#don’t worry I’m not actually angry 👍
beartitled · 1 month
Waiter, More Peaches please!
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Anyway I had my fun, back to grind 🫡
Peach peach comic is in the making ✏️
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elysia-nsimp · 5 months
Well. Saw this blog and I've grown curious about it. Saw requests are open and also you haven't writen anything for Savanaclaw and other dorms so... Yeah I'll shoot my shot. Can you do jealousy headcanons? (Mainly for Leona but Malleus,Vil and Azul too if you're okay doing multiple characters in one post). Just y'know the bois feeling someone is becoming too touchy or getting too close to their S/O (even if said S/O wouldn't change them for anyone else obviously). Okay thank you,have a lovely day <3
Hi!! I just got around to actually working on the few requests in my inbox, so thanks for your patience Anon ^^
I’m nervous about my ability to write Leona, but I’ll do my best !!!
Contents: lack of COMMUNICATION (Azul, Leona, Malleus), insecurity (Azul), possessiveness (Malleus), reader’s gender or pronouns are never mentioned.
Initially, Leona would start shutting himself off from you.
Suddenly, he’s way more distant and guarded when you’re around.
If you don’t talk to him about it first, and whoever he’s jealous of gets closer to you, that’s when he jumps back in
NOW he’s trying to prove that he’s BETTER than whoever he’s jealous of via leaning against you, buying you things, draping his clothes over you, etc etc.
He WILL NOT communicate his feelings I’m sorry, you’re gonna have to pry it out of him
Good luck 👍
Thanks @thesunshineriptide for basically doing this one for me I got. very stuck
For the most part, Azul would act unfazed by someone getting too close to you… at least, on the outside.
Inside? He’s both a mix of angry (at them, not you. Never at you.) and worried he’ll lose you.
Even if you don’t notice it, the twins certainly do.
They know him REALLY well, so they see right through that disguise.
If you don’t notice, the twins will probably hint at it until you catch on.
Either way, once you approach Azul about the situation, he seems… panicked? Like, he will deny feeling jealous for a few minutes.
When he stops denying it, it’s clear he’s holding back tears, not wanting to seem like a fool in front of you.
You assure him you love him, you wouldn’t trade him for the world, and if he’s ever feeling insecure, to please talk to you so you can assure him again.
He REALLY appreciates this, more than he can put into words.
He apologies for his silly concerns, to which you tell him that having worries isn’t silly of him. If it’s bothering him, he should be able to feel safe enough to talk about it.
If it ever happens again, Azul is gonna do his best to talk to you, rather than bottling it up.
Vil is extremely confident in how much you love him. He wouldn’t be dating you otherwise!
However, sometimes concerns still arise… like now!
He takes notices to how close you are to a friend of yours, and suddenly the worry that maybe he’s not affectionate enough with you crosses his mind.
He’s also a tad jealous that they get your affection and he doesn’t. At least, in that very moment.
It doesn’t take long before he approaches you during your down time, asking if he could tell you something.
He takes your hands in his, admitting he’s just a liiittle jealous of your friend, and asks if there’s something missing in your relationship with him.
You tell him you love him just the way he is, and he doesn’t need to change. You assure him you’re just friends with the person he saw you with, and they’re just a hugger.
He’s relieved at this and offers you a kiss, thanking you for listening to his concerns.
He WILL offer you more hugs though. Better safe than sorry!
It is… BLATANTLY obvious when Malleus is jealous.
Not only is Lilia always chuckling under his breath whenever Malleus spots you with your affectionate friends,
But he becomes SUPER possessive over you.
You’ll be talking with your friends, then suddenly BOOM! Malleus hugging you out of nowhere.
He shows up unprompted to your dorm just to snuggle up next to you.
He’s quieter than usual, which makes it easy to conclude he’s in a bad mood.
When asked, he simply responds with “Is my love not enough?”
…Ooooohhhh he’s jealous. That makes a lot more sense.
You squish his cheeks and tell him that YES his love is enough, you just have different relationships with your peers and their affections.
He asks if he needs to be more physically affectionate with you, to which you tell him that you wouldn’t change him. It’s entirely up to him to decide that, to which he promptly decides you’re coming with him to cuddle
He’s still lowkey jealous when he sees others getting too close to you, often appearing and hugging you to remind them to not get too touchy feely with HIS Child of Man, but he trusts you a ton and believes you when you say you love him.
Thanks again to my buddy Howl for. Basically doing Leonas for me. Lol I’ll work on studying his character more so I can better respond to requests for him. Hope you enjoy this ^^ Have a lovely day yourself Anon!!
I’m still working on formatting for my posts lol, maybe they’ll be prettier one day
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breakfastteatime · 1 year
Alrighty friends, here we go, Breakfast Tea's Battle Scars Review. Putting it under the cut because spoilers, and also my levels of spiciness are at maximum. Lots of swears ahead! I don't tend to write book reviews (hi, unpublished author over here) but, uh, this is for science!
For the record, I have NO IDEA how these tie-ins are commissioned. So, for example, I don’t know if the author came up with the plot and it was okayed, or if she was told “do something with A, B, C and D and make it a book” so I appreciate that she probably didn’t have as much freedom as a fic writer.
Also, yes, I did get to the point where I was skimming chunks of the book, so if I'm factually wrong, feel free to correct me, but know that it won't make me like the book any better because my issues are layered and numerous👍
Also also, this is pretty stream-of-consciousy so go with me, okay?
Finally, there’s *one* spoiler that I’m guessing will tie into the game re: Greez.
Plot Summary (warning, I haven't done a good job summarising it hahahahahahahaaa)
The plot is - the crew go to break into a Haxion Brood base because reasons. While they're there they find a bunch of stormtroopers, one of whom is actually Fret, who wants to defect because she's sick of the Empire. Merrin is instantly attracted to her which, okay, sure, fine, to the point of becoming completely giddy around her. Also, Merrin's been struggling with her powers because of all her trauma from Dathomir (a very good a legit reason but, uh, didn't we do that with Cal in the game ANYWAY AHEM) but DON'T WORRY, SHE JUST NEEDS TO HAVE SEX WITH THE RIGHT PURPLE LADY BECAUSE SHE’S ANGRY AT THE EMPIRE TOO AND SEX WILL SOLVE ALL OF MERRIN’S WOES AND LITERALLY ALLOWS HER TO ACCESS HER MAGICK AGAIN WOO! Oops, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Fret then reveals she's not actually a stormtrooper but used that as a disguise to escape because don't you know it, she's got intel that will lead them to something called the Shroud, which will essentially make anyone who has it invisible. Think cloaking technology from Star Trek. That's the best comparison. So, if the rebels have this, they'll be able to undertake sneak attacks, but if the Empire has it, BAD NEWS. ANYWAY, the crew go to the person Fret’s working with who claims he’s anti-Empire too and he’ll use the Shroud for good and everyone agrees they’ll go get the schematics and bring them to him. Off they go and find said Shroud schematics after Merrin totally gets her powers back after receiving some sexual healing (no, really), only to discover the Shroud’s schematics aren’t written down but are instead secure in Fret's oops-not-dead lizard girlfriend Irei's head... and she's vaguely Force-sensitive because OF COURSE SHE FUCKING IS. Oh and the Fifth Brother is here too because he naturally wants the Shroud and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
The Mantis crew are all totally at odds with each other because it turns out despite living and working together for years they’re all after totally different things but have never said anything until now, which would be interesting if Fret wasn't there being all self-insert OC. And anyway, don't worry, the crew gets over it. Oh, and Greez loses an arm protecting Cal and Cere from the Fifth Brother about halfway through.
Uuuuh what else….??? Oh! Right, Fret’s dealer dude. They realise he’s bad, they defeat him. Boom. Can’t be arsed to go into more detail than that (also I was totally falling asleep reading this part, my bad???).
Fret and her ex(?) get back together (kinda??), leave the Mantis after the whole Shroud thing and the Fifth Brother are dealt with, Merrin opts to not go with them and Fret’s like “Oh, yeah, I see what you have with Cal” and Merrin’s like “??? Cal’s like that with everyone.” Interpret that at your discretion.
OH OH OH and Cere totally goes off to find some Jedi circlet thing that is LITERALLY A VIDEOGAME ACCESSORY USED TO BOOST STATS which is (unintentionally??) hilarious but fuck that it’s so completely lost in the rest of it, as is a lot of Cere’s desire to create a legacy for the Jedi.
The Good!
Hooray for LGBTQ+ representation!
Fight scenes are good when the action is happening.
Cere's characterisation is okay???? Like out of all of them, she feels the most in character... kind of???????? I get her motivation, and it feels fairly close to what I think she's gonna be up to in the next game. But her decision to… wait… sorry, this was meant to be positive. ARGH! Alright, let’s move on…
I really like the concept that, since the end of the first game, they’ve all been on the run from the Empire and the Haxion Brood. Excellent concept! I’m guessing Survivor will give us more.
I also really like the concept that the crew all want different things.
SPOILER!!! Greez loses an arm. This scene was pretty good and believable – Greez wants to save Cal and Cere and he makes a terrible sacrifice to do so.
The Everything Else
👎 Wish that LGBTQ+ rep was in a better written book. I do read romance sometimes (or, more accurately, books in which romance occurs) and I am not opposed to instant attraction. But I like it to be a bit less fire-hose-of-HAWTNESS to the face. It basically feels that Merrin has a week-long relationship with someone in which sex solves all her problems??? There's a lot of stuff in this book about why Merrin can't go to her actual friends with this (she's a Nightsister, dammit, and no one can understand how she feels but Fret is angry like Merrin is, therefore instacrush, lust, sex and AAAAARGH), but wouldn’t it be much more narratively satisfying if the people who support her through her troubles are the ones she has long-term relationships with??? Near the end Cal does become this person to her but it feels a bit awkward. Almost like he’s stepping up because Fret left. 👎 Merrin’s struggles here, while absolutely understandable, feel like a rehash of Cal’s entire journey in the game… except Cal sorts his shit out one way, and Merrin shags her way to better mental health. I mean, get yours, Merrin, but it feels like an odd choice, because… 👎 Fret, Merrin's love interest, feels like such an author self-insert it actually made me uncomfortable. Lady, I don't wanna read your fantasies!!!
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👎 The plot doesn’t have room to breathe because there’s too much going on. And while I’m here, the Shroud feels completely universe breaking because while the prototype they wind up making is a fake and becomes a bomb, the fact that Irei designed it to hide herself (she’s Force sensitive, remember??!?!?!) means it could potentially work and literally change the Star Wars universe... But Irei’s a total non-entity in the rest of canon sooooooooo this universe breaking macguffin is pointless, making the plot largely pointless??? Or did I miss something when I got to the skimming part? WHATEVER. The Shroud thing… Aaaah, I’ll get back to that later… 👎 There’s too much authorial voice masquerading as the characters. In other words, I didn’t hear the characters, I just heard the author coming through loud and clear. (and okay, yeah, every time I have a character suddenly be British makes me guilty of this too BUT I like to think it’s not as bad as this. HEY! LET ME HAVE MY DELUSIONS ALRIGHT?!). For example, Cal goes off on this whole *thing* about the Fifth Brother's hat, which doesn't feel like him at all. At no point in the game did he go off about Trilla’s helmet (which he compares the Fifth Brother’s hat to) or trade really petty insults. He has his whole bravado thing going on, but not “dude, your hat looks STOOPID.” Seriously, it’s about a page of him being uncharacteristically cocky and sassy (more on Cal’s characterisation later). This authorial voice tendency makes everyone feel the same, especially when you’ll read one thing in Cal’s POV, move onto Greez’s, and Greez will think the exact same thing. There’s very little differentiation in character voice. The banter is BAD.   👎I'm not saying JFO isn't funny because it has some lovely moments (“Wait, do you have feet?”), but they are light touches. This book's 'humour' is like having an anvil dropped on your head. This is the book where subtly came to die until the VERY end where there’s some nice moments with Cal and Merrin… except it’s ruined by Cal CONSTANTLY thinking about how he needs to protect his family… Which brings me onto… 👎 This book is so repetitive. If Cal referred to the others as 'Family' one more time, or someone else said they wanted to make a dent in the Empire’s hull, I'm not sure my e-reader would've survived. I actually counted btw – pg 77 of my ebook edition has the word family on it 7 times. SEVEN TIMES. The word crops up 39 times overall and once I noticed it, I couldn’t stop. The phrase ‘making a dent’ appears 9 times and again, once I noticed it, I couldn’t stop. Oh editor, where are you?
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👎 It’s also inconsistent in its storytelling. For instance, there’s a moment where Merrin and Cere go off on a mission together and Merrin reflects on how well they always work together… and then later on she goes off with Fret and is like “It’s so nice to not be alone for a change!!!” And while this is probably in reference to how her and Cal tend to approach missions from different angles (literally – above and below), it’s one of those instances where something here needed editing – e.g. actually Merrin and Cere have never done a mission together, therefore that’s nice, and so when she goes off with Fret she can be like “wow, twice in one day! I could get used to this!” It’s shit like that made the whole thing so frustrating. 👎The structure is bad. Midway through an otherwise good action scene, the POV character will stop to think for so long they would have been killed. It really disrupts the flow of the battle. The pacing just screeches to a halt. It’s the same whenever the characters reminisce on the events of the game, but I’ll come back to that. Stick a pin in it! 👎 The book also does a several days later flashback that wrecks the pacing. We’re at this moment of tension – they’re about to break into a compound but oh no – the access codes from Merrin’s girlfriend don’t work because GASP she lied about abandoning the Empire! Cue tension! Cue drama! Cue… romance in a ‘several days earlier’ flashback. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. Honestly, poor, poor Cal the first time he gets to use his own room again. Echoes EVERYWHERE. He’s gonna go as red as his hair every time he looks at Merrin and everyone’s gonna get the wrong idea. Sorry, what was my point? OH RIGHT! Pacing! Pacing BAD.
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👎 BEEDEE WUN. Get. In. the. Fucking. Bin. 👎 Speaking of our beloved BD, he is here, but he's referred to as 'Cal's droid' or Cal is referred to as his master, which... no. Absofuckinglutely NO. At one point, Merrin (who presumably has known BD for 2-3 years at this point), thinks of BD as Cal’s ‘strange but cute little droid’. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?! They are friends. Best friends. Cere, when thinking of the crew, her family, states there are "four and a half people" on the crew. BD IS NOT HALF A PERSON, AND ALSO OH GOD THE HISTORICAL CONNOTATIONS OF THIS ARE SO BAD, HOW THE HELL DID AN EDITOR NOT PICK UP ON THIS?!?!?!?
👎Cal's characterisation is NOT good. He is so inconsistent outside of I MUST PROTECT MY FAMILY. MY FAMILY, THE CREW OF THE MANTIS, WHO ARE MY FAMILY. I WILL DIE TO PROTECT THEM, MY FAMILY, THE ONLY PEOPLE LEFT TO ME THAT I LOVE, THE MANTIS CREW. Which, for the record, works as a motivator for him, but not when it’s done with all the nuance of a sledgehammer to the knees. When Merrin's busy having sex in the engine room (you know, where Cal sleeps, the guy with psychometry), he is initially naive to the point of stupidity. “Oh golly gosh, Merrin’s sealed the door, I guess that means her powers are coming back!” He was on Bracca for 5 years. I think he knows what goes on behind closed doors. When he realises what's happened, he is both totally blasé (the Jedi don’t have relationships so he’s never thought about it), and also jealous in a way that can be interpreted in one of two ways, depending on your shipping leanings. He's either jealous because Merrin is HIS woman (oh, no, sorry, I mean GIRL. Fucking HATE it when adult women are called girl), or he's jealous because Fret is inserting herself into HIS FAMILY, THE CREW OF THE MANTIS, THE FAMILY HE WILL DIE FOR when she’s a lying liar who lies. He’s *so* petty he refers to Fret as a ‘gal’ which, again, UUUUUUUUUUUGH. Oh, and he's seen an echo revealing Fret to be a liar, but he's not going to disclose it to the others because he doesn’t want to hurt Merrin when she’s finally happy and able to use her magick again and yet Fret might be about to kill his family, the crew of the Mantis, the people Cal will literally die for. Because they’re his family. PICK A MOOD, CAL. Actually, wait, I’m not done with what’s been done to Cal…
His characterisation makes me want to weep. He gets annoyed with Cere for wanting to find a Jedi relic despite... the entire... first game... being... about... this... exact... thing????? I think the author was going for “well, Cere wants to create a legacy for the Jedi so their history is not lost to time!” whereas Cal wants to (say it with me!) ‘put a dent in the Empire’s hull’ which, okay, there’s an interesting contrast, but Cal is someone who is inherently linked with the past so why is *this* the conflict between these two? It’s not quite working for me, probably because it’s just not central enough to the plot. If *this* was what we dug into, it would probably work really well. Unfortunately, we’re not here for that.
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Cal also says shit like “What’s the problem here, team?” like he’s in middle management.
👎 The book is set somewhere between the two games and is purposefully vague, which *would* work if these characters *felt* like they'd spent years together instead of the author telling us they have. Relationship-wise, it feels like we're maybe a couple of months out from the game because the book wastes so much of its word count going back over events from the game… which happened years ago at this point! My guess is it was written with people who hadn't played the game in mind, which again just makes the pacing suffer. Plus, we’ve got five people who’ve lived together for years (they’re a family, a crew, they love each other like family, they will DIE FOR EACH OTHER!!!!!!), and yet all of them see their mission differently. Y’all have been at this for YEARS but it’s only now that you realise you’re not united?! This would work if we were closer in time to the original game… but years down the line?! And again, this is a GREAT concept! SO much to work with there… except we’ve got sexy purple lady and lizard lady in the way of what could’ve been an amazing character exploration of CHARACTERS WE KNOW AND LOVE. STICK ANOTHER PIN IN IT!
👎 The author struggles to integrate game mechanics into a n ovel. BD-1 will just randomly hand Cal stims because hey, I guess that’s what he does in the game????????? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 👎 The author hasn’t heard of show, don’t tell. Stop bloody telling me that Cal loves his family and show me – give me a scene where they sit down for a meal together. Give me a scene where Cal sits with Greez after he’s injured. ANYTHING that shows me rather than smashes me over the head with one of the 39 uses of the word family.
👎 Cere really randomly refers to Cal as her Padawan when he’s busy getting his arse handed to him by the Fifth Brother. Cal’s honest, he knows he didn’t beat Trilla because he was stronger than her, but this is YEARS later. Has he not gotten stronger in that time? SIGH. Also, Cal might be mentored by her but he’s not strictly speaking her Padawan? Okay, now I’m just nitpicking… 👎 WAIT, ONE MORE! Cal refers to Master Tapal as Master Jaro. That just irritated me.
How I’d Rewrite It
So, let’s take the pin out and examine the lack of character exploration (except for Merrin who we do get to have a good look at in a weird way). The main issue I have with this book is Fret and Irei get in the way of what could have been a really good character-building piece for the five characters we know and love from the game.
So, wanna know how I’d write it? Simplify and FOCUS:
The Mantis crew are infiltrating a Haxion Brood base because they’ve gotten their hands on a precious Jedi relic that the Empire are also after. While there, Cal and the others find the relic but are attacked by the Brood and the Empire. A defector (Fret) finds them and says the Empire is using the Fifth Brother to hunt for the Shroud’s schematics and its inventor (Irei), who’s in hiding. Fret gives them the name and location of the broker who will pay the crew for retrieving the Shroud and Irei – a man linked to the Rebellion known as Luthen Rael. He’ll also give them Irei’s location. While trying to escape, Fret gets shot and killed by the Brood or the Empire or WHATEVER and the crew feel somewhat obligated to carry on with her mission because the Shroud is a double-edged sword. Cere’s hopes of starting her great Jedi legacy have to be put on hold, Merrin’s still worried about her powers because she’s lost and doesn’t know if she’s getting the vengeance she seeks, Greez thinks finally Cal’s going to stop going for bigger and bigger gambles, Cal’s excited to be doing something really important, and BD-1 is happy to see a new world and meet new people. Also, there’s no breaking into anywhere without him, and they need to move fast.
Great, we’ve got our ticking clock – get the Shroud before the Fifth Brother!
However, because the crew’s been run ragged due to being hunted by the Brood for so long, they’re starting to make mistakes and Cal’s taking bigger and bigger risks with little pay out, so the crew goes into the mission at odds with each other. After BD hacks his way into the systems and locates Irei, Merrin gets her to safety. Cal and Greez get hurt when they go up against the Fifth Brother because Cere, convinced she needs to try and save him from the dark side because he too was once a Jedi like Trilla, tries to save him and it backfires horribly. They all manage to escape and get to the Mantis, fall out because they all want different things. They take the time needed to figure that out and reunite, take Irei to Luthen (they get out just in time when the Fifth Brother comes back again), Cal and Merrin fight him off together because Merrin’s got her powers back because she has a purpose again (working for the Rebellion) and off they go to the next adventure.
Your subplots are essentially the same:
Cal wants to stick it to the Empire and help as many people as he can, while keeping his family safe, however he needs to understand that doing this randomly is essentially pointless (which… okay, I have issues with this too but if I go off on that you’re never getting the next chapter of the Big Fic. I’m working with what I got, friends!!!)
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BD-1 is just happy to go wherever Cal goes so long as he gets to scan new stuff and slice new systems!
Cere wants to build and protect the Jedi’s legacy by gathering everything she can of their history. She *is* tiring of the seemingly hopeless battle against the Empire and *wants* to put down roots, and she *needs* to be honest with Cal about this (who, once he got over his “you can’t leave me, Cere!” initial reaction would be absolutely fine with this??? HEY, WORKING WITH WHAT I’VE GOT!)
Merrin wants to regain her powers, and she needs to come to terms with the terrible trauma she experienced, but she can do this not through what is ultimately a fling, but by being honest with Cal, Cere, Greez and BD and working through it with her family. You tie it into the plot by having them working for the Rebellion, which means Merrin finally feels a purpose because it’s through the rebels she sees that she’s not the only one who suffered great loss and, like them, she can do something about it. And hey, maybe she hooks up with Irei in a much subtler and less SEXUAL HEAAAAAAAAAAAALING way because she wants to.
Greez wants to stick with his family, but he needs to be honest with Cal and say if they’re going to keep doing this whole kicking it to the Brood and the Empire, they’ve got to be smarter about it.
Basically, by cutting out all the OC bullshit, you focus on the crew we all know and love from Fallen Order without some rando OC being there to FLY THE MANTIS. Get the FUCK out of there! If I didn’t think Fret was a self-insert before, her getting to fly the Mantis sealed it for me.
There is a GOOD CONCEPT buried in the depths of this book. It’s just, y’know, not to my taste.
Alright, I think that does it for now. PHEW! That feels better ^_^
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pommunist · 2 months
Hello pommunist dot Tumblr dot com, I just wanted to say thank you for your posts! I may not agree with all of your perspectives but they are a very good source of differing views to keep my own bias in check. I always see you making sure that discussion stays overall respectful and that is very swag of you 👍 I come from an environment where it's very common for workers to be exploited in the ways that are relevant rn (as far as I know, all of my friends have been). I also, as a person, have a very hard time being angry or taking a strong stance against anything (the more I disagree with someone's actions, the harder I subconsciously try to empathize with them) so your expressions of outrage help me remember that things like this are not normal and should be fought against.
It's very hard for me to condemn any of the things that quackity or others involved with q studios have done. To be clear, I completely support the admins' rights to proper treatment and pay; it's just that I know that if I was in the place of those higher-ups/quackity, I would have made the same or very similar mistakes, so it feels very fallacious to hold them to higher standards than I would hold myself. Is this a strange or inappropriate position to hold? I just do not know how to flex my brain in the right way to look at qstudios as a 'corporate entity' rather than a 'collection of individuals.' That plus the fact that in my opinion, all these problems with the server's management are much easier to make than people (at least in my experience) want to think, and have a good chance of happening with any project just because communication is so inherently infallible and human nature is complicated.
Again, I do really appreciate your point of view and perspective. I just have a hard time truly understanding the more "zero-tolerance" approach to—well, to anything, but in this case to abuse of workers' rights. Would you be willing to explain more of your perspective? I really truly do want to understand better.
I hope you are having a good day/night, and that the tone of this does not come off as anything other than genuine. Lots of love! ❤️❤️
Hey anon !! First do not worry your message came off as nothing but genuine, no problem at all 🫶
Also I don’t think it’s strange or inappropriate for you to have the position you described in your ask ! I actually relate a lot to you saying you can have a hard time being angry at something because same, the more I analyse someone’s actions the more I tend to see their pov and empathise.
Also about holding yourself to a different standard if you were in their shoes, the question is : would you, in a similar scenario, have made decisions that would have put you in the same situation they are now ? Personally, I know that I don’t have the money, ressources or abilities to manage such a big project, so by realising it, I wouldn’t have gone through with it.
For the others things you brought up I’m gonna link you to a previous ask I answered, as well as to the very pertinent addition by @blockgamepirate to it, which I hope can bring some elements of answers to your questions.
And personally, there are many reasons I feel so strongly about the topic of workers rights. Them being that I just care about politics and have an interest in them, but also the current political climate of my own country and my personal background makes it that I kinda HAD to strongly make my mind on this topic. In this particular case it angers me even more because the admins were mostly young people, who had a great love and admiration for the project, and for the passion of young fans be taken advantage of is just heartbreaking.
I hope this was at least somewhat helpful, sending love back ♥️
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[disclaimer. this post was from a handful of months ago but it prob still applies. it’s also pretty angry!! sorry abt that lol. i do realize that most people doing this aren’t aware or trying to be malicious. it’s kind of a rant post. originally i wasn’t gonna post it but my mutual said i should lol. anyway here it is]
okay the cross tagging in the tua fandom has gotten way out of hand. i’m just really frustrated right now because this is ridiculous. if you want someone to see your post, tag it correctly. don’t add a bunch of random fandom related tags about characters that aren’t even mentioned just so you can get more notes.
there is actually a Reason for this alright? it’s not just rules for the sake of rules. when you tag in an unrelated tag, it clogs it up with posts that aren’t related (stay w me here). so if someone’s looking through their favorite character’s tag they don’t want to see a random incorrect quote in the general fandom NOT EVEN MENTIONING THE CHARACTER. when it gets really intense, it’s difficult to even find posts that mention the character (cough cough the ben hargreeves tag cough cough)
tagging is an organization system that helps people find stuff. you are making it ineffective and frustrating to use by crosstagging. please stop.
pls do not:
-tag “character a” in a post about “character b” and “character c” because they are all in the same show/book/video game etc
-tag an incorrect quotes post with every character in the fandom. (you know who you are. yes i’m targeting iq acc’s because they do this A LOT but lots of ppl do it!!)
-tag a general post about tua with the characters (this one has nuance, like many other things in the world. just use your best judgement like i trust you!!!)
also usually i wouldn’t tag a fandom post about fictional characters with the actors that play them??? like it would have to be a v specific situation so idk why people do this. you are not writing analysis of emmy raver lampman?? hello??
anyway lmk if you have any more tips. i’m not the tagging police (ACAB) so take everything i say with a grain of salt because i am not the ruler of the tua fandom or tumblr! i’m just seeing a problem in this community that i know other people are bothered by. alr live your life just be considerate of other ppl while ur doing ur thing 👍
it’s really not something that you have to obsess or worry about whether you’re doing it just keep it in mind!!!
tldr: use tagging as a filtering tool- not a way to get more engagement
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alyjojo · 5 months
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The Person On Your Mind in January 🏔️ 2024 - Gemini
Whole of their energy towards Gemini: 3 Wands
Feelings: 5 Wands
Intentions: Strength
Actions: 8 Wands
Boy when Leo wants to make itself known, evvvery card comes out 😆 Fire always does that in these readings. Either they’re waiting around on you or you’re waiting around on them and they know it. Whoever is waiting is irritated about it, defensive that there is any indecision in the first place, like what’s the problem? With 5 Wands in their feelings, there are probably outside people involved, Knight of Cups clarifies…could be romantic. I don’t get that for most, but for someone you could be loosely dating. 6 Pentacles & 3 Swords could be an inner conflict as well, who to hurt and who to give to, who gets let down, and who takes priority? It doesn’t have to be love, for most I’m getting this person is just nice, maybe a people pleaser to a detriment even, and they tend to give too much of themselves. But still have to pick & choose where their whatever is going, energy, money, time, love, etc. Either they’re in this situation or they’re aware you are. One of you could be irritated the other gives so much to other people or allows other people to demand things of them - out of love.
Their intentions are to keep their mouth shut, coast along peacefully, take their time and make sure whatever they decide or say is what they really want to decide or say. Or that’s the intention anyway, cuz they’re actually speaking or acting quite impulsively despite the desire to refrain. Could be a fire sign. In action they’re going to speak up, say something, do something, it will be clearly known what they think and feel because they can’t just “chill”, they’re either angry or inspired passionately to speak their mind on a subject, 4 Cups, either you’re not paying enough attention to *them*, and wtf, or these other people don’t even care so why do you? Something like that. Or switch it 💜 If this is someone you’re dating casually, that’s probably about to end soon, they’re done being just an option to you.
Their side:
- Blaming you 💯
- Soothing Presence 😌
Your side:
- What other people say matters too much to me.
- New Beginning
Possible signs:
Leo 💯, Taurus, Libra & Sagittarius
If you’re dealing with:
Strength rev & 5 Wands can show a lack of confidence when it comes to competition, other people, conflict & drama. There’s a people pleaser vibe with you that seems to be an issue. You could have people like that in your corner though, drama, or could feel like you’re up against that, it’s a no from you, you don’t want any of it.
Aries - not hearing from you worries them and stresses them out, they want to reunite, see you, and celebrate together, because they love you
Taurus - spending most of their time working
Gemini - receiving Justice for a very difficult and painful betrayal, situation, ending, could involve work - but what it is exactly isn’t the same for all, for some it’s great 👍, Justice is on their side, and for some it isn’t 👎
Cancer - extremely busy, this could involve children, parents, family, among everything else they’ve got going on, they’re like the family call center or something this month too ☎️
Leo - could have a new job, or something new that’s bringing in money after leaving something else behind, it’s better for them
Virgo - sneaky liar or the town gossip, it’s all bs
Libra - nostalgic about the good old days, probably with family, probably due to something sad that’s put them in this state
Scorpio - excited, motivated, inspired, ready to take on something new and acting on it asap
Sagittarius - generously giving love to anywhere from 2-6 people, but not just one
Capricorn - whatever Tower this is, something sudden or unexpected, they’ve got your back & you’ve got theirs, it’ll all work out just fine
Aquarius - deeply committed to this relationship, loves you, likes to flirt, wants to start a new project or something with you 💜
Pisces - not pleased you just impulsively did some shit, or that’s switched, someone is annoyed
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yozoramitsuki · 1 year
Characters that do not exist in genshin impact in-game but I write about !
⚠️Warning ~ Mention of Aether x xiao (gay) /fem reader / oc / fan fiction
📝Notes ~ It might be a bit messy lol (it’s my first fiction post) I hope you like it , if you don’t like it it’s okay you can move on 👍
The Golden-Winged King’s twin Alatus
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Alatus also known as the original design of xiao or red xiao
I call him Alatus since calling him red xiao is kinda weird
As written in the title my headcanon is that Alatus is Xiao’s older twin
Many say he is flirty and I think so too but I think he would also be a big softy towards his s/o
He smiles 24/7 and loves hanging out with people that are close to him
He is the opposite of his twin brother Xiao, he gets along with almost anyone he meets and is fairly popular among girls 🥴
Although they are different like the moon and sun they get along well and are very close
Flirt with anyone doesn’t matter what gender he is just like that
but no one knows that he never dated anyone and never even had his first kiss🤭
When you flirt back he will return it back but is secretly bashful inside and is bad at hiding the blush that formes on his cheeks
Loves to tease his brother (not too much) but secretly really wants him just to smile again
Unlike Xiao he loves to go to Liyue harbor and just watch people (he finds it interesting to watch human behavior)
He Doesnt really like to show his vulnerable side in front of anyone
He doesn’t want anyone to worry about him especially xiao
When Alatus feels his karma being worse he hides himself from everyone so no one sees this side of him
You rarely find him being seriously angry or irritated
Bro has ultimate patient
Asks Aether (I write Aether bcs I chose him as my traveler and also bcs I ship Aether and xiao) to interact with xiao because Alatus knows Aether is one of the few people xiao is comfortable with
He may be almost friends with anyone he meets but actually he only has Aether and y/n as close friends
Alatus and Xiao can make their wings and tail appear when they want to though no one can touch it
Xiao rarely shows his bird features but Alatus shows them when he is resting on a tree or simply feels like it
When he does he cleans his feathers and sometimes looks like a pompom
It’s also cute when he sleeps with his wings and tail out
He covers his body with his wings and surrounds himself with his tail (I’m not sure how to describe it but I’ll maybe put a drawing if I can)
You become close friends once you only see through his flirty facade
The Kreideprinz’s Brother Rubedo
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people who write about him give him different names and some call him Rubedo and I am one of them ☺️ his name is Rubedo
I think unlike Albedo he is very emotional and he shows that he is emotional
He is very quiet in nature so I think he would get along with a person that is quite and gentle
His eyes are ice blue (rather than teal like albedos) and they hold endless curiosity
He is curious about other things simple things that is normal to any other person and not really the alchemical curiosity
He is curious about those this since he never reallly got to see them
When you first found him in the cave he was tense
Thousand thoughts ran through his mind like—"are they going to hurt me?” But relaxed when he saw you meant no harm
When you offered your hand for him to hold he was hesitating and scared but also craving for care since he never got it. But he took your hand after seeing your reassuring eyes
Well we’ll talk about the first interaction in a another time—
He is touch-starved and therefore loves soft attention
The affect you have on him…oh mah ga
Simply sharing with him something small can lighten up his whole world, darling whether that be what you did that day or share your food with him or literally anything
He also loves it when you read him stories before you both go to sleep
He loves it when you cup his face in your palms and give a kiss on his forehead it makes him feel wanted and not unwanted like his own mother that simply threw him away to the dragon
He may not know how to comfort you with words but he holds you close when he knows something isn’t right
He tried you repay you in someway
Rubedo has nightmares quite often in the beginning, where he remembers again how his mother looked at him disappointingly and how he got eaten by the dragon
He will have horror written all over his face cold sweat covering his whole body and tearful eyes
He seeks you in those situations. He’ll scramble out of bed and lay next to you
Though he keeps a distance when he does lay next to you afraid that you might not like it when he is too close to you
But you don’t mind so when you do find him lay next to you you know that he had that nightmare again so you hold him close
You whisper how you’ll be there for him and that he is not a failure and how he has a place in this world too
He listens to every single word you say and let them directly sink into his heart and let’s himself cry to sleep
Overall you got his back and he got yours ☺️ and please keep it that way
He loves to go pick Cecilia flowers with you btw-
Rubedo’s little child Losis
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Losis is the whopper flower albedo
I call him Rubedo’s child cuz the little flower trusts Rubedo and the little one follows his master around
So I imagine the whopper flower like a child like a duckling waddling behind his parent
Is like a child version of Albedo (though the hair is not braided unlike Rubedo and albedo)
Is VERY shy and hides behind Rubedo most of the time
Has trust issues with Albedo since…well Albedo stabbed him
He almost never talks since he is a whopper flower
Loves being carried by you and Rubedo and when you do he falls a sleep most of the time
He’ll come up to one of you and stretch his little hands towards you pleaing to carry him
He also loves going in nature it brings him comfort
Loves picking flowers and putting them in Rubedo or your hair (sometimes his own)
If he does put flowers in his own hair he looks like a small flower bush waddling around ☺️
Is very emotional like Rubedo and…cry’s sometimes…
He wears a blue one piece?? (Not sure how to say this either) and a red flower pin on his left-side chest
Loves it too when you read a story for him or sing for him
He doesn’t necessarily need to eat but he would eat vegetable porridge 🥣 but you have to feed him since he’s a bit clumsy with those kind of stuff
He’d sit on your lap and eat the porridge you feed him
You and Rubedo are basically his parents and albedo is his uncle 😉
He can turn back to his whopper flower form whenever he wants
Sometimes he transforms into one of the flowers and chills there it’s quite interesting to look at
Please do credit the original publisher/creater of the above image cuz it does NOT belong to me (I found the two in google) (and gif in tumble gif)
Credits to some username : dourpeep too bcs I got inspiration from them and mixed some of their hcs with mine 🫶
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spinef0ryou · 2 years
holy fuck i’m doing worse than ever
back in 2019 was the first time i remember actually wanting to be alive since i was 10 and i’ve been trying to maintain that since the pandemic began but it’s so fucking hard. i can’t fucking cope with my personal life anymore. i can’t open up to anyone because the only people who could help either won’t help, i’m not close enough to them anymore, or they’re dealing with their own shit
my mums become so fucking selfish and narcissistic that i have to listen to her endlessly complain about everything, but if i try to vent my own complaints (when they’re not about her. if i ever try to take issue with her behaviour she just flips her shit and it’s not worth it) she just shuts me down. i can’t open up to her about my mental health because she’ll call me a selfish bitch, only to then turn my words on anyone else who’ll listen and if i call her out she says it makes her feel better about herself.
she doesn’t fucking care about me as a person and never has done. i know that and have done for years but it still fucking hurts. she’s literally the only person who could help me in my life and help me become a proper adult who has a life beyond suicidal chronically ill recluse but she can’t be fucking bothered. anyone else either can’t help me or is too busy with their own issues for me to ever want to open up so i’m just drifting and feeling guilty over every single thing i do
the only thing i use to cope is just turning to shit lately and everything i do to try to maintain my normal is just getting ruined by my own actions and i don’t know how to stop. it’s gonna ruin my relationships with everyone and it feels like i’m helplessly watching myself sabotage everything and comforting myself with the knowledge that any attempt to make things better i would just fuck up things even worse and that i wanna die anyway so it doesn’t matter really
and it feels like the only reason i haven’t actually tried to kill myself is because i’m so sure i’d fail and have to put up with even more shit. and i just don’t want to talk to anyone much because i can’t emote properly so i’m just like 👍 to everything because i’m either too numb or angry or scared and actually forcing myself to communicate feels painful and forced and i’m worried people think i don’t care when i just don’t know how to communicate
i just feel sick all the time and all of this is probably just me being trapped in my own head or pms or just seasonal depression or whatever so i’m just drifting along waiting for it to end. like i’m being super irrational and being a massive bummer and i just can’t help myself so i just wanna turn into a hermit until i can get better but i don’t know when that will be
i desperately need contact with people but i don’t want it at all and i know i’m making it all worse but i have no energy. it feels like i’m being run through a cheese grater emotionally and now every interaction with another person is just painful. i should probably just delete all my socials but i can’t because i know that won’t help
usually i deal with my emotions by writing but i just don’t have the energy for it at the moment, and i wanna work on my requests and feel guilty doing anything else so i’m just listless and feel trapped
idk i know i’ll feel better soon and i’m holding out for that but my head’s a fucking mess
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i-am-top-g · 2 years
There’s a difference between just “being emotional” and going on a fucking rampage when u want to feel like blaming other people constantly for how you feel
I noticed whenever your upset and spiraling out of control your excuse everytime is “cuz this person made me feel this way!! Cuz they did this!!” Aw poor baby doesn’t know how to control her own emotions,
I would love to imagine a world we’re I get upset and react ugly af and I’m actually able to say “it’s cuz of you!!!!” Oh wait I have done that before and it got shut down hard and I haven’t done it ever since, but nah not for u, anytime ur mom or u professor or I make you upset you have the right to just go fucking crazy and say THEYRE MAKING ME DO THIS, nah bro no one’s making you do anything you choose how to express your emotions, you choose to yell out of anger, someone might be responsible for MAKING you angry but no one is MAKING you yell and scream, you always have a choice like u tell me every-time I also get unreasonably upset and your choice is to throw a tantrum the second anyone does something not the way you expected, have fun going out into the world where unexpected shit happens everyday, what’re u gonna do throw a fit every single day? Cuz someone says something fucked to you or someone makes a mistake or shit just doesn’t go the way you wanted it to go, grow the fuck up seriously and stop blaming others for ur emotional outbursts, I wish I could get mad and just slap people across the face and say HEY U MADE ME DO THAT CUZ U MADE ME UPSET 😂😂😂😂😂 nah girl there’s always a choice and you choose to react the way u did, doesn’t mean u can just start acting however the fuck u want girl the fuck, who do u think u are, and your the one that’s tired of being submissive? Everyone around you feels like they’re walking on eggshells cuz the second you get thrown off all hell breaks lose for everyone and it’s everyone’s else’s fault that your CHOOSING to express urself that way. Have fun, seriously I wish u the best
Someone abusing another person isn’t justifiable because they made you angry… there’s different WAYY more calm ways to handle this, and your never gonna learn if u can’t ever hear about how your being unreasonable some fucking times, can’t wait to see you be the same exact person at 42 yrs old 👍👍👍 again I’m truly hoping u can change cuz if u can’t, with or without me in your life this shits never gonna change for u 😂😂😂 ur gonna keep going through the same cycle for as long as u wanna act like your not doing anything wrong and your justified, don’t worry someone will wake u up one day, I just truly thought that person would’ve been me, but I guess it’s not… sad I tried explaining to you so many times how you are your own downfall in convos but it’s alright maybe another time you’ll finally get it
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kunalkarankapoor · 3 years
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Kunal Karan Kapoor I really don't know how many n what words I should use to tell you n show you my appreciation for your performance 👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍 How do you manage to make every shot, every scene brilliantly perfect n memorable for us? I feel soo proud n honored that I am yourrrrrrr admirer ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘 Love you Kunal" - @priyark31
I really want to see Kunal's performance in person🤗What an amazing performance he did today👊🏻it was so beautiful to see that Kunal winked his eyes and he looked up and cried❣️His eyes speaks more than his words👀It was natural to see his nose and neck shrink and widen when he was angry🤩He smiled slightly as he showed his pain on his face it was anxious to watch☹️That he closed his eyes and kneeled down for Sanjana, how he feels about his beautiful moments with her💔The way he threw those earrings was beautiful ✨He nailed it as always 🖤💫🦋 - @im_gavi99
I want a 360 degree character change in Sid. ITS his pure heart n innocence that's putting him in trouble. Plz Sid don't b after Sanju. Se hs rebuked u number of times. But u stl kip cnfsng ur luv fr her. Somehow I don't like it.- Silver Moon
KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR BRILLIANCE ON SCREEN I so badly waited for a scene like this bcoz he nails it in every emotion. Sid G broke me. Edit Credits to Makers. - Annie
Is this the same character who used to make us laugh only a few episodes back? 😭 @kunalkarankapoor the way you switched from a carefree fun guy to completely emotional in such a short period of time is just fantastic 👏 you are the king of versatility ❤ I don't think there's any word in the dictionary that can actually justify how amazing your performance was in both the phases of Sid's character. The storyline may falter but your performance never fails to mesmerize us. You are magical ❤ You are truly the King of expressions. Am proud to stan you 😌 - My Happy Escape.
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Dear Kunal It's one month of ZDMN. I could not believe it's already one month of Sid Ganju. From the very first day I'm trying to write up about Sid but I couldn't. But I think today is the best day to express my feelings for Sid Ganju. Honestly you make me speechless every time. Okay comes to the character you play as Sid. From the very first day you makes us realize what your character is. Really love every scene of yours. From your entry to today episode just mind blowing. I could not stop laughing on your entry. You really break all your previous character. It's so new & refresh which really makes us to think that you are the same person who gives us Varun, Angad yadav, Mohan Bhatnagar, Shaurya Krishna & Mohit. 
 1. Honestly every scene though it's his entry or meeting Monu on the road or convincing Monu's father or sitting on the couch eating ice-cream & forget about world or coming to SAF to find his Miss. Tattoo or the whole date things. 
2. Sid totally shows us how can a spoiled rich child can be. Though Sid is Rich Boy but totally kid from his heart. 
3. Really love how he came to the academy & sab k nak me dam karke rakhe the, & his love for Sanju 
 4. Then every scene of mummi ji & Sid which makes me laugh & also every one feels a pain on those scene. When Sid hug his mummy ji it's feels like Sid really longing for the hug. But when the truth comes out, the devastated face of them makes me cry. Each & every word said by mummy ji had a deep effect on Sid & breaks him totally. 
5. Now Sid & Monami OMG the best friendship goal. They both know each other, understand very well. Whether it's save Sid from his dad or worrying about Sid. 
6. Then whole jail sequence It's really makes me cry & see whole episodes with a lump on my throat. 
 7. But which steal my heart or wrench my heart is when Karan broke the pot of water & Sid just give a slight smile & then took the little broken pot and pour the little water on the glass. Me literally cries on that scene. Sid Bala bromance OMG 
8. Both are different in each & every way but  looks like the mirror of each other. I really love your eyes which speaks a lot & also your sharp nose & long messy hair. In onscreen when you cry, you made us cry. When you laugh you made us laugh. Your simplicity connect audience towards him. As Mohan says "simplicity me hi sundarta hay" Though this line said by Mohan but you in real life or reel life perfectly follow this. That's why we never feel that you act in a scene, it's so natural to us. Love you a lot. Your fan  Shreyashi
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alyjojo · 2 years
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The Person On Your Mind in October 😈 2022 - Capricorn
Whole of their energy towards Capricorn: 6 Swords
Clearly an ex or has some sort of romantic feelings for you, still. They see you as completely done and over it, moved on, possibly moved away, sayonara and see you never. They’re very nostalgic about you but it pretty much stops there, they don’t see a possibility of anything in the future.
Feelings: 9 Swords rev
Again this row is just an energy of you getting over them, whatever happened, not giving a damn and waiting for your own efforts to materialize into cold hard cash, you’re probably a hard worker or they see you that way. Someone independent and wholly concerned with themselves, happy to do things on your own without this person.
Intentions: Ace of Wands
They intend to be both passionately angry and disappointed, they probably go back and forth, but as for action it doesn’t seem like they’re taking any. They just swap between the two when it comes to you. If you two never actually hooked up, they regret it, could be that they never tried to and missed the boat. Gemini’s reading had a similar story to this but from the opposite perspective, you could be dealing with one, and if so, make a move 👍
Actions: 9 Wands
The only action is to feel wounded and hurt about it something you’ve said or done to them. They could have closed themselves off from love altogether and be very bitter and kind of a jerk about emotions these days due to something that’s happened. Some of them could be rejecting your advances of love, or you’ve done this to them and it’s hurt them. Some of them have deep feelings but won’t say anything. I’m not sure of the dynamic between you, clearly something is difficult here, but the messages are actually pretty good, so I’m not sure. You know your own story.
Their side:
- Yearns for your love 💗
- I hate the way things ended between us.
Your side:
- If I could I would.
- Follow my Lead
Possible signs:
Scorpio, Aquarius & Gemini
If you’re dealing with:
The Emperor shows you as a very mature, responsible, rule abiding person that’s disciplined in nature and has no time for foolery. You could be very serious in nature, and maybe condescending or too serious sometimes, at least socially where fun and lightheartedness are called for. You could feel older or more mature than your social circle, or actually be older than some of them.
Aries - a good friend that’s either going through money issues or feels you’ve left them high and dry, maybe because of money issues
Taurus - feels successful in finally choosing a direction or is happy with their fantasies, assuming that involves you in some way
Gemini - jumping into something new but has no idea what it is or where it’s going, equally concerned and could care less, they’re just going to take a shot in the dark it looks like
Cancer - devastated by your happiness, or feels betrayed by something that makes them happy
Leo - could be someone with good common sense and a practical balanced nature that you work with or could be family
Virgo - very committed to you, the home you probably share, and your relationship
Libra - sneaky about a new love opportunity
Scorpio - messaging a lot, gossip, very chatty
Sagittarius - burdened by mental anguish, fear, worries, rumination, a heavy weight is crushing them
Capricorn - not waiting for you, not talking to you either, could feel hurt by you or vice versa
Aquarius - rushing in with a lot of passion and excitement…and then it goes nowhere, or they need to see something from a different perspective, could be they already have
Pisces - finds you very attractive but boring, or not into them like that, or that’s switched
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