#esteban cortez
teampsgames · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Dutch van der Linde, Hosea Matthews, Sam Freeman, Sadie Adler, Esteban Cortez, Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Chapter 6: Beaver Hollow (Red Dead Redemption 2), Magical Realism, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Language, Action Series: Part 2 of Последний рассвет, первый рассвет Summary:
Одинокий всадник, скрываясь от призраков своего прошлого, въезжает в умирающий город. Одинокий всадник пока еще не догадывается, что он уже давно не один. И что призраки гораздо ближе, чем он думал.
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movienized-com · 2 months
Japino (2023) #FreidricMacapagalCortez #AngelaMorena #DeniseEsteban #AliAsistio #VinceRillon #LaraMorena Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (November) Genre: Drama Regie: Freidric Macapagal Cortez Hauptrollen: Angela Morena, Denise Esteban, Ali Asistio, Vince Rillon, Lara Morena … Filmbeschreibung: Während sie nach ihrem Vater und gleichzeitig nach ihrer Identität sucht, gerät eine junge Frau in verschiedene Probleme und Versuchungen…
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painterofhorizons · 4 months
„Did you notice?“ Steve Cortez was already up and moving by quite some time when James Vega crawled out of bed in the morning.
To James, it felt like that guy never slept. At all. Not a single hour. And it wasn‘t like James spent a long time in bed either, but Steve? It was a miracle how he was able to stand on his own two feet and still be the best damn shuttle pilot James ever met. Maybe he was not only that but a real physiological miracle, too. The first human to not need sleep or something. Or he was on really good drugs. Whatever it was, sometimes James caught himself being envious on that guy.
„Notice what, Esteban?“ James replied, still tired and not yet near to where his brain would be after he’d had his first coffee.
„That she‘s spending her nights in the Kodiak.“
Steve folded his arms and shot James an uncomprehending look. „The Commander?“
James shrugged. „Maybe you and her share the same parents. Seems none of you need sleep. Not like the super-loser-rest of us.“
Steve shook his head, but didn‘t expect James to actually be a real help here. Not before he had his coffee, or until it was a matter of life and death, or he would personally trip over the Commander in the Kodiak and break his toe. „I don‘t think she‘s working there at night, Jimmy.“
James snorted, a he shuffled past Steve to reach the coffee maker. „Why would she sleep in the Kodiak?“
It wasn‘t like James actually didn‘t care about this or that he hadn‘t noticed. Of course he had noticed. Nothing stayed a secret in his cargo bay. But he knew the Commander, and he knew she wouldn‘t want this to be made a matter of public interest. Not even between Steve and himself. He had been a witness to her sleeping troubles back on Earth for months, and he had soon learned to not give it too much attention. Again, not that he didn‘t care. He felt for her, especially in this matter. He had seen it. She didn‘t just have some mild and minor annoying nightmares every now and then. He couldn‘t remember too many nights on Earth when she actually slept well and through. But in the end they all had those things that were haunting them in their sleep. He had his share, Steve had them, Shepard was no exception. One should rather worry about those who were able to sleep well these days.
„You really don‘t care?“ Steve raised his brows.
„You should know me better, Esteban.“ For a second, James pursed his lips, low-key annoyed that Steve would even consider that. Then he shrugged it off. „What do you wanna do? Pamper her?“
„No, James. But, I don‘t know, maybe get her a blanket? A pillow? I spend enough time in the Kodiak to know it‘s not the most comfortable place to sleep in.“ Steve knew this wasn‘t a big thing, and probably neither an important one, compared to what they were up to. But even the thought of sleeping in the Kodiak for more than one or two stranded nights gave him backache - and for Shepard it was a week now, if he counted right.
He‘d expected some kind of backtalk from James, but instead got some thoughtful silence and a slow nod. „Yeah. Yeah, I guess, that‘s kinda nice. Guess we could do that.“
There was a difference between not making a deal of something and completely ignoring it. And a blanket and a pillow probably wouldn‘t fall in the category of pampering the Commander against her will.
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timptoe · 10 months
Ticking Like A
For @hatboyexchange 2023, I got to write for the amazing @vesperfloyd about Vega, Joker, and PTSD. Trigger warnings for PTSD, flashbacks, and sucky childhoods, but it’s okay in the end, thanks to our favorite hatboy. Read the whole thing on Ao3.
The silence chafes.
The Presidium itself isn’t silent. Their table overlooks the Relay Monument, a popular spot for tourists, diplomats, traders, refugees. He can hear the edges of hushed conversations and shouts of laughter and thundering footsteps. Even with his back to the mezzanine, he can feel the volume of the crowds that pass by on their way to some distraction or other. The constant thrum of noise behind them makes the silence at the table even more stark.
James shifts uncomfortably in his chair, arms folded.
The artificial sunlight glitters off of the reflecting pool in a way that almost reminds him of home. It’s been years since he’s been on a real beach, at least not without a hardsuit and an ammo block. He thought about going home once while he was stationed in Vancouver, but he never made the time. Too late now.
Instead, he tries to calm himself using the refracted light of the pool, imagining sand under his toes, surf filling his ears, water as far as he can see. He could almost believe he’s there, if not for the cacophony around him. Or the sideways-queasy feeling that builds in his stomach the longer he looks at the water. He wants to lose himself in the shapes made by the gentle lapping of the waves around the base of the monument. But he can’t.
He just can’t.
Joker, meanwhile, takes a sip of his drink, looking out over the view, cool as a goddamn cucumber.
James shifts again, his own drink untouched. “Do you, uh, want me to talk about it?” he says, voice low.
Joker shrugs, taking another sip of his drink, not looking his way. “Up to you, Vega. Don’t need to if you don’t want to.”
James scowls into the middle distance. By all rights, Joker should be furious. Yelling. Confining him to the Normandy. Bare minimum, he should be lecturing James the way his abuela used to when he’d disappointed her. But he’s not. He’s just…sitting there.
So James just sits there, too.
The breeze from the recirculated air feels cool on his skin. Not like home, but there’s no tinge of the smoke he smelled in the days after the Cerberus attack, either. Just pure, clean air, stinging the exposed cuts on his knuckles like antiseptic.
He looks down to see his hands curled into tight fists on the tabletop. He makes a conscious, concerted effort to relax them.
He looks up at Joker again, who hasn’t moved since the last time he looked at him. Thirty seconds ago.
James sighs roughly, rubbing his closely-shaved scalp with one hand, wincing a bit in pain. “Look, man, I don’t know what to say.”
Joker sips his drink calmly. “I didn’t ask you to say anything.”
“Come on, comodín, you can’t—“
“Vega.” Joker cuts him off, finally looking over at him for the first time since they sat down. “You don’t have to talk to me.” He takes a sip of his drink, cocking his head slightly, thinking. “But—“
“No, man, don’t—“
“—but you should talk to someone. Probably.”
James blows his breath out in frustration. “I know.”
“Want me to call Cortez?”
“No,” James says quickly, firmly. “Esteban would just, you know…” He gestures inarticulately. “He’d blow it out of proportion.”
Joker raises an eyebrow over his half-empty glass. “You trashed a club.”
“Well, I mean…you know what I mean,” James says lamely.
Joker just cocks his head slightly to the side and goes back to looking out over the Presidium.
They sit like that for another moment, James shifting uncomfortably every few seconds, Joker lounging with preternatural serenity.
“You don’t have to sit with me,” James says when he finally can’t take it anymore. “I’m fine. I’ll…be fine.”
“I do, actually,” Joker responds calmly. “Terms of your release per Bailey. Someone in an ‘official role’ has to watch you for the rest of our leave. And with Shepard off doing who the hell knows what with Aria T’Loak, you’re stuck with me.”
James looks back down at his hands, tips of his ears burning with shame. “Sorry,” he mumbles.
“Don’t be,” Joker says lightly. “You got me out of doing paperwork.”
James ducks his head further down, hunching in on himself.
“Vega.” James looks back up to see Joker frowning at him. “It was a joke.”
James tries to smile. Really, he does. But whatever happens on his face only makes Joker frown harder. Which makes James feel even worse.
“We should, uh…we should probably just go back the the ship, huh,” James says, defeat thick in his voice.
“Is that what you want to do?”
James wipes his hands on his pants, trying to dry off the sweat. He avoids Joker’s calm gaze. Truth is, he doesn’t want to go back. He’ll have to talk to Steve if he goes back, and that’s…he’s not ready to talk. About what happened. Not yet. But it doesn’t seem right to take up Joker’s time just to avoid—
“How ‘bout a walk?”
James blinks, jerking his head back over to Joker at the interruption. The pilot just looks at him, head slightly cocked again.
“C’mon, let’s go for a walk,” Joker says easily, finishing his drink and standing up.
James looks up at the pilot. “Uh, sure, if you want.”
Joker grabs his crutches from where they rest on the railing and nods over the side. “Down along the reflecting pool?”
James looks over the mezzanine railing, the queasy feeling returning as he looks over the water.
Joker continues, “Or down through the wards?”
“The wards,” James says quickly.
Joker just nods and starts crutching off, James following closely behind.
Read the rest on Ao3.
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selfpossesedghost · 10 months
Cortez and Vega - Armory
Shepard: Do you maintain this armory?
Cortez: I share that duty with our illustrious Mr. Vega. [Raising his voice]Though I believe the only weapon he really cares to maintain is himself!
Vega: [Across the room doing pull-ups] You know you like the show, Esteban.
Cortez: [Chuckle] The first retrofit we did was move the armory down from deck two. I'm not sure what Cerberus engineers were thinkin'..
Mass Effect 3
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raviniaraven · 5 months
Man I went on a ramble about how as a kid Judge was my first crush on a Dad Character, and now I'm just super nostalgic for Hunter the Reckoning: Redeemer today. It was one of the first video games I ever played, and I used to always pick Judge bc I liked the sword (even though his crossbow kinda sucked tbh) and his insta-kill magic. Then the first time I finished that game I was like "aww I didn't want him to die--wait his name is Esteban?" And I started reading the little character bios in the game booklet and legit he became my first fictional crush. And now twenty years since the last time I played Redeemer, I'm thinking about how much I loved Father Esteban Cortez, the first of many tired older men that I got a crush on in fiction.
And I'm angry that I can't get a copy of this game bc it isn't compatible with newer Xboxes and an original Xbox is still $200 for some reason. I just wanna see my Dead Priest Dad again :(
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laudedliar · 1 year
“Hey... Isn’t that Shepard’s shirt?”  James said, his fork pointing directly at Kaidan’s chest.
Kaidan blinked and looked up from his breakfast tray of reconstituted eggs and what-he-hoped-was-pork bacon.  Carefully his line of sight followed where the fork was pointing towards his left breast.  Where a small, non-descript N7 logo lay.  He could feel his neck warm with the realization, panic seizing control of his thoughts.
“It, uh, it must have gotten misplaced.  Somehow.”
“Mmhmm.  The cleaning lady just happened to mix your laundry with Shepards.”  Garrus answered, giving Kaidan a very pointed look.
The heat in Kaidan’s neck was now quickly spreading across his face.  “Uh, yeah.  Must have...”
“Looks like you owe me some credits, Vega.”  Cortez said, a smug smirk on his face as he ate a bite of the grainy textured eggs.
At that moment, the one and only Commander Shepard slammed his tray down next to Kaidan’s own.  “Morning.”  He said, settling heavily into the seat.
“Hey, did you lend the Major your shirt or something, Loco?”  James asked as the Commander shoved a large bite of egg into his mouth.
“Hmm?”  Blue eyes looked over at Kaidan, who was doing his best to hide his face behind his hand as his fork picked delicately at his breakfast.  “Oh, wow.  How did that happen?”  He asked, grinning as his teeth sliced through a piece of buttered toast.
“We’ll need a new nickname for them.”  Cortez said, the cocky smirk still settled firmly in place.
“Yeah, like those celebrity couples on Earth!”  Vega replied.  “How about... Jaidan!  No, no that won’t work...  Kaihn?”
Garrus chuckled as he stood up with his empty plate.  “I have some, uh, calibrations to run.”  He said, heading towards the main battery.
“Oh, good morning, Garrus!”  Tali greeted in her chipper way.  The turian placed a gentle hand on the quarian’s shoulder in greeting before continuing on his way.  The small quarian sat down on Kaidan’s right side, curiously looking the Major up and down as she did.  “Good morning, everyone.  Are you alright, Kaidan?”  She asked, once more giving a once over.
“Shenko.”  Esteban answered, as James sat muttering through names beside him.
“Oh, that’s good Cortez.”  James nodded in response.
“Something seems different about you, Kaidan.  I like your shirt.”  Tali said, as she sipped her breakfast through a straw.  “And what’s Shenko?”
“You going to eat that?”  Shepard asked, reaching out and taking Kaidan’s half eaten piece of bacon before the biotic could respond.
“I have to go change.”  Kaidan muttered, standing and walking away towards the general sleeping quarters to change his shirt.
“Okay, well... I have to ask, Loco.  Like... Who’s the receiver in this relationship?  You know?”
“That’s not how it works, you giant dumbass.”  Cortez answered as Shepard laughed.
Kaidan couldn’t wait for his next mission to ship out.
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
Was tagged by @mallaidhsomo -- many thanks! I'll taggggg uhhh @urdnotflexthejedibard and @tiny-banana-time to participate if you like Here's a bit from the next part of my ME3 long fic
James Vega dodged, pivoting, taking his attacker's arm in hand and using their momentum to send them careening over his hip. The other man hit the mat with a grunt before sighing, sprawling out with little intent to get back up again. 
James gently nudged the inert body with a foot.
"C'mon, Esteban, you can do better than that!"
Another groan, and Steve Cortez managed to flip onto his back, peering up at the ceiling and pointedly ignoring James's grin.
"Can't believe I lost that bet."
James's smile widened, reaching down a hand to help his friend back up. Steve narrowed his eyes at him, but there was a smile hiding in the corners. Small, maybe, but there all the same, and James would take what he could get. 
Steve let out an exaggerated sigh before letting James haul him back to his feet, rubbing at a temple once he was vertical again. "I'm clearly out of practice."
"Gotta get your head out of the cargo bay more often," James agreed, clapping him on the shoulder. 
"Maybe in ways that I won't be paying for later next time." He grimaced, rolling the shoulder he'd landed on carefully. "In more ways than one."
"I'm telling you, my hangover cure --"
"--will absolutely make me vomit. No thank you."
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columnavipcolombia · 1 month
Fico respalda Policía y rechaza asesinato del agente Juan Esteban Cortez
Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, alcalde del Distrito Especial de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, salió a la defensa de la Policía Nacional, frente al asesinato del agente del orden Juan Esteban Cortez Pérez, en hechos ocurridos en la comuna 11, cuando intentó evitar un robo en un apartamento y recibió un disparo de arma de fuego en la cabeza. Agregó el mandatario “No puede existir impunidad”.
El alcalde acompañado de parte de su gabinete expresó la solidaridad de la comunidad al General Oscar Andrés Lamprea comandante de la Policía Metropolitana y durante esta noche visitó la familia del agente Juan Esteban Cortez Pérez y presentó las condolencias a la familia del uniformado.
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gaslightwestern · 3 months
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Hello! I'm Carmen. A 33 year-old queer writer known as gaslight on AO3. You will find original and fan works (Red Dead Redemption, my beloved) here. I write historical fiction, westerns, noirs, and mysteries and reblog related content plus classic film and video game posts. I am tag/ask game friendly, read across all genres, and would love to hear about your WIP!
—— Style: Non-linear, 3rd person past tense, playing with genre conventions, relentless and deeply troubled characters, humor and action to balance out dark themes, and trying to make the reader feel like they are watching a movie.
—— Tropes: Mutual Pining, Power of Friendship, Anti-Heroes, Found Family, Roaring Rampage of Revenge, Black-and-Gray Morality, Two Mysteries One Story, Organized Crime, "Retired" Bad Ass, Battle Couple, Disaster Bisexuals
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Works in Progress
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Blackwater - John Marston hires Private Detective Arthur Morgan to look into the death of Heidi McCourt, a friend who he suspects was the victim of foul play rather than suicide. His investigation leads them into the escalating war over West Elizabeth’s bootlegging industry between two powerful gangsters Arthur happens to have unpleasant and unfinished history with.
—— Status: 75% done Chapter 32 —— Links: Read on AO3 | Intro | Excerpts | Tag | Inspiration | Fan Art
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Hell's Half Acre (When Sins Haunt Prequel) - When death comes to Fort Worth and strikes her new circle of friends, Charlotte O’Shea resolves to hunt down the culprit before they kill again. Murder isn’t the only mystery in the air however. Sam and Thomas Quinn, father-and-son ex-cowboys who happen to be her colleagues and partners-in-crime-solving, are determined to uncover what made the socialite run away from New York and why she is no stranger to firearms.
—— Status: Outlining —— Links: Tag | Backstory Drabbles → Education | Rivals | Love
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When Sins Haunt - When Warren Howard destroys her life again, Charlotte O'Shea goes after the outlaw and his vicious Cobalt Gang. Jack Cadwell, an old friend, crosses Charlotte's warpath when the journalist flees the wrath of a New York crime boss. To survive they must stay a step ahead of their growing list of enemies as Charlotte blazes a trail of vengeance across the American West.
—— Status: Second Draft (On Hold) —— Links: Intro | Side Characters | Tag | Update
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Completed Works
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Brothers (Pre-Canon AU) - Arthur struggles with the responsibility of being an older brother, particularly being looked up to, as his own actions cut away at his soul and his self-worth continues to erode. He teaches John different things along the way and strives to protect him from harm. This is easier said than done, as is Arthur's desire to prevent the kid from becoming like him. [ x ]
Among the Smoke and the Stars (Epilogue AU) - Most days the urge to run and roam coursed hot under his skin but maybe Beecher’s Hope would change that. Determined to pay off the loan for his new home, John heads to Gaptooth Breach in search of the sixty-five dollars on Esteban Cortez’s head. The thing is John isn't the only one after that bounty. [ x ]
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Image Sources
Sunset Clouds - Dewang Gupta (Unsplash)
Blackwater Banner - rollawayyourbones
When Sins Haunt Banner - Sweetwater (2013)
Untitled Banner - Original Picture by Susan Fox
Red Dead Banner - Rockstar Games
Divider - @evansyhelp
If you have read this far, thank you! Please feel free to ask any questions or tell me about what you are working on. :)
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rosie-love98 · 6 months
Crossover Idea With "The Mysterious Cities Of Gold":
I've known of this series for years though I've sadly only seen parts of it while most of my info came from reviews and on Wikipedia. From this, I can't help but see a crossover potential with the show, "Liberty's Kids" (a show about three kids witnessing events from the American Revolution). While "Liberty's Kids" is more grounded in reality, there are some similarites from having catchy theme-songs to educating kids about history.
However, to have "Cities Of Gold" and "Liberty's Kids" share the same universe would be pretty...off-putting, It's not just because of thhe different art styles but the fact that "Liberty's Kids" was more grounded in reality (despite the fictional characters NEVER aging despite the decade(s) long events). So bringing in time-travel would be a stretch...
Though my idea is to have the character, Moses, (a strong-willed former slave who bought his freedom and is friends/gaurdian of James, Sarah and Henri), get together with the descendant of Esteban/Zia and Tao/Myeena. As a nod to "Cities Of Gold", the descendant would wear one of the sun medallions that's a familyl heirloom.
Another canidate would be the Dreamworks film, "Road To El Dorado". This and "Cities Of Gold" are closer in time (1519 and 1532 respectively), have similar premises and allow themselves to get fantastical. And I can't but see Chel and Miguel wanting to adopt/spoil Zia, Esteban and Tao while Tulio constantly objecting. Though I'm not sure how Cortez would differ in his two incarnations.
All that being said, what are your thoughts?
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Steve. Steve. Steve. Steven. Esteban. Lieutenant Cortez. Steve.
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dr-ladybird · 4 years
Chapters: 11/11 Fandom: Mass Effect Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kaidan Alenko/Steve Cortez Characters: Kaidan Alenko, Steve Cortez Additional Tags: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Epilogue Summary:
Sometimes you don't need adventure. Sometimes there are no bells and whistles. Sometimes you just happen to meet the right person, at the right time.
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timptoe · 2 years
Chamomile with Honey
A little fluff with Cortez and Vega for Mass Effect’s fifteenth birthday. Because the world is cold and wet, and sometimes you just need some tea.
Honestly not sure if I think Cortez and Vega get together, so you can read this either as a gay man taking care of his friend, or two boyfriends sharing comfort after a bad day.
Either way, in a world filled with violence and fear, always remember that queer love is transformative.
Read it on Ao3.
James Vega is a terrible patient.
This is not particularly surprising. Steve’s listened to him boast enough times about how his “body’s a temple” to know just how important physical superiority—or at least the superiority of his physicality—is to James. The man who can bench press a krogan and outrun a turian, who does pull ups for fun and has an actual weight bench cluttering Steve’s cargo bay, prides himself on a body that does exactly what he wants, exactly when he needs.
But sometimes, you can’t win. Humanity has perfected genetic engineering, colonized planets across the galaxy, and yet still somehow hasn’t managed to cure the common cold.
It started as a sniffle on the shuttle ride back from Despoina. They were all cold, wet, shivering. Cortez, focused as he was on his flight console, figured the sniffling must’ve been Major Alenko, his relief at having his boyfriend back from the depths of the alien sea giving way to cathartic tears.
Except the sniffle got louder and closer, while Alenko and Shepard’s low voices stayed firmly ensconced back on the bench at the rear of the Kodiak. And then James poked his head into the cockpit, saying, “Mind if I sit co-pilot up here with you, Esteban? Kinda want to give those two a little privacy.”
“After the last two hours? I wouldn’t mind the company, Mr. Vega,” Steve had responded, turning to smile at the marine.
Who definitely had a sniffle.
It hadn’t gotten better once they’d returned to the Normandy. Kaidan had bustled Shepard off to the medbay so that Dr. Chakwas could “run a full panel on you to make sure that thing didn’t do anything to your brain down there like the beacon on Eden Prime, and also to make sure your temperature’s stabilized,” which Shepard had declared “horseshit” and “overbearing” and “Bryson needs to know what we found” and “I need to kit down” and “horseshit” again. But he didn’t let go of Kaidan’s hand as Kaidan led him patiently, and directly, onto the elevator.
Ah, young love. Young, ridiculous love.
James, on the other hand, remained down in the shuttle bay, stripping off his armor while Cortez started the long process of making sure whatever that thing did to the Kodiak hadn’t done lasting damage. The shuttle bay isn’t so big that he couldn’t hear the marine sneezing up a storm, though.
“Everything alright over there, Mr. Vega?” Cortez had called over.
“Never better, compadre,” Vega had called back, sneezing again.
So Steve is thoroughly unsurprised at what he sees when he walks into Port Observation later that night, tray in hand: James Vega, huddled under a blanket he must’ve stolen from the barracks, a ball of muscle and fabric shivering in the corner of the couch. He looks terrible.
“You look terrible,” Cortez says, unable to help himself.
James huddles deeper into the blanket. “No, please, don’t spare my feelings, pendejo,” he grumbles hoarsely. His broad shoulders shake with another shiver.
Cortez searches behind the couch and comes up with another blanket. Without a word, he draws it around his friend; James glares, but doesn’t protest. Cortez presses a hand to the back of his friend’s forehead.
“Yeah, that’s a fever alright,” he murmurs, a little concern leaking into his tone.
“‘m fine,” James responds, voice cracking a bit. “Doc gave me some meds for it.” He coughs and grimaces in pain. “Gave me something for my throat, too.”
“Mm,” Steve hums, taking his hand back. “Bet she didn’t give you this.”
He picks up the tray he’d brought in and takes it over to the bar, reaching under the counter for the hot water tap.
Vega perks up a little. “Is that what I think it is?” he says, scratchy voice laced with hope.
“Mm,” Steve hums again, failing to keep the grin off his face. “Depends on how much you’re going to apologize for calling me pendejojust now.”
He dunks the teabag in the hot water, lamenting that the loose leaf he’d rather have is both too expensive and too messy for ship life. Still, the sweet, floral scent that wafts out of the red clay teapot does its job, as James catches a whiff and inhales deeply.
“Tell me you’ve got—“ James stops as Steve lifts the little bear-shaped container off the tray and waggles it at him. He grins. “Mi cielito, te llamaré como quieras.”
Cortez laughs. “Just Esteban is fine,” he says, bringing the tray back over to the couch and sitting down next to Vega. He busies himself preparing the tea, James breathing laboriously next to him, and finishes by spooning a dollop of honey into James’s mug. He hands it over.
James takes a sip and closes his eyes, sighing. “Te manzanilla con miel,” he says softly. “I can’t believe you remembered.”
“Forget your grandmother’s fabled home remedy when you’re this sick? Perish the thought,” Steve responds.
James turns the mug in his hands, warming them up. “It’s been a long time, though.” He looks sidelong at Steve. “Where did you even find honey all the way out here?”
Cortez puffs out his chest in mock offense. “I’d be a pretty poor requisitions officer if I couldn’t procure those things essential to the health of the crew. Besides,” he says, mischief in his eyes, “who’s to say I haven’t been carrying that around since the last time you were sick?”
James chuckles, taking another sip. They fall into a companionable silence for a moment, James staring out into the starfield, Steve studying James’s form. The tea does seem to be warming him up, he notes with satisfaction; James hasn’t shivered once since that first sip.
“I remember one time, my uncle made this for me after I got caught in a rainstorm on my way home from school,” James says after a moment, voice deeper than usual—maybe from the cough, maybe from the emotion that comes with the memory. “It doesn’t rain a whole lot on the coast, and I took the long way home because…well.” His shoulders sink a little bit. “Anyway, I was a mess by the time I walked in the door. Tió Emilio whipped this up, though, and…” He trails off, and looks down. “Waiting in the rain sucks.”
He takes another sip, then turns and smiles at Cortez. “But there’s a lotta good memories with this tea. Thank you, Esteban. It means a lot.”
Steve smiles back and pats his arm. “I know much you hate being sick, and with everything going on…well, it’s the least I could do.” He stands up. “I’ll leave you to it, Mr. Vega.”
James frowns. “You’re not staying?”
Cortez cocks an eyebrow. “The only thing you hate more than being sick is other people seeing you be sick. That’s why you’re in here by yourself, instead of drinking the warm coffee that’s in the mess or huddled in your own bed in the barracks.” He gives James a small smile. “I know you pretty well.”
James huffs, breaking eye contact to look down at his mug again. He thoughtfully takes another sip of tea and then, without looking up, says, “Well I know there’s enough in that teapot for at least another mug, Esteban.” He looks up and fixes Steve with a look. “And after the day we’ve had? I wouldn’t mind the company.”
“Yeah?” Steve says.
“Yeah,” James answers. And then sneezes. And then shivers.
Steve chuckles, sitting back down to fill his own mug. He leans back against the couch, finding yet another blanket under the couch to pull around them both, and James settles into his side. The two sit with their memories for a long time, staring out into the stars, the quiet broken only by the occasional sip, or sneeze, or the quiet hum of a melody from time gone by.
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elevanetheirin · 5 years
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“Worst shore leave ever.”
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queercraftingchonk · 3 years
In reference to Garrus "taking [dance] lessons on the side" in the Citadel DLC:
I've seen some posts and now accept fully as canon that the teacher Garrus was seeing is Steve Cortez. I can see Cortez being a good dancer that used to go out to hit the dance floor with his late husband Robert.
But then why was Vega at the nightclub during Shep and Garrus's date?
...who do you think requested a tango track to play during the bar's usual techno beat playlist?
James was roped into this thing early on and only agreed to keep quiet around Lola if he was allowed a front row seat to Garrus coaxing Shepard into dancing with him.
He watched Garrus get good at leading Esteban, sure--but Steve actually has a sense of rhythm. This? Oh, he had to see this...
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