#dont know about you guys but tbh i just want to write about them smooching already
rzyraffek · 1 year
I just wanted to say that I really love your writing, and was hoping to send you a request. If you’re not interested feel free to ignore.
I saw you were open to writing for underrated slashers, so I was wondering if you could write something for Dominic from The dare. I just watched it and I’m so obsessed with him. There’s literally no writing for him, he’s so underrated.
In terms of the writing, I just want something fluffy. Like being childhood friends, getting separated, and then meeting again as adults. I’m being vague just in case you decide to watch the movie. I don’t want to spoil anything. I trust your amazing writing skills. ❤️
Again, feel free to ignore if you’re not interested. Thank you 💕
Thank you!! That's v nice of you😊😊 also thanks for movie recommendation!!! It was great tbh! The killer looked like brahms but gym rat😭😍 im obsessed!!
Sfw, they/them, mensions of trauma but on movie level so nothing new!
Dominic (from The Dare) Headcanons!!
While I was watching the movie I thought "man this is gonna be hard to write" but when I saw that u mention 'childhood friends' prompt and OMG ANON YOU ARE GENIUS
Childhood friend with this guy.. What worse could happen?
Imagine this: s/o and Dominic are bffs and one day Dominic sadly gets bullied but what can s/o do about that really? There's 4bullies and only two of them ://. I can imagine s/o ending up looking for him afterwards, and even lutteraly forcing police department not to close that case
He prolly kidnaped them due to silly goofy mood. Nah but for real he kinda hoped that they still like him?? (He mensions in movie that he wish he had family and kids just like main character did) and also he hopes s/o is as sadistic as him and will revenge bullies with him
S/o has to have huge 'I can fix him' vibe if they somehow stay with him
Also this guy never had a gf or even a kiss soooo yeah he will get flustered if s/o grabs his hand or call him some nick names. If s/o says something along the lines "Love you honey" He will just stand there sweatin bcs he has no clue what to do??? Should he say thank you?? Should he smile??? "Uhh😰😰 you too?"
Hes very pretty but hear me out. Masks stays on
After opening up and making sure s/o doenst skedaddle when left alone for more than second he turns into such simp, like "Domi its cold can you bring me a blanket :(" "yes honey, what color? What texture? I hope you dont mind wool .. i mean if you do i have few other blaknets but not as warm I- i mean i can go make you one?? O-or..." this guy🙄
He gets way to flustered! Things between them needs to go slow or his heart will explode. Lets stay with lil smooches and handholding for now please
do no DO NOT ENTER BASEMENT PLS plsplspls!!! Why?? Ee well😓😓 I kinda still have those people in there... they deserve it! (Sure they do)(but he feeds them so no worry
As i said before, he is a gym rat, his s/o could lay on his back and he still would do push ups(tbh he enjoys that bcs not only he exercise but also spents time with them)
He would love to go to park with them, watch a movie in cinema, talk shit about neibours. Sadly he thinks that due to his eee chilhood trauma he cant do all this stuff :((. Hopefully his s/o will help him change his mind! Help him leave all that stuff in past.
He do be laying on floor drawing with crayons and waving his legs in air (also humming)
His love language is definitely quality time. He loves doing anything with them really! S/o wants to cook something together? Get him an apron! S/o wants to cuddle and watch movies? Say less He will get some blankets and make couch mega comfy! S/o wants to dance or goof around just vibing? He can try that!
About 'play fighing' well that's not the best idea, I mean he likes it?? But it kinda gets into his head?? And he might to something very hurtful and bad acidently
What he loves the most are little things. How s/o knocks on door of his workshop before entering to make sure he knows that they are entering, or how they grab his hand when they are stressed, or how they bring him food when he's too busy/overwhelmed to do so himself, or when they give him space and understanding when he needs that, and when they lisen to him mumble about the horrid stuff he witnessed
He loves kissing them on forehead, hugs from behind, playing with hair, lazy mornings including snuggles
Sorry for long wait, I have a lot of stuff to do latley!! It is 2am I just finished watching move! I really hope those headcanons fit into your Dominic interpretation! Also good news! I think I might include his silly fella in my future headcanons! Cuz hes goofy! Please give more movie recommendations!
Love you all cya in next one
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kidfoundonstreets · 9 months
okay uhm the scarf guy and the pigtsail guy from yttd . and charlotte and lime from wh. and uhhhhhhhhh anyone from cinderella game
head in hands HIAAIIEY HYEHEYEH HAII ROBIN <333!!! TAHNKYOU please know the opffer is pen for you anytime.. anywhere.. smooches your forehead okay so i like the pgistial and scarfie scarf guy because theyre so fcuked up ina ll of the ways. i like how they make me wanna throw up and shove my head inside a sewer while inhaling fanfiction of them like toxic gas. that aside the angst and to put it simply fucked up potential in their dynamic is what draws me to them, i enjoy how complex it could be - your abuser could love you but not in all the right ways, it could exist, shin and how they care about one another with the idealistic frankly obsessive posessive view midori has with him as well like the cut scene of him c rying over shin HELLOOO?? anyway theyre silly to me. guy who lives in your house is also your roomammte old friend bestie lover worst person you know etc jerk weird weird satrange weird. i could write a lot more if it was speciifc but im very bad with words sooaoaahahdhwh <3 oh and gore chalrtotoe and lime are also one of my fav dynamics yesss horrible yuri. chalrotte never wnating to give up on lime while lime has al;ready given up for any sort of proper undertsnaidng she craves bwteen them, heyre friends but one wants more while the other doesnt, it doesnt even have to eb romantic it just hurts because charlotte was all by herself or maybe just singled with the others apathy toward semotions so seeing lime full of emotion and passion and pain who could get chalrotte probably also ironically struck a chord in her - and shes always worried for her, like she might go too far, and when she does she just starts crying. thats the good shit. a hoepless ending a hopeless dynamic but they kiss sometimes in my brain to make it worse. perfect. that cinderlelal game ,, ,,,, !! oh god please dont stirke me here IM SO EMABRARSED i dont have any ships in that game so ill go on with that xoxoxoxoxooxox dorpelts one ive been playing ! i really like how with shiloh theres this fake "is this true is this not" with him, you never really know and thats what the fandom loves about him whcih i agree its an addicting type of thang, and even in the end its not completely clear. all we relaly get is that its sure at least that he does value jb at least a ltitle or see her as of value, as she does end up consistnetly vomplimented talked to and by his side through the end. he cant have a verison of hismelf that isnt manipulative, long gone, and you need to accept that. theyre awful divorce. i cant get enough of it. jbs overflowing confidence and shiloh right beside her like a dog with a knife, begging for any sort of scraps because hes a liar. a mnaipualtor. like jeoekr! or kokcichi . ezxcept hes actually good . can you imagine it. ironically hes probably the most untrustworthly one there becausre atleast the others say what theyre thinking. shiloh is a mixed bag and every word has at least a little bit of a truth and lie to it.
ut thats how they like eahcother and its fun interesting we arnet here for a long time we're here for a fun time for nate it givess a bit more of a genuine perspective, im not used to jb being comforitng or nice tbh lol. but its clear that they atleast fiteachother even if jb isnt the nicest one for him - i think shes the only one who can keep up with his intense moods and issues stacked on him and his rough exterior. hes honestly a pretty decent guy if you dont piss him off whcih is easy. closeness issues. commitment issues. nothing is ever stable issues. i get it bro. the thing with all of these dynamics in this game is that they do somehow in a hilariously awful way is complete eachother, i cant say if any of them will end well but its obvious that theres chemistry in all of their interactions and i love love love this game. anyway i also relaly liked how with nate you dont kiss him at all and instead get a hug at the ened, its nice compared to shiloh who just goes along with everything and how jb is pulled to his wants at times (while with shiloh shes the one ofc usually taking all of the lead while hes the jester) - i think it really digs in how much he trusts her to go that extreme and vomit-inducing lengths at the end because he wants their kiss to be perfect qnd it isnt perfect right now. but hes ready to keep going because of this stupid bitch (jb). and i find that super sweet
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possiblypeachy · 5 years
tea & schemes. (2)
―; summary: Florence finds exactly what she wants, much to her misfortune.
―; pairing: jacob frye x ofc
―; word count: 3.4k
―; warnings: themes of violence/abuse against women but not all too descriptive. light swearing.
―; A/N: hello all!! i’m back again and sooner that i perhaps thought. as it turns out, i still have mad amounts of inspo for this. i feel like this is lacking compared to my last piece?? so give me some feedback and let me know??
please do say if you’d like to be tagged in future instalments :))
(both the Frye twins fall in love easily and you cannot tell me otherwise or i will physically cry. please bear this in mind.)
―; part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
― ❊ ―
Peter’s home was modest, with a certain clutter that suited a man still grieving the loss of his first wife. The intruding thought that the mess was from frequent scuffles here never seemed to leave the forefront of Florence’s mind. While he closed the door and hung both their coats up, she couldn’t help but inspect it all with a frown.
“Something the matter, Miss Abberline?” Peter gave her a worried glance, then followed her gaze to their surroundings. He moved to stand beside her and she could feel him hesitate before placing a hand on the small of her back. “Apologies for the clutter; it’s been… different without Abigale around.”
“No doubt, Mr Fullmore.” Florence felt almost sorry for the man; sadness can drive people to desperate measures. “If there’s ever anything I can do to help your mind away from the grief, don’t hesitate to ask.” She offered him a small, sad smile, of which he found some comfort in.
“Well, you being here now is a few steps in a good direction, I think.”
Her mother had always taught her to weigh one’s sins before exacting judgement upon them and Florence was certainly beginning to have difficulty following her words now. Peter always had such a sad light in his eyes and only ever seemed to smile when she popped over to his stall to say ‘hello’. She could tell that the last few months had been rough for him by the ever-present purple beneath his eyes and the grey hairs growing at his temple, despite him only being in his mid-twenties.
Though, the other half that revelled in hearing Freddy’s tales of justice also thought of all the men and women that had gone missing recently. Did one man’s woe justify the decimation of the lives of others? Of course not, she thought; those were innocent people taken to goodness knows where without a choice or an opinion on it. Taking away the freedom of a person was a fate worse than death, Florence has always insisted, and this man was wretched for helping in the process.
The grey-area between morals and law had always been too confusing.
Curious eyes flickered to the second floor and the strange scuff marks on the stairs. If he had children, perhaps she’d have let that pass but, as far as he had told her from their pleasant little chats in the afternoons, his wife had passed before they had the chance to try. A sudden uneasiness prickled at her skin, hairs rising on her arms and neck. In an effort to self-comfort, she crossed her arms beneath her chest.
From his tidying, he turned to give her a reassuring smile-- as though he wanted to ensure no second thoughts arose. Florence returned the gesture but asked a simple: “Do you have a room I might freshen up in? All I need is a mirror or--”
“Certainly, Miss Abberline. There’s a spare bedroom on the first left when you go upstairs.”
“Thank you.” She gave a small nod, a few strands of mousy hair drooping onto her forehead. A devilish smile curled at her lips and, as she ascended the stairs, she leant against the bannister as she turned, “Perhaps, Mister Fullmore,” He stared at her intently. Well, by ‘her’ one means the extra skin exposed by her position, “you might give me a tour of your own room when I return?”
Peter was left with the vision of her skin and lips burned to his eyelids, only able to hear the gentle creak of floorboards above him now. How could one woman be so captivating? He allowed himself a shaky sigh as he opened the liquor cabinet, pulling from it a whiskey he’d been saving for the past few months or so. He could, with all his heart, declare that Florence Abberline was a goddess among women. Well, to him at least.
If only he knew.
There was a sense of loss on the upper floor, as though someone else should be walking these halls beside Peter. Certain things had been untouched for a long while; there was enough dust atop that tabletop clock in the corridor that, if disturbed, it would’ve thrown Florence into a sneezing fit.
Her gaze flickered to the door left ajar to her right-- presumably his bedroom. With a glance back down the stairs behind her and the sudden realisation of the sheer speed of her heartbeat, Florence sucked in a breath and crept her way inside.
The left side of the bed had been unmade, while the other looked still-- unmoved. There was a photo frame on the nightstand to the left. Peter beamed in it, his hand hooked around the waist of an almost sickly-looking brunette, wedding veil framing the sharp angles of her face. She looked happy enough though, despite her illness. Consumption is what drained her life, Florence recalled; Peter could barely say the word without a lump appearing in his throat.
That feeling of melancholy rose in her chest again and she frowned. Peter was a good man. It’s a shame things had come to this.
Tearing her eyes away from the image of them both, she began her investigation. Shaking hands fumbled with the doors of his wardrobe only to find nothing inside. She pulled open drawers, scanning over letters from his mother, a photograph of his siblings, correspondence between himself and some tailor in Birmingham. Reading over the last letter, she found nothing more than a confirmation of his order for a few new shirts and… a dress? Eyes narrowed, she glanced to the postscript to find that he had wanted to gift her a dress-- a courting present, no doubt. Her heartstrings tugged again and, with what will to finish this off she had left, she slammed the drawer shut, flinching upon hearing how loud the noise was.
For a few moments, she stayed still, listening, watching the door.
Florence fell deep into thought. Where would she hide something? Her gaze flitted from area to area, like she was checking things off of a list in her mind.
Wardrobe? Already looked.
Shelves? Too easy to find.
Desk? Nothing but plain paper.
There was movement downstairs. She worried that he could hear her heart thumping in her chest.
Come on, Florence Abberline; you have sleuthing in your blood.
She suppressed a gasp and scrambled towards the bed, falling to her hands and knees. A hand patted about beneath the bed, eyes closed in fear of what else she might find down there.
She tugged at the leather and a notebook came sliding into her grasp. Hands shaking, Florence stood up again and let out a strained breath, like she was trying to calm her nerves but was all too aware of the noise it would make. Placing the book on the bed, she desperately tried to untie the knot at the front but a mix of clamminess and adrenaline stopped her from being able to still her fingers and pick at the string.
A draught from behind her rustled the fabric of her dress but, in her panicked stupor, she didn’t move to investigate, still working on trying to pry her way into his notebook.
“Having trouble, are we?”
That alone was enough to make Florence go into a frenzy and she turned, book in hand, to smack her assailant, ready to jump out of the open window.
Open window?
The windows weren’t open when she first came here.
Her swing got weaker and a hand pressed against it, to gain her attention rather than actually stop her ‘weapon’ in its tracks. Florence, having closed her eyes with the theory of ‘if I can’t see them, they’re not real’, finally let her gaze drag from the book to the body in front of her.
She narrowed her eyes.
“You are the Devil, Mister Frye.”
“So I’ve been told.”
He practically pinched the book from her grasp and shuffled around her to place it back on the bed. He bent his left hand back somewhat and a blade rocketed out of his gauntlet, to which Florence, from her position leant over his side, jolted backwards. The blade retracted again, string now cut neatly through, and Jacob opened the notebook, taking a step back to let her rummage through the pages as she saw fit.
“I didn’t whistle.” She mentioned and she could see him shrug beside her, leant against the bedpost.
He gave a half-smile. “I suppose I simply couldn’t wait to be alone with you.”
Florence laughed quietly and shook her head, turning for a second or two to give him a half-chiding look. “I wouldn’t recommend anything on this bed, Mister Frye. Have you seen the stains?” She raised her eyebrows and gestured with her head to the exposed mattress. Jacob chuckled and straightened his posture, moving to peer over her shoulder and at Peter’s writings in the book.
He had written of his usual daily tasks, making it somewhat of a journal. Florence flicked through the pages far too quickly for Jacob to keep up, leaving him only to hope that she knew what she was looking for. He did, however, notice that her lips would purse and the usual warm tones of her eyes seemed to cool and steel when she was concentrating.
After a few moments of darting back and forth in the book, she came to a messy page, filled with scribblings and lists. She scanned over the writings and her expression recoiled in disdain when she found it to be a list of names and locations. The first six had been crossed off-- all names of people who had gone missing in the area recently. The next was a young lady who she’d spoken with briefly in the public library-- Mary-Anne Parrish. According to this book, she was ‘due’ to be delivered to one Harry Spurling by tomorrow afternoon and--
The bedroom door opened and Florence scrambled to close the notebook. She soon realised it was a futile attempt to cover her tracks, however, when she felt Jacob’s arms brush against hers.
Peter looked betrayed and furious. “Miss Abberline, what do you think you’re doing?” She opened her mouth to speak-- a stupid decision in itself-- but Peter interjected with a harsh point to Jacob, “And, who is this? What’s he doing in my bloody house?”
They were both silent for a few moments. Florence noticed that Jacob had shifted his body so that it obscured more of hers. One of his hands came out in a calming gesture. “Mister Fullmore, we were just… making an…” Jacob glanced back to her and she gave him a bewildered look, as if to tell him that he’s on his own, “...enquiry on--”
“Shut up!” Peter bellowed. Jacob felt Florence tense behind him. “Miss Abberline, I trusted you and-- and now you do this?” He gestured wildly to the book behind her. There was a glint in his eyes that told her that he knew. “You… rummage through my things while I wait, like a mutt, downstairs, thinking that you have any kind of liking for me? I am not,” He was red in the face, spitting as he shouted, “some kind of fucking lap dog!” There was a pause. He exhaled deeply, eyes closed. “What did you find in the book?”
Florence pushed in front of Jacob and he gave a worried look. Her hope was that he would calm down if she approached him. “Mister Fullmore-- Peter-- it was not my intention to--”
“What did you find in the fucking book?”
Jacob gritted his teeth and took a step forward. “Don’t you dare speak to her like that.”
Peter’s crazed gaze darted from Florence’s pleading eyes to Jacob, the flame of anger within him only being stroked further. A cursed smile curled his lips and it made her stomach flip with unease. “I didn’t realise that you were a cheap whore, Miss Abberline. If I knew I could buy my way to you, I would've done it earlier.” Her face dropped, brows knitting together, incredulous. “How much does he pay for you?”
A stinging slap came to his cheek and he reeled to the side, a hand coming up to his face. Florence, enraged, pointed at him, body trembling with a newfound source of adrenaline. “You are a scumbag, Peter Fullmore. A dirty, filthy scumbag--”
Jacob couldn’t shout out a warning before a backhanded slap cracked across her own cheek and Peter’s other hand connected with her throat. She made a choked cry for help, but it was muffled by the noise of one of her hands grabbing onto the wardrobe door to anchor herself. The other wrapped around Peter’s wrist and pushed, though she knew it was of no use. “I can’t have this harlot telling her brother--”
His hand had barely been there for three seconds before Jacob was upon him, grip tugging at the hair on his head, using that leverage to slam Peter’s head into the wardrobe. The taller man recoiled and groaned, going to nurse the crunch he heard in his nose, but was stopped from moving any further by Jacob locking his arms behind him. Peter, in an attempt to get out of the hold, tried to kick back but a blade poked into his back and Jacob, voice hot and angry in his ear, uttered: “I would advise against that, Mister Fullmore.”
Florence, having now blinked the stars away from her vision, stormed forward, a look of disgust that ladies barely wore painted across her expression. Jacob furrowed his brows, confused at what she was planning to do but, upon seeing how she used Peter’s shoulders as leverage to deliver a swift kick to the groin, it all clicked into place.
Jacob himself flinched, face contorted in almost sympathetic pain, as Peter slipped to the floor. He certainly wasn’t going to be standing again for a while after that.
She gave a little, breathless laugh and leered over him, fury still burning in her eyes. “How’s that for a little whore, eh?” Florence then spat at him, the offending ball of saliva landing on his cheek. “You are a wretched man, Peter, and the world will be a better place with you locked away.”
Silence fell over the room, bar her heavy breathing and Peter’s pained groans. Jacob’s hazel gaze flickered from the man on the floor to Florence. A redness had spread across her cheekbone, already showing early signs of bruising, and one of her hands ghosted across her neck. Strands of brown hair had fallen out of its elaborate bun on the crown of her head and now stuck to her forehead or fell along the side of her face. He could tell that she was hurt, despite her expression not.
“Mister Frye, could you go and collect a police officer so we might depart?” Life was finally bleeding back into her eyes but, for the first time, the smile she gave him seemed to be forced.
Jacob opened his mouth as if to speak, glanced down to Peter on the floor, then back to her, before nodding silently and rushing down the stairs.
When he left, Florence opened her mouth and moved her jaw to one side, trying to stretch away the pain in her face. One of her hands poked at the tender flesh there and she winced, casting a look of contempt to the body on the floor. She moved around him to sit on the bed, a tired sigh spilling from her lips.
Her eyes glanced at the picture on the nightstand again. “You know, Peter,” She began, her voice distant and with such a distinct lack of its usual emotion that it made Peter sober up somewhat on the floor, “it’s a pity that things ended up the way they have; life is a ruthless mistress sometimes. Abigale didn’t deserve what happened to her.” Peter made a noise on the floor, sounding almost like remorse, but Florence continued on. “But, those people in your notebook?” Her face crinkled and she shook her head, almost like she was suppressing tears, “They didn’t deserve that either.”
There was noise downstairs and the creak of stairs being ascended. She gave Peter one last look before the police entered the room. “I only hope that you get the help you need to endure, Mister Fullmore.”
A blur of blue barraged through the door, handcuffs already in hand. Two officers were working on restraining and removing Peter, while the other came to stand before her. “Miss Abberline?” She offered a small smile and stood, to which the officer seemed to be put at ease by, “The gentleman who called us has requested that you meet him outside. Is that okay?”
“Yes, of course. If you could…” She trailed off briefly before huffing out a laugh, “If you could get this notebook to Sergeant Abberline and tell him that ‘I told him so’, I would greatly appreciate it.”
With that, she left quite gratefully; had she spent any longer in that forsaken house she might’ve gone insane. The cool, early evening air was refreshing, sharpening her vision and mind. Honey eyes ran along the length of the road, searching for Jacob’s familiar flat cap and wide frame. A wave and a smile from him drew her attention to the other side of the road and, with a quick look to ensure no carriages would mow her down, she hurried across the road, as though she was a moth and Jacob’s smile was the comforting glow of a lamp.
“The lady of the hour! You really did a number on that bastard.” He congratulated as they began to walk along the street, his arm positioned slightly behind her body providing a calming sense of company.
She grinned and it looked closer to genuine than the last he saw of her. “You should thank my sister, Emily, for that one; Freddy would never have taught me a move so debilitating.”
“Well,” he tilted his head to one side, eyebrows tugging upwards, “remind me to stay in your good books.” Florence’s laugh, while small and quiet, had an authenticity to it that made Jacob’s chattering conscience calm down. Despite him feeling better about her mood, however, he still gave a long, hard look at the bruise forming on her cheek, frowning slightly. “How’s the wound?”
She furrowed her brows then, in a moment of realisation, placed her hand against her cheek, wincing against the pressure. “Fine. I’m the youngest of my siblings, Mister Frye; I can take a hit to the face with grace. Besides,” Her expression melded into one of joking pride, “the Abberline family has a robust constitution. If I had allowed a slap from a man like him to fell me, I would be shaming my very own name.”
Jacob chuckled lightly, his gaze filled with something akin to admiration when he glanced back down at Florence, who was still poking at the new blemish on her face. “Would you mind some company on your walk home?”
“Only if it’s good company.” She finally lowered her hand, turning to give him a smile filled with deviltry.
He gave a mock frown. “I guess I should be off then.”
A gentle smack came to his arm and he laughed, meeting her eyes with as much mischief as she had handed to him, “Stay, Mister Frye; you’re better company than most.” The dimple in her cheek appeared when she looked away from him again, gazing at the bunting hung between the street lamps. “More handsome too.”
He couldn’t help but allow the delight he felt in his chest to bloom to his face. His lips tugged upwards and his eyes flitted down to her. “Wait until I tell your brother, Miss Abberline.”
“You can try, Mister Frye.” Florence grinned, pearly whites on show and a jovial light beaming behind the warmth of her eyes. “You’d be the one told to stay away, not me.”
Jacob smiled, allowing his sight to finally drag away from her. There was an unusual clench in his chest and, with a sense of regret in anticipation of his sister’s words in the future, he realised that he’d been gazing at her in a similar way to how Evie had at Greenie. God, he’d barely been in London a week.
Oh, well.
He suspected staying away would be near impossible now.
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zevzevarainai · 3 years
Outta pure curiosity, what are ur main yakuza ships? Fave characters & least fave?
your curiosity is so welcome you have no idea i love talking about my opinions omg
i dont know how many you want each but i’ll just go for it
My Main Ships:
1) Kiryu/Majima, obviously. If you haven’t figured that out you must have only just got here
2) Majima/Makoto has a death grip on my soul like goddamn i could write an essay on their dynamic and what people look over. don’t request the essay because i can and will do it.
3) Kiryu/Nishiki is classic and wholesome i mean come on.
4) Akiyama/Hana, mostly just because I want good things for Hana not like the *gags* y4 epilogue i mean actual good things. love these will-they-won’t-theys.
5) Ichiban/Joon-Gi Han/Zhao; i dont have a lot of poly ships HOWEVER
6) Mine/Daigo someone once said in tags on my gifset that im fucking insane for this one which not like in a way that excuses Mine’s actions or anything but in the way that Mine is actually interesting compared to the other yakuza villains who have NOTHING going on. This is mostly fueled by Daigo waking up from a coma, shooting a guy, and desperately asking if MINE is okay
7) Majima/Therapy, Kiryu/Therapy, Haruka/Therapy
Favorite Characters
1) Majima, obviously. i am going to make a song called do i want to smooch him or do i want to heavily project onto him
2) Judgement Kazzy I mean there is a reason he successfully stays the playable character for what, 10 games? it’s refreshing to see a video game man be soft and open-minded
3) my girl Makoto I will defend her to my last breath.
4) he’s kind of tied with Makoto but DAIGO is my son even though he is twice my age in the later games it doesn’t matter he is my son.
5) Haruka, who would be higher on this list if it wasn’t for y5. no not y6, we support her choices and she is so valid, YAKUZA FIVE
6) Yuki, tbh, god what a queen
7) ichiban is such a good boy and they really did well making people care about a protag that isnt kiryu
Least Favorite (i am going to leave out the y5 villians, who are so unmemorable i can’t remember their names.)
1) M*rei Park please see the entire essay length text post i wrote on why i hate her
2) Shimano?? why does kiryu and them call him a yakuza great after what he did to majima... im not going to get into that to avoid sensitive topics that could trigger someone. ALSO HE LOOKS LIKE EVIL GRIMACE MCDONALDS i called him grimace the entire time i played through y0 which was my first game
3) ODA!!!! This is an Oda hate blog!!! i dont care if he has funny interactions with kiryu and is gay for tachibana he did THAT to my girl makoto!!!! horrendous bad disgusting fucking shithead!!!!
4) Sagawa... please.......... stop shipping him with my boy..................... he’s better than shimano but not by much...............................
5) sohei dojima needs to do better by my baby daigo good thing kiryu is his dad now also he is gross and looks like Leo Luster from Donkey Kong
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kyovtani · 3 years
hey babies! i’ve decided to answer the asks about back to life one and two like this because ive received so so so many and you guys blew me away so answering every single one of them is the least i can do to show you guys just how grateful i am. thank you so much for giving both parts SO much love, i love and appreciate you guys and the support you’re constantly sending my way with my whole entire heart <33
– THANK YOU SO SO MUCH BABY !! this was the very first ask about back to life and it’s honestly the cutest thing ever! I hc Kyoutani to be rally understanding of things like anxiety and depression, generally mental health so that’s why it was easy for him to understand the reader’s situation and mindset! 
BACK TO LIFE!!!!!!!! MY HEART!!!!!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO GOOD!!!!! i was really excited when you started posting about it!! i can't wait for part 2, i wanna know how they fix this!
AAAH !! thank you so much for the love and support baby!!!! I really hope you enjoyed part 2 just as much, sending you lots of smooches MWAH
AAAH YOU GUYS !!! this made me so happy !!! thank you so much and I hope part two met your expectations and you enjoyed the ending MWAH!! 
thank you for the food <33
YOUR KYOTANI FIC AHHHHHHH my heart can’t handle this
Was overwhelmed by the hurty that I forgot to say how much I ADORE your characterization of Kyoutani. fdjkhgjkgdr
THANK YOU SO MUCH !! honestly- that means the world to me, probably the best compliment you can give me :((
Back to life was so good OMG 😳😳 HELLO??? You're amazing
Thank you so much, my love! it honestly is everything to me when you guys tell me such sweet things I love you so much MWAH!!
the new fic did not help me with my insecurities now i’m just frustrated and insecure. great writing tho.
honestly- same. when I wrote this, I lit indulgent every bit of my mind working into this fic and thats why it means so much to me ?? so youre not alone, my love; but thank you so much <33
The way I panicked at the end of the fic thinking there wasn’t gonna be more to it, holy shi that fox was so good I almost cried thinking they were just gonna end things like that 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I’d NEVER end a fic like that- I hate bad endings and cannot stand cliffhangers but the formatting didn't give me another choice im sorry for the heart attack baby kfhflashsj but am glad you liked it!
UR THE BEST WRITER WTF?? WHEN DO U THINK PART TWO WOULD BE UP... and does kyoutani flirt with sora 😣💔
YOU GUYS- NOOO- pls my heart made a loop :(( I love you so much :(( thank you baby and I think now you know what he does with sora MWAH
@kawakuto said: hi hi zade!🤩 (ajdjs idk if you remember me but i moved main blogs and I was @/gukooky before LOL) THE KYOUTANI FIC ANDJWNS I DIDNT EXPECT THE END WAHHHH🥺🥺 it was so well written omg I loved it!! (wtf kyoutani, you said we were going slow what if I wasn’t ready to call u my boyfriend wtffff😔😔 pain.)
AAAAH OFC I DO REMMEBER !! hope youre doing well baby !!! and thank you SO much for your sweet words, I honestly appreciate them so much :((<33
pls I’m in love with your writing. You write kyoutani so well so now I’ll always be grabbing at any crumbs you send my way 🥵
thank you so so so much baby!!!! these kinda words always hit me right at the heart, I appreciate them so much and I love you sm much
bb i love ur kyoutani fic sm :(( ur rlly so talented <33 i look forward to pt 2 ^3^
thank you so much baby, sending a smooch your way mwah 
zade that kyoutani piece im in so much pain why would u do this to me 💔💔💔💔
believe me when I say It hurt me even more than you </3
I just finished reading part 2 and it waS SO GOODAJSFHJLFG you did amazing!! (n˘v˘•)¬
Hi! New nonnie coming through :) First time I'm writing something because I'm such a nervous wreck but I just had to
Mister kyotani pls rail me thanks 🐱
THANK YOU AAAH YOURE SO CUTE !!! I truly appreciate this with my whole entire heart so thank you so much baby, hope you have a good one mwah
Wait did he do anything with Sora?
nope!! they just went to the party together but in my mind he didn’t even hug her and she didn’t try anything else, too, simply bc she knew how in love he is with reader!!
YOUR MINDDDDD!! THE KYOU FIC WAS SOOOO GOOOD!! Omg i hope you do a part 3 😭😭
i have a Little sequel which is really really soft but I'd love to write some more for it! 
@soranihimawari said: Part 1 & 2 with kyoutani was amazing as always Zade! I really liked the ending. This was such a fun read. I was wondering who’s else would be sharing the apartment with Kyoutani. What made you choose tattoo artist Iwa & Oikawa? Those two made me chuckle with the way they came in like that. Hope you have a great day/evening/late night/etc.
aaah thank you so so much, baby!! I truly appreciate your sweet words, youre the cutest! regarding your question: You shares an apartment with Iwa, Oikawa and Yahaba (who also works at the tattoo studio!) and i don't know to be really honest- I just like the thought of these three being really good friends so after contemplating whether or not to go with iwaoi or matsuhana, I ended up going with those two dorks! hope you have a good one baby mwah!!
How long did it take you to write the entire two parts? Like wow that’s alot👁👄👁 i adore long fics though
oooh- hm ?? tbh i don't really know ?? I can’t remember ?? I think it took me about a month or like three weeks since I did write it all in one go yk? it was the only WIP I worked on during that time and it felt SO relieving to publish it! 
AAAHHH the kyou fic was a masterpiece bb!!! ❤️❤️
thank you so so so much baby!!<33
U LITERLALT WRIYE KYOU THE BEST ABSOLUTE BEST. he’s so aggressive and demanding but he still is willing to show someone special his vulnerability. I LOVE READING STUFF ABOUT HIM FROM U
AAAAH thank you so much- you guys have no idea how much these kinda comments mean to me- I love you so MUCH MWAH 
I just read the first part of "back to life" an it had me speechless so many times, almost cried at the end, it's honestly so well written. I'm off to read part two. Have a nice day 🐰
sdoalfsla thank you so much baby! I hope you enjoyed both parts equally as much and thank you for all the love mwah!!<3
Hana is a baddie
SHE IS!! she’s literally the baddest bitch to ever exist ft. saeko ofc but nobody acknowledges it </3
@tonhwa said: I’m in love with the way you write kyoutani pls. Even your previous fics on your old account ( if you don’t mind me mentioning it ) are so fucking amazing. GOSH YOU CHARACTERIZE HIM SO WELL AND THE PLOT IS ALWAYS SO JUICY AND INTERESTING I CANT HELP BUT GO BACK AND READ IT. and then you release this fucking wonderful piece and I feel like it’s my birthday even though it’s already passed LOL ty ily have a wonderful day I’m sobbing tears of happiness
YOU GUYS PLEASE- the fact this made me tear up when I first read it- thank you SO much honestly. knowing you guys enjoy my characterization of my favorite character is honestly everything to me so thank you sm I love you baby have a good one!!<3
I’ve been on this app from high school, and now I’m a college grad. I have to say I’ve never sent a message to anyone I’ve followed. But that tattoo artist! Kyou fic, part 1 and 2 are 😩💕 *chefs kiss* you are one of my favorite writers I’ve ever followed since joining this app. You NEVER disappoint!
-💕 a very satisfied reader
thank you so much baby!! aaah this is honestly so so sweet :(( thank you for taking the time out of your day to send me such a sweet thing, I appreciate it and you so much mwah!!
i love kyoutani and he obvs deserves his dick sucked 🤧🤧 but i catch him posting up with other girls I DONT CARE THE SITUATION he gonna catch these hands for a real one 👊🏼👆🏼🤜🏼🥊🥊 kidding 😐😐😐 he’d body me
pls the way this had me chuckling like crazy bc same sajlskjpw he can get mad all he want but he better stay his pretty ass where he is- by my side  😌
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botheredbuck · 4 years
hey sweetheart, can u pls make a post for me that is pure infodumping ant this ship that you like so i can learn more about it? thankyou please 💖💖
ayes yes i can very much do that hhhhh
so!! ballum!! an outsider’s rundown. first their individual characters + backstory
- is a mitchell which is one of like the major families in eastenders, one that has been in the show since it started 
- son of phil mitchell who used to be like a major gangsta but now he’s just kinda old and wrinkly and tries to be scary 
- phil is also an alcoholic and he abused ben when he was a kid, and treated him like shit because he wasn’t overly masculine, is also a bit of a homophobe and was really shitty to ben when he came out 
- ben’s hard of hearing, so like he had maningitis when he was a kid and lost some of his hearing and so he’s had a hearing aid all his life (another thing that phil picked on him for cause he’s an ass) and recently lost more of his hearing in an accident 
- has been in prison for manslaughter oops
- has a daughter from when he was trying to prove that he was straight but it’s okay because lexi is a little badass and we love her. 
- was with this guy paul a while ago who got killed and it was hella sad 
- was also abused by an alcoholic homophobic dad for most of his childhood, but his family aren’t very important on the square. he has a brother stuart who used to be kinda creepy but like i like him now so like yeah
- was a cook in the army for a while (because he was trying to prove that he was straight, although that’s not confirmed canon it might as well be, just like his ptsd) but ended up coming home after getting injured, also he was in love with this guy in the army but he’s dead now as well 
- was with this nice girl whitney for ages but then he cheated on her with ben (they did it in a park oop) and told her that he cheated on the night before their wedding, so the wedding got called off and unrelated but ben ended up getting shot at the wedding which ended up in a lot of angsty pining (he was fine eventually)
- came out to his dad in front of a whole pub worth of people and it was really badass bc his dad’s an ass 
- is now a police offer (EW)
okay so!! general basic storyline stuff (im going to try and restrain myself because ive tried typing this out before and it was 1000 words before i even got to like the start of this year)
ben and callum meet while callum is still pretending to be straight and with whitney, but ben sells him a dodgy car (oh yeah ben’s a criminal kinda) and callum confronts him and ben figures out that he’s gay (that is a really iconic scene if you’re looking for one to watch it’s generally just known as the i smell queer scene). then they’re sort of running around pining for ages until callum cracks, goes to confront ben, and they end up doing it in a park. 
the next day callum then proposes to whitney (sensible move), cue another good few months of pining until callum and whitney’s wedding, where whitney leaves him at the altar, and ben gets shot at the wedding reception. he’s fine tho (those scenes are also really good, if you just look up ben gets shot on yt) and they agree to go on a date. 
it then takes them a while to actually go on the date bc idk eastenders is weird, and then a little further along the line comes the scene where callum comes out to his dad and like half the square in the middle of a pub, then gives ben a big ol’ smooch in front of everyone (another amazing scene). 
then they’re together!! it’s kinda happy for a while!! callum encourages ben to not be so criminal, he kinda does it for like a couple of weeks 
and then christmas comes and oooh boy 
essentially, in simple terms- ben breaks up with callum to protect him, because ben’s being forced to kill someone for his dad, and that’s really sad. ben gets someone else to kill said guy (except they dont and THAT’S a whole drama) and callum comes back and they do it on a desk and get back together eventually. 
the guy that ben was supposed to kill comes back and kidnaps callum, and this whole set of episodes is generally considered as some of ee’s best (at least by me) so i won’t say too much about these, because if youre gonna watch any i’d reccomed these episodes, it was the eastenders 35th anniversary, and it was actually so amazing in so many ways (i could write a whole other post about that but like yeah). 
essentially, something happens and ben ends up losing a lot more of his hearing, which he really struggles with. callum helps him through it, because he loves him (its so SOFT) and then eventually comes the scene where ben tells callum that he loves him for the first time and my fuck that is probably one of my favourite scenes so thats definitely worth a watch. basically, ben struggles with his hearing and the subsequent treatments for a long time, and ends up doing a robbery with his dad to try and prove that he still can, and this is about when ee went on a break over lockdown. 
(thats a funny because ee have never been on a break in 35years before the break during lockdown so we’ve termed everything post that ee season 2)
oh and its a whole fucking load of drama. fuckin lot of angst. callum becomes part of the police (ew) and ends up getting blackmailed by his boss over ben, and it’s been really hard on him which is why we’re all anticipating him having a breakdown and it’s gonna be REALLY SAD. 
now there’s a lot of debate over the current sl that callum has, and honestly there have been bits of it that i liked?? my favourite episode has been the one in which callums brother gets married (stuart and rainie are fucking amazing), and callum also beat up a guy to defend ben’s honour. which could possibly get him in even more trouble because now he’s being super blackmailed by his boss :(((
fuck i just realised how long this is oops 
anyways thats about the jist of where we’re up to now?? ee season 2 for ballum has pretty much just been back and forth on callum’s storyline, im kinda liking it tbh?? but there’s a lot of questionable choices unfortunately. 
anyways i hope you enjoyed this lmao because i certainly did but im sorry it’s so long (if you want any specific scenes or bits to wacth feel free to let me know hehe)
anywasy sorry again oops hehe enjoy this <3
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mx-sfthrs · 5 years
monsta x reaction to finding out that you think you're too tall
honestly kinda shocked because he found your height really attractive
so he makes sure to tell you that until you believe him
also if he's still taller than you (i think he's 5'11?) even if you're close in height he'll do things like reach over your head or ask "do you want me to get that for you?" even tho you too can reach the top shelf jsksksk he's just being goofy
tbh he's kinda tall too and didn't even rlly notice your height idk does that make sense
it's just that you guys were going to some fancy event and you put on heels and ended up being a little taller than him and instantly felt weird abt it so u changed shoes and he was like ????? why they were so pretty :(
"so you don't care if i look taller than you when i wear them?"
"of course not :(("
k minhyuk seems like someone who's attracted to ppl w a strong presence so like shownu he's like "??? hello i love that you're tall???"
then he gets all cheesey for like a Week and every chance he gets he's like "hey can you help me with this? wow im so glad that you're tall"
but also will b the big spoon and kiss your forehead
listen bitches r always reminding him that he's the smallest monsta so like ya boy knows how it feels to not feel good about your height
but he'll just remind you that you have no control over your height and that honestly there's so many pros to being tall
and then when he's done he'll remind u that he thinks you're a cutie
hyungwon is also a tall person but for him it's been a good thing aka being a whole model anyways
"but if you were any shorter when we're old and my back hurts i wouldnt be able to lean down to kiss u :("
plus u have this one long dress that he like Really likes so he reminds u that i wouldnt look as good if you were short
gets playful to try and cheer u up
he's like "k u might be tall yeah but has that ever stopped u from getting out of THIS" amd just throws you over his shoulder
now youre laughing and trying to squirm away but so that u dont hurt yourself he sets u down on the couch n smooches ur forehead
just . Real Blunt
"? i think you're really sexy. and your height definitely adds to that"
great now you're blushing does he not have a filter who knows
wont stop calling u sexy and being cheesy all day jesus yall know the gif that a lot of blogs who write reactions use for ck? the one where he's like 😜 yeah ur getting that look all day
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universal-kitty · 5 years
.: NatsuShio: The OC/Canon Ship That Ruined My Life :.
(In the Best Way)
@supernatural-cat98, get buckled in.
   Let’s start with how I started. An Okami OC.
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   Her name is Shiori, but her full name is Shiorigami, a brush kami OC for the game Okami. Once an adoptable from DeviantArt, I made her into a fully-fleshed out character fit for the game. Sure, she’s an usual hybrid (nekotori; cat body, but with tail feathers like a small peacock), but she’s the kami of Poems and Literature. She’s got social anxiety and a thinly veiled reference to autism, as she is stunted to everyone, including her extensive family...but writing is where she blooms.
   Fiction, biographies, history, poems of all kinds... If it’s writing, she’s happy. It protects her and makes her happy, even when she fears she isn’t a good enough brush kami. Even if her powers are an inky echo of her mother’s.
   She once had short hair. She once loved a Lunarian named Kazuki... A scholar of the Moon Tribe, during a period of tension and war between his people and the Celestials... Shiori’s people. Despite it all, they truly did love each other, despite never admitting it out loud. He was gifted a scroll of poems he inspired her to write. He gave her a golden necklace- almost collar-like- with the symbol of the Moon Tribe engraved on the back.
   ...He would end up dying in a slaughter done by the evil the Moon Tribe had summoned. Those who fled to the mortal world to escape the war becoming the only survivors. Kazuki was gone...and left Shiori not only with a deep depression, but also with a fear to care for anyone who was mortal.
   Who could die and be ripped from her grasp, just like Kazuki had.
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   Her hair grew out over the years (faceclaim: Suiren Shibazeki from Hibi Chouchou), protected by her mother to ease her pain of the death of the one she loved most...and in the years after the events of Okami, would stay either in her room on the Celestial Plain or occasionally live on the mortal world, in a small house to herself among a forest not too far from Ryoshima Coast.
   And so. It would be this starting point for a fateful meeting...
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   Natsu Dragneel. Specifically, burningheartdragneel, my roleplay partner. (To my Shio, @goddessof-poems.) He met Amaterasu first, having somehow...gotten himself a little universe-lost. Befriending her was easy; both liking to fight, both loving to eat... It was easy for them.
   Yet he poses an interesting challenge for sweet, quiet Shiori. Little bookworm, easily forgets to eat at all, and isn’t much one for the adventuring scene, like her mother or Natsu.
   ...However, it’s because of her Natsu learns the joys of reading; specifically, an adventurous story of fiction Shiori had written some time before. He makes a small, but decent meal for the forgetful Shiori, ensuring she eats...and even motivates her to get out of her home, taking him to show off Ryoshima Coast and her own Water Tablet that Amaterasu gifted her.
   It’s our current roleplay and a still on-going one, but we came up with so much more as we talked over Discord. They will slow burn their way, but us? We know how the path goes....and we ended up falling in love with a pairing of our own creation.
ExoticGeneral: Ah gods I love this! Especially since Shiori isn't the kind to stop her work to eat or anything Natsu would at some point bring snacks with him and probably feed her (and he hardly likes sharing either) because somebodies is gonna have to be watching over her. But if he woke up with her all beside him, he'd be pretty flustered about it. Plus as an added bonus he always oddly warm, which makes for good cuddling in the winter/chilly days. :3c Yeah, he'd probably be more careful with her because even if she is a brush good she's just so fragile. He'd probably bond with her relatively easy though since he's always been a cat kinda guy? But yeah, demon hunting would be a big no-no while she was around. No need to try and scare her away. But I thought about that heat headcanon thing would be funny cause I can't see either making the first move ever! xD
Aki: Oh gosh, yeah. Shiori's the type for "skinny love" situations, where it's almost painfully obvious she loves the person, but if nobody acts on it, then it's this firm stalemate. Tbh, she'd likely only "confess" if he got really hurt and she was scared for him....but even then, it's confusing for the oblivious bc-?? Was that a confession? What if it wasn't????
ExoticGeneral: But god a confession like that would be hilarious cause it might just go over his head! He'd probably just grin like an idiot, being all like 'Thanks that means a lot' and playing it off as completely platonic possibly. He may be bold in everything else, but love is something he's actually insecure about considering his first girlfriend died, his mom, like three of his dads and his brother wants to murder him.
Aki: Ommmmggggg. She'd probably laugh a little and keep trying to tell herself it's better this way, bc like...... (And this is what kills me) She'd rather have a friend in him than nothing at all bc of rejection so she'd start spiraling down and try to keep upbeat even though she keeps thinking about it and getting guilty bc what if he only wants them to be friends???? What if he didn't like romance at all?? She doesn't want to push him away from her..... She'd rather suffer years of not having him love her back then lose him. (And re-reading this..... Ouch on the death of the first girlfriend. Shiori knows that pain.... Except slightly more painful that she also never confessed to the guy and lost him to the slaughter of the Moon Tribe.)
ExoticGeneral: AKI DONT They'd both end up suffering because they're shy potatoes who can't convey their feelings properly for the life of them! It wouldn't even get better cause she'd only start going down hill after a while and he'd more than likely notice but not realize he's the problem in a way and FUUUUUUCCCKKKK
Aki: HAHAHAHAHAA, YOU'RE TOO LATE; MY POWERS HAVE BEEN REALIZED She'd actually manage pretty well for awhile, being oblivious, but then the feelings would start and that very emotion would be her downfall. Because then what are you supposed to do when you want to hug your "friend" for no apparent reason and just...stay there? That you wouldn't mind if he stayed over all the time and got to sleep with him, because that's when the nightmares kept away from her? (And even if they did show up, he was there to comfort her...) She's an absolutely wreck after awhile and keeps spacing out and begins to screw up and she's like a black hole collapsing in on itself and it hurts so bad to watch
ExoticGeneral: STAHP YOURE HURTING MY SHIPPER HEART BEFORE THE SHIP ACTUALLY EXISTS That blackhole though, like how do you even fix that??? Because the closer you get to her the more it's probably hurting her and you could confess but getting closer is what caused it to progress. HOW DO YOU PROTECT YOUR SHIT WHEN YOU'RE THE PROBLEM!?!? Your making me emotional and it's only like 8 in the morning, I don't want to start my day sad already!
Aki: Shiori finally breaking down in front of Natsu though. Like, it was a little trip over a tree root or something and she says, "O-oh, n-no, I'm fine...." But Natsu's just-??? No you're not, you're crying. Why are you crying? What hurts?? And from there she starts bawling and Natsu is awkward but tries his best. He also has little to no idea what she's saying pass those sobs of hers, but oUCH PAIN EVERYWHERE. Then- awhoop- right out of that sobbing mess comes a pretty clear confession, whoo boy--
ExoticGeneral: But HOLY SHIT when a confession happens he'd get flustered. To the point of constant figgeting and just a permanent blush would cover his face. He'd probably end up staying silent, then just start crying and fuck me up. The first confession of his life??? hE WAS NOT READY FOR THIS BUT IS TOTALLY ACCEPTING OF THIS! She'd get to see an entirely new spectrum of him though when he gets all soft-hearted and actually reveals his romantic side???
Aki: Shiori's equally as flustered and waiting to please just collapse in on herself and cease existance....and then once she realized she didn't fuck things up, she's crying with him and so much affection????? Oh no, the cutes. Cutes everywhere. Also Shiori is a huge sap and she's going to love that. But now he has to deal with his cute new goddess gf blushing whenever he smooches even just her cheek. Or holds her hand. Or snuggles up to her..... When he breathes LMAO, Jk...~
ExoticGeneral: THem crying together. THat thought just gives me life cause they're just two mushy emotional destroyed people atm. Just I don't even know who would actually recover first at that point, maybe Natsu, and just give her the longest most affectionate hug he's got in him. This relationship ain't gonna last long, give it like a week and he'll probably die from a cute overload. He'd try to pamper her a bit (though he wouldn't know how really) and just take her out to star gaze and do some silly things. But holding hands??? Like that's really lewd ya know.
Aki: Yeeeaaaahhh, he probably would. Shiori's trying to calm down, but those silly tears won't stop~ But she'll still snuggle close when he hugs her and hug him back. AH. AAAAAAHHHHHH. Natsu coming back to her place after that little event and suddenly, her new greeting is, "Welcome home," with a bright smile. Natsu kneels tf over bc cHRIST DID HE JUST HAVE A HEARTATTACK?!?!?!??
   Oh yes. We had a LENGTHY talk about their confession... But is that all? Of course not!! We’ve also had conversations about...
   Sleeping habits:
Aki: Oh man, and if she woke up to that racing heart of his.... All sleepy and concerned and it's right out of a romance novel and someone help Natsu bc death is rapidly approaching
ExoticGeneral: And the thing is that's one of his quirks. Like his way of saying 'I think I like you' IS sleeping at there house a lot more often. TO the point where it's just an everyday exerpeince and it's only weird if he DOESN'T show up one night.
Aki: !!!! Natsu being late one night and he's surprised bc it's late as fuck but there's Shiori, obviously tired and ready for bed, but unable to sleep because she'd gotten used to sleeping with Natsu and his warmth. (He has to pull confidence and fake cheer before he's allowed to start dying in the darkness of her room; that was so fuckin' cute and she was holding onto that little cat plush and she looked so lonely jfc whAT THE FUCK that level of cute is illegal in all the states and all of the worlds and timelines, bYE)
ExoticGeneral: But I can totally see that! He just kinda pushes open her door and it's like 2 in the fucking morning. The conflicted feelings he must have though knowing that when he walks in there he's gonna suffer for a few hours or more but is like 'fuck ing worth it.'  (She needs to tone it down because if the guy who lives to fight wants to SNUGGLE then there's a problem. No one man, goddess or not, should be allowed to have so much power!)
Aki: She's just more than happy to see him bc dang it, she couldn't sleep without him...and the second she's comfy and curled up against him? Boop. Out like a light. (Plot twist: her real power is being cute as hell. Her cuteness so strong, who needs weaponry?? Flutter those lashes, tilt her head... If she has the ears and feather tails out? B y e. You're dead now. Sorry, don't make the rules.)
ExoticGeneral: JEEz THOUGH! Not being able to sleep without him! Now all of a sudden he becomes like a necessity for a proper nights sleep, or any at all really. (But that's one way to competely get to him. Sexy? Pfffft, he can ignore that most of the time. Cute, fucking slay him okay? Just 'Here lies Natsu, rest in pieces' and fuck she's a cutie!)
Aki: I mean.... He could be a mean little one and let her pass out once it becomes too much, but there's also the huge implication that Natsu actually sorta gets her on a sleep schedule?? Something she usually doesn't have at all???? When Natsu's getting snuggled up in the futon, it basically becomes a sign of, "Oh, time to stop for today and sleep." Reverse alarm clock, Natsu is. Getting a certain poetry goddess to bed rather than waking her up (or keeping her up, as is). (Shiori perfected the cute ability. Cute traits that'd be passed down for generations. Flirting-but-not-flirting, the ultimate technique. How will poor Natsu ever survive?!?)
   Dinners with Mom Amaterasu:
Aki: Meet the parents? More like, "Forget that formal stuff! Let's go out and eat dessert before dinner!!!!" Because Ammy doesn't really do formal anymore and why not just....use the time for the better?? Like eating???? Not to mention, then she can embarrass the two like, "Now you gotta feed each other. Do it, do it, do it~!!" Ammy is a gr8 mom, as you can tell
ExoticGeneral: Well I don't think it could happen. I think Ammy and natsu met because he tried pelting her with water ballons. There is no need to be formal after that! But I can see Ammy rigging everything somehow. Just like ordering milkshakes for all three but 'accidentally' forgets one so she gets a whole one while Natsu and shiori share. with coincidentally two staws.
Aki: "Hmmmm, would you look at that.... Strange." Casually drinks at her own like NBD--  And that's true!!! No formality exists here; there's only the two dorks and the shy poet, who's more than happy to be the little side-line cheerleader for their antics. (Unless they're questionable. Then she's worried and trying to get them off of the idea. Probably crit. hits Natsu by being cute.)
  The time I almost wrote in our RP that Shiori was gonna kiss his cheek....and they’re not even CLOSE to dating, oh boy:
Aki: .....It suddenly occurs to me that I want an aesthetic made of NatsuShio.............
ExoticGeneral: I'm laughing. This isn't a pairing (Yet) and you're like grabby hands
Aki: Hey. Hey. Compare this to the time I almost wrote in Shio kissing Natsu's cheek waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too early, and a little aesthetic ain't that bad~
ExoticGeneral: You know if you had wrote that slip up I would have went along with it too. It would have been a hilarious mess.
Aki: LMAO. Even Shiori would be confused like, "......I have never before in my LIFE ever done that.... Why did I do that now?!?" This is the Sims and I am the tru god and their lives are my pLAYTHINGS
ExoticGeneral: He would have stopped everything for a solid 5 minutes then continue like it didn't happen. If you don't react it's like it never happened, right? I mean that's how we do it anyways. We make them suffer cause it's fun
Aki: Plot twist, though...... Isn't even freezing considered a reaction?! So by freezing he thinks he didn't react, but the act of freezing up is a reaction in itself......!! YOU'VE BEEN PLAYED, NATSU!!! They aren't suffering yet, buuuuut..... All in due time
   Memes, of course:
ExoticGeneral: Ammy: So do you and Shio call each other pet names? Natsu: Pfffft! No! Of course not! Ammy: What do bees make then? Natsu:....Honey? Shio, from the other room: Yeah, sweetie? Ammy: Don't you ever lie to my face again.
   And the moment we acknowledged how we know this ship was The One; our OTP forever and always: (featuring the best rant I’ve ever written for this ship)
ExoticGeneral: It's literally freaking insane how you just start having ten billions of ideas running through you're head! Like okay time to put then through some angst hell, then recovery fluff, little slice of life, smooches and some bonding/ development??? Like Im getting way too far ahead of myself here??? But the ideas/drabbles keep on rolling anyway. This is how you know this is the one.
Aki: Yes!!! And like.... Honestly, I pride myself on doing "realistic" stuff? Having my characters contradict themselves sometimes, do something that would hurt....cause humans are like that. Hell, it's why I also brazenly went for Shiori's emotional breakdown when she heard the news that all Lunarians had died..... Including her dear Kazuki.  Being able to imagine and know how that breakdown went in my head, where nothing she tried worked, until she went crawling back to her mother to grant her wish to not exist...take the pain away......  Boi. B o i. When it comes to big time storywriting, I get hELLA AMPED. I'm ready to show them every corner of the world, good or bad. Perfection or deep flaws. Give me that angst where they will realize that it hurts, but having someone to hurt with makes the pain ease a little. It doesn't fix everything, but having those assuring words and someone who cares deeply makes it harder to be upset. Let them have those slice of life days where Shiori wakes up in bed for once, stomach not aching or feeling like a void, and ready to start a new day. Have him drag her out to explore and shake up her old, rigid life. Let them, in the future, kiss and hug and wonder why....but know that if waiting so long meant finding love and getting it this right, then it was worth the wait. Let them develop so much, that we look back to where we started and cackle with joy, cause they friggen made it. Wow, a sappy rant from me, yEEHAW
ExoticGeneral: Damn right sister! Preach it! Like sometimes I just sit there with some bsckground music on and its so fitting that you just throw out 20 paragraphs like no problem. I just need those days with them where they argue over something little and it gets so blown out of proprtion and convoluted that they just forget what is was about? Just random nights of stargazing then falling asleep? Or literally doing nothing and either of them thinks of their s/o and gets super flustered for no reason? The day they actually become a couple but still trains his tush off and shio doesnt ask how he got strong, but why he did cause heckie is that gonna be one wild ride of a story. But the simple, final answer is to  protect her. Not because she's the daughter of Ammy, but because he failed to do so with his dad and elder brother and doesn't want to lose her too. Like I want weakness that comes with trust? Fear that comes with love? But also the fulfilling satisfaction of contentness. That you wouldn't trade this for anything else, its a unique feeling that only they can deliver. Ya feel?
Aki: Right??? Good heavens, mention music and now I need to go look up Shio's number one mood music........ Can't think Shio romance (especially where it's "skinny love") without remembering the song, sO-- Right?? Well, more likely her trying to fight back but she angry cries and just gets frustrated and shuts down. Won't talk. Won't feed the flames anymore with replies, but doesn't seek peace, either. It's a night where it alternates between dead silence in the home once more or quiet, strained sobs of someone who's already used to being hurt; she's just finding it harder to keep that pain quiet.    But it's..... It's home. More than it's ever been. From a family she couldn't quite connect with some days, to her own home all to herself... A place her own and where her life fit.    Last thing she would've ever expected is to find- in many ways- her opposite....and yet someone she'd find herself falling for all the same. Where it's funny to imagine her home used to be quiet and peaceful. Now there's some training dummies outside and even if he strays from home, she can hear him making noises out not too far away. There's footsteps of another person in her home now. This home....it's his home, too.    Something they're both happy to have. Company, understanding, and just.... An imbalance that makes it a balance by not being perfect.    She slows him down. He speeds her up.    They learn something from each other.    It hurts sometimes. His life will likely be long....but to what length? Will it end? Does she want to know? Should she ask?    And understanding what her mother saw in mortals from that.... Just because they cannot match in eternal age, doesn't make it all any less. The memories shared? Still memories made. Love was still had and wasn't it sweet? To love someone so completely, to have fought and made up, loved and lost...    It's scarier when it's you who can be hurt; this isn't watching someone's life play out like a movie. This is her life now and his and theirs together and it breaks her heart to know she could potentially lose him, but..... He's going to teach her so much. And she would understand what her mother does.    He'll be loved all the more for it.
ExoticGeneral: I literally have absolutely no words for this. I cant believe you would make me cry like this at midnight. This was the most hurtful, true, heartfelt yet heartbreaking thing I've read. I freaking forgot you did poetry is you spare time like holy.
   ...They just. Work together. It’s the perfect “opposites attract” relationship while still maintaining a balance between who they are alone and what their relationship is. The bolster of inspiration and motivation that they get from each other... He motivates her to leave the house more (often with him on a little adventure) and gives her that experience. As said, she slows him down and gets him to read more. Even try writing for himself, writing Shiori a small poem that he [slams down onto her desk and runs off in a hurry] gives her.
   Broadening their horizons with each other. The support and pure affection and how they do their best in their own ways to support each other... It’s perfect. Made a home in our hearts. And we sure wouldn’t want it any other way.
   As a final note... Have one more silly little meme we came up with:
Aki: So I'm re-reading our chat [again] and I just thought of this...... Natsu: I live to fight, so Imma take you down!!! Shiori, in her sleepy-whiny voice: Natsuuuu...... I wanna cuddle.... Natsu, already leaving: .......Someone else lives to fight and will take you down!!!
ExoticGeneral: You know that old saying goes, he who runs away lives to fight another day I'm glad I'm the only who just goes back and re-reads this entire message board of gross romance and heartbreak
   So yes, ship NatsuShio. Your heart will thank you...after it dies for 2 hours because of the angst that tails this ship in bittersweet flavors.
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kronos-the-timelord · 5 years
do all the things !!!! from the admitting stuff post !!!!!!!! I dare you !!!!
i’ll do it,,, i’m not a weinie >:l
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? - it was one of my parents so no 2. You talked to an ex today, correct? - no 3. Have you taken someones virginity? - ???? idk???4. Is trust a big issue for you? - kind of,, i was raised to always be wary of ppl, but my friends are some of the ppl i trust the most5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? - no but he’s coming back to the states tomorrow!!!6. What are you excited for? - my bf coming back7. What happened tonight? - i ordered pizza and took a nap8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? - no, but i do get really worried for them bc ppl suck and are horrible9. Is confidence cute? - fuck yeah!!10. What is the last beverage you had? - water11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? - i trust more women, but the guys i do trust are mostly family and then like 3-5 friends/boyfriend’s family 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? - i only own skinny jeans13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? - hang out with my boy and his family14. What are you going to spend money on next? - probably a background check,,,, im not explaining it further15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? - it was my puppy,,, so no,,, but i do give him many cuddles16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? - probably,,,, hopefully,,17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? - tbh @memeathon and @keencheckerboard bc i see them a lot and ive known them for a while,, theyve heard and seen some things about me18. The last time you felt broken? - uhhhhhhhh,, not really sure,,,,, my memory is bad 19. Have you had sex today? - nope20. Are you starting to realize anything? - nuhuh21. Are you in a good mood? - yes22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? - fuck yeah, sign me up 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? - yes24. What do you want right this second? - more reeses 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? - i think the fuck not,,,,, no26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? - yes, but i wanna dye it27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? - no,, i gotta giggle,,i can’t just laugh at myself28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? - my giant dog was curled up on the smallest section of the couch so my mom could cuddle him 29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? - my boyfriend ;-;,, he goes to school in england so he’s been gone most of the past school year30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? - i think it depends on the second chance,, like anyone besides someone who cheated, rape/molested, abused, ect. i feel like can get a second chance31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? - no :0,, it was my boy!! i love him!!!32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? - yes,,, he’s known for like 3-4 years33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? - kind of,,, i prefer to drink water, but sometimes i just need that bubble34. Listening to? - noises on my street35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? - yes!! i love pencils,, but ive been using marker pens lately36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? - he’s downstairs being cuddled my mom bc he’s a cuddly puppy37. Do you believe in love at first sight? - no,, like its more of attraction at first sight,, i wouldn’t call it love38. Who did you last call? - my mom39. Who was the last person you danced with? - i think it was one of my coworkers actually,,, we get bored sometimes and just jam at work when we’re doing nothing else40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? - he’s a v cute puppy,, he needs to know he’s loved41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? - i was actually about to go eat one,,,,42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? - yes!!!43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? - oh,, yeah,,,, definitely,,,,44. Do you tan in the nude? - i don’t tan45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? - no,, in fact, i would give him more smooches46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? - no47. Who was the last person to call you? - my manager Rachel!!! shes great and i love her48. Do you sing in the shower? - sometimes,, not lately tho49. Do you dance in the car? - no,, sneezing is difficult,, dancing is more so 50. Ever used a bow and arrow? - yes!! it was one of the years i was at girl scout camp!!51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? - about a year ago,,, it was for my senior pictures52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? - yes, but they’re great!!!53. Is Christmas stressful? - yes and i hate it 54. Ever eat a pierogi? - maybe??? idk55. Favorite type of fruit pie? - apple56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? - obstetric nurse!!57. Do you believe in ghosts? - yes,, too many weird things have happened to me and my family to not to 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? - yes,, when i was younger i used to get dreams that like, predicted, what was going to happen the next day,, like one that i remember is in 3rd grade is my friend was standing in front of the lockers in a blue shirt (i knew he didnt have one) and the next he came in and showed my his new shirt (blue) that he got after school that matched the lockers59. Take a vitamin daily? - no60. Wear slippers? - sometimes,, but i made them my outside slippers,,, ones that i wear when i dont want to wear actually shoes61. Wear a bath robe? - no, but ive looked at them before,, i want one62. What do you wear to bed? - t-shirt/tank top and either shorts or just my underwear63. First concert? - uhhhh, i think it was one on vacation,, but they were a band that dressed up as the beetles and played their songs64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? - ive sold my soul to target65. Nike or Adidas? - adidas (its my bf favorite brand)66. Cheetos Or Fritos? - cheetos67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? - sunflower seeds68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? - look what you made me do69. Ever take dance lessons? - i took ballet when i was younger70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? - not really,,71. Can you curl your tongue? - yes72. Ever won a spelling bee? - i got 3rd place in the one during second grade that was only for the second graders and v unofficial 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? - yes74. What is your favorite book? - the reciever of many series that @kata-chthonia has written,, its really good 10/10 would recommend 75. Do you study better with or without music? - its gotta be instrumentals or i do have a playlist that only has an africa cover my ninja sex party and i listen to that on repeat76. Regularly burn incense? - no,, but i burn many candles77. Ever been in love? - yes78. Who would you like to see in concert? - no one,,, im not the biggest fan of concerts79. What was the last concert you saw? - my highschools band 80. Hot tea or cold tea? - hot tea!!81. Tea or coffee? - tea!!!82. Favorite type of cookie? - chocolate chip83. Can you swim well? - yes,,, not commonly known fact but i wear a size 11 shoe (they’re actually bigger than my boyfriends and i think thats hilarious) so my feet are kinda like flippers84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? - yes, but not for long85. Are you patient? - yes86. DJ or band, at a wedding? - probably a dj bc its cheaper, but a band sounds fun!!!87. Ever won a contest? - yes, but it was a v tiny one on amino that im not part of any more 88. Ever have plastic surgery? - nope and dont want it89. Which are better black or green olives? - black,, but i do like the purple ones90. Opinions on sex before marriage? - im cool with it,, just depends on the ppl91. Best room for a fireplace? - living room92. Do you want to get married? - yeah
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lilly-white · 6 years
thoughts about The Last Jedi under the cut
first of all please don’t read this if you enjoyed the movie. I really want people who enjoyed it to hold onto that happy feeling and not get contaminated by ragey criticisms. If these points didn’t jump out to you then that’s fine and it’s great that you can enjoy this movie. Hell, I steer away from TFA crit because I enjoyed it and I don’t wanna think about its faults. 
With that outta the way. 
- murderous snake? murderous snake? MURDEROUS?? SNAKE? who the FUCK talks like this? who wrote this. Who allowed this to be in the final edits! Who fucking looked at that entire dialogue and told Daisy like “yeah, that’s a wrap, let’s carry on, I really feel that this portrays how she feels about Kylo very realistically” I mean I know it’s disney but COME ON. Leia’s invectives always felt as bad as a cusswords and they have so MUCH to choose from in the EU in terms of good insults.  
- and then fucking FINN says “lying snake” and someone else says like “murderous liar” and WHO WROTE THE EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS IN THIS MOVIE. PLEASE CAN I FUCKING PUNCH HIM
- Why??????? was the “save the alien horses” thing SO LONG? In fact the entire lengths of Finn/whats-her-face’s little adventure should’ve been cut out to make room for more dialogue between Rey and Kylo since the writing SEEMED to imply that their bond was important enough for crying and emotional hand touching. You just. Guys. Listen. In order to actually be moving, all of this hand touching and crying and “middle of the night deep confessional conversations” need SO MUCH MORE build-up than just fucking shoehorning a couple of TINY THREE MINUTE LONG SCENES where rey calls him a murderous snake and he smooches around like “oh han? you’re still mad about that?”. I mean. I could see all the fucking strings of the reylo stuff. like. all of them. I go to see movies because I don’t wanna see the strings man. But here it was like “ok, scene 1: anger about han, scene 2: sadness about han where she sort of forgives him kind of or at least moves away from anger. scene 3: ok we’re ready for the sexual tension now so MAKE HIM SHIRTLESS. REALLY? Honestly though fuck you direction team, producers, studio, whoever the fuck okayed this pseudo-romantic arc, for thinking that we’re just thirsty enough to see this happen that we don’t care how well it’s done. 
- There was more sexual tension in the scene where Kylo chokes Hux and makes him say “long reign to the supreme leader” than all of the reylo scenes put together. I swear. 
- I DONT CARE if you make Adam Driver say “Come with me. Please” in a really needy, choked voice - I don’t care about seeing him naked, because if you haven’t built up to it, it’s gonna fucking bounce right off me like a ping pong ball. BUILD UP. IT COUNTS. it’s not just a question of checking off the different stages of grief rey has to go through.
- I spent like 70% of this movie going “what the fuck?” at the emotional whiplash and pacing tbh. Leia’s scene was moving but weirdly saccaded? in the way it made you expect - and hope - and then grieve - but no! she’s alive! and then I still don’t know how to feel about that “gliding” moment. I mean I’m all for Leia using the Force. I was stoked. But the wtf-ness of surviving that long in space + how far she “flew” across the debris kind of made it hard for my brain to switch from “she’s alive!/wait wtf/oh that’s happening/this is supposed to be majestic lilly, so enjoy it, you’ve always wanted leia to have this kind of majestic moment” 
- AND THEN. speaking of emotional whiplash. Right after we’ve all kind of got our grieving faces on because we thought leia might die. You stick a fucking JOKE like 5 minutes later? with one of those chipmunk things mourning its dead friend in a really ridiculous overdone way? like rian johnson’s just pointing at the viewers like “har har i bet you all look exactly like this right now because of leia”. Just wtf was that? Why did you put that there? What the fuck? Guys?
- rian, man. I know you weren’t all alone on this project and that producers/studios/etc wield a lotta pressure. but. my dude. my buddy. you destroyed me with your mother-son dyamics in looper so why the fuck were there none of those gorgeously complex dynamics here? The only scene that really brought kylo and leia together seemed to be written to answer the question of the trailer with a “nope, he’s not doing it after all”, and then move on. Much like luke just fucking chucking the lightsaber and totally breaking the dramaticness because “lol plot twists and humour are better than following fan predictions and staying true to the emotional continuity of a scene.” Also are you fucking kidding me, Leia would NEVER have said that kylo is not her son any more. And she believed vader still had good in him so why wouldn’t she believe that about kylo? 
- I felt emotions during these scenes:  The bomber dying Luke + Leia reunited Leia’s initial plunge into space Leia saying “Luke” in her hospital bed The hyperspace jump through Snoke’s ship (probably the best scene in the movie tbh) Kylo screaming more! Luke’s last scene, though I couldn’t see what shape they were trying to show in the clouds at first and got distracted
And that’s it. The rest of the time my emotions were basically “wtf?” or “oh my god cringey dialogues please go away” or “daisy why are you like this? you gave me so many feels in TFA and now you’re just totally wooden? what happened?” Seeing how much I cried with TFA, all four times I went to see it, I was probably expecting too much, idk, but I at least thought I’d cry simply for Carrie Fisher’s sake. But the writing was so convoluted and the tone and quality lurched around so much that I just couldn’t engage with it. I spent most of the movie wishing really hard that I was connecting with it. But I wasn’t. 
- I shouldn’t have watched the trailers because all the good echoey dramatic bits of dialogue were just sort of said in a matter-of-fact way and I was just sort of impatiently waiting for the characters to be done saying those lines when I recognised them, tbh. And the general structure of the movie seemed to be like, “ha haaa you expected this from the trailer didn’t you? Well you were WRONG” and I’m just like... can someone please tell these twats that sometimes, getting our predictions fulfilled is a GOOD THING because it means the previous writing was full of good tension and build up!!! damn !!!
- we all knew that “please show me my place in all this” was a different scene, but it was such a VASTLY different scene that it just felt like another one of those “ha haa! not what you expected!” moments that I was just jarred outta the movie.
- the only bit that really felt fresh was the casino thing tbh? the rest of the story just seemed to not know what the heck it was doing, where it was going - like it was trying SO HARD to be “unpredictable” and cutting off from the last movie, but at the same time it had to keep its characters, so I had the distinct impression that i could hear the direction team moving the characters across a board like, “ok so where is he? what’s he doing? oh yeah we need him for this scene, right. And where is rey? oh yeah we need her to save everyone, let’s stick her over here”
- finn was just about the only guy in the trio who got some credible character development? poe was just essentialized to the “dude who loves finn and his robot and likes to blow shit up” and rey was just. rey was dropping her lines like they were bricks. I don’t understand why direction just started completely pushing her character around to fit the plot with no regard whatsoever towards showing her emotional development in a believable, relatable way. Not to mention all the training/bonding/lightsaber crafting/etc that I was expecting between her and luke just flying out of the window. 
- snoke was trying SO HAAARD not to say “your little friends can’t help you now”. he even pushes her up against a window! i mean i don’t care about “call backs” to other movies most of the time but it was just so boring to see rey go through the exact same motions as luke did. at the supposed climax of her story arc, no less.
Ok I think I’m done ranting now. I’ll probably go see it a second time with the bf and perhaps the fact of not being in a constant state of “ok this is happening? wtf? but why is it happening and why is it gonig on for so long??” will make me enjoy it more. I WANT to enjoy it. urgh. hugrhgrughgh.
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ol-razzle-dazazzle · 7 years
1-50 for the ask game and I'm not sorry. ✨
ALSO TAGGING MY GF BC IM GAY @perfect-murderer
Under a read more bc long post 
1. Wake her up with kisses lesbian or play with her hair while you wait for her to wake up lesbian- Wake her up (wake her up inside) can’t wake up (wake her up inside) SMOOCH HER
2. X files lesbian or twin peaks lesbian- X-Files, I’ve always been gay for Scully
3. Pit Bull lesbian or corgi lesbian- I’ve never though about this but corgis! they look so happy and small!
4. Sweet tooth lesbian or saturates-everything-in-hot sauce lesbian- I can’t stand spice and I love sweet stuff (like my gf...and lemon candy)
5. Sunflower lesbian or white lily lesbian- As much as I love lily gay symbolism, sunflowers
6. Rose gold lesbian or white gold lesbian- this hit that ice cold I actually prefer rose gold
7. Dunkin’ donuts/Starbucks lesbian or strictly local cafe lesbian- I’ve never had Dunkin Donuts/Starbucks so cafe!
8. Sunrise lesbian or sunset lesbian- Sunsets, they also tend to be the best time to go crab catching~
9. Emily Dickinson lesbian or maya Angelou lesbian- I THINK EMILY DICKINSON (IS A LESBIAN)
10. Dark sexy ball gown or cute bright ball gown lesbian- depends...if the dark one shows too much skin (I tend to not like showing skin personally) then bright, but I love a dark dress as much as anyone!
11. Strawberry lesbian or watermelon lesbian- Watermelon lesbian all the way, though nutella dipped strawberries...
12. High waisted shorts lesbian or loose rolled up jeans lesbian- Loose jeans...I’m too ‘thicc’ and too short for any jeans to fit me comfortably tbh
13. 60s chic lesbian or 60s hippie lesbian- chic
15. Choir lesbian or garage band lesbian- Garage band, most of the choir girls who’ve I’ve had crushes on turned out to be homophobic :/
16. Twirl her around lesbian or get twirled lesbian- TWIRL HER TWIRL HER TWIRL HER but like, if there’s a dip I’m fuckinG DIPPING BUT I LEAD OKAY EVEN IF I’M TERRIBLE 
17. Sit com lesbian or artsy independent dramatic romance film from France lesbian- I like the ‘gal pal’ sweet lesbians but they’re both paired up with guys sadly (COUGH COUGH PARKS AND REC) so probably dramatic? I’m a drama loving bitch
18. Bicycle lesbian or bus lesbian- Mike on his bike and bus lesbian is wlw mlm solidarity (blease ask me about the legend that is Mike) but yeah sadly bus lesbian, I can’t ride a bike and whenever I do I hum the HGSS bike theme and fall. Trains and ships are better
19. Jelly fish lesbian or dolphin lesbian- Jellyfish!!! BUT CRABS ARE PRIME!
20. Biology lesbian or physics lesbian- Biology lesbian by far, gimme that gay bats and crabs and sexual mitochondriac tension
21. Studio Ghibli lesbian or Cartoon Network lesbian- As much as I love SU and OK KO and whatnot, I gotta go with Ghibli (is there a gay Ghibli movie? blease say)
22. Take the spider outside lesbian or scream at her to take the spider outside lesbian- take the spider outside! I always do that, even if I’m scared
23. Serena Williams lesbian or Ronda Rousey lesbian- Serena...those muscles...those legs...she’s absolutely gorgeous
24. Prismacolor lesbian or faber castell lesbian- Faber Castle always, though I have gotten Prismacolor for birthdays and they’re high quality it always seems too...elite for me
25. “Campers are for the weak” lesbian or “I will die before sleeping on the ground” lesbian- Campers are for the weak, but use a damn sleeping bag and tent yo
26. Calling every female character they see their girlfriend lesbian or “Dana Scully isn’t your girlfriend, I am” lesbian- SCULLY I’M GAY but the latter, I wouldn’t want any character to actually date me they should date each other
27. Roller skate lesbian or ice skate lesbian- when I was a wee bean roller skates but like...I always used to fall. So Ice Skates? No yoi but like it’s cold and cute and lowkey holding my gf so she doesn’t trip more like clinging onto her legs as I do the splits and break all my bones
28. “Christmas carols are dumb and over played” lesbian or belting out all I want for Christmas is you at the top of their lungs lesbian- Dumb and overplayed, I will listen to my gf and join her but like,,,tragic shopaholic mother backstories,,,always, always playing, always there. 
29. Buy her something lesbian or make her something lesbian- depends, I love making things but I have like, no dexterity so probably buy?
30. Cherry mojitos lesbian or cherry flavored vodka lesbian- ...I must betray the rat bois...but mojitos. I hate mint but it’s so fucking ~*fresh*~ (I don’t drink but I’ve made ‘mocktails’)
32. Tummy kisses lesbian or thigh kisses lesbian- t...thigh kisses....////
33. I’ll fight anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian or I’ll psychologically destroy anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian- Both, nemo impune lassit bitch- Edgar Allen Poe
34. Fall asleep in her arms lesbian or rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms lesbian- rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms
35. Floral pattern lesbian or tie dye lesbian- floral pattern, love those rainbows but plants dude,,,
36. Snake lesbian or frog lesbian- *tries not to make a kanako/suwako reference* Snakes, they blep, as much as I love memes. 
37. Send her memes lesbian or “if you call me the rarest Pepe one more time I swear to god”- SEND HER MEMES SEND HER MEMES I WANT TO NUT (Never leave her Unconditionally love her Treat her right)
38. Star Wars lesbian or lord of the rings lesbian- Star Wars, i’m not hugely into either but star wars
39. Spice girls lesbian or 5th harmony lesbian- no clue,,, but probably 5th harmony?
40. Pink hair lesbian or blue hair lesbian- depends, light cotton candy pink but on someone else blue (gimme that dark or lilac purple any gay tho)
41. Maple syrup lesbian or berry syrup lesbian-Maple syrup slorp slorp slorp
42. Vinyl lesbian or cassette lesbian- Vinyl? 
43. Paris lesbian or Amsterdam lesbian- never been to Amsterdam so probably Amsterdam? 
44. Jazz lesbian or swing lesbian- hHHhHHhHHHhhHhH DONT MAKE ME CHOOSe I LoVE THEM BOTH oKAY????
45. Pin stripes lesbian or plaid lesbian- Pin stripes forever, flannel looks good on other people but not my thing
46. Mini golf date lesbian or bowling date lesbian- bowling because there’s usually an arcade and snacks! I usually enjoy the shoot em ups and pinball and I’ll fuking destroy at air hockey and cause copious collateral damage, but mini golf is senseless whacking destruction so if there’s no security cameras mini golf
47. D E S T R O Y her at Mario kart lesbian or let her win lesbian- try but end up losing, but at least I have the cutest character-cart combo
48. Pullover hoodie lesbian or zip up hoodie lesbian- Zip ups forever, but like, not those shitty half crop top zip up shit, gimme an actual hoodie you heathens
49. Band tshirt lesbian or fandom tshirt lesbian- I got pokemon t-shirts so fandom?
50. Love her with your entire heart lesbian or lover her with your entire soul lesbian- uhhh both??? If souls are actual things then souls, bc giving someone your blood pumper would be messy, and I’m a gay ass demon
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
All odd o:
   1. What is you middle//full name?
i’m not gonna say my full name for privacy purposes, but my first + middle names are Tristen Mackenzie
   3. What is your birthday?
May 23rd!
   5. What is your favorite color?
aw man like… light pink? dark purple? cerulean blue??? all good.
   7. Do you have any pets?
yes!!!! i have a cat and her name is rose and i love her
   9. How tall are you?
5′3″-ish? i’m not exactly sure
   11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
uh… 3 i think? 5 counting both pairs of character shoes though!
   13. What talents do you have?
as a lot of ppl who follow this blog, i’m pretty good at writing! other than that, i like to think i’m pretty decent at singing and acting, and i draw a lot. other than that??? idk
   15. Favorite song?
i answered this but i’ll just add more: A Soft Place to Land from Waitress
also Teen Idle and Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds!!
   17. Who would be your ideal partner?
alright so like my ideal partner is definitely someone who just loves me for who i am and doesn’t force me to change, y’know? someone supportive who’s kinda ready to take me as i am with all the baggage i have and still loves me in the end but doesn’t take any bullshit? like, they accept i have problems but won’t let said problems excuse my actions. someone who can help me improve on who i am, i guess?
also someone sweet and gentle and just understands, y’know??
idk i haven’t put much thought into a person past that, since i guess all i want is someone who actually gives a shit?
   19. Do you want a church wedding?
uh personally i don’t really care even tho it’d probably piss off my family i guess??? like, it could be or it couldn’t be and it probably wouldn’t make too much of a difference for me because imo it’s a wedding either way???? idk man
   21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
like, me being in the hospital? no. visiting people? yeah
   23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
uhhh i met a guy off of broadway once he was cool i think his name was andrew or matthew or something and he was in pippin and actually was charlemange the night we saw the show!! i wish i could remember his name because he gave me really good advice about basically sharpening what i wasn’t good at when it came to theatre
   25. What color socks are you wearing?
   27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
like… i mean, i wouldn’t be against it? as long as it’s for something i’m proud of, i guess???
   29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
   31. What position do you usually sleep in?
i usually lie on my stomach when i sleep!!! idk why it’s been kind of a recent thing??? like i use to sleep on my left side for years and over the last year or two i’ve started sleeping on my stomach for whatever reason
   33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
i usually don’t wake up early enough to actually eat breakfast but i like to make scrambled eggs and toast!! because effort
   35. Have you ever tried archery?
no but i want to :’O
   37. Favorite swear word?
eh, probably just ‘fuck’ because i’m not creative
   39. Do you have any scars?
i have a reaaaaaaally faint scar going up my leg from when i did something stupid and was scratched by a wire!!!
   41. Are you a good liar?
depends on the lie and who i’m telling said lie to, honestly.
   43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
uh i can kinda do a russian accent like Stereotypical Russian and i can do a southern accent (which works because i’m from the south but i have no accent i swear), and i can do a kinda posh accent??? idk man i should sit around and just attempt accents one day.
i’m good at mimicking mercy from overwatch sometimes tho but only when i’m playing her because it’s more of me just sitting there echoing whatever she says i guess
   45. What is your favorite accent?
idk my russian accent is at least fun to sit around and say shit in
also just??? idk what you would call it other than Stuck Up White Girl but that’s also kinda fun because i literally will sit around and say stupid shit
   47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
that’s honestly a good question and i couldn’t tell you because i barely remember anything like lemme check amazon because i have this dress??? that was probably expensive
it actually wasn’t too expensive it was only 35-ish dollars??? idk then i tend to not buy expensive clothes
   49. Are you an innie or an outie?
   51. Are you scared of spiders?
hhholy fck yeah i nearly panicked yesterday when there was a spider in my car like i was almost gone but my brother got it
   53. Favorite foreign food?
honestly that’s hard but i??? fukn???? love??? chicken enchiladas????
also does fondue count bc it’s from switzerland and i love fondue like cheese??? good. chocolate??? heaven.
   55. Most used phrased?
probably like “idk man” because i just Don’t Know
   57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
depends!!! sometimes it can be around 30-40, sometimes an hour, sometimes i’ll be ready in 10 minutes i don’t do makeup and throw on something decent
   59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
i tend to mostly suck???? that doesn’t sound sexual i swear why does everything have to sound sexual jfc
   61. Do you sing to yourself?
i think we all know the answer to this one. it’s a definite yes and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t know me tbh
   63. Biggest Fear?
dying young, i guess? it’s something that kinda haunts me still and idk of anything that’d be a bigger fear than that for me rn
   65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
idk i rarely watch movies????
   67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
i mean i’d probably leave a few out but i can
i took a thing and i got like, 35-36 out of the 50 so that’s good i guess
   69. Extrovert or Introvert?
def an introvert
   71. What makes you nervous?
what doesn’t make me nervous tho
uh i guess just??? driving in silence makes me nervous
honestly any silence makes me nervous because i need at least some sort of constant noise??? tests are hell, man.
   73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
depends on the mistake??? i tend to but if it’s just something really minor i won’t bother the person.
   75. Have you ever started a rumor?
nah i dont think so. if i have then??? whoops. i know a guy who started (or at least tried to?) rumors about himself tho it was weird
   77. Have you ever drank underage?
not rly??? i’ve had sips of stuff but that was usually with my parents and it wasn’t enough to make me feel anything. altho next time my friend and i hang out without her parents there i might drink a little, just to be able to say ‘i did the thing’ since i kinda wanna do teenage shit while i still can i guess?????
   79. Who was your first real crush?
guy i knew/know (we’re kinda friends??? like we talk but we don’t make extra effort to do so imo???) named jacob!!! he let me down gently because he was also the first person i confessed to, and altho i kinda regret it, i still had that rejection so at least i don’t have to deal with that shit with someone else being “that first rejection” or w/e
   81. Can you roll your Rs?
aaaa sadly no i wish i could tho!!!
   83. How fast can you run?
i don’t think i’m fast but i think i’m fast enough
   85. What color is your eyes?
   87. Do you keep a journal?
i kinda used to??? i stopped writing in it for a while…   89. Do you like your age?
ehh kinda??? like…? i’m still technically a “““teenager”““ (even tho i technically count until i’m 20 but legally i’m an adult at 18) but it kinda sucks because being 17 is lowkey kinda stressful because woah ur a senior in high school time for u to be forced into thinking you need to choose a good college that will get u a degree for a job you’ll always be in for the rest of ur life and just the fact i’m kinda inexperienced in shit??? i just wanna be smooched before i turn 18 man
   91. Do you like your own name?
i mean??? i don’t like ‘tristen’ but i do like ‘tris’! which is why i go by it online and i try to get ppl to call me it. there was someone i know who was like “no one even calls you that” when i said something about being called “tris” to someone and i’m like… that’s because i never said anything about it before…??? no one calls me tris because i never really went by it before….???
but anyway “tristen” is fine but i will always prefer to be called “tris”
   93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
i’m gonna say i’d love to have a girl but honestly? i don’t really care? if i have a child or if i have children, i just want them to be happy and healthy and feel they can trust me with anything - or at least almost anything, since i never really had that person growing up.
   95. What are your weaknesses?
uh i’m not the strongest person when it comes to physical activities but that’s also because i’m a dumb egg who sucks when it comes to shit like dancing because i kinda throw myself down a hole when other ppl get things and i don’t and i get really self deprecating over shit
also self deprecation by itself is a pretty big weakness.
other than that, i’m kinda messy?? like my room itself is a mess and there’s clothes on the floor and i really just need to take a day and clean up
   97. Were your ancestors royalty?
not that i know of
   99. Color of your bedspread?
uh its too hot for one rn but i have a white one that my grandma bought for me and i use it when its cold af outside
i want this galaxy one that i found tho….
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pelagaios-a · 7 years
repost don’t reblog! || tagged by: myself. I just stole it from myself !!!!!
GENERAL Name: katherine but I go by kat tbh Birthday: feb 26th Sexual orientation: //vague hand motions at the demi/ace area// School status: sophomore in college
YES/NO Drink: still kinda do? not in excess tho I only drink if I like the alcohol lmaoooo Smoke: no p e no drugs thx Eat cake: Im a sugar addict hand it over Believe in true love: eh Afraid of the Dark: no. the darker the better tbh my roommate calls me a vampire Cat person: I!!!! LOVE!!!!! CATS!!!!! SO!!!!! MUCH!!!!!! smooches my cat on the face Virgin: lmao barely FAVOURITES Shampoo: biolage cause my mom buys it Disney song: RIGHT NOW IM A MOANA ADDICT BYE Actress/Actor: Misha Collins Misha Collins Misha Collins Car: kinda? my dad has one from work so I steal the fam one when Im home Person: my best friend v.v Type of weather: thunder / chilly Colour: blue 90s sitcom: ????? uuuuh QUESTIONS what is your special talent/skill as a roleplayer? [ I dont think I have one of these but uuuh…. maybe my open mindedness? Im usually game for anything and everything thrown my way and am more then willing to plot/work smth out if someone has an idea. ] what is your favorite type of roleplay genre, and why? [ dark/horror/gore but I seldom have a muse who fits and/or someone to rp with lmaooooooo ] why did you pick your muse? [ I can’t remember it was over 8 years ago I have no explanation for you. ] if you could write any other muse - but know you don’t have the muse for him/her - who would it be? [ sobs into the floor don’t ask me this. ] what is one thing you think you need to work on as a partner? [ I guess communication? I know a lot of people talk to each other and plot and stuff but I really suck at that and I want to get better but half the time Im out of the loop so I just hang in my corner… ] what would be your warning label to other roleplayers? [ sometimes I don’t do replies for days at a time because of a few reasons. 1. my anxiety sometimes makes me feel really shitty about my blogs and just want to not think about them and 2. my life offline is hectic more often then not and I don’t often have a ton of time to sit and write no matter how much I want to and Im really sorry Im so slow with replies I feel bad but I can’t make myself sit and write that just makes me feel worse ]
what is your favorite episode/scene of your muse? [ every one????????? Im super duper obnoxiously fond of the last olympian so theres also that. cries a bit. tho I guess every time he backsasses smth he probly shouldnt backsass cause I always feel so proud like holy shit guys thats my son????? I DONT KNO W!!!! ] what crack!ships do you have for your muse? [ there are no crackships only ships and notps pal, get on the boat or sink ]
what is your senpai blog for someone who plays the same muse as you? [ //covers my face and screams// @graecvs ] Tagging: fuck if I know @shadowesqxe / @instinctlion / @mortifcra / @omindlessdepravity & anyone else who wants !!!
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hgfstreamchats · 4 years
El Arca
Hello! Hello there! paused Castlevania for christian lion sex Castlevania would understand. but they just found the giant demon that I very much wish to smooch!!! Is the sound functioning? tis! Excellent! Oh, there we go Sound seems okay Well, in that case, I won't delay! Onto the lions we go. It was being... "funny" he wants a cursed kids show he should go watch donkey ollie agin Deleting my messages and so on OH NO NOAHS ARK Ahh, I see you're ahead of the game! I'm deeply suspicious already. did Saberspark ever upload his edited version that includes *all* the jokes You'll love it, night human. It's got lovingly rendered animal excrement. No, but this is the uncut version. oh good Jesus it does not help that they have regular human hands youre gonna see chicken strips, night When you say "chicken strips"... do you mean that a chicken strips? you'll see mr.... noseybonk.... jesus fucking christ And fire. Uh.... yeaah that's about normal for discord servers As you can see, we're off to a great start. prostitutes thinkin he's Zeus
Ha! HAH! I really dont wanna see that one dude's teeth like that again This seems.  Familiar but not too familiar.... Oh man you are NOT gonna like what happens to those trees when they get soaked in seawater. the children are brats she's dumping him lmao Good for her! This is perverse. "are you... the devil" It really is. Especially your grandparents' trees. -calmly- "that's enough :)" And all those slaves you went into debt to free. I mean hey, at least the debt will be gone too! "what do you mean, the fuck do I know about boatbuilding" That's something! "well then. we're all going to die!" "Oh, finally!" "haha, we're all going to die" Oh. Well, that answers that. this is.... surprisingly well done "No more, no less. I want lots of sickly, genetically doomed animals in this new world." Is this some kind of... antisemitic caricature Probably. "kind of making me feel inadequate" chicken strips! Still less self-centered and malevolent than Primus. Pffff Okay, so, chickens don't have... mammaries.  So is this some kind of weird roleplaying thing? Are the chickens furries?? He's summoned as many animals as he knows how to spell. Sorry, Xoloitzcuintli. this movine needs to slow the fuck down oh my god official favorite character I like how he spent valuable time illustrating each one. "I am SO going to this sex resort" She looks awfully happy for someone who just learned everyone she knows is going to die in a flood And the parents look awfully happy for people who just learned THEY'RE going to die in a flood they're going to spend the end times fragging I would. ...And did, come to think of it. Ayyyy. Her? Ahhh, a liar. I like him! I love her They're one another's beards for the sake of surviving the flood. And that's wonderful. True. Who made that chair. some of these animals are super uggo Wait, did both of those kangaroos have pouches? Hang on, were those--yeah, that They do! lesbians I support them The orangutans weren't the only ones to beat the system. Maybe they're pregnant That'd explain how come there's still kangaroos Ironically, if they got pregnant by different parents, they'd be the most genetically diverse species in the world. *partners Yes, exactly! "what was that last one 8)" ...Want to know a fun fact about kangaroos :) that they have multiple vaginas? ...Yes. that still fucks me up Their genitals are positioned in reverse? Oh, that. All this out of a patch of trees? They are PROUD of that model Y'know, you'd think that a LOT of other people would have survived.  There was more than one boat in the world at the time this is set Okay so what ARE the carnivores going to eat idk why they call her fat. she's got an ass that just don't quit and I think that lion;s a fool for choosing some other lioness But the other one has tiddies.  Lion tiddies. And a clever mouth, apparently. Where's the pig's partner? he is a bi disaster The male lion, I mean he is He'd be dead after that. But what ARE the predators going to eat There was a single, doddering old lion in the group. Maybe they're going to divide him up? Write up her report. "Write up my report" = "Legitimately weighing my choices between mating with you or a watery death." Harsh but fair. Ahhh, Perfect Storm-ing it. Well well well. "See, I'd rather room with that tiger" Hello! Hello! Hello, sorry I'm late--is this that weirdo Noah's Ark furry disaster?! It is! It IS Damn "hey do you guys hear music" ....Carrion. *Dear Unicron, are they feeding on the drowned corpses of the dead?* .... oh hey it's the vampires' plan from castlevania Oh hey, that's a possibility They bob right by and they just scoop them up. It makes as much sense as anything else Although, after forty days... reptile room Heheheheh those snakes just wanted to mlem!!!! hahahah "woah that is NOT the letter I got" okay well that explains how the carnivores arre geting fed FEESH Oh right I guess the carnivores are eating fish Fish aren't people! Considering they haven't broken out into an orgy, I'd say they're showing surprising restraint. a least he feels bad about it She has lipstick THATS THE SECOND TIME They... both have pouches. The good ship Bad Decisions in action The kangaroos got away with it. thats way more than two chickens though I guess to be fair eggs are necessary "THEN we can eat them" FISH AND EGGS YOU DUMB LASS this dude has the right idea What...w as that what is ANY of this Who even knows? Where's your *one* female? I like that he's buds with the pig trying to think of what a panlion would look like given ligers and tigons exist she's giving u the key to her vag I wonder where the male panther is https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Leopon01.jpg Found some. oh cute! Huh. In this scene: shadows are rendered. I'm sorry is her name "panty" Panthy, I think, but that's still BAD How charming and necessary. Wow, what a necessary scene those jerks should be thankful the raccoons helped them out All that craftsmanship and you couldn't rig the piles and piles of excrement to dump neatly into the water? nah that'd be too easy Ease of cleanup and sticking it to your god at the same time. Bah I bet he's not even dead that's three Oh no, they kicked the ladder down.  How will he ever get out now he pinched a tiger's rear Does it even matter who steers, I mean none of them know where they're going "quick, smear this blood on your tits" lock him in the slammer oh so that's why it matters whether they can steer Where's he going to pause or rest? ... this is the worst haka I've ever seen doc I'm begging you to look up real hakas after this film to cleanse my eyes Will do. hahahah That was dark. "surrender, we can have a threesome" how convenient Already so many rabbits Monarchy or cannibalism.  The only two choices. "You're here even though you got to this point in your life without knowing fire does that!" "did that lion just look at me?" holy shit lmao It gets caught in a southwesterly breeze and the ship goes up in flames. hukkhhkhkjhjk well the polar bears will be fine! Right? well I guess it woulkdnt be a south american made film without a huge party at the end Uh They're.  Making her cage dance? I don't think they're making her do a thing LOL ALSO I'M SORRY WERE THE DONKEY AND DEER DOING IT IN THE CONGA LINE They've told her multiple times she's free to leave that cage. that was Well, then! look at that dummy thick jaguar That sure did happen That WAS. Let us be thankful it is over That certainly was a thing that happened. now for a much needed reprieve Peel off the tracksuits. I've seen some vids of the womens soccer team from NZ doing hakas and it's absolutely great Much better than the orangutan doing it. for sure Oh, good, she's sixteen Yikes Ewwwwwww I will be honest I thought this was going to be an LP a Planet Coaster thing It's exactly that, but you know...real. God "due to tax state regulation" ...oh, I bet that was LAX state regulation He's clearly someone who has any business demanding "the prettiest girl." [wasted] The advice in question" "Don't" Right? "We are smarter than everyone and that's why we're building the MURDERCOASTER" That one got to live. that kid's smart Apathetic Child is the smartest one in the video. Well that's not good jesus christ is that blood It is. They certainly did show those idiot mathematicians, physicists, and engineers. JESUS CHRIST Jesus Questions about the inspection process. Something special. "We all have something special to hold onto." Like a severed head. christ I'm gonna bump out for now. take caare all! Goodnight! Good night! Wait, did we watch the roller coaster one? I know I've seen THIS one... hmmmm Oh!  With the giant hole! The giant body trench? Yes! Glorious! In that case, I'm all out of light notes to end on. Suggestions? SNL What's That Name? We could just browse this channel a little bit and look for one we haven't seen! All the ones I've seen have been... fun. This, then we'll browse the channel. I'm for it. God Hahhahaha Ohhh boy Finish that thought God They all look good tbh. True, true. Fire.  I like it. Now I'm slightly nostalgic for Interface on Wheels. Do tell! Ohhhh I've forgotten everything about the game save that my city was called that. Just imagine driving through this place I will not. Well then. Drive into the Void. Hey, it makes sense, you can bet on the games. I'm curious to see how the fire's going to happen. I mean, they seem to be happening on their own just fine Lovely. Oh no!  The orphanage! It's Little Lamplight! Hey, I'm up for another if you are. same! Excellent! THIS is the one. Ha! Dear lord. It lives there now. This is like bizarro Ratatouille It's majestic. How else will the customers get their daily dose of broken glass? So ungrateful \o/ Yes.  Yessss. One more? Sure! Yes. And why wouldn't it be. I like how carefully they rendered the butt. Priorities. VERISIMILITUDE I've known medbay Eradicons that would if they could. Amazing. Oh Boy As a doctor, I can verify every single thing about this. I love it. I love their walk animations.  It's like they're on roller skates. It does! or those wheelieshoes Heelies! yes! those. 24/7 Are those bloodstains Oh yes. Uh oh! I like the blow dryer next to her bed. Amazing. The only note worth ending on, something terrible happening to Grace. You might even call it... a Grace note. ;) Terrible. Shame on you. I love it. It's what I'm here for! It is, in fact, your saving grace HAH! :D Although, frankly, I don't think ANYONE'S saving Grace. She had her chance to run. She sure did. Well--thanks for the stream!  It's been a great time, as usual. :) Thank YOU for gracing me with your presence! Ha! Good night! good night! Good night!
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