#dreamland art exhibit
Morpho Knight!!! :D
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Yay Mori!!!!!!!! It Marophim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lesgo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun fact: this form is actually a disguise. Mortal species aren’t meant to see Goddesses in their entirety, so Mori was told to disguise themself as something fitting. They chose to be a Butterfly, which are very common in Gamble Galaxy, for when they’re around others; when they’re alone, or only with Astrals or other Reapers, they look like this!
Their true form is far more Draconic. Big, bony wings, horns, clawed feet, and the like.
Trans bug info and hex codes under the cut! Trans bug trans bug
(Remember, ArtShield desaturates images put through it, so if you’re going to draw them, reference the listed hex codes!)
Full name: Marophim
Aliases: Morpho Knight, ‘Mori’
Species: Draconic Demigod
Planet of Origination: Concept Universe
Age: 20,890,968
Height: 7’0”
Gender: Biologically female; identifies as non-binary
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
Sexuality: Queer, asexual
S/O: Empress (joyfriend), Mirror-World Ione/Dark Meta Knight (boyfriend), Mirror-World Galacta/Mirogala (partner)
Family: Yacho’o (mother), Yway (sister), Yakii (sister), Ophanim (sister)
One of Yacho’o’s children, tasked with reaping lost souls.
In a romantic polycule with Empress and the Mirror-World versions of Ione and Galacta, otherwise known as Dark and Mirogala (or Miro). Does not currently plan on having children with any of them.
Child of a Goddess, though not reaching Ykka levels of power, they were born and raised to be among the most powerful Grim Reapers in the Multiverse. They’ve been reaping souls for most of their life, starting at 200 years old.
A kind and usually quiet person. They’re incredibly hyper-empathetic, and capable of sensing a person’s emotions due to countless years of exposure to Souls. As such, they’re very good at comforting others, and are one of the most understanding people on Popstar, without exaggeration.
Has lived in many places across their long lifetime, but has settled in a few places; most recently, they decided to live in Dreamland to help in training and protecting the planet’s guardian, Kirby. They’re not meant to interact with the living very often, because of their status as both a Demigod and Grim Reaper, so they don’t have many friends, but they make do with what they have, and they’re grateful.
Their weapon of choice is the Doomblade Ares, forged by their mother Yacho’o specifically for the purpose of reaping Souls. They also use their natural Fire magic on occasion, but not very commonly.
Hex codes
#171717 — Hair base
#1A1A1A — Skin
#3A3735 — Scars
#FFB062 — Wings fade / Loincloth fade
#FB7332 — Hair fade / Antennae / Inner ears
#D42214 — Wings base / Loincloth base
#FFE2D5 — Pupils
#FFFFFF — Eye whites / Freckles
#3A2B23 — String 1
#A00909 — String 2
#FF591D — Kimono 1 (pattern using same colour with Morpho Glitter brush, brush blend mode Add, twice on same layer with alpha lock)
#FF8B41 — Kimono 2
#FFB97D — Kimono 3 (pattern using same colour with Victorian brush, layer blend mode Colour Burn)
#FFE1C8 — Kimono 4 (undershirt??????? Idk)
#000000 — Helmet accents
#4E0303 — Dress
#DF6024 — Armour accents
#E57D35 — Armour 4
#EFAC4D — Hand guards
#EEA870 — Armour 3
#EEC894 — Armour 2
#CDC8C6 — Armour 1
#D42214 — Base
#FFB062 — Fade (effect using same colour with Clouds brush, layer blend mode Add, layer opacity 75%)
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furiousheartbeats · 1 month
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Coney Island: Visions of an American Dreamland, 1861-2008, Robin Jaffee Frank, Yale University Press (2015 / Catalogue d'exposition)
0 notes
flowerpotmage · 11 months
Tight Grip, Broken Dam (4)
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You don’t question it anymore, when Miguel appears in your bed at night. He’s not there for sex, no, you’ve never even kissed—though you would be lying if you said you weren’t open to the idea of kissing him. He’s there for comfort. For rest. If only it could stay so simple.
Pair: Miguel O'Hara & GN!Reader
Notes: for series: slow burn, ambiguous relationship, found family dynamics, reader is in their late 20s. for chapter: action scene, nongraphic injury
Word Count: roughly 3k
Read this chapter on Ao3 here. If you like my work, please consider leaving kudos there as well! You do not need an account to do so.
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The first time you had held Miguel was in his lab. It was the earlier days, the grief still raw, the man still shell-shocked. You were brand new to the multiverse, to Earth-928.
You had found him watching videos of his daughter.
You’d never seen him close windows on his platform display so fast, before or since then. You waited for him to say something, anything, but all you saw was the tension in his shoulders.
“I’ll leave these here, we just thought you'd like to have some food…” you said, glancing up at him while you placed the takeout box on a level surface.
“Thank you.”
The ghost of a wobble in his voice made you pause, look closer at him. A thwip and a swing, and you were suddenly on the platform with him. He turned to look at you, the vague surprise on his face doing little to hide the shine of his eyes.
And then you hugged him, your arms around his waist and your head against his chest as you squeezed him tight. He clearly didn't know what to do, his own arms floated awkwardly in the air.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m returning the favor,” you mumbled. “From when we met.”
His body seemed to relax at that, just slightly, and his hands came to rest lightly on your back.
“...Thank you.”
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You wake twenty minutes before your alarm feeling ill-rested and ill at ease, your dream fading rapidly from your mind. Turning your head to look at where your phone is charging on the edge of the mattress (“You really shouldn’t sleep with that thing in your bed,” you hear Miguel say in the back of your mind), you stare at it as if it will miraculously fix your previous night’s sleep, or suddenly announce that you actually have hours left to return to dreamland.
No such luck.
So you drag yourself out of bed, feeling much like a cursed skeleton climbing from a blackened pit, and reluctantly start your day.
When you head out you leave a sleeping Gwen in the apartment, your dimension-hopping watch in your inner coat pocket beside your mask in case she needs to contact you. You don’t have time to get a burner phone for her this morning, but you put it on your mental to-do list.
Like many Spider-People, your day job is in journalism. You’ve lost track of how many Peter Parkers work in photo -journalism, and how many at the Daily Bugle specifically. You’re no stranger to J. Jonah Jameson and his anti-Spider-Person vendetta, being the target of it here in your own dimension, but you couldn't imagine working for him too. No, your main job is writing for the features section of an entirely different paper, often assigned to human interest pieces, community events, and independent art exhibits. This only pays about half the bills, freelance barely covering the rest, but the hours are flexible and your journalism pass has come in handy enough times during Spider-sleuthing that you wouldn’t change a thing.
Well, besides more pay. Obviously. So… yeah, actually, maybe one thing.
But your heart’s barely in it today. While your body sits in the paper’s office floor, waiting to talk with the editor in chief about your latest piece, your head is–
“You okay today? You look about a million miles away,” one of your colleagues seems to materialize before you, her long pin-straight blonde hair tucked behind one ear.
You give an apologetic smile. Even under the terrible fluorescence of the office lights she manages to look like an ethereal elven being.
So not fair.
“Sorry, late night,” you chuckle weakly. “Didn’t sleep well.”
“I’m guessing from the way you say that, it wasn’t for any fun reason,” she attempts to joke, and you chuckle.
“Yeah,” you confirm. “Just uh, one of those nights.”
She glances at the door behind you. “Good luck with Ellison. Ben’s got him in a real mood today, I hear.”
“Thanks for the heads up.”
She smiles, turning to head to the door. “See ya later then.”
You return the smile. “Bye, Karen.”
She’s passing through the office door when the editor’s office opens and a balding, bearded man pokes his head out, fixing you under his bespectacled stare.
“ Please tell me you have good things to tell me today.”
“Mitchell,” you greet, rising from the plastic chair to follow him into his office. “Have I ever let you down?”
“Only about five times in recent memory,” he says, motioning for you to close the door as he turns the corner around to the back of his desk, sitting down.
“Fair,” you acknowledge. “But then did I not totally make up for those?”
He rolls his eyes begrudgingly. “Okay, fine.” He gestures at you. “Out with it.”
“I need an extension.”
He sighs, going to take off his glasses–
“I’m kidding,” you quickly say. And then, “Sorry,” when he glares at you from under his crunched together eyebrows. “I actually finished early, it should be in your inbox, and,” you fish out a thin stack of paper collected in a binder clip, holding them towards him in offering. “I brought you a hard copy for your notes. I know the printer here is on the fritz.”
He raises his eyebrows, reaching across the table to accept the papers. “What’s the catch?”
“No catch,” you say. “Because I'm going to assume you can't pay me for it yet, so I won't even ask. Can I have my next story?”
“I wasn’t expecting you to finish so soon,” he says, plopping the papers down on his desk. “I won’t have more for you for at least a week, since you refuse to cover the Spider.”
“Conflict of interest,” you immediately recite, punching your hands into your coat pockets.
“Yeah, yeah,” he waves you off. “Take the week, use it to catch up on your freelance work, see if there’s anything you wanna pitch to me.”
You nod, the two of you say your farewells, and you exit the office.
Back on the street, a light wind nips at your nose and ears. There’s no aggression behind it, the nips as harmless as a teething puppy, but the chill is there nonetheless. Once again you punch your hands into your pockets to spare your fingers the gummy mouthing of the wind, letting it chase you down the sidewalk and dance around your heels.
With nothing but time to kill, you scan through your mental list of tasks and errands—
Ah. A phone for Gwen.
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The simple errand was going very, very wrong.
First, on the way there, you had gotten swept into a car chase as The Spider, at one point narrowly dodging a bullet with your name on it. The unnamed woman from the last night Miguel had stayed over flashed through your mind when it blew past you, throwing you off and earning you a road rash on your hands, knee, and one forearm that you’d be feeling for the next few days, at least. God, you wish you had a better healing factor.
Second, the first phone-related store you happened upon was one of those places with windows pasted with advertisements, the glass behind bars, and the entire storefront covered in bright glittery and flashing signage. Most prominent was the ‘ WE BUY GOLD!!!’ sign dancing with all the enthusiasm of a Las Vegas showgirl.
It was also being robbed. Which wasn’t a problem for you of course, it was just that you were starting to feel pretty damn drained already and it wasn’t even noon.
After some acrobatics that would impress even Gwen, you succeeded in webbing up the four men involved with the overzealous attempted robbery, leaving them hanging from the lampost outside to be picked up before buying a prepaid flip phone with cash.
But no, that wasn’t all that went wrong. You believed yourself to be in the clear, stopping to get a sandwich once back in your civilian clothes, and now you sat on a bench in the square watching manicured bushes rustle in the midday breeze.
“Mm,” you hum, swallowing your first bite of your sandwich, and going for another.
And then, the third thing goes wrong. A portal opens up and spits out a rather tall man, covered head to toe in glowing and moving circuit-board patterns under his hat and trenchcoat. The air buzzes with static even from where you sit nearly twenty feet away, your internal alarm blaring like a bad horror movie.
His head turns with a sudden, jerking motion, looking you directly in the eyes.
“Oh, shit.”
His body turns to face you, moving as jerky as his head had. You barely have time to jump up and run, abandoning your sandwich, before his arm lifts and he fires a goddamn laser ball at you.
“Shit, shit!”
You scatter with the other handful of people who had been in the square, searching frantically for somewhere to pull on your mask and safely ditch your things. It takes a moment, but you manage it, and when you emerge from the tiny alley to slingshot yourself back to the square, the anomaly is walking straight for you, movements jerky and mechanical.
“Ohhh, this isn’t good,” you lift your watch to your masked face as you land on a grassy patch. “I need backup! Anomaly on Earth-”
You don’t manage to get your dimension number out as you speak into your watch, because a second laser blast is heading straight for you. Your internal alarm bell screeches at you just in time for you to dodge and for it to fly through empty air where your rib cage had been moments before.
You land in a roll, scraping your road-rash all over again, standing as the park tree behind where you had stood moments shatters and topples, branches bouncing and rustling against themselves in a way that sounds quite a lot like the blood rushing through your ears.
You shoot a web at the electric man, but his cannon arm— Holy shit, his whole arm? —tears through it like, well, a cobweb.
“Electro!” You shout, taking a wild guess as to his identity. You don’t have an Electro on your earth, but you’ve heard enough and seen enough waiting to be sent home, so you connect the dots. “We don’t need to do this! I can hel-”
“Not. Elec. Tro.” He speaks, voice choppy like his movements, distorted and filtered. “Ven. Ture.”
Dots un- connected.
“Wha-? Who?”
He raises his cannon arm at you once more. You start to run, looking for something with height.
No such luck.
Then across the square a familiar golden portal opens, pulling your attention.
It pulls Venture’s too.
A figure steps out, Venture swinging his cannon arm in the new direction. You call out in warning, shooting your webs to grab his arm. The sudden pull on his arm throws his aim off and the cannon fires into a bench, leaving a charred hole the size of a man’s torso where the laser hits.
You see a piece of charred sandwich wrapper comically flutter away from the blast as a familiar voice calls out to you, using your alias of Spider.
Your head whips to see Miguel. Miguel, who you’ve just saved.
Miguel who could be vaporized right now.
“Wrap him up!” He shouts, and you nod, Miguel charging Venture while you have his arm webbed and unable to aim at him.
You seem to realize at the same time that Venture does that just because he cannot pull against your web to shoot Miguel, doesn’t mean he can’t just turn towards you.
You don't register the words, but you recognize Miguel’s shout as you backflip and narrowly dodge yet another blast from Venture’s laser cannon arm. When you’ve righted yourself you see Venture firing wildly, Miguel’s talons digging into and cracking the cannon as he shoves it aside.
You’re sprinting towards them, shooting webs to pin the cannon arm to the ground before Venture can raise it and shoot Miguel, who’s baring his teeth to bite down on the man’s other arm.
Alarm bells.
“Wait, don’t–!” You cry, shooting webs to pin down Venture’s other arm, grabbing Miguel’s shoulder to pull him back.
“Why not?!” He snarls, whipping his head and shoulders to face you, all adrenaline and teeth and talons as he crouches over Venture.
“He’s not– He’s all– he’s all juiced up with electricity–” you scramble to explain, waving your hands around.
His eyes dart over your face, your body, catching on your scraped hands, knee, and elbow. He stiffens further, breathing heavily from the short fight. In the blink of an eye he whips back around, punches Venture in the face, knocking him out cold.
“Jesus,” you whisper, eyes wide.
Miguel rises and begins to tie Venture up with his own webs, tearing yours off the now unconscious figure’s arms so that they’re no longer stuck to the ground. You’ve seen his talons before, of course, but you can’t help but stare at the quick work they make of your webs.
His mask is back on when he straightens to his full height, turning to look at you.
“Are you alright?” He asks, nodding his head at your scrapes.
You blink under your mask, looking down. Only now do you see that the scrapes on one of your hands and on your knee are bleeding again. As the fog of adrenaline begins to recede the sting of pain comes in to replace it.
“Oh, yeah. This wasn’t him, this was… earlier.” You flex your hands slightly at the growing sting in your palms, glad he can’t see your slight grimace under your mask. “It’s been an… eventful day.”
Miguel stares at you for a moment, before looking down to tap his watch. “Come to HQ.”
You nod.
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Miguel insists you get your scrapes cleaned up by one of the medically trained Spider-Men at HQ when you get back. He lurks in the corner, his elbow resting on his other arm crossed over his ribs as he taps at his chin, his bottom lip. He takes brief breaks from glaring at the floor to take the occasional quick glance up at you, his fingers pausing in their tapping when he does.
“No significant debris,” Doctor Spidey says, pushing away on his stool to retrieve bandages where they sit waiting on the counter nearby after cleaning your scrapes. “They’ll heal up fast, just keep it clean for the next while until they do.”
You nod, keeping your palm out for him to wrap. Both of you try to pretend that Miguel isn’t hovering in the corner while bandages are wrapped around your palms, your outer forearm, and your knee.
“Alright!” Doctor Spidey says. “You’re good to go.”
After expressing your thanks you exit the doctor’s office, Miguel’s towering form following behind you.
“How’d you get those anyway?”
You turn to look at him, a brief jolt going through you when you find his eyes already on you. His brow is furrowed, and the muscle in his jaw twitches when he turns his gaze forward to focus on the path of the hall you both journey down.
“Oh, um, car chase earlier,” you say, wishing you had pockets to put your hands into. You finally look away, watching the ground in front of your feet.
Miguel’s form by your side eats up your awareness, even as you pass other Spider-People and exchange passing hellos. Something restless and hot rolls off his body, and it swallows you up like water.
“You need to be more careful,” he says, and his voice is sharp with agitation, frustration.
You bristle at his tone.
“I am careful. I was careful.” You frown, turning to look at him.
The muscle in his jaw twitches again.
“Yeah. Clearly.” He says, glancing at your injuries and looking away just as you frown and start to open your mouth.
“Miguel, hey! Oh-ho, and our little Garden Spider?”
It’s Peter who interrupts whatever it is you're about to say to Miguel. As usual he has May with him in the baby carrier, and her pudgy little hands hold onto his fingers as he absentmindedly bounces them in the air.
You do your best to school your features, your mask clenched in your hand as you try to take your attention back from Miguel and his now crossed arms in the corner of your vision.
“Hey Peter,” you give a close lipped smile, hoping it doesn't look as tense and forced as it feels.
He glances between the two of you, Miguel’s tense body and crossed arms, then your own stiff posture and your bandages.
“Damn,” he raises his eyebrows. “What happened to you ?”
Miguel’s crossed arms tense in the corner of your eye.
“Car chase,” you manage to say. “Slipped.” You shrug, mustering up every ounce of nonchalance in your body.
“Oh,” he laughs. “I’ve been there. Road rash is no fun. Y’know, one time–”
“Peter, as fascinating as I’m sure this story is, I have things to get to,” Miguel interrupts.
“Right,” Peter shrugs it off like it's no big deal, stepping out of the way. “You’re missing out though, it’s a pretty good story.”
“Uh-huh.” Miguel lets his arms uncross as he starts to walk again, and he gets a few large strides past Peter before he falters to a stop, turning to look back over his shoulder.
You want to continue on walking with him, you really do. That new feeling you’re getting all too familiar with, the one that squeezes your ribs, returns when his eyes meet yours. He hesitates, something unsure in his eyes.
“We still need to debrief,” Miguel says.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
Miguel hesitates still, turning away at last and then walking away, shoulders tense.
Once Miguel turns the corner, Peter turns to you. “I feel like I interrupted something.”
You slump slightly, rubbing your now furrowed brow. “Today sucks, Peter.”
“Aw, hey,” Peter says, stepping closer to put a fatherly arm over your shoulders, May reaching out to pat you. “Wanna talk about it?”
You shake your head. “No, I should…” you trail off and gesture in the direction Miguel had left.
“Right. Baaad idea to keep boss-man waiting.”
You nod. Peter pats your back.
“Listen,” he says, pulling back but keeping a hand on your shoulder as you lift a hand to let May grab your finger. “Whatever it is, it’s just because he cares. You know that right?”
You nod. “Yeah, I know.” Letting go of May’s hand, you give Peter a tired, thankful smile. “I’ll see you around.”
You’re almost out of earshot when you hear Peter mumble to May:
“Those two are killing me, kid.”
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euphorajeon · 2 years
love (and all of its complications) | kth
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— pairing: photography student!tae x reader
— genre: fluff, angst (a bit) | college au
— word count: 3.1k
— warnings: insecurities, self-deprecating thoughts, (most likely) inaccurate use of photography terms, the nickname love, brief mention of min yoonji (haha)
— summary: when you think you're not worth loving, he lists all the reason why you are.
— author's note: this is a request from a friend based on the song best part of me by ed sheeran (ft. yebba)! so its a bit oc-centric. if you're having similar thoughts to oc, i hope tae's words can become a source of comfort for you :) enjoy!
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The first thing you notice upon waking up from slumber is the weight of your boyfriend’s head on your chest, his fluffy hair tickling your chin. As much as you like having him close like this, the position makes it hard for you to breathe, so you shift your body a little to give your lungs the oxygen they deserve. Your movement triggers that of his as well, his arm tightening around your waist and his leg around your legs, making you sigh in defeat.
A glance at the wall clock tells you that it’s still way too early for him to wake up, so you decide to give him those extra hours of sleep you know he will appreciate later. Your hand settles on his hair, fingers running through the strands once before you angle your head to give him a kiss on the top of his head. He stirs a bit but doesn’t wake up, instead he snuggles closer to your body like you’re his personal body pillow.
When your hand catches on his t-shirt while rubbing his back, the black color of the fabric reminds you that your boyfriend had gone straight to bed last night in the same clothes he had been wearing all night. Any protests you put up fell on deaf ears as he whined for you to get into bed with him, claiming he was too exhausted to wash up. Between his big puppy eyes and pouting lips, you couldn’t find it in you to deny him of your hold, allowing him to pull you onto the mattress and into dreamland.
Last night was the opening night of Taehyung’s photography exhibition, so you understand the state of exhaustion he’s in. You’ve witnessed first-hand how stressed he was preparing for this event, from the initial proposal to choosing the photos to display and arranging them in the exhibition venue according to his vision. It was filled with countless sleepless nights and too many cups of coffee you started to worry about his wellbeing, something you told him often. Despite his reassurance that he would be fine, you still found yourself biting your lip in worry every time he looked even the slightest bit tired.
Last night, he proved to you that all of those sleepless nights and bitter coffees are worth it as he proudly hosted the opening night of his own exhibition that has been his dream for so long. You had watched as the sparks never left his eyes for the entirety of the night, even though he had to be on his feet for hours and talk non-stop to the guests. You watched with admiration in your eyes every time he explained the meaning behind the photos on display, feeling pride swell in your heart when you see that people were as mesmerized as you were listening to him talk about his art.
You had let yourself wander around the exhibition without him, letting him be the star of the show on his own. It was fascinating to see the exhibition in its finished form when you’ve only seen parts of the building process, seeing the bits you recognize and how it came to life with the things added around them. It was also different seeing the photos finally lined up according to the story that Taehyung wants to tell, the message he wants to convey. Through the various colors and techniques, he bares his mind to everyone and hopes that it was enough to be understood.
You’ve always admired Taehyung’s photography skills. The way he captures mundane things and makes them appear extraordinary in his shots never fails to evoke emotions out of you, sometimes even making you believe that the world is as beautiful as it is behind his camera lens. Often you wonder if that’s how he sees the world — through a rose-colored glass, void of the black-colored stains that’s always lurking in the corner.
You found the answer last night, when he was talking to his photography club friends about the general theme of his exhibition. It’s not exactly looking at the world through a rose-colored glass — or lens, in his case — but just to show people than you can find beauty even in the tiniest nook and cranny of places you never thought to be beautiful. You thought it’s an endearing concept, but one of his friends argued that the narrative seems too idealistic in the way it sugarcoats the harsh realities of the world. They had launched into a discussion of this topic with different opinions from each one of Taehyung’s friends, giving their own input as to why this is damaging or healing.
The discussion was intense and at some point even they made you voice your thoughts on the matter as someone who doesn’t see the world through a lens like the rest of them. Your answer, of course, made them groan because it aligns with your boyfriend’s opinion, giving the impression that you were just saying things to support him even though it was your honest thoughts on the topic. Taehyung had given you a huge grin before squeezing you in a side-hug, relaying his gratitude silently. The conversation continued in a good-manered banter, soon after shifting to the techniques used in Taehyung’s photographs.
The words being thrown around sounded so foreign to you, who was only able to recognize the terms composition and exposure. Something about positioning, lighting, coloring, editing.. you tuned them out after a while. Despite so, you didn’t miss the way Taehyung talked animatedly about his craft, responding to each and every query from his friends with enthusiasm. It was clear from the discussion that everyone in the club is really passionate about this, about the things they want to tell through photographs, about the message each of them carries in every frame they capture.
Sometimes you wonder how it feels to be that passionate about something.
You have your own interests and hobbies, of course, ones you even think are your passion in life that you’d continue doing for the rest of your life. You spend weeks, months, years to perfect your own art until you’re confident that you have put out the best results and can proudly present them to the world. Surely, this is your passion, your life calling, you’re meant to do this for as long as you live. For a moment, you truly believed that.
Soon after, reality turns bleak as you come to a realization that your best does not even come close to someone else’s worst. Every corner you turn, there’s always someone with more things to offer; more appeal, more elegance, more eloquence. Your best result, the one you created with all the effort you could muster, paled in comparison to them. Hell, it was annihilated, utterly destroyed without a trace left. You’d watched your dreams crash and burn, taking your confidence with them.
Striped off your art, your passion, you’re left with a gaping hole of what else? What else do you have to offer to the world? What else do you have in you that’s worth showing off? What else can you do to prove your worth? What else can you do if not this?
Those questions play themselves in an endless loop inside your head, plaguing your mind day in, day out. There are times when they’re not as loud, only serving as background noise while you go through your day, but you find there are more times that they are roaring in your ears like thunder prior to a storm. They get worse whenever you see people talking about what they do with so much fervor, the fire in their eyes reflecting in your empty ones. Your fire was long gone even before it was able to be ablaze.
Often times, it makes you wonder whether you’ll ever be good enough without a passion.
“Honey? Sweetheart?”
Your boyfriend’s voice brings you out of your thoughts. It sounds even deeper than normal, indicating that he just woke up. When you look down, though, his eyes are wide open and there’s concern in them, like he can hear the thunder that rumbled in your head moments prior. You hope not. It’s too early for him to be worried.
“Are you okay?” Uh, oh. “I called you like, five times before this. Thought you were still asleep, but you’re awake..” Taehyung turns in your hold, holding himself up using his right arm. The worry in his eyes doesn’t cease, and you hate to be the cause of it.
“I’m fine, Tae, why wouldn’t I be?” You press your lips into a faint smile, hoping he would just chalk it up to you being tired from the event last night. His left hand comes up to your cheek and you lean into the touch, unconsciously releasing a small sigh.
“You had that faraway look that you do whenever you’re thinking about something,” Taehyung says, his gaze analyzing your expression. “And this time, it’s paired with a frown,” he continues, the pad of his thumb lightly brushing over the corner of your lips which you try really hard to keep upturned. “You’re not fine, love.”
Another sigh escapes your lips as you close your eyes, hating the fact that your boyfriend knows you like the back of his hand.
“Yeah, it’s just..” How do you downplay this so he doesn’t get more worried? “..morning woes,” you settle. That should be enough. “Don’t worry about it, Tae.”
Your hand reaches for his head so you can go back to running your fingers through his hair like you were doing before he woke up, but he’s having none of it as he pushes himself to a sitting position, ridding you of his body warmth. “You saying that is the reason why I have to worry,” he counters. “Is it one of my friends? Or the guest? Did anyone make you uncomfortable last night?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” you rush to correct his assumptions. Although it is true that your spiraling thoughts started because of his friends, it’s not for the reason he’s thinking of. “It’s just me thinking too much, Tae, it’s okay,” you try to reassure him once again.
“About what?” Taehyung asks, eyes never leaving yours. You wish he’d turn his gaze somewhere else, because you’re not sure the clouds behind your irises can be hidden for much longer. You’d hate to taint this important moment for him with your clouds, dark and rumbling in your mind.
Apparently you’re silent for too long that he deems you’re back in your head again. “Hey, it’s okay.. you can tell me,” he whispers, thumb stroking your cheek gently. His eyes have gone softer now, no longer staring at you with concern swimming in his orbs. You should be relieved, happy that he’s not worried anymore, but somehow the emotion replacing that worry makes your heart tighten in your chest.
He’s staring at you with love. Gentle and quiet, like he’s saying it doesn’t matter what you have in your mind, doesn’t matter how dark the clouds are, doesn’t matter how much the storm is raging, he will always find your hand to hold and pull you out into the light. He will always love you, whether your head is filled with a ray of sunshine or a raging storm.
“Do you love me?” You say quietly. It’s almost rethorical, with the way his gaze has your answer even before you voice out the question.
“Yes, of course I love you.” It doesn’t even take a second for him to answer. “Is this what you were thinking about? Whether I love you or not?” Taehyung sounds genuinely surprised, maybe because it never occurred to him to doubt his love for you.
Instead of responding to his question, you put your arms around his shoulders and pull him down for a hug. It’s an uncomfortable position and his arms are bent at an awkward angle, but you don’t care. You need to let this man know that you’ve never doubted his love for you either, only the reason behind it and whether you deserve it or not.
“Love, will you tell me what’s going on?” Taehyung’s voice is muffled against your shoulder. You blink back tears that are threatening to spill out as you hide your face in the crook of his neck.
“Why do you love me, Tae?”
The whispered question makes him pull away from the hug to get a look at your expression. You lost your hiding place and have no choice but to let him see you in this state; glassy, red-rimmed eyes, vulnerable. Taehyung’s eyebrows slope downwards and he looks like he’s something between angry and upset. It occurs to you that the single sentence you let out could have been interpreted in so many different ways, so you rush to explain yourself.
“It’s not that — that I don’t believe that you love me. It’s just..” you take a deep breath and release it in a shaky sigh. “Why are you in love with me? I’m not as pretty as your other friends, I’m not talented, not even that smart. Heck, I quit doing my art because I wasn’t good enough at the thing I claimed to be my passion. I don’t have anything about me to be proud of, to be worthy of being loved. Why are you still with me? You could have anyone else that has so much more to offer than me..”
By the end of your explanation, tears have flown freely down your cheeks. It seems silly to be crying even before noon, but the demons inside your head don’t look at the time when they summon storms. You just wish Taehyung didn’t have to see this. He doesn’t deserve this version of you when he has given you nothing but his best.
“I’m still with you because you make me happy,” Taehyung says. He pulls you up into a sitting position before cupping your cheeks in his huge hands, thumbs brushing away your tears. He doesn’t stop even when they continue flowing out of your eyes.
“I’m still with you because you make me laugh with your one-liners, because you laugh at my jokes. I’m with you because you call my photos beautiful even when I think they’re not. I’m with you because you don’t get mad at me whenever I burn food and instead offer to clean up with me. I’m with you because you push me to be the best version of myself even without realizing it.
“You’re beautiful, talented, and smart, love. Even when you choose not to believe it yourself. You’re courageous, too, for deciding to quit when you felt it was too much for you. Many people might not agree with me, but it takes great courage and strength to be able to quit from something you’ve been doing for so long with so much effort. It’s okay if you don’t have something to be passionate about right now, I will be here for you until you find a new one, or maybe get back to the one you left.”
Taehyung smiles, and your sobs get uglier.
“I love you for all the reasons you think you don’t deserve to be loved for, so you can quit worrying about it, okay?”
You sob loudly and he chuckles, endeared, as he pulls you back into his arms. His hands rub soothingly down your back, letting you cry on his shoulder without any complaints. Pressing his cheek against the top of your head, he releases a relieved sigh with a small smile.
“You know, it’s a wonder as well that you love me,” Taehyung laughs quietly. “I can’t cook, I’m terribly messy, and when I work on my project I ignore you for days. Do you remember the twenty missed calls you left because I fell asleep in the studio when preparing for the exhibition?”
You sniff and chuckle, your voice sounding funny when you talk because of your blocked nose. “That’s because you’re passionate. You just worried me when you didn’t pick up your phone, thought you were dead from exhaustion.” You clear your throat to get rid of the scratchiness of your voice. “Also I don’t mind that you can’t cook, as long as you stay updated on delivery places so we have something different to eat every day.”
“You don’t mind that I can’t cook because you can’t cook either, love.”
“Yeah, that too.”
Taehyung lets out another chuckle as he squeezes your form, peppering your head with kisses. You both stay like that for a while, enjoying each other’s body warmth. It allows you to settle the storm inside your head, now only a pitter-patter against the window in your mind. Soon, it’ll be filled with sunshine again. You believe it will.
“Can I ask you about something?” Taehyung says after minute of being silent. You hum your affirmation, allowing him to continue. “What triggered you? To think about all of that this early in the morning?”
“It’s almost eleven, Tae, not early at all,” you muse, ignoring the first part of his question. You let out a sigh when he gives no response to your joke. “Just.. meeting your friends last night. They’re fine, I swear! But the way you guys were talking about the exhibition, about photography in general.. it made me realize how passionate you all are and made me wonder why I can’t be that passionate towards something as well. Yeah, there you go.”
“Oh, love..” Taehyung sighs.
“Also, your friends are really pretty and talented, I couldn’t help but feel insecure, you know?” You add, tone light and playful to let your boyfriend know that you’re okay now. Even if there’s some truth to your words. “Who’s the one who has dark blue hair? I saw the shot she showed you on her phone, it was really beautiful and stuck with me the most.”
“Oh, that’s Min Yoonji. If you remember Yoongi from the club last year, she’s his twin. Yoongi couldn’t come last night so he sent her in his stead,” Taehyung explains. “You don’t have to be insecure, though. Yoonji might be pretty and talented, but she’s not you.”
You snort out a shy laugh. “Alright, I get it. Ease up on the flirting, will you?”
“Hey, I’m serious!” He laughs and it’s so contagious you find yourself laughing out loud as well. “Really, though, love. Okay?”
“Hmm,” you respond. Then, “I love you, Tae.”
“I love you too,” he replies. “Now can we get breakfast? Brunch? I’m starving.”
And as you laugh again, you think you’ll be fine. You think the storms will calm down into a drizzle, and the drizzle will soon let up to allow a ray of sunshine to pass through the clouds. There might even be a rainbow adorning the sky of your mind, and it will look picture-perfect just like how Taehyung captures the world in his lens.
You’ll be fine.
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— a/n: thanks for reading! tell me your thoughts here :)
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Disney Dreamland - Part 6: Discoveryland
Here it is, the final part! This area follows in the footsteps of Discoveryland in Paris, allowing more creative freedom than the traditional Tomorrowland. The land would be divided into two major “time periods”, one based on Victorian era / Belle Époque steampunk, and the other based on a high-tech modern day digital era that would evolve from said steampunk era.  There would be a decent amount of greenery in the land, none of those lifeless metal tree sculptures. Trees could be in their natural form in the steampunk half, while in the modern day half they could be trimmed into neat geometric shapes.
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Timeless Square
This area serves as the entry point from the hub. It is in-between the two major time periods of the land, bridging them. Would feature a detailed astronomical clock tower landmark. 
“Discoveryland Thru the Years”: Successor to Carousel of Progress / Progressland, one of the four New York World’s Fair attractions. Tells the land’s “history” progression from the turn of the 20th century to the modern day, and ends with an optimistic hope for the future. I didn’t call it a carousel to avoid confusion with the other actual carousels I put in the park, but it is still a rotating theater.
Discoveryland PeopleMover: Successor to Ford Magic Skyway, one of the four New York World’s Fair attractions. A relaxing classic ride that weaves all throughout Discoveryland, including through various attraction buildings. The only challenge would be creating a vehicle that matches the aesthetics of both time periods of the land. 
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Discovery Academy
The steampunk-inspired half of the land. While the theming uses elements of British Victorian steampunk, the architecture would mostly be modeled after Art Nouveau / Belle Époque Paris. I want the vibe of the area to be similar to a college campus or museum, but a really fancy inviting one, not a cold imposing one. In the center of the building is the Automaton Courtyard, a garden courtyard to rest and relax, but also part-walkthrough attraction. Would feature lots of fancy automatons and 3D zoetropes that guests can activate. Includes:
Butai Karakuri theater: Performances by Japanese automatons. 
Steampunk Carousel: In the center of the garden. Animals could be artistic sculptures made of metal and gears.
Gift shop that sells mini wind-up automaton toys, and features coin-activated booths for drawing automata that produce souvenir pictures.
This area also includes:
Escher Exhibit & Mathmagic Land: Walkthrough attraction inspired by the artwork of M. C. Escher, particularly the multi-dimensional maze of “Relativity”. Guests can also view optical illusion sculptures such as the Penrose triangle and the Impossible trident.  Alternatively, I wouldn’t mind an attraction based on “Donald in Mathmagic Land” either. Giant numbers and “square root” trees would dominate the landscape. Interactive geometric shapes and puzzles.
Astronomical Orbiter: This indoor version features a planetarium ceiling that projects the stars and colorful galaxies so guests can actually feel like they’re flying through space. Diverting for both riders and guests still waiting in the queue. Inspired by the Chamber of Planets in Fortress Explorations from Tokyo DisneySea. 
The Time Machine: Dark ride inspired by EPCOT’s Spaceship Earth. Travel through various time periods from the age of dinosaurs to the start of the Victorian era (so as not to conflict with the fictional history of the land).
Cafeteria: British, French, and Indian cuisine. Buffet.
“Paris Métro” station: As mentioned previously, this is probably not feasible idea, but I think it’s very neat. Provides underground transport between Discoveryland and Mysteryland (the Mysteryland is themed to the London Underground). The tunnels could contain zoetropes for guests to view during the ride, which tease the theme of the destination land.
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Explorer’s Landing
Technically part of the Academy, but features attractions that are “off campus”. Inspired by the original concept of Discovery Mountain for Paris. Features a lagoon for the submarines, and a mountain range for the other rides to blend into; would somewhat resemble the Mysterious Island from Tokyo DisneySea.
Soaring Skies / Weather Kites: Airships are a core part of steampunk, but I wasn’t sure where to put such a ride in my park that didn’t disrupt sightlines. I eventually settled on a version of Soaring. I love Tokyo’s iteration, but sadly, my version of the ride does without the fantasy aspects and GORGEOUS fantasy artwork, but the queue will still feature neat “history of flight” and weather exhibits. Ride vehicles would of course fit the steampunk aesthetic. Most important of all, I want the ride movie to focus on skyscapes and natural landscapes, not famous landmarks (I personally don’t mind the landmarks version, I think it was balanced out nicely with some nice landscapes, but now all the ride movies are the same which is boring). I want winding rivers through forest valleys, fluffy white clouds over mountain peaks with machines blowing clouds on the guests, golden sunsets over the sea, lightning storms with thunder and actual wind blowing and rain spraying the guests, and a starry night sky with a brilliant rainbow Aurora Borealis over a snowy tundra. The building exterior and queue could resemble a giant air zeppelin in an air hangar, similar to the Hyperion in Paris, based on the unbuilt Discovery Bay concept. In hindsight, this area probably has too many rides, so this attraction could also be moved to the Wild Western Frontier area in Adventureland, and be rethemed to environments of the American West, the Rocky Mountains, and the Pacific Northwest. 
Journey to the Center of the Earth: I absolutely love Tokyo DisneySea’s version. It's one of the best rides out of Imagineering, but in my park, this would follow the original drop tower concept for Paris.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea / Expedition Atlantis: Suspension ride like the one in Tokyo DisneySea, with water filled windows that bubble to create the illusion of being underwater. Could either be another take on Jules Verne’s novel, or based on the Atlantis movie. Either one works.
The Nautilus underwater restaurant: Seafood dishes. Table service. 
Lunar Mountain: Based on Paris’s original De la Terre à la Lune incarnation of Space Mountain. I love the idea of a giant cannon firing guests into space, and I especially love the cannon’s design with the classical illustrations of the sun and the moon on it. I also prefer the look of Paris’s more secure seats. I’ve only ridden Tokyo and Orlando’s versions, and as fun as they are, I always get an irrational gut feeling I’m going to be decapitated during the ride. 
Journey to Treasure Planet / Journey to Mars: Omnimover dark ride. To sell the idea of blasting off into space, guests would ride in a “rocket elevator” prior to boarding, similar to the entry performance for the Space 220 Restaurant in EPCOT. Treasure Planet is another movie that deserves more recognition, but due to it taking place in another universe with its own separate world-building, I am also okay with this ride having an original story instead. Perhaps a trip to Mars with a secret civilization living under the planet’s surface. For reference, I’m thinking of something inspired by the Castle in the Stars graphic novel series by Alex Alice. The building facade could resemble an observatory. 
“Planetarium restaurant”: Would feature international dishes not available in the Small World buffet. Table service. The Space 220 Restaurant was really neat (if a little overpriced), and I would love a steampunk version in my park. 
Disney Dreamland Railroad Discoveryland station: Art Nouveau steampunk style.
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Discovery Institute
The modern digital half of the land. Discoveryland opens a new campus dedicated to computer sciences. I do not want this area to look sterile like the current Tomorrowlands, though I might be okay with it resembling Shanghai’s version of Tomorrowland; I have heard their glass structures described as “organic” and I quite agree. I want the architecture of the area to be a believable evolution from the Art Nouveau steampunk, with the curves of Nouveau transforming into the curves of something resembling what Tokyo has planned for their renovation of Space Mountain. 
Visions of Tomorrowland: Based on an idea I once had of a version of Tomorrowland that represents alternate timeline futures. This ride could show different “what if” scenes of different Discoverylands.  There could be a main story featuring a scientist as our host, the inventor of a multiverse portal, showcasing his invention to guests, and along the way we run into alternate versions of the scientist from the other realities. One version could be a classic mad scientist from a dystopian world, bent on conquering other dimensions and exploiting their resources, and our host has to fight them off. I guess you could describe this as a much more immersive sci-fi version of the Jungle Cruise. While I would prefer this to be a ride, I guess it could also work as a stage show.
Adventure Thru Inner Space: I have heard nice things about this ride and would have loved to experience it. Shout-out to @disneylanddilettante.
Robot Showcase: Omnimover dark ride. This ride is basically just an excuse to show off high-quality animatronics. Animatronics for days! Could include Baymax, Wall-E, and Lil Bulb as cameos in the ride. 
“Robot Cafe”: Based on the unbuilt concept for The Great Gonzo's Pandemonium Pizza Parlor. This restaurant would have robot animatronics deliver guests’ food by way of an overhead "train track" system.
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Cyberspace Arcade
Technically an area within the Discovery Institute, but significantly different enough to require its own description. The entire area would be indoors.   Guests are “digitally transported” into Cyberspace. For visual reference, I’m thinking of the concept art for the (maybe canceled?) Play! Pavilion at EPCOT, but without the Ralph Breaks the Internet branding (I LOVE Wreck-It Ralph, but the sequel not so much) and without all the Disney IP spam (I’m already putting in three movie based rides, so the IP quota has been met). I want the area to feel more like a representation of a private server, or at least a single website, instead of the broader Internet (the Internet is a very scary family-UNfriendly place). The "sky" would have cool graphic projections, similar to how Mamoru Hosoda visually portrayed the Internet in Summer Wars and Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! As for the three movie based rides, I want the explanation to be that the scientists wanted to be able to travel into their favorite video game worlds, and here is the result. The entrances to each attraction could look like a giant icon you can click on. There could also be an actual arcade area, for guests to just relax and chill. That area would feature actual working console games of Fix-It Felix Jr, Sugar Rush, and Hero’s Duty.
“Cyberspace Playground”:  Guests can physically change the environment by interacting with it. If anyone has watched Infinity Train, think of something like the first episode’s Grid Car, but on a grander scale. Could utilize interactive projection mapping.
Videopolis: Stage for live entertainment and dance parties. Just an excuse to have a specific area dedicated to the 80s / 90s. …I just really miss the 90s, okay? I also think the retro music would add the perfect energy to the area.
Star Command Astro Blasters: I honestly just put this here to help balance queue wait times with the other two major rides, and to have at least one thing based on retro space aesthetics. Between this and Toy Story Mania, at least this has physical sets and is less rushed. There would still be plenty of kinetic energy on the ride (not at all like the embarrassingly lifeless and static Ant-Man and Wasp update in Hong Kong). I would only change the animatronic Buzz to at least have a real face though. And maybe at the end of the ride, everyone could get free stickers or postcards or some other physical reward so that it feels like the points earned meant something. I would also emphasize that the context here is Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, NOT Andy’s Buzz from Toy Story. 
TRON Lightcycle Run: I have no personal attachment to Tron, but my friend @mewtwowarrior loves Tron, so this indoor coaster is included just for her. Shout-out to @pureimagineering for the idea of two different colored tracks that wind around each other in twists and turns as the two groups of guests race against each other. At the end of the ride, the unloading dock would flash the colors of the track that wins.
Sugar Rush Speedway: Wreck-It Ralph is my top favorite Disney movie. While the movie’s themes of mid-life crisis, rejection by society, and found family would be difficult to adapt into an attraction, this ride can at least embody the “love-letter to video games” aspect, and recreates one of the most visually stunning worlds Disney has ever designed. Sadly this ride makes no references to Ralph, King Candy/Turbo, or non-Princess Vanellope (which includes her glitch, hoodie outfit, and the kart she and Ralph made together), as those aspects are specific to the console in Litwak’s Arcade, and adding them to this ride would have sad implications that Mr. Litwak gave up his console and thereby separated the Sugar Rush characters from their community in Game Central. Alternatively, having the entire Arcade be themed as Litwak’s could fix that, but then would raise questions of why Mr. Litwak let a research team experiment on his games and interrupt his business. So it’s best that this Sugar Rush is a “generic” console to make things simple. That said, I have no issues if the candy shop makes reference to the movie’s events, or with having Ralph and Vanellope as walk around characters (we can say they’re visiting this Arcade via the Internet). When thinking about the queue, I considered it could wind through the candy box grandstands, so that guests that are still waiting for their ride could double as a cheering audience for the guests before them. The theme song by AKB48 would of course play on a loop. On the ride, guests would “race” through rich environments such as Gumball Gorge, Cherry Bomb Cakeway, the Frosty Rally ice cream mountains, and Diet Cola Mountain. To make it feel like a video game, there could be “power-ups” located throughout the ride. The guest that “claims” the power-up first (perhaps by pushing a timed button in their vehicles) gets the advantage. Power-ups can cause some karts to speed up or opponents slow down, or activate obstacles and surprises. Would it be a hazard to shoot “sprinkle” confetti at the guests? Alternatively, this ride could also possibly use virtual reality headsets to enhance the experience with visual effects and make the ride feel like even more of a game, as demonstrated by the Mario Kart ride at Universal Studios, a ride with gorgeous physical sets that is maximized by the VR (again, emphasizing that VR should not be a replacement for good physical sets and effects). The guest who wins the race could receive a free framed souvenir snapshot of their victory.
Finish Line Sweet Treats: Candy shop, bakery, and ice cream parlor. Based on Vanellope’s Sweets & Treats on the Disney Dream cruise ship. Guests could make their own kart cake at the Kart Bakery. Sundaes are served in trophy cups and replicas of Vanellope’s kart like the ones on the cruise ship. The Ralph-in-a-cupcake red velvet cupcake is a must. Would also feature a selection of Japanese sweets such as konpeito and mochi. Giant cotton candy like the kind you’d find in Harajuku.
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Closing thoughts:
There was a lot I wanted to include, but couldn't think of solutions for, such as attractions based on Zootopia and Monsters Inc. But I'm quite happy with this end result. (I say this like it's actually being built, and not an elaborate daydream in my mind, lol.)
As you might have noticed, my park does not feature Marvel or Star Wars in any capacity. While there are some Marvel shows I like, I do not consider myself a Marvel fan, and I have little interest in Star Wars. And quite frankly, I think that visually, they clash horribly with most Disney aesthetics.
There are a lot of minor things I forgot to mention, like there would be plenty of benches and sitting areas with shade, plenty of restrooms, the food would have effort and quality put into it to be worth theme park prices, and backstage would have plenty of space and comfortable break rooms for Cast Members. Not related to the park itself, but I would also like to imagine the Cast Members here are paid and treated well, and have a good amount of free benefits, like park tickets and room and board for out-of-town residents and interns.  
I realize that in order to accommodate everything I want, this park would have to be MASSIVE, at least the size of Shanghai Disneyland. I just like far too many things. I realize it would have been smarter to break off some parts for a second park, but I'm just too fond of the idea of having everything all in one place.
As I mentioned, I REALLY love carousels and could not resist putting so many themed carousels in my park. They might not be exciting rides, but I legitimately think they are GORGEOUS works of art that add perfect visual beauty and musical atmosphere.
Much like Walt's initial sentiment, I don't think my ideal park will stay this way forever. Who knows, in a few years I might update this. We'll see. Thanks for taking the time to read these. :)
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The rest of the park:
World Galleria
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kevinlucbert · 2 years
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Happy to be part of the "Onomatopée" exhibition at the Huberty-Breyne gallery in Brussels, from Nov. 25, 2022 to Jan. 7, 2023 / 33 Place du Châtelain, 1050 Brussels. - My drawing is titled "A Continent of Sleep". An island, created by a sleeper. In this dreamland populated by strange creatures, shapes, sounds and onomatopoeia are twisted and distorted until they become bizarre, almost unrecognizable. A new alphabet appears and mixes with the known letters. The world speaks by automatic writing. The sign replaces the letter, the gesture becomes sound. The aim of the exhibition is to re-examine the notion of onomatopoeia from a variety of fascinating angles. Is there an original language upon which all others are founded, and how would such a language be interpreted in art? Can all aspects of reality be converted into onomatopoeic words? Which best express the age in which we live? How do we represent a sound or make an image "speak" in sound? Is an image worth a thousand words?
Curated by Cécile Angelini the exhibition brings together more than 50 artists from across the globe : Zeina Abirached, Dave McKean, Winshluss, Marc-Antoine Mathieu,...
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hplovecraftmuseum · 8 months
Many decades ago Richard G. Huber (your curator) produced a brief essay titled LOVECRAFT AND EASTER ISLAND. Origionally appearing in the mid 1980s it eventually made a showing in an issue of NYCTALOPS, the extraordinary fanzine published by Harry O. Morris Jr. In that article I suggested that the famed monolithic sculptures of Easter Island bore a remarkable resemblance to Lovecraft himself. Perhaps the first person other than HPL to notice this was Gahan Wilson. Wilson, famed for his cartoons apprearing in PLAYBOY MAGAZINE for many decades, was creator of the statuettes awarded to notables at the World Fantasy Awards Conventions. In the novella, THE DREAM QUEST OF UNKNOWN KADATH, Lovecraft writes of the carving of one of the gods of Dreamland: "Rumour had said it was strange and not to be mistaken, and Carter saw that it was indeed so; for those long narrow eyes and long-lobed ears, and that thin nose and pointed chin, all spoke of a race that is not of men but of gods." Was Lovecraft here describing a stereotypical Moai of Easter Island, but also referencing his own likeness? Well, Lovecraft did have rather large ears with very obvious lobes, a long nose, and a lantern jaw that swept down and away from pursed and relatively tiny lips to a somewhat pointed chin. What about the "long narrow eyes"? HPL had large and lusterless brown eyes. These orbs had been discribed as "fishy" by at least one of his friends. How could such eyes be called long and narrow? Well, we know that the gods of Dreamland are themselves often in a state of dreaming, in other words their eyes would most likely be closed or at least drowsy and nearly so in appearance. On the contrary, we have very few examples of photos of HPL where his eyes are anything other than open and displaying a rather vacuous expression. If such large eyes were closed, however, "long and narrow" might have well discribed them. During Lovecraft's own time the Easter Island statues were usually depicted in art and photos from profile. Generally also they were without the large iridescent eyes of shell mosaic with dark centers that many of them had been decorated with by the native islanders. Rarely were the red stone hats the sculptures once wore included in modern photos too. If anything the complete and original aspect of these statues with the large eyes and almost Western-style brimmed hats resembled HPL even more than otherwise. There are some old engravings of Moai in their complete state, created by Western artists, but these were rare. Certainly the examples of the Easter Island statues that Lovecraft admitted that he'd seen in museums were eyeless and hatless. Unfortunately the famed statues of Rapa Nui, as the island is was called by the indigenous people, are in many cases weathering and degrading badly. Their chins and noses are wearing away. Hopefully there will be some effort to preserve them for future generations to admire. (Exhibit 430)
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surrealistnyc · 1 year
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Infosurr #161 is now being sent out to subscribers:
Issue 161 first pays homage to Marianne Isvic's radicality in her link with the Situationist International, "a little-known figure of the surrealist revolution", whose activity is revealed in an essay by Alain Segura. Another important event is the publication of André Breton's correspondence, especially the long one between him and Jean Paulhan (1918-1962), which leads one to "complete his kaleidoscopic portrait  far from all cliches".
Exhibitions will be reviewed, that on Perahim, his "transparent labyrinth" (Petr Kral), his "travel agency for trips to dreamlands" (Edouard Jaguer) and that on the great retrospective of Christian Dotremont in Brussels, "the painter of writing", for the centenary of his birth. The fashion being now to couple surrealism and a given thematics, we will deal with the exhibition of the complex but well-documented alchemical union of surrealism and magic in Venice and Potsdam.
Surrealism being a political and collective movement, one will salute the re-edition of Mario Cesariny's Texts of Affirmative Combat of the Surrealist Movement, "an ambitious anthology of texts of the surrealist movement, then 50 years of age, which would never have seen the light before, on account of the State's censorship" when Portugal was under Salazar's dictatorship. The issue ends on a presentation of University studies on "surrealism and money" under Stéphane Mallarmé's provocative quotation in 1899, "to want to give its real price, in money, to a work of art, were it half a million, is to insult it".
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florasearlethirdyear · 2 months
FMP: Dreamland, Margate. LO1
Easter Week 3
Considered to be one of the oldest-surviving amusement parks in Great Britain, the site of Dreamland (as it was re-named in 1920) dates back to the British railway boom of the early 1870s when, in its original form, the ‘Hall by the Sea’ was operated by the famous circus impresario ‘Lord’ George Sanger.
In tune with the seasons, from spring through to summer, you can strap on some roller skates and enjoy a spin in the Roller Disco, or get interactive with art exhibits and treat yourself  to all the classic seaside food favourites from our vendors, and of course enjoy all the vintage inspired rides and amusements!  Whilst in the winter months, you can enjoy a jam packed line up of live music and events at our indoor venues.
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Having an explore of their website, their mode of address is very informal. They provide in-depth detail into their history and each individual ride!
Inspiring Visuals:
Studio Moross were responsible for the 2017 summer relaunch campaign of Dreamland. The studio worked on posters and print advertising, as well as on-site wayfinding and maps, and sub-branding for food outlets at the park. The new campaign materials use sans-serif, “clean” typeface Lulo, a “bright, young” colour palette focused on orange, yellow and pink shades, and illustrations by Mica Warren.
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“We try not to get bogged down in demographics,” says Moross. “We just tried to make something that someone will look at and think ‘that’s cool’ – whether they’re five or 45. We wanted to keep it slightly weird and fun, but not patronising.”
It was interesting to see the comments on this article, with sign writer Nick Garrett saying:
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Dawood, S. (2017). Studio Moross creates “weird and fun” relaunch campaign for Dreamland Margate. [online]. Available from: https://www.designweek.co.uk/issues/31-july-6-august-2017/studio-moross-creates-weird-fun-relaunch-campaign-dreamland-margate/?cmpid=dwweekly_3757325&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=dw_weekly&adg=7752c532-4615-4be2-ade6-aec0a2ee88b4 [Accessed 29/03/2024]
Reflection, LO4:
A major part of my project has been looking into traditional forms of design and though Dreamland has taken a contemporary stance, I feel there's an opportunity here to combine traditional typographic forms with more modern, colourful illustrations. In this way, it combines both of what I enjoy in design.
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simslegacy5083 · 9 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 71: Selvadorada Here We Come
The whole scholastically accomplished household was excited to undertake an adventurous end of term expedition to Selvadorada.
Their spacious rental cottage allowed pets, so they hadn’t even needed to find a sitter for Taz and Luna. More importantly, one of the bedrooms was fairly distant from the others – a critical nod to privacy and decorum given that the trip was doubling as Paul and Nikita’s honeymoon.
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Once they’d settled in and “tested the beds” a bit, the family pulled out their phones to look for a fun way to spend their first evening.
The trio of aspiring archeologists were happy to discover that the local museum was open late today. August’s recently acquired Art History degree let him share his love of art with the others as he regaled them with tales of the history behind the many artifacts on display.
They all wondered what treasures they might uncover themselves during the next few days while on their own jungle adventure.
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When they’d checked every exhibit, the group headed down to the wooden dock behind the house to enjoy the gorgeous jungle night together.
Peachy fired up the grill back there, bringing the simple baked veggies to the perfect tenderness that only a master cook could deliver.
The rest of the family bonded nearby, with August explaining over the chess board how he had been dreaming of visiting Selvadorada since he’d first been introduced to their culture back in high school, while the newlyweds had eyes and thoughts mostly for each other as usual.
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Exhaustion finally overtook them, and they headed back to the house to get some rest to prepare for their wilderness adventure tomorrow.
As the others headed up to their beds Jack asked Peachy to hang back as he pulled out their sleeping bags. The outdoorsy sim didn’t want to be cooped up inside on such a beautiful night and hoped Peachy would be willing to join him in bunking down under the stars.
Secretly Peachy was sure he’d be much more comfortable in their air-conditioned bedroom, but Jack’s eager smile spoke volumes and he didn’t want to hurt his feelings by refusing. Instead, he smiled in turn as he agreed, and the pair settled down side-by-side as they drifted off to dreamland.
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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holidayhunteraust · 1 year
Unraveling the Secrets of the Nightlife with Dark Spectrum Vivid Sydney
Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel! Today, we're talking about the most anticipated annual event in Australia - Vivid Sydney - and it's no less than mind-boggling, vibrant, and breathtaking with its new addition this year - Dark Spectrum!
 For those of you who don't know, Vivid Sydney is a festival of light, music, and ideas that transforms the city's most iconic landmarks into a visual spectacular showcasing creativity and innovation. And the cherry on top of this already delicious cake is Dark Spectrum - the brand-new immersive experience that will take visitors on a mesmerizing journey through a world of light and colour.
 As soon as you step into the dark and mysterious world of the exhibition, you'll be transported to a dreamland of neon colours and pulsing lights. The installation features striking optical illusions, mind-bending projections, and innovative technology, all of which combine to create an unforgettable sensory experience.
 One of the most exciting aspects of Dark Spectrum is its interactivity. Visitors are encouraged to touch, play and experiment with the installations, making the experience both personal and engaging.
 Get ready to become a part of the show as you walk around and see what surprises are waiting for you at every corner!
 But Dark Spectrum is not just about mesmerizing visual effects; it's also about thought-provoking messages and ideas. The exhibition explores ideas of the future, the environment, and the technological innovations that will shape our future. So, while you're basking in the stunning visuals, you're also being challenged to think about the bigger picture and the world around us.
 The exhibition is also backed up by some of the most talented and creative artists and designers in the world. Their vision and expertise in the fields of art and technology allow them to tell stories and create scenes that capture the imagination and leave an indelible mark on visitors.
 And the best part? Dark Spectrum is just one of many exciting installations at Vivid Sydney. With over 50 installations and events spread across the city, you can enjoy a range of experiences, from music performances to fantastic light shows.
 So guys, that’s it from me. It's time to get out there and experience the magical world of Vivid Sydney, where the impossible becomes possible, and anything is achievable. Make sure you bring your cameras, as this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you won't want to forget! Thanks for watching, and I'll see you soon!
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Here I am, finally posting Hara’s voice claim art!
Look at her go!
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I loved drawing this!! Look at my girl!!!! She slays so hard, in both the sense of She Looks Great and She Has A Body Count. I love her.
The reason I chose this song as her voice claim is mostly just because I like it. I prefer it over the original by AURORA, because I like rock a lot more that… whatever genre the original was in, and Lauren Babic’s voice just scratches my brain in the best way.
Also, I generally just think Hara would like this song. Most of my characters share my music taste, so of course one of my favourite characters that ive ever created would also enjoy rock music.
There are a few lines I think fit her character, but for the most part, I just like this song and think Lauren’s voice fits her.
Here’s the TikTok speedpaint, if you’d like to see it!
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kalup-linzy · 1 year
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@tulsaartistfellowship In regards to my career as an artist, I enjoyed many moments this year!  Here are some highlights.  I didn't include images of everything like my time at Chautauqua, my road trip to Florida, my 4 trips to NYC, and all of my moments at Art Basel Miami. 1.  Performance at 8th Floor 2.  Didn't Nobody Give a Shit What Happened to Carlotta 3.  Interview Magazine (I was feature twice this year) 4.  Not Ready To Say Goodbye dinner for the exhibition curated by Dan Cameron. 5.  Filming "Let's Make It Hot" 6.  Filming "Asshole" 7.  Recording Not Ready To Say Goodbye album 8.  Filming video for Art Basel 9.  Performance at Dreamland 10.  21c Museum Hotel Art Basel party.  I thought ending this post with fireworks was fitting.  See you in 2023! #kaluplinzy #2022 #2022tulsaartistfellow #2022tulsaartistfellowship #artistlife #contemporaryartist #performance #performanceart #performanceartist (at queenrosearthouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm2jXqJLshi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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emiratesviisa · 1 year
7 Most Recommended Things to Do In UAE For A Wholesome Experience
The United Arab Emirates is a destination that every nomad hopes to visit after getting a UAE visa. The Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman each have extensive coastlines that belong to the Arab Emirates. Every traveler may find something to do in the UAE thanks to its borders with Saudi Arabia to the west and southwest, Oman to the southeast, and the eastern tip of the Musandam Peninsula.
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UAE is a nation rich in culture and history, which adds to its allure as a tourism destination. Let's explore all the activities available to you in the UAE. I'm going to show you the greatest of the seven United Arab Emirates. Prepare yourself to encounter unmatched delights!
1. Enjoy Dubai's ultimate grandeur
The Burj Khalifa, the highest structure in the world, serves as a symbol of Dubai in the majority of the world today. The Burj tour is undoubtedly one of the top things to do in the UAE. It is home to 30,000 apartments and 9 hotels. Crazy architecture, fountains, enormous aquariums, ski slopes, and ice rinks may all be found in Dubai.
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A supper camp with hookah, henna, delectable food, performances, and dancing is available. The first indoor ski slope constructed in the middle east, Ski Dubai doubles as a family-friendly winter park, and for this, you’ll require an online Emirates visa. 
2. Sharjah offers the best of traditional Arab culture.
Sharjah is around a 30- to 40-minute drive from Dubai and Abu Dhabi, far from its flash and glam. Sharjah is a dry Emirate, meaning you cannot bring alcohol here, unlike Dubai. Please be aware that it is illegal to carry alcohol into Sharjah.
The largest art museum in the United Arab Emirates, Sharjah Art Museum houses some of the most priceless pieces of Arab art. In addition to the museum, visiting old buildings can help you learn more about the origins of the Islamic faith and Arabic culture. The Sharjah Heritage Museum, Al Midfa House, and Al Hisn Sharjah are further popular tourist destinations.
A visit to the Sharjah Science Museum is undoubtedly among the most significant things to do in the United Arab Emirates. It is a fascinating location for both kids and adults who are interested in science.
3. . Visit Ajman to look for remnants from prehistoric times.
The Ajman Museum is the most notable tourist attraction in Ajman. There is a wonderful manuscript exhibit as well as a display of Emirati weapons. The Ajman Beaches are the best location for leisure. In general, non-guests can use the beach and utilize the hotel's beach amenities by purchasing a day pass. Ajman's beaches are hard to match if you're looking for a day of serious sunbathing.
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The largest dhow-building facility in the world, Ajman Dhow-Building Yard is situated on the north bank of Ajman Creek. On the outskirts of the city of Ajman sits the Mowaihat archaeological site.
4. Observe the intriguing architecture and enjoy the clubs in Umm Al Quwain.
They provide attractions including the Fort and Museum of Umm Al Quwain. Previously, Umm Al-Quwain watched over the creek and the sea to protect the entrance to the old town. The two circular towers on the facade have been beautifully repaired. The municipal museum is now housed in the Ford. You can also visit Dreamland Aqua Park.
With its approximately 25 attractions, this enormous entertainment complex is a major hit with families. UAQ Happy Land, Marine Club, Emirates Motorplex, UAQ Aeroclub, Palma Bowling, Dhow-Building Yard, etc. are other locations nearby that you can visit.
5. At Ras Al-Khaimah, go beach hopping and dune buggy.
Ras Al Khaimah, the most northern emirate of the United Arab Emirates, provides visitors with a truly authentic Arabian experience, from the high Hajar Mountains bordering Oman to its golden beaches and sand dune bashing. Ziplining is an additional option. You can also eat delicious Arabian cuisine.
Numerous historic archaeological sites may be found in Ras Al-Khaimah, providing tourists with intriguing insights into the region's past and the vibrant culture that still permeates the locals' daily lives. Get an Emirates tourist visa to visit this place. 
6. In the beachfront city of Fujairah, take in Oman's tranquility.
Oman and Fujairah are reasonably nearby. That is near the Oman border by the water. It offers some opportunities for relaxation. It's quiet and not too busy there. You can go camping and fish here, among many other enjoyable activities.
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The calming sea breeze will soothe your soul, and the mountain view is the icing on the cake. What's best? Sunrise!
7. Finally, Abu Dhabi offers the best of the Arab world.
The Persian Gulf island off the mainland is home to Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Skyline's contemporary buildings and shopping malls reflect its emphasis on oil exports and commerce. A beach, a children's play area, separate cycle, and pedestrian walkways, cafes, and restaurants are all found along the spectacular 8 km-long Corniche Road.
In Abu Dhabi, Marina Mall is the ideal location for a family outing and shopping. Make careful to keep an eye on Jebel Hafeet at night. To explore this beautiful city one has to obtain an emirates visa. 
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sevenxvirtuesx · 2 years
💤 ( luke )
yuki & luke
she was exhausted, but completely happy and content. it had been a long day, but that wasn't to say it had been a bad one - not at all. yuki had so enjoyed her time with luke.
she'd been spending a lot of time with the brothers later. it was partly out of convenience, after all, she did live with them. they also got up to a lot of crazy things that were hard to get out of, not that she usually put up much of a fight. she kind of enjoyed trying new things.
but yuki also truly enjoyed spending time with the angels floating around the devildom as well. they contrasted nicely with the demon brothers. their energy was as high as the demons, but in a totally different way and yuki enjoyed a day just hanging out with the purgatory hall lodgers. they were all special to her, though perhaps luke in a different way. he truly did feel like family (and she kinda wondered if this is what her big brother felt towards her).
it wasn't like luke was incapable, she knew well enough he was an angel. he could still take care of himself. but she still felt a great pull to protect him, to try new things with him. it felt nice and familiar to hang out with him. despite their differences it sometimes felt easier to relate to luke as well, his excitement and enthusiasm (not to mention curiosity) matching her own energy levels!
today had been no exception. she'd really enjoyed seeing some of the devildom sights with luke. the botanical gardens had been having an exhibition of exotic plants - which turned out to mostly be plants from the human realm. she knew relatively little about plants, but did point out a few things that were wrong. it was nice to just wander though. and there was a little market place as well, mostly food stalls.
afterwards there had been more food and movies, and she'd then got out some of her art stuff. she'd showed off a few off her paintings and sketches - a rare things, and not something she did often. but luke often cooked and baked for her, she wanted to share her passions as well.
and now... now she was exhausted. and as the film played, she was slowly drifting off.
she could sense luke doing the same. her head was drooping, then snapping back up.
curled up on the couch, bowl of popcorn between them, she was sinking further into both the couch and dreamland.
this day had been NEEDED. a day of some normality, a day mixed with nostalgia and fun. it had felt like a true family day, and that had been amazing.
it only took a few minutes later, and she felt lukes head on her shoulder as he fell asleep - and but seconds later her head was on top of his.
she had fallen asleep with a smile on her face, exhausted but quite happy and content.
and though they'd regret their sleeping position in the morning, this seemed like a good way to end the day~ (and not even simeon wanted to disturb their nap, instead placing a blanket over them and snapping a picture)
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