#do people say rampo? idk
tulipe-rose · 28 days
Weird theory came to mind, weird theory is written and posted. Author somewhat regrets it.
So... What if Katai gets put into the Port Mafia exchange? Hear me out on this--
The agreement never explicitly stated that it had to be a current member. Rampo being Rampo, would be easily capable of exploiting this loophole to have Katai recruited into the Mafia for some genius reason I probably may never have the brain power to conjure up. (Maybe it has to do with the fact that Dazai is still out of commission going after Fyodor. Idk man /⁠ᐠ。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\)
This exchange could be the start to a character arc for Katai, focusing on the moral turmoil he'll be facing there, given he despises the Port Mafia, and their methods with a burning passion. He's so resentful towards them, and I can only guess that Kunikida's ideals rubbed off on him in this aspect. Working amongst them must be his worst nightmare.
The sheer guilt of aiding such an organization would probably weigh heavily on Katai's conscience, feeling as though he betrayed everything he believed in the moment he, albeit reluctantly, agreed to take up the exchange. He knew the risks, but he knew why he was chosen, and why his participation was crucial. The Agency needed him now more than ever, and this is the safest course of action they could take, so he'll go in with a heavy heart. I can see his persona at work to be portrayed as "That one ghostly presence in the office no one wants to interact with outside of necessity."
I'm not sure whether or not he'd continue on his habit of being a shut in at his work place, solely for the fact that he'd probably feel uncomfortable staying there, but I can only guess. This exchange would be an excellent opportunity to finally give us more information on Kunikida's past, and his. What turned him into such a pessimist towards life? How did Kunikida find him? Was Kunikida always an idealist? What opened his eyes to it? I saw a couple of people saying that Kunikida was probably a delinquent, and honestly, I'm loving that.
Katai would eventually have to interact with his love at first sight, Gin; it might not be that big of an 'opportunity', and more of an 'obligation' in his eyes now that he knows the truth behind her identity. They'd start off with barely any words exchanged, the atmosphere a mix of awkward tension, and wish to get things done as quickly as possible. They'd be strictly professional, mostly due to the unsocial tendencies they harbour, and their interactions getting more, and more limited due to the fact that Katai's expertise, and rank, were more specialized due to his ability, and situation with the Mafia.
Gin might be a little too curt, but to her credit, his first impression on her was by far one of the most confusing moments of her life. They do somehow end up in a situation where they stay in close enough vicinity long enough to converse; this allowing them to share their perspectives (Gin wouldn't really say much, probably nothing beyond the fact that she joined to be with her brother.) Katai's views of the Mafia continue to stay dark, and he still believes that their actions are inexcusable, and his cooperation is solely for the benefit of the ADA, but his feelings towards Gin aren't conventionally that begrudged; she's now his coworker, and isn't necessarily doing him any harm.
Having the arc occur at the Mafia could be a very nice break from the heavy arc that preceded, but that opinion might be exclusive to me. (I'm also dying to know what happened to Tachihara and Jōnō; the lack of follow up is killing me.)
Now, let's switch over to the Agency's opinion on this.
Kunikida. God--
This entire exchange situation was a mess, and Kunikida was probably the most affected by it; if not more than Katai himself. He'd need to take a day off, absolute confusion clouding his senses, keeping him in the confines of his room to process the information he had to handle. The internal struggle, and sorrow of losing his closest friend, and comrade, to the Mafia of all people. His break wouldn't last long, but upon his return, everyone could tell that by the looks of it; this man did not have a moment of rest. The president gives Kunikida his time, but once he notices that this might end up in him spiraling into a loop; he decides to approach him. He'll give him a motivational speech, letting him in on the details, and the reason why it had to be Katai. (Katai could maybe send him a small secret message only they understand (secret childhood friend code), assuring him they'll get through it.)
If you're wondering why Mōri didn't object is, because Katai's ability is extremely useful, and works well in their line of work.
I'll just have you know that the only back up I have for this what if is that I thought it would be so hilarious, and unexpected.
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marygodwin-bsd · 11 months
Rating members of the ADA based on nothing but my own vibes (I haven't seen all of season 3)
I'll post a part 2 with the port mafia and a part 3 with the guild
Dazai Osamu
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8/10 for looks. 4/10 for the chuuya abuse. 6/10 for the fact everytime i hear his english voice it reminds me of hendrickson from SDS bc that is the VA. overall 7/10 character but I would not wanna be his friend in real life. follow his instagram at most.
Kunikida Doppo
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Y'ALL ALREADY KNOW hotness 10/10, 6/10 for the possible terrorist backstory that would be oh so fantastic character building, 8/10 for the fact i ALSO happen to be overly obsessed with my own schedule, 4/10 for the fact someone called his hair a deceased pikachu wig and I laughed, 7/10 for the fact his english VA is Griamore from sds and that was weird for a few scenes. OVERALL 9/10 solid gold good man deserves a white picket dream (the remaining 1/10 is for the fact they couldnt help themselves with his spiky hair sticking out, so now it is effectively a mullet instead of just long hair)
Rampo Edogawa
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7/10 on looks in general i have no strong opinions about his ensemble except that he looks like a lil detective and the IRL Rampo wrote "Boy Detectives Club" and i think its adorable. 8/10 for the fact his brain is awesome and the cockiness. 7/10 for the rivalry with poe because i like it but i havent seen enough of it to be super into their thing yet overall 7/10 I dont have much to say hes just a good boy
Yosano Akiko
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5/10 for the design im sorry i hate that the skirt is that low she can have a long skirt but it looks way awk at the hips though that may just be because the skirt goes out instead of just downward like a maxi. the gold hair clip is good i like it. 9/10 for the way she snatched that mans hand and almost took it off, 7/10 for the scenes that make this anime look way sus to my parents (YOU KNOW WHICH ONES I MEAN!) overall 8/10 for everything except that damn skirt
Kenji Miyazawa
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Team baby!! 10/10 for team baby and YES hes the team baby even though kyouka is ALSO the team baby but i'll get to that. 8/10 for being Finny from Black Butler without my issues from black butler. 7/10 for his morals on cows. 8/10 for his everything about his personality. im not rating on attractiveness bc he is fourteen >:1 idk why i wasted y'alls time explaining hes 10/10 for team baby
Kyouka Izumi
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Ok she was going to be the team baby but then i reevaluated and decided no shes just ATSUSHI'S BABY. 8/10 for how adorable her jellyfish cut is. 10/10 for sad backstory. 6/10 for the fact people ship her with atsushi and the show seems to lean that way as well (I was so happy when Lucy arrived for this reason). 7/10 overall for second team baby
Atsushi Nakajima
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6/10 for the fact my phone always autocorrects him to At Sushi. 7/10 for that haircut. 10/10 for awful father figure. 9/10 for the headcannon about his parents engaging in cannibalism that sounded so in-line with the show i thought it was real and not a headcannon. I'm sorry 6/10 for the fact the va uses the same voice for atsushi that he uses for Harlequin in SDS and it trips me up. 8/10 for the fact his eyes cant decide what color to be. 7/10 for the fact it feels weird to see smut with him in it because he is also, effectively, team baby.
These two
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This poor guy got NERFED by his own story bro this author wasn't into all this.... sister stuff... but apparently his book character was! Gimme a minute to yak anyways designs are 7/10 pretty basic but do their job effectively and Naomi's appearance actually supports the headcannon shes not real and shes just a product of his ability which i like. The sibling... "relationship" gets 0/10 for EW but kunikida gets 10/10 for telling atsushi to ignore it but then still yelling at them after he gets 7/10 for his general personality, honestly if his devotion to his sister wasnt related to the weird incest stuff i would find it a really great plot device (being devoted to protecting and taking care of your only family left) overall naomi gets 6/10 for being okay and looking properly suited for her environment unless shes around Junchiro Junchiro gets 8/10 for having a sick matrix ability and looking basic but not boring
Fukuzawa Yukichi
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GOOD OL' CAT LOVING GRANDPA HIMSELF. 3/10 for the fact he knows mori, 10/10 for how he looks after everyone. also 7/10 for the fact im realizing how kunikidas hairstyle might be because he is COPYING FUKUZAWA... anyways. I don't personally find him all that attractive but to be fair he doesn't show up a lot? 8/10 for being a badass. 9/10 because I feel sad that he didnt get to pet the kitty in Wan. Overall, 8/10
Pt 2 will go here Pt 3 will go here pt 4 is here
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knowlessman · 1 year
beggo no heggo acabamia (bnha) s2e1-3
I know he technically isn't going "ho ho ho" but I still swear all might sounds like santa clause when he does the laugh -- I thought I skipped the recap episode
random pull/shoutout: I love Shady Cicada but these intros remind me of his "how to do an anime intro" videos (affectionately meh, if that makes any sense)
…hm. 100% thought we were watching one of the villains read a stolen letter but I guess not; the establishing shot (?) of, I think, the bar from the last episode confused me
ohey mccrassidy's here again -- I guess it is good that we have a prominent quirkless character in the detective here (unless he turns out to be Rampo in disguise) -- "a man-child that oppressed-feeling villainous people listen to" …something something trump
bird man has teeth. fancy that
"we're already seated" iida what did I tell you about spongebobbing it 'XD
"hello, this is my other pokemon cosplay, dusclops"
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…I never went to high school, is "homeroom" usually just one announcement long?
-- also I think I can see how this's gonna be a good arc 'XD
uraraka have you been watching kill la kill
-- …speaking of kill la kill. is uraraka just whatserface. best sidekick. mako mankanshoku, that's her name. …googles to see if they have the same VA; they don't
yup. he put too many chips in, only got some back. (I did learn how to play poker once; didn't retain a thing)
no pressure, huh. anyway next one
"those who are always aiming for the top, and those who aren't." beh. ambition.
"that's kacchan in neutral" alright.
-- "move, fives. a ten wants out."
idk why this blue hair guy is giving me homestuck troll vibes but he is and I wanna like him
I still wanna know how invisible girl beat deku in the fitness test. deku was training to beat saitama, was she training for goku???
what is Korg's ability? I don't think we know anything much about him.
(kyoka is fucking around with darts) holy fuck did kyoka wander in out of naruto? o_o
lol whotf is that with no shirt and the pikachu helmet
wait you're giving vegeta the mic? wtf for, do you guys not share notes or something
(random-minigame-looking thingy is on the screen) is this fucking mario party. wait what am I saying, obviously it's gonna be fall guys.
-- correction: mario kart? …uh, on foot? idfk
…this fucker is like if zuko was saitama but also carrot but also cooler than any other character I can think of. just like matter-of-factly hypercompetent with no humility but with dignity but on his own side. like "yes I'm OP and I hate it but differently than saitama." I know, like, SOME spoilers about his general deal but like… damn.
-- …is he sasuke if sasuke didn't just come across as an edgy idiot?
dang, next?
okay quiet can just make a mortar bc why not
I was wondering if they had gadgeteers.
ohey it's gamzee again. I knew those eyes and that hair were making me think of someone in particular. we about to see some motherfucking miracles?
(deku's gambit) WHAT? 'XD
-- (deku's gambit part 2) WHAT
vegeta's not gonna like that
get a chapstick, you weirdo
cavalry whut
-- …??? so, it's not like a three-legged race but carrying somebody then. wtf is a cavalry battle
oh goddammit, "cavalry battle finale" isn't til the episode after next. gonna cut it here, then.
0 notes
good-so · 4 years
Freedom (2/?)
Nakajima Atsushi x Fem!Reader
Atsushi admired you from afar for being a soft and happy person, with a passion for art. But he gets confronted with a much louder image of you than he had maybe hoped.
First part is from Atsushi’s perspective, but following chapters will be from the readers
-Part 1- -part 2-
Word count: 914
A/N: Short chapter because I wanted to update plus otherwise it would’ve gotten way too long. ALSO idk this chapter isn’t that good, I probably could have made it better if I spend more time on it, but that my friends, is the reason why I never seem to finish fics. This is supposed to be a fic to help me get back into it, which seems to be all of the things I write nowadays.
Also also, that summary is not accurate at all, might change it later. Feedback is appreciated !
You felt the stares of disbelief on your back as you practically jumped up and down with glee.
In between your happy outbursts you were profusely thanking Atsushi-kun for something he didn’t even know he accomplished.
Getting rid of your bodyguard during your task to retrieve the book had been part of the plan from the start, but you had no idea you were going to actually succeed in it! Your bodyguard had already determined Nakajima Atsushi not to be a threat when you had talked to him in the park, so you guessed that made it easier for him to give in to his desire to take a break from watching you.
A break you both desperately needed.
“Ehm, miss-?”
“Hmm?” You perked up,  “Oh, it’s (y/l/n) (y/n),”
“Ehm, what job did we just agree to, might I ask, (y/l/n)-san?” His eyes shifted nervously from you towards the detective that you and your bodyguard had just been talking too.
“Oh I agreed to nothing,” The detective said, standing up from the meeting area. “You did that all on your own, good luck with that.”
“You can’t be serious,” Atsushi-kun complained as most of his colleagues returned to work.
“You’ve really screwed this up for yourself, haven’t you?” The detective with the ponytail shook his head, sitting back down in his chair.
“Oh, it’s nothing big,” You explained, annoyed that the topic had returned to the book once again. “A photo album, slash diary, slash book in my fathers collection got stolen and he wants it back,”
“Oh… I see,” He replied with his eyebrows knit together. Then he suddenly slammed his hands down on his colleagues desk. “But then, Rampo-san, isn’t this the kind of case you could solve within seconds?”
“No, I don’t feel like it,” the man pulled open a drawer of snacks to cement the fact he wasn’t planning of leaving anytime soon. “You can do this kid,”
Atsushi-kun was about to say something back, but you had had enough of this,
“Atsushi-kun?” You said sweetly, hoping to catch his attention. He turned around so quickly you worried for his health.
“YES!?” He replied nervously.
“I can call you Atsushi-kun, right?”
“Oh, ehm, yes of course,”
“Then, Atsushi-kun,” You said as you got closer. “I could be mistaken about this of course, but I could have sworn I just heard something about you liking me,”
The poor boy went red from the neck up. Some of his colleagues smirked at him. They were definitely listening in.
“I didn’t- eh- I never said that,” He said in a small voice.
“Oh, then you don’t like me?” You said, feigning disappointment.
“NO- I- you’re very pretty and talented and I-”
“Well in that case why don’t you take me on a date?”
“Huh? What about the boo-”
You batted your eyelashes at him. “Oh please?? I have never been on a date before… I would love it if you took me on a ride in the ferris wheel,”
“Oh, ehm- are you talking about Cosmo world?”
“Yes! That’s it!”
You took his hand in yours again, hoping it wouldn’t completely break him. “Oh won’t you please take me?”
“Why don’t you take her to the amusement park, Atsushi-kun?” The snack eating detective weighed in. “You might figure some things out along the way,”
Atsushi-kun seemed to be surprised at the last part of this statement. He looked at you apprehensively, but then he broke.
“Fine,” he sighed.
It was way too silent between the two of you on the subway ride to the amusement park. You had tried multiple times to strike up a happy conversation, but Atsushi-kun just seemed way too deep in thought. You sat next to him, pouting. Your excitement had quickly died down.
Great, you had your first date on your first free day ever and your date was being a total downer.
Finally he spoke up;
“Are you sure we don’t have to look for the book?”
You answer was just the right amount of slow to make it noticeable. He wasn’t looking at you, you weren’t looking at him.
“I told you, it’s fine.”
“That man had threatened you about it though,” He said bluntly. When you looked over you noticed his eyes glazed over eyes.
“Atushi-kun, you’re an ability user right? All the detectives at the ADA are, right?”
Atsushi’s eyes flashed back to attention. He looked nervous. You felt a sudden pang of guilt, he really was trying to take your problem seriously, but you were just dragging him around for your own amusement; asking personal questions along the way that he probably didn’t want to answer.
“Ah, ehm, yes, I am… What about it?”
The speakers announced your stop and you got up. Atsushi-kun was caught off guard and just barely made it through the doors before they closed. He struggled through the mass of people to not loose sight of you.
When the majority of the crowd cleared, you didn’t move towards the exit.
When you spoke, your voice was so quiet he had to come in closer to hear you over the noise of a busy subway station.
“Come again?” He asked.
“If I tell you about the book, will you enjoy the day with me afterwards?” You awkwardly tugged on your hair, only half hoping he would say yes.
To your surprise, there was no stuttering from his side, instead he was smiling gently.
“Of course, tell me what you need to.”
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