#don't worry about it! :)
calamity-bean · 2 years
Crimson Peak is SO fucking funny when they first get to the house and Hiddles is like. Oh yeah forget to mention, giant hole in the roof. Also the floor is rotten, someday the whole foundation will collapse. And don't be alarmed if the pipes start bleeding! It's just that the very ground beneath our feet is oozing red liquid, absolutely drenched with it, as though the entire house is bleeding and bloodstained, as though the very earth our family legacy is built upon were one great open wound.
I fucking love Gothic settings. Don't worry about it Edith, welcome to your very normal and inhabitable house.
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little-pup-pip · 4 months
hai ! im requesting gender neutral bee board ! with deco paci and 6-9 age !
( hope it okay to send 2 requests !)
- @wittllle-bee
Here you go!!
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revenantghost · 10 months
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That little satisfied grin wounds me, Vash is so proud of this fact
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 4 months
I know you probably get asked this a lot, but do you have any tips on writing? Especially when it comes to organizing so many series, reaching such a huge wordcount, and things/details/habits you found that helped you improve your skills? I honestly aspire to reach your level someday.
The best tip I can give for overall improvement, etc., is just to keep consistent. Even when looking back at the first few fics I posted on this blog, there's a very clear difference in skill/ability to form plot details/descriptions/word usage. Everything truly comes along the more you work at it and have the drive to improve.
The important thing to tell yourself is that you're not going to like everything you write, but the point is that you are writing and noticing the things that might need to change in the future.
Organization, for me, is mostly just a bullet-pointed doc with vague directions I want a series to go in - I like to imagine my writing like tree roots: always spreading out and growing! And for habits, I'd say writing with no distractions really lets me get into the zone of my fics - no TV, no shows, no music, (though I know many people love writing with music, it just gets me thinking about other things, lol. To each their own!), just a quiet room if it's available.
Thank you, this might not be super helpful but I hope you can glean something from it!
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antonblastdeluxe · 1 year
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Why are they making Italians,
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everqueen12 · 1 year
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scarletooyoroi · 7 months
Who has one of the bigger peaches in Teyvat that you know?
Is it bad that he hardly needs to think of this? One particular example comes to mind and there's no need for any second thoughts on the said matter. The best part being they'd have no remote clue who this said person even is!
Thoma has to live by his truths.
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"Someone by the name of Tem. Don't worry on the details." In his mind it was that simultaneous case of a blessing and a cur-- no, double blessing alike.
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turntechjughead · 3 days
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butterfly/pigeon meme where the butterfly is labeled "selfies i actually felt like taking" and the caption says "is this mental health??" adam scott holding a tiny stop motion replica of adam scott labeled "mirror selfies" up to the camera and saying "do you think a depressed person could do this???" dennis telling mac "i'm taking selfies again. like some kind of 20-year-old kid. you remember being able to look at your own face, right?" and mac says "yeah, i look at my own face every day of my life."
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pinkwanderer · 2 months
I know this is probably gonna sound edgy af
But honestly? It's harder to be quite as impressed by the whole Resurrection miracle thing when you've died and come back too many times to count.
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mayhaps-a-blog · 11 months
In all honesty, the more I think about Ahsoka, the more I think she should have died at the end of Rebels season 2.
She’s a great character, and I love her, but she had such a wonderful character arc up through Clone Wars come to rest in that battle with Darth Vader, and to snatch her away from that feels... cheap?
At the end of Rebels season 2, she faces Darth Vader. His helmet breaks, and she sees him - Anakin Skywalker, her mentor, her older brother who she looked up to, who she loved.
“I won’t leave you,” she tells him. “Not this time.”
It’s an admittance, a confession, and a cry for forgiveness all in one - because it’s true. She walked away from the Jedi - but in doing so, she left him too.
“Then you will die,” Vader says - Anakin says. The final warning, the final promise - even if Ahsoka stays, she cannot save him. She couldn’t save him. She is not enough. Anakin made his choices, and no one could save him.
If she stays - if she keeps her promise, the last promise she will ever make him - she will die.
And she does.
Stay, that is. The temple door closes, and Ezra is pulled away by Kanan. And they both know - we all know - what must have happened behind that door.
Master and apprentice have come full circle. He raised her and he killed her, the last hope that he nurtured lying dead by his own hand.
And then two seasons later Ezra discovers time travel, and ACTUALLY, she does leave. That big moment, the big fight between Ahsoka and Anakin, that last heartbreaking moment... just doesn’t happen?
I get it. I love Ahsoka. I’m looking forward to the new show, and her cameos were fun, but...
She had a character arc. And it was brilliant. And then it was retconned, and everything since honestly does just feel like someone’s fix-it fic. It’s not a bad fix-it fic, but there’s a reason I prefer that to stay fic than become canon.
Ahsoka should have died. That was her story. And I’m looking forward to the new stuff, but... I wish it was another character. I wish they’d let her rest.
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babstheyaga · 11 months
derek hasn't been in the story recently. Is he alright? Did he die off screen 😳 or is he just chilling with our kidnapped "bf" 🤭🤭
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oh, you know... he's just-... Being a little silly boy off screen... Oh, you know...
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there's absolutely nothing going on behind closed doors, don't you worry your pretty little head, nothing to worry about trust me... sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows, just think happy thoughts!
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i feel a special kind of joy when a task for work requires skills i developed to make gayass amvs four years ago
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eyeballcommander · 10 months
if someone has a lot of questions (me) would you rather them send each ask individually or together in one ask?
If individually do you prefer them spaced out or sent all together in what is described as spam?
Sorry for the ooc, i just wanna know these things! :)
[[Individually please. You can either send them all at once or space them out but I'll be frank: With my ADHD I'm more likely to forget to answer some if they're all sent together.]]
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mamamittens · 1 year
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My hand slipped
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leothil · 2 years
I'm team rgmrg too honestly. I could name at least 10 reasons and instances on why I think this lmao
Anon, you see the light, your third eye is open!
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mayhemchicken-artblog · 2 months
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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