#emi miya
maytaiii · 2 months
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vacation time! ✈️🧳🗺️
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meguemii · 9 months
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You’re Very Pretty.
synopsis- he can never be yours. Suna was someone else’s and Atsumu could never be him.
extra info- small drabble, college au, slight angst, cheater! suna, second choice! atsumu, no comfort, lowercase intended
Navigation Station🚊
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kissing in secret, sneaking glances, small unnoticeable touches. it always came easy to him, but to you? it was never enough. you wanted it all, yearned for it all but never allowed to have it. he never let you get close enough.
lights flashed, loud music played, people grinding against each other, loud laughs, people kissing without a care. nothing beat college parties. you wanted to go home, everything reminded you of him, or what could have been of him.
romanticizing him, the picture perfect version of him you had created in your head. you wanted to be the people kissing infront of people without a care in the world but it couldn’t be like that.
not when he already had a girlfriend, someone he got to do all this with, who got all of him and more. god you were an awful person, coming in between the two of them. if anyone found out about what you two did it would ruin their “perfect” relationship but by god you wanted someone to find out.
all those things he said you wanted to be true, the sweet nothings he’d tell you at 4am in your dorm room after he used your body, used your emotional availability.
“why are ya staring at mr sunarin missy? ya know aoi wouldn’t be happy if she saw this” jumping a bit at atsumu suddenly whispering in your ear as he snaked his arm around your waist and you sighed. “yeah, I know ‘tsumu. he’s just so pretty” you leaned back into his chest as you still stared at suna who talked with his gorgeous trophy esque girlfriend. aoi nakamura.
what did she have that you didn’t? why did it have to be her and not you? why were you hung up over suna rintaro when you had another man who fawned over you unlike him. someone who wanted to show you off, someone who wanted to give it all to you.
someone who appreciated you, a patient man, a caring man. a sweet friend.
“i’m pretty too ya know.”— “yes ‘tsumu, you are pretty. you’re very pretty.”
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babies first drabble. go easy on me y’all😓 i couldn’t choose between using suna photos or atsumu but i ultimately went w my favourite boy :3
hope you guys liked this, i wasn’t sure how to really write it tbh. i just had an idea and started writing, lightly proof read
okay so this is not going how i thought it would go LOL. Y’all were NOT rocking w this one. i’ma go back to mood boards LMAO
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vanityangel · 1 year
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ChocoProLIVE! Episode #279
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mramur · 1 year
happy pride for my oc (especially mona for being the first lesbian oc and first oc i created when i realized i am one of the queer peep) which im too tired to draw rn.
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dynamitekansai · 2 years
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slut4msby · 5 months
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flower shop girl. miya osamu x fem!reader
+ tags & warnings; not proofread
+ a/n; i wrote this at 2am last night as the idea came to me as i tried to sleep so keep that in mind </3
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“Just go give him some flowers Y/N it doesn’t have to be in a romantic way, just a nice neighbourly worker gesture!” Your coworker, Emi suggested.
“I’m pretty sure Osamu-san would take it the wrong way, Emi…” 
“But Osamu-san brings us onigiri all the time! So it’s not weird unless you make it weird, Y/N.”
You couldn’t deny your feelings towards Osamu have grown since you started working at the florist. It started with you going to get some lunch and wanting to try “Onigiri Miya” which was located across the road from your work. All your coworkers could only ever speak positively about Osamu’s onigiri. And after trying it you could not blame him. The onigiri was a masterpiece, it was a perfect triangular delight that fit perfectly in the palm of your hand. The outer layer was crafted from expertly seasoned sticky rice. The rice was perfect, not too dry nor too mushy. When the nori seaweed wrapping peeled back a symphony of flavours unfold. It felt as if Osamu had crafted a masterpiece with something as simple as Onigiri. 
However, it wasn’t just the onigiri that stirred something within you; it was Osamu Miya himself. Osamu was fine. More than fine to be honest, he himself was like a Greek god. His physique from his volleyball days had slightly decreased since quitting and pursuing the store, but he was still in beautiful shape. The black Onigiri Miya shirt hugged his body just right. His hair was always slightly messy when he came over to the florists from the Onigiri Miya hat. Not only was he hot, he was funny. Everytime you would see him he would crack some jokes that never failed to put a smile on your face. Not only that despite his more dead-pan face, Osamu was great with his customers. He knew them like the back of his hands, he cared, was passionate and he was funny. God, the true triple threat.
“Plus if Osamu finds it cute, maybe your little crush will go further~.” Emi teased.
You gave her a nasty side-eye in return to her snarky comment. “Okay fine, I’ll bring some flowers to Osamu-san after my shift, if that will make you shut it.” Emi’s face lit up at the comment, “BUT. There is a catch. I get to tell Osamu-san it is a gift from the store for all the onigiri he gives us. Deal?”
“Fine, deal.”
“So… Emi… What flowers do I give Osamu-san?” You say awkwardly.
“Well I would recommend tulips - pink tulips in particular if you don’t want it to be romantic. They convey good wishes, yet non-romantic love and affection. Or maybe some daffodils! To celebrate new beginnings and goo-” Emi rambled.
“Y’know what Emi? I think I’ll just make a bouquet myself…” you mumble as you walk off.
You loved Emi but god she could get on your nerves. 
You begin taking your time putting together a bouquet for Osamu. Nothing romantic, but also beautiful enough to put the wrong idea in Osamu’s head. It wasn’t supposed to be romantic, just a nice gesture. Despite your admiration for Osamu, you barely knew the guy. He could have a girlfriend or even worse a wife. And you were no home-wrecker. You had finally decided on a bouquet with pinks and whites, with pink carnations, white roses and baby's breath flowers. It was simple, effective and didn't give Osamu the wrong idea, perfect.
“Emi-chan I’m clocking out now~” You call out to your coworker.
“Don’t forget your bouquet, Y/N-san! I’m sure Osamu is going to fall head over heels for you and you two will have like the cutest romance story ever! And I Can say I planned it ALL and I better be a bridesmaid and-” 
“Yup, okay Emi.” You say giving her a weak smile and a wave as you walk out.
You crossed the road and walked into Onigiri Miya, the bell jingling as the door opened. Osamu raised his head to greet the customer who entered.
“Welcome! Ho- Oh, it’s one of the flower shop girls. What can I do for ya?” He smiled.
“Oh Osamu-san! I have a gift for you from m- us over at the flower shop because your always so nice to us and bring us onigiri and stuff and we just wanted to say thank you and-” 
He cuts you off from your awkward mess of a speech, “Thanks flower shop girl.” He said walking over to you, grabbing the flowers from your hand. “And don’t ya worry yer pretty little head about it, sweetheart.” He examined the bouquet in front of him, looking at the array of flowers. “It’s beautiful…?”
“L/N Y/N.”
“It’s beautiful, L/N-san. What flowers did ya use?” Osamu asks out of curiosity. 
“Oh well I used white roses which you can obviously see, and some baby’s breath. The pink touch is some pink carnations, my personal favourite flower! They also express gratitude and stuff… so it’s cool I guess…”
“Well I am super grateful for the gift, L/N.” Osamu smiled.
“Oh uhm… You’re welcome! I have to get going now, Osamu-san!” You say waving as you speed walk to the door. Osamu just waves in confusion in response to your awkward actions.
“God Y/N, why are you so awkward?” You silently cuss yourself out as you walk away.
Days have passed since your very awkward flower delivery to Osamu. The interaction still haunts your mind like a bad dream, that’s what you wished it was. As you care for the flowers towards the back of the door, a familiar figure walks in. Osamu Miya. Just your luck, you gave him an awkward smile before continuing your work. Osamub slowly walks over to your coworker, Maki.
“How can I help you Miya-san?” Maki asks.
“Just wondering if you have any bouquets of pink carnations?” Osamu says, looking around the store, attempting to find some.
“Oh we just got some in before, they are a popular choice at the moment. Y/N sells them quite well, they are her favourite after all.” Maki smiles.
“Well Y/N has some good taste then, they are also a personal favourite of mine.” 
“Really! I would not expect that from you Miya! You give off like jasmine vibes.” Maki laughs.
“I only recently found out what carnations are, a very pretty girl said they were her favourite and they just remind me of ‘er.”
A red blush swipes over your face at Osamu’s comment. Were you , the pretty girl? Surely not. Carnations are a common favourite flower and Osamu must know lots of pretty girls, I mean just take a look at him.
Osamu continues his chat with Maki, checking out for his bouquet of flowers. “Thanks so much Miya-san!”
However, Osamu doesn’t leave the store, his steps bring him towards you. He holds the bouquet out towards you, “here flower shop girl. Heard ya like ‘em.”
“Oh really?” You sarcastically respond.
“Yeah, a friend told me.” He jokes back, “a friend also told me I should ask you out on a date, pretty girl. So whatdya say?”
“I’d love to, Osamu.” You smile shyly.
“Tomorrow night at 7pm. Are you free?”
“For you? I guess I could make some time…” 
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dira333 · 30 days
soulmate AU: if your soulmate colors their hair, your hair turns the same color + ATSUMU!!!!!!!!!!
for some reason i'm picturing the fic being like a through the years type of thing? where when you're kids your hair is just a normal brown but then in middle and high school it becomes a sort of ombre bleached blonde and it's just your journey with your hair and you wondering why your soulmate doesn't take better care of theirs lol. i also picture it like you see atsumu on tv a lot just because he's a really famous volleyball player and you have a little bit of suspicion but you don't think too much about it because he's really famous and there's no way you would be soulmates with this celebrity (who's known for being boyish and charming and flirty yk).
Let me run from you - Miya Atsumu x Reader
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You suppose it could have been worse.
Mukai-chan's hair is a bright red today. Nakao-Kun's lovely black hair has turned an ugly grey color. And Taniguchi-chan chopped off all her curls, not realizing that it's only her hair color that will mark her soulmate.
But you hate it, the garish yellow of your hair. You hadn't mind all the stages before, the dark brown that turned lighter and lighter each month. It had been kinda fun too, not knowing when your soulmate got another chance to see their hairdresser. But now?
You twirl a strand between your fingers.
"You know, it reminds me of gold," Emi, your best friend, points out. "And I could be silver." She points at her own, greyish curls.
You sigh. "That's nice of you. But I think it looks more like piss."
"Hey, have you seen that already?" Emi turns the magazine so you can see. It's a poster of some high school Volleyball team.
"What about it?"
"Look at these two." She points at two guys who look eerily similar - well, except for their hair color. "They match. Just like we do."
"Mhm, maybe," you turn your head to squint down at it. "The grey one matches, but the yellow doesn't look as bad on him as it does on me. And who says our soulmates will be related?"
"Excuse me?" Emi scoffs. "Like anything else could be true. You're my platonic soulmate after all."
You snort. "True. Do you want to swap lunch again?"
"Thought you'd never ask. Oh, I made Onigiri last night, do you wanna try the new flavor I came up with?"
College is College. Fun and hell at the same time.
"Your hair," one of the girls from your class points out over a cup of something you don't want to taste again. You snort. "Don't remind me. I've tried every toner there is, but I think I need to start at the source."
"No," she starts again, but this time it's Emi who cuts her off, clawing into your arm.
"You'll never believe who I just spotted," she says, voice hushed, breath rushed. "The most beautiful guy to ever exist."
"Oh, so Kageyama Tobio is around?" You joke, but she shakes your arm violently, letting you know this is serious.
"No, no, you don't understand. His hair is the same color as mine. And he's in the kitchen making food, I-"
"Oh, you mean Samu." The two of you turn to the girl. She grins smugly at your now obvious interest in her knowledge.
"He's in my business class. He wants to open a restaurant. He's got a twin brother too. Your hair reminds me of his."
"No way," you wave her off, "If you're talking about the Miya twins you must be mistaken. No way my soulmate could be famous enough to be part of the Miya Twins. He's too dumb to use conditioner."
She laughs. "Oh, boy, are you in for a surprise. I think he's here today. Stay here, I'll get him."
She turns away and you use your chance to grab Emi and go, moving a fast as possible in the direction of the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" She asks, clearly confused.
"Getting out of here and making sure you still meet your soulmate."
"But what if that Miya guy is yours?"
"No way," you shake your head, "I didn't struggle my way through school to be the soulmate of some rich dude. That's too cliché."
You burst through the doors of the kitchen, now face to face with a guy you can only describe as handsome. He's got that lazy smile that Emi's always liked best, arms deep in a bowl of dough.
"Oh, hey," he smiles, "If you're hungry there's some chips and dip in the fridge. Pizza is almost ready to go in the oven too."
"This is my best friend," you tell him, pulling Emi out from behind you, "Avid food blogger, talented cook, and pretty much your soulmate. Thank me later."
She squeaks but you squeeze her shoulder and make a run for the backdoor - you're not sure why they're always located in the kitchen but you're not one to complain tonight.
You've almost made it to safety, the curb already in sight, when something hits you in the face - hard enough to let you tumble over, and land face-first in the dirt.
"Oh shit! Are you okay?!"
You groan, push yourself up only to come face to face with the guy from the kitchen - no, his twin. The hair color is different.
"Wow," he grins cheekily, "I knew I'm great but that's the first time someone literally fell at my feet."
"You wish," you snarl, "Is that your way of flirting? Hitting innocent girls?"
"You don't look that innocent," he jokes, "But no, I only do that for the cute ones."
"Har har," you sit up properly, and put a hand to your chin where it hurts the most. "What did you hit me with anyway?"
"Volleyball," he offers you his hand, "Come on, let me help you up."
"Tsumu!" Someone yells from an open window, "Hoga-chan's looking for you, she said- Oh, so you found her."
"Found who?" Tsumu, your attacker, doesn't turn around. His stare is a little unnerving. It would help a lot if he was a little less attractive.
"Your soulmate."
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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sexyandcringe · 18 days
Part 1 ◇ Part 2
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Warnings: none except mentions of readers past traumas, mention of sexual objectification.
Content: osamu x reader, Angst (to fluff in the next chapters), hurt no comfort.
A/n: it's my first long-fic, please be nice :)
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You're not used to being loved.
Your parents were always strict, hardly ever showing their affection, you didn't even have any close friends until you started working, where you found your best friend who showed you the blessings of a platonic love; but time passes and things happen, you had to move out of the town, leave your one true friend behind.
You are not used to love but especially romantic love, because all men did was see you as the object of their sexual desires, or maybe a good time-pass until a better one came along. Never as a person with feelings, never as a woman who loved them more than they loved her.
Sometimes you were too much, sometimes you weren't enough.
Too affectionate, too clingy, too dramatic, too loud. Not pretty enough, not smart enough, not horny enough. You tried and tried to be more, to be less, to be loved, but despite your efforts, love remained elusive, even with women.
So, after years of hoping and yearning, you resigned yourself to a loveless existence.
It is not to say that you never felt happy; even if you didn’t have love, you had fun and drama, you had friends to drink with (accompanied by the ting of pain the day after), you had a lot of books to read (leaving a bitter taste in your mouth whenever you finished one), you had dates and clothes and all the good and beautiful things in life and you've learned to appreciate these fragments of happiness.
But sometimes you get lonely.
You are used to it at this point, the crushing weight in your chest at 11 PM is your daily ritual before you finally give in to sleep.
So when you see Osamu Miya’s warm smile as he greets you in his restaurant, you battle to stop your stupid crazed heart, which is currently trying to jump out of your mouth.
You are just a client, his smile doesn’t mean anything, he is only doing his job, and you have seen him give the same smile to the old ladies who only order a coffee and linger to chatter for more than two hours, too. He’s a professional, after all. You are a regular and all he wants is your money, the bastard.
(you completely ignore the fact that he remembers details about you that no one bothers to remember; like the colour of your jewellery, the names of the dogs in your shelter or how your eyeliner is a little glittered today.)
Still, you are glad you got to know him. If anything, at least he is a good friend to you, always listening to what you have to say and filling your stomach with delicious food.
“ ‘Evening, Y/N. The usual?” He asks. You nod as you sit on the corner of the counter, the same seat you sat on the first day you came in.
(Osamu puts a “Reserved” sign on it every day until your arrival, not letting anyone else sit on it because it’s yours. But you don’t need to know that.)
You chatter with Tsumoto, the part-timer student who works in his shop, about his new crush, giving him advice you wouldn’t listen to nor follow from somebody else, and just as you are about to tell him that he should just write love letters to his crush, the doorbell rings; a pretty girl with dark long hair and the body of a goddess walks in, looking around for something, or better, for someone.
“‘Samuuu!” she calls him just as he comes out of the kitchen, and his face lights up, his arms envelop her figure and her lips meet his cheeks in an affectionate gesture.
… what?
“Emi! How are you, doll?” his voice holds tenderness as he guides the girl to one of the seats available, “Have a seat, I'll fix something up for you.”
She is a beautiful girl indeed, her hair flutters in the air like sea waves and her deep green eyes would make any man weak in his knees. She graces him with a smile, her flawless teeth gleaming.“A coffee is enough ‘Samu, I’m going to meet a friend soon.”
“Roger that!” he nods, signaling to Tsumoto for the order, before returning his attention to her.
He looks happy, you don’t think he has ever looked at you with this much fondness, and you’ve never witnessed any girl embrace him, let alone kiss his cheek. Hell, you didn’t even know if he had any female friends who were not his friends’s girlfriends.
(You feel your vision blur and something clenches in your chest. You swallow it down.)
You have no idea what they are talking about, you are not listening, all you can think about is how much you feel so so stupid. You didn’t hope for anything, you tried not to hope for anything at all, but feelings are hard to get rid of, especially if you see the one causing these feelings every week.
You look at them talking like best friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time and the feeling of inadequacy gnaws at you. You wonder if you ever even stood a chance to begin with. You yearned to be someone close to Osamu, someone who could give him hugs and kisses easily, someone who knew everything about him; you yearned to be part of his inner circle, but now you feel utterly stupid and delusional. Of course, he would never see you in that light, his affection is reserved only for a pretty girl like her. Of course he wouldn’t even think about getting physical with you. What were you even thinking?
Of course, you can’t be part of his world.
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Reblogs are really appreciated! - Part 2
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mochalate · 4 months
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"no body, no crime" ; f!reader/osamu miya Osamu has heard people say it's not the dark itself that anyone's scared of, it's what could be waiting inside it. He thinks that what all fear boils down to, ultimately — exposure to the unknown. (Osamu has never been afraid of the dark, but now he sees it in your eyes.)
w/c: 1.6k ; fluff angst idk, vibes c/w: involuntary unaliving (you and Osamu are fine, dw), abusive relationship (ditto) a/n: just a little break from the two (TWO!! What was I thinking!) longfics I'm outlining/writing. the banner doesn't match the vibe of the fic tbh, but I just love how it came out lol, look how cute the little skull is
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The lightbulb dims and flickers. 
Onigiri Miya’s kitchen is plunged into a strange, incandescent twilight; and Osamu pauses mid-step, despite the heavy stack of freshly washed plates in his arms. 
He’s never been scared of the dark. But there’s something unsettling about the way the space is transformed so easily; how this blurring of the line between light and shadow makes everything that had been familiar not a second ago, seem uncanny. 
Osamu sees you look up from the sink you’re cleaning, the motion made staccato by the flickering bulb. 
“We really need to replace that thing,” you huff, face obscured by the shadows. “It’s creepy.”
You’re silhouetted against the window above the sink; looking out on the narrow, deserted street behind the restaurant— more a glorified alley than not. It’s dark out, past eleven. The glow from the closest streetlight barely reaches.
“Ya don’t need to be scared when I’m here,” Osamu says with a grin, as he moves towards the rack. “Gonna protect you from the ghosts an’ all.”
The bulb stabilises, and now he has a clear view of the way you roll your eyes at him. “Oh, so our restaurant is haunted now?”
The plates clink as Osamu puts them away, louder than usual in the silence. “I’ve got a Bluebeard type operation going on here, ya see. Really think you’re my first girlfriend?”
You laugh as you return your attention to the sink. “Wow, shame you didn’t open with that line on the first date.” The steel wool makes harsh, scraping squeals as you scrub. “Nothing like reminding a girl her date could be a murderer. Makes everything a little more exciting.”
“Noted for my next victim,” he concedes. “And I’ll order a new bulb when we get home. Didn’t think it was makin’ ya that uncomfortable.”
You smile gratefully at him over your shoulder as you turn on the faucet and give the sink a final rinse. “We need some new knives too. Those kids you were training for the part time work really wore out the ones we have now.”
Osamu nods. “You okay to finish up and meet me outside? I’ll start pullin’ down the shutters.”
You agree, just like you always do.
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Emi would fit right in with those ghosts that (did not) haunt Onigiri Miya.
You’re sitting with her at the only occupied table. There’s a light rain tonight, and the raindrops pattering against the windows drown out what little conversation he would have been able to hear from the counter.
She’s a wisp of a woman, huddled under a mud-coloured cardigan that blends into the restaurant’s wood panelling. She sits incredibly still. Her long, dark hair hangs loose around a pale and unmemorable face. Barely there. Almost a trick of the light.
Osamu watches as you take her hand, telling her something urgently. She never raises her eyes from her lap. Her shoulders are hunched, but her face is impassive. 
He wonders what she’s thinking.
“Who’s Sadako over there?” Atsumu asks, reaching for another rice ball.
Osamu slaps his hand away. “Are ya paying for any of that? This ain’t a soup kitchen. And lord, yer rude.”
Atsumu withdraws sulkily. “Stingy.” 
It’s easy to tell what Atsumu’s thinking. He says everything that crosses his mind; but even when he doesn’t, it’s written all over his face. Growing up with him, Osamu had to learn that people could lie; and lie well.
That woman looks pitiful, is what Atsumu is thinking right now, glancing over his shoulder with furrowed brows. Is she okay?
“That’s her friend,” Osamu says. “From college. Emi.”
“Yeah? What’s her problem?”
“Shitty boyfriend.”
“I thought you were dating—”
Osamu smacks him upside the head. 
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The new light bulbs come in. Osamu replaces the one in the kitchen, but it still flickers. 
He expects you to comment, make a joke about ghosts; but you just keep scrubbing the sink. You haven’t said much at all, today. 
The steel wool screams. Osamu’s worried you’ll cut through your gloves. 
“Hey,” he says, because he’s not sure what else he can say, “Easy.”
You start, as if jerked out of a trance. “Sorry.”
The silence after, where you stand with your head hanging over the sink, too far away for him to touch, is suffocating and cavernous all at once. He’s afraid to say the wrong thing, and having to watch it echo and bounce, amplifying itself into something grotesque.
“Emi will get justice. They’ll find out who did it.”
You turn on him so suddenly, so violently, that he instinctively takes a step back; even though you’re half his size. 
“I know who did it, it was him,” you spit, face venomous and unfamiliar. “If the police would just listen to me and Emi’s sister—”
“He has an alibi,” Osamu reminds you gently. “There’s no proof.”
You blink, and seem to deflate. “Right, no proof. The police can’t do anything.” You chew on your thumbnail as you mumble, speaking more to yourself than to him, the rest of your fingers curled in a fist.
Your anger seems to have evaporated in an instant, quick as the flickering light. You’re you again. At least, that’s what he wants to believe.
He needs to fix that light. It’s making you look damn scary.
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Emi’s sister comes by to see you a lot, after they find the body. Osamu’s not sure what you speak to her about. He’s also not sure why he feels like he shouldn’t ask.
It’s been gnawing at him, lately. This feeling of not sure, not knowing. It's always present, always sapping at his strength. It’s the real ghost in Onigiri Miya, only he’s not sure who it’s haunting— him, or you. 
You seem different. He finds himself watching you from a distance, trying to understand what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling. It used to be easy; a language he was fluent in. 
Now, his tongue feels rusty. He can never find the words that feel right.
You don’t speak as much as you did before, either. The silence after closing used to be warm and comfortable, the time he got to spend with you at the end of a bustling day. But now it isn’t calming. It’s tense, as if he’s constantly waiting for something to explosively fill it in.
There’s just you.
“Osamu, what time is it?” you ask, stripping off your gloves. “Could you check my phone? It’s right next to you.”
He looks at you curiously. You usually left it out front with his, charging under the register. Why the change? He can’t bring himself to ask.
“Osamu.” Your voice is stretched taut.
He swallows and hastily taps at your screen. “Ten.” It’s later than he expected.
“Okay.” You take a deep breath. “Is it okay with you if I leave a little early? Emi’s sister invited me to dinner. I forgot to tell you. It’s at eleven. I want to go home and get ready.”
The photographs the detectives showed you at the restaurant last week flash through his mind. He’d wanted to pummel the man for upsetting you that much. “I don’t want you walkin’ alone—”
“I’ll be fine. It’s only ten.”
Osamu notices you don’t wait for him to agree as you gather your things into your purse. 
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Emi’s boyfriend is missing. 
Osamu doesn’t tell the police the knives they’re taking away are almost brand new. 
He doesn’t tell them that you took the old ones to the recycling centre two weeks ago.
He tells them you left the restaurant at ten, and that it was eleven thirty when he finished; a little later than usual, but that was to be expected— he didn’t have your help, after all.
He doesn’t tell them it should have been well past midnight.
You don’t say anything at all, merely watching the detective as you wash out the splattered soy stains on a napkin a clumsy customer had been using. The water runs brown.
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He can't get Atsumu's words out of his head.
‘Is everything alright between you two?’
Osamu is watching you clean the sink again. He should be mopping the floor tonight, but he finds himself rooted to the spot.
‘Sorry, I don't mean to be nosy.”
You turn on the faucet, washing away the soap with a face that’s far too serious for what you’re doing.
‘She just looks like there’s something on her mind lately.’
Did you? Osamu doesn’t know anymore. When did you start feeling like a stranger?
He doesn’t want it to be like this. “I haven’t seen Emi’s sister around—” he starts.
“We decided to stop seeing each other,” you reply, never turning back. “Too painful. For both of us.”
You never told him that. He tries to convince himself it’s only because he didn’t ask, but he never had to, before. Osamu realises he doesn’t even know the sister’s name. 
The faucet shuts off, but you just stand there, palms resting on the edge of the sink, head hanging over it. Despite everything, his heart wrenches. When he reaches out to touch your shoulder, you don’t tense like he’d been expecting— like he’d been afraid of.
No, you lean into his touch; and he finds the courage to gently pull you back, turn you to face him. You look at him, really look, for the first time in days. Osamu can’t imagine how he could think your face would ever be unfamiliar to him.
The moment is perfect. He could pretend everything is fine now, he thinks. It wouldn’t even be that hard. He doesn’t know why he doesn’t just ask you to meet him outside, while he gets started on the shutters.
He doesn’t know why he says, “Is there something… I should know?” 
Something changes.
Your mouth is a straight line. Neutral. 
Just like Emi.
The light bulb flickers.
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please like/reblog/reply if you enjoyed :) [my other fics]
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luvtune · 1 day
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Suzuki Moka ( Japanese : 鈴木もか ), also known by her stage name Moka ( Korean : 모카 ), is a fictional Japanese singer, and rapper under JINXX Entertainment. She is the fourteenth member of LOONA and a member its fourth sub-unit LOONA SOUND OF SIRENS. She was revealed as a member on June 24, 2018 with the single album Moka and the lead single ‘Starlight’
BIRTH NAME : Suzuki Moka ( 鈴木もか )
KOREAN NAME : Seo Min-Ju ( 서민주 )
ENGLISH NAME : Lizzie Suzuki
BIRTHDATE : July 13, 1997
ZODIAC : Cancer
BIRTHPLACE : Kyoto, Japan
ETHNICITY : Japanese
HEIGHT : 162 cm ( 5’4 )
FAMILY : Suzuki Haruto ( father ), Suzuki Reiko ( mother ), Suzuki Nana ( older sister )
STAGE NAME : Moka ( 모카 )
TRAINING PERIOD : 2 years ( 2016 - 2018 )
DEBUT AGE : 20 (int.) 22 (kor.)
GROUP : LOONA (inactive)
S.O.S POSITIONS : Singer, Rapper
Moka, known as ‘The Girl of The Snow,’ is theorized to have been a LOONA 1/3 member and appeared in HaSeul’s ‘Let Me In’ music video in the background, and it is speculated that the voice speaking French in the song is Moka. In the lore, she was born on earth and attended school with HeeJin, HyunJin, & HaSeul until she was replaced with ViVi. Like YeoJin, Moka was “lost” in the story and was sent to live in Iceland inside HaSeul’s abandoned plane until Arielle called out to her and recruited Moka to live with her on “Past Earth.”
NICKNAME : The Avalanche
REP ANIMAL : Polar Bear
LOCATION : Earth, Past Earth
FLOWER : Snowdrop
ALLIES : Arielle, YeoJin, Go Won, Yves, HyeJu, Chuu, Kim Lip, Emi, Eden
ENEMIES : HaSeul, ViVi, HeeJin, HyunJin, JinSoul, Choerry
SOLO : Starlight
. closest with emi, kim lip, and, jinsoul
. was actually supposed to debut in loona 1/3 but couldn’t so they made it into lore instead
. close with twice’s sana & momo, gwsn’s miya, & fromis_9’s jiwon
. arielle gave her the english name lizzie
. moka wrote all of her solo songs herself
. her favorite loona song is 365
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taglist : @weishni
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maytaiii · 5 months
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meguemii · 9 months
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⋆⑅˚₊ Haikyuu ┆彡
navigation station🚊
┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °
atsumu miya🏐
you’re very pretty- drabble
rintaro suna🍃
tooru oikawa🍞
mood boards
pretty setters🪷
┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °
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imasallstars · 7 months
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Further information regarding the MILLION LIVE! 10thLIVE TOUR live has been revealed! The YOKOHAMA stop occurring in K-ARENA YOKOHAMA on the 24th and 25th of February 2024 will be labelled Act-4 MILLION THE@TER!!!!
The voice actresses participating in this stop are as follows:
Haruka Yamazaki (Mirai Kasuga), Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki), Asuka Kakumoto (Elene Shimabara), Eri Ozeki (Minako Satake) Yukiyo Fujii (Megumi Tokoro), Momo Asakura (Serika Hakozaki), Saki Ogasawara (Akane Nonohara), Shiina Natsukawa (Anna Mochizuki), Atsuki Nakamura (Roco Handa), Miku Itou (Turiko Nanao), Yuri Komagata (Sayoko Takayam), Akari Harashima (Iku Nakatani), Kotori Koiwai (Tomoka Tenkubashi), Yuu Kahara (Emily Stewart), Sora Amamiya (Shiho Kitazawa), Nao Tamura (Hinata Kinoshita), Ibuki Kido (Kana Yabuki), Yui Watanabe (Nao Yokoyama), Kanako Nomura (Chizuru Nikaido), Rie Suegara (Fuka Toyokawa), Chouchou Kiritani (Miya Miyao), Nana Hamasaki (Noriko Fukuda), Rika Abe (Mizuki Makabe), Yui Kondo (Karen Shinomiya), Rikako Yamaguchi (Rio Momose), Yuka Saito (Subaru Nagayoshi), Emi Hirayama (Reika Kitakami), Keiko Watanabe (Momoko Suou), Aimi (Julia), Saki Minami (Tsumugi Shiraishi), Arisa Kori (Kaori Sakuramori) yes, I know it'd be easier to write down who's not coming but
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colasarchive · 17 days
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Going over the wave of original ToHeart girls made for the defunct mobile game [ToHeart Heartful Party]
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Rea Hanazawa
CV: Tomoko Kaneda - Born October 23
A girl absolutely attached to her phone even when it’s out of charge. Rea loves new and cute things. She devotes most of her time to the daily updates on her blog and become a bit obsessed with the number of hits she’ll receive.
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Sakurako Konno
CV: Mai Fuchigami - Born December 1st
A polite honor student who values spending time relaxing. Sakurako radiates a calm atmosphere and never seems to be in a hurry. She’s a member of the tea ceremony club and likes to wear kimono.
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Moemi Tsukifune
CV: Sayuri Yahagi - Born November 26
An otaku girl too shy to join the manga club. Moemi is soft spoken and stutters often, unable to convey her feelings. Though when the conversation comes to her interests she becomes incredibly talkative. She's a big fan of doujinshi.
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Hina Mitsuhoshi
CV: Anju Inami - Born June 24
A girl who loves instant yakisoba. So much so that her entire body is nearly made up of yakisoba. She has learned everything important in her life from instant yakisoba and can smell instant yakisoba sauce from a mile away.
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Yasuko Tsubaki
CV: Yukiyo Fuji - Born April 7
A member of the health committee who is a regular at the infirmary. Yasuko is shown to be quite sickly and collapses often. Though she has a pessimistic outlook on life and feels like she’s going to die, she looks quite healthy.
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Maika Marioka
CV: Rie Murakawa - Born April 30
A quiet girl who’s always alone in the library reading books. Maika’s pessimistic about life and has a very negative view of herself. She often tries to avoid people since large crowds feel suffocating.
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CV: Ikumi Nakagami - Born May 18
A student originally from Africa. An adventurous girl excited to learn more about the new world around her (This character unfortunately seems to have a lot of bad stereotypes so I’m keeping it short)
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Miya kurohane
CV: Marie Miyake - Born October 31
A cool and mysterious girl. Miya is a self proclaimed 100,016 year old witch who works for the ruler of darkness. Though it seems like a joke at first, her power might actually be real...
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Ranju Ayabuki
CV: Yuko Goto - Born June 4
A math teacher quite popular with students. Ranju has a blunt personality and cool demeanor, except when confronted with cute girls. She’s a night owl whose favorite foods are tomato juice and liver.
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Yumi Kinjo
CV: Shiho Nakasumi - Born July 20
A calm and easygoing swimmer from Okinawa. Yumi’s the ace of the swim team and highly respected. She actually prefers scuba diving though, and would much rather be swimming by the coral reefs than in a pool.
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Chirin Omiya
CV: Mai Fuchigami - Born June 16
A good natured girl with a big appetite. Chirin loves to eat and is always up to date on the newest restaurants. However, she worries about her weight and tries to exercise often. This doesn’t stop her love for sweets though.
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Mizuho Akatsuki
CV: Natsumi Takamori - Born November 4th
A train otaku attending the nearby private school. Mizuho enjoys all things railway, and doesn’t believe anyone could dislike them. She’s bright and friendly but not great at reading the atmosphere.
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Kohime Yamashina
CV: Naomi Ozora - Born August 16
The daughter of shrine owners in Kyoto. Kohime’s currently training to be a shrine maiden at one near the school. She’s old fashioned but has a lot of interest in foreign cultures. She also likes to draw fortunes.
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XAr-10(E) ARTY
CV: Sarah Emi Bridcutt - Born March 25
A police robot developed by a new company. Initially she outperformed Kurusugawa’s robots, but her functions are still immature. ARTY has now been brought to school to be reconditioned as a maid robot for testing.
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miyamorana · 5 months
Miya's 2023 Fanfic Recs Part 1
Here are all the cool, complete fics I've read this year. Separated into 5 posts because there's nearly a hundred of them.
PART 1: BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA (33) (Note that there are a few BNHA stories in part 5.) Part 2: Other Animes and Cartoons (20) Part 3: Television (16) Part 4: Video Games, Movies and Books (16) Part 5: Crossovers (11)
Title: Plain Scary, 10/10 Would Not Recommend Author:Manfedzku Pairing: None Rating: General Word Count: 1,872 Summary:  For a huge fundraising event, Class 2-A decides to host a haunted house as their contribution. Because none of them knows how to chill, they hold an internal contest, with the students splitting into two main teams and a prop department. Midoriya himself is super excited to use his Quirk for actual fun and entertainment, except that some have brought up that his array of powers and ghosts would make it unfair for the opponent. “How about this?” Midoriya bargains, slightly miffed. “I don’t need One For All to strike fear. I’ll do it Quirkless.” Or, Kind, compassionate Midoriya shouldn’t be able to fucking terrify anyone without his eldritch-like powers, but non-believers who’ve faced literal war hell find out that he does. He does.
Title: reconcile Author: whatagoodegg Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 151,203 Summary: Midoriya and Shigaraki get hit with a Quirk that basically locks the both of them in an indestructible box and makes them unable to physically harm each other. The only way for them to get out? They have to reconcile their differences. Obviously, this is easier said than done.
Title: Complicated Creation Author: Elemental Pairing: Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Rating: General Word Count: 112,787 Summary: Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted and doing his damned best despite it all. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don’t like him very much, and c) he’s pretty sure the heroes now think he’s a villain working for the League. Aizawa Shota just wants to take down Overhaul, rescue Eri, keep his students alive, get some rest, and find out how this Deku kid knows things he absolutely should not know about his personal life and the Shie Hassaikai case. Unless Nighteye’s right, and the kid really is a villain.
Title: Family (Regardless of Blood or Time) Author: Blueseabird2 Pairing: Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Rating: Teen Word Count: 16,252 Summary: Shouta gets sent back in time and immediately starts putting things into place to take down All for One. More importantly, he also adopts a lot of children, meets friends at the Park, and joins Midoriya Inko on her crusade against society’s idiocy. He gets Nezu involved. (He’s also not as alone as he thinks).
Title: looking for sunlight Author: the_crownless_queen Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 3,964 Summary: Being at Mighty Tower feels a little like a dream come true, to Izuku. Okay, maybe a lot like it. In which Aldera is terrible (duh), Mighty Tower is awesome (also duh) and Izuku’s new acquaintance/possibly friendly adult Yagi Toshinori is pretty cool — and taking him to meet All Might.
Title: If Pining’s a Joke, We’re a Comedy Show Author: JajaLala Pairing: Fukukado Emi/Kayama Nemuri, Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Rating: Teen Word Count: 7,729 Summary: Kayama Nemuri has a certain problem with a cute joke-themed hero. Every time they meet sparks fly, but it’s impossible to tell whether Ms. Joke really feels the same, or if she’s only flirting for the sake of comedic bits. Shouta, the confidante, is getting tired of all this pining.
Title: Sparkling Friendship✨ Author: Emily_Elizabeth_Fowl Pairing: Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Rating: General Word Count: 11,839 Summary: One raised brow later, Shouta remembered there was a question he was supposed to answer. He muttered something, hoping Hizashi would let it go. “And now with words this time?” Hizashi said a small smirk dancing on his lips, and Shouta huffed. “I said there wasn’t a guy,” he didn’t, but this was close enough. “I just-” What was he supposed to say? Got distracted because I saw you through the window during my nightly pass by your apartment and I was overcome by the need to feel how soft your hair were ? “…Got distracted,” he finished lamely, keeping the rest of that explanation to himself. “By what?” Hizashi sounded incredulous, tilting his head slightly, another strand of hair falling onto his face. *** Or: 5 times Shouta thought Hizashi and him were dating, and the one time they actually were
Title: Loser, Forsaker, Mover, Shaker Author: jukoist Pairing: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto (minor) Rating: Teen Word Count: 25,278 Summary: “So you and Bakugou… You were never exes? You really were just friends?” “Well, I was Kacchan’s friend. He was my bully.” Midoriya gets hit by a truth Quirk, and his past relationship with Bakugou comes to light. Midoriya learns what it means to have people on his side; Bakugou learns what it means to face his mistakes head on. Dredging up the past is dirty, and painful, but it’s necessary if you want to heal. AKA Protective 1-A, Hurt Midoriya, and Bakugou/Consequences.
Title: Fun At Hero Con Author: wolfsrainrules Pairing: None Rating: Unrated Word Count: 3,627 Summary: Midoriya Izuku is still the biggest hero nerd to walk the earth and not even being Number One is going to change that. Now if only he could remember to tell his fans that he is Pro Hero Deku.
Title: The Toes Show Author: RayShippouUchiha Pairing: None Rating: General Word Count: 1,657 Summary: By this point, Izuku feels confident in saying that there’s very little online he hasn’t seen or at least heard of in some shape or form. So Izuku knows that if he digs deep enough there’s got to be some kind of job online he can take that won’t care that he’s young and quirkless. All Izuku has to do is find it. ~~~ Come to find out Izuku doesn’t have to dig all that deep after all. Even if the job he ends up with is far from … conventional.
Title: Keep You To Myself Author: RayShippouUchiha Pairing: Aizawa Shouta/Midoriya Izuku Rating: Mature Word Count: 9,192 Summary: And yet the truth is that Shōta knows himself, has grown to know Izuku, well enough to know that what they’re doing, what’s between them, it’s not friendship. Or, at least, it’s not only friendship. Not on either of their sides. Friends don’t have this kind of tension practically seething between them. Friends don’t harbor this kind of underlying burn smoldering away beneath every word exchanged or this electric sort of charge coursing through every accidental touch. Title: Brain Pain Author: RayShippouUchiha Pairing: None Rating: General Word Count: 2,430 Summary: “Oh ho ho,” Izuku chortles into the darkness of his closet even as he grabs a bottle of water up so he can start gnawing on the cap. “I think the fuck not you raggedy-armed bitch.” It’s easy enough to start typing out a reply even with one hand and his vision sometimes blurring in and out. “I know a guy with more arms who’ll be a way better hero than you ever were,” Izuku mumbles around his water bottle, one eye squinted closed as he puts all of his faith into his phone’s extensively trained spell check and autofill functions.
Title: There Is A Pattern Here Author: lovelysandlonelys Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 9,309 Summary: Midoriya Izuku was just barely keeping his grades afloat. It was a hard thing to do when you were quirkless, because quirkless people were less evolved beings and couldn’t possibly be up to par with their quirked classmates. And better than them? An impossibility. Alternatively: All of Izuku’s teachers have accused him of cheating, until now. Title: Pied Piper Author: Blackholeca Pairing: Aizawa Shouta/Shirakumo Oboro/Yamada Hizashi (background) Rating: Teen Word Count: 297,091 Summary: If they wouldn’t give him a chance then the solution seemed simple, he’d give himself one. He’d force the world to see him, force them to recognize his hard work. He wasn’t missing a quirk, it was simply that everyone else had been given an advantage. He wasn’t broken, or useless, or incapable, and he’d prove it by outrunning all of them, he who was quirkless, he who had started in last. [UA rejects Midoriya from the hero course and he finds salvation in vigilantism.]
Title: damage control Author: yamadadzawa (liarielle) Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 6,741 Summary: Midoriya turns to Shouta, gripping his hand in a fist despite his clearly broken finger, and boldly declares that he’s still standing, that he doesn’t need to be rescued this time. Shouta can’t help it. He shouldn’t, damn it, he shouldn’t encourage this, not when the kid is displaying a frankly disturbingly high pain tolerance. But he can’t help it. A feral grin stretches across his face. Maybe Hizashi is right, and it does pay off to be an optimist, because it looks like Midoriya Izuku might not be skydiving towards his fate after all. This kid can learn. He can be saved. —– Or: Midoriya isn’t surprised to see his name in last place on Aizawa’s quirk test, and believes that he deserves to be expelled. He’s not expecting to be wrong, and he’s definitely not expecting to have friends who don’t hesitate to stand up for him.
Title: Witness Author: PitViperOfDoom Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 37,608 Series: Part 1 of Good Neighbors (Words: 62,416 - Works: 2) Summary: When a violent turf war breaks out between rival villain gangs, a civilian is caught in the crossfire and killed, and the Number One Hero Endeavor is called to quell the fighting and restore peace. Shouto has been trapped working for his father since graduating high school, his life and career firmly under Endeavor’s control. Determined to keep his masterpiece from striking out on his own, Endeavor gives him an assignment that will keep him as far from the public eye as possible: bodyguarding Midoriya Izuku, the sole witness to the murder.
Title: What it Means to Be a Hero Author: DeusVerve Pairing: Asui Tsuyu/Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako Rating: Teen Word Count: 278,089 Series: Part 1 of What it Means to Be a Hero and Side Stories (Words: 280,081 - Works: 2) Summary: Staring at a trembling boy before him, All Might knows what he would’ve wanted someone to tell him if he’d asked the Number One Hero if he could’ve been a Quirkless hero. And if that notebook he signed was anything to go by, a little help from Nedzu and the boy might even surpass him. When Midoriya Izuku asks All Might if he can be a hero without a Quirk, the Symbol of Peace says ‘Yes.’ Title: in the depths of shadows Author: starburstsunshine Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 65,522 Summary: While out on patrol, Shouta comes across Midoriya, who may or may not have unlawfully apprehended a villain. As it turns out, Midoriya seems to have an affinity for getting involved in trouble. And as it turns out, Shouta seems to have an affinity for taking in powerful, aspiring heroes. (Hizashi just says that between Oboro and Shouta, they simply have the tendency to take in strays. Hizashi is rarely ever wrong.)
Title: answer me. Author: supercrunch  Pairing: Midoriya Izuku/Shigaraki Tomura Rating: Explicit Word Count: 16,944 Summary: A finger touches his stomach and traces up his chest. It stops to investigate a small rip under his right pec, pressing against Izuku’s bare skin. It leaves goosebumps. “Your little jumpsuit’s not very durable, is it, Deku? I like it.” “Don’t.” Izuku tries to back away. He can’t breathe. Shigaraki toys with Izuku’s zipper. It moves slowly downwards. Izuku’s exposed collarbones prickle in the cold. He shivers but doesn’t dare try to cover himself up. “You’re not good,” Izuku whispers. “You’re awful. You’re insane.” “Yes.” A bead of sweat drips between his pectorals and into his navel. Shigaraki follows it with his eyes. And then with a finger, dry and cool against Izuku’s itchy-hot skin. “I hate that your little friends keep interrupting us,” Shigaraki whispers into the corner of Izuku’s mouth. “Let’s try it this way, pretty rabbit. You come find me. Promise we’ll get a moment alone.” (The first time Izuku sees Shigaraki Tomura he thinks nothing much. They second time they meet, though, is the time Izuku really sees him. It happens in a crowded shopping complex and it starts with a hand around Izuku’s throat.)
Title: 1 loud blonde friend + 1 loud cloud friend = 2 very annoying boyfriends Author: Emily_Elizabeth_Fowl Pairing: Aizawa Shouta/Shirakumo Oboro/Yamada Hizashi (pre-relationship) Rating: General Word Count: 1,643 Summary: ”-So if you pass the exam on your first try, I’ll go out with you.“ Yamada was staring at him as if he suddenly declared the sky was bright neon green. Shouta blinked, vaguely uncomfortable. Did he misunderstand? Were they just joking? Pranking him-? "That is a cruel and unusual punishment,” Yamada announced, making Shirakumo snicker. “My love life is going to depend on my math result? I’m going to die alone.” “My future as a hero depends on your math result,” Shouta reminded him dryly, moving to take the starter textbooks out of his backpack. “I think this is a fair exchange.” Or: some tutoring shenanigans. No math was hurt in the making of this fic!
Title: Suikawari My Heart Author: RayShippouUchiha Pairing: Aizawa Shouta/Midoriya Izuku Rating: Teen Word Count: 9,834 Summary: Cheeks noticeably flushed, Dekiru sits down on the stage and fits a watermelon between thick, toned thighs. His hips twist, those thighs flex, and the watermelon cracks, spilling a fresh wave of juice and sweet pink flesh all over Dekiru’s lap. “Oh god,” Shōta can’t help but say, riveted despite himself, “I wish that was me right now.” On stage Dekiru’s eyes go wide as his head snaps up and his attention somehow abruptly zero’s in on Shōta. It’s at that moment that Shōta becomes aware of the deafening silence that’s fallen over the beach.
Title: Throw The Last Door Open Author: the_crownless_queen Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 8,593 Summary: Katsuki bit on his tongue so he wouldn’t scream — what, he didn’t even know — and kicked the wall. The elevator jerked to a stop. “What the-” “Kacchan!” Deku shouted, hand clenching the railing as he stumbled. “What did you do?” There’s nothing like getting trapped in a metal box with someone you’re currently annoyed at. Nothing.
Title: sugar and spice (and everything nice) Author:  the_crownless_queen Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 3,402 Summary: “I was thinking that I could make something sweet for Aizawa-san?” she asked, tugging absently at the hem of her dress. “He’s always eating those jelly things, and they’re sweet, but Yamada-san and Nemuri-chan always say they’re not real food and are bad for him…” She wasn’t really looking at him and so she couldn’t see the way Izuku’s eyes teared up from how adorable she was being. “I think that’s a great idea! Do you know what you want to make?” She hesitated for a second before nodding. “Could we make candy apples?” Title: Matchmaker Matchmaker (Gonna Match Him A Man) Author: RayShippouUchiha Pairing: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Midoriya Izuku Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 5,083 Summary: “You did what?” Naomasa eventually rasps once he can breathe again.
“I don’t want my boy to make the same mistakes I did,” Toshinori explains. “But he’s a great deal shyer than I was at his age. So I’ve taken it upon myself to reach out on his behalf.”
“No,” Naomasa practically gasps, some strange mix of horror and glee in his expression. “Toshinori, tell me you’re joking. You’re trying to matchmake Izuku?”
Naomasa doesn’t wait for Toshinori to actually answer him.
Instead, he just breaks out into loud braying laughter, uncaring of the way everyone around them has stopped to stare.
Title: How To Decipher A Midoriya’s Mumbles  Author: whatagoodegg  Pairing: None Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 5,459 Summary: step one: have a hearing quirk step two: try to resist the urge to tell everyone about the wild shit he says step three: profit?
aka: midoriya is in the habit of talking shit under his breath. its cathartic. he didnt think it was necessary to break the habit. too bad he forgot about the girl in their class with a hearing quirk.
aaka: five times jiro kept quiet about what she heard, and one time she didn’t.
Title: Multilante  Author: Starlight (Fandom_Eclipse) Pairing: None Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 13,660 Summary: Izuku was debating the merits of seeking out the new vigilante group that was on the news when he heard the list of known members. He knew those names. Specifically, he knew those because they were assigned to six of his hoodies.
He knew he should come clean. Maybe just stick to one costume, or stop being a vigilante altogether. Groups were treated much more seriously than lone entities, and he could get in serious trouble if they sent heroes after him expecting backup that didn’t exist.
A week later, he had characters designed for every hoodie he owned.
In which Izuku becomes a one-man organization, and everyone has to deal with the consequences.
Title: Foresight Author: akcugrai Pairing: None Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 66,396 Summary: Izuku’s quirk is simple, it tells him exactly what he needs to do. It tells him to grab an umbrella and that afternoon it rains unexpectedly. It tells him to bring cash and it turns out the card reader is out of order. His quirk tells him to rob a bank. Well, might as well. - - - Does the name All for One mean anything to Izuku? Nope. Will he tear down the empire of a powerful villain who has been terrorizing Japan for over a century anyway? Sure.
Title: Twenty-Four Pairs of Craft Scissors Author: orkestrations  Pairing: None Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1155 Summary: Twenty-four pairs of craft scissors, one pissflake, paper scraps everywhere, and glitter all over the floor.
Or: Eri’s first time making paper snowflakes.
Title: flip the switch and watch them run  Author: noxum Pairing: None Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 6316 Summary: What Izuku thinks is just another hellish day at Aldera takes a turn for the worst when disaster strikes. Trapped in a collapsing building while digging his once-childhood friend from the rubble, what will he do when the roof caves in?
Title: Kill All the Lights  Author: JoWithTheFlow Pairing: Midoriya Izuku/Monoma Neito/Todoroki Shouto Rating: Mature Word Count: 20,996 Summary: What kind of operation…led to a hero and a vigilante being thrown into a cell together?
Judging by the look on Phantom’s face, he was thinking something very similar. There was a noise from further in the cell, though, and his body language shifted, his eyes lighting up with a touch of fear as he squared his shoulders as much as he could square them. “We’re not alone,” he warned Shouto.
Shouto raised his eyebrows, turning his attention to the depths of the cell.
“What’s this?” a voice rasped, from deeper in the cell, darker, the part covered in the most shadows. Phantom flinched at the sound of it, and there was a rattle, a clink, and Shouto realized that the third member of their company was more heavily chained than them. A moment later, and the second realization hit—that meant something. “A new person to join us in suffering?”
Another shuffle, another clink, and the owner of the voice finally stepped into the little bit of light coming through the window on the door. The light caught the edge of his hair, so dark it almost looked black, but Shouto knew better. He knew better.
Title: The League of Vigilantes  Author: katydid  Pairing: None Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 8575 Summary: An amnesiac Izuku joins the League of Villains. To their frustration, he keeps being nice and helping people. Now everyone thinks they’re an organization of vigilantes!
Title: Yuuei Survival Guide Author: LowlyWriter Pairing: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 519,280 Series: Part 1 of A Boy and his Ghost (Words: 543,862 - Works: 3) Summary: Izuku steps towards the other teen, holding his hand out to shake, “I’m Midoriya Izuku by the way. We haven’t officially met yet, right? I don’t remember seeing you at the Entrance Exam?”
The blue-haired boy pauses, studies his hand uncertainly before shrugging. “Shirakumo Oboro,” he introduces in return, hand phasing right through Izuku’s when he goes to return the handshake. Shirakumo doesn’t seem surprised by it, but Izuku whips his hand back when the intense chill climbs up his arm.
Izuku tries to pretend eveything is okay even though his homelife is crumbling around him, there’s an insanely powerful Quirk that’s not entirely his coursing through his veins, he suddenly knows his childhood hero, All Might, and to top it all off, he seems to have befriend a pastel blue-haired ghost that has way too much insider knowledge on Izuku’s new homeroom teacher, and English teacher. He’s really just trying to survive Yuuei… Title: The Mask of the Demon King Author: katydid Pairing: Midoriya Inko/Sensei | All For One Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 3816 Summary: All Might meets Izuku Midoriya’s father at a parent-teacher conference.
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aarcanespikes · 2 years
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I changed when Emi became manager to a week before first year ended instead of in second year in Bluff because it makes more sense to be so in Beginnings (next chapter)
Another note idk who she’s gonna end up with but there will be teases towards either Miya Twin, Suna or someone from other schools I have yet to decide
The other OC is the same age as Kita and he’s the “original” manager Haruki Nakamura
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Fun fact about Emi Akiyama - she’s a pretty good hairdresser
Emi Haruki
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