#don't delete my watermark!
stef-gallery · 1 year
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bal0neysandwich · 7 months
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grxceful-ly · 7 months
walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin'
sdt: @notanodinarygirl ac: faiiryaudios (ig) sc: filoniversepacks & amidalapacks (ig),, if tumblr destroys the quality im gonna cry!!!! <3
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gaybuckybarnesss · 3 months
lol when your gifs flop here then see them on twitter with 20k likes
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doodlingwren · 3 months
I didn't log in on Tumblr for a week bc was busy in UNI hell and the second I came back, I heard about the data sold to AI mess and what the fuck am I supposed to do or to say lol...
Anyway, I must add that I'm not going, like, anywhere else. Am I tired of this situation? YES, trust me. I've already experienced art being stolen to be handed over to AI programs (I'm talking about you, DeviantArt) but I'm exhausted from moving from one social to another. The most fucked up thing is that even with a deactivated account, your stuff can be used to training Midjourney and shit, so… like, there's not a lot to do.
The thing that makes me mad is the way Tumblr handled this. By the way they wrote the announcement, it does feel like it has already happened, and the update was just a notice.
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rocketonthemoon · 3 months
The wedding look is amazing. It also looks like something Morgana would pull off if she lived in National City. You can't tell me she wouldn't rock up to a wedding looking exactly like that. Also the post woth the pictures of the wedding look, did she have fangs in one of them? Or was that just my wishful thinking?
everyone unfollow me I want to be alone with Anon and their incredibly correct thoughts. Anon how do feel about a spring wedding?
Also yeah I think someone edited it so she's got fangs in that!
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phantomoftheorpheum · 5 months
. tag vent
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raveartts · 1 year
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trying to figure out what font I should use for my watermark whenever I use one, I usually just handwrite it but idk that's kinda ugly
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pedro-pascal · 2 years
Have you thought about watermarking your work? I started doing that after a lot of my gifs were reposted here on tumblr, it still happens, so the watermark doesn't stop anyone from stealing the work but at least it shows that the gif was stolen.
hello! sometimes i do it for some gifs that i'm very proud of but most of the time i don't because whenever i see some people watermark their gifs, i feel like it ruins the gifs :(
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stef-gallery · 1 year
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holydramon · 2 years
should i risk putting my pride digimon designs on re.dbubble or no
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trapdoornumberthree · 3 months
man can this piece of shit website stop shooting itself in not just the foot but every vital organ it can locate
some updates, in light of the Everything:
this blog + marshmallowcreeps will stay.
old askblogs will be going down as soon as they're exported
i want to find a place for tkc to be re-uploaded and resumed...
everything else is going to be taken down
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keeps-ache · 1 year
spending like 30 minutes to buff my Own signature out of a piece because i want to show it off to my parents and i accidentally deleted the save file with the watermark on a separate layer so Here I Am working away at a yet another .png
#just me hi#hang on i just finished it n you can't even tell the old watermark was there. i'm a natural! [dies]#/i am Such a ding-dong goodness gracious#i haven't accidentally deleted a save file in.... a long time fjd#Why did it have to happen when i wanted to show this one hvhhdhfhj#//anyway time for Other News !!#had a HORRIBLE headache last night my eyeballs hurt SoBad lol#why in the seven wonders do parking lot lights need to be so bright. in what world#every time a cars with LED lights passed by and i'd mentally go 'shut the funk up' hhhhhb#it really sucked but i survived :DDD#/got seeds !! gonna try going marigolds again this year lol :DD#/i also got this slime from hobby lobby ? usually i don't want anything - much less slime - so it's definitely an item hbdj#didn't open it tho cuz i'm afraid it'll smell strong n that was part of the reason i had a headache lolll#/MAN and we were in hobby lobby and i've Never been hit with Been-In-Public-For-Too-Long Exhaustion SO HARD before. i wanted to sneep hbdjf#//also my sister is Killing Me#she's asked for Oath's hand in marriage#question;#.how do i.. respond to that hbvhdjhjsf#Like.#HBHSJhdjHDVJS#What am i even sposed to say !! 'no because... uh........ he...... has cooties' What Am I Supposed To Sayyyy Lollll#anyway i've been invited to the wedding which is. c.cool#100% going to object because objecting at weddings is very funny to me#you love each other? or at the bare minimum both agree to a contract that may or may not be eternal ?? NO.#lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllol#//i think i'm running out of tag space but i can't tell because of this ! stupid bubble thing they're going with the tags !!#stop bubble-wrapping my tags !!!#they need Air !!!!
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ave661 · 15 days
Is it all right if I ask why did you deactivate your twitter acc? I am curious, but don't want to be nosy, if the reasons is something you don't want to talk about.
I am tired.
2024 is so far a nightmare for me and I haven't had a single peaceful month
Just in this one week I had 3 situations with stores that sold my renders, which made me realize that all this stress, sleepless nights and crying are probably not worth it.
I've been used, lied to, backstabbed, my watermarks have been cut out, removed, blurred, renders copied, stolen, sold, AI edited, reposted, traced… It's exhausting to beg for even a shred of respect for the time spent on them.
I don't know…I started to feel that the more followers I have, the less I am treated as a human being. Started feeling like sh!t that don't even deserve credits in stupid tiktok edits because "everyone uses them" and "they are from pinterest".
So at first I deleted almost all my renders on twitter because I know most reposters and thieves get them from there
…and then I said fuck it and deactivated the entire account. Maybe i'll restore it? I don't know. I have 30 days to change my mind
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narusasuart · 5 months
It has been brought to my attention that some asshat has reposted some art of mine without my permission. Their whole page is just stolen and reposted art. They even have the audacity to add their own watermark to the art (even though some of it is clearly watermarked by the original artist.)
The watermark they add says 'narutobet'. I think this person is just looking for attention and possibly engagement on their yt channel or something. (You know - getting clicks so the algorithm thinks theyre important.)
So, please check your recent reblogs and delete it if you've reblogged from them. Otherwise, I would ask you to just not give them what they want. Don't reblog from them. Don't google them. They're just a thief.
I'd appreciate it if you could share this so other people in this Fandom know about it.
And please be mindful of what you reblog. Support the original artists!
I for one have decided to start watermarking my art. Which is sad.
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sarahowritesostucky · 17 days
Bucky's Hands 🫠 And Angry GIF Racists
Originally I saved these GIFs off of Google and posted them with a similar caption as they have below. Nothin' special. Just meant to be a cute drool-over-Bucky post. It got a few thousand likes, which was neat.
A couple of months and a few hundred reblogs later, the girl who apparently made the GIFS messaged me--very pissily, informing me that since she made them I had no right to post them and how dare I!
I told her I don't see any issue with saving a GIF off of Google to use in a post or embed in a fic, etc. They are simply clips from movies, after all.
She furiously told me to remove my post.
TBH, I was about to ask if she'd be cool with a link to her account for credit (even tho the GIF already had her watermark on it). And if she'dve said no, then I was prepared to delete the post just to shut her up. I figured she was 14 or something. Angry on the internet, what are ya gonna do, right?
But I decided not to say that or do that, when within an hour of her messaging me, about six of her mutuals started messaging me nastily. And then one or more of them began anon-bombing me with hate. At least one of them included racial slurs, ethnic slurs, and wished for/encouragements for me to go self-delete.
Since she or one or more of her friends are such ugly, racist people, I chose to say "bye bye, I will continue unapologetically saving and using GIFs from Google."
Then, to illustrate the point of how stupid she was being, I went and took about 90 seconds - 2 minutes of my time and made. the same. exact. GIFs. Boy was that "unique artwork" hard to make 🙄.
So in case somebody doesn't know my stance on this: I will always credit and never repost other people's paintings, drawings, digitals, sculptures, poems, fanfics, fanvideos, edits, manips, belly button lint weaving pieces, blurbs, and poetry ... but I'm not going to refrain from using a widely-available GIF if the maker of said GIF isn't readily knowable. If they are, great, I'll give credit. If not, oh well.
And if floridamatista (I think that was the name?) or any of your sweet, racist friends ever come across this post, I encourage you to reevaluate your value system in life, that you felt it appropriate to throw out the n word, death threats, and antisemitic slurs over. a fucking. GIF.
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The hands, the veins, those thick wrists 🤤 Lord, I did not need a new kink today, but alas I have found one anyway.
(Go ahead and use without credit, y'all. Since they're, ya know, clips from movies)
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