#especially bumblebees
marinatedsaltea · 3 months
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Wasn’t feeling too well so I quickly scribbled this in magma. Now I feel myself much better
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deliicacymercy · 10 months
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"Damn shawty, does he make you feel held"
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actiondetectives · 5 months
I'm a real sucker for matching variant cover sets so I'm starting an appreciation series for them!!
Starting off with my all-time favorite set, World's Finest: Teen Titans #1-6 variant covers by Evan "Doc" Shaner
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I'm an extremely obsessively huge fan of so normal about the titans so they will probably come up a lot during this, but this cover set is by far my favorite!! While connecting covers are very cool, the simplicity of this one's matching while highlighting each individual character across the 6 issues is just sooooooooooo good to me. Each one encapsulates the entire character is just one page so well and aaaaaaaaa thank you doc shaner. ALSO this series itself is phenomenal it's such a great introduction to the team it's written by Mark Waid and I would highly recommend it!!
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hansa-lao · 3 months
Little Bumblebee doesn't stop talking when Ratchet examines him. He tells everything: what the Elite is doing, what Optimus is doing in the office, how long Prime was writing papers, how many of them there were, where they lie, where he and the Elite went
Ratchet: I don't think it's very good that he's spilling everything about you.
Optimus: We taught him not to lie. Apparently we overdid it
Ratchet: That's for sure. Bumblebee, do you know the password to the safe where Opi has the documents?
Bumblebee: Yes! 54..
They put their hand over Bumblebee's mouth
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Okay but consider
Bumblebee being close with Prowl and boy is Breakdown jealous
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The TFP autobots learning the meaning of the children’s names and the autobots teaching them about the meanings behind their own names
Raphael= god has healed
Jack= god is gracious
Miko= like the traditional clothing called a Miko
I looked it up and Miko actually means beautiful child/shrine maiden in Japanese so imma roll with that instead. I will stick to the two other name meanings you have kindly provided though. Though I will say, be warned, I kind of fell down a rabbit hole with this idea. I hope you still enjoy what I came up with!
Names are something that hold increadible importance to Cybertronians. A name defines a bot's entire being, to know their true and undiluted name is to practically be handed a piece of their spark. A name is sacred and only something shared with those closest to them. As such, most Cybertronians have nicknames, a shortened or less meaningful version of their true designation.
Coming to earth and having to interact with the local population meant that the Autobots needed to pick new names, a task that was rather hard considering the simplicity of human languages. Thankfully they eventually managed to pick designations that somewhat captured the meaning of their true names. However they honestly had no idea how human naming customs worked and have had several misunderstandings on the matter.
Agent Fowler gave the bots a rather skewed idea of what human naming conventions look like. He always asked to be referred to by his title of Agent, and the bots simply assumed that "Fowler" was another part of the title, even if they didn't understand what it meant. They never really figured out the difference between first and last names and went about believing that titles and last names are the same thing, much like how "Prime" was the title given to the Matrix bearer. Hence they also came to believe that a human's first/full name is, like on Cybertron, considered sacred, or at least important enough to only be shared with trusted confidants.
Since the only humans they ever interacted with regularly were Agent Fowler and other military personnel, team's misunderstandings with names did not really become an issue... until the kids came into their lives.
The kids gave the bots their first names and since those names were so simple, the team just went along assuming that those were their nicknames or placeholder names until the kids were grown. It was the biggest shock of the century for them when June waltzed on into base and called the children by their full names loud and clear for everyone present.
The bots may have had no idea what the names meant or even if June actually called out their true names. But cultural differences and the deeply set sense of sacredness associated with names struck before reason, and so the panic was immediate. Ratchet and Bulkhead looked downright scandalized as they threw their servos up against their audio receptors and looked at June in horror. Optimus dropped whatever he was holding with a loud crash and stood there looking like he had just witnessed a murder in broad daylight with the perpetrator dancing over the corpse. Bumblebee's voice went to static and he ran out of the room frantically while Arcee almost had a spark attack, tripping over her own pedes in shock.
The humans did not understand in the slightest when the whole team began chastising June for calling out the children's names so boldly and muttering something along the lines of "We heard nothing" to the children before hurrying off.
The misunderstandings only became more obvious when Rafael asked the bots to help him write his name in Cybertronian. He told the team his full name, Rafael Esquivel, and was promptly met with immediate shock. The whole team looked at him like he had scraplets crawling out of his ears before the waterworks started, or at least the Cybertronian equivalent. Bumblebee's speech became indecipherable as he gently hugged Rafael with shaky servos, his doorwings fluttering happily as he tried to keep himself from dancing around. Bulkhead and Arcee struggled to keep their cool as they also tried to maintain some form of composure. And Ratchet and Optimus took being told the name incredibly seriously and looked at Rafael with opening adoring optics.
Rafael did not understand at all as the team made swore their oaths to never tell a spark before helping him write out his name in Cybertronian with utmost reverence. However at the time he did not question it, too wrapped up in the alien writing and sudden affection to give their reactions much thought.
Jack had a similar experience late one night while he was working on a project. He needed the team's help preparing his project and once finished, he asked Arcee to write his name on his creation while he put away some things. When asked what he wanted her to write, he replied with his full name, Jack Darby, and was met with similar reactions to what Rafael received. Arcee kneeled down in front of him and very gently, oh so gently, hugged him as she shook with silent sobs. Bumblebee joined in on the hugging once Arcee had her turn and Bulkhead stood a little way's off looking like he had received the greatest gift in the world. Optimus and Ratchet patted Jack's head carefully and thanked him earnestly for his trust in them, both with large smiles and completely starstruck expressions.
Jack, totally clueless as to what was going on, looked at Arcee and the team with eyes the size of dinner plates. However before he had the opportunity to ask what all the fussing was about, June came and collected him for the night, leaving his question unasked and unanswered.
After a while, Miko, after hearing about Rafael and Jack's experiences with the bots and their names, decided to figure out what was going on. She had her two friends stand a ways off as she hopped onto Bulkhead's shoulder, and then suddenly proclaimed her full name, Miko Nakadai, to the whole base. The reaction was once again immediate as more than one bot dropped whatever they were doing to stare at her in shock. Bulkhead quickly moved and took Miko down from his shoulders before holding her gently as he did a little spin with her in his servos. Bumblebee and Arcee gave Miko little pats and adoring looks while Ratchet and Optimus warned her about giving away her name so freely while also making sure to let her know that they appreciated her trust.
And just like that, everything began to click into place for Miko, Jack, and Rafael. It suddenly became obvious that Cybertronians put some sort of emphasis on names and were likely obliviously applying their worldviews to human naming conventions.
After the bots had settled down a little, the children began asking questions, eventually learning from the bots that names are incredibly sacred to them. They also learned of the bots skewed views on naming and how the bots had been assuming quite a bit about it since no one had bothered to correct them. This was quickly rectified once the children sat them down and explained human naming conventions to them, answering all their questions patiently.
The bots were instantly embarrassed due to their rather over the top reactions, however the kids made them feel a bit better by letting them know that humans do sort of have a true name if one were to look at the deeper meaning.
Intrigued, the bots asked the children for the meaning behind their names, as long as it did not make them uncomfortable of course. Happy to oblige, Rafael stepped forward first and explained the meaning behind his name.
Rafael explained that his name means "God has Healed". The bots were a little confused due to the simplicity of the name meaning, but ultimately shrugged it off. They mostly found the name to be endearing, and despite not knowing of or caring for the human creator god, all the bots agreed that it suited Rafael well.
Jack went ahead next and explained that his name had a similar meaning, boiling down to "God is Gracious" when one looked at the origins of the name. Once again the bots were left a bit bewildered at the lack of deep meaning usually present in Cybertronian names. However they all also came to agree that the name also suited Jack well enough, although both his and Rafael's names could use some work by their standards.
Lastly came Miko who explained that her name means "Beautiful Child" when derived from the Japanese translation. While still rather confused by the lack of deep meaning, the bots came to like the name. It was simplistic by any standards from Cybertron, but it fit Miko and for that the bots liked it.
Overall the whole team, while still rather embarrassed at their behavior, still couldn't help but feel proud to have been given the children's full names and the meaning behind them. The children's guardians, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Arcee were still especially pleased with themselves. Although the whole team still agreed that if the children were of Cybertron, they would have received names with so much more meaning behind them and far better suited to the children's personalities.
The Bots and their Names
Eventually the children would end up having their curiosity get the better of them, and despite knowing that names are a sacred thing to Cybertronians, they would at some point, ask the bots for their names and the meanings behind them.
The bots would be a little dubious about the request, after all, names mean a great deal to them. But after some private discussion they came to the conclusion that the English translation of the meaning behind their true names wouldn't be able to encompass everything anyway. And seeing that the children have no way of replicating the sounds necessary to even begin to pronounce their names, they agreed that there was no real harm in telling them as long as none the children recorded anything. And so after yet another moment of deliberation, it was decided that one bot would speak to the children at a time. Each uttering their true name where only the children could hear and explaining it before fetching the next bot in line.
Bumblebee went first, being far too eager to be held back for long. When he arrived in front of the children he was nervous, fidgety, and refused to meet their gazes for a time as he composed himself. His name was only known to Optimus and Ratchet, the two most important mechs in his life. As such he was a little on edge, never having revealed his name to another before. But after a moment he forced his torn voice box to function, and while staticky sounding and rather painful to produce, Bumblebee managed to utter his name.
To the children with their organic and far duller hearing, Bumblebee's name sounded like the chiming of bells mixed with the soft sounds of shifting gears and static. He then explained quietly to them through his binary speech that his name when translated to the best of his ability, meant something along the lines of [Golden-Hope-of-the-Future-Guiding-Light-within-the-Dark]. He then hurried off feeling a little lighter than before.
Bulkhead went next. He was far calmer as he approached and only slightly fidgety as shown by his laced digits and occasional shifting. He went quiet for a moment before speaking, his name sounding like the shriek of tearing metal alongside the steady sound of feet beating on the ground. He explained that his name translated to mean [Strong-Foundation-Immovable-Shield-Protector-of-the-Innocent]. He then patted each of the children on the head and thanked them for sharing their names with him before heading off to collect the next bot, content in knowing that he and the children were bound through the sharing of names.
Arcee shuffled forward after Bulkhead, a lot more confident than him and Bumblebee but still hesitant. She looked each of the children in the eyes and told them very sternly that names are precious and should not be shared. And after gaining their oaths that they would not speak of hers or any of the other's bots names, she swapped to Cybertronian and practically sang her name. To the children it sounded like rain on a window alongside the whistling of the wind and the crunch of gravel. An odd mix, but one that pleased their ears.
Arcee then went on to explain that the meaning of her name went along the lines of [Free-Sparked-Child-Pure-Minded-Warrior-of-Justice]. She then gave the children as much of a hug as she could manage with their difference in size before heading off, feeling a little better knowing that her name was known to someone again.
Ratchet came not long after, his steps, posture, expression, and general disposition surprisingly relaxed as he approached. He was not hesitant, instead he seemed determined as he spoke his true name. The sound of it being akin to the hiss of cooling metal, the constant thrum of an engine, and the quiet chirping of a bird all combined into a strangely satisfying symphony. Ratchet then elaborated on his names meaning being best described as [Healer-of-Broken-Sparks-Watchful-Caretaker-Keeper-of-Difficult-Truths]. The medic then thanked the children quietly for helping them in a battle not of their world and for sharing their names before leaving without so much as a peep.
Lastly came Optimus, striding forward as regal and noble as ever. He stopped before the children and told them that he had two names, one from his time as Orion Pax and another given to him after his ascension to Prime. He told them that he would allow them to hear both on the condition that they also swear and oath to him not to share his or any of the other names revealed to them. The children agreed and uttered the oath, the completion of it leading Optimus to become far more relaxed. A small smile graced his features as his spoke his first name, one which sounded like the quiet lullaby sung in a long forgotten tongue and accompanied by the low growls of creatures of the wilds. The meaning of the name was revealed to be [One-who-Knows-and-Seeks-Truth-Bright-Sparked-Wild-Born-Bringer-of-Change].
His second and current name sounded like a choir of hundreds of voices accompanied by the heavy sounds of drums and mixed whispers from a variety of potential sources. Optimus then went on to explain that the meaning of his name roughly translates into [Perfect-Vessel-Chosen-Champion-Keeper-of-Wisdom-Pure-Decendant-Protector-Leader-Guiding-Light]. The Prime then smiled at the children's shocked expressions from hearing all the names from the bots before patting them softly with one large digit and then wandering off.
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poketalefan1993 · 5 months
🏵️I... Think there's someone for you
🌻on the phone?
🏵️at the window
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🌻: @bloody-1518
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singingcicadas · 7 months
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Favourite Cyberverse moments
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geekcentre · 1 year
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Dadimus prime and son
(Click for better quality)
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trashhole · 7 months
Spooky time !!!
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Starbee watching fnaf movie?! Starscream totally didn’t get scared! Bee just wants to watch the movie in peace without his bf having a melt down over a fictional cupcake…
(Yes thrash terrorizes star with the cupcake for fun </3)
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Fulcrum isn’t having a very good Halloween…his vampire is too busy rummaging around in his organs. Misfire is having a blast with his little snack (fulcrums fuel pump). I’ve had this idea for a bit but I didn’t know if I wanted to do human gore or robogore lol
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Pharma paint practice because I love my miserable chicken girlfriend and don’t draw him enough <3
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Fulcrum paint study because I wanted to figure out his body. He’s really becoming a favorite of mine these days, he’s so relatable (thinks the first born is gross and got convicted of being a coward, almost dies, and then moves in with a bunch of freaks(pos) and a dinosaur)
Anyway happy Halloween to those who celebrate! Good bye October:((((
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tiny-tf-faces · 9 months
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lolathepeacocklord · 9 months
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WOOOOOOOO YEAAAAHHHHHH his ass is about to bust a move so hard and swing all his diy makeshift jewelry everywhere, whipping himself in the face multiple times probably
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whatudottu · 8 months
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My first thought when i saw this: TFP Ben 10
Given how this 👇 is Ben's canonical car:
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You aren't too far off lmao (mostly on the colour at least).
You might not be particularly a fan of CNA from your sphere of headcanons, but considering that Ben can access another biomechanical species in the galvanic mechamorph, I'm sure there's enough of an Omnitrix work around to sample cybertronian data. Seeing as it's a Camaro you could probably have a TFP x Ben 10 crossover equivalent to TFA Waspinator maybe, a green Bumblebee (or a green hornet if you of/remember that) but it's Ben. Considering how the biomechanical Upgrade has a few biological translation issues to the point of not quite technically being a fully integrated transformation, maybe Ben would speak with his own voice like Upgrade does or maybe even through radio depending on how physically different cybertronians are to human anatomy.
I mean that specific line of thinking would only be possible if Ben snagged a sample of Bumblebee's CNA (or whatever you'd prefer) which could either be convoluted or unclimactic, though I guess if street racing in some part of the globe with a desert (aka somewhat nearby Bellwood which already exists cross universe between Ben 10 and Generator Rex) there could be some plot about his shenaniganery nearly running Team Ben off the road and messing with Kevin's own heavily modified yet fresh from 1979 Dodge Challenger to the irritation and anger of Kevin himself. Something something Bee got the attention of the wrong (mostly) humans(ish).
#ask#ben 10#transformers#tfp#maccadam#nukeli#i certainly rambled with this one- i can't recall if you know of ben 10 beyond just being a mutual dealing with my ben 10 posts#the mark 10 (the name for ben's car because it can't just be named ben's car or the doofus mobile)#came from the movie as a mazda rx-8 and was in the show modeled after the concept car acura dn-x#which a) both have x in them for roman numeral 10 and b) the acura is one letter away from dna lmao#anyway i'm a sucker for ben 10 crossovers- mostly the kind that introduces ben to more alien species#a plot like that may be too goofy for tfp wants to be even if it's ultra seriousness can lead to goofiness lmao#but hey given the historically present 'plot of the week' style of ben 10 in any series#it would be a fitting little minor story that ends up in a new transformation episode (or an unlock for later)#i only really put bumblebee on the spotlight here because ben 10 has a tendency to make transformations look like the sample#it's especially evident in the uaf artstyle but diamondhead and tetrax from os certainly don't differ much visually#if ben samples bee it's probably more like he samples his frametype and present alt mode#given his own alt he'd probably scan his own car lmao#and being a four wheeled grounder he can't sample any of the rustbuckets (the rvs AND the jet shaped space ship)#or his omniverse bike or the proto-truk#i think this post has a lot of rambling that reveals how much i like a transformers (in general) crossover with ben 10#i mean i'm already neck deep in cf8wrk4u-us' tfa x ben 10 crossover these thoughts aren't new#i guess you could say in a tfp setting this is before ua because of the whole fame thing#might be a little loud on alien activity if a large majority of sightings have been narrowed down to one shapeshifting person
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onewingedsparrow · 10 months
I never noticed this before but man, even right in the beginning of the Pilot episode of RiD, the faithfulness to Optimus that Bumblebee has shows itself so well.
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No sooner does 'Bee register that his vision of Optimus Prime is telling him to go to Earth than he revs up and rolls out, just like that.
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Strongarm has apprehended Sideswipe, and dealing with him ought to be 'Bee's top priority; but no, Optimus' command pulls rank, even though Bumblebee is the only one to hear the silent, wordless order.
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Naturally, Strongarm calls out about sticking to protocol; but Bumblebee knows this directive from Optimus is urgent, so he doesn't even stop running. He simply calls back over his shoulder that he's gonna meet her at the station, and keeps right on booking it towards where Optimus told him to go.
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And the scene could have ended right there, showcasing Bumblebee's dedication, and cutting to him entering the building where he finds the Space Bridge. But no, the scene takes it farther than merely that; it shows us that 'Bee runs across the street.
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Doesn't even transform. Doesn't stop to think. Just runs right out into the open road, in the middle of busy traffic, dancing around collision after collision...and then almost gets hit by a truck.
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And Bumblebee, a war veteran, and proven police officer, has this "deer in the headlights" moment where this big semi is coming right at him, high beams on—and he stares at it for a breathless, drawn out moment.
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Bumblebee does not freeze in combat. This is not a moment of fear. If you watched TFP, if you know Bumblebee, you understand. instead, here, you can practically follow his train of thoughts even as they roll through his mind. This truck...honking at me...headlights so bright...is this another vision of Optimus, perhaps? No. Looks like it's not. Guess I'll keep moving.
This storyboarding of this show is so good. Bumblebee doesn't think twice about anything; he just knows that Optimus needs him—so he goes for it with everything he's got. Whether that's leaping at Skyquake despite being told to stay hidden, soaring over the Omega Lock with Star Saber in hand, or bolting across multiple lanes of oncoming traffic to get to the the building that Optimus pointed him to...Bumblebee will do it. No second thoughts. I really admire his character for that faithfulness to Optimus Prime...and it pleases me to no end that it displays itself so clearly even in Bumblebee's very first moments in this series.
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almea · 2 years
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Megatron having A Moment™️ when he hears a beat up Tarn escorted the kids, bots and humans alike, home or at least back to Bumblebee with the most politely threatening exhortation to keep the children safe and introduced himself as Damus of Tarn. Especially if Megatron only knew Tarn as Glitch. Then walked off because he has much to consider because the kids told him about the war on Earth, Allspark yeet, Emberstone shenanigans, GHOST, Mandroid and his Sharkticons(⁉️), death and handy dandy resurection.
Megatron and Dot: why did you just go with random Decepticon?!
Kids: He said he "didn't know if he was one anymore. But that we shouldn't have to pay for his mistakes and misdeeds in any case." And he just kinda hearded us to our parents
Meanwhile Damus accidentally scares the bejabbers out of Tarantulas when he asks for a read on the situation on Earth and maybe help changing his paint nanites back to his pre-war colorscheme.
Yeahhhh, Megs is
Especially after the emotional rollercoaster of a fight
Yep Dot and Alex certainly have opinions on this, as they rightfully should
Ssgdg oh tara
Tarantulas has probably been afraid of being on the List for a while now, if I remember his faction status right, so this was certainly a near heart attack moment for him
Tarantulas: 🙏🙏🙏Primus, if you're listening—
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