#dropping it when everyone should be sleeping 😌
ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
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Across the bottom of the page, in bold lettering, with excessive underlining for emphasis it seemed, is a simple reminder.  P.S. DO NOT FORGET – SAVE ASTARION. NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, ABOVE ALL ELSE, SAVE ASTARION.
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summary: when aruna awakes on a beach, she has no memory of herself. only a small pouch full of seemingly useless items, a pair of daggers with interesting engravings, and a ruined letter.
wc: 1.6k+
warnings: memory loss, descriptions of canon violence/gore.
a/n: this is it. the infamous astarion fic i've been whispering about for way too long. please enjoy. probably full of mistakes due to lazy editing. also, no, this oc/tav is not dark urge.
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The beach is unbearably warm. Scorching, even, as her body digs deeper into the sand and her eyes squint against the bright sun glaring down on her. She feels as though every inch of her skin is on fire as the pebbles scratch at her arms and she puts off any movement for as long as possible – she’s terrified that if she moves, she’ll come to find that she’s dead. She’ll stand, and she’ll look down, and all that will remain is her mangled body. Her brains will be splattered across the tawny landscape, her limbs will be crooked, her blood will pant the taupe sand red. And she’ll be nothing but a ghost; a ghost who can’t remember anything. Not even her own name. 
She can’t remember a damn thing. 
Even flashes of events that just happened, the fight on the Nautiloid ship and the crash that has followed, are blurry images to her that get swept away just as quickly as they appear to her. 
Eventually, she’s brave. She stands up. She looks down. She’s alive. No stomach-churning crime scene, at least. Not a drop of blood stains the shallow crater she’s left behind in the sand. 
But her head screams out in pain as if she might as well be dead. Darkness flashes the edges of her vision, a sharp stabbing in her temples nearly drops her to her knees. It’s nauseating, it’s startling, it’s terrifying. No memories, no name, but the myriad of colors that flash like memories that paint her vision certainly make up for it with each throb of her head. She waits for them to dull – waits for the headache to taper off long enough for her to put one foot in front of the other. 
It doesn’t. 
The storm never passes, and so she suffers. Mouth hanging wide open to take deep breaths that do nothing, palms pressing against the sides of her head as if she can squeeze the ache away. At some point, it’s not that the pain has subsided, but that she simply… gets used to it. Adjusts. Swallows hard and decides to fool herself that it doesn’t hurt that bad (but it does. It does hurt that bad).
She has to take in her surroundings, first and foremost. She doesn’t know much, but she knows that. Her eyes wander over the shards of metal, the bursts of flames, the mangled bodies- Oh, Gods. The bodies. She can spot three instantly, looking exactly as she had expected herself to appear. Unrecognizable. Gone beyond repair. Broken as a result of falling thousands of feet through the sky. 
Something churns in her stomach.
She tears away her gaze from the bodies with reluctance, nostrils flaring and lips pressed tightly together in effort to not dry heave. 
She needs to remember. Remember what fully happened on the ship. Remember her name. Remember her memories – remember who exactly she is. 
The satchel on her hip doesn’t help much. She absentmindedly opens it, hoping for clues, but the only thing inside is a small pouch made of a brilliant, deep purple fabric. Soft to the touch, embroidered with care. When she tugs on the gold-threaded rope tying it shut, all she can see inside is a smooth and nearly translucent stone, and a tarnished gold ring. Both could easily fit in her palm, side by side, if she were to dump them out of the beautiful pouch. 
And neither spark any memories. Neither reignite recognition, or bring a name to mind. Neither tell her who she is. 
They stay in the pouch, and the pouch returns to the satchel. 
She glances around the beach again for any further clues. Maybe she dropped something during her fall, maybe she had been wearing a goddamn name tag that had simply fallen off during her plummet from a giant spaceship wrecking through the sky-
There’s a glint in the sand. 
It could just be another shard of metal from the crash. Another broken piece of a nautiloid ship that is one of the only things that she can recognize right now. Any other person in their right mind would ignore it and continue on their search for clues somewhere more useful – but she isn’t in her right mind, and something about that glimmer of silver buried beneath sand has her feet moving to their own accord. 
Daggers. Plural.
As she drops to her knees, she’s careful to dig into the surrounding sand, exposing the pair of knives. They’re obviously a matching set – although, whether they’re a matching set belonging to her is a bit less obvious. There’s no major identifiable attributes; they’re simply plain daggers, sharpened metal blades with black leather wrapped methodically around the handles. Her eyes trail over them, trying to ignore how familiar and how right they feel in her hands, when she comes to the butt of the handle, and-
There. Something unique. Something identifiable. 
Carved messily into the metal of the ball at the end of the dagger in her left hand, is the shape of a moon. It wasn’t done professionally, but whoever had done it certainly had the gift of precision. She almost reaches out a finger to trace over the crescent shape lightly, when she remembers the dagger in her right hand. She wastes no time checking the exact same spot in that second dagger, holding her breath until she sees it. 
A star. Far messier than the moon, done by a far less skillful hand, but a star nonetheless. 
A star and a moon. She doesn’t know if these daggers belong to her, but it sure does feel like they do. 
And they fit perfectly in her belt, sliding into her conveniently empty sheaths with ease. As if they were finally at home as they hang loosely, bumping her hip as she takes a few steps forward.
Yes. That feels right. 
She breathes out a sigh of relief and goes to take another step forward when she spots another detail that would probably go ignored by any other poor soul that had landed here on this beach. Mere feet away from where she had found the daggers, there’s a small puddle of water. Which in itself isn’t very interesting. It’s a beach. If her eyes continued to trail a few feet more, she’d find even more water. But it isn’t the water itself that catches her eye – it’s what is sinking into it that does. 
A piece of paper. 
It calls to her with the same importance the daggers had, and she’s quick to snatch it off of the ground. The center of the letter is absolutely ruined, soaked thoroughly as each word that had previously been carefully written out bleeds out past the point of return. She can’t make a single word out in the body of the message. Only swirls of black that feather out blue, a mess of words that she’s somehow convinced was for her. 
Only the top of the letter, and the very bottom, remain untouched by the water.
On the top, there is a single phrase: My dearest Aruna. And- no, not just a phrase, but a greeting. A gentle, caressing, brimming-with-adoration greeting. But even more than that, it includes a godsdamned name. 
Aruna. Aruna, Aruna, Aruna.
She rolls the name around in her mind over and over, nearly screams it at the top of her lungs, because it feels right. Something clicks in her mind as she reads those five letters off the page, and she knows that her name is Aruna. The daggers belong to her, she has some lavish pouch containing a pretty stone and a ring that has seen better days, and her name is Aruna. 
It takes her a while to move past the excitement of that. A while for the smile to leave her face, only faltering as her cheeks begin to ache and her eyes finally start to scan the rest of the letter. A letter written to her. 
Except she still can’t decipher a single word in the body of it. She scans each line carefully, desperate to be able to make out just one syllable, even, but it’s all still a blended mess. She can see the leftover curves of whoever’s handwriting it is, and it’s pretty, but it is unreadable. 
Until the bottom of the page, where the water hadn’t quite reached the letter. 
Two lines are readable to her. One written carefully on the very bottom of the page, where absolutely no water has reached the penmanship, and one at the tail end of the main letter, where water had in fact seeped into the parchment, and the ink is quickly bleeding out. The words are being erased right before her eyes, and so she reads the damp words first: I’m sorry for what I’ve become.
The words make no sense. She can’t twist a single drop of understanding from them, only an ache that rings out in her chest. As if something inside of her might know what they mean, but that piece of her has been locked away deep down, unable to spell it out plainly for her.
So she decides to read the words untouched by moisture.
But the words that are dry as bone on the very bottom of the page, perfectly written out save for a small smudge of ink across the first letter as though someone’s hand had dragged across it before it had properly dried, confuse her addled brain even further. These words make even less sense. 
They weigh heavily on Aruna, whether she understands them or not. They’re important – Gods, she knows they’re important. Possibly the most important words she’ll read in all her days.
Across the bottom of the page, in bold lettering, with excessive underlining for emphasis it seemed, is a simple reminder. 
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maerinhearts · 2 years
Part II.
You hate Tsukishima Kei. With a passion. Seriously. But what happens when you, the manager of his college volleyball team, get stuck in a hotel room with him? For an entire week... With only a king bed for both of you to sleep on...
Warnings: fem!bodied reader, choking, unprotected sex, bullying (on both sides), one bed trope (lol).
Word Count: 4900+
Minors DNI, please and thank you. All characters are 18+.
A/N: I'm back with another Tsukki drabble 😌 Let's fucking go.
Smut is below the cut, as always.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N,” the coach was saying on the other end of the phone, “but because we added Jiro so last minute this week, I’m going to have to put you with one of the guys on the team. I already called the hotel, and they don’t have any more rooms available.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration. Of course. You didn’t think of this when Jiro unexpectedly transferred into the program and made the volleyball team this past week. You had been so wrapped up in your own excitement for the tournament that you forgot you wouldn’t get a room all to yourself this time.
“It’s no biggie, Coach,” you reply. But it is a biggie. “I don’t mind.” But I do mind. “Put me with whoever is willing to room with me!” Don’t you dare put me with that bastard Tsukishima.
“Y/N, I really can’t thank you enough for being so understanding. I’ll make sure to be extra careful next tournament so I can give you your own room like normal! Can’t wait to see you Monday morning!”
After you hang up the phone, you find annoyance bubbling up in your chest. It would be your luck that the hotel is fully booked, but then you should have expected that considering what tournament was happening this upcoming week. As you shove stuff into your suitcase, you try to come to terms with who you might room with. Jiro would be fine, since you didn’t really know each other. You’d even be fine with the team captain, Yuuji. Anyone but Tsukishima.
Before you went to sleep for the night, you prayed to any God out there that you’d get paired with anyone else on the team.
But your prayers go unanswered.
“Everyone was too shy to room with you, Y/N,” Coach was explaining to you as he walked you to your room. You had a glare plastered on your face at him. “And no one wanted to room with Tsukishima either. So, the best thing I could have done to make sure my team gets along for this tournament is-”
“To put Tsukishima with me?” you say with disgust.
“I’m not happy about it either,” Tsukishima says from beside you, glare also evident on his face. Only it’s directed at you.
You turn a harsh look on him. “No one was speaking to you, four eyes,” you snap.
“You little…” he mutters, turning to tower over you.
“Okay, you two,” the coach interrupts. “Here is your room.” He scans the key card and ushers Tsukishima in. He turns to you, handing you the key card before ushering you in as well. “Don’t lose that. I want you to be in charge of it.” You nod along as you step into the room.
“WHAT?” Tsukishima yells from inside.
You feel your annoyance bubbling up to the surface again. “Oi, Tsukishima, pipe down,” you scold.
“Y/N,” he says to get your attention. You finally glance up at him, glare ready, eye twitching to find him looking worse for wear. “There’s only one bed.”
You feel your face drop and whirl yourself around to tell coach.
“Uh, I gotta go check on the others!” he says as he dashes out of the doorway, letting the door come to a close.
So, you stand there, next to the bastard Tsukishima, at the foot of the bed, both of you in utter disbelief as you stare at the one king sized bed in the center of the room. It’s silent for a long moment.
“You’re sleeping on the floor,” you tell him matter-of-factly.
“What?!” he exclaims. “The floor is hardwood, Y/N! I have a tournament to play in this week! You’re the one that is going to be sleeping on the floor.”
You turn to him, a look of utter disgust on your face only to find he is returning the look. “You’d really make your team manager sleep on the hardwood floor?” you ask, hoping to bait him into saying no, he wouldn’t do that to you.
“What?” you ask in disbelief.
“Yes, I would make my snotty team manager sleep on the hardwood floor.” He sneers down at you.
Before you can stop yourself, you raise a fist, ready to punch him, but he just sticks an arm out, hand pressing against your forehead as he continues to push you away, laughing as you struggle to get a hit in. This bastard and his ridiculously long monkey arms…
You huff out as you straighten your clothes, and he crosses his arms. “I’m going to take a shower,” you tell him. “And when I come out, I better see your bed made up on the floor.”
He scoffs and waves you away with a roll of his eyes. You feel your eye start twitching again as you close the door to the bathroom and turn the water on. As you step into the shower, you feel your anger spike again. How dare he try to make you sleep on the floor?! Didn’t his mother teach him any manners?!
You were hoping the warm water would calm you down, but as you step out onto the towel outside of the shower you find that, in your annoyance, you forgot to get your clothes from your suitcase. You curse yourself underneath your breath before wrapping a towel tightly around your body.
You crack open the bathroom door and peek out. You can see Tsukishima lounging on the bed in the reflection of the mirror right outside the bathroom door. He’s playing on his phone. Thinking you could get to your suitcase quickly without him noticing, you pad out to the living area only to come to a halt when you realize your suitcase is on the side of the bed he is currently laying on.
“T-Tsukishima,” you stutter out, nerves getting the best of you.
“What is it now?” he says as he lowers his phone to glare at you.
Your face reddens as he makes eye contact, his glare falling into a look of awe and disbelief. His own face begins to redden before he turns quickly away.
“Have you lost your mind?!” he damn near shouts at you.
“I forgot my clothes, you asshole!” you shout at his back. “And my suitcase is by you!”
“Well, hurry up and get your clothes, for Christ’s sake!”
You hesitate. “Don’t look at me,” you tell him, voice soft. “Promise you won’t look at me and then I’ll be able to get my clothes.”
He takes a deep breath before closing his eyes. “I won’t look,” he promises, voice surprisingly gentle. “I closed my eyes.”
You get to your suitcase and quickly throw it open. As you’re rummaging through its contents you glance up to see that his eyes were, in fact, closed. You feel your heart skip a beat at that, for whatever reason, and speed walk back to the bathroom with your clothes in hand.
Tsukishima waits until he hears the bathroom door close again before he blows out the breath he was holding. He turns to look at the space you just occupied outside of the bathroom door and feels his face heat up again. He knew you were pretty. Hell, everyone knew you were drop dead gorgeous. Other teams would make comments before, during and after games. It drove him and his teammates nuts. Though, they would all be lying if they said they never fantasized about you before. Him included. He would often find himself being dragged into locker room talk about you after practice, after games, during team study sessions that you were never invited to. He never participated simply because he respected you too much to talk about you in that manner. His teammates thought it was just because he hated you.
The way you two interacted never went unnoticed by anyone. Perhaps putting you two together in a room was the coach’s way of telling you two to get over it. It felt like Coach was telling him he had to be friends with you. The only problem is that Tsukishima didn’t want to be friends with you in the first place.
And so, he finds himself setting up a wall of pillows in the middle of the bed. He doesn’t want to sleep on the floor, and he certainly doesn’t want you to. As he is placing the last pillow, you exit the bathroom, wet hair dripping onto the oversized tee shirt you were wearing. When he turns to look at you, he notices that the tips of your cheekbones are still a light shade of pink. Then he glances down.
“Oi, Y/N,” he says lowly, voice laced with annoyance.
“What?” you snap back.
“Where are your pants?” He points at your bare legs.
You feel your face heat up at ten times the speed. “I am wearing pants!” you exclaim, hoisting your shirt up past your navel in anger. “I’m wearing shorts!”
In your haste, you didn’t realize just how high you had yanked the shirt up.
So, there you were, shirt held tightly in your hands showing off your short sleep shorts… and the bottom half of your breasts.
“Put your shirt down!” he shouts, nearly tripping over his own suitcase as he runs over to you, grabs the hem, and yanks your shirt back down over your body.
You turn your face up at him, brows knitting together as you frown at him, completely unaware of just how much you were showing him. “I was just showing you that I had shorts on underneath this shirt,” you tell him.
“Yes, yes,” he responds, “you’ve made your point.” But I didn’t need to see that, he thinks to himself. Now how will I be able to sleep knowing they’re right next to me? And they look like that?
His hands fist into your shirt at your waist and you suddenly become very aware of him touching you.
“Okay,” you say a little too loudly, taking a giant step away from him and pushing his hands off of you. “Let’s get ready for bed.”
As Tsukishima is brushing his teeth, you walk around the room to shut lights off, leaving the bedside light on, and adjust the thermostat. You come to a halt as you lift the covers to get into the bed. You stare blankly at the wall of pillows in the center.
Tsukishima exits the bathroom, then, yawning loudly, stopping when you turn an annoyed look on him.
“I told you to sleep on the floor,” you ground out.
“And I told you, not happening,” he answers, voice snide.
“So, your solution was to put pillows between us?”
“I felt like it was a fair compromise,” he answers. “I don’t want to touch you; you don’t want to touch me.”
“And you think pillows are going to keep us separated? All night?”
“I do. Oh, and you’re sleeping closest to the wall.” He moves to where you’re standing, pushing you aside and climbing into the bed.
You stand there in disbelief. He must have lost his mind. You turn to glance around the room and notice that the side closest to the wall is farthest from the door. You feel your heart skip a beat again.
“Tick tock, Y/N,” he says as he reaches to shut the last lamp off. “What will it be?” He sneers up at you before he flips the switch, and the room goes black.
Before you can think too much about it, you stomp over to the other side of the bed.
“Stay on your side,” you tell him as you settle in.
“That won’t be a problem,” he answers back.
You turn on your side away from him, staring at the wall for what feels like forever until sleep finally pulls you under.
A knock on the door wakes you up the next morning, a voice outside telling you to come get breakfast before the bus leaves in two hours for the games.
But it’s so warm, you think as you burrow your head deeper into your pillow. You could get away with five more minutes, right? But another knock sounds on the door, signaling that it was, indeed, time to get up. You forgot coach made two rounds just ten minutes apart.
As your eyes flutter open, you realize why you feel so warm.
Tsukishima’s arms are wound tightly around your waist, your head comfortably tucked underneath his chin, face pressed into his chest. Your own arms betrayed you in your sleep as well, you notice, as you become painfully aware of their position around his body. The pillows that were meant to keep you separated are nowhere in sight. You feel your anxiety spike when you realize he has you practically trapped.
“Tsukishima,” you say trying to wake him.
He groans before his arms tighten around you. “Five more minutes,” he pleads, voice groggy. If you weren’t so anxious, you would think he sounded somewhat hot.
“Tsukki,” you try again, opting for his nickname.
He groans again, body shifting slightly before sighing, still not awake.
“Tsukki,” you say, louder this time.
He finally opens one eye to look at you, annoyed. You’re looking up at him with wide eyes, pleading with him silently to let you go.
“Uhm,” you start.
“Why are you so close to me?” he asks, voice thick with sleep.
Instead of answering, you move your eyes down to look at his arms currently wrapped around your waist. It takes Tsukishima a long second to realize why you’re so close to him. Then he is shoving you away from him as if he had touched a hot stovetop. You shriek as he launches himself away from you and off the bed, waist throbbing in pain from where he had hastily shoved you away. You rub the spot with a hand.
“What the hell, Tsukishima?” You glare at him. “You didn’t have to push me that hard.”
“Let’s not talk about it,” he suggests before turning on his heel and heading into the bathroom.
So, you decide to ignore what happened. For days. If the team advances every single day, you could be sharing a room with him for the next seven days. Lo and behold, they do. You had been avoiding each other since you woke up somehow encased in his arms, eating meals separately and coming back to the hotel room at different times.
But the night before the championship game, the coach makes everyone go to their rooms early, saying something about how everyone needs to get a good night of sleep.
And so here you are, at 10:00 PM, wide awake next to the wide-awake Tsukishima whom you haven’t spoken to in days simply because you haven’t had to. Nor did you really want to, for that matter. You’re separated by pillows, but it feels like he is closer than ever to you. If you concentrated hard enough, you could hear his breathing.
“Ugh,” you finally groan. “I can’t sleep.” You frown up at the ceiling.
“Maybe if you changed your attitude, you’d be asleep by now,” Tsukishima says from beside you.
You sit up to glare at him. “I don’t see you sleeping either,” you point out.
“I’m not sleeping because I’ve chosen not to sleep yet,” he replies.
You scoff. “Yeah right, I bet its because you’ve had to sit the bench the last two games.” You were taking a low blow, you knew that. But still, you said it.
He shoots up into a sitting position on his side of the bed now, returning your glare with just as much fervor. “It’s not my fault I’ve been off my game the last couple of days. It’s because I have to share a room with the most aggravating person on the planet!”
“Oh yes, because it’s certainly not the fact that you suck at volleyball.”
Suddenly, he’s in your face. “Say that again,” he dares you.
You swallow thickly before shaking your head, glare nowhere to be found now.
“Funny how you think I suck at volleyball, but I must be good at something else in your dreams.”
You feel your face heat up. “W-what are you talking about?” you stutter.
“You mean to tell me you haven’t been dreaming of me every single night since that first morning?”
“No,” you answer, a little too quickly. You avert your gaze away from him.
“You trying to tell me you aren’t the one I hear every night moaning ‘Yes, Tsukki, right there, Tsukki’?” His voice goes up an octave as he imitates your voice and you’d very much like to crawl in a hole and die.
You had had dreams about him this week, yes, you couldn’t deny that. But were you really moaning for him in your sleep?
“You’re lying,” you accuse, voice shaky.
“Am I, though?” His hand finds its way underneath your chin, tilting your face up to his. When your gazes meet, you find that he is suffocatingly close to you. One wrong move and your lips could be touching. “Look me in the face and tell me I’m lying.” His voice oozes confidence.
Suddenly, your tongue feels too big for your mouth. You can’t even form words as you try to look away from him. To be honest, you didn’t know if he was lying or not, but you can’t exactly hear yourself while you sleep.
“Huh, look at that,” he muses as his hand moves from your chin, gliding across your jaw and into your hair at the nape of your neck. “Cat got your tongue?” He’s mocking you now. His hand fists into your hair as you avert your eyes again and he yanks your head back to look at him. You gasp out, surprised. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” When you make eye contact with him again, he smirks. “Good girl.”
You feel your face heat up at his words, heat pooling in the pit of your stomach as butterflies erupt across your chest.
“Oh? Did you like that?”
You try to shake your head no but find that you can’t move because his hand is still in your hair.
“Use your words, Y/N,” he tells you, voice stern.
You swallow. “N-No,” you stammer.
Suddenly, his lips are by your ear. “Liar,” he whispers, sending a shiver down your spine. The feeling of his lips brushing against the shell of your ear has your sex throbbing. God, you feel like such a virgin right now.
He chuckles as he pulls back to look at your face, lips tilting up into another smirk. Your eyes are wide and doe-like, shining with a few tears, almost like you’re begging for him to take it a step further. Your bottom lip is quivering slightly, and he thinks it’s cute. He searches your face as he shifts onto his knees in front of you, hand loosening in your hair as he cups your head in his hands, thumbs underneath your jaw to direct your face up to his.
“Tell me if I’m taking things too far,” he murmurs, voice suddenly soft.
You don’t even have time to react when he crashes his lips roughly into yours. You gasp out of surprise, and he takes the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth. As his tongue strokes yours for the first time, you let out a soft moan at the feeling and finally return his kiss.
Tsukishima almost sighs in relief as you come alive beneath him, and he begins shoving you down onto the mattress. You let him, back hitting the mattress as he moves his mouth to your neck. You part your knees to accommodate his body as his hips make contact with your own. You crane your neck to give him more access as he sucks a bruise right into your jugular. He’s pushing your shirt up and grabbing both of your breasts roughly in his hands. Involuntarily, you thrust your hips up into his, causing his clothed cock to rub right up against your core.
He moves his mouth down quickly to capture a nipple. You cover your mouth to keep yourself from moaning as his tongue flicks across the hardening bud, hips grinding down into you to rub his hardening dick against you again. You moan at the feeling, essence leaking out into your panties as he switches sides, giving the same treatment to your other nipple, hands holding your hips in place as he relentlessly grinds against you.
Your hands are in his hair, back arching to push your tit further into his mouth as you moan out a soft call of his nickname.
His weight leaves your body as he moves to loom above you, hands planted by your head to hold himself up. He’s looking down at you, annoyed, sizing you up. Your chest is heaving, tits on full display with your shirt pushed up past your chest. Your lips are swollen, and your face is flushed.
“It’s Kei to you, right now,” he informs you, voice low. “Got it?”
You nod at him as you try to catch your breath.
Before you realize what he is doing, he has a hand in your sleep shorts and two fingers buried knuckle deep in your dripping hole. You gasp out, hand reaching to wrap around his wrist.
“Words, Y/N,” he reminds you as he watches your face contort in pleasure beneath him.
His fingers begin to pull out. “Ye-” you begin, but he shoves his fingers right back into you, smirking as you finish the S, the sound somewhere between a hiss and a moan.
“Thatta girl,” he praises as he slowly begins fucking you with his fingers, mouth finding its way back to your left nipple.
He sucks the bud into his mouth harshly, ripping a loud moan from your chest as he hooks his fingers up inside of you to hit your g-spot at the same time. He pulls his fingers from your shorts as he begins kissing down your body, fingers moving to pull your shorts and underwear off as his tongue glides across your navel. He sits up and tosses the garments to the floor. Suddenly feeling shy, you close your legs off to him. He makes eye contact with you as his hands find your knees and roughly push your legs apart, baring your pussy to him for the first time.
“Fuck,” he mutters as his hands glide down your inner thighs, body moving to settle his face right where you wanted him the most.
He makes eye contact with you as he brings his mouth closer to your sex, tongue darting out to lick a stripe right between your folds. He groans, eyes closing for a moment.
“Just as I thought,” he comments, “taste so fucking sweet.”
Your face heats up at double the speed, but before you can respond he dives right in, eating you like a man starved. His tongue makes figure eights over your clit, and you tangle your hands in his hair, shoving him deeper into you.
“Yes, Kei,” you moan out as he sucks your clit into his mouth. The sound of his first name falling from your lips like that sounds so hot to him that he finds himself leaving your core in favor of quickly pulling off his own clothes.
You watch as he settles over you, now naked, cock finding its home right between your folds as his lips find yours in a searing kiss.
“Let me fuck you,” he begs as he pulls back, voice almost coming out as a whine, lips millimeters away from yours. He grinds his hips into you for emphasis, cock head bumping into your clit.
To answer him, you reach down to grab up his dick in your hand, eyes never leaving his. You give it a few good pumps before guiding him into you. Your mouth falls open as he slowly pushes past your entrance, small gasps leaving your lips at the feeling of him filling you.
“You’re so fucking tight,” he grounds out. “Relax, Y/N.”
You groan as he continues to push into you. Relax? How can you relax when the man you’ve been secretly pining for is currently all over you? Not to mention in you.
You reach up and pinch his bicep.
“Ow, what the hell?” He rubs the spot you pinched, glaring down at you.
“Oh, good. I’m not dreaming,” you reply, voice shaky, breathy laugh pushing past your lips. Without thinking, you bury your hands back into his hair and yank his face back down to yours, planting a kiss on his lips and licking into his mouth when he opens it to you.
His hips begin moving of their own accord, slowly rolling into you as your kiss gets more and more desperate. With each roll of his hips, it feels like he keeps reaching deeper and deeper inside you. You pull away from his lips to let out a load moan as the head of his cock grazes your cervix. His mouth heads south, licking and nipping at the skin on your jaw, neck and collarbones.
“You feel so fucking good,” he says into your skin before he’s reaching to push your knees up into your chest, effectively reaching a new depth inside of you.
You gasp out, finding it hard to catch your breath as your hands reach out to press against his abdomen. It does no good, though, as he relentlessly continues fucking you with a smirk plastered on his face.
“W-wait,” you gasp out, head falling back as stars find the edges of your vision when he picks up the pace. You feel the pleasure building up in your abdomen.
“No,” he tells you simply, voice breathy.
“No, wait,” you try again as the pleasure nears its peak. You want to hold out for as long as possible, but you don’t think you’ll be able to at the rate you’re going.
He shoves two fingers into your mouth, pressing your tongue down.
“Shh,” he shushes you.
You’re too stunned to push him away, but at the same time the action has your pussy clenching around him, and he curses from above you. With every thrust, the cord pulls tighter and tighter in your belly. It becomes almost painful trying to keep it at bay.
“Come on,” he encourages you, fingers leaving your mouth and opting to wrap around your neck. “Cum for me.”
At his words, you let yourself go, cumming around him as he continues fucking you, slowly pushing in and out of you while he tries to slow his own orgasm.
“That’s my girl,” he praises as you come down, letting your feet fall back to the bed and planting a sweet kiss on your lips.
Before you can react, Tsukishima suddenly flips over onto your stomach and pulls your hips up, putting you on your hands and knees. You look back at him with wide eyes as he prods your entrance with his still hard cock before fully sheathing himself back inside you in one thrust.
Your back arches at the action, head falling back as a moan escapes your throat. He takes the opportunity to fist his hand into your hair and yank your body up so your back is flush against his front. He wraps his free arm around your waist, the hand that was wrapped in your hair coming around to find its home back around the column of your neck.
Your head falls back onto his shoulder as he continues fucking you, small gasps of “yes” leaving your lips as he builds you right back up to the edge.
“Look at you,” he comments. “You’re so fucking hot. It’s almost a shame I get to be the only one to see you like this.”
You can’t form a single coherent thought as you warn him of your approaching orgasm. He presses you right back down into the mattress to pick up his pace, slamming into you from behind as you bury your face into a pillow, crying out as you teeter right over the edge.
He fucks you through it again, pulling out at the last second to pump his length a few times before spilling his seed right onto your bare ass.
You both stay still as you come down, catching your breaths. It’s suddenly silent in your hotel room as the reality of what just happened dawns on both of you. You wait a few more beats, giving him a chance to break the silence before you do.
“Oi, Tsukishima…” you start, usual tone settled back into your voice. “You better clean that up.”
“Right…” he mutters. He leaves the bed to get a wet cloth, coming back to thoroughly wipe his cum off your ass.
You settle back onto your side of the bed as Tsukishima tosses the rag back into the bathroom. When he settles back onto his side you finally speak.
“Let’s… not talk about this,” you suggest.
He’s silent on the other side, probably in agreement, you think. So, you close your eyes in an attempt to fall asleep, tears hot on your cheeks as they silently stain the pillow beneath your head in the dark.
Only you don’t know that Tsukishima is on the other side of the bed, hoping just as much as you are that that meant as much to you as it did to him.
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
Jake and babies/kids. That's it.
Whether they're his, nieces/nephews, or godchildren, you know Jake loves and adores the babies & kids in his life.
He'd have a whole football team worth of kids if you'd let him (you managed to talk him down to four but he's been dropping hints lately for maybe a fifth or sixth). Besides 'husband', 'dad' is the title he's proudest of having. He loves being a dad & taking care of his kids and absolutely hates it when people make the "dad's babysitting" jokes. He isn't phased at all by spit up, diaper changes, potty training accidents, or sick kids. When someone brings it up that they're surprised he's not freaking out during one of those situations, he just shrugs and says "It's a part of life."
And he'd totally be the fun dad and uncle. The zoo, museums, parks, Disney on Ice shows - he loves going on special outings with the kids. Always spoiling them by buying whatever souvenir or snack they want. He's also on board to play whatever made up games they want to play. And he's always down for a good tea party or just chasing them around the backyard.
It's not unusual to find him napping with a baby on his chest or a kid snuggled up against his side. It takes forever for your kids to get used to napping or sleeping by themselves because he just doesn't want to put them down. He's also usually wearing a baby carrier instead of using a stroller.
When the kids are bigger, he gets one of those running strollers and takes them out with him on his morning runs, letting you sleep in. If you wake up before he gets back, you sit on your front porch with your coffee to enjoy the view of him shirtless and pushing a stroller as he comes back down the street and up the driveway. He always gives you a cheeky wink and a "Like what you see, Mrs. Seresin?" when he sees you. If you're still asleep when he gets back from his run, he gets the kids dressed and fed so it's one less thing you have to worry about when you wake up.
He's also that dad that loves showing his friends and coworkers the latest pictures and videos he has of his kids. And no matter how often he takes his kids to work with him (he loves showing them all of the planes), Family Days at the base are always a favorite of his. 💙
homgggggggggggg thank you for this 🫠🫠🫠 dad!jake or uncle!jake absolutely gets to me 😌
He would absolutely hate the dad’s babysitting jokes 100% - because Jake believes all dad’s should be 200% involved. Whether you hc he comes from family with a shitty father or not I think this works - family with a shitty father? Jake will strive to be better. From a loving family - Jake will have had a good influence.
Everyone would totally think he would freak out at all these things - I mean look at him, always striving to be perfection, but they wouldn’t bother him. Just takes it in his stride.
I imagine that once he has kids - his helmet will have stickers. Weird sparkly ones, dino ones (sorry! idk if it is against regulations or not, but lets pretend for fandom sake it is ok). Even the back of his phone.
He’ll tape drawings to the inside of his locker :’) and people would ask him what is that, and he’ll be able to tell you in detail what the squiggles are.
Yess 🥺 whether uncle or dad, you’ll find him sitting with the kids with a tiny plastic cup in his hand at the pretend tea party, or just running around making them scream as he roars (think of that video homg). And he’ll just fall down at the end of it and let them climb all over him.
YES THE BABY CARRIER!!! And once whichever baby gets too big to be carried he would mope, and tell you “now we need another”.
I picture him as the crazy uncle / dad that is always tossing his kids / pushing them into the pool. And then of course after that he’ll come for you with a heheh >:)) on his face.
The shirtless runs with the stroller - hot damn, yes. All the neighbourhood moms would try to run with him - but he’ll entertain them for a while to be polite, and pick up the pace, leaving them behind - because he gets to go home to you.
Your kids love his pancakes more than yours - you totally pretend to be hurt about it, but it’s so cute you can’t really be mad about it.
Yesssss he takes the little buggers to work when he can - maybe one or two at a time because you can’t have 100000 children running about. And everyone loves them, because they won’t be shy at all (how can they? They are Jake’s kids) - and would be really chatty.
Each of his kids have mini flight suits, with patches that say “hangman’s son” or “hangman’s daughter” - gifted by his squad from the base.
Family days are when he gets to have ALL the kids and you there, and he loves it, loves that you all get to see what he loves. He also swells with pride when people tell him he has a beautiful family. Jake has pictures from family days over the years - where his family gets larger, his kids get bigger and bigger - and it’ll go aaaaall the way till he becomes old and grey with you + as he climbs up the ranks in the Navy.
And maybe, as the years and pictures go - some of his kids start to don their own real flight suits and uniforms, and it starts to include pictures of you both at their bases and with their own families :’)
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littleladymab · 4 months
OC Kiss Week - Sunrise
So this one i KNOW is the right day because everyone else is posting sunrise themed kisses today 😌
This one is also thanks to @bottlingsound and @laprismaluna! This is mine and Cara's "everything fine and nothing goes wrong" AU in which Ayn and Catoir get to be domestic and normal. 
Happy Valentine's i'm normal about them!!!!
As soon as Ayn takes her spot on the blanket next to him, Catoir slumps over so his head is on her shoulder. “I thought you were a morning person,” she chides, awkwardly adjusting the blanket around both of them and then tucking her arm through his. “It’s almost 8AM, I waited as long as I could.”
“Yeah, on New Year's day,” he answers back. “The one day people should be allowed to sleep in.”
“You were awake already, I don’t see what the problem is. I’m the one that woke up early.”
He responds with a huff of breath that only makes his glasses fog up. It’s a testament to how much of a protest he’s making that he doesn’t bother wiping them off. “But it was warm inside.”
“Oh, so you’re a baby that doesn’t like the cold.”
“Says the girl who has been complaining how cold it was every morning for the past month.”
Ayn pouts, because he’s right, and it is freezing, and she’s already lost sensation in her nose, but the point of the matter is that he’s being difficult just to be difficult. And she’s the one who is better at drama. “Don’t you want to welcome in the new year by seeing the sunrise?” she asks innocently, and gestures broadly at the still dark sky before them. Enough that it knocks the blanket from her shoulders and lets in a breath of chilled air. Grudgingly, Catoir has to move to adjust the blanket. “Who cares about midnight and fireworks — it’s the first glimpse of morning that really sets the new year on the right foot!”
“I hate the sun,” he says matter of factly, tucking in the edges of the blanket around them.
She bumps her shoulder against his and bats her eyelashes when he glares at her. “You’re supposed to say ‘no, love, I adore seeing you first thing in the morning’!”
Catoir lifts an eyebrow, and gives her an incredibly skeptical look. “You’ve clearly never seen yourself first thing in the morning.”
Ayn’s jaw drops, though no quip immediately comes to her lips.
There’s the hint of a smile, though she can tell that he’s trying to hide it. “Your hair gets all over the place. And you drool.”
“Well,” she finally manages, aghast. “If that’s how you really feel.”
He has enough time to give her a questioning look before she scoots away, taking her blanket with her. “Wait,” he says, laughing and twisting around to try and catch her. “Ayn, c’mon, it’s cold.”
“Just like you,” she sniffles dramatically and it only renews his laughter.
His arms wrap around her waist, as she’s hindered by trying to keep herself cocooned in the blanket and make her escape at the same time. “Forgive me, for I would not be up here if it were not for you. Freezing weather or sweltering sun, where you go I go.” Despite the teasing and dramatic words, she can hear the sincerity in his tone, so she heaves a heavy sigh and sends a puff of white condensation in the air between them.
“Oh, alright,” she concedes, and allows him to reel her back to the blanket she has spread out on the roof of their building. “I’m going to hold you to that next time I have to go to visit my mother—”
Catoir closes his eyes, a strained expression on his face, as he says, “The sacrifices I make for you.”
“Bedhead and all?”
“Yes, I suppose I can forgive the bedhead now and then.”
She pinches him in the side beneath the blanket and he squirms, unable to make an escape lest he risk the cold.
“No, love, I adore seeing you first thing in the morning!” he recites and catches her hand before she can pinch him again. He presses a kiss to her fingers, warming them with a breath. “Bedhead and all.”
Ayn catches him with the tips of her fingers beneath the chin when he releases her hand. And as the sun rises on the first day of the new year, he leans in and kisses her.
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snowblossomreads · 9 months
Exhibit 1: Unfinished Business
Pairing: Sinclair Bryant x Amiee Huang (OC)
Summary: In where Amiee goes to interview for a executive assistant position and unexpectedly encounters her first love and her first heartbreak.
Tag(s)/Warning(s): past lovers reunited, mild racism, slight hints of depression and anxiety, hints of pining, nothing too crazy in this one
A/N: And she's back with another series for an Alan character! What can I say I love him and I have a very soft spot for Sinclair because he's a puppy and didn't get his happy ending >:| and I'm here to give it to him.
As always thank you @smilingformoney for letting me talk ur ear off about the old man and this character in particular as we team up and try to give him some happiness and other things 😌 Enjoy all!
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When Amiee woke up Monday morning in her rundown flat that had more holes in it than Swiss cheese she knew that day would be a defining point in her life. Whether it was good or bad, she wasn't sure but she was hoping that the water dripping on her forehead from a leak in the roof wasn't a sign of things to come.
"Ah for fucks sake!" The irritated huff left her louder than the grunt she made as she got out of bed, legs tangling up in the sheets and causing her to almost meet the cold wood of the floor face first.
Roughly swiping at her forehead she went in search of a bucket to catch the water all while cursing to herself and mentally noting to let her landlord know that his DIY hole patching had not done the job and that she would prefer not to be waterboarded in her sleep.
After moving her bed, gritting her teeth in the process as the metal frame screeched against the floor, she dropped the bucket on the ground letting the sound of water dripping be her background music for the morning as she proceeded to get ready for her interview. One that was either going to end in her getting out of the shitty flat she lived in and her foot into the door of London's financial sector or going back and living with her parents. And while she loved her parents she could not and would not go back and live with them.
She rather jump off Tower Bridge.
Letting out another irritated huff, she quickly went to start her day with her usual routine. Brushing her teeth, washing her face, and combing her hair that was never quite straight and always had little waves in it. It was one of her flaws that her mother always talked about when she was a child. Everyone else in their community had pin straight hair that was easily kept unlike hers which frizzed easily, especially with the fickle English weather.
It hadn't been a surprise that she chopped it all off when she was fifteen tired of dealing with it and the constant complaining. Boy did her parents almost lose their minds. She couldn't sit for weeks after that.
Blinking back the memories and pushing the emotions that wanted to well up from that sudden memory Amiee shook her head lightly and looked at her reflection in the mirror above the sink.
"Time and place Amiee don't need to give these rich pricks anything more to pick you apart for now."
Ah yes, rich pricks as if she wasn't trying to work for said rich pricks in hopes of enriching herself even if it wasn't exactly the position she had seen herself in after finishing graduate school at the top of her class.
"Go to a good school they said," she bitterly muttered to herself going over to her closet and putting on a long-sleeved dark blue dress that fell just below her knees and had a matching cloth belt that she tied to the side. "Get good grades they said," she continued searching for stockings and putting them on, hopping from one foot to the other. "And that's all you need to get a good job, bullocks." She grumbled more annoyed than one should be in the morning. 
Walking out of her room with a pair of closed-toed black pumps in her hand she passed through the kitchen, grabbing a binder that was filled with extra CVs and other documents that she thought might be helpful for the interview.
The next stop was her door where she put on her heels and examined herself in the mirror hanging on the back of her door. Picking at some invisible lint on her dress she let out another sigh before giving herself a pep talk of,
"Well don't fuck this up."
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The Tube ride to the Docklands from where she lived was unsurprisingly busy with people packed together on the seats and in the aisle for their morning commute. It made the ride feel far longer than it was as people bumped into her as they got in and out at their stations.
Finally, when they had made it to the station closest to the building where the interview was to be held she quickly made her way out of the tunnels and was careful not to bump into the many people with their morning beverage of choice who swamped into the carriage as she left out of it.
Within ten minutes she had made it out of the station with no issues and was now standing at the entrance of the building that would likely decide her future.
It's not that serious Amiee stop being such an absolute downer.
Was the first thought that entered her mind as she walked into the building the second was whether or not those glass lifts had been there when she came the last time. She vaguely remembered there was some construction going on when she came but being so flustered at applying to every place she could find accepting applicants she had to admit that she hadn't paid too much attention to the little details.
But now that she was, she couldn't help but notice how ornate that place seemed to be. Glass lifts with sunlight streaming from the glass ceiling. A fountain surrounded by greenery. And when she looked up she noticed that the railings of each floor also had ivy and other greenery hung over their edges.
She had to admit it was impressive as she made her way to the bored looking receptionist who was paying no mind to the foot track around her.
"Excuse me, I was wondering if you could ring Mr.Arthur Williams in Stocks and Trade and let him know that his 9 o'clock is here?"
Looking up from whatever had her attention, the receptionist stared at Amiee as if she had not heard her the first time and instead countered with an unpleasantly sharp tone of,
"I'm sorry who are you and what business do have with Mr.Williams? He's a very busy man and doesn't appreciate being bothered with charitable nonsense."
Ah yes because clearly, she got up and dressed this morning to come to pander for some charity. 
"My name is Amiee Huang," she answered as pleasantly as she could as she saw the receptionist narrow her eyes as if something had been confirmed. “And yes I understand how busy he is, that's why I'm here to interview for the executive secretary position that was posted for Mr.Williams."
It took everything in Amiee not to grit her teeth as the older woman looked over once more before picking up the phone and dialing what could only be assumed the man in question.
"Hello, Susanna is Arthur in today? He supposedly," her eyes flicked up to Amiee who stared at her with the most neutral expression she could muster at that little change of tone before continuing to talk to the person on the other side, "has a candidate interview today at 9 is that correct?"
A pause as she listened to the other person speak.
"Oh, I see well I'll let them know then bye-bye."
Hanging up the phone with a click, the receptionist looked back up at Amiee though this time it seemed like her entire demeanor had changed as a fake smile plastered itself on her features as if she just hadn't been implying that Amiee was in the wrong place and had no business here.
"Mr.Williams isn't in today but one of his senior associates will be interviewing you. Take that lift up to floor 20,” she said pointing to the one closest to them, “and Susanna should be waiting to greet you."
Wanting to be done with her, Amiee copied the smile the older lady had and thanked her before going in the direction she was pointed to but not without muttering a soft,
"Stupid cunt," in Mandarin.
The ride up was at least uneventful as she was the only person in the lift, though as she reached the top floor she did momentarily think about how uncomfortable it was looking down all those stories as the lift made its journey upwards.
Heights were not her thing.
Finally making it to the 20th floor she was indeed greeted by a bubbly brunette who had come bounding down the hall just as the doors to the lift opened and Amiee was stepping out looking around the place curiously.
"Amiee welcome! So glad you could make it! I'm Susanna," she beamed going to shake Amiee's hand vigorously, almost shaking her whole arm as she did so. "I'm so sorry about the change this morning but Mr.Williams called in earlier and let me know he was feeling under the weather but he didn't want to postpone the interview so one of his colleagues will be doing it for him."
"That's fine it happens. I hope he starts feeling better soon," Amiee responded, nodding at her as she wasn't sure what to say and was more concerned about being interviewed by a colleague and not the man himself.
While it could be a good sign that the man was eager to hire her it could also just be an excuse to say she was interviewed and the notes he got back weren't what he was looking for. That made her stomach turn even more.
She really needed this job. Even if it wasn't what she wanted, it at least got her foot in the door of the company and it would pay much better than her current salary as a bank teller.
God what a fucking joke her life was.
"Great well if you just follow me I'll take you to where you need to be," she directed, dropping Amiee's hand and turning in the direction she came from before practically power walking to where they needed to be.
While she appreciated the straight to business demeanor the woman had, it would have been nice to be able to ask the name of who exactly she would be interviewing for so she didn't come off as rude. It was the last thing she needed to do as she took a sharp turn at the corner with Susanna who was cheerfully saying hello to her colleagues that were passing by.
Following close by, they only stopped their trip across the floor when Susanna entered an unoccupied office before turning to Amiee with an outstretched arm motioning to her to come in.
"Alright here we are," she started her tone still as enthusiastic as before as she showed Amiee to a padded seat across from a dark mahogany desk that had a few books and papers scattered on top of it along with two picture frames and other objects. "Mr.Bryant should be with you in one second I believe he's just finishing up a projections meeting with some of the investors."
Amiee, who had just taken her seat, froze at Susanna's words. More specifically at the last name of the person who was supposedly interviewing her. She hadn't heard that last name in years yet it apparently still had power over her as she felt her heart skip a beat before thumping a little faster in her chest.
It couldn't be...could it? She wasn't sure how common that last name was but for it to also turn up at this type of institution in London of all places. No no it couldn't be. The universe didn’t like her that much to give something like that to her.
About to pipe up and ask the woman what this Mr.Bryant’s first name was, Susanna was already halfway out of the door waving at Amiee and telling her 'good luck' before she closed it behind her with a 'click'.
"Tsk so weird, these people are so weird," she grumbled to herself thinking about the rude receptionist and the way too excited woman whom she assumed was also an assistant to someone.
Trying to clear her head of the continuous succession of awkward situations, she opened up the binder in her hand and grabbed a copy of her CV just to take a look at what was in it even though she already knew what was there.
Though it didn't take long before boredom set in and she was placing the paper down on the coffee table in front of her and sinking into the chair. Her eyes bounced around looking at the sparse decoration that this Mr.Bryant had lying around interested in the little trinkets that were laid about.
A few books lined up on the corner with a mini stone bust and some other items nearby caught her eye. There were also a few paintings hung up around the room to make the room feel a little less barren. He also had a nice window view with a couch just in front of it that he could look directly at from where his desk was that showed the rest of the city skyline.
She had to say it was a nice office and whoever this Mr.Bryant was, even if it wasn't the one she knew, was definitely doing well in life. And damn did she want this.
And as if her thinking about this mystery interviewer summoned him, she heard the door open and the sound of a laugh that made her heart plummet to her stomach soared through the air as the man closed the door behind him chuckling at something that had been said to him.
"I am terribly sorry for my tardiness," he started walking to his desk and plopping the stacks of paper in his hand down without looking up once, "I had to take a call before my meeting this morning, and then of course that made the meeting run late since we had to discuss the current interest rate hikes that have been happening thanks to the recession that we've been in for almost a year as you know though if I have to speculate the way the trends are going with those rates and the unemployment numbers at the moment it seems that by the end of the year we-."
Coming around his desk and towards the sitting area of his office the man continued to babble seemingly not even taking a breath as he droned on until he laid eyes on the woman who was sitting in the chair waiting for him.
That got him to stop talking as he paused in mid-sentence. His mouth agape just as hers was as they both looked as if they had just seen the dead rise again and it felt just like that as they hadn't seen each other for almost six years. In the grand scheme of things it wasn't a very long time yet so much had happened between then that it might as well have been decades.
"Sin-Sinclair?" The syllables of his name stuck to her throat like a two day old scone that hadn't been warmed up as she tried to force them out of her while she stared up at him unblinking.
She hated how her heart thumped so hard as she looked up at him, examining the features that she had thought about so often when she was overseas in America studying. His blond hair was still thick and vibrant just as his personality had always been.
Aquiline nose still beautiful as ever and which balanced so well with the rest of his lovely facial features giving him an all around attractive look.
Fuck so she hadn't gotten over him sue her. How did anyone expect her to get over someone like him who happened to have been her first love and unfortunately her first heartbreak even if it was a mutual one?
She could see the way his amber eyes lit up as her name rolled off his tongue and she was sure her own brown ones were shining as well. The shock was slowly subsiding at the realization of who she was and quickly being replaced with a barely contained enthusiasm. His entire posture seemed to change as well as his shoulders that had been squared, relaxed and the brilliant smile that had captivated her the very first time they met years ago showed up instantly causing her heart to squeeze tight.
Standing up from her seat, binder being tossed aside haphazardly, she couldn't help but let her feet take her to him. It was an automatic response for both of them it seemed as Sinclair took a step closer to her also before opening his arms and meeting her by wrapping her in a tight hug, a raucous chuckle leaving him as he picked her up ever so slightly that her feet lifted off the ground. 
It in turn caused her to laugh loudly ignoring the fact that there were people outside probably being nosy at the noise coming from his office and that she was technically at an interview. She couldn't care less as she hugged him tight wondering if the universe was finally paying her back for all the things it had thrown at her in her almost twenty-eight years of life.
Huh, maybe the universe didn't hate her as much as she liked to claim it did.
"Sinclair!" She gasped laughter bubbling out of her as he sat her back on the ground.
"Darling what are you doing here sit sit sit it's been ages," he grinned all but dragging Amiee to the couch that was closer to the window and plopping down on it and patting the seat next to him which she took crossing her legs once settled.
"I thought you had moved to the States I didn't know you were back! Oh you have to tell me about school I hope it was good for you and that you enjoyed it there, where was it you went again? Cornell yes? I think I remember you telling me that I heard that an entrepreneur was the one who founded the school how thoughtful of him to do that. Oh and the food in your area how was it anything of interest? I know New York City is famous for its hot dogs and such but you weren't in the city proper were you? And what about-"
"Sinclair slow down you're making me dizzy," she interrupted with a laugh as she saw he was about to spout more questions at her before letting her, "one question at a time I promise I'll answer all of them!"
And she did, one by one explaining that yes she had gone to Cornell for her graduate studies and that she did four terms of school work there while also doing four terms of mandatory work in between them. She also told him about her trips to New York City itself and of course all the foods that she got to try. That had his eyes lightening up even more and she had to hold in her chuckle loving how much he still was into anything food.
"Oh and Sinclair the bagels there are to die for, there are so many varieties that they have! Some with spring onions and chives in them, or like sesame seeds and garlic. They even have cinnamon sugar ones and put some sweet cream cheese on it and fruit and, mwah!" She exclaimed almost salivating at how good the bagels they had in New York were compared to the regular old plain ones they had in London. "You could literally find someone selling them on every corner and it was heaven I swear to you I ate so many of them you wouldn't believe I know you would love it!"
"Ugh that does sound wonderful you know how much I enjoy a good sandwich of any sort they are just the perfect food. Bread some sort of filling that you want maybe some crisps if you have some and there a perfect meal with little to no mess who couldn't love them," he explained knitting his eyebrows and making hand gestures as he basically explained the process of sandwich making.
"Sinclair you haven't changed at all have you," she smiled shaking her head a little at how enthused he was over the little things.
A shadow seemed to cast itself over his features, his eyes dulling just a little at her words but it had disappeared so quickly that she thought maybe a cloud was passing through and darkening everything as when she blinked he was his relaxed self again. Even so, she felt something strange in her heart at that sudden change. It felt like it had dropped again but not as it had earlier from a happy surprise.
"Oh not at all I quite like myself the way I am and if I remember correctly most studies say that one's personality usually stays fixed most of their life unless they are actually trying to change it. Which again I don't believe I need to as I don't seem too offensive don't you think?"
He titled his head at her when asking the question, his hair flopping a bit to the side and all she could think about was how much puppy energy he gave off with the expectant look he was giving her that had her brain go haywire at how adorable she had always found him.
Good lord Amiee pull yourself together, why don’t you?
"No you’re the perfect amount of offensive," she teased a cheeky smirk on her lips before she added, "you of all people should know that I've always loved your personality even if you sometimes take me hostage as you go down random rabbit holes!"
A loud guffaw left him at her answer before both of them were steadily laughing again which took them a minute to come down from but once they did it was Sinclair who finally acknowledged what they were technically there for.
"Now now enough of all that as I guess we are here for a reason," he started as they both tried to compose themselves from the laughing fit over silly things. "I am a bit confused because if I remember correctly this interview or what is supposed to be an interview which I think we have established has turned into a reunion which I do prefer as they are more entertaining, is for an executive assistant and I don't understand why you of all people applied for it. Surely every institute that needs a capital expenditure analyst or financial trends director or anything along that line has been calling you darling? You're absolutely brilliant even when you first came on the scene and I only assume you've gotten better since."
Ah yes, what they came for. 
Visibly deflating a little now that they were on the employment topic Amiee could only sigh trying to explain to him why she was here applying for a job she knew she was overqualified for while also trying to dodge the bigger why. The one about why she was back at all knowing it might frustrate him and bring up some things from the past.
"Well unfortunately it seems I'm only brilliant enough to help people deposit their checks and withdraw money at the front desk of my local Metro," she muttered, already feeling that low sensation that would sometimes blanket her chest at night when she thought about how things turned out. "Ah and don't forget the weird stares from some of the elderly, I get it a lot, guess they aren't used to having a Chinese girl like me handling their money." She continued shrugging her shoulders a bit despondently as she saw him frown a little.
"Even with that though you know I can't justify letting you be hired on as an assistant," Sinclair replied, sighing as he watched the expression on her face turn from crestfallen to a vexed confusion.
"But I'm qualified for it aren't I?" She questioned knowing the answer was a resounding 'yes' and feeling herself become warm with nerves and frustration as they talked about the position. "I can do so much better than any of the applicants you've- Arthur technically, has gotten and it might as well be that I'm working for a discount all things considering."
"I know you're qualified for it, that's not the issue, the problem is you're too qualified for it."
Words she had heard before no doubt as he watched her expression fall, a frown replacing any happiness that had been on her features earlier and causing him to feel his heart drop, yet he continued.
"And the thought of you taking memos for Arthur of all people doesn't sit well with me," his face twisting a bit as the man's name fell from his lips. "The man has gone through four assistants in three years and for someone with a job like his, he's a bit of a brute and does like to bully people for no reason. I wouldn't want you working with that man even if it's just to take memos or get him his coffee."
"So are you saying I'm wasting my time then?"
"No, well… yes actually," he quickly corrected himself, trailing off nervously as Amiee raised an eyebrow in his direction. 
Worrying his lower lip a little bit she knew he had more to tell as she had picked up on his nervous ticks after only knowing each other for a short amount of time and it seemed as if that hadn't changed at all.
Huffing and looking at her she could tell he was a bit annoyed and also a bit upset by the turn of events as he always had a hard time hiding how he really felt which was something that she did like about him for better or for worse.
"I wasn't supposed to say this of course to the candidate that was being interviewed because of course why would you tell them? But apparently, Arthur gave instructions to just interview the person coming in because it had to be done. He's already made a decision not to go with anyone this time around  for one reason or another.” Amiee exhaled sharply and felt her body slump deeper into the sofa at the news.
Fuck. Well, there goes that.
"I'm sorry love," he murmured seeing her expression darken, his own demeanor matching hers as his hand went over to stroke her knee to comfort her yet stopping himself and remembering where they were and what they weren't.
They were only friends now, nothing more.
"Well, I guess that's that then huh?"
The question not really directed at anyone was spoken weakly as she stared at nothing in particular, too busy trying to hold back the tears that wanted to spill. There was that familiar oppressive pang in her chest that usually only came when she was laid awake at night thinking about how she had done what she had always been told to do yet here she was nowhere close to where she thought she should be.
"No...no not quite," Sinclair piped up the many thoughts in his head forming an idea that had escaped him earlier on but was now burning to be raised. "I think there might be a solution to this that benefits us both if you would like to hear it? I understand if you don't seeing as it might not be a guarantee but I think it may interest you and actually be better than what you came here for what do you say?"
His words brought her down from the proverbial ledge that her thoughts were spiraling into and it snapped her back into reality. Looking at him she cautiously nodded, curious to hear what he had to say and if she was honest a bit desperate. "Go on..."
As if her permitting him to speak to his heart's content was the best thing he had heard he launched into what he had been thinking about.
"Currently I've been having to juggle the accounts of a few many clients, some big, some small but all equally lucrative in their own way. I don't trust some of the others to handle them though because they are so stuck in their ways and refuse to hear any thoughts from any other person which is ridiculous so I've been thinking of trying to find someone else as qualified to help manage some of the accounts but you of all people know how hard it is to find someone trustworthy in this profession. But now that you're here I was wondering if it's of any interest to you? I think you be absolutely brilliant at it, you've never been one to take risks you knew wouldn't pay off and you always knew when to slow down when necessary. What do you think?"
"Are you asking me to...work for you?"
"No no absolutely not," he rebutted, shaking his head, his hair following the motion of his head as he looked at her with bright eyes full of enthusiasm as he chattered on, "I want you to work with me. I would give you these accounts you do what you think is right, and of course, you can talk to me if you have any concerns or want any opinions but the big decisions would be left to you."
Taken aback at the offer, Amiee could only sit there with a wide eyed stare as he searched her expression for any signs of what she was thinking.
"Sinclair wow I ... I uhm I don't know," she stuttered out not sure why she was having reservations about this. 
She had come in to interview for an assistant job and was now being offered something much more lucrative. Something she had been chasing for almost a year now with no luck and now it was standing in front of her and she was hesitating. And to top it all off she would be working with him again…
"This is kind of sudden and all and the offer is lovely, it is but is there not some kind of policy in place that prevents a position from being suddenly open and without other interviews being scheduled? "
"Oh nonsense,” he stared with a wave of his hand dismissing her concern. “Companies are always creating jobs for specific people just because someone wants them in. I don't see anything wrong with it as many people get into their jobs because they know someone or they know someone who knows someone. Hell, there are several directors here that I'm told are in the same family by marriage or whatever and you don't see them thinking about the morality of it all. And in this economy even if you know someone it might not be good enough, but not only do you know someone, me of course," he said pointing to himself making Amiee roll her eyes playfully at him, "but you deserve it, and are more than capable of doing this job and I won't accept anything other than a yes."
Well if he insisted. And he was insisting and so was her bank account and mental health and it be stupid to ignore any of those things.
"Sinclair I hope you remember how I take my tea because it looks like you'll be seeing a lot more of me."
It was her way of saying she accepted and he couldn't be more than happy about it.
"Brilliant absolutely brilliant!" He exclaimed, shooting up from his seat with a blinding grin on his features and turning to Amiee who was following suit.
There was an equally large smile on her face as Sinclair outstretched his hand to her to shake and she couldn't help the way her eyes fell for a split second to watch how his larger hand held hers firmly yet gently as they sealed the deal informally.
The sensation of his fingers wrapping around her hand felt warm and familiar, sending a pleasant feeling through her. It was something she had missed and from the soft glint in Sinclair's eyes, he had felt the same.
Their moment lasted only briefly before they were letting each other go pulling away even if there was a hidden desire to stay close. Yet there was work to be done.
"I'll talk to the head of HR for this department after my 11 o'clock about it and I'll give you a ring about anything that they may need from you is that alright?" Sinclair asked as he paced over to his desk, Amiee following suit and swiping her binder of information that had been forgotten earlier from her original seat. "I'm sure you're eager to get started and I'm just as eager for you to start so I'll try to bother them as much as possible."
"Don't do that Sinclair," she chuckled patting him gently on the shoulder as she went to stand by the edge of his desk closest to the door and about to take her leave, "I'm sure they have their hands full without you showing up every hour to see if they've done what you ask."
"They do indeed but I just want to get this done, you know you're doing me a big favor today I've had a lot on my plate recently and you know I'm not one to complain about that but unfortunately it's not even of the savory variety,” he joked sitting down and swiveling his chair in her direction.
"Well I'm happy to be able to hopefully work closely with you again, I-." Pausing, she tried to carefully choose her words yet she found when it came to him she always had a hard time not stumbling. It was a bit maddening. " I enjoyed it a lot our first time around you know working together and such."
He nodded,
"I did too, including the such stuff."
Clearing her throat she gave him a little nod, her head dropping a little to not expose the way her cheeks had heated up causing them to shade a bit red.
"I best be going then you have a meeting soon right?" She asked, peaking at the clock which read 10:30, and wondering how time had flown so fast.
As if he had already forgotten it he looked down at his watch and huffed a little.
"Unfortunately I wish we could speak longer I want to hear more about everything but maybe later?"
"Yes I would like that very much," she responded before waving at him and going to let herself out. Though before she could turn the knob his voice stopped her in her tracks.
"Two sugars and a splash of milk," he stated as Amiee's hand landed on the doorknob causing her to freeze in place and turn back to look at him.
"What was that?"
"Two sugars and a splash of milk,” he repeated a shy smile appearing on his lips. “You asked me if I remembered how you liked your tea. You prefer either assam or white jasmine but you don't like milk in the jasmine and prefer it as is or with one sugar. Honey is okay to..."
She almost burst into tears.
"You know me so well, don't you," she whispered, eyes softening while a tiny bashful smile flitted across her lips.
"I hope so," he responded with an equally gentle look that had her mind racing.
"My number is on the CV that's on the coffee table. I'm sure HR has it somewhere but in case you want it...it's there," she said, turning back around and opening the door before adding, "have a good day Sinclair."
"You as well Amiee," his voice drifted towards her before she exited his office and shut the door.
The moment they heard the door click on their respective sides was the moment that their minds cleared enough to let them both know that there was unfinished business between them.
A/N: And there we have it! 😌😌 I'm excited for when they both get back together but we have a few things to get to before that (plot and conflict and all) I'll try to make it not to painful : )
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jurassicsickfics · 8 months
idk if youre still taking requests, but you should write a sickfic for Carrie where billy has to reluctantly take care of a very sick chris 😌
The way I got so excited when I saw this request! Yass!! Hope you enjoy!
It was a normal day at Bates High. With Carrie quietly doodling on paper in a corner, Norma re-braiding her pigtails and, of course, Chris strutting into the room with the usual look in her eye of smart remarks just waiting to be fired off. Naturally, she went for Carrie. Most of the kids in the room laughed as the bullied girl started silently crying. Chris broke out into a laugh. "Aww, look at her! She's such a crybaby!" She said in a mocking tone. Billy stood behind Chris, smirking.
"Poor, poor Carrie! Is crying your answer to everything, freak? I don't know how anyone could-" she stopped in her tracks. "O-oh..."
The room went quiet. "What?" Norma asked.
"I-I...Um...I gotta...gotta go." Chris stuttered before bolting for the door. Her stomach decided she wouldn't be making it to the bathroom, so she was forced to drop to her knees over the trashcan by the teacher's desk...in front of everybody.
Billy just stood there, an indifferent look on his face. He felt eyes on him, and when he noticed other students gesturing to Chris, he rolled his eyes and walked over to his puking girlfriend. He gave her a couple of half-hearted back pats before turning his attention away from her again.
Chris stopped vomiting, and the retching sounds were quickly replaced by sobs. Sobs of both mortification and misery. The blonde looked up at Billy, a pitiful, "help me" sort of look on her face. He once again rolled his eyes, before reaching down and wiping her mouth with his thumb.
"There. Happy?"
This only made Chris cry harder. No, of course she wasn't happy. She'd just barfed in front of everyone and all he could do was wipe her mouth?! Come on! He wasn't even sweet about it, either.
"What are you crying for? You just puked, chill. "
Chris sniffled and swiped her wrist across her runny nose. "I need to go home, Billy..." she moaned.
"Ok, I'll drive you. Come on." Billy said, turning to leave the room. After a few steps he realized she didn't follow him.
"Are you coming or what?" He asked. Chris shook her head. "My belly hurts ..."
Billy was confused. "Yeah, I gathered that when you barfed, babe. Now c'mon."
More sobs from Chris made Billy finally get the message.
"Oh for the love of... fine, come here." He said, scooping her up into a bridal hold.
Chris nuzzled into his shoulder and let out a soft burp. "Don't puke on me." Billy said as he started to carry her out of the school.
Soon, the two teenagers were at home. Chris was laid out on the bathroom floor, a cold cloth on her forehead and a blanket draped over her hip. "Billy...I don't feel good..." she whined, shivering against the cold tile floor.
"I know. I gotcha." He said, trying to muster a sympathetic look as he rubbed her leg. He never was good at this comfort thing.
Suddenly, Chris sprung up out of her lying position and lurched for the toilet again, gagging loudly and gushing vomit.
Billy cringed. He was not at all used to seeing Chris like this. She was usually a dainty girly-girl, and the gross, obnoxious gagging and belching sounds coming from her were extremely out of character.
As she finished throwing up, she turned to Billy again. "Babe..i wanna cuddle in bed..."
Billy sighed. "Not until you quit spewing every few minutes." He replied.
"Babe, please! I don't feel good...I just wanna get warm and sleep..." Chris begged, tears dripping down her cheeks.
Billy sighed. "Ok ok, fine." With that he helped her up and they made their way to bed. Billy wasn't too excited about cuddling his sick girlfriend; any other time, he loved holding her. But when she just puked and could do it again any moment? Nothing cuddly about that.
As the two settled into bed, Chris cuddled into Billy, her head on his chest. She shivered even though she was covered in blankets and dressed in warm pajamas.
Billy flipped through channels on TV, finally feeling relaxed enough to rub her back after a few minutes without incident. "How ya feeling, hot stuff?" He asked.
For a moment, he got no response, but suddenly he heard a, "hrk, hrk, hrk..." sound.
"Chris? Christine don't you dare-"
Too late...he was soaked....
This was gonna be a very long night for Billy.
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Allie!! I’ve been to the Haunted Museum in Vegas! Not to be all ✨I’m an empath✨ but the vibes in there are INTENSE. 😩😩😩 It gave me such much anxiety I couldn’t sleep that night after we got back to the hotel and my friend/coworker had a terrible headache that didn’t go away until we got out of the actual building itself. 😅
Quick story! I was in Vegas for a work conference (and JLO’s residency was sold out) so we decided to check it out for fun. The Uber driver asked kindly if they could just drop us off across the street because they didn’t want to pull into the parking lot of the actual museum. They said they’d heard a lot of spooky things about it and it always made them uncomfortable when they had to drop off passengers, especially at night 💀 We thought it was part of the fun so we said sure. Then once inside, I had a weird experience at the end of the tour. They have a room decorated like the cabin of a boat that has memorabilia of Natalie Wood. I don’t know if you know her story but she went missing while sailing with her husband and Christopher Walken. Her body was found, the most likely explanation being she fell overboard and drowned but people suspect foul play. While in the room with our tour group, I started to feel like I was swaying. Like when you’re on the deck of a boat, you know? It went away when we left the room but it was such a bizarre feeling. I mentioned to my coworker that it was a cool addition to make the floor move and she said she didn’t know what I was talking about. 💀💀So I went to the tour guide to confirm and she said “no, we don’t have any additional effects in that room but a lot do people say they feel that sensation.” 💀💀💀💀💀 It was fun in the sense that I love spooky things so we were able to laugh about it the next day. But they also have a lot of artifacts from actual serial killers so the energy in some rooms was VERY heavy and upsetting. I only felt comfortable in one room that had a couple costume pieces that belonged to Robin Williams and Heath Ledger. It was definitely an experience and I recommend it if you are really interested in true crime and the paranormal. But I always caution people to look up reviews too if you happen to be sensitive to darker topics. That said, the staff was amazing and checked in on everyone regularly to make sure we were good since it’s about an hour tour in total.
Oh my god, M 🫠🫠🫠 Since that anon mentioned the haunted museum earlier I’ve been watching some videos and I couldn’t be more freaked out about it. Your story was just the cherry on top, that’s absolutely terrifying 😩 I love it 😌 lol but seriously if that was me I would have walked out immediately!! That’s insane, thank you so much for sharing it! I’m glad you at least enjoyed some aspects of it.
I was watching this video where they show a rocking chair that is apparently cursed or something and it gives people really bad back pain, and the guy on the video started having back pain immediately just for standing next to the chair. (Although Zak Bagans kept telling him it was because he mocked the chair, so he was screaming YOU MOCKED THE CHAIR nonstop - anyway, absolutely great and chaotic video 10/10). So it seems like a lot of people feel actual physical discomfort like you did. Fuck, I live by myself and I should actually be sleeping by now, I think I will have some issues with that. Help💀
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fwacchi · 2 years
My heart is still not over Axia but HAHA HEY NEW EN WAVE AMIRITE
XSOLEIL is so cute but kinda wish Hex didnt strain his voice 🥹 He's doing what Fulgur used to do, straining a deep voice. You can hear it pretty obviously in his teaser line & in his singing, the difference plus the strain.
I really hope he let's up on that after debut and gives his voice some good TLC 😭
In other news, when I see XSOLEIL, all I see is Hypmic (design) and Paradox Live (vibes/aesthetics)
Hex = Rosho
Doppio = Doppo
Meloco = Otome
LOL but their MV dropped + song is out on spotify. A whole bop. I was surprised they didn't incorporate any japanese considering the only other song that was full English was DCL
(I can't attach pictures but I can ctrl c ctrl v his tweet and do a rough translation of the tweet. My nihongo is yabai desu HAHAHA)
"Good evening everyone
I, Kagami Hayato, am happy to have a little brother (Congratulations on your debut)
I apologise for the inconvenience but there won't be a stream today. Stream will be resumed tomorrow so I hope you look forward to it!"
Ah in other news, I hope the other anon (was it dango anon?) dont mind me replying but I think a new wave actually makes it harder to choose a favourite?
Because you won't have much to base off on. And because EN is unhinged HAHAHAHA
In my own opinion at the very least, it's actually easier to pick someone randomly. What I did, was to choose a game/stream I liked (for e.g, how I knew Axia was because Pokemon, Vox because Fnaf. Things like that)
You can browse to see if they have something you like, watch a vod or two from there and then slowly branch out! Because at least for Wave 1 - 6 now, they have had a variety of content to choose to start from so it's much easier to pick out a 'favourite'. You don't even have to just choose one because god knows how chaotic EN is HAHAHA
Of course, this is only my opinion so feel free to take that with a grain of salt!
Okay it is 1am as of now I should really go sleep because I have work in a few hours HAHAHA IM SORRY IT'S ANOTHER LONG ONE TODAY EVE
- 🌸
(kinda unrelated to what i've been rambling but thinking about Axia and how he failed 5 times before joining Niji makes me more motivated to try joining. (I've applied like 3 times and failed but I'm not discouraged!!) It's a dream I'm willing to chase! I swear in the future if
Or i guess I should say when because i'm gonna make it happen, but when i get in, I hope you know I'm still going to be stalking your blog Eve because I am a fangirl and will still simp. Also because anonymity got me so I can simp in peace 🥲)
i was taken aback by Hex's voice too pslsjckslc
Tumblr media
omg am i talking to a future vtuber? now I'm nervous HAHAHA if u ever become a vtuber pls don't expose my blogs to the other vtubers 👩🏽‍🦯
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cptspiegel · 2 years
hcs of ichigo falling in love w his bestfriend that also was on the main team (ishida, orihime, and chad)
Thank you for this nonny, bc Ichigo is a slow burn kinda guy and I want to write it 😌
Warnings: Ichigo being a little bit of a doofus, mentions of fighting/injuries, fluff
You went to school with him just like everyone else. You were apart of that inner circle he got to be himself in & simply be a teenager with. But of course he has main character syndrome and doesn't notice the feelings brewing.
In fact Ichigo didn't even realize that he was attracted to you in that way until you had fought along side him.
The moment you had a scratched up, basically useless arm, but you still ran up to him asking if he was alright and fully ready to keep fighting with him his eyes were open.
His mind ran through you as kids. The way you two were an unstoppable duo in tag made him smile. The worms you would pick up and dangle at each other. How when he lost his first tooth you laughed and laughed, but then told him it was cute.
Preteen years Ichigo is taller now and you have to tell him he isn't a big shit because of it! So what his voice dropped it still cracks!
Now, as teens you're just as close. He's seeing you're just as stunning and looking more so everyday.
And you're putting your life on the line? What're these butterflies? Why does he think about you before sleeping at night?
Like I said though, main character syndrome. Ichigo chalks it up to your friendship growing.
"Hey, come to dinner tonight." He, in his special way, ask you while walking to class in the morning.
You agree, nothing out of the ordinary to go to his house for dinner. When you think about it he's never asked in that way....or asked at all really. His dad or sisters always invited you over. You're full on in love with him so your mind is spinning
Ichigo's is by the time you showed up. He was second guessing everything. Maybe he should call the whole group to show up so it doesn't get awkward? Did you understand it was sort of a date? Did he understand this was a date?
Oh dang now you're at the door and there's no turning back.
Ichigo made up an excuse to stay home instead of going to the theater with his family. He bought the take out you two love to get and set it up on the dining table. He tried to make it look fancy, but there isn't much elegant about take out boxes.
"Is...is this a date?" You couldn't help but ask.
"Uhm," he broke eye contact with you to scratch his head, "yeah...I guess it is."
You hadn't ever smiled so hard in your life. Ichigo isn't the type for huge romantic gestures like this. You only wish you could've seen the gears turning in his head while planning this.
But then you frowned.
"what's the matter?"
"you should've told me! I would've worn something better!"
Bewildered, but always reassuring Ichigo let's you know. "You always look great...don't worry about it."
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
find the word writing tag
I was tagged by @highgaarden for the words point, upward, burrow and steam. Had to cheat a little bit. 😬 Thanks for tagging me, friend!
point - Random Fic (I'm so good at titles 😌)
"Klaus and Caroline?" Caroline gets this tiny bit insulted that Hayley would sound so shocked at the thought of the two of them having a thing - especially considering everyone and their sister appears to have had a thing with Klaus at one point or another, so why not her? What exactly about her screams Klaus wouldn't go there? But then she remembers how she used Satan's Spawn to refer to Klaus more than a few times in the last week alone, and - well, she should be more insulted at herself for suddenly feeling left out of the I Fucked Klaus Mikaelson Club.
upward - The Wolf 2x07 outtake
Klaus smiles like a cat as she keeps threading her fingers through the soft curls on his head, and then his lips kick upwards just that tiny bit more when his gaze drops from her face to her destroyed gown, pooled awkwardly around her waist. "You're gonna leave me without clothes one of these days," she teases. He arches his eyebrows. "Is that supposed to be a critique?"
burrow - from the next chapter of Vice&Virtue
He's thinking of snatching a bottle of whiskey from the study and burrowing himself in the library for an hour or so when he spots Lady Elizabeth. He imagined she'd be at the ballroom with her ever hawkish eyes glued to her niece as she's made the center of all attentions in the arms of the Duke. Instead, she's escaped to the hall, and stands all by her lonesome self, admiring the ghoulish portraits lining the walls. It's practically an invitation.
steam - The Wolf 3x16
Her mind was racing when she stepped under the steamy shower. The idea of inviting Klaus to join her crossed her mind. They could both use some adult times to take the edge off. But Eve was showing no signs of exhaustion yet, and Caroline desperately needed to wash off some of the tension knotting her muscles and burdening her thoughts. And anyway, watching after a toddler would probably give Klaus enough distraction from all the million little things about the hotel he has hated oh-so-much and are apparently some kind of personal offense to him.
I have no idea if there was an actual rule about only searching WIPs or unpublished work, but that's what I did. 🤣
I now tag @definedareasofuncertainty, @helpless-in-sleep, @bellemorte180 and @supremeuppityone for the words deep, gentle, murder and baby. 😬 But only if you're comfortable, of course!
Also, if anyone else would like to play, just tag me so I can see your answer. ✌️
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itlivesproject · 2 years
reread the demo again for the nth time bc the emotions it gives me is absolutely so potent i go to sleep with a smile on my face thinking abt it and just want to say that i hope ilw mc is ready for a child abandonment suit in the form of extra monsters from her deceased pissed off ghost sister bc annie is looking FURIOUS i love family drama. speaking of family drama tho, how are things looking in the green household 👁️👁️ connor is monsterhunting and stacy is in college (and how's her search for noah going? oh i just know when they meet again one of them is going to break something. especially if mc is redfield 💀 when it's mc going noahraising and they're dating, however........ 💀💀💀 oh the Mess with everyone finding out abt redfield mc and their LI i can already imagine it 😌 im personally a lucasmc truther but i just remembered stacy is vv gung ho abt going after noah so she's prime example but oh i hope lucas is abt to *maddie euphoria voice* get VIOLENT when it's all revealed, esp when redfield mc goes to bat for noah. i just think that bones shouldn't be the only things that should crack in that scene when it comes 🥰. also saying this as a noahmc truther bc i simply want more angst and jealousy bc here comes mr. president <3). also, will we see a glimpse of what changed in westchester town management as we go through the story? i see ava's dad is still here im hoping things are going better for them fr actually this applies to everybody i hope it got better in the parental department even if it isn't shown. god knows with the hints being dropped abt lincoln's dad the ratio will be vv skewed to the terrible parenting side in this town if nobody learned anything after ilitw ch. 15. honestly i just want to see more of westchester and everybody and how ilw mc handles her growing power and the LORE bc it is looking TASTY thank you for all ur hard work on this i cant wait to read more in april 🎊🥰🤩💥💖💗💌🥺
Thank you so very much for your kindness and enthusiasm!! I can't promise anything, nor can I disclose any spoilers, but I will say I love everything going on in this ask! 😁💖
P.s. It Lives Anthology parents really are a different breed, huh? Rest assured, some fine ILW parenting specimens might just manage to tip the scales. 🙃
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straightupsickfics · 3 years
10 + 19 for anyone? Long drives through autumnal scenes are so cute to me, and adding a character with a cold?!? the best🥺😌
ahhhhhh a stevetony road trip from the compound back to the city when steve is sick after a mission perhaps? 🥺
Steve's at the Compound, waiting for a prescription from Medical when he hears the warm, familiar sound of Tony's voice echoing down the hallway. At first, Steve can't even be sure he's not dreaming it, that's how out of it he feels. His head and sinuses are so stuffed up, his whole body run down and exhausted enough that all he's been able to think about this afternoon is being home and in bed with Tony curled up beside him.
Tony, who should be hours away, in the city, running through the last of his meetings. Tony, who, it seems, is here, making friendly small talk with Sam somewhere outside the door to the in-house pharmacy. It'd been a long two weeks.
"There you are," Tony says, appearing at his side and dropping down beside Steve in one of the too-stiff waiting room chairs. "Wilson said you were sick, but you look..." He trails off, taking in what Steve knows are tired eyes, a face gone pale and drawn with exhaustion, his nose chapped and rubbed raw with the cold he's been dealing with these last few days.
There'd been the mission to worry about, though, getting everyone out and home safely had been his first and only priority at first. His sore throat, persistently ticklish nose, the annoying coughing, they could all be pushed to the back of his mind, at least until he knew for sure that everyone was okay.
And now, finally, they were. Everyone would be just fine, and that's what counted.
But now Steve's here, in medical, waiting for prescription cough medicine, a refill for his inhaler, and super-soldier strength cold medicine. Steve can't say he relishes the idea of all the medicine and fussing that's no doubt waiting for him, but he feels something light up inside him at the sight and sound of Tony beside him.
"Tony?" Steve says, though it's clear he's here, upstate instead of in the city, somehow, impossibly, here.
"Steven," Tony says in reply, smiling at him before he leans over and brushes a kiss to his cheek. "You look like you've seen better days, sweetheart."
Steve just nods, knowing full well what he looks like, and is filled all at once with gratitude to Sam, because of course it was Sam who called Tony, let him know how bad Steve's been feeling, and of course Tony hadn't wasted any time driving up here, ready to bring him home.
"Got this," Tony says, holding up a brown paper bag, "from the lovely lady behind the counter. So we're all good here if you want to head home. Your chariot awaits," he says, winking.
"Home sounds good," Steve nods, his voice sounding congested and raspy even to his own ears, and he watches as Tony winces at the sound of it.
"There are tissues in the car," Tony tells him, because of course there are, he's always prepared, after all, and when Tony stands up and offers Steve a hand, he wastes no time taking it, leaning into the warmth of him and wrapping his arms around Tony for a long overdue hug.
Tony just holds him tightly, lets Steve bury his face into the warm skin between his neck and his shoulder, muttering something about not letting him out of his sight for the foreseeable future, which, for once, sounds perfectly all right with Steve.
"Tired," Steve mumbles into the collar of Tony's shirt, yawning as he pulls away, then wincing when the yawn quickly turns into a coughing fit. His throat would be killing him for the duration of the drive home, he knows.
"You can sleep in the car," Tony promises, shouldering Steve's duffel bag and taking Steve's hand in his before leading him to the Audi waiting for them outside.
It's chilly outside, dismal and gray after nearly two weeks of rain, but Tony puts the heat on full blast when he sees Steve shiver in the passenger seat, and passes him a sweatshirt from the back seat.
"Here," Tony offers, holding it out to him. "Wore this on the way up, but I think you could use it more than me at this point. You want to start on the medicine now or when we get home?"
Steve yawns again, scrubbing at his nose, too stuffy now for blowing it to be much of an option, and shrugs. "Hmb... maybe when we get home?" He yanks the hoodie over his head and settles into the warmth of it, the way he knows, even without being able to smell it himself, that it smells like Tony's citrus-y detergent.
"Home it is," Tony agrees, leaning over and giving Steve's knee a soft, affectionate squeeze and he peels out of the parking lot and heads for the highway. Steve lets himself relish in the warmth of the car, of Tony's hand on his leg, of the promise of home, and tries his best to stay awake as they make their way onto the highway.
An hour into their drive, Tony's regaling Steve with stories about DUM-e and U, about the board meetings he's been in while Steve was on his mission, and the sound of his voice is so comforting that Steve's eyes start to feel heavier than ever.
"There's a rest stop coming up in ten," Tony says finally, gesturing to a sign at the side of the road. "You need anything? Tea? Tissues? Some other t-word for sick people?" Tony jokes.
Steve gives him a watery smile, though his nose is starting to feel more runny than stuffy thanks to the heat of the car, and he scrubs at it uncertainly. "Th-hh! IIHH! Think I'mb..." Steve stops mid-sentence as his breath catches, and he can feel Tony's eyes on him.
"Steve you don't have to—"
But Steve's eyes are already falling shut, his face crumpling as his nose gives a final twitch right at the edges, and he ducks his face away and into his elbow.
“uhhh… uttsch'uhhSHiiieww!” The fabric of Tony's sweatshirt is soft against the nose after a weekend spend rubbing it into rough, HYRDA-issue tissues, but he makes a silent promise to himself to wash it when they get home.
"God bless you," Tony says, and pulls into the rest stop without another word. "I'm just gonna run in and grab a coffee, alright? You wait here," he says, pulling into a spot and kissing Steve's cheek again before heading inside.
Steve only nods, happy to wait in the warm car, and maybe even try and blow his nose while Tony's inside. It feels like every one of his cold symptoms is hitting him all at once, and all Steve wants is to finally, finally be home, in the familiar comfort of their bed and shower and the dozens of blankets he knows Tony will have waiting for him when they get there.
By the time Tony gets back to the car, Steve's still snuffling into his tissues half-heartedly. His head feels like it's been packed with cotton by now, and with the heat and the gentle movement of the car, he feels dangerously close to falling asleep while they drive.
"Grabbed you some peppermint tea," Tony says, sliding back into his seat and passing Steve a blissfully warm Starbucks cup.
"Thangks," Steve says, sniffling as he takes a careful sip. The steam rising from the lid makes his nose run even more, and he sniffles a few more times as they get back on the road.
"Here, sniffles," Tony says after a few minutes, passing Steve a box of tissues.
Steve takes them gratefully, smiling slightly and scrubbing at his nose. He's going to sneeze soon, he can tell, it's just... there, out of reach for now, and he tries to focus on Tony enough to take his mind off of the frustrating feeling.
"I come prepared," Tony says. "Any requests?" He gestures to the radio, but Steve just shakes his head. He can't appreciate the music with how tired and congested he is; everything sounds like he's listening to it from under water.
"Anything's good," Steve says. "I'mb hardly listend'ing," he sighs. His consonants are dulling by the minute, it seems, and he scrubs at his nose again, frustrated with himself. Just as Tony decides on an album, something Steve recognizes but can't place, his sinuses give a twinge, and he gives Tony a small wave of warning as he brings a handful of tissues back up over his nose and mouth.
“hh! HetCHISShheew! Snf! Oh... I'mb... s-sorry. hehh! Het-chisshh! Tsschiew!"
It takes Steve a few minutes of blowing his nose and wiping his eyes before he blinks up and over at Tony again, an apology on the tip of his tongue.
"I'mb a mbess," he sighs.
"Just looking at you is making me tired, sweetheart," Tony says. "Bless you. It won't be long before we're home now, then you can get in bed. I won't even go down to the lab first," Tony promises. "Straight into the shower and bed with you."
"Yeah?" Steve asks, hears the needy edge his voice has to it now, but he's so relieved to be close to home that he can't bring himself to care.
"Promise, Steven. It's been too long. Even DUM-e missed you this time."
"High praise," Steve says.
"Sure is," Tony nods, smiling. "Close your eyes," he encourages. "We'll be there soon, I'll wake you up when we get home."
Steve wants to protest, wants to keep listening to Tony talk and hum along to the music, but as they settle into the drive and the warmth and the promise of home, Steve can't help but let his eyes finally fall shut, content with Tony beside him.
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cielcius · 4 years
Lololol, I just had an idea for our little fire bois. What about them having a s/o that's always sleepy and loves warm spots and of course Bakugo and Todoroki are kind of always pretty warm so like, they're just chilling on the common room couch and their s/o just flops onto their lap, hugs them and goes to sleep. Maybe being like "You're warm and I'm tired so you're my pillow now" I think that'd be pretty hilarious and adorable. Especially with bakugo being both tempted to throw them off him and letting them get some rest lololol btw I really loved the shoto prompt you did, it's adorable ~cat quirk anon
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includes: bakugou k. & todoroki s.
from the writer: hello my lovely cat quirk anon! Its nice to hear from u and thank u very much for liking my prompt with Sho. Ugh, ur ideas are just so fluffy. I LOVE IT. Anyways, I hope u enjoy and thank u for requesting. Have a lovely day/evening!
notes & warnings: cursing, reader leaning on them (katsuki), reader laying in their lap (shouto)
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“oi, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
it took him a bit by surprise and he lowkey thought it was Kaminari trying to mess with him again until he fully recognized your very tired and slumped over figure
you knew, he knew, everybody knew, that Aizawa had not let up on you guys that day, giving one of the most intense training sessions the class had ever endured 
so after changing into some cozier clothes, you found your body making a beeline for your hot-headed boyfriend
except he is not your boyfriend anymore, he is now your naturally heated pillow
it took him a few solid seconds as he sat there now very rigidly, having a whole ass civil war with himself between pushing you off of his lap and letting you rest because surprise, surprise, he cares <3 
so with a little scowl, he wrapped his arms around you before resting his head on your shoulder, and it was nice... until he remembered that the Bakusquad still existed as if their only purpose in life was to torment Bakugou until his last breath
“oh my god, dude, we need a picture of this”
“they look so cute! send that picture to me, I’m sure L/n will want a copy”
“hey, maybe we should just leave them, they look pretty tired”
“yeah, its not very manly to disturb others. plus, I think Bakubro’s about to wake up.....”
bakugou has been up the whole time
guys..... run
oh, sweet bby boy
he is a little taken back at first when you come up to him only to drop into his lap
“hello, love. how are you—”
he understands that you’re tired so ofc he’ll let you be if you’re comfortable in his arms
oh my god imagine being in his arms and the extra warmth in your upper arms when he hugs you idk maybe that just me
but regardless if his friends are around, he’ll let you do what you need to do
and what you need is his warmth 😌
will not get embarrassed no matter whose around
everyone knows you’re his s/o so why should he feel embarrassed ahem Bakugou
he will take a nap with you
couple naps~ now that’s real couple goals
“uh, Todoroki, it’s time for dinner”
you were still asleep so man really said “Midoriya, no❤️”
he tried making you dinner later when you woke up but uh..... let’s just say it was the thought that counted
“oh my god Todoroki! the fire, the fire!”
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