#dried onion
fieriframes · 1 year
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rubys-kitchen · 2 months
Henwood Style Mac & Cheese
Chef’s Note: So creamy. Blue cheese is not overpowering and adds depth. Baked the flavor into the pasta. Not brown top, just baked top.
Why do I want to eat apples with this?
8 oz fusilli (spiral) pasta (substitute rotini)
4 tbsp cup unsalted butter
1 tbsp dried minced onion (the spice seasoning)
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
4 oz Velveeta
1/4 cup blue cheese crumbles
1/4 cup cheddar cheese (I'd say shredded)
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground mustard
1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200 degrees C). Lightly grease an 8x11-inch baking dish
2. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a rolling boil over high heat. Stir in fusilli and return to a boil. Cook, uncovered and stirring occasionally, to al dente (according to package directions). Drain pasta well.
Make the sauce while this cooks
3. Melt margarine in a large saucepan over medium heat.
4. Add onion and let soak up some butter
5. Whisk in flour and cook for 1 minute.
6. Slowly whisk in milk until entirely incorporated.
7. Add Velveeta, blue cheese, cheddar, salt, and mustard. Cook, stir continuously, until cheeses have melted and the mixture thickens.
doesn’t have to be continuous, but pretty often. Don’t want it to boil
8. Pour pasta into the dish. Pour cheese sauce overtop. Stir until everything is coated.
9. Bake until the top begins to brown, about 20 minutes.
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morethansalad · 9 months
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Poppyseed Cauliflower and Fresh Corn Salad (Vegan)
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selinaeliott · 2 months
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Pumpkin in Korean
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autoneurotic · 8 months
tomato soup and shepards pie tonight fwm fwm fwmmmmm
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koishua · 2 months
how do y'all grocery shop???
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 months
Smoked Salmon and Green Onion Sandwiches
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"Oh, they are so good!" said Ava, biting hungrily into these Smoked Salmon and Green Onion Sandwiches, as we were having a picnic on Cheltenham Beach in Devonport. "I can't believe you put so much flavour into something you whipped up so quickly!" I was more than a little bit chuffed, but I must say, they are really good, especially if you intend to eat them on a beach! Happy Saturday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
3 heaped tablespoons sour cream or crème fraîche
1 teaspoon dried tarragon
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
1 large Green Onion
4 large slices Wholemeal Loaf
1/2 tablespoon unsalted butter, softened
abou4t 60 grams/2 ounces Smoked Salmon 
Spoon sour cream into a small bowl.
Add dried tarragon and black pepper, and give a good stir until well-blended.
Finely chop Green Onion, and stir into the cream mixture. Place in the refrigerator, at least half an hour.
Toast Wholemeal Loaf, and allow to cool completely.
Generously spread Green Onion and tarragon cream onto two of the toasted Wholemeal Loaf slices, and butter on the two others.
Lay Smoked Salmon onto the buttered Wholemeal Loaf slices, and close sandwiches together. Keep in the refrigerator until serving time.
Cut Smoked Salmon and Green Onion Sandwiches in halves, and wrap in cling film if bringing on a picnic!
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buffetlicious · 8 months
Just the two of us so rather than the dining places that me and mum usually go to, I proposed Xing Hua Delights (回味轩兴化菜馆). What I liked about this place is their homey cooking style which matched my palate well. While waiting for the dishes to be served, we sipped on Barley Drinks. I had the cold version (S$1.80++) while mum took the hot drink (S$1.30++).
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We started off with this small (S$11++) Stir-fried Green Beans (干煸四季豆) cooked with minced pork and dried chilli. The beans are still crunchy in the centre and the chilli gave it a little heat; nothing we Singaporeans couldn’t handle.
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Normally we had the pig’s stomach in soup so we ordered this S$12++ plate of Flash Fried Pig’s Maw (爆炒豬肚) for a change. Came stir-fried with plenty of vegetables such as bamboo shoots, sweet peas, black fungus, carrots and onions plus spices like ginger and garlic.
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Using the lees (红糟) left over from wine fermentation, the restaurant prepared this S$15++ portion of Red Rice Vinesse Pork Belly (红糟三层肉). The lees imparted the dish its alcoholic fragrant and taste. While the pork bellies aren’t too bad, I found them on the springy side. I actually preferred their chicken version cooked in the same style.
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deus-ex-mona · 10 months
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“i’m all alone, but i’m as happy as can be!”
#aka top 10 things i wish i could drill into my coworkers brains grrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrhrhbgbgbfbfbfnf#‘you should get a bf’ ‘when are you gonna get married and have kids?’ how about n e v e r#i just want to sleep when i’m not on the clock mans i don’t want to waste my precious sleep time on others#i mean. i don’t even leave the house on my days off. not to go shopping or anything bc sleep is more important~~~#and stuff can be bought online anyways s o o o o o#g o d speaking of online purchases thoughhh this massage seat i bought online came in yesterday and it works amazingly well~~~~~#used it for half an hour last night and i was relaxed enough to sleep for 11-12 hours straight#wish i had space for an actual massage chair though but this will have to do…#it’s been my dream to own a massage chair for the longest time…… but ig this massage seat is good enough……#i can just slap it onto my desk chair and b a m ✨instant paradise✨#speaking of instant though… one of my coworkers was commenting on my love for instant noodles the other day#‘you’ll ✨d i e✨ faster if you eat a lot of cup noodles yk?’ he said#so ✨o f c✨ my mouth chose to work faster than my brain when i replied with ‘i’m fine with that bc i won’t have to work then’#he and another coworker laughed :( sadded#b u t i finally had my cup noodles that i ‘customised’ at the cup noodle museum today and it was good~~~~~~~ i have good taste (self praise)#the best part was the lack of spring onions!!!! bc screw spring onions really who decided that they should be included with most cup noodles#or just noodles in general? the texture sucks and they don’t even taste good man. why would you even add spring onions?#it’s number 2 in my list of most hated food toppings. it loses only to ikan bilis bc s c r e w ikan bilis or dried anchovies or whatever#they’re known as >:( i hateeeeee how takeout places will just assume that you want ikan bilis and lop on a huuuuugeeeee serving of them#atop your food as you desperately and futilely b e g them to stop#and when you try to pick them out they just!!!! keep turning up everywhere instead?????#like hello???? how did you manage to get to the bottom of the bowl???? you were only added as a topping!!!!!!!#also. their eyes are really creepy. and the heads get detached from the bodies all the time and just. seeing the eyes ruins my appetite.#wait this was supposed to be about my coworkers and their pushiness in a matter that doesn’t concern them how did we get so far off-topic—#chizuutan chizpost
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magazynkulinarny · 5 months
Sałatka z wędzonej makreli, selera naciowego i czerwonej cebuli z granatem lub suszoną żurawiną
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Ta sama sałatka, z nieco innym wykończeniem. Efekt całkiem odmienny. Ale czy na pewno?
Baza jest identyczna: wędzona makrela, seler naciowy, czerwona cebula, majonez i musztarda. Podzieliłam ją na pół i do jednej wrzuciłam suszone żurawiny, bo w głowie ich kwaskowatość dobrze komponowała mi się z mało wyrazistą rybą, a do drugiej świeże ziarna granatu, bo według tej samej zasady konweniowały z głównym składnikiem. Obie na koniec posypałam prażonymi orzechami włoskimi.
Obie wersje okazały się bardzo dobre i obie Wam polecam! Żurawinowa była nieco słodsza, głębsza i dawała miłe wrażenie żucia suszonego owocu, natomiast granatowa rześka, soczysta i zabawnie strzelająca pod zębami.
Ciekawe, że różniące się dodatki nawet kolorystycznie były zbieżne - w odcieniu czerwieni (żurawina na żywo ma ciemnorubinową barwę, aczkolwiek zdjęcie nie oddało tego uczciwie), co nadało im nieplanowego waloru estetycznego.
Niby różne, a całkiem podobne...
duża wędzona makrela łodyga selera naciowego 1/2 czerwonej cebuli 2 łyżki suszonych żurawin 2 łyżki nasion granatu 2 łyżki majonezu 2 łyżki oleju rzepakowego łyżeczka musztardy Dijon łyżeczka musztardy francuskiej 4 łyżki orzechów włoskich sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Zdjąć z ryby skórę, wyjąć kręgosłup i ości. Podzielić na kawałki i włożyć po połowie do dwóch miseczek.
Seler naciowy opłukać, odciąć końcówki, przeciąć wzdłuż, a następnie na cienkie plasterki. Włożyć po połowie do miseczek.
Cebulę obrać i pokroić w drobniutką kosteczkę. Włożyć po połowie do miseczek.
Do jednej dodać żurawinę, łyżkę oleju oraz majonezu, łyżeczkę musztardy Dijon, posolić, popieprzyć i wymieszać.
Do drugiej dodać nasiona granatu, łyżkę oleju oraz majonezu, łyżeczkę musztardy francuskiej, posolić, popieprzyć i wymieszać.
Obie obsypać połową wcześniej uprażonych i grubo posiekanych orzechów.
Ciekawa jestem która bardziej Wam zasmakuje?
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priest-iuput · 7 months
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I am ill and the word ‘brethren’ is stuck in my head
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rubys-kitchen · 3 months
Bagel Breakfast Slider
Chef’s Note: They are a bit messy to eat, but they taste nice.
Cooking spray, for pan
8 eggs
1/4 cup milk
8 slices bacon
kosher salt
2 tbsp finely chopped chives
10 mini bagels, halved
4 tbsp cream cheese, softened
1 to 1 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
3 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
~2 tsp dried onion
~1 tsp garlic powder
~1 tsp sesame seeds
(opt.) ~1/2 tsp poppy seeds
0. Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a large baking dish with cooking spray.
1. In a large bowl, beat eggs and milk until light and frothy. Set aside.
2. In a large skillet over medium heat, cook bacon until crispy. Remove slices from pan to drain on paper towels. Pour out most of the bacon fat but leave about 1 tablespoon in the skillet.
3. Pour egg mixture in skillet then immediately turn down heat to medium-low. Stir occasionally with a spatula or wooden spoon. When the eggs are nearly set, season with salt and stir in chives. Remove from heat.
4. Spread cream cheese onto the bottom halves of the bagels. Place bagel halves in the greased baking dish, side by side.
5. Spread egg mixture over bagels.
6. Crumble cooked bacon on top.
7. Sprinkle with cheddar cheese.
8. Add the bagel tops.
9. Brush the bagel tops with melted butter and sprinkle with dried onion, garlic powder, sesame seeds, and poppy seeds.
10. Bake until the bagels are toasty and the cheese has melted, about 10 minutes. Serve warm.
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morethansalad · 7 months
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Spiced Apple Cider and Sweet Potato Quinoa Bowl (Vegan & Gluten-Free)
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
Have a big pot of veggie soup going w like 10 different veggies & a bunch of dried mushrooms as a stock....gonna feed us for a week & by next week I'll be the healthiest person on earth
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pegglefan69 · 3 months
in 'Robin cooks things appearing in his dreams' news...I woke up really wanting a sour cherry cheddar grilled cheese...opened grocery app & what was the first recipe I see.... serendipity! a special little treat for me later this week I think
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fieriframes · 9 days
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