#eleventh post
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Bruv, What???
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bingchusayshi · 2 years
A Special Kirbtober Day today! 💖💞💖
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forkpigeon3146 · 9 months
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sakiaii · 9 months
Armored x Magic girls ‘title forever work in progress’ story 10 finale because i posted story 10 by mistake as i didn't realize it was a fresh post and not saved as draft post so now i have to write the final here
"and if someone threatens this peace you will gather together as you did today"
and that's why the royal castle banner has just a shield
10 years later (idk if anyone realized but i don't have names for kingdoms i've been calling then 1st,2nd,3rd, darkness, technomancers)
..10 years later in the kingdom of darkness, royal castle, throne room. unshaven dark haired king (the commander) sits on the throne in front of the gathered subjects. on the right from entrance we see crimson castle and Arch Crimson, Crimson Night together with her apprentice future Crimson Midnight. next to her the head witch and her 4 apprentices but we only recognize the 3 ladies from the present here and can't even see the face of the 4th hmmmmmmmmmmm. across on the other side first to throne are necromancers their leader with a heavy coat standing next to his daughter present day leader (we see his portrait in hallway in 4th series finale in the scene at necromancer castle) behind him the Oni and the 2 sisters present while behind them werewolves and their general.
ancient red eyed vampire steps into the room and walks to the kings left and tell him it was done, it has begone.
1st kingdom is about to attack and gathered are strategizing a trap. realizing the royal castle would be the juicy bait they wish to make a weak opening to it. king refuses as that would mean sacrificing people but necromancer leader says they've been scouting his castle and discovered nothing you can not kill a necromancer he will lead them into battle under royal castle banner instead and play dead. to which his daughter comments you can not kill a necromancer unless you know he is a necromancer. one has to wonder now seeing how the people doing the trap are/were alive in present and those going to battle are not. So necromancers under royal banner will go straight south, Crimson castle and witches east while Oni and werewolves will go west. and so it was necromancers on the south played dead, Crimson castle crushing it on the east but on the west nothing. suddenly future Crimson Midnight shows up on the south battlefield as necromancer leader accuses her of trying to ruin the trap she informs him how this already is a trap and by kings order they've been send to help. on the east Crimson Night and head witch are commenting how it is too easy? sus, and on the west the 1st kingdoms army there just casually passes and leaves the woods behind them as people start exiting from the darkness looking in that armies direction and then turning the heads in the other direction.
1st kingdoms real army was walking behind and on the south necromancer leader starts shouting "necromancers rise" as they stop playing dead and start attacking soldiers above them. situation on the east is now equal and this army has a mvp dark haired female dressed in white that's a sword master she's completely unstoppable and goes into air flying straight at the 2 leaders when the general werewolf jumps at her. 2 leaders are now laughing as Arch Crimson comments "I thought it was weird that the king sent werewolves with the clan as they need no help" "but he predicted that the Crimson castle would be the bigger target so he wanted to trick the scouts" now the general looks at the woman's sword on the ground but as she is closer to it orders attack and joins the battlefield with his werewolves, little did he know that women hurt her back in the fall and can't get back up so she teleports to safety leaving the sword. (yes it's the enchanted from series 6) Arch Crimson picks it up and gifts it to a servant. on the west a short flash of light and the army that was let through rushes back and only finds weapons on the ground and traces of battle, nothing else.
and now on the south an army lead by an old wise sorceress, something on the sky flashed as if lights going towards royal castle. necromancer leader ask Midnight "you said we" to which she replies "yes" and he's like "do i need to cover my ears" and midnight is like yup and uses magic so the 2 of them can't hear anything and necromancer starts waving the sword looking at the sky with the other side being confused. but then on the night sky there is movement as if there was an invisible carpet there and now boots, then legs going through it as the rest just falls down turning into coat on the women now descending in the sky and then she released a scream that made everyone on the battlefield fall and the scream lasted until her boots touched the ground and now she is just walking forward. soldiers around either can't get up, are throwing up, either way everyones ears are ringing and the man shouting retreat will soon switch to waving the flag as he can't even hear himself. sorceress on the ground shouts mercy but the women walking just ignores her completely as she steps on her and just continues going forward. that women was the 4th witch.
at the royal castle, well remember the first scene in 4th series but this time there is a cloaked women wearing what looks like green uniform underneath and she tells the king "they're here" "you know what to do" as she leaves for the dark corner where the entrance is and now magic girls wearing that same uniform in different color enter (read series 4). as the king gives the sign raising his fingers the cloaked women that had her scepter prepared this whole time does the spears attack.
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claraoswalds · 6 months
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THE DOCTOR + first words
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Things Never To Say To Someone Who Just Came Out
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improbabledreams900 · 5 months
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“The still point between where you want to go and where you need to be—that’s where she takes you.”
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spoopdeedoop · 3 months
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collection of drawings from my impressively self indulgent found family human doctors au because i am in fact still unwell
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hobgoblinns · 6 months
in light of the news that fifteen enjoys clubbing, this is how i imagine the other doctors would respond to finding themselves in a nightclub
one: genuinely appalled; whacks people in the shins with his cane until security drag him out
two: starts absolutely shredding on the recorder in the middle of the dance floor
three: is only here because the master has chosen this club to be the centre of his new scheme
four: keeps trying to strike up conversation about quantum mechanics with strangers (but no one can hear him)
five: complains about the music selection the whole time
six: can’t get past the bouncers (they don’t like his outfit)
seven: “i don’t know what’s going on here, but these people seem to be having a good time :)” meanwhile someone has just flashed him
eight: keeps getting hit on in the most obscene ways possible and turns them down politely every time
nine: really doesn’t want to be here but rose is having fun and he could watch her dance all night
ten: trying every snack on offer at the bar
eleven: gets overwhelmed and starts crying immediately
twelve: somehow ends up doing coke in the bathroom
thirteen: has a great time for fifteen minutes, passes out
fourteen: would literally rather watch paint dry than be here. can’t remember ever being so bored in his life
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grandadtwelve · 6 months
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doctors 1, 3, and 9-15 + text posts I’ve reblogged onto my main blog 🫶🏼
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Her family history is a little ~complicated~
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olympain · 3 months
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You are loved hated.
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aq2003 · 5 months
9th doctor's gender is when you wake up from a nightmare but don't fully remember all of it and also don't want to talk about it so you have to keep going about your day trying to not explode. 10th doctor's gender is the manic floating feeling you get from not going to sleep where you feel like you're simultaneously able to take on god and also you've never felt so awful in your life. 11th doctor's gender is when you have a really weird but fantastical dream that made a lot of sense at the time but then you wake up and think about it and go "lmao what was that". 12th doctor's gender is the feeling when you take a nap and then you wake up and you're so so tired still and you want to go back to sleep but you can't so you just have to lie there decomposing. 13th doctor's gender is when you dream about kissing a girl then you wake up and have to ask yourself if that says anything in particular about you. 14th doctor's gender is when you don't know you're adhd so drink a large cup of coffee for the first time so you can stay up and get all your responsibilities done but instead you pass out immediately. 15th doctor's gender is waking up feeling well rested for the first time in a while but you still feel an unfathomable loneliness deep within you
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cupothi · 5 months
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hiiii everypony
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sakiaii · 9 months
Armored x Magic girls ‘title forever work in progress’ story 10
this story was not intended to be a series. i mean if this was a show then this would be the movie.
60 years ago in the world of magic. there was a prince that was kind to his people but evilly cruel to races considered born evil. yes we are talking witch hunts or creatures of the night hunts? anyways imagine him entering a village with his guards as they bring out a peasant that was discovered to be a werewolf as the peasants wife pleads for mercy saying he is a good man. order.. execute.. but wait the man had children.. they've surely inherited the gens execute them as well.. also which human woman would marry a werewolf execute her as well. phobia of this races was huge and the believe was their existence was dangerous, their magic evil and they themselves were evil but as we saw in the other series that's not the case. there will always be bad apples and this phobia created we against them mentality but some just wanted normal lives. The commander of his guards might have listened to commands but he was face to face with this truth every time and his opinion of the prince was at all low.
thinking she is one of his people prince shows kindness to a witch once and she starts fancying him the commander got the gist what she is but doesn't say anything. as it was announced that a marriage was arranged for the prince the witch has a moment of weakness and the commander shows up and tells her just to reconsider as he is not the person she thinks he is so whatever she was thinking of doing she should reconsider for her own sake. she doesn't do anything but it's discovered that she is a witch and as they placed her in front of wise old man the commander finally starts calling them out on this bullshit but.. they start shouting the witch has him under control remove the spell as there was no spell to remove they accuse the witch of being far more powerful then believed the commander sacrifices his life protecting her and this triggered something in the witch and she teleport herself and his body into forest and starts something she completely let emotions overrun her and hit trees and ground until her hands were bloody and the magic she was summoning was so powerful it was like a beacon and it attracted the curiosity of races of night and also it was seen from the city so prince lead the guards into forest. as the 2 groups reached location other races wanted to escape but then the sudden realization we're equal in numbers we can fight them and that's what they did in order to protect the spell young witch was casting eventually the young witch kills the prince and dies as her spell ended and brought the commander back to life. this commander then tells everyone gathered "why don't you create a kingdom of your own where you could live in peace" "and if someone threatens this peace you will gather together as you did today"
EDIT: oops posted by mistake finale is missing
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nobleriver · 1 year
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Parallels - The Doctor Protecting River
The Doctor will find your daughter. And he will care for her, whatever it takes. And I know that.
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