#drug dealer taehyung
bearr02 · 8 months
Querencia |Teaser/intro|
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Pairing: hybrid!ot7 x f!reader
Teaser warnings: nothing really :)
Summary: When you find a stray, sweet cat hybrid on the street, you absolutely can not say no to taking him in, even if he comes in a pack with two other members. The only issue? You run into more stray hybrids and you just have to take them in.
Genre: fluff, angst, non-idol au, hybrid au, strangers to friends to lovers au..
Word count: 900
Member’s hybrid types: Namjoon: German Shepherd, Yoongi: Ragdoll cat, Hoseok: Husky, Jin: Maine coon cat, Jimin: Birman cat, Jungkook: Bunny, Taehyung: Hamster
A/n: I needa stop
But like, I HAD to do domestic hybrids!bts…I just had to
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“Okay..yeah I’m on my way.” You mumble, looking around to make sure you have everything before you meet your friend at your favorite coffee shop. “Okay. Yeah see you soon. Mmbye.” You say, taking your phone away from your ear, sticking it in your pocket before leaving your house.
“Look who’s finally here!” Your friend says when you sit down, looking at you with her arms crossed and a raised brow. “I know, I’m sorry, I lost track of time.” You say with a pout, sliding into the seat in front of Minji. “You always do.” She mumbles, a pout now on her lips as she fake sulks. You sigh, “I’m a busy woman.” You say, leaning back in your chair. “Lies! All you do is sleep!” Minji says, pointing a finger at you. “Nope! I work, I eat, I go shopping, and I go out to see you.” You say with a grin while Minji huffs, slumping back in her seat.
“Whatever.” Minji mumbles, but you can still see the smile tugging on her lips as she looks at the menu. A movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention, looking to see someone scurry down an alleyway in front of the cafe. Your brows furrow but you shake it off as one of those sketchy drug dealers, turning back to the menu. “What can I get you ladies today?” A waiter asks, smiling at you and Minji as she takes out a small notepad.
“Text me!” Minji yells, waving at you as she walks backwards in the direction of her car. You smile, waving back at her before turning around to continue your walk. You jump when someone peeks out of the alleyway in front of you. “Y/n!” A voice squeals. You look at the person that peeked out of the alleyway to see the stray hybrid you’ve been meeting with the past couple weeks. “Jimin.” You say, ushering him back inside the alleyway. “You should be careful.” You mumble, peeking behind you at the people walking by. “Hybrid control is getting worse. It’s like they’re on every corner now.” You say, looking back at Jimin to see his ear pinned to his head and a slight frown on his face.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbles, looking down at his feet. “Hey, no you don’t have to be sorry, I just don’t want you to get stuck in some shit ‘shelter’.” You say, smiling at Jimin reassuringly. “You’re not mad?” He tentatively asks, slowly looking up at you. You shake your head, reaching into your bag to pull out the bag of pastries that you’d got from the cafe. “Figured you might be hungry.” You say, handing the bag to Jimin who’s eyes widen. “Y-you got me food?” He whispers, looking between you and the hand extended toward him holding the bag.
“Yeah..I hope I'm not overstepping.” You mumble, nervously worrying your bottom lip. “N-no I just..wow.” Jimin mumbles, staring at the bag in awe. “Thank you.” Jimin says, looking up at your face again. “Really. Thank you. It means a lot.” Jimin says, hesitantly reaching forward to take the bag from your grasp, almost like he expects you to take it back. You don’t, instead you smile softly and take a step forward for him to take the bag.
He grabs it, still watching your face closely as he takes it from your grip. “I hope you like what I got, we never touched the subject of food so I just guessed.” You mumble, intertwining your hands in front of you. Jimin nods, slowly unrolling the top of the bag, peeking inside before his eyes widen slightly. “Is it that bad?” You ask, mistaking his surprise for disgust. “No no you just..you didn’t have to get this many.” Jimin mumbles, looking up at you. “But I wanted to.” You say, taking a small step forward.
“Thank you.” Jimin says before he walks to you quickly, enveloping you in a tight hug. “Thank you so much.” He whispers, his voice wavering slightly as you wrap your arms around him as well. Your brows furrow when you feel something wet hit your shoulder, gently pulling Jimin away to see his face wet and eyes tear filled as he stares at you. “What’s wrong?” You ask worriedly, gently swiping away his tears only for them to be replaced with new ones. “N-no one’s ever done this be-before.” Jimin mumbles, looking down at his feet as he sniffles.
You frown, “How about we meet here everyday, yeah?” You say, bending over slightly to try and catch his eyes. His brows furrowed as he stared at you with confusion and uncertainty. “I’d bring you food to make sure you’d eat.” You clarify, standing to your full height again. “You don’t have to do that.” Jimin mumbles, shaking his head as he backs up. “I may not have to but I want to, Jimin.” You say.
He purses his lips, looking down again. You sigh, “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? Be safe.” You say, pursing your lips slightly before you add on a small ‘please’. Jimin nods, looking up at you again. You give him a small wave before you turn and exit the alley, heading toward the direction of your house with a frown on your face.
How long has Jimin been on his own?
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A/n: I know I have like 4 fics out right now (counting this one) but like…I couldn’t help myself 😭
I need a domestic hybrid!bts fic in my life..I just need it
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borahaerhy · 1 year
Dealer (9) - myg
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Summary: Your boyfriend seemed like a dream come true: always wanting to be around you, making sure you would get home safe, never taking his hands off you. These little comforts became your whole world, and then the only thing you were allowed to have left in the world. Luckily, your boyfriends drug dealer turned out to be a much nicer guy.
Pairing: DrugDealer!Yoongi x Female!Reader
Genre: Mafia/drug kingpin au, Y/N coming from nothing, found family, Eventual smut
Warnings: Taehyung's high (shocker), the safe-house is a little different than the last one, Y/n decides she wants to be a part of decisions, Yoongi isn't the biggest fan of this but gets over it, a very risky plan, Y/n is very calm in what seems to be a very dangerous situation, someone gets stabbed, very abrupt ending
Word count: 2.7k
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Note: If you are sensitive or triggered by abusive relationships or manipulation in any way, please do not read this fic, it can be very triggering. It will also be referenced that Y/n used to self-harm, and has self-harm scars. This fic is going to cover a lot of intense topics, and there will be a lot of drugs.
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Not long after Jimin and Yoongi’s argument, Jungkook came back with clothes for everyone. You all took turns taking showers and getting changed before you were rushed back out and into the backseat of the cramped car, where you spent the next several hours. 
Oddly enough, the energy was a lot less tense than the last time, even after the argument. You all took turns telling stories and talking about just about anything you could think of. You even saw Jungkook crack a smile at one point, even as he stayed quiet during most of the ride. 
It was dark outside by the time Jungkook pulled into what you assumed to be the getaway house; which was not at all what you had been expecting. It was a smaller house in a neighborhood much like the one you used to live in. It was a little run down, the paint chipping and the front steps cracked: the surrounding homes didn’t look much nicer. 
It wasn’t hidden away in a forest, nor did it have a million underground mazes (or so you hoped), but that’s exactly why it worked; who the hell would expect Kim Seokjin to be hidden away here of all places? 
Jungkook pulled into the driveway as you and Jimin put your masks on from the last time you’d left the car, but Jungkook stopped you. “Don’t; those will make you stick out around here, especially at this time of night. Just keep your heads down and walk quickly,” You shrugged, not at all mad to not have to wear that thing again as you balled it up and shoved it into your pocket. 
Jungkook knocked on the door a few times – an odd rhythm that you thought had to be a code of some kind – before the door was opened, Hoseok only peeking out slightly to see who it was before ripping the door open, relieved to see you guys. 
“Oh thank god you’re here, these guys are insane–” Hoseok ushered you all inside, hugging you briefly as he closed the door. The room was very dark, the light was dim and yellow, casting more shadows than it managed to get rid of. 
The inside didn’t look much different than the outside; water stains on the ceiling from previous leaks, mismatched furniture that had been worn in, as if someone had been using it for the previous 40 years. The carpeting was frayed and worn down in certain spots, and the walls had been yellowed from years of cigarette smoke – something you could smell as soon as you walked through the door. 
Everyone was waiting in the living room, Namjoon and Jin stood at the side of the room, a few feet away from the plastic folding table that was centered in the dining room, and Taehyung was seated in a large recliner with his legs crossed, eyes so narrow that you had no doubt that even here and now, with everything going on, Taehyung was as high as he was the day you met him. 
“Everything go smoothly?” Jin asked, a radiant smile spreading across his face as he questioned Jungkook, who simply nodded once in response. “Great, Y/n, why don’t you head back and get some rest-” 
“No,” He seemed a little taken back when you interrupted him, though oddly enough, he seemed more intrigued than offended. 
“Y/n, we need to talk about the plan from here, you should really-” 
“Yeah, that sounds great and all, but whatever you guys are going to be talking about, I want to be a part of it. Regardless of what you say,” You paused, looking at Yoongi before you switched your attention to everyone in the room. “What any of you say, this is all happening because of me; to protect me, right? So whatever you’re planning, I want to know about it, and I want to help.” 
Everyone was looking at you warrily, their eyes darting back and forth between you and Jin to see what his reaction would be. 
Well, everyone except for Taehyung, who had a smile very similar to Jin’s. 
“If you’re confident that you’re up for it, then I have no problem letting you in on these meetings. Might help to have some of your input,” He smirked as he spoke, seeming almost proud, before he resumed his serious expression that he had when you’d arrived. 
“Okay, everyone get comfortable, we have a lot to discuss,” you all moved over to the sofas, where there definitely wasn’t enough space for all of you as you found yourself sandwiched between Jimin and Yoongi, who at this point were almost fighting who was going to be more protective of you. “Y/n, now that you’re here, I have something I want to run by you, actually. 
“I was discussing this with Namjoon before you got here, but I think it would be a good idea to test the waters a bit,” Jin leaned back against the wall where you’d imagine a tv would be, but it instead remained blank, a crooked picture frame with people you didn’t know in it sat a few inches from Jin’s head. 
“What do you mean, test the waters?” Yoongi was quick to ask, his arms crossed over his chest with his brow furrowed. 
“I want to send a few of us out in public. We scope out a place, make sure everything looks safe and not too crowded. And I want Y/n to be there-”
“Absolutely not,” Yoongi spoke up, but Jin merely brushed past his comment, not paying it much attention. 
“I just want to see just how many of them there are, and how they’d go about getting her back if they find an opportunity,” Jin looked over at Jimin, as if asking him what he thought. 
“I know Zeke’s going crazy trying to get her back, and I know my father is doing everything in his power to do it; which is frankly, a lot more than we have sitting in this room, purely based off of the amount of men he has at his disposal,” 
“But he’s already proven that he’ll send more people rather than relying on good ones; and I trust Jungkook alone can take down more than half of the guys he sends us if it’s more of the one’s from the other night,” Jimin simply nods in agreement. While his father was smart, he was also stubborn. He was convinced he didn’t need to send any of his high-profile men to get you back, so he wouldn’t. Jimin was the only one he needed to send of that rank, and as far as he was concerned, his father probably thought Jimin had infiltrated the group and was working on bringing you back from the inside. 
“Guys, I really don’t think this is a good idea-” 
“I do,” You spoke, your words loud and proud as you defied Yoongi. You knew he was only trying to protect you, but you didn’t need it to this extent. “If we’re going to take them down, or at least get them to stop coming after me, we need to know what we’re up against; and I’m the only way we’re going to do that,” 
Yoongi had turned in his spot to face you. He desperately wanted to find a reason to tell you that you shouldn’t do this but he couldn’t; not one that you’d listen to anyway. 
“Yoongi, I wouldn’t send her unless I was absolutely positive she would be fine. Namjoon and Jungkook would be going with her, they’ll make sure she’s okay; they’re better trained than I am. Nothing’s going to happen to her, you have my word,” There was a silence before Yoongi sighed, running his fingers through his disheveled hair before he nodded slowly. 
“Fine,” he spoke softly, his eyes trained on the ground in front of him. “But I’m going too,” 
You woke up the next day and felt excited for the first time in god knows how long. It was an odd sort of feeling, and one Yoongi definitely didn’t share. There was finally a plan, and one you were a part of. You knew what was going on, you understood the consequences, and you actually got to do something rather than just sit and wait for things to happen around you. 
Yoongi was less thrilled; the ball of nerves that had been stuck in his throat since last night made it difficult for him to speak much as you all got ready. 
“Okay, let’s go over it one more time,” Seokjin started as everyone got their microphones set in place, assisted by Namjoon and shockingly, Taehyung, who knew a lot more about spy tech than anyone that had met him would have anticipated. “Namjoon’s going to go into the coffee shop fifteen minutes before Y/n, order a coffee and sit down in the back corner and pull out his laptop and pretend to work on something. 
“Then Y/n’s going in, ordering, and sitting at this table, here in the middle, where Namjoon is going to have a direct line of sight of her the whole time,” Jin was gesturing toward a blueprint of the shop you were going to that he had taped to the wall. “Jungkook and Yoongi are going to be waiting in the car, and you are only to leave if Namjoon says he needs the back up, now,” Jin pointed to Namjoon as Jungkook and Yoongi continued attaching various weapons to their outfits. 
“Namjoon’s glasses have cameras here,” he pointed to either side of where the arms connected to the frames, “And here,” he pointed to the center of the frames, right between his eyes. 
“Right, and all of that is going to be sent to this laptop, where Jimin will help us identify anyone that might be one of his father’s men,” Namjoon continued for Jin as Jimin flashed a nervous thumbs up. “And Y/n, if you get too freaked out or need to get out, just say that your drink’s cold. Namjoon can hear your microphone in his earpiece and will get you out,”
“Will we be able to hear her?” Yoongi asked as Jungkook started loading the magazine of an AR-15. 
“No, you can hear Namjoon, and Namjoon will be able to hear all of you, because frankly, I don’t want the mission ruined because you heard Y/n breath wrong,” A blush slowly began to make it’s way up to your cheeks as Yoongi sulked, dropping his shoulders as Taehyung handed him an ear piece. 
A few final questions were answered and finishing touches were added to everyone's outfit ensembles, and the four of you were off. 
You and Yoongi were in the back as Namjoon drove, and you were pumped full of so much adrenaline that the possibility of something going wrong hadn’t even crossed your mind. You sat calmly in your inconspicuous outfit and stared out the window as Yoongi’s eyes remained glued to you. 
He had no idea how or why you seemed so calm when he was freaking out. This was fool-proof, even Jin said so, but all the worst case scenarios kept running through his mind, and in all of them, you were hurt, dead, or gone. 
You noticed his eyes on you and turned to him. He kept looking at you, his nervousness reading loudly across his features. You smiled softly as you reached out to grab one of his hands, holding it softly between yours. “Don’t worry,” You whispered. “I’ll be okay, that’s why you have all those weapons,” You smiled, causing him to chuckle lightly. 
“We’re here,” Namjoon spoke lightly as he pulled into a parking space and shut off the car. “Remember Y/n, fifteen minutes, then follow me in. Got it?” You nodded as he smiled back at you; both of you. “All right, go time,” He opened his door and got out, before entering the coffee shop. 
In your earpiece, you hear him order his drink and sit down. He sits where he’s supposed to, in the booth in the back corner, where he pulls a laptop out of his bag and waits for them to bring him his drink. He continues looking around as inconspicuous as he can as he loads up a game of chess on his computer. 
He mumbles a few things here and there, alerting the guys back at the house to anything or anyone that he found to be even somewhat suspicious. Right at the fifteen minute mark, he spoke again. 
“Your move,” 
You gave Yoongi’s hand another light squeeze before you got out of the car yourself, and entered the shop. 
It was a nice little place, you were scared to see what would happen to it if Jeff’s men really were here. You ordered your usual and went to wait at the table you were supposed to, before you pulled out a book. 
Your job was easy: sit here and read a good book and drink some good coffee. If anything happened, it was up to the others to step in and do something if anything happened. 
Namjoon had stopped talking for the most part, already having scoped the place out prior to you entering, but he still noted the occasional person as they entered. You mostly ignored him, the book you were reading was far too good to not be paying any attention to it, anyway. 
But while you mindlessly sipped your coffee, Namjoon made note of three men he found to be suspicious that entered the shop after you. Jimin almost couldn’t believe his eyes as he saw them. While he didn’t immediately recognize any of them, he definitely recognized their form of communicating with one another. 
One flicked the newspaper they were reading twice, and another set their cup down with a stutter in response. The third flicked the side of his glasses once. “They all just confirmed to each other that it’s her,” Jimin spoke, his voice soft but urgent. “Glasses is going to stand up and approach her, but they’re not going to do anything in there; it’s too crowded,” 
“Am I stepping in?,” Namjoon mumbles as the man wearing the glasses stands as if on cue. 
“He might say something to her we can use, unless she says she needs out, wait,” Jin speaks this time, having full confidence in you. 
“Excuse me?” You look up from your book to see a man standing across your table, a soft smile on his lips as his eyes seemed to scan your features. “I’m sorry, you just look really familiar, do I know you from somewhere?” 
Another two men walked into the shop, two men Jimin had recognized. 
“Namjoon, you need to get her out of there now, two men just entered that are heavily armed and could wipe out that entire shop in a matter of seconds,” Namjoon stiffened before sitting up slightly. 
“Then I’m going to need that distraction like ten seconds ago,” Jin remotely set off the buildings’ fire alarm. Namjoon quickly stood and stayed low to the ground, moving over to you as fast as he could. 
As soon as the alarm sounded, the man that was being so polite seconds ago was on you. He stepped behind you and pulled you out of your chair, one hand around your mouth as the other moved to pin your arms down as he kicked your chair out of the way, but Namjoon was faster. 
He groaned loudly and fell to his knees, letting go of you in the process while Namjoon grabbed hold of you and pulled you toward the kitchens. You looked back seconds before you entered the back room to see a knife sticking out of the leg of the man who grabbed you, two other men crowded around him. 
Everyone was running around frantically, but even then, the two men Jimin recognized still had sight of you. 
You rushed back through the kitchens and out the back door, where the car was already sitting, Jungkook having moved it around when he heard they started the distraction. Namjoon rushed you into the backseat before he got in the driver's seat and sped out of there.
Note: I'M SORRY FOR THE VERY ABRUPT ENDING BUT I'll have u know that I wrote chapters 9 and 10 and the same time not realizing how long it got and while I'd love for it to all be one chapter, none of the dealer chapters have been longer than like 3k and all together it's like 5 and a half k sooooo it's two chapters now I'm sorry ily
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laughing-with-god · 3 months
I’m just curious and apologies if you’ve answered this before and I missed it! I’m just wondering how you think QQ Jungkook would react to finding out you had been seeing other victors behind his back (romantically or in a friendship ‘help me out’ kind of sense). Especially in regards to Jimin and Yoongi since they hate each other
hmm u guys are so messy and I love it.
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tbh there's a lot of different factors at play here. for one, is y/n a district two victor or at least living in two? or is she from another district and living/mentoring there?
If Y/n was living in district two, JK would have so much more control over her. I think the second he catches wind that any of the other victors are interested in her, he'd go to the president and demand that you no longer visit the capitol. he'd probably lie and say you're unfit to train tributes or entertain sponsors. but really he just knows that the only way the others can see you is if you're at the capitol, so he'll make it so you never return lol. what can the other victors do? show up at District Two and bang at your door? that's not possible. he'd be a little shit about it too, making comments about how "happy" you are or how you changed your hair and it's such a shame you can't be here this year (or ever lol).
If you are from/living in another district, things get more complex. I see him being more possessive of the short time you guys have together doing activities in the capitol. he would most likely already be drafting up some way to get you to come live at 2, but until then he's aware that other victors probably are too. he may be brutish, but he's not stupid. so for him, i think he'd use his connections as a favorite to knock the others down, as it's most likely the president who gets final say in where you go.
For Yoongi, I think he'd just try to find his capitol dealer and posion his drugs. this is only if Yoongi becomes such a problem though, as he's not too worried about him. everyone knows that yoongi is a mess and not at all a favorite of the people or capitol, jk looks at him the same way you'd look at a toddler having a tantrum. if you were to show a fondness for yoongi, he'd say alot of manipulative shit like "how do you know he won't beat you in a drunken rage?" "he'd probably pawn your ring off for drugs."
Jin and Hoseok are easy to handle in JK's eyes. Both of them so obviously have their weaknesses; their siblings. JK would probably just make some comments to them like, "How's your sister doing? still reaping age right? hmm, I have lunch with the game makers later today and it'd be a shame if you'd have to mentor your own sibling."
Taehyung kind of intimidates JK, mainly bc no one knows what goes through his mind. but ultimately he's confident that he can beat taehyung in a fight if he ever had to, and as much as tae likes to act strong and silent, jk knows he still is scared of careers. I can see JK making comments around tae about how much he misses the games or how watching his tributes gives him nostalgia. this would freak tae out.
Namjoon and Jimin are the only ones that I think would put up a fair fight.
Namjoon and Jungkook are both favorites of the capitol, but for different reasons. Jk is a poster boy for the games, meanwhile Namjoon represents the future of the games. JK can try to cash in favors, but Namjoon is more respected and probably has even more people on his beck and call. Nanjoon I think is more reluctant to use them, but he will if he's forced to. I also just don't see namjoon raising to any of JK's bait. honest to god, even I don't know who would win here. namjoon is very smart, jk is very determined.
Jimin vs JK. JK would have a brilliant plan tbh. He'd get a capitol woman to hire Jimin for his "services" and record them together. he'd show you the video and be like, "Jimin is just a bimbo who doesn't love you when he can have a rich capitol girl." and tbh it might work, if Jimin didn't see shit like this coming. Jimin has dirt on everyone, and I'd like to think he'd gather some of JK too. So tbh here, it's all about timing.
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Ride Or Die | The Past
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mafia!jungkook, druglord!jungkook, angst, unhealthy co-dependant relationship, smut
Word Count - 3.5k
Jungkook has a rough day trying to piece together the puzzle of your near-death experience. Warnings: swearing, drinking, drug use, relapse, violence, threats, guns. toxic relationship. mentions of alcoholism & past ab0rti0n. Important note: I do not condone nor enable this kind of behaviour or relationship. This is fiction
“Good to see you’re finally in a good mood.” Jimin chuckles, mindlessly running silver decorated fingers through his thick blonde hair.
Jungkook smirks, memories of the last few days replaying in his mind. He is in a good mood. You’re back home, living under his roof. Sucking his cock, bending over every surface and letting him fuck you senseless. Waking up next to him every morning, whining when he has to leave. Which is exactly what happened this afternoon when Jimin called him into head quarters stating he had some information about Mono. You tried to get him to stay, using everything in your power to get him from leaving the apartment. Twice. And he almost caved, right before he remembered that one of those assholes tried to kill you last week.
Mono need to pay for that.
“Y/N’s back, obviously I’m in a good mood.” Jungkook sighs with a knowing grin, sitting across from his right hand man and best friend.
Headquarters looks as anybody would imagine it to look. Secret bookshelves containing guns and other weaponry hidden in the depths of a vintage gentleman’s study. A huge manor house far back in a gated community, not that the gates do much for their privacy. Everybody in the area knows who they are of course.
And what they do.
Kook's gang BTS have been active for around ten years now, he hasn’t always been their leader though. That was a decision made four years ago, when it was discovered that their old leader Namjoon had been selling vital information to their biggest rival gang in all of Seoul. Mono. Turned out Namjoon had a number of shady businesses on the side, but he deleted any trace of information that could give the other insight to what they were.
It wasn’t long before Namjoon fled and rumour has it he’s actually the leader of Mono now, though Jungkook doesn’t know how true that is. Namjoon is an expert at hiding, in fact nobody has seen him since he left BTS and Kook was forced to take the reins. Given that he has the most experience in certain gory domains.
Directly below Jungkook is Jimin, arguably the best drug dealer and underground fighter in the whole country. Should anything happen to the current leader he would trust Jimin to take over, since he’s the most loyal member. Even his violent outbursts come in handy sometimes, their enemies never dare to pick a fight if he’s around.
After Jimin there are other members who fall in line, all equipped with their own unique set of skills. Hoseok, or as Jungkook likes to call him – the perfect disposal man. Not one of his victims have been found by law enforcement to date. Nobody knows how he does it, or what he does with the bodies, but they disappear into thin air with a cliché runaway note so nobody bats an eyelid.
Taehyung, Jungkook’s eyes and ears. Taehyung is in charge of all surveillance and security systems. He studied IT abroad and boy has that proven useful to the gang, there’s not a security system or video feed the man can’t hack into.
Yoongi is the man who lays low throughout their illegal activities, watching, observing. And yet he’s the man responsible for kidnapping and questioning their enemies when necessary. His torture methods have proved very… effective to say the least.
And finally on the team of men Jungkook would describe as slightly below him there’s Seokjin, a man so handsome that he’s ideal for undercover investigations. Nobody ever suspects him, not even you did the night you and Jungkook first met.
“Mmm.” Jimin deadpans, plump lips pursed in a thin line disapprovingly, “How did you find her after all this time? What did you do?”
“If I tell you I’d have to kill you.” Kook smirks, spreading his thighs wide when he gets comfy on the black leather arm chair, knees knocking into the dark wooden desk, “So what do you know?”
Thankfully Jimin seems to know his place and drops the subject completely, engaging in small talk about things Jungkook was already aware of.
Truthfully Jungkook knew exactly where you were every second you were away from him, thanks to your sentimental ass never throwing away the Rolex he gifted you for your first anniversary. It contains a small tracking device, sending coordinates to Jungkook’s phone every time you move from area to area. Some people would call that scary and controlling behaviour, but he likes to think of it as the only thing that saved your life last week.
“—And Namjoon was spotted near the hotel Y/N was staying at, looks like he did the clean up after your little display of affection, or whatever that was.” Jimin’s voice is quiet when he grabs surveillance screenshots that Taehyung printed off from his desk drawer, sliding them over to his boss.
“You mean saving my girl’s life? Hmm.” Jungkook frowns, inked fingers separating the pages to get a closer look. That’s definitely Namjoon alright, standing outside the same hotel room you were almost killed in.
How does Joon even know who you are? You’d met Jungkook a whole year after his sudden departure from BTS. Has Namjoon secretly being keeping tabs on his old gang? Why? Jungkook’s blood boils. Was Namjoon responsible for the guy who came after you? His thick brows remain pinched together with equal parts rage and confusion.
“I don’t need to tell you that’s the first anyone’s seen of him since he left us. Either he got sloppy or—”
“Or he wants us to know that he’s watching us.” Jungkook interrupts Jimin, clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “Why would he wait four months before going after Y/N? How does he even know who she is to me?”
At this Jimin pauses, sinking back into his seat with a small head shake, “No idea. Was hoping you’d be able to shed some light onto the situation. Has Y/N ever met him? Maybe before you guys got together? Did they ever… I mean was she his—”
“Don't be fucking ridiculous.” Jungkook scoffs, cockily rolling his eyes, “I was her first boyfriend.”
“Yeah but her background is a little shady—”
“Don’t.” Your boyfriend bites between clenched teeth as a warning. He’s fully aware of who you were before he saved you from that life. What you did for a living, how you paid the bills. He doesn’t need his friend to remind him of that time, a time when you’d flaunt your body and dance round tall metal poles for money.
Jimin swallows uncomfortably before readjusting his posture a fraction, “I’m just saying… Maybe he was one of her clients before. It is possible.”
Jungkook can’t help but scoff humourlessly, bored looking when he unhooks the black handgun from his belt. He slams his favourite murder weapon down to the desk in a huff, being sure to lock his dark eyes with the other man when he speaks.
“I did every check on her under the sun when we met, she doesn’t know him.”
“He seems to know her,” Jimin shrugs, curious gaze flickering between his boss and the gun sitting atop his paperwork, “Or at the very least he knew the guy who tried to kill her.”
That’s true. Begrudgingly Jungkook nods after rolling his eyes into the back of his skull. Namjoon is involved in this somehow, which makes him one thing and one thing only to him and his gang.
A dead man.
Just when you thought Jungkook was capable of change, he has to prove you wrong and dip back into his old ways. It’s almost 5AM when he comes home the next morning. Nose blocked, knuckles bloody and bruised. You can smell the whiskey staining his clothes before you even open your eyes, his weight on the bed stirring your slumber.
“Kook…?” You mumble, rolling over to face him.
“Mmm.” He’s staring at the ceiling, lost in a dangerous train of thought. There’s no physical evidence of drug use but you’ve known him long enough to know that he’s under the influence right now, doe-eyes round and wide fixated on the light above him. When he breathes he sounds congested, another tell-tale sign.
You sigh in frustration, which seems to get his attention because he snaps his head to face you. Like a deer caught in Class A headlights.
“How much did you do this time?” Your voice is laced with venom, you yourself feel wide awake now too. The honeymoon phase lasted all of what… One week this time? That’s got to be a new record, even for him.
His tongue cockily glides over his teeth before he speaks, “Dunno what you’re talking about.” He shrugs, slipping out of his dress shirt and jeans next to you.
“Your nose is blocked.”
“I have a cold.”
“You didn’t have a cold this afternoon. Or should I say yesterday afternoon since it’s almost five.” You argue with him, sitting up in bed before covering your naked body with the thin burgundy sheets.
At this Jungkook smirks, gaze hungrily exploring the shape of your curves hidden beneath the fabric. “Must be hay fever then.”
“Jungkook.” You exhale, infuriated that he has the audacity to lay here and lie to you when what he’s done is as clear as the daylight outside. “You said you stopped—”
“Does the name Kim Namjoon ring a bell to you?” He deflects, because of course he does. Propping himself up with one tattooed elbow in a huff. He looks visibly angry, which only puts you on edge giving he has quite the temper at the best of times, never mind after a heavy night of doing god knows what.
You’re shaking your head, one hand covering your chest the other soothingly massaging your tense neck. “No. Should it?”
“Sure he wasn’t one of your… yknow, back in the day.”
Your eyes widen, brows hiked so far up your forehead in surprise that you’re sure you must look hilarious right now. “Excuse me?”
“You do know what I mean, right?” Jungkook scoffs, sitting up on the bed beside you. He’s wearing grey boxer shorts and a look of disgust when he edges closer, knees grazing yours when he crosses his legs. “I’m talking about when you were a stripper.”
At this you tongue your cheek, exhaling slowly to calm yourself down. “No. The name Kim Namjoon doesn’t ring a bell to me. If he did come to the club he must’ve used a different name.”
Your boyfriend sits directly in front of you, hooded eyes boring into your soul as if to see if you’re telling the truth. Of course you’re telling the truth, you’ve no reason to lie to him, you have no clue who Kim Namjoon is or why he’s relevant right now. Jungkook’s hair is messy, damp and shiny. Your eyes drop to his nose where you can make out the faintest sprinkling of white dust decorating his septum. His knuckles are heavily bruised and sore, his breathing thick and somewhat erratic considering he’s sitting still.
Frankly you’ve heard enough of what he has to say.
“Get some sleep, I’ll speak to you later.” You spit, heart plummeting into the depths of your stomach. He hasn’t changed. He’ll never fucking change. That’s what leads you to throw the covers off your frame and head for the closet, you’d rather nap on the sofa than be in the same room as him right now.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” He laughs when he stands, making his way over to where you’re stood throwing one of his t shirts over your bare body.
“We’re not doing this right now. Go to sleep.” You try to push past him to get to the door but he’s stronger than you, keeping you in place with big hands on your shoulders and a wicked grin.
“So I do a little bit of coke and you’re gonna run off again is that it?” His thick brows are raised expectantly, grip on you tightening when you don’t respond straight away.
You shake your head in disbelief, features nothing but serious and angry, “I thought you had a cold?”
“You’re many things but you’re not stupid Y/N.”
“Why try to lie in the first place then?”
"Didn't want to argue with you."
You scoff, folding your arms over your chest, "How's that working out for you?"
At this Jungkook pauses for a beat, the Adam’s apple in his throat bobbing when he clears his palette to speak. All while staring you down with eyes you’ve seen one to many times before. Pupils blown wide out, barely blinking, the recognisable glimmer of panic. “Look I’m sorry, I’ve had a rough day and I caved, okay? I won’t do it again.”
“Let me go.” You whisper, just wanting to be away from him.
“Come on let’s cuddle in bed, yeah? You know I’m the best cuddler. I’ll even take you out tomorrow to make up for not coming—”
“I said let me go,” You inhale, using all your strength to shove him back until falls to the ground with a thud, “You don’t get to come back at 5AM coked up and ask for cuddles! Are you fucking serious?!” You’re raging, blood boiling, adrenaline coursing your veins, “I’m going to sleep on the sofa. We’ll talk about this when you wake up.”
Jungkook’s sat on the wooden floor of your shared bedroom, large body bouncing with silent laughter before he peels the gun from his discarded jeans on the ground. The expression he wears is terrifying when he messily aims it at you, drunkenly swaying the arm he tries to keep in place. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Put the gun down.” Your voice is soft and calm, familiar and kind. But on the inside you’re screaming for help, heart racing in your chest, the sound of it crystal clear in your ears. “Baby… Put the gun down please.” You have no idea if it’s loaded, but knowing Jungkook and what he does for a living you’re not willing to take any chances.
“Baby…” He repeats quietly with a small genuine smile, but the murder weapon still points at you in his grip. “Not until you tell me how you know Kim Namjoon.”
Your mouth opens to speak but no words come out, especially when in one swift movement your boyfriend stands in front of you and presses the barrel of his gun to your chin, pushing your face back. You thought you’d seen him at his worst, at his most violent, but the times before this don’t even come close to how afraid you are right now. His teeth grind together, jaw swinging and tensing but he doesn’t look away from you. Not even once.
“Kook… I’m serious I don’t know who—”
“Well he knows you. He was seen at your hotel the night I brought you home. How does he know you?! Hm?! Answer me!!!”
You can’t focus on his words, all that’s registering in your brain is the gun pressed to your face. You’re panicking, breathing shakily and unsure of what to do next. You’re unsure of what he’s going to do next. You’re petrified.
And it’s obvious when your voice comes out even smaller than you feel, “I swear... I don’t know who that is.”
“Maybe a picture will help refresh your memory, hm?!”
With that he finally drops the gun to the floor to reach for his phone, and you kick the murder weapon under the bed on instinct alone. It’s a moment later when Jungkook is shoving his phone screen in your face, displaying a picture of a man standing outside the same room you were almost killed in last week. It looks like security camera footage, and you’d recognise those dimples anywhere.
“That’s…” Your eyes narrow when you get a closer look. No, it can’t be.
Jungkook’s frowning now, watching you carefully as though you’re one of the people he has to interrogate for information on a daily basis. His voice is dry and threatening when it drags from his throat, “Do you know him?”
“I… Yeah.” You swallow, just when you thought your life couldn’t get any more complicated. You do know the man in the picture, except when you knew him he didn’t go by Kim Namjoon – you only ever knew him as RM. He was your old boss back when you were dancing, the guy who saved your life more times than you can count. The only person in the world who knows your deepest, darkest secret.
“He’s my old boss, he owned the club I worked at… He went by RM.”
At this Kook nods, slowly taking in the new information, “Is there any reason he’d want you dead? Or a reason he'd want to see you?”
“No.” You’re quick to shake your head, but nausea and guilt erodes the lining of your stomach faster than the speed of a bullet.
"You're sure?"
"Yeah... I'm-, I'm gonna go sleep on the sofa." You brush past him in a hurry, and thankfully this time he doesn't stop you.
You can think of one reason why he’d want to see you, maybe even kill you, which just so happens to be the one thing Jungkook doesn’t know about your past – nor do you ever want him to find out.
The year before you met your boyfriend you fell pregnant while working as a dancer, due to a contraceptive failure. You went to the clinic and did what you knew was best, you weren’t ready to be a mother in any sense of the word and so you made the painfully hard decision to terminate the pregnancy.
Your boss RM didn’t take too kindly to the news for a number of reasons. You took time off work, you fell of the radar for a while; and when you eventually came back on the scene you were drinking yourself into oblivion almost every night to deal with the pain. But there was one thing that hurt him more than any of that, one thing that only he knew.
He was the father.
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sweetlyskz · 2 years
For Better or for Worse
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Chapter Two: Jungkook’s Big Mouth
Overview: you weren’t thrilled to be moving in with bangtan but you learned to come to terms with it. Your father however did not. When truths come to light and secrets are revealed, will you switch sides or simply exclude yourself from the situation altogether?
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: i know I didn’t say this before and IM SORRY but I had thoughts about making jk a little?¿ I tested it out in this chapter a little so just lmk if you like it
Sadly, the day had come. You'd been trying to avoid the reality of it all but now you have no choice but to face it. As you separated your belongings and threw them in the keep or trash box, someone knocked on your bedroom door.
“Hey sweetie…” It was your father. You hadn't talked to him in days, maybe weeks. It’s his fault this is happening. At least that's what you're convincing yourself. You ignored your fathers presence and continued to pack.
“Listen. I know you're mad. I truly am sorry but please believe me when I say I had no other choice. Bangtan said that they would let us keep our territory if I gave you to them.”
“I’m not a piece of property, I’m your daughter”, you reminded him. “And you didn’t do this for me or for us. You did it for you. You gave me to Bangtan in order to save yourself.”
It’s not like you didn’t know who they are. You’ve heard all of the stories and rumors about them. They were street racers, drug dealers, and only cared about one thing.
Their territory.
Your mother gives you one last hug before you leave. Out of everyone, she's taken it the hardest. For some reason she feels as though she could’ve done something to stop this. Knowing that this deal was made two whole years ago made your mother boil with anger, and a little guilt.
“I'm so sorry sweetie.”She plants a kiss on your forehead. “I wish I had known. M-maybe I would've-”
“Shh. It’s okay mom”. You sniffle, holding hands with your mother.
“I’ll be fine, I promise.”
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“Kook, what did I just say?”
Jungkook was bouncing up and down in the backseat again, letting his excitement get the better of him. Joon doesn’t blame him though. It had been years since they had seen you that one time. Jungkook is no longer a baby, Jimin grew out his hair, and Namjoon got a little taller. Everything was different.
“Sorry hyung. It won't happen again”, Jungkook promised for the fifth time. Jin laughed.
“It's okay bun, just don't let it happen when Y/n gets in the car” he instructed Jungkook. “We don't want to annoy her or make her feel uncomfortable, right?”
Jungkook shook his head. “Not at all, hyung. I just can’t wait to show her all my stuffies.”(little jk supremacy!)
“All in due time kook”, said Joon. “I need you to be big when we have that important talk, okay?” He nodded.
The boys thought it would be better to set a pick up location for you, hoping it would keep you safe. Only Jungkook, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jin came to get you (It was supposed to be just Jin and Namjoon but Tae and Jungkook refused to be left behind). The others were preparing your bedroom, even though they had plenty of room for you in their master bedroom. As long as you were comfortable with them, they didn't care about anything else.
When they arrived at the location (an obsolete tunnel of all places), you were already there, holding your fathers hand.
“Nice to finally see you again”, Jin bowed respectfully in front of you, trying to pretend your father wasn't even standing next to you. “I wish it had happened in other way, but this is our life and–”
“Can you just stop trying to play nice in front of my daughter?” Your father interrupted. “She’s not a dumbass, okay? She knows that you guys are nothing but petty criminals who whore around and will only see her as an object to use.” That snapped Jungkook out of his headspace very quickly and before you even had time to back away or help, Jungkook pushed your father against the hood of the car.
Joon laughed to himself. “If only you knew the truth. Maybe we would actually get along if you would just be honest with yourself.” Tae walked over to you and gently held your hand, leading you inside the car. Once you were safely in the car and buckled up, he placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Stay here. Joon just needs to have a talk with your dad and then we can go home” Taehyung told you, his boxy smile prominent. You slowly nodded, feeling more tense than before.
Jungkook held onto your father until Joon told him to let go, and even then he did so hesitantly.
“Baby is in the car bun. Go say hello”, Tae whispered to Kook, ruffling his hair. Jungkook being the obedient little he is, hopped his way to the car. The boys smiled watching him hop away.
“Can’t you see?” Jin asked your father. “Can’t you see how beautiful our family will be?”
“You don’t have to believe us”, Taehyung continued. “But we love your daughter. If you don’t see it now, you’ll see it soon enough.”
Jin handed Namjoon his hand pistol. “I'm sorry you won't be there for the wedding, but you brought this on yourself.”
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The ride home was silent. You refused to talk to them, no matter how many questions they asked. Jungkook had worried that you may feel uncomfortable around them, him specifically.
You knew that Bangtan had money, but you didn’t know just how much they truly had, and pulling up to their mansion had you trying to figure it out. The twelve car garage Jin parked the car in might’ve been the same size as your fathers mansion. Walking into the mansion, it might have been three of your fathers mansions combined.
“Wow” was the first thing you had said since they’d seen you. It made Tae giggle. “I know it looks like a lot but we rarely use about half of this house. Lots of empty rooms”, he informed you, intertwining his fingers with yours. Jungkook ran up next to you and took your other hand.
“Already giving the hyungs more attention than me?” Jungkook pouted. “Well you can make it up to me by helping me name my stuffies.”
“Alright guys, enough” Joon broke it up. “Before we do a house tour, we need to have a little family meeting. Jinnie, can you grab the others?”
You, Jungkook, and Taehyung followed Namjoon to what looked like the living room. The others, including Jin, were already sitting on one side of the L shaped couch. You sat in the middle of the other side while Tae and Jungkook sat on opposite sides of you. Joon simply sat on one the loveseats.
“I’m sure you already know who I am, or all of us for that matter, but I would feel better if you hear it coming from us.” Joon looked at the others, as if he was trying to signal something. Jin sat up.
“Well, I’m Jin”, he said, stating the obvious. The pale guy with green hair rolled his eyes. “No, really?” He said sarcastically. His presence intimidated you, scared you.
“And this is Yoongi. He looks scary but he won’t even hurt a fly, I promise”, Jin said, almost as if he could read your mind. After all of the introductions Joon made you sit a little closer to him, now having a one on one conversation.
“I know this arrangement isn’t ideal but trust me when I say we did it for you, for us.”
You rolled your eyes. “So you blackmailing my father and ruining my future was for me? I don’t buy it. You did it for you, so that you could have some sort of hold over my father.”
“I know it seems this way but–”. You cut Jimin off, laughing. “You guys don’t actually care about me. The only thing you care about is your territory.”
Jungkook shook his head, on the verge of tears. “N-no. That’s not true. Joon tell her! Tell y/n about her dad.” The others gasped.
Joon side eyed kook. “Bun, not now.”
“What is he talking about”, you raised your voice, not even realizing that you weren’t sitting anymore. Jin tried to grab your arm but you pulled away, backing out of the living room. “Tell me the truth or I’m leaving.”
“Let’s talk about this when you're calm”, Hoseok tried to reason. Taehyung and Yoongi tried to calm you down as well but it only made it worse.
“I-I want to go home”. The tears started to run down your face. “I just want to go be with my family please.”
“Why would you want to go back to them?” Jungkook exclaimed. “They literally tried to have you killed twice! And you want to go to them?”
The room was silent. Namjoon cursed himself for not being able to shut him up. You were frozen in place.
“No”, you said plainly. “No. You're lying. You're just saying that to make me stay.”
“Princess we would never lie about something like this, we swear”, Namjoon told you. “If you just calm down, drink some water, and sit down for a little while, then I can tell you.”
Hesitantly, you sat back down. Jin ran to grab you a glass of water. After a couple of minutes of silence and wiping away tears, Namjoon speaks up.
“Okay, let's start from the beginning.”
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@ratherbefangirling @forpunishers @amara-mars @idk179634 @emu007 @m1sss1mp @mageprincess7 @fluffy-canada-pancakes @inlovewithallmusic @bratbxbyx @kaiwaialiki1210
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
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jai’s ao3 recommendations: supernatural/fantasy
#jai’s recs ○ all fic recs
Disclaimer: This masterlist excludes A/B/O fics because I have a masterlist for those here.
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Updated December 15, 2023
Sick Sentiment by rix
explicit, cowboy bebop universe, outer space, bounty hunters, long-lost love, violence, even if this doesn't sound like your thing istg you should give it a chance i am begging you
↳ Six years later, Kim Taehyung looks just as good cocking a pistol.
Twilight Zone by Bandit4Life
explicit, strangers to lovers, violence, possessive behavior, morally ambiguous, taehyung is a (literal) monster that lives in mirrors, this shit is CRAZY!!
↳ Sometimes monsters don't hide under the bed, sometimes they hide behind mirrors - watching, waiting for the moment to strike, to kill. But Taehyung's goal has changed over time. It was pure curiosity at first. He only wanted to observe, wanted to find the flaw in the seemingly perfect human. He didn't expect Yoongi to hide a dark secret. "I've always known there was something off about you. But I didn't expect it to be like this."
no disguise by sports
explicit, friends to lovers, "taehyung is a vampire and yoongi is a real bella swan about it", i truly adore this fic and a big part of it is cuz jin's character is hilarious
↳ after the events of one rainy, bloodsoaked night, kim taehyung is now a vampire. yoongi doesn't really care.
Just Imago by SUGAohYoongiYoongi
explicit, guardian angels, studio ghibli & tim burton vibes, hurt/comfort, taehyung doesn't know how to use doors lmfao, IT'S SO CUTE OK
↳ Park Jimin finds out his 6-year-old daughter's imaginary friend 'Tae-Tae' is not that… imaginary, but actually an ancient creature with unimaginable superpowers and no understanding of doors.
Foolish by ChrossxXxRodes
explicit, jimin has hanahaki disease and it's taehyung's fault, soulmates, friends to lovers, slow burn, college au, spoiler: no one dies jhdkfs
↳ the one where Jimin's dying of unrequited love and Taehyung is unaware.
Carmen by sailoryooons
explicit, vampires, strangers to lovers, obsessive themes, once again hali writes smut that is a little bit terrifying and a lot sexy
↳ Taehyung gets lured to an exclusive club by a strange, enchanting woman. What finds him there is much more intoxicating and dangerous.
Anything Lovely by deepslowpanic
explicit, soulmates, college au, this is so cute !!!!!!!, i would fall in love with this yoongi too
↳ Yoongi feels like spring, and then he feels like summer. And sometimes he feels almost like home.
The Sweet Taste of Orange by 2019_0201
explicit, vampires, yoongi is the maknae and that's really fucking cute
↳ On a scale of 1 to 10, Jeon Jungkook would rank his coven's inability to treat him like a fully functional adult vampire a 20. At 300, he was well past the age where it made sense to be babied. Even before he died, he'd been an adult with responsibilities, even if his coven didn't see it that way. Min Yoongi didn't look at him that way though. As a human pushing 30, Yoongi was fascinated with Jungkook and everything he was. He thought he was, dare Jungkook say, cool, and honestly, he couldn't get enough of it. And his blood. And his scent. But that was a whole other thing.
Sea la víe by ryuks
explicit, mermaid jimin, very soft and awkward and cute, "yoongi is a disaster gay"
↳ Yoongi finds a strand of pearls caught on his fishing hook, but when he tries making off with them as goods to sell he’s not prepared to find an annoyed mermaid glaring at him over the edge of his boat, demanding he give them back or else.
lost and (never) found by carameLIZed_suga
explicit, urban fantasy, magical realism, addiction, morally ambiguous, people consume liquid dreams (or nightmares) and there are dealers who sell them almost like drugs
↳ Nightmares taste of bubblegum and machine oil, of sticky sweetness and bitter metal. It’s a weird mix that lingers at the back of Jimin’s throat for days, reminding him of the taste of blood, but richer and a lot darker. Nightmares are addicting. He can’t get enough of them. And his favorite nightmare is Jeon Jungkook.
coax the cold right out of me by vmantics
explicit, strangers to lovers, vampires, hurt/comfort, lots of angst
↳ Jimin looks back down towards the ground and scrunches his eyes shut, trying to get rid of the blue—but it’s burnt behind his eyelids. Seared into his brain. He can’t seem to stop seeing it no matter how hard he tries, and he doesn’t understand because if he hallucinated the whole thing then why does he remember it so vividly all these weeks later? Why is it back to haunt him after he thought he’d finally moved on? (Or: There's a stranger on the train, and Jimin takes notice.)
NIGHTSHADE BLAZE by carameLIZed_suga
explicit, urban fantasy, enemies to lovers, dragons and other mythical creatures, violence, jungkook is so fucking insane and terrifying jshkdfs
↳ For as long as Jimin can remember, his father has been keeping dark creatures in their basement to auction them off for large sums of money. One has been there for years: Jungkook. Unpredictable, violent, deadly… And Jimin is lured in by him.
crimson and extremely sweet by schoon
explicit, modern fantasy, vampire jungkook, the first fantasy mxm fic i ever read!
↳ Jungkook is a newborn vampire with a strange allergy to blood. His doctor, Park Jimin, is convinced that they are making progress and they will soon find a cure, although Jungkook is starting to lose hope. Blood doesn’t even smell good to him after all. Or that’s what he thought until he smelled Jimin’s.
The Doorman by bluevalo
explicit, urban fantasy, mythical creatures, horror, strangers to lovers, violence, slow burn, great worldbuilding, hurt/comfort, i swear to god i think about this fic every fucking day, it should be a movie or a tv show
↳ The Doorman is favored and recommended by many. Located within walking distance from both the university and the corporate district, it’s the public house where happy hour is always busy. The bartender is young and handsome, friendly though quiet, and mixes a wild Old Fashioned. He often leans on the counter, chatting with a customer, with a full sleeve of ink on display. It’s for his sake that Taehyung has been frequenting the bar, every Friday, for almost two years. Not knowing that the bartender is the doorman — to a much darker world.
00:00:00 by vminsbuns
explicit, greek mythology, strangers to lovers, taehyung is the god chronos, hurt/comfort, taehyung is so weird and clever
↳ Immortality is boringly long, and Chronos travels time, travels the Universe, travels Earth in the hopes of finding some exciting occupation. When he meets Jeongguk, he wishes he could be the one he claims to be—Kim Taehyung, a mortal who won't have to live for another eternity without Jeongguk.
cherry cola by dagusts (raplinesvevo)
explicit, urban fantasy, vampire taehyung, roommates to lovers, this fic made me wanna write a vampire roommate tae SO BADLY
↳ Jungkook is dead set on starting a new life when he moves to Seoul. A life with adventure, adrenaline, and even enigma. What he doesn't factor into his plans is a painfully attractive roommate, who has taken it upon himself to give Jungkook the most confused, love-struck butterflies of his life.
in your arms I hide away by nightmaremode (metalgr3ymon)
explicit, demons, this is mostly just porn but i love the worldbuilding around it, and also it's so soft
↳ as a pleasure demon, taehyung has seen and done many things in the name of satisfaction. but cuddling? warm kisses? holding someone close? that was new. or, the one where jeongguk is a lil' touch starved, and he seeks comfort on demon taehyung's touch
anoesis by honeybeams
explicit, strangers to lovers, this is really just very hot and bloody vampire sex tbh
↳ As a new fledgling, Jeongguk doesn't know to keep his own feelings in check, sure his sire can feel everything across the bond they share: the desire, the affection, how flustered he gets when they spend time together. What he doesn't realize is how badly Taehyung wants him back.
detail of the woods by honeybeams
explicit, horror, strangers to lovers, hurt/comfort, i honestly don't know how to explain this, taehyung calls jungkook "fireheart" and idk that makes me soft for some reason
↳ Enigmatic young writer Jeon Jeongguk is shuffled off into the woods by his editor who insists he needs a break. Without the fear of burnout and looming deadlines, Jeongguk gets a month to himself to think things through. It's all well and good, if he disregards the nightmares and the rustling of black feathers that lurk out of his periphery.
We'll Meet Again by zerorequiem
explicit, college au, jungkook is the moon and taehyung is the sun - like literally, magical realism, friends to lovers, soulmates, it makes my heart ache in a good way
↳ The Sun and the Moon meet at age twenty.
sucker for you by taecheeks
explicit, vampires, humor, strangers to lovers, jungkook is a little shit
↳ the summary for this is really long on AO3 but basically jungkook is an abandoned vampire that taehyung takes in to care for him and figure out who killed him
Sunsets of Sanguine by Kakostel and Kibb (Pembrooke330)
explicit, vampires, violence, strangers to lovers, humor, moral ambiguity, angst
↳ the summary for this one is also really long so just trust me hsdkfjs
time or place (i’ll come back to you) by taecheeks
explicit, vampires and other mythological creatures, soulmates, strangers to lovers, angst
↳ For hundreds of years, Jungkook has made it so his weaknesses could not be touched, could not be used against him. Hundreds of years, a small dent in his eternal life, and its snapped and tugged away from him in one night. When Yoongi had freed him all of those years ago, he swore to never let another person put a hold on him. He swore to never let himself bind to anyone, let them use him as they please. It only took him five hundred and fifty six years to fuck it up.
Boys of Cold by bluevalo
explicit, enemies to lovers, small town, so much angst, hurt/comfort, it gets worse before it gets better, christmas, modern fantasy, it's technically set in high school but i swear it's good
↳ There is something eerie in the snow. Jeongguk can see it. And Kim knows.
Doll Parts by elisabeta
explicit, strangers to lovers, violence, cyberpunk, mystery, sci-fi, great worldbuilding
↳ Taehyung, a street savvy biomechanic, is a prisoner to his high-tech, neon-lit melancholy. A lone pixel in the chrome jungle of Seoul’s undercity. Jungkook is a runaway with blades in his arms and hope written in his genetic code. (Or a gritty cyberpunk taekook au.)
Ballad of the Fallen Angel by Always_Somewhere
explicit, demon taehyung, angel jungkook, reincarnation, strangers to lovers
↳ Truly, Jungkook would always be his sweetest sin.
Psychic 10-12 Club by Ghoulie_cruz
explicit, clairvoyant taehyung, hurt/comfort, strangers to lovers, everyone's a lil weird
↳ All it takes is a phone call for Kim Taehyung, self-proclaimed psychic, to tell you your future—at least that’s what they say. Failing school, miserable in his job and fast running out of money, Jeon Jungkook could really do with some clairvoyance; someone to tell him it’s all going to be ok. Even if it’s a pile of optimistic horse shit, he’ll take it. Probably cling to it for dear life. But nothing—nothing—could prepare him for the cosmic shift that occurs when he drunk-dials into Taehyung’s cult radio show. Nothing tangible, anyway.
The Holly & the Ivy by TheInklings
explicit, edward scissorhands au, SO COOL and SAD, first love, self-acceptance
↳ Jungkook is a lonesome myth-come-to-life, a man-made boy with scissors for hands. Taehyung is a frustrated son itching to stretch the bounds of his pastel-painted town. They meet on Halloween. They’re enamored by Christmas.
Pearl by pocketggukie
explicit, siren taehyung, violence, soulmates, enemies to lovers, taehyung is like the world's only vegan siren jhdskfs
↳ During a calm night on the ocean, Jungkook found a beautiful man sitting on the railing of his ship, a man with icy eyes and dark scales running down his body. Taehyung had just found his next meal - one that looked exceptionally delicious.
Dreamy by paperwetwithink
explicit, psychological horror, incubus taehyung, the author used the tag "what exactly did i just write" and i felt that in my soul tbh
↳ When Jeongguk gets sleepy these days, it kind of feels like there's something watching.
Realms Between Us by JKDoYouLoveMe
explicit, incubus taehyung, self-discovery, strangers to lovers, college au, it's sad but also funny?? kinda crack
↳ Jeongguk doesn’t know how spirit magic or Ouija boards work. He assumes it takes something a lot more complicated than a drunk man asking for a sex demon to show up for it to actually happen. Something like cutting your hand and letting your blood drip onto the petals of a rare flower. Or saying something religious into a mirror while doing the Macarena. That's how Jeongguk knows that this is a prank. That's how he knows that the boy sitting on his bed claiming to be an incubus is lying.
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riaarivic · 1 year
HATE 8: EGO (M) I MYG x F!reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, mentions of organized crime.
🌙 A/N At no time do I (the author) encourage this activity in life, it is important that you know that the criminal acts in this book are that, a crime, as well as harmful to health and should not be romanticized. This is all a work of fiction for entertainment.
Love, Ria
🌙 Chapter wordcount 3k
🌙 Series Index
1  2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HATE 8: EGO (M) I MYG x F!reader
I go back every day. To me of yesterday. To the life of giving up
I let myself go away. But in this world, you know. There are truths unchanged.
Han River Bay, cargo port, Seoul South Korea
Keep calm Jung Hoseok...
Keep calm.
There is a rumor that Jhope was the clansmen favorite son to inherit the Seven Moons. His talent for cleaning up a crime scene was almost as good as his amazingly good eye for new recruits. 
No one was as loyal as Jung Hoseok.
That made him one of Kim Dohan’s favorite sons.
And a ruthless son of a bitch too.
Most of the lower clansmen were quietly favoring Jhope to be their next leader. 
A rising star in Seoul’s underworld.
Like a twisted cinderella story.
He could really have a chance to become the heir.
But JHope wasn’t born with Clan’s blood.
Kim Dohan saw a lot of himself in the young gangster. In a decade of being in the Seven Moons he had managed to rise to the highest levels of the clan. He went from being a simple drug dealer to being one of the key leaders of their criminal organization.
You didn't see that every day.
Besides being the Clan’s Recruiter, Jhope's specialty was cleaning up his brothers' messes.
Whether it was the bloodied body of an enemy killed by Suga in a back alley.
Or JK getting a little out of hand in one of his fights.
Or that time Taehyung crashed a brand new Lamborghini into a historical sculpture in the city.
And let's not talk about the incident involving the Bengal tigers that Jimin asked him to bring to the club for one of his shows.
It still made him want to throw up every time he remembered it. Let's just say that in the end, they weren't cute kittens.
Anything that needed to be fixed Jhope would fix it.
Anything the clan asked for Jhope found it.
Anybody that had to dissapear...
You get the picture.
But even in all his years belonging to the Seven Moons he never thought he would witness a disaster the size of the one tonight. If someone had told him about it, he probably would have laughed in their face. His two brothers were fighting over the same woman.
In public.
At Jimin 's club.
Well, he wasn't so sure Namjoon really had feelings for you. The right hand was known throughout Asia as the most eligible bachelor. Hope knew of her brother's reputation with women. But Suga, he had never seen him behave like that. He never went to the club and when he did, he ignored all the angels. Male or female, he didn't care.
JHope was beginning to think that his brother had made a weird celibacy pact with the Leader.
Never in a million years did he imagine that he would witness Suga, the most indifferent man on the face of the earth. Who didn't care about you or anyone or anything, literally make out on an alley like a horny teenager during prom night. 
And to top that with the pretty pampered heiress of one of his father's allies. 
Unbelievable, really.
He really didn't want to be there when the Leader found out what happened in the club. The thought of it  sent a shiver down his spine.They would probably both end up castrated. Although that would not be very beneficial to the clan now that he thought about it.
If it left the two leading candidates to inherit the clan without the possibility of having children…
“Jhope, where are we going?” your voice croaked from the passenger seat.
He was so focused on his internal monologue that he had forgotten that you, the aforementioned daughter of a former clan chief, fiancée of the heir, possible mother of the Seven Moons' legacy....
He had lost himself in his thoughts again, 
“We must wait for things to calm down, Princess Nari '' he gave you a quick glance as he continued driving “Suga-hyung and Namjoon must be at this very moment extreme make overing each other's face with their fists and later when they get to the house, our father is going to finish what's left of them.”
You shrunk a little, he realized that your pupils were still very dilated, lips trembling as you were about to cry “Hey, princess calm down. We've all had a bad trip. Tomorrow you can say you don't remember anything and that you have low resistance to designer drugs. It's probably true, two doses of the new formula that arrived today from the labs mixed with alcohol? Wow, even I would have kissed Suga-hyung” That brought a smile to your face.
“Jhope, have you ever been to Russia?” he paused for a second to look at you, surprised a bit by the sudden question.
“Oh yeah, several times. It comes with the job, you know? I've been on several tours around the world, I like to call that my Mafia Tours. I'm sure you'd love it, if you take away the drugs, the guys with guns and the probability of getting arrested at an airport... Again “Jhope winked at the last part and the car came to a stop at a small warehouse.
“Let's go. You can have a hot tea and finish passing the Molly effect. And If you promise not to kiss me too, I'll tell you a bit of my story to keep you entertained” You nodded and got out of the van to follow Jhope.
Jhope’s small warehouse was on the outskirts of Seoul. It was a dimly lit space filled with stacked crates and boxes, casting long shadows on the concrete floor. The air was thick with the scent of musty cardboard and stale cigarettes, and the only sounds were the distant hum of passing cars and the occasional rat scurrying across the floor.
You noticed a few young men and women sitting on a table on the far back of the place. Most of them barely looked a day older than eighteen.
Some of them probably were still in highschool. 
Or at least supposed to be. 
They spoke in hushed tones, their faces obscured by the shadows, as they dealt in illicit goods and discussed the inner workings of their assignments. 
To put it in a simpler way. 
They were the clan’s runners. 
Rookies that were being trained by Jhope to push merchandise in the streets of Seoul. The real reason why he was also one of the Clan’s favorites to inherit the leadership. Is because he was in charge of recruiting and training the new generation of the clan. Raise them, to become ruthless gangsters like him.
And you guessed it. 
They were all extremely loyal to him.
Jhope guided you to a staircase that led to the second floor, secluded from the numerous containers that lined the place. Two men, more like boys, were guarding the front door and when they saw them arrive they bowed in respect. “Oh and Princess Nari, you can call me Hobi. That's what the people I like call me” 
He opened two heavy metal doors. Inside, the room was sparsely furnished with a simple wooden desk, a few mismatched chairs, and a filing cabinet pushed against the wall. The walls were bare, save for a few framed certificates and diplomas hanging crookedly, giving the impression that the space had been abandoned long ago.
“Let's see, first the tea and then the story. Come on, drink up” Jhope passed you a hot cup as you sat together on the small couch. You could see pictures and souvenirs from different parts of the world.
He was about to start his story when a quiet knock was heard on the other side of the office’s door. “Boss, do you have a minute?” Soo-jin, a young recruit, and one of Jhope’s favorites, was standing on the other side. 
“So-jin, I hope it's something too important for you to think you have the right to come into my office like this, when I have company." Jhope said.
She nodded strongly, "Yes, yes. Boss, you have to see this for yourself.
Jhope got up to follow the young woman. He stopped  before the doorframe to give you an empathetic look. “Stay here, Princess Nari. Then we continue our conversation”
The air was thick with tension in Jhope’s warehouse as he stood across Soo-jin. He knew the young woman since she was a scrappy teenager who just dropped out of school. In a way, he saw her as a younger sister. 
And he knew perfectly well that careful expression she had on her face right now. Like a kid who’s about to tell their parents they failed a class. 
He saw through the broken window and released a tired sigh "So, what did you find out about my brothers?" JHope leaned forward, his piercing gaze fixed on Soo-jin.
Soo-jin shifted in her feet, her eyes darting nervously around the room. "I...I followed them for a few days, like you asked me to," she began hesitantly. "And I found out that...they're both involved in shady business. I saw the right hand covered in blood leaving the Han-yong bath house last night. He is definitely the one behind the murder of the leaders."
"What about the Shadow?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous.
Soo-jin licked her lips nervously before answering. "I'm not sure, but it's something big. He was meeting with some men in a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. I tried to get closer, but one of them spotted me and I had to run."
“Boss” she continued, eyes trembling and her voice almost a whisper “Those men are the same that attacked the Shadow’s warehouse three months ago. It was staged. They were working for him”
Jhope’s face remained impassive, but inwardly he seethed with anger at the news. He had always known that his brothers were ambitious, but he never thought they would stoop so low as to betray their own family.
He leaned back on the wall behind him, his mind racing. He knew he had to do something to prevent his brothers from fucking everthing up with whatever scheme they were planning. 
But he also knew that he couldn't do it alone.
"Thank you, Soo-jin," he said finally. "You've done well. I need you to keep an eye on them for me. And if you find anything else, let me know immediately."
Soo-jin nodded, relief washing over her. She had been worried about what Jhopes's reaction would be, but he had always been fair to her, even when she made mistakes.
He stood up, his tall frame towering over her. "You can go now. I’ll take it from here," he said, gesturing for her to go down the stairs.
Jhope's mind was already working on a plan to stop his brothers. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to protect his family at all costs, even if it meant going up against his own flesh and blood.
Because Jung Hoseok’s specialty was cleaning up his brother’s messes. 
Even if he also had to take care of them.
Of course you had heard everything. 
The second Jhope left you alone in his office you bolted to the door and hid behind it. You already knew Namjoon was up to no good, but now you could link him to the murders of the ten Mob Leaders that were killed last night. You guessed that he did it behind his clan’s back by the way he was acting this morning.  But now you knew for sure that the only biological son of Kim Dohan was conspiring against his father.
And the shadow…
You had to dig deeper into the information about the attack on the main shipping port. Maybe you could use some persuasion techniques. 
Definitely not an excuse. 
You were just doing your job.
After giving several sips to your hot tea, you started to feel the effect of the drugs wear off. Looking at the pictures Jhope had scattered around his walls, you realized that most were from places where the most powerful clans, mafias and cartels reside.
Also some pictures with gang leaders you helped take down. 
Well, fuck.
“I look pretty handsome in that one. Right, princess?” You were so startled by his voice that you almost dropped your cup. 
“I- I got bored waiting for you” you said begging internally that he would believe you. He gave you a cheeky grin “I’m sorry, it took longer than expected. Are you feeling better? Do you want to continue the story?”
You nodded as you both walked again to the couch “Hobi, how did you end up in the clan? I mean, I know Namjoon and Jin were born into it. But what about you, did you always belong here?” 
“Uhmm you can say yes and no, princess” Jhope pursed his lips in a thoughtful gesture before continuing to answer “My family was involved for many years in the trafficking and smuggling of goods. Not at these levels, of course. But let's just say they were trading partners of the clan.”
“To make a long story short, my parents were caught by the police. My dad was convicted and my mom ran away, I haven't heard from her in many years” the man's gaze saddened and you let him continue. You couldn't help but feel a little bad to hear his story. 
You remember that from his file.
A father in prison.
A mother in exile.
And a sister who had left him more than 10 years ago.
Leaving him alone in the middle of their mess.
“I was left alone at a quite young age. For the 15 year old Jung Hoseok the best answer to that was drugs and dropping out of school. It wasn't easy, let me tell you” he let out a dark chuckle “I had to be pretty creative to get something to get high on the streets of Gwangju” 
He looked out of the office window deep in his own thoughts “Eventually that creativity led me to the Leader, our father. He offered me a roof over my head and free dope if I joined his clan. But the only condition was that I had to finish High School” Jhope laughed but his smile never reached his eyes.
“I was more than enthusiastic about the free drugs and not long after I discovered that I had a talent inherited from my parents for, you know, scamming. That made me a useful man to our father. The feeling that I belonged to something made me stay clean..... well, almost” Now he was silent, looking a little lost in his own memories.
“That's why I chose that code name, Jhope. Hope. Of never returning to my past self.” He said with a sad sigh.
15 years old. Too young to be an addict, you thought.
“Tell me about Russia” you asked trying to lighten the mood a bit  “Do you have friends there?”
“We mobsters don't have friends, Princess Nari. Only associates, acquaintances and enemies” Jhope again went back to his usual smile “But yes, in Russia I met someone some years ago. I convinced her to stay away from this world... ironic, isn't it? But for some reason, in the time I was with her I didn't feel so lonely”
The hell?!
He was talking about Anya. You were sure of it.
Does he know she works for Interpol?
Does he know you work for Interpol?
You could feel your heart racing and this time you were sure it wasn't from the effect of any drugs.  The image of the young woman in the store came to your mind. Jhope and Garam were too much alike, they had the same mannerisms when they spoke. The possibility that they were siblings perhaps seemed crazy, but to an agent's brain it made all the sense in the world.
It has to be...
“Hobi, do you have any other blood relatives? Like, you know, a sister?”
“What?” The man's expression turned completely dark in a second “Who. The fuck. Told you. About my sister?” he uttered every word approaching you, no longer looking like the friendly person he always was.
Maybe this was his true face.
But before you could even think about what she could answer him a clansman rushed into the office. “Boss! The dragon! The- they sent something again. I am very sorry to interrupt, but you need to see this” the young man's face was one of complete terror, as if he had seen the devil himself.
“The Dragon '' You furrowed your eyebrows at the name, remembering what you’ve read about the clan wars 20 years ago. But the report said that the whole Jade Dragon Clan was wiped clean by Kim Dohan. 
You thought that there were no survivors.
But you were wrong.
Very wrong.
“Stay here,Princess. Please.” He stood up quickly and rushed out of the door. Obviously, you were not going to stay there. You wanted to know what all the fuss was about.
It didn’t take a second to reject that you didn’t listen to Jhope.
You  failed to stop a scream of terror as you peeked over the railing of the stairs. Inside one of the containers were at least 30 completely mutilated and decomposed corpses stacked on top of each other.
Looking at them, it was hard to believe they were ever human.
And above of them a dragon's head made of solid gold, biting into a round piece of Jade. Watching you on top of that mountain of death. Hanging from the bodies was a message of victory, which seemed to have been written in blood:
This is how the devil pays for your loyalty.
That is when you realized that all of the corpses had the tattoo of the seven Moons on their necks.
They were clansmen.
And The Devil.
The note was referring to Kim Dohan making it clear that he had betrayed his own men.
That is how the Devil pays for his loyalty.
These were the men Namjoon had ordered to kill three days before.
The ones Suga was sent to disappear.
And you had a bad feeling that if you didn't find out what had happened there....
You would soon join them.
I tought a lot about publishing this chapter today or not. First I have to confess that i did not plan that Hobi's special chapter would drop the day of his enlistment.
But today has been a very weird/sad day and I needed to just change this feelings into something productive. So I finished translating/adapting this chapter.
Hate! Hobi is one of my ultimate fav characters, we love a dual king.
And for real life Hobi, we will miss you 💗
I hope everyone is doing well, I'll send you all a virtual hug.
Thank you so much for reading this story, it really means a lot to me.
Ria 🌙
Tag List @drunkzseok @allamericanuniverse
If you want to join the tag list. You can coment this post or send me an ask!
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babecoups · 1 year
the “𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔦𝔫” collab
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Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
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Welcome to the Born to Sin Collab. All of these stories have restricted ratings for audiences above the age of 18. For some stories you must be at least 21 to read. Readers who are not of age are prohibited from reading or interacting. There is no taglist for this masterlist. Check with the author of the story you wish to be tagged in to see if they have a taglist. Heed each story’s warnings and please read responsibly. We hope you enjoy…
Playlist - coming soon
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⍆ title: ersatz by @mimikookie​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: best friend!hongjoong x detective!(f)reader
⍆ genre: action | angst | best friends to lovers | fluff | mafia au | mystery | smut
⍆ summary: Despite Hongjoong’s disapproval, determination drove you to set your sights on apprehending the notorious mafia leader, Choi San. Though just when you thought you had everything to expose San for who he really was, you realize you may have been led astray all along.
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⍆ title: panacea by @temptaetions​​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: fugitive/ex-gang member!choi san x undercover cop!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: A jack of all trades but a master of none, San was good at many things. When a robbery gone wrong ends in him running from the law, he doesn’t realize that your appearance in his life is nothing short of an undercover operation.
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⍆ title: trust me by @sweetestofchaos​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!mark x demon heiress!reader x gang member!mingi
⍆ genre: fluff | gang au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary:  Going to South Korea in your father's place was no mistake. He wanted more power and he sent his strongest player to win the game. Why he thought you would play by the rules is beyond you, for you wanted to step out of his shadow. You know what they say, right? Out with the old and in with the new!
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Wooyoung - coming soon
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⍆ title: cecidit magnolia by @sugakookitty​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: cult leader!taehyung x undercover agent!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | dystopian au | smut | steampunk au | supernatural elements
⍆ summary: Your first big case with the FBI leads to you posing undercover to grab information on the infamous sadistic cult leader, Kim Taehyung. This group may keep to themselves, but beneath the surface is a large, organized crime operation involving some of the most powerful politicians. Will you be able to gather enough information for the case? Or will you simply become too close for comfort? 
Your life depends on the answer.
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⍆ title: escapism by @minjoonalist​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: dealer!yoongi x reader
⍆ genre: crime au | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: If there’s one thing he’s ever wanted, it was an escape. From the guilt, the greed…the constant pain. You were looking for that too, just as covered in the blood of your past mistakes and distracted from the reality of your cruel addiction. Why would you ever believe he would leave you alone?
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⍆ title: ride or die by @bangtanintotheroom​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!jungkook x citizen-turned-criminal!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | non idol au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: To think that the only person who would look out for you was a man who could pull a gun on anyone without hesitation. Forget what he did for a living, you owed him your life; the two of you only needed each other in this fucked up world. 
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⍆ title: taste of sin by @daimyosjeon​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!namjoon x drug lord's daughter!reader 
⍆ genre: angst | arranged marriage | mafia au | smut
⍆ summary: I know there's something more behind the façade that he shows to the world. There has to be. It was hard but not impossible for me to understand that he wants me just like I want him.
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⍆ title: the destruction's illusion by @namjinsmoonchile​ (21+) 
⍆ pairing: gang leader!seokjin x killer witch!oc x gang member!jimin
⍆ genre: crime au | fluff | horror | romance | smut | supernatural elements | thriller
⍆ summary: Seokjin has it all: power, money, and a woman no one but he could have. But blood debts have to be paid or someone will find that illusions are destructive. 
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⍆ title: the untouchables by @hobeemin​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: hitman!jung hoseok x heiress!poc (f) reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | mystery | smut | strangers to lovers |  thriller
⍆ summary: You met under the most unconventional circumstances. True to your work, you never turned anyone away in need, yet you found yourself drawn to this enigma of a man. The time comes when he must make a choice... the revelations could mean life or death.
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⍆ title: descendants by @babecoups​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: mafia boss’s son!jinyoung x maid!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | enemies to lovers | mafia au | smut | supernatural 
⍆ summary: You grandparents worked for the Parks, your parents work for the Parks… You will not work for the Parks, and there’s only one way out. 
Park Jinyoung.
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⍆ title: fast and the furious by @sun-kore​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!yugyeom x reader
⍆ genre: angst | fluff | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: You went to the bar looking for a one night stand, but instead you are dragged in the middle of the gang war with the one they call the "errand boy" aka Yugyeom. Seeing more than you should have, you stick to his side while you weave yourself out of this world of trouble.
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⍆ title: on the rocks by @wordycerty​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang leader!jackson x reader
⍆ genre: angst | fluff | forbidden love | gang au | smut 
⍆ summary: A mob boss falls for the cute barista, ultimately forgetting his position and the danger he attracts. When his enemies start to topple his empire, he's forced to choose between fighting to keep what he's built or starting anew with the love he's found.
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⍆ title: ride by @toikiii​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: jaebeom x f!reader
⍆ genre: angst | mafia au | slow burn | smut
⍆ summary: The one life lesson your parents taught you was to not owe anyone anything. fitting, since they soon left you all alone after that. You try your best to stay on the straight and narrow, but when a mafia boss keeps happening upon you and saving your ass in the most unlikely of circumstances, you can't help but offer him the only thing you have. your heart.
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⍆ title: trust me by @sweetestofchaos​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!mark x demon heiress!reader x gang member!mingi
⍆ genre: fluff | gang au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: Going to South Korea in your father's place was no mistake. He wanted more power and he sent his strongest player to win the game. Why he thought you would play by the rules is beyond you, for you wanted to step out of his shadow. You know what they say, right? Out with the old and in with the new!
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Youngjae - coming soon...
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⍆ title: blood money by @iibonniee​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!minhyuk x waitress!reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | romance | slow burn | smut
⍆ summary: Nobody can ever really run from their past no matter how hard they try. Y/N knew of this truth well. Minhyuk knew that once he found her again he was going to make sure she remembered where she belonged.
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⍆ title: city lights by @iibonniee​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!kihyun x spy!reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime | fluff | romance | smut | suspense
⍆ summary: Kihyun believes his wife is the rival mafia leader and is ready to end her when the true enemy shows up to kill them both. Can they get out alive and will their marriage survive the mess they've made?
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⍆ title: criminal love by @wordycerty​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!hyungwon x cop!reader
⍆ genre: angst | forbidden love | gang au | smut | thriller
⍆ summary: A trigger-happy detective struggles to bring down the mysterious newcomer shaking up the criminal world while fending off the advances of a persistent gang “underling.”
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⍆ title: the spider’s web by @hobeemin​​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: underground fighter!im changkyun x hbic/crime boss!poc (f) reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | enemies to lovers | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: That sickly sweet smile. Only she had any affect on him. With the curl of a finger he'd bow down to her and her alone. Is he ready for the trap she's laid?
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⍆ title: acrimony by @kqweenn​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: kkangpae!taeyong x escort!reader x yakuza!yuta
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | smut | street gang au 
⍆ summary: Both leaders used to be the closest of allies but recent affairs of their respective gangs have been straining their relationship lately. Desperate to quell the brewing feud between them, their right hand-men recommended solving this with the only thing they want in common - you.
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⍆ title: rivals in crime by @flurrys-creativity​​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!jaehyun x criminal (f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | enemies to lovers | smut
⍆ summary: Everything went well and in order in your district until you caught some unknown drug dealers lurking around the corners of your casinos. You didn’t even have to ask them for their boss, knowing only one man would be this brazen. He always tried overpowering you. Maybe it was time to send Jaehyun a declaration of war.
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⍆ title: relapse by @jiminschanelearring​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: trap queen!chaeyoung x banker!reader 
⍆ genre: angst | childhood enemies to lovers | fluff | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: Chaeyoung and Y/n have history of being competitive. It dates back since elementary school, but what happens when Chaeyoung suddenly dropout and leaves without a trace. A few years later while Y/n is at work she notice Chaeyoung. However Chaeyoung isn’t the glasses wearing, stumbling, annoying teenager anymore. Now she’s a notorious gang leader that specializes in money laundering and Y/n just so happens to be a banker.
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Do not copy, translate, steal, or claim as your own. 
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untaemedqueen · 2 years
The Deal
Drug Lord!Yoongi x Coffee Shop Owner!Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 28.
Series Warnings (Will Be Updated): Mentions of Drugs and Drug Deals, Blood, Smut, Emotional Damage, Love, Gunshot Wounds
Warnings For This Chapter: Revelations
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The prison yard is bustling with the known bad guys of the area early this afternoon and your boyfriend is smack dab in the middle of all of them.
Yoongi really didn't want to be forced out into the open with other drug dealers and murderers, even going so far as to try and bribe the overnight prison guard on duty.
But unfortunately, it didn't work out in his favor.
Every inmate in his place knows he's the biggest fish here and they either love that or they really, really despise it.
He has no choice but to sit here and listen to the loud cacophony of bad men speak about what they're going to do when they get out of this joint.
But at least it shrouds him in a veil of uniformity where he can do the same.
"Did you do it?" he inquires softly, pulling from his cigarette.
Taehyung hums in agreement, sitting down beside him casually.
Yoongi can tell that the younger man isn't affected by being in this prison, he's been locked up on a few occasions and it's like going back to a summer camp for him.
Your boyfriend on the other hand can't wait to get out of this fucking place.
Taehyung turns toward the boss and pulls the zipper of his jumpsuit down in one smooth motion.
"Oh dude, come on," the scarred man complains.
"Gotta let 'em know who's the big dog around here, Boss," the younger man shrugs, shoving the jumpsuit off the older man's shoulders.
Now, with his tattooed torso on display, people begin to avert his gaze and he cracks his knuckles in turn.
Taehyung nods to one of the passing inmates from another drug family when he gets handed a cigarette.
"No charge," the inmate announces.
Tae nods thankfully, putting the tobacco stick between his lips.
"So…," the younger man begins. "Excited to see the princess when you get out?"
Yoongi leans back on his hands as he extends back on the picnic table he sits atop of. "More than you know. I didn't even know she existed and now… I love her more than this whole entire universe and can't wait to fucking meet her."
Taehyung hums in agreement, leaning back on his hands as well. "I wish I could have brought in a sonogram picture for you. She's so tiny and cute."
The drug lord smirks then thinking of the little baby he's made with you that sits safely within your belly.
"I bet she's gonna look like Y/N," your boyfriend breathes happily.
"We'll see in a few months."
Yoongi stayed up all night last night thinking about you and how lonely you must be. It evaded his mind for the past two months and if he's being honest, he pushed the thought out of his head just so he wouldn't feel that type of sheer pain and misery all day everyday.
When he first got taken here it plagued him. And when every day became so monotonously routine, he tried to never think about what was going on outside of his cell walls.
Pulling from his cigarette, his fingers drift over the gnarled scar by his eye.
Now that his time in this place is coming to an end, he can only look forward to new beginnings with you as parents.
"What do you think about leaving the drug game?"
Taehyung turns his head slowly to his boss with wide eyes. "Uh… I'm not sure. I didn't finish high school… I wouldn't get a job anywhere."
Yoongi nods thoughtfully. "Maybe we can figure out something else for you to do. Make our own jobs."
The younger man turns to him, eyes alight with curiosity. "So what're you saying? We're gonna leave the drug business behind all together? Business is booming."
"It's not safe." Yoongi avows, flicking his finished cigarette onto the yard floor.
Taehyung only shakes his head confused, turning his attention back to the multitude of people in the yard.
When the men begin to form groups and huddle around each other, he taps Yoongi's knee.
"It's starting."
The groups of men begin to brawl with one another, some even going so far as to shiv other inmates with homemade weapons like carved plastic toothbrushes and sharpened bobby pins.
Yoongi makes no move when the loud sirens above the prison yard begin to screech with warnings of dubious intent.
"Okay, Banchae. Don't fuck this up," the drug lord hisses beneath his breath.
He watches the prison guards flock to the yard with unrivaled quickness and when he doesn't see the man that keeps an eye on him at night along with the crowd, a veil of comfort wraps around him.
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Staring down at the construction trucks, you watch with folded arms as they begin to fortify the area around the forest homes.
You've spoken to Jeongguk on multiple occasions about moving but you've decided to stay in this place long enough that when Yoongi does get out, he'll have a familiar place to come back to.
With all the dogs laying down at your feet, it's the only comfort that you receive these days.
If you're being honest, you hate this fucking forest now.
You can't stand this godforsaken place.
There was such charm in it not long ago but now you can't find a single thing you like about it.
Everything is miserable, just like you.
The dogs perk up at the bedroom intruder and you slowly tilt your head to Namjoon.
He enters with a cup of tea in hand and you give him a measly smile of gratitude that doesn't reach your eyes.
"I heard from Taehyung," Joon croaks, sitting down on Yoongi's side of the bed.
You want to snap at him to get up, that the scent of your boyfriend is already faded from the sheets and pillows like leaves in the wind but you hold your tongue and simply sit down beside him.
"The plan is underway," he promises, handing you the tea.
"My plan or… Yoongi's plan?"
You hate saying his name sometimes. It's like bringing up a ghost.
Namjoon doesn't reply, taking to looking down at the men who put metal sheets around the compound instead.
The silence is a clear answer.
Yoongi's got a plan on the inside of that place. While that should comfort you, it only makes you more angry.
If he was out here instead of being trapped in there, he could have the whole fucking world in his palm.
Joon simply tilts towards you, almost as if he can feel the anger rolling off of you in waves, and places his hand atop your growing bump.
Yes, Jin is second to your command but Namjoon feels like a whole army solely made for you most of the time.
He lays back on the bed, blonde hair sprawling out around him as his thumb swipes slowly over your distended stomach.
"It's gonna work, Y/N," he avows, looking over at you.
Your lips sputter as you stare down at the hardworking men that fortify your surroundings.
"But what if it doesn't?" you inquire softly, watching curls of steam rise from the top of your tea glass.
"Can't think like that," he rasps softly.
You roll your eyes, letting just the smallest bit of hope swirl through your limbs even if it's for a moment.
"Have faith. We follow you on faith," Joon breathes, pulling out a cough drop.
"You follow me because the person you should follow isn't here," you blink, closing your eyes.
Joon simply sighs, pulling out his phone when it begins to ring loudly.
"Younghan," he answers stiffly.
You set down your tea, eyes alight with curiosity.
Your army of one shoots up in a flash, smiling widely as if what the lawyer is saying is something victorious.
Namjoon just nods and nods, his smile getting wider and wider until he looks like he's gonna pass out with happiness.
"Well, let's bring him home."
You turn fully to him, pulling your legs into your body at his hopeful words.
"Thanks, Younghan."
When he hangs up, he gives you a wry smile. "Yoongi's plan worked."
Your heart flutters triumphantly within the recesses of your chest and you finally feel some sort of gratification coarse through your veins for the first time in months.
"So what did he sa-"
Jin enters the bedroom with a sullen look on his face and you raise an eyebrow at his expression.
"What's wrong?" you inquire, picking up your tea.
"I found out who framed Yoongi," the oldest announces.
Taking a sip of your warm tea, you nod expectantly.
When the name breaches past your right hand man's lips, your tea goes flying out your mouth and coating Joon's bare chest.
"Oh what the fuck!"
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Yoongi itches at his neck as he looks around the sterile interrogation room.
Not long after the riot in the yard both him and Taehyung were sent back to their cell and not long after that the drug lord was brought to the other side of the penitentiary.
When he was brought in here he only assumed someone had found out what Baechan had done but now he's not so sure.
It seems like they're trying to string him out.
They want him to lose all perception of time.
And for while it was working.
Until he forced himself to get a grip.
The drug lord is pretty confident that they're trying to whittle him down and break him but he can't allow that. There's too much at stake.
"I'm bored!" Yoongi sings loudly, stretching his arms out and yawning.
He waits patiently for another minute before throwing his ankles up onto the desk before him and digging at some dirt under his nails.
"Holy shit, you guys really know how to hang a guy by his fucking foreskin. Come on," he complains.
And then finally, the door opens.
He's greeted by a woman with her hair tied up in a long bun and her breasts on full display.
The drug lord nods his head to her politely, his eyes faltering to the file in her hand.
"Good afternoon, inmate 39214."
Yoongi closes his eyes to shield his massive eye roll.
By the time he opens his eyes, the woman is already sitting across the table from him.
Your boyfriend takes his feet off the table and the file is opened with a flourish.
"My name is Miyoung Lee and I'm the head of the drug affairs for this area."
Oh shit.
"How can a random inmate help you, Ms. Lee?"
She wrinkles her nose at his attempt to push anything incriminating off of himself.
"Random, yes, of course."
Yoongi simply blinks, letting his expression fall passive to the point of being bored.
"I have some photos I'd like you to take a look at here."
Yoongi sits forward, looking down at the photos that are now sprawled out over the table.
His eyes skim over the photos, seeing the Snake clan taking the brick of cocaine that incriminated him to begin with.
The drug lord also notices that Hyunwoo is nowhere to be found in these pictures.
"What about them?" your boyfriend inquires, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms.
"Notice anything interesting about them?"
Yoongi wants to laugh, this woman thinks she's going to bait him?
How unfortunate for her.
"Seems like some bad men."
She tilts her head, clicking her teeth impatiently.
"Ms. Lee, if you're coming to a random inmate to show them photos that means you have absolutely nothing to go on. I certainly can't help you. I have no idea what the fuck you think this is gonna do for you."
Yoongi does know one thing, when he gets out of here the Snake clan is fucking dead.
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<---- Last Chapter                                                   Next Chapter ---->
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The Deal taglist – @jeon-junggoop, @btsarmy9593, @slothykrueger, @jcsmae, @milesjeon11, @cloudyblisss, @borahae-reads, @secretlycrazyhummingbird, @rjsmochii, @sugas-bbygirl, @ggukkieland, @hyungieyoongi, @chxmachxps, @dvalitaes, @vintageroses10, @maerawrrr, @flowerblu00, @veronawrites, @seoqity, @wozwaid, @hisbutton-nose, @sweetempathprunetree, @jinsearthh, @codeinebelle, @serious-addiction, @bt21chim, @rosquilleta, @dunixxd, @rkchmestizangmaldita, @openup-yourmind, @shesaysweirdthings, @marslena, @deathkat657, @yoonlattesworld, @that-funny-alien-28, @clutterfied, @belladaises, @silentkei, @btsnina, @shydestinyyouth, @thefreddieman, @kkklaudiaaa17, @moonchild1, @ronie1974, @jeonghanniehae​, @rinkud, @giselleg7784
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dadddybangtan · 1 month
Metanoia | ch. one
cw: strong language, drVg use
word count: 1.6k
a.n. this story is a couple of years old and i wanted to share it. please enjoy and leave feedback <3
Table of Contents Next
I feel gross but not necessarily uncomfortable. I'm used to it now. Leaving that poor- or should I say rich- guy drugged out in his penthouse is wrong. But so is kicking your gay, sixteen year old son out on the streets with nothing but a school backpack and a handful of cash.
I leave his house with my jacket and pants pockets stuffed with my date's trinkets. I walk a bit down the road to find my boyfriend's car. He stole an uber sticker from an old victim of ours so his outdated car isn't suspicious next to the nice ones in this neighborhood. I get in the backseat and we drive off. I wait until we're on the freeway back to our place to climb to the front seat.
"Get anything good?" Taehyung asks, his baritone voice luring me to the front seat with him.
"I guess. A few watches. Some expensive looking necklaces that were probably left over from his female hookups." I say before pulling out an emerald studded necklace from my jacket pocket. "I'm convinced we scammed all the rich fags in Gangnam."
"If all the rich fags are hit, what do we do then?" He asked.
"Not sure. Probably find real jobs." I shrugged. But real jobs don't pay the bills.
I look out the window and see the city lights twinkle. I take in the brights like a photograph before we get to our side of town. It's dark and gloomy where we live. The streets are littered, the buildings are old. It's ugly, but it's home. It's like Gotham and we're driving past Metropolis.
Our goal is to be right there in Seoul working normal jobs and earning normal money living normal lives as abnormal homosexuals. Living as "roommates" until gay marriage is legalized. If it is in our life time.
Perhaps it's not right to swipe from our own kind, faggots. Every time my stupid brain tries to make me feel bad about it, I remember something Taehyung told me when we were both high as the heavens: There's a difference between poor gays and rich gays. Steal time from your poor gays and steal shit from the rich gay's closet.
"I say we make a new target." I propose, looking away from the window once I recognize our freeway exit. There's nothing to look at anymore
"Oh, yeah?" His deep voice asks. I can't tell if he's genuinely interested or not.
"Women..." I say, carefully, waiting for a response. He just cocks an eyebrow at the idea. Judging. "I know it's shitty. But you're hot and bi. I think you could do it."
That's a bold faced lie. I don't think he could do it, he's just the only one out of us that's up for consideration.
"Me," He scoffs, "Jimin, I don't know if you noticed but I'm the getaway driver. I don't do anything. Why can't you do it?"
"I'm a five foot eight twink, babe. I'm not exactly ladies choice."
He focuses on the road. I notice his hands grip the steering wheel a little tighter. His veins pop making me flinch. The mere thought stresses him out.
"You're serious?"
"What other choice do we have?"
His veins pop again. They travel up his arms through his neck. I catch him pinching his lips together and clenching his jaw. He's thinking too hard, stressing himself out.
We don't need this right now. The more stressed he is, the more money we spend. And with our drought, I fear we don't have enough wiggle room for his stress reliever of choice.
"I don't know how I feel about it." He says lowly, so low I could barely hear him.
I exhale through my nose and refocus my gaze out the window. I regret it immediately. It's like Gotham and I mean it. Except there's no Batman to help the poor women from getting violently mugged by that man. No one to stop the very obvious drug exchanges between an old dealer and a scrawny teenager.
"What we do isn't easy," In fact it's probably the toughest job out of our lowlife neighbors, "I know it's hard. I've been doing it for over a year. I did everything I could. Milked them dry, Taehyung."
"We could try another district." He says frantically while licking his lips. Meaning he knows how stupid that was to say. There are no other districts.
"Do you wanna go back to selling coke," I ask as I turn back to him, "Hm? Getting harassed by crackheads who don't have the money. Working all day and all night and only getting thirty percent of the profit?"
He blinks at the road, jaw quivering with realization.
"Or do you wanna spike a drink and get a fucking bag? Work for yourself and keep your money?"
That was a tactical approach to his sensitivity, which I normally don't resort to. Taehyung is sensitive and I usually try dealing with his emotions rationally. However, when it comes to our work, our money, our stability, I get hostile. I'm protective over our security because we have so little of it. I cut corners to keep it. And he might be mad at me for being so harsh and bringing up his old job, but he'll thank me later.
"This better work."
I don't blame him for masking an agreement with a threat. I just accept it and watch him drive. Count how many times he taps his finger on the wheel before we make it home.
Our apartment is small with no room for furniture. I don't mind it though, I've tricked myself into calling it minimalistic instead of cheap shit. I plop down the the couch, that a million people must've plopped on. We picked it up from the side of the road since it was still in decent shape. It's trash but it's ours now and there's comfort in it.
Taehyung comes in not too far behind me and falls next to me. He throws his head back and exposes his neck. He looks just as exhausted as me, maybe even more. His head turns to me, eyes low, lips spreading into a sly smile.
"Wanna get high?" His groggy voice hums.
"Not tonight, Tae."
"Oh, come on, you never wanna do it anymore," He whines, smile still present, trying to disguise his peer pressure with cuteness. It used to work well, I used to fold, "Just a little bit."
"Babe, I really don't want to." I mean it. I hate drugs. Hard drugs make me fucking sick.
He turns his head back and stares at the ceiling. I stare too and wonder how those stains got there. There's one that looks like a kitten, it's the closest thing to a domesticated pet I can get in the shit neighborhood. Again, it's trash, but it's mine.
"Wanna stick it?"
I'm supposed to be mad, stay upset, but my lips curl up against my will. Not because I love poking him, but because it's cute, the way he says it. Stick it.
I push myself off the couch and go to the kitchen pantry. It's small too, like everything else, and embarrassingly empty. We have to be the only people who keep their drugs in the cabinet where bread and chips are supposed to be. It's pathetic but it's ours.
So I grab the bag of small white tablets, the syringe, the spoon with the burnt bottom and translucent blue lighter. I push out a tired sigh. I meet Taehyung back on the couch and light a white candle. That's the only nice thing in this place. A thirty dollar candle that I just had to get because it smells like the fancy hotel my parents took me too when I was eight. Eucalyptus sage. It's just a scented memory, but it's mine.
"I love you," He says, making me jump at the sudden speech, "You know that?"
He likes when I melt it over a single candle-lit flame. Makes him feel like I'm cooking for him. At least that's what he told me last time I did it.
"Yeah," I gush, watching it boil down, "I love you too."
He just smiles and let's the top row of his teeth peak behind his heart shaped smile, hiding his eyes behind his eyelids. When he opens his eyes fully, it's when the needle is ready. I kneel on the floor in front of him, grab his hand and push his sleeve up. There's a deep brown mark right there on the crook of his elbow.
I can't lallygag and stare at the horrid thing all night. I'll just remind myself of how much I don't want to do it. He clenches his fist, making his veins pop, and I put the needle right in the middle of the mark. I can't lallygag, but I can't miss. One millimeter off could kill him. I look him in the eyes so I don't have to watch it disappear into his pale arm. They close peacefully as he inhales and exhales.
"Yeah, baby."
Taehyung doesn't say much beyond that. Not even 'thank you,' but I know he appreciates it. I clean up while he unwinds. Before I sneak off into our tiny, lifeless bedroom, I take him in one last time. His cheeks are more sunken than last week and his dark circles are more apparent. He's still beautiful. Beautifully broken. An addict, but he's mine.
I lean over the coffee table to give him one last kiss. He smiles his chapped lips into a dazed grin, eyes still shut and body too limp to return the favor. Heroin is one hell of a drug. I'm surprised I can resist.
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eoos · 1 year
(none of these fics were written by me, all credits go to the authors)
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☞ the dealer (by @yoonlattesworld) genre : drug dealer yoongi x good girl reader, angst, fluff, smut, romance 
☞ Twisted feelings (by @bangtaninborderland) genre : idol au, strangers to lovers, angst, fluff, smut, ft. OT7 
☞ Guardian Angel (by @alpacaparkaseok) genre : idol au, strangers to lovers, fluff, idol!Taehyung x guardian angel!reader
☞ stuck with you (by @jungshookz) genre : university!au, enemies to lovers, fratboy!tae, comedy 
☞ After Class (by @becomingbts) genre : fluff
☞ melomaniac (by @jungkxook) genre : band au, friends to lovers, smut, punk!jungkook x reader
☞ Navy (by @jjkfire) genre : fluff, angst
☞ through the night (by @nightbts) genre : fluff, angst, idol!au, friends to lovers!au 
☞ lost stars (by @smoochkooks) genre : smut, angst, (troubled) idol au, childhood friends to lovers
☞ Snaps (by @cryxtal-moon) genre : photographer!jungkook, assistant/music producer!reader, neighbours au, fluff
☞ Our Little Secret (by @glassbangtan) genre : angst
☞ Gym Bunny (by @bebejungkook) genre : muscle pig!Jungkook, strangers to lovers au, fluff, angst, college au, very enthusiastic kook, shy chubby reader, self hatred to self love au
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interglctycs · 2 years
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*    :     noah   park
 kim    taehyung    .    twenty-three    .    college    student    &    drug    dealer    .    bisexual
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general    details
date of birth. march 12 gender. cismale pronouns. he & him sexual orientation. bisexual romantic orientation. biromantic religion. agnostic
positive.  brave, independent & logical negative. impulsive, reckless & resentful aesthetics. leather jackets, sneaking out, empty beer bottles, under eye bags, restless nights, sound of a bong when you take a hit, a drawer of rolling paper, slowly destroying you from the inside, lipstick stains on your collar, the smell of febreze masking marijuana, teardrop stained pillows
BIO.    /    tw. drugs.
noah used to have a happy family until dad left the scene when he was 13, he didn't see him again until 1 year later with a new family and his mom told him the truth, he had cheated on her and decided to go with his other family leaving him and his mom and older brother alone. that always left him thinking that maybe he was the problem and that dad didn't want him because he had done something wrong. noah never forgave his father, even if he tried to contact him.
 he carries the weight of an absent father on his back as well as always living in the shadow of his brother, the talented one, the honor student, the best son. noah was left behind and thanks to it, his life turned gray, his path deviated, and he resorted to parties, alcohol and drugs to try to fill the emptiness in him. noah and his friends from college sell drugs at parties (marijuana, ecstasy and lsd) and they also sell online, because it's the only way to make money fast and easy. 
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waverlyfm · 1 year
𐄹 um... is that, VINCENT "VINNY" SEO, CHELSEA MILLER ? i wonder what they’re doing up so late wandering around waverly hall. ever since jj’s been gone the entire crew’s been out of whack. what a shame. but just make sure to show up to class within the next 8 hours or you’ll be marked absent. ( kim taehyung and ohkailno are now taken )      
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kim taehyung. he/him. twenty-seven.  — is that VINCENT "VINNY" SEO the GRAPHIC DESIGN student from waverly lane? I heard they are a suspect on lucy’s podcast as jj’s DRUG DEALER. but they couldn’t have done it right? they’ve been here for TWO YEARS and they were AT A PINKPANTHERESS CONCERTthat night. lucy did hint at SECRET. I wonder if that’s true, they always seemed so UNBOTHERED to me. ( dj+ any )
ohkailno. she/her. twenty three.  — is that CHELSEA MILLER the CREATIVE WRITING student from waverly lane? I heard they are a suspect on lucy’s podcast as jj’s DRUG DEALER. but they couldn’t have done it right? they’ve been here for TWO YEARS and they were WORKING AS A SERVER AT THE EMPIRE CLUB that night. lucy did hint at SECRET. I wonder if that’s true, they always seemed so ELUSIVE to me. ( amber + she/her )
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bangtangalicious · 1 year
I had a dream about Death Valley Jungkook… how’s he doing after the end?
he will be just fine! he finds someone else
the spin off potential for street rat is there
I see it as a drug dealer x spoilt brat rich girl trope but then again, haven’t put too much thought into it yet
and i see taehyung making things very hard for him haha
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crazy4myself · 3 years
No Harm List | Pt. 12
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: mafia au, fluff, violence
Summary: You live in a city where crime runs rampant. One day, you save a young boy’s life, not knowing that he is one of the most powerful crime lord’s heir. And you have just been put on the no harm list.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: violence, alcohol, mention of drugs, borderline smut
Wordcount: 10.3k+
Beta reader: @punkisnotdead2318
A/N: So I thought I posted this last week but it didnt work! so lets try this again! Please like, comment, and reblog!
J-Hope was on the seventh floor of the Lumi hotel along the main street of Alcor’s garden district. He watched through the sight on his gun as bright-colored convertibles inched by for the parade. The streets were packed, lined with masses of people cheering and begging for shiny, free plastic to be tossed their way. 
“Three minutes until showtime.” Suga’s voice buzzed in the earpiece.
“Got it,” J-Hope said as he adjusted the long-range gun on his shoulder, waiting for the red convertible, containing his target, to inch a little closer. He was a large pot-bellied man with a winning smile and immaculately styled hair. Yet, despite his handsome, aging face, even from a distance, J-Hope could see how his blue eyes gleamed with greed.  
J-Hope had thoroughly built his notorious reputation as one of the best sharpshooters in Alcor, possibly the entire nation of Kros, over the years and was often hired out to do work outside of BTS for other organizations and politicians. 
He’s selective about what missions he accepts. He learned his lesson after he lost his sister, and since then, he built his trade with care. Taking the time to understand his clients and their motives. J-Hope learned the hard way what it cost to be a mindless soldier behind a gun and what happens when the family members of his more dangerous victims seek revenge. He has sworn never again to make the mistake of pulling the trigger under unquestioned orders. He would not let one of his loved ones face the consequences of his actions. Even the transactions of his payments are more secure than they were before to ensure theirs no trail for anyone to follow back to his trigger. He requires the payment to be made in advance through the Bulletproof casino. The hefty sum is loitered through the business to prevent any evidence from being traced back to him or his family. 
After some intensive research, J-Hope couldn’t deny that he was excited about the mission RM gave him. It was ideal. He was making a scene but causing no loss of life. 
Tate Hyde was a local asshole politician, worried about his re-election since an opposing smear campaign against him had gained traction in Alcor. After dubbing him “tater tot,” his approval rates and ego have both deflated, so he hired out J-Hope to make a ‘public attempt on his life’ during a parade celebrating the opening of the new school.
‘Tater tot’ thinks being attacked during one of his few selfless acts will stir up some good press. 
Luckily, J-Hope’s pay wasn’t dependent upon the outcome of the public's reaction or re-election. 
“One minute,” Suga’s voice crackled in his ear.
J-hope asked “Did you take down the cameras?” 
While a scene like this is staged, it’s for nothing if it doesn’t seem real. And lucky for BTS, stirring up some trouble in the Garden District would take some heat off of BTS, or at least spread the cops thin, turning their focus on protecting local politicians and, as a result, getting less of them to look into the shooting at the Bulletproof. 
The Black Tips also managed a few of the construction projects in the area. Any increased investigation on active gangs in the area might be bad for their business, and right now, BTS was taking any swing they could at the Black Tips. 
Namjoon was willing to play the game and tear them down brick by brick.
“Rolling on loop now,” Suga confirmed. 
J-hope still has to get himself out of the area without being caught, so Suga came for backup. He’ll be taking down any surveillance that could pick up his identity and help him navigate his way out of the building. 
J-Hope aimed and let out a warning shot first, making sure to lodge it in the trunk of the convertible so it wouldn’t hit any witnesses. Piss poor aim was another way to protect his identity J-Hope thought smugly to himself. 
The politician dove for his wife, covering her body with his own. 
“Fuck” J-Hope cursed under his breath, his chance of a clean shot diminishing as he now had to account for his bullet going through the man and hitting something vital on his wife. The car stopped moving, and the crowd was already in a frenzy with guards running up to assess the situation. 
“Take the shot, Hope they’re already heading for your building.” Suga’s voice ordered in his ear. 
Aiming for the man’s shoulder, J-Hope fired before turning from the window quickly before a cop could identify the source. If the wife gets hit, it’s the bastard’s fault for moving closer to her. 
“Stay calm,” Suga reminded as J-Hope broke down the gun quickly, making a mental note to clean it later as he tucked it in the compact case before sliding on the backpack. 
He stepped out of his hotel room and into the hall, looking just as concerned as the other pedestrians in the area before carefully making his way to the main exit. Sticking to a crowd was the safest way to stay inconspicuous. 
Then his phone rang.
“Hello?” He answered brightly, expecting it to be Suga online, providing him with a bit of extra coverage. 
“Hi, Mr.Jung, we just wanted to let you know that Y/N has about 30min left in her procedure if you want to make your way over,” a cheery voice greeted.
“I’m sorry, what?” He asked, confused
“Y/N’s wisdom teeth removal. Everything’s fine; we would just like for the guardian that escorts her home to be here when she wakes up for a quick debriefing on further care.” The nurse responded in a sing-song voice, “It says here you consented to be responsible for her? We have her signature.” 
“Hope?” Suga questioned softly from the Bluetooth piece in his other ear. “The cops are in the building. Take the stairs.” He ordered
J Hope turned away from the elevators and headed for the stairs as he continued to speak with the nurse on the line, “Yeah, I actually can’t be there. Is there any way you can send her home, and I can come by later for the instructions?” He asked hesitantly 
“Sir, she is under anesthesia. She shouldn’t drive for the next 24 hours. I doubt she’ll be able to walk out of the building.” The woman’s voice turned harsh. 
“Hope” Suga’s voice was a warning in his ear as he tracked the receiver’s line. 
Hoseok looked over his shoulder to see the cops coming off the second set of elevators, and he picked up his pace as he made his way to the stairs.
 “Please remain calm; we need everyone to return to their rooms.” An officer announced. 
Hoseok made a break for the stairwell. 
“Hey!” A voice shouted at him.
“I’llsendsomeonetogogetherbye!” J-Hope hung up his phone as he started to race down the stairwell. “Suga, we have a problem,” he panted as he heard the door fly open behind him and a set of footsteps storming after him. 
“You have a few problems...” His partner growled in his ear.
“Can you link Jimin in the call?” 
“You really want to find Y/N a babysitter right now?” He asked incredulously.
“I don’t want her to wake up alone!” He defended as he jumped the railing and landed on the third flight of stairs, ripping the door open and running down the hall, pulling the first fire alarm he saw. 
“A fire alarm, really?” Suga sighed as he dialed Jimin.
J-Hope listened to the dial tone while surveying the hall as people began flooding out of their rooms. Then, turning into the first room left open and unattended, he slammed the door shut behind him and went straight for the window, praying for a fire escape. 
There was not a fire escape. 
“Hello,” Jimin’s voice greeted him in his ear. 
“Do you think I can make a three-story drop without breaking my legs?” J-Hope asked in lue of greeting. 
Jimin didn’t miss a beat, “Depends. Does the building have high ceilings? Is it a tall three stories or, like, a shitty motel three stories?” 
“Uh, definitely tall,” J-Hope said as he leaned out the window before spotting the fire escape further down the building. Eyeing the decorative ledge on the side of the hotel, he stepped up on the windowsill, testing the integrity. “Got it. Can you pick up Y/N from the dentist?” He asked distractedly.
The younger man stated his confusion with a hum. 
“I kinda forgot about her wisdom teeth surgery, and I’m kinda caught up.” J-Hope grabbed at the divot in the building’s bricks as he leaned on his leg out the window, his heart stuttering in his chest. 
“I’m sorry, dude, I’m in the lab right now, and I can’t leave for at least three hours,” There was a faint sizzling noise in the background, and Jimin cursed as he scrambled to his work table, “make that four hours.” He added.
“Damn, alright. Suga called Jin.” 
“Jin has a meeting this afternoon. He can’t. And V went into deep cover.” Suga replied, ending the call with Jimin.
“Call JK,” he asked, his voice now wavering as he scaled his way across the building, nails cracking with how they harshly gripped the grout and stone.
 How did JK and V make this look so easy when they do shit like this? 
Suga muttered his disapproval and something along the lines of ‘Might as well let Y/N’ choke on her blood,’ but did as his partner requested. J-Hope was near the fire escape trying to center himself as he reached his right foot out for its edge. 
Jungkook picked up on the third ring. 
“Yo, I need a favor-” J-Hope's sentences cut off with a yelp of fright as the ledge beneath his left foot crumbled. 
Jungkook fidgeted as he followed the nurse into the post operations room. He had just woken up after pulling an all-nighter with a task force to sabotage two of the Black Tips construction sites when he got the call from Hoseok tasking him with picking you up and watching over you for the rest of the evening.  Since the kiss over a week ago, he has barely seen you, working day and night with RM to recover from the shooting and the warehouse raid.  He was so caught up in the gang's affairs that he forgot that you were even getting your wisdom teeth removed. 
You and Jungkook have only seen each other in passing at the bakery once in over a week, where the two of you had an uncomfortably short and awkward conversation and made the mutual agreement not to let the others find out about the kiss. Mainly for Jungkook’s safety because he was pretty sure Hoseok would use him for target practice if he found out. Jimin was sworn to secrecy and Taehyung...
Well, that was another conversation Jungkook was due to have but dreaded approaching. 
He still felt queasy at the thought of having to talk out his feelings with his brother. But V had insisted he was fine and was quick to volunteer himself to go under deep cover to keep a better eye on the Black Tips from the 6th ward. As a result, no one in the inner circle has seen him in four days. Only Jin, who got daily reports from his cousin, had a clue where he was each day. 
And while Jungkook would always worry for his brother's safety, he was relieved to have V out of the picture, especially while he was still trying to figure his own feelings out. 
If he was honest with himself, Jungkook let his work keep him away this week. He didn’t even know what to say to you or how he was supposed to feel after the kiss. 
Saints, that kiss was amazing. 
He knew one thing: he liked you, a lot and he loved spending time with you, but he had no clue how the kiss impacted your relationship. He didn’t know if he could have a relationship beyond what the two of you already had. Or if he was capable of giving you the affection and support you deserved. 
Jungkook has had partners and flings in the past, but none of them went very deep. They were mostly other members of BTS whom he trained and had a short fling with until they got settled in their assignment and realized they wanted someone more emotionally available to call a partner. Once the thrill of dating a gang member wore off, he had a hard time keeping the attention of any female in his life. 
And that was on a good day. Now, Jungkook was navigating the beginnings of a gang war, and you were trying to finish medical school. How could either of you even try for a relationship? Especially when your dreams and ambitions conflicted so much. Jungkook shot people and sold drugs. Your job was to help people recover from the damage he inflicted. Any thoughts of being with you triggered a moral dilemma he often worked himself to mind-numbing exhaustion to avoid thinking about.
You were still fighting the effects of the anesthesia when the nurse-led Jungkook into the room. Slouching in a wheelchair with your head drooping a little too far to the right, your cheeks were so puffed up from the swelling and cotton that it was past the point of adorable and more comical. 
You were also drooling.
“Y/N, your friend is here to take you home.” The nurse cooed at you as if she were talking to a child. You sat upright immediately, grimacing as you attempted a smile but your eyes squinting to show your excitement all the same. 
Jungkook stood awkwardly in the doorway with a small bag of your items from the nurse in one hand and a can of soup in the other, not knowing what to do with himself. Jungkook was clueless about what to expect when Hoseok called him. He just knew he ate soft foods after he got his cavity filled once and figured you might want soup if you were hungry. 
You let out a muffled “Hoobiii” as you tried to stand. 
“Shh, not yet.” The nurse said, pushing you gently to sit down. You were still squinting, and that's when JK remembered that your glasses were in the small bag of your things along with your cell phone, wallet, and earrings. 
“She had some trouble waking from the anesthesia, but she seems fully responsive now. It’s normally about an hour or so before the effects wear off, but you’re welcome to take her home after your briefing.” The nurse explained with a sweet smile as she wiped the drool from your chin carefully. Jungkook just nodded blankly, still concerned by the swelling in your cheeks.
He’s never seen anyone after wisdom teeth removal. He remembers a few stories from RM caring for Suga, mainly because RM was a terrible caretaker, and Suga got dry socket.
“I can’t feel my face,” you informed him as he got closer.
The nurse was quick to give him a run down. Pain pills and antibiotics twice a day, no talking for at least today, soft food, no staws (you were quick to tell the nurse that straws kill turtles), try to be elevated when you sleep, the list goes on and on. Jungkooks thumbs couldn’t type the notes down on his phone fast enough. She handed him a pamphlet and assured him Google had plenty of answers, and if not, he could call at any time. And then they were getting ready to wheel you into the hall. 
Jungkook quickly fumbled for your glasses, slipping the frames on your face. You blinked at the adjustment before looking up at him and promptly turning distraught. 
To his utter terror, you started crying. 
“Y-you’re not Hobi. Where's Hobi?” You demanded, finally able to see his face clearly.  
“Y/N, it’s okay. Hobi asked me to pick you up! It’s fine. We’re going to have so much fun!” Jungkook leaned to your level, trying to console you. The nurse sighed at the inconvenience. 
“I never have fun with you,” you accused with a pout trying to roll your wheelchair away from him. The drool spilling from your mouth was now tinted a slight pink as you started to irritate the stitches. 
Jungkook looked up pleadingly at the nurse who shrugged, “be more fun” she suggested with a smirk as if she was enjoying your meltdown. Jungkook sighed and tried to barter.
“C’mon princess, don’t you wanna go home? We can eat soup.”  
“Ion wan your soop!” You nearly wailed. 
“We can get popsicles” 
You froze instantly, and Jungkook wanted to laugh, even in your post-drugged state, your sweet tooth was the leading factor in your decision making. Unbelievable. 
“You should actually minimize the sugar,” the nurse said blandly.
You were crying again.
 Jungkook glared at the nurse accusingly. “You can have sugar princess. Come on let’s go home.” He cooed at you, brushing your hair away from your face.
The nurse steered the chair to the front and waited with you while Jungkook pulled the car around. He supported most of your weight as he transferred you from one seat to the other and buckled you, which triggered a fierce burning from the injury in his arm. You were still shivering from the anesthesia wearing off, so he leaned to his backseat, cluttered with textbooks and takeout wrappers, and grabbed his spare hoodie he always kept for you and laid it across your lap. By the time he buckled himself into the driver’s seat you were nuzzling into the jacket, and he found it adorable even if the gray fabric was noticeably absorbing your spit. 
Jungkook put on some music as he began planning his next steps. First, he needed to go to the pharmacy to pick up your meds. Then, he should probably secure some soft food for you to eat. He had a feeling you would need more than a can of soup for the next three days.
He also promised you a popsicle, and after referring to the pamphlet and seeing sugar wasn’t banned, the nurse was just a terrible person; he intended to get you that fucking popsicle.   
Then, he supposed he would take you home? Which was on the second floor of a building without an elevator. And you couldn’t even hold yourself up to get from the wheelchair to the car. Jungkook knew he could probably carry you up the stairs, but that could require you to sit still, which you were not doing one bit in his car. 
He was also terrified that his left arm wouldn't be able to support you fully, he was still healing from the bullet that grazed him last week. Not to mention the other fears of being alone with you and not knowing a damn thing about how to care for a sick person. He was so clueless, he was categorizing you as sick because he didn’t know what the hell to call a post-dental surgery person. Jungkook supposed he could go to the Den, they did have spare bedrooms there, and Namjoon and Jin would be there tonight to help make sure you didn’t die. 
During his mental debate, you started singing along to the music, the cotton protruding slightly past your lips, it was endearing for all of half a chorus until he saw the pink tinge to your mouth again and remembered you were not supposed to be talking right now. 
He quickly changed the song and challenged you to a humming game, hoping that somehow any use of your vocal cords didn’t damage your battered mouth. 
Everything was fine again when he pulled up to the pharmacy. You were humming and lightly running your fingertips over your lips as they slowly gained the sensation back, a mesmerized look in your eyes.  So he deemed it safe to leave you in the car while he ran in to grab your meds, hopefully, some soft food, and some extra gauze for your mouth.
What he wasn’t anticipating was for you to pull your hand away from your mouth after poking at it a little too hard, biting down on the cotton as you winced and squeezing some of the absorbed blood out of it. 
You were horrified when you saw the blood on your fingertips, flicking your tongue along your lip to confirm that you were in fact bleeding.
And then you were crying, a horrible inconsolable cry as you registered the dull ache in your mouth, and the fact that you were bleeding and going to die soon. You felt like you were choking on your own tongue as you pulled bits of bright red cotton from between your lips without a clue of how it got there. 
Jungkook was horrified when he returned to the car taking in the blubbering mess you were in. Then, running to your side of the car, he knelt down to your level, desperate to console you. 
“Hey, hey, hey, you’re fine, it’s okay,” he tried to sooth you. You blinked down to him as your lashes wet and clumped with tears. 
“Koo- Kookie, I’m bleeding blood.” You offered as an explanation while trying to pull more cotton from your mouth; you were a mess of blood, spit, and tears. 
After some time, he convinced you to calm down and worked some of the cotton back into your mouth, praying that it wouldn’t lead to some kind of infection from touching it. And telling himself, he’ll change it out as soon as he gets to the Den. 
He sent Jimin a text to bring you a popsicle after his work and another message to Jin and Namjoon to give them a heads up before making his way home. 
You must have tired yourself out from the crying because you fell asleep in the short commute from the pharmacy and didn’t seem to be budging when Jungkook pulled into the garage. Sticking your personal things into the grocery bag from the pharmacy, he unbuckled you and squatted down to work his arms under your knees, and pulled you out of the car. Careful not to bump your head against the low roof.
You were dead weight in his arms, and instantly the wound on his bicep burned at the strain but he clenched his teeth, focusing on breathing and not hitting your head on anything as he made his way to the door. Jungkook managed to use your legs to help him open the door, and then he was laying you down on the couch in the living room, where you remained snoozing and unphased. 
Jungkook felt the stinging in his arm and knew he would have to change both of your dressings soon, but first, he wanted to read through the directions on the pamphlet one more time to make sure he didn’t miss any steps. 
“How is she?” Jin asked softly as he made his way into the living room.
The elder was still dressed in slacks and a button-up, his tie loosened around his neck, and Jungkook knew he came to check in between meetings. 
“Okay, I think, we just got in, but I need to change her dressing,” Jungkook answered as he washed his hands. 
Jin eyed the pill cutter on the counter and the pill sorter next to it. Jungkook must have been getting all your medication together in advance, so he didn’t miss anything. 
“You’ll do fine. Once the wounds clot give her some teabags to pack in her cheeks, it helps with the swelling,” Jin encouraged, noticing the Youtube video tutorial playing softly on his phone, explaining the process of how to change the gauze. 
Jungkook nodded moving, to the couch to wake you. 
“Can you stay for a minute? I made her cry earlier.” Jungkook asked hesitantly. 
Jin nodded, following the younger’s lead as he made his way in the living room and tapped you softly to wake you. 
“Ella, you gotta wake up,” Jungkook sang in a sing-song voice. 
You cracked your eyes open, disoriented, and Jin had to stifle a laugh at the sight of your chipmunk cheeks as you sat up. 
“Can you take some medicine for me?” Jungkook asked, moving to cup the pills in your hand. 
“If it’s for you, you should take it, Kook.” You mumbled back. 
“You know what I mean, silly,” he insisted as he guided the medication to your mouth. You eyed him suspiciously like you didn’t know what he meant, but you didn’t resist as he pressed the bottle of water against your lips. 
“Hey, that's my boss!” You informed as you noticed Jin. 
“Y/N, good morning. I heard you got your wisdom removed. How does it feel to be less wise?” Jin teased. You blinked owlishly up at him as you connected his words. Less wise? Shit, you really did get your wisdom removed. 
Your eyes watered as the emotion bubbled up your throat, and you let out a quiet sniffle. Jungkook swore under his breath as he raced for you.
 “I told you to be careful, she's really sensitive.” You were full-on crying now, hiccuping your ragged breaths. “Ella what’s wrong?” He asked, rubbing your arm soothingly.
“I-I wanna be a doctor, but who wants a wise-less doctor. I have no wisdom to help them!” You sobbed in despair.
Jungkook glared at Jin, who could only smile sheepishly at your outburst. It seems the anesthesia was still taking its toll. The nurse had warned the side effects would make you emotional.
Watching over you was easier than Jungkook thought; once he got all your prescriptions sorted into one of those plastic pill sorters he picked up from the pharmacy, you mainly just slept.
You rode a pain pill haze most of the afternoon, drifting in and out of consciousness.
The room you were in was dim but not too dark or silent. You were tucked under a pile of blankets and a pillow that smelled like the best detergent. 
You remember being woken up by Jungkook a few times, all soft bunny smiles and whispers as he tried to keep you calm and help you sit up so you could take your medicine, then trying to change the dressing in your mouth as gently as possible. He flinched as the tender movements still made your eyes water, but you nodded at him encouragingly as you gripped the edge of your shirt to ground yourself. Finally, he offered you food, but you drifted off before you could ever get around to eating it. 
At one point, you woke up to a sweet, burning smell and looked over to see a kitchen next to you and Jungkook cursing as he moved a pot from the stove to the sink. You tried to smile at the moment, but it made your mouth ache, so you tucked yourself into your pillow and tried to sleep the pain away. 
It was hours later when you woke fully to the squeaking sound of someone washing windows. You were prepared to ask Kook to clean more quietly, but when you sat up from the couch, you were met with the sight of Jin and Namjoon sitting at the breakfast bar. 
It took a moment for you to get your bearings, and you realized you were on the first floor of the Den, not your home. By the look of the books on the table, you figured Jungkook brought you in here to watch you while he did homework. 
You felt like a mess with dried tears making your swollen cheeks feel stiff. You don’t even know if you can do your skincare in this state. The thought of breaking out and having a fat AND pimply face made emotions bubble up and bring tears to your eyes. You tried to blink them away. Was it normal to be so emotional after a surgery? 
Jungkook’s face lit up as he noticed you rise. “Oh, good, you’re awake,” he said with a smile. “I need to change your dressing soon,” he clarified, getting up to go wash his hands. 
He was gentle as he removed the blood-soaked cotton out of your mouth before moving to work the clean gauze in. 
His brows furrowed in concentration, and for a moment, you were mesmerized by him. The way his dark hair framed his features, you didn’t realize how long it had gotten over the months. You wondered if you could tie it back with a hair tie if you tried. 
He had a small scar under his eye. You once asked him how he got it, expecting some cool story of his rising years in BTS, and remembered how he grinned as he explained Taehyung literally threw a video game controller at his face in a more intense session of Mario Kart. 
Your eyes traveled down his face, taking note of the small mole just under his full bottom lip. His lips were.. 
“Ow!” Jungkook yelped, jerking his hand away as you bit down. Namjoon and Jin turned to the commotion as Jungkook demanded, “Why did you bite me?”
“Because you’re an idiot,” you sneered—your displeasure written on your face despite the swelling in your cheeks. 
Jungkook looked at you shocked, “What’d I do?” he demanded, offended. 
“You kissed me, then ran off and played mobster for a week.” 
Jungkook blanched at your accusation, “Y/N,” he warned, looking pointedly at their two spectators. 
But it was too late; the fog in your mind had cleared, and your emotional dam had cracked as the last effects of your pain pill had worn off. Your eyes teared up; all the sadness, confusion, and insecurity of the past week without him converted itself into a rage as you leaned to shove him away from you. 
“When you said you wanted to take your time with me, I didn’t think you meant texting me back.” 
Jin choked on his drink at the accusation, and Jungkook had the decency to look ashamed for ghosting you. He opened his mouth to apologize when Jimin burst into the doorway. 
“I bought popsicles!” He announced in a sing-song voice as he entered the room. “What's wrong? Did Namjoon make you cry?” Jimin asked at the sight of your disheveled state. 
Namjoon argued the accusation as you blinked up at Jimin, your eyelashes still clumped with tears. 
“I want to go home.” You said in lue of a response. 
Jimin’s smile faltered as he looked between you and Jungkook, who still sat on the floor. Then turning to Jin and Namjoon for a better read of the room, Jin gave a subtle nod, and with that confirmation, Jimin didn’t hesitate to stoop and grab your things off the coffee table, dropping them in the grocery bag of popsicles. 
“I love a good sleepover. Can you walk, princess?” His words were bright and bubbly, dismissing his distressed brother, who sat silently on the floor. 
You nodded with a sniffle, working yourself into a standing position. Jin handed Jimin all of your medications that were already sorted neatly into a pill divider by Jungkook earlier that day. 
With a quick smile and a wave of farewell to the others, Jimin led you out to his car with no questions asked. 
“I’ll get your medication schedule from Jungkook later; you don’t have to worry about a thing,” Jimin assured as you both buckled in. 
You didn’t want to talk about it once you got home and settled on your bed, and Jimin didn’t push; he could infer what had upset you from what he observed at the bakery this past week or the lack of what he saw. 
Jimin had noticed the way you walked in, beaming as bright as the sun the day after the kiss. And how it faltered slightly after Jungkook came in for a quick rendezvous in the supply closet. He watched as your smile faded completely and insecurity ate your good spirit up as the week went on, silent on his end. 
Jimin wasn't one to medal in his friend's business. That’s a lie. He’s a no-good busy body. But in this case, in particular, Jimin was careful not to push; he was aware of the delicacy of the situation and how much stress Jungkook was under at the moment. But the way he had completely ghosted you this past week made him want to grab his friend by the ear and drag him to your house to apologize. If Jimin had any clue the choices for picking you up from your wisdom teeth removal were between himself and his shit head of a friend, Jimin would have left the lab to burn without a second thought. Research be damned.  
Four short days later, you found yourself returning to a sense of normalcy as you unlocked the entrance to Sugar Daddy. You were granted a soft open, thank heavens, and only had to come in at 6 am, but even after nearly 5 days of nothing, but sleep you found yourself yawning as you battled with the key. 
“Jimin,” you called as you entered the dark shop, surprised to see the front cabinets were empty, and the air smelled of baking bread instead of the sweets that were usually in the oven by now.
He must have been running behind schedule. 
You hope he didn’t stay up too late after checking in on you yesterday evening. Then, your worry shifted to guilt at the thought that you might have interrupted his evening routine. He had sacrificed so much of his personal time to come and check on you and keep you company between shifts. 
“Jimin?” You called, making your way to the kitchen, relieved to see the ovens were at least running. A quick scan of the kitchen showed no sign of your co-worker, but the counters were messy for Jimin’s work, and for a second, you wondered if you misread the schedule. 
That's when you noticed the door open in the back. 
It was a solid metal door labeled maintenance. You had no clue what was behind it but never bothered to ask because it was never open. 
You made your way towards it cautiously, one voice in your head reminding you, you were in a bakery and would be fine, and the other taunting you that you were in a gangster bakery and to always be prepared for surprises. 
Your heart pounded its way up to your throat as you approached the cracked door, careful to make your footsteps quiet as possible. 
You gasped in shock as Jimin appeared in your line of vision, cracking the door open a little wider to see you. 
“Jimin, you scared the shit out of me,” you breathed one hand on your chest. His mouth quirked into a small smile that seemed to say, ‘my bad.’ “What are you wearing?” You questioned the thick gloves and safety goggles on his head.
Jimin grimaced. 
“It’s personal protection equipment,” he started to explain. 
“Yes, I know what PPE,” you said with a roll of our eyes. You had worn the equipment plenty of times in your chemistry labs in college, “Why are you dressed like your about to go to the lab?” you questioned. 
Jimin grinned sheepishly, “Because you’re in my lab?” he offered as an explanation. 
Jimin thought your eyes might bulge out of their sockets as you pushed past him and took in the intensive research lab behind the metal door. 
It makes sense given the dimensions of the building. You guess the kitchen didn’t quite fit it, but you were still shocked and showed a little bit of fear of working amid explosives all this time. 
Everything was starting to make sense; this is what the gangster bakery was hiding. You thought back to the chemistry books you saw in Jin’s office, and the odd hours Jimin always seemed to be working. 
“How do you even know how to do all this?” You asked, a little in awe as you took in the different devices that lined the walls, and the bubbling beakers along the counters. 
Jimin smiled ruefully, “I’ve always had a natural talent for it. Some people work well with numbers or orders. For me, it’s chemicals that connect the world and make it the way it is,” he explained bashfully. 
“Yeah, but do you Google how to make bombs and just go for it, or did someone teach you?” You asked. 
Jimin tilted his head as if contemplating his answer before he turned back the beakers, turning down the flames and scribbling down a few notes. 
“It’s a bit of a long story. We should probably talk in the kitchen,” Jimin offered in response as he finished whatever it was he was doing and made his way back to the bakery.  
It was quiet as you both set to work unloading the baked goods out of the ovens and putting them on the cooling rack. Jimin grabbed a tray of cookies ready to be iced and handed you a piping bag with a smile. 
“Just glaze them. They don't need to be pretty,” 
You rolled your eyes before snatching the bag from him and starting to carefully trace the perimeter of the oval-shaped sugar cookies, laying down a base coat for Jimin to later design. 
“I was kind of a protege back in the day,” he offered, finally breaking the silence. “Ya know, the small-town country kid who was good at math and science. I got accepted in some big STEM boarding school in East Alcor; I was surrounded by students who wanted to cure cancer or end climate change. Some really inspired me, but most were my rivals. The program was competitive, we were constantly pinned against each other for performance reviews. They would do a big review, lots of tests, and a research presentation at the end of the year. I was 16, and working on a thesis. If you didn’t do well you got cut and sent home. I didn’t want to disappoint my family like that. I couldn’t stand the thought of not being enough, so I became too much.” He said with a shrug. 
He stayed quiet, and for a moment the two of you just focused on icing the cookies as you gave him space to gather his thoughts and decide whether or not to tell you more. 
You glanced up and met his gaze. Then, saw the invitation to ask, “How did you end up in BTS?” 
You waited for his face to fall, for the deep sadness that brought him here to surface as it did for Taehyung or Hoseok any time you asked about their pasts.
But Jimin smiled a crooked little smile that was better classified as a smirk as he started talking. “I wanted to set myself apart from the others, and as I said, chemistry came naturally to me. I knew that I could make something big. Have some kind of breakthrough if I had enough time, so I broke into the labs at night to work on my own research for my second year. The goal was to create a more isolated explosive that you could control or manipulate for small-scale construction projects or even disaster relief.” He explained. 
You swallowed nervously, able to predict where this was going. 
“It’s kinda handy if you think about it. Especially in Alcor, where construction and development happen so quickly, it would be an easy way to clear roads or old districts with mostly vacant buildings.” he continued, and you admired how his eyes lit up in excitement. It was work he was passionate about, proud to talk about. Somehow calling him an arsonist like most of the inner circle referred to him as seemed like an oversimplification of all he was capable of. He was a chemist and a visionary. 
“So, what happened?” You prompted, wanting to keep him on track. As much as you would love to discuss his passions, the bakery did open in less than an hour. 
This time Jimin’s face did fall, “I made a miscalculation, and it blew up in my face. Literally. I almost lost my arm from the impact of the explosion,” he paused for a second, worming his arm out of his shirt to show a band of wicked scarring along his left shoulder and down his arm. 
You gaped at the brutal injury. By the look of the scarring, the burn wasn’t treated or healed properly. It hadn’t occurred to you until now that Jimin wore exclusively long sleeve shirts. Only rolling up his sleeves to a portion of his forearm where the thinner scars could be dismissed, especially compared to the stark tattoo on his inner forearm. 
“And the school lost half an entire wing of the building. So naturally, I was sent to juvie.”  
“So you joined a gang in a juvenile detention center?” You asked in disbelief. 
At the accusation, Jimin laughed. “Technically, yes, it’s pretty brutal in there. But not BTS. Namjoon got word of some mad scientist sent to juvie and thought it sounded like a waste of potential. So he sent Taehyung there, who posed as a prisoner, my roommate actually, and he offered me a way out. I could take the tattoo, and they would get me out, and I would have a lab to work on all my passion projects as long as I did some jobs for them. The bakery came to be a few years later, and I just really liked the pace of life here.” He said with a shrug. 
You imagined Jimin and Taehyung together. The two always seemed thick as thieves—a friendship born of pure mischief.  But friendship, aside you could see the ambition clear as day in Jimin’s eyes. 
You couldn't keep the disbelief off your face, “You never wanted to go back to school, continue your research?” You asked incredulously.
Jimin frowned, setting down his icing bag with a sigh, “I ruined myself when I broke into that lab after hours. I put students sleeping in the dorms at risk. I violated a million different school policies. I was a few months out from turning 18 and being truly convicted for the crimes I committed. Even so, juvie ruined me. I would never get accepted into a college or a research program, my work as a scientist wouldn’t be respected because of the boundaries I pushed when I was young. But even if I would have been pardoned, breaking out of jail and escaping like that is unforgivable. There was a warrant out for my arrest for nearly a year before they tossed it up and filed me as a missing person. I ruined my future myself, but Namjoon and the others breaking me out was the final seal in my coffin. It took away my chance of living any kind of quiet life.” 
You frowned, disturbed by Jimin’s words. Hoseok once described taking the BTS tattoo as both a target and a shield. RM had given Jimin safety but also made him entirely dependent upon him to receive it. 
You shivered as you realized the parallels in your situations. 
If you were caught treating and practicing on gang members in your home, you could lose your chance of ever becoming a licensed doctor. It was a detail you didn’t dwell on very often, but you could only hope you could make it through this encounter with BTS, provide your services and pass through the gang unscathed.
 And once you graduated and were an actual doctor, then what? 
You were quite the rest of the morning as you finished opening the bakery. Your thoughts cycling in the same nerve-wracking spiral of “what ifs?”
You were left to close the bakery alone. 
Which you didn’t mind at all. While the tasks were mundane, they kept you busy enough to keep you from dwelling too hard on negative thoughts. But, more importantly, it kept you from dwelling on Jeon Jungkook and the absolute fool you made of yourself by biting him like a feral animal instead of talking out your feelings like a normal person.
You came to peace with the fact that while fun, a romantic relationship with Jeon Jungkook was mostly a bad idea. He would distract you from school, and you were collateral on his end. Nothing but a big fat target to be used against him, and you decided after being trailed down an ally so many months ago that the damsel in distress was not your vibe. 
You tried to logic away from your genuine feelings behind the kiss. You were both stressed and recovering from a life-threatening situation. That kiss was a comfort and a distraction for both of you, and it was the distraction you needed at the moment. The physical touch and spark of desire were what kept you from totally falling apart when you went home that evening. The memory of his touch was a break of light that soothed away the nightmares of the shooting the day before. 
You were prepared for Jungkook to say he wasn’t interested and tell him the feeling was mutual. 
You were working on closing the shop and losing the don’t-think-of-Jeon-Jungkook game when the doorbell rattled, and a group of men entered the bakery. You were five minutes from closing, and while this wasn’t out of the ordinary, you weren’t thrilled with your quiet evening being interrupted by a group of rowdy customers. Especially when you already packed up most of the pastries in the back. 
Taking a second look at the men, you felt weary and wondered if they were members of BTS coming in for a late meeting Jimin forgot to tell you about. They were all tall and broad-shouldered, most sported several tattoos, and they had a look that made you feel uneasy. Not only did they intimidate you, but their expressions looked like they wanted to intimidate you. 
But your panic quickly softened as you locked eyes with a familiar face. 
“Marcus!” You greeted with delight. 
Your usual, Marcus was a quiet guy who often came to the bakery to people watch throughout the day. The two of you have had a handful of conversations over the months, all surface-level banter. Still, you always enjoyed his presence. Aside from that one time he and V got into a weird pissing contest, Marcus had never made you uncomfortable or feel unsafe. 
The fact that he might have brought his friends here for a late-night snack put you almost at ease. 
“You're in luck, most of the pastries are put up, but I think we have a few lemon bars in the back.” You offered, knowing they were his favorite. 
“I’m not here for lemon bars,” he answered with a sneer,
Your smile faltered as two men made their way towards you, passing the counter and heading for the kitchen. 
“Hey, you can't go back there!” You cried as one man called back with a gruff, ‘all clear.’
The depth of your situation sunk in as Marcus pushed open the door, and a handsome Korean man in a well-tailored suit made his way into the bakery and locked the door behind him. 
“Miss L/N, I was hoping for the chance to speak with you,” he said with a smirk. 
What little emergency response training you got for your job kicked in through your panic. 
‘Don’t fight back, just comply,’ you told yourself fiercely. 
“Look sir, yesterday was bank day, so there isn’t much money in the till; I’ll give you everything we have,” you started to barter as you reached the register.
Your hand scrambled beneath the counter, feeling for the emergency button that would alert Yoongi or an Army about the break-in. 
“I’m not here for your money. I’m here to talk to you.” The man said with a nice, calm smile. 
“You came packing pretty heavy if all you want is a conversation.” You stalled as you pressed the panic button one last time before forcing yourself to keep your hands by your side so that you wouldn’t give yourself away. 
One of the bodybuilders from the kitchen stalked towards you behind the counter, grabbing your arm and leading you out from behind the wall of safety. 
“This will go a lot smoother if you don’t resist.” The man chided. 
You begrudgingly complied, realizing it would be safest if you played along for now. Help was on its way and you were outnumbered by dangerous and potentially armed men. You just needed to buy some time. 
You soon found yourself manhandled into one of the cafe chairs while the man in the suit stood over you, arms crossed. The position required you to tilt your head and look up at him to see his face, and he looked smug at the submissive position. Nevertheless, he held himself with the kind of confidence that told you he was used to getting his way and getting people to listen to him. 
“It’s on record that you’ve gotten close with the inner circle of the gang BTS” he started, though the tone sounded more like an accusation than an observation. 
You stayed silent, making an effort to keep your expression cool, maybe even bored, not wanting to give away your feelings on the situation. 
He sighed after a moment before continuing, “I’ll get to the point Y/N, BTS is dangerous. More dangerous than you think. In fact, you probably have no idea what games they’re playing or what risk you’re putting yourself at by owing them money.” 
You tried to keep your face impassive at the bit of knowledge he had about you. 
“I don’t even know what their plans are. But I’m not going to ask you to stay away from them. I need you to stay close to them, find out what their plans are, and give me that information.” It wasn’t a request as much as a demand. 
Up to this point, you had sat uncomfortably in the chair, your palms down flat on your thighs, scared that any sudden movements would lead to you being seriously injured, but the tide in the conversation turned as you realized he needed you in his corner to further whatever weird motive he was working towards. You took a moment to cross your legs, making yourself get comfortable, hoping he couldn’t see the way your hands trembled as you interlock your fingers and perched them atop your knee. 
You thought back to the time you asked V what a spy entailed being, and he told you he often let himself get caught in the act because he had a talent for making interrogations against him work for him. The rule was never to give them your power, always hold yourself with a bit of confidence and control and never let them see you scramble for answers. It unnerves them, and as long as you complied and didn’t give a reason for the interrogation to get too violent, you could walk out with your own information. 
Of course, there was the inevitable beating at the end, and you were hoping to skip that part. 
You let your eyes travel over the man's body in a once-over, allowing your expression to look unimpressed, “I don’t even know who you are. Why would I help you?” You asked, keeping your tone light. 
The man smiled, “Who I am doesn’t matter. What matters is that BTS is nothing but a bunch of no good criminals, and they tarnish and corrupt this city more and more every day. They think they have some kind of power over it.” He finished with a hiss, his distaste obvious.
“BTS doesn’t trust me as much as you think they do, your sources are wrong, and I’m not risking my neck for some white knight attempt to take down the gang that runs half the west side.” You deflected. 
“They don’t run half-” 
“Shut it.” The man in the suit hissed at the balding henchmen to the left of you. 
You looked over to him, interested by the apparent bias, the bit of pride in the balding man’s eyes. You hit a tender spot with that comment, and you could only think of one group of people who would care that much about an exaggeration of BTS’s power. He was with the BlackTips. You don’t know how or why the Korean man in front of you was affiliated with him, you doubted he was the leader of the stereotypical Irish gang, but somehow he influenced the group of men in this room. 
“Enough lies. I know how close you are to BTS, and I know you’re the only person they trust enough to help me take them down. So help me, Y/N. Help me rid this city of the horrors of this gang, and I will pay off your debt to BTS, and I will make your dreams come true.” He promised. 
You couldn’t hold back the laugh that escaped you, “You sound like a cliche villain right now trying to lure me to the dark side. Make my dreams come true,” you mocked, “You know nothing about me or my dreams.” 
His eyes darkened, and one of the henchmen inched their way a little closer to you. You felt a bead of sweat drip down your back; for a moment, you forgot the danger of the situation you were in, but in that slight movement by the balding man, your reality came crashing in. Where the fuck was Yoongi in the others? You could feel your time slipping.
“I know that you want to be a doctor. And you would do anything to become one, even doing something as reckless as borrow money from a gang leader and risk your license before you even get it. I can pay your debt and ensure your spot in the program. I can have you starting your residency this summer, even.” He offered with a smile. 
“That’s impossible. I don’t even have my masters yet,” you corrected. 
“Is it? You’ve never heard of a grad student with the right connections start their residency at the university hospital a year early?” He prompted, leaning back against a table to seem casual and give you space. He was trying to win you over. 
He was right, it wasn’t unheard of, but it was a position of privilege possible for third-generation doctors or ones with a lot of money.
“I’m on the board of directors for Alcor University Hospital. I could make this happen for you,” he promised with a smile. 
And for a second, to your shame, you paused and considered. All your hard work, paying off. Your chance of becoming a doctor expedited so you can start your training nearly two years early, getting that much closer to getting your licensing. 
The man in the suit’s eyes gleamed as he saw your hesitation, your ambition. 
You let yourself fantasize for one more moment before making a promise to yourself that if you were going to do it, you would do it your way. You wanted your title to be earned by you and you alone. All your hard work would be for nothing if someone let you cheat the rest of the way through. 
You tilted your head in mock consideration, sucking your teeth and making that ‘tisk’ sound that used to set your dad off growing up. Of course, it hurt your still healing mouth, but by the way the man’s eyes flared as you cooed, “Not interested.” You knew it had the desired effect. 
The man in the suit composed himself and smirked as he pushed off the table, “I have to respect your loyalty to them, but it is a pity-” he said with a shake of his head. 
“It’s not loyalty to BTS,” you corrected, “Maybe I’m just not interested in working for a guy who brings big scary men along to intimidate me into taking the world’s shittiest job offer.” 
This is where you immediately question your decisions. Before, he was tolerant to you because he needed you, but you just clearly rejected his offer. So now he had no reason to play nice.
You were seriously pushing your luck. 
“We’ll see, until next time Y/N, boys... you know what to do.” He ordered as he made his way out. 
You didn’t know how to process the need to roll your eyes at this man’s seemingly rehearsed cheesy supervillain one-liners and the fear that spiked through you at what his henchmen ‘knew what to do.’ It resulted in a confused flutter of your lashes before one man picked up a chair and threw it at the glass display, shattering it. 
You cried out in shock as he picked up another chair to repeat the task. 
Frantic to stop him, you grabbed for his arm. Effortlessly, he shook you off, and you lost your footing, falling to the ground. Pain erupted through your head-turning your vision white as your jaw slammed into your own shoulder at the impact. 
When your vision cleared, you could see the three men and Marcus working on wrecking the bakery—tearing apart the display cases and wall that held baskets for the bread. You flinched back as the thousand-dollar espresso machine crashed to the ground littering espresso beans all over the floor. 
You had to get out of there, suddenly terrified they would use the ovens to burn the place down. 
You got up, quickly making a break for the kitchen where the back exit was. 
“Hey, someone grab her!” You heard Marcus shout as you made it through the swinging doors. You turned, adrenaline aiding you as you pulled the bakers rack by the doors in front of them, hoping the slight obstacle would slow them down and keep them from following you out into the alleyway. 
You raced for the exit, pushing on the door, your momentum reverberating back up your arms as it did not budge. You shoved again, a sob of panic escaping you as you realized you already locked up the back earlier when closing. And your keys were behind the counter with your phone. 
You were trapped, and if BTS wasn’t here by now, then no one was coming to save you. 
An idea came to you as the baking rack fell to the ground as the intruders shoved against the kitchen doors. But it still managed to block the doors from opening fully. So you got a few more moments of safety as they fumbled to push through your shitty barricade. 
You raced across the kitchen to the maintenance door, moving to punch the code in. You couldn’t believe it was just this morning when you found Jimin in his lab, and he gave you this very code. 
With a shout of victory, you turned and saw two of the men squeeze their way into the kitchen, dragging the baker’s rack with them. 
“Nowhere to run,” the balding man sneered right as you submitted the pin. 
There was a momentary delay before the lock processed the code and unlocked the door for you. In that time, the balding man charged forward. You had enough time to crack the door open enough for your body to slip in and grab the first device on the table. 
You sent up a prayer begging that the canister in your hand wasn’t an explosive as you pulled the trigger and tossed it into the kitchen, slamming the lab door shut behind you and bracing yourself for the boom. 
You heard the man shout in shock and a faint but familiar hissing sound on the other side of the door. Soon Marcus and the others were crying out in surprise as you listened to the pressurized canister release gas into the kitchen. 
You glanced at the counter beside you, seeing a row of the canisters twin to the one you launched in the kitchen, lining the countertop in a neat line. Next to it was the beaker Jimin was working with this morning. A cure to the effect of the smoke, he had explained. While you can build up a tolerance to the gas, he realized after your encounter with the smoke that some civilians and witnesses may need an immediate cure to cooperate and keep their memories for interrogations. 
You grabbed one of the viles, tipping back what you hoped was a safe dose in your mouth, and grabbed a rag tying it around your face for good measure. You had one option, hide behind this door and wait it out. 
‘It’ being the intruders getting bored of waiting for you and running off or for someone in BTS to come to your rescue.
 Or you could fight your way out. 
The risk of them using the ovens to burn down the bakery wasn’t one you were willing to take now that the chances were in your favor. 
And while you couldn’t take two men, much less four, in a fight on your own. When they’re dizzy and have their vision impaired from the gas, you knew you could take them if Jimin’s cure worked. You knew the layout of this kitchen like the back of your hand; you knew you could navigate your way around it and weaponize what was in it. 
And you like your chances.
A/N: This bitch really said I have the power of God and anime on my side.
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birthofvcnus · 5 years
Who's ruining idols careers ??
Han Seo Hee, a random ass woman who’s also a convicted drug dealer, apparently bitch has always wanted to be famous/an idol but she’s talentless so she chose to become famous by spreading fake rumors about idols and ruining their careers 🤡 she just forced monsta x’s wonho to leave the group due to horrible rumors abt his past 🤡
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