#dowoon drabbles
blu-joons · 2 years
When He Sings You To Sleep ~ Day6 Reaction
The feeling of you shuffling made Sungjin turn too, immediately coming face to face with you. “You’re not still awake, are you?” He frowned, picking up on the fact that you’d been having a restless night.
Your head nodded as a pout formed in your expression, “I just wish there was something that would help me to sleep.”
“I could help,” Sungjin quickly suggested, an air of confidence in his voice. “What about if I sing to you for a little while? That always seems to help you fall asleep.”
“But you need to sleep too,” you retorted, only to quickly be shushed by Sungjin. The look in his eyes let you know how serious he was, desperate to try and help you sleep. “Only if you’re absolutely sure Sungjin.”
A faint hum came from him, “of course, you just close your eyes and let me do the rest.”
“You make it sound so easy,” you giggled as you made yourself comfortable once again, “sleeping isn’t quite that simple.”
“It is when I’m the one that’s singing to you Y/N.”
Young K:
Your eyes lit up as Younghyun agreed to sing for you as you made yourself comfortable in his lap. “The big decision now is what song you want me to sing for you,” he told you, not knowing your mind was already made up.
Your head turned so that you were looking up at Younghyun, “you know I love whenever you sing Fly Me To The Moon.”
“I knew you were going to say that,” he chuckled, reading you like a book. “Are you sure that you’re not bored of listening to me sing the same song to you over and over?”
“No way,” you smirked, popping each of the sounds whilst Younghyun placed his hand against your side. “There’s no way that I could ever get bored of listening to it, you and that song are the perfect combination.”
He couldn’t help but smile as Younghyun listened to you, “you need to close your eyes in that case.”
“I can do that,” you assured him, hurrying to close your eyes and make yourself comfy. “Now you need to start singing.”
“A singer needs time to warm up Y/N.”
A soft smile formed on your face as you were woken by the sound of singing, your eyes slowly opening and looking to your left. “I can’t sing you to sleep if you’re awake,” Wonpil scolded as he noticed you.
Your smile turned up even more as you stirred, “why would I want to sleep when I could listen to you singing instead?”
“I’m only singing if you sleep, because I know you’re tired,” Wonpil told you, poking his tongue out at the same time too. “If you don’t close your eyes, we can sit in silence.”
“Since when were you so mean to me?” You chuckled back across to Wonpil, your voice groggy from how sleepy you were. “Why can’t you just sing to me to make me close my eyes and want to fall asleep?”
Wonpil’s head reluctantly nodded back at you, “as long as you promise to try and get some rest.”
“I promise,” you agreed with him, “but you can’t stop singing just because you think I’m asleep, you have to be sure.”
“I’ll make sure that I check you’re definitely asleep.”
You looked dejectedly across at Dowoon as his head shook in rejection to your suggestion. “I’m not singing you to sleep, my singing voice is rubbish,” he protested, bringing a groan of frustration out of you.
You poked against his arm as his head started shaking, “I think you’ve got a great singing voice, no one else can hear us too.”
“What about if I hum?” Dowoon proposed instead, “or maybe I could just tap my hand against the side of the bed to give you a beat to fall asleep to instead?”
“I said I wanted you to sing me to sleep,” you swiftly reminded him, meeting his eyes with a firm gaze. “If I love your singing voice, what’s stopping you from singing? You know that I love listening to you too.”
Dowoon looked sceptically back to you, “you really think that it can help you to fall asleep?”
“I could not be surer,” you chimed, the smile on your face growing. “What do you say? Are you going to sing for me?”
“I guess seeing as you asked so nicely.”
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mark-of-chrysus · 1 year
I saw that you wrote a drabble on my ask and I loved it. It was so well written and Taehoon's personality really carried through.
I do have another idea for a time loop and it does involve Taehoon again, but also with Johan and Daniel.
It would probably take place at about the end of the God Dog arc where Johan is abandoned and fighting Gun.
Little Daniel is there (but y'know, like tall, buff , post training, etc.) and he's seen Johan at the taekwondojang here and there and he knows that Taehoon has mentally adopted Johan. So he subtly makes a call during the fight.
Just as Gun is about to knock Johan and Zack down after Zack shows up to help, Gun gets kicked in the face. Again.
After this, I guess the 2 of them would fight and Yeonwoo, and Dowoon (who tagged along to see who the guys who's been flirting with fighting Taehoon is) and they take Johan to the van. Johan gets promptly adopted by Seong Hansoo.
Meanwhile, everyone wants to know who this pretty gremlin is who's fighting Gun and has Gun smiling. even thoguh he's scolding him. - especially when he finds out about Johan's situation
Vasco : Johan's brother is still flirting with his boyfriend. Who knew Johan had a brother?
Zach :*confused*
Daniel : grinning because he's about to cause mayhem
Jiksae : filming in the background
Well, this also turned out a bit long haha.
Achievement Unlocked!
Child Acquired!
Hansoo looked down upon the two similar boys, one of which was his, and resisted the urge to pinch the smaller's cheeks. That was a feat in of itself, since Johan still retained a small portion of his baby fat, making his cheeks look extra-pinchable.
That was it, he was adopting him. And if he came with an adorable dog, who was he to separate them?!
Johan fit seamlessly into their little family. He was baby, after all, and both Taehoon and Hansoo adored him. They never really stopped babying him, but knew he had his own life and let him do his own thing most of the time. All in all, things were peaceful.
Then came the phone call.
Tae was hanging out with 'daddy issues #1' and 'daddy issues #2' when his phone began ringing incessantly. Annoyed, and having half the mind to just tell the person on the other side to fuck off he picked up.
"Taehoon" Danny's hurried tone sounded through the speaker before the brown-haired boy could even open his mouth, "Uh, you need to come here. Johan's in trouble!"
No other words were needed, Tae hung up and began sprinting toward the location of his brother's phone. That had been one of the conditions of letting him continue on with God Dog, that he would keep his location visible to them at all times and call if he needed help. The last part was near impossible for the proud boy, which is why both he and his father had insisted on the location bit.
The taekwondo prodigy skidded to a stop before the scene that greeted him, Yeonwoo and Dowoon panting a little behind him. His eyes zeroed in on Johan's fallen body laying on the bloodied concrete, before shifting onto the man looking down upon him with his hands in his pockets.
"Oh no, you don't!" He mumbled, rushing towards him.
Gun felt a sudden sense of dread wash over him before his face made contact with the asphalt, hard. Deja vu was one of the only things registering in his mind before he got his bearings back. He turned to look at the attacker, a large smirk stretching on his lips as he caught sight of the familiar mop of brown hair.
"Taehoon~" He practically purred, dodging an incoming kick.
"Satan's secret lovechild." The boy replied deadpan, socking him in the face.
"It's so nice to see you again."
"Can't say the same." His tone didn't change despite Gun's sultry voice.
The two continued exchanging hits while the others watched. It didn't look like they were going to be slowing down anytime soon, so they were content with just watching the show. Yeonwoo and Dowoon in particular were egging them on while simultaneously fighting over ship names. Daniel was nursing the two childhood friends' wounds the best he could while sneaking glances at the two fighters. He didn't want to miss anything important, but Zack and Johan were still bleeding and he had to deal with them first. Nonetheless, he secretly joined Dowoon and Yeonwoo in cheering for the brunette once the two began showing signs of waking up.
"What the hell is going on?"
They paused their bickering turning to the now-awake dog-lover and gave him a shrug before resuming their conversation.
"They're fighting over ship names," Danny informed him, slipping over to check on the still-sleeping boxer before facing Johan again. "You might as well get comfortable. Something tells me they're going to be at it for a while."
The boy nodded dumbfounded, before leaning back down next to Zack. He was out like a light, causing Danny to coo and take pictures of him sleeping. He was sure Taehoon was going to thank him for them later, and it would probably be enough to bribe him to go easier on him during training. Daniel could only hope.
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hwangyeonjun · 1 year
Birthday party masterlist
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i’m starting a new “challenge” for myself and it’s to post a drabble on the designated member’s birthday.
since life is unpredictable, there might be times when i can’t/forget to post but they’ll still be published later.
not all of them will be birthday themed.
DISCONTINUED (because i realised that this is a crazy idea and i got way to overwhelmed by it to the point that i didn’t want to write anything at all. hehe.)
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01.06 LIM JAEBEOM (Jay B)
01.14 KWAK JISEOK (Gaon)
01.17 KANG CHANHEE (Chani)
02.11 LEE CHAN (Dino)
02.18 JUNG HOSEOK (J-Hope)
02.18 LEE SEOKMIN (DK/Dokyeom)
02.27 TEN LEE
03.09 MIN YOONGI (Suga)
04.23 LEE JENO
04.26 CHOI CHANHEE (New)
05.02 BAMBAM
05.11 KIM YOUNGKYUN (Hwiyoung)
06.10 WEN JUNHUI (Jun)
06.11 OH SEUNGMIN (O.de)
06.15 KWON SOONYOUNG (Hoshi)
06.18 SOHN HYUNWOO (Shownu)
07.01 CHOI TAEYANG (Theo)
07.04 BAEK JUHO (Zuho)
07.10 CHOI SAN
07.24 LEE SANGHYUK (Dowoon)
08.07 KIM SEOKWOO (Rowoon)
08.18 HAN HYUNGJUN (Junhan)
09.13 LEE JAEHYUN (Hyunjae)
09.14 HAN JISUNG (Han)
09.25 DO HANSE
10.06 LEE JOOHEON (Joohoney)
10.25 LEE MINHO (Lee Know)
10.28 DONG SICHENG (Winwin)
11.07 XU MINGHAO (The8)
11.15 SIM JAEYUN (Jake)
11.22 LEE JIHOON (Woozi)
12.04 KIM SEOKJIN (Jin)
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skboba-stars · 1 year
Their Daughters - Part I
[a small series of drabbles I wrote about the Manager Kim - Park Jincheol - Hansu Seong trio and their kids' dynamics]
[Tahoon is female in this. It'll be about Hansu reflecting on how Taehyun is and have some spoilers from the latest chapters.]
Despite Taehyun being how she usually was, Seong Hansu had never truly been worried for his daughter. He'd never had to even consider that she could get hurt. After all, Seong Taehyun was his daughter and he'd taught her well.
Even if the two of them haven't realized it yet, Hansu thought fondly on his friends. Jincheol and Kim were absolute demons to fight against and most likely stronger than the 'pre-generation' that Kim's boss liked to harp on about - he would know, being one of those 'demons' himself.
However, when he'd announced his firstborn had arrived and that the name him and So-hyun ah had picked out was Taehyun, Jincheol had laughed boisterously at how Hansu was the only one out of the three of them to have a son, Hansu had decided it would be fun to keep it a secret.
Taehoon had also decided to keep it up solely because it was incredibly amusing for her.
So-hyun had only laughed at the two of them and Haru had joined his mom in laughing at his big sister and dad.
(Honestly, Hansu was impressed that they'd guessed that Haru was a girl. Haru hadn't minded it so much back then - he only seemed to get offended when others outside of their family misgendered him. However, with how Haru had seemed to act as of late, Hansu suspected his son was trying to figure himself out.)
As Hansu relaxed as he knocked on the door to the Park residency, he chuckled as Sohyun clicked her tongue and fixed his shirt.
"At least try to dress up more neatly - even Haru got dressed well."
"Hey!" his son disagreed. Haru fidgeted with his cropped shirt as leaned back on his heels. "I'm not that badly dressed. Besides - Taehyun isn't even here. Why are you getting on my case?" He grumbled the last part and Hansu sighed and shook his head.
"Your sister's busy right now - so she'll come later. She told me she'd come a bit later." Sohyun turned to him, a question in her eyes, but as the door opened, Hansu motioned that he'd answer her question of where their daughter was later.
(Thinking back on it, he really should have picked up the damned phone.
Son or daughter, it didn't matter - Taehyun had needed his help and he hadn't been there.)
However, all Hansu did was chuckle as little Dabn opened the door and slung an arm around Haru as the family entered, Mrs. Park grinning as she saw her old friend and greeted her, Hansu himself greeting Jincheol and ignoring the vibrating of his phone.
"Shouldn't you pick that up?" Jincheol questioned as Kim came along with Minji, the two of them staring at Haru showing off their capoeira progress to the other two. Hansu sighed and shrugged.
"It's Taehyun - she'll be fine." Jincheol chuckled at that as he put away the dishes and Kim nodded as he approached them.
"Jincheol is right. It's not like Taehyun doesnt know her way through a fight. Speaking of - she called me too," Kim frowned at that and Hansu felt a sense of dread settle on him.
His daughter had called Kim and--.
No. No. She'd be fin. He knew Taehyun. He knew just how strong his daughter was - he'd seen her comfort Haru every time that So-hyun had to leave for work and how she would always assume the responsibility that had fallen on her shoulders.
He remembered how she'd brokenly pieced herself together after Dowoon's death and how he hadn't seen her actual roots in so long.
He renenberd how she'd cried when she'd been reunited with the Taesan Head's twins - how Ravi and Hwa had held onto her as the three of them were on the way to becoming legends in their own right.
And it wasn't that Hansu didn't want to pamper her like he did Haru - it wasn't like he didn't think of Taehyun as his dear daughter - but seeing other girls with their fathers, it never fit for him. It really didn't
As the evening wen't on, dread began to build up in Hansu until finally, he took out his phone to check what had happened.
Hansu's blood ran cold as he took in the multitude of messages that he could see - not from Taehyun, but from Ravi and Hwa. One twin was panicking about Taehyun going undercover (undercover? Since when had Taehyun done that... He really hadn't seen much of her recently, had he?) and the other was angry at him because apparently Hobin and Taehyun were trying to get in contact with him.
There was also a call from the kid that Taehyun had taken under her wing. Seong Yohan, if Hansu remembered properly.
Groaning, he massaged his forehead and was about to call back on one of the missed calls as he heard from near the door,
"Taehyun-ie, I'm surprised you came. And you brought - friends." The way Mrs. Park's voice became stilted, Hansu could tell it was definitely someone Taehyun had either (a) befriended, (b) beat up, (c) done both to, or (d) decided she was a better guardian figure for as compared to their most likely trashy parents - or even all of them. That happened at times as well. Worriedly, he made his way to next to So-hyun, who only stared at their daughter in shock. Well, it was to be expected - the last time she'd seen Taehyun in person was her 12th birthday and the last time she'd seen her online was a few days before Dowoon's death.
Now, Taehyun stood at about a couple of centimeters taller than his wife - whose height was at 186 centimeters herself, so nothing to scoff at. Taehyun's - no, the jacket she'd probably borrowed from Ravi - hooded leather jacket was tied around around her waist. dressed in a half-sleeved white shirt and blue jeans, her musculature on display was easily close to - and maybe even more defined than - Mrs. Park's and So-hyun's.
Pairing all of that with the black nail polish and eyeliner she'd taken to wearing and Converses that seemed to pair with her newly cut hair (it was back to black again, Hansu noted albeit the light brown highlights Taehyun had kept) , she wouldn't have even looked that different.
No, what looked odd was the tattooed boy who came up to Hansu's height that looked at Taehyun with confusion in his eyes as he supported her subtly (if anyone recognized the supporting your injured, crazy friend who somehow could fake being fine very well, it would be him and Kim).
On the other side, stood Yohan, who wore that admittedly well-designed God Dog hoodie he'd made and bent down to take off his shoes. Behind the three of them was a relatively tall young woman who seemed to be around that Yoo Hobin's height with red lip gloss and a black wolf cut, dressed in a white hoodie and black cargo pants. Hansu ignored the hint of Yamazaki tattoos on her arms as he turned to Taehyun.
Hansu didn't notice how Yohan quickly loosened the laces on Tahyun's shoes, but he definitely noticed the slight wince she did as she made her way to the couch.
With a grin, Taehyun was about to greet them as she transferred the bags she held to another hand, saying,
"Sorry I'm late, Abba - there were some things I needed to take care of. I picked up Haru's capoiera uniform on the way and that cake you asked me to pick up and-." She froze as she looked down and met her mother's eyes - So-hyun ah frozen as she stared at her daughter.
Well, this really wasn't the way Hansu had planned on breaking the news, but -.
"Taehyun, your mom will be in Korea for a few months."
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nixtape-foryou · 4 months
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Delphiniums embody a message of cheerfulness, goodwill, and protective qualities, serving as a symbol of encouragement and joy. Universally recognized as 'big-hearted,' delphiniums come in various colors, each carrying its own significance. The prevalent blue signifies dignity and grace, while white and pink represent new life and the vibrant power of youth. These flowers beautifully convey sentiments and add layers of meaning through their diverse hues.
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Bouquets = Series | Stems = Oneshots | Seeds = Drabbles | In Shipment = Ongoing
Just Flower Shop Things by punksungjin (1.5k) || Flower Shop AU || The mandatory florist!wonpil bc he is so soft and cute. alternatively: everyday wonpil looks forward to seeing his favorite customer, but it has to take a little bit of jealousy to get him to admit he likes them.
Where’s the First Aid Kit? by inyournightmares97 ☆ (1.0k) || Angst, Unrequited Love || Why does my heart hurt?
Are you Asking me Out? by inyournightmares97 ★ (1.0k) || Mafia AU || Get me a good price on those diamonds and you can take me to dinner anywhere you want
A Confession, Of Sorts by jungnoir ★ (4.6k) || Idol AU, Fake Dating || “Why does everyone want to date the drummer? Keyboardists work just as hard, you know!” ⇢ wonpil gets a little drunk after a show and he’s got some choice words for dowoon... and you, his crush.
Lavender and Midnight by dawnpil ★ (5.0k) || Witch/Mage AU, Fantasy AU || Village witches and court mages aren’t supposed to mix. in extreme situation, however, exceptions can be made.
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
for chelle chats perhaps a badboy!dowoon ? despite people seeing him as a shy boy i totally can imagine him being like that tsundere guy cliches 🤣 thank you in advance!
I’m unable to see it... whiny and bratty? For sure! But badboy?! I dunno, anon. I’ve never given it enough thought. Let me try! 
Pairing: Yoon Dowoon x female reader
Word count: 424
You never quite knew how to take Dowoon. He didn’t say much around you, his brooding stare making you wonder if he always had something to contemplate. It didn’t help that he always wore a beaten-up leather jacket and rode a motorcycle lending to the bad boy concept further. 
Whatever it was about him, he bothered you, and you couldn’t ever figure out why.
So when you crossed paths with him when out alone, you didn’t know whether you should linger or not after saying hi. You were meant to be meeting a classmate for assignment work, and that ultimately kept your conversation brief. Still, seeing him sitting in the corner of the coffee shop as you worked with Derek on your assignment had you distracted.
Who was he waiting for? Was he waiting for anyone? Whenever you looked in his direction, why was he looking your way? 
It unnerved you, and when Derek finally called it quits on your project, you were relieved. “Do you need a ride home?”
“Oh no, I’ll be fine.”
“You sure? I’m happy to drop you home. Actually, I insist. You’re too beautiful to go home this late at night alone.”
“W-what?” you breathed, feeling rather surprised. 
Derek smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. “Was that too much?”
“Yeah, it was,” another voice commented, joining your side. Glancing up at Dowoon and then back at Derek, you watched as the latter shrunk back, hastily lifting his hand in farewell and darted off. 
“Why did he just do that?”
“It’s better this way,” Dowoon announced, and you frowned. 
“How come?”
“Don’t you know about his reputation, Y/N?” Dowoon implored and then shook his head. “I knew I was right to come tonight.”
“Wait. You were in the coffee shop all night because of me?”
Realising what he had admitted to, Dowoon’s gaze grew uncomfortable, never quite catching your eye. “How dumb do you have to be to not realise he’s a womaniser?”
“I’m still stuck on the fact that you decided to play my protector. Why?”
“Not many people mess with me.”
“Because you’ve got this bad boy look going for you?” 
“It works.”
“I don’t buy it entirely, you know,” you confessed. “I reckon you’re a good guy, not a bad one.”
“Do you now?”
“After all, you came to make sure nothing happened to me tonight. That screams otherwise, don’t you think?”
Dowoon was exasperated. “I just told you that he’s... wow. Believe what you want, Y/N.”
“I will. And Dowoon?”
“Thank you.”
My ask box is open for this week’s Chelle Chats!
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pesiko · 3 years
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Fluffball - dowoon and puppies [3.1k]
Band Sessions: Dowoon [2.7k]
Are You Drunk? - coworkers, IT, broken laptop [1.2k]
Water Fight! - neighbors, dog sitting, bath incidents [.6k]
Cafe Crush - Dowoon has a crush on the barista [.4k]
Love Me, Love Me Not - plucking flowers [.3k]
Hopelessly in Love - “so in love w her idk what to do” [.5k]
3:19am - tired
3:42am - Mariocart lovers
8:13am - this made me laugh too loud
8:25am - staring while he sleeps, birthday, “one day”
5:33pm - you have to study
Claw Machine
Dowoon Teases You - “bring what?”
Subtle and Natural w Bf Dowoon
Boyfriend!Dowoon - smorebin
Boyfriend!Dowoon - tinybinnie
College AU Dowoon
Friends to Lovers!Dowoon
He Gets Injured - volleyball
UniStudent!Dowoon - music technology & art major
[main masterlist] [day6 masterlist] updated 5-18-21
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noona-clock · 4 years
Anything fluff and cozy with Dowoon would be lovely ❤️ [seunghyub-dowoon]
You couldn’t stop a yawn from escaping as the credits for the movie began to roll, the ending song now playing softly through the speakers of your television.
“What time is it?” you murmured, resting your head back against Dowoon’s chest as you tried to look up at him.
“Just after ten,” he told you. “If we watch one more movie, we’ll get to be awake when it turns into Christmas Day.”
Based on the fact you just let out a rather large yawn, you were quite sure you wouldn’t actually be awake when the clock struck midnight... but, oh well. If it meant more cuddle time with Dowoon, you would agree with no hesitation.
“Which movie do you want to watch next?” you asked, reaching for the remote and stopping the one which had just ended. So far, you’d spent the afternoon and evening watching Elf, The Holiday, White Christmas, and The Santa Clause. There were countless other movies out there, so Dowoon could pick anything his heart desired.
You felt him take a breath, but instead of answering your question right away, he paused.
You tilted your head again, looking up at him over your shoulder. “Do you want me to pick?” you asked quietly.
“No, I -- Can we... watch... A Muppet Christmas Carol?”
A smile immediately tugged at your lips, and your heart swelled to about double its normal size. “Yeah?”
“I mean, it’s a classic, and -- there’s that one song Kermit sings about ‘One More Sleep ‘til Christmas’ and it’s Christmas Eve and --”
You quickly sat up and turned around to cut him off -- with a kiss.
“Of course, we can watch it,” you murmured. “Honestly, I don’t care what we watch. I just want to stay here on the couch with you, snuggling underneath this cozy blanket. But A Muppet Christmas Carol sounds perfect.”
The tips of Dowoon’s ears turned red, and he kissed you back before taking the remote and searching for the movie. Once he found it and pressed play, he settled back against the couch cushion and patted his chest, inviting you to cuddle up as you had been during The Santa Clause. You knew you would fall asleep within ten minutes but the appeal of Dowoon’s embrace was much too strong to refuse.
As soon as you laid your head on his chest and pulled the blanket up to your chin, Dowoon pressed a soft, lingering kiss into your hair.
“Merry Christmas,” he murmured.
“But it’s not Christmas yet,” you chuckled. “It will be by the end of the movie, but the movie just started.”
“Yeah... but you’ll fall asleep before then, so I wanted to say it now.”
Instead of moving to look up at him or sitting up to playfully swat at him... you simply nuzzled into him even further. And you whispered a “Merry Christmas” right back.
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Heir To The Throne — Jae and Dowoon of Dastoucuria
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Traveling to different countries to meet suitors was nothing new to you—you were picky and knew what you wanted for a husband. This time around you traveled all the way to Dastoucuria to meet Prince Dowoon, the next heir to the throne. While staying at the castle, you come in contact with one of the castle staff, Jae. You had never met any castle staff that acted as refined as he did, but every time you asked, he refused being royalty.
Three months passed and you bonded with Dowoon as well as Jae, but knowing that you couldn’t marry a commoner and keep your status, you began to side with Dowoon, until one night you find out that Jae is considered the King’s illegitimate child and is indeed a prince. What will happen when you are asked to choose? Will it be Prince Dowoon? Or will it be Prince Jae?
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[Feb. 17, 2019 3:19 am]
Even though you had begged him time and time again to go to bed, Dowoon continued to stay up with you while you worked on your class project. Coming up with a video game concept had been tough, but actually sitting down and developing the game in detail was even harder as you weren’t that creative or experienced with games. Unfortunately for you, you waited until the night before you had to present a pitch to do both of those tasks.
Dowoon brought you another cup of tea when he returned with his own cup of coffee. He set both mugs down before wrapping his arms around you a bit and resting his head on your shoulder so he could watch you as you worked. When he yawned, you felt both guilty and appreciative. You knew he needed rest, especially after spending hours at practice, but having someone like your boyfriend, an experienced gamer in the genre you were working with, really helped. You were glad he was willing to stay up and help you explain game mechanics that you had no clue about or improve an idea you’d had; it certainly sped the process up.
By the time you’d finished throwing your presentation together, aids and all, Dowoon had disappeared, only giving you a light kiss to your temple as he stood. You’d assumed he’d went to bed, but as you stood up to go to bed yourself, you found him passed out on the couch with one of your decorative pillows tucked under his head. He hadn’t left you at all. In fact, judging by the position of his arms and the phone laying unlocked on top of his chest, he’d tried hard to stay awake and wait on you. Both the sight and thought made you chuckle as a fuzzy, warm feeling spread through your chest. ‘He must’ve really been tired’, you thought as you approached the scene.
You were about to shake Dowoon when your guilt returned. You hated to wake him after keeping him up so late, so instead, you walked to the closet and grabbed one of your spare pillows and a blanket. You replaced the hard pillow underneath him with the softer one before you carefully tucked yourself behind him and spread the blanket out over you both. Once you were settled, Dowoon almost instantly turned over and wrapped himself around you like the cuddly little bear he was, and as you closed your eyes and began to drift off as well, you swore you’d never been so in love.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Sleepily Lay Down In His Lap ~ Day6 Reaction
A light chuckle escaped from you as a hand tickled against your waist, your eyes flickering up at Sungjin. “Did I tickle?” He innocently asked as he watched you.
Your eyes rolled at the knowing look that was on Sungjin’s face, “you know exactly what you’re doing, you can never just leave me to close my eyes.”
Sungjin’s shoulders shrugged as he continued to joke around with you, “I just thought you’d like for me to hold onto your waist, keep you still so you don’t fall off of my lap.”
“I won’t fall,” you chuckled, “I’m buried in nice and snug against your lap now.”
“Isn’t it better to just be sure Y/N?”
Your head shook back at Sungjin, “if you keep tickling me then you know that I’ll find a way to get you to pay for it, you’ll regret doing this.”
“You would never be able to get revenge on me,” Sungjin challenged, watching your eyes widen at his suggestion.
“Are you really willing to try me though Sungjin?”
“Maybe I’ll move my hand after all.”
Young K:
A slight hum came from you as fingers tangled in with your hair, tugging against you gently. “Sorry, sorry,” Youngkyun stuttered as he played with your hair.
A chuckle came from you as Youngkyun loosened his grip, twirling your hair around. “I thought you said that it would be cosy for me to lay in your lap?”
Youngkyun’s head shook as you messed with him in reply to his apology. “It is cosy, just when I’m careful with your hair. To be fair, it’s not my fault your hair is so much a mess.”
“Hey,” you gasped, “my hair is definitely not a mess, it’s just a little stressed.”
“Not now I’ve taken care of it though.”
You nodded in agreement with Youngkyun, “I guess laying in your lap has its perks, especially when you decide you want to play with my hair.”
“I was supposed to make you sleepy playing with your hair,” Youngkyun admitted, knowing his clumsiness hadn’t quite managed it.
“Maybe if you’re careful I can get some rest.”
“I promise I’ll be more careful now.”
Your head shook as Wonpil’s hands tapped into his lap, encouraging you to lay down there. “You’re tired, come and lay in my lap so you can rest Y/N.”
You were still apprehensive as Wonpil took a hold of your hand, “I don’t want to get in your way by laying in your lap, you won’t be able to move your legs.”
As you continued to protest, Wonpil decided to take your hand and pull you down so that you were in his lap. “I wouldn’t offer to let you lay in my lap if I was bothered by it silly.”
“You could just be being nice,” you teased, “you might just feel bad for me.”
“I do feel bad that you’re feeling tired.”
You smiled up at Wonpil as you turned to be able to look up at him, “it’s just been a busy day at work, you should know, you have plenty of those too.”
“So, next time I have a busy day, does that mean that I can rest in your lap too?” He questioned, willing you to nod your head in reply.”
“How badly do you want me to agree to that?”
“Honestly, Y/N, you have no idea.”
Your smile turned up even higher as an arm draped around your waist, glancing up you met the eyes of Dowoon straight away. “Are you comfortable there?”
Your head nodded straight away as you pulled Dowoon’s arm even tighter around your frame, “it’s always comfortable for me whenever I lay down in your lap.”
A nod of the head came from Dowoon as he continued to watch you closely, “are you sure that I can’t get you a cushion or something to rest your head on, make you even cosier?”
“Then I wouldn’t be laying in your lap,” you joked, “it would be a cushion.”
“You might hurt yourself in my lap.”
Your head shook in response to Dowoon, “if I’m uncomfortable then I promise that I’ll tell you so that you can look after me and cuddle me some more.”
“I don’t need you to be uncomfortable for me to cuddle you,” Dowoon assured you, deciding to snuggle down even closer to you.”
“I think that I could get pretty used to this.”
“I think that I could enjoy this too.”
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stray6ix · 5 years
[7:42p.m.] Dowoon hummed quietly as his thumb gently stroked your arm. He had randomly shown up at your apartment, stating that he just wanted to cuddle. Of course you agreed, and after putting a movie on, the two of you were now settled in on the couch enjoying each other’s company in comfortable silence.
You felt him shift beside you, lowering his body enough to be able to rest his head on your shoulder without removing the arm he had wrapped around you.
“Dowoon~ Why did you really come over today?” As much as he loved cuddling with you, it was strange that he would come all the way to your apartment just for that reason. Especially since he was supposed to go shopping with Wonpil that evening. He shifted again so he could look at you directly.
“I could tell from your texts this morning that you were feeling down... I’m not very good at talking about that kind of stuff, so I decided to come over and just be with you. I know it makes you feel better,” he honestly explained. His expression was so soft and sincere. You could feel how much he cared about you from the way that he not only noticed you were having an off day, but how he took action to make you feel better.
“Thank you Dowoon. This was just what I needed today.”
He smiled before booping your nose with his own and returning to his previous position. He was right - you did feel better.
Requested by @multidino 💕🦕
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luv4day6 · 5 years
9:47 am
Dowoon rested in your living room with a stuffed dog toy laying on his chest. The fake fur tickled his chin when he sat up slightly to look at you. “We should get a dog.” Dowoon said out loud with a child like grin on his face. Not even blinking twice you nonchalantly replied in agreement and that set Dowoon with stars in his eyes. “Really?” He exclaimed more excited than ever. The look of excitement on his face with his shining eyes and beautiful smile would have teared your heart to say no so before you knew it the two of you were headed to the nearest pet store.
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sonnenfuchs · 7 years
pairing: dowoon x reader genre: high school!au warning: - wordcount: 1k
↳ the place next to the cute boy seems peaceful enough to study, right? well,    maybe not. but it’s okay.
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You aren’t picky about where you sit.
It’s a library after all and you are here to study, not to make friends and gossip over coffee and cake. So really, you aren’t too bothered about who you share tables with. (Hell, to be honest you are glad you don’t sit with your friends because otherwise you would never get anything done at all.) It just happens to be him, low-key enough with the headphones dangling from his ears and the book open in front of him even if he doesn’t seem to be intensely focused on what it’s saying.
He seems like a good option for you to have your peace and quiet.
That is why, admittingly, you are a bit startled at the pointed glare he sends you as you sit down across from him. He doesn’t complain or say anything else, however, so you simply shrug it off. Not your problem, you figure.
And in the end, you were right. He doesn’t even seem to take notice of you after that, you might as well don’t even be there. It’s perfect and you manage to get through all your work without a single interruption.
So, naturally, the next time you see him sitting there alone, immersed in whatever music he is playing through his earbuds, you sit down on the same table once again. You are met with another wary glance at first, but less annoyed than last time and both of you mind your own business without exchanging a word.
It becomes a routine.
Always at the same table, in the same corner, and none of you ever talking. The most you interact is a small nod to acknowledge each other's presence at times. You get used to him, the silent company, somehow it helps to keep your mind at ease and focus on studying.
You still don’t even know his name, but you long have grown familiar to his tousled black locks and the big, dark eyes. Hell, you don’t even know what his voice sounds like but it doesn’t bother you at all.
At least it doesn’t until he fails to show up for a whole week straight and you don’t know why and honestly, you curse your mind that fails to concentrate on your work but rather decides to fill the empty space with thoughts of what could have happened.
Yet, when everything returns back to normal and he sits down at the table like he hasn’t been missing, you can’t bring yourself to ask. Still, you are more than relieved you can finally study in peace again.
Or so you think.
You are pretty sure you imagine it at first, the hushed whispers and quiet giggles, but they don’t seem to cease. Actually, they just become all the more prominent as the minutes go by and you cannot help the annoyed sigh that falls from your lips. It’s getting on your nerves but, hey, you can’t really complain as long as they are trying to keep their voice down.
But your irked noises let him look up as well. He send you a questioning look which you answer with a shrug and a nod in the direction of the noise. Pulling out his earphones he looks at the spot you are pointing at and - it’s the first time you hear him speak.
“Oh, for fucks sake.”
Okay, wow you definitely didn’t expect his voice to be this deep but nope, that’s not the thing you should be concentrating on right now. “What’s wrong?”
He doesn’t get to answer, as apparently, the group of girls have taken him speaking as an invitation to come over. Before he even gets to open his mouth they have crowded around the table, making you feel quite uncomfortable and confused.
“You look so good today.” “Dowoon, please notice me.” “Have you already eaten? Let’s go grab something” “You are so handsome, oh my god.” “Dowoon!”
They coo and giggle, blabbering on and on. You cannot quite fathom how they can act this way, complete childish and brazen, not even seemingly realizing how bothersome they really are.
The only thing you can do is mouth a what the actual fuck at him.
Dowoon, as you just learned his name is, sighs once more and with an apologetic look directed at you, he stands up and leaves, the crowd of girls not far behind, but not before they send you dirty looks as if they were trying to warn you to stay away. Ridiculous.
When he doesn’t show up the next day, you fully understand why.
But to your surprise, another boy comes over. With a boxy grin that makes him look downright adorable, he tells you he got a message for you. “Dowoon says he is sorry about yesterday. Also, he is up on the roof right now, if you want to go see him.”
You thank him with a bright smile and immediately gather your belongings to head up to the school roof. You find Dowoon sitting on idly on the edge, as always slightly nodding along to the music playing through his headphones.
When he spots you, the corners of his mouth turn upwards and his eyes crinkle as the smile takes over his whole face. It’s the first time he openly seems to welcome your presence and it might make your heart skip a beat.
He pats the space next to him for you to sit down and you happily obey, letting your backpack fall to the floor and your feet dangle next to his. You sit there for awhile in silence until-
“Sorry about them.”
“It’s okay.” You shake your head at him.
You both fall silent again after that, but it’s not uncomfortable, actually you really enjoy it. He offers you one of his earbuds, and you happily take it, curious what kind of music he has been listening to all the time. And when your head rests on his shoulder, or when his hand comes to rest on top of yours, neither of you complain.
a/n: when my love for day6 finally takes over and their new mv just yells at me to go turn it into a fic :’) i’m sorry i couldn’t help it bUT I FULLY SUPPORT THE CONCEPT OF HEARTTHROB!DOWOON alsooo tagging @denouemin bc i got asked too~~
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Okay? || Rowoon
Edit: this was initially made for a different idol but due to recent news I don't want to have work of him on my account! so I swapped the idol since I still really enjoyed writing this piece.
Synopsis: the big puppy dog eyed boy was obviously in love with you, but only once you realize your feelings it's at what cost?
Pairing: Rowoon x reader
Warning: mentions of a fight, bruises 
Genre: Fluff, angst if you squint
gif credits to rightful owner
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Going to school with Rowoon for a while and he'd always stay by your side. Acting like a lost puppy without you he truly adored you as a friend, because of that he ended up becoming your best friend. You're not sure of where his eagerness to become your friend came from but you're genuinely happy to have him in your life.
As you went into the classroom with him going to sit next to you, the class started but you could feel his eyes on you.
"What do you want, Rowoon?" You whispered looking at him
"Just to appreciate your beautiful face." He said with a smug look copping your whispering tone.
"Maybe you should get some work done."
"Hey I am! I'm working on remembering all your facial features." He said giggling. Rowoon never feared flirting with you.
Rolling your eyes at him you chuckled and you could see the big grin on his face. Continuing in your class most days were like this. Throughout all your time going to school and knowing each other, he has never given you a dull moment. Sometimes it'd get frustrating from his consistent affection, he always loves holding your hand, giving you hugs; always making it seem like you were in a relationship destroying any chance of you finding a significant other. Not like Rowoon really cared too much for that factor. To say for yourself you never knew your feelings for Rowoon so you're not sure how much you mind too.
☆゚.*・。゚♡ ☆゚.*・。゚ ♡ ☆゚.*・。゚ ♡ ☆゚.*・。゚♡
Lunch period starts with Rowoon accompanying you to your regular spot at a small table. Trying to do all he can to make you laugh as he does weird impressions, doing silly dances, any chance to get you to smile; it sparks a question you yet to ask him even though it has been on your mind.
"Yes y/n?" He asks curiosity in his tone.
"Why do you always hang around me, we're best friends obviously but what drew you to become friends with me?" You asked, staring at him mirroring the look of curiosity.
"That's easy, I'm in love with you. Before we became friends I loved the way even if you are anxious to talk to someone new you'll always give them a welcoming smile, how you won't let people push you over, there's so much to you that fascinated me to become acquainted and I continue to be." The serious yet playfulness in his tone with his puppy dog eyes made your heart do a flip, you have never been one to necessarily think you have feelings for him so you brush it off. He notes how he's in love with you in situations like that but you always seem to brush it off thinking it only playful.
☆゚.*・。゚♡ ☆゚.*・。゚ ♡ ☆゚.*・。゚ ♡ ☆゚.*・。゚♡
With Rowoon’s perfect attendance; you were confused as to why he didn't arrive at school without telling you. Him never missing a class you feel a sense of loneliness without your tall friendly giant accompanying you. School day goes by and as you hope to see him the next day he never comes. Getting worried you want to text him but scared of just seeming like a dummy for him just being sick since that was the likely answer; with his main goal to sleep throughout the day to fix his colds you decided to brush it off till you hear two girls in the hallway.
"Did you hear Rowoon got in a fight with a few boys recently for making comments about y/n?" One of the girls said. Your heart dropped, not intervening in their conversation eager to know more.
"No way is that why he hasn't been at school? I mean it makes sense he's head over heels for her. Remind me, are they dating?" The second girl responded.
"They look like it, but it's never been confirmed. Sadly poor lover boy won the fight but two vs one he got quite beat out of him." The first girl said. Not even caring you left the school campus, heading straight to his house you walked fastly knowing it would take 20 minutes or so. As you walked your heart had no idea how to feel, are you mad he got in a fight for you? Or are you touched by how much he cares for you? With all of it running through your mind you start to realize.
You're in love with Kim Rowoon. Head spinning over your realization. You didn't realize you had finally gotten to his block till you saw his house. Making your way to his door you knocked on it.
Opening the door he was confused yet happy to see your face, smiling he said
"Hey y/n? What are you doing here isn't class still-" cutting himself off he realized his face is bruised. He quickly turns away from you to hide the purple and blue marks. But it serves no use as you slide past his big frame into his house. 
"Rowoon let me see your face" you said putting your hand on his cheek making him look at you. His face becoming red as he avoids gaze, you caressed his bruise lightly with your thumb.
"Why didn't you tell me? you don't have to fight for me. I can handle things like that so you don't need to get hurt because of me." You said, causing his emotions of feeling shy to go down with a statement to counteract yours.
"I'll always fight for you, you shouldn't have to deal with gross words or bad people. I'll take a beating to make sure someone knows not to mess with you." He said with sincerity in his voice.
Getting on your tippy toes you planted a kiss to his lips, in absolute shock he was a bit late to reciprocate the kiss. Leaning away you looked him in the eyes.
"I'm in love with you, I would love to not see you bruised and blooded because of me. So please stay out of trouble okay?" Your hand continued to caress his cheek and he could only do at most a nod even though he was in absolute cloud 9. No words could comprehend the happiness you gave him.
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kpopblurbs · 2 years
dowoon + praise? :~)
You settled on your knees at Dowoon's feet, your mouth hanging open obediently as you looked up at him. He smiled, reaching out to card his fingers through your hair, "So good for me," he hummed. You practically purred at the praise, pressing your head up into his hand happily while you waited for his next move.
Once his hand reached the back of your head he tightened his grip in your hair, not enough to cause you pain but enough to keep your head still. His other hand moved to his dick to give himself a couple quick strokes before pushing his hips forward until just the tip of his cock was resting in your open mouth.
"Go ahead," he said softly as he loosened his grip in your hair.
Immediately you jumped into action, taking him as far into your mouth as you could and swirling your tongue around him. He let out a soft groan as he moved his hand to join the other in your hair though he applied no pressure, allowing you to set the pace for the time being.
You bobbed up and down on his length, taking him further into your mouth until you were comfortable enough to sink all the way down. You held yourself there with your nose pressed against his abdomen as long as you could until you had to pull back and catch your breath.
"You're getting better at that," he cooed, reminding you of the days when you could hardly take him into your mouth without coughing and sputtering.
He let you catch your breath for just a moment before giving your hair a gentle tug, "Keep going," he encouraged.
Eagerly you sank back down on his length drawing a moan from his lips as you swallowed around him. "You feel so good," he groaned, his grip tightening in your hair.
You hummed at the praise, the vibrations making his cock twitch in your mouth and sending another moan tumbling from his mouth. He let you maintain your own pace for another moment before his grip tightened again and stopped your movements. Your hands gripped your thighs tightly as you did your best to relax your throat in preparation for what would come next.
Slowly his hips pushed forward, his cock moving down your throat before stilling again. He held you there just barely longer than you would have before pulling back and giving you another moment to breathe. You had barely caught your breath before he was pushing back into your mouth, this time setting a faster pace, his cock moving steadily in and out of your throat.
"You're taking me so well," he managed to get out between moans, his voice shaky from the pleasure, "You're always so good for me."
You squeezed your thighs together, the praise was getting you more worked up than you’d like to admit.
The praise only continued, he told you how good you were being and how amazing you felt in every possible way and by the end of this your knuckles were white with how hard you were gripping your thighs trying to stay obedient for him. You were desperate for stimulation but you could only whine as he snapped his hips into your mouth.
Finally he pulled out with a gasp, his cock twitched in front of your face, clearly desperate for the orgasm he had just denied himself. You waited, eyeing his dick hungrily as he caught his breath. He reached down with one hand to grip your chin and tilt your head back, forcing you to look up at him.
"You've been absolutely perfect," his voice was still a little shaky but he hid it well, "Good pets should always be rewarded, don't you think?"
Send me a member of Ateez, Day6 (ot4) , Stray Kids, NCT (not Jisung), or Twice + a kink and I’ll respond with a drabble!
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