#enjoy the chuuya. this was super fun to draw
feralshadowdemon · 1 year
*offers you a chuuya in these trying times*
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The Nightmare -Giclée reimagined as Chuuya
I’m so proud now enjoy! o(≧ں≦)o
I’m still working on learning male anatomy in terms of muscle and stuff do this was super fun!
I also only spent 1.5 hours on it so expect a better version down the line
Ps the curtains match the drapes ¯\ヽ(´ー`)ノ/¯
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If you look closely you’ll see his corruption scars from Arahabaki
I was inspired by @itotypes and their drawing of soukoku modeled after classic paintings!
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If you haven’t read Ito’s works on AO3 you are MISSING OUT MAJORLY
I’m literally begging you to go read their works, they are works of art.
p.s. ito this is totally not a dirty pirate chuuya imagine (๑・ω-)~♥”
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nian-7 · 3 months
Heyo, I think matchup reqs are open but if not feel free to ignore (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
If it's alright I'd like a romantic and platonic match up for Pjsk and bsd (if not just romantic/ pjsk is fine)
My names Karma
I'm a minor, 17
I'm afab but I'm Genderfluid and use all pronouns
I'm pretty short for my age, 5’1 the last time I checked unfortunately, sobs. I don't get out much besides going to work for money so I'm pale as hell. I have freckles pretty much everywhere not a whole lot but they're definitely noticeable. I am cursed with a baby face, it gets better when I put on my glasses though, im cursed with terrible vision, I'm not allowed to drive without my glasses it's that bad
My hair is a shaggy wolf cut with curtain bangs, I'm a natural blonde but I always dye my hair ginger cause it's my favorite look on me (I'm trying to look like Chuuya cause I love him sm)
I'm an INFP-T, I'm also Asexual and Panromantic (slightly woman leaning but not an insane amount) I dress in dark academia style almost always: cardigans, sweater vests, long over coats paired with sweaters underneath. I'm very much trying to be that person you fall in love with in the book store 
When I'm in public alone I am very much socially awkward and anxious. I keep to myself and I am terrified of causing trouble for anyone
I tend to be drawn to more loud people; or more like popular/louder people adopt me out of the blue and I go along with it (which is funny considering I'm usually quiet) 
Once I've warmed up with people I very much match energys with whoever I'm with, typically just trying to make friends laugh. I value people's happiness very much
If we're out at a mall or something I'm quieter, but in private I can get very loud 
I also have a very close group of online friends all over the world (Some of us are meeting up soon and I'm very excited)
A lot of people have said that I also have big sister vibes
I do have diagnosed Anxiety and depression, typically I try not to let anyone see that side of me. I can spiral a bit into episodes where I just kind of ghost people and ride out whatever feelings I'm dealing with, then come back about 3-6 days later
I don't really do well with anger in general, weather it be my own or other people's
I also don't really have any appetite most of the time (I'm not sure if it's medical or not) but this can cause me sometimes to get super dizzy out of nowhere because I've forgotten to eat/drink 
I'm a digital artist, and I actually write fanfiction on Tumblr as well. I absolutely love cats, I’d talk about my cat Hazel for hours if I could (She's mean to me but I still love her </3) I also really like Vocaloid/Hatsune Miku music (kinda not surprising considering pjsk lol), I don't usually mention it in person though cause it's embarrassing to explain that shes just a singing hologram
I also have a fox obsession, I own a huge fox plush that takes up a designated corner of my room lol
I don't mind most things personality wise in people, but I do wish to be respected obviously
I like someone I can poke fun at casually and who can poke fun at me as well
My love language is big gift giving (wether it be buying or drawing occasionally) and physical affection (Cuddles always ╥⁠﹏⁠╥)
I've gotten tones of jokes that I only go for gingers, but I have zero preference for looks
I'm an overly patient person and get a little annoyed when people aren't as patient (but it's not a complete put off or anything) 
I also am very much someone who has to be on time. If I am not on time I lose it a bit
I think that's all (Maybe too much ´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`)
But thank you so much in advance! I hope you have an amazing day/week 💟
hi, anon! i haven't read bsd in a while so i'm a little rusty so i only did prsk. hope you still enjoy!
I match you with... (platonically)
Saki Tenma!
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-The biggest thing for you to be matched with Saki was the big sister vibes that you mentioned. The dynamic would just be too cute to pass up on!
-I tried to pick a more 'loud' or extroverted person and although I decided to opt for Saki instead of Tsukasa, I think you both would mesh together even when she's not necessarily as loud as her brother.
-Saki is like the person you can fall back onto in social situations when you get anxious. She doesn't mind taking the lead and helping you out when you get nervous.
-She's not someone who gets angry often and tries to be there for you when you ghost her or others. She tries her best to understand what you're feeling and tries to sympathize with you.
-You both having the same energy is something that would make the whole friendship mesh well and she has the capabilities to be calmer or quieter if needed.
I match you with... (romantically)
Shizuku Hinomori!
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-Although Shizuku is somewhat different than Saki, I think she's the best match overall. The physical affection she gives to you is one of the big factors.
-As someone who enjoys pda/affection, Shizuku would love to cuddle or hold hands with you all the time. She kisses you in public and just loves to be near you.
-She loves the gifts you give her as well no matter what they are. She'll always gush about them whenever someone asks about something relating to it (whether that embarrasses you or not).
-She's a very light teaser and it comes off more lovingly than anything but she enjoys it when her partner gives her attention through light teasing too.
-Although a bit airheaded, she's treating you similarly to Shiho. Asking always if you're hungry or thirsty, being the talker in public if you need it, etc. She just gives you more romantic affection than sisterly affection (obviously)
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vampr1x-bl00dx · 3 months
Omg!! You have so many fandoms?!1!1!!
Well HI HUN!!! 🩷🩷 if it’s okay, i would love to ask for a match up with Bungo Stray Dogs and Honkai stair rail!
About me: My name is Mera!
I go by She/her, (AFAB) and im Pansexual, although i usually lean towards men, though all my partners have been women!!
Im a Cancer zodiac, and im an INFJ!
I have an rbf 🥹 people have told me so many times they are scared to approach me because they think i’ll be a bitch. Later they’ll tell me they love me though!! Pretty much an Ambivert. I’m super awkward and shy at first, and it ends up causing me to be short and blunt without meaning to!! but once I start talking? I never shut up!! I also tend to listen to things, and i try to help in anyway i can, although im not the best comforter. I also think my personality also can change depending on who i hang out with. If i hang out with more introverted people I’ll definitely be more outgoing, and talk to others! But if im with extroverted friends, i’ll tend to stay in my shell. I’m a pretty kind person, but also sensitive. I’d jump in front of a bullet for someone else though. Im a people-pleaser so what other people think of me, i really take into account. Once people get close to me though, i tend to be sassy and have “snarky” remarks, but in a joking way. If my friends have ever spoken out about if it makes them uncomfortable i will immediately stop. Honestly though, i can’t handle seeing someone else in pain- or crying. My heart will literally tear and i’ll start crying with them. I tend to be the “funny” friend- everyone usually laughs at my jokes, but i’ve been called the “mom” friend too, because i start to take into account what other people may need! Hair ties? I have A MILLION!! Advil? Dont worry!! I got some :)
I tend to surround myself with a lot of people also. I love to be in the spotlight (theatre kid alert..)
Writing match ups !!, Drawing, Dance, Singing and musical theatre. I do Dance a lot and its also caused me to start caring more about myself! I sing all the time too- i take voice lessons :) I’m also a cosmetology student, so i LOVE to do hair, makeup, nails and fashion!! I love to talk about it too!! Theres so many interesting things people don’t know! I’m always listening to music though. The only genres i don’t really listen to is country and rap.
Likes: Honestly I like so many things, but i like sweets, people who give me attention, and i also like- love every color on the rainbow… i LOVE horror movies, and slashers. I love biology, and cos stuff! I might actually be able to go to dubai because of cosmetology :)
Dislikes: Rude people, people who are genuinely just bitchy for no reason. Not really much.
Love Languages: PHYSICAL TOUCH, is the biggest. Im super touch starved and i need someone to hold me!! Quality time too. They go hand in hand for me. Receiving gifts are the worst for me. Ill feel so guilty, but i love to give!
Ideal type: I dont really have an IDEAL type. Pair me with whoever!
Looks: if looks play into anything- i have pretty dark features. Although my skin is very light. Im a ghost in the winter. But whenever i get tanned, i usually have been told i look “Arab” which is a compliment. My hair is pretty much at a level 6, so its a dirty brownish color. I stopped wearing my glasses, but i have brown doe eyes! (If i was a certain “pretty” i’d be deer pretty.)
Im pretty short honestly. 5’1. I also love to wear heels though. I walk in them like its my second nature. My hair reaches around my shoulders, i usually Dont have it long, and i have curtain bangs!
Fun facts:
!! I speak different languages.
My parents are actually immigrants, and english wasn’t my first language lol!!
I major in pre law! So i plan to be a lawyer. - specifically medical malpractice because according to multiple nurses, “i have an eye for medicine.”
i hope this wasn’t too much-!!! 🥺💕 i hope you enjoy writing and matching!! Whenever you get the chance to do it, i’ll happy!!
Hii!!! Thank you so much for requesting!
Okay for the Bungo Stray Dogs request I do happen to see you with
Chuuya Nakahara!
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I just feel you two would definitely have a sass off and it’ll 100% be a heated one
You two would also go on like shopping trips and give one another fashion tips (esp with chuuya and his odd obsession with hats/lh)
Though I do see it’ll take a while to allow Chuuya to let you touch him but once he does he’ll let you touch him. Like hugging him or even giving a lil kiss on the cheek.
Now for HSR
I do see you with
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I do personally see you two dancing together in a ballroom and having genuine fun with one another
He would also 100% allow you do his makeup seeing that you enjoy it
He’ll also listen to your singing since he’ll think it’s beautiful and would listen to your fashion advice🩷
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starglow-xx · 3 years
(About the brother!atsushi) aRE YOU READING MY MIND MISS?! Because that has been on my mind for MONTHS. TYSM For writing it was amazing!! If you don't mind, may I request (if requests are open) atsushi, still an older brother, but with a sister that's 10-13 yrs old? It's totally fine if you don't wanna do it. Keep up the good stories, ily mwuah!
*sobs* you’re so kind thank youu 🤧🤧
i wrote this a bit differently i hope that’s okay anon! at first i planned for this to be mainly abt atsushi and the reader, but i decided to add in relationship hcs with the agency bc i ran out of ideas
if you guys liked this don’t worry! im planning a special part two for this one so be the look out for it hehe
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atsushi with a tween! sister
ft. the armed detective agency
like in my baby sister hcs, you’re still the most important thing to him period
the two of you got picked up by dazai and kunikida when he was 18 (obviously) and when you were 12
for a 12 year old, you were a bit small bc of malnourishment (which makes atsushi feel so bad) so both dazai and kunikida thought you were a bit younger than you actually were
they assumed you were about 9-10ish
you and atsushi both share a favorite food !! chazuke :)
so when kunikida treated the two of you, he made sure you got more bowls bc like i mentioned above, he feels really bad that you were malnourished and under weight
(don’t bring this up but kunikida felt bad too hehe)
when dazai went with your brother to the warehouse, you were with kunikida
imagine the surprise of the other ada members when kunikida came in with a little girl dressed in rags that popped out from behind him
kenji was the one who vocalized his thoughts 
“kunikida-san you have a daughter?! wow! i didn’t know that! :D”
when you found out your brother was a tiger, you were a bit concerned but you were actually kind of excited
you were even more excited when you found out the two of you were going to be taken in by the agency
anything was better than the stupid orphanage
and besides!
you got a tiger for an older brother and a bunch of other super powered agents to take care of you! who could want anything else?
at your age, you’re very impressionable and can be influenced easily so atsushi makes sure to teach you more in depth of good morals and the importance of kindness
his heart swells with pride and relief when he catches you being kind to others
pride bc he’s proud that even after all the two of you have gone through, you still ended up being a good kid and having a bright view of the world
and relief bc he hasn’t failed as a big brother
pfftt like he could ever fail
but please, from time to time reassure him that he’s perfect and the only big brother that you’d ever want bc he rlly needs that kind of validation
with his salary and savings, he tries to buy nice things for you
what a sweetheart 🥺
he saw you eyeing that one dress at a store window? fast forward abt a week and half and it’s inside a pretty gift bag for you
you wanted to try that dessert from the nice bakery? that’s dessert after dinner at one point
but other than buying you things, he sets money aside for you
like all the time
(y/n), here have this, you might need it”
“but nii-san you just gave me—”
“take it”
#1 spoiler
also your #1 confidant and source of physical affection
you tell him anything and everything (except crushies and those kinds of things)
atsushi loves it when you talk abt your day and he can see the big smile on your face and the sparkle in your eyes
it gives him the strength to keep going 😖😖
the two of you aren’t as touch starved as you’d probably think, but that’s only bc the two of you had each other
in your opinion, no one can match the hugs of your big brother
and it got even better bc YAYY he has tiger arms now ٩(◕‿◕)۶
if you ask, he’d carry you around too hehe
you also get nightmares quite often so he’ll always be there ready to calm you down, talk if you need to, and rock you back to sleep
god i love him 🤧🤧
atsushi will do everything in his power to protect you and make sure you get to grow up happy, supported, and loved
port mafia attack? oop he’s already taking you to the nearest escape route
someone is starting to harass you? they just got suckered punched into the next week
you want to go out to have some fun? he’ll go ask the president for a day off
you’re not feeling well? he’ll take another day off and take care of you
whatever you want to do, he’ll do it with you! (as long as it’s within reason)
will always be your #1 supporter! and he’s the president of your fan club hehe
he loves you so so much and will do anything for you; your life and happiness will always be more important to him
you are his reason to keep going
agency head canons !!
atsushi is your big brother, but kunikida is most definitely some sort of father figure
everyone can see it
except kunikida of course
kunikida scolds you lightly if he thinks your manners need work or if you make a mess in the agency
you listen to him of course and in turn as some sort of a reward, he’ll give you pieces of stationary
he always gives you the nice, good quality kind and you’re over the moon
atsushi adores it when you come running to him showing your new notebook or fountain pen and blabbering what you’re going to do with it
sometimes it isn’t even as a reward for being a good child; he’ll just give it to you and he’ll say smth like “i noticed you’ve used up your last notebook quite quickly, so here’s another one” or “did you run out of ink? here have this then”
he usually has a soft spot for children in general, but he most definitely has a soft spot (or a thousand) for you
yosano is kind of like a motherly figure to you
she gives you the guidance a mother should and goes on shopping trips with you!
atsushi always gets dragged along by you, but he thinks it’s worth it seeing you look so happy
yosano being a doctor also tries to teach the things you should know, or things that would be helpful to you
she’ll teach you the basics of cooking, sewing, how to treat a cold/fever, etc
also gives you excellent advice 1000% of the time
“remember (y/n)-chan if someone hurts you come tell me and then i’ll chop them into—”
fukuzawa is like a father to most in the agency but you see him more as a grandfather figure
bi weekly tea and gossip sessions hehe
along with cat talk!
most of the time though, it’s just you talking and him listening to you, but the two of you enjoy it nonetheless
“and then kunikida-san ended up crashing into a pole and dazai-san started to laugh at him and i did too because it was really funny but we ended up getting scolded—”
“hmm i see...”
he’ll let you stay in his office as he fills out paperwork; you’re usually doodling or drawing in your notebooks
sometimes he’ll meditate and you’ll join him, but 4/7 times you’d fall asleep
you always wake up with a blanket over you
dazai is like a cool but a highly concerning and kind of high maintenance uncle
frequently takes you out with him when he ditches work
walks in the park, eating at uzumaki so he has the excuse of treating you so he doesn’t have to pay his tab avoiding kunikida and sometimes chuuya and akutagawa, all that fun stuff
also tries to not talk abt suicide in front of you especially if it’s just the two of you alone
he knows that you mean the world to his pupil and that said pupil would probably hate him for putting suicide inside your brain
he teaches you random but useful things like how to pick a lock, how to steal kunikida’s notebook if you’re looking for some information, how to sweet talk your way out of things, etc.
is also the one to tell you that if you ever get a significant other to introduce them to the agency first
he always wants all of your gossip; some of them work pretty well for blackmail
“dazai-san! dazai-san! did you know that kunikida-san lost his glasses and he was looking for them for nearly an hour when he was just holding them the entire time??”
“woah really (y/n)-chan?! hey hey can you say it again into this recording device so kunikida-kun would believe me when i tell him—”
always ends up giving kunikida a heart attack when he says that you’ve been with him all day
ranpo is also like a cool but a highly concerning and kind of high maintenance uncle
will share some of his snacks, but don’t push it or you might not get anything at all
loves it when you compliment him
if you tagged along with him and your brother on a case, he will show off to impress you
“...and that’s how the crime happened”
atsushi is lowkey and kunikida is highkey stressed that ranpo’s eating habits will rub off on you
“ne (y/n)-chan do you wanna try this highly caffeinated drink and this concerning amount of sugar filled snack?”
“can i really?!”
ranpo definitely does stuff like that on purpose 
the tanizakis are like siblings to you!
a weird set of siblings but siblings nonetheless
the two of them adore you and think you’re precious
atsushi definitely knows how to do your hair whether it’s long or short but he got even better at it when he asked the two
hehe braid trains are definitely a thing + kyouka and kenji (and maybe even dazai)
sometimes you have sibling swap days
you’re with junichiro for most of the day and atsushi is with naomi
strange i know
each of the tanizaki siblings try to make it fun bc they know that the two of you did not at all have a happy upbringing
junichiro likes spending time with you by taking you out to different places that naomi likes to frequent
like the mall, different stores and restaurants, the park, places like those
naomi does the same thing with atsushi so if you ever bump into them, you go out and eat together :)
besides atsushi, the next one in line who spoils you the most would be junichiro (and yosano & kunikida both coming in at a close third)
he honestly can’t help it; you remind him of how naomi was when she was younger
and besides
he’s always been a sucker when it came to the happiness of a little sister
“would you really buy this for me junichiro-san?!”
“of course! don’t worry about it” :)
wanna talk abt boys/girls/celebrity crushes things like that? naomi is your girl
you feel a bit embarrassed to go talking to yosano or your brother abt that and kyouka does not know a thing abt them either
“uwahh naomi-san look at all these people in this magazine! they look so good!”
“right?! but of course onii-sama is still the best—”
you get along with kenji and kyouka quite nicely being roughly the same age as them; they’re also like siblings!
just pure, wholesome vibes from the three of you
you’re over the moon when she finds out that kyouka is staying with you and your brother
atsushi is twice as happy seeing you talk your mouth off and finally having a girl around your age to talk to
“do you think demon snow can change how she looks?”
“hmm... im not sure...”
you and kenji talk abt anything and everything
he even teaches you how to take care of plants!
sometimes the two of you are kind of in the same boat bc you don’t know much abt yokohoma being stuck in the orphanage and kenji doesn’t know much abt cities in general
“wait where are we again kenji-san?”
“ah we’re close to the ports! but im not really sure how close because i don’t know what the symbols on this sign mean”
“don’t worry! neither do i!”
bonus things!
yosano was kind of too late teaching you abt you know what
you’re sobbing in the agency’s bathroom and atsushi is panicking trying to get you to open the door
ranpo overhears and cackles making everyone around him confused
suddenly atsushi bursts in the agency basically on the verge of tears rambling incoherent sentences abt the bathroom, you, and blood
it just clicked for everybody in the room
(im going to pretend that kenji has sisters back home so that atsushi is the only one who remain oblivious here hehe)
atsushi is genuinely confused and sort of concerned that no one is freaking out with him
yosano waves her hand saying smth like that she’d take care of it and junichiro pulls atsushi to the side to talk to him
fast forward like half and hour and dazai and ranpo are cackling on the looks of both of your faces
honestly not sure who’s more traumatized, you or your brother
“why does this have to happen” :(
“ne ne (y/n)-chan!~ you’re too young but at some point you’re not going to have it!”
“uwahh really dazai-san?” :D
“yeah! but first you have to have ANFK—”
next thing you know your ears are being covered by your brother and dazai is thrown across the room by kunikida
you know
the normal
you’re twelve and have never gone to school, but the agency takes care of that
it’s too dangerous to go to school so they teach you what’s necessary and whatever else they can
kunikida takes care of math (obviously)
yosano takes care of science/biology/anatomy/health (whatever you wanna call it)
ranpo even dragged poe to help you with english
atsushi even got lucy to help you out with english too!
as tanizaki and naomi used to be students, they give you their old work books and they try to teach you all the other subjects
sometimes kyouka and kenji are there learing with you too!
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sorry if there’s some errors! i’ll read through it again later :)
and as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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nezumi-writes · 3 years
Hi I saw that your matchups are open so I’d like one for BSD and Haikyuu please! For the BSD matchup I’d prefer a guy from the ADA or PM please. I haven’t read the BSD manga yet so just the anime characters please. If this is too long please feel free to ignore it bc I know I wrote a lot I just love matchups 😭
- Appearance: I’m 5”5’ with long blonde hair and blue/grey eyes. I generally like to wear casual or sporty clothes when I’m out and about (I’m an adidas hoe). Body type wise I’m on the skinnier side. I’m an Aquarius INTJ
- Personality: Overall, but especially around people I don’t know well, I’m a pretty chill person. I’m straight forward and blunt 90% of the time and I’m extremely independent. Around people I’m comfortable with I’m much more outgoing and playful, and honestly I just lowkey like to go out and have fun. I can be kinda hot headed and chaotic sometimes though, especially when it’s something/someone I don’t like. I take a little while to warm up to others.
- Likes: I love going out and having fun with friends. Whether that be partying or going to an aquarium. I love adventure and learning about just about anything. I also enjoy reading, drawing, playing with my cat and my snake, playing video games and taking naps. Also if you let me, I have wayyyyy to much information stored in my brain so I absolutely love when I’m able to info dump and someone actually have a discussion with me. If they don’t know much about the subject that’s fine because I love teaching people about things too. I’m also kinda a caffeine addict lmao.
- Dislikes: Whew ok you know how I said I can be hot headed sometimes? Well one thing I will not tolerate is disrespect. Whether that be towards me, my friends/loved ones or anyone/thing that doesn’t deserve the disrespect. It makes me MAD and I’m not scared to snap at a bitch in public. I enjoy putting assholes in their place :). Also I have ptsd from a shitty family life, and one of the big triggers is I don’t like begging touched without permission, especially my hair. Somethings that I hate that are less major though are: onions (I’m allergic), open mouth chewers, the cold, people picking off my plate without asking, and being interrupted.
- Type of person I prefer: I look for someone who I can confide in and trust. Even about the darkest parts about myself. I want someone supportive, loyal, reliable. On a normal basis I’m not a super touchy person, but with a partner I like to be held bc I’m touch starved af. Even though I’m very independent I still enjoy someone who is more protective. I like feeling safe and having that feeling of security. I have to have someone who can take things seriously when the situation calls for it.
- Ideal dates: I would be ecstatic to be taken to an aquarium and then dinner afterwards. Also I love getting flowers on any occasion.I’m such a sucker for them. Another ideal date idea is that I’ve always wanted to go on a hot air ballon ride with a significant other. So I’d probably die of happiness if that happened :’)
- Fun facts: I’ve always been able to see and speak with spirits so the phrase “I see dead people” literally applies to me lmao. Lowkey they spill a lot of tea on people 👀
Thank you for requesting!
Your bsd match is Chuuya
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Chuuya is someone that also loves going out to have fun and experiencing new things
Chuuya will come home with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and plans for the aquarium and dinner
On your first anniversary he takes you on a hot air balloon ride that lasts hours of you two talking and gazing at the scenery below
Chuuya is very protective of you, he's lost a lot of people and it would absolutely break him if he lost you too
He loves every aspect of your personality, if you cool, if you're going off on someone, if you're being chaotic, or if you're sad
He is willing to listen to you whenever you want to talk about your past or something new you learned and will give you his undivided attention
Your haikyuu match is Daichi
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Is one of the most trustworthy people you will ever meet and is very easy to talk to
Asks how you're feeling and how you're day is a lot because he wants to make sure you're comfortable and happy
Daichi is someone who knows you can't be happy all the time though and will gladly cuddle and comfort you when you're having a rough day
He honestly loves going to the aquarium with you and seeing you point out all the fish and reading the facts about them
Will let you babble for hours about everything and anything you know and is paying attention the entire time
Will read anything you recommend him even if it might take him awhile
I hope you liked your matches❤
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straycalypso · 3 years
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Thank you so much for being patient with me! Here’s the matchup you’ve been waiting for! @taz-tree !
warnings: none
I match you with...
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Chuuya Nakahara
I genuinely feel he is a good match for you
This relationship would seriously be so fun like you two would keep each other on your toes
So many similarities like for one, he’s an extrovert and very bold/wild. You two would have the time of your lives together
Literally never a boring moment
Since you love adventure, he’s always planning cool vacations or getaways. He tries to take you somewhere cool at least every two months (although it could be difficult with his job)
Both ESFP’s and ESTP’s (I believe this is Chuuya’s mbti) live to experience the fun in the world. Both of you would work well with someone who craves the same things.
At the same time, esfp’s are a bit more on the feeling side while estp’s tend to be more logical. This would bring a good balance to the relationship
Chuuya is also similar in overworking himself and having a bit of a short temper
While both of you having a short temper may not be the greatest of things, you would at least be able to understand that part of each other
Also, although he tends to overwork too, he gets super concerned when you overwork. He’d probably book you a spa appointment haha
Chuuya makes sure you always have drawing materials, books, and crystals
He’d totally try to learn about crystals so that he could buy ones you want for you
Chuuya would also be down to game with you.
He just really likes to feel included and involved in your life
As much as he always wants to be around you, he will respect and give you your space when needed
He loves when you talk to him about all your different passions. He’s seriously always willing to either see you play or just talk about them
Will listen to you talk about anything you like because he loves seeing your eyes light up when talking about stuff you enjoy
Admires and can relate to looking out for friends
I definitely get power couple vibes!
Overall, there’s never a dull moment in this relationship. It’s full of so much love and adventure!
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daffodildazaiwrites · 3 years
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Match up for @nightgerika
Hi! Thank you so much for starting this matchup event! I was so overjoyed when I saw it! Now I can hope to have one of your amazing writings for myself *0* I wish you happy holidays and wonderful New Year! I'm female, 27 years old, straight, INTP-A, 5w6. My height is 5′8″, I have shoulder-length brown hair and hazel eyes, pale skin, I'm curvy and soft. I wear glasses.I prefer classical and elegant clothes (although casual ones are fine too).I'm an eccentric, lazy and funny person.
I like to joke around(sometimes these are a bit weird jokes). I like books, drawing, music, psychology, logical puzzles, board games, programming. I am fond of ruined castles or haunted mansions. They have such a mysterious and amazing atmosphere!*0* With people around me I prefer to be delicate and gentle. But I'm not a pushover, it's hard to make me do something I really don't wanna do. Ah, to make fun of people who tried to take advantage of me is also quite an entertainment :D
I’m very observant of people around me, I like to watch and analyze their actions. If I’m interested I catch every small doing or expression and try to make something like a psychological picture of them.I have few close friends, and they almost always initiate conversation with me first. It's the best way to communicate with me I guess (I don't know why it's hard to do it myself, it seems like starting conversation eats a lot of my energy? Oh, I often lack of energy)
I like to inspire and support my friends, help them to find and fulfill their wishes and dreams. Also I'm bad at cooking and cleaning, so my house is such a mess. (But it's ok for me :D) I'm also clumsy and terrible in most kinds of sport.
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Thank you for the kind words! You’re just too sweet uwu I hope you enjoy your match up!!
OTP: Nakahara Chuuya 
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As I was reading your info Chuuya was the first thing to pop in to my head. Chuuya loves your interests and would often indulge in them with you, even if he’s busy most of the time he tries to find time to play board games with you. But overall his favorite thing to do is finish a puzzle with an incredibly large amount of pieces. He might get angry in the midst of it though but you’re there to calm him down with soft, ticklish kisses by planting them all over his face. 
Chuuya is also in captivated by your style. He adores your elegant style and would often try to match his wardrobe with yours when the two of you go out. He’s a sucker for fancy restaurants and dates so he would often take you to such places. You’re a bit intimidated at first but get used to it after a while, Chuuya does all the talking for you anyway.  
Chuuya isn’t the biggest fan of haunted places but he likes being the hero when you get spooked so needless to say he doesn’t mind taking you to supposedly haunted places. 
If anyone ever made you sad or angry be sure that this angry red head will bite their head off. There’s no way he’s letting anyone make you feel anything less then amazing. You two would often sit on a bench with ice cream and observe the people around you together. The both of you would try to guess what they were thinking about the person next to them or to guess their mood. It was fun and relaxing to focus on others rather then yourselves. 
Chuuya does get agitated when the house is mess and would often do the cleaning, you would help as well but you weren’t the best at it. If Chuuya managed to stay at home he would cook and would use you as a tasting assistant. Honestly you were surprised that he could cook so well. 
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Runner Up:  Edgar Allan Poe
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Edgar is shy and timid compared to Chuuya but is very loving and overprotective of you. He often reads to you before bed and would talk about his stories like an overexcited puppy. Edgar comes to you for inspiration and would often call you his muse while writing. 
Most of the time this poor man doesn’t know what to say or what to do in order to cheer you up so he would usually resort to physical contact. He’s very touchy feely and would often hug you. Also yes he loves to cuddle in bed and often uses you as a teddy bear. 
The two of you enjoy watching psychological horror movies and buy lots of snacks for movie nights. Both of you have no idea how to cook so often you rely on take outs and/or ramen. 
Edgar loves how supportive you are of his work and simply is head over heels for you. You don’t even have to beg him to go out since once every blue moon he would surprise you with an outdoor picnic near the seashore. 
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BROTP: Doppo Kunikida
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You guys are the bestest friends. Kunikida is very supportive of anything you do and would often worry that you don’t take care of yourself properly. Sometimes he would even bring home made meals or just cook them at your place. You enjoy getting on his nerves though and would often join Dazai in teasing him. His reactions always makes you laugh. 
You would frequently drag him to haunted locations and would beg him to go ghost hunting with you. Kunikida, of course, doesn’t believe in such things but if you catch him in a good mood or finish your work early he would humor you. 
Kunikida is super over protective of you and can’t stand to see you sad, sometimes you use this to your advantage and give him the best of your puppy dog eyes when you need something from him. He would be annoyed but he knew he had no say in the matter. There was no resisting your puppy dog eyes. 
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hi lovely! may I please have a Bungo Stray Dogs and Haikyuu matchup? Im a she/her who is 5'2 with wavy brown hair, green eyes, freckles, dimples and neither skinny nor chubby. Im an INFP, and tend to spend a lot of time in my head, day dreaming and over thinking everything. Since I have a resting bish face people tend to be a bit scared of me, but in all honesty im pretty timid and awkward and wouldn't hurt a fly I like spending time by my self, however im not a complete recluse PART 1
PART 2: I do enjoy doing peaceful activities with friends and family, for instance: going on a picnic in the forest or jumping on a train and going wherever we feel. But, I've never been one to go out at night and prefer to snuggle in a blanket den and watch tv or play super Mario cart with my brother (we're really competitive) I'm also a huge sweet tooth and a sucker for French food. Since im pretty quiet I've become accustomed to being ignored by people. I dont mind but I can get lonely
PART 3: Im not good with affection and prefer showing my love throw gifting people or praising them. Im an Aries who's not very confident but pretty passionate and very loyal. I can be a bit spontaneous as well. As for hobbies, I enjoy mundane activities like: reading,writing, drawing,riding and watching tv. When im older I want to do something creative and not work in an office building setting. I also want a border collie and call it cannoli. I always liked botany so maybe Ill do that. Tank u:)
AN: omg cannoli the border collie :,)
I ship you with... Akutagawa!
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- This poor man just needs someone to love him, okay?
- Just like you, Akutagawa isn’t very good with affection or his words 
- However, he would also show his love through small gifts and gestures
- You’re talking about a necklace you had from your childhood? It’s on your nightstand the next morning
- You love flowers?
- There will be a bouquet on the bed when you get home from work 
- I can definitely see him being into peaceful activities too
- With his job, he doesn’t really have time to relax 
- So it’s nice that when he does, he can do all these things with you
- I feel like he really likes going on walks???
- If you’re comfortable with it, he would try and hold your hand 
- He would protect you with his LIFE
- He doesn’t want anyone from work knowing about you
- not because he’s ashamed of you, but because he wants to protect you 
- Gin and maybe Chuuya are the only ones that know
- You’ll have to teach him how to play Mario kart
-In fact, you might have to teach him a lot of stuff
- like how to have fun
-  But you also taught him how to love
- and he can’t thank you enough for that
From Haikyuu I ship you with...Akaashi 
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- He’s so gentle and loving with you
- And he’s patient
- If you’re not ready for PDA or intamacy, he’s in no rush
- He just wants YOU to be happy
- I feel like after hanging out with Kenma he’s pretty good at video games too
- He’d love to play them with you!!
- Will feed into your sweets addiction
- Totally will suprise you with french sweets and candies
- I think he’d be able to pick up on your body language and how you react to things pretty quickly
- Since you’re not good with emotions, he’d go based off of your little quirks.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
and more stuff
Kid: *stretches* stocking: tired already? Kid: "Not sure..." *lies down* stocking: *hug* Kid: =w= *hug* -elsewhere- Zuno: "Where am I? Who are you?" Assi: "..." *sad smile* "It's me, Assi. Remember?" Zuno: "...Oh! Right!" *awkward laugh* mono: .... Assi: "..." *puts out notes in front of him, with photos* "I've done better taking notes for you. Remember this?" Zuno: *nods* "Yeah. We got groceries this afternoon." Assi: "Good! And yesterday?" Zuno: "..." *shakes his head* -elsewhere- Mori: "You clean up nicely." miura: ...no comment, sir. Mori: -_-; "I think this suit looks good on me. Wouldn't kill you to give me a compliment." miura: ...it's fitting, sir. Mori: ^^; "...Close enough." *opens the door to the club* miura: hmm? Mori: "Let's head on in. We can enjoy a cigar, take in the music..." miura: right. *Mori gets them a second-floor booth overlooking the dance floor, setting out drinks for them* miura: *observing* Mori: "They look quite happy, don't they?" *sips* miura: they sure do seem to be enjoying themselves. Mori: "Some humans enjoy social gatherings. Some humans prefer a bit of privacy." miura: so i've noticed. Mori: *points to one person in the corner of the dance floor, drinking alone at a booth* "What do you think that person is feeling?" miura: judging by their heat signatures, they seem lonely. Mori: "...Well, that's one way to figure that out. I was thinking more how they were slumped over, drinking alone, staring at nothing...Perhaps they need company." miura: are you suggesting we intervene? Mori: "But of course~" miura: -.-; Mori: *gestures to club employee* "Extend an invitation to that lonely person below..." employee: sure thing. Mori: *smiles at Miura* "Let's show you a bit more about human interaction." miura: -.-; lady: um...hi? Mori: "Hello. Care to share a drink with us?" lady: um...sure? Mori: "I'm Mori. And this is my associate, Miura." miura: *nods* lady: just call me reina. Mori: "Pleased to meet you." *opens bottle of wine, pours glasses* "How do you like this establishment?" reina: it's nice. it'd be even nicer if my shithead date didnt stand me up. bastard. Mori: "I'm sorry. It sounds like you were looking forward to that date." *passes wine glass to her* reina: *sigh* whatever, it was just a hook up, anyway... Mori: "Ah, I see." *sips* "Had you made alternative plans in case your hook up did not work out?" reina: i dunno. Mori: *smiles* "Well, you know what I think? I tend to think that things in life are meant to be. And now Miura and I get to meet you." reina: i see. so what exactly do you guys do? Mori: "I'm a physician, Miura is my assistant." reina: ah. i see. Mori: "And what is your profession?" reina: just an office lady. Mori: "Aw...Is the work not satisfying?" reina: well, pays the bills. *sips* Mori: "That's a positive way to look at it...What do you do for fun?" -elsewhere- Relan: *yawns, walking to the kitchen* yu: zzzz Relan: "???" *looks around for a blanket* -early morning- FD: *sits up, stretches* zoey: *asleep on the floor* FD: "...Zoey. Awaken." zoey: *yaaaawn* hmmn? FD: "I require your services." zoey: what do you wish of me, master fyodor? FD: "Get atop me. I want to look at your face." zoey: *crawling onto him* FD: "..." *strokes her cheek* "Such incredible eyes..." zoey: ahhh....*blush* FD: "What do you see...?" *rubs a hand along her side* zoey: *pant* my beloved master. FD: *smiles, as he kisses her lips lightly* zoey: mmmn~<3 FD: "Zoey...You love me, don't you?" *draws her down, holding her* zoey: of course! i love you more than anything! FD: "Ah...I'm glad...Are you still sore?" -elsewhere- Gin: *yawn* higuchi: zzzz Gin: "..." *pulls her closer in a hug* higuchi: =w= Gin: "Good morning." *smooch* -elsewhere- Arthur: *brushing his teeth* "Die, vile cavity goblins, die." -elsewhere- Mori: *yawns* -silence- Mori: "..." *presses his intercom* "Breakfast." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I think Grandma has a day outing planned for you..." sonia: *shiny eyes* Chuuya: *smiles* "So make sure to say 'please' and 'thank you,' and don't talk to strangers, okay?" sonia: ok, papa. and i'll stay away from the demon and the waste of bandages. Chuuya: ^^ "Good girl." *hug* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *in her sports uniform* "Let's do this." atsushi: *nods* Lucy: "...Good luck out there." atsushi: we will. Lucy: *weak smile* atsushi: *hug* Lucy: .\\\\\. "...O-O-Okay..." *pat pat* atsushi: ^^ Kyoka: "You can do more hugging later. We're going to be late at this rate." atsushi: ah! right! Lucy: "I'll watch at work today. Stay safe, you two." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *steadying his breathing* naoya: you gonna be ok, kiddo? Akutagawa: *closes his eyes* "I have been picturing what victory will look like..." naoya: oh? Akutagawa: *opens his eyes...smiles* "I will win." -elsewhere- fuyumi: *knocks* shouto, time to get up. Todoroki: *turns over* =____= fuyumi: *knocks* shouto, get up. Todoroki: *pushes himself up* "I'm up, I'm up..." fuyumi: you have a big day ahead of you. Todoroki: "Right...A few hours to go." fuyumi: ^^ Todoroki: "I'll get ready. Thank you." fuyumi: *smiles and heads back downstairs* Todoroki: *walks to the bathroom...* -silence. his reflection is his only company- Todoroki: *he stands at such an angle that the mirror shows only his scarred side* "..." -...- Todoroki: *shivers* "I don't need it...I don't need it..." -elsewhere- Mineta: "And then I'll put the trophy in the center of my room, and it will attract every girl and woman in the world to my bedroom, and then I'll be happy." -elsewhere- Izuku: owo;;; *stretching* "It'll go fine...Just stay calm..." -elsewhere- Kid: *adjusting his tie* "What will you be doing today?" stocking: work. you? *kiss on the cheek* Kid: =\\\= "I-I was thinking of attending the games on Father’s behalf." stocking: sounds like fun. ^^ Kid: "I hope so...Have a good day at work." stocking: ^^ -elsewhere- Yohei: *picks up Toru* "Guess who has the day off?" toru: bupa? Yohei: "Yep--Papa!" toru: *laughs* ^u^ Yohei: "Hee hee...We'll get to play all day--" *BOOM* chie: o-o EMINE! D8< Emine: "...What? I thought I was helping her with making the mini-freezer." nea:..... ^^ *cracks knuckles* Kepuri: *glaring at Emine...her face is covered in soot, there is a small fire on her right shoulder* "..." *holds a very large wrench, tapping it against her hand* Emine: "..." *pushes Chie out of the way as he tries to run away* chie: *grabs him by the ankle with a shadow arm and drags him back* oh no you dont, mr! Emine: O______O "SHOTARO! DO A GOOD DEED!" Shotaro: "On it!" *hands Kepuri a bigger wrench* Kepuri: ^^ Emine: "YOU TRAITOR!" Yohei: -_-;;;; "...Be smarter than him, Toru." -elsewhere- Announcer #1: "Welcome to the next round of the Sports Festival!" announcer 2: this time, we have our UA students taking center stage! Announcer #1: "And here they come! Starting with Class 1A!" ochako: ^^ momo: *determined* Todoroki: "..." Izuku: owo;;; Iida: *super serious* Bakugo: *glaring* Mineta: *staring at Momo* eijiro: *looking at the audience* tsuyu: *tongue slap* stahp that. Mineta: >3< Audience Member’s sign: "I <3 Red Hair Guy!" eijiro: ^^ denki: *waves* hi ma! Mama Kouji: "Do your best, sweetie! Did you make sure to wear clean underwear?" Kouji: ^^; announcer: following up, we have class 1B! Bakugo: .\\\. *looks back* itsuka: ^^ yui: ... Bakugo: "..." *wave* pony: ^^ Monoma: *low growling* itsuka: !. *waves* ^^ yui: *signing* <monoma, chill.> Monoma: "I am chill! I am absolute zero!" hiryu: you sure about that? ibara: lord have mercy on him. Monoma: *sips a juice pack--angrily* *ANGRY SLURPING* Bakugo: "...Oh, I'm going to eliminate him first. After I kick Deku's ass." Izuku: "...Then that would be 'I'm going to eliminate him second.'" Bakugo: "SHUT UP, DEKU!" -class 1C is up next- mei: *waves* -then the other classes- hitoshi: .... Izuku: "!!!" *meek wave* yuuji: *glances up at the audience* Audience Member #3: "Do your best, stitch-face guy!" yuuji: it's face paint, but thanks. *scratching the back of his neck* Aizawa: "Okay, line up..." -students lining up- Aizawa: "And now, Midnight will introduce the theme to Round 1 of your competition." Mineta: *shiny eyes* "Hells yeah!" pony: o///o midnight: *pulls the lever to show the game played* Iida: "What do you think the first round will be?" -obstacle race- Bakugo: "..." *gleeful face--that still looks evil* "Heh heh heh..." Todoroki: "..." Izuku: o_o; itsuka: *sweatdrop* eijiro: you're kinda freaking me out, man. Bakugo: "I get to blast my way to the finish line _and_ finish off some people in the competition." Izuku: *intense stare back* Monoma: "NO! IT IS I WHO WILL BE VICTORIOUS!" itsuka: neito do not. -_-; ochako: *determination* Todoroki: "..." *glances at Ochako* ochako: ^^ *peace sign* Todoroki: "..." *nods* Monoma: -3- Iida: "I wonder what kind of obstacles will be in store..." atsushi: so it's like what we did then, huh? Kyoka: "Yes. Let us hope it turns out better for them." *looks down* "..." *small sigh* atsushi: you ok? Kyoka: "I feel badly Tamaki is not continuing in the competition." atsushi: yeah, i guess. Kyoka: "...Then we'll have to do even better now." *stares* "You have to beat Akutagawa." atsushi: .... 7.7 r-right. Kyoka: *looks around* "At least he's not here." atsushi: thank god. in all seriousness, he kiiinda freaks me out. Kyoka: "I know. Just don't be alone with him." atsushi: yeah, who knows what he'd try to do..... (thinking: DONT THINK ANYTHING PERVY, BRAIN!) {Akutagawa: "Let me wash your back..."} atsushi: *cringe* Kyoka: "???" {Akutagawa: "I made the bed for you~ <3 " } atsushi: *smacking head against the seat* Kyoka: !!! "Stop that. You can't afford the brain damage." atsushi: im fine! Kyoka: "...We'll get you some ice cream." atsushi: thank you. Q.Q Kyoka: *raises hand* "Two ice creams, please." vendor: here ya go. atsushi: *nom* TTuTT Kyoka: ^^ *nom nom* atsushi: *lick lick* Akutagawa: "Do you like that flavor?" Kyoka: o_o atsushi: *SCREAMS* -his icecream flies up....and lands on his face- atsushi: ACK! Kyoka: "...Let me get a napkin--" Akutagawa: "I'll clean it off." *leans closer* atsushi: O_O;;; *SCREAMS ON THE INSIDE* Kyoka: "..." ("Nope nope nopenopenope--") Akutagawa: *opens his mouth slightly...then removes his handkerchief, wiping it off Atsushi's face* atsushi:...thanks....i think. Akutagawa: "You are welcome. Remember what I did--as I was kind to you today. But in competition, I will dominate." atsushi: riiiiight. >-> Kyoka: *spray bottle* "Go away." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *passes out the sodas* "Drink up!" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *chopping vegetables* naho: *streeetch* Sakuya: "??? Hungry?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Look what was on sale!" louisa: hmm? mary: cool! bram: ... 0_0 Fitzgerald: "I think the patchwork look will create a toyshop atmosphere for this room." mary: i think it's super cute! bram: 7_7; of course you would, mary. Fitzgerald: "Great! Let's figure out where to put it..." *takes out a tablet and stylus* -elsewhere- Relan: *looks at the line* "Jeez...It's going to take forever to get in." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "The students are approaching the starting line..." ochako: *focused* Izuku: *sweating* Iida: *staring forward* midnight: get ready.....GO! *The students take off--into the doorway* ochako: *sprinting* student: urk- student 2: move it! student 3: ow! who's elbow is that? Mineta: *squeezed* Izuku: "Th-They made the doorway this narrow so people couldn't get through..." Todoroki: "Pardon me..." *charging up his ice powers* momo: *summons a javalin to get herself out* there we- GO! *LOUD EXPLOSION* Bakugo: "OUTTA MY WAY!" ochako: WOAH! *gravity'ing herself out* Student #1: *drooling, as they pick up--* hitoshi: ... yuuji: 0_0; um...thats.... hitoshi:...you want on? yuuji: um...im good...thanks..... hitoshi:....alright then. Student #2: *drooling, making groaning noise* "Yeaaaaaaah..." yuuji: (thinking: freaky) Aizawa: "Todoroki is in the lead. But--" *splat splat splat* Todoroki: "??? ...Sticky balls?" Mineta: "YES! Todoroki! Prepare to taste the fury of my killer--" -KO- Mineta: *PWNED* "AAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAH!" *SLAM--roll roll roll roll...* Izuku: o____O ochako: HOLY HOT CROSS BUNS! Iida: "The robots? From the entrance exam?" Todoroki: "...I never faced these." Bakugo: "Ha! We have! So I guess you're at a disadvantage--" Todoroki: "They should look more threatening." Bakugo: "Yeah! ...Wait, what?" Todoroki: *summoning ice...* announcer: AND SHOUTO TODOROKI IS COOLING THINGS DOWN! BUT THE COMPETITION IS HEATING UP! Todoroki: *freezes the robot--and runs* Student #3: "Follow him!" Todoroki: *passes the legs* "Bad idea...I froze the robot while it was top-heavy, so I'm going to let gravity do it's work...while I escape." Student #3: "...What'd he say about 'gravy'?" -BOOOM- ochako: D8 eijiro: *breaks through* IM OKAY! THAT WAS A DICK MOVE TODOROKI! DICK. MOVE. Student #5: "HOLY CRAP! That hard guy survived!" student 6: phrasing! eijiro: *notices something* WOAH! heavy metal much?! Tetsutetsu: *smashes out* "CLASS 1A, YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF DICKS! I'D BE DEAD IF I WASN'T ME!" Student #5: "Another hard guy!" eijiro: *already running* YEET YEET! hiryu: come on, we should work our way through as well! Bakugo: "OUT OF MY WAY, LOSERS!" *runs forward--then blasts upward over the robot* hanta: *following with his tapes* you surprised me there, bakugou, here i was thinking you'd just blast your way on through! Tokoyami: "We will follow your example. Right, Shadow?" dark shadow: *screeaw* ^w^ -more students rush through- Announcer #1: "Jeez, Class 1A is just smashing through without hesitance! They must have some incredible powers!" Aizawa: "...That's not why..." namiko: ?? announcer 3: oh, they were part of the USJ incident a while, back, right? Aizawa: "And when you face that kind of fear, you learn. You get the experience, the courage, to face your fears, rather than run from them." ochako: *phew*.... o_o; oh. Present Mic: "THESE ARE THE FALLS!" Aizawa: "...I'm not a fan of 'Sherlock.'" tsuyu: *crawling on a rope* announcer: and tsuyu asui is already taking a lead! satsuki asui: go tsu! ??? fufufufu~ ochako: huh Iida: *finally caught up, pants, looks at ???* "???" mei: consider this an open letter to all those tech companies out there. the wire arrows, and the hover soles. *flying forwards with her wires* MY PRECIOUS BABIES~! hitoshi:...huh. mina: no way! i call hax! ochako: come on! let's go! Iida: "...I cannot fail, not in front of my brother. I mustn't show an unsightly performance." *assumes figure skater pose on the tightrope* -in the stadium- attendee: that kid up front, that's endevour's kid, isnt it? shinra: wait....are you telling me....that shouto todoroki is the son of endevour? as in _the_ endevour?! Relan: "??? Um...Is he the guy with that fire beard?" shinra: yeah, i met him once actually.....he was a big bag of dicks. Relan: o_o; "...'Kay. Um, I mean, Todoroki seems a little...cold, so to speak. But if he's Fire Beard's son, why doesn't he use his flame abilities?" shinra: well, endevor isnt a fire ability user, but a quirked human. i guess todoroki's ice powers comes from his mom's side? Relan: "But if you had both fire and ice abilities, why would you rely on only one and not both?" shinra: *shrugs* -soon, they make it to the mine field- Todoroki: ("Damn. They designed this portion so that it would require those in first to be cautious how they proceeded through the mines. I will have to be careful and--") Bakugo: "YOU ICEY-HOT BASTARD!" Todoroki: -_-; Bakugo: "YOU DECLARED WAR ON THE WRONG PERSON!" *blasts the ground in front of Todoroki* Todoroki: "?!!!" *ice shield* announcer: and it's broken into utter chaos! -BOOM! BOOM! KABLOOIE- Bakugo: "?!! What the hell?!" Todoroki: "That was multiple explosions..." Izuku: "AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHH!!!!" announcer: AND IZUKU MIDORIYA APPEARS TO BE SURFING ON THE RECOIL!!! inko: *SCREAMS and faints* Bakugo: "DEKU! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Izuku: *determined zoom-in stare* Todoroki: *summoning ice along the battlefield* "This may clear the path for others--but I cannot let them win!" *Todoroki and Bakugo follow Izuku...* *Izuku is flipping over* Izuku: o____o Izuku: ("ALL MIGHTY CRAP! Okay, I'm stalling--calm down...Wait...If I time it right...") *EPIC EYE STARING MOMENT* Izuku: "SHEET METAL...FLIP!" *Izuku slams down the metal in front of Bakugo and Todoroki* *KA-BOOM* Present Mic: "Holy cow! Great work on teaching them that technique, Eraserhead!" Aizawa: "...Not me. That's something they learned on their own..." Izuku: *back on his feet...stumbles to first place* announcer: ....IZUKU MIDORIYA IS THE WINNER!!!!! shinra: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH!!!! -massive cheering- inko: *sobbing with joy* MY BABYYYYY!!! announcer: coming up in second and 3rd respectivly are Shouto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou! Izuku: *crying, smiling* Bakugo: *clenching his fist* "Why that little..." Todoroki: "..." *ice coming off of him* ochako: congrats you guys! ^^ itsuka: *hugging katsuki* congrats on making 3rd! Bakugo: =\\\\= *angry grumbling noises* Monoma: *GLARE* Iida: *traumatized* "I failed...The speedster was too slow..." momo: you did your best. *smiles* *Something is behind Momo* momo:.... -beatdown ensues- Mineta: X______X -later- ochako: *sipping her drink* whoo! that was exciting today! Izuku: QWQ "frozen* tsuyu: congrats on making first, izuku. Todoroki: "..." *sitting away* Izuku: "Th-Thank you..." ochako: ^^..... hmm? hey, arent you gonna sit with us, todoroki? Todoroki: "...No." *gets up and leaves* ochako: ah-........ mina: jeez, who stuck a thumbtack up his butt?? ochako:... Iida: "...So focused." ochako:...brb. *follows him* Izuku: "..." -outside- ochako: todoroki?? jeez, where is he? hitoshi: ....? ochako: did you see- hitoshi: *points* ochako: thanks. Todoroki: *seated on top of wall* ochako: *gravities herself up to the wall* urk....*gulp* hey todoroki. ^^ Todoroki: "...Hello." ochako: ...congrats on making 2nd! *smiles* Todoroki: "It was not first." ochako: but at least it's something, right? Todoroki: "Unless you're at the top, it is nothing." ochako: *small pout* .....so, i hear tomorrow they're going to have a halftime concert. that should be fun, right? Todoroki: "...I would rather train. But no point in over-working my body." ochako: yeah, it'd be bad if you injured yourself now. *looks up at the sky* Todoroki: "...Congratulations on placing." ochako: ^^ thanks. im just glad i made it in! that counts as something, right? Todoroki: *grunt* ochako:....*looking at the passers by below* shark kid: i didnt make it in... shark dad: it's ok son, you did your best, and im proud of you for that. shark kid:...*small smile* ochako: ....*small smile and looks at todoroki* Todoroki: "..." *sniff* *one icy tear* ochako:..??? todoroki? are you...ok? Todoroki: *wipes his tear* "Fine. Thank you for asking." ochako: .....you gonna stick around? maybe play some of the games? Todoroki: "...Okay." ochako: awesome! ^^ Todoroki: "...What do you play?" -elsewhere- Gin: "Another drink?" naoya: hell yeeeeah. higuchi: ^^ Gin: *pours for Naoya* "Ichiyo?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Calvary." karin: hmm? Arthur: "Calvary would be a great game to play." Vulcan: "...It'll never catch on." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *walking through the streets* atsushi: *walking home with groceries* Akutagawa: "..." *watches from afar* atsushi: ok. that should be everything now. Akutagawa: "Hello." *now next to him* atsushi: YEEP! jeez, what the heck?! Akutagawa: "...Do you need help carrying?" atsushi: umm...im good, thanks. Akutagawa: "...Oh. Very well. Okay." atsushi: *walking away* Akutagawa: "...Watch your back." atsushi: *looks back* Akutagawa: "You shouldn't let something happen to you." atsushi: noted. Akutagawa: "..." *follows* atsushi: .... ouo;;;; Akutagawa: "...Oh. You were heading this way?" atsushi: um... yeeesss? Akutagawa: "So am I." atsushi: ookaaaay then. *screaming on the inside* Akutagawa: *walks beside him* "...You like bread?" atsushi: i guess. im more of a chazuke guy to be honest. Akutagawa: "...I never get to have that." atsushi: well, there is a nice restaurant that serves it. i could write the address down for you if you want. (thinking: lucy save me) Akutagawa: "..." *hold out his hand* atsushi: *writes it down and hands him the paper* Akutagawa: *takes the paper* "..." *intense stare* atsushi:....well, i should be heading home now. Akutagawa: "...If you must. I suppose you need rest for competition." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "How did the festival go?" shinra: it was awesome! tamaki: his friend won first. Akitaru: "Hey, that's great for him!" Relan: "...Not when Bakugo gets his hands on him..." tamaki: not if bakugo's girlfriend is there to calm him down. Relan: "Hope she's around, then. And can get release his tensions, then." Akitaru: "..." *inwardly cackling* karin: *elbows him in the side* Relan: "???" Akitaru: *covers his mouth, calms down* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "You wash behind your ears?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "Okay. Time to brush your teeth." sonia: ok, papa. -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Your mini-freezer is complete!" nea: yay~! ^^ Emine: *pixelated mess* Shinoda: ^^ -elsewhere- atsushi: im back! Kyoka: "That's good. Did you get my ice cream?" atsushi: *hands it to her* Kyoka: "Yay. Also, you had some visitors." atsushi: oh? Kyoka: "Dazai left a note. Lucy has been knocking every five minutes looking for you." atsushi: ah. *looks at dazai's note* Dazai's note: "Do your best!" atsushi: *smiles* Dazai's note: "I'll be watching! And when this is done, you're getting all you can eat!" atsushi: ...*shiny eyes* Kyoka: "???" atsushi: chazuke.... =u= Kyoka: "...You should bring that home, too." -elsewhere- Dazai: TTWTT "So proud of him..." kirako: ^^; Dazai: *patting his belly* "Sweet child, doing so well in competition, using his opponents to his advantage..." mii: zzzz Dazai: *strokes Mii* "Cat been behaving?" kirako: *nods* mii: =u= Dazai: "That's good...Hey, Kirako?" kirako: hmm? Dazai: "Thanks for letting me hang out here." kirako: no problem. ^^ Dazai: *smiles* "You know what would be great? I can mix a drink..." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "I'm home." fuyumi: welcome back! Todoroki: "...Hi. ...I'm sorry I--...That I failed." fuyumi:...*hug* you did your best.......do you want to spend the night here? Todoroki: "...Okay." fuyumi: *smiles* i'll go set up the guest room. Todoroki: "...Thank you." fuyumi: ^^ *goes to do that* Todoroki: "..." *sits on couch* -text alert- Todoroki: "???" *looks at phone* -text from; dad- Todoroki: "..." *deletes* -text from; ochako- Todoroki: "..." *opens it* ochako: [hey todoroki! you get home OK? ^o^] Todoroki: "..." [at sister's] ochako: [neat.] Todoroki: [are you home?] ochako: [yep! dad ordered pizza!] Todoroki: [must be nice] ochako: [yeppers ^^] Todoroki: "..." [which toppings?] ochako: [pepperoni] Todoroki: [well, enjoy it] ochako: [aaand my dog just stole one slice >.< ] Todoroki: [oh, you have a pet?] -she sends a pic of her and a golden lab, with a pizza slice in its mouth- ochako: [this is trixie. #ftselfie] Todoroki: [so, a pizza dog] ochako: [actually she's a lab. XD] Todoroki: "..." [ha] -elsewhere- Emine: *bandaging himself* lin: *tending to his injuries* at least you completed your bad deed today. Emine: "Yes. Just wish it was with fewer injuries..." *looks at her eyes* lin: ^^ Emine: *leans to her face* lin: *smooch* Emine: o\\\\o "..." >\\\< *smooch* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Thanks for the meal, Mom." ^^ inko: ^^ of course, sweetie! *hug* MY BABY WON! Izuku: "GRK! M-Mom...Can't breathe--" -knocks- Izuku: "??? I-I'll get it." *looks through peephole* yuuji: *scratching the back of his head, looking away awkwardly* Izuku: "!!! Oh, Mom? It's a friend from school." *opens the door* yuuji: um....hey mrs M. inko: oh, hello. yuuji, was it? yuuji: *nods* ....yeah. Izuku: "You were passing by? We were just sitting for dinner..." yuuji: oh...cool. mind if i...uh... inko: it's fine. ^^ yuuji:...'kay. Izuku: "I'll get another plate!" -and so- Izuku: ^^ "So, what do you think about the Festival?" yuuji:.....ok i guess.....congrats on 1st. Izuku: "Th-Thanks...I mean, the competition isn't done yet..." yuuji: far from it. Izuku: ._.; "...Yeah...Lot of competition out there, too." yuuji: *nods* i didnt make it to the next round, but it's all good i guess. Izuku: "...I hope you go to the rest of the Festival. There are a lot of fun activities for the audience members." yuuji: yeah, i saw. might help aizawa out with stuff maybe. Izuku: "Oh, good! You like working with him?" yuuji:...it's cool, i guess. dont have much else to do. Izuku: "...Hobbies?" yuuji: *shrugs* guess i've been listening to music more often. Izuku: "Do you play any instruments?" yuuji: nah, not really...doesnt that jirou kid in your class play bass? Izuku: *nods* "Yeah. I only heard her play once." yuuji: cool. Izuku: "Maybe you could ask her? She performs now and then." yuuji: she gonna be at the half time show tomorrow? Izuku: "Yeah. I could introduce you." yuuji: cool. Izuku: ^^ "What kind of music do you like?" yuuji: old school stuff. led zepplin, AC/DC, stuff like that. Izuku: "Then I think you and Jirou will get along great!" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *splashes water on his face* kabuki: it's starting to get a lot colder out. Benimaru: "Yes." *summons a flame* "I think many of us will keep warm." kabuki: indeed. sister kirei told me the shrine got their kotatsu out today. Benimaru: "That should be comforting. Will you be making use of it?" kabuki: if they invite is to. Benimaru: *nods* "I assume they will. The shrine has been welcoming lately." kabuki: they usually are. Benimaru: "...Hmm. I think I'll bring a gift." -elsewhere- Higan: *adjusting his suit* lavender: *helping with his tie* Higan: ^^ "Thanks. You're looking good." lavender: ^^ Higan: "I can't wait to get there...I think you'll like the atmosphere." -elsewhere- Gin: *sniffs, passes box of tissue* naoya: jeez, colds are a bitch, aint they? Gin: *nod nod* "Been drinking as much green tea as I can." naoya: *chuckles* here i thought you wearing that mask would prevent you from getting sick. Gin: -_-; "Ha ha...ha...AHCHOO!" -elsewhere- Kid: *washing Stocking's hair* "Feel good?" stocking: *nods* =///= Kid: "You must've had a long day..." *massages her shoulders* stocking: yeah no kidding...how were the games, babe? Kid: "Impressive...The student, Midoriya, won this round without using his ability." stocking: woah. Kid: *nods* "Truly remarkable." *readies the mobile showerhead* "After what his class did against supervillains at the training facility, he must have been prepared for such an outcome." stocking: i guess. Kid: *smiles* "Ready to rinse?" -elsewhere- Mori: *sips his drink* elise: *drawing* Mori: "???" *looks over her shoulder* -it's a drawing of shizuka with her head off, rain in a grave, and miura- Mori: "...That's...an interesting illustration, Elise." elise: it's all your secretaries. Mori: "...Yes, they are." elise: ^^ Mori: "...Do you miss Shizuka and Rain?" elise:...i guess. *shrugs* but shizuka's right behind that door. Mori: ^^; "But you promise not to tell anyone that's where Shizuka is, yes?" elise: im not gonna say anything. Mori: "Good, Elise." ^^ "...What do you think of Miura?" elise: ...i mean, i _did_ pull her head off once. Mori: "That is true. Do you like her more since doing so?" elise: maybe. as long as she isnt going psycho terminator mode. Mori: *small chuckle* "I know you'll be able to handle her if that were to happen. But I think she's been on good behavior." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Glad you got home safely." atsushi: yeah, same here. Lucy: *pats his head* "Did you have any problems?" atsushi:.......define 'problems' Lucy: "...Of the stalker variety?" atsushi: then just a lil, yeah. Lucy: *sigh* "Did he hurt you?" atsushi: no, luckily. Lucy: "..." *pats his cheek* "Be safe. You may have to go tiger on his butt." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking at a photograph* -it's of himself, higuchi, and rain- Chuuya: "..." ("Sonia looks so much like her...") sonia: ?? Chuuya: "??? Sonia? Can't sleep?" sonia: *looks* Chuuya: "...Do you recognize who's in the photo?" sonia: papa, aunt higuchi, and mama Chuuya: *smiles* "Yes." *points to Rain* "That's her. And you look like her..." sonia:....*looks at the mirror* do i? Chuuya: "...I think so." *smiles* sonia:....*lean* Chuuya: *pat pat* "Want some tea?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "Okay..." *leaves her in front of the mirror, as he walks to the kitchen* "..." ("I can't not see him...") sonia:....(thinking: the demon isnt my father....the demon will never be my father) Chuuya: ("What he did to Rain...What the Rats said...I just can't...") sonia: ..... mito: *resting on sonia's lap* sonia:...good kitty... Chuuya: *heating the water, exits, sees Mito on Sonia's lap* "..." *smiles* "Want a snack?" sonia: yes please. *picks up mito* you're a nice kitty. you'll scare the mean ol rats away, right? mito: *mew* Chuuya: "Mito is good at chasing down rats..." sonia: *hug* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *hugs back* sonia: =///= Chuuya: "You're a great child, Sonia..." sonia: thanks, papa. {naoya: that kid's gonna be depending on you, you know.} Chuuya: ("I know...But...I just...") sonia: =////= zzzz Chuuya: "..." *picks her up carefully* sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: *takes her to her bed, tucking her in* sonia: *holding her bear* Chuuya: "..." *strokes her hair off her face, kisses her forehead* sonia: =w= Chuuya: "Sleep well, Sonia..." -elsewhere- Dazai: =w= kirako: zzzz mii: *standing guard outside the door* Dazai: *turns over, hugs Kirako* kirako: =///= Dazai: "Mmm...Zzz..." mii:...*taps the door* Dazai: "Huh?" *looks up* -tap tap- Dazai: *gets out of bed, opens the door* mii: *walking over to where the tea is* Dazai: "..." *sits there* "What's up?" mii: i was meaning to speak with you about that rodent i found a while ago. Dazai: "Oh?" *takes a cup* mii: do you recall it having a camera inside? well, after a little digging around, i've discovered our culprits. Dazai: "Oh? Who?" mii: the rats in the house of the dead, fittingly enough. Dazai: "Hmmm...Any location?" mii: it's difficult to detemine that, but i suggest you keep everyone alert. Dazai: "Understood." mii: in the mean time, i'll see if they hid any more cameras around. Dazai: "Thanks. Hate to think what they've recorded so far." mii: ...i'll be taking my stroll now if you dont mind. Dazai: "Hey, do what you gotta..." *opens the door* mii: *walking off* -elsewhere- FD: "Any new discoveries?" katya: <at the given moment, no> FD: "Hmm..." <Perhaps need to have some surveillance in additional locations.> katya: <when are you gonna pit me against enemies who actually put up a decent fight, huh?> FD: "..." *smiles* <I could have you practice...> katya: <my guns crave to kill> FD: "Hmm..." <I have one prisoner...> katya: <ugh, not the neet. she'll probably piss herself at best. i want someone i can actually enjoy fighting!> FD: *sigh* <Then why don't you take a walk and find someone to shoot?> katya: *hmph* <very well, i'll go play in the old sewers.> FD: <Have fun. Hide the bodies, collect their valuables.> katya: <will do> FD: *starts reviewing a file...* yana: trigger happy, that one. guess thats why they call her the 'silver bullet witch', huh? FD: *nods* "At least she meets her target. Helpful to have her right now." yana: *nods* FD: "Speaking of meeting one's target..." *hands Yana a photograph* "Try to find more info on this one." yana: hmm? *examining* *It's a photo of Izuku* FD: "Care to visit the Festival again?" yana: hmm...eh, sure. FD: *smiles* "Good girl." yana: still creepy! FD: "Yes." yana: -_-; -elsewhere- Poe: ^W^ rowena: tea's ready now. lenore: cool. Poe: "Thank you. It smells good." lenore: *looking at photographs* -one displays poe and rowena's other brother with his wife and daughter- lenore: there's more of you? Poe: *nod* "So to speak." rowena: *nods* henry would be the oldest of us. Poe: "It has been a while since I saw them...How old is she now?" rowena: i think emilia is 7 now. Poe: "...That's good." *sips, looking down* karl: o^o~? Poe: "..." *pets Karl* "H-Henry probably hasn't been interested in seeing me." rowena: should i call him and ask? Poe: .\\\. "I-I-I wouldn't go out of your way..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *tossing in bed* {ami: papa!} {Akitaru: "Ami!"} {-she and chitose are burning-} {chitose: *screaming*} {Akitaru: *looking all around, trying to find a blanket or something...*} -knocking- Akitaru: *his eyes break open...he's covered in a cold sweat...he trips of the bed to the door* shinra: cant sleep.... Akitaru: "...Yeah. I can't either.....Have something to drink?" shinra: *nods* Akitaru: "Okay..." *goes with Shinra to the kitchen* "I'll have some milk...Want some? Or tea?" shinra: *nods* Akitaru: *starts making tea* "You having bad dreams?" shinra: just trouble sleeping i guess. Akitaru: *nods* "...A lot happening at once. Including missions." shinra: yeah...*his hands are shaking* Akitaru: "..." *holds his hand* shinra:...t-thanks dad. Akitaru: *smiles* "You're welcome. Just got to take things one day at a time." -elsewhere- Yohei: *hug* chie ^///^ Yohei: *smooch* "...You're huggable." chie: *hug* so are you~ Yohei: ^\\\^ "I try..." *rubs her back* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *looking out a window* naoya: looking for something? Akutagawa: "...No. The streets seem quiet outside." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...You ever think there's something wrong with yourself?" naoya: what do you mean? Akutagawa: "...I wouldn't be like this if I wasn't so messed up. Dazai. The Tiger. There's something corrupted with me." naoya: .....need some tea or something? Akutagawa: "...Okay sure." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, walking through village* -elsewhere- Kid: *hug, smooch* stocking: =///w///= Kid: *rests his head next to hers* "...Your hair smells great." stocking: thanks~ Kid: *smiles* *small kiss on her cheek* "I love you." stocking: i love you too, hun~<3 Kid: *closes his eyes, smiling, lying next to his wife* stocking: *smoooooch* Kid: ^\\\\^ -elsewhere- Joker: "Another beer?" scarlet: yeah, sure. ivy: *hic* hi-heebahnah y-yew fughkin bitch! i'll-i'll fugk-gin khill ya... Joker: "...Maybe not another beer for Ivy." *hands one to Scarlet* scarlet: no kidding. *sweatdrop* Joker: "Hey, Ivy? How would, you know, go about cornering Hibana? She's pretty powerful..." ivy: i dunnu...i jus...wanna shee her die, yknow? she pisshes me off shoo much. Joker: "Yeah, I hear ya. You tried the hostage thing, you tried breaking and entering...Maybe you need another strategy, like when she least expects it." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *snore* atsushi: *tucking her in* odasaku: like a real dad. atsushi: thanks. Kyoka: =w= *curls up under the sheets* atsushi:...*hands her her rabbit plushie* Kyoka: *happy sigh as she hugs her rabbit* atsushi: .... Kyoka: *her breathing grows more steady...* atsushi: *exits the room* Kyoka: "Dad...Mom..." odasaku:....*head pats* Lucy: *asleep on his couch* "Zzz..." atsushi: ....*puts blanket over her and carries her to his bed. he ended up taking the couch* Lucy: =w= ("Zzz...So comfy...") -elsewhere- Spirit: *has ice on his back* -____- sachiko: jeez. -_-; Spirit: "I think I'm out of the competition..." izumi: i think you're a champ, dad. Spirit: ^^; "Thanks, kiddo...At least I can watch the games on TV..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Scoot over." -elsewhere- Victor: *asleep at his work station* nozomi:...*puts a blanket over him* Victor: "Mmmm...Zzzz..." -elsewhere- sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: *asleep in his bed* -silence- Chuuya: *tosses slightly* -...- {Chuuya: *hears a noise from Mori's office* "???"} {rain: *exiting, whimpering*} {Chuuya: "??? Rain?"} {rain: !!! m-mr nakahara!} {Chuuya: "You okay?"} {rain: y-yeah...j-just finishing up some last-minute work. ^^ *there are tears in her eyes, and she looks slightly disheveled*} {Chuuya: "..." *removes his handkerchief, offers it to her*} {rain: *wipes tears* i-im fine, really... ^^ } {Chuuya: "...Do you...need some help?"} {rain: *shakes head* t-thanks for offering though. ^^ } {Chuuya: "..." *looks past her into the office* "I can...give you a ride. Home."} {rain:....} {Chuuya: "...My car is just outside." *inside, he sees Mori*} {rain:...its fine....i can take a cab. im sure you're really busy right now...} {Chuuya: "...I'm not. But I don't want to make you..." *pulls out a card, hands it to her*} {rain: ?? *looks at it*} {*It has his cell phone number on it*} {rain:...*sniff*} {Chuuya: *soft smile* "If you ever need anything...just to talk..."} {rain:...ok} Chuuya: *whimpers in his sleep* -silence- Chuuya: *opens his eyes, rubbing his tears away* "...I missed everything." -...- Chuuya: *looks at the alarm clock: 4:14 AM* "..." *goes to the bathroom, splashes water in his face* -silence- Chuuya: *looks in the mirror* "...Rain...Why didn't I...It was so obvious." -...- Chuuya: "...Mori...All of it...Why didn't I stop it." -...- Chuuya: *closes his eyes--and only sees Rain's face* rain?: *tearfully smiling* Chuuya: *sobs* -...- Chuuya: *hugs himself, trying to get a grip...* -...- Chuuya: "Rain..." *crying* mito: *nuzzles his leg* Chuuya: "!!" *looks down* "..." *pets her* mito: ^w^ Chuuya: ("I'm not getting back to sleep any time soon...") *walks Mito to the kitchen* mito: *follows* Chuuya: *opens a tin of food, setting it onto a plate* mito: *nom nom* Chuuya: *starts brewing coffee...* *looks at his phone* -no new messages- Chuuya: "..." *pulls up news* -A Champ In The Making! Izuku Midoriya's Victory!- Chuuya: "Hmm...Good for him on that one. But that's gonna make him a target..." mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "..." *smiles at Mito, scratches lightly under her chin* "Good meal?" mito: *mewl* Chuuya: "That's good..." *finishes making his coffee* "..." *types a text* [can't sleep. just checking in] kouyou: [what's wrong?] Chuuya: [nightmare about something from earlier. still feel bad about rain] kouyou:..... [i see] Chuuya: [sonia reminds me so much of her] kouyou:..... [its mind boggling] Chuuya: "..." [yeah. sorry for waking you] kouyou: [if you need any help, let me know] Chuuya: [will do. thanks] -elsewhere- Vulcan: *stretches* *grunts* yu: zzzz *asleep on a cot* Vulcan: "???" ("Got to get him a decent bed...And not that hospital one that looks like Baymax.") -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: *making breakfast* Kid: *sniffs* "Smells good..." stocking: you want anything on it? *she's making pancakes* Kid: "Whipped cream?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *holding up a burnt plate of food* "..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *opens his eyes, looking around* -morning daylight shines through the window- Todoroki: "...Oh, right." *looks at the blanket* "..." -it's a goddamn frozen blanket- Todoroki: o_____O *internal screaming* -elsewhere- Joker: *waking up, muttering in his sleep* "No more beer, Dad--I've had enough." -phone call- misora: wakey wakey, mr manager! Joker: -___-;; "My head has tiny men inside, hammering inside...Why are you calling so early?" misora: are you hung over? Joker: "Yes. Give me a status update." -elsewhere- Yohei: "...Shotaro, don't sleep on the dining table." Shotaro: *snoring* Kepuri: "...Could someone pass the salt?" -elsewhere- Karim: *buttoning his coat* foien: *streeeetch*.....*looks at his stub* ...... Karim: "...Ready to start drills?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *putting on a t-shirt* "I'm about to head out, Mom." inko: dont forget your phone, sweetie! Izuku: "Oh, right!" *unplugs it, grabs it from his desk, along with his keys and wallet* "And I charged it, too!" inko: ^^ Izuku: *hug* "I'll be home by curfew." -elsewhere- Meme: "Yummy!" mio: *nom* Anya: "Quite a variety of options at the Festival." tsugumi: it's got stuff from all over the world, some of these things i've never even _heard_ of! Anya: "Hmm...Oh! They have oysters! From the Rocky Mountains!" ???: i wouldnt do that if i were you. Anya: "???" twain: *waves* ebie: *nomming on a caramel apple* ^^ Anya: "Why shouldn't I have them? Would I be allergic?" twain: if you want to be on your knees hugging the porcelain throne, go nuts. Anya: o_o;;;; "How...crude." Meme: "Not the only reason to skip it..." *whistles innocently* tsugumi: *notices one game* ooh! Anya: "???" *looks at the game* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *stretching in the locker room* student: oi! araragi! you going to be at the concert today? Akutagawa: "Is it just noise, or does it have some redeeming aural value?" student:...huh? Akutagawa: "...Is the music going to be good?" student: oh! sure. Akutagawa: "...Might as well. Anyone else going?" -elsewhere- Gin: "...Well, this is foolish." miura: tell me about it. -_-; elise: -__-; Mori: "But they're matching outfits! You have to love them." higuchi:.....my eyes burn. Gin: =\\\\= "Kill me." hirotsu: i could, in theory, but i would rather not incite your brother's wrath. Gin: "Not literally." Mori: "Smile for the camera!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "Got the tickets?" soul: got 'em right here. kilik: awesome. Black Star: "Then let's do this!" -elsewhere- Q: *whistling* Kyoka: "Oh." Q: hmm? oh hiya traitor! Kyoka: "Hello. Are you still wetting your bed?" Q: have you met number 36 yet? atsushi: ._.; um... Q: oh, i know you! you're big bro dazai's new boy toy, right? Kyoka: "???" atsushi: *almost chokes* THAT'S NOT WHAT IS GOING ON! Kyoka: "..." *trying not to laugh* Q: oh. because akutagawa would get pretty mad if that were true. i think he wants to stick it up your bum. atsushi: ............*almost dies* odasaku: ...... *silent tears of shocked horror* Kyoka: *struggling to breathe, covering her face* Lucy: "Oh! There you two are!" *walks up--then sees Q* "..." Q: hmm? oh, is this the girl you pee in? atsushi: *FAINTS OUT OF PURE SHOCK* Kyoka: *catches Atsushi--still shaking as she tries to hold in laughter* Lucy: "..." *cracks her knuckles* "Oh, little boy~" ^^# Q: *pokes lucy's stomach* are you pregnant? atsushi: LUCY NO! Lucy: "..." .\\\. "YOU ODIOUS PARASITE! Anne! Smash!" anne: *BAM* Q: owie! Lucy: >\\\\\< Kyoka: *doubled over, laughing* atsushi: D8 Lucy: *picks up Atsushi* "Let's get you home. For your own sake. Not for anything else. At all." Kyoka: "...A likely story." Q: *pouts* meanies! im telling mori on you! *runs off* Kyoka: "...I wonder how he'll react upon hearing that you just beat up a member of the Port Mafia." Lucy: -\\\- "It was just a small smack." Q: you arent even with us anymore, traitor!...........but aunt kouyou might get mad..... oh noooooo Q_Q mama chuuya save me! Chuuya: -____-;; "That's not my name. And what the hell happened to your face?" Q: the weretiger's girlfriend is being mean! sonia: *peeeek* Chuuya: *sighs* "Q, what did you say to her?" Lucy: *spots Sonia* ^\\\^ Q: i asked if she was pregnant because- atsushi: *covers his mouth* he was saying silly kid stuff! ^^;;;;; Q: =n= Chuuya: "???" *looks at Kyoka* Kyoka: "..." *whispers in his ear* Chuuya: "..." sonia: ?? Kyoka and Chuuya: *doubled over, trying not to laugh* sonia: ????? Lucy: D:< "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" atsushi: .//////////. please kill me god. Kid: "I can arrange that." atsushi: *SCREAMS and jumps into a tree* Q_Q Q: hmm? hiya zebra man! Kid: "??? Oh, hello." Lucy: -_-; "Now I'm going to need a fireman to get the cat out of the tree..." sonia: ??? Kid: "??? Oh. Is that your sister?" *looks at Q, points at Sonia* atsushi: can we help you? *muttering* and why do you sound like dazai? Q: oh sonia?....*shrug* Chuuya: -_-; ("He's dense _and_ sounds stupid...") "She's my daughter." Kid: "...You're awfully young." Chuuya: "!!!" atsushi: she's adopted, actually. Kid: "Ah. Well, that answers all of my questions. Now, for my last order of business--" *picks up Q* Q: OuO; atsushi: WAIT DON- Kid: *dropkicks Q* "DISGUSTING ASYMMETRICAL GARBAGE!" Q:.... *smirks* Kid: *having kicked Q away, pats his hands* "There. I feel relieved." *turns around to face the others* -a hand print appears on kid's neck- Kyoka: ._.; "...He just kicked Q down the street..." Chuuya: -_-;;; "He'll get what's coming to him..." atsushi: *SCREAMS* SOMEONE CALL DAZAI! Kid: "??? What?" Q: *grins and pulls his doll out. it's laughing* Kid: "???? Oh! My wife has a doll, too! I'm glad to see a young boy willing to play with dolls and not be constrained by gender normatives about--" *sees Atsushi* atsushi: *grabs the doll* IMDOINGYOUAFAVOR! Q: D8< HEY! I WAS GONNA CURSE HIM WITH THAT! Kid: "...Curse me with a doll?" *happy sigh* "That's just like my Stocking. She's so--" *realizes* "YOU WERE GOING TO CURSE ME?!" Q: OuO;;; *murderous smile at atsushi* you rotton shit. Kyoka: "You may not kill him yet. He and Lucy have not yet had congress--" Lucy: o\\\\\o -after an explanation [obviously leaving out the whole 'mafia' thing]- Kid: Q____Q "...Get this mark off of me." stocking: *worried* atsushi: oh! there he is now. stocking:...oh, you're that weird guy from a while back. -__-; Q: *pouts* Dazai: "Hello! I'm here to save you all!" *puts on a long rubber glove* "Drop your pants and bend over." Kid: ._. stocking: D8< Kid: "It's on my neck!" atsushi: *hands dazai the doll* Q: aww, no fair. i bet cursing a death god would have been hilarious. Dazai: "..." *takes the doll* "I don't know why they let Q play with these things like this." stocking: *looks at chuuya* what is wrong with that kid? Chuuya: *frowns* "It's...a condition. Tactile." stocking:...... Q:.... stocking: well, we'll be off now. *hugs kid and exits with him* Kid: =\\\= Chuuya: "...Come along, Q, Sonia." sonia:....... Q:.....*sniff* Lucy: *sighs* "This was all bizarre." atsushi: no kidding.....thanks again, dazai. that could have been disastrous. Dazai: "Maybe...I mean, he is a death god. Maybe he could've survived it and-- ... DEATH GOD?! Wait a minute! You think he knows suicidal techniques?" atsushi: dazai no. Dazai: -3- Lucy: *shakes her head* Kyoka: *thumbs down* -elsewhere- Relan: "I got the drinks!" shinra: awesome! -elsewhere- Assi: *hanging upside down from the storm gutter on the roof* DX -elsewhere- yana: *walking around* .... ???: "Lost, little lady?" yana: *shaft head tilts back* nyeh? ???: owo; "...I was just asking--" yana: you!....who're you? Steinbeck: "J-Johnny. Steinbeck. John Steinbeck. Johnny John Steinbeck--" yana: woah, chill dude, i just asked who you were, not for your life story. Steinbeck: "...I can tell it to you. I grew up with vines everywhere--" yana: uuh huh. cool story bro. Steinbeck: owo;;;; "...Are you going to the Festival?" yana: i've been going for the past few days. *sips her soda* Steinbeck: "Oh? You enjoying it?" yana: *shrugs* gives me something to do. dad said i could use the fresh air. Steinbeck: "Oh...You live with your dad?" yana: ....a bunch of people actually. big house. Steinbeck: "Oh! I come from a big family, too." ^^ yana: oh. cool. Steinbeck: "...What's your name?" yana: call me 'yana'. *sips* i'd ask you the same thing, but you just told me. like. 5 times. Steinbeck: *giggles* "Yeah...You like grape soda?" yana: hold up. *kicks mineta into the trash* .....he was lookin at us funny. Mineta: *bouncing in the trash can, screaming "DAMN IT!"* Steinbeck: "...Thanks for doing that." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *passes dish along* "Here you go." eijiro: awesome! *nom nom* Bakugo: "One good thing I can say about the Festival: good eats. Almost makes the weaklings around here worth it." eijiro: *nom nom* Bakugo: "So, who you think will get eliminated next?" eijiro: probably that monoma guy. he's a dick. Bakugo: "Tch. No kidding. Dude's got so many hangups that's just a walking ball of creep." Monoma: *hiding behind potted plants* *glare* eijiro: i dont know what's up his butt, but he needs to get over it. Bakugo: "I bet it's still Itsuka's foot up his ass." Monoma: "!!!!" eijiro: oooh. sick burn. Bakugo: "As sick as he is in the head--" Monoma: *pops from the plants--covered in leaves* "I AM NOT SICK IN THE HEAD, YOU HOT-HEAD AND COLD, HARD MAN!" eijiro: *SCREAMS AND THROWS HIS CHICKEN AT HIM* Monoma: *chicken'd* X_X *KO'ed* Bakugo: "...Did he just get defeated by fried chicken?" -elsewhere- Gin: "Happy to get out of that ridiculous outfit." miura: seconded. Gin: "...Is his mind going?" miura: it's anyone’s guess. i'll schedule a therapy appointment for him. Gin: "Thank you....Do you like this work?" miura: *shrugs* it's all i know, so sure. Gin: "Given what I've seen Motojiro accomplish, he could always adjust your work." miura: perhaps. and given his apprentice working as hard as she is... Gin: "How is she, by the way?" miura:....she's certainly energetic. -_-; ayako: MYEE HE HE HE! XD Gin: "...??? What is that noise?" miura: best not to question it. *knock on the locker room door* miura: ?? *x-ray vision on* *Motojiro is outside, shoving Ayako* Motojiro: "Go in! Leave me alone for a bit!" -WHAM- ayako: *falls face first* OOF! >3< ..... oh heya! Gin: "...Hello." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Brave knights! Take your steeds and assemble!" child: ._.; child 2: who is this guy? child 3: *raises hand* where's the teacher? Arthur: *is on a hobby horse* "I am your leader now! I will teach you the ways of chivalry, jousting, and how to roast a boar and cure the meat for proper storage in the winter!" girl: ._.; *Muffled screams are heard from the closet* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *wearing metallic butterfly wings* "Okay, keep the camera rolling...This is Iron Butterfly, Test Number 1." akaderu: *thumbs up, recording* Kepuri: *thumbs up--and presses a switch...the wings start flapping* "It's working! This is great!" *The wings start flapping faster--and go so fast they bury her into the ground* mana: oh shit. Kepuri: @~@ "My legs hurt now..." Emine: "..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...You all look like a mess." atsushi: long day. Lucy: -\\\- Kyoka: *sly smile* Kunikida: "In any case, I have one task for you." *hands paperwork* "And you have mail." kenji: hmm? atsushi: oh? Kyoka: *looks at Kenji* Kunikida: "From that model." atsushi: oooh. her. *excalibur face* Lucy: "...Who is 'her'?" -one explanation later- Lucy: "...Hmph." atsushi: dazai, could you read it? my head is still spinning from today. Dazai: "On it!" *opens the letter* " 'Dear cutie-potootie--'" Lucy: -_-; atsushi: *gags* why? Dazai: " 'I saw you in the sports competition thingie on TV. Congratulations! You were really doing well out there, running back and forth and stuff.'" -Dazai was reading all of this with a Valley Girl voice...- atsushi: -_-; Dazai: " 'I'll be recording the other rounds--so you better not lose, 'cause when you win, I'll give you a big hug and kiss! x's and o's.' Signed Honey Crisp." atsushi: *throws up in the garbage can* Lucy: D8> Kunikida: "..." *sighs* Dazai: owo;;; "....Maybe ginger ale, sweetie?" atsushi: in perspective.....having akutagawa stalking me sounds just about dandy. -___-; Kyoka: "...Never say that." atsushi: .x.; Lucy: *rubs his back* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Where's the best spot for the concert?" tsuyu: how about over there? Izuku: "Oh, great! Let's go!" -elsewhere- Mori: "And then she hit you, Q?" Q: TT3TT *nods* Mori: "Hmm...That was mean of her. I don't know whether that technically violates the agreement we have with the Agency, as that girl is not with them officially..." Q: *pouts* elise: =n= Mori: "Elise, what do you think we should do to her?" elise: *shrug* Mori: "..." *smiles* "I think we'll have a meeting with her..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *sets out the food* "Just about ready for the watch party!" fang-hua: awesome! Konro: "Should be enjoyable. The games so far have been competitive." Tsukiyo: "So the concert should be even better!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Y-You're sure the mark is gone?" stocking: *hands him a mirror* -yep, it's gone- Kid: *sigh* "Thank goodness..." *falls back* stocking: *stroking his head and hums* Kid: =w= stocking: ^^ Kid: "Thank you..." *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *laughing at an online video...* iris: *small chuckle* Vulcan: "Ha ha ha...Check this out. A giraffe was just born...It's so freaking cute." shinra: .-. Vulcan: "See? There's the mother tending to her child. And then--" *loud noises heard on the video* ???: "Kill that motherfucker!" -someone in video got tazed- shinra: .___.;;; Patty: *passed out in the grass* Vulcan: "...Sister? Why does that girl kinda look like you?" iris: i think that's takeru's girlfriend? Vulcan: "Huh. Hope she has a good lawyer." Baby Giraffe: Q~Q -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Lunch is ready." sonia: *nom* Chuuya: "You like pasta?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "It was a favorite of mine growing up, too." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "DOWN IN FRONT!" itsuka: hmm? Bakugo: "Can't see the stage..." -3- guy: WOOOOO! Todoroki: "..." ochako: *levitating them* how's that? itsuka: woah! Todoroki: "!!!" Bakugo: "Oh, sweet, I can see things." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "That's it for today. Go home." atsushi: *nods* Lucy: "Want dinner at home, or go out?" atsushi: maybe we could have dinner at home? Lucy: "Okay. Order in, or are you expecting me to cook something?" atsushi: just leave it to me ^^ Lucy: ^^ "Good." Kyoka: "Make it tasty." -elsewhere- yana: <im home!> FD: <Welcome. How did it go?> yana: <well, found out the guild remnants have a new leader of sorts> FD: <A capable leader?> yana: <from what i gather. but we'll see soon enough.> *smirks* FD: <Indeed. Something to look forward to...> -elsewhere- Poe: *shiver* karl: O^O~? Poe: "...Just felt something off..." karl: *resting on his head* Poe: *pet pet* ^^ karl: =w= Poe: *opens a new notebook, starts jotting* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *spits up dirt* "That was awful..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "I finished the forms." mary: awesome! louisa: that's good to know. ^^ Fitzgerald: "And what have you all been up to?" -elsewhere- Monoma: X____X pony: nate? you ok? Monoma: "I was hit by chicken...I'm dead now." pony: ._.; chicken man: i didnt do anything! pony:.... *picks him up* i'll take ya to da nurse, den. Monoma: X____X "My head hurts..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "...The music wasn't terrible." naoya: at least you got to enjoy yourself, today, right? Akutagawa: "Eh..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *sighs* hanako: hmm? Hibana: "Oh, nothing, sweetie." *smiles* "Just a lot on Mommy's mind." hanako: oh.... *resting her head on her lap* Hibana: *strokes her head* "Feeling okay?" hanako: yeah Hibana: "...I love you." hanako: love you too, mama. Hibana: ^^ *pat pat* -elsewhere- Joker: *sipping milk* "Ugh..." scarlet: how you holding up? Joker: "Fine enough--just overdid it on the drink. Needed something to settle my stomach." scarlet: ah. Joker: *passes a plate of cookies--all poker symbol shaped* scarlet: *nom* Joker: ^^ "Old recipe I had." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "..." *holds up a drawing* "Who did this?" *he's designed like a gorilla* iris: hibana sent that in the mail, today. Akitaru: "..." *hands it to Iris* "Burn it." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *holding a cross, rubbing his thumb along it* -silence- Hawthorne: *sighs* ("Please, God...") -...- Hawthorne: "..." *starts weeping* -...- Hawthorne: *tosses the cross down, covering his face* -.....- Hawthorne: *sobbing--as he starts slapping his wrist* "Stupid stupid stupid..." -.....- Hawthorne: "You're so stupid! What did you think was going to happen?!" -...- Hawthorne: *collapses against the wall...curls up in a ball and sobs* -silence- Hawthorne: *continues sobbing silently* -in another room- keek: *whimpering* i wanna go home soon.... *knock knock* keek: !?! w-who is- Hawthorne: "It's me." keek: oh....i see.... Hawthorne: "...May I enter?" keek:...s-sure, whatever. Hawthorne: *enters* "...Oh." keek: *she's by herself, huddled under a blanket on a makeshift bed* Hawthorne: "...Not the most comfortable beds here." keek:...its something.... Hawthorne: "...This place?...It is...not good." keek:...*tears falling* i never asked for this... Hawthorne: "...No one does." *sits beside her* keek: i've seen some messed up shit on the deep web. i-i thought i'd be prepared for something like this... b-but this...i-its too much....i just want my mom. *crying* Hawthorne: "..." *pats her shoulder* keek: *crying* Hawthorne: "...I'm sorry. This is...a trying time, to be sure." keek: a-am i just a bad kid? Hawthorne: "...No. No, you are not." keek: *sniff* Hawthorne: "This is...This has to be part of God's plan." keek:...d-does he hate us? Hawthorne: "No, no...He doesn't. God loves all of his children." keek: ..... Hawthorne: "We can't know what He wants...We just have to believe He knows what he is doing..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...Well, good night." fuyumi: night. Todoroki: *nods, turns and starts walking* -...- {Todoroki: *a child, hiding*} {-BOOM-} {???: get out here. NOW!} {Todoroki: *shudders, pushes himself further back under his bed*} {???: i know you're in there!} {Todoroki: *shaking, trying to keep quiet*} -...- Todoroki: "???" *his hand has moved to his scar--and he quickly pulls back his hand with a grunt* -silence- Todoroki: *shakes his head, keeps walking* -elsewhere- stocking: better? Kid: *nods* "Thanks..." stocking: any time, babe *smooch* Kid: =w= "So soft..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *hug* *sighs* "This is perfect..." stocking: *humming* Kid: *closes his eyes, resting with her* stocking: i love you so much, you know that? Kid: *opens his eyes, looks at her...nods* "...I do." *smiles* "But I appreciate the reminder--as if my love for you was not already a reminder." stocking: *chuckles and holds him* Kid: =w= *hugs her* "I love you." -elsewhere- Gin: "More?" *hold wine bottle* -elsewhere- Relan: "Zzz..." shinra: *tucks him in* Relan: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *asleep on the couch* mito: =w= sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *shifts slightly, pulling the blanket over himself and Sonia* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: *happy sigh, holds her close* -...- {Chuuya: *flipping through photos on his phone*} {rain: hmm? what are you looking at?} {Chuuya: .\\\. "!!! N-Nothing!" *on his phone is a photo of a younger Kouyou with a small boy wearing a big hat*} {rain: is that you?} {Chuuya: .\\\\\. *nods*} {rain: ^^ you looked really adorable....n-not implying you arent adorable now! *muttering* i mean your more handsome than adorable.. i-i mean- } {Chuuya: -\\\\- "I get it, I get it...Th-Thanks...Kouyou just insisted on sending old pics to me."} {rain: i see.} {Chuuya: "...This isn't fair. I should get to see a pic of you when you were a kid."} {rain:...i dont exactly have any on me...} {Chuuya: "...Oh. Sorry. ... Um...Want to see another one?"} {rain: sure ^^} Chuuya: *shudders* sonia: *shifting in her sleep* Chuuya: *opens his eyes* "??" sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." *tucks her in a bit more, looking up at the ceiling* -silence, the lights from the cars driving past shining on the ceiling- Chuuya: *closes his eyes, sighs* -elsewhere- Mori: "..." {Mori: "Do you like it here?"} {shizuka: *nods* i think this office will work nicely, mr mori. ^^ } {Mori: "I'm happy to hear. I imagine this will take getting used to, so if you have a question, please feel free to ask."} {shizuka: *nods* understood, sir.} {Mori: "I also would like to call in for lunch. Tell me, what do you like to eat?"} {shizuka: oh, it's alright. i brought my own for today, but i appreciate the offer, sir. ^^ } {Mori: "Not even a dessert?"} {shizuka: ah! darn i forgot. *sigh*} {Mori: "Then let me order you something. Name it."} {shizuka: eh? are you sure about that, sir? i-i mean you're probably busy-} {Mori: "I'm making time, because I want to make sure you are taken care of while you are at work." *smiles*} {shizuka: *small blush* um...t-thank you, i guess.} {Mori: "You're welcome." *sets a menu down in front of her, looks over her shoulder* "Pick what you wish. I'm buying."} -...- Mori: *sighs* "...I want something sweet." -silence- Mori: *hits the intercom* -elsewhere- Emine: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *turning in his sleep* -knocks on his door- Akutagawa: =___= *gets out of bed, answers the door* -it was gin- Akutagawa: *opens the door* "...Hello." gin: cant sleep? Akutagawa: "..." *shakes his head* "How did you know?" gin: sisterly instincts. Akutagawa: "..." *small laugh* "...Care to come in?" gin: *opens the door* *small nod* Akutagawa: "...Thanks." *sits down* "Can't sleep either?" gin: *shrugs* anything bothering you? Akutagawa: "...My regard for the Tiger." gin: ah. Akutagawa: "...I wonder what I should be doing..." gin: did you try telling him? Akutagawa: "...I did not get the answer I wanted." gin: ...*pats his back* Akutagawa: *shudders* "...I'm never going to convince him, am I?" gin: who knows. Akutagawa: "...I don't know what to do. I feel like I've wasted my time." gin: ....*hug* Akutagawa: "..." *hug* *sniff* gin: its going to be ok. Akutagawa: "...I hope so..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "It's okay, buddy..." *pat pat* toru: *hic* chie: *rocking him and humming* toru: .... Yohei: *smiles* ("She's so good at this...") chie: *humming* toru:.....zzzzz chie: *sigh* Yohei: *smiles at her* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi: *tucking her in* Kyoka: *smiles, resting more comfortably* atsushi:....*sighs and relaxes on the couch* .... Oda: How are you feeling? atsushi: alright, i guess. Oda: That's good. You deserve the rest. atsushi: *smiles and yawns* night. Oda: ...Good night. -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *unbuttons his shirt, lies down in bed* -silence- Kunikida: *stares up at the ceiling, arms behind his head* "..." *sighs* -...- Kunikida: "Hmph." *takes off his glasses, sets them on his nightstand, and turns off the lights* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sipping milk, walks into the garage* karin: zzzzz *asleep at her desk* Akitaru: "..." *takes a blanket, drapes it over her shoulders* karin: =w= Akitaru: *looks at her...then at what she is building* -it appears to be a pair of fisticuffs- Akitaru: *looks at the size of them against his own hands* -on the desk is a picture of karin and irina as kids- Akitaru: "..." ("To lose someone in your family...") -...- {ami: when i gwo up, im gonna be big and stwong just like you, papa!} {Akitaru: "Oh, really? Let me see that strength..." *holds up his palm*} {ami: *high five* hehe! ^^ } Akitaru: *sets down the photo carefully, exits the garage* -early morning- Chuuya: *yawns, opens his eyes...looks around* sonia: *asleep* mito: zzz Chuuya: *smiles* *nudge nudge* sonia: mmn? *yawn* morning, papa. Chuuya: "Good morning. Sleep okay?" sonia: *nods* i got to see mama in my dream again. she's making lots of friends. Chuuya: "..." *sad smile* "Really? That's really good. She talked with you?" sonia: *nods* she misses us a lot....i miss her too... Chuuya: "..." *nods* "That makes sense...We love her. And I wish she was back too..." *pats her head* "At least she is watching over you." sonia: ^^ Chuuya: "And I'm here, too. *hug* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "Your mom and I love you, Sonia." -elsewhere- Kid: *washing his hair* stocking: *streeeeetch* Kid: *smiles* "Sleep well?" stocking: *nods* you? Kid: "Quite well..." *his voice gets muffled, as he puts his head under the water to rinse* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Morning, Mom!" *he's in All Might pajamas* inko: morning sweetie. *kiss on the forehead* Izuku: ^\\\^ "I had a lot of fun at the concert! And I'm excited about the Festival! There's so much to do there!" inko: ^^ Izuku: "Want me to bring something home? They have delicious spongecake..." -elsewhere- yuuji:....*staring at the ceiling*....*sigh* *his phone buzzes* yuuji: *checking it* hmm? Aizawa: [where are you?] yuuji: [at the apartment. just woke up] Aizawa: [hurry up to the school. pick up cat food. Dry Bones brand. will pay you back] yuuji: ... [k] Aizawa: [thanks] -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Breakfast is almost done! How y'all want your eggs?" -elsewhere- Stein: *walking to school, carrying a first aid kit* "Wonder why Aizawa needed both of us..." valentine: hopefully there are survivors. Stein: "True. In any case, will offer good time to analyze the subjects..." Aizawa: "Yo." *waves* "Over here." -inside- Aizawa: *puts on his coat, steps into the hallway* valentine: so what's the damage? Aizawa: "Nothing too terrible. Just a fight that got out of hand..." Monoma: -____x valentine: i see. Bakugo: "HE STARTED IT!" valentine: both of you just chill out. -_-; *administering the tranquilizers* Monoma and Bakugo: *both collapse on the bed* Bakugo: *drooling* "Stoopid tranq..." Monoma: "Mah mooh mah..." valentine: -_-; Aizawa: "Thank you. Please tend to their wounds." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holding coffee* naoya: sleep well? Akutagawa: "A bit better after speaking with Gin." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...Just still feel conflicted." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "Zzz..." RHOD member: oi, get up. Hawthorne: =_= *sits up* "I'm awake..." *turns over--and sees his Bible on the floor* "..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sips tea* "So Bram, are you feeling better?" bram: a little bit, yes. *sigh* Fitzgerald: "...It is a difficult condition, isn't it?" bram: *nods* though it isnt nearly as bad as it used to be. when i was a child, i couldnt even leave my bed because i was so ill. Fitzgerald: "..." *nods* "That sounds horrible." bram: it was horrible. Fitzgerald: "...Well, I'm glad you have made some progress. And that you have help." bram: *nods* when i first met mary, she was being attacked by wolves, she didnt look like she had means of protecting herself, so i had to step in and chase them off. i sort of became a bodyguard for her after that incident. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...I'm surprised, given how different you two seem." bram: *nods* despite all the misfortunes that befall her, she always looks to the brighter side. it's a rather admirable trait to have in this world. Fitzgerald: "..." *looks down into his tea* "I suppose so...Would need to if we want to move forward." -elsewhere- Arthur: *wearing an All Might mask* shinra: ?? Relan: "...You actually bought one of those at the Festival?" Arthur: *muffled* "A knight must wear a helmet." tamaki: *sighs* *she has on a wild wild pussycats t-shirt* Relan: "Cool shirt, Tamaki!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looks at burrito stand* "..." eijiro: whats up? Todoroki: "Debating what to eat." -elsewhere- Lucy: *rolling out pizza dough* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "File this." atsushi: ?? Kunikida: "??? Problem?" atsushi: *shakes head* i'll get right to it, sir! Kunikida: "Thank you." *looks back at the letter* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, chewing a slipper* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Anticipating what the next round will be?" atsushi: not sure. Kyoka: "I hope it is one you win." atsushi: me too. Kyoka: "??? Oh. Hello." Chuuya: "Hey." atsushi: good luck! OwO;;; Chuuya: "...Relax. He's not here." atsushi: who? oh...right... ahahahaha....haaaa.... ^^;;;; Chuuya: "So, you two enjoying the festivities? I was going to take Sonia on some of the rides." atsushi: sounds good. sonia: *staaaare* Kyoka: "..." *waves* "Hello, Sonia." sonia: *waves* eijiro: eeeey! ozaki! what's up? sonia: ??? Chuuya: ^^;; "Not much..." eijiro: ?? who's that? your sister or something? sonia: no, he's my papa. eijiro: ^^........ OuO; Chuuya: o\\\w\\\o "...It's a long story." odasaku: awkwaaaard. Chuuya: "...Sweetie, this is one of my classmates, Eijiro." eijiro: um....hiiii? .u.;;; sonia:....spiky. Chuuya: "..." *small chortle* -elsewhere- Mori: "The others are at that Festival?" kouyou: seems so. Mori: "Hmm. Hope it yields good results...The child?" kouyou: *glare* you wont be laying a single finger on my granddaughter, understood~? ^^# Mori: owo;;;; "I was thinking nothing of the kind!" kouyou: you better not be. Mori: owo;;;;;;;;;;;; "...I still think she would enjoy a playdate with Elise." -elsewhere- Hibana: "More cotton candy?" hanako: yep! mikami: ^^ Hibana: "Here you go..." *plucks some for Hanako* -elsewhere- Dazai: *sitting on the balcony* namiko: TT~TT Dazai: "??? Hey, what's wrong?" namiko: everything pretty much.....the river looks nice today. how deep do you think it is? Dazai: "Oh! Oh! I know this one! It's three me's deep!" namiko: ......so from this height, i wont break my neck then. Dazai: "..." *calmly turns his head, still smiling* ^^# "...What?" namiko: uhh..... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Q___Q;;; Dazai: "Why would you want to do that?" namiko: my life is too stressful, my quirk just causes problems, my own parents forget i even exits half the time *mutter mutter* Dazai: "Yo, kid...What is our Quirk?" namiko: uhhhhhh..... Dazai: QWQ "...And why are my eyes burning?" namiko: *absconds* Dazai: "!!! Wait, don't just go!" -she escaped- Dazai: "...." *starts rubbing his eyes* "Jeez..." -elsewhere- Motojiro "..." *sighs* "Quiet." ayako: *sneak sneak sneak sneak* .u. Motojiro: *putting together a lemon device...* -elsewhere- Tachihara: *grunts* hirotsu: ?? Tachihara: "Just not feeling this, man. I think I need to have an actual opponent." -elsewhere- Gin: *in casual wear and a jacket* "Ready to ride?" *holds up a motorcycle helmet* higuchi: *nods* naoya: *thumbs up* Gin: *puts on her helmet, gets on the cycle* "Hold on tight." higuchi: *holding on* Gin: *starts the engine--and takes off* -elsewhere- Yumi: "More crayons, sweetie?" shiori: *nods* Yumi: *opens a new box* "Here you go! Just remember to draw on the paper only." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *his face is painted like a cat* "..." ochako: hehe, cute. Todoroki: "I was pressured into it." Izuku: ^^ *his face is painted like a bunny* ochako: brb. *goes to the stand, later she returns with her face painted like a puppy* Todoroki: "...Ha. That suits you." Izuku: *thumbs up* ochako: ^u^ Izuku: "Come on! Let's get a photo. You two first!" ochako: peace! *v sign* Todoroki: "Um..." *SNAP* ochako: hehe ^^ Todoroki: -\\\- Izuku: "Came out great!" *shows the pic* ochako: awesome! Izuku: "Yeah, you two look good in it." Todoroki: .\\\\. ochako: *giggles* you look adorable, todoroki. Todoroki: "...Th-Thank you." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...May I ask a question?" kirei: yes? Benimaru: "...My shoulders feel a bit sore." kirei: *rubbing his shoulders* Benimaru: *sigh* "Thank you...That is nice..." kirei: *smiles* Benimaru: "Kirei...I...love..." kirei: *smooch* i love you too. Benimaru: =\\\= *hugs her* kirei: u///u Benimaru: *rests his head against her chest* "...Your heart." kirei: *hug* Benimaru: *soft hum* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Another slice?" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Good work. I appreciate the cat food." yuuji: no prob. Aizawa: "How much was it?" *pulls out his wallet with his scarf* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking at a mannequin--which has some tech on it* "Nice threads." karin: thanks. it's a little pet project im working on. Akitaru: *looking behind it* "Got a name for it?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: *walking slowly with a slight limp* -elsewhere- Dazai: "--and then she ran away." yosano: huh. Dazai: "Any idea what was up with her?" *still rubbing his eyes* "Gah, they still burn..." yosano: hold on a sec. *hands him eye drops and pulls her phone out* Dazai: "Thanks..." *puts in drops* "What you looking up?" yosano: did she look like this? -on the screen is a photo of the pro hero, teary blue- Dazai: "That's her! I think. My eyes are still recovering." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Better head home. Be safe getting back." atsushi: good night! ^^; Kyoka: "Good night." *waves at Sonia* sonia: *wave wave* Kyoka: "That went well. You didn't get stalked." atsushi: ^^; Kyoka: "Want to stop by somewhere for food?" atsushi: sure! Kyoka: "Tofu. And dessert." -elsewhere- Gin: "Just up that hill..." *Gin parks the motorcycle...where a blanket is left...with a picnic basket* higuchi: wow, the view is amazing! Gin: *nods* "I scouted it out for earlier missions. Thought it would be the best location..." *holds Higuchi's hand* higuchi: ^/////^ Gin: *leads her to sit on the blanket, as she removes food from the basket* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *covering his ears* -___-;;; zoey: *moaning* FD: *grunting, slapping her bottom* Hawthorne: "It never ends..." keek: TT____TT i feel sick. Hawthorne: "..." *pats her shoulder* "Let's get you some ginger ale." keek: *sniff* Hawthorne: "...I'm sorry." FD: "Take it harder..." zoey: ah~! FD: "So close...So close..." *rests his fingers along her neck* zoey: nnh~<3 FD: *he pants--thrusts harder, his fingers increasing their grip along her neck, and then--* "ahhhh…" zoey: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~<3<3<3<3 FD: *cums inside her, his body shivering, his hand vibrating along her neck...before it shifts down, massaging her side* "Ah...God damn..." zoey: *panting, her whole body shaking* ah~ FD: *pulls himself out of her, massaging her sides* "How did that feel...having all of that inside you?" zoey: *pant* f-feels so good... FD: "I am glad to hear...It was excellent for me as well." *his fingers slide into her* zoey: ah~<3 *blush* FD: *his teeth bite lightly on her ear, as he massages her inner walls...he rubs himself along her side* zoey: *panting* m-master~ FD: "mmnn..." *licks behind her ear, his thumb along her clitoris...he's already getting hard again* keek: *urk* Hawthorne: *covers her ears* -elsewhere- Kid: *cuddle* stocking: =///////= *purrs* Kid: "Hee hee..." *smooch, pats her hip* stocking: *nuzzle* hehe~ Kid: *sniffs her hair* "It's fruity..." stocking: =////w////= Kid: *kisses the back of her neck, under her hair* stocking: this is nice. Kid: "Mmm..." *holds her, breathing steadily* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *sips her beer* "...Not bad." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *walking* yuuji: .... Todoroki: *spots Yuuji...narrows his eyes* yuuji: yo. Todoroki: "The former villain." yuuji: i have a name, you know. Todoroki: "Then actually earn the privilege of being called it." yuuji: tch-, you must think your hot shit because you’re the son of the number two hero, huh? whatever, its none of my business- Todoroki: "I think I am powerful and capable because I am. My parents have nothing to do with it. My actions speak for themselves--as do yours." yuuji: .... whatever. im not trying to be a hero or villain or anything here. im just trying to find a purpose in life, i guess. Todoroki: "...I guess that is all anyone can do. I can relate." yuuji: that's why i enrolled in the general department. im not exactly 'hero material'. im just me. Todoroki: "And why should anyone believe you won't continue being a villain?" yuuji: because the only reason i had to be a villain is long gone... *his eyes look dull* Todoroki: "...Oh." yuuji: .....*rubs his eyes* Todoroki: "...Need to sit?" yuuji: ....let me just get something from the machine real quick. *gets a soda* Todoroki: "..." *looks at flavors available* yuuji: i guess this is the part where i start elaborating my tragic backstory to you, right? Todoroki: "...I suppose so." *gets a cinnamon cola...He chills it with his touch* yuuji: when i was just a kid, my mom kind of walked out on us. few days later, my old man took his pistol and just... *puts his fingers to his head like a gun and 'pulls the trigger'* bang. Todoroki: "...Oh." yuuji: i ended up in foster home after foster home after that. one night, i got bored and just kind of left. decided to hang around the graveyard....that's where i met sachi. Todoroki: "Sachi?" yuuji: sachi inaba... her home life...she was way worse off than i was. her parents were one of those extremely religious nutjobs. we're talking westboro level nutjobs. they treated her like complete shit, all because she had a quirk. Todoroki: "...And so you two..." yuuji: we just took off. sachi was angry at the world. she wanted to make it pay for all she was put through. she thought 'if they wanted to treat me like the bad guy, then i'll become the badguy'. of course, this was after a few weeks of getting to know each other first, i mean, we didnt just elope on the first meeting, that'd just be silly. Todoroki: "...So you acted like villains." yuuji: yeah, eventually kurogiri found us and brought us in....sachi was happy. she had the life of freedom she always wanted for so long, and i just wanted to be by her side...then....*he is tearing up* she was....killed by mafiosos...by some...shadowy demon....i-it wasnt tokoyami, it was...something different... Todoroki: "...I'm sorry." yuuji: well, now you know my reasons, right? Todoroki: "Yes." yuuji: if you still want to judge, then judge all you damn well please. *sips his drink and sighs* Todoroki: "...Everyone has an origin story. Yours clarifies your motive." yuuji: i guess...its getting late, i should head home. thanks for the talk, i guess. hitoshi: *listening from behind a tree* ..... Todoroki: ".. Thanks for sharing. Night." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *looking at sweets at bakery* ranpo: *nom* Kunikida: *takes a cookie* "Any idea about the Rats?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *wipes off table* himawari: *tending to plants* Shamrock: "How are the plants?" himawari: doing well. Shamrock: "...They look healthier than ever." himawari: *small smile* Shamrock: "You must be treating the plants well." himawari: *nods* Shamrock: "Good work..." *sets out plates and cups* "I'll finish the tea." himawari: ^^ Shamrock: "Milk? Honey?" himawari: sure. Shamrock: *pours tea, then starts to add milk* "Say when." -elsewhere- Anya: *holding large bags of Festival souvenirs* -elsewhere- Hibana: "There you go..." *has made a flower crown* -elsewhere- Tool: *sips water* "..." *hiccup* -elsewhere- Mori: *signs the last form* "Here you go." miura: *nods and files it* Mori: *watches her* miura:...sir? Mori: "...You're surprisingly lifelike." miura: i'll take that as some kind of odd compliment, sir. Mori: "Sorry, it's just, given my medical studies, I didn't think it was possible for someone robotic to pass so convincingly as human--at least, when it comes to appearance and movement..." miura: i see. well, given technological advancements in the past few years... Mori: "...Can you change your voice?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Sleep well, okay? Need anything before bed?" sonia: im good. Chuuya: *smiles* "Yes, you are." *forehead kiss* "Sweet dreams, Sonia." sonia: night, papa. Chuuya: "Good night..." *turns off the lights* sonia: *closing her eyes* Chuuya: *carefully shuts the door, watching her as he does* sonia: *holding her teddy and sleeping* Chuuya: *shuts the door completely* -silence- Chuuya: "..." *puts some soft music on his phone, at a low volume* mito: *resting on the couch* =w= Chuuya: *sits down next to Mito, pets her before checking his phone* -text from; dazai, kouyou, kyouka, akutagawa- Chuuya: "..." *starts with Akutagawa* Akutagawa: [did you see the Tiger?] Chuuya: "..." [yes] Akutagawa: [okay thank you good night] Chuuya: "...???" *checks Kyoka's text* Kyoka: [pic] *It's of Atsushi* -it shows atsushi with tiger face paint- Chuuya: "..." *snort laugh, saves the pic* Chuuya: [that's pretty funny] Kyoka: [^^] Chuuya: *looks at Kouyou's text* kouyou: [doing well?] Chuuya: [okay. took sonia to festival] kouyou: [did she have fun?] Chuuya: [i think so. i took a pic] *attaches one of her with a candy apple* kouyou: ^^ [how cute!] Chuuya: [i know, right?!] kouyou: [^^ good night.] Chuuya: *smiles--then sees Dazai's text* o____________O Chuuya: "..." *covers his eyes* mito: 0^0~? Chuuya: "...Butt dial. Awful, awful butt dial." mito: *peeeeek* *Dazai is looking over his shoulder, blowing a kiss at the mirror...He's wearing only socks* mito: .... ._. Chuuya: "...He must have texted the wrong person. I _hope_ he texted the wrong person." *the phone rings, hiding the image* Chuuya: "???" *looks* Dazai: [...yeah, just ignore that. that wasn't for you] Chuuya: "..." [I KNEW THAT!] -it was a mass text (yosano: *deletes pic* ranpo: ....huh. naomi: ..... atsushi: .______________________________. WHY?!?! odasaku: ... no comment. ango: D.8 Kunikida: "..." *sets down the phone...writes onto his paper...pulls out a hammer from the page--and smashes the phone, along with his living room table*) Dazai: [well, i got other apologies to make. l8r!] Chuuya: "..." *covers his eyes* "Why..." (kirako: ..... ./////. nice ) (Dazai: "MY PUBLIC ADORES ME!" *hug*) Chuuya: "..." *lies back on couch* "Ugh..." mito: *rests on his stomach* Chuuya: "..." *pets Mito* mito: *purrrr* Chuuya: *closes his eyes* {Chuuya: *trying to take a photo with his phone* "...Did it flash?"} {kouyou: yes, yes it did.} {Chuuya: ^^ "I'm glad. I couldn't tell with the hat covering my eyes..."} {kouyou: did you two want to see how it turned out?} {Chuuya: *nod nod*} {Dazai: "Better hold it low enough for Chuuya to see..."} {Chuuya: Q_Q } {kouyou: *tugs dazai's ear* behave you. *she shows it to them*} {Dazai: QWQ } {Chuuya: "Oh! It looks good...Doesn't it?" *looks at Kouyou*} {kouyou: *she smiles and nods*} {Chuuya: ^\\^ "I'm glad."} {Dazai: *nod nod*} Chuuya: *opens his eyes* "...He still doesn't know how to take photos." -elsewhere- Gin: "Mmm..." *hug, kiss* higuchi: ^////^ Gin: "..." *pulls back...takes off her own jacket, hugs Higuchi again* "...So nice." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *shivers* kim: you ok? Jacqueline: *nods* "Just cold...Ironic." -elsewhere- Poe: *reading* karl: *asleep* Poe: *closes his book, puts on his nightcap--pets Karl before blowing out his candle* -elsewhere- lana: night dad. Mr Shephard: "Good night, honey. Get some sleep." lana: *smiles and heads to her room and goes to sleep* *yawn* {Poe: *smiles*} lana: =///w///= -elsewhere- mafura: ?? Touma: *looking at an old photo* -it appears to be of two men and a younger shuuhei- Touma: "Hmm...I wonder..." mafura: ~? Touma: "He did have some family..." -elsewhere- himawari:..... {-a sister is laying on the outskirts of a burning nunnery, bleeding badly-} {sister: <ah.....am i....going to die here?> } {???: You don't have to.} {sister: *she looks up* ?? } {*A man in a kimono stands...One sleeve covers his hand*} {Mr. Tsubaki: ...You can continue to live...in a way. But you would survive this.} {sister: *she reaches out* <please.....save me...>} himawari:....*sighs* Shamrock: "???" himawari: ?? ^^ just thinking. Shamrock: *nods* "..." ("She's talking a lot more now...") "I was wondering...whether you could help me in the garden this weekend." himawari: ^^ sure. Shamrock: *smiles* "Good...It will help before the weather gets colder." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Zzz..." *BANG* yu: WOAH WHAT THE *BAM* ow Vulcan: "?!!!" *sits up, looking around* -...- Relan: *sits up* ("Wh-What was that?") *BANG* Relan: "!!!" *looks at Button's cage* buttons: >~< *hiding under his wheel* *Loud moaning and growls coming from the hallway* Relan: Q___Q ("Vulcan, if you brought another wolverine into the building...") tamaki: what the hell is going on?! *There are dirt footprints in the hallway* shinra: *has a fire extinguisher out* tamaki: *arming herself with a mop* *The dirt footprints lead into...the cellar* tamaki: *gulp* *Chittering is heard--then, from the shadows...something is tossed at them* shinra: *tugs the nozzle* -SPRRRRT- tamaki: *SCREAMING* *PTPTH* STOP! STOP!! *The object tossed rolls along the floor at them...It's a donkey's head* tamaki: *SCREEEEEEEAM* iris: EEK! >^< shinra: WHAT THE HECK?! WHERE IS THE LIGHTSWITCH?! Relan: "I got it!" *presses the light switch--off...five times* "...Oh, right!" *presses it on* *DUN DUN DUN...* shinra: ._. tamaki: ._. iris: ._. Relan: ._. shinra: someone get the commander down here. *Arthur is on the floor, in an awkward pose, in his boxers, eating a very large chunk of meat...he's covered in something red* maki: O_____O what the heck?! Relan: *screams* karin: what the hell is he doing covered in ketchup? Akitaru: "Wh-What's going on?!" Takehisa: *yawn* "Obviously he wanted condiments..." shinra: a good question. iris: arthur? are you dead? *poke poke* Arthur: "Mmm...Meat...Hamburger...Fish...Squirrel..." yu: ._.; we really need a medic here. tamaki + shinra + iris + maki: so true. Akitaru: "Hmmm...I suppose I could start interviewing." Death the Kid: Relan: "Yeah, and a medic would help when Tamaki has her accidents--" tamaki: *glare* shinra: *protective stance* >8\ Relan: Q~Q Arthur: *suddenly wakes up--and his fist slams into Akitaru's jaw* Akitaru: "..." *unaffected* "...Um...???" Arthur: "..." *looks around--then at himself* "...Am I underdressed? Where's my armor?" *then sees the donkey's head* "AND WHO KILLED MY STEED?!" -elsewhere- Joker: *on the phone* -_____- "I know, I know..." -elsewhere- Stein: *typing at his computer...takes another sip of coffee* "Okay. Done with this file." -elsewhere- Dazai: *sips his beer* kirako: *buzzed* hehehue~ Dazai: "Hee hee...Really good, isn't it?" *pats her back* kirako: yeeeep. =w= Dazai: "Hee hee..." *reaches for her glasses, taking them off carefully--and putting them on* kirako: owo Dazai: "Do I look cute and sexy now~?" *bishi sparkle* kirako: *gets really close to him*.....i cant see shit. Dazai: "Then you won't see this coming..." *kisses her lips* kirako: O////O ?! Dazai: *leans back, smiling* "See?" kirako: TnT you naughty boy. am i going to need to punish you? Dazai: "If I keep misbehaving...will you?" *his hand rests on her lower back...and downward* kirako: *crawling onto him* you tell me~? Dazai: "I guess you will...Guess I have to be really bad..." *his other hand takes her breast* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *taps a finger on the table* bartender: *slips him some orange juice* Akutagawa: "Thank you." *sips* -early morning- Izuku: *skipping rope* -elsewhere- Kid: *small snore* stocking: ...... *kisses both his earlobes* Kid: "Mmm...Ah..." stocking: *kiss* Kid: "Mmm..." *returns the kiss* "...M-Morning." ^\\\^ stocking: good morning yourself, handsome~ Kid: "Hee hee..." *rests hand along her cheek* "Beautiful..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *hugs her* "I wish I could just spend all day here..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Hmm...Out of orange juice. Apple juice okay?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: *pours a cup for her* "Drink up!" sonia: *sips* ^^ Chuuya: "Good for you trying something new..." *pours milk on his cereal* "So, Gin and Higuchi will be with you today." sonia: okay. Chuuya: "They said they had some fun activities planned." sonia: *smiles* Chuuya: "And I'll be home tonight after the Festival. And we'll have ice cream." -elsewhere- Gin: "??? The small child who follows our lemonheaded explosives expert?" hirotsu: college student, actually. and yes, today is her birthday. Gin: "...And Motojiro has no plans to celebrate, does he?" hirotsu: not that i know of. in all seriousness, i think the young lady has forgotten herself. her mind seems to be all over the place. Gin: "Then a party may ground her." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Another cushion, please." TTWTT ranpo: *puts on his glasses*....dude. you guys are nasty. Kyoka: "..." kirako: ahahaha...haha...haaaa .w.;;;; Kunikida: "???" ranpo: i'll tell you when you're older, kunikida. yosano: yeah, im not even gonna touch that. Kyoka: "I think Kirako already touched it." -stunned silence- fukuzawa:...... *inhales* atsushi:......*FAINTS* odasaku:....*stoic face as a single tear falls* bruh. Dazai: owo;;; "Get him a cushion!" ranpo: preferably not one that was on your butt. Kyoka: *nod nod* Kunikida: "Yes." Dazai: o\\\w\\\o -elsewhere- Monoma: "..." *evil chuckling* hitoshi:.....*turns away and speed walks away* Monoma: "Yes...Yes..." *writing notes* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *puts on his kimono* ???: pardon me~ are you the head of this little town~? Benimaru: *feeling tense* "Yes." tsurugi: we're looking for this man, he's a vampire. a scary scary vampire! *holding up a photograph....of mr tsubaki* Benimaru: "Hmm...Yes, I did see this person." tsurugi: oh~? Benimaru: "A few months ago he had passed through, during an attack on this village. I had meant to question him--but he had escaped before I could." tsurugi: *pouts* i see. weeeeelll if you see him again, let us know~ *leaves behind a C3 business card* Benimaru: "Of course. Thank you." *turns and departs...heading to the infirmary* *inside* reimi: hmm? commander? Benimaru: *walks by Reimi, enters Mr. Tsubaki's office* reimi: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, commander! Welcome! How was that ointment for your--" Benimaru: *pulls back his fist...* Mr. Tsubaki: owo;;; Benimaru: *heats up his arm, increasing the force of his blow, extinguishing the flame just before his fist collides with Mr. Tsubaki's face--knocking the 'doctor' back into the wall* reimi: O_O ?! Mr. Tsubaki: *collapsed on the floor* "...WHAT THE EVER LOVING HELL WAS THAT FOR?! Homicidal nutty rage is _not_ a side effect of medicine for your--" Benimaru: "Oh, no, the doctor had a nasty fall from his chair..." *takes Mr. Tsubaki by the back of his head--and keeps slamming it against the floor* Mr. Tsubaki: "Ow!" *slam* "Hey!" *slam* "It's not my fault you--" *slam slam slam slam* Benimaru: "You're going to need a lot of bandages for that. Sister, please hand me bandages for the doctor." reimi: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Benimaru: "Give me the damn bandages! Now!" reimi: why are you attacking him?! Benimaru: *grabs Reimi by the shoulders* "They are hunting him. Need an alibi--and a disguise." *pushes her aside, grabs the bandages himself--and starts wrapping them around Mr. Tsubaki's face* reimi: ah! *wince* Mr. Tsubaki: "GRK--?!" *his mouth is covered, as Benimaru wraps his entire head in bandages* *muffled mutter groan* reimi: ??? Benimaru: "Yes, I know. You're welcome." *looks at Reimi* "The doctor is on leave until he recovers. He is not to leave his home. You better stay under the radar, too, in case they come back for you." reimi: what are you talking about? Benimaru: "..." *looks at her eyes* reimi: *worried* Benimaru: "...Vampire. I can't believe it." reimi:.......do you want us to leave? *tearing up* Benimaru: *pats her shoulder* "I wouldn't be hiding him if I was kicking you out right now. We'll discuss this further. Just get him home and keep him there." Mr. Tsubaki: *muffled yelling* Benimaru: *DEATH GLARE* Mr. Tsubaki: o______o *shuts up* reimi:.....right.... -elsewhere- Touma: *on the phone* "No sign of him?" tsurugi: not yet, but we'll find him soon, mr touma! ^^ Touma: "Any information you gathered?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *shivers* tsubaki: hmm? Shamrock: *looks around the room* "...Sorry. Just something feels...off. Or like..." *touches his eyepatch* tsubaki:...is it your.....y-you know...? Shamrock: "My eye?" tsubaki:....*she nods* Shamrock: "...It's like a phantom pain." tsubaki:.....i see.... how did it happen? Shamrock: "..." *swallows* "A mission that went badly. Training didn't prepare me...Bad information on the mission." tsubaki:...*pat pat* Shamrock: *nods* "...I was told by a supervisor that getting your scars in battle were just indications of injury..." *holds a hand to his heart* "...but that there are far deeper scars that do not heal." tsubaki: ...... Shamrock: "...I won't act like I'm at 100 percent, but I learn to live without an eye. Learning to live with other experiences...actions I have taken..." *stares into Tsubaki's eyes* "That is more difficult, to live with what you have done." {Masamune: "Sister...Want to play?"} tsubaki: *tears streaming* ...r....right... Shamrock: "!!! Oh dear..." *snatches four tissues out of the holder, quickly hands them to her* "H-Here..." tsubaki: *sniff* t-thanks. Shamrock: *pat pat* "I'm sorry." tsubaki: i-it's fine.... Shamrock: "..." *nods* "...It doesn't go away." -elsewhere- Poe: QWQ lana: is everything ok? Poe: "...I'm happy. So why am I crying? Did I break? Is my head torn asunder? Has my heart exploded into flames?" lana: ???? ...ACK! MY EYES! namiko: Q_Q Poe: "?!!!" namiko: *SCREEEEEAMS and runs* karl: Q^Q Poe: "L-Lana!" *looks at the person running away* "...What was with that person?" -elsewhere- Arthur: -_-; "Why do I have to get the groceries? I only ate all the hamburgers, most of the hot dogs, the chips, four bottles of ketchup, a Diet Coke--" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Are you coming down with a cold?" yuuji: ?? Aizawa: "You seem distracted." yuuji: ....just had a talk with a classmate the other day. Aizawa: "Oh?" yuuji: yeah......is mic not in today? Aizawa: "Hence why I asked you: he's under the weather." yuuji: ah. that sucks. Aizawa: "He may be back at work tomorrow--so I need your help today." yuuji: ok then... um...how do i use this? Aizawa: "...What? The microphone, the soundboard, or the tranquilizer gun?" yuuji: wait the what now? 0-0 Aizawa: "Mic gets overly excited. I need a nap. I tranq him, then I sleep like someone who is in a deep sleep." yuuji: .______.; Aizawa: "Is that a problem?" *aims the gun at him* yuuji: o______________________o not at all sir. Aizawa: "Good." *zips up his sleeping bag* "I'm taking my break. Get the studio ready." yuuji:...*sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Motojiro: -_______- ayako: O.O sonia: happy birthday. ayako: waaaait a sec..... *checks phone* ohSHITIFORGOT! Gin: ^^; "We tried not to." -elsewhere- Kishiri: .\\\. vivian: arent these outfits super cute? *in one of the cheerleader outfits* Kishiri: *nosebleed* "Wh-Why are you in that outfit, though?" vivian: i wanted to show off for you <3 Kishiri: .\\\w\\\. "I wasn't complaining...You look so hot." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "--and that's when Mom grounded me for a month." eijiro:....yikes. denki:....how do you _kick a ceiling_?!....on _accident_?! Bakugo: "I"m that good!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looks at his left hand* -...- {Todoroki: *crying, stepping back from a lit candle*} ???: todoroki? Todoroki: "..." *sighs, cold coming from his mouth* "Yes?" ochako: you ok? Todoroki: "Fine. Thank you. And you?" ochako: super excited! Todoroki: ._. "Oh?" -elsewhere- ???: "Atsushi?" atsushi: ?? hmm? Lucy: *looking down at him* "Wake up..." atsushi: *reaches up....his hand on her cheek* Lucy: .\\\. "Y-You had a pretty bad faint, from what they told me..." atsushi: ow, my head...am i dead? is this heaven? Lucy: o\\\\o "...No? J-Just stay down...I'll get more ice." atsushi:.... !!! *gets up* MY NAME IS ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA, 18 YEARS OLD! I WAS BORN MAY 5TH AND AM A MEMBER OF THE ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY! ...ok. i dont have amnesia, that's good. ahhhh. headache... shouldnt have been yelling. Lucy: -\\\- "I said lie down." *gently pushes his shoulders down* "You need to recuperate, or Dr. Hacksaw will try something desperate." atsushi:... ._. noted. Lucy: "..." *strokes his face* "Just glad you're relatively okay." atsushi: .... .//////. r-right.... .... *sweating* (thinking: OHGODNONOTNOWPLEASEGODOWNBEFORESHESEESITPLEASEGODPLEASE) Lucy: *smiles, leans down...* yosano: need some alone time, i see? atsushi: O/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O;;;;;;;;;;;; kill me Lucy: o\\\\o *looks over* "I-I was just checking his eyes! You know, make sure he can still see!" *her hands rest next to each side of his head* atsushi: OwO;;; yosano: ....*glance* looks like he can see and feel just fine. atsushi: O________________________O;;;; Lucy: "??? What does that mean--" *shifts--and falls forward* atsushi: O////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O Lucy: o\\\\\\\\\o *loud scream--as she slaps Atsushi's face* atsushi: yeah, i kind of deserve that. Lucy: o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o *pulls back...looks down, then up* "...I HAVE TO KNEED DOUGH!" *runs--into a wall* atsushi: could you do me a solid and dig a hole for me to die in? i would appreciate that. Dazai: *pops up behind him* "On it! Meanwhile, Doc will have to help Lucy--" Lucy: X______X atsushi: DAZAI WHEN DID YOU- nevermind. -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *reading his Bible* -...- Hawthorne: *whispers passages to himself* "...valley of death..." -...- Hawthorne: "..." *sighs...looks around* -the room is still. stagnant- Hawthorne: *sniff* "Ugh..." ???: *sniff* Hawthorne: "?!!!" *looks* -it is a younger hawthorne? bloodied and crying- Hawthorne: "...You again." -the boy looks up, empty holes for eyes and a wide smile- Hawthorne: "...I shouldn't be surprised." *holds his Bible closer* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "...They seem shaken." naho: *sigh* i dont know what to do. *hugging her pusheen pillow* Sakuya: "...I guess be there if they want to talk...Sure Black Star and Himawari know better than us..." naho: ....does black*star hate us? Sakuya: "...I don't know." naho: .... Sakuya: "...Dude's got all of us living here, Mr. Tsubaki trying to sleep with his partner and girlfriend...I don't like it. But I get why he'd be pissed." naho:......*frowns* Sakuya: "...We can't take it personally. He is letting us live here." naho: i guess. Black Star: "...Just have to be the kind of person we're supposed to be. Able to look ourselves in the mirror..." *glances at a mirror* -white*star is reflected- Sakuya: o_o;;; "...How long you been listening?" Black Star: "..." *looks away from the mirror* "Long enough." naho: .... Black Star: "...I don't hate having either of you here." naho: really? Black Star: "Really. I'm not upset with you all." naho: hmmm... Black Star: "...What have I done to make you feel that way?" naho: well, um.... >->;;; Sakuya: " 'Damn vampire' tends to be a common phrase from you..." Black Star: "Yeah, but--" naho: *puppy eyes* Black Star: o\\\o "St-Stop that! I'm just saying, like...you all just showed up here out of nowhere, and everything got all turned around--" naho: *puppy eyes intensify* Black Star: Q____Q "...I'M SO SORRY!" naho: *hug* TT3TT Black Star: *hug* TT__TT -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *bandaged, in bed* -_____- reimi: .... Mr. Tsubaki: "...How did they find me?" reimi: i dont know.....what do you plan on doing now? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I got nowhere else to go. And I'm not leaving you here to get captured." reimi:.....but asakusa is my home now... Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "So I'm not leaving. Not right now..." *cringes* "...Do I stay in hiding? Change my face? Stay a fox?" reimi:....im not sure.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Why did your commander hide me?" reimi:....im not sure... Mr. Tsubaki: *sighs* "He seems protective of what is inside this community...Maybe that's all..." -elsewhere- Monoma: *still chuckling evilly* hitoshi: *avoiding monoma like the plague* student: that monoma kid freaks me out student 2: are you _sure_ he's a hero? Monoma: *smiles, now friendly* "The plan worked perfectly. Now onto Round 2." -elsewhere- Izuku: *holding a giant frog plushie* "...Thanks for winning it." ^^; tsuyu: any time. Izuku: "Looking forward to the next round?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: *staring at his bowl of ice cream* "...Thanks." itsuka: no problem. ^^ Bakugo: "...Good that you moved onto the next round." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *hammering metal* "Just a bit more...Yu! Where are the fuel tanks?!" yu: i got them here. Vulcan: "LOAD THEM IN, THEN!" yu: on it! -elsewhere- Gin: "The cake was delicious." ayako: zzzzzz higuchi: seems she tuckered herself out. Motojiro: -_- ("Thank God...") Gin: "I'll carry her to her bed." -elsewhere- Mori: "It _is_ tasty cake." ^^ elise: *nods* Q: true that! Mori: ^^ "And some ice cream." *scoops out some* -elsewhere- Kid: *adding peppermint to dessert* -elsewhere- Hibana: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Touma: *tracing paths on a map* mafura: ~? Touma: "Where could he have gone..." *all paths lead to and from Asakusa* mafura: is mr foxy there? Touma: "Only place he could be." mafura: aaah. Touma: "...Mafura. How would you like to visit a friend of mine?" mafura: uu! mafura-chan would love to meet one of mr touma's friends!
0 notes