued to see Dante in secret, making sure to always keep a low profile, especially when in the city. He took you to Love Planet and though not the most romantic of places, he did make you laugh by swinging on the dance pole.
"You've got moves that's for sure!" You Laughed.
Dante chuckled along with you.
"Glad you enjoyed my little show for you" Remarked Dante sending a flirtatious wink that made you blush and giggle.
"Oh Dante" You Giggled as Dante sat beside you, wrapping an arm around you.
After a few drinks, you two shared your first kiss. It was sweet, passionate and very hot all at the same time. When the kiss broke, you were breathless.
"Wow!" You Giggled.
"I was thinking about doing that all day" Admitted Dante, a pink blush coming to his cheeks.
"Oh Dante, I love you but how are we to be together? My parents hate you and should they find out about us......God I shudder to think what they'd do to me.....to us" You Admitted sadly. Dante held you close, comforting.
"We'll find a way babe. We'll find a way. One day you and me will find a way to be together. No one will stop us" Promised Dante.
"You promise?" You Asked.
"I promise babe" Assured Dante.
And that night as you snuck back in, you still felt the lingering kiss on your lips.
One morning you awoke to the most dreadful news. You were to be married off to a wealthy man's son. You cried in your bedroom all day and night, dreading the awful future that surely was to come, until a pebble at your window caught your attention. You came out on to the balcony and saw Dante, smiling.
"Let me come in Y/N!" Whispered Dante. You wiped away your tears and allowed him to climb up and join you in your bedroom.
"You've been crying. What's wrong?" Asked Dante noting your tear streaked face.
"Oh Dante it's awful, I'm to be married off to some rich man's son and though I tried to protest, they wouldn't listen to me! I don't want to marry him! I wanna be with you! We don't have to marry if you don't want to but I just wanna spend my every waking morning and every sleeping night with you Dante! I love you, I don't want to lose you" You Sobbed.
Dante held you in his arms as you cried. It was then a plan had formed in his head. It was a huge risk but it's now or never.
"Then pack whatever essentials you need, whatever you consider valuable and let's leave together" Advised Dante.
"Tonight?" You Asked unsure.
"Tonight. We don't have much time. It's now or never Y/N. I don't wanna lose you either. I love you" Admitted Dante.
You smiled softly at your lover and he smiled back.
"So what do you say?" Asked Dante.
"Let us leave" You Answered.
That night, Dante helped you pack a bag and you two ran off into the night hand in hand together. No matter how hard they tried, your parents couldn't reach you or Dante. You both were left alone in peace.
And you two lived together, happily for years to come.
Thanks again for requesting @xx-scene-queen-of-vampires-xx and I hope you enjoy the story! Thank you!
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desmond69miles · 7 months
okay so… devil may cry….
dmc boys being overstimulated by a sex toy (vibe? fleshlight? surprise me :D)
this is what I’m SAYING.
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Tags: use of sex toys (vibe/fleshlight), light overstim, a lot of c-u-m, heavy praise, sub dmc men.
Char. included: Dante & Vergil.
Dante [-: Dante loves having sex toys used on him. He'd be open to the conversation that talks about sex toys and is very willing to be your test bunny. He could possibly be a little too willing, wanting to immediately go to sex without the discussion of safe words and boundaries.
[-: I'd think he'd be open to most every sex toys, including toys that go up you or him.
Hips positioned above his face, one of your hands rested on his thigh while the other held a dark red stroker tight around his cock. Dante's tongue flicked around your hole and his hands were tight against your hips, keeping you flush to his mouth. Occasionally you stuttered when he hit a good spot, head hanging low as your hand loosened around the stroker.
"Fuck, baby, don't stop." He'd say as you quickly jerked him off, slowing down sometimes around his tip. He wasn't quiet and you knew it was pointless to get him to try to be quiet, so you could only hope the neighbors had a good pair of headphones. Dante's hips chased after your hand when you pulled off just as he was about to cum, a high and whiny whimper coming from your boyfriend.
"C'mon! I was so close." You giggled at his whining and pushed the stroker back onto his leaking cock. Pumping once, twice slowly just to give Dante a thought of a slow orgasm, only to speed up quickly. Dante's head fell back against the pillows as he groaned and whined, hips roughly snapping to meet your hand. It came on so quickly neither of you really noticed, Dante's cum painting his and your stomach.
A "Fuck.." was drawn slow out of Dante. You both laid in bliss for a little while before he roughly grabbed your hips and pushed you off of him, reversing the positions so now Dante hovered over you, pressing a wet kiss to your lips. "My turn now, babe."
Vergil [-: Vergil's not as open as Dante would be. It would take a lot more convincing to allow him to let you use a toy on him, like thorough begging. Maybe if you allowed him to try them out on you first would he allow you to try them.
[-: When he does allow you to use them on him, he's all quiet whimpers and groans. His fists are tightly balled up in the sheets, hips subconsciously pumping up into your hand.
Your hand is tight around the base of his cock, a small yet powerful bullet vibe pressed harsh against the underside of his tip. His thighs tensed, mind fighting off the urge to bend his knees to stave off the upcoming orgasm. His big hands were gripping the sheet below him tightly and his hips gently jerked up, head tilted way back into the sheets. 'He's gonna bite his lip off if he keeps biting down like that,' you thought. 'Cute, though.'
You knew Vergil wasn't above begging, and if you'd try to push him to the point of begging he'd shut down. So, your hand let go of his cock and the other pushed the vibe so his penis was flush against his lower tummy. Your free hand ran across his thigh, running up towards his hips, trailing up to his chest. You gently raked your nails across his muscles and watched his tummy flex.
"I-I'm going to cum." Vergil says so matter-of-factly, still so in character. "Go ahead, you deserve it. You've been such a good boy for me." You watched his face flex at your praise and you knew at the moment he wanted to shoot back but couldn't as his dick twitched, cum shooting and pooling where his tip was pressed into his stomach. "Good boy. Do you want another one?" You asked sweetly, Vergil's body going limp as he relishes in the waves of a powerful orgasm. Your husband let out a weak breath and a low 'no.' You hummed in response and shut off the vibrator that had been forgotten about. "I'll go get a towel and some water, alright? We can also take a bath if you want." You slid off the bed and put the vibe to the side, leaning over Vergil's head. Your still-lubed fingers brushed a strand of free hair off of his head and your lips gave a warm kiss to his forehead, cheek, and then a chaste one on his lips.
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Hey how are ya doing? Would you write how the DMC guys (Dante, Vergil, and Nero.. V if you wanna) react to their s/o smacking their butt? Does it lead to sexy fun time? 😏 It is at any time or only in private? Is it playful or heavy handed. 🥵💦 As always if you don't feel comfortable with it don't worry about it. Have a great day Rockstar!
Hello, I've been good lately sorry this request took so long but thank you for asking it's a pleasure to see you again in my inbox!
(This work includes gender neutral!reader)
(NSFW contents under the cut)
It does take Dante surprise at first; your hand stealthily coming across to give his ass a hard slap while he was bent over the bar at the back of his shop to grab one of the more expensive bottles to celebrate a relatively hard job well done one day. Usually it's always him dealing out the teasing but when that sudden yelp buckles out of his throat and he looks at you to see you only smug with that cocky grin it definitely rattles something in him and what it rattles goes straight to his dick. He just sure hopes that you can finish this little game you started.
Next when he catches you off guard your standing at the desk on the phone with Lady, going over the details of your up coming job that would take you out of town for a few days together, elbow propped so you can rest your head on your plam while your eyes search the letter the client gave and more importantly to a certain scheming son of Sparda; your ass free and out in the open, unexpected. All he has to do is trick over for payback to resume; the sudden strike causing an embarrassing noise from you that you can just hear Lady on the other line silently question but then seemingly figuring put it's some dumb Dante's doing before continuing on asking more details of the job. Heat swells in your face as you look back at Dante who returns your intial smugness and shit eating grin, making it very clear that he's playing your game - a game you were intending to win.
Back and forth you two go; at the most unexpected points surprising each other with sudden spanks to get that interesting shades of cheeks and noises from once another just to see which one would break first; to see who couldn't take this teasing game anymore and just beg to be thrown and be used by the other.
Interestingly it's Dante to break first.
He's the one almost in fucking tears as he runts and grinds against you to the desk; cock so deep inside you he can barely keep his head on straight. His moans are so low yet so desperate as you thrust back into him your hole squeezing ever so tightly, controlling his pace, the sound of your name leaving his lips is so fucking attractive it's stupid.
And to put salt on the wound of his loss; reach around and give him one more slap that will instantly flip on a switch. Whatever pace you had? Forget it. He fights through and jackhammers even faster and harder to a point it shatters a crack somewhere on the wooden surface below you. I hope you like losing function of your voice because that's exactly how it's going to be the moment pulls out and he finishes on your stomach, leaving you breathless and reeling from all your previous highs.
When your done with after care and such and Dante places you on a bed instead of a desk, he congratulates you (sportsmanship and all, you know?) in between breathy kisses and only a few times jokingly complains about his ass hurting that you 'won too hard' and that you should 'take it easy during the rematch.'
Rematch? That word catches your interest that you can't help but question him on; it gets you a chuckle and a conniving look behind pale eyes.
"Yeah, a rematch. Though do be warned: I do got an ace up my sleeve that I don't think I'll be loosing with this time. What that be? Eh, you'll just have to find out what that'll be yourself - won't you?"
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One of two different outcomes will happen if you so happen to catch Vergil off guard with this action either depending on your surroundings. One; your in privacy and no one's around to see the light flush that spreads across his cheeks up to his ears and the surprised gasp that leaves his lips - then he'll only turn around to you and stumble through a light scolding that he could have accidentally hurt you with Yamato or worse but dropping the matter and it slowly becoming the topic of his late night thoughts about the sudden touch and the spark in him that it caused. Or two, the foolish but more slow but direct to go horny option; do it while the crew (especially his brother or Nero) is around.
Now going with the second option be fully aware that he's not going to talk to you for a few days after it, the foolishness of the act leaving him unable to talk to you (Vergil translation; he's just embarrassed and doesn't know how to directly approach you about it right away) But when he does it it's surely a surprise exactly what he does when he comes back around.
He is absolutely rough with you when he yanks your hair back in a fistful and in his smooth voice ask if you could ever so kindly repeat your words more clearly as his other hand snaps down onto your ass with that mind numbing sting as you repeat the number through bitten lips.
Yup, payback is a real charmer.
All the while he thrusts into you so deep you can even comprehend how the hell numbers work any more as you try to focus yourself but struggle to keep up with how pleasure just seeps into your whole being with each bounce to your sweet spot that's only lit a blaze with every smack of your lover's hand.
It's definitely intense; with all of his teeth marks tattooing the skin of your neck as the symphony that his Vergil's moans and growls pressed right against your ear as he takes you. And all of this just because what? You playfully spanked him in the van? Definitely were going to have to keep this one in the play book.
You can barely move any of your limbs with you're both done. Vergil holds your fucked out body in a possessive yet soft embrace as he deeply buries his face into your neck. It's nice, very nice. Though if you try to tease him in any way he'll look back up with you with a glare - but not just any glare; one where he tries his best to seem intimidating but fails and falls right through when you can clearly see with his flushed face and frown that he's just embarrassed. It's very cute, although if you're way past your limit I would advise not teasing any further. Because who knows; you might find your legs to be quickly spread apart for a fairly intense round two.
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His reaction will be immediate. His face will turn completely red all the way to his ears as he turns to face you not even able to form any words - just turned on gibberish. His reaction is something you can't help find your giggling because of how red he can be to just playful teasing but unknownst to you, you just awakened a kink and it's something that keeps his dick hard and awake at night for weeks afterwards.
It becomes something he fixates on; the thought, the memory, the sudden spark of pain that twists into pleasure is just...the need and desire for you to do it again becomes to much for him. Well with Nero being Nero and his insecurities to really ask for things because he feels he can be a burden at times to deal with and his abandonment issues starts talking telling him he doesn't deserve it - if he asks for too much you'll leave him, so he doesn't tell you this new desire of his. He just keeps it to himself, just a fantasy he can get himself off too when he's alone but there becomes a point where it just swells in his chest to much and he just succumbs to it.
The laundry room in Kyrie's apartment is rather a tight fit, but that doesn't matter any once you find yourself shoved inside there and your lips smothered in kisses and moans against you as your pushed back onto the dryer.
Bites litter his flesh a bright flushed pink as you tug and pull on the abused skin as you hands work him all over, massaging and tracing over every muscle with your ears listening to the sweet music his shaky breaths let out. In a teasing sing song way you get right up in his ear as your hands travel in that certain direction. What does he want? Is the basics of the things you ask him over and over seeing every little part of his self control start to break as he bites his tongue. His cock is hard and leaking as he bucks against your sex, throbbing as he grinds into the meat of your thighs, his breath comes through in hissing gritted teeth as your fingers trail down his back to the the danger zone of his ass with small taps - his face bright red seconds before he breaks.
Spanking + praise kink = loud. Very loud. The moment he's in you, he's in to the base and the fucking moment your hand comes to clash back down this man is jack hammering into you like crazy and it will get to a point where you will absolutely have to gag him in some way before the neighbors start poking their superstitious noses into it.
Once after the first time where he's comfortable (less embarrassed) to talk about it he'll open up to you about really liking you doing this to him and encourage you in the future to go even rougher, after all with demon Sparda genes even if he's only quarter he still has at least a bit of healing factor ((grew a whole arm back)) so however hard you give him nothing you can while being human will hurt him but it's the thought and feel good sting that counts!
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Although V may be fragile given obvious reasons, don't let that fool you. The man at the end of the day is still a part of Vergil, meaning deep down - even if his former self would rather deny, deny, and deny on the spot than admit it out loud - is a total freak when it comes to kinky shit. Yes given how flaky and easy his body could just break apart he can't go too hard that his complete counterpart can, however, he can assure you he can take a little bit so spanking shouldn't be too much should it?
It does surprise him when you come out of the blue with it though, both alone in the van while waiting for for Nero to return from his part of the job and Nico to return from repairs on the front of the van, all he did was bend over a bit to grab a drink from the small cooler when a subtle tap hit him on the ass - nothing too hard, just a tease, but it did spark his eyes wide and make him drop the green can of Virility he was holding.
When he turns around to look at you, still bent over, there's a dirty - yet subtle - sly smirk across his plump lips and with his velvety voice he reminds you:
"If you wanted my attention all you need do is ask. Or is it being a little deviant that alluring to you? I'll have to keep that in mind."
Will drop things in front of you more. After all, he's a "-fragile, delicate thing who can't keep things steady sometimes in his hands. Oops I dropped I dropped my cane, silly me." And when he goes to pick up said item he'll always over-exaggerate pick it up - he knows he doesn't have the most shapely ass in the world - his true self doesn't either - but you like looking and feeling down there so that's good enough for him to put on quite the act for your eyes to wonder and maybe you'll gather enough courage to reach out and touch him again. And you can absolutely bet if Griffon's out of his tattooed binds you will get very lovely, crassliy worded commentary, teasing, and the occasional exaggerated gag from the bird.
Once the 'games' are finally over V loves the sensation of being draped naked over your lap - no matter how big or smaller you are compared to him - he'll get comfortable either with a pillow on the bed or on the armrest of the chair you're in as you pamper him with grounded soft touches all along his body, tracing around inky tattoos, until you cup the cheeks of his ass. He'll hum and moan in approval at the touches, his breath with hitch if with a couple coated fingers you start fingering his hole and with audibly complain with shaky breath when you slip out of him. But everything will change with that first spark of contact on his ass.
V - like Vergil - isn't a man who curses very often. This will make him do so. A lot. In between spiked punched out breaths and groans that further you go will turn into whines as he looses himself in the spanks, pleasured tears creeping in the corners of his eyes as you tell him to count that he turns into a complete mess on your lap.
He loves it, really, more than he actually originally thought - at first going along with it because it was obviously something you were into and wanted and he wants nothing but to enable your desires but now... he felt small. But in a good way. Good small. Vulnerable small. Safe small. Loved small. He can easily let himself go like this. It's good. Really good.
You don't have to put at hand on any other part of him, his cock strains against your thighs so hard and so leaking you don't have to touch it to put him on edge. He can come so easily like this and will do so if you encourage it, if he can take five more you'll let him come, and he accepts the challenge - he pants like he's ran a mile, his hairs an absolute mess, and his entire normally pale body is tinted a flushed pink except for his ass which is more red from your spanks.
He begs, pleas, promising he can take it if you go harder and he's on the point of sobbing if you give it to him. He about looses his voice entirely when you give him permission to go on and come - without a hand on him his cock practically explodes as his seed paints your thighs and his entire body gives out with his weight.
His ass might be sore for the next few days but that's fine, he reminds that he has you to pamper him after all after you've spent nearly ten minutes worried post-spank that you might've taken it too far but he promises he's okay, he's stronger than what he looks, even if deep down he realistically knows that took a lot out of him. Maybe something like this should be more of a treat kind of thing? Not too often he thinks he can take something like that.
Or... maybe next time you could be the one handle the heat next time? V has some wonderful ideas how to go so about it...
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twinksrepository · 4 months
Dante NSFW Alphabet
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Rating: Explicit (18+ Only)
CW: Smut, clothing kink, sexual objectification, restraints, toys, periods, heck a lot of things that come with this sort of post. All I can promise for certain is there isn't any physical abuse.
A/N: Alrighty, the other half of me trying to pin down Dante. I wish I could really pin him down. But enjoy the NSFW version of my Dante headcanon Alphabet.
You can find the SFW one here.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After fucking you senseless Dante wants to cuddle for a few moments first, to enjoy the way your blissed out body is curled against his as your chest heaves and your body is boneless from the multiples rounds. Afterwards, he’s happy to do his best to clean you up, holding a water bottle to your lips and whispering how amazing you are with his chin in your hair while his free hand rubs along your sore muscles. Whatever you need he’s more than willing to help with. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Dante is a fan of his thighs and your hands. He loves to have you sitting on his thigh and rolling you back and forth as he has you come just from the thickness of his leg rubbing against you. He knows just how thick they are from years of working out. As for your hands, feeling them roam across his body with the softer skin and just how much smaller they are compared to his. So when both of your hands are wrapped around his cock it feels even bigger seeing your fingers barely able to touch as you pump him. It gets him hard just thinking about your soft hands on him. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Dante likes nothing more than to see you covered in his cum, to see as the streams of opaque fluid trail along your body and pool in the dips of your skin. After blowing a load across your stomach or shapely rear and taking his hand and smearing it around your skin watching it glisten and the soft whines you make while he does so. What really gets him going is after he cums deep inside your cunt and pulls out to watch as it drips out of your flushed folds and onto whatever surface he was fucking you on. It gives him another raging hard on wanting to pump another load in your core so he can watch the same sight again and again. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’ll never tell you but after the first time he used his devil trigger accidentally while he was balls deep inside of you and the way you reacted? It made something in him snap seeing you pant and squirm even harder under his body as you tried to pull his length deeper inside your core. The way your hands landed on the side of his face as you kissed him like you were possessed while your cunt tried to drain his balls made him even more enamored with you. It was what prompted him to ask if the two of you could have sex like that more often since it was the best sex he’d had in years. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Dante has lots of experience, he’s had more than one one night stand in his life. Someone as good looking as him in his younger years had no problems picking up, even with his bad luck with women. Those magazines of his have also had more than one tip for him to use in the bedroom. Once you came along though all that experience was put to good use, and he always seems to have a new idea for something to leave you screaming his name through the act. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Dante is good with any position but his all time favorite is without a doubt doggy style. Having you on your hands and knees while he plunges into your core watching your back arch as you whine. His hands wrapped around your waist and using it like a handle to thrust into you at a neckbreak pace. Slapping your ass as he fucks you senseless until you can barely keep yourself up. Your favorite position by comparison is deep missionary so your legs are up wrapped around his hips and your bodies closely intertwined, watching his face as he hits deeply inside of you. Your chests writhing against one another as the sweat drips down along your bodies with your faces close together. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It is Dante. His mood when he’s having sex could go in any direction and it’s not like he sticks to it as he is a more fluid guy when it comes to that. If you make a joke during sex he is running with it to the point where you regret saying anything. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
The carpet definitely matches the drapes. While he doesn’t have much of a happy trail there is a patch of white hair around the base of his dick and dusting his balls. He doesn’t do much grooming, but he doesn’t let it grow too thick since he does find it kind of annoying. He enjoys having just enough so when you’re sucking him off he can hold you against his crotch and see your nose buried in the tangle of hairs. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Well when it comes down to it when it comes down to the intimacy part of it for Dante, the moment he opens his mouth it’s a flop. The man just can’t verbalize it in words as his attempts come off as cheesy or just the wrong thing. Telling someone how much you want to watch them squirm on their cock with intense eye contact comes off as horny not intimate. Now on the more physical side of things? That’s a different story. Even when he’s ramming into you as if he wants to break your hips there’s a soft brush of his lips against your skin or a tender caress of his fingers along your face. Depending on the position, leaning on his forearm to keep his weight off you but still having that close physical contact and that intense eye contact that tells you how much he cares for you. He just can’t open his mouth. Seriously. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Before your relationship got going you were his favorite little daydream, envisioning the way you’d feel wrapped around his cock. Letting the image dominate his head while he jerked himself off, wondering if as his cum left if his nuts if you’d spit or swallow. If he thought once the two of you did start doing it on a regular basis would help his libido, he was wrong. Finding himself using his fist more and more as it took just the thought of your ass in front of him made him rock hard and it was damn hard to slice up demons with a raging boner. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
This man has a clothing kink. Having you wrapped in his red coat and nothing else while he uses his hands, his fingers, a toy or his cock while wearing his signature clothes. It has his inner demon and his human side both humming in pleasure to see you draped in something that is very much his while your eyes roll back in your skull. Almost like a mark of ownership that has him licking his lips.  
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
As much as Dante doesn’t like people seeing him being soft, tender, or well anything in public his favorite place to fuck you is in the middle of the devil may cry office. His desk in fact. Having you wrapped in his jacket and bouncing you up and down on his cock, or tucked under the desk out of sight on your hands and knees while he’s balls deep in your cunt. He might try and deny that he doesn’t want to get caught and sure as hell doesn’t want anyone but him seeing you naked or cuming, but the idea of someone walking in on him does get him feeling that little bit of an extra adrenaline rush. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
It does not take much to get Dante motivated. Seeing your butt is always a surefire way to get him hard as Dante is without a doubt an ass man. There are other things that get turned on as well, soft little noises you might make while walking around the office or sitting in your bedroom. When he hears those low pants or sighs of yours it sends a signal straight to his dick that it is go time. He’s not immune to any seductive tactics on your part, like leaving a trail of your clothes to the bathroom after he has a mission to make sure he has a shower and a few rounds of sex to help you both relax. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Dante does not like being dominated in the bedroom. He might let you ride him, but even then he’s the one in control. It has nothing to do with trust, he simply doesn’t like being at someone else's mercy. The idea of being tied up, or having to beg for something turns him off faster than being sprayed with a hose of ice cold water. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
When it comes to oral Dante is a fan of both giving and receiving and a fan of 69, knowing that he can try to push you over the edge while you’re choking on his dick is something he enjoys. He likes giving to since it means he can have your legs wrapped around his head and having your thighs right there for him to mark up is hard for him to ignore. It’s one of his favorite forms of foreplay getting you prepped for him, he’s not an idiot either, he likes receiving too. Having you on your knees and drooling all over him? Yeah, he’s a fan. Oddly enough his skills are damn good but… it’s from eating pizza that’s been way too hot and trying to keep from burning his tongue. At least you get to take advantage of how adept he is at moving the thing around. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Dante likes it rough. He likes turning you into a panting screaming mess as he rams into you with enough force to leave bruises. Part of it is he doesn’t always know his own strength and the other part is he likes seeing what you can handle. His intention is never to cause you pain but damn does he love to snap his hips against your body hard enough that you jolt from it. He can be sensual if he wants but it’s hard for him, because feeling your tight walls wrapped around his cock and wanting to feel you squeeze his length when you cum isn’t something he can always hold himself back from. If it’s something you want he will try, try being the operative word.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Dante isn’t the biggest fan of quickies. If he has one it’s more because of a need that neither of you can put off. He’d much rather take his time with you since he knows he can go for multiple rounds and he’d prefer that when the two of you are done he can leave you in a boneless puddle. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Risk themselves aren’t in his forte in the sense of public or semi public sex. Not to say he’d be totally against the idea of banging you against a tree in a city park late at night, but it’s not in the forefront of his mind. Experimenting in the bedroom he is a fan of though, as long as he gets to keep his control. You wanna try temperature play? He’s down, have ice placed on both of your skin. Rutting into you from behind while the two of watch yourself in the mirror and try to get better at dirty talk? Fuck yea. Dante will try anything once and if it doesn’t work out? Move on. If it does and you both really enjoy it, it gets added to the list of likes. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Sorry hips, Dante can go, and go, and go. I mean all that muscle and demonic strength does dip into his stamina in every sense of the word. If he could have a marathon session of sex with you, you’d need to have your body in a cast because Dante would break you before he was out of steam. As for how long he can last? It all depends on what he’s doing. If it is the rare quickie it’s still ten minutes or so before he’s blowing load and from the start he’s trying to cum. He has to put effort into cuming quickly, which he does find annoying since seeing you covered in his cum is one of his favorite things. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He didn’t own toys before you. What was the point of a pocket pussy when he’d break them after using them once before of how rough he was with the plastic? After you though? He likes bullet vibrators that can be placed between the two of you, or ones he can hold after you cum to drag out your orgasm until you’re screaming for him to stop. He also didn’t realize how he could use them to help speed up his own orgasms when pressing them to the underside of his balls. Suffice to say, he becomes a fan of them real quick. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Dante is the king of teasing and he is well aware of it. Dragging his mouth, his fingers anywhere but where you want him to be as he riles you up. Or times when he tells you he wants you a panting mess before he even touches you and you agree he can do whatever he wants and takes full advantage. Tying you up so you can’t move and he’s got your spread open for him, tracing one finger along your ribs and watching your chest heave trying to get more of his skin touching yours. It also isn’t beneath him to tie you to one of his devil arms and watch as you’re held there in place with something he uses to protect you also being used to keep you in place until you’re screaming for him to fuck you. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
This man can HOWL when he wants to. He can be loud enough that any traffic down the street from the devil may cry office could hear him. His grunts and groans ring in the air of whatever space the two of you are having sex in, though he does try to keep the volume down by biting into his lip. He doesn’t need to draw more attention to the two of you or bellow your name loud enough for any of his enemies to hear as he empties himself in your tight body. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Dante is way more into period sex than he thought he would be. For a man that sees as much blood as he does, he never thought he’d like seeing his dick covered in it, and he doesn’t like the visual. What has him into it is the added sensation from your body trying to expel the lining, the way you react even more to him as you’re more sensitive with the extra blood flow to the area. Yea, he likes the way you arch your back as if you were snapped in half while your cunt tries to drain his balls.  
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Dante is about average in length, but he is girthy and covered in veins so he is very fun to trace with your tongue. He also knows how to make great use of his dick to make sure you have a good time regardless as to what the two of you are doing. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. This man might be able to put on a face of nonchalant but he is horny all the time and ready to fuck. It sort of surprises you as your relationship with the man gets going and you realize just how high it actually is. The two of you also make a discovery that neither of you is sure how you feel about it. For a while Dante gets to a point where he starts wanting to fucking you harder and harder, bending you like a pretzel to reach as deep inside your slick walls as he can. Turns out his demonic senses can tell when you’re ovulating and it sets off the need in him to breed. Lucky you and good thing you have a damn good birth control. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sex isn’t the deciding factor in how quickly he falls asleep after, its how his day has been. With his stamina, he’s never as tired as you are afterward. Which works out great for him, because after it’s all said and done if you had been planning to stay the night with him after your both cleaned up (no matter how much be grumbles about it) it means he can watch you fall asleep. He might be a bed hog but he’d rather watch you drift off into slumber before letting himself follow behind you.
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nsfw alphabet template
Hope you all had fun reading this.
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viciousvortexx · 2 months
Hush ~
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When you and Vergil need each other but can't be loud (good luck).
Vergil x Fem!Reader
warnings: smut, dirty talk, penetration, unprotected sex, choking.
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⋆˚。⋆୨♰୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Shhh, sweetheart, they will hear you...” Vergil whispers while you two are spooning, his muscular frame pressed against your back, the sound of his breathing so close to your ear all the time it almost makes tickles. “You're going to wake up the others.”
Indeed, you and him were spooning, a kind of a more intimate spoon, that's how it all started, a comfortable and innocent spoon, till Vergil was thrusting in and out of you, one of his strong and rough hands holding up one of your legs to make it easier to reach the deepest places inside your body. Usually, he would prefer to wait for the guests to go back home, but since everyone on the Devil May Cry agency decided to visit for a few days, it was almost impossible to have some privacy, except at this hour, late at night, when everyone is sleeping. The silence fills the house for the first and last time of the day, a good and a bad thing, because now you have to fight to not make any loud sounds, a task so hard to complete when Vergil is fucking you so deliciously from behind.
The half demon wasn't able to control himself, not when you were smelling so good after the bath, fresh with the familiar and addictive smell that only your skin haves. He was so hungry after spending so many days without taking you, and resisting was impossible when Vergil wrapped his strong and bare arms around your body, the indiscreet bulge on his pants poking you from behind, begging for attention. When you realized, all of the clothes were thrown to the ground, your neked body completely at his mercy, now there's no turning back, you are his, and it's clear on his crystalline eyes that he belongs to you.
A single cry escapes from your lips when Vergil picks up the pace, his cock buried deep inside your tight and slick pussy, the tip hitting the sweet spot that always make you see stars, and he knew it very well, the proud smirk on Vergil's face could tell.
“Hush, darling, I know you want to scream, but...” Vergil laughs low on his throat, both of you knows he wanted to hear those screams more than you want to do it. “... you're a good girl for me, aren't you? Stay quiet.”
Your heart skips a beat when Vergil starts to move even more fast and hard, making the bed squeak a little, he was definitely doing this on purpose to push you to your limits, it was working. Eyes rolling in your head, ready to moan loudly, but Vergil quickly covers your mouth with one hand, a slightly muffled gutural growl echoes from his lips making your skin vibrate, the light slapping sound while he pounds into you relentlessly, gods, you swear you could die right now.
“I missed you so much, my angel... I want to fill you up with my seed.”
You take Vergil's hand to place it on your neck instead of your mouth, he knows exactly what to do, his fingers carefully wrapping around it to choke you, how could he do this with so much care yet so roughly?
Sugar coated words falling from his lips directly to your ear like a prayer, a huge contrast with his choking and hips slapping against your ass, his warm body embracing yours from behind, and the world seems to spin around as you feel his grip on your neck loose to move his long fingers down to your aching clit, rubbing fast circles around it. Bitting down your own finger, eyes closing shut, your body prepares to the final act, it was too much to take, the orgasm washes over you, making you whimper Vergil's name in such a sweet way that makes him grunt in approval, and as if he was waiting for you to finish to have his own release, the half demon press his sweaty body on yours, holding you right on place, releasing a powerful load of thick cum that seems to never end. Vergil's hot breath comes shallow and ragged on your neck, the panting sounds and heartbeats are the only thing both can hear for a few seconds, till something like a snore, but way more scandalous and terrifying, can be heard from Dante's room, breaking the silence as you and Vergil laugh warmly together.
“I think we didn't wake up anyone, on the contrary, they seem to be in a... deep sleep, good.”
He trails a little path with kisses on your shoulder, his hands that were so rough just minutes ago while choking you now are gentle again, soothingly caressing your exposed arms. Vergil finally pulls out, humming satisfied, leaving a wet trail behind. You are ready to turn at him to cuddle, but before this could happen, you see Vergil's lips curling up into a smile while he disappears underneath the blankets, both of your thighs being spread wide open by his firm grip. “Remember, not a single word, sweetheart.”
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ficmo · 4 days
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When you turn into a cat
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Y/N : wait so how big are you though??
Vergil : 6’3?
Y/N : no I mean like in bed
Y/N : how big are you?
Vergil : Still 6’3? Just sideways 😐
Y/N : how can someone be so hot yet so dense 🤦
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