#elite martial arts
cryptotheism · 1 year
A Review of The Way Of The Shadow Wolves: The Deep State And The Hijacking Of America by Steven Segal
Alleged rapist and human trafficker, cop groupie, washed-up action movie star, and personal friend to Vladimir Putin, the paradox of Steven Segal is how he manages to stick around despite being –by damn near every account– a universally unpleasant vacuum of charisma. I could go on, but I feel that no introduction of Steven would be complete without the tale of the headlock. Legends tell of Steven’s conflict with legendary martial artist and hollywood stunt coordinator “Judo” Gene Lebell. Allegedly, the two fell into an argument on the set of the film Out For Justice. The crux being Steven’s claim that he was “immune” to being choked unconscious. Allegedly, LeBell called his bluff, and put the actor in a headlock. A headlock that resulted in Steven losing consciousness, and control of his bowels. Steven denies the story. He also wrote a book.
The book is garbage, but garbage in a way that can be easily overstated. I wanted to take a page from other reviewers of this book, and call the text what it is; a fever dream of exhausting mediocrity, swaddled in delusions of grandeur. I wanted to whale on it. I wanted to denounce it like some ridiculous fire-and-brimstone preacher of internet literary criticism. But this does not capture the core, the essence of Way of the Shadow Wolves. There is a paradox at the heart of this text, a contradiction that even now I struggle to describe. Because despite everything, despite the balls-to-the-walls premise, the disastrous prose, and the buckwild plot, this book is deeply and powerfully boring. To call it a fever dream is to imply that it might be exciting. 
Some books are bad in a way that must be experienced firsthand. This is not one of those books. In a way, I feel that you’ve already read this book. You know Steven Segal. You met him in elementary school, when he told you he has “every black belt.” You met him in college when you tricked him into smoking a bag of oregano. You met him at your most recent family gathering, where you were trapped in an awkward one-sided conversation about “those people.” The bad-ness of Steven’s work is deeply familiar. 
We have our boots. We have our waders. We have our shovels. But, before we wade into the shit, there is one more thing we need to get out of the way: The Shadow Wolves are real. In 1972 the United States government agreed to the Tohono O'odham Nation’s demand that border enforcement agents patrolling their land have at least one quarter native ancestry. The result being the specialized unit of Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers known as The Shadow Wolves. In the 2020 Sonic the Hedgehog film, Dr. Eggman states that they are who trained him in the art of tracking. 
Let us cook Way of the Shadow Wolves from scratch. Think of every dogshit C-list action movie you’ve ever seen. Ideally, you want the trash cuts of post-9/11 hysteria marbled with ex-cia heroes and vaguely arab villains. Drop it all into a stockpot. Next, roughly dice some comic books and kung-fu movies, the more racist the better. Now add some datura, it doesn't matter if it's edible or not, because you saw a native American in a movie make something like that once and you’re totally 1/64th Cherokee. Add a whole can of Qanon and a whole can of racism. Boil until you have pacing thicker than mud. 
Way of the Shadow Wolves is a police procedural meets a spy thriller, a fast-paced action drama about elite agents on the fringes of the law who have the huge sweaty meaty balls to do what needs to be done for our country. It is Steven's attempt at the action schlock he embodies as an actor. Our hero is John Gode: Shadow Wolf. Reservation-born native American tracker, ICE agent, and Kung-Fu master. I believe he might have been described at one point. If he was, I do not care. Steven does not care. It does not matter. John Gode is Steven, and he’s the most badass dude to ever not be gay. He is: Special Agent Shaman Cop. He’s gonna beat up the deep state. That’s all you need to really need to know. In fact, it is shocking just how little you need to know about this book. 
We begin in a movie theater, where our protagonist is alone, watching the end credits of a movie about the atrocious treatment of native Americans on behalf of the united states government. When the film finally ends, John says to himself “It’s about time.” He gets up to leave. The chapter immediately ends. My compliments to the chef. A delightfully bland apéritif of a character introduction. Steven uses the essential point of first contact with our protagonist to tell us vital information like “He doesn’t like it when movies are long.” or maybe “He didn’t like this movie about the trail of tears.” It is unclear. To quote English-Albanian philosopher Dua Lipa, “Go girl, give us nothing.”
I have been dancing around the quality of the writing. It seems impossible to approach without the footing of a new paragraph, an opponent that requires full-focus, an all-out assault. It is nigh-incomprehensible. I hate comparing bad writing to drugs. It feels too easy. But there is a specific air to Way of the Shadow Wolves. There is a distinct cadence, simultaneously manic and lethargic, that comes from attempting to write while day drunk on over-prescribed amphetamines. And make no mistake, if Steven was not entranced by the muse of Too Many Uppers And Downers At The Same Time, if he wrote this thing stone sober, that is worse. Small quotes will not do the writing style justice, you must see for yourself how sentences flow into each other:
“The desperado’s mind went back in time to a small town in Mexico twelve years before, where he first met his two cohorts when they were thrown together by a tragic set of circumstances. Their parents had been gunned down by a cartel who was at war with a competing cartel for control of the area, which was a pathway to the American border near Nogales, Arizona. All three had been shepherded to a local mission where they were being cared for by the Franciscans, who were becoming overwhelmed by the growing number of children left homeless due to the rampant killings by the warring cartels . . .”
Labyrinthine. A paragraph structure that would feel more at home with Calvino, or Garcia Marquez at his most experimental, though stripped of its deft control and musicality. Segal will regularly change temporal perspective in the middle of sentences. A single run-on sentence will begin in the past, have a middle clause in the present, and then return to the past by the end. There is a downright massive cast of characters for a 200 page book. Damn near every chapter introduces three or four more names, and we are lucky if Steven describes them before discarding them entirely. This book is a slog. I find myself losing patience with Steven. 
Some time has passed since I began writing this review. Originally, my approach was surgical disassembly. I was going to go over the plot, summarize its anatomy, pick apart its flaws with surgical precision. But the more I cut, the more I felt as if I was the butt of a joke. I was performing an autopsy on a clown, pulling sheets of colorful rope from its gut, and the cadaver was laughing at me. 
There is a moment, about halfway through. A woman approaches John at a bar. An assassin, who later attacks John in the parking lot with karate. A furious series of crescent kicks, effortlessly blocked by John Gode, who punches her in the ribs and knocks her to the ground. Realizing that her martial arts are defeated, she draws her gun, but John Gode is too fast. He fires his own weapon before she can get the shot off, killing her instantly. “Her round went upward toward the sky as she fell backward with eyes wide open, seeing nothing.”
This scene stuck with me. It illustrates one of the critical flaws at the heart of Way of the Shadow Wolves. Nothing hurts John. Nothing even gets close. He does not struggle. He does not sweat. He does not bleed. Steven clearly intends this scene to be badass, a moment where his self-insert hero defeats a dangerous enemy without trying. This book is an action movie, but John’s untouchability makes every action scene read as a moment of profound and boring cruelty. This was not a contest of master martial artists. This was an adult kicking a child in the throat.
I find myself losing patience with Steven. I am running out of humorous ways to describe this vapid tripe. This is, in my mind, the greatest condemnation of bad writing. There is no hell lower than being boring to mock. I see myself as a sort of sommelier of the awkward and disastrous. I will be the first to tell you “Wait! Don’t throw that out! There are things to be learned!” But Steven repeatedly proves himself to be a sort of Alchemist of Shit, capable of transmuting theoretically interesting bullshit into just fucking nothing. If this book deserves credit for anything, it is its miraculous ability to squander its own premise. 
Why write this? Any of this? Steven clearly does not read. Or, if he does, he seems to subsist entirely on a diet of comic books about monkeys that do kung-fu. Why write this? At some level it all comes down to “because Steven wanted to” right? 
But I cannot shake the feeling. To call this book masturbatory is to imply that Steven might have enjoyed it. There is a desperation to the power fantasy here. To be feared by men, desired by women, revered by all, yaddah yaddah yaddah, all the same trite excretions of blunt masculinity. But there is something else. Steven wants the same thing that every conspiracy theorist wants; a simple world. A world he can understand. Steven is exhausted, overwhelmed with a world he feels he can neither effect nor understand. I am exhausted. 
I fear my earlier allusions to expressionist novels may have been more spot on than I imagined. Way of the Shadow Wolves has a plot in the sense that Sunny-D contains fruit juice. Its presence is a formality, a ceremonial hat worn for tax purposes. The plot is there, but it is unimportant. This is not a text that can be debated with. Because within the world of the text, politics is not complex. It is not actually a web of interconnected groups, each with their own interests, rivalries, alliances, and historical contexts. Behind all of it is two things: Good guys, and bad guys. The good guys are all working together, and the bad guys are all working together. 
I find myself losing patience with Steven. I fear my earlier allusions to expressionist novels may have been more spot on than I imagined. Way of the Shadow Wolves has a plot.
John Gode finds a human tooth in the desert. It belongs to a body, a body of a woman described in lurid detail. Nearby, he meets a young native American man, a man who calls himself Sweet Tooth. The body is missing teeth, missing hands, missing feet. A trademark cartel killing. A young native American man. “I’m gonna be like, your assistant right?” A buddy cop dynamic. Meeting the task force. Tailing an ICE van full of cartel soldiers. A hostage situation. A shootout in the desert. Far away, faceless men in suits with masonic ranks plan a mass killing. Some sounded like they had Arabic accents. Freemasonry. Interrogation with a snake. The corpse was a woman. The woman was a reporter. She had the evidence on a flash drive, evidence that proved the existence of the deep state. What if its all connected? A sex scene, or almost a sex scene. A sex scene interrupted. A shootout in the desert. Kung Fu assassins at a bar. A cartel defector. A shootout in the desert. What if its all connected. They’re working with the Jihadists. The USA is already “half latino.” The government is paying the cartels to ship Jihadists north across the border. They’re well-trained and well armed. You can’t trust anyone. A terrorist defector who hears the voice of the prophet. The ghost of John’s grandfather. The sun sets over the Sonora. A shootout in the desert. They kidnapped John’s mother. Bring them the flash drive. They’re planning to bomb the casino. A shootout in the desert. The police chief was a traitor. The Catholics are in on it. Its all connected. A shootout in the desert. Assault by night. Rescuing the hostage. A knife dipped in pigs blood. A pit of vipers in the sonora. 
Steven ends a chapter with the line. “They had functioned like a well-oiled machine that had just saved two innocent lives. All lives matter. Do they not?” 
I am tired. I find myself at a neighborhood block party, trapped in a conversation I’ve had a thousand times. This time the man on the other end is a sweaty divorcee in range glasses who looks like a sunburned thumb. Last week, it was a woman with a necklace of crystals and blonde hair bleached blonder. “Haha yeah” I say, looking down at my phone. “Burgers look good this year huh?”
Thank you to my Patreon supporters who made this review possible.
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esamastation · 7 months
Shizuroth, part twenty-four
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three
There are few things you learn very quickly after joining the SOLDIER program.
One, mind your own business. If it looks like it's above your paygrade, it is, and no amount of curiosity or bluster will be enough to fend off the Turks. Though, honestly, that's just common sense for any employee of Shinra Electric Power Company…
Two, mind your own. You see another SOLDIER struggling, you give them a hand, you put your shoulder out there for them to lean on, and you don't make note of it. They all come out of their first Mako injections, spewing their guts out. If someone acts a bit crazy, you give them a hand, you give them a moment, and you move on.
And three, there is no such thing as too much training. In all honesty, none of them get enough training, with the enhancements they get. They're always playing catch up with the Mako, trying to match skill and control to raw power - which only grows greater with each injection. They rarely even get the time to get adjusted to their latest batch of Mako. It was a waste of time!
Shinra didn't hire them to train them to be Elite SOLDIERs, no. That's what the injections were for, after all - they were an instant shortcut to a capability that normally took up to twenty years of hard training to achieve. SOLDIER were given raw power, relentless endurance and seemingly unstoppable speed at the point of a needle and then… then they were given work.
A lot of SOLDIER Third Classes delighted in that, taking full advantage of the powers given and going to town, not paying much mind to technical skill. What is skill when you can outrun, outlift and outlast every other human out there? Lot of Thirds let it get to their heads.
A lot of SOLDIER Thirds never made it to Seconds.
The ones that made it to Seconds knew better, usually. The only way to get there was to rise above Thirds, and the only way to do that is by training. Which they often had to beg, borrow, bribe and steal for. Martial art manuals from Wutai, physical training from athletes, actual one on one sessions with older and more experienced warriors… even spars against each other, all worth their weight in materia in the SOLDIER program.
And training from a SOLDIER First Class…? Priceless.
Angeal Hewley was the best for it - he liked training with Seconds and sometimes even Thirds. He was a good teacher too, he took personal interest, he kept up with progress, he gave challenges. You could really feel yourself improving, under Angeal's hand.
Genesis Rhapsodos was… also good, if you needed tutoring in Materia. There was no better Spellcaster in Shinra then Genesis, and you could tell that he was always striving to get better. Unfortunately he gave up on his students if he felt they weren't putting in enough effort. Which was, sooner or later, all of them.
But Sephiroth…
"Good," the First says, still with that absolutely deranged smile on his face as he walks through their ranks, checking their stances. "Now again, from the beginning - one, two, three…" He actually claps a beat, and the SOLDIERs go through the poses in sequence, sifting in time with his claps. 
Kunsel's knees are shaking, and he can feel strain in muscles he used to be absolutely sure he'd trained enough. His grip on his sword is white-knuckled, and he can feel the way the tip is quivering radiating down the blade, into his hands, his wrists, his arms. He barely dares to breathe.
At Sephiroth's call, he shifts with everyone else to the next pose - feet shifting and then back firmly in the ground.
No one dares to breathe too loudly, and no one has said a word - no one wants to break whatever has come over Sephiroth. 
In his mind, Kunsel is desperately trying to memorise everything so that the moment it ends he could write it all down.
"Knee," Sephiroth says to someone, and there's a shift of a boot as someone shifts their position. "Good. Lower your left elbow. Very good. You there, relax your grip, breathe."
Kunsel's heart skips a beat as Sephiroth speaks to him, as the First approaches him. "No need to have such a death grip. It's better to lose your sword than your fingers," the First says, smiling, smiling, green eyes glowing.
Kunsel almost drops the whole sword as Sephiroth touches his hand to urge him to relax. His breath escapes in a wooshy exhale and Sephiroth, SOLDIER First Class, chuckles at him.
"There, that's much better, isn't it?" And before Kunsel can do more than gape at him, the First is moving forward. "Good! Now, is everyone ready?" Sephiroth asks, sauntering up to stand in front of them.
"Yes, sir!" comes the instant answer from about a dozen SOLDIERs.
"So obedient," Sephiroth purrs. "Good. Now swing!"
Dozen sword beams launch in unison at the First, who watches them come with a smug little smile, before swiping them away with a single easy swing of his sword.
"There, everyone got it, very good," Sephiroth says, watching them like he wants to eat them all. "You have done this master very proud. That ends today's lesson - I want all of you to practise these moves, but without activating your Qi. Do not tempt Qi-deviation."
Like with most things Sephiroth has said during the lesson, none of them have any idea what he's saying, but they agree nonetheless. "Yes, sir!"
"Good. Go on then," Sephiroth says with a little wave and still with that smile. "Shoo!"
Sephiroth just shoo'd them.
On still shaking knees, Kunsel stumbles with the rest of the Thirds and Seconds out of the destroyed training room. They're all just about equally shell-shocked as they quietly meet with the SOLDIERs who hadn't been able to fit in the lesson, but who had all been watching, avidly, as it progressed.
There's a sense of shock and awe in the air - like they'd all just gone through a bombing run together, and it has been equal parts amazing and horrifying.
"None of this gets off this floor," a voice says quietly from the back. One of the older Seconds, whose name Kunsel doesn't know. "Got it? Anyone asks, you say nothing about this. As far as anyone outside this floor is concerned, nothing happened."
"Sephiroth, is he…?"
"He calmed down after Professor Hojo and the technicians left," the older SOLDIER whispers very firmly. "And that. Is. All."
Kunsel swallows and looks back through the malfunctioning, still open automatic doors.
Sephiroth has taken seat on the floor in the middle of the devastation with Masamune held upon his crossed legs. He's meditating.
"I think I'd die for him," someone breathes out fervently.
Kunsel clears his throat before he can do something silly like agree. "Should we, um… call Director Deusericus, give the all clear? There's bound to be, um… cleanup, and such."
The other SOLDIERs consider this, looking conflicted. 
"I say give it a moment," someone sighs, shakily sitting down on the floor. Whether intentionally or not, he's mirroring Sephiroth's pose. "I, for one, need a moment."
He is not the only one, and they're all trying to look into the training room, to catch a glimpse of the SOLDIER First Class.
After a moment just standing there without a thought in his head, Kunsel joins them. "So, um. Does anyone know anything about mediation?"
They don't, but that doesn't stop them from trying. 
Disciples aquired.
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
FUN FACT: Did you know Frieza had a finite amount of soldiers on Namek? (And he doesn't kill his troops.)
Also Appule is kind of important and there's a clearly marked place where Goku's six-day space journey happens in the timeline?
I have a laundry list of grievances with the Dragon Ball and DBZ animes. We're here to talk about one of those right now! The Z anime gives Frieza infinitely respawning soldiers that just seem to pour out of his ship whenever he needs them.
This interferes with a key plot point of Frieza's portion of the Namekian Dragon Ball hunt: That Frieza, for all his power, is rendered helpless when his attack on Moori's village goes south.
See these guys?
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These guys ruin Frieza's entire goddamn week.
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Get his ass, my Namekian thembruhs.
A consistent weakness of Frieza's forces is that they fight blind. By this point in the series, characters on Earth have been taught advanced fantasy martial arts involving manipulation of ki or chi. They can concentrate ki into attacks more powerful than the wielder, sense ki in other beings and feel incoming attacks without having to see them, suppress ki to become invisible to ki detection, etc. etc.
The Earthlings are goddamn amazing at ki manipulation, and the Namekians are just as good.
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But Frieza's Planet Trade Organization represents the uncaring hand of capitalism. There is no artistry in their methods. There is no true discipline or understanding. They're a bunch of paid thugs with guns, looking to gentrify planets for their boss: a real estate mogul. So they rely on fallible technology that fails time and time again when put up against experienced martial artists.
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The battle at Muri's village is no exception, as Frieza's forces get slaughtered by the "harmless" interlopers.
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With only the elites vaguely understanding, from second-hand accounts, what they're seeing here.
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Which, in turn, gives Muri the opening he needs to cripple Frieza's campaign by destroying the Scouters they're using to track down Namekian villages.
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This is Muri's checkmate. Muri destroys the Scouters, the technology Frieza relies on to find Namekian villages on this planet and take their Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, his reinforcements wipe out Frieza's army.
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That guy right is the only survivor of the massacre.
This is Appule. If you've ever wondered why Appule was so important that he got to be his own distinct character in Tenkaichi 3, this is why. Appule is the last grunt left standing.
Though Dodoria makes short work of the Namekian warriors, the damage is done. Frieza's lost his Scouters and he's out of manpower. He's going to have to fan his men out to search the planet, a planet larger than Earth, by looking around with their eyes. And the only men he has left to do that are Zarbon, Appule, and Dodo--
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...are Zarbon and Appule.
So. Y'know. Frieza is two deaths short at this point of being completely and utterly fucked sideways.
As his two remaining men set out to search, Zarbon takes great care to tell Appule not to do anything that might get him killed.
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It is absolutely pivotal for Frieza's campaign that these two live. There is no one else on this planet who can do the job. It's Appule who ultimately succeeds in finding the last Namekian village.
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For some reason, in their eagerness to rewrite the story so that there are far more soldiers on Namek for some reason, the anime makes this Appule's vampire cousin?
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Uh. Okay, man. Sure. In any case, it's Appule who finds the village and Appule who reports its destruction to Frieza. He's not a significant character by any stretch, but you can see why he warrants a bit more name recognition than Frieza Soldier #72. He has more impact on the plot that Cui does, that's for damn sure.
Too bad about Vegeta though.
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It's a lot easier for Vegeta to get away with this gambit in the manga than it is in the anime. In the anime, somehow the infinitely respawning Frieza soldiers (who he regularly kills for funsies) flooding the halls don't give away the fact that Vegeta's still here.
But with Appule dead, Zarbon and Frieza are the only people left alive in the ship. It's a lot easier to distract two people for a minute than a limitless garrison.
In the manga, this is the closest Frieza ever gets to team-killing one of his own soldiers. Once he realizes Vegeta has stolen all five of his Dragon Balls, has a sixth Dragon Ball stashed away, and is now just one Dragon Ball away from immortality while Frieza's blind and understaffed? All because Zarbon fucked up?
He says some shit.
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So. Yeah. He's not above killing his men when they fuck up so bad that they cost him immortality and give his most dangerous archnemesis the means to topple his empire and end him.
But that's a much higher bar to clear than shooting down his infinitely respawning dudes because, uh....
*checks notes* With the Ginyu Force on their way, Frieza can afford to kill his own guys because the Ginyus are better than them anyway. So he keeps them all in the ship and murders them for no reason despite the fact that Vegeta is actively making off with his Dragon Balls right this second and he has no idea to where.
Yeah. That's. Uh. That's a pretty significant story difference. In any case, Frieza's campaign grinds to a screeching halt when....
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That's it. That is the very last one. Frieza's campaign is sunk. Until the Ginyu Force arrives, Frieza has no forces and no resources left. He is an unbelievably powerful man, the most powerful in the universe, and the only way he could ever hope to catch up to Vegeta is by flying aimlessly around a colossal planet and looking for Vegeta with his eyes.
I've often heard people express confusion about where Goku's six-day transit is supposed to fit into the Namekian timeline. This, right here? This is it. At this moment, it's over for Frieza. For the next five days, he is soundly defeated. He's out of the race for the Dragon Balls entirely.
And the only reason Vegeta hasn't won the race is because of that one Ball Gohan smuggled away from him.
So Frieza, defeated, is forced to sit in his broken ship with his thumb up his ass and wait for reinforcement.
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Vegeta, with six Dragon Balls, is forced to sit on his balls with his thumb up his ass hoping the talented martial artist Earthlings currently suppressing their ki signatures get stupid and give him something to detect - knowing that if he leaves for a second, those little shits with the Dragon Radar might scoop 'em up from under him.
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While Gohan and Krillin, with ki signatures suppressed, make the five-day trek at minimum power to Saichoro/Guru.
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It's here. Right here. Where everything stops for five days to pass, and for Goku to approach the planet. All because Frieza ran dry on resources and manpower to keep up the hunt.
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ro-rogue · 2 months
the tragic thing about john doe is that he was doomed from the start.
he was likely born in a low- or mid-tier district: new bostin high's old king, zirian, was the only one john had trouble beating, before he figured out how to amplify abilities, and at the time he beat zirian, zirian was a 3.7. zirian, pre-john, was considered incredibly powerful, nigh unbeatable. in new bostin, someone who was barely an elite was considered incredibly powerful.
god-tiers are already incredibly rare. they're even more rare than high-tiers, and whenever remi, blyke, and isen visit a low-tier district as vigilantes, everyone regards them almost as royalty - unbelievably powerful, unreachable, divinity on earth. they are with dozens, and they’re terrified of a single, non-hostile girl. also, some of the background characters say: “what’s a high-tier doing in branish?” “yeah, they would never come to a place like this.” most low-tiers likely have never even seen a high-tier in the flesh, let alone a god-tier.
add to that that wellston is supposed to be the most powerful school in the province, at least, and before john, there were only two god-tiers in attendance: an 8.0 and a 6.3. and before arlo became king, rei was, and rei was a 5.8. the king of the strongest school in the province was a 5.8.
jane doe was raised in a god-tier family. she knows, presumably, what it means to be a god-tier, when everyone around you is weaker than you, and not by a little bit. but jane has been gone since john was a toddler - and the only person left to raise him was his father. his cripple father, who has lived his whole life being spat on, disregarded, considered less than.
and then you have john. john first discovered his ability in his last year of middle school. unordinary doesn't give us an exact timeframe, but it is mentioned that he first uses his ability towards the end of the school year. if we assume that the education system in unordinary is comparable to the us education system, then that makes john about fourteen years old. it is never mentioned when most kids discover their abilities, but sera mentioned that she got martial arts lessons for a few years when she was a young child, but stopped when her ability came in. assuming sera's development is normal and abilities usually come in at the same age regardless of level, that would place the average age well before ten. another thing: everyone around john seemed to assume he would never get an ability. they considered him a cripple. which either means that late-bloomers are so incredibly rare that it isn't even considered a possibility, or john was so far past the age of ability manifestation that no one thought it was possible.
of course, his dad was also a cripple, and since genetics are a thing in uno, it would make sense for people to assume john would be a cripple even before he passed the manifestation age. (and treat him accordingly)
john got expelled in his second year in high school. when, exactly, doesn't really matter. once again assuming that the uno education system works like the us education system, that would place john at 15-16 years old.
so you have this kid, sixteen years old, who's had his ability for about two years. he spent most of his life being considered the lowest of the low - spat on, disregarded, less than. his dad, his only parental figure, has had those exact same experiences, and the only thing he can tell his child is that that is just the way the world works. it's unfair, but that's life.
but then he gets an ability. and within two years, he is almost twice as strong as the second strongest kid around. none of the adults have ever met someone as strong as him. him, the former cripple, with the cripple father. former lowest of the low, now a god amongst men. the kids, though, his classmates, his peers, they don't really understand his power. how much stronger he is than them. to tell the truth, he doesn't either, not fully. he's never met someone as strong as he is, at sixteen. but his classmates, they just remember when they used to walk all over him. when they would beat him bloody and then complain about getting his disgusting cripple blood on their shoes. and now he dares to stand above them?
they don't like him. of course they don't. cripples aren't able to become gods. they can't comprehend that john did.
and john, obviously, lashes out at his former bullies. he finally has a chance to pay them back, for all the cuts, bruises, broken bones he'd received from them over the years. he's stronger than them, and it's his turn to make them hurt. he goes farther than they did - their abilities are useless against the might of his power - but he doesn't really care. (they never held back, so he doesn't either, and the damage he does is much, much worse. the adults are mad, and he doesn't get why. he's only doing what everyone else does.)
the adults have no idea how to handle him. he's out of control. but they've never seen an ability this powerful before, except on tv, or in stories. high-rankers are supposed to keep order. (but no one listens to john. why would they? he's just a cripple, the lowest of the low, who managed to cheat the system.) his dad, kind-hearted william doe the cripple, has no idea how to help him. he can't relate to his problems at all. (is there even a problem? who wouldn't want to be powerful? for william, for adrian, for claire, it'd be a dream come true. it used to be, for john.) there is no one around who even vaguely knows what it's like to be a god-tier, or even a high-tier, or even just a high-ranker in general, except for zirian, who's barely a high-ranker at all, and who hates john for dethroning him. there is no one who understands him.
so then you have john. sixteen years old. god-tier. angry at the world, and the world is angry at him. how was he ever supposed to win?
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city-of-ladies · 23 days
Women warriors of China (2nd to 6th century CE)
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"Warfare defined the age of disunion. Women sometimes had a role in war, and they even undertook certain forms of military service. People respected prowess in the martial arts—in women as well as men—and even empresses and noblewomen honed their skills in horseback riding and archery. For a time, it was fashionable for southern ladies to wear ornaments of gold, silver, ivory, and tortoiseshell in the shape of miniature weapons. People from earlier eras had regarded any female participation in warfare as a gross violation of the fundamental distinction between the sexes. But society had become so thoroughly militarized that it became acceptable for women to have a role in war.
During the Zhou dynasty, the military class of minor aristocrats called shi had been considered a moral elite, and strict ritual rules enforced high standards of conduct. Given the ancient connections between military service, high rank, and virtue, a female warrior could gain admiration for her moral superiority. Traditionally, women fought for the sake of Confucian virtues such as righteousness (yi) and filial piety. Han dynasty writings describe female role models noted for both bravery and virtue. Moral principles sometimes spurred women to violence, as they sought vengeance on behalf of a wronged kinsman or fended off unwanted sexual advances. Six Dynasties authors continued to celebrate virtuous female fighters. A woman who beat her husband’s murderer to death received an imperial amnesty due to her righteous behavior. And when one man wanted to force a woman to marry him, she fended him off with a sword, earning praise as a model of female integrity.
Other women took part in military operations. Emperor Wen of Jin and Empress Wenming conducted an important military campaign together, and she received equal credit for managing important military matters. Northern rulers sometimes employed women from the steppe as palace bodyguards. There was also the case of a woman who became a general, albeit under unusual circumstances. Her father, a noted military officer, had been ordered to lead an army while still in mourning for his deceased mother. He did not want to violate his mourning obligations, so he appointed one of his daughters to be general and another daughter as a high-ranking officer so that they could serve in his place. Historical records do not reveal whether these women prosecuted the war themselves or merely acted as figureheads on their father’s behalf. Either way, the soldiers consented to taking orders from a female general.
In wartime, large numbers of women found themselves pressed into military roles. During a siege, female inhabitants served alongside men on the city walls, fighting and also repairing the fortifications. And women born into military households lived a martial life. As these families tended to intermarry, their women spent their lives immersed in war. With conflict so frequent, they often accompanied their husbands on campaigns and lived in army camps. When war loomed, entire families would embark on a military campaign. 
Even though classical ritual forbade women from participating in war, some nevertheless took on military roles. As the Han dynasty disintegrated, women began to have a more visible presence in military camps. Both the warlord Cao Cao and his foes used female troops on the battlefield, where they brandished spears, halberds, and bows. In that era, soldiers became a distinct social caste. The daughter of a soldier could only marry another soldier, so a woman born into a military family had no choice but to spend her life in a military environment.
The law sentenced men convicted of certain crimes, and their wives, to military service. Under the Northern Qi, both convicts and their female family members became soldiers. Like their husbands, women pressed into military service lived under strict discipline. If a man committed an infraction or absconded, authorities punished his wife as well. As in armies elsewhere in the world, most of these women lacked special skills or fighting ability. Instead they provided support, constructing fortifications, handling provisions, mending weapons, defending their camp, and doing domestic chores. Only occasionally did they go out on the battlefield.
Although the north lacked an institutionalized system of military communities, the women of military households often followed their husbands off to war. The Xianbei traditionally expected their women to be strong and to fight when necessary. The militaristic values of nomadic conquerors gave rise to the famed ballad of Hua Mulan, composed by an anonymous northern poet. In this story, when Mulan’s father is drafted, she disguises herself as a man to serve in his place. She becomes an exemplary warrior and distinguishes herself with outstanding heroism. Mulan is even offered an official post in recognition of her courage, which she modestly declines. Instead she returns home, dons female attire, and resumes conventional female life.
The tale of Mulan has captured the imaginations of generations of readers, and it continues to be retold in new ways. Although audiences today appreciate this story as an engaging fantasy, it originally seemed much closer to quotidian reality at a time when many women belonged to military households and received martial arts training. Mulan’s respect for Confucian propriety helps account for her perennial appeal. She does not dress like a man or become a warrior out of desire or ambition. Instead she sees these unpleasant actions as a way to protect her father from harm. After succeeding on the battlefield, she refuses to continue dressing as a man and bearing arms. Instead she returns home and resumes a stereotypical female life. The original readers could accept Mulan challenging gender norms and taking on a masculine identity only because she undertook it as a temporary sacrifice for the sake of moral duty. By mixing conservative Confucian integrity with startling violations of feminine decorum, Mulan has captured the hearts of numerous readers and remains an object of fascination both in China and abroad."
Women in early medieval China, Bret Hinsch
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rilakeila · 3 days
exchange of roses, ep 1: the battle between the two brutes
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host club! jjk x fem!reader
ep. overview the former kendo champs, sukuna and mori, face off in a kendo duel. let's see how this goes!
gojo satoru is the head of jujutsu technology academy's elite high school host club with his friends: geto suguru, nanami kento, itadori sukuna, shoko ieiri, haibara yu, and of course, their princess manager. what happens when they go up against another elite host club in an exchange event with different schools? let's find out!
a/n: erm, the next two events will def be more interactive with the ohshc, the club specialty ep will def have a lot of ohshc/jjk interactions. im just being indecisive rn
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the clashing of the shinai (sword made of bamboo) sounded through the room reserved for jujutsu tech. the early morning awoken by the continuous practicing of techniques against the dummies. it wasn't as if there was some sort of waver in sukuna's confidence for the upcoming event later in the day. perhaps, it was the weight of his club's reputation because of his greediness and pride from the prior day's small conference despite it was his doing.
he shook off the thought by striking the side of the body with the outer third of the shinai. his concentration was broken only to hear snoring, causing him to sigh. he brought satoru and (y/n) to accompany him. for the former, they were supposed to train together, and for the latter, she was only there for moral support. endearing, really.
trailing over to the sprawled out figure, he dropped the tip of the shinai onto his stomach, causing satoru to jolt and immediately sit up straight, arms at ready to fight. his eyes followed up to the shinai and its holder, "oh, it's just you. what time is it?"
sukuna glanced over to the clock, "8:06."
"ugh, it's so early," satoru plopped down onto the ground, stretching his limbs star-like. he looked over to their manager, "and, she's still sleeping."
(y/n) was slumped over, neck surely hurting. she was at first delighted to watch the two spar and prepare for their martial arts games. she watched intently, handing genuine praises out, knowing both thrived off of them. sukuna would never display his appreciation for them, but she noticed he holds his head a little higher, more tilt in his smirk. as time passed, satoru tapping out by 6:00, both succumbed to slumber.
without much thought, sukuna lightly poked her head with the shinai, causing satoru to swat away the stick. she stirred, only to snap her eyes open, remembering where was, "what time is it?"
hearing the time, she laid down, resting her eyes, "it's too early."
"tch," sukuna turned around, swinging around the shinai.
"my neck hurts," she groaned, trying to massage the crick.
"i'm surprised that you didn't move around," satoru flailed his arms around on top of her, which he earned a heavy hand to the stomach.
"if you two are both going to lounge around, then leave," sukuna chastised.
"awww, kuna, but we've been here since earlier. we're both more than ready."
"we all need to leave, the announcements start at 8:30. i can't have you both missing breakfast either," (y/n) rose to her feet, trying to pull satoru up with her. she eventually quit, when he went deadweight. "sukuna, you don't start until 8:45 later, and your first opponent isn't really anyone that i've heard of. you'll be fine. be at breakfast soon."
the pink-haired teen grumbled, but his stomach seemed to reflect his sound. breakfast doesn't sound too bad.
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"look, there's itadori-kun"
honey pointed through the glass windows of the gymnasium. there was sukuna, preparing for his first round of the day with (y/n) holding his men (helmet). he was fastening his kote (gloves), which he soon put his helmet on, bonking the top of (y/n)'s head in the process.
"he looks scary with all of that on," kaoru commented.
the ouran host club gathered around honey senpai at the window, watching the match get started. sukuna and his opponent bowed to each other before bowing to the officials with the referees. now, the match was on.
sukuna's personality reflected how his techniques and how executed kendo. teasing, he had a sway in the way he holds his shinai, falsifying whether he would initiate an attack. this would allow catching his enemies off balance, which is when he first strikes.
"kote!" ippon, the perfect strike.
the red flag raised to signal a point to sukuna. cheers echoed in the gym, and the host club couldn't help but cheer with them. the players reset once more in the middle before resuming the match at the referee's call.
"he moved so fast," hikaru exclaimed.
"itadori-chan hasn't changed one bit with his techniques. he's still so fun to watch!" honey said. he eyed takashi, who used to look up to sukuna's techniques when they were all younger. the two never formally met the pink-haired student, however, it's hard to miss those colored tufts with loud cheers when passing through the championships.
the ouran host club watched intently, if they took their eyes off, they might miss an important attack.
however the other player wasn't making any offensive moves, probably unsure how to attack him. sukuna lessened his tough stance, hoping the other would just charge at him, but there was no budge. he started to quickly swing at the shinai, hopefully waking up the sorry guy. however, there was an opportunity that sukuna doesn't ever miss. he trapped the player, giving him the opening to thrust the tip of the shinai to his neck.
the red flag goes up once more, and the bell signalling that the match was over. they go to their respective starting positions, wrapping up the match. cheers roared through the gym, as sukuna removed his men off.
"woah, he's so cool," kaoru marveled, the twins pretending to be kendo players with imaginary. tamaki was already taking pictures with his phone during the entirety of match, which his members caught him ("it's just for reference.")
"his last kendo tournament, he only lost as the referees were paid off to let the other person win. since then, he hasn't been seen competing," kyoya stated.
"he was supposed to compete in takashi's last tournament but he pulled out of it last minute," honey added, earning a nod from the taller male.
truth be told, sukuna only missed that tournament as the host club had a beach vacation at the special request of kento. no one wanted to pass over the opportunity to a holiday or how kento asked for something.
"well, mori-senpai, we'll be rooting for you in your kendo match," haruhi smiled before the twins dragged her into the gym, trying to find seats.
"you'll do amazing, senpai!" tamaki shared a grin before quickly following the trio, shouting after them.
a small smile on takashi's face at the encouragement from his members. honey noticed the contentment on his face, knowing how grateful he was despite the little words the taller expressed. he pulled his cousin down, enough to pat the top of his head, "good luck out there."
even with nothing said, he just feels everything completely.
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"the next two sections, martial arts and table tennis, will be happening concurrently at around 10:30. so try to support both groups as best as possible," (y/n) read off from her clipboard, earning a salute from her members. ieiri and yu were participating in the table tennis duo matches, while satoru would be participating in the martial arts (which he found out that the specific art was karate aka not his favorite).
"and what sport will you be participating in, miss manager?" suguru questioned, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"none, everything is all on you guys today," she answered, in honesty, she wasn't feeling any of the individual events and would rather wait until tomorrow to expend any of her energy.
"that's no fun, but it'll be great having you support all of us. i expect the same amount of attention from you when i prepare for the relay," suguru pointed to the fact that she was helping sukuna prepare for his round earlier.
"he's just been on edge since this morning, figured the least i can do is help him with his equipment," she said, causing suguru to hum in response.
currently, the tall member from the ouran host club, morinozuka-san if she remembers correctly, was completing his kendo round. based on the portfolio kyoya built for them, he was a national kendo champion. the clicks of the bamboo swords heard through the gym. morinozuka currently playing the defensive side, as his opponent continued to play with a set of aggressive attacks.
it was already 1-0, due to morinozuka taking an advantage in the first minute of the match. however the round of kendo were only set for 10 minutes, and it looked like morinozuka-san was now playing for time before he strikes.
that was what sukuna was talking about during his morning session. he was already thinking about what was three steps ahead of him, as he usually does. sukuna brought up as him and morinozuka's strategies and techniques are about the same, and their match might have an extending round.
"look at him go, he has great balance," satoru commented as he watched.
"yeah, he's kinda the same to sukuna with the way he fights, but somehow very different," yu mentioned the fighting style. (y/n) thinks how morinozuka isn't as badgering as sukuna, probably has more patience and firmness.
morinozuka slipped through a weakness of his opponent, catching him completely off guard.
ippon! strike to the neck, and it was game.
"he ended the match, just like sukuna-senpai did," yu exclaimed.
cheers erupted again once the bell signalled the ending of the match.
"10 minutes until the final round with sukuna and that guy," ieiri said as their pink-haired host trailed in behind her, carrying his bag of items with him.
"that was fast, final round already?" suguru questioned. there were matches happening concurrently, but there should have been a couple of dozens.
"a lot of them forfeited kendo and martial arts, seeing who their competition was," kento answered. he was on patrol for (y/n), updating her on any information in terms of matches and the entire exchange event.
"losers!" satoru cried out, laughing, seemingly the only one who found it funny. "oh, come on, guys."
"alright, sukuna, you're up next!"
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this is annoying. sukuna's pride and need to be irritating (according to (y/n)) always got in the way. sometimes, it worked in their favor, sometimes not. and in this situation, it's biting sukuna's ass. he never exerted extra efforts unless the outcome severely aided him in his favor. and now, he's stuck going toe-to-toe with a national kendo champion because he decided to say some shit (even if himself is champion, also)
typically, (y/n) or kento saves him (or satoru and suguru) when he's mouthing off, but they didn't.
he sighs while hopping back to resume his stance.
two options: give up by letting up or let run time
both options would result in failure in some way. the latter, in kendo rules, would result in an extension, and he still has to continue playing. the first would honestly just ruin his reputation, and morinozuka would see right through it. however if he forgoes both options and tries, it would seep into the second option regardless.
he's not the type to do it for anyone but himself, but why does he have the sudden urge to just do it for the club. no, he'll do it for himself despite if there's nothing to gain from it. what's the point if he can't win?
sukuna scanned the player in front of him, figuring out what would be the best way to earn a perfect hit. the height difference between both of them wasn't off too much, him just being a little taller than morinozuka. there wasn't many weak points to strike, but he would be able to test the waters.
he pulls the first offensive move since the beginning of the match. the bamboo sticks ring through the gym, both trying to earn a point. at this point, there shouldn't be much time left on the clock.
"this match is a little boring," hikaru yawned, to viewers, the match seemed to be rather long.
"we're going to find something more entertaining," kaoru completed his brother's thoughts, almost walking away until tamaki stopped them.
"hey, wait a minute, it's the last match and the least we can do for mori-senpai is to watch him," their boss made them sit back down, but they couldn't go without a huff. "what do you think will happen, honey-senpai?"
"it's hard to say. i bet both of their motives are for the clubs. since their techniques mirror each others quite well, i think the officials will send them to a draw without a round extension and give both a point in team points," honey said, as he downed a piece of his cake.
takashi tried to lunge and strike sukuna's left side of his torso, until it was blocked. there hasn't been a match where he was so unsure of what he planned to do for an attack, but here, this pink-haired teen has him stumped. they seem to mirror each other's movements and the plan of defense was, and even when he tries to do a technique he has never done, it's blocked. and it's back to square one.
sukuna almost plans to make a fool of himself and just charge without a technique, but it would give kiddish and actually tarnish his name. he could play dirty and force him out of bounds or make him drop his shinai.
however the bell rings, signalling the end of the match. the red and white flags raised. the two concede, finishing with the formalities to end a kendo match, waiting for the call from the officials.
"morinozuka takashi and itadori sukuna, the match ends in a draw. both performances leading up to this round have been tallied, which assumes into a draw. the games of table tennis and martial arts will start in an hour, please proceed."
"hmph," sukuna bows to takashi once more before mirroring his footsteps to exit the middle of the gym. he was rather unsure how to feel about the ending. he finds his members gathered together, waiting for him, grins all on their faces minus kento who only smiles softly.
"you did great, kuna!" their president first hugs him, which ends up piling everyone into embracing their cocky member. despite the uncertain ending to his kendo match, there was no doubt of the one skip in his heart as his club congratulated him.
that's enough skips for one day.
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"do you ever get nervous fighting or like before? do you feel anything during match days?" (y/n) questioned, watching sukuna adjust his equipment.
"no, i don't feel anything," he answered. though, he knew that she wouldn't have a random question without a reason, "what makes you ask?"
"just wondering." she fiddled with the flaps of the bottom of the helmet. "i don't know, i was also thinking about how angry i would be if i was playing a sport and so close to being a champion, only for me to lose because people got paid to alter the outcome."
he remembers that day vaguely, as he just wanted to push out the emotions that filled in him in those moments. so, it was a lie that he doesn't feel anything, that day, he felt everything. not even in a good way.
"that day, once i figured out the referees were paid off for the last round, why try if the result was already set in stone," he blankly stated, pulling his gloves on. the thing was he did try, he tried the best he was able to, everyone was counting on him that day. his host club, his family, but it just had to be paid off. so close to reaching his one goal, only to be snatched away by greed.
"is that why you stopped participating in kendo? because it might happen again?," she always knew, and he wasn't sure if he hated that she always knew.
"no," he was going to answer, but he wasn't sure how to respond anymore without giving her any leverage. he did lose the passion of participating in his club outside of the academy, as well as the one at jujutsu tech.
"hmm.. just a thought. but i wouldn't let anyone take what i enjoy away from me." she handed him his helmet with a soft smile on her face, "just so you know, we all knew you won that last point. we knew you won that day."
with that stupid smile on her face, he snatched the helmet.
and with that stupid skip in his heart, "get out of here."
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ep 1, complete.
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in another universe big city lawyer george has finally made it. he has it all; a job at the best firm in london, an expensive condo, a membership to the most elite run club in the city and most recently a huge diamond ring. courtesy of one well spoken and wealthy art gallery owner charles leclerc who seems to be the perfect life partner. sure, they may not be madly in love or anything but george got the rock. martial bliss, babies and white picket fences should follow. uh just one small issue, george already has all that. well maybe not the martial bliss part but the kids, the fences and...the husband.
farm owner alex albon never thought he would see george again. but here he is, the love of his life standing just outside the barn with his fashionable chinos, shiny loafers and file of divorce papers. in all his hurry to ditch alex and their small town george clearly forgot to discard him in the eyes of the law, how ironic. they had gotten married straight out of high school and were planning on moving to the city where george could study to become a big shot lawyer and alex would do...something. they were so in love but...tragedy struck and alex had more responsibilities to fulfil than just his new spouse's dreams. he had a deteriorating farm to rebuild, younger siblings to raise, loans to pay off etc. so he may have neglected his husband but george didn't have to run off, all he had to do was wait and alex would have fixed it. alex would have always fixed it for george.
now when george is asking him to sign the papers and fix this once and for all, alex says no. because its funny seeing george's professional exterior crumble and he's feeling pretty fucking petty. george is back in town and he's not leaving till he gets that sign. btw in the end, george ends up not leaving...not without alex.
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nicksolemnlyswears · 10 months
May I please request headcanons for Han meeting and falling for a high-ranking female U.S. soldier who’s cynical about love and relationships due to being badly hurt in the past?
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pairing: han lue x agent!reader
words: ~3k
warnings: none
notes: thank you for requesting! i hope this is what you were hoping for and you like it! had to include elle on this, she's a great side character!
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-Mr. Nobody was the one to reach out to Han. Giselle was their link. While he and Giselle were not in contact for a long time he knew about Han and his talents so meeting with him seemed like the reasonable thing to do.
-After that first meeting Mr. Nobody almost disappeared, he was not the one Han was in contact with anymore...it was you. Mr. Nobody had many things to do so he assigned you to watch over Han. With his deal with Mr. Nobody, Han could live his life in Tokyo freely but he had to be available for any mission you might need him for.
-You have worked for Mr. Nobody for years. He found your background in the military extremely valuable. Not only were you an incredible soldier but you had other valuable skills. Technology, martial arts, multilingual, psychological warfare... the military had trained you well and Mr. Nobody reaped the benefits of their hard work.
-The time came when you called him. He met up with you in a small ramen place you discovered on your last trip to Tokyo.
"What's this about?" He asks, observing you carefully. He didn't fully trust you at first, he barely knew you. You're link to Mr. Nobody was the only indication he had that he could trust you.
"There is a device Mr. Nobody wants you to recover here in Japan," you tell him casually, sliding a file in his direction. Leaving him to read you grabbed the chopsticks on the table to dig into your food.
"Project Aries," he reads, ruffling through the sheets of papers. There were photographs as well both of the people who invented it and the artifact.
Grabbing the napkin from the table you nod and dab the corner of your mouth, "A Japanese couple developed it. If it falls in the wrong hands it can allow them to control anything in the world as long as it runs in code, including-"
"Weapons," Han finishes for you.
"Exactly," you say, taking a drink of the glass in front of you. "The device is kept in their home. It should be a simple in and out mission."
"Why me and not you?" He asks, closing the file and looking up at you. If the mission is as easy as you say shouldn't you have been able to see it through?
Mr. Nobody talked wonders about you but you didn't seem like much. He had never seen you in action, though. He refuses to believe your pretty face was the thing that got you far in this field. Han would be a fool to think like that.
"I have many things on my plate right now and Mr. Nobody trusts you," you shrug, leaning on the table to hold his gaze. Han had an opportunity here to work for an elite force and he was already questioning their authority. She doesn't owe him any explanations.
"Alright." Han clicks his tongue, standing from his seat and leaving the ramen shop.
-Your relationship at first was purely professional. Every so often you'd meet up, exchange mission details and go your own separate ways. Simple.
-As time went on and a year turned into two those meetings extended into drinks and dinner. Living the life of a secret spy can often become lonely. Han felt it most when he faked his death. All those friends he made in Tokyo he was forced to leave behind.
-The only people he had was you and Elle, who he had taken under his wing after her parents were murdered. He's glad he was the one to take the mission, if not he worried another agent wouldn't have been as open to saving the little girl.
-His cleared up schedule consisted of training Elle and becoming a sort of parental figure for the young girl. They only had each other now.
-You found yourself playing the role of a maternal figure in her life because whenever Han had to go on a mission she was under your care. Elle was the key to Project Aries, there is no one better to babysit her than you.
-Slowly with time you and Han became partners in crime, literally. Both started trusting each other so much so that you began including Han in your missions. You trusted him with your life and God knows he needed to go out more.
-In your eyes, you were friends, but in Han's you were something more. He had developed feelings for you, it did not happen over night yet it still caught him by surprise. It was Elle who made him realize.
"When are you going to ask her out?" Elle asks him from her spot on the couch.
You had dinner with them for the third time this week and it's only Wednesday. Elle has been here through it all, their professional phase and their know friendly phase. She's seen the shifts in their relationship and now she can see another one on Han's face.
"Ask who out?" Han questions, glancing at her from the kitchen were he was doing the dishes.
"You know who," Elle rolls her eyes. "The only other person you talk to other than me."
"Why would I ask her out?" Han raises an eyebrow in question. He's been stuffing his feelings down...way down, making him clueless they're even there.
"Because you're whooped for her!"
"You've been watching too many K dramas. I'll have to cut you off from those," Han chuckles, ignoring Elle's words.
"How can you be so blind? You literally count the hours till you see her again," Elle exclaims. She cares for Han, he's protected her for a few years now. Elle wants to see him happier than he is now and if you're that, then be it.
"Shut up, twerp," he dismisses her, shaking his head.
Elle was right though he does count the hours till he sees you again. In fact, you're always on his mind.
-You were blind to Han's feelings because you weren't looking for anything romantic. You've been hurt one too many times in the love department. So you swore to live your life on your own, you don't need a man to distract you and leave you stranded and hurt.
-It's why Mr. Nobody liked you as well, he knew you were unlikely to form romantic attachments. Hence, you wouldn't be held back in dangerous situations. Not that you were reckless, but the enemy would not be able to hold anything against you.
-One night you make a mistake. You had been out celebrating with Han over another success. You both went to dinner and then to a club to drink your night away. Somewhere in between the dancing and the careless smiles you fell tangled in his sheets.
-Han was equally drunk as you, mind turned off. Elle's words hung in his head to make a move and ask you out, but he kissed you instead. You reciprocated and the rest is history.
-Your night was fantastic to say the least. You let go of any reluctance and allowed Han to be close to you temporarily. You trusted him enough for that.
-When Han woke up the next morning he was disappointed. You weren't there as he'd hoped. You must've sneaked out in the early morning.
-That's the thing though you, let him close temporarily and that window closed as soon as you stepped out of his apartment. You're not looking for a relationship you just needed to let off some steam, celebrate, have fun.
-But your fun was his pain. This wasn't another one night stand for him. This meant something and you reciprocating that kiss meant something to him.
-He reached out to talk that same day but you wee off in Europe. Mr. Nobody sent you off on a mission that afternoon. You were out of Tokyo and MIA for three whole weeks.
-When you return and you meet up with him for lunch you act as if nothing happened and it peeves him.
"Hey, Han," you chirp, lifting your sunglasses and letting them hold you hair back. You were sporting a cut on your eyebrow, no doubt a result from your mission. There were bruises littering your entire body.
"How was the mission?" Han asks, trying to calm himself. He doesn't want to jump straight into it, afraid it'll scare you away.
"It was a bitch. In the end we caught them though, guess that's what matters," you laugh, looking through the menu.
"Can we talk?" He then says, calling your attention.
"What about?" You ask, glancing up from the menu.
"About what happened three weeks ago," he responds, his fingers tapping against the table. Times like these he wishes he had a cigarette.
"Oh that! What about it?" You say nonchalantly. You didn't realize that night was something to talk about. It was great but it was meant to be only for a night.
"Just curious if it meant something for you?"
"It was a one night stand Han there isn't much to it. Did you want it to mean more?" Your eyebrows knit together. It never crossed your mind it meant more to Han. You had assumed you were on the same page.
"Yeah, I did. I thought we had something, a connection maybe," he admits, avoiding your eyes. He's spilling his guts to a woman who doesn't reciprocate. How more humiliating can this be?
"We're friends, Han. I thought we both knew it was just a fun night."
"And that's all I'll ever be, right?" He grits, angry. He's not angry at you but at himself for being stupid enough to think you could ever feel the same.
"Yes, that's all we'll ever be."
-Han decided it was best if things went back to being professional. He took a step back and only did what was asked of him. No more dinners, no more drinks, no more casual texts during the day. He needed to protect his heart.
-He pretended not to care when you left for missions. He forced himself not to wonder every hour of the day how you were doing.
-You confront him one day. You had finished handing him his assignment and as he stood to leave you held his wrist stopping him. He looks at you questioningly.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not avoiding you," he rolls his eyes.
"Really because we haven't gone out in a while," you point out. You instantly noticed how your friendship with Han changed and you wished it hadn't.
Han was your only friend. You worked with many people and you respected and appreciated them but they were colleagues. Not friends.
"It's for the best. I'm just looking out for myself," Han responds honestly. There's no use in lying to you.
"All this because I friendzoned you?" You scoff, crossing your arms.
"You don't understand. You only see me as friend but I see you as more and pretending to be your friend hurts me because it's a reminder I can't have you." His tone rises with each word said. The last past being exclaimed.
-His words stung, but you understood so you accepted it and let him go. You don't have another meaningful conversation until you're staking out watching over a Yakuza member. You had time to think and had something to say.
"You know me rejecting you isn't because of you." You keep your eyes on the building across the street, afraid of looking over at Han.
"I didn't ask," he mutters.
"Listen, please," you sigh. "I've been in relationship before and not one has ended in 'good terms.' I've never been the one to finalize a relationship either. In my experience, people take and take and they never give back. I used to be a serial dater, Han. Each time, I ended up hurt. I didn't know how to be by myself and once I learned I swore off dating. I convinced myself I didn't need anyone else."
Han hangs on to your every word. He understands where you're coming from but cutting yourself off from relationships must be one of the stupidest things he's ever heard.
"You can't let a relationship be determined by how it ended. Relationships are a collection of moments by two people and you should be able to appreciate both the good and the bad. Learn from it. People grow and their feelings grow as well. Some people are meant to be in your life to help you grow and become a better version of yourself." Han tries to offer you some insight on your dilemma.
If he thought about every relationship he's had and how they've ended he would have enough reason to stop dating himself. It would restrict him, though. He likes the feeling of being in love with someone and he doesn't want to sacrifice it just to prevent getting his heart broken.
"All I wanted was to grow with someone, Han. Together. And, yet they all crushed me down, leaving me alone to pick up the pieces of the mess they made," you shake your head.
-Did you have feelings for Han? Yes, you did and you made sure to hide them where they couldn't be heard or seen. His confession made it even harder as you kept thinking if it would be worth a shot.
-You trust Han, but you also trusted all those other boyfriends you dated. You refuse to be hurt again and loose him at the same time. The problem is you're already losing him.
-All you need is a sign. Something to push you and accept Han into your life completely.
-The sign you asked for came in a horrible form. You were on a mission and it had gone upside down. There was shootings, racing in the streets of Hong Kong, and lots of fighting.
-All of it ended up with Han being held at gun point. The barrel pointed at his head as someone held onto him. You were on overdrive desperately trying to find a way out of the situation.
-For once, Mr. Nobody was disappointed in you. You let the bad guys go to save Han's life, something you had never thought of doing in your career. Your rational thinking didn't work, had you been on your right mind you would've found a way to save Han and take down the bad guys at the same time.
-After you had done your briefing and gotten patched up. You met Han outside. He was almost reaching his car, he had to go back to Elle.
"Han wait," you call for him, jogging to catch up to him.
"I though you had gone home," he says.
"No, no, I was only getting a scolding from Mr. Nobody," you try to laugh it off. Were you really going to do this?
"Thank you for that. For saving me." This mission was different you chose to save Han rather than capture the bad guys. You played it off like it was the only way, yet he knows that's not the case.
"I would do it as many times as it's necessary," you admit a soft smile on your face. "Han, can you give me another chance," you ask, your eyes pleading for him to say yes.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that I'm tired of hiding my feelings away and pretending i only see you as a friend," you say shakily, moving closer to him. "Please, tell me you haven't moved on."
"How can I move on from someone like you," Han sighs, closing the distance between the two of you.
-He pours every feeling he's felt for you into the kiss. He has to admit this kiss feels much different than the time you were both drunk. It's better, because it truly means something for the two of you.
-Han promised to never disappoint you and he fulfilled that promise. The both of you grew together and never apart. All this time you just had to take your time and find the right person. You didn't know it was Han at the beginning of your relationship but as the years went by it made itself crystal clear.
-For years you cursed at the word love and swore off relationships. You're glad Han made you see reason because if not you would've missed out on a lot.
-You would've missed out on Han's soft morning kisses, his hand on your back as you walk side by side, his whispers on your ear about how good you look, the looks he throws you across the room that you can only decipher.
-You would've missed out on the most fantastic relationship of your life.
-Mr. Nobody liked when you were alone but there is something about having someone to get back to that enhanced your performance. He'd glad you found someone to fight for.
-Elle was ecstatic when she learned of your relationship.
"It's about time!" She screams when she catches the two of you kissing.
"Elle..." Han warns her.
"What? You guys were always making googly eyes at each other and didn't do anything about it," she huffs moodily.
"We were not," you tell her with a giggle. If Han was crazy over you, you were insane over him. Once you allowed yourself to fall for him, you went all in.
"Yes, you were. Especially you with your fluttering eyelashes and the hair flips," Elle teases.
"Alright, that enough cupid," you mutter, not wanting to give her the satisfaction that she was right.
You were in love with Han Lue all that time, you just needed a little push to get over yourself and your cynicism on love and relationships.
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makapatag · 1 year
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Link! https://makapatag.itch.io/gubat-banwa-quickstart
Here you must inflict violence to prove your Conviction. You must rely on your community to develop Enlightenment. You must go head to head against God-Kings and Bodhisattvas to live in Glory. The Warring Realms needs warriors, not heroes. Those willing to become kings to overthrow gods. Those willing to become gods to shape universes. In this land crumbling under the weight of the Wheel of Violence, you must take its reins and become something else: Chakravartin? Devaraja? Shah? Sultan? Hari? Diyos? Maharaja?
GUBAT BANWA is a  Southeast Asian fantasy martial arts Role-Playing Game, inspired by the refulgent cultures of Southeast Asia. Raise your spears, KADUNGGANAN, you elite warrior-braves and asura-knights who travel The Sword Isles to prove their conviction and dictate the fate of the world. Revel in larger-than-life war drama like in Asian Dramas, ballistic tactical martial arts grid gameplay in the vein of Lancer or Final Fantasy Tactics, and find glory beyond heaven. Wield the Thunderbolt of Liberation! Rejoice! In the Glory of Combat!
In the Quickstart includes everything you need to run a session or two of this martial arts and war drama Tabletop Role-playing Game, made for 1-6 Players! 
Simplified rules for learning Gubat Banwa's system!
5 Pregenerated Kadungganan to leap straight into Gubat Banwa.
A short module, the Ashen Astral Annihilation, that can serve as a prelude to the Sword Devil adventure found in the Core Rulebook! This will teach most of the mechanics of Gubat Banwa's Thundering Tactics Battle System.
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felinetteagain · 3 months
She was physically weaker, inexperienced in martial arts, without a partner, and powerless without a lucky charm. He could have easily taken her miraculous, but he didn’t. She realized that he was not a villain and retreated.
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He did not plan to destroy the world and create a new one. Felix only wanted to free his cousin from his uncle.
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But succumbing to emotions caused by the unfair attitude of the elite towards Marinette, Felix decided to destroy the world.
Because of Marinette, Felix destroyed everyone, because of her, he brought everyone back.
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winterchimez · 9 months
Forbidden | Ji Changmin
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SUMMARY: you have been separated from your childhood best friend, Changmin for years. so when you both finally reunite on a mission together, he is no longer the childhood friend you have once come to know of, and things were going to take a turn for the both of you.
PAIRING: spy Changmin x spy f!reader
GENRE: ex-bffs to lovers au, angst, crime, suggestive
WARNINGS: nc-17, violence, mentions of gambling, mentions of human trafficking, kissing, making out
A/N: here is the 3rd entry from my 100 followers event, and this was requested by my 妹妹 @sungbeam 💕 the way you chose that specific prompt lmao i knew i had to deliver some ✨good food✨ for you, and i hope it was worthy of your taste miss beam 😮‍💨 (it might be a bit rushed so i humbly apologise i wrote this in one sitting)
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“Agent Y/N, reporting in.” 
You knocked at your boss's door and stood there enthusiastically, awaiting your next mission. 
It has been a while since you were deployed on field missions, hence the excitement you felt when you received a code entitled “S-Rank”, which indicated the highest rank of difficulty of missions that only a selected few are allowed to participate in. 
You have been with your current agency for a few years, and through hard work and determination, you rose up to one of the higher-ranking agents in the field. With that, you are mostly deployed on the field, dealing with many missions that are far more gruesome and dangerous, which could eventually cost you your life if you weren’t careful enough. But you were a fighter—a soldier equipped with wits and extraordinary martial arts skills. 
As a result, you have been placed on training duties where you were assigned to train the new recruits to prepare them as they make their official debut on the field. Not that you were entirely mad about it, since martial arts was one of your fortes, but you surely miss being on the field and on an actual mission. 
Hence, you couldn’t contain your excitement for the day, and you couldn’t wait to gear back up and return to your comfort zone. 
Your boss—Director Ji, was pretty pleased with the number of upcoming recruits that were going to officially join the team, as several agents were currently abroad to fulfill their own missions. In other words, your company desperately needs potential ones who could take on field missions. 
This time, however, he hands you a red folder with all the necessary information about the mission. You knew what the red folder exactly meant—ones that could indeed cause a life or death situation, and there is no room for even a single mistake for this one. Usually, these were given to the elites, not even to higher-ranking agents like yourself. 
The Elites are the best of the best, and they excel in every possible scenario or situation that they are in, no matter how brutal the mission may be. They do not engage much with the other agents except for the director himself, as they are often sent away far abroad to handle much more trivial matters at hand. 
If your director has handed you such a folder where it’s not meant for you on a usual basis, that could only mean one thing. You were to step in as a substitute and be paired with at least one of the members from the elites and fulfill the mission as swiftly and hassle-free as possible. 
As you were about to turn back and take your leave, your director stopped you just in time to inform you that this mission requires some more training than usual, and you were to be paired up with one of them to prepare for the big day.
Training with one of the elites? Obviously, how could you ever say no? It is definitely a dream come true for you as you have always admired them from the shadows. Enthusiastically, you nodded and agreed with the offer as you stepped out of the room.
“This is going to be so much fun.”
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“I could teach you how to fight, but I wasn’t equipped to take care of you.” 
The brunette shoots you with that cold and blunt statement, and in return, you give the male the biggest frown of the day. 
As much as you were enthusiastic the entire morning as you prepared yourself for whoever would join you for the mission, the excitement immediately died down when the infamous elite member, Ji Changmin, stepped foot into the training room.
Your ex-childhood best friend. 
Both you and Changmin go all the way back to kindergarten, you both were literally neighbours up till high school. You have spent both of your childhood together, to the point that you both knew exactly what were the biggest insecurities each of you had, even knowing how many crushes you had and how you both are hopeless romantics. 
But as Changmin and his family moved away after graduating high school, you both lost contact with one another, never speaking or keeping in touch for many years. 
Until you graduate from university. 
Somehow, you have managed to stumble upon the Director’s Ji company, which he has been operating secretly for many years—thanks to one of your seniors who recommended you to him. He was more than delighted to take you in, knowing how you eventually pursued criminology and eventually keen on the idea of becoming a spy yourself. 
That was when you were reunited with Ji Changmin. You were beyond ecstatic when you first saw him in person again. You wanted to run into him, give him the biggest embrace, and take in all his scent—one you have missed so dearly after all these years.
But the male eventually shut you off before you could do anything. He was nowhere near like the Changmin you used to grow up and love—he was now cold, often very stern, and would work alone instead rather than with others. 
Because of that, you have never gotten the chance to talk things out with him, and you realise that it’s best for you to keep a distance from him now. 
Never in a million years would that day come so soon for you both to reunite on a S-Rank Mission. 
His simple yet cold statement immediately ruined your mood, and you were about to fire back at the male. But he was already prepared with his gear and gloves, waiting for you to join him on the training mat. 
Given his demeanour, you knew that dragging his time would be a fatal mistake right now, and you had no choice but to equip yourself with the necessary items and join him as fast as you could. 
As you make your way to his way, you can’t help but notice his appearance. His hair was parted to the side, and a little scar was situated right on his left cheek. He was wearing a simple black tee, but you couldn’t help but notice how buff he had gotten and how the shirt was clearly a little too tight for him. 
The way his biceps were clearly so toned than ever, and god. The veins— 
“When will you stop ogling and get yourself together?” He shoots you with an unfriendly look. Clearly, his patience is running out. 
“Fine. God, what an impatient man you have become.” You blurted out by accident, eyes widening as you just realised you had let out your frustration and most inner thoughts. You looked up to meet the male face-to-face, only to realise that he was not bothered by that comment at all. 
He has dealt with much worse before, this is nothing to him.
As you finally got into your position, you raised both of your now balled-up fists and stood in a defensive mood, ready for whatever moves the male would lay upon you. Unfortunately, you were a bit too slow to notice the swift movement he had made, and immediately, you were on the ground, groaning as you felt a slight pain upon your lower chin. 
“Just so you know, I won’t go easy on you just because you are a girl. I’ll have you know that the enemies we deal with on S-Rank missions are far more murderous and barbaric than you have ever encountered. They could potentially become your worst nightmare. If this is how you will act on the field, I’m afraid you will lose your life within minutes.” Changmin spat, and boy, did it hurt as hell. 
Angered, you got back up on your feet as you repositioned yourself again, trying your best to keep up with his swift movements this time. 
This training went on for quite a while, and never once did you manage to land a blow on Changmin himself. Instead, you were constantly attacked at your blind spots and always on the ground, trying to find your way back up again. 
God, this is going to be a hell of a ride. 
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The intense training with Changmin lasted for a few days, and the amount of bruises you have gotten thanks to him was uncountable. 
Every day, you would return home and find yourself sitting by your bedside, applying an ice pack and ointment to each and every one of them. It has been quite a while since you have felt like this.
Humiliated and defeated.
This only happened when you were still a rookie, as you were training with your superiors then. Ever since you made your debut, you have done nothing but win in all the physical battles you have dealt with, both on and off the field.
“I could teach you how to fight, but I wasn’t equipped to take care of you.” 
His words constantly echo into your mind, and you just can’t seem to get it off as much as you wanted. No matter how cruel they seemed, you knew his words meant well for you. 
This is a S-Rank mission, for goodness sake, Y/N. It is either you defeat the enemy or be defeated yourself. 
Taking in a deep breath as you closed your eyes, you just mentally prayed and hoped that all of the intense training with your ex-childhood best friend has at least done something for you and that you will be well-prepared as you both head into your designated location for tomorrow night. 
Let’s just get this done and over with.
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The both of you arrived discreetly at the location, equipped with a radio earpiece to receive necessary transmissions from one another to keep each other in the loop as you both parted ways to scout around the area. 
The target of the mission was to infiltrate one of the largest and most well-known casinos in the heart of Seoul, The Grand Palace, as it is believed that the area itself was used for human trafficking, which explains the sudden disappearance of a handful of women in their early 20s over the past few months. 
According to the information you both were given, as written in the red folder, the CEO of the casino, Mr Kim, was the mastermind behind all of this and had his men surrounding the casino at all times to prevent information from spreading while keeping his gambling business on the run.
Both of your mission was to infiltrate the control room—download all of the necessary information that could potentially expose the hidden and true business the casino was making money from. And, of course, to get the girls out of there once and for all. 
Changmin suggested taking on the latter as he knew the area would be armed with more enemies to keep the girls out of reach. It was best suited for him to take on the role of doing the dirty work instead of you potentially. In return, you were to get to the control room and bypass the security, download the necessary data, get out of there, and pass it on to the FBI, who were already armed and ready for your signal. 
So that was precisely what you did, with no room for arguments this time. It was kind of a maze to navigate to the control room, especially when the casino was filled with many individuals and the place was dark as hell. Yet, you had to bypass everyone while being undetected. To the best of your abilities, you eventually reached the destination, and sure enough, you were met with your worst nightmare. 
Tons of red light laser security filled the room way before the entrance to the control room.
You were flexible, to say the least, but there is no way you could bypass all of these on your own. Whenever you were met in such a situation, you always had your superior or partner to figure it out together. But time was ticking, and you had no choice but to do it all alone this time. 
As you slowly bent through each of the lasers and eventually made your way to the last one, you breathed in relief that there was no one around to notice your presence. But your happiness did not last for long, as you missed out on one of the lasers that was situated close to your right ankle. Sure enough, the alarms have begun going off. 
Panicking, you tried your best to figure out an escape route as quickly as possible. But given the room's darkness, it was impossible to notice anything in particular. 
That is until a lightbulb dings in your mind, and you look up to see a slightly ajar air vent. 
It’s now or never. 
With the equipment you were geared up with, you somehow managed to quickly get into the vent right before security guards came pouring into the room, trying to find the culprit behind all of this. 
You began trying to calm your fast-beating heart down, that is, until you felt a pair of warm hands cupped over your mouth. 
“Have they not taught you well how the very first rule of becoming a spy is not to get caught?” 
That voice. It was Changmin. 
You turned behind to find the male looking very displeased, and he was still cupping your mouth, not letting it go as he was convinced your breathing would definitely blow up both of your covers. Frustrated, you tried your best to fight against his grip, loosening yourself from him and yelling back at him silently. 
“Look, laser securities was not my best forte.” 
“That’s not a valid excuse, Y/N. You literally had one job, and you failed at doing so.”
You scoffed. “Really, Changmin? After all these years, you suddenly show up in my life again, only to turn into this cold-blooded spy with zero empathy left inside of him? Has becoming one of the elites affected your ego that much?” 
Then, there was a slight pause. Changmin’s face then darkens as he scooches closer to you. “Don’t you dare say it as if you knew what I have been through over the years that we were separated from one another.” 
Clearly, you were not backing down this time. “Oh yeah, then tell me. All the bullshit you went through made you turn into such a heartless individual.” 
In the blink of an eye, Changmin cups his hands around your mouth once again as he pushes you down on the surface of the vent. He is now crawling up against you, moving in closer to you. 
“You take that back right now, miss Y/N. I swear if I ever hear one more word from you—”
“Then what?” You muffled. 
Then it all happened. Changmin did what he knew was best to shut you up. As swiftly as he often portrays with his martial arts abilities, he removes his hand from your mouth and plants a kiss directly onto your lips. The whole thing was aggressive and messy, as one would say, he was now kissing you messily, trying by all means to keep your mouth shut as the enemies were still down below. 
On the other hand, you were far too taken aback by what happened, and your eyes were now as wide as they could ever be. Somehow, your body did not reject his touch or the kiss, in fact, you actually liked it. 
Was it because you were too deprived of having him close to you? How badly you have missed him so much? 
And how you never got to confess to him that you had feelings for him right before he left all those years ago.
This kiss was a dream come true for you. And you were not planning to let him go anytime soon. Instead, you moved your hands to tangle in his hair as you opened your mouth slightly to allow for more room for the both of you. Changmin then lays one of his hands on the side of your waist while the other travels up to one of your breasts, giving them a light squeeze. Adding to the tension, he then makes way for his tongue to enter your mouth, trying his best to devour up all of the elicit moans that you were letting out to keep this whole make-out session as quiet as possible. 
And god, how much he loved hearing the moans coming out from you. 
Neither of you planned on stopping anytime soon because this all felt so good. It was as if you both had longed for each other and now that you finally had, you were not going to let him go just yet. 
Finally, after minutes, the both of you were gasping for air when Changmin realised that nobody was in the room anymore. The coast was clear, and both of you were safe enough to return and continue the mission. 
Trying your best to steady your breathing again, you decided to shoot the male with a little tease. “You treat all of your ladies like this?” 
“...Shut up.” 
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It did not take you both long enough to be able to infiltrate the control room. With your abilities, you both managed to knock out all of the individuals in the room cold while you went to the main system to download all of the information needed to expose the casino. As ordered by Changmin previously, you wasted no time leaving the premises as soon as possible to get help from the FBI. 
While you were doing that, Changmin made his way to where the girls were kept captive and defeated all the guards on standby on his own. He then managed to free them all and escorted them out, where the police and medical assistants were already waiting for them. 
At the end of the day, the mission was a huge success, and the mastermind and his team were eventually placed behind bars, facing life imprisonment as punishment. 
After returning to your headquarters a few days later, you were then promoted to joining the elites by Director Ji himself, as he was pleased with your performance. However, there was one strict rule that these agents were to follow.
Never engage in personal matters with one another. 
Before you could think about it further, your phone buzzed and you exited your agency, feeling slightly excited as you made your way into the black vehicle already waiting for you. 
As soon as you opened the door and entered, you stared at the male with one of his hands on the steering wheel while the other came up to cup your cheek.
“Say, won’t your dad eventually discover all of this?” You questioned with a concerned look on your face. 
Changmin then leans in to give a peck on your lips. 
“Who says he needs to find out about it?”
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taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @k-films @flwoie @hokupi @zzoguri @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics @sulkygyu @jaerisdiction @vernyangel (join my permanent taglist here!)
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welldonekhushi · 3 months
Call of Duty OC: Samantha "Scarlet" Wright 🦋
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Finally, after ages, I came up with Scarlet's biography sheet! So in case you guys are curious about her, you can go through this post, hope it helps! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
If you want to see any artwork or fics on her, go to the #samantha scarlet wright tag for her content!
Name: Samantha
Full name: Samantha Wright
Codename: "Scarlet", Hotel Two-Six
Age: 29 years old
Gender: Female
Nationality: British (UK)
Languages spoken: English (native), Arabic (conventionally), Russian (for intelligence purposes)
Date of Birth: June 9, 1984
Place of Birth: Cambridge, England
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Martial Status: Single (married in 2017 to John "Soap" MacTavish, her childhood friend — diverging canon AU)
Occupation: British SAS (Special Air Services), member of the Task Force 141
Status: Active
Rank: Sergeant
Universe: Original timeline (2011-2017), reboot (alternative AU)
Faceclaim: Jenna Coleman
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Song: Tangled Up by Caro Emerald (Lokee Remix)
Biography: Samantha Wright, under the codename "Scarlet" followed her dream in joining the most elite forces of the British Army, after hearing about her father's experiences in the military. As her hard work pays off, she finally gets selected for the SAS, and then for the Task Force 141, for her skills and strength. There, she meets a very old friend, that she missed and deeply cared for..
Task Force 141
Captain John Price
John "Soap" MacTavish
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton (@revnah1406)
Sergeant Annabelle "Kit" Pham (@applbottmjeens)
Charlotte "Jade" La Jardin (@sleepyconfusedpotato)
Joyce "Joe" Hardman (@mctvsh)
2nd Commando Regiment (@kaitaiga)
Sergeant Damien Whitlock
Captain Lachlan Jones
Los Vaqueros
Colonel Alejandro Vargas
Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Alyssa "Aly" Martinez (@alypink)
Weapon induced: M4A1 Carbine, M4A1 Grenadier w/ Red Dot Sight, M14 EBR Scoped
Fighting style: Hand-to-hand-combat, martial arts, a bit of jiu-jitsu
Special skills: Has good agility, wits and strength from intensive physical and mental training.
Talents: Is able to strategise a plan for greater impact.
Shortcomings: Is a bit sensitive and confused when it comes to choosing a decision which leads to life or death.
Myers-Briggs Type: ISFP (The Adventurer)
Is a positive presence among everybody: Yes, a soldier sure is a tough-hard individual who is determined to follow their duty, but Scarlet is the opposite. She maintains her duties and also motivates and cheers others up to keep moving and never surrender, as taught by her father. The reason why others notice when Scarlet is present with them, they feel calm and encouraged.
Emotional, but also dangerous: Sure Scarlet looks like she's a sweet presence among everyone, but at the same time, we shall not forget she's SAS-trained. When things get serious, she gets serious. During some missions (1 and 2), she has shown remarkable strength and courage by eliminating enemy soldiers in combat, as if she's a different person. The cheerful presence Scarlet holds among others has another dark side inside that she never reveals, but towards her enemies.
Can indulge with anyone, and is respectful: She'd love to make friends or teammates! It doesn't mean she doesn't give importance to anyone, but she especially bonds a lot with Soap. They two have been childhood friends since the start and everyone notices how close they both are and thinks if they two are a couple. Even if Soap is her best friend and he has a superior rank, she'd still respect him as her Captain. But sure, personally, they two engage like they used to.
Very empathetic: Whether it's a random person or not who is dying in her arms, it breaks her. It happened once when she tried to save a person who was losing their life and in the end they couldn't make it. It makes her want to blame herself a bit, thinking she didn't do her duty right, even if everything wasn't in her power. Also, if she sees anyone in distress, she's able to console and help them in time of need, the reason why Scarlet is able to sympathise and understand others well.
Born as Samantha Wright, she lives in a small town in England with her father, Albert Wright, who is a former SAS-soldier under the codename "Bolt", and mother Elizabeth. When Scarlet was a toddler, she used to hear stories from her father about him working in Special Air Services, an elite special forces unit, and retired the day when his one leg was brutally injured that made him unable to walk or run.
Those stories gave Scarlet an idea to also join the SAS like him, but her father chuckled and said that right now she was too young to do so. Sometime later, she met John MacTavish, who recently moved into her neighbourhood from Scotland, but wasn't happy that he shifted away from his homeland. She wanted John to be her friend, and make him familiar with the surroundings so he'll get used to everything and love staying at his new home. And soon, they two grew closer, and became best friends.
They two had a similar goal — to join the defense. And one day, that day had to come between the two, when John had to leave for military school. Bidding her best friend a bittersweet farewell, unsure what future has for them in between, John encouraged her to follow her dreams. Taking that as a motivation, Scarlet kept John close to heart, while continuing her aspiration to join the SAS.
Her father got to know about her plan, saying that it won't be easy, since the SAS had the toughest selection processes. That sure unsettled her for a while, but didn't make her back off from her decision respectively. Instead, she learnt a couple of exercises, tips and tricks on self-defense from him that mentally and physically prepared her fully at the same time.
When she recruited herself in the selection process, it was an absolutely different experience for her. The way her mind drastically changed during the training quite traumatized and scared her, knowing what it feels to be in the SAS. But, keeping her father's words by her side, she didn't let the weakness and fear sink her in and moved on further. At times, she was ridiculed by others that she'd never be able to complete the process, but chuckled it all out instead.
The day came, when her hard work paid off, and she finally became eligible for the special forces. It was a blessed feeling for her, as if luck always stood by her side. And this is where, her journey begins..
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etherfall · 3 months
in your au, would N ever bond w the elite 4?
Augh I really wish there was more interactions between the elite 4 so I could analyze their possible dynamics, but here is what I think would happen: (Warning, long post ahead!)
I like to think that before N, the elite four members were quite unhappy with Alder since he kept on neglecting his responsibilities as champion.
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But after he took in N, they saw a change in his personality and passion for Pokémon battling as a new mentor to N. Initially they just saw him as Alder's son, but each grew to respect N in their own individual ways, seeing him as the possible new champion.
Grimsley - Initially Grimsley doesn't care much for N. But after witnessing N communicate with his Pokémon and win numerous battles with this ability, he believes N is an opponent that can fight with unpredictability. This causes him to seek out N to challenge him at random moments. He also offers to introduce N to the world of gambling, much to the disappointment of Alder. N finds his antics amusing and battles him, but doesn't bother with the gambling. Grimsley doesn't mean any harm, he's just intrigued by the idea of finding an opponent that can give him a new challenge.
Caitlin - I think that she is the most reserved of the elite 4 members, and initially doesn't pay much thought to N either. But after learning that he has powers similar to her physic ones, she takes an interest in his abilities. Occasionally Caitlin will stop by to say hello, but she prefers to stay inside so N doesn't really see her that often. Their dynamic is probably the weakest, but they are on friendly terms.
Shauntal - She is initially intrigued by N's backstory and thinks it is a fascinating concept for a novel. But after getting to know N, she's even more fascinated with his ability to talk to Pokémon. I like to think she shows up every once in a while to drag N out and help her translate what Pokémon are saying for accuracy in her novels. Eventually N begins to come to her in his pursuit for knowledge & literature, while she geeks out to him about her next story ideas. Sometimes he joins her on her quests around Unova for her next story inspirations. They are both curious to explore the world and uncover brand new ideas and stories, which is what they bond over the most.
Marshal - He would probably be the one that grows the most closest to N, and is friendly to him from the start. He is happy that Alder seems to be able to pick his life back up and is excited by the prospect of having a new opponent he can challenge. When Alder is too busy (or distracted) to train, N turns to Marshal to battle or learn martial arts. Although Marshal still considers himself an apprentice to Alder, he is ecstatic at the idea of becoming a mentor figure to N as well. While Alder nurtures freedom and spirituality, Marshal is the one that teaches N about dignity and responsibility.
(Also just wanted to throw this panel in here since it demonstrates how Alder & Marshal's dynamic works, and it made me chuckle)
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N's interactions with the elite members brought the 4 closer to Alder, and they all appreciate him for mending their previously fragile companionship.
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tobiasdrake · 8 days
Can we talk about how the trio of Krillin, Tenshinhan and Yamcha, despite the continual treatment by tie-ins and the fandom as weaklings, are INSANELY strong and able to get far better mileage than Goku does out of every mentor? Or how Nail, despite his fight being a torture sesion at the hands of Freeza, could easily be in the top 10 of mortals in the Universe?
Oh, yeah. Absolutely. A consequence of Goku leap-frogging from ladder-top to ladder-top is that it gives poor perspective on how strong the cast is in relation to the rest of the world around them.
Humanity as a species is considered one of the weaker in the universe, but Krillin, Ten, and Yamcha aren't just some human guys doing martial arts; They've undergone heavenly trials and pursued godly arts that have pushed them far beyond the limits of their species.
By the end of the Saiyan arc, they're on par with Raditz, a fully-grown Saiyan planet-killer who's been gentrifying worlds since childhood. By the end of Namek, Krillin's above 10k BP, which puts him beyond Saiyan elite Nappa in power - and we already know he was beyond Nappa in technical ability.
The magazine V-Jump once clocked Krillin at 75k as of the Frieza fight, which is another one of those semi-official readings that I find a little suspicious. If true, it puts Krillin beyond 4/5 of the Ginyu Force. But, for obvious reasons, Krillin being beyond 4/5 of the Ginyu Force after having the Grand Elder draw out his dormant power would create some narrative inconsistencies, wouldn't it?
In any case, point is, despite coming from a weaker species, these are some of the finest martial artists in the universe. That's something that's easy to lose sight of because the yardstick used to measure them is so often the Super Saiyans.
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redgoldsparks · 4 months
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January 2024 reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Reviews below the cut.
Electric Bones volume 1 by Hazel and Bell 
Lucian is the son of a minor nobleman and the CEO of the galaxy's biggest AI company, but he's not so rich that he can't get in trouble. After being fired as a programmer from Echo Station he joined a startup with a couple friends and is now fishing for funding at an elite tech expo on board an expensive and exclusive space vessel. There he sees someone he thinks he recognizes- Ezra, a grey robot, an fully sentient AI who worked on Echo Station as a researcher and partially cost Lucian his job. So why is Ezra now working on the space vessel as an escort? Unless it's not Ezra, but just a look-alike robot model? These questions drag Lucian into the beginnings of tangled web of intrigue which include kidnapping, AI-hacking, and murder. I've been reading this story online as a webcomic for years; you can still read all of volume one here: https://electricbonescomic.com/index.... But last year I also backed the kickstarter, and just sat down to re-read the whole story in print form, including a sexy little bonus comic. I love these characters, I love the rich colors, the lovely sense of flow and design of the pages. I can't wait for volume two!
The Fox Maidens by Robin Ha
Action packed and exciting, this family drama is full of unexpected twists and turns. I loved the focus on female characters: passionate Kai, whose love of martial arts and sense of justice cannot be contained by the normal rules of Joseon society; her mother, Meorhu, a fragile woman with a surprising past; Sura, a thief turned mercenary; and the Gumiho herself, the deadly but alluring fox spirit who impacts the lives of all the others with her magic and charisma. The art is rich with historical details, beautiful nature scenes, and fast paced fight scenes. Lovers of ghost stories, kdramas, and queer re-tellings of fairy tales will find much to enjoy here. I was lucky enough to read an advanced copy of this book! Pre-order it now, or look for it in bookstores in mid-February 2024.
A Nobleman’s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel by KJ Charles read by Martyn Swain
What a delightful return to Romney marsh! This book picks up 13 years after the dramatic conclusion of the previous installment. Luke Doomsday is now a secretary, looking for a new position in a large house were he can keep books and solve his master's problems. Rufus, the recently minted Earl of Oxney, formerly a major in the army and son of a draper, has problems. For one, he never expected to inherit and his uncle is doing everything he can to prove Rufus illegitimate in court. For another, the previous Earl of Oxney was a selfish old bastard who let the estates fall into terrible disrepair, while Rufus' timid cousin kept poor account of the estate's money in a chicken scratch handwriting. Rufus struggles to read at the best of times, and he can barely make sense of his newly inherited account books. When Luke shows up on his door, it feels like a godsend. The men are immediately attracted to each other, though both have reason to be wary. And Luke, in seems, may have come to Stone Manor looking for more than a job. This series is such a fun mix of spicy romance, action, mystery, and danger. I'm really enjoying the setting and time period, which is just after the end of the Napoleonic wars. I really hope there will be more books to come!
Translation State by Ann Leckie
No one is doing it like Ann Leckie! This sci-fi novel uses six different pronoun sets (actually kind of seven, except one is the same set just used culturally very differently by different groups of people). It’s fantastic. We’ve got they/them, e/em/eir, sie/hir, it/its, he/him, she/her, and she/her again except used as a universal pronoun regardless of gender (which works great inside the Radch Empire and badly outside of it). I'm on the fence about whether this book can be read as a stand alone, or if it would only really make sense after having read at the Imperial Radch trilogy and Providence. I suppose it depends on what level of baffling alien customs and politics you are willing to tolerate. This book opens with Enae attending hir grandmaman's funeral, only to learn that the seemingly wealthy old woman had sold her entire estate to a stranger before her death. For the first time in her life, Enae leaves home with a Foreign Affairs job: to see out a fugitive who left Presger space some 200 years prior. Enae isn't expecting to succeed, but sie gives it hir best shot- and in doing so completely upends the lives of a widening circle of bystanders including Reet, a man of unknown parentage, and Qven, a juvenile Presger. This book finally begins to explain this inhuman and terrifying species, and the reason why the Presger-Radachii Treaty defines the rules of so much of this universe. I deeply enjoyed this installment; it makes me want to go back and re-read the original trilogy.
Brooms by Jasmine Walls and Teo Duvall 
Set in an alternate 1930s, Mississippi, this story follows a group of friends and found family who have to hide their magic from the restrictive and racist government. They survive at the margins, but they don't let the fear of prosecution stop them from doing what they love: racing together as a team. Deep in the woods seers and witches host carnival like events where racers on brooms compete for prize money and glory. Each of them has reasons why they need to win; lives and futures depend on it. This book is deeply queer with a diverse and magical cast. If you're looking for historical fiction where the trans and lesbian brown witches win, this one's for you.
Boys Weekend by Mattie Lubchansky
Sammie is a recently out nonbinary transfemm but their college friend group has not picked up on that fact yet. When Sammie is invited to be the "best man" at their friend Adam's wedding and attend a bachelor weekend at a high-tech, no-laws resort built on top of the Pacific Garbage Patch they decide to go in stealth mode. The resort is a pyramid scheme mutated with a strip club, business conference, all you can drink brunch bar, pro-gamer, most-dangerous-game corporate nightmare. Also, the waters around it are infested with terrifying flesh-eating monsters and someone is trying to raise an eldritch god. It takes every bit of queer resistance Sammie possesses to survive this bleak, hilarious, and surprisingly moving tale. In both their fiction and nonfiction comics, Lubchansky continues to hold up the black mirror to our own dystopian times.
Belle of the Ball by Mari Costa 
A very queer high school rom-com comic with a satisfying message about growing into yourself and seeing others truly for who they are. It opens with a love triangle, but subverts that form into a more complicated shape by the end of the tale. Strong character designs and very effective limited color palette.
The Moth Keeper by K. O’Neill 
In a desert village, a group of folks choose to live a nocturnal life to keep the moon company, and to care for a small group of magical moths, the only creatures who can pollinate a magical tree which helps sustain the whole ecosystem. One youngster, Anya, volunteers for the important but lonely job of Moth Keeper. She yearns to be of service to others, and feels she must earn her place in the village. In reality, help and friendship are only an ask away, and in this space everyone is cared for. This is a very beautifully illustrated and brief tale of responsibility, community, and resilience.
Feeding Ghosts by Tessa Hulls
What an accomplishment! I savored every page of Feeding Ghosts, absolutely floored by the labor and courage that went into the writing of this book. The inking is gorgeous, the history is clear, digestible, and devastating. This book threads the line between honesty and compassion in a way that I appreciate so much in any memoir, but especially one dealing with family. Hulls lays out the story of three generations of women starting with her grandmother, Sun Yi, a Shanghai journalist who faced intense persecution during the rise of Communism in China, who penned a popular and scandalous memoir and then suffered a mental breakdown. This left her only daughter, Rose, a student at an elite boarding school with no parental figures and no other family to lean on. Eventually Rose earned a scholarship to an American university and in the end moved her mother into her California home. Sun Yi haunted that home during the author's own childhood. The unexamined trauma and codependency of Sun Yi and Rose drove the author to the extreme edges of the Earth, seeking freedom from their ghosts. But in the end, she stopped running from her family history and turned, instead, to face it. Shelve this book with Maus, Fun Home, Persepolis and The Best We Could Do.
I Keep My Exoskeletons To Myself by Marisa Crane read by Bailey Carr 
I really struggled with this book. I almost DNFed at 25%. Ultimately, I did finish it, and I am glad I did because I think the final act was my favorite part of the story. However, I think the title and cover set me up with expectations of what this book would be which were very different than what the book actually delivered. This is not science fiction- despite the fact it was nominated in the science fiction category in the Goodreads Choice Awards. It is only barely speculative. This is a book about grief, depression, and parenting a baby and then a young child as a single mom struggling with loss and borderline alcoholism. There were passages of the book which struck hard, individual observations and lines which rang like bells. There is also nearly no plot and I was frustrated by the lack of world building. I wanted to know more about the laws governing extra shadows- were Shadesters allowed to vote, hold passports, travel across state lines? Had anyone experimented with the removal of Shadows? When and how did cameras get installed in apparently every home in American, and how did the government hire and pay for a workforce of seemingly 1:1 surveillance agents to citizens? Also, how on earth did Kris manage to pay for a whole apartment on a single salary working a call center job, especially when as a Shadester she had to pay extra taxes? I understand that this is literary fiction, and these questions are obviously not the ones the book was interested in answering. But it felt strange to me that a book so focused on parenting would not include a single passage about struggling to pay for or arrange childcare. The "pop quizzes" that break up the text did not work well in audio, and did not add anything to my experience of this book. Ultimately, I would only recommend this novel to a vary narrow audience of readers who enjoy lit fic, and are willing to spend a lot of time in the POV of a character teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown through much of the story.
Atana and The Firebird by Vivian Zhou
Atana is a mermaid, but she was banished from her home to live alone on island for a reason she doesn't understand. One night a curious young firebird leaves her flock in space to come down and visit Earth, and she convinces Atana to go an adventure. They are soon pursed by magic hunters, but they also make friends, and end up as invited guests in the Witch Queen's palace. She makes them welcome in her massive library and gardens, but she also has ulterior motives. This is a fast paced story of magic, friendship, and young people slowly learning about the forces larger than themselves that shape their world and their lives. I really enjoyed the art, it has a very active, energetic line which serves the action scenes particularly well. I can tell the author came from an animation background! I am glad that the ending set up potential future installments in this world.
Portrait of a Body by Julie Delporte  
I really loved the colored pencil illustrations of this book, especially the botanical drawings, and the kind of abstract relation of the text and images. I thought the drawings paired extremely well with the hand lettering even if at times I struggled with some of the cursive capitals. This is a candid memoir of recovering from sexual assault and a dysfunctional relationship to ones body and sexuality, of stepping into queerness and self-acceptance. I couldn't really relate to the author's journey, but I appreciated the honestly and thoughtfulness with which the more challenging themes were handled.
Fool’s Fate by Robin Hobb read by Nick Taylor 
This book, and this series, has earned Robin Hobb a permanent place in my list of favorite authors. This story goes so hard, weaving together threads that are 9 volumes and 30 plus years of in-story history in the making. The final confrontations, reunions, and farewells at the end of this story were hard earned and so well written. This very much felt like it could have been a final volume of the Realm of Elderlings series, but I know that there are 7 more books to come and I can't wait to see what else this series has in store for me!
System Collapse by Martha Wells read by Kevin R Free 
This book picks up right after the end of the previous volume and I had, unfortunately, completely forgotten most of the previous plot. Once I got myself oriented I still had a great time with it. Wow, I just love watching Murderbot learn and grow and solve problems in unique and interesting ways! I kind of want to go back and re-listen to the whole series.
The Chromatic Fantasy by H.A. 
This comic blew me away. One of the most beautiful, strange, artistically ambitious and deeply trans books I've read in a while. Aesthetically, its as rich as a stained glass window or illuminated manuscript. Its narrative is psychedelic but emotionally it rings so tender and true. The story opens with Jules, a transman trapped in a nunnery who accepts a deal with a devil who promises to help him live as a man. Possessed and impervious to physical harm, Jules turns to a life of debauchery and crime. Then he meets another trans criminal, the poetic thief and thespian Casper, and they begin to fall for each other. They see each other as no one else ever has, they validate and treasure one another, but Jules' devil is a jealous master. The devil would rather see Jules burn than thrive. This is one of those books that made me want to draw, made me want to write, made me want to be bolder, weirder, freer, wilder in my story telling. An instant favorite, I expect I'll return to this over and over.
Mall Goth by Kate Leth
Liv's parents are on the verge of divorce; they've just moved to a new town and Liv will be starting at a new high school. At her last school, Liv was bullied for being openly queer and an unapologetic mall goth, and she is understandably hesitant to accept friendship overtures at the new school. However, a supportive male English teacher and a fellow goth gamer boy start to make Liv feel welcome. The goth introduces her to an MMORPG and the English teacher praises her essays and gives her Lolita. Both of them start regularly DMing Liv late into the night, more than is appropriate for the relationships they have. This book is in large part about a teen navigating confusing advances and how and when to disclose things that make her uncomfortable but feel hard to speak about or define. I thought that aspect of the story was handled very well. Some of the pacing in the friendship plot lines surrounding it felt a bit rushed, a few sections underdeveloped, but ultimately I think this book tackled an important issue not often seen in YA comics. It is also steeped in early 2000s Hot Topic/emo music/pop culture references- if you were there, you'll know.
What’s Wrong? Personal Histories of Chronic Pain and Bad Medicine by Erin Williams 
Williams illuminates, through memoir, interviews, and mixed media illustrations the extreme failures of the US healthcare system to address chronic pain. These failures are especially common for patients of color, patients who struggle with addictions, patients who are queer or survivors of assault and trauma. If you had any illusions that the systems of medical care are working in this country, shed them now. This book is half cathartic, half infuriating to read. I really appreciated the honesty and vulnerability of the interviewees and the trans and nonbinary inclusiveness of the language surrounding pain tied to the reproductive system.
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emblemxeno · 11 months
Tbh I don’t quite understand the sentiment that Engage doesn’t have good or any worldbuilding at all, like tf is up with that. First instinct would be “them 3H fans again!!!” but other long time FE fans also consider it lackluster and idk I don’t agree. 
Each of the four nations all have surface level distinctions, but in-depth internal layers, such as...
Firene values peace, gratitude, and its harvests, tea, and medicine. It’s the kingdom that would usually be taken advantage of, but the reason it maintains its peace is through aggressive policy done by its leaders, currently by Eve and very notably followed up by Celine. Medicine and health is taken seriously cuz the last king died from an illness, the same illness which the current and well loved prince is suffering from. The Firene retainers are all nobles sans Louis, who is noted to have gotten his role because of his domestic skill in tandem with his martial prowess; this implies a sort of status quo, one that’s maintained to keep things peaceful, though not overly enforced to the point of oppression. 
Brodia is wealthy and martially strong, yet prideful. The nobility is noted to take advantage of the constant wars on Elusia, as it fuels economy, which in turn fuels more wars. The wars against Elusia themselves are partly an extension of Brodia’s pride: aggressive expansion done in the name of “keeping a wicked nation in check” and to further Brodian way of life. Because strength is valued, the Brodian retainers are all common folk who proved themselves, sans Citrinne, who develops a complex about her strength because of it. Mining is the primary income source after warfare, something that Diamant wants to shift towards to the dismay of war benefitting nobles.
Elusia is the kingdom of knowledge, and as such, is the only nation noted to have a major place of education. The arts and the leisure seems to be highly valued here, due to an author, an artist, and a native to a hot spring centered village being recruited. Retainers, like in Brodia, are decided by strength or capability; after all, you don’t often have a Crown Princess’s servants be a former assassin and a former prince without skill and knowledge being paramount in the decision making. Hyacinth has too much love to go around, and so has a wife as well as many mistresses, and many children as a result. Knowledge begets avenues of possibility, which means one can use said knowledge to selfishly get ahead (such as the Elusian court where backstabbing and fake platitudes to appeal to the King and Queen were common place) or to benefit the world around you (Hortensia using her intellect and talent to help war victims, and Ivy utilizing Elusia’s creativity and innovative practices to better the public’s wellbeing). Seeking knowledge, however, can entrench one in dark practices, which is why the worship of the Fell Dragon went from notable to beligerent and dangerous.
Solm values freedom, and is notable for being a strict matriarchy. Only women take the throne, Merrin’s village is only ran by women, and Panette and Pandreo’s family church was headed by their mother. While open minded and easy going on the surface, Solm having its own elite vigilante group and having spies throughout the continent means that the queendom takes measures to ensure freedom very seriously; these actions are similar to Firene, which is brought up in Celine and Fogado’s support, and the two themselves are indicative of each of their nations cultures. Unlike the other nations, there’s no strict basis for who becomes a retainer, since you have a chef, a priest, and two runaways. The people of Solm live their lives how they want, and its culture is more open to entertainment and large gatherings than other nations.
And this is just what I whipped together from memory. I’ve no doubt that there’s tons of other minute details that, when pieced together, form more descriptions of the nations as a whole. This, to me, is on part with how the GBA games and Echoes built their worlds. Very solid in depth readings, with surface level broad strokes to entice the player in should they choose to put more hours into learning the ins and outs. And that isn’t even getting into the artistic directions of each nation and the characters (like outfits, seasonal representations, food/ingredients, etc.). Hell, the entirety of Elyos is shaped like a ring for crying out loud! It’s screaming “yeah the rings are this central to this world, enjoy your stay.”
I like that. Engage knows what it is and what it wants to present. No more, no less.
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