#does my question make sense? lol
takethebodymarc · 5 months
what's a trait you've gotten ever since you started watching qsmp?
words, phrases, hell the way you laugh or act, anything!
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hewmitcwaft · 10 months
OH BOY DO I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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naturecalls111 · 8 months
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on liking girls
#comic#vent art#other fandoms#the fandom is my personal life LMAO#I had posted this on twitter and deleted it because it was vent art from back in like. Ohhh I forget. Must have been january#Like I had just had my birthday and I don't know what it was but something made me realise like#oh. I haven't come out to my parents#like it's Been a minute I probably should right#and my parents are like. the best in the world I say that with my whole chest#my sexuality is not something they would ever care about let alone judge me for#like they have so many gay friends OBJECTIVELY I KNOW THIS IS A NON ISSUE LOL#but I don't know. something about it DOES feel dangerous and I can barely come to terms with it#I hate the idea of making it a "thing'. does that make sense#i don't want it to be a “thing”#I don't want them to tell me they'll love me no matter what and that this doesn't change anything#I don't want to have to subject them to feel like I'm “opening up” and then Have to respond like that#I wish it felt like as natural of an integration as someone is being straight you know#i wish it was: i come home with the prettiest girl in the world (she is the prettiest because she is my girlfriend) and they're just like#“hi! so nice to meet you! lets sit for tea!”#and thats it no questions asked. my mom or dad wouldn't ask “why didnt you tell us?” does that make sense#This is why none of my highschool friends know either#i'll tell them if they ask but I don't want to make a performance of Telling Them#I don't. Owe them that#I don't owe anyone a heads up. I don't want to. I don't want to make it A Thing#It's a Me thing. I don't get why it has to be turned into a You thing.#also hi if you havent seen my face i look like That LOL
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robiny · 4 months
I need to vent about this - is there such thing as media literacy in lobotomy kaisen ? I see nuclear takes every day and I don’t engage with them because I know these people have their mind’s set and can’t believe anything else or their fragile view point will shatter. But how can you even argue satosugu were just friends 😭😭😭 like do you even have friends? shoko and gojo are friends, megumi and nobara were friends, geto and gojo? Im sorry but how much subtext can you overlook and how much subtext can there be for it to matter. OF COURSE gege is not going to STRAIGHT UP say they are gay lovers this is shonen and you are proving him right by arguing against it. AND ABOVE ALL ELSE the thing that truly pisses me of tremendously makes me genuinely hysteric, is people misinterpreting gojo’s last words to geto. HOW CAN YOU ARGUE WITH A STRAIGHT FACE THAT HE SAID ANYTHING BUT “I love you” HOWEEEWMEMDMSMSDN HOW, WHY WOULD THAT CONFESSION BE MUTED IF HE SAID SOME BULLSHIT LIKE UR MY BESTIE WHY like genuinely, these words weren’t hid from the audience just because, ITS A CONFESSION OF FEELINGS SO DEEP SO PROFOUND BUT SHAMEFUL AND SECRETIVE AND THEIRS FOR ONLY GETOS EARS TO HEAR AND GETOS HEART TO FEEL. WHY “LOVE IS THE MOST TWISTED CURSE” I WONDER WHAT MADE HIM THINK OF LOVE THIS WAY PROBABLY FUCKING UTAHIME NOT THE GUY WHO HIS SOUL KNOWS BETTER THAN HIS ALL FUCKING KNOWING EYES. WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR LOVE FOR A BEST FRIEND WHO HAS HURT YOU TWISTED ??? NO TF YOU WIULDNT YOU DONT PONDER ABOUT YOUR LOVE YOU DONT HIDE IT FOR 10 YEARS YOU DONT WANT IT BACK EVEN IF ITS THE THING THAT RUINS YOU. no but genuinely any other interpretation of the words is stupid, im sorry, it’s not just their relationship but also the scene itself. getos reaction… he was shocked, then happy, blushing because it made him ashamed but at the same time smiling because it made him so happy, wishing after pushing away gojo for years that at the very end gojo would stop loving him but he never did. literally at the brink of death, finding peace in the chaos, but facing this unconditional love, geto wished only for gojo to curse him a little so he wouldn’t suffer losing him…. best of friends everybody
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straylaughs · 2 months
dont know how to go about formulating my thoughts about the entire show but i do have to give bucchigiri its flowers for that absolutely stunning fight sequence between matakara and arajin
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haemosexuality · 10 months
some people are very mad at the implication that the LN world is ~All A Dream~ but i dont think thats exactly it? like to me it seems very clear that the ln world is a real place, and all that happens in it is real. i think that what's happening is that when they go to sleep, their consciousness is transported into this paralel reality (the Nowhere) and they leave once they awaken, but as they spent more and more time there they slowly succumb to whatever powers or entities rule that world and they become trapped there. its like. kind of like the dark worlds in deltarune, or the other world in coraline, or the upside down in stranger things, or the fear reality/ies in the magnus archives you get the idea
those entities seem to both feed off of and be created by childrens fear, a paradoxical "it exists because children fear it and children fear it because it exists" thing. in an interview a dev said that "something happened before in [the kids] lives that made them a good fit for little nightmares" and i think that "something" is being traumatized: you have more nightmares that way.
something interesting about six specifically is that she's always described as being from somewhere else, not belonging 'here', etc, one description even says she "awoke in a world she cannot recognize" which. straight up confirms shes Not From This World, but like, if all of the kids came here because of nightmares whats different about her? why do they apparently 'belong' in the nowhere but she doesnt? maybe she has, like, too much willpower to succumb to the powers or something and thus doesnt belong with the other kids trapped here who have all given up, but then again shes also described to be "fading away from this world" at the start of ln2 which does seem to mean that shes succumbing to it? like, giving up and fading away? idk idk
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bandai website description, issue 1 of the comic
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also from the bandai namco website. six's "terrible fate" might be her succumbing to depression or whatever but have no idea why guiding mono to the signal tower would be important? maybe its not actually about the tower and its just about having a purpose and a friend to hold on to so she still has hope
ok heres my tinfoil hat theory: obv the podcast, the devs, promotional material and concept art all seem to be saying that ''kids go to a nightmare world when they go to sleep and sometimes get trapped there" is whats happening, but this post theorizes that maybe the nightmares noone in the podcast is having are prophetic and like. the nightmares explained video says that "the nightmares are crossing into the real world". what if what happened is that vulnerable kids who kept having nightmares were going to this future reality where the world got fucked up because of these entities, and maybe whenever they succumbed to them the entities were able to use their bodies to cross into our world, which eventually led to them being able to take over? resulting in the future fucked up reality kids were going to in their dreams? its not like little nightmares is unfamiliar with time paradoxes thats basically what happened to mono. idk!!!!
i keep bringing up other media but im not really comparing them im just using similsr exampled to explain what i mean bc its so weird i cant think of how else to do it. anyways what if the kids who fully give up and succumb to the fear become like the goners frok undertale. everyone just forgets they ever existed
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itspileofgoodthings · 1 month
have had a bit of my crash after flying too close to the sun this past week and you know what, it’s very annoying and also very good for me in a stabilizing way.
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sleepygaymerdisease · 2 months
funniest thing in my art class was presenting my sculpture and hearing the critiques while internally thinking like "um youre misgendering this object here by using he/him... you see it's actually based off of a shadow that uses she/they pronouns" like god i felt so stupid i couldnt say anyhting
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klanced · 1 year
Man ty for popping up on my dashboard. I miss voltron, but whenever I try to check what's up I get reaaally bad flashbacks as to how the fandom was. It's kinda worse when u accidentally triggered a community of a popular ship (its not kl@nce) :')))) hnghjgn idk how u do it
voltron is just. such a funny phenomenon. the show was like a C+ at BEST but we all stuck around anyway clinging to the hope that things would eventually improve and then they NEVER did. & so we all had to make do with literal scraps and we were RESOURCEFUL!!! 😭 I have honestly never seen a fandom where the fan content was so divorced from the actual source material like 💀💀💀 and i think this scarcity of good content forced people to be extra creative, which is why the voltron fandom was 1) so genuinely hilarious and 2) full of content producing MACHINES
Literally all we could do was just talk to each other. we were forced to survive off each other’s kindness & it made everyone super co-dependent. it really was a bunch of high schoolers forming parasocial relationships with other high schoolers; of course it got messy!!
also this is such a minor detail in the grand scheme of things but voltron hit tumblr at like the exact time social media became more accessible to people under 13 years old. and like. conflict and discourse is an inevitable part of fandom. but the end result was we had college students picking fights with LITERAL middle schoolers. and I genuinely cannot believe we all thought this was normal behavior!!!!!
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crunchchute · 4 months
i know nobody wants to hear about my self insert bs but i had like 2 main storylines clashing so hard in my brain to the point i gave up on them cause one was in the 80s in game storyline and other in like 90s with tse dave and my mind just wanted both at once and merge them but it just did not work at all so those braincells died off. now the tse one picked up again after finishing the book but i miss the game one even if it was cheesy and unoriginal. a mans gotta do what hes gotta do (make up self insert stories in his head every day before bed) (dont read the tags its info that should only have been shared by me being waterboarded)
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forest-hashira · 7 months
Dragon Powers
AU POSTING HOURS AGAIN!!! this time you all will be learning the powers each dragon has. I don't have powers assigned to every dragon yet bc i'm a little obsessive when it comes to making a good match but this post will include all the dragons that do! next post will probably be the names of all the named dragon so far, so be on the lookout for that this weekend!
before i get started, when i say "powers" i mean an element a given dragon has a certain amount of control over, usually in the form of being able to spit/breathe whatever element it is but i will include any other important info. if this is still confusing just lmk and i can try to elaborate more! just know that i do plan to explore the range/limits of each dragon's powers in the actual fic by showing them in action. that being said, here is what i've got so far!
Note: pronouns will refer mostly to the dragons themselves. I will refer to the riders by name
Satoru's dragon's power is ice. This means he is comfortable even in freezing weather in a way most other dragons are not, and is generally resistant to/happy in the cold & snow. He is also the fastest dragon over long distances.
Suguru's dragon's power is wind. He is capable of creating strong gusts and even vortexes (like tornadoes) with his mouth or with the movement of his body. He has the best endurance of any of the dragons in this AU.
Reader's dragon's powers are unknown. Very little about metallic dragons is fully understood, and she has yet to demonstrate power over any particular element. She is faster than Satoru's dragon in short bursts (anywhere from 5-15 minutes, depending on weather & other factors). She is also the largest dragon in the settlement, which gives her a slight advantage over them when it comes to strength.
Yuji's dragon's power is fire. Nearly all dragons are resistant to burns to a certain extent (though ice dragons like Satoru's are the most susceptible), but being able to breathe fire means that she is completely immune to burns.
Nobara's dragon's power is lightning. She can both create & direct lightning bolts, and any lightning bolts she creates are accompanied by a clap of thunder, just like real lightning. However, this does mean that she is frequently surrounded by excess energy and is prone to give people intense static shocks if she's touched (even Nobara, sometimes).
Maki's dragon does not have a power. Despite this, he is the fastest and strongest multi color dragon in this au. His agility both on the ground and in the air is unmatched (most dragons are only very agile in one or the other).
Toge's dragon can manipulate sound waves. Mostly this looks like her amplifying her cries/shrieks to the point that they can shatter glass and burst eardrums from their volume and/or frequency.
Sukuna's dragons powers are poison and fire. Like Yuji's dragon, this makes him immune to burns, but with the added immunity to virtually all types of poisons, especially airborne poisons. His poisonous fumes are also flammable. His strength is well above most other dragons.
Kenjaku's dragon's power is wind. His abilities are the same as Suguru's dragon, but his endurance is not as high as Suguru's dragon's endurance.
Mahito's dragon's power is acid. He is not immune to burns, like Yuji's and Sukuna's dragons, but his resistance is higher than most other dragons. His resistance to poison is similarly heightened, but he is not immune. His agility is heightened, almost on the same level as Maki's dragon.
This is all I have so far! anyone who was mentioned in any of the previous posts as having a role in this AU who is not in this post does not yet have a power assigned to their dragon. I will update this post accordingly as other dragons are assigned powers.
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bunkernine · 1 year
society if hoo had them at uni age and the lost trio went to chb and chiron is like "how tf are ANY of u alive and unclaimed". wilderness was just community college.
#on a serious note this changes a lot actually. annabeth and percy would not be in chb anymore so when percy goes missing#its like. a genuine possibility and fear because demigods don't make it that old. there is also some added time between tlo and tlh as well#further adding to jasons isolation as being even WEIRDER than everyone else. he also would've been praetor for longer so maybe the romans#wouldve cared more. this also does away with the plot hole of ppl not giving a shit that jason piper and leo (and dylan) straight up#dipped. introducing piper especially to a summer camp makes chb less appealing because they're too old for that and thus makes their#departure from chb make more sense in toa. yet also it opens up the possibility of new rome uni.... which i cannot see any reason as to why#leo would not go there!!!!! outside of being banned cuz he bombed new rome lol. but pipers sexuality arc works for college too!!! ur never#too old to find urself. but also this is the question of if you are able to relatively function in society (this is more for piper leo fran#and i guess percy) then why would you even fight this prophecy??? anyway lol them being college aged is perfect cuz percy is literally#going to a new place and having a new transition with new ppl... like u do in college LOL. now the question is would hazel still be 13. nic#is a lot older at this point and perhaps has the same age gap as bianca and him did 🤔 cant remember. but also don't know why hazel was 13#in the first place lol. idk. in my college hoo she is just a senior in hs about to graduate from spqr and thinking about staying there or#possibly going to newru after seeing frank make the decision the previous year! SAD!#anyway in hoo. percy and annabeth are sophomores. frank and the lost trio are freshman.#but then in toa. percy annie frank and the lost trio are all graduating cuz percy got held back and Annabeth failed after tartarus fr.#but then also know that piper never went to newru and is adamant about going to mortal uni. and leo kills in newru but is bored. nvm i#forgot he died 🧍‍♂️ ummmmmm ok. ignore leo. and jason actually. so um. ok that really threw me off but are u getting it. that's when apollo#is like 'heeyyyyy i need help pwease 🥺' and they're all like 'dude.'#OK!#but also i ackowedge that this is a children's book and i am not its demographic so god be with you.
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cto10121 · 6 days
Me: [lying on the therapist couch in a straitjacket] I think the reason why I like Cynical!Prince of Verona and even Corrupt!Prince over WellMeaning!Prince for the musical is because it explains why the feud has been going on for so long. I mean, WellMeaning!Prince can still get overwhelmed and fucked over by an extremely unpredictable feud, don’t get me wrong. But if we assume that the princedom is an inherited position, then Musical!Prince must have had countless relatives—fathers, grandfathers, cousins—that have tried and maybe succeed (?) but then fail at putting an end to the feud. You would think that at this point he’d have an idea of how to put an end to the Madness(tm). But what if ending the feud was never the goal at all? What if Musical!Prince, like his kin, just accepted the feud as a fact of Veronian life? What if his concern is to keep the violence at a bare minimum and really bring out the strong arm if things got too heated? That’s at least the impression I got from the original French. There is also an element of divide-and-conquer stratagem—the Prince making sure to cement his rule by keeping the two families from allying with each other. Other productions do lean hard into that authoritarian element, for obvious reasons. But honestly, I also think that in his weird way, Musical!Prince is genuinely concerned with Verona’s welfare. He just thinks this is the way to keep the peace, because it’s the way his predecessors have done. He has lost all hope, if he even had it, of truly ending the feud. Perhaps he actually genuinely dislikes it, like Ladies Capulet and Montagues, but he also can’t imagine Veronian life without it. And maybe he thinks the feud is a good thing in some ways. Also, just a random aside, why do some productions don’t have the Prince’s guard???? It gives me agita seeing the Prince and ONLY the Prince face the families. Celebrities must arrive with security guards, but for the Prince of a feud-torn city-state, it’s YOLO? Please reconsider. Does this even make sense?
Therapist: Honestly I think you just want a badass sexy Prince and all of this is just rationalization on your part
Me: But am I wrong
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pinkeoni · 11 months
Will's 'setup' is like Arya's setup for killing the Night King bff. If you gonna pull a plot twist then there has to be an actual setup in the narrative. Will being an important character should have had an actual setup in this penultimate if that was the writers intention. Now in s5 it will come off as ridiculous if he suddenly gets revealed as an important character. Thats now ho narrative setup or plot twists work. And thats why Arya killing the Night King makes no sense in GOT.
That’s an interesting comparison you bring in, anon. I’m not at that point in my own watch of GoT so I can’t properly assess for myself how bad that plot twist went, but I’ll take your word for it.
Something that I do know about GoT is the fact that GRRM wanted it to be longer, but D&D cut it short.
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Something that I know about Stranger Things is that the show is actually getting the amount of seasons that the creators wanted, maybe even more than they initially imagined.
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So, I really don’t think that the ending for a show that was rushed vs the ending for a show that got just the right amount of seasons per creator request, is a very apt comparison. Had D&D decided to abide by GRRM’s wishes, it would have been possible to lay in some foreshadowing for this moment.
Well okay, that still doesn’t prove that Will has any narrative setup in the show. But the thing is, anon, you may be conflating “telling the audience information outright” with narrative setup. If the audience was told directly that Will was involved, then it wouldn’t be much of a twist now, would it?
I’ll use an example from another popular show, which is the reveal that Walter had poisoned Lydia at the end of Breaking Bad using her coffee sweetener. We are never told as the audience “Walter is going to poison Lydia with her coffee sweetener” but we are told “Walt knows how to make a discreet poison," "Walter has reason to want to kill Lydia," and “Lydia likes to put sweetener in her coffee.” So when we get the reveal in the last episode, it’s a twist that can come as a surprise but isn’t out of nowhere.
So I guess you’re still right, anon. There would need to be some kind of setup so it doesn’t come completely out of nowhere.
Which is why there is narrative setup in season four
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So similar to the Breaking Bad example, we aren't being directly told "Vecna is after Will Byers and he is central to the supernatural plot" but we are being told "Will is being correlated to some of the weirdness in the Upside Down" and "Will can still feel and has a connection to Vecna" and "Will is being emphasized at the very end of the season."
Follow-up questions to ponder:
If Will is such an unimportant character to the plot, then why revolve the story around him in season one?
If Will is unimportant to the supernatural plot, then why have him maintain a connection to Vecna through the rest of the series?
Why would The Duffers reveal critical information in the penultimate season, leaving nothing left to be unveiled for the final season? Wouldn’t that make the final season a bit boring and predictable?
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anthromimicry · 1 month
“Do you need something to drink?”
misao had been plagued with these terrible migraines for days. they always seemed to start in the same place, which was the base of her skull, and traveled up her head to her temples. and that wasn't even the worst part of it all. they had started to negatively affect her performance at work. so, now not only was she in physical stress, but mental stress as well. it had been taking a lot out of her just to listen to her patients and appear to give even the slightest damn about their issues whenever her head felt a bit like it was one of those pressurized instant cooking pots: prone to burst at any time given the right stimulus. thus, misao was taking the day off as per the warden of arkham's orders, despite the fact that she didn't want to.
and this was because the institution held her main food source within it. but she supposed she could survive on other things besides her patients themselves, for a few days. there was a time where misao had managed to survive on just insects after all. a sigh slipped through her lips, then, at the thought while she stared at the blaring light coming from the laptop screen in front of her. why was misao even trying to respond to work emails right now anyhow? the jorōgumo knew that the only thing that she would get from it was an even bigger headache. the latest thing that misao had been dealing with in her workplace was another psychiatrist trying to get rid of his most 'difficult' patient by transferring them to her care, and she had found that to be pretty irritating.
it really was as if these out of network fellow doctors of hers thought that she was the person to dump treatment-resistant patients on when they got tired of them, rather than someone they should actually treat like one of their respected colleagues. misao was faced with the other just as she decided to close her laptop next and would've jumped up in surprise if she didn't stop herself at the very last second. gosh, did she wish people around here would announce themselves more often. a laugh that conveyed both a slight sense of nervousness and friendliness leaving misao's lips while her eyes focused on khare's, ❝ oh, wow. hi — uhh, you were not just there a few seconds ago, were you? because i have to admit, you kind of scared me. i did not hear you at all. ❞
misao fixed the glasses she wore to sit atop her nose properly once more as she plastered the most well meaning smile that she could on her face. to be honest, she hadn't really thought too much about what she wanted to order yet, but misao supposed something simple like a water might calm that dreaded sense of nausea she was feeling along with the newfound pressure in her skull. 'now would be as good of a time as ever to start working, pain medicine,' misao thought to herself, ❝ yeah. i'd love something to drink, actually. could you get me some water? you'd honestly be helping me a lot by just doing that, ❞ keeping things short and sweet is just what misao preferred to do, especially around strangers, so that's exactly what she did.
although misao was hungry... attempting to eat someone like khare would be quite the risk since they were in public and that could mean that she could very much be potentially out herself in the process. so, once again, she supposed she'd just have to perform a little fast as she originally planned.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 months
#so i survived my 1st week as a phd student. it's interesting. im not sure how i feel#the negatives are that i forgot how much stress being around people causes me. as a research assistant i was able to be on my own schedule#and go into the lab at odd hours so i never had to see anyone. but now im in classes and teaching and have a shared office#classes are tolerable stress wise so long as im sitting on an edge. i only feel a lil like im dying. teaching makes nauseous beforehand.#which is odd bc im not really worried while im doing it or before im doing it. i thibk its just that i have to interact ans i kno im a#mediocre teacher bc id rather die than do the back and forth of asking questions and u should teach interactively#i like to break down complex idea and help people with problems but i was not build to teach in classrooms. i get knocked off points when#i give class presentations bc i cant make eye contact lol. so that'll b annoying this semester. and its just so hard to function in an#office space. idk its weird like i dont even feel it that much while im there its just like a flashing *i need to leave* alarm. and then#when im alone its like a physical weight off of me. and i cant tell if thats what's draining my energy or if ive just cycled into a low#energy lul bc im just like. i wanna sleep. and for me thats always a sign that somethings wrong. i dont feel that bad mood wise but its#like there's a rock weighing me down as im trying to tread water. so those r the big negatives. the positives r that#i do enjoy being back in school. i love the structure of it. but im also self destructive abt structure so well see how it goes. but my#lab mates seem nice as does my advisor. i feel a bit bad bc ill have to learn genome stuff from the ground up. and today i was trying to#convey ideas to him like an insane person. bc i dont have enough background to talk fluidly abt my prospective project and i have a picture#of what i mean but not all the details. hopefully i made some sense. i think the idea is cool. and thats the other really positive thing.#the papers i have to read associated with this project r waaaaaaaaaay more interesting than anything i ever had to read for my masters. like#they're the types of papers i would force other ppl to read for lab meetings. so im optimistic abt not hating it by the end haha#yay for being excited abt science. but i guess thats the other thing i feel bad abt. like im interested but haven't read a lot to prep bc#i cant express how difficult dyslexia makes things but also i cant control how interested in things i get so i bassically banned myself#from reading papers im actually interested in like 3 years ago bc in retrospect i was prob going thru a hypomanic episode#and i was like reading papers abt microbes in Antarctica all day and not working on my stuff. and i just remember walking into the lab at#like 5am to trasfer alage with tears streaming down my face bc i was just like. i cant have this nice thing and b functional. it has to stop#so i just created this weird barrier in my mind where im not allowed to read fun papers. so its odd to b reading them now for work. its odd#also i was walking to my office worring abt things and then i saw some moss growinf around the edge of the sidewalk and it made me wanna cry#bc i am an extremely normal individual. i have normal feelings abt photosynthesis. but anyway yeah. its been interesting#hopefully ill stay optimistic. next week we have a orientation for new grad students. and i might have to drive like an hr away. hate that#the driving i mean. not the orientation. that should b fun#unrelated
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