#even if it makes great fanfic
mai-komagata · 8 months
Did lower decks confirm chocolate doesn’t get Vulcans drunk? (Or at the very least that t’lyn doesn’t know it does but mariner thinks this?)
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patolemus · 19 days
Stiles sits in the front row at the funeral.
He’s next to Mellisa, who hasn’t been able to stop crying since she got the news. Stiles’ dad had organized the whole thing, talking with the funerary home and picking up the coffin and the arrangements. He’d only asked Melissa what she wanted on the headstone.
Raphael had showed up the day after. For the first time in his life, he’d looked a mess, hair everywhere and clothes wrinkled as he stormed into the house asking what had happened to his son, tears already gathering in his eyes before he even got a look at Melissa’s face. Stiles hadn’t made fun of him. Stiles hadn’t said anything at all. Raphael sits on Melissa’s other side now, and she grips his hand tight enough it turns white. He hasn’t been back for five years.
God, Scott hadn’t seen his had for five years, and now he’s dead. Scott’s dead.
Stiles thinks it still hasn’t sunk in. He’s in the middle of his best friend’s funeral - it’s closed casket because his body was so mangled up that the EMPs could barely recognize him. Stiles had heard his dad on the phone with one of his deputies talking about it, before he’d realized just whose body they were talking about - and it still hasn’t clicked that Scott won’t be coming out of his casket, that this isn’t some kind of sick practical joke for getting him out of bed the night before school started.
Stiles is not crying. He hasn’t cried once since hearing the news. His dad is crying, sitting on his other side. Scott’s like a second son to him.
Was. Scott was like a second son to him. Was because he’s gone now. Because he’s dead.
Scott’s dead.
His best friend since preschool is dead. His brother is dead. The kindest, most caring person in the world is dead. Stiles goaded him into going to the preserve to look for half a dead body - and God, he’s such an asshole. A dead body? What was he even thinking? - and now Scott doesn’t even get to show his face at his own funeral because whatever killed him barely left any of him to bury.
If only he’d stayed. If only he’d told his dad Scott was with him that night instead of leaving him there. But no, Stiles hadn’t wanted Scott to get grounded because he dragged him out of bed, so he’d kept quiet. Even when he’d seen the pair of red eyes and that— that thing in the corner of his eye. Stiles hadn’t said anything. He thought they’d laugh about it at lunch the next day.
Now Scott’s dead.
Scott is dead.
And Stiles knows exactly what did it.
(He’s going to fucking kill it.)
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Love the idea of each previous hero's journey being mostly lost to time, such that each time the cycle starts again absolutely no one picks up the very obvious clues that might lead them to the hero.
Oh, you've named your blond haired blue eyed child Link, have you? That's a good name!
Oh, he's found a strange red and white maned horse he's named epona who has utterly bonded with him? How unusual!
Yes, the princess Zelda is the same age, isn't she? What a good omen for the family!
We know he doesn't talk much, but he's the sweetest lad, don't worry!
Don't fret, dearie, his wanderlust will abate when he grows up, I'm sure it won't get him in too much trouble before then.
Prodigious little swordsman, isn't he? He would make a great knight if he wanted to when he's older!
Oh? Rumours about a long forgotten temple in the woods? How strange! Are you sure it's not just the children telling stories?
Look at him in his armoured green outfit! That hat looks lovely on him - where did you find it?
#It's so funny#In just about every Zelda I've played there's been about a hundred signs link is In The Building and no one ever notices#Twilight Princess was the absolute worst everyone just kept bringing up Its The Hero stuff and it just was not clicking#By the time we got to epona I was half tempted to make a bingo card#Heck he even has a tree house!!#Strong oot time genes there XD#There's something about loading up a Zelda game and going 'yup. This is a Zelda game alright' but NO ONE in universe notices#YOU ACTUALLY LIVE THERE YOU GUYS STUDY THIS IN HISTORY CLASS#it also opens up the great trope of link casually knowing stuff from previous lives he absolutely shouldn't and nobody taking it seriously#Until he comes back with the master sword#Some of those games were particularly bonkers and if the specifics never got recorded then there's no way anyone would believe them#A zora princess tried to marry the hero?? Lmao try writing fanfic#Listen I know it says the hero came from the woods but kokiri don't exist he would have just lived in a cottage or something#How dare you besmirch the hero's honour! He would never lower himself to base property damage! Never mind pots!#No hylian can ever wrestle a goron are you insane??#Talking boat.... Sure#But you just KNOW Zelda would get some scholars and they'd hang off his every word#I love fics where link just casually references some world shaking knowledge (ie rito being zora descended and their own squid ancestors)#Or what the divine beasts were named after#Or what time travel feels like#Or that the myths hylians came from the skies are true#Or what one Zelda did when she vanished centuries ago#Or what the giant skeletons were#That kind of thing#Sorry I rambled#long post#legend of zelda#loz#loz zelda#loz link
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anghraine · 1 year
It's still so weird when I see people hand wringing about comparisons of fanfiction to early modern literature, usually with the assumption that the people making the comparisons only read fanfic or they'd know that there's some special quality to early modern writers re-purposing pre-existing stories, themes, and characters that fanfic doesn't have.
But it's glaring that despite all the theatrics and how daaaaares and "read real literature" etc, it's not really possible to define what that quality is.
Early modern literature is not automatically good just because it's old. As in any era, plenty of it sucks! So it's not just "well, fanfic is bad/mediocre and early modern literature is definitionally brilliant and that's what makes them different." It's not that early modern literature comes from an era of unhindered artistry or some nonsense like that. At least for English writers, it was in fact an era of heavy censorship, and opportunities for writing the kind of literature under discussion were sharply restricted by who got access to education and patronage.
Now, those kinds of concerns do make the creative process for early modern English literature different from the far fewer restrictions on writing fanfic. The trends are (sometimes) different and the goals are often different. I don't think they're actually the same thing. But I do think fans are 100% right to point out that the modern obsession with originality, novelty, and copyright is not some absolute standard for all kinds of writing and can't even be consistently applied to works considered literary given how wildly ahistorical it is for things like early modern literature.
If you're going to argue that there is some intrinsic quality about fanfic that makes it Just Worse by definition—and especially if you're going to grandstand and sneer at people about it—then you should be able to define what that is. And it is fair to point out that this concept that originality of plot, theme, and character are intrinsically better, more creative, and even sometimes a defining quality of literature cannot account for things like early modern literature and don't make any sense in many contexts.
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jayholdenworld · 3 months
Lando's Thoughts (Sneak Peek 2 of a Future Fic)
I'll Be Safe In Your Sound ('til I Come Back Around) by Raven_TheDeathGod
Lando was fine with this conclusion, and probably most of the Grid was too. Oscar managed to make a Beta apologize to an Omega, something you barely see nowadays. Now the Omega would say everything was okay and the Pack would finally welcome the two new members of the Grid like they should have so long ago.
-Oscar, I want to leave.
That was not something Lando expected, and he knew a lot of the Pack members were as shocked as him. Even if they had been treated poorly, all the Pack Omegas understood that they should not exteriorize their feelings about the treatment. Alphas and Betas around the paddock would say they were too dramatic, and that they needed to keep their feelings ruled if they wanted to compete in this sport or any other. It was an unspoken rule.
However, the way Oscar looked at Logan after he said that, made Lando jealous. The younger McLaren driver saw his friend with eyes full of worry like the Omega just said to him he was going to die or some other terrible news. Oscar was worried about him, and he acknowledged Logan’s feelings like they were the most important thing in this room right now.
A moment later, Oscar moved in a way he kept the Omegas hidden from the Betas, but George and Logan could still see Esteban and Alex behind him. It could be something sweet for some people, but Lando knew what his teammate was doing and felt like he couldn’t breathe anymore.
Oscar was giving Logan, giving the Omega, the choice of seeing the older Beta if he wanted to, or to avoid him completely. He was allowing Logan’s feelings to settle down so he could make a decision. He was making sure that whatever happened after those words, were what Logan wished to have.
He was making sure the affected Omega was comfortable with the situation before any other person in the room.
And to make that decision, to put the Omega before any Beta or Alpha, was a bold statement of disrespect. It showed how little Oscar cared about the unspoken rules they had as a Pack. Or the rules that affected in general the way of doing things in Formula 1. He didn’t care about pleasing anyone but the people he cared about.
Lando should have known that already. How little did Oscar care about social standards, how he “ignored” someone to prevent himself from connecting with people he didn’t like or didn't share his point of view about how you should treat an Omega. How he had not been afraid of being isolated from the McLaren Pack when he preferred helping the Omegas back at the MTC than listening to any Alpha or Beta telling their stories.
Lando should have known this would happen when Oscar said that he still felt connected to his previous Pack.
Oscar was in the Grid Pack Room not because he was polite or was excited to belong to it, but because he knew this could happen with Logan or any other Omega. He was there not to be part of the Grid Pack. No, he had his own pack already and had told Daniel and Lando about it.
He was there, in that room, to prevent the Pack from hurting his best friend, his teammate, or any other Omega he was close to.
Oscar was there because he cared about Omegas in a way no one has ever cared about them.
And, when he took Logan’s hand and started walking towards the exit of the room, (a space the Pack already cleared up to prevent any possible confrontation), as soon as Logan asked to go once again, and even let the young Omega pick the pace to leave the room. Lando felt again the jealousy running through his whole body.
He wanted to be Logan, he wanted to have an Alpha or Beta that cared enough about his feelings. He wanted to be acknowledged first and be the priority of the other. He wanted to feel what Logan might be feeling right now. That love and support that no one gives you so freely. He wanted, and wanted, and wanted.
And, when Oscar turned around before leaving, to make sure Lando was fine with staying there, staying with these people instead of going away with him. Questioning him with his eyes before Lando nodded and looked anywhere else, but the young Beta leaving. Lando was sure of something.
He was jealous of whatever Logan and Oscar had. And he wanted that and more.
Also, he was now sure that there was no other shoe waiting to drop. Oscar really was the “nice guy” type of person.
And Lando wanted.
He wanted Oscar.
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etheries1015 · 4 months
Hello my lovely loyal followers! I want to apologize to anyone who has left something in my inbox and has not gotten a response at this time or for a long while! I've been pretty busy and haven't really had time/motivation for much writing these days. BUT that doesn't mean i'm ignoring you and do not see your requests, or that I'm no longer active! Just expect some slower response times than you may have been used to.
In addition to this, I can really feel most fandoms and fanfiction not getting nearly as much attention and traction as they used to, which also hinders the desire to write as of late. Just a friendly reminder that if you like someone's work, maybe take the time to repost or put a lil' comment, it makes all the world of difference for our hard-working writers who do this for free and for (oftentimes) Your entertainment!
Another reminder that not getting a response does NOT mean I have anything against you or the request you sent in! I appreciate ALL the little requests you guys send in and I ADORE talking to you all! Just busier times is all. So please don't take it personally! <3
Thank you for reading my work and supporting me!
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rapidhighway · 7 months
K I've been thinking about this for like a week now. Ignoring any immortal headcanons if you have them. Knuckles knows he's not going to be able to guard the Master Emerald forever and that probably troubles him, but, if he was dying do you think he'd ask Sonic to guard it? He's the person with a unique connection to Chaos and the Chaos Emeralds and he's basically chosen one the most specialest guy, and one of the few people Knuckles could trust with that duty.
Of course I think Sonic would say no. I think he'd never be able to do that and he wouldn't want to.
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snackugaki · 7 months
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fandom history can be a circle if we try really hard
(last link a bit sketch if only for the little 'Not Secure' flag)
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via https://www.phoenixanime.com/links.htm
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hussyknee · 7 months
I think sometimes you just have to make peace with the fact that your actual hobby is collecting books. And that that's okay.
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wyzteri · 1 month
What the hell just happened
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skinnypaleangryperson · 2 months
The problem with me is that I don't write fanfiction. I write goddamn entire universes.
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rotisseries · 10 months
I'm so unbelievably susceptible to the famous secret relationship trope it's unreal actually
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gourmet-trash · 2 months
i know i'm not the first person to say this, but i've been seeing more of it than usual lately so it feels like it bears repeating:
don't put things like "this is so bad" or "i suck at summaries" or "sorry this is terrible" in your fic tags or summaries.
even if you FEEL like what you've written is bad, don't advertise that! even if you think your summary isn't good, don't call that out! you are convincing people that's the truth before they have even been given a chance to make that decision for themselves!
something i learned in a few public speaking courses/workshops i've been in over the years that i find oddly relevant to this topic is: do not apologize. specifically if you're giving a presentation and you say something incorrectly or you skip a data point - don't apologize! when you notice it, just calmly correct yourself or go back and cover the point you missed. you shouldn't say "sorry" if you can avoid it.
why? because people don't NOTICE that you've flubbed a lot of the time UNTIL YOU CALL IT OUT. they don't even think twice about it unless you make a big deal out of it. but when you make a big deal out of it, then it becomes A Thing. then that's something people remember about your presentation.
when you highlight that something is wrong or needs to be apologized for, you're putting that frame around the situation. saying "this is bad" out the gate primes someone to agree with you. saying "this is OOC" tells someone to be looking for the things that are OOC that they may not have really noticed at first.
i know for a lot of people who are new to writing, getting some positive feedback or a little validation on their work is the thing that makes you want to KEEP WRITING. but tags like "this is awful" make a lot of people automatically scroll past your story. you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to get that motivation if you're shoving your readers away before they ever show up! and you're steering away people who may genuinely enjoy your work by convincing them before they've even started reading that it isn't worth their time.
stop fucking doing that, little writerlings.
and if you're REALLY worried about it?? you're REALLY afraid people are going to hate what you wrote and leave flames in the comment box (i am so fucking old)?? make a burner account. post that shit anonymously. you might be surprised by the feedback you actually get.
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silkendandelion · 3 months
*wipes a whiteboard that reads “it has been ____ days without creating a new WIP”*
Crocodile x River: Pretty Woman (1990)
*the board now reads 0 days*
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jestiamy · 1 year
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just finished reading @twstyuna's fic blood and bone and heart of stone and felt the need to highlight the fact ace's initial assumption of. yeah this is definite nepotism. was not that much of a jump actually spoilers for chapter 19 and appropriate levels of gore mentions for it below cut
I typically don't really do fanart for more rural and specific stuff like fanfictions over fandoms because it's like. my art is really. static. not really outstanding or anything. and it's easier to get lost in the crowd of "tons of art for popular game" vs "one of the like twenty total art pieces for super specific fanfiction I like" but the leona scene where golem!yuu rips out their molar and presents it to him as a gift really just stuck out to me. I did make a sketch of that but I was like. you know for someone really bad at gore this somehow ends up the topic of a lot of my art. I should go find something else. so after getting a drawing ref of golem!yuu I was like !!!! oh wow yeah they really do look like crowley huh. so I went for this instead
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snowwbazziscanon · 1 year
But here's the real deal: it's easy to read fanfiction about any couple really, as long as it's sold properly. I can and will read fanfic about the most random couples if the chemistry is there and that's that
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