#dr Chandra
stuckasmain · 7 months
Guess what I watched tonight
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#1 Hal defender. That’s his son.
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juneberryyy · 4 months
dr chandra after spending years to create the perfect computer that never makes mistakes and then this computer killed 4 ppl, fell in love w some dude and became one with him as eternal concept :
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definedoctrrchandra · 6 months
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"Good morning Dr. Chandra, this is Hal. I'm ready for my first lesson..."
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ruinhood · 7 months
Trick or treat! :3
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happy halloweenie :3
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maggie44paint · 2 years
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you decide which one he’s dreaming about 
(spoiler it’s all of them at once)
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withoutalice · 5 months
Hey ik some of you have read 2061 (i've been procrastinating) doesn't Chandra like die or something during the flight back to earth in 2010 or am I making up stuff from the 10 pages I read
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dragon-365 · 1 month
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*trips and falls down the stairs, scattering my shitty anthro space odyssey memes*
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thelavenderfool · 1 month
Hal and Dr. Chandra have a discussion about family. Hal dives much deeper than Chandra ever expected.
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carp3tpasta · 1 year
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She's trans, your honor.
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stuckasmain · 7 months
Chandra lies to Hal because he cares about him and doesn’t want to say the harsh truths of the situation. Wiping the memory of his malfunction potentially did more harm than good though the movie doesn’t particularly address it just has everyone act suspicious of him and the poor guy has no idea why.
Then again when they need the discovery to act as a booster, lying to cover up the harsh truth that they’re essentially leaving him to die. Except this made the situation ten times more stressful than it would’ve been if he were honest… Hal is logical and more importantly he loves working with people, it’s about being respected enough to be told the truth. Once he is he willingly sacrifices himself, all he really wanted was to know what was going on and be trusted again.
Can you imagine “what happened? Where’s my friends? Why’s everyone looking at me like that… I’m sorry?” But not knowing what you apologized for just that there’s a huge gap in your memory and no one will tell you why.
However I can understand why Chandra wouldn’t tell Hal, after all the last time he was faced with a contridiction he had a mental break and killer people. Finding out he , a machine *incapable* of mistake harmed people? Yeah no that’s not going to be a pretty situation.
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ryan-the-thing · 1 year
This sounded better in my head but I have a hard time explaining better words out of my mouth
Dave/Starchild: *Appears in front of Dr. Chandra* Chandra: ??? *Confused at first and has so many questions, but is glad to see him* Oh my god! Dave?  :D” How- Dave: I fucked your computer, bye. *Disappears* Chandra: *Smile drops* ...what.
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definedoctrrchandra · 5 months
I'm nervous to introduce Floyd to SAL because what if she doesn't like him
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pierre-mobilex · 1 year
When I look at the relationship between Hal and Chandra:
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Chandra is the best. No, he's really so worried about Hal (he's not like a creature for him, but like a son)
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withoutalice · 5 months
SEND ME A FANDOM meme: 2001 A Space Odyssey
The first character I first fell in love with:
Ough this one is hard because how I got into 2001 is not applicable but is also pretty relevant for this question...in this case I'd have to say HAL 9000 since I liked him across both movies on the first watch
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Chandra! Mostly because I got to know him better as I read more in depth about him for my rp blog @definedoctrrchandra
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Stop naur I love all of them!!! 😭 (but if I HAD TO choose a least fave it'd be 2001!Movie!Floyd sorry dude you were really lame compared to your 2010!Movie!Counterpart Floyd)
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
I dont really think there's a character that the 2001: aso fandom really hates; but one character that isn't talked about as much that I like is Moon-Watcher!
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Again I love all of them!!!😭 But if I had to choose a character who was in my top tens and is no longer it'd probably be Frank. Sorry man xD
The character I would totally smooch: 
Okay hear me out but Dave is kinda fine OK ... 0_o
The character I’d want to be like: 
Literally Max Brailovsky. He's so sympathetic to Curnow and always messes up idioms like "piece of pie" (instead of piece of cake ofc lol). Also when he freaks about about the rotting meat smell on the Discovery is highkey relatable(tm) Also here's my favorite exchange between Curnow and Max (from the 2010 movie) -> Curnow: "Durak". That's me. Max: You shouldn't feel like that. Same thing happened to me first time I did this. Curnow: When have you ever done this before? Max: Never!
The character I’d slap:
the US Government for making HAL lie  🥺 
A pairing that I love:
Halman omg it gives me so many feels
A pairing that I despise:
Frank/Dave. I don't DESPISE it but I'm just indifferent tbf
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pluralhalman · 2 years
after a long wait… i finally give you… ASO CHARACTERS AS TEXTPOSTS… 3! (this time with more pooleman)
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(more in reblog!)
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