#epic the musical eurylochus
thisismyfunblog · 23 days
I thought this might be funny
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scrumptiousfoxglitter · 2 months
I don't think I've seen anyone talk about what Eurylochus was gonna say to Odysseus in the beginning of the Circe Saga? Probably because there isn't much to talk about but I'm 75% sure he was gonna confess to talking the crew into opening the bag that let out the storm given how guilty the dude sounded.
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fluffypotatey · 4 months
I wonder if there’s a part of Eurylochus that resents Polites
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teamfortresstwo · 1 year
So. Eurylochus, symbolic of Odysseus’s doubt along his journey?
He questions his every move, from the sheep to the wind god. And, unlike Odysseus, Polites dying sends him even further into the “ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves!” Mindset which directly parallels him. However, in his worry during ‘Luck Runs Out’, we see someone who cares more about the lives of the crew than Odysseus himself does. Because Odysseus, by ignoring his doubt and concerns and only leaning towards pacifism, is getting his crew killed. (Sure the wind god thing worked out, didn’t mean it couldn’t have gone horribly wrong imo.)
Now, in the situation with Circe. He tells Odysseus not to save his men. At this point, Odysseus has yet to get the Molly, and Eurylochus has no way to know that he will. (One thing you have to remember is that in the entire musical, Eurylochus doesn’t interact with a god once. He has none of Odysseus’s fondness of them or idealism towards how they’ll react.)
Then, the underworld, and more importantly: Mutiny.
I think that at the beginning of the story, Eurylochus really was just following Poseidon’s idealogy and forgetting why he started doing that. But then he sees Odysseus, rescuing every man he can. And he remembers, he started this because it was mercy upon them. Again, he has the exact opposite change of heart as Odysseus and it happens at very similar times.
And Odysseus wants so badly to save his men. Eurylochus does as well, of course he does! Right now, he’s symbolizing Odysseus’s guilt and doubt at his own abilities-both as a captain and to get home. And they fight.
And Odysseus kill Eurylochus because he’s preventing him from getting home. From this point onwards, Odysseus is far more sure of himself. In mutiny, Odysseus effectively kills his own doubt.
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Odysseus: ,,,,wasn't it 43 men left under my command? Who the hell died?
Eurylochus: Apparently, Elpenor got drunk and fell off Circe's roof
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 month
Odysseus: Wait, how are there 558 men down here, we had 43!
Eurylochus: Elpenor died at Circe’s.
Odysseus: Son of a bitch!
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Random thought: The Odyssey, everything is the very same BUT Odysseus adopts Astyanax and carries him around in one of those weird ass bagpack baby carriers
Odysseus to Polyphemus: I'm Nobody, Nobody, Nobody 🎶
Astyanax: *baby noises*
Odysseus: keep it quiet buddy, dad is mansplaining manipulating manwhoring right now
Eurylochus in the background: *face palms*
Edit: holy cow guys, how did this reach 1000 notes??? Thank so much!!
If you want to see more #daddy Odysseus AU just look it up on my blog :D
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nikoisme · 7 months
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the epic the musical experience
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moonmeg · 1 month
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"I see a song of past romance, I see the sacrifice of man, I see portrayal of betrayal and a brother's final stand. I see you on the brink of death, I see you draw your final breath, I see a man who gets to make it home alive but it's no longer you."
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xfilesinamajor · 20 days
EURYLOCHUS: “Hey Captain, I’m worried about how since we got that bag you’ve…you know…stopped sleeping? I was thinking maybe I should take a turn so you can…Captain? Hello?”
ODYSSEUS: (turns to him excitedly) “Penelope?”
EURYLOCHUS: (taking a step back) “Um, no, sir, it’s just me.” (looks closer) “By the Gods, man, you look awful!”
ODYSSEUS: (hallucinating like no tomorrow) “I can’t wait to make some new memories!”
EURYLOCHUS: “Yeah, we’re all excited to get home. Listen. Captain. You really need some sleep.”
ODYSSEUS: “Telemachus!” (tries to hug him)
EURYLOCHUS: (dodges) “Captain, can you even hear me right now?”
ODYSSEUS: “Time for me to be the father I never was.”
EURYLOCHUS: “Captain! Snap out of it!”
ODYSSEUS: “Why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy?”
EURYLOCHUS: “Because you haven’t slept in nine days. That’s it, this is ridiculous. I’ll watch the bag, you go rest.”
ODYSSEUS: “I keep on trying to embrace you both, why won’t you let me?”
EURYLOCHUS: (has an idea, in a falsetto) “You need to come to bed, Odysseus, love.” (slips an arm under his shoulder)
ODYSSEUS: (raving) “So much has changed, but I’m the same.” (flinging his arms around EURYLOCHUS)
(A group of MEN sneaks behind them, reaching for the bag while they’re distracted.)
EURYLOCHUS: (trying to lead ODYSSEUS to a cot) “Uh-huh, of course you are you, come on now.”
(MEN grab the bag and huddle excitedly around it)
EURYLOCHUS: “Seriously, Captain, you should have shared watch duties from the start. Nine days without sleep? Are you nuts?”
ODYSSEUS: (muttering incoherently) “I’m the same…”
(The STORM suddenly rages)
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xjulixred45x · 1 month
I just realized something...
Eurylochus is the one who opened the bag of winds.
It was something so obvious because of the Puppeteer song and what happened in the ocean saga, but I'm only now connecting the dots.
and honestly? Thats having nerve.
Eurylochus, who made himself look like someone super upright, THE SECOND IN COMMAND, Eurylochus who COMPLAINED to Odysseus about not doing anything against Scylla (a sea monster that was in its natural habitat, fighting would have been suicide) when NOT HE did anything against her, when he was willing to ABANDONE his men on Circe's island and questions Odysseus's leadership skills using THOSE EXAMPLES (look, Ody didn't always do things right, but there really weren't any big losses until the Ocean Saga and he handle them very well)--
the same Eurylochus that if he had not opened the pocket of winds which Odysseus spent SLEEPLESS NIGHTS watching so that no one opened (and told them verbatim NOT TO OPEN) they would not have retreated when they were about to reach Ithaca, sending the entire fleet to where POSEIDON was, WHERE ALMOST EVERYONE DIED, THEY ESCAPED BY A HAIR-
And yet he has the Audacity to say that "if Odysseus wants all the power he must take all the BLAME"? WHEN WAS IT BECAUSE OF HIS STUPIDITY THAT THEY WERE IN THE UNDERWORLD IN THE FIRST PLACE? THE REASON WHY SO MUCH PEOPLE DIED IN THE FIRST PLACE??
I'm not fine guys.
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i-like-her-like-that · 2 months
Eurylochus: Since we've left home we've faced a variety of foes from a wide range of places; gods, monsters, y'know the roster, hostile creatures that we could resist. Eurylochus, very gravely: But this was a hell of a twist, 'cause we are weak to a power like this. Odysseus, expecting something serious: What was it ? Eurylochus: A woman. Odysseus, who has never once considered anyone other than his wife: What.
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too-much-flynnolium · 1 month
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randomhuman45 · 30 days
Polites: Great the world with open arms
Circe: Maybe showing one act of kindness, leads to kinder souls down the road
Prophet: I see a man with your wife
Odysseus: Omg! We need to get home NOW, kill ANYONE in our path! I'll kill another infant if I have to!
Prophet: He knows it's him right? It's him.... with his own wife. He knows right??? Right???
Eurylochus: Let him have this, he needs it.
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I may have discovered epic the musical, but don't worry guys I'm gonna be so normal about it
(Spoilers in memes below)
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magicalstevengames · 5 months
ODYSSEUS: makes even the smallest important decision
EURYLOCHUS: fuck I can already hear the boss music. which god is it this time? is it Zeus' turn? Ares? fuck man, I do not get paid enough for this
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