#everyone had their hand flirting at dan tonight!
x3kristax3 · 1 year
Eternal love - Chapter 3
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It's been a few weeks since the drunk night with Dan and Jessy, things seem to be going back to normal. Surprisingly Hannah and Lilly still reach out to talk to me and check on me. This I wasn't expecting as he is their brother. We decided to all meet up at the Aurora and honestly I need this night after the weeks of working nonstop to keep my mind busy. I haven't thought about dating but Jessy keeps telling me that Phil is asking about me.
I throw on a pair of black jeans and a croptop with my hair curled and knee high boots. I look in the mirror and let out a sigh. I would normally wear a leather jacket with this outfit for him but tonight I decided against it as it's a bit warmer than it's been. I touch up my makeup from the day and call a cab to head over there.
 I walk in to the Aurora and I instantly hear the gangs laughter and I can't help but smile. I head up to the bar and Phil is serving this blonde girl and his normal flirts. I roll my eyes as I tap the bar to get his attention. He finishes dealing with her and walks up to me. His hair is pulled back and he has on a simple black tshirt that shows off his the bit of muscles he does has. I never noticed until now he good he actually looks. 'Hmm maybe I can have some fun after everything' i say to myself.
"What can I get for you gorgeous?" He asks. 
Normally he calls me MC or love but tonight he seems different. He's definitely flirting differently with me than normal as I feel him grab my hand to get my attention.
I snap back at his touch "rum and coke, extra strong please" I say with a coy smile. I know he won't say no to me when I ask for that. He's told me I'm the only person that asks that he actually makes it extra strong.
He makes it up and puts it down "this one is on the house as it's been too long. Why don't you stick around tonight until closing? I miss that smile of yours."
"Hmmm, can I get a kiss right now?" I say slightly leaning over the counter.
He leans in and kisses me deep but quick and it's lustful. I smile at him as he pulls away and I see thd blonde from earlier staring. "Sure I'll stay to closing, Phil." I grab my drink and head over to the gang.
I get shit all night from Dan for the way Phil and I are acting but honestly its all just fun. He's glad to see me happy for the first time in weeks.
It's the last call and everyone leaves except for me. He won't let me even go sit outside while he closes up for the night. As I wait for him I ppur myself a whiskey neat and he shakes his head as Ive had more than enough to drink but he won't tell me no.
He grabs my hand and takes me upstairs to his apartment. Feeling his touch is toxic to me, or maybe it's all the drinks but I lean into him and we kiss. I feel his hands on my body and I don't stop him.
I wake up with a pounding headache, my eyes are still closed and I groan as I see the ligjt coming through my eyes. I don't remember much from last night but I feel a weight next to me and my eyes open and I see Phil sleeping still. I realize we are both naked and I realize what happened. 'Ugh, how could I let myself get that drunk' I groaned to myself, or I thought to myself.
"Well I never stopped you from drinking either" Phil says half asleep as he pulls me closer and kisses my cheek.
I blush at this moment and curl up against him. "Well you should have stopped the drinks sooner" I giggle.
"Maybe I wanted this. However I think coffee and pancakes are in order" he says, standing up and putting on boxers. 
He tosses me a shirt and I watch him walk out of the bedroom. I throw on the shirt and it smells like him but also of smoke and I crunch my noise. That's one thing last night I wasn’t thinking of, this man smokes and the smell drives me insane and not in the best way. I sit up and reach for my jeans and grab my phone out of the back pocket. I see all the messages in the group chat of pictures from last night and there is someone one of me leaning across the bar and kissing Phil. I also see a text from the last person I want to talk to. He left me in the middle of the night weeks ago and now wants to check in on me. I delete the message as I don’t want to deal with him or that drama right now.  My heart is finally in a good place and the last thing I need is to go back down that rabbit hole with him again. I put my phone back into my jeans pocket and head out into the kitchen with Phil.
As I walk through the door I instantly smell coffee and bacon and I see him mixing up pancake mix. I smile as I never imagined him to be like this, but everyone says he’s different when it comes to me. I hope he realizes this is just a rebound thing, something fun and he’s not looking for more. He pours a cup of coffee and makes it up for me like I ask for when he see’s me at the coffee shop and I smile.
“So what's your plans for today?’ He asks with a smile and takes a sip of his black coffee.
‘Well, I'm off work for a couple days so I don’t really have any plans. Why were you thinking of something?” I ask
“I know this walk in the forest that leads to this amazing spot and then i thought we could get lunch somewhere.” He says as he starts cooking the pancakes watching them to make sure they don’t burn.
“You mean like a date?” I ask with my headache still there.
“Yeah, a date. I can take you back to your place so you can shower and get ready.” he turns around and as he does we hear my phone from his bedroom go off.
I sigh as I stand up to go get it and grab it, answering it before I say hello or look at it. I look at Phil “It’s a date” I say with a smile.
“MC” I hears Jake's voice from her phone
I pull the phone away and realized I answered without looking at it. “What do you want? You walked away from me.” i say annoyed with myself.
“Are you home?'' His voice is weak and I want nothing more than to forgive him but I can’t.
“No, and I don’t want to see you.” I hang up the phone and put it down. I sit down on Phils couch and he sits next to me.
“Everything okay?” he holds my hand.
“No, my ex and I didn't realize it until after I picked up the phone.”
“Well let's go get you home so you can clean up and then we can have that date.” he smiles at me.
He drops me off and walks me to my door. He kisses me softly and leaves while I go in and get ready for the day out. He picks me back up with another cup of coffee and I can’t help but smile. We enjoy the day taking a walk talking and looking out over Duskwood from a cliff before heading to where he wants to take me for lunch. We enjoy a simple cafe lunch while talking and laughing. I realize that while most people think of him as a player or a womanizer he really is more than that. He puts on that act for the bar but when you get past that there is more to him then you see. 
Jakes POV:
It's been weeks on the run and I miss her just as much as when I left her. I’ve told myself I wouldn’t reach out to her but I notice my pursuers are close to her which worries that they will take her to draw me out. I reached out in a text but no response. After a while I call, as I’m outside her place and she answers. She’s going on a date with someone, but who. No I can’t let it consume me, I walked away. She tells me that and she doesn’t want to see me and hangs up. I stay until I see a car pull up and I see her with Phil.
Of all guys in Duskwood, she really goes for Phil? I can’t let that get under my skin though so I walk away from her. I go back into hiding even though the last thing I want is to see her with him of all people.
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babeczka415 · 1 year
Eternal Love
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Chapter 3
It's been a few weeks since the drunk night with Dan and Jessy, things seem to be going back to normal. Surprisingly Hannah and Lilly still reach out to talk to me and check on me. This I wasn't expecting as he is their brother. We decided to all meet up at the Aurora and honestly I need this night after the weeks of working nonstop to keep my mind busy. I haven't thought about dating but Jessy keeps telling me that Phil is asking about me.
I throw on a pair of black jeans and a croptop with my hair curled and knee high boots. I look in the mirror and let out a sigh. I would normally wear a leather jacket with this outfit for him but tonight I decided against it as it's a bit warmer than it's been. I touch up my makeup from the day and call a cab to head over there.
 I walk in to the Aurora and I instantly hear the gangs laughter and I can't help but smile. I head up to the bar and Phil is serving this blonde girl and his normal flirts. I roll my eyes as I tap the bar to get his attention. He finishes dealing with her and walks up to me. His hair is pulled back and he has on a simple black tshirt that shows off his the bit of muscles he does has. I never noticed until now he good he actually looks. 'Hmm maybe I can have some fun after everything' I say to myself.
"What can I get for you gorgeous?" He asks. 
Normally he calls me MC or love but tonight he seems different. He's definitely flirting differently with me than normal as I feel him grab my hand to get my attention.
I snap back at his touch "rum and coke, extra strong please" I say with a coy smile. I know he won't say no to me when I ask for that. He's told me I'm the only person that asks that he actually makes it extra strong.
He makes it up and puts it down "this one is on the house as it's been too long. Why don't you stick around tonight until closing? I miss that smile of yours."
"Hmmm, can I get a kiss right now?" I say slightly leaning over the counter.
He leans in and kisses me deep but quick and it's lustful. I smile at him as he pulls away and I see the blonde from earlier staring. "Sure I'll stay to closing, Phil." I grab my drink and head over to the gang.
I get shit all night from Dan for the way Phil and I are acting but honestly its all just fun. He's glad to see me happy for the first time in weeks.
It's the last call and everyone leaves except for me. He won't let me even go sit outside while he closes up for the night. As I wait for him I pour myself a whiskey neat and he shakes his head as Ive had more than enough to drink but he won't tell me no.
He grabs my hand and takes me upstairs to his apartment. Feeling his touch is toxic to me, or maybe it's all the drinks but I lean into him and we kiss. I feel his hands on my body and I don't stop him.
I wake up with a pounding headache, my eyes are still closed and I groan as I see the ligjt coming through my eyes. I don't remember much from last night but I feel a weight next to me and my eyes open and I see Phil sleeping still. I realize we are both naked and I realize what happened. 'Ugh, how could I let myself get that drunk' I groaned to myself, or I thought to myself.
"Well I never stopped you from drinking either" Phil says half asleep as he pulls me closer and kisses my cheek.
I blush at this moment and curl up against him. "Well you should have stopped the drinks sooner" I giggle.
"Maybe I wanted this. However I think coffee and pancakes are in order" he says, standing up and putting on boxers. 
He tosses me a shirt and I watch him walk out of the bedroom. I throw on the shirt and it smells like him but also of smoke and I crunch my noise. That's one thing last night I wasn’t thinking of, this man smokes and the smell drives me insane and not in the best way. I sit up and reach for my jeans and grab my phone out of the back pocket. I see all the messages in the group chat of pictures from last night and there is someone one of me leaning across the bar and kissing Phil. I also see a text from the last person I want to talk to. He left me in the middle of the night weeks ago and now wants to check in on me. I delete the message as I don’t want to deal with him or that drama right now.  My heart is finally in a good place and the last thing I need is to go back down that rabbit hole with him again. I put my phone back into my jeans pocket and head out into the kitchen with Phil.
As I walk through the door I instantly smell coffee and bacon and I see him mixing up pancake mix. I smile as I never imagined him to be like this, but everyone says he’s different when it comes to me. I hope he realizes this is just a rebound thing, something fun and he’s not looking for more. He pours a cup of coffee and makes it up for me like I ask for when he see’s me at the coffee shop and I smile.
“So what's your plans for today?’ He asks with a smile and takes a sip of his black coffee.
‘Well, I'm off work for a couple days so I don’t really have any plans. Why were you thinking of something?” I ask.
“I know this walk in the forest that leads to this amazing spot and then i thought we could get lunch somewhere.” He says as he starts cooking the pancakes watching them to make sure they don’t burn.
“You mean like a date?” I ask with my headache still there.
“Yeah, a date. I can take you back to your place so you can shower and get ready.” he turns around and as he does we hear my phone from his bedroom go off.
I sigh as I stand up to go get it and grab it, answering it before I say hello or look at it. I look at Phil “It’s a date” I say with a smile.
“MC” I hears Jake's voice from her phone
I pull the phone away and realized I answered without looking at it. “What do you want? You walked away from me.” i say annoyed with myself.
“Are you home?'' His voice is weak and I want nothing more than to forgive him but I can’t.
“No, and I don’t want to see you.” I hang up the phone and put it down. I sit down on Phils couch and he sits next to me.
“Everything okay?” he holds my hand.
“No, my ex and I didn't realize it until after I picked up the phone.”
“Well let's go get you home so you can clean up and then we can have that date.” he smiles at me.
He drops me off and walks me to my door. He kisses me softly and leaves while I go in and get ready for the day out. He picks me back up with another cup of coffee and I can’t help but smile. We enjoy the day taking a walk talking and looking out over Duskwood from a cliff before heading to where he wants to take me for lunch. We enjoy a simple cafe lunch while talking and laughing. I realize that while most people think of him as a player or a womanizer he really is more than that. He puts on that act for the bar but when you get past that there is more to him then you see. 
Jakes POV:
It's been weeks on the run and I miss her just as much as when I left her. I’ve told myself I wouldn’t reach out to her but I notice my pursuers are close to her which worries that they will take her to draw me out. I reached out in a text but no response. After a while I call, as I’m outside her place and she answers. She’s going on a date with someone, but who. No I can’t let it consume me, I walked away. She tells me that and she doesn’t want to see me and hangs up. I stay until I see a car pull up and I see her with Phil.
Of all guys in Duskwood, she really goes for Phil? I can’t let that get under my skin though so I walk away from her. I go back into hiding even though the last thing I want is to see her with him of all people.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
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Light smut in this chapter you can skip passed it if you don't feel comfortable reading it
Chapter 3
I dreamed of Jake last night. He came back to me a free man, he was no longer a wanted man. I was so happy that he had come back for me. Everything was so perfect. We got married and had children but then he slowly started to fade away. I tried reaching out for him but I couldn't save him. It's always the same dream night after night no matter what I try to do I always end up losing him. It's been a couple of months since I came back to duskwood. I'm back in my own apartment now Jessy and dad have been amazing looking out for me the way they did.
I'm meeting up with the others later at the aurora. I can't wait to just have a little fun, I've been so focused on Jake that I've forgotten what it's like to just let go and forget everything for one night. I've even bought a new dress that Jessy said I looked smoking hot in and insisted that I get it. It was a tightly fitted red strapless dress that hugged my curves so well. After a few hours I am finally ready to go out. I match my dress with a pair of black heels and purse. I don't bother to take a jacket as it's quite warm out. I arrive at the bar and I see the others sitting in a booth before going over. I go over to the bar to get a drink. I see Phil flirting with a woman when the woman walks away. Phil turns and sees me sitting at the bar.
"Hey beautiful, how are you? Haven't seen you here in a while" Phil took my hand and placed a small kiss on it. "A lot has happened. I've come to have fun tonight" Phil smiles at me with that fire in his eyes. "What can I get you to drink?" I sit and think for a moment deciding on what I want to drink. "I'll have a double whiskey on the rocks" Phil goes to make my drink and I feel someone touching my shoulder. I turn around and for a second I think it's Jake tapping me on the shoulder. I have this smile on my face and when I see who it is the smile fades.
"Hey MC, you okay?" The small blonde stood in front of me trying to figure out what's wrong "oh Lilly, im okay I'll be over in a second" I turned myself back round and down my drink in one slamming it back onto the bar. "Can I have another please Phil" Phil looks at me with wide eyes but he doesn't question it he just gets me the drink and I go and join the others.
"Hey MC it's so good to see you" Cleo stands up and hugs me. I haven't seen Cleo much since I got back after Cleo sits down and another pair of arms wrap around my body Jessy is holding onto me. "Hey MC, I'm so glad you came, sit down next to me" everyone shuffled around the table making some more room for me to sit down. I sit and talk to Jessy and Lilly most of the night while Thomas and Hannah are too loved up to care about anything or anyone around them. Dan is sitting talking with Cleo. It's good to be out, it's good that I came here.
After a few more hours I start to feel pretty good. I've been drinking whiskey most of the night. I'm sitting at the bar waiting to be served. I can't keep my eyes off Phil. I want him to come over to me so badly this is definitely the whiskey making me think all these things about Phil. I see him go into his office so I decide to go and follow him when I get there he's bent over picking something up off the floor. I can't keep my eyes off his arse "you know that is a really good view" my eyes widened at what I just said. Did I really just say that out loud? I decided to brush it off and just go with it. I want to have some fun tonight and if that means it's with Phil then I'm okay with that.
Phil looks up at me with that hot grin on his face. I make my way over to him and push him against the wall kissing him. He doesn't seem shocked by my actions, he just goes with it. My hands roam all around his body. It's like I am craving every inch of him. I need to have him right here and now I pull away from Phil walking back towards the door and locking it. Phil knows what I am doing. It's not the first time he's been here and done this with some random women only this time in no random hookup. Our clothes start to fly off across the room. We both fall to the floor, our hands exploring every inch of the other's body as moans escape my mouth.
The next thing I know more moans are coming out of my mouth as Phil is fucking me on his office floor. Now I know why all the women love hooking up with Phil. He's so good at what he does and as for his size he fills me up so much. I can feel myself wanting to cum all over his cock with a few more pushes I cum all over him as I feel him filling me up. I climbed off Phil and lay next to him. After a few minutes we get up and put our clothes back on. "Any time you wanna hook up baby just let me know" Phil winked at me as he left his office. I thought about what he had just said and decided that I would definitely want to do this again.
I walk back over to the table where my friends are and sit down, I can see Jessy looking at me with a confused look on her face. "What were you just doing MC?" A smirk laced my face as I looked at Jessy. "Oh I just went to have a little fun that's all" Jessy still looked at me with confusion then it but her. "Did you and Phil just sleep together?" I sat back with my drink in hand and smiled. "Yes and it was the best sex I've ever had" I could see Jessy's eyes widen at what I just told her. "I don't want you getting hurt again MC you know what Phil is like" the smile still lacing my face as I took a sip of my drink. "It's okay Jessy it was just a hookup nothing serious"
I could see Jessy starting to relax a little at my words, she moved closer to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Please just be careful MC" I looked at Jessy and smiled softly back at her. "I will Jessy I promise" I had an amazing time at the aurora. I asked Phil if I could hang back while he closed the bar. That look he gives me drives me crazy "sure thing gorgeous I won't be long" it didn't take long for Phil to get things done. Watching him made my heart feel like it was beating a million times. This was going to be the best fun I have ever had. I walked over to Phil and took his hand. His apartment was above the bar which had its advantages.
We just make it up the stairs before our clothes start to come off, I can't wait to get him undressed so I can see his super hot, sexy body. We make it into the bedroom both falling into the bed. I can't wait to feel Phil inside me. He's like an addiction that I can't get enough of. The next morning I wake up to an empty bed Phil nowhere to be seen. I get up out of his bed and put on my panties and one of Phil's t-shirts. Walking into the living room I see Phil standing in the kitchen making some breakfast. A smile spreads across my face as I walk over to him wrapping my arm around his waist.
"Hey gorgeous, I'm making bacon and eggs. Why don't you sit down and I'll be over in a minute "I kiss Phil on the cheek and walk over to the table picking up the coffee pot and pouring some coffee into a mug. I can feel Phil's eyes on me. I can tell he's loving the face I'm wearing his t-shirt after a few minutes Phil comes over with breakfast. It all smells so good Phil is looking so hot without his shirt on his muscles so super hot. After eating breakfast I go to get changed so i can get home and get out of this dress. "why don't I came with you then we can hang out before I open the bar"
Me and Phil head back to my place. He offers to make some coffee while I go shower and freshen up. Spending the day with Phil has been amazing. We haven't been able to keep our hands off each other. We spent most of the day making out on the sofa with my hands roaming all over his body. "I want you so badly Phil" I bite my lip as I look into Phil's eyes. I unzipped his jeans and freed his erection. I slowly grind against him as a moan leaves his mouth. I lowered myself into him. That feeling of him deep inside me feels so good.
I've been seeing Phil for a few months now. We have grown closer, our relationship isn't just about sex anymore. I have finally moved on from Jake. I will not waste anymore tears on that man. I feel like I am finally in a place where I can be happy. I can't wait to go and see Phil later. He's taking me out on a date. He won't tell me where we are going as he wants it to be a surprise.
I've finally decided on an outfit for my date with Phil. I've got a pair of black skinny jeans that have rips going down each leg. I matched them with a red vest top and my favorite black boots. I look out of the window and see Phil pull up in his motorbike. I quickly grab my leather jacket and keys. "So where are you taking me?" I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He's so cute. "It's still a surprise gorgeous" I climbed on the back of Phil's bike and held onto him. After half an hour we arrived at this beautiful spot overlooking duskwood. Phil had a basket and blanket already laid out.
We sat down on the blanket talking and eating all the amazing food Phil had brought. "thank you Phil, today has been amazing" I turn to look at Phil and smile "your welcome gorgeous" I lean in and kiss Phil on the lips his lips taste so sweet. "MC, I've never said this to anyone before I love you" I looked at Phil and my eyes widened. I wasn't expecting to hear this but I think I felt the same way "I love you to Phil"
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mymansdanny3 · 2 years
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THE ONE I WANT | daniel ricciardo
age gapppp for anyone who’s not comfortable with thattt🫶🫶🫶
he has a sweet spot for her everyone knows.
y/n a new young motorsport tv presenter who has always had a obvious thing for daniel, and everyone seems to think he feels the same way.
“heyyy dannnyyyy”y/n says as she walks into his drivers room
“hey love”
“you did great out there babe” she shot him a wink as she sat down next to him
he slings his arms around her shoulders “thanks darling, what you got for today?”
“a shit ton of interviews but that’s all”
“ahh okay”
“you wanna go out later tonight dan?”she asks
“ya ofc,pick you up at 7-ish” he says squinting
“yuppp” she says with her big smile as she gets up and puts her hand out for him “can we go to this place called tias, i heard it’s amazingggg but it’s so formal so are u willing to suit up sir daniel”he grabs it,she’s much shorter so had to look up at him and that look made his knees week.
“i am yes”
he gives her a soft smile and nibbles at his lip,they stand there staring at eachother for who knows how long
“sooo” dan says breaking the silence “i’m gonna go back to the hotel and when your done with your work call me let me know and i’ll come get you at 7 ya?”
“ya ofc danny”she gets up on her tiptoes and gives him a kiss on the cheek“bye dans”
“bye darling”
as i walk to my car i pass by her and charles and smile at them both and she smiles back with the cutest smile in the world.
i keep walking and she’s the only thing on my mind, everyone says she likes me but i’m not sure but i do like her
i hate it when the other drivers/ random guys joke around and flirt with her,it makes me go mad
all i think about from the paddock to my hotel room is her, when i walk into the room i immediately fall to the bed and go to sleep
i pick up without checking who it is “hello?”
“hey dan i just got done with work i’m about to get back and get ready we’re still on for 7 right?” her accent poking through her sentence i immediately recognized her voice
“ya hey y/n ofc we are ya i’ll call you when i’m otw darling”
“okay dans byeeeee” she said as she hung up
i got out of bed to take a shower
daniel picks up after 3 rings and the first thing i hear is his sexy thick morning voice, i say what i need to then we close
i’m in the car on my way to the hotel, when i get there i run up to my room and get ready as soon as possible, tonight feels different, i have no clue why
daniel calls to let me know he’s on his way and about 10 mins later he calls again to say he’s waiting down for me
i rush down and i’m met with the man himself
“heyyyy the man of the hour” i say with a laugh he reply’s with a laugh then says
“awww your too kind” he opens the door “shall we, madame”
“yes thank you sir”
the whole car ride was us talking about our days
when we get there he gets out the car first and when i go to open the door i find him opening it for me.
“oh thank you” he curtsy’s, and then i laugh too load and people start to look at me which makes daniel laugh too
we walk in and get our reserved seat, that i had done
we sit down and order,and then i feel like people are watching us but i don’t think much of it
when we’re done we get up, “hey you wanna go to a bar down town” he says when we get into the car
“uh hell ya”
i think imma make a second part to thissss but i’m not sureee🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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rw47vr-key · 3 years
i have a fanfic request like , if only you want to!
Okay so jake is jealous becuase phil and darkness both flirting with mc in bar aurora!
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Little note: Hey love!!💕 Thank you so much for the ask dear!💙I hope I won't disappoint you with this fic😅 And this is EP9 SPOILER FREE. And again thank you❤️ and sorry for the late update D:
And don't know if this came out well😅Sorry if there's any mistakes
"She's mine!! Back off you evil spirits!",
Jake yelled at Phil and Darkness, you in the middle of them,and suddenly, everyone stopped what they were doing and started concentrating what's happening to you,only the music in Aurora could be heard.
/Jake was ferocious and annoyed ,as if ready to chase bad vibes with salt.Well,salt was missing there.Jokes aside,it was partly your fault for him being mad.And you may ask who I am? The narrator of the life of duskwood mystery hero and heroine./
Two hours ago
You thought of going to Aurora and spend some time with your duskwood friends.
In Group chat
You: Hey guys! coming to aurora tonight?
Hannah: Sorry☹️ I'm having a date with Thomas.
Jessy: I can't come too😕, Today I was too busy at Rogers Garage😑 I need some rest😴. You have fun!
Richy: I'm already taking a nap.Adios!
Dan: I'm in the hospital
MC: Went for a checkup today,huh? It's ok , Take care Dan
Jake: I'm in. ;)
MC:Pick me up from my home then 🤭👍
Cleo: Me too, have to prepare cake for the kids in the nearby nursery.
MC: Good luck with the cake🍰
Lilly and Thomas is offline
MC: Ok Jake, it's just you, me, and Darkness,Phil your school friends
Jake: .....
Jake: Fine.
An hour later
Aurora was lively and filled with enthusiasm.People singing karaoke, dancing cheerfully, adding to that the glowing lights lit up in the bar ,it felt so nice to experience this after going through so much because of the maniac Mwaf.Well,now he is dead and everything went according to your wish,someway.
Jake and you had lots of fun alone in a corner seat in the bar.
/Huh huh nothing spicy/
He drank too much and now he's hiccuping and lying with his head on the table.He was half asleep.
You, having the drink on your hand, turned around when you saw Phil and Darkness coming towards you.
"How is my Nymos doing?", Darkness grinned and took a seat beside you,he was wearing dark clothes with a mask that had a skull figure.He rarely reveals his face.Thats his nature and he absolutely loves it.
"My beautiful lady is doing fine,since she saw me today ,am i right?", Phil asked adjusting his cooling glasses,holding a glass of your favourite drink in his hand.
"Hey guys! Wait, don't you have work,Phil?".
"That can wait",he winked and gave you the drink.
You emptied your previous one and recieved that drink with a smile,"Thanks".
"I shouldn't be attracted towards the ray of light you show everytime you smile, Darkness is enough for me,MC",he said staring with those black eyes,as dark as charcoal yet mesmerizing.
"Mmh,then don't stare at me".
"How about this Mr.Aurora have a dance with you?",he offered his hand and bowed, waiting for you to accept it.
"With pleasure,but my boyfriend will be mad,so no thanks",you hand him the emptied glass and waved.
/Oh sassy you/
But Phil pulled you closer and suddenly started moving you and him according to the music that was playing."Well,that was harsh,Mr.Aurora",you say and dance with even more joy, alcohol was also kicking in.
"Your hands perfectly fit mine,gorgeous",laughs Phil and whirls you around.
"Flirting king,better don't die because of this",you say and roll your eyes pinpointing at Jake indirectly.
/More or less directly/
"Haha, we'll see",he finally leaves your hand and you both sit back to rest.
"I enjoyed your dance,MC.Can't take my eyes off you. ", Darkness smirked and leaned in closer to remove some kind of dust in your hair only after your approval.
Jake who was listening to your conversation still acting asleep...
Every flirty command he heard,felt like an arrow stabbing him.You are pretty,no one can deny that fact but Jake is very possesive and protective of you.You can't stop loving him more because of that.
/Jake just get up and save your girl/
'What are these guys doing? She's my girlfriend you idiots!!.I shouldn't lose patience,I can handle this.
No! Why is MC going along with this? '
He quietly opens one eye, still with his head down and looks at you and Phil ,enjoying the dance,talking something and giggling.
'That womanizer! How many hell times do i have to beat him up with my keyboard??',Jake thinks of getting up but fails ,he was too tipsy and dizzy.He kept tightening his fist and hitting himself hard in his thigh.
/Nearly 34 keyboards were ruined.I reduced the quantity,since I don't want panicking the people who read this/
And after that when he saw Darkness leaning closer to you, energy boosted up out of Jealousy and got up with fire burning in his eyes ,to burn Darkness and Phil into ashes.
"She's mine!! Back off you evil spirits!"
*When Jake was dancing alone , Darkness secretly called you before *
"You both wanna prank Jake?",you raise your eyebrow and ,look back and forth at Phil and Darkness who just averted their gaze ,as if looking at something else in that busy ,late night Aurora.
Phil spoke then,"Yes,he lost in a bet with us",he looked at Darkness who nodded in agreement.
"What was that?",you ask curiously.
"I'll let you know after we finish this",said Phil with a mixture of cunningness and happiness in his tone.
"I knew this will mess up",you still holding on and calming down Jake, telling him it was just a prank,apologised and said with a raising inflection to both of them,"Come on! Apologise both of you!!"
"We're sorry, sorry man!"Darkness and Phil said in unison but started giggling later.
"This was that surprise punishment huh? I'd have killed both of you! Don't you dare touch my girl!And I won't accept your apologies," Jake let go of your hand,sighed and kept staring at the bright lights ,you could see him slightly blushing.
/Why are you embarrassed Jake?/
Others in the bar started minding their own business and the music continued.
"Jake are you angry with me?",you approach him slowly and place your hand on his and squeeze it.
"No MC! I'm not!!.I'm angry at them and... I'm jealous", he pouted and continued staring at those lights.
/The reason for blushing,mmh?/
"I'm always yours,so you needn't worry,Jake"
You control your laughter and finally pester Phil why they did this prank.
Jake gestured him not to open his mouth and ordered him with his cold eyes to both of them not to say anything to you.
You in return with your commanding eyes , convey Jake to be quiet and looked at Phil for an answer.
"While playing cards,he lost in a bet where we asked what he loves the most",said Phil.
"We told he loves you.He said he loves computer", continued Darkness.
"Huh,is that so?",your reaction turns wild.
"At last,we won", replied Darkness with a hint of joy.
"I'm glad you both won.But Jake...," you ,like a mad boss look at Jake and banged the table.
Jake flinched and so did Phil and Darkness.
"You love your system than me huh?"
"No MC! I-I was drunk that day.They both insisted for the bet.I-"
/I don't know what you did to Jake, I'll leave it to your imagination/
/Also,Seriously MC?,you can't be jealous of a computer.My my/
"Shut up,you narrator!"
/I would like to.But your life history is really worth telling to the whole world.Adios for now./
Hope you liked this🙃
Sorry about that narrator part.I don't know how this turned up here🤓I should really concentrate on the original concept.🤓 And also ignore that first pic edit😂
Have a great day/eve/night lovelies!!🌺💕💕
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thirstyandbeautiful · 3 years
I’m currently so torn between thinking about chaotic celebratory after race sex with Lando or consoling Daniel with the best blow job of his life or something….
por que no los dos?
a/n: i dont believe in the whole lando/dan rivalry thing but it made for a great mention to this hot filth
The 2021 Monaco GP, or the time you had to celebrate with Lando by getting under him and had to push Daniel to get over himself
The air had been electric the second that the checkered flag had waved over the sexy new livery. 
Lando had made podium in Monaco and the whole garage seemed to explode. People screamed, jumped, danced, shouted, ran around. Everyone was exploding with the Brit’s triumph. Drinks were passed around. By the time he’d gotten out of the car, everyone had crowded around him. 
You were new to the team, so you kinda hung back, you wanted to catch Lando alone to congratulate him. Aside from flirting here and there with both McLaren drivers, you hadn’t really had a real conversation with either one of them.
But this seemed as good a time as any to be a supportive teammate, and to a bit more than talking or flirting.
So when everyone had seemed to spill out of the garage, and Lando had floated off to his room to get ready for team celebrations, you saw your opportunity. 
The door was open a smidge, so you pushed it open slowly and went to slip in, but were stopped in your tracks. 
Lando sat in his chair in the corner, one of his legs bent over the other knee. He only had his fireproofs on, his head lulled back as he held his phone over his head, obviously taken with whatever he was seeing. Very taken. From the very obvious, very thick bulge in his fireproofs he was playing with between his legs.
You felt your mouth water.
“Oh,” You heard Lando gasp, and your eyes went to his face, to find him looking right at you. 
Just like the rest of the team, his eyes were glassy from all the very sudden drinking. Everyone was feeling it tonight. It was a night of celebration.  
“I just,” Lando swallows thickly, and his hand tightens around himself through his fire proofs, “cant get it down.” he hissed and rubs his hand up and down the outline in his pants.
Your mouth goes dry, but your response is quick. You knew a proposition when you heard one.
“I can help with that.”
Lando smiled and motioned for you to come forward. Everything in your head screamed that this was a bad idea, but you were all a little drunk, very happy and after seeing just a peek at what he was working with, very horny. 
He spread his legs, one hand still squeezing himself as you placed your hands on his kneecaps as you lowered yourself to the floor. Not one to waste any time, and to spare any awkwardness, you went right along with the moment and went for what you wanted. 
Lando made a small sound as your nails brushed the soft skin on his hips. Your fingers curled into his waistband as you pulled them down, his hips shimmied a little before his cock bobbed out, thick and large with its wet tip just begging you to lick it. 
His breath caught in his throat as you wrapped your fingers around him, squeezing at the base to get a feel for the hot, velvety skin you held. You dragged your hand up the shaft, and squeezed with different amount of pressures to see what he reacted to best.
Lando react to it all.
If he’d had trouble breathing when you first touched him, he wasn’t breathing at all now. His hips lifted and his face scrunched as the skin on the side of your thumb and index finger brushed over the edges of his tip. The fleshy, smoother part of his dick pressed into your hand as you dragged the rest of your fist over it, all the while Lando stayed a whimpering mess in his seat. 
“Fuccccckkkkkkkkkkk.” He dragged out, his fists clenched at his sides.
“Not gonna last?” You asked with a small smile, “Better get you where I want you then.”
Lando looked down at you and nervously giggled as you leaned forward and opened your mouth, tonguing at the leaking slit on his tip before you fit your lips around him and sucked him into your mouth. 
“Fuckin’ hell.” he grumbled over you, the chair squeaked as he pressed his socked feet into the floor as his hips lifted and teetered in the air. 
You tilted your head and pulled yourself up and down on his dick, your head bobbled over his lap as you greedily sucked him down. He tasted good, and felt so warm in your mouth. His reactions were so hot and only spurred you on. 
“Oh,” He gasped, “Tell me I can cum in that mouth, please.”
You smiled around his mouth and made a show of lowering your hands to his thighs while your nose brushed against his pelvis. When you could hear his breath catch again, you knew he was watching. You slowly dragged your head up and off his dick, letting him go with a pop and letting his cock thud against his shirt covered stomach.
You smiled at him, “Of course, where else would you cum?” 
Lando groaned as you leaned in and captured his cock between your lips again without hands. 
“Fuck me,” He choked out, “mouth is so good.” 
You hummed around him before you took him out of your mouth, grinning as you watched the trail of spit make a bridge between his cock and your mouth. The sloppy, deep blow job you’d given him made him all wet, so it was easy to wrap your fist around him and jerk him off while you pulled his cock up towards his stomach. 
Lando cried out when you sucked his balls into your mouth, one after the other. You could feel how close he was to cumming, it took some real suction to get them in your mouth and away from his cock, his balls so tightly wound and ready to shoot.
“M’gonna, you have to-” Lando tripped over his words while he panted. 
You let go of his balls and aimed his cock for your mouth. Closing your lips around it, you lowered your fist to his base and made short, shallow strokes to coax him to let go. 
With one last whimper and a groan, Lando’s dick twitched and you felt the first burst of hot cum hit the back of your tongue. 
You could feel his cock pulse and the pressure of his cum shooting down your throat as you lowered your head until your nose pressed to his pubic area. You deepthroated him as you swallowed, your throat tightened around his swollen member.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Lando chanted under his breath, his cock still twitching.
You slowly pulled him from your mouth so you could savor his taste and weight on your tongue. 
“You’re good at sucking cock.” Lando giggled as he dreamily laid back in his chair, no cares about his cock hanging out as it was. 
“The difference is in the enthusiasm.” you joked. 
Lando opened his eyes and looked at you in awe and excitement, making you laugh before you shook your head and walked towards the door. 
“Go party, podium sitter, maybe I’ll find you later.” You winked and giggled as his hand dropped to his limp cock. He was already eager to get hard again, “Later.” you told him, pulling the door open before quickly sliding past it and pulling it shut behind you.
That went just as well as I’d wanted it to, you slyly thought.  
You leaned against the door as you quietly closed it behind you. You swiped the corner of your mouth with your thumb for extra measure. Looking around, the garage was mostly empty, but you could hear and see the shadows of the crew outside the garage partying still. 
Joining the team sounded like the perfect way to spend your night, but before you could take another step you heard a loud yell from the next door over.
Daniel, you thought. 
He’d had a beyond shitty race, beyond shitty opening season. He just couldn’t mesh with the car, and it was unclear whether it was the mechanics not getting his specifications quite right or it was him not adjusting himself to the car. And for him to not even make top 10 was one thing, that was tolerable, but the cringe that went down everyone’s spine when Lando lapped him must have been unbearable for the Aussie. 
He was getting eaten alive by the media.
You looked longingly at the shadows that were so close, yet so far from where you stood before you glanced back at his door. You huffed under your breath and decided to be a better person, and turned yourself towards his door instead of towards the garage exit. You’d wanted some alone time with the Aussie at some point since joining the team, but definitely not in this way.
We make do, you joked to yourself. 
You knocked twice before you snuck your head in, “Hey-”
“Fuck off!” Daniel roared over his shoulder. 
Shocked, and more than instantly annoyed at his outburst, you walked in and shut the door behind you. Daniel stood facing the other way, his back to yours. He still had his race suit on, but it hung off his hips. His room was a mess and both helmets for this weekend rolled around on the floor around him. 
“Are you done?” You asked flatly. 
Daniel seemed shocked that it was you, and quickly turned over his shoulder to look at you, “Why are you here?” 
Guess not so remorseful about the ‘fuck off’.
“Well, before you cursed at me I came to check on you but now, after you cursed at me, I figured I’d come in here and tell you to get your shit together before you ruin this for the whole team.” You responded brattishly. 
Daniel scoffed at you, which you childishly mimicked. He cocked his head at you, seeming to accept your challenging mood. If he wanted to fight, you were going to give it to him. You were already fired up from sucking off Lando, so horny you could barely stop yourself from clenching your thighs while you stood before a pissed Daniel. 
But the matching fire in his eyes was only trained on you for a moment before he looked away, “So get the fuck out if you don’t want your ‘mood’ ruined.” 
“Only one in a mood is you.”
“Yeah, cause this car is shit.” He growled.
“You sure it’s just the car?” 
“Watch your mouth.” Daniel growls.
“Watch my- are you kidding?” You cruelly chucked, “Adjust your driving, work with the mechanics, do something but don’t upset our team and don’t start pointing the finger unless you’re ready to do it in the mirror.”
Daniel pushed himself to his feet and walked slowly towards you, his jaw clenched like he wasn’t sure what to do. You licked your lips and could already feel yourself getting wet. You leaned against the door, dropping your crossed arms to your sides, your head tilting as Daniel approached you closer and closer.
There was a hint of a smug smirk on his face, an expression you’d never seen before, but wanted to see more of. 
“You trying to rile me up, darling?” He asked under his breath, and stepped into your space until you could feel his body heat as it radiated on to your own, “Cause you’re doing a fine job.”
“You rile yourself up.” you rolled your eyes.
Daniel’s hand leaned against the wall beside you before he dragged it down the door. Your lips parted when you heard the gentle click of the door being locked. 
Daniel chuckled, “Doesn’t seem like I’m the riled one.”
“So do something.” You challenged, the both of you falling silent as you heard voices passing, “Let’s see how fast you can really be.”
Daniel jumped at your bait and pushed his lips to yours. You moaned like a whore into his mouth, swiping your tongue you’d just had on Lando’s dick against Daniel’s. Daniel grabbed your face and pulled away for a moment, looking at you in your eyes while he licked his lips. He grinned at you naughtily and knowingly.
“So?” You responded.
Daniel wasn’t put off at all, and immediately began kissing you again, his mouth ravished yours as he reached down and unbuttoned your pants, shoving them down your thighs before he nipped your lip. 
You cried out from the pain in your lip and from the way Daniel manhandled you, turning you towards the door. He squatted for a moment, shoving your pants to your ankles before roughly pulling your feet out of them. You pressed your palms against the thin door as Daniel tugged your hips back, making you arch your back. He wasn’t bending you over a surface, so all the force would be going on your back if he fucked you like this. 
Knowing you’d be sore for sure had you smiling at the ceiling as he tugged your hair back. 
“Know you’re wet, come on, girl.” Daniel muttered, using the hand that wasn’t in your hair to shove your panties down, “Don’t need any prep, do you?” 
You jumped as his fingers rubbed across your pussy, the obvious wetness between your legs smeared on your thighs as he brushed your lips, making a cold sensation as the air in the room settled on them. 
“Didn’t think so.” He hissed into your ear. 
The sound of ruffling clothes made you moan in anticipation, earning you a dull smack against your ass that was most definitely not a hand.
“Oh, yes.” You sighed.
Daniel’s hand came up and covered your mouth and pulled you back so you were arched and bent backwards. Your eyes rolled back in your head as the dull head of his cock pressed to your flooded entrance. You gasped against Daniel’s palm as his cock split you open, your pussy ached with being forced so full. It was so hot, heavy and big, you wanted it all. 
Daniel’s arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you back as he thrusted forward. 
“What? You sucked Lando off but you didn’t let him in this cunt?” Daniel teased, “Guess he doesn’t get all the team perks, does he?” 
He kissed your cheek before letting you go, both his hands falling to your hips as your nails dug into the door in front of you. There was no warning before he started jackhammering into you. Daniel fucked you hard and fast, filling you over and over with shallow thrusts that kept you full of his unexpectedly huge member. 
“You just wanted to get fucked, didn’t you?” Daniel hissed, his hips grinded against your ass, “Kid cum too quick, hmm? He shoot down your throat, couldn’t finish inside you.”
You moaned freely as Daniel pleasured you.
“M’gonna finish inside you.” 
You whimpered, “please, please, please.” 
“Please, what?” Daniel hissed, pulling your hips back more before taking some harsher, deeper thrusts into your pussy.
“Please cum in me!” you cried out.
Daniel pulled out of you, and before you could even look at the dick that you’d been taking, he scooped you up against the wall on his cock and in his arms. You cried out as you were pressed up the wall and gravity had you dragged by his dick. 
“Fuck.” Daniel hissed as he drove into you, his thrusts becoming dull knocks on the door as he pushed you into it over and over. 
“Yes!” you cried out, whimpering as your walls squeezed around him. 
Daniel kissed and licked on your neck, any skin he could see and taste. You realized suddenly that neither one of you had much clothes off. Like two horny teenagers, your pants were gone while his were simply pulled down. Too eager to get to the fucking to even enjoy each other’s bodies fully.
I’m enjoying this dick.  
“Tell Daddy, baby, tell Daddy when you gonna cum.” 
You bit your lip, so turned on, “Whenever Daddy makes me cum.” 
Daniel mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like ‘bitch’ before he renewed his efforts and started really fucking you. He let you dangle lower in his arms, his hands hooked under your knees, shoving your thighs open. The openness of the position meant that gravity took care of it all and his cock was forced to spear in and out of you, as he had direct access to your snatch.
“Ah, yes, yes, yes.” You cried out.
“That’s right, scream for Daddy.” He growled.
“Yes, yes, yes-” Your lips parted, but not a sound came out as you saw white.
The pressure between your legs seemed to snap like a rubber band and you felt your thighs tremble as you dripped like honey around Daniel’s cock. You came back to your body when you felt his balls pulse against your ass, his cock twitching, until finally you felt the heat of his cum filling you. You leaned your head back against the door and sighed happily. Daniel’s lips pressed to your throat, his hair tickling your ears. 
“Don’t clean yourself up.”
“When you go see him later, don’t clean this pussy out before.” Daniel said darkly, shaking his hips so you could feel exactly how much his cock had plugged inside of you, “And make him eat you.”
You bit your lip before you pressed your lips together, kissing him passionately and hoping he wouldn’t go soft so you could get one more orgasm before partying tonight. 
Part Two
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masterwords · 3 years
I'm not sure if you take prompts but would you be interested in writing hotch speaking a different language (or multiple different languages)? I love your fics!
Hi! Okay, so I have not spoken French since I was much younger and I am very very rusty, to put it lightly. Like just terrible. However, I thought this was the funniest and cutest little image so I hope you like it. :) (Forgive the awful translation, please. 614 words, very short.)
“What the hell are you doing?” Derek asked, shuffling into the bathroom. Aaron turned around and repeated himself, as if that helped. It sounded like a record skipping, the way he repeated himself over and over. “It's 4 in the damn morning and you're in the bathroom spoutin' off in...what is that? French? What gives?”
“We're having dinner with Dave and Hayden tonight and I'd like to make a good first impression,” Aaron replied softly, suddenly more than a little self-conscious. Derek smiled, it was sweet, he had to give the guy that. Misguided, maybe, but sweet. It was far too early in the morning to be doing anything other than burrowing beneath the covers and hiding from the sun's eventual rise to power.
“So you're gonna walk up in there all voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?” Derek asked, swaying his hips for effect. He hummed the tune to Lady Marmelade, clearly amused with himself. Aaron blushed and frowned in unison, a particular skillset that came very naturally to him.
“Not...no,” he said indignantly, pushing Derek out of the bathroom. “I just wanted to be polite. Why do you have to make everything weird?”
Derek shrugged casually and sauntered back into the bedroom to flop into bed, returning to the warmth he so craved. Aaron sighed and followed, no longer in the mood to stand and practice lines. He should have kept himself sharp, he should have continued speaking French after university, after his internship. He shifted himself against Derek, curling inside of his arms and wondered whether he should even bother attempting it, or whether he should just keep what little shreds of dignity still remained and not try. It wasn't like she was expecting anything from him. He could always call Emily and ask her for a quick refresher course but somehow he knew that would end up worse than Derek's mockery - she would end up teaching him something rude, no doubt.
He couldn't help it, though. He attempted it anyway, pulled out every morsel of knowledge he still had at his disposal in order to make a good first impression. This was his best friend's girlfriend, the mother of his daughter, the least he could do was pull out a greeting.
“Bonsoir,” he said, taking her hand and kissing it softly. Behind her Dave's eyes twinkled in the low light. “Enchanté de faire votre connaissance.”
She glanced back at Dave and smiled. “I like this one,” she whispered loud enough for Aaron to hear as well. “Handsome and well spoken.”
“He's a suck up, nothing more,” Dave replied with an eye roll. She turned her attention to Derek and extended her hand, enjoying the attention. Derek pulled her close, kissing her on both cheeks, intent on showing Aaron up.
“ Est-ce que ton père a été un voleur ? Parce qu’il a volé les étoiles du ciel pour les mettre dans tes yeux,” Derek said softly, pulling no punches. His charm was on full blast and Dave rolled his eyes dramatically while Hayden practically melted beside Derek. Aaron looked incredulous, scoffing. He wasn't sure whether to be insulted that Derek was flirting with her right in front of him, or the fact that he'd gone out of his way to one up Aaron right in front of everyone. The four of them entered the house and made their way toward the kitchen for wine, Hayden chattering to Dave as they walked about how sweet his friends were.
“What was that?” Aaron hissed, nudging Derek in the ribs with his elbow. Derek just grinned.
“You're not the only one who knows how to talk pretty...”
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fatbottombucky · 4 years
It’s A Bro-Job!*Chris Evans x Reader*
Summary: Yourself and Chris crash at his place after his big 39th Birthday bash, you’re on the sofa when he confesses to something. You decide to help your “bro” out. 
Pairing: Chris Evans x Male!Reader
Rating: [+18] Explicit 
Warnings: MxM smut, Male oral receiving, anal. Creampie King! No plot, it’s all porn. I literally don’t know where this came from, I had a whole other idea but this... just happened
Word Count: Over 2K
Authors Note: I had a conversation with my friend Dan, how he got with his now boyfriend was because he gave him what he calls a “bro-job”. Don’t ask lol Again, my beta, Honey, REALLY helped a girl out with the smut @peachesnplum​ - Ro
Tagging: I was the anon lol @honeychicanawrites​ @rhyrhy462​ @softboi-vibes​
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You both stumbled through the door, the lights were all off which made it impossible to see or walk without tripping up. You could hear Chris fumbling for the lightswitch, cursing under his breath when he slaps the wall haphazardly a few times. The lights flicker on and you blink at the brightness, trying to get your eyes to adjust to the sudden change of lighting. 
“Make yourself comfortable,” his words are slurred, but he’s not drunk just on the better side of tipsy. 
You both have that buzz. Your bodies are vibrating from the alcohol, plus the music from the venue you were at. The taste of the confetti cake in your mouths and sweat clings to your bodies; dancing, being pressed to so many people at the party. 
Chris always throws the best birthday bashes, that’s just facts. 
His 39th wasn’t an exception either, somehow, this was more wild. So, many people turned up. Women all wanting a dance with Chris, which he humbly accepted with a wicked grin thrown at you- he’s shameless. You’d never hear him brag about the advances, but he wouldn’t hide the absolute prideful smirk he gets when he is flirted with. 
It’s what makes the ending of this birthday so… different. Normally, you’d be his wingman. Granted you’ve never been with a woman before, you’re gay, but you somehow have this charming effect on everyone you meet and it helps ease Evans anxiety knowing if things get awkward you can steer him back on track. 
You originally met his brother, Scott, through Grindr. You met up, had a connection but more so as friends and you haven’t looked back. Five years of being their friend and pining after Chris. 
Tonight, however, Chris left the party with you. He danced and flirted with a few girls, pretty and stunning girls. But he claimed he didn’t find the person to give him that 39th sex experience. 
Whatever that means. 
However, the conversation happening now is something completely different. “Well, how would you know?” You asked with a laugh. “Guys suck dicks better, it’s facts. We know what we like, I’m sure girls are great. Heck, I bet they’re marvellous. Props to women for sucking dick, but guys are just naturals to it.” 
Chris looks at you with disbelief and you look back at him, willing him to challenge you on this argument. “All I said was that, I think, I wouldn’t be good at it.” He reminds you. 
Huh, why were you saying that? 
“I said what I said,” you defend yourself and Chris laughs. “Anyway, why isn’t there a girl giving you a birthday blow-job?” He chokes on the beer he has, coughing as he tries to take a sip when you ask that question. “Stop acting so innocent, Evans. We all know this is your favourite time of year, every girl is suddenly into anal for your birthday.” 
It’s a couple minutes before he has settled, giving you a playful glare. “I don’t know, I wasn’t feeling it from any of the girls at the party. Honestly, I didn’t get any last year either.” 
“Damn,” you mutter with raised eyebrows and Chris shakes his head. “Two years in a row? Chris, there’s a plethora of people willing to do anything, you know that, right?” He nods with a simple shrug. 
“I can’t remember the last time I had my dick sucked,” He admits with a frown, a thoughtful sip of his beer. “Probably, sometime before Endgame began shooting.” 
That’s a...while. Longer than you would’ve expected. Chris is a very attractive guy, you half expect him to have someone on the side. Maybe, not a full time thing but someone he can call up for a bit fun. Yet, almost half a year since he’d done anything. 
That needed to be changed. Pronto. 
“Unconventional offer,” You begin, “but this wouldn’t be my first time giving a bro-job.” 
“A what now?” 
You roll your eyes, “I’m your bro, right? I’ll suck your dick, no questions asked. Don’t make it weird, it’s just a bro doing a favour.” 
The explanation should make him laugh, you hoped anyway. Instead he’s silent, watching you and for a moment you think, maybe, just maybe, you might have offended him. Of course, you’re best friends and this could potentially make things awkward. 
“Okay,” he shrugged nonchalantly and that throws you off now. “Well, you offered.” 
Instead of questioning his willingness you get off of the sofa, settling between his legs but avoiding looking into his eyes, for now. You work on unbuttoning his pants, pulling the zipper down and he helps by lifting his hips as you pull his jeans and briefs down. 
His cock is only half-hard, heavy and dribbling a small amount of pre-cum from the tip. It’s long and girthy, exactly what you expected but a little bigger than you’ve ever taken before. You spit in your palm and wrap the hand around him already slowly working him. He gets harder in your hand as you lick the pre-cum away, it’s a slow process till he’s extremely hard in your grasp. 
That’s when you really begin. 
Once he’s rockhard, you take the tip into your mouth lightly suckling the head. Pulling out the salty pre-cum from the tip, flattening your tongue against the underside of his dick before taking more of him into your wet, hot mouth. A loud groan comes from him, you finally look up and see his head is thrown back. One of his hands holds the back of your head, keeping your mouth on his cock. 
You start to work your mouth down his length, breathing evenly through your nose as you nudge him down your throat. Your gag reflex coming in strong as you have his entire length settled in your mouth, your nose brushing against the trimmed pubic hair he has. 
“Fuck!” he chokes and looks down at you, “swallowed my cock whole, filthy slut.” 
You swallow around his length, throat tightening around his length and he releases a groan. Your jaw aches from having it stretched so wide, so full too. You start to bob your head, practically choking yourself on his cock as you fuck your throat. 
Your own jeans becoming tight around the crotch area, your own cock aching for attention. This isn’t about you, it’s about Chris and you doing him a favour, so you forget about the hardness in your pants and double your efforts. 
Saliva and cum dribbles from the corners of your mouth, slurping and choking sounds coming from your slicked up mouth. Everything about this is dirty and sinful. You’re sucking your friends dick, nothing about this is sweet or innocent. And Chris is enjoying it. 
Hands on your head, his hips lifting to meet your mouth to fuck it generously. He’s panting above you, chest heaving and eyes darkened but not leaving your face. It’s like he’s a different person, not that you minded. If anything this side of Chris is, somehow, in some way hotter to you. 
“Oh, god,” he groans out loudly, eyes rolling into the back of his head, “can I fuck you? Let me fuck you.” He stutters out when you grip his balls. 
You pull off his cock with a slurp and a pop, looking up at him for a moment. A whimper escapes his throat when you’re not around him anymore, a thick string of saliva connects you to his dick and more is dribbling down your chin. 
“You sure?” You asked rubbing at the bulge in your jeans, the thought of getting fucked by him just making you want to explode. 
“Fuck yes.” 
That’s all you need, you’re standing up on shaky legs with achy knees. You button your pants and pull them down, trying to pull your shirt off. It’s a flurry of clothes being removed from the both of you, you look at Chris and allow your eyes to roam over his naked torso. 
But he seems to have other plans, grabbing and pulling you back to the sofa. Your hands clutch the armrest ahead of you, knees spread and ass in the air as Chris has one knee on the sofa and the other leg on the floor. 
He spreads your asscheeks apart, spitting on your quivering hole and you groan at the feeling of it dripping down before it can go anywhere he’s swirling the spit around your tight ring. Fingertips dipping inside of you, you shakily sigh when a finger slips in and he starts to fuck you with it. Adding another finger, your thighs are shaking already just from having his thick digits inside of you. 
“Don’t wanna hurt you, but fuck I just wanna fuck you already.” he admits and your eyes roll into the back of your head when a third finger is scissored inside of you. 
He fingers your ass for a few minutes, spitting to add more lubrication before he eventually pulls his messy fingers from you. Pumping his cock with spit slicked fingers and lining himself up, you feel the fat tip prod your opening. 
Even with the slight prep it’s still on the side of pain when he pops the head in, your hole stretching around him and he sinks in slowly. Hands grip your hips in a bruising embrace, he allows you to adjust once he’s fully settled inside. Your cock is leaking pre-cum and smearing onto his sofa, but neither of you seem to care about it. 
Chris pulls back a couple of inches before slamming back in, you groan and squeeze your eyes shut. His hand slinks up your back and gripping the back of your neck in a tight grip, you know you’re in for the ride of your life. He starts pounding into you, showing little mercy on you. He fucks you with long, hard strokes. The tip of his more than impressive length hitting your prostate everytime. 
You choke on air, your lungs barley filled because he’s fucking the life out of you. His other moves and wraps around your cock, loosely wrapping around it, so that every jolt of his hips has your cock fucking into his hand. 
“Fuck, I’m going to cum.” You admit and bite your lip, feeling your balls tighten and your cock starting to twitch. Chris has the audacity to chuckle darkly at you, every thrust in he grinds his hips so that his cock head brushes against your prostate. 
“Go on then,” he leans his body down, torso against your back and mouth beside your ear. “Cum in my hand because you can’t hold it, can’t even wait for me, can you? So desperate.” 
You groan and start meeting his thrusts, pushing back against him- almost like you were chasing his dick every time it started to withdraw. It’s a few more thrusts and you’re cumming with a shout, spilling over his hand and sofa, it’s hot and sticky but you don’t care. Chris continues to fuck you, wrapping his hand tighter around your cock as you cum. He squeezes and milks your dick of it’s release, you whimper as he continues to stroke your cock even after everything had spilled. 
“Cum inside of me, please.” You look over your shoulder, meeting his eyes and he bites his bottom lip harshly. 
You can tell his close by the way his eyes glaze over, a stuttered groan escaping him when he continues to pound into your overused hole. He pulls up off of you, hands gripping your asscheeks and spreading them so he can watch exactly where his cock slips in and out of you. 
“You want it all inside of you, huh?” He asked with a cock smirk and you nod, unable to form words. “Gonna fill your ass up.” He throws his head back and moans loudly. 
You feel the hot load shoot inside of you, he doesn’t stop fucking you as he cums. Short thrusts and deep thrusts as he continues to cum inside, it feels never ending as load after load is fucked into you. Some of it dribbling around his cock and down your quivering thighs, it’s a few short minutes before he stops and pants for air. 
You hiss when you feel Chris slip his cock from you asshole, his eyes watch your sloppy hole clench around nothing and is puffy from being overworked. He sits back against the sofa, dick now soft but wet and between his legs. He looks over to see you belly down on the sofa, one leg hanging off and on the floor. 
His dick twitches when he sees his cum spilling out of your ass, it’s going to stain his sofa but he doesn’t care right now. You look completely fucked out, but he can feel himself getting up for round two. Briefly wondering if you’d be up for another load in you. 
“How many of those bro favours do you give out?” He asked and he heard you chuckle, your shoulder shaking and pushing yourself up. 
“You’re the birthday boy, however many you want.”
(As a lesbian woman, I need to say, I’ve never had straight sex... I’ve watched gay porn, cause me and my friends LOVE to laugh at porn plots sometimes, so be nice to me... I’m not very adapt with sex stuff (unless its fxf) love you all- Rosalie)
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bonniebird · 4 years
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Lucifer x Reader / Constantine x Reader
Requested by Anon
“Hello?” You said as you answered your phone.
“Finally! I’ve been calling for hours! Are you still coming out tonight? I can swing free drinks at Lux.”
“Maze, you called me twice! I can’t do tonight. I’ve got a friend visiting to help me with… my house.”
“I thought you didn’t need any help.”
“Oh! It’s sort of… personal? I didn’t want to bother you with it.” You answered quickly and she tutted.
“Oh, I get it. You’re hoping to hook up with them. Good for you.”
“I am not planning to hook up with them!” You hissed but she laughed.
“Sure. Well have fun!” She said in a tone that made it very clear she didn’t believe you. She hung up before you could object any further. When a soft rap sounded on the door you hurried to answer it.
“Nice to see you again sweetheart.” Constantine said as soon as you opened the door. You were surprised that Chas wasn’t with him or parking in the road.
“I wish you were here for something better. Like a holiday.”
“Ah well, who needs an holiday when you could have a good exorcism.” He joked as you let him in.
“I’m still not sure if it’s a demon… or maybe a ghost or something.”
“Well, as soon as it rears its ugly head again I can get a proper look at it and we’ll be on our way to getting rid of it.” He answered and gave you a cheerful smile.
“I set up an airbed in my office. It’s a tiny squeeze so I get it if you want to sleep on the sofa while you’re here.” You explained as you started to lead the way to your spare room. Between your desk and a bookshelf there had been barely enough room for you to squeeze a small air bed on the floor. It wouldn;t be comfortable considering Constantine would probably be staying a while.
“Believe me love, I’ve slept in much worse places.” He muttered as he shuffled into the room. He dumped his bag, carefully, on the small space on the floor that was available. He’d have to crawl across the air bed to get into the room.
“Well, there’s more blankets in the cupboard opposite, the bathroom is down the hall theer, that’s my room. Help yourself to whatever is in the kitchen. Oh!” You paused and hurried into your room. John leant against the doorway of his temporary room and waited, hearing a soft rummaging sound until you came back with a set of keys. “I got them done a couple of days ago. If you’re still here and I’m at work you can...” You gestured with your hand and he nodded as he took the keys from you.
A loud thumping on the door made you jump and John followed you down the stairs as you answered your door.
“We decided that you’re coming with us to Lux!” Maze said as she swaggered into your house. Lynda almost fell into the hallway, closely followed by Chloe who looked like she was about to drop from drinking so much.
“(Y/N)... there is a homeless man on your stairs.” Chloe stage whispered loudly enough for John to raise his eyebrows in amusement.
“Constantine.” Maze almost growled out as she glared at him.
“Mazikeen. Could this perhaps be your little demon problem?” John asked as he stepped down the rest of the stairs in a bounded skip.
“It isn’t Maze.” You assured him.
“What is he doing here?”
“John is helping me, with something that has been popping up in my house and following me around.”
“Well he isn’t coming drinking with us.”
“As much as I love a good bender, I wouldn’t drink with your boss.”
Maze glared at John who was watching Lynda with an amused smile. She’d tried to smooth her skirt and shake his hand but instead she stumbled against the walk, missed with her hand and when she spoke her speech slurred.
“I’m going to call you guys a cab. I feel like any more party and these two won't make it.” You said to Maze who followed your gesture to Chloe. She was trying to start a fight with the full length mirror hung on your wall.
A few weeks had passed since John had arrived at your house. You’d bumped into Lucifer a few times. One time John had been with you, which had been more than awkward. When you asked John why he didn’t get on with Lucifer he muttered a few things under his breath and changed the subject. You texted Chas later that evening and asked him but he didn’t know either.
Maze said Lucifer was finding it more than irritating that Constantine had charmed all of the friends he’d made away. Lynda seemed to become helplessly flustered when John would flirt with her. He’d tried it on with Chloe once but had quickly reprimanded himself when she was less than impressed and put him in his place. Even Dan liked him. After he forgave John for helping Trixie eat a two tier chocolate fudge cake in one afternoon.
Lucifer was more and more put out as he heard story after story about John popping up. 
When the door to her office banged open Lynda jumped. Looking up from her desk she saw Lucifer taking a seat on the sofa. “Lucifer, how can I help you?”
“Oh, so now you have time to talk. I thought you were too enthralled with John Constantine to listen.”
“He comes waltzing in here and everyone loves him. The man is a fraud and a failure and…”
“Lucifer! John Constantine is not here to replace you. He is simply helping his friend with a supernatural issue that they can’t handle. No one is replacing you or…”
“You’re right.”
“I am?” Lynda asked nervously.
“He is only here to help (Y/N) so all I need to do is get rid of whatever creature is bothering (Y/N). I’ll be the hero and replace Constantine in their eyes because I’ll be a hero!”
“No! Lucifer that isn’t…” Lynda started to say but he’d already left. “Oh dear.” She sighed. It took her a moment to gather her thoughts before fumbling for her mobile to give you a heads up that the devil was on his way.
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handmaid - 04
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N: i’m sorry i’ve taken so long to update, i’ve started my online internship and for the past 24 hours i’ve been looking at papers about various medicines so i had to give myself a break 😂 hope you enjoy this one xx
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Sebastian hated to miss the opportunity to see Y/N go through a whole lot of various dresses, however, working with clueless idiots meant he had to drive straight to his place for an impromptu meeting. It was boring to say the least and at the end of it, he didn’t feel like getting dressed up with a silly mask and host a ball in the reception of some sleezy hotel. However, appearances mattered and although most people had known he was bethroted prior to before him even knowing him, he still had to parade around with Genevieve as if they were the happiest couple on Earth. They weren’t and they would never be.
For starters, Sebastian despised the tactics applied by the Forrests when running their business with absolute trust in everyone who worked for them. Additionally, both his prior encounters with Genevieve had been awful and none of them were really interested in keeping the facade of happy couple behind closed doors.
However, he had to admit that having Y/N parading around as a direct consequence of his future wedding was no bad thing. He had a sly smile as he sat against his chair, thinking about her. He found her delightfully naive and extremely sheltered for someone who followed Gwen around like a lost puppy. There was something extremely captivating in seeing a woman who was untainted by the environment she lived in and due to his extremely good sharp-eye he had mostly memorised her reactions. How she would bring her hand up to only her left cheek when she felt embarrassed, the constant lip bitting which on its own could possibly attract all the unwanted attention in a room, the constant pulling and smoothing of her clothing fabrics whenever standing next to someone of power ... If it was an act, well, then she was a very good actress.
He would’ve probably been stuck in the mindless act of thinking about someone who’d probably run to the hills at the mere thought of being intimate with him, had it not been for the clock in the wall showing that it was already time for him to possibly get ready.
Sebastian got changed out of his suit into a new one, grabbing the mask on his way out and proceeded to pace the floors of his living room expecting Gwen. Of course, part of him was only pacing the floors and not in the car because he wanted to take a quick peak at his fiancée’s handmaid but he wouldn’t admit that to himself. At least out loud. This was quickly thrown out the window once he saw Gwen coming down the stairs in her red gown, black satin mask in place, followed by her bodyguard and not by Y/N. 
     - I see your shadow is missing. - he asked in a teasing manner, something Gwen didn’t take too lightly, rolling her eyes as per usual. 
     - Y/N is getting ready. Can we please go to the car and get this charade over and done with? - the heiress huffed, holding the fabric of her dress slightly up so she wouldn’t trip on it. Sebastian decided not to comment on it, thinking that poking the lion would only make it for a worse evening, so he ordered one of the countless bodyguards he kept in his penthouse to drive Y/N. The man nodded, as men usually did whenever he gave them orders and with that Sebastian left with his bride-to-be. 
Y/N on the other hand had finished setting her hair in place, sliding in a few star shaped pins onto her hair which had been a gift from Dan once she graduated from university along with Gwen. She extremely cherished them and thought there was no better occasion to wear them but tonight. 
Her eyes slightly gazed onto her reflection in the mirror, thinking she looked exactly like what she used to believe princesses looked like in fairytales and couldn’t help but slightly smile at the sight. Once she stepped out of the room, ready to supposedly join the rest of the people downstairs, she was met with another bodyguard who gestured for her to follow him. 
    - Did Gwen leave already? - she questioned, her instinct of making sure her friend was safe on the back of her head screaming at her. 
    - Miss Forrest and Mr. Stan left early. - he replied in the usual monotonous voice that didn’t leave room for many questions. - We shan’t take too long. 
Meanwhile, Sebastian was having a tedious time. Wherever he turned to there were either people trying to lend money from him, talk business with him, or congratulate him on his engagement, all things that made him want them removed from his inner circle. Yet again, he can’t just get rid of people because they’re a nuisance, usually they have to give him a reason, which after some time they always do. 
He knew exactly what he had signed up for when he agreed to this ludicrous show off party, he had signed up for a night of fake kissing and fake laughing all while wearing a stupid last minute Phantom of the Opera mask he had from the last time he’d seen it. It was a pretty boring night except for the champagne flutes that luckily seemed to find him whenever he felt like putting a bullet into someone’s head for talking too long. 
Contrarily, Genevieve seemed to thrive in these functions as shown by the way that she was introducing herself in several conversions and, very unprofessionally, flirting with various mob family’s bodyguards. It wasn’t like Sebastian really cared, having a unfaithful wife wasn’t something new, however he still would like her to be at least respectful. 
His eyes roamed over the crowd, champagne flute in hand, as he noticed the commotion that settled at the entrance of the room. From the door emerged one of his bodyguards and in front of him Y/N. He couldn’t help but stare at her, his brain explaining that behaviour by telling him he could do so as he had paid for the dress. She stood slightly smaller than the crowd due to her constant habit of looking down but he could still see her perfectly clear in a ankle length beige dress covered in lines of pearls which matched her equally beige shoes. Just like everyone else she had a masquerade mask wrapped around her face with a bow made of black ribbon. 
The moment Gwen set her eyes on her friend, she was pulling her into her own social circle leaving Sebastian to observe her. As per usual, she didn’t speak much unless addressed and even when addressed she would bounce the conversation to someone else, hands always slightly tucked in front of her stomach, and a look that told him she probably disliked this party more than she did.
Social gatherings weren’t Y/N’s cup of tea, despite going to at least more than a hundred of them in her life time. She always thought them to be extremely fake with people putting on several different personalities throughout the evening in order to entice various upper ranked mobsters. 
     - We must discuss business someday, Miss Forrest. - one man pulled Genevieve away from Y/N leaving her by her lonesome. Her fingers drew over the top of the champagne flute looking around at everyone. Some people she knew, some were men close to Mr. Forrest with their new wives, some their sons. There were some people she had seen from hit lists and others from birthday presents. Her eyes laid on Mr. Stan and his perfectly tailored navy suit. His posture screamed power, dominance and authority without even trying, even with that matte white half mask. 
She cleared her throat, turning her head to face the opposite wall once her gaze was met by his. Y/N couldn’t stare at him, he made her nervous without saying a single word. Funny thing was, she did not know why he made her nervous. Sure he was a mob boss with probably a few kills under his belt but she had grown up around that type of people, yet he made her nervous. He made her feel like digging her own hiding hole whenever he look slightly in her direction. 
    - Miss Y/N ... - came a voice from behind her, making her drop the flute on the ground. Despite the noise, no one turned their head, too busy in their own conversation. - Didn’t mean to frighten you.
    - Mr. Sta... Sebastian, good evening. - she took a step back, noticing how close he was to her. He was close enough she could smell his cologne, the type of smell that made a girl want to wrap herself in a guy’s scented clothing. - I spoke with the saleswoman and she said I could return the dress later. 
    - It’s a gift, angel. You should keep it, it suits you. 
    - This is the type of gift you give to Gwen, not to me. - she smoothed over the fabric of her dress.
    - Miss Forrest has enough dresses as it is. Speaking of gifts ... - his hand went to his pocket, pulling a golden chain. - I believe this is yours. 
    - My necklace. - her heart swelled up as she saw him hold her golden necklace. Mindlessly, she wrapped her arms around him, taking him by shock. Normally, he’d have the head of whomever tried to hug him. - I can’t believe you found it. 
    - You dropped it on the club. I’ve been meaning to return it but it passed my mind. - he handed it over to her who like an over excited child getting a new piece of clothing for Christmas, immediately wrapped it around her own neck. However, it was slightly hard for her to clasp the necklace herself which automatically and mindlessly led Sebastian to hold both ends of the chain in his hands, her hand slightly grazing his as it left the clasp and rested upon her abdomen. 
It was a rather easy clasp leading the moment to be over in less than a second if so, however his hands instead of returning to stand politely over his pockets, he instead left them softly against her warm shoulders, a stark contrast to his cold ones. This contrast did not go unnoticed by her, her skin trembling and shivering at the touch that seemed to last a whole millennium.
    - Uhm ... - she cleared her throat, slowly turning around to face him. - Ho...how are you enjoying your evening?
    - I would rather be doing anything else, Miss Y/N. - he chuckled darkly, grabbing another flute as a tray passed by. 
    - You should call me Y/N if I’m to call you Sebastian. - she walked alongside him, through crowds of people which like the red sea to Moses would part so he could pass through. - It’s only fair.
    - Fairness isn’t exactly my strongest suit, angel.
tag list: @sideeffectsofyou​ @lilya-petrichor​ @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater​
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kamilah-is-queen · 4 years
May I request a fic that is inspired by the song “speechless” by Dan + Shay about what’s going on in Kamilah’s mind when she sees Amy in a dress for a date night after x years of marriage 🥺 Thank you 🙏
Tagging: @ayushixo, @olivegh7, @helpconfusedpersonhere, @fundamentalromantic, @evexofxtime, @kamilahtopme
“Kamilah don’t forget, it’s date night tonight.”
“I know Amy. It’s been in my calendar for over a week.”
30 years, 30 years was how long the two had been married for; that one moment changing their lives in every way possible.
In that span of time, the couple grew closer. So close that they decided to have a family together; a daughter which completed their missing piece of their puzzle.
With the new change, their family dynamics did too. This resulted in the Sayeed Family taking multiple vacations, their house filled with pictures of Kamilah and Alina on the beach or, Kamilah and Amy kissing with the sun setting in the background.
Time was flying by as the vampires grew older, the number of their age racking up as did their daughter’s. And yet, it all seemed like an unbelievable reality. A perfect world that could never have existed in the regular world, but it did for the three of them. Every time they would plan a family trip; their eyes sparkled with excitement like it was Christmas. The way Kamilah’s heart fluttered when Amy wanted to go out for their usual date night, which they were planning for now.
Amy was always one to dress for the occasion, her choice of clothes for tonight was a sleek red dress, a revealing leg slit running down the center as she admired herself through the mirror.
Another thing about Amy was that she always smelt good; a rather lucky trait considering the way New York City always smelt. She spritzed herself with the Chanel perfume resting on the marble counter, styling her hair in a half up half down look as Kamilah approached the door.
The scent of perfume lifted through the air as Kamilah stood outside the bathroom door, a smile on her face as she closed her eyes; remembering the time she first met Amy.
Amy didn’t realize Kamilah was outside, opening the door to see Kamilah eyes gazing across her body. Her eyes fell from her hair, to her lips, her legs, her shoes then back up to rest on Amy’s bright green eyes.
“Quit staring, Kamilah.”
Kamilah was unable to form complete sentences, her words sounding like mumbles and a blended up version of a baby speaking. She felt herself fall over again, the way she did the first time her eyes fell across her wife.
Unable to speak, she stood leaning against the wooden frame with her jaw agape. Her gaze flicked from Amy’s lips to her sparkling eyes once more as she could feel them pointed directly at her heart.
“Thank you, now go get ready lazy bum.” Amy spun Kamilah around and tapped her hand against Kamilah’s bum, giggling under her breath as she closed the door once more.
Kamilah’s choice of clothing was not so different from Amy’s, a blue jumpsuit with a gold belt attached around her waist. She decided to go all out, removing the curling iron from her cupboard and turning her sleek, straight hair into a mass of waves around her neck.
“Are you ready m’lady?” Kamilah swept into a deep bow, holding the door open for Amy as she smirked under her hidden face.
“Thank you.”
“Right then,” the doors shut with a click and the engine starting with a rev as they began driving on the main road, “where to?”
“The usual, I know you love that upscale Mediterranean place near your office.” Kamilah’s hand reaches across to link with Amy’s, her eyes focused on her wife instead of the road in front of her.
“Amy..I want you to know how much I love you.”
“Kamilah..the road!”
The car halted to a stop, parked outside a corner shop as Kamilah turned herself to face Amy in the opposite chair.
“I want you to know that everytime I look at you, everytime you tell me you want to go out for date night with me, everytime you tell me you love me..I just fall all over again for you. I’m a mess when it comes to you and your love, and it’s clear for everyone to see. I’m relieved beyond words when you tell me you love me equally the same, almost like you can read my mind. I love you..so so much my love.”
Amy could feel the tears welling up in her eyes, unable to control them when the first tear turned into another then another. “Oh Kamilah, you're the biggest flirt I’ve ever known.” She laughed through her tears, Kamilah laughing alongside her with a blush on her cheeks.
“Come on Mrs. Heartmelter, we have a date.” As Kamilah tossed the keys to the man in charge of the valet service, the two linked hands, a rainbow appearing behind them like the perfect picture setting.
“This..is paradise.”
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Sunshower 12
“Wow, That sure is a lot of you just dumped onto me.” Kali said to Ilia. The two women sat on the Belladonna porch and drunk tea, discussing the events that had transpired recently. “So, did it feel good?” The feline smiled.
Ilia slouched in her chair. “I don’t see how that is important.”
“Mmmmm I think you do.” Kali bluntly stated. “It’s definitely not the most important, but definitely top ten. Five...maybe three?”
“Can we move on from this if I answer the question?”
“Of course!” A childish smile grew on Kali, as if she was a gossiping school girl. Ilia took a long sip of her tea before looking into it. She had an answer to Kali’s question. Thinking about it was just so...much. Damn Sun, making her brain do these mental gymnastics. “It felt...gratifying. No, that’s not the word. Each time was under a different circumstance but all three times had this strange feeling I can’t quite describe. I just know the feeling wasn’t a bad one. It was very exposing, in more ways than one.”
Kali nodded, “I see. Makes perfect sense”
“What makes you say that? I sound like a riddle.”
“Yeah that’s emotions for you, they don’t make sense most of the time. Not unless you take the time to understand what causes them.” Kali watched Ilia’s face scrunch up. Kali couldn’t help but giggle. “Sorry, I don’t mean to make light of your situation by any means. I just wasn’t expecting such a face.”
“You should’ve. What exactly do you mean by ‘understand what causes them?’ I hope you’re not implying…” Ilia turned a little pink.
“Ha! That’s between you and him” Kali waved her back forth. She would never give such reckless advice, on the first go around. “All I meant was to look inward, ask the big questions you know you’re avoiding. Making mountains out of molehills is a problem both you and Blake share.”
Hearing that didn’t exactly give Ilia a warm feeling. Thinking about Blake still made her very upset. Kali caught on to the girl’s unpleasant silence.
“Sun gave off that same demeanor when he was around Blake.” Ilia snapped back into the conversation now she was looking guilty. Kali smiled softly. “Now, now, no need for that face. Like I said before, emotions take time to understand. The same way hurt needs time to heal. I do hope you both don’t remain upset with my daughter. You mean so much to her.”
Coming to Kali was a good idea. Her words were always so understanding. Neptune had been doing a good job but it felt good to have a more familiar face to confide in. Judy would’ve been good if she wasn’t so….Judy all the time.
“I know. The problem was she meant more to me than I did her, but I’d rather not get into that at the moment. Let’s back pedal a bit. What do you personally think would be a good way to start sorting things out?”
“You see I’m more of a full throttle kind of woman, but that might be too much for you.”She laughed lewdly, emotions make themselves known in the heat of the moment.”
Ilia was once again rethinking her decision to tell Kali. “Please be serious.”
“I am!!!” Kali exclaimed, her tea almost spilling. “That’s up to you though. It gets results though.” More pink spread on Ilia’s face. “Kali, that’s not an option! In case you have forgotten, I’m me!”
“What do you mean so? Sun is outside my particular wheelhouse. That would be weird, completely out of the question.”
“Yet here you are, telling me he’s taken you to bed.”
“Hey, I took him to bed. Not the other way around.” Ilia corrected.
“Sweetie you are only making my point more valid.”
“I...well...that doesn’t change anything! Listen this is uncharted territory for me and it’s for good reason. Guys don’t do it for me. Never have, never will. Connecting, confiding, simply just being myself; I’ve learned a long time ago who brings those out of me. It would be insensitive to Sun if I toyed with him in such a way. He’s a good guy, a friend. He’s my friend.” Those words made her smile. It was nice to call him a friend. So why did it make her feel selfish too. Inconsiderate even.
Kali kept carefully watching the girl as she poured more tea. Though Ilia was fairly mature for her age, Kali had to remember most of it came from experience derived from sorrow. Outward forces had shaped her. It was tough to say just how much internal self reflection she’s done, but Kali was positive the subject of romantic feelings was one Ilia had a thorough rasp on. Still, like everyone, there’s always a few things that get overlooked or haven’t been explored yet.
“You have a good point, You would know yourself better than anyone else would. I bet this is a topic you’ve had with yourself countless times. Yet I can’t but wonder….” her voice trailed off, confusing Ilia.
“Wonder what?”
“The world is a big place with countless people. Plenty of which fall into groups we don’t usually find ourselves associating with. Like how the White Fang. Many members chose a side that resonated with them, but it didn’t mean there weren’t a few who looked on the opposing side and saw someone and felt connected with. Haven is proof of that. You’re proof of that. I know I may be out of line and even far too presumptuous, but is it too crazy to think one person who doesn’t fit into your usual ‘wheelhouse’ might work just as well; that a single boy out of billions could...invoke feelings of some kind?
Ilia didn’t know how to respond to a question like that. She wasn’t even sure if she followed the logic correctly. It had to be false though, right? One out of two consistencies in her life had already been toppled over when she turned traitor. She was so sure about Adam’s actions. Her actions, but those were called into question; until eventually she realized the cracks in those beliefs. This was different though. It wasn’t political, it was personal. Ilia knew who she was in that regard. If she didn’t then…
“If you’re right, then what does that say about me?” Ilia clenched her teacup,cracking it from the pressure from her anxious hands. She didn’t know why but she could feel herself tear up. “I’ve never known anything about myself my entire life? That can’t be true.”
“It isn’t. It just means you’re growing. What you know is gaining more knowledge.”
“That’s frustrating. It’s downright upsetting, and scary.”
“Sounds like to me you just understood your feelings”
Ilia let out a small gasp. Her eyes widened, shocked about the way Kali had gotten an inkling of Ilia’s complex feelings figured out.
Kali took Ilia by the hand. “Now then, what are you going to do with that knowledge?”
“The million lien question. Doing nothing would be the terrible option huh?” Ilia rubbed her chin, putting critical thought into what her next moved to be. “I guess…”
“You’re skipping out on tonight!?” Judy blurted out.
Ilia put her hand over the cops mouth to silence them. “Shhhh! Why are you being so loud!? I don’t think Dan wants to hear you from the kitchen!”
The waiter in question walked out with sparking mugs filled with coffee for the table of four. “Don’t worry, one more loudmouth doesn’t sound that much different from three.”
“Damn Daniel, you gonna shoot us like that? I thought we were friends? Especially after my tip.” Neptune said. He clenched his chest dramatically as if he was actually offended. Judy laughed.
“Wow goggles, couldn’t get it on with me last night so Dan got the tip instead? I respect that. Everyone’s head turned to Judy in shock, except Ilia. She slowly put her head down to cringe. How was her parole officer the least mature person here?
“Dan I think I need a little more caffeine in mine after dealing with that exhausting remark.”
“What if I put cream-” he cut himself off. He could see the corner of Judy’s lips start to turn up. “Sugar cubes, I’ll dump sugar cubes in yours.”
Ilia gave him a thumbs up and he went on his way. “As I was saying, I’m actually just going to stay home this time around. When the partying starts. A night to recuperate, have me time.” She took a long sip from her mug. It was hard to tell if it was the mental workout or the one in her home that had her tired. This caught Sun’s attention, along with her statement. He was pretty sure that this involved him. Good or bad, now that was a little bit harder to read, but he thought best not to pry. He could use a little me time as well.
“Okay, I hope it goes well.” He said. It caught Ilia a little off guard by the look she gave him. She wasn’t sure how he’d take that news most likely. Ilia smiled and nodded at him. Yeah, they were alright. That’s all Sun really needed to know.
“Did you two have sex?” Judy said, cutting back into the conversation the best way she knew how. Neptune choked on his coffee while Sun’s brain turned to static, an option that was safer than saying something he might regret. Ilia’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head. Somehow she managed to maintain the usual color of her skin, but that didn’t stop the heat rising to her face.
“Judy!” She shouted, “Why would you say that!?”
The cop shrugged, “It’s a valid question. You look tired, both of you were together for who knows how long, and anything is possible.”
“He’s not my type.” Ilia could feel herself saying that a lot in the future. It was the truth, but it made her feel a little bit of an ass. Like she was dismissing Sun in an ugly way.
Judy wasn’t convinced though and for good reason. “Ilia I’m not your type either but that hasn’t stopped us from some crazy nights.” Judy saw everyone’s jaw drop.
Neptune had barely recovered from her earlier question. “I’m...I’m sorry, you two have slept together?” He coughed.
“Oh yeah, Ilia and go way back. Oh I could tell stories.”
“Which you won’t!” Ilia said, now blushing.
“Don’t be ashamed. I’m irresistible. You could only survive so much of my flirting. I had a way of pushing your buttons, along with flipping switches.”
Sun raised an eyebrow. “Switches?”
“What kind?” Neptune added.
“Can you not!?” Ilia felt like she was going to die. How did she surround herself with three people that constantly put her in weird situations. What made it worse was Sun being at the table!
Judy could tell how badly Ilia wanted this to stop. The opportunity was too good to pass up. “You’re looking pretty flushed. We’re all friends here.” Judy pointed to themself. “Some people enjoy cuffs and a good hair tug.” Judy rubbed her leg against Neptune’s to make him blush nervously. Hopefully he’d remember that. Judy shifted their eyes to Ilia and mumbled. “Others like their butt-”
Ilia covered Judy’s mouth so fast, the embarrassment too much to handle. She didn’t even attempt to look at Sun or Neptune, who clearly knew where that headed. Neptune looked at Sun with intrigued eyes. Sun could only blush and shake his head no. If Judy was paying attention then she would’ve noticed the silent confession to her question earlier.
“Why are you doing this to me?” Ilia asked
Judy looked at the girl’s hand, which was still on their face until it was removed to reveal a smile. “Easy, I like seeing you be so expressive. You’ve been so down on yourself and less colorful until recently. I don’t know what’s changed but I’m glad the Ilia that does community service then goes home to sleep is slowly going away. The white fang was bad, but it made you lively at least.”
That was more of an answer than Ilia expected. Had she been less lively? Sure she had gotten into a pretty boring routine, but topping organized crime is almost impossible. Most things are boring once you do that. Ilia scratched the back of her head. “Be that as it may, can you not bring up the past like that. I don’t air your dirty laundry.”
“Ilia, do you have clean laundry?” Judy chuckled.
“You…” It was hard arguing against the truth. “Stop picking on me! Why are you this exhausting?” Ilia deflated. Judy rubbed her back to comfort her as if she wasn’t the reason for this! “First you weaken me and now you’re building me up?”
“Lighten up. Say, if you aren’t going to the party tonight then let’s all go to the beach right now to have fun. A lot of people party hard so it should be less crowded.
“Can we do something inland?” Neptune asked politely. All he got was judgmental looks. “Y’all are so mean.”
“Nobody is making you get in the water dude.” Sun pointed out. “You will probably get wet by the end of this, but life be like that sometimes.”
“That doesn’t make me want to go!!!”
“The beach sounds nice.” Ilia said, thinking about the opportunity to relax on the sand. “I’m not changing into a swimsuit though.” Ilia has a feeling if Judy saw a possible hickey or bruise then more questions would be asked.
“Are you sure about that?” Judy smirked.
“Yes, I’m not wearing one.”
“Do my choices mean nothing to you.” Ilia groaned, wearing a swimsuit. Judy had somehow got her to wear a black bikini with gold stitching. She had managed to wear a black cover up skirt that matched. It actually looked pretty nice, but Ilia wasn’t going to admit that. Judy was too busy having fun in her red two piece to notice Ilia had made her own skin a little darker to hide a hickey on her chest and shoulder. “Sun needs to stop biting so hard.” Ilia thought. It took a few minutes to register what she just thought. “Wait, why am I talking like there’s gonna be a next time!?”
“You okay?” Said the man in question. Sun wore navy blue swim trunks. The upside about always having your shirt open is your always beach ready. He sat next to Ilia on her beach towel as they watched Judy mess with Neptune, who was wearing red trunks.
“I’m fine. A little surprised that Neptune owns trunks.”
“Those are just my other pair. So, I don’t mean to pry…”
“I don’t want to talk about my kinks.” She blushed.
“What? I was gonna talk about skipping the party.”
“Oh… right.” She wanted to kick herself. “Forget what I just said.”
“I’m serious! We are never discussing that, Sun Wukong. So don’t get any weird ideas.” Ilia elbowed him.
“You told me not to go down on you. If that’s the line then in what world do I get to crazier stuff.”
“That’s fair. Yeah I think it is best to spend some time alone later tonight. No offense to you or anything but-”
“I get it. Take your time.” Sun laid on his back and closed his eyes to enjoy the rays.
“Will do, thanks.” Ilia noticed just how calm he was about most of this. It made her a little envious honestly. “You’re taking this well.”
“Am I? I might look like it, but I feel a little anxious. Even now. Is that normal?”
“You are asking the wrong girl. Normal has never applied to me in any part of my life. That’s on me though.”
“Crime is the spice of life.”
“Is that how you justify stealing?”
“Hehe, maybe. You should try it.” He joked.
“I did, your virginity.” Ilia looked down to see Sun look at her with the most ‘why are you like this’ look ever. She couldn’t help but laugh, which made him smile.
“This is nice.” He sat up. “I like our talks.”
“Yeah, me too. Who would’ve thought you’d be good at conversations?”
“Uhh me?” Sun bluntly stated, pointing to himself. “Remember, I’m the one who kicked Blake back into high spirits! My positivity is infectious!”
“Let’s hope that’s the only infectious thing.”
“Wh-you literally just mentioned taking my-”
“Hey you two!”
A voice cut him off from behind. Sun and Ilia turned around and had their sunny moment get a little dimmer. Blake and Yang stood with beach gear and in bikinis. Each wearing the other’s color. “Fancy seeing you two here.” Yang cheerfully said.
“Mind if we join you?” Blake smiled, genuinely happy to see two of her favorite people. “We haven’t spent time together yet.”
The pair of confused friends looked at each other, then back at Blake and Yang. No time like the present. They could only avoid things for so long. Ilia tensed up a little but was jolted out of it the moment Sun’s tail discreetly rubbed her ankle. It was oddly tension releasing.
“Sure.” She nodded, “let’s chat.”
Part 11
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moprocrastinates · 4 years
Sit By My Side, and Let the World Slip:
||| Chapter Two |||
Chapter Rating: T
Summary: Jude Duarte would never, ever, call herself stupid.
But sitting on a stool at her favorite bar with a Blue Moon halfway to her lips and eyes glued to her best friend as he flirts with people, smiles with his whole face, and runs his hand through his stupidly messy curls when all she wants to do is do that herself?
Yeah, she’s pretty stupid. Pretty stupid for him.
(Read on A03!)
Jude Duarte would never, ever, call herself stupid.
But sitting on a stool at her favorite bar with a Blue Moon halfway to her lips and eyes glued to her best friend as he flirts with people, smiles with his whole face, and runs his hand through his stupidly messy curls when all she wants to do is do that herself?
Yeah, she’s pretty stupid. Pretty stupid for him.
(Now that she’s really thinking about it, there might have been a few more times she was called stupid. Most notably, there was that one bully in her third grade class who called her that at recess after she’d tried to stop his dictatorial reign over the slide for Taryn, but Cardan had helped her push him into the thorn bushes upon seeing Jude’s tear streaks glistening on her face, and, well, nobody ever called her names after that.)
It’s kind of pathetic, really, that she’s just staring at him like this. It’s not like he’s perfect, but still. His arms are crossed in that suave masculine way, lithe, slender biceps coming close to pushing against his sleeves as he chats up this beautiful girl, and when he smiles, a set of white teeth reveal themselves, dauntless and inviting in a way that Jude herself has yet to define. The blue vest he wears clings to him in a way that should be outlawed, the white sleeves underneath puffy and luminescent against his skin, and unruly, dark curls atop his head bounce when he tips his head back to laugh.
Jude can hear his laugh from all the way across the bar, and if she were a better person, her heart probably wouldn’t twist so much when his beautiful smile presents itself to the girl.
But yet, here she stands, just generally being a mess about him.
She’s sure she looks like an idiot— her mouth has got to be pretty much wide-open, and she might have very wide eyes at the sight of the girl Cardan’s currently flirting with wrapping her perfectly manicured hand around his bicep. He smiles at her, easy, and Jude’s heart flips.
The Bomb’s there, like she always is. Liliver doesn’t skip bars nights like Jude does, mostly because the emotional toll of her job can be a bit much, and, according to her, there’s nothing better than not remembering her job and the way some people take her to task for the way she does it. She likes to drink her problems away, and Jude, being the good roommate and best friend that she is, follows along, breaking up Liliver’s self-provoked fights and paying her tab when the girl is too inebriated to do it herself.
But this time, instead of drinking her weight in whiskey, Liliver is pressing the line of her body into Jude’s side, eyes curious but wary. Jude can tell that she’s concerned from the way her whole face is pinched, and her two front teeth are tugging her bottom lip a little into her mouth.
“Rough night?” She asks, curious, soft, dark hands pressing another cold beer into Jude’s own.
Jude didn’t even notice her beer had gone a little warm, but thankfully Liliver did. She’s going to need more alcohol after this.
“Just a little bit.” She mumbles and takes a healthy swig of her beer, managing to wince only slightly at the taste.  “It hurts a little. That’s all.”
Liliver’s eyes are sympathetic. “I know, Jude,” she says, and leans forward, wrapping an arm around Jude’s shoulders. Her mouth ends up near Jude’s cheek, and the breath tickling it reminds her of Cardan’s eyes, warm only when directed at Jude.
It’s then that Jude notices the dilation of Liliver’s eyes, the way her lids are drooping closed, and how her body gently sways in time to the music.
"“You is kind. You is smart. You is important!” She announces, pushing her forehead into Jude’s shoulder. An errant finger pushes into Jude’s cheek, steadily growing rosier in the din of the bar.
Of course—she’s drunk. Drunk Liliver always quotes The Help when she’s drunk; it’s her favorite movie. (When she’s sober, her favorite movie is Die Hard, although Jude’s pretty sure The Help is her real favorite.)
“Okay, Lil,” she says, gentle, putting her bottle down on the counter beside them. “We’re gonna take an Uber home now, okay? You’ve had enough.”
“Okay,” Liliver slurs, “The Roach wasn’t here anyway, so it was a night wasted.” She giggles a little at her own pun.
Jude snorts and rolls her eyes, fond, and she presses a hand to Liliver’s shoulder, guiding her towards the door.
As she’s heading out, she meets Cardan’s eyes over the head of the guy he’s chatting up.
“Headed out,” she mouths. “Close up our tab?”
He nods, waves a little, brows furrowed in what is very clearly concern, and Jude can’t help but want to push her thumb in the middle of them to smooth out the crease.
The Uber arrives quickly, thankfully, because Jude’s not sure she can support a flailing Liliver without more than two hands. Once they’re in the car, however, Liliver mumbles again into Jude’s shoulder: “You is kind. You is smart. You is important,” and Jude, a little selfishly, thinks she’s right about all of them.
Well, except the second one.
Except when it comes to one Cardan Greenbriar.
She’s pretty stupid about him.
But just because she’s pathetically stupid about Cardan doesn’t mean that she shows it.
In fact, she’s pretty good at hiding her feelings, especially when he drapes his arm over her shoulders to pull her closer in the booth that they’re sharing with their friends, or when he presses a kiss to her temple after she schools a couple guys at the bar in pool, or even when he holds her hand in the movie theater after Jyn and Cassian hug and die and she just can’t hold in the tears anymore.
But her feelings are building up, and if she doesn’t tell him soon, she’s probably gonna explode, and it isn’t going to be pretty.
But then again, it’s Cardan, and her feelings are always explosive around him, mostly because he likes to argue every single point she ever makes about literally anything, and he’s just so wrong that she has to correct him, which leads to more bickering, and yeah, her competitive streak is a little debilitating to her personality, sue her. She still has friends.  
However, it’s Cardan, and she can never back down from one of his challenges.
It’s a Saturday night, and they’re all at the Court of Shadows, the dingiest, most neon, and cheapest bar in town, nursing drinks and watching as Vivi absolutely crushes Taryn at darts, when Cardan drops his head to their table with a loud thunk.
“God,” he groans, the sound muffled with his arm in the way. “I’m way off my game tonight.”
Jude arches a brow at him. “Your game?” She pokes him in the shoulder, and he shifts towards her, grumbling. The movement brings him closer to her, his next words almost a purr that Jude furiously ignores.
“The girl I’ve been making eyes at all night just left with another guy,” he says, and takes a long, slow sweet sip of wine. “And here I thought I wouldn’t be going home alone.”
She knows her heart’s going to clench before it does, but she ignores it. Instead, she says, “Well, the night’s still young. You have plenty of time to get someone else to go home with you.”
Cardan’s looking at her when she lifts her head up from where she’s been seriously focused on peeling the label from her beer bottle. “You’re awfully positive.”
“Well, there’s time!” She protests. “It’s not like I’m never positive!”
Her best friend gives her a look, eyes dancing with something she can’t quite name.
“At least I’m realistic,” Jude mumbles. “But you could still get one! Everybody wants to flirt with you! They practically line up for their turn!"
His chuckle is a little dark. “But I don’t want to flirt with everyone.”
Huh. Jude sobers a moment. “You mean you just want to flirt with the cute ones?”
Dark eyes meet hers for a fleeting second. “Ideally, yes. A good conversation to go along, too.”
“You can’t completely get to know a person in one conversation. You’ll have to meet up again— hence the phone number.”
“But what if I just want a conversation?"
“Then flirt with someone, and get their number to continue the conversation post the first impression!”
“It’s hard to get a phone number, Ju-de.”
“No, it’s really not, Car-dan.”
“Then why haven’t you gotten one?” He asks, and she freezes.
Literally everyone in this room knows why I haven’t gotten anyone’s phone number, Cardan, but you’re so blind you can’t even see that you’re the reason why.
Carefully, she dips her eyes down to her bottle, forcing her fingers to peel at the label instead of yanking him towards her for a kiss. “I’m the designated driver,” Jude says, prim, and Cardan scoffs. It’s a haughty thing, and Jude still wants to kiss him for it.
“Yeah, right. You probably couldn’t get one number. You’re still not over Locke.” He says, and immediately, once his words register, a mixture of fury and annoyance bubbles in her stomach.
How. Dare. He.
I am SO over Locke. I’m over him because I realized my feelings for Cardan will NEVER go away, so I’m just going to pine forever and then die!
“You wanna bet?” She snaps, sharp and increasingly bitter, and Cardan looks slightly taken aback. His eyebrows do that thing she hates, furrowing like he’ll never understand why what he’s just said has caused her to react in such a way.
“Sure.” He leans forward, big brown eyes searching hers. “I bet you can’t even get one number tonight. No, wait, I bet you can’t get an actual number from someone tonight.” Cardan’s eyes glint under the dim lighting of the bar, and Jude really, really wants to kiss him.
But she can’t, certainly not now.
“Deal,” Jude says, and sticks her hand out. They shake, and Jude does everything she can to suppress a shiver at the warmth his big hand radiates onto hers.
“Alright, Princess, take your pick.” Cardan gestures to the entire room, and almost immediately, Jude sees him.
He’s sitting in the back, head down, eyes glued to his phone. If anything, he looks bored as hell, and she thinks that he’s playing Flappy Bird. She smiles.
Already, she’s kind of fond of him. Anyone who still has Flappy Bird on their phone is someone worth talking to.
“Found him!” Jude smirks at Cardan, whose eyes are wide in a way that seem to say, Already? But before he can say anything else, she’s off, striding across the bar with a sense of purpose she didn’t have before.
She flops down beside the guy just as he lifts his glass to take a sip of his drink, eyes still on his phone.
“Hi there!” She says, and he promptly chokes on his beer.
“Hi…?” says the guy, tentative, and his fingers clench white around his glass, almost as though he’s readying to run. She leans closer to him, and, after a beat, he does too, clearly still wary of her.
“So listen,” Jude starts, before quickly realizing she has no line prepared.
For someone who considered herself quick-witted, she was surely falling flat on her face now.
“So, uh, are you Google?” She pauses, watching his face, and when he furrows his brows at her, she finishes: “Because you’re everything I’m looking for.”
She should’ve known better than to use one of Liliver’s terrible pick-up lines, because almost immediately, the guy bursts out laughing.
It’s a nice laugh, too—hearty and warm. If she weren’t already stupid in love with Cardan, this guy would certainly have more appeal.
“I’m sorry!” He wheezes, hand on his chest as he struggles to catch his breath. “I, uh, I know you’re hitting on me, but I’ve just been stood up, and that’s simultaneously the funniest and the worst line I’ve heard. Ever.” His chuckle makes the corners of her mouth tick up.
“Well, yeah. I stole it from a friend, but now that I’ve used it, I’m not sure how she ever got laid with that one.” Jude grins at him, sticks her hand out. “I’m Jude Duarte.”
The guy smiles back at her. “Garrett Larkin. People call me Ghost.”
It’s quiet for a beat, not uncomfortably so, and Jude’s thinking of something to say when he speaks. “So why did you come over to my table, Jude?” He asks, smirking at her. “Feel the need to rescue the dude in distress?”
“If by in distress, you mean ‘playing an app that was all the rage a couple years ago and dramatically dying at every underpass,’ then yeah, I was definitely rescuing you.”
Garrett snorts, derisive. “Well, like I said. Stood up.”
She’s not surprised when a pang of some emotion hits her stomach; she likes Garrett, and already, she wants to see more of him. “Well, my friends and I are over there,” she jerks her thumb behind her, feeling the interested gazes of her friends (oh god, Cardan!) on her as she does. “If you want to come and hang out with some pretty dorky but pretty awesome people, you’re more than welcome too. I think Vivi and Heather could probably help you beat your high score on Flappy Bird.”
Garrett’s eyebrows furrow, and then he’s grinning at her again. “Yeah, uh, I’d really like that. Thanks, Jude.”
She beams at him. “No problem, Garrett.”
“So, is there anything I need to know?” He asks as they stand up, making to head over. “Maybe like why that dark-haired guy is watching us so intently?” Garrett nods his head in the direction of her friends, and she doesn’t need to glance over to know who he’s talking about.
“Oh,” she mumbles, as a feeling of utter shittiness washes over her. Garrett, concerned, looks down at her, and she sighs.
“Look, I’m in love with him.” Jude says, and Garrett nods like he understands. “But it’s not reciprocated, and to make him feel better about not going home with anyone yet tonight, we made a bet that I couldn’t get anyone’s real number either. So I came over to you to prove a point.”
This time, Garrett watches her, eyes unreadable.
“But, uh, I’m an asshole, and once I got talking to you, I couldn’t play you like that. That’s rude, and terribly, terribly mean, and I promise I was going to give this speech to you earlier, but we got to talking—“
“Jude,” Garrett interrupts, and she stops, refusing to look up at him until she feels a gentle poke on her shoulder.
All of her panic deflates out of her almost instantaneously when Garrett smirks down at her.
“I believe you.” He says, and relief floods through her. It’s then that he reaches toward her, palm out. “Give me your phone.”
She does, and she literally cannot believe her eyes as he programs his number into her phone.
“I know a thing or two about unrequited love,” is all he says, and from there, it’s easy: Garrett folds into their little group of delinquents as though he’d grown up with them. She introduces him to her friends, and Vivi and Heather take an immediate liking to him. Taryn is the only one who is a little bit more wary (she’s always been the most suspicious of them all), but by the end of the night, she’s laughing at something Garrett has on his phone, touching his arm and blushing furiously, and Jude thinks, yeah, this might be all right.
Just before closing, she plops down into the seat next to Cardan, who, for some reason, is staring hard at his phone. She nudges him with her elbow, and he only scowls harder.
“Are you mad because you didn’t get a number?” asks Jude, and Cardan’s head whips towards her, unruly curls pressed closer to his head than they had been earlier that night.
He pauses, eyes meeting hers, and she is struck by the sheer depth of emotion she sees there. But the emotion’s gone before she can think much more about it, and he’s a little grumpy when he tells her yes.
But for a second, she thought he might have been ready to say no.
She wonders why, yet doesn’t say anything to Cardan as he leads her out of the bar.
Still, Jude doesn’t see the way Cardan hesitates before putting a hand on the small of her back, and clenches his fingers a little before releasing them. She doesn’t see his heavy sigh, his hard swallow, or the way his eyes fixate on the back of her head.
(Oh, what he would give for her to see his face.)
She misses it all.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
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I've been working on this for awhile I started writing it and then I needed to take a break from writing. Hope you all like it would love to read your comments on what you think about the story.
The group had all been invited to MC's and Jessy's apartment Saturday nights was a tridison they would go round to each other's place and have drinks. Tonight it was MC's and Jessy's turn. MC was busy getting ready in her room when there was a soft knock at her door. "Come in" MC standing in front of the mirror making the final touches to her hair and makeup. "You look hot MC Jake's going to love you in that dress" Jessy came walking across the room sitting down on the bed. "Do you really think so? We have been flirting a lot and I do really like him" Jessy got up off the bed and walked over to MC. "If he doesn't kiss you while your wearing that dress then he's an idiot"
MC turned to face Jessy who had a big smile on her face "I guess you're right it's his loss if he doesn't want to kiss me" Jessy hugged MC and they both went into the kitchen to finish making the punch. "God Jessy how much vodka did you put in this?" Jessy started to laugh at MC coughing at how strong the punch was. "What? There are only 4 bottles in it plus a bottle of gin and some fruit juice" MC shook her head and laughed. "This is definitely going to make things more interesting" Jessy winked at MC with a grin on her face. There was a knock at the door and MC went to answer it "Jack Daniels has arrived" Dan headed straight for the kitchen putting two bottles of Jack Daniels down on the side.
"Sorry about him he's not stopped going on about this party all day" MC moved to the side to let Jake in. "That's okay I've gotten used to him" MC smiled turning towards Jake capturing his ocean blue eyes. "You look really nice in that dress, super hot" Jake felt his cheeks turn a slight shade of red at his comment. "Thanks you're looking very hot yourself" MC winked at Jake and closed the door leading him into the kitchen. All 4 of them grabbed a drink MC went to put some music on to get the party started. Everyone else soon started to arrive Jessy and Richy followed by Cleo, lilly Hannah and Thomas.
The party was now in full swing, everyone having such a great time, Jake and MC had been getting closer and closer through the night. "I'll go grab us another drink" MC got up off Jake's lap as he went into the kitchen Dan was there getting another drink. "Hey hackerman, how far you got with our little bet? You still have not kissed her yet" Dan had a big smirk on his face. "Not yet, it's starting to feel wrong" Dan walked over to Jake and put his hands on his shoulders. "Look it's just a little kiss no one will get hurt you can do it" Jake moved away from Dan and grabbed two bottles of beer. "I hope your right"
Jake went back into the other room where MC was waiting for him. She got up off the chair so he could sit down and, taking hold of her hand he guided her back down onto his lap. They both sat and for a while until Jessy and Hannah pulled MC off Jake's lap so they could dance. "I'm sorry Jake but this one's going to have a dance to our favorite song" Jake laughed as MC pleaded for help "it's okay I'm not going anywhere" MC gave Jake a stealth stair which only made Jake laugh more.
"Come on MC one more dance" Hannah and Jessy tried to convince MC to keep dancing. "I've been dancing for the past half hour let me have a break and I'll join you later" both Jessy and Hannah made MC promise MC found herself a seat on the sofa glad to be sitting down. "I thought you could use this" MC looked up and saw Jake with a bottle of beer in his hand. "Thanks Jake I sure could do with a drink" Jake went to sit down next to her he could see Dan watching him waiting for him to make his move. When the bottle left MC's lips Jake leaned over and kissed MC on the lips. MC was taken back but then she leaned in for another kiss.
After they parted Jake looked into MCs eyes he could see so much love in them a wave of guilt started to wash over him MC could tell that something was wrong. "Jake? What's wrong?" Jake looked at MC, the guilt still washing over him. "Everything is fine, I'm gonna go get another drink I'll be right back" leaving a stunned MC Jake rushed off to the kitchen. "Way to go you did it, you actually did it" Dan was patting Jake's shoulders with a big grin on his face. "Come on Jake, lighten up you won the bet" Jake walked away from Dan and grabbed another beer. Before Jake replied, MC came into the kitchen with tears in her eyes. "So that's why you missed me you only did it for a bet from now on stay away from me Jake"
MC stormed out of the kitchen and went into her room, tears running down her cheeks. She felt so humiliated. She really cared so much for Jake and he's gone and broken her heart.
"What the hell have you done now? Why is MC upset?" Jessy crossed her arms with an angry expression on her face. "Oh it's nothing just MC getting worked up over nothing" Jessy marched over to Dan and smacked him for his stupid comment. "Fuck sake Dan I should never of gone through with your stupid idea" Jessy looks back at Jake concern in his eyes. "You better get in there now Jake and make this right with MC" Jake left the kitchen and went to knock on MCs door he could hear the sobs coming from the outside of the room "MC I'm so sorry please let me in to explain" MC looked up at the door and considered letting him come in. "Fine" the door slowly opened and Jake came in closing the door behind him. "MC I'm so sorry I never ever meant to hurt you, it was all Dan's idea I tried to back out hell I wanted to kiss you so badly that I didn't care about the stupid bet I kissed you because I wanted to not because of some stupid bet" MC looked up at Jake tears still in her eyes she thought for a moment before she replied. "Is that really true? You kissed me because you wanted to no because of some stupid bet"
Jake took MCs hand holding it in his "MC I'm completely crazy about you I have been ever since we first met it was love at first sight" MC looked in shock she couldn't believe what Jake had said. "You love me? If you love me then why did you make a stupid bet with an idiot that knows nothing about women" MC got up from the bed and stormed out of the room. Jake ran after her calling her name but she didn't stop she made a beeline for the kitchen. Dan was standing talking to Cleo when MC came charging across the kitchen and punched Dan in the face. "Next time you want to make a stupid bet why don't you stop and think about the person's feelings you're hurting" MC stormed off this time leaving the apartment. "Dan, what have you done this time?" Cleo standing watching as Dan pulled himself back up off the floor. "I haven't done anything I swear" Cleo gave Dan that look and he backed into the corner with nowhere to go.
"Okay, okay I may have made Jake bet me that he wouldn't kiss MC before the end of the night. He didn't want to do it but I made him" Cleo stood in shock at what Dan had said. "You're a jerk Dan!! You know full well how she feels about Jake and you go and do this" Jake was running after MC shouting her name "MC please I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you, it was a mistake making that bet but I don't regret kissing you I'm in love with you" MC stopped and turned around Jake had caught up with her placing his hand on her shoulder. "You could have just told me Jake, you could have come to me and explained but you didn't. I'm sorry Jake just give me some time"
MC walked away from Jake. She had a lot to think about and a part of her was really hurt by what had happened. The other side was so in love with Jake she just wanted to wrap her arms around him. She stopped and turned around. Jake was sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. Her feet started to move towards him sitting down next to him she placed her hand on his shoulder. He looked up in shock that MC had come back. "Hi" MC smiled and rubbed her hand up and down Jake's back. "Hi," Jake smiled back, wiping the tears away from his eyes. "Jake, I came back because I wanted to tell you I love you" Jake was stunned by MCs words he wasn't expecting to hear the words from her lips. "I love you to MC I always have, I did such a stupid thing making that bet can you ever forgive me?"
MC smiled at Jake lifting his chin up forcing him to look at her, "why don't we try that kiss again" no words were needed their lips got closer when they touched it was the most magical moment. They sat and kissed each other for a few minutes when they were forced to break apart to catch their breath. "I really am sorry MC, that kiss was amazing I love you" MC smiled and leaned in kissing Jake on the nose. "I love you Jake, you all I ever wanted" Jake got up off the bench and reached out for MCs hand. "Should we go back to the party?" MC took hold of Jake's hand and smiled. "Why don't you take me back to yours and we can have our own private party" Jake smiled and kissed MC on the cheek. "That's a brilliant idea let's go" they walked hand in hand along the empty streets of duskwood completely in love with each other.
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inkrabbit · 3 years
Screw ‘em - Dan x GN!Reader (18+)
I just felt like rewriting this and making it a little better.
Summary: After being dragged out, and soon abandoned, by your friends in a night on the town, you luckily find a pleasant patron to entertain you for the night.
Word count: 2,850
 Standing at the counter in the pub, you try to enjoy yourself. Originally, you had wanted to spend your night at home, do your own thing, but your friends had others ideas. “Let's go test the quality of the drinks at every pub!” Oh, and you had rolled your eyes, knowing you two wouldn't be “testing” anything. Still, you had always enjoyed the nights you went out with them, not a care in the world until you all passed out at the first break of dawn.
 Right now, however, you found yourself alone, your friends having long since abandoned you to go busy themselves with other patrons. That wasn't a surprise, but it still left you feeling lonely as you surveyed the pub, your drink in hand. Most of the people were drunk, hanging off of each other and talking loudly, and some of them were even swaying to and fro in an attempt to stay upright. Quite the contrast from what you had originally wanted to do tonight, but you supposed it was nice.
 Your eyes trail over to the sofa that was in the corner of the small bar, admiring the man that was seated there. Hazel eyes glance up at just the right moment, and when he holds your gaze, he sends you a friendly smile. Trying to be polite, you match it and watch as his attention returns to his phone. For a brief moment, you wonder what he's doing. He doesn't seem nowhere near as drunk as the other people in the building, but you can see his glass on the table in front of him. With one last look around, you locate some of your friends. You knew one of them had gone to the “bathroom”, though you saw the same stranger they were flirting with trail in after them, and the others were scattered out, all talking to someone you had never seen before.
 Screw 'em.
 Picking up your drink, you decide it's your turn to have some fun. You walk over to the man, his hood drawn up and his hat covering the upper part of his face. Setting the bottle down next to his, you put on your friendliest smile.
“This seat taken?” you ask gently. He glances up at you, eyebrows raised in surprised, but that familiar grin creeps across his bearded face when he notices it's only you.
“Not at all, love,” he chuckles softly, shaking your hand when you reach out to him, introducing yourself. He purrs out a compliment, and it's enough to make a soft chuckle escape your lips. You chat with the man – Dan, he said his name was. He seems nice enough, an Irishman with a growl to his voice, but you don't miss out on how his face heats up whenever you send a flirty comment his way, and the soft little chuckle he lets out as he tilts his head down just a bit to cover his face. You take this opportunity to reach out, gently running your fingers through his beard and moving his face so he's looking at you. He doesn't make any sudden movements. Instead, he watches you intently, searching your eyes and watching as you slowly lean forward. His lips are soft against yours, and you stroke your thumb across his cheek in an attempt to get him to relax.
 It seems to work as he reaches out, gently resting his hand on your waist and tugging you closer. The once soft and shy kiss deepens as he runs his tongue along your bottom lip, and when you comply and open your mouth, he's shoving his tongue inside and fighting against yours. It's enough to get you to let out a soft moan, but you're curious to see how far you can push him. You pull back for a moment, smiling when you see that almost scared look on his face like he had done something wrong. You throw your leg over his, straddling his lap and pressing your body against him. You pull him back into a heated kiss, your hands resting on his chest as his trail down to grip your rear. He rocks his hips against yours, drawing soft moans from your lips.
“Let's go to my place,” he breathes out, pulling back to look at you with lidded eyes. A soft chuckle escapes you as you trail small kisses from to the corner to his mouth to the crook of his neck.
“Don't wanna just use the bathroom like everyone else?” you tease. He let's out a scoff, slowly moving you off and standing up, taking your hand in his own.
“Got more respect for ya than that, love,” Taking one last drink from his glass, he leads you out the door. You can't help but giggle, wrapping your arms around one of his and walking close to him, resting your head against him. You were almost surprised when he was pulling out his keys. You didn't think he had lived so close to the pub, but it only fueled that burning desire to move things along. Once you're both inside, you pull his hood down and toss his hat from his head, threading your fingers through thick brown locks. He's surprising you now, pinning you against the nearby wall and smashing his lips against yours, shoving his tongue inside your mouth when you let out a gasp. His hands go to your waist, squeezing a bit as your grip his jacket to pull him closer, the scent of his cologne and cigarette making your head spin. You feel him trail one of his hands down, gripping the back of your right thigh and tugging, picking it up and letting you wrap it around his waist as he rolls his hips against yours again. You don't know what happened to that gentle man back at the cub, but you love the one that's standing before you now.
 Dan pulls back to trail kisses down to your neck, a yelp coming from you when he nips at your skin. You tilt your head to the side, giving him more access. It's enough for him to grab your other thigh and tug, making you hop up and wrap your other leg around his waist. Your tighten your hold around his neck as he moves you away from the wall and starts for the stairs, smiling when you start peppering kisses all over his face.
“You're gonna make me fall,” he laughs, taking hesitant steps. You don't respond, but you do press your lips against his to make sure he stays quiet. He pushes you against the door to open it, the doorknob hitting the wall with a dull thud. He sets you down on the dresser, pushing aside a packet of cigarettes and an old lighter. He's quick to throw off your shirt, trailing kisses down from your bruised neck to the middle of your chest, nipping along the way and making you gasp. You run your hands through his hair once more, gripping at the crown and yanking him back, smiling when you hear that soft growl he lets out. You pull him forward to crash your lips against his, his hand coming up to run down your chest, moving over to brush your nipple and pinch it, grinning wickedly against your lips when you let out a squeak. That seems to be enough to have him move to your pants, yanking them off, along with your underwear. The wooden dresser is cold, but it's quickly forgotten when he drops down, his tongue darting out to give you a few teasing licks until you're gripping his hair harshly and holding him in place. You can hear him chuckle softly as he wraps his mouth around you. You tilt your head back, resting it against the cold wall as you help him rock his head against you, feeling his beard tickling your skin. He watches you through your lashes, taking in every detail of your face and how you're reacting.
 You don't get to your release just yet, the man pulling off when he notices you bucking your hips more and your moans getting too loud. It's enough to pull a growl from your lips, hopping the dresser and shoving him back to give yourself more room. Dropping down to your knees, you reach up to undo his belt and jeans, tugging until his erection is free. He's letting out a shaky breath as you lick up underneath his shaft, following the vein all the way up to the head and lapping up the precum that beads out. You repeat this a couple times until his hand comes to the back of your head, applying just enough pressure to give you the hint without him being vocal about it. One last lick to the tip and you're leaning forward to take him more into your mouth, looking up at him as he lets out a pleased hum. He helps you bob your head, keeping a steady rhythm you slowly grow accustomed to, swirling your tongue and letting out a soft moan just to mess with him. You weren't prepared for him to buck his hips, gagging when he hits the back of your throat.
“Sorry!” His voice is soft as he pulls back, leaning down slightly to look you over. You just let out a soft chuckle, kissing the tip as you squeeze his shaft.
“I didn't tell ya to stop,” you tease. He mimics your laughter, watching you with half lidded eyes as you go back to starting up that old rhythm. It takes a few minutes, but you notice he slowly starts to thrust his hips in time with your bobs, having you take more and more into your mouth. He lets you suck long enough to get him nice and wet before he pulls you off, lifting you up and tossing you onto the bed. Propping yourself up, you fight against him when his lips make contact with yours, his tongue slipping back into your mouth. You're tugging at his jacket, slipping it off his shoulders and letting him take it off, throwing it to the floor along with his shirt. Raking your nails down his chest, you wait patiently as he shuffles out of the rest of his clothing. He grabs your wrists and holds them in one hand, pushing you against the bed and pinning your hands above your head. You don't notice him lining himself up outside of your entrance, too lost in how his lips leave hot open mouthed kisses on your neck, occasionally take your skin in between his teeth and biting down. He slowly pushes himself in while you're distracted, and a gasp escapes you as you arch your back against him. He's still as he buries himself deep inside you, those hot kisses turning sweet as he lets you adjust, pulling back to stare down at you. His free hand comes up to gently cup your cheek, thumb stroking softly as he coos at you, telling you how good you're being.
 It takes you a couple of minutes to finally get adjusted, that burning pain of him stretching you out turning pleasurable, and you roll your hips to give him the go ahead. He squeezes your wrists lightly, his thrusts starting slow as he searches your eyes for any sort of discomfort. He's pulling you into another kiss, and you notice how he's gone back to being that gentle man you had met. With a small smirk, you nip at his bottom lip, adding more pressure and making him gasp. He slams his hips against yours, a loud moan erupting from you. He stills himself, once against buried deep inside you as his eyes find yours, a small smile forming.
“What was that for, love?” he purrs, pecking your cheek. When you don't answer and try to look away from him, he grabs your face and forces you to hold his gaze, that grin gone and his face hard. “I asked you a question.”
“Felt like you lost your steam,” you respond. He lets out a chuckle, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips.
“Guess I gotta get it back, then,” He starts up again, propping himself up on his arm so he's not putting his weight on you, starting up that rough pace and pulling moans from you. He finally lets go of your wrists, and you bring them up to wrap them around his neck and thread your fingers through his hair. Letting out a pleased hum, he moves to grab your leg, hiking it up and over his shoulder. You can feel him hit you deeper now, and you grip his hair, using your free hand to scratch down his back, leaving red welts in your wake. It seems to spur him on, a groan reverberating in his throat as he slides a hand up your body and goes to wrap it around your throat. He stares at you, eyes searching desperately and giving you more than enough time to reject him. When you give him a small smile, he tightens his hold and continues to do so until it's hard for you to breathe. He doesn't cut you off completely, but you find yourself getting a bit lightheaded as you start to pant. You watch him intently, those once bright hazel eyes having darkened with his growing lust. With one last squeeze, you feel him cut you off. For a moment, you almost panic, but you hold his gaze. He's watching you; he has been from the very start, and he hasn't pushed any boundaries.
 You can see your vision slowly start to go, the edges turning black. Lungs starting to burn, you finally give in, parting your lips and mouthing his name. Just like that, his hand is gone from your throat and you're gulping down air. He slows down just a bit, leaning down to pepper soft kisses all over your face.
“Good pet,” he breathes, pulling back and giving you that familiar grin. He brings his free hand down to play with you, his thumb running over those sensitive spots as he teases that spot inside of you. From his soft little chuckle, you have a good idea that he's doing it purpose.
“Dan, fuck me right, please,” you pant out. You can feel your release building up, but you're desperate to feel that delicious sensation. His eyebrows raise, but that playful smile is still there. He pulls back, only to ram right where you need him to, and you're arching your back once more and throwing your head back into his pillows.
“Ya mean like that?” he teases, doing it again. You bring your hand up, your nails finding his chest and scratching. He lets out a low groan, leaning down to bury his face in the crook of your neck, working on leaving more hickeys as you grip his hair, his name falling from your lips. You can feel your end coming up, and judging by the way you can feel his lips curl into a smug smirk, you know he's picked up on it.
“C'mon, cum for me,” he coos in your ear, teeth nipping at your lobe and making you gasp. It's not long before you feel it come washing over you, a strangled moan coming from your lips as your walls tighten around him and you dig your nails into his back. He's close behind, pulling out just in time and spilling all over your chest and stomach. The two of you stay in the same position for a bit, Dan slowly moving your leg off his shoulder as he pants heavily. He's the first to move, slowly getting up with a groan to grab a towel for you. Thanking him, you take it and start to clean yourself up, watching him pull on his boxers and some sweats. He grabs the pack of cigarettes and his lighter, making his way back over to you and pressing his lips against yours.
“Just goin' for a smoke,” he tells you softly with a smile. You just nod, letting the towel slip to the floor as he leaves the room. Rolling onto your side, you bring up his blankets, shivering as the sweat that's built up on your body mingles with the air. You're just exhausted now, still trying to catch your breath. You figure you can find your way home in the morning.
 You feel like you're alone only for a few minutes before you hear Dan re-enter the room, softly shutting the door behind him before he crawls into bed. He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you against his chest as he places a gentle kiss to your shoulder, thumb stroking your skin as he buries his face in your hair. Maybe you'd brag to your friends about the man you met at the pub.
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celtics534 · 4 years
Power (Covert Love Chapter 10)
Here we go! Hope y’all ready for some drama 😉. This chapter’s title comes from the song Power by Bastille 
Also Read on: FF.net or AO3
“Fuck, Potter, you weren’t messing around!” Holt cheered as the team walked back into the locker room after their victory flight. 
 Harry shrugged, his cheeks turning pink. Ginny knew better than most how awkward compliments made Harry. She herself loved to be the one who caused that cute blush. “It was luck.”
 “Luck?!” Joy snorted at Harry’s claim. “I’ve never heard of luck that involved a fifteen-meter dive and nearly knocking the opposing seeker off their broom. No, that was all skill.”
 “Not to mention it was in the first fifteen minutes of the match.” Ariel nodded approvingly at Harry. “Incredible.”
 “And let’s not forget about the queen herself.” Joy winked Ginny. “Seventy points in fifteen minutes. Should we start bowing now or wait until later?”
 Ginny laughed. It wasn’t the first time Dan had called her queen. At first, it had been his way of flirting with her, but after denying his advances enough times the context had become nothing more than friendly. “A curtsy whenever I enter a room will suffice.”
 The energy in the room was higher than Ginny had ever experienced. It seemed winning in two hundred and fifty to ten really energized a group. 
 “So we’re still down for that fire tonight, right, Canon?” Joy asked as he pulled off his jersey, throwing it into the team laundry collection.
 Prue clapped her hands together. “Oui! I have everything all set.”
 “All we really need is a high fire and some decent spirits,” Holt came about to slap Harry on the back. “You down for a little drink game, Potter?”
“Errrr…” Harry glanced over at Ginny. She could see the worry in his eyes. It wasn’t hard to figure out what was going through his head. If he got drunk, then he wouldn’t be at top form, which would be a real problem for his protection duty. 
 Protection duty. Ginny still couldn’t believe that Harry had been assigned to guard her. All because her brother had gone to his old buddy, who happened to currently head the Irish Auror department. Not to mention that they suspected that her crazed stalker could be someone within the Bat’s organization. Ginny just couldn’t imagine any of her teammates or staff being that… deranged.  
 That night everything had been… revealed, she and Harry’d had a long discussion. Now that Ginny knew about Harry’s assignment, he was able to bring her up to date with all the intel he had. Well, technically he wasn’t supposed to, which he’d informed her after his recap. If Harry had gone by the books, he should have called an Obliviation squad to alter her memory so she’d have no idea about his actual profession. By not calling the squad he was going rogue, which in turn meant he’d face drastic disciplinary action if his superiors found out about his disregard for the basic undercover rule.  
 She’d had to ask if he was okay with risking the career he’d worked for his entire adult life. It was easier than asking what she was truly wondering: if he'd grow to resent her if something happened. Ginny knew no relationship should hold resentment, and rancor of that caliber would crush both of them in the end. 
 But he’d simply smiled and reached across the small gap between them. He’d pulled her into his side, holding her as if nothing else in the world mattered. The kiss he placed on top of her head seemed to spread down her entire body. “It would one hundred percent be worth it.” 
 Now four days later, just the memory of the affection in his tone expanded a ball of warmth throughout her gut. Well, that and flashback to his demonstration of how he'd spend his days if he didn't have to work anymore.  
 "So, Weasley," Ariel's voice drew Ginny out of her lovely reminiscence. She could feel the heat on her cheeks but hoped it wasn't bad enough for McKidd to notice. "You up for a little drinking competition tonight?”
 “What kind of competition?” Ginny asked warily. McKidd was infamous for contests that would result in everyone involved waking with no recollection of the night before. Typically Ginny was game for such activities, but tonight she’s planned a personal celebration for herself and Harry that she wanted to remember. 
 “Oh, nothing too extreme.” The smile curling Ariel’s lips told Ginny that it was going to be extreme. “Just a gauntlet.”
 Joy and Holt whooped as Ginny’s jaw dropped. “Seriously?” The last time they’d done a gauntlet… well, Ginny hadn’t been able to smell Gillyweed since without feeling sick. “Why?!”
 “Why not!” McKidd laughed like a child opening a present at Christmas. “Last time was fun.”
 “We ended up in muggle prison!”
 Ariel waved off Ginny’s rebuttal “Only for a few hours. Besides, we made friends, didn’t we.”
 Ginny rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah, good Ol’ Mad Dog and Karl.” 
 “Exactly! I still sometimes visit Mad Dog. For a muggle, he’s a wizard at chess.” Ariel winked.
 Ginny was afraid she was rolling her eyes so much that they might get stuck. “Yes because being good at chess makes up for him stealing that, what was it, a kool bus.”
 It was Ariel's turn to roll her eyes. “He said he’d return it but they didn’t let him. But that’s not what we’re talking about here.” She pointed a challenging finger at Ginny “Are you changing the subject because you’re scared, Weasley?”
 Ginny knew she had been caught. She couldn’t turn down a direct challenge like that, not just because every eye in the locker room was on her, but because her Weasley pride wouldn’t allow it. Taking a deep breath, Ginny forced a confident smile. "Not for me. I was simply trying to save you, but if you want to take on the reigning champ I won't stop you." 
 "Damn, Weasley." Joy let out a long, slow whistle. "Them be fightin' words." 
 "And you never fight with an Irish woman and expect to win." McKidd grinned at her as she grabbed a fresh towel from the stand. "Start drinking water now, you're gonna need it." She walked out of the room, her towel swung over her shoulder. 
 Prue smiled at Ginny. "As long as no one vomits in my lilies -" 
 "Hey!" Ginny interrupted. "That was one time!"
 "We will have a good night.” Prue was a few inches taller than Ginny, so she had to lean down to kiss both cheeks. “See you tonight.” Then she was gone from the room. 
 Ginny looked around, most of the team had left too (to most likely shower or grab something to eat). The only remaining people were Joy, herself, and Harry. She walked over to where Harry and Joy talked animatedly.   
 "How do you know so much about the law, Potter?" Joy was asking. 
 Harry's lips curled into an amused smirk. "I just like to know my rights.” 
 “Don’t we all,” Joy laughed. He turned to Ginny once she reached them. “So, Weasley, completing in another gauntlet, huh? You sure you’re up for it? I haven’t seen you at any celebrations recently.” His smirk became too knowing for Ginny’s liking. “It’s like you’ve had something, or maybe someone, better to do.” The way his eyes flickered back and forth between Harry and Ginny. It was as if her heart dropped into her stomach.
 “How did you find out?” she asked, impressed with her ability to keep her voice level while the rest of her felt like she was hanging off the edge of a cliff. Had they been too obvious? Did the others know? What about her stalker? Was Harry now in danger --
 Joy’s laugh cut off her rapid thoughts. “I saw you two snogging outside of the showers after practice a while back.” 
 Ginny’s imagination instantly took her back to that day. Harry had just gotten out from under the spray, a towel loosely tied at his hips. Water had still glistened off him and he had just looked so… good. She hadn’t been able to resist running her hands up into his still-damp hair and kissing him. She’d thought her quick observation of the room had been enough to notice anyone, but apparently her eyes really had only been for Harry if Joy had been able to see them. 
 She looked over at Harry. He was biting his lower lip and she knew his mind was playing out the numerous complications this presented. If Joy said something to the wrong person… 
 Ginny turned back to Dan, hoping she’d twisted her lips into a convincing sheepish smile. “Dan, I mean what do you expect me to say?”
 Joy shrugged, his grin still wide. “I mean I wouldn’t object to some details.” He winked. 
 Preventing her eyes from rolling took more resolve than Ginny thought she had at the moment, but somehow she managed. “How about no.”
 “Can’t blame a bloke for trying.” Joy laughed. “So, how long has it been going on? I mean, I always sensed something between you two, but you seemed rather comfortable from where I had been standing.”
 “A few months now,” Harry spoke for the first time since Joy’s obvious implication. He was paler than usual, but his gaze was focused and alert, as he stared at his friend. The way Harry seemed to be evaluating every part of Joy with just his eyes was intense… and hot. Did they teach him that at the academy? “Joy, would you mind keeping this between us? Ginny and I are - we don’t want any hassle from the rest of the team.”
 Dan blinked once, twice, a third time before nodding slowly. “Yeah, I can do that.”
 That was one thing Ginny had always loved about Joy. Though he could be a bit of a sadist when it came to his jokes, he always seemed to know when to pull back and be serious. Apparently the look in Harry’s eyes showed the severity of his request.  
 “Thank you, Dan.” Harry’s shoulders sagging relief. “We really appreciate that. I know it sounds weird --”
 Joy waved a hand, his usual bright smile in place. “Nah, I get it. If everyone knew… well, the teasing would be relentless.”
 “Yeah, exactly.” Ginny gratefully agreed with the half-truth. There was so much more to their secrecy than just a bit of pestering, but Dan didn’t need to know that. She pulled Joy into a hug. “You’re the best.”
 “And here I thought I was the only one you said that too.” 
 Ginny flinched as she recognized the new voice. She pulled away from Joy, holding back a growl. “Dr. Hogan.” 
 Finn was beaming as he approached them. He seemed to be taking in the group, his eyes flicking between the three of them “No need for such formalities, I mean we all know each other on a personal level.” When his attention landed on Ginny, his scrutiny became more like a leer. “Some better than others.”
 Ginny’s fists clenched. She had to remind herself that hitting a member of staff was completely frowned upon, no matter how much of a prat they were. However, there was no rule about sounding happy to see them. Making sure to keep her expression neutral, Ginny let her disdain out in her tone. “What can we help you with?”
 Finn's smile never wavered, but Ginny noticed the flash of annoyance in his eyes. Good! “I was coming over to congratulate you all on a superb win. And I wanted to check over your shoulder, Ginny. I noticed you were holding it rather stiffly after that fifth goal. It won’t take more than a minute.” 
 Oh, he was good! It was such a legitimate excuse to talk to her… hell, it even was a reason for the two of them to be alone, which Ginny had been trying to avoid as much as possible. If she refused it would make her out to be a problem. 
 To be fair she had felt a little stiff, but she had just intended on taking a hot shower and asking Harry for one of his splendid massages, which tended to help her entire body relax. Gritting her teeth, Ginny took in a deep breath before giving Finn a fake smile. “Sure, I can spare a minute.”
 Joy clapped his hands together. “Well, I’m not needed here anymore.” He took a step towards the door before pausing. “Oh, hey, Doc?”
 Finn tore his eyes off Ginny for the first time since they landed on her. “Yeah?”
 Ginny ignored Dan and Finn’s conversation to focus on Harry. His expression was blank, but Ginny knew that he was feeling more than he could share. Harry wasn’t the kind of bloke who wore his heart on his sleeve for anyone to see. He left very few people in, and Ginny was grateful every day that she was one of the selected. Because she had been granted an insider’s view, Ginny had learned that when looked uncaring and detached (like now), there was so much happening in his head. 
 But right at that moment, Ginny could sense his… ire more than see it. She had to assume it was all directed at Finn. She’d shared her history with Harry before they’d even started dating. He had been outraged on her behalf, claiming he would have held the guy’s arms while she hit him. At the time, he had made Ginny smile. Harry somehow always found a way to make her smile.
 It took a few moments, but eventually Harry seemed to feel her stare. When he finally looked at her, she raised a brow, silently asking what he planned on doing. Harry wrinkled his nose, clearly knowing there wasn’t anything he could do and not liking it one bit. 
 “Ginny?” Finn’s voice pulled her attention away from Harry. 
 “Hmm? Oh, yeah.” She gave a curt nod. “A quick check-up isn’t a bad idea.” 
 “Great!” That bright, lewd smile fell back into place as Finn gestured towards the staff rooms. “My office awaits.” 
 As Ginny started to head in the direction Finn had pointed, an idea struck her. She stopped and turned to look at Harry, who was glaring daggers into Finn’s back. “Hey, Harry. Would you mind grabbing my bag out of my locker and bringing it to the exam room? I have an appointment I can’t be late for and it would be so much easier if I just leave from there.”
 “I don’t know --” Finn started, a frown forming on his face, but Harry cut him off. 
 “It will be my pleasure. I’ll be there in five minutes.” Harry grinned crookedly at Finn, clearly gloating at the other man’s irritation. “Always ready to help.”
 “Perfect.” Ginny beamed at Harry. “See you then.” She turned and started down the corridor, not bothering to check and see if Finn was following. When she reached the exam room, which was combined with Finn’s office, Ginny stopped. 
 Finn had apparently been hot on her heels, seeing as how he was instantly at the door, tapping his wand and opening it wide. He held the door, stepping aside so Ginny could enter. 
 Ginny hadn’t been in the medical room since Atlas had left. In Finn’s short time of being the team’s primary, he’d made the room his own. Gone were Atlas’ posters of calming meadows and streams. Finn had hung portraits of, what Ginny had to assume were, medical professionals.
 “Have a seat.” Finn pointed towards the bed that sat in the corner of the room.
 Ginny shook her head. “I think I’ll stand, thanks. My legs feel fine.” 
 “Why are you --” Finn cut himself off. His chest rose and fell with the deep breaths he took. After a few seconds, he held up his hands in surrender. “All right then. Well, will you at least take off your robe and shirt so I can see at your shoulder?”
 The day Finn had come back into her life, she and Harry had gone back to her place. Harry had instantly pulled her into his arms. He’d run a hand up and down her back, reminding her of his offer. That had pulled her out of her melancholy mood. She’d kissed him for his valiant offer but told him it wasn’t necessary. Harry had kissed the top of her head. They’d stayed like that for a few seconds before Harry told her he was going to do a background check on Finn. She’d pulled back to give him a knowing look, figuring Harry was dealing with a little green-eyed monster, but he had shot that thought down. “It’s weird that he just shows up after you’ve received threats. Who knows, maybe he doesn’t want you but doesn’t think anyone else should have you.”
 For some reason, that moment replayed in her mind as she took off her robe. Harry had told her his dig into Finn’s file hadn’t wielded any devious inclinations, but she still had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach as she slowly removed the long-sleeved jersey she wore. 
 Finn smiled at her, which she was sure was supposed to be comforting, but all it did was make her want to leave even sooner. She could remember him giving her that smile as they’d walked down the coast, watching the sunset over the English Channel. That had been the day she’d told him she loved him. The day he’d said it back. The day she’d agreed to give herself to him in every way possible. Then two weeks later he dumped her. She hated that smile… that damn smile.
 He moved around her body so he stood behind her. “Can you roll your shoulder for me?”
 Ginny took a deep breath before following his commands. After rolling, she needed to stretch out her arms wide. She could feel his warm fingers sliding along her skin, brushing the strap of the vest she’d worn under her kit. 
 “Now can you reach up high?” Finn asked. “Good.” Again his fingers pushed into her shoulder. “So, Ginny, I’ve been wanting to talk.” 
 “There isn’t anything --” Ginny tried to cut him off, but Finn overrode her.
 “Yes, there is. I need to apologize and you wouldn’t let me do it before.” She looked over her shoulder at his face. He had a self-deprecating look in his eyes. “I treated you like shit.”
 Ginny turned around so she could see all of him. His hand had gone to rub the back of his neck. He cleared his throat before continuing. “I was a scared seventeen-year-old who didn’t know what I really wanted in life. When you started getting --” He waved his hands in an uncommitted gesture. “I panicked and said things that weren’t true. Then even worse, I ran. I know I hurt you and I just wanted - no needed -- for you to know I’m sorry.”
 She hadn’t thought she would ever hear this come out of Finn’s mouth, and Ginny had reached peace with that. But now… It took a few moments to close her mouth, which had gone wide during his explanation. “I --” Now it was her turn to clear her throat. “Thank you for saying all that.” 
 “I mean it.” Finn pressed, his expression imploring. “I hate that I hurt you.” 
 And Ginny believed him. When she looked into his eyes, she saw only the truth staring back at her. She nodded, not knowing what to say. 
 They remained silent for a few seconds before Finn let out a long breath. “Thank you, Ginny.” He pointed at her shoulder. “Should be fine, but you should ice it tonight.”
 “Okay.” Ginny still had no idea what she should say. Instead of speaking, she grabbed her robe and pulled it back on, forgoing the dirty jersey that lay beside it.
 “Now that we’ve got that settled, I know you have plans tonight, but I was wondering if you were free for dinner sometime this week.” Finn’s smile became suggestive. 
 And just like that Ginny’s warm feeling toward this man left. “Really?” 
 He shrugged that smile widening. “I’m older and wiser than I was all those years ago. And wiser me knows I couldn’t do better than you. I was hoping after I admitted my faults that you might give me a second chance.” 
 Was it appropriate for her to tell him she’d rather date a one-eyed troll?  
 “I don’t think so, Finn.” 
 “Why not?” Finn moved in closer. Ginny could now smell his cologne (a simple fresh fragrance that was nothing compared to Harry’s natural scent). “We had some good times, back before everything happened.”  
 Ginny’s hands clenched into fists, ready to hit him if he tried anything. “Because I don’t have a self-loathing kink to try and satisfy.” 
 Finn leered down at her. “It’s not a bad thing to get back with someone who made a mistake. I can make you happy, Ginny.”
 Ginny took a step back, trying to get some space between them. “I’m not interested, Finn. Actually, I’m seeing someone.”
 The snort Finn let out held no laughter. “So dump him.” He moved to close the gap between them again, but Ginny placed a hand out to stop him. “There is no way he can make you feel the way I used to make you feel. We used to be so free.”
 That was enough! She was about to tell Finn off, calling him every name in the book, when a knock on the door echoed around the room before Finn could respond. Harry came in without being granted access, her pack slung over his shoulder. He looked between the two of them, his body tensing. “Everything okay here?”
 Finn stepped back quickly, that leering look being replaced by a friendly smile. “We’re perfect. Just discussing some possibilities.”
 Ginny scooped her jersey from the floor and left the room, grabbing Harry’s hand as she left. She was going to go report Finn Hogan to Coach Kennedy and then got the fuck out of here. As she walked through the doorway Finn shouted words that wouldn’t connect to her mind until much later that night. “I look forward to seeing you at the party tonight.”
 Harry stopped her when they were a good distance from the exam room. He grabbed her shoulders lightly, looking her in the eye. “What happened?”
 “I learned Finn’s still a prick, that’s what happened.” Ginny took a deep breath as Harry just continued to stare at her. She started to explain everything. When she finished Harry's expression was so murderous Ginny thought he might be able to kill with just one look.  
 “I’m going to go --” Harry started, his voice low, but Ginny cut him off.
 “You are going to go with me and complain to Coach Kennedy and then we are going back to your place.”
 Harry blinked at her in confusion “Back to my place?”
 “Yeah, back to yours where we are going to work off this anger in a carnal fashion.” She knew she must sound mental, but she knew what she needed at that moment was him. She needed Harry. “Any problem with that, Potter?”
 “I --” Harry opened and closed his mouth twice in rapid succession before shaking his head. “Whatever you need.”
 Ginny went up on his toes and kissed him hard. “Good answer.” She murmured against his mouth. Then she lowered herself back onto her heels and started walking at a fast pace. “Now let’s move, because I have many plans for you before we have to go to that party tonight.”
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