hells-wells · 1 year
Just when you thought the next few chapters were done 😅 and you decide to do mega edit
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Imagine asking Barry to not change your past…
You grabbed Barry by the elbow and slowed his pace to match yours before he dashed off into the pipeline for another trip to the past.
“Hey, I need you to do me a favour when you’re back there.” You requested from the speedster and watched as he concentrated on your next words. “As tempting as it gets, I need you to let my story play out - all of it.”
Barry nod and shrugged off the comment. “Of course, why would I-”
“All of it, Barry. And that includes my relationship with Thawne.” You clarified and the young man immediately scowled and stepped back.
“No, come on. Y/n, he manipulated you to get back at me-”
“I know.”
“He intentionally broke your heart!”
“Barry, I-”
“Hell, he even killed you in the first timeline that I reset - the same one that I’m going to.”
You stepped forward and placed a hand on his shoulder while staring into his face in the hopes that he would calm down a little.
“Barry, I know what he’s done and I'm well aware of what he’s capable of.” You reminded him softly. “I hate him but I… I also loved him more than anything. And his betrayal helped shape me into the person I am today. It doesn’t make sense but I need that to remain intact.”
Barry fell quiet. He didn't like the idea at all. If he had his way, he would risk the future just so you wouldn't have to endure the emotional scars from Thawne.
But he had to respect your wishes. He couldn't be selfish.
"I'll do my best." He replied and that was the best he could offer in that moment.
~ More imagines here ~
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marvelsgirl616 · 4 months
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He’s so 😫🧎🏻‍♀️
I need some dark!barry or softdom!barry soo bad
That dark/mischievous glimmer in his eyessss 😫
I know it’s big
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hope ur having a good day! i wanna ask for some Eobard Thawne x Male Reader where reader is just a normal dude. Like just some guy, i think itd be a funny concept :]
Eobard Thawne x male reader
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I love Thawne sm, he’s my bbygirl. He’s a lil crazy, but that’s okay.
Now Thawne is literally just the biggest hater in all of existence, like God damn. He runs on hate and spite, and I appreciate that, because its relatable.
Youd most likely have met after he’s been in a fight with some hero or similar. Maybe he crashes into your yard or into your apartment. You don’t know much about heroes, you know the main ones sure, but you don’t keep track of all of them.
So, when you see someone who looks like a yellow flash in your yard bleeding out, you just kinda shrug and drag him inside, patching him up to the best of your ability. You get the head part of his suit off him and your pleasantly surprised at how red his hair is, you’ve always liked redheads.
You know nothing about speedsters’ preferences for food, and your used to cooking for just one person and have meal prepped for that. But you pull out some snacks you got laying around and a bottle of water, and put it on table beside Thawne, where you flopped him onto your couch.
When Thawne wakes, he’s immediately ready to fight, until he notices he’s just laying on someone’s couch, in a random living room who knows where. He’s honestly confused, because he’s a well-known villain and was in the middle of a fight.
He almost jumps up to throw hands when you walk into the room, eating whatever dinner you had prepped the day before. Imagine his surprise when you just go “hey, your awake. I found you in my yard, you good?”
Insert very confused Thawne, he tries to pull the whole, evil villain thing, but you are so chill and unamused that he just ends up giving up. One way or another you two just end up sitting on the couch and watching the newest episode of your current show.
It becomes a thing honestly. In the beginning he shows up after fights for you to patch up, even though you know very little first aid, but whatever. You put up with it, because if that’s the payment you have to pay for a hot redhead to sit shirtless on your couch, so be it.
Thawne won’t admit it for a long time, but he starts to enjoy your company quite a lot. Maybe it’s the fact that you couldn’t care less about him being a villain or what he does that has heroes after him. Or maybe it’s the fact that you don’t put up with his shit either.
The first time you scolded him and called him an idiot, his heart stuttered, and he won’t ever admit but his face got almost as red as his hair.
You tell him with a flat expression that he’s eating you out of house and home, because of speedster metabolism, so Thawne starts bringing groceries and helping around the house.
At some point you two realize he’s just kinda moved in, like a big street cat you’ve been feeding on your porch, that walked inside and just never left again.
You two never outright say you are dating, it just hits Thawne one day that you guys are cuddling on the couch and watching movies, and that you guys give each other kisses before you go to work, or Thawne runs off to be a villain like normal.
Its honestly quite domestic. I could imagine Thawne taking care of housework since you are the “breadwinner”, since you are the only one with a legal job. Sure, Thawne steals to get money, but he also starts stealing stuff you guys can use around the house.
Imagine Barry and the other speedster’s confusion when Thawne steals a brand-new dishwasher, or a whole porch set, chairs, tables, and all.
You never stop Thawne, since being a villain is kinda his whole thing, you just tell him not to do it with you around, so you have plausible deniability. You do appreciate the gifts he brings you too, but you never mention how most of the shirts he brings you are a little tight, you know he likes looking at you.
Thawne goes a lil crazy when you come home after work wearing your slacks, your button up and your tie. He always wants to be the one to undo your tie so he can pull you into a kiss.
He gets you expensive accessories you can wear to work, think watches that cost more than what you make in six months, tie clips, rings, etc. Everyone at your job honestly think you have some super rich sugar daddy.
You are both quite happy with your relationship, and theres nothing better than coming home to Thawne in an apron, cooking up in the kitchen. He always purrs when you come in through the door and swaggers over, drapes his arms over you, and asks about your day.
After some time, you two get engaged, it just kinda happened. You guys already act like a married couple, but one of you would have proposed. If it was you, you’d pull out a ring on a date or just during one of the evenings you are cuddling on the couch. You would use your family’s heirloom ring.
If its Thawne, he would go out of his way to make a huge deal out of it. hed rob the highest security jewelers in the world, or force the best jewelry maker to make a custom ring.
When the heroes show up its most likely Barry, maybe some of the others since Thawne has been MIA for a long time. They assumed he was planning something big, but he’s been busy playing househusband for you this entire time.
When they learn he’s trying to get a wedding ring they all thing “wait he’s got a lover???”. Thawne is gone before they can catch him though.
The heroes assume the worst, and assume his partner is as much of a villain as he is. Then Barry gets a wedding invite, written by you, since Barry’s been Thawnes nemesis for who knows how long.
Barry has always been a good guy, and since the invite specificlally says not to start anything at the wedding, he goes. Barry goes with the plan to scope out Thawne and his partner, but also to support him cuz its Barry.
Then he sees that Thawne is marrying you, the most normal guy he’s ever seen. When he talks to you, he realizes that you truly love Thawne, and though Thawne doesn’t say it with words, it’s clear the way he looks at you that he’s completely smitten.
The wedding goes great, and Barry is a big supporter, especially when he realizes Thawnes villainy has gone down a lot because he’s so happy with you, that he doesn’t wanna put you are risk.
It ends up becoming a peace thing, Thawne doesn’t do anything huge and Barry wont lock him away for life or have him thrown in the phantom zone. Thawne wont target Barry’s family and alike, and Thawne gets to stay with you.
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khayrrilrainxwells · 1 year
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mykinkyyandere · 1 year
Hello Princess
Pairings: Yandere! Reverse Flash / Eobard Thawne (Harrison Wells) X f!Reader
Summary: You don't know where you are or how you got there but all you know is this scary man wants you so bad.
Warnings: Yandere, dark, chasing, stalking, following, enjoying from cries and being scared, implied sexual harassment, implied noncon, kidnapping, pet names, obsession, possession, naive and scared reader
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"Oh, look at this view! What is an angel like you doing out there in these cold and dangerous streets?"
You heard a deep, robotic voice that froze your blood. So you kept running. Sure, if you call it "running". You stumbled and walked with "fast" steps, as waking up lying on a road at such a late hour naturally panicked you. You were dizzy, about to fall, but tried to keep your balance. You had to stop and breathe every few seconds because you were so weak.
"These streets are crawling with villains. What if a mean, rough one sees you? What a bad man could do to a soft babygirl like you!"
You tried to "run" faster, but you fell. You didn't know if you tripped or just because of weakness, but you couldn't take it any longer. You couldn't get up from the ground so you lifted yourself with support from your arms. You looked around in fear, like your heart was going to pierce your chest. Who did this terrifying sound belong to? Where were you?
"Help!" You sobbed so hard. You cried so much that your calls for help were barely heard. You couldn't do anything else, you were so miserable. At that moment, a figure appeared before you. Yellow, blurry and with two red eyes. Were you dying?
The figure came ruthlessly closer and closer to you, even as you crawled backwards screaming. With an almost sadistic slowness. As if he was enjoying your vulnerable and frightened form. As if he was in no rush and enjoying your warm tears. As if listening intently to your high pitched, trembling and whimpering voice.
"Oh, my poor little girl. So scared, all helpless and confused." You were about to pass out, but he didn't seem to care. In fact, you could even say he liked it. He spread his legs wide as if he was proud of the dominance of his big body over your small, curled one and stood right in front of you. He tilted his head and listened to your pleas for a while. How you begged him not to hurt you and let you go.
Sitting down in front of you with one knee on the ground, you shielded yourself with your one arm out of self-preservation. He let out a visible dark smile and held your chin before you could resist. At that moment, his blurry vision and red eyes were gone, replaced by a rather attractive man with a devilish smile, without his mask.
"Hello, princess."
You felt a chill when you first heard his intense, real voice, which evoked strange feelings in you. You wanted to use the arm you were holding in front of you to pull him back, but you were too scared to make him mad. On the other hand, you couldn't take any more support with one arm and you were shaking but you didn't want to pull your arm down, like you could even protect yourself with it. As you were about to lose your balance, he grabbed you by the waist and placed you on his knee. He had a smile on his face as he ran his hand over your cheek. His eyes focused on your widened ones. "Oh, look at you. You're so beautiful yet so defenseless. In desperate need of protection. Your delicious, weak little body needs a hero, like me."
"No... What- Who are you? What happened to me?" Your voice was hoarse from tiredness and you cried silently. He soothed you as he stroked your hair. "Shh... It's okay, you're safe with me." He lifted you a little and whispered in your ear. "I'm a superhero"
His suspicious laugh made you shudder even more. "No- Let me g-"
"Let's go, princess." And in the blinking of an eye, he took you to a place you don't know where.
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mcbenson25 · 5 months
I Have Something For You (Eobard Thawne X Reader)
A/N: Helloooooo. Here's a little one-shot that didn't make it into More Than He Bargained For that I thought you would all enjoy!
"I have to go out of town for a couple of days," Eobard reluctantly informed you, his expression softening as he looked down at your pouting face. "What? Why?" you protested, your eyes searching his for an explanation.
Eobard couldn't resist the charm of your pout; it made him feel guilty about leaving you. A warm smile graced his lips as he reassured you, "I have to do this thing for work, but I'll be back before you know it."
"Impossible," you countered, pressing a quick, affectionate kiss on his lips before snuggling closer to him. "I always hate when you aren't here."
He sighed, his gaze fixed on you. He wished he could freeze this moment, capture it in eternity. You and him…happy, lovers. You made the stagnant existence in this time period bearable. "Why can't you take me with you?" you asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.
"You know I can't," he replied, his voice filled with a touch of regret.
You groaned in response, not happy but acceptingly. "Alright."
A comfortable silence enveloped the room as the television droned on in the background, providing background noise with its latest stock market analysis.
"I have something for you," Eobard suddenly broke the silence, his voice infused with anticipation.
Your eyes lit up, and you sat up eagerly, a smile tugging at your lips. "Oh? What is it?"
"We have to go outside, though," he teased, pressing a tender kiss on your lips. "Meet me outside," he said, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.
You giggled as you watched him almost trip on his way to your shared bedroom, his playful smile and wink leaving you with a sense of curiosity. Grabbing your shoes, you headed outside to join him.
Eobard's house was a cozy haven, nestled alongside the lake bordering Central City. The backyard was a sight to behold, with towering, lush trees adorned with delicate jar lights. A beautiful garden with a meandering stone path guided you towards the shimmering lake. From this vantage point, you could also see the dazzling cityscape, adding to the enchantment of your little piece of heaven.
"It's beautiful."
You turned around and found Eobard standing beside you, a gentle smile playing on his lips. Your heart fluttered at the sight of him. "It is," you replied, unable to contain your joy.
"Oh, I wasn't talking about the view," he sweetly retorted, his gaze filled with affection.
You couldn't help but grin, feeling the warmth spread across your cheeks.
"Before I go, I wanted to give you something, but first, I have to ask you something," Eobard began, his voice laced with nerves.
Curiosity ignited within you. "Okay," you responded, your voice soft and filled with anticipation.
He took a deep breath, his hand trembling slightly as it ran through his hair. "Is everything okay?" you asked, concern creeping into your voice.
"Yes! Yes, I just—" he stammered, his eyes meeting yours before he finally gathered his composure. Stepping forward, his voice regained strength. "Will you marry me?"
You stood frozen, unable to process the question at first.
Did he just...?
Oh my goodness..
He just asked me to marry him
"Yes, of course!" you squealed with delight as he kissed you passionately, sealing the moment. As you pulled apart, your eyes glanced down and spotted a dazzling diamond ring with your beloved gemstone nestled in the center.
Overwhelmed with joy, you looked up at him and said, "I love you."
A radiant smile graced his face as he replied, "I love you too."
Taglist: @khayrrilrainxwells @kirareaper13 @i-dont-care-lol @cursedfaechild @lovepeaceorelse @roryjames82 @brianllamawrites @achromaticerebus @honeybeezgobzzzzz @bellagomez-barriga @readingfanficdonotdisturb @tahiraseoti @roguerieka22
Hope you enjoyed this little snippet! Please feel free to leave any comments or thoughts as well as ideas! Love you all!
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sarawritestories · 1 year
A Birthday Wish
Eowells x Fem reader
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A/N: I am aware that i have not posted. It's been busy as all hell this week and plus balancing stories on here, but my own work is challenging, and I haven't quite gotten a routine down. I plan on posting stories that have been requested next week. Thank you for being patient! I figured in honor of my birthday being today, I'd write a little something for you to enjoy 😊
Summary: It's the Y/N's birthday, and she is trying to keep a low profile as she doesn't want to be the center of attention. Thanks to Cisco, Team Flash does find out and wants to celebrate. As she returning to S.T.A.R. Labs the man in yellow appears, she flees to meet Harrison only to find out there is more to him than she thought
Content Warnings: mentions of drinking (socially not to get drunk), kidnapping, brief gagging, being tied to a chair, and 1 very brief NSFW scene
Tags: @twilightlover2007 @eonash @yetanotherwells
Y/N awoke to the blaring alarm clock stumbling to turn it off she instictively grabbed her phone. Texts from her parents, wishing her a happy birthday already waiting for her to read. She groaned as she sat up another year, around the sun, and all she had to show for it was bad knees and a constant ache in her back.
Y/N was not a fan of being the center of attention, so she has kept her birthday a secret from her friends, not wanting them to make a big deal out of the day. Though it did not mean she didn't want to look nice. She put on her favorite teal dress that had capped sleeves and fell to her knees and put on her favorite flats, and was out the door.
When she arrived at S.T.A.R Labs, she found her friends hard at work as Barry was stopping an active robbery. She slid into her desk and brought her computer to life as Barry raced in the cortex, a huge smile on his face. "Nice work, Mr. Allen," Harrison's voice caused Y/N to look up at the man, his expression warm with a glimmer of pride causing butterflies to flutter in her stomach. "You are progressing nicely, and don't think you escaped my attention, Miss Y/L/N." His eyes met hers as smiled.
"Birthday Girl in the house," Cisco bellowed, standing up fist bumping the air. Y/N's head snapped toward him as everyone else's gaze fell to her.
"Today is your birthday?" Barry questioned brows furrowed, "Why didn't you say anything? We could have decorated the cortex and got you a cake."
Y/N sighed, "I didn't want you guys to feel obligated to do anything for me. It's just another day, nothing to have a commotion about," she shrugged, looking back at Cisco. "Spill it, how did you find out?"
Cisco bit his lip as Caitlin turned to him, "How many laws did you break doing it Cisco?"
Cisco put his hands up, "No laws were broken, I hacked into the ccpd database to look at your employee file."
Harrison's brow furrowed, "Hacking the police is breaking the law, Cisco. Regardless of how the information got out, it's out." Harrison wheeled over to Y/N and grabbed her hand, "We love you, sweetheart, and you being here another year is worth celebrating with the people who love you the most." He grabs her hand and places a kiss on the top of her hand, and Y/N was convinced her heart had stopped at the motion heat rising to her face. "Now, the four of you go on and enjoy the day off, celebrate with Y/N. I'll stay here and keep watch if something happens I'll call."
Barry changes out of his suit, as Caitlin and Cisco grab their jacket, big smiles on their faces. Y/N looked to Harrison, his eyes, a vibrant shade of blue that rendered her speechless on a good day, "You sure, we don't need to close up shop on my behalf."
Harrison took off his glasses and looked back at her, "Y/N, it's in my experience that life is short, and because of that, celebrating victories or even stopping to celebrate a birthday is worth doing. And tell you what when you're done going out and drinking Cisco under the table,"
"Hey!" Cisco grumbled, causing everyone to chuckle as Harrison smiled.
"You come back here tonight and have dinner with me. Sound good?"
Y/N's heartbeat raced as she nodded her head and stood from her seat. " That sounds lovely, Dr. Wells."
Cisco shouted, "Well, let's go. People there are drinka to be had and laser tag to play, come on!" The other 3 companions rolled their eyes as they all made their way to exit.
~later that evening~
"Shot, shot, shot, shot," the trio of Caitlin, Barry, and Cisco chanted as the burn of alcohol met her throat with the shot. She looked at the time on the phone, her eyes wide. "I have to get to S.T.A.R labs," she sat up and tried to pay, but Barry blocked her with his hand, "Come on guys, let me pay for something.
"Absolutely, not its your birthday. it's our jobs as your friends to cover birthday festivities. Plus, we want to do this because you're part of our family now."
Tears welled up in her eyes she could feel their love radiating off them, "I love you guys so much!" She rushed to give them all a hug. They held their group embrace for a minute before Y/N pulled away. "I have to go. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Then Y/N was out of the bar heading toward a potential date with Dr. Wells.
Her mind was spinning with all the scenarios this dinner could begin when a blur of yellow sped past her into an alleyway red lightning tailing the blur. Y/N closed her eyes, "It's in your best interest to ignore what you saw." That may be true, but she could get some answers, and she would be lying if curiosity didn't get the best of her most days!
She groaned as she walked into the alleyway to be greeted with eyes glowing red, his body vibrating to the point of distorting his features. "Hello, Y/N, it's about time we meet." His voice distorted with his vibrating as well.
Y/N took a sharp inhale, "You know who I am?" She took a hesitant step forward.
He sped up to her, his chest close to her own, her breathing quickened as fear began to take over. He raised a hand to her, and she flinched, anticipating a hit that never came. Instead, his leather clad fingers grazed her cheek tenderly, his other hand moving from her side down to her hip. "I know a lot about you, Birthday Girl." Her eyes widened, and he chuckled.
His vibrations began to slow as the red dissapeted from his eyes turning into a familiar shade of blue. "Hello, sweetheart." His voice matched that of Harrison Wells, and her breaths were short and rapid as if she wasn't getting a lot of oxygen. She forced his arms away and backed away. Suddenly, the alleyway was spinning, and black was grazing her vision. The man in yellow took his mask off and revealed what she feared, Harrison Wells was the man in Yellow. Y/N's eyes rolled in the back of her head, and before her body could collapse to the floor, she was in the arms of the man who killed her best friend's mom.
~few moments later~
Y/N woke up, her vision blurred, but slowly becoming clearer, she was in a place she wasn't familiar with. As the memory from the past hour flooded her brain, she tried to jolt up and run, only to find she was strapped down to a wheel chair. Not just any wheelchair, the one Harrison uses. Panic flooding her system, she began to scream out, "Someone Help me plea -" a large hand landed firmly over her mouth, muffling her pleas for help.
"Shhhh, it's me," Harrison whispered in her ear, causing her to flinch. He moved around his hand, still placed over her mouth. "I'm going to remove my hand only if you promise not to scream and be good. Can you do that?" She nodded her head. Harrison smiled and lowered his hand he waited a moment for her to scream. When she didn't, he patted her cheek, "Good-" she spit in his face instead.
Y/N smirked as he wiped her saliva from his face. "You know I can't say I didn't deserve that. But will you let me explain."
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Why should I, Harrison? You killed Barry's mom. Why would I-" Instead of silencing her with his hands, he did so with his lips crashing to hers. She found herself kissing back as his hand slid up her thighs and up to her ample breast, eliciting a moan from Y/N. He kept teasing the area her nipples were until they became peaks, causing Y/N to get aroused.
Only for him to pull away his hand slides from her breast to her neck and up her cheek. "I'm in love with you, Birthday girl. It's why i wanted to have dinner with you. However, I couldn't justify being in a relationship with you if I wasn't honest. Will you hear me out, Sweetheart?"
She searched his pleading eyes for any lies, and she couldn't, so she nodded her head. "One condition, let me out of the chair. I can't feel like we are on equal footing if i feel like your captive."
He nods and presses a button on his chair, releasing the restraints. Was she going to really hear them out, "You killed Barry's mom."
"I did," he nodded, and he told her the whole story of how he was stuck in this time and how he fell in love with her the moment he saw her in S.T.A.R labs. He pulled her onto his lap, and she didn't move against him. His touch still provided comfort still even after all the horrible things he's done. "What are you thinking about, Sweetheart?"
Y/N pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, not looking into his eyes. "You killed a lot of people. You killed Barry's mom. How do I know you won't kill me, too?" She looked at him, "Why tell me at all? Why today of all days?"
He slid his hand down her arm, gripping her wrist, his strong hand firm, yet gentle he raised her hand up and kissed the palm of her hand tenderly. As she swore at her stomach for the butterflies fluttering around at the gesture. "I am a lot of things, Y/N, but one thing I know for certain is my love for you and my need to keep you safe. As for why today? Well, beloved, it's because what better gift to give than for you to see me all of me."
Y/N looked from his gaze for a moment and back at him. She dipped her head closer to his and pressed her lips to his briefly. "I am going to have to think about this. You're a killer, and just being with you is a risk, along with keeping your secret."
Harrison or Eobard, as she found out was his real name, nodded his head. "I feel there is a 'but'"
She nodded, "But I had one wish for my birthday this year." She rubbed his arm and moved her hand to his chest.
"What was your one wish, Y/N?" He whispered, clearing his throat impacted by her touch.
She looked him in the eyes, her smile bright, "You. I wanted you."
Eobard stood up with Y/N in his arms and sped off to his home where he placed her on her feet. He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "Consider your wish granted, Birthday Girl. I will always be yours until I'm ash in the ground. I will spend every moment of my living days proving that to you."
She smiled at his words, gripping his black sweater in her fist and forcing him down to her level for a deep kiss. She pulled away with a smirk, "Let's start with you on your knees, Speedy." She whispered against his lips, causing the older scientist to growl in response as he sped her into his bedroom where he would spend the rest of the night granting her birthday wishes.
I hope you enjoyed it!
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soft-persephone · 3 months
Laying With the Devil
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AN: I wrote this when I was in high school and I orphaned it and I just remembered it exists after finding a google doc of the last chapter. So I searched in AO3 for hours to find it!
MDNI? (I wrote it when I was a minor so idk)
WC: 11k Unfinished // AO3 Link // WA: Explicit (again I was a minor. Violence. Light mention of abuse but no details, emotional manipulation // summery:
“A brave man is an man who dares to look the devil in the face and tell him he is a devil.” — James A. Garfield
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random-imagines-blog · 11 months
Imagine Eobard Thawne risking his life to save you.
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Eobard thought he knew what it was like to lose everything. All of the times that The Flash had humiliated him, made him lose faith in himself, lose faith in the only idol that he ever had, he was sure that he had felt it all. He lost his job while working diligently on creating on his own suit, he lost touch with his family because he was so busy building this persona, this superhero. He thought he knew it all, until you came into the picture.Until you became someone whom he could lose.
He had three choices ahead of him, and none of them seemed ideal. He could a) save you from the fire that he knew that you were caught in because you had called STARLabs looking for help, though this would mean potentially putting himself in the hands of Barry. b) He could stop Barry, and knew that if there were any fatalities in the building because of their fight, Barry would blame himself which would work well into his plan. Or c) he could stay here in his Harrison Wells disguise and do absolutely nothing.
“I have to use the bathroom, excuse me,” He said to Cisco, and wheeled out of the room while Cisco was on the comms to Barry, leading him to the sight of the fire. He didn’t go to the bathroom. He went to his secret room, clamored out of the chair, and pulled on the yellow suit. You were the only good part of the timeline. The glue of the team, the one who took care of everyone. You had been taking care of Harrison for a while now, never suspecting that he was anything or anyone other than who he had said that he was. You were the only person he felt guilty lying to. You were almost as important to him as his mission.
There was no other real choice but option A.
A yellow light streaked through Central City as he arrived at the fire. He couldn’t slow down, even if that meant giving himself away. You said you were on the fifth floor, having come for an appointment about something or other. Barry couldn’t show favoritism. He couldn’t just get you out. He was too good. He had to try to get everyone. But Eobard wasn’t the good guy here. He could be selfish. He could just get you.
His particular light was noticed, and Barry steered in his direction, trying to push him away, out of the building, somewhere else to fight. Or at least to distract him from the fire so he could get the citizens out and then fight. But Eobard was not to be put off. He crashed into Barry’s side, pushing him into the flames and kept going, up the stairs, his feet barely touching the ground, fifth floor - he saw the sign through the heavy smoke. And then it was his turn to be hit, to be thrown off of his guard and slammed into one of the walls which had a weak foundation, crumbling away and causing him to be thrown to the ground, nearly to the window. He got up, having to focus on moving his face to keep the blur up, then speeding past the flash to search through the rooms. It was like that game, Beyblades, with the way that they were bumping into one another, trying to throw each other off of the path. But it was, ultimately Eobard that found you first. Who scooped you while Barry was distracted by trying to get a hold of himself after a particularly nasty push, and brought you down to the ground safely.
You were in shock, to say the least. Barry, you expected. The Man in Yellow? Not so much. But he had saved you, despite his reputation for violence and hatred. “Umm - thank you,” You said. You couldn’t see his face through the blur that he was causing, not a single feature could be made out but you thought you were looking at his eyes. “Thank you,” You said, more stable this time. He didn’t say anything, didn’t dare, just made sure that you were on your feet, and then rushed off without another word, straight to STAR Labs, straight back to his Harrison clothes, to the wheelchair, and wheeled himself out.
“What did I miss?” He asked, returning to Cisco’s side, looking at the monitors.
“Man in Yellow, y/n is safe,” Cisco muttered, distracted. “I don’t see any sign of him anywhere. Looks like he left the scene Barry. I can’t find him.”
“Okay, I’ll just take care of the rest of the survivors,” Barry’s voice came through. Eobard didn’t sigh in relief, at least not audibly. On the inside though, yes. You were safe. He wasn’t caught. The risk had all been totally worth it.
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hells-wells · 1 year
Sorry! I am writing but I've been hit with a really bad flu (not CV) I'll be editing once my brain doesn't feel like fried eggs 🥚and uploading
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jokingmisfit · 11 months
‘First’ Sights Part 1
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~Based on season 2 episode 11 Eobard meets the reader for the first time. This is loosely based and does have quite a twist on things.~
Eobard x Reader
Warnings- Mentions of mourning lost love, mentions of betrayal, Reader doesn’t really like Barry, mentions of the reader wanting to die
Part 2 Coming tomorrow!
Sometimes it felt like she couldn’t breathe. Other times it felt like there was too much to feel, to feel at all.
After losing her husband because of his own betrayal, to watching him get wiped from existence itself, to Barry Allen's insults and berating, to a new Harrison Wells, and back to the prior issues.
She hated. It’s all she could feel anymore. After all, why keep feeling when you could just stop. If only she could stop the hate.
She hated Eobard Thawne. She hated that he was gone.
She hated Barry Allen. She hated the Flash.
She hated Team Flash. She hated Harrison Wells #2.
She hated living. She hated herself. She hated life.
Despite this, she kept fighting. She kept pushing. She stayed with the team and helped in every way she could.
She helped Barry learn to walk again.
She helped Cisco develop new technology.
She helped Harry get his daughter back.
She helped save life after life, still she felt nothing but hate. Every time someone got hurt or cried in her arms, she’d do anything to help; she’d pretend to feel whatever they needed because if she continued like normal maybe, just maybe, she’d be “normal” again.
She played the game well. She played it well enough that none of them noticed the frigid look in her eyes. Ever since him her heart was vacant. She felt hollow and if anyone were to notice the way she was when there were no eyes on her they’d know what she was.
Everyday she grew harder. More and more roughness around her edges. She was a shard of glass. She wondered what would shatter what was left of her broken soul.
That’s what she was wondering when she got the call.
I watched it ring. I always do. I don’t really care who’s in trouble this time, it’s just another thing to do. Another thing to distract me till something else comes to do the same.
It’s a tiring cycle. There was always a way to end this cycle, but I’m too stubborn to give life that kind of satisfaction. 
Answering the call, I put it on speaker. 
“What is it this time Cisco?” 
I hear him sigh shakily, “Um we need you to get here, like now. I don’t have time to explain it, just get here please.”
Before I even answer he’s hung up the phone. I wonder what’s so important he had to call me. They never really do that.
I get in my car and make it to the Lab in 20 minutes. When I walk in I’m met with immediate chaos.
“Where have you been?” Harrison asks, “ Do you have any idea what’s going on?”
I kept walking in as we spoke. “No not really... Cisco called ‘n said I needed to get here then hung up.”
He paused. Stopping me he held me in that spot.
“It’s Thawne, he’s not the same one you remember but one from before he ever came back here.” A beat, “He got pulled in through one of the portals.”
I could feel his eyes ripping through my own. I could feel his hands gently laying on my wrists. I could feel my hands shake in the grip.
My dead husband’s not so dead. I didn’t know what feelings were creeping up on me, but I pushed them down.
I tear my hands away from him with a deep breath. “Why should I care? Hm? You pull me in here just to tell me this-”
Before I can finish he cuts me off. “We called you here because we need you to convince him to help us send him back.”
“That’s stupid,” I say tiredly. “He doesn’t know me. You’ll have a better chance with the Flash asking him.”
“We’re still trying to convince Allen he needs to send Thawne back. And as much as I’m sure it bothers you, he spent years with you enough that he married you.”
“Enough that he lied and faked being someone else? Enough that he threatened to kill me?”
“Honestly, do you think he would have. I can’t imagine spending all that time with someone, being so intimate and not feeling anything.” Harrison says, searching my eyes.
“That’s cause you’re not a sociopath Harrison… Eobard is.” I whisper.
After so much time having all this emotion to hit me so suddenly was making my normal roughness waver. I could see Harrison struggle; he’s never seen me show much emotion, yet here I am slipping up in front of him.
I sigh as he remains silent. “There’s no winning in this… Let’s just get it done with.”
Pursing his lips he nods and walks off.
After a few minutes I get my stuff put up and we head down to the pipeline.
“Why are we keeping him down here? I get doing it before because he didn’t have all his speed back then, but this time… Why doesn’t he just phase through the glass like Barry had Oliver do that one time?” I say skeptically.
Harrison seems to debate what I say for a moment. “I don’t know.”
Not the answer I was expecting from him but I’m not going to argue. I really don’t care all that much. I told Eobard the day he left I never wanted to see him again. I remember he screamed at me;  it was a maudlin plea. Point being, if he escapes then I won’t have to see him. He’ll never even know I was here.
Luck never really was on my side however. Walking into the pipeline the first thing my eyes catch is that yellow suit. I assume the only reason he’s standing so purposefully right now is because he heard Harrison and I make our descent to him.
I wanted to look anywhere else but those blue eyes held something far deeper than I had anticipated. He looked like he wanted to eat me whole. He also, however, looked relieved like a man who was finally able to breathe again.
In my attempt to gain some control over the situation I had decided to bring my tablet. After every big bad we catch I do a psychological evaluation to see where they should get placed. That’s why here and now I decided I would play the same role I always had, even if I'm trying to get different results.
He said nothing as Harrison and I stepped closer to the glass cell. After checking the cell's status I nodded for Harrison to leave the room.
I finally spoke. “My name is Y/n. I’m here to do a standard psychological evaluation, the more you comply the quicker I can leave you alone. Please don’t lie,” I say looking into his eyes, “I can tell when you are. If everything is clear we can begin.”
Eobard looked shocked, his blonde eyebrows raising slightly with a hint of a smile.
“Given you’ve said nothing I’m assuming we can begin.” I blink blankly at him. “What’s your full legal name?”
I look up at him. “You already know it, and if you don’t then why would I tell you?” He replies smoothly.
Sighing I roll my eyes. “This isn’t for me, it's to make sure you know it.”
“Please, this idiotic. I expected more from you.” He complains.
Anger fills me as my thin patience unravels. “If you want to get home Eobard I insist you comply. Alright?” I ask sharply.
“Who said I wanted to go back just yet.” Eobard says inquisitively.
“Why wouldn’t you want to go back, you spent quite a bit of time trying to before, now you don't?” I ask back.
He leans on the wall of his cell, settling his arms into place in front of his chest.
“There’s something I need to collect before I can go back. I get it, I leave. Simple as that.”
“What is it that you want from this time period, Thawne?” I question sighing.
“As much as I’d love to tell you, it’s much too soon for that little one.” He smiles, almost, warmly.
The pet-name made me stiff. I remember when he called me that, he only did after we got married, only did it in private. He always said it’s the first pet-name he ever thought of for me, It made me feel sick.
“First, don't call me that.” As hard as I tried my voice still wavered as I spoke. “Second, you aren't getting anything you want while in that cell, so if you really want whatever it is you’re gonna have to go home without it.” I spoke frigidly.
“This little cell isn’t going to stop me, pet, and you know that.” He moves off the wall, smiling. 
“Listen, I don’t really care what you want… I just want you to go away.” I look down. “Clearly you’re coherent enough and aware of your surroundings and actions. That's all I needed to chart, so I’ll go ahead and leave you alone.” I say smiling bitterly.
Before he could say more I turned to walk out. I could hear him call for me to come back, could hear him scream my name, but I couldn’t turn around. The tears burned my eyes. I haven’t cried since the night I had officially lost him. I haven’t cried, but here I was running down the halls trying not to completely shatter on the ground.
I made my way up to the roof when I finally took a breath. Shaking I sent a text to Harrison simply stating, ‘he wont leave till he gets something he wont tell me what it is,’ hitting send I decide to send one more message, ‘be careful.’
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marvelsgirl616 · 3 months
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Professor Wells :)
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Eobard: “No matter what you do, Y/N. Barry will always choose Iris over you. In the grand calculus of the multiverse, they are endgame. Destined to always find each other. You're just a stepping stone in their glorious love story.”
Y/N: “Well, destiny's about to get a rewrite because I'm not letting him go, and I don't care what you say. This time it's different.”
Eobard: *Smiles* “Don't say I didn't warn you after he breaks your heart.”
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
⚡ At War With Love
At War With Love: You, the companion and girlfriend of one Harrison Wells, haven’t exactly been honest with your friends, or your boyfriend. As it turns out, your secret isn’t a secret to all, and the man you thought you were dating has been keeping secrets of his own. 
Warnings: Language, Wound Description. 
To Note: Eowells x FemaleMeta!Reader.
Word Count: ~3.4k
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You were still yanking your wrists against the restraints holding your arms to the chair long after Barry had run off with Professor Stein. He hadn’t known you were being held too and you figured that your friends were only now starting to wonder where you had gone. Well, you at least hoped they were wondering. You weren’t exactly sure where your worth as Harrison’s… companion, lay, amongst Team Flash. 
Looking down at your bloody wrists, you bit down on your lip at the sight of your cut skin. Your ability to regenerate was quite slow, so the cuts in your skin were in various stages of healing making you had been held prisoner for weeks, rather than six long days. Discoloration was scattered all along your wrists and forearms. The broken skin looked worse.
To be honest, you looked a lot worse than you had been dealt with, mainly because you had put up one hell of a fight when they took you, and not once had you made anything easy for them. Breathing as a fresh wave of pain cut further into your arms, your eyes lifted from your body to look at Eiling who was currently in the process of pouring himself a drink. 
“I’d pour you a glass, but you have proved to be far too much trouble to wander around free, Miss Y/L/N,” Eiling said as he recapped the bottle. You glared at him before yanking at your wrists some more, splattering more blood on the concrete floor beneath you. “Though your healing abilities might prove useful.”
“Doubtful, I can’t control it,” You spat back with a growl. "How useful can it be?"
“I'm going to go out on a limb and guess your friends don’t know about it, do they…” Eiling guessed, your flinch told him that he had guessed correctly. 
The doctor you had seen hanging around walked forwards with a big nasty needle in hand and a betadine scrub in the other. Your eyes went wide and you started struggling more, yanking hard at your wrists. 
“No need to struggle,” Eiling spoke up as two soldiers walked over and put their hands on your shoulders, shoving you forwards in your seat to expose the back of your neck. “We just need some of your lymphatic fluid. If we militarize your healing factor, our soldiers will be that much better, nearly indestructible. Consider it your contribution of humanities greatest invention.”
Gasping and jerking against the hands holding you forwards, you found your struggles a fruitless task as your hair was shoved to the side and the betadine scrub was brushed over your neck. Nails curving into talons, your nostrils flared as your heart raced in your chest, the anticipation building. The moment the needle entered your neck, you felt sharp pain and your limbs twitched. 
A small whimper slipped from your lips and feeling the needle slide further, you dug your fingers into the chair until you could feel your fingernails breaking. A heavy wheeze flowed from your open mouth when the needle stopped going in and you could feel it pulling liquid out. That made you twitch even more against the hard hands holding you down. 
“And that’s what we need for now,” The Doctor said before yanking the needle out. Letting out a grunt, you shook off the hands on your shoulder while feeling fluid dribbling down your neck. You didn’t know what it was but you had a feeling that it was either blood or something much worse. 
“You know that they are going to find out that I’m missing eventually, right?” You croaked out, lifting your head to glare into Eiling’s eyes. 
“Oh I’m counting on it, you see, you are also my insurance that Wells continues to cooperate with me, you’re my way of keeping him in line,” Eiling said before picking up his glass and looking at the doctor. “Tell me what you find, if we can synthesize something that helps speed up healing. I want to know what makes her tick.” 
“Understood.” You drooped where you sat, dejected and wondering if you were going to end up as a lab rat because of some weak meta power you had gained. There was a sound of retreating feet and you knew you were left to bleed in your chair. Considering that you already had wounds your body was trying to heal, your neck wasn’t going to close up anytime soon.
A drop of what was oozing from your neck slipped around to the side and dropped from your skin, hitting your exposed knee. It was red, you think you prefer blood to spinal fluid. The ache in your wrists went onto the back burner, your neck burning in pain and echos of the needle jabbing in on replay in your memories. You trembled in place.
You chose to stare at your leg, watching the occasional red drop of blood slide from your neck and splash against your skin. Ever so slowly the frequency of the splashes slowed down, indicating that your healing was kicking in. You didn’t know how long you sat there, slumped over, your head hanging down as your predicament really started hitting you. 
You were the perfect lab rat for Eiling, a solider with self-healing capabilities was a better, faster, more robust soldier. No doubt the doctor would find some way to enhance the speed of healing, and as long as they had you, they would have an unlimited supply to test on. Softly groaning, your fingers twitched as a peculiar numbness started taking over your body. Were you going to pass out because your body was overwhelmed with things to heal? Perhaps, and maybe that would be a relief. You were hungry, so hungry, and the bags of saline occasionally pumped into you did little to curb the raw hunger in your stomach.
While you were trying not to wallow in self-pity and break down in tears because you truly were expendable… you heard electronics in the room crackle for a moment. Lurching your head up in confusion, because the last time you had heard that, Barry had entered the room a few seconds after, you looked around. Surely Barry hadn’t come back… had he? Your eyes blinked in confusion as Eiling picked up on the fluctuation as well. He didn’t even get out one word before he was gone, his glass shattering on the floor and the liquid splashing on the floor.
A gasp just barely slipped through your lips. It didn’t take your brain long to connect the dots, but what was he doing here? Dumbly staring at the broken glass as the soldiers in the room started muttering between themselves, you didn’t have to wait long for something to happen again. The crackle happened once more, and with your mind just barely registering that the restraints had been removed, you found your sluggish and limp body swung up into a pair of deadly arms. 
Whimpering out in pain at the sudden movement, you blinked hazily at a vibrating yellow suit and then red eyes. Despite your lethargic state, you were still freaking out on the inside. Yellow suit, Reverse Flash, pretty sure that was a bad thing? What did he want with you? Lying limp was all you could do while cradled in his arms, any movement you did only seemed to inflame your neck. One lethargic blink and the world was moving. Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried to ignore the sudden roll your stomach made at the movement. You had always hated it when Barry zipped around with you but at least now you felt so weak the thought of throwing up seemed the least of your worries. 
It seemed that just as quickly as the movement started, it came to a stop, causing yet another wave of nausea to briefly run through your body. Groaning softly as your stomach threatened to rebel, you felt your body being set down and your limbs flop around. You forced yourself onto your side to huddle in a small, trembling ball, pulling your torn-up wrists to your chest to fully hunker down. 
Leather fingers gently brushed your messy, greasy hair away from your neck and your automatic response was to whimper and shrivel. Nothing was jabbed into your neck again and a rather light touch brushed along the aching skin. Flinching slightly, you forced yourself to turn your fearful eyes to the glowing red ones of the Reverse Flash. 
“I was wondering where you had gone to, you aren’t one to wander or disappear,” His garbled voice said as he crouched down so you were at eye level. “I should have known Eiling would have gone after you.” 
“Why?” You whispered out weakly. Leather gloves were soon plucking one of your wrists, raising it to reveal your discolored skin and lines of scabbed over cuts. 
“Your gift of healing is quite valuable, Y/N,” You didn’t have the energy to question how he knew your name, or how he had come to find out about your healing factor. The Reverse Flash always seemed to know everything.
“It’s slow and I can’t control it, how is that valuable?” 
“It might not be powerful now,” He responded before his body stopped vibrating and he was pulling the cowl down. Your eyes widened as your next breath caught in your throat and you choked on it. Harrison smiled gently down at you. “But it will be.” 
“I don’t understand and I’m not sure I want to,” You croaked out while Harrison ran his thumb along your uncut skin. You should be feeling a multitude of emotions right now, but all you felt was exhaustion and emptiness. 
“I know,” Harrison said with a light smile, the smile not reaching his eyes which were storing with intense thoughts. “We will talk, Y/N, when you are feeling better. Try to get some sleep.” 
You would have snarkily shot back that how could you possibly sleep after being held captive for a week and then finding out that he was the Reverse Flash, but all you wanted to do was sleep. So that’s what you did.
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You woke up curled up on your side with a blanket carefully tucked around your aching body. The aches in your body were nothing new, they always appeared when you had to use your healing abilities extensively. It sucked and you felt like a zombie for the days afterward. At least that feeling was also shortening in duration. Perhaps it was getting better.
Slowly lurching your tired body into a sitting position, you looked to the nearest window, it had been nighttime when Harrison had rescued you. Now it looked like it was late afternoon, maybe early evening. You had slept the day away. 
Holding out your right wrist while clutching the blanket around your shoulders, you looked at the fading marks from the restraints. Dried blood was smeared all over your skin, but the area around it looked well on its way to being fully healed. You lowered your arm and looked down at your leg peeking out from underneath the blanket. That too was smeared with blood. You were a mess, an absolute mess… and yet you barely had the energy to care. 
You tentatively reached out for the floor with your bare toes, intending to get to your feet and hunt down a certain man that had a lot of explaining to do. Standing up wasn’t exactly effortless, and several grunts and soft noises escaped your mouth before you stood hunched over without swaying side to side. 
Tottering over to the door with the blanket dragging behind you, you pulled it open and blinked when you were greeted with the familiar sight of Harrison’s house. You followed the hallway to the main area of the house. When in doubt, you would find Harrison somewhere on the first floor. Hopefully…
You reached the stairs and carefully started shuffling down them, using one hand to grip the railing. It was slow going, your legs still feeling quite wobbly underfoot but you managed to get down the flight of stairs without tripping and falling the rest of the way down. Your feet hit the first-floor marble, it was cool against them and soothed the aching feeling that dug deep into the pads. 
The first thing you picked up on was the lovely smell of freshly brewed coffee which made your feet start heading in the direction of the kitchen, blanket still dragging behind you. You walked through the hall of glass walls and tentatively emerged in the sleek, modern kitchen.
“How are you feeling?” You blinked at that mundane question before slowly tilting your eyes to the floor and shrugging half-heartedly while tightening your fingers on the blanket around your shoulders. “Y/N, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what happens when you heal.” 
“I get sore,” You answered in a quiet, scratchy voice. “And my energy is drained, I sleep a lot, and I look sickly. It doesn’t feel good.”
You heard the sound of a chair soft scraping on the floor as he got to his feet. Your eyes stayed trained on your feet. You saw his feet come into view and seconds later fingers were gently pulling your chin up so you had to look him in the eyes. 
“When was the last time you ate?” Harrison questioned, you pressed your lips together before responding. 
“What day is it?” He let out a sigh at your question before guiding you over to the dining table. 
“Sit, I’ll fix you something to eat.” Slumping in a chair, you pulled the blanket further around your shoulders and buried your chin and mouth in the soft fabric. Your pretty sure you fell back to sleep sitting right there because one moment you were staring at the tabletop… and the next fingers brushing hair out of your face were drawing you from sleep. 
You jerked ever so slightly where you sat and stared at the table in front of you where a plate of the leftover pasta dish. With Harrison's proclivity to pull all-nighters, you always made several freezable meals for him in advance. This had been one of them. 
“Eat,” Harrison said while holding a fork out in front of you. Your hand appeared from your swaddled mess of blankets and gingerly took the fork from him. Slowly, you started picking at the food in front of you. 
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Your eyes stared at the bathwater that was slowly turning pink from the dried blood on your body. You had food in your stomach, had slept some, and yet all you did was sit in the bath staring at the water with a vacant look. Your eyes drifted to your wrists and the fading bruises, the only evidence left of being tied up.
You suppose you should be feeling more than you currently were given the situation you had been in twenty-four hours ago. Pulling your knees towards your chest, you wrapped your arms around your legs and stared at your fingers. Soft blue light flickered between your fingers, fuzzy and unstable. 
Harrison reentered the bathroom, a change of clothes in hand. He paused for a moment before setting them on the counter and walking over to the side of the tub. A soft blue glow was sparking between your fingers. Your powers. They would manifest much quicker now. Harrison knelt next to you and reached over to take one of your wrists. 
“You are supposed to be washing the blood off.” He commented before taking the washcloth you were supposed to be scrubbing the crusty dried blood from your skin. “Y/N,”
Your blank eyes slowly lifted to look at his. 
“He did a number on you, didn’t he,” Harrison continued as he took your chin in hand and brushed his thumb over your lips. This was the first time he had ever seen you so out of it, so listless, almost broken even.
“He wasn’t going to let me go,” You finally responded numbly. “Not with my power at his disposal. He wanted to use me to make his perfect soldiers.” 
“Eiling won’t be a problem any longer, and he certainly won’t ever be setting eyes on you again.” He told you sternly, darkness flashing in his eyes. “I will make sure of that.” 
“I protect my own, Y/N, you are mine, and mine alone.” He answered simply before running the washcloth along your bloody skin. Your brain didn’t have the energy to mull over his words any further as Harrison continued to gently scrub the dried blood from your skin. The water changed to a darker pink color as the blood was washed from your skin. 
Through your numb state and zero reaction to cleaning your body up from the mess, Harrison never once used more than a gentle touch. 
“I always found you and your gift to be stunning,” Harrison went on, slowly drawing the washcloth over your shoulder to clean the trails of dried blood from your neck. All that remained from the needle mark was slightly redden skin. “That’s what drew me to you, in my time, you are legendary.”
He went on to explain who he really was, and how he had gotten trapped in the past. Your numb state took it all in without reaction, and when he started washing the dirt, sweat, and grime from your hair, you stared up into his face. 
“For someone so brilliantly smart,” You started, blinking up at him. “I don’t understand how you could have ever been fascinated with someone like me.” 
Harrison’s lips twitched into a soft smile as he pulled the extra shampoo from your hair. He then pulled the drain on the tub and got the faucet going once more. 
“I wanted to know who the legendary woman idolized in my time was as a person.” He explained while running a hand underneath the stream of water. “And believe me, I have not been disappointed. You have no idea how bewildering it was to me when you of all people agreed to date me.” 
“Do you know how bewildering it was to me that someone like Harrison Wells would even give me a second glance?” You muttered underneath your breath as he started running the detachable showerhead over your hair. “If you haven’t noticed, I bumble around a lot, not exactly ‘legendary’. I’m mundane, boring, o one ever noticed me.”
“Maybe not now, but you will be.” He answered as he continued to wash the soap from your hair. Eventually, you were finally clean from your week-long captivity and Harrison was wrapping a towel around your body and pulling you back to your feet. Somehow, you found the will to change into the clothes he had grabbed from the stash of clothes you had kept at Harrison’s house when you stayed over. 
Dressed in a shirt and shorts, and with your hair hanging limp but clean around your shoulders, you crawled into the bed you had shared with Harrison. Only one thing was on your mind. Sleep. Curling up on your side, you allowed yourself to succumb to the strong urge to hibernate until your energy was replenished. 
You wish you could have said that your sleep was peaceful, but for some reason, Eiling’s face echoed in your subconscious and phantom pain from your previous injuries and torture pulsated underneath your skin. You found yourself thrashing among twisted sheets, your heart racing like never before as you nearly hyperventilated. Hands were grabbing at your flailing limbs and preventing them from flying about while noises of panic and desperation passed through your lips. 
“Y/N, wake up.” A strong voice said, jarring you out of your nightmare. "Y/N!"  
Eyes flying open as you gasped on air, your fear-filled eyes met Harrison’s blue ones before daring around, looking for danger.  
"You're safe, you're safe," He said gently as you shook in his arms like a leaf. Your lips pressed together as you tried to stifle the whimpers pouring from your mouth. You slumped against his chest and tried to control your rapid and heavy breathing. While you slowly drifted back to sleep, Harrison ran his fingers through your wild bedhead. One last thought entered your mind before you truly slipped back under.
You definitely still had feelings for Harrison, but knowing that he was the Reverse Flash changed everything. Was it even safe to be near the man that you had been dating for a long time? He said that he wouldn't let anything happen to you again, but would you eventually need protection from him?
You were at war with your love. Who was going to come out on top? Your love for Harrison? Or your love for your friends? 
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Date Published: Heck if I Know
Last Edit: 6/22/23
EoWells Masterlist
The Flash Masterlist
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urprinceoflove · 1 year
The Flash Master List
Master List Key:
fluff - normal text
angst - italicized text
coming soon - crossed out
✩ - posted on old acc. (mostly for myself)
OG Harrison Wells/Timeless Wells
✩ Lost Love
Harry Wells
✩ Cuddle Shirt
✩ Cold, Lonely Lake
✩ Kitty Calls (Headcanon)
HR Wells
✩ Mistaken Relations (Songfic)
A Scientist’s Secret
Sherloque Wells
✩ French Cuddles 101 (Headcanon)
Nash Wells
✩ Stargazing
✩ Into the Air
✩ The Only Language I Speak
✩ Forgetfulness
✩ Bed Monster
✩ Lovable Idiot
A Second of Your Time (Headcanon)
✩ “Tough Villain”
✩ Heroes and Villains
OG Eobard Thawne/Mattobard
✩ The Dance of a Lifetime
✩ “Tough Villain”
Multiple Wells
✩ A Special Something (Headcanon)
✩ Hooked on Love (Headcanon)
✩ Birthday Surprises and Love (Headcanon)
✩ Children of Magic (Headcanon)
✩ Jealousy, Jealousy (Wells x Wells)
Hoping Eight Lasts Prolongedly Master List
Ralph Dibny
Catching a Feeling
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