count-alucard-tepes · 8 months
If op men gives toodler snacks and go away and says no more snacks ok? but the cute toddler is so hungry that the child goes to the kitchen clibs on to the snack drewer but falls Down op hotties hear a cry and when they see a huge mark on their baby forehead how do you think op men will react?
Literally rushing his kid to the hospital and panicking as he demands the best doctor to check his baby while manly tears are streaming down his face:
Fujitora 🐅
Sir Crocodile 🐊
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
Benn Beckman 🔫
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
King 👑
Marco the Phoenix 🦅
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅
Rob Lucci🐆
“Ah fuck…shhh, I’m sorry…don’t tell mom, okay?”, proceeds to give his little baby all the snacks they want and puts ice their forehead to stop the bruising:
Kizaru ✨
Ryokugyu 🌱
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒
Oven Charlotte 🍞
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸
Who’s Who ❤️‍🔥👹
Gecko Moria🦇
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popculturelib · 9 months
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It's Crustacean Week at the BPCL, and we have another Crab Monster for you!
Roger Corman is a prolific director and producer known for his independent science fiction and horror films, among others. One of his earliest films was Attack of the Crab Monsters in 1957, which features a group of scientists who travel to an island in the Pacific to investigate why the previous scientists went missing. Turns out, they were killed by giant, telepathic crab monsters mutated by nuclear radiation. This two-page spread is from Roger Corman: King of the B Movie : Crab Monsters, Teenage Cavemen, and Candy Stripe Nurses (2013) by Chris Nashawaty and features a behind-the-scenes look at the film's production.
The Browne Popular Culture Library, founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
Transcription below the cut
Attack of the Crab Monsters (1957)
In 1957, Roger Corman directed nine movies. Shot on the cheap and usually cranked out in ten caffeinated days, Corman's output during that Eisenhower-era annus mirabilis included such drive-in diversions as Rock All Night, The Undead, and The Saga of the Viking Woman and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent. All of these films (well, most of them at least) have their merits. But there's one that stands out for its willingness to grapple with weightier questions than the fates of bobbysoxers and bargain-basement bogeymen -- the luridly titled Attack of the Crab Monsters. Distributed by Poverty Row studio Allied Artists, Crab Monsters was released on February 10, 1957, as part of a Corman sci-fi double bill alongside Not of This Earth. Taken together, these two cautionary tales form the backbone of Corman's early obsession with the apocalyptic power of the A-bomb and the hubris of well-meaning scientists who, a short decade earlier, had unleashed a new form of wrath on the world in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Written by Charles B. Griffith, who would go on to pen several other Corman classics line 1960's The Little Shop of Horrors and 1975's Death Race 2000, the $70,000 Crab Monsters kicks off with a crew of scientists arriving by seaplane on an unnamed deserted island in the South Pacific. They're there to find out what happened to a previous research team that went missing. Could it have something to do with the fact that the island is smack sab in the middle of a nuclear testing zone? Before they have a chance to find out, things go disastrously wrong: One of the seamen bringing them ashore by raft falls overboard, only to resurface missing his head. Then, as the seaplane lifts off to return to the mainland, it explodes in midair. The table is set.
The team of stranded brainiacs include Dale Drewer (Richard Garland in an ascot), Martha Hunter (Pamela Duncan wearing more makeup and tighter sweaters than one might expect in the jungle), and Hank Chapman (a pre-Gilligan's Island Russell Johnson). Soon, they discover a journal filled with ominous entries of distress and hear the mysterious disembodied voices of the dead summoning them to the island's caves, where they finally come face-to-face with...huge, radioactive, papier-mache crustaceans with claws operated by piano wire able to absorb the thoughts of any human brain they nosh on! At one point, a crab monster telepathically warns: "So, you have wounded me! I must grow a new claw, well and good! For I can do it in a day! But will you grow new legs when I have taken yours from you?"
As the victims of this atomic retribution start to pile up, Corman's chilling allegory of nuclear folly becomes a briskly paced meditation on our most destructive impulses. We've played God and now must pay for our sins. In more ways than one, Attack of the Crab Monsters is a B movie with a bite.
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Above: Production shot from the set of Attack of the Crab Monsters (1957). Pamela Duncan practices running in terror, lest she become the next entrée in Corman's seafood smorgasbord.
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frenchcurious · 2 years
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Bob Drewer Ford était au 525 N. Central Ave. à Phoenix AZ, lorsque la Mustang a été introduite en 1964. - source The Old Motor.
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melbyp · 1 year
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Drewer the nyanners cat again
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amimiyama · 2 years
amimi (i’m calling u that now it’s cute) i drewer yuo
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WAAAA OMG THAT IS CUTE.....AND ME FR!!!!! taking this and pinning it on my fridge/lh - amia
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rpgchoices · 1 year
Ash of Gods - playing the worst possible outcomes
I am trying the disaster replay of Ash of Gods where I pick all the wrong decisions. It was quite interesting and uncovered some extra lore. I will divide everything in the three main characters' storylines:
If Lo Pheng does not immediately kill Reet, he escapes with Reet and the other prisoners. They end up travelling - I chose not to save Reet with the sacrificial stones.
Reet dies - and the party continues their journey, looking for the travelling menhir. Because Reet is not there to break the Enses' enchantment, Lo Pheng never encounters or recruits Khama. This means that, once you reach the travelling menhir, Shannet successfully kills Alus.
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This is enough to bring the travelling menhir to you and you meet Orkan he asks about Reet. I suspect Orkan might be working with Childao.
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If you allowed Reet to die.. Orkan punishes you for your merciless action:
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The menhir doesn't take you to Amma but back to Wodan, where the reaping is in full motion. You end up killed by the same reaper you escaped/killed in Wodan at the beginning of the game.
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But I think seeing Augrin there this also confirms that some humans of the Temple do approve of the reaping. This might explain why when you find out that Coronzon (Lower Umbra who works for the temple of Divine Retribution) is a traitorous snake... you (Blance/Hopper) also starts understanding that there is no difference between the Temple of Divine Retribution and the Temple of Wrath... both might be infiltrated by Umbra and corrupted to facilitate the reaping.
This is the last slide for Lo Pheng:
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For Thorn I started by specifically not choosing the silk scarf. The silk scarf has an enchantment that can save Krieger from a misterious curse. I also made sure to kill Hode in battle as much as possible, which would end up in killing Hode (prince Ho).
Without the silk scarf, Krieger does transform into a strange creature, almost a werewolf, not sure what he is supposed to be tho.
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And Prince Ho gets a cutscene where the group is mourning and worrying about the king wanting their heads (especially Sopp).
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At this point I continued the journey normally, and reached Ursus. Because Hode was not in the party, I did not get the initial cutscene where the prince gets recognized. Instead I went to meet Philia... and there Thorn was arrested. Gleda escapes with Philia.
When Hoppe/Blance arrives in Ursus, I decided to do nothing to save Thorn and... Thorn was killed:
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At this point some slides appeared saying that Gleda escaped with Philia and that Thorn's party escaped too and tried to go and meet with Gleda.
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Gleda is never found... and was probably killed by Adna, because left unprotected. Thorn's companions instead arrive in Opacum.
Interestingly, if you let Thorn die, his son Mact lives. And Qarbaph/Drooket/Drewer lives too. Basically, Qarbaph/Drooket/Drewer saves Mact from the cannibal and brings him to his grandpa in Opacum.
The most interesting path was Hopper. The worst outcome for Hopper was not following the riddle of Childao and collecting the seven riddles... but we already know that this ends up simply awakening the god with full powers instead of trapping the god in a human.
Still, with Thorn dead, Gleda lost and Reet dead... you HAD to play the ending as Hopper, something that is usually not available.
The path to Ursus is the same. In Ursus Thorn is not going to get the twin bodyguards to free him because of the gravity of his crime, so if Hoppe does nothing, Thorn dies. If Hopper asks Coronzon to help... Thron also dies, clearly Coronzon is a traitorous snake. Thorn only survives even if Ho is dead if Hopper uses his spell.
Still, in this playthrough I decided to let Thorn die.
Once there with Thorn dead, Hopper/Blance does not leave Ursus to look for Thorn but gets a request from Coronzon to look for Gleda.
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Thorn travels to the usual places and also meet with Rask. The plot proceeds as usual. In this game I also got some extra information on Hopper's past (and how his Higher Umbra Dorpkhal would eat children and kill people even on their original planet).
Hopper finally arrives in Opacum where he meets with Thorn's father in law... and there you find out that Mact was saved by Qarbaph/Drooket/Drewer. Both Drooket and Mact are in Opacum.
Philia is also in Opacum and she is the only Chosen One left. Amma also arrives at Opacum even if Lo Pheng did not escort her.
Given that you play as Hopper, you can chat around and find some more lore. For example, I had a chat with Amma where I found the names of the other Lower Umbra and found out that the reason some Lower Umbra did not join the rebellion was because they never intended to betray the Higher Umbra.
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Thorn is dead so he is not there to fix the mess with his family. Hopper is there when Brann kills Stakhet, and Stakhet asks Hopper to kill Brann before he decides to go after Mact. Unfortunately he ends up killing Mact and Hopper kills Brann.
Amma turns into a reaper and we see Hopper's thoughs when he has to kill her:
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For a moment he also thinks about killing himself. We also find out that Reet, Philia and Gleda are not the only Chosen Ones, but there are many (all descendant of Umbras I suppose).
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Because Brett was not a character anymore and Drooket was alive, in my game Drooket was the one who ended up killing the last Higher Umbra (Nakoma).
While you watch him die, Hopper reflects on how four of his Lower Umbra were Curros:
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And at the end Philia became the avatar of Childao's god, fully awakened in her head and ready for destruction. This also confirms that Childao WANTED her god to be reincarnated but needed it to be dormant... it means she knows there is something dangerous about the gods, even hers.
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organisationskoval · 1 year
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469) Die Rechte, The Right, Prawica, Die Rechte – Partei für Volksabstimmung, Souveränität und Heimatschutz, The Right – Party for Referendum, Sovereignty and Homeland Protection, Prawica – Partia na rzecz Referendum, Suwerenności i Obrony Ojczyzny - skrajnie prawicowa partia polityczna w Niemczech. Partia została założona w 2012 roku przez neonazistę Christiana Worcha wraz z wieloma członkami Niemieckiego Związku Ludowego (DVU) w proteście przeciwko połączeniu ich partii z Partią Narodowo-Demokratyczną (NPD). W maju 2012 r. środowiska rozwiązanego DVU poinformowały, że planowane jest powołanie nowej partii konkurencyjnej wobec NPD. W czerwcu 2012 r. statut i program partii zostały przesłane do zbadania przez federalnego urzędnika ds. powrotów. 13 października 2012 r. w Ludwigshafen nad Renem odbył się drugi federalny zjazd prawicy. W styczniu 2013 r. prokuratura w Dortmundzie uznała, że powołanie Związku Państwowego Nadrenii Północnej-Westfalii nie było wystarczającym powodem do wszczęcia wstępnego śledztwa. Zbadał naruszenie w sierpniu 2012 r. zakazu zrzeszania się Narodowego Ruchu Oporu Dortmund (Nationaler Widerstand Dortmund, NWDO). „Twardy rdzeń” NWDO (Dennis Giemsch, Michael Brück i Siegfried Borchardt) utworzył partię 15 września 2012 r. W dniu 5 lipca 2014 r. w Hamm (NRW) odbył się V Zjazd Partii Federalnej, na którym ponownie wybrano Christiana Worcha na przewodniczącego federalnego. Ingeborg Lobocki złożyła rezygnację z funkcji wiceprezesa i skarbnika ze względów zdrowotnych, a jej miejsce zajęła Tatjana Berner. W dniu 13 stycznia 2016 roku ogłoszono, że strony internetowe partii zostały usunięte z portalu społecznościowego Facebook za naruszenie regulaminu firmy. W dniu 28 października 2017 r. Worch został potwierdzony jako przewodniczący na zjeździe partii federalnej, zdobywając 78,4% głosów. Jednak później Związek Krajowy Turyngii zażądał, aby partia federalna zdecydowała, „że partia jest w pełni zaangażowana w prawa niemieckiej wspólnoty narodowej”. Worch wygłosił kontrprzemówienie i odrzucił wniosek z powodów prawnych i politycznych. Większość członków wyznawała stowarzyszenie państwowe Turyngii, a nie Worcha. Worch następnie zrezygnował i opuścił partię. Holenderski neonazista i sobowtór Hitlera Stefan Wijkamp był byłym członkiem zarządu partii. Następcą Worcha był wielokrotnie skazany neonazista z Dortmundu, Christoph Drewer. W dniu 1 kwietnia 2018 r. Bruck i Sascha Krolzig zostali wybrani na federalnych współprzewodniczących na federalnej konferencji partyjnej; Jednocześnie partia dodała w swojej nazwie sformułowanie „Partia na rzecz Referendum, Suwerenności i Obrony Ojczyzny”. W wyborach europejskich w 2019 roku prawica wybrała uwięzioną, wielokrotnie skazywaną 90-letnią negacjonistkę holokaustu Ursulę Haverbeck na swojego głównego kandydata.
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firstmoveronline · 2 years
Arnold Drewer: „Wärmedämmung fehlt die Lobby“
Arnold Drewer: „Wärmedämmung fehlt die Lobby“
Um die Belastungen durch steigende Energiepreise abzudämpfen, gibt die Bundesregierung hunderte Milliarden Euro aus. Doch eine Sache fehlt dabei, kritisiert Energieexperte Arnold Drewer: Effizienzmaßnahmen für Gebäude – wie beispielsweise WärmedämmungDrewer TeaserDie Bundesregierung gibt Hunderte Milliarden Euro aus, um die hohen Energiepreise abzufedern. Dennoch ist Arnold Drewer wütend. Denn…
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whotonki · 2 years
Movie attack of the giant crab monsters
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Whatever became of them, they clearly didn’t get taken unawares by the typhoon. The material in those journals almost certainly rules out the Navy’s favored explanation of the vanished scientists’ fate, for the last entry breaks off in the middle of describing an experiment. They set up in the same cottage where their predecessors’ had made their homes and laboratories, and discover the previous team’s journals. Nevertheless, Weigand and the others have a job to do, and they’re stuck on the island for the immediate future in any case. And as if the decapitation weren’t enough inexplicable misfortune for one morning, Quinlan’s plane explodes just moments after takeoff, killing everybody aboard. By the time one of the other men gets him back aboard the boat, he has been cleanly decapitated! There is no sign of sharks, or of any other species of marine life that ought to be capable of inflicting such damage- in fact, the only living things immediately visible on the island or in its environs are seagulls and land crabs. The unfortunate man falls out of Quinlan’s motor launch in about five feet of water, and almost immediately begins struggling as if entangled with something. The assignment gets off to an alarming start when one of the sailors under the command of Ensign Quinlan (Ed Nelson, from She-Gods of Shark Reef and The Brain Eaters) dies in a puzzling accident while ferrying the scientists’ supplies ashore from the floatplane that brought them in. The radio man is Hank Chapman (Russell Johnson, of This Island Earth and The Space Children), and the Seabees are Seamen Jack Sommers (Tony Miller) and Ron Fellows (Beach Dickerson, from War of the Satellites and Creature from the Haunted Sea). Cutting, of Monster on the Campus and The Monolith Monsters), and biologists Dale Drewer (Richard Garland, from Mutiny in Outer Space and Panic in the Year Zero!) and Martha Hunter ( The Undead’s Pamela Duncan). Assisting Weigand are meteorologist Jules Deveroux (Mel Welles, from Chopping Mall and The Little Shop of Horrors), geologist Jim Carson (Richard H. Regardless, the project is too important to be abandoned, so now nuclear physicist Karl Weigand ( Teenage Caveman’s Leslie Bradley) has arrived with four other scientists, a radio technician, and a pair of Seabee demolitions experts to continue the work. The first team they sent vanished without a trace, however the working hypothesis is that all of them must have been out on the beach just in time to get carried away when a typhoon blew up out of nowhere right on top of the island, but nobody really knows. The island is well placed to have received the worst of the fallout from the explosion, and the military is therefore eager to have some scientists look the place over. The setting is a small island in the South Pacific, not far from the site of a recent US Navy H-bomb test-firing. Attack of the Crab Monsters still suffers from uneven acting, irritating comic relief, and a monster origin story consisting of some of the most incomprehensible pseudoscientific gibberish ever uttered, but it’s a remarkably streamlined and fairly effective film- perhaps the earliest to give some indication of what its director would prove himself capable of during the following decade. Furthermore, Corman wisely shot most of the monster scenes as a succession of tight close-ups, disguising the worst shortcomings of the rather pathetic giant crab.
But when producer/director Roger Corman commissioned the script for this movie from frequent collaborator Charles Griffith, he specifically instructed that every scene of its hour-long running time be suffused with either action or suspense, and the remarkable truth is that Griffith came pretty close to delivering on the order. It’s hard to believe that this could be on the basis of the most commonly circulated promotional still from the film, showing the whole of its fifteen-foot papier-mâché crab sitting inert on the sandy floor of a cave somewhere outside of Los Angeles. A lot of folks who were kids during the late 1950’s will tell you that Attack of the Crab Monsters scared the crap out of them.
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requirednoise · 2 years
RN Podcast 006 - Lee Andrews. Tune in to our Soundcloud, YouTube, and Mixcloud channels now! Link in bio. 
Be sure to follow, like, subscribe and share!
Links to Lee Andrews:
#podcast #guestmix #technomusic #techno #technodj
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cnak-ofc · 3 years
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Se preparem Musica logo logo com eles, S.O.S @e_o_le77a Tags #paz #brasil #trap #reunião #Ruby #Cnak #drewer #Tr3zyRecords #tr3 #Tr3zy #Pernambuco #RioDeJaneiro #agua #argentina #sustento #shit #amor #sem #nota #noite #dia (em Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPb0VP5hUC-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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djdrewer · 3 years
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Cuarto Siete Vol 19- En Casa Sessions #5 link in bio. #keepgroovin #housemusic #deephouse #minimalhouse #house #djmix #cuartosiete #andresio #drewer https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3fCwAn515/?igshid=2460wrja7kwj
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meshimellow · 4 years
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no one screamed backwards during this ai dventure so i call that a success
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dreweric · 4 years
Forgiveness work... #LifeTips... #SelfDiscoveryCoach #authenticity #DrewEric.com #youtube/DrewEric #DrewEric_ https://www.instagram.com/p/B8JT7whBVcj/?igshid=1ji6wcvy9spld
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apenitentialprayer · 3 years
What's your interpretation of the story of Jephthah's daughter? Do you reccommend any works that have dealt with it in-depth?
Well, there seems to be two major interpretations of the story of Seila. In the first, poor Seila is actually sacrificed; Jephthah promises to sacrifice the first person he sees come out of his house after the defeat of the Ammonites, and this is his daughter. This is Jephthah’s punishment for engaging in the practices of the pagan peoples with whom he is at war; we can see a parallel in this case between Isaac and Seila. In the first narrative, God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son, a command Abraham intends to obey. In this story, it is a divine imperative that triggers the incident, an incident which causes Abraham to know first hand the pain and hardship of losing someone to the institution of human sacrifice. Having experienced firsthand the pain and suffering of having to lose a loved one to human sacrifice, Abraham is spared from this terrible task by God Himself; the God of Abraham is different from the gods of Canaan, but nonetheless feels obligated to ensure Abraham knows the horror that He is rejecting. In Jephthah’s case, we don’t have a divine “test.” This is a purely human intention, a practice possibly borrowed from the very Ammonites he is fighting. Keep in mind that Jephthah promised to sacrifice “whoever comes out of the door of my house” (Judges 11:31); a household at this point is more than just the patriarch’s immediate family, but also the families of his servants. Having made his vow, he now experiences the tragedy first hand: expecting to sacrifice another man’s son or daughter, he instead must suffer that which he was willing to inflict on a social inferior. And God is silent. In Judges 11, we see a horrific inversion of Genesis 22. The other possibility is that Jephthah offered to consecrate his daughter to God as a kind of temple virgin / proto-nun. This became an incredibly popular interpretation among Iberian Christians and Jews in the second millennium. In this understanding, Jephthah doesn’t actually kill his daughter, but effectively ends any chance she has of having a family - hence, she “wept for her virginity” in the months leading up to the sacrifice/cloistering (Judges 11:38). If you’re asking for my personal opinion, I think the former tradition is the more likely, because we have records of that interpretation stretching much farther back in time, and it fits the theme of the Book of Judges more easily - namely, that this period is one of wild recklessness despite God’s intervention, when “everyone did what was right in their own sight” (21:25). For further reading, I would recommend Elisheva Baumgarten's “Remember that Glorious Girl: Jephthah's Daughter in Medieval Jewish Culture,” which describes both interpretations. This article cites a lot of other works you might be interested in, like Writing the Wrongs: Women of the Old Testament among Biblical Commentators from Philo to the Reformation (pages 100-178 are dedicated to her), Lois Drewer’s “Jephthah and his Daughter in Medieval Art: Ambiguities of Heroism and Sacrifice,” and Joshua Berman’s “Medieval Monasticism and the Evolution of Jewish Interpretation to the Story of Jephthah's Daughter.” If you want any of those articles and don’t have access to a database which has them, feel free to come off anon, and (provided you’re comfortable with providing an email address) I’ll be happy to see if I can find and send the article to you.
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weirdletter · 4 years
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Lovecraft Annual No. 14, edited by S.T. Joshi, Hippocampus Press, 2020. Info: hippocampuspress.com.
New Scholarship on H.P. Lovecraft, edited by S.T. Joshi, August 2020.
Contents: National Defense – H.P. Lovecraft and R.H. Barlow National Defense – E.D. Barlow Atmosphere and the Qualitative  Analysis of “The Colour out of Space” – Steven J. Mariconda H.P. Lovecraft’s First Appearance in Print – Richard Bleiler Missing the Punchline: The Subversive Nature of H.P. Lovecraft’s Occult Detective – Dylan Henderson Yuletide Horror: “Festival”  and “The Messenger” – Cecelia Hopkins-Drewer The Doomed Lovecrafts of Rochester – Will Murray How to Read Lovecraft – A Column by Steven J. Mariconda John Osborne Austin’s Seven Club Tales: Did They Inspire Lovecraft? – Ken Faig, Jr. The “Extreme Fantasy” of  Delirious New York – Andrew Gipe-Lazarou An Arctic Mystery:  The Lovecraftian North Pole – Edward Guimont Textual Sources and Corrigenda Minora to “A Living Heritage: Roman  Architecture in Today’s America” – César Guarde-Paz On Hawthorne’s Unwitting “Children”: The Strange Case of H.P. Lovecraft – Simone Turco Zeitgeist and Untoten:  Lovecraft and the Walking Dead – Duncan Norris Reviews Briefly Noted
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