#edi replies
Y’all alive?
No. -edi
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untherapized-eddie · 1 month
what did edy do? i’m very new to fandom so I’m really sorry if this has been talked to death but i definitely don’t want to catch myself supporting or celebrating an awful person!!!
it's has been talked about a lot in fandom but i'll give you the scoop! the main things are she posted this transphobic meme and then a non-apology apology story:
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she never did a live though or ever apologized further or made it clear that she even understood why it was hurtful
and then like 6 weeks ago she responded to this comment on one of her instagram reels about turning "straight characters gay" and she almost certainly knew at that point about the bi buck storyline so it just made her response all the more upsetting. i believe she also deleted all the negative comments on that reel calling her out.
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that's the main stuff. i think she's had a couple other posts that people thought might be transphobic "only women can be women" kind of stuff too but nothing as overt as that first one.
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queenimmadolla · 9 months
How do you think wayne would play with penny or places theyd go when he has her for a week?
how do you think hed spend quality time with her and engage with her interests? Especially when baby wayne is older? ❤❤
Grandpa Wayne has to make sure his little penny doesn’t feel like she’s being forgotten (even though you and Eddie ensure she's not, nor does she feel like it).
Wayne has very minimal experience with kids. When he got custody of Eddie, he was already an older kid. So I imagine, he’s about the same as he was with Eddie, only he’s aware Penny needs more monitoring. Takes her to the park; when she learns how to walk, he lets her toddle around, toddling alongside her to explore the area and get her energy out, sits on the bench that overlooks the pond with Penny on his lap, sipping his coffee while she munches on a donut and drinks her chocolate milk. And he’ll feed the ducks with her. They’re very comfortable with each other, and Penny seems to understand the difference between her parents and her grandpa, any rambunctiousness disappears when she’s with him. He’s a very peaceful individual so she feels at peace with him. And he doesn’t do baby talk, he talks to her like he’s talking to anyone else, if not a little more gentle.
He’ll take her out for breakfast and lunch to Benny’s diner. Like the park outings, it becomes one of their special things. She chatters about everything and anything she thinks about and he amuses her, adding in his two cents and opinions as he helps her eat her food so she doesn’t make too big of a mess.
She’ll even go to the movies with him and Maude, she’s a very good girl when she’s with them, doesn’t misbehave and it helps that they’re always getting her what she wants. She’s not a very demanding toddler when it comes to materialistic things, doesn’t want every toy she sees or anything like that, but they let her do a little more stuff than Reader and Eddie would readily do, simply because they have more experience than them when it comes to parenting, especially Maude. So while you and Eddie hesitated to allow her to eat popcorn—scared to death she’d choke on a kernel—Wayne and Maude allow her, because they understand how a gag reflex works and Maude knows how to dislodge an obstruction from a child’s throat, and she knows the Heimlich maneuver but that day, thankfully, never comes.
When she spends the night with them, it’s a movie night catered entirely to her interests. She’ll cuddle up to her grandpa, belly full of a bottle and some homemade ravioli Maude had cooked her at her request.
And she loves running errands with them so Wayne likes to take her everywhere he goes. He gets a lot of compliments from everyone about how cute she is, and he loves being able to vent about his grandbaby.
He’ll let her perform her little dance routines for him (they’re terrible and set to music that doesn’t at all go with it, just the latest song she’s heard on the radio or heard you humming, maybe something metal that Eddie had played), joins her at the table when she’s drawing or painting (though he’ll usually read a book, he just likes to be present for her), takes her fishing, to the Indianapolis Zoo.
And as she gets bigger, the bonding becomes even more reoccurring, he’s retired and she can do more than she could when she was a toddler. The only change is that his namesake tags along, neither one of his grand babies ever feels left out and once they get into the kid phase of life, they’ve got an attachment to one another—even if they do fight—so if one goes somewhere, they insist the other come too, and their sibling dynamic continues wherever they go.
He’s there for every, recital, competition, game, etc. a very good gruncle Wayne 🥹
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other-mush · 11 months
Hello! Just wanted to say thank you for the lovely Stoneheart art! It's so rare to find any!
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Hello, thank you so much! Stoneheart is one of my favorite books. I don't know why there are so few fanarts...
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Hallo, Alan?
This is probably very creepy but- I saw you recently and I thought you were pretty cute!
- Edie Mimi Pride ♡
Hallo, Edie!
Not creepy at all! I’m rather flattered, honestly, especially coming from a sweet lady such as yourself!
Thank you for the lovely letter~ I hope you’re well!
-Alan <3
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ghostarchived · 1 year
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themagical1sa · 1 year
stop imposing your culture on us you fucking indio
Okay, Filipino history lesson time!
"Indio" was what the Spanish colonizers used to call the indigenous people of the Philippines.
Interestingly, the demonym "Filipino" was used on Spanish residents in the archipelago (no wonder words like mestizo/mestiza was invented for Spanish people who were also of native Filipino descent -- like actual native in the archipelago Filipino).
Unfortunately, however, due to the mistreatment and abuse of the native indigenous and lack of their education (and the seemingly systematic effort of not giving opportunities for their education), indio went from a descriptor for natives to a word that meant you are a native and are also stupid/uneducated/ignorant. The word has been recognized as a derogatory slur against native Filipinos since.
Why am I sharing this information?
This is my blog and I do what I like on it, duh. /j /lh
I'm a Filipino and I've been called "indio" several times, actually. I also happen to have learned the socio-historical context during 6th grade Araling Panlipunan (Tagalog: Social Science).
I'm sharing my culture because I love every part of it, even the generationally-traumatizing parts. I've also made it personal point to share it however and whenever I can.
Schooling a hate anon was on my bucket list, so... mission accomplished, achievement unlocked 😂🖒
Anyways, last word of advice, anon:
Mayroon pong tinatawag na ✨ Block button ✨. Wala itong bayad at epektibo sa pampatanggal ng kunganuman na hindi mo gusto. Hindi mo kinailangang mag-send ng ask na gan'to. May nalalaman ka pang indio, eh wala naman akong ginagawang masama sa iyo 💀 Sana ok ka lang
[Tagalog: there is what we call a ✨ Block button ✨. It has no price and is effective in removing whatever you don't like. You didn't have to send an ask like this. You even went as far as learning what indio is, but I haven't even done anything wrong to you 💀 I hope you're ok]
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njwinterquartz · 2 months
Okay I’m really really pissed off at Marisol’s actress (Edy).
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Because like she knew that Buck was coming out as Bi or at least was gonna date a man. Unless they filmed this after she liked and replied to the homophobic comment saying “stop trying to turn straight characters gay you freaks”. But even then use some fucking brain cells see how that comment is homophobic and disrespects the writers, crew, and cast. It doesn’t matter if they’re like “don’t lose hope to these losers”, you do not respond to comments like this. It doesn’t matter how you meant it, or if you’re “really not that person in real life and people don’t really know you”. Any impression you make on the internet is how people who don’t know you will view you. Plus this is a pattern in behavior so she gets no slack or benefit of the doubt.
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Me: Yeah I like Mass Effect a normal amount.
Also Me: Did EDI know that she was going to die? Did she see the possibility, one of a thousand simulations, subroutines running like dreams in the back of her mind? Did she tell Jeff? Or did she feel the Crucible wave catching up to the ship as it was happening, feel its hungry claws reaching for her synthetic synapses, her circuitboard heart? Did they get to say goodbye? Was there time for her to give him a message? Say Thank You, Jeff, I'll always remember you, Jeff, Jeff, I love you- Or did he look over, start calling her name, only to see the blank shell of what used to be his love? Did they hold a funeral for her? Bury her body in the foreign earth of a planet scorched by the heat of their crashing ship (her true form)? Did he ask Shepard afterwards? Did he ask her if she knew, knew what would happen when she made that choice? Did she reply? Did she tell the truth, or lie, her tongue burning like a thousand suns because she is too far broken, too cracked with guilt and grief, to force herself to risk another? Kaiden, Ashley, Mordin, Thane, Miranda, Anderson, EDI - surely another would destroy her beyond repair, so does she lie? Does she crush yet more bodies beneath her boots, saying No Jeff, I would never-
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Have you considered making your own blog for Baldur's Gate 3 dirty confessions since someone sent an ask about Astarion a while back?
I already made one! @dirtybg3confessions
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all-things-fic · 11 months
Jealous Guy / A Quarantine Harry interlude
A/N: Hey everyone…. Long time, no writing. Hope you are all okay? You’ll have seen from the odd ask that I’ve mentioned this one being in my google docs getting dusty. Genuinely I feel that it’s been giving me a mental block on writing anything else, and I think it was because I really thought there should be an element of smut. Re-reading it, that isn’t the case at all.
Happy reading! Speak soon x
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He was panicked.
Trembling hands unknowing what to do.
Exhausted of any other option that he once relied upon.
Options that had previously worked. Options that were now failing him quicker than they ever had. 
This time his eight-month baby girl was having none of it. Changing a nappy and gently rocking, no longer seemed to work. She was upset and she was letting him and the entire house know it. 
“Be good for Daddy, Edie,” he hushed, a quick whisper mumbled against her temple. “‘M trying my best.”
Harry leaned his body back slightly as he turned his attention to trying to remove the lid of the baby bottle with one hand. 
Usually she was good for him. The handful of times that he had done any sort of thing - a night feed or shift here or a nappy change there - she had nuzzled into his bare chest and drifted off once more. 
The problem was those handful of times had been when she was tiny. And things changed. He hated admitting it to himself but he felt he didn’t know his daughter. The seven month old that he held so securely to him now felt worlds away from the tiny baby whose curled up legs barely reached his belly button when she was first placed to his chest. 
He hissed a ‘yes’ as the bottle lid finally gave way, popping off from the teet and allowing him to clasp the bottle. A relief flowed through him as he found confidence to shift his daughter in his arms.
“‘S coming, baby,” he opted for a gentle tone. 
Laying on your back, you stared at the ceiling of your bedroom and slowly blinked. Cries and grizzles had been non-stop for over thirty minutes now and as much as you loved a trier - and there was no bigger one than Harry - your fingers twitched to offer some form of help no longer wanting to hear the distress. 
You knew it would be a tumultuous line to cross. One that he would either be grateful for, or one that would create the faintest amount of resentment. 
Trying not to dwell on your thoughts, you pulled back the bedsheet atop your frame and exited your bedroom. 
As you rounded the doorframe, you caught Harry with his head rolled back on his neck and face looking up towards the ceiling. It was a picture you had found yourself in many times in the early stages, a level of exasperation radiating off him that could be felt by you from over the other side of the room.
Staying silent as you rested, your eyes took in the way he presented your daughter her feed. His movements were forced, but not forceful, his hand quick to pull away the item each time her tiny hands pushed and pulled at the plastic intrusion.
“We’re not playing, Edie,” Harry said, a hefty sigh rocking through his upper body and over the words.
“She isn’t,” you replied for your daughter. 
The sound of your voice had him raising his tired eyes to look at you. While his stare lingered, you noticed it seemed void of any care, almost too lost in logical thought to slow himself down rather than quickly complete the interaction with his first born like a task (of many) on a list. 
“Here, let me show you how.” 
You slowly pulled yourself away from the doorframe, movement tentative as you approached them both. Gently, you lifted your hand and placed it to the top of your daughter's head, stroking at her hair.
Harry’s body was stockstill as you lifted her tiny body and felt the soft trembles rock through her body from her subsiding distress. If your eyes hadn’t been so taken by your baby, you would have been able to see the dejected expression that laced Harry’s features as he noticed the way she began to soften when in your hold. 
Taking on a rocking motion almost immediately, you looked on as Harry loosely held the bottle of milk towards you. You easily took the item from his faint grip, feeling zero resistance. Turning the teat to your daughter, you gently let it rest at her pouty lips. 
It didn’t matter that you were mostly fading this out now for solids, not when she needed comfort. 
“You need to let her take it when she’s ready,” you softly spoke, voice barely a whisper. “She’ll know when she wants it.” 
Folding his arms across his chest, Harry made his barrier as he set his eyes on the relaxing face of his pride and joy. He took in the motions of your hand as you gently stroked the teet at her mouth and watched it drop open slightly to suckle. 
“Sometimes if you let her know it’s there, she’ll do the rest,” you kept your eyes down as you addressed Harry, waiting for her chubby hand to join yours in holding the bottle. “She does this thing if she takes my boob where she nuzzles first and finds my nipple herself.”
Soft eyes looked up at you with a pique of enquistism. 
“Yeah, you do, don’t you?” you heard the way your voice lifted as her small hand clasped against yours as you felt a smile lift at your mouth. “And when she’s grabbing, she’s not playing,” you flicked your eyes up towards Harry who stood quietly watching your exchange. You turned your eyes to Edie once more, “She holds it herself sometimes now, cause she’s clever. Aren’t you, Edie? Are you a clever girl for Mommy?”
Breathing deeply Harry found himself unable to continue taking in the two of you. 
“Shall we show Daddy how we do it?” You whispered, glancing again towards your husband. Harry took in the eagerness in your gaze but fell short of being able to match you. 
Why was he so incompetent? 
With downturned lips, he leant in to press a kiss to your bare shoulder from where your dressing gown had slightly fallen open. 
Feeling him move around you, you lifted your face to look at him. His body now slightly behind yours. 
“Stay,” you asked. 
“You’ve got it all in hand.”
Feeling his hand slip from your collar, you bowed your head as he walked away before raising it and looking at his retreating figure from over your shoulder. 
Watching her small body rise and fall with breath, you were confident enough that she was settled to slowly leave the room. Feet softly padded against the carpet, down the landing and back towards your bed.
You found yourself stilling in all movement when you saw his side of the bed still empty. With a soft frown gracing your brow, you quickly swiped up the baby monitor that sat at Harry’s bedside table and turned to walk downstairs.
You were able to make out the dull light that came from your kitchen, once you had walked through the rest of the house which was cloaked in darkness. It was there that you found your husband standing in almost pitch black, besides the light that sat in the extractor fan above your oven. 
Harry rested against the kitchen counter, presenting himself in a shape to you that had gone unnoticed due to your lack of closeness since the year prior. He would always be a kind of lanky that exuded he was partial of tripping over his own two feet, but he wore his impending Dad-bod in a way that acknowledged while he had been eating for two, he’d also been working out for two. 
You noted his nose rested against the lip of his trusty mug, most likely warm and filled with his favourite coffee. It was something he often did when in thought and you didn’t know if your presence would be welcomed once he came to.
Placing the baby monitor down to the kitchen counter caught his attention, his eyes peering at you across the barely lit room. The silence was deafening. 
“Everything okay?”
He hummed, tone flat. A short nod thrown in your direction as he took a sip of his drink and rolled his lips into his mouth to remove them of any moisture the drink had given them. 
“You should’ve gone back to bed.”
“So should you.”
You felt a wry smile lift at your lips. 
“‘M awake now. I’ll probably just go for m’run or summat,” he continued.
“It’s not even five.”
“Perfect time then, no one’ll be around to harass me.” 
He threw back the rest of his coffee, tilting his body slightly to place the mug in the empty sink behind him. 
Your eyes looked him over as he stroked at his face, heels of his palms rubbing - almost pressing - into his eyes. He was obviously frustrated.
“Like I’m doing right now, you mean.”
The sigh that left him was one filled with exasperation. “If that’s what you think,” he trailed off, right hand running over his mouth and his day or two old stubble.
You felt yourself close up at his response, the way he seemed dismissive of your comment. Your - or at least you thought - obvious concern. While you didn’t have the desire to fight, his energy was the reason you had come to the conclusion that you were nothing but an annoyance to him in the moment. 
The first you realised he had moved was when his hand rested gently at the curve of your waist. The slight pressure against your skin before he stiffly drew you to him. Lips at your hairline, his whisper of “go back to bed” seemed almost a figment of your imagination. 
Then he was gone and suddenly it felt cold.
His feet pounded the pavement as he reached up to fix the bud of his earphone once the voice of Aaron Bruno had started to fade.
The heave of his chest and the dryness of his throat were two of the main things that kept him going. Blood pumping and fatigue weighing down his legs, he felt his frustration heavily lace his limbs before soaring away into the dark London morning.
Street lamps were still lit, leaving him running with nothing but his shadow and mind racing with bitterness.
It sounded silly, and he was ashamed to admit it but the green-eyed monster within him had openly reared its head above the parapet and Harry felt it would take a lot to push it down once more.
A run usually cured him. Allowed him time to proceed. To realise how minute he really was in the world. 
The feeling of the damp air signalled that there would rain at some point, a feeling that would’ve once soothed his soul. Heart pumping out of his chest, reminding him of how alive he was. Not today. 
He felt bile rise up the back of his throat causing the harsh stamp of his feet to slow as he approached the wooded area of the street in which he ran. 
Body bent over, hands on his knees he threw up his morning coffee, spitting to try and remove the bitter taste from his mouth. Slowly raising to full height, hands now on his hips, Harry tried to catch his breath. 
Inhaling through his nose and out his mouth, the tremble of his lower lip threw him off guard. His throat thickened, his blinks quickened. Harsh swallow. Heels of his palm pressed against his eyes as he tried to hold it. 
Hands wiped down his face with a harsh pull, he looked up at the sky which had started to get lighter. Worry racked through him as his mind raced. Why was he crying? 
It was eerily quiet when he finally made it back home with a Gail’s Bakery brown paper back swinging at his side. He tried his hardest to not draw attention to his arrival, the palm of his hand encasing his keys entirely as he laid them gently on the sideboard next to the front door.
Toing his trainers off, one by one, his Nike socks padded against the wooden floors with a stealth that he welcomed. As he walked, he slowly paused in the doorway to the lounge. His eyes found you curled up on the sofa, your favourite throw cushion nestled in the space between your neck and shoulder.
In his silent watchfulness, he thought that there was no way you were comfortable. Surely not. Then he supposed your exhaustion may have gotten the better of you. 
With the bag still in hand, Harry approached you and gently placed it onto the coffee table. His hands reached behind you for the throw that had recently become an addition to the back of he sofa, there if ever the need for a quick baby cuddle struck. 
As the blanket hit your body, he noticed you move with such a sudden jolt it caused his neck to dart to the right to look at you. Owlish eyes, round and startled, looked back at him. Your right arm had moved upwards, almost to stop his gesture of covering you. His touch somewhat foreign to your recent memory. 
“Shit,” he abruptly whispered, more so to himself. “‘M sorry, I didn’t-“
His voice trailed off. Didn’t what? He didn’t mean to wake you? Didn’t mean to be a prick? 
Two sets of eyes stared at each other in silence. 
The tautness of your body slowly seemed to fade as you came to, Harry steadily lowering himself down to sit on the edge of the coffee table opposite, abandoning trying to cover you.
“What time is it?” 
The sound of your tired rasp made his shoulders sag. You really needed the rest, and he’d broken your slumber.
“Just after seven.”
“Must’ve really needed that run.”
Your comment was innocent, though it could’ve been taken snidely. He had been gone longer than he should’ve been.
“I got us breakfast.”
His words were woven with an unspoken peace offering. He felt guilt crawl inside him, slowly starting to eat away at the jealousy within. Selfish, selfish man. 
He couldn’t look you in the eye. The ticking of his jaw as he clenched it to fight the burn of his throat once more, at his silent deprecation, which would surely be seen as unjustified. 
“Bet you could use a shower first?”
He scoffed a laugh at your suggestion, a faint smile lifting at his lips. “Smell me all the way from over there, eh darlin’?”
The term of endearment warmed you. You felt yourself sink into the cushions beneath you. He was within reaching distance, nowhere near as far as the question would lead to believe. The literal meaning was nonsense, figuratively he had hit the nail on the head.
He chanced a glance at you. “Fancy comin’ wi’me?”
You strangely blushed at his offer, but faintly nodded your head. It felt odd to blush over such a simple request. You supposed part of you felt tension between you both and you appreciated his apparent desire to try and smooth things over. 
He stayed seated as you swung your legs out from underneath you and sat so that your right knee brushed against his. Standing, you felt the terracotta silk of your pyjamas brush your skin as you reached to sweep at his hair that was damp from a mixture of morning dew and perspiration. 
“Come on then,” you smoothly whispered, hand squeezing lightly at the curve of his shoulder. 
Slowly standing, Harry’s front awkwardly bumped into your back, his hand reaching for yours as a way to steady you both. 
His touch was clammy when your fingers slotted against his. The knowledge of such a thing calming any nervous edge that fizzled within your being as you led the two of you upstairs. 
Harry lingered on the landing as you walked into the bathroom, reaching into the shower to turn it on and let it warm. His feet tread lightly, trying to avoid the lone squeaky floorboard that haunted you both on night feeds. 
When he stepped inside he caught you leant over the bath, rearranging the bath toys and trinkets that were placed in a basket to the one corner.
As his eyes dropped to take you in, they noticed the one lone rubber duck that was sitting at your feet. Silently bending, Harry retrieved it before declaring himself in the room with a, “don’t forget ducky.”
You pressed your hand to your chest, taken aback by him being so close. It amused him, his expression alight for the first time over the last few hours. 
He watched as your eyes fell to the plastic duck, hand reaching out to take it from his grip. “This thing is the bane of my existence,” you admitted.
“You love it,” his voice was as hushed as yours. “Gets her to laugh every single time, without fail.”
That was one thing he could rely on that hadn’t changed during his time away. 
You noticed the slight downturn to his lips as he spoke, before turning to place the duck on the side. “You get in first,” you nudged him. “Let me go undress-“
“Do it here,” he paused, before softly asking “please?” when his hand reached up to brush your hair behind your shoulders. The back of his hand turned to smooth down the silky fabric before dexterous fingers slowly rolled at the buttons of your pyjama top, the two sides giving way. 
He bit away his smile as he felt you press his hand to your breast bone, spoiling the fun before the fabric gave way and revealed the swell of your breasts. You saw the way his bottom lip bounced ever-so-slightly when he let it go from the bite of his teeth to say, “Gonna need my hand back to get involved.”
You let it fall.
Harry quickly made use of it and pulled at the collar of his shirt to lift it up and over his head. His socks, shorts and underpants quickly followed only for him to cup his manhood to cover himself as he turned to walk under the warm spray of water.
Next, the silk of your garments satisfying slid down your skin, trousers easy to step out of and top aimlessly forgotten too.
From behind the glass shower door, you watched Harry close his eyes and willed the subconscious frown to relax from his brow. 
You stayed silent and looked on. He needed this moment. For the water to fall onto his taut muscles, to loosen and wash away whatever concerns that were weighing him down. 
There was something lingering under his skin and while part of you was determined to get it out of him, you knew for the benefit of you both it had to be on his terms. 
Opening the shower door, you stepped inside with Harry keeping himself turned away from you, the expanse of his back was impressive as he held his hands flat to the bathroom tiles and let his head hang forward. 
You lifted yourself onto your tip toes, arm wrapping around his front to steady yourself as you pressed your lips to the skin on his back.
In reply, he squeezed your hand. 
As expected the shower had been filled with awkward silences, lingering stares and fumbling feet as you moved around each other to bathe. Harry haa gotten out before you, roughly drying his body and hair before tip-toeing out to peep into Edie’s room. You only knew the last part cause you caught him slowly shutting the door when you left the bathroom underneath your own fluffy towel. 
“Fast as a rock,” his voice rumbled, confirming she was indeed still asleep. “I reckon we’ve got another two hours for us before she makes herself known.” 
You had softly smiled at his words at the time, not really knowing what to say. He gave you a small smile of his own, as he walked past you and mentioned something about flicking the kettle on as he made his way downstairs. 
The two of you were now laid out on the sofa, Harry on his back, legs accommodating you as you lay atop him. Crumbs from the pastries that you’d shared mingled with your skin and sprinkled the plates that sat on your coffee table. 
His hands were gently massaging at your shoulder blades as he sang under his breath to John Lennon’s ‘Jealous Guy’. The rumble of his chest was soothing, as you pressed your face further into his pec and inhaled the smell of his freshly washed skin.
The sound of a drowsy sigh caught your attention, your head turning on Harry’s chest to look at the baby monitor that was now directly in your eye line. 
A video of a sleeping Edie met your eyes, all content with one arm resting above her head as she remained on her back. You kept silent as you tried to zone in on the coos she was making to see if anything was out ordinary, but she continued to seem satisfied. 
“She’s happy dreaming,” you spoke more so to yourself. 
“How do you know tha’?”
“Listen to the noises she’s making,” you pointed out, well aware of how you sounded.
A silence fell over both you and Harry, but rather than one of contentment, an awkwardness lingered.
“I’m useless.”
Those two words he spoke were heavy as they broke through. “I’m so- so fuckin’ useless babe.”
You lay still, atop him, a frown forming at your brow as you listened. He wasn’t useless but it wasn’t your time to intervene while he was on his self-loathing train. Not yet.
He quite clearly had a lot to mull over, to speak out loud. 
“I have not got a fuckin’ clue what I’m doin’ wi’her. Not one single fuckin’ clue and-“ he sucked in a deep breath that racked through his chest when released. “I’m standing about like a spare part, in the way of you and the incredible job that you're doing for the both of us because-“
“Because what?”
Your voice sounded so unusual to you. So small. 
“We all have to start somewhere, sometime-“ you continue.
“No, it’s not that, I know that. It’s because- I feel like I have to when- I guess, I’m making it worse.” He paused. “Every time I come home I’m reminded of my inadequacies and earlier on during my run I actually thought about not coming back because I can’t stand it.” 
You felt yourself hold your breath as his confession, body wriggling to try and get out of his hold. His voice was getting breathier and breathier as he spoke and you knew if you pulled yourself up to get a proper look at him, you’d at least find his lips downturned. 
The heavy swallow he did next only confirmed that for you.
“I’m so fuckin’ jealous of you,” he croaked. “Of the bond you share. Of,” his voice faded. “Everything, pretty much.”
As he spoke, you lay in silence unsure of how to broach the subject. Did he need you to be supportive, or did he need some tough love? 
Before you could stop yourself you felt the bubble of laughter start, the shake of your shoulders underneath his touch.
“Okay,” he started, clearly offended, “alright, I get it. I’m being ridiculous. You can stop laughing at me.”
“Babe,” you started, lifting yourself slightly. As you did so you saw the way his vacant stare lingered on the ceiling, his stubble unnecessarily inviting to you as it peppered his cheeks, chin and underneath. “Harry,” you tried again to get his attention, “I’m not laughing at you. Am I laughing at you telling me this while Jealous Guy is playing in the background? Yes but not at you.”
Listening to your words, Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes. In a matter of seconds he’d turned his head slightly and from this position dropped his eyes to look down the bridge of his nose at you. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” you admitted. “At least not the new things. I am impressed that I’ve made it look like I do.” 
From your words, you watched his features soften. “And don’t,” you reached up to hold his chin between your forefinger and thumb. “Don’t think I don’t ever need you, that we don’t need you-“
“Cause we do,” you paused. “But if I’m honest, I’m going to need you to just do it. To just get involved, to make the mistakes and to learn from them because I can’t do it all on my own.” 
“I don’t need you dwelling on the fact that she didn’t take a feed from you one time. I need you to suck it up and try again in two hours time when we- you, try her with baby porridge because quite frankly I’m sick of finding it in my hair and I think you should get the enjoyment of experiencing that at least once.”
Seeing the flicker of his lips gave you hope.
“Really nice of you tha’ is,” he started. “To give me tha’ experience.” 
“I know. I’m really a giving person in that way.”
A small silence filled your space again. It was a little light this time. Progress. 
You let your eyes run over his features once more, hands getting the better of you when the thumb on your right hand tried to work away the lines of worry etched into his forehead. 
“We need to learn together, grow together. Help each other,” you hummed, unable to look him in the eye, your own concern of how he’d admitted how he was thinking of leaving ringing far too loudly for you. “We’re stronger together.”
“Look at me,” he requested. You fought against his ask, feeling the burning of your throat appear. “Darling, I’m not going anywhere. Okay?”
You swallowed heavily, nodding your head. “So, can you please look at me?”
Two pairs of sad eyes met. 
Envy had no rest, and the trouble was you were both already so tired.
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spagheddiediaz · 2 months
i’ve gotten a few asks / dms about the edy ganem thing which feels weird bc i am not a large account by ANY means but alas.
basically back during s6 edy posted this / this apology to her story. which. yall can draw your own conclusions to lol.
and recently has been liking / replying to comments like this (which, as many have pointed out, she knew about the bi storyline when she wrote this lol)
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and saying things like this about the basketball scene (on what i believe was oliver’s post about the basketball scene?) anyway it feels condescending to me but i always read into things.
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anyway! as your local hr queen i just find it….,.,,., weird! i wouldn’t say things like this (where my coworkers / peers / etc could see) personally but yknow. we (should) all be adults on this app and can draw our own conclusions! anyway! 🙂‍↔️
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bettyfrommars · 9 months
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I'm on Fire
biker!eddie x fem!reader x biker!Steve
Chapter 15: Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck
summary: tensions are high as the last few chapters come to a head. Now that Craig has you, and none of the gang knows where you are, panic ensues. Eddie has to deal with an unwanted interaction with an ex, while Steve finds out the truth about Charlene. Astrid gets a bad feeling and thinks Steve might be hurt, meanwhile you decide to take matters into your own hands and deal with Craig in order to escape. wc: 10.7k
masterlist playlist
WARNINGS: 18+ONLY, angst, a gun, typical series violence, gunshots, reader being held against her will, abusive ex, stabbing, hand to hand combat, some violence toward women (which I do not condone under any circumstances), manipulation, dark themes, reader fights back, revenge, hurt and comfort, sex with someone other than reader (not Eddie), premonitions, murder, being chased, aggression. protective!eddie, protective!steve, slightly gigolo!steve. Header photo is not meant to be reader.
author's note: In this chapter, I'm making up for the fact that 90's tow truck driver Eddie and the rest of the MC would've had beepers, but, alas, I failed to mention them before. I've been staring at this for so long now, I need to post it. Really hope you enjoy, and I look forward to hearing what you all think.
"It ought to be easy, ought to be simple enough Man meets a woman and they fall in love But this house is haunted and the ride gets rough you’ve got to learn to live with what you can’t rise above If you want to ride on down in through this tunnel of love."
Tunnel of Love, Bruce Springsteen
(This chapter starts of exactly where part 14 ended)
Just as Robin was about to reach out and catch Steve’s elbow, the bride, Daphne, jumped in front of her. 
“You made it! I’m so happy I could cry!” Daphne hugged her tight and, over her shoulder, Robin watched Steve and Charlene disappear into the crowd, helplessly. The wedding was packed, but she was sure she could find him as soon as she was done with a polite chat.  
She figured there wasn’t anything too bad that could happen in five minutes.  
A minute or two into acting interested in the conversation Daphne and one of her bridesmaids was having, Robin turned around to gesture at you—to make the introductions—-but you were nowhere to be found.  Daphne talked for a bit longer and Robin pretended to listen, but she was distracted, and the bad feeling in her gut was making her fidgety.
Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch ended, quickly to be replaced by What I Am by Edie Brickell, and Robin excused herself to go and look for you, apologizing to the bride profusely.  Telling Steve that Charlene was an obsessive psycho didn’t feel as important in that moment—-she knew Steve could handle himself.  But you? You were being stalked by a notoriously abusive ex and now Robin had no idea where you were. She should not have run off like that without you, and now she was kicking herself.
As Robin turned on her heel trying to spot you in the crowded lobby, Steve and Charlene were about to bypass the people on the dancefloor and make their way up to the hotel room.  Steve didn’t know what was happening, at first, when she made the bold move of grabbing his hand in the crowd and pulling him closer.
“Hey, hey now,” he said in her ear over the twang of the music.  “Should we be doing that where people can see us?”
Charlene sent her hand down to massage his cock, and then she leaned in and licked his earlobe.  “I don’t care anymore,” she replied, leading him out of the low-lit reception hall and down the hallway. 
Steve didn’t really know what that meant, and he hoped she wasn’t getting the wrong idea.  If she wanted to flush her marriage down the toilet—-awesome—-but Steve didn’t want to be the reason.  He had no intention to continue to see her after that evening, unless she was paying him, and he had every intention of making that clear in the elevator, but then she was on her knees with his cock in her mouth and he forgot what he was going to say.
Eddie rumbled into the parking lot on his chopper, ignoring the valet as he tried to tell him which way to go.  He parked as close as he could to the building, sliding in next to a limousine, even though there was no parking space there, and gave a blank stare to the guys who were about to try and ask him to move it.
He yanked the main door open, eyes darting around the people in the lobby.  He had no idea where to start looking for you, and that filled him with a frustration that made a growl escape his chest. The crease in his forehead softened when he felt two arms go around him from behind, but then one glance down at the hands, and he knew it wasn’t you. 
“What the—” the relief he felt at the idea of turning around to kiss you was abruptly stifled.
“Hey baby,” Melanie cooed.  She reached up to brush his bangs off his forehead like she used to in the old days, but Eddie moved his head away and blocked her hand.
He looked around before leaning forward to whisper curtly, “you just can’t take a hint, can you?”
Melanie settled back, bracketing her hands on either side of her hips.  She had on an impossibly short, sequined lime green dress with dark red lipstick and it looked like she should’ve been on a stripper pole, not at a wedding.  “Why do you hate me so much, Eddie? I gave you the best years of my life, the least you could do is be civil with me.”
Eddie frowned, moving to walk by her.  
“Please, Eddie!” She screamed it, catching his arm.
Eddie hitched his shoulders up to his ears in frustration, cringing at the way so many people turned to stare at him.  He moved in a circle, checking the crowd for you as he went, and then came back to face Melanie with weary reluctance.
“What do you want from me, Mel?” He asked, hoping it would be a quick fix so he could continue on with his night.  
Melanie slid the tip of her tongue along her top lip.  “Listen, I know I hurt you, okay? I know it was bad.  But I’m a totally different person now, I’ve changed.”
Eddie cocked his head. “Good for you.  What does that have to do with me?”
“Let me prove it to you,” she reached for his arm again and he let her hold it this time, hoping to speed things along.  “Have a drink with me and let’s talk.  I really miss you, Eddie,” she could tell he was about to interrupt and she put her hand up to stop him.  “You told me once that I was the love of your life, that you’d never love anyone more than me, and I know a part of you meant it.”
Eddie cringed at the memory of the young, impressionable boy he was back then, so pussy drunk that he didn’t know which end was up.  Did he mean it when he said it back then? Yes, from the bottom of his horny soul.  Did a part of him still feel the same way? Not a single drop.  What he’d felt for Melanie all those years ago paled in comparison to the level of devotion he had for you.  He was a man now, determined not to make the same mistakes that plagued him in his boyhood.
Eddie took a deep breath, eyeballing the crowd again.  “Okay, listen to me,” he took hold of Melanie’s bare arm, holding her firmly, and tilted his chin down to look her directly in the eye.  “What we had has been long over for years now.  I don’t know what I’ve done to possibly lead you on to believe there could ever be anything between us ever again, but I need you to get it through your fucking head that I don’t love you anymore.  Things will never be like they were.  I wish you well, but I don’t want you in my life, even as a friend.  I need you to respect this. Nod if you understand.”
“Do you not want me in your life because your new girlfriend will get jealous?” Her mouth fixed in  a mischievous grin, as if she’d completely missed the point of everything he just said.
“Fucking, goddamn it Melanie,” Eddie hissed, and then he ran both of his hands through his hair and gripped his fingers in at the roots, snapping his eyes shut to try and calm his frustration.  “I can’t do this right now, I’ve got more important shit going on,” he shook his head and dropped his hands, turning to head in the opposite direction.  “We’re done, totally done.  Forever.  I don’t want to ever see you again, Mel.  Don’t call, don’t show up.  Just go back to wherever and stay there. Have a nice life.”
He was a few steps away when she shouted to get his attention again.  “I know where your girl is, if that’s who you’re looking for,” she had her arms crossed and a bored expression on her face when he turned to regard her again.  “She left with some dude, if that means anything to you.  They were holding each other pretty close and if you ask me—-”
But the last word got caught in her throat as Eddie barreled down on her, gripping her arms so tight, his rings pinched her flesh. He shook her a few times, making her eyes go wide.  “You’re hurting me!” She balked.
“Tell me where they went,” he spoke with so much force, he accidentally spit on her.  
Robin caught sight of Eddie and started to make her way to the other side of the lobby, relieved, but then she saw who Eddie was talking to.
She made a face and stopped in her tracks for a beat.  “Melanie?” She asked it to herself, under her breath.  Robin knew she was the last person on earth Eddie would want to see, let alone be standing in such close proximity to.  Eddie started to walk away, but then he turned back around and grabbed Melanie with a force that made Robin gasp.  He could be a violent person, sure, but never with women, and it worried her to think of what she might’ve said to him.
Everyone was getting drunker and more oblivious to the people around them, so she worked hard to maneuver her way through the clueless party goers as What is Love by Haddaway jolted from the dance hall.
“Hey, Eddie!” She cupped her hand over one side of her mouth to shout it, but then she watched helplessly from a distance as Eddie and Melanie went down the hall and disappeared from view. What the hell was he doing with her—where the fuck were they going?
Craig had a room in the hotel, and that is where he took you.  
As much as you were afraid of Craig, you also knew how to handle him in situations like this.  To fight him, to argue with him, would only make things worse.  He wasn’t the type to feel much empathy for any of the pain others felt; his pain and emotional distress were the only things that mattered. If you fought him, or if you tried to run, he wouldn’t hesitate to terrorize your friends.  The thought made you shiver—you couldn’t let him get his hands on anyone else.  He could take whatever he wanted from you in exchange for their peace.
Craig was also extremely stupid, and as long as you placated and went along with him—you’d have more time to think about your next move instead of struggling and wasting your energy.  You didn’t put it past him to drug you and throw you in the back of his SUV, so you put on your Academy Award winning “this is fine” face while your mind raced for a plan.
Once he closed the door to his hotel room and put the deadbolt on, he took you in his arms, pulling you in for an embrace.  “Ahh, now–isn’t this nice?”
You nodded against his shoulder as your eyes darted around for something sharp.  “It really is.  I’m glad you came to find me.”
He pulled away to smile down at you; thin lips stretching to expose perfectly white teeth. “See, now, there’s my girl,” he tipped your chin with the crook of his finger and then planted a kiss on your forehead.
You were sure he brought you up there to have sex with you, and the thought made your stomach churn—-you were prepared to rip his balls off before that happened.  Craig was really strong though, and he could kill a man twice your size with his bare hands, so you had to find a way to battle with your wits.
“Have a seat,” he motioned to the bed in front of the TV, and then he grabbed the remote.  “You wanna check and see what is on pay per view? We can order room service.  Are you hungry?”
Such normal questions for such an abnormal and unfortunate situation.
You sat down cautiously, keeping your back stiff and straight.  You noticed a huge black duffel bag sitting on the floor, and it looked like the type of thing he usually carried all of his weapons in. 
“This is okay,” you gestured to the episode of Three’s Company that popped on.  
He handed you the remote as he bent down to kiss your temple. “I’m going to wash my hands.  Stay here, alright?”
You gave him a wink.  “Of course I’ll stay here, sugar plum.  There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
He sighed, offering a dreaming expression. “I’ve missed you so much, it hurts.”
“That’s sweet,” you offered, turning your attention back to the tv as he went around the corner to the bathroom.  You got up and walked slowly to the window to see what you could see, talking to him all the while to keep him satiated.  “I could definitely eat.  Maybe room service wouldn’t be a bad idea.”
You held the rod and slid the curtain open a few inches, realizing you were above the middle section of the parking lot.  Could you see your car from there? You didn’t have time to check; it was too dark and you heard the water shut off in the bathroom.
“Tsk, tsk,” he said, stepping back out into the hall so he could see you as he dried his hands off.  “Step back from the window, honey, I don’t want you to ruin our fun with one of your clever ideas.”
“Oh I was just curious,” you were casual about it, making a point to leave the curtain open a bit. “If any of my friends were looking for me.”
“Oh they might try,” he undid the buttons on the cuffs of his white dress shirt and rolled up each sleeve, exposing faded military tattoos on his forearms.  “But I booked this room under an alias.  Plus, no one saw us leave, so your friends will be scrambling around like chickens with their heads cut off.” He emphasized the word “friends” in a sarcastic way, as if they weren’t that at all.  
“I’m sure they’ll just think I went home,” you said, which was the furthest from the truth.  You thought about Robin going crazy trying to find you.  You wouldn’t be surprised if she worked her way up every floor, knocking on every door.
He sat down on the bed next to  you with a bounce and took your hand, lifting it up to kiss the back of it.  “Have I told you yet how beautiful you are tonight?”
“A few times,” you couldn’t help but lean away when he came in closer. “You told me downstairs and in the elevator.”
He wrapped his arm around the side of your hip and pulled you to him.  “C’mon now, give daddy some sugar,” he cooed, diving his lips in for another attempt.  
But you dodged him again.  You could feel yourself blowing it, and you knew you needed to comply in order to find a way out of this, but the thought of being intimate with him made you want to dig your own eyes out with a spoon.
“I don’t know if I’m ready…for that,” you managed.  “Too soon, I think.  Just give me a little time…to get used to you again.”
Craig grabbed your jaw, squeezing your mouth together so tight, your lips puckered, yanking your head to make you look at him.  His eyes were dark now, narrowing on you.  His tone was ice cold, “Oh but you’ll kiss him won’t you?  That filthy dirty biker?  You make me sick.” 
You swallowed hard, and in your mind, you considered the ballpoint pen next to the pad of paper on the desk.  If you could get a hold of it, you could stab him in the side of the throat.  
But, if you made the decision to wound Craig, you had to be willing to go all-in.  
You had to be willing to end him.
Steve waited to cum until he was back in the hotel suite.  Charlene got on the bed and sucked him off the rest of the way while she came using the vibrator she carried around in her handbag.  It turned Steve on to know that she always had it with her—he’d never been with a woman who was so incredibly sexually charged before.  
He came on her face, and then she licked it up and rubbed it down her breasts.  They got in the shower together after that, and the thought crossed his mind that he should go down and have a drink with you and Robin, but then his dick took over again and he forgot.  
The suite was huge, and while Steve lounged on the sofa in one of their complimentary robes looking over the room service menu, Charlene sat down on the bed to rub lotion on her legs.
She smiled over at him.  “The life of leisure looks good on you.”
Steve lifted his arms up and glanced down at himself.  “You think? Yeah, I could definitely do with some more of this.” The fridge was fully stocked with booze and sparkling water and other goodies, and Steve had raided it like a little kid at Charlene’s urging.  He was on his second fancy beer and third bag of pretzels.  
“You should come with me to Greece this winter,” she worked the lotion down around her manicured feet, feeling suddenly too shy to look at him.  “My friend has a house there, and we could charter a yacht, play on the beach, eat and fuck until we pass out. And then do it all over again the next day.”
Steve flipped the page on the menu, eyes glancing over the seafood section as he plucked at his bottom lip thoughtfully.  “Sounds good.  I’ll have my secretary clear my schedule.”
“I’m serious,” she laughed, rolling over onto her stomach to face him, kicking her feet up behind her.  “Wouldn’t you like to spend more time with me?”
Steve shut the menu and met her eyes.  “Well, sure, I mean, but I can’t just take off for a week to wherever, sweetheart.  This man of leisure is living paycheck to paycheck over here.”
“Oh, you wouldn’t have to worry about that,” she assured him, resting her chin in her palm. “I’ll pay your rent and whatever else you need. Give you some spending money. You won’t have to pay for anything, unless you want to buy me something pretty.”
“Yeah?” Steve smirked. “What’s the catch, angel? You gonna sell me to the highest bidder for some black-market organ donation once we get there?”
“No catch,” she shook her head.  “It’s just hard to find good companionship these days.”
He sucked his bottom lip through his teeth. It all sounded a little too good to be true, but he would be lying if he said the offer wasn’t tempting.  Fucking Greece? He’d only been out of the state a few times in his whole life, and it had all been for MC related stuff.  
“You could even bring Oliver,” she continued, looking down at the bedspread.  “I could pay for a nanny to travel with us, so we could have time alone.”
That made Steve frown, and he searched his mind for how she would know that he had a son, but then the moment passed.  He must’ve mentioned him at some point, accidentally.  
But Charlene seemed harmless enough.  Just a bored housewife with a smoking hot body.  
She got off the bed and slinked over to stand next to him.  He ran his hand up her leg under her robe until he was able to grab the apple of her ass, and then he spanked it.
“Did you decide what you want from the menu?” She asked, mussing up his hair. “Or we can still go out to dinner if you want.”
Steve tilted his head all the way back to look up at her, letting the menu slip to the ground. “Are you on the menu?” He asked, moving his hand around under the robe until his fingers found where they could sink in.
“For you? Always,” she said, and then she bent down to catch his mouth with hers.
Eddie had Melanie by the arm, and she tried to jerk out of his grasp, but he was way too strong---way too pissed off.  
“And then where did they go?” Eddie was scowling at the numbers on the three different elevators.  “Which floor?”
“I SAID I DON’T KNOW,” Melanie hissed, finally wiggling her arm away.  “Jesus. I never saw you worry about me like this before.”
“Fuck,” Eddie started to pace.  He was losing it, and he didn’t know where to start looking or how to find you.  He wanted to rip the whole building down with his bare hands.
Another man’s voice stepped into the equation.  “Hey, what the fuck are you doing to her? Leave her alone, you freak.”
Eddie spun around, eyes like daggers.  It was some douchebag he didn’t recognize in a tux, even taller than Eddie, with a lime green bow tie and cummerbund, clearly there for the wedding.  From the looks the guy was sharing with Melanie, it was probably her date.  
“Just stay the fuck out of it, whoever you are,” Eddie warned.
Melanie stepped back with a little smile on her face, enjoying the tension over her that was building.
“I asked you a question, man,” the guy in the tux with the short blonde hair said as he came up behind Eddie to jab his palm into the back of his shoulder.
Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, Eddie turned and swung on the guy.  
Robin came into view and screamed, covering her mouth with her hands.  
Eddie’s fist was like a brick, and the guy went down hard. The elevator opened and the four people inside yelped as he crashed in, with Eddie in hot pursuit.
Two people rushed out of the elevator, but another couple stood huddled in the back corner, afraid to move.  Eddie lurched forward to grab the guy by the front of his coat and yanked him to his feet to pull him out of the compartment just long enough to send a jab to his ribs that made him double over, and then he pushed him down.
The elevator closed again with the frightened passengers still inside.  The rest was a blur for Eddie as he got on top of the guy and started wailing on his face.
“Eddie, stop!” Robin tried to grab his arm on the back swing and the force almost knocked her over, but she did not relent.  “DINGUS STOP!”
Somehow, the nickname seemed to snap him out of it, and, with a few sharp intakes of breath, Eddie got to his feet, panting, standing over the guy.  The dude on the floor was somehow still conscious, but he probably wished he wasn’t one side of his face was mangled where Eddie’s rings broke the skin and there was blood dribbling from his mouth.  
There were people gathered at the mouth of the hallway now, watching with slack jaws, and Robin was worried someone had already called the police.  “Nothing to see here, people!” She called out, waving her hand, begging them to disperse.  
Eddie was about to drop down and punch the guy again—just because—but Robin used all of her strength to forcefully push him back.
Eddie snapped his attention to Melanie and pointed at the guy on the ground.  “Is this yours? Both of you get the fuck out of here before I—-”
Robin had only ever seen Steve like this—never Eddie.  Normally, he possessed the most patience and composure out of everyone in their friend group.  
She slapped him softly on his cheek to get his attention.  “Hey, listen to me.  I need you to fucking focus right now,” and then she snapped her fingers in the air in front of his face.
Eddie huffed a few heavy breaths out his nose and adjusted his Coffin Kings leather over his white tee.  There was a sheen of sweat on his face and a few pieces of his hair clung to his cheek and forehead.  Melanie was able to help her date to his feet, and Eddie watched them go with hard eyes and flared nostrils, silently begging the guy to throw him a dirty look or say something stupid.  Thankfully, for Robin’s sake, the guy wobbled away with his arm over Melanie’s shoulder without a single glance back.
“Focus,” Robin repeated, snatching his chin. “Your girl is here somewhere, and I can’t find her.”
“Yeah, I know,” Eddie jerked his head to evade her grasp.  “She’s with that fucking psycho and I have no idea where to start looking.” He shut his eyes tight and winced.  “I fucked up, Rob.  I should’ve killed that guy when I had the chance.  Now he has her.  If he hurts her, Rob….”
“Hold on,” Robin frowned as she took in the information, her body flushing with guilt.  “You know she’s with that Craig creep? How do you know?”
Eddie didn’t want to talk—he wanted to move.  
Outside, through the glass front of the building, he watched a police cruiser pull up through the crowd. It did have its lights on, and whoever was driving didn’t seem to be in a hurry, but all the same, he hit a button on the panel and took hold of Robin’s arm, ready to pull her in when the doors slid open. She followed his gaze to the two cops that were now heading into the building, and panic seized her.
It was taking too long for the elevator to come, so when the one across the way opened, they darted there instead.
A woman got out of the elevator as they stepped in and quickly hit the button for one of the higher floors.  A delivery driver carrying Chinese food was about to get in with them but decided against it at the last moment.  
Once they were alone, Eddie answered her question.  “Melanie saw them,” he breathed, falling back against the wall. “The description fits, and she said he had his arm around her,” Eddie cringed.  The thought of him touching you made him want to punch something.  
“Shit,” Robin said under her breath, feeling the thick weight of uncertainty hang in the confined space around them.  “You don’t think he’d actually do anything to her, do you?”
Eddie eyes glazed over and shook his head, concentrating, unable to form words.
“Nice dress, by the way,” he said, referring to the strapless blue number that she now regretted ever buying, let alone wearing.
“Shut up.” She returned.  
The doors opened at a floor that wasn’t theirs and Eddie told the two people waiting there to take the next one before he slammed the button again with the side of his fist. 
Robin started to gnaw at her thumbnail.  “Steve’s here somewhere too,” she let him know.  “He came with that Charlene woman, the one you used to bone.”
Eddie froze, giving her an incredulous look.  “And you let him?”
She held her arms out, raising her voice.  “I just realized who she was a little bit ago.  What am I, his fucking keeper?  Besides, she offered him so much money to take her to this stupid thing, I don’t think he would’ve cared.”
Oh, Steve would care if he knew the whole story, Eddie thought to himself.  And he’d really care if Charlene started targeting his family when he tried to end things with her or move on with someone else.  
When the elevator finally dinged and opened at the floor they chose, there stood Steve.
In a white bathrobe carrying a bucket of ice.
With his sunglasses on.
After being scolded by Craig, you disarmed the situation by pressing your lips to the side of his mouth. “Baby, why don’t you get comfortable so we can snuggle? Like we used to.”
He crawled on top so that you were both on the mattress.  You needed to build a decent level of trust with him in a small amount of time and letting him have some intimacy was the quickest way to do that. 
He got on his back, with his head on the pillow, and pulled you up alongside him so that your cheek was on his shoulder.  He lifted your chin to give you another kiss.  “Isn’t this nice?” He asked, rubbing his nose on yours.
“It really is,” you lied.
It took a lot not to try and scratch his face and knee him in the groin right then for what he’d done to you, for what he’d done to Jester.  For the pain that Eddie would go through when he couldn’t find you.  
But you found your center and took a cleansing breath.
You had formulated a part of a plan, but you had to be patient.
When Steve came back into the penthouse with the extra ice, he didn’t have the patience to wait for room service to bring, he was different, and Charlene noticed it right away.
She could see it in his face, the way he refused to make eye contact with her when she dropped her magazine to her lap to greet him and tell him their dinner was on the way.
Without a word, he grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom.
“Stevie?” She called out to him, anxiety tightening in her chest. “What took you so long? Is everything alright?”
Steve shut the bathroom door first, and then he mumbled, “yeah, I’ll be right out. Just need a second.”
He let his robe fall to the floor and braced his hands on the edge of the sink, naked, letting the information Eddie had just shared with him in the hall absorb.  He tossed his sunglasses on the counter, so they skid across and landed against a hand towel folded in the shape of a swan.  
He ran the sink and splashed some water on his face, letting himself peek in the mirror at his reflection over the tips of his fingers.
As close as he was with Eddie, they weren’t in the habit of swapping partners, and if Steve had known that Charlene was that “rich, older woman he hung out with once in a while” a few months ago, he never would have gone that far with her in the first place.  
Water dripped cool down his tattooed chest as he looked down at his cock, lolling out at the triangle base of the muscular indents at his hips.  He patted a finger on the shaft so that it bounced.  “I hope you’re proud of yourself,” he whispered to his dick.  
Not only was Charlene someone that Eddie had fucked, but she’d also tried to make Eddie’s life a living hell when he tried to move on with you.  She’d paid a private investigator to stalk Eddie, tried to break the two of you up, and was the reason you got fired.  Eddie warned him not to trust her, and to not let her sink her claws in and try to keep him like a pet.  
He put his pants on and wet his fingers to run them through his hair, squaring his shoulders at his reflection, wondering how he’d get the rest of his money out of her.  She’d paid half up front, but now he needed the rest, and then he wanted to get the fuck out of there.  Eddie and Robin were headed to do some investigating, and he said he’d meet them in the stairwell in about 20 minutes.  
Charlene was hovering near the bathroom door when he opened it, and she searched his face for a trace of the person he was before he went to get ice—but it was no longer there. 
Her Stevie was gone.  
“Hey,” he said as he brushed by her to put his shirt on.  He left it unbuttoned as he turned, fixing the collar.  “It’s late, I need to get going.”
“But,” Charlene looked around, her mind racing with ways to keep him there. “The food will be here soon.”
He’d been trying not to meet her eyes, but when he did, his stare was frigid.  “I’m not hungry anymore.  I just need you to pay me the rest of my fee, and I’ll get out of your hair.”
He went to the couch to put his shoes on.
“Steve, please tell me what is going on? I thought we were having a good time, I thought—”
“You thought what?” He asked snidely. “That I’d do all this for free? Out of the goodness of my heart?”
He was about to be a real asshole, but then he remembered that he had enjoyed his time with her, and under different circumstances, he would’ve stayed to fuck her all night even if he wasn’t getting paid. But he had to end it—he needed to cut ties before things turned into a shitshow like they had for you and Eddie. He couldn’t afford that level of drama in his life, not with Robin and Oliver at risk.  
She rushed up to him and started kissing his chest.  “Can you just stay a few more hours? I don’t know what is bothering you, but I know I can take your mind off of it,” she sank lower, kissing his stomach, about to get on her knees.
“I said no,” he repeated, grabbing her arm to pull her back up to face him.  
“But, why—”
“Why didn’t you tell me you used to fuck Eddie?” He blurted, scowling at he ground.
A hard swallow clicked in her throat as she searched his eyes. “I-I didn’t think it would matter.  Eddie and I aren’t—”
“Is that why you bailed me out of jail? Was it all part of your maniacal plan to get back at him or some shit?”
“Absolutely not. Steve, I really care about y—” she reached out to touch his face, but he moved away, stepping further back.  He looked hurt and confused and disgusted all at once.  
“Don’t act like you give a shit about me,” he warned. “I don’t think you’re even capable of caring about other people.”
At that, she bristled, and her cheeks burned red. She froze so still that, if not for her blinking, one might have thought she’d turned to stone.
“You know what? Forget the rest of the fucking money,” he walked to the nightstand and put his wallet in his back pocket. “It’s not worth it to me anymore. I’ll chalk it up to a couple orgasms and a free meal.”
Charlene did not respond, she only wet her lips as her eyes stayed fixed on one spot on the carpet.  
He went over and paused his hand on his jacket that was hanging over the back of the couch. “Actually, I could probably sell this suit and makeup the difference so yeah—we’re even.”
When Charlene finally spoke up, her voice was different; it had an edge to it.  “You’re awfully ungrateful for someone who should be on their knees thanking me.”
Steve chuckled a low laugh. “Listen, baby, the sex was great, I’ll give you that, but it wasn’t that great.”
“I’m not talking about the sex,” she turned and tilted her chin up at him. “I’m talking about how you still have custody of your son and he’s not several states away with Tina right now.”
Now, it was Steve’s time to turn to stone.
When he finally blinked, he made a face like he was staring into the sun. “What the fuck did you just say? How do you know about my son? About Tina?”
Charlene would’ve said anything to make him stay, and she was oddly pleased that this did the trick.
She shrugged. “I know that it didn’t take much money at all to get Tina to come here and cause some trouble.  Shame she signed her parental rights away, but there are always ways around that, considering how much blood you have on your hands.”
Steve reeled back, almost knocked off his feet at the weight of the confession. He had to grab onto the back of the chair at the writing desk to steady himself as his head swam. Bile rose in his throat as if we were about to puke.
“You’re the reason I almost lost my son?” He whispered it, overwhelmed with the realization that Charlene was to blame for all of it:  Every disaster that had befallen them since the day Eddie met you.  All of the pain, all of the worry, all of the sleepless nights.  
Charlene folded her arms over her chest.  “If you think I can’t prove you have blood on your hands, try me.” Her eyebrows darted up a few times. “Eddie too.  He left a bloody fingerprint at the crime scene when he killed a man in my driveway.  All I ever do is try to keep the two of you safe, and this is the thanks I get?”
Steve’s mind barely had time to register that his body was moving—-he knocked the chair to the ground and lunged after Charlene.
His hands were around her throat so fast she could barely take a gasp of air at the end of her sentence.  He took her to the ground, slamming her into the floor.  She coughed and her eyes bulged.
“You tried to take my son away from me?” He was shaking; his eyes bloodshot with rage, but also wet with emotions. His lower lip trembled, and his face was beet red.  
She held onto his wrists where he was choking her, sputtering, trying to catch air.  She squirmed underneath him, but if her knees made contact with his stomach or groin, he couldn’t feel it.  
"Kill me," she gasped, and Steve released his grip a little but did not relent.
“I should kill you,” He hissed, searching her face.  He realized then that she had her hands locked on his wrists to keep him there, not to push him away.
“Please,” she wheezed.  “Please…kill me.”
With a string of curses, Steve pushed off of her and jumped back, planting his arm on the edge of the coffee table to steady himself as he tried to collect himself.
Charlene sucked in a few gulps of air and stayed on the floor where she was.  
Steve wobbled and stumbled a bit as he stood, trying to catch his footing. He looked down at his trembling hands, and then over at Charlene.  
“I'm sorry,” he breathed.  It took a few sold moment to find his composure. “Listen, stay away from me, stay away from my family. Stay away from my friends.  I won't tell you again.”
It had taken all of his strength to not crush her windpipe just then, and he hated that about himself.  He hated that, on top of everything else, Charlene was the reason he’d laid hands on a woman in anger for the first time in his life.  Wayne and Robin would be very disappointed in him, no matter the circumstances.
His son would be disappointed in him.
“Steve,” Charlene rolled over onto her side. “Please don't go."
He fixed his collar again and left the jacket.  He grabbed his smokes, and fumbled the lighter, trying to compose himself.  The thought occurred to him that he should go over and help her up and make sure she was okay, but then he remembered…then he remembered all of it.  
Without another word, he left.  Once he was out, and the door clicked shut behind him, she continued to shout his name and tell him she was sorry.  He could hear things being thrown around the room; the sound of glass breaking as it hit the wall.  Steve kept a quick pace, only faltering once to shoulder check his balance against the wall, dizzy, but was already in the stairwell as her declarations of remorse echoed down the hall.
Craig ordered Chinese food from the restaurant up the street and had it delivered.  For a second you thought you might be able to get word to the delivery driver that you were being kept there against your will, but what would the delivery driver do? Get himself killed, probably, or pretend like he never saw you because who in their right mind would want to get mixed up in that?
It may have taken 20 minutes to eat your meal, but for you it might as well have been hours.  He liked to coach you on how big your bites should be and how long you should chew your food.  If you chewed too loudly or too fast, it would agitate him, and he’d stop you to make you start over.  
It was all you could do to muscle down each bite when you weren’t even hungry, and it took every ounce of your willpower not to scream.
The fortune cookies were interesting because the paper inside yours said “this too shall pass”, while Craig’s was blank.
“I’ve never seen a blank one before,” you said nonchalantly, closing the lid on your take-out container.  You could see the inconsistency was bothering him; he kept turning the paper over as if he’d missed it somehow.  With his obsessive personality, you expected him to call up the restaurant and ask for another cookie.  
But, he decided to let that one go and tossed the blank fortune into the pastick sack that the food came in.  
You knew he’d want to clean up the area right away and sanitize the table again, so you took your opportunity.
“Can I use the bathroom?” You stood up, picking a piece of sticky rice off of your dress.  
“May I,” he corrected, pushing his chair back exactly where it had been before he sat down. He lifted his eyebrow at you.  “May I use the bathroom is the proper way to ask that.”
Your throat was tight as you swallowed, biting back a rage that was surely bubbling in your eyes.  You forced a smile that cracked your cheeks.  “May I?” 
“Of course you may, silly goose,” he walked over to brush his finger along your cheek just before he leaned in, and your nostrils flared at the unwanted touch. “Don’t take too long.  I’ll miss you,” he cooed after he pecked you on the lips.  
Safely in the privacy of the bathroom, you locked the door quietly and gave a long, silent scream into your palms. Tears jerked at your eyes and mouth, but you sucked them back, squaring your shoulders. 
You stared at your reflection in the mirror, wondering if you had the guts to do what needed to be done.
If you didn’t already have the guts, you needed to find them—fast.  
You’d asked Craig earlier what the plan was, and he’d made it very clear that he was taking you back to your place the next day so that you could pack your things and then return with him to Michigan.  He casually mentioned that he knew where Oliver was spending the night—-just throwing out small details he thought you should know.  In case you fought or refused to leave with him.  
You realized now that he would never stop coming for you, not while he was alive.  
You turned the faucet on so that the noises you were making wouldn’t be so obvious as you went to work unwrapping the soaps and scattering things around the countertop.  You flipped all of the towels on the wrack around and unfolded them, making them as messy as possible.  You got the bottoms of your shoes wet and made a bunch of dirty footprints around the floor tile.  You relieved yourself quickly on the toilet, but then yanked some off the toilet paper down so that it pooled on the floor.
“Hey, pumpkin?” You called out to him over the sound of the toilet flushing.  “Do you have some toothpaste I can borrow?”
He came over to the door and tried the handle.  “There’s some in that black bag by the sink.  Why is this door locked? Please put the cap back on properly when you are finished.”
You waited a few beats before unzipping the small, black bag, quickly eyeing for anything else you could use but, toenails clippers and a toothbrush weren’t great weapons.  Unless you had time to widdle the end of the toothbrush into a shank like they do in prison.  You put the cap of the toothpaste back on, but you left everything on the counter.  
Before you opened the door, you moved the bathmat so it was crooked as it hung over the side of the tub, and you unhooked the shower curtain from two of the rings.
“Ahh,” you said as you exited, looking refreshed.  “Much better.”
He was just walking to put the trash outside in the hall when you took the initiative to hug him.  “I think I made a bit of a mess in there, baby.  Sorry about that.”
When he shut the hallway door again, he came to flick the light on in the bathroom and his shoulders fell, his face pinching tight.  “This is unexceptable,” he mumbled. 
You took note that he forgot to dead bolt the front door in his haste.
You could hear him cursing you under his breath, but also knew that he wouldn’t be unable to function until he tidied up that room and put everything back exactly the way it was.
“Sorry lover,” you yelled, sweetly, turning the sound on the tv up.  It was an episode of Golden Girls this time. “I was going to take a shower but decided not to.”
He had to shut the bathroom door in order to fix the shower curtain, and that was when you hurried to grab the red lipstick out of your purse.  With your heart racing so fast you thought it might explode, you eased back the curtain to the window over the parking lot and wrote on the glass with the lipstick, and then you gently pulled the cream colored curtain back in place so that it didn’t make any sound as it skidded along the rod.  
Craig opened the bathroom door again, but he would be cleaning and organizing for a while—so you forced a fake laugh over something that happened in the show, to make him believe you were just chilling, and then you grabbed the ball point pen you’d noticed earlier and put it in your back pocket.  It wasn’t much, but it would have to do.  You made a mental note to always carry at least a pocket knife or pepper spray with you at all times.  
You suddenly remembered the travel-size can of aerosol deodorant you’d put in your clutch for Robin because it wouldn’t fit in hers.  
You took that out, and tucked it under the covers.  
At the last second, Craig stuck his head out to see where you were, and you just happened to be relaxing on the bed with your head cradled in your hand, face lit up with amusement at the screen.
Alone at her place, on the way from the kitchen to the living room with a mug of tea in her hand, Astrid felt a pain shoot through her heart that was so sudden, she dropped the mug and it shattered to pieces on the laminate floor.  She clutched her chest and swallowed back the taste of bile, trying to steady herself, bracing her hand on the stove. 
After a few deep breaths, the flash of agony subsided, and a glance up at the clock told her that Steve was probably still at the wedding.  
Her head swam, and her ears went blind as if her head was submerged in water.  
A gun shot? 
The thought occurred to her, but then it passed. 
Was she experiencing another one of the symptoms of the strange connection she had with Steve ever since they were kids? Or was she having a panic attack of her own? She’d been thinking about the tarot reading she’d done for him; the warnings she’d been moved to share with him.
And then that charming, goofy grin he’d flashed her as he came in for a kiss, making light of her sudden and deep concern.
Driven by some type of inexplicable instinct, she stepped over the broken ceramic, toed into her shoes, and grabbed the keys to her old truck, hoping the engine didn’t fail her this time. 
She also hoped, for some unspecified reason, that she wasn’t too late.  
Too late for what, she wasn’t sure.  
“First things first,” Robin paced in the stairwell between the 3 and 4th floors while Eddie gnawed at his lip, his arms crossed stiffly over his chest.  “I’ll go down and see if I can find out from the front desk which room Craig is staying in.”
“They’re not just gonna hand that information over to you, Rob,” Eddie bit, trying not to take his frustration out on her.  His own mind was racing, not only because of you, but also at the thought that Charlene had crossed yet another line and was trying to fuck with his friend.  He couldn’t worry about Steve though—he had to trust that he would take the information he’d given him and do what needed to be done for that situation. 
It was then that Eddie’s beeper went off, echoing off the walls.  
He unclipped it from his belt to check it and found that it was from Wayne.
Alerts on his beeper from Wayne that were not during business hours always made his heart stop for a second.  
“Shit, I gotta find a phone,” he mumbled.
Robin started taking the stairs down, motioning for him to follow. “We can sneak around to the payphones in the lobby. This way.”
Turns out, the cops weren’t there for Eddie, they had just been strolling by to check on the event. Robin batted her eyes at the guy at the front desk and asked for a peppermint while Eddie checked out the scene.
Wayne wanted to let him know that Bones and the rest of the Coffin Kings were on their way.  
Eddie leaned against the payphone as Wayne advised him to wait for the rest of the MC before he made a move; it wasn’t safe to go up against a guy like Craig alone.
“Be careful, son,” Wayne told him.
“Take your meds and get some rest,” Eddie returned, which was just another way to say ‘I love you’.  
“You need me there?” Wayne asked.  “You need me to go and check on the boy?”
Eddie looked across the lobby at Robin who was on her way back with a handful of red and white peppermints wrapped in plastic and her tongue out in a goofy expression.
“That’s not a bad idea,” Eddie murmured.  “Check on Oliver just in case. He’s with his friend Paul at Raina’s.”
He also knew that Wayne was much like him, and in a situation like this—he needed something to occupy himself so that he didn’t go mad.
He hung the black phone back onto the receiver and let Robin feed a round candy into his mouth; he started chewing right away instead of sucking on it, crunching down so hard his jaw clicked.  He didn’t want to think what Craig was capable of now that he had you all alone, all to himself.
What if he put his hands on you? What if he….what if….
Eddie growled in frustration and punched the cement wall.  
He hissed in pain, knuckles zinging, and then flapped his hand in the air.  
“I need to go slash that fuckers tires so he can’t go anywhere,” Eddie told Robin, and she nodded; agreeing.
They told Steve to meet them down in the parking lot, and now they’d have more muscle as the rest of the kings rolled in.
But Eddie was losing patience, and—even worse—he worried he was losing you.
Craig was in a bad mood when he was done cleaning the bathroom, and you knew he would be—but it was a price you were willing to pay. 
He turned the TV off and stood in front of him, glaring down his nose at you.
“What have you been up to while I’ve been busy cleaning up your mess?”
You sat up and batted your eyelashes a few times.  “I’ve just been missing you, that’s all.”
His open hand slap came hard and fast across your face and it stung like hell. 
Your eyes were watering as you slowly brought your head back to face him again. 
“Are you done being a little pig?”
You sucked in your bottom lip, nodding. “Yes.”
You winced, because you thought he was going to slap you again, but he grabbed your chin like he’d done before and squeezed, making your mouth pucker. “Say you promise.”
“I promise, baby.  I promise.”
“Good,” he released you.  “Now we can finally enjoy our evening.”
You sank from the bed and got to your knees in front of him, and his hooded eyes followed your every move.
“If I can’t be a pig, can I be a whore?” You purred, moving to unfasten his belt buckle.
“You are such a fucking whore,” he hissed. “And you know how much I hate whores.”
You undid the button and pulled down the zipper. He groaned a little as he watched you reach inside his boxers to pull his cock out. He tilted his head back, feeling your warm breath on the tip as you stroked him and he pushed his pants further.
“Fuck yeah,” he said to the ceiling. “Suck me dry like the whore that you are.”
You spit on the tip and jerked him a few more times, unwilling to touch him with your mouth, as you reached around for the pen in your back pocket and clicked the point out.
“Yes, baby,” you whispered.  “Let me take care of you.”
On the next breath, you jabbed the pen up into his balls as fast and as hard as you could.  
In that first second or two, while he was still in shock, wailing, you stabbed him with it a few more times. 
Jab jab jab
Blood gushed out and he fell to the ground whimpering screams that could not be fully formed inside the crushing pain.
He clutched his wound and rolled over, giving you enough time to scamper away.  He lurched for you as you darted across the bed, thinking you wanted to grab for the deodorant spray, but then you just said fuck it and let out a feral yell as you dropped down with your knee in his face, and then you brought the pen down again....
You were aiming for his eyeball--hopefully his brain---but it stabbed into his cheek instead.
His scream was so piercing, you thought it might break the window
Was he dead or going to die? Probably not, but this was your only chance to get away and you had to take it. You ran as fast as you could, fumbling at the handle of the door as you heard his shrill, gurgled moans behind you.
Steve found his way down the stairwell and stopped to take a breather.  He’d been walking awhile, and his adrenaline was through the roof, so he paused to lean against the railing and light a cigarette.
“Son of a bitch,” he said on the exhale as smoke billowed out, and then he wet his lips. The worst part about finding out what Charlene did, was that Steve had honestly started to like her. He felt like he’d been tricked into dubious consent because he never would’ve let himself have any feelings if he’d known even half of the truth.  He put two fingers to his throat to check his pulse, certain that he was in the middle of a panic attack.  The nicotine did its job to calm him down, it also got him to slow down and breathe, if only to support his habit.
His attention perked up again when he heard a scream and a thump coming from the floor above, and then more screaming, as if some dude was being murdered.
On the highway, Astrid struggled to catch her breath, and the constriction in her chest made her swerve into the gravel and fishtail before she righted the truck again while the duet Jackson by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash played through static on the radio.  
She could see the lights of the hotel up ahead through the trees.
Eddie found Craig’s SUV in the parking lot and stabbed its tires with his utility knife, thinking he should have one of the guys bring the tow truck around and impound the fucker. Robin tried to open the doors and cupped her hands around her eyes to see what was inside.
Behind them, a car was pulling in off the highway; the headlights behind them cast their shadows over the pavement.
they heard the brakes squeal to a halt and a woman yelped.
Eddie’s attention went to the side of the building and he caught sight of something scrawled in red on one of the windows.  
You turned a corner at the end of the hall and ran like the devil was on your heels, passed several vending machines and a pool, until you broke through into a dark stairwell and made your way down on foot.  
You were afraid to look back.
The fear of hearing him enter the stairwell behind you had you in such a hurry that you tripped twice and caught yourself.  You were barefoot, and you were pretty sure you’d stepped on a thumbtack or some glass because the pad of your left foot stung like hell, but it did not slow you down.  
You wiped something wet out of your eye with your arm, assuming it was blood, and regretted that you didn't stay to make sure you killed him like you knew you should have.
In that moment, as you stumbled down the stairs afraid for your life, you felt like going to prison for such a thing would've been worth it.
You finally shot out into the night air and took a deep breath.
You came out around the backside of the hotel, where there wasn’t much illumination but for three lights up high on a ledge.  You only paused for a second, but kept going, passing dumpsters and an employee entrance before you caught sight of the highway and headlights making their way onto the property.  
Charlene darted from the hotel and out into the street, desperate to find Steve to explain, to let him know she regretted all of it, without looking where she was going. Before one of the valets could stop her, she almost got hit by an old truck cruising in at twice the speed it should have.
Only a hair away from the grille, she turned to throw the driver a dirty look.
Astrid was startled as well, but with her foot on the brake, and her eyes locked on Charene, she revved the engine.
When Craig stumbled into the elevator with a dark stain seeping through the crotch of his denim and a punctured face oozing blood, everyone in the compartment cleared out, muffling their screams as they went.
He heaved and grunted and thumbed the button for the lobby as he scowled down the hall at nothing while the doors slid shut.  
He had two loaded guns shoved in the waistband of his jeans and he intended to use them.  
Eddie stepped closer to read what it said on the window with a tilt of his head. It read: “Eddie I love u” and it was written backwards so that it could be legible from out where he was, not inside the room.
“Baby,” he whispered with a catch in his throat.
Forgetting about everything else he was doing, and the chaos that was going on, he took note of which floor that was and started to book it back inside, but then that was when you came into sight, limping around the shadowy corner.
You had blood spatter on your face, and your dress was ripped.  It also looked like you hurt your foot somehow and your face broke into a sob the moment you saw him.
Astrid parked her truck right where it was, with the headlights still on as she got out to find out where the boys were. She grabbed a shovel out of the bed in case she needed to use it as a weapon.
She was about to say something to Charlene when they heard the gunshot and both women ducked down, shoulders pressed together behind the side of the truck.
Craig exited the building on a rampage—not caring who saw him or what it looked like as he shot a bullet into the air.
He stepped out between you and Eddie, and you called out to him.
“I’m right here, Craig,” you said, stepping further into the light from the shadows.  “Please just, leave them be.  I’ll go with you wherever.”
Craig turned to give you a sneer of a grin, his white teeth now pink from all of the blood in his mouth.
“Oh, honey, it’s too late for that.”
You locked eyes with Eddie across the way and he started towards you, ready to breech the gap, regardless of the consequences as Craig turned the gun on him.
Eddie kept his pace, getting closer.  “You better be ready to use that, man, before I get my hands on you.”
With Craigs finger hot on the trigger, there was a sudden yell from somewhere in the bushes as Steve flew out of nowhere and tackled Craig to the ground. Eddie took that split second to get over to you, to hold your face and make sure you were okay.
The gun went off again, but the two were a tangled mess on the ground.  Steve beat Craig’s skull into the pavement a few times, and jammed his thumb into the once good eye, but Craig clocked him with the butt of the gun and it stunned him for a second.
It all happened so fast.
Steve was able to crack Craig’s hand against the ground and he lost his grip on the gun, and it skidded away, out of reach.
There were motorcycles thundering near in the distance as Craig yanked the other gun from his waistband and shuffled back to take aim.
Eddie spread his arms out and moved in front of you to act as a shield..
And then there was a gunshot from somewhere else, but the bullet only skimmed Craig’s shoulder. He yowled, but he did not faulter.
Charlene tried to aim at his skull for a second one with trembling hands, but Craig turned the gun on her and Astrid before she could, and he got a shot it, just before Steve reared up to take him to the ground again. The struggle turned them over several times, but then in a blink, Steve was on his back again, but he was able to wrestle the other weapon from Craig.
Craig reared up to bring his fist down into Steve’s face just as Astrid was about to bring the business end of the shovel down on his head---
but then there was a shotgun blast from out of the dark.
You ran up behind Eddie and put your arms around him.
Craig’s body spasmed in the air where he knelt above Steve as the power of the shots knocked him back.
There were smoking holes blown through his head and his chest.
With one final, open-mouthed pause against the beam of the headlights, and a choked gurgle, Craig’s dead body slumped to the ground.  
Panting, Steve unsheathed his knife and got to his knees; ready for more just in case.
Everyone’s eyes followed the line of fire to the source.
And there was Wayne.
He stepped out of the shadows in his Coffin King's denim kutte with “Uncle” on the front pocket, lowering the double barrel.  He tipped his chin to both of the boys and squared his shoulders.   
A crowd had gathered from inside, including the bride, and the woman who had just caught the bouquet, and Melanie. Even Erika was there as someone’s date. They whispered to each other as Craig’s blood pooled into a little river on the uneven pavement and made its way to the gutter.  
From inside Astrid’s truck, the chorus to the song I’m on Fire by Bruce Springsteen was eventually drowned out by the fierce rumble of motorcycles as the entire MC entered the parking lot and flanked the scene.  
Part 16
whoa, who knew this would be such a family affair when this fic first started? This world has come to mean so much to me, and I'm so grateful to those of you still riding along.
As always, your comments mean the world, and, if you enjoyed it---reblog it---because it's the only way this fic will ever be seen by anyone but us 🧡
Taglist: @notsobubblybaby @eighty6babyyy @unfocused81 @aysheashea @etherealglimmer@manicmagicmayhem @dream-a-little-nightmare@chaoticgood-munson @ms1oftheboys @emxcast @rhirojo@bexreadstoomuch @micheledawn1975@falling-solar-system @secretdryrose@kurdtbean @whatwedontdointheshadows @miarosso @seventhlevelofhell @corrodedcoffincumslut @lofaewrites @goldyghoul @chloe-6123 @kelsiegrin @chelebelletx @stylesxmunson @dandelionnfluff @lilpotatobean2-deactivated20230 @clincallyonline17 @tlclick73 @eddiemunson95 @sidthedollface2 @hideoutside @truffleshuffle12 @tenthmoon @texasblues@emilyslutface@mmunson86@onegirlmanytales@layla-loves-ed @dashingdeb16 @eddiiiieeee @michellecrusher
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munsonsmixtapes · 19 days
can i request eddie and reader moving into a new place together?🥺🤍
This is such a cute idea! Thanks so much for the request, lovely!
Eddie x gender neutral!reader
It initially started out as a drunken suggestion that was the result of too many margaritas. Eddie was a very emotional, sentimental drunk if he had too much and this was one of those nights. He was getting very mushy, telling you just how much he loved you and wished he could never part from you and that’s when he got the idea.
“We should move in together,” he suggested, maybe a little too loudly in the bar that didn’t have many people since it was so late.
“Yeah,” you agreed just as loudly and Eddie shushed you as the others gave you rude looks. “I’d love to live with you.”
After you both had sobered up, you had thought about moving in together a lot. You had discussed it at length and decided to get a whole new place to start fresh. You found an apartment complex not that far from Hawkins so the two of you could still be close to Wayne and he planned to visit all the time.
On moving day, Steve, Robin, Nancy and the kids helped the two of you out which made the job go by so much faster. By lunchtime, the truck was empty and you sent everyone home so you and Edie could take a much needed nap.
You just needed some time alone and there really wasn’t anything they could do since all of the hard work had been done. So, with that, you and Eddie headed inside your own apartment, boxes and furniture filling up the place and held each other in your arms, looking at each other with so much love.
You headed into the room your now shared and the two of you collapsed onto your bare mattress, ready for a well deserved nap. Eddie grabbed onto your waist and pulled you to him, his forehead pressed against yours. You tangled your legs together and pressed a kiss to his nose before letting out a contented sigh.
“I love you,” you told him, stroking his hair and he grinned like he always did when you said those words to him.
“I love you too,” he replied, his eyes getting all misty. “And I can’t wait to start this next chapter with you.”
“I can’t wait either,” you said and not long after, both of you drifted off to sleep, thinking about nothing but each other and your future together.
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arthenaa · 4 months
next on priority is a song inspired mizu fic !!! v fluffy inspired by tingin by cup of joe as requested by dearest ian @ianiralvs , my delulu receiver 🫶 ,,, will incorporate uni life as always .... hayst sorri na us2 ko lang talaga ng ba indus-design mizu hehe :> will be a diff au to my uni series !!! taglist will be open, just reply to this post if ur interested hehe. also moodboard !
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SO SO HOMOSEXUALLY READY FOR THIS ... will include nsfw parts as well !! mwa and it'll be quite long hehe. (pano ginawa ang la salle edi benilde)
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nena-96 · 1 month
Romione and/or Hinny blog recs?(I have been desperately trying to claw my way back into the golden trio era of the fandom)
Hey, anon!
Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been working 14hr shifts and my sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up.
Anyways, I’d love to share some of my recs with you. Trust me, I know how it feels, and I hope you have a fun time checking out these blogs (I’ll also post some fics recs, separate post, because it’ll be a wee bit long 😅),
Romione Blog Recs:
@adenei @acnelli @azaleablueme @be11atrixthestrange @cheesyficwriter @katenoteight @honouraryweasley12 @remedialpotions @mertronus @bluegreenandpurple @redandbrown @my-patronus-is-a-champagne-glass @hillnerd @hillnerd-art @toorumlk @gurinpotte @giuls233 @abradystrix @edie-k @taurusmoonchild
*Rennervator [on ao3]
*RonsGirlFriday [on ao3] or @constitutionalweasleymonarchy
*insufferableknowitall [on ao3]
*reallybeth [on ao3] or @reallybeth9
*sm_jl [on ao3] or @voldemorts-tap-shoes
(Just note some are not as ‘active’ as before but they all have amazing fics/art/hc that they’ve shared.)
Hinny Blog Recs (I’m fairly new to reading Hinny and I’m hoping to write some more….so the rec list is a bit short, maybe they have some recs?)
@corneliaavenue-ao3 @ginnyw-potter @takearisk-xo @sweeethinny @starlingflight
I hope the rec lists does not overwhelm you, anon, but i do hope you check out their works because they are truly talented.
I know I’ve read many of their works (and possibly left many reviews…in which I ramble….oh gosh I do that a lot 🤦‍♀️ on their works) and seen lots of their fanart.
That being said I hope this helps you get back into Romione, Hinny (Golden trio era)
I’m happy you sent this anon and I wish you the best of luck! Also, remember to like, reblog and comment on their works, it’s a way to show your appreciation for all their hard work and dedication since we all know life can get hectic and writing fanfic isn’t always easy. 💕
[ps…. I’ll share a few fic recs that I enjoy and always find myself going back to. But on a different post since this one is a bit long, haha. ]
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