#except Clay
diseaseriddencube · 2 months
i need to reread wof to finally figure out who my absolute favorite character is
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artistmarchalius · 5 months
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A formative experience.
A prequel to the Pop Rock Floyd series.
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beepboopappreciation · 5 months
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This came to me in a vision
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maomango-doodle · 10 months
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Playing around with the color wheel WEEE
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temporarywoundz · 3 months
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thx 4 all the support on my last post.. especially towards my clay i love clay heres some more clay hi clay
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dragoncarrion · 6 months
ok give me another WOF character to draw. Same rules as before I'm bored
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pnrp1echa1k · 3 months
I’m so norml guys btw I’m so normal
Here’s a bunch of doodles to show how normal I am
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lttleghost · 5 months
I FINALLY FINISHED MY MOMS CHRISTMAS PRESENT... the one I was originally aiming to give her back in 2022
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part of the reason I took forever to do the final steps is I had to... break a tail to get them to fit together (EVEN THOUGH I BAKED THEM IN THEIR INTERLOCKING POSES and got them apart fine) and I wasn't looking forward to that, here's what rhey looked like separately though!!
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xejune · 3 months
doodle idea: Bruce cookin up something good?
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he's cooking a mystery camping soup (no one but him knows exactly whats in it but it's tasty!)
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i've convinced myself that Sunny is a serial gossiper, except the only other dragon that knows is Clay bc they're best buddies <3
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oddly-casual · 7 months
Trolls Band Together Spoilers
(Clay and Bruce trying their best)
One thing I’ve been dying to talk about are the little ways Bruce and a lay take care of their other siblings and why.
It’s all in the little stuff! Like I am of the belief that Bruce and Clay are so close is because they could only really find solidarity in each other. Growing up no one liked how JD pushed them to be perfect, but Bruce and Clay were the only ones who felt pushed in a box, they were the only ones who got angry.
Floyd was always the peace maker and Branch was a baby so the only ones who understood their anger was each other.
Clay and Bruce always have each others backs, but I wanna talk about how they take care of baby Branch.
Like when Branch is listening to the broad cast with Velvet and Veeneer, Bruce notices Branch’s worry and turns off the radio. (Bruce also carried around Tiny bc he is a true dad.)
During the ‘It takes two’ song, Branch pulls out his blue prints and John Dory immediately pushes Branch out of the way to take control and you can see Clay and Bruce wince like they know it’s a bad idea before Clay pulls John away for the transition shot.
Not to mention Clay and Bruce seem so unironically excited to see Baby Branch that they side like JD, and I know that was probably because they’re still on weird terms with JD, but I don’t think their happiness to see BB was only for pettiness sake.
Maybe there’s some stuff I missed because I only saw the movie once and I looked down at some points to take notes so may haps I missed some back ground stuff but if there is please tell me!
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claitea · 1 year
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i love this guy
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squidiottt · 5 months
Have these silly clay owls :>
me and a friend made the clay from scratch and it worked somehow
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o w l t o w e r
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even more owl structures
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silly silly
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night-hell · 4 months
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owlafterhours · 4 months
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"Yeah yeah, they're getting as many of those Coral-aug'd guys on this as they can - nothing higher than fourth gen. Nothing but old tech. ACs? They just stop. Drones? Don't come back, and if they do? Can't get anything useful out of them. It's bad enough that the PCA's willing to cut a deal with the corps - 'cause word is? Rubicon-Three's haunted."
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G5 Iguazu, on loan from the Red Guns because he gets no fucking say in anything, is on a dinky little space station with some suits and techies as they work out how exactly they'll use him as a lab-rat to approach the now, 'haunted' planet. No machinery has made landfall and no signals have gone in or out of the place since an incident three years ago that turned Rubicon-3 into a maelstrom of Coral.
The suits had tried. He'd had a good laugh or ten about how futile their efforts were with Volta. Not that that lasted long - augmented humans were catnip or some shit, and he'd drawn the short straw of being one of the few naturally marinated lab rats around.
So he's stuffed in this shitty suit that he's sure came from a museum and then thrown out of airlock like fish bait. And what do you know? He starts bloody hallucinating. That's the only thing he's willing to call it, cause none of this shit is showing on the cameras or sensors, beyond a rise in coral levels.
The nerds are excited though. 'It's promising!' and 'we're getting closer!', but all Iguazu knows is that these are like fucking aliens or ghosts or some shit, and there's something about that freak in space with all their little buddies that makes him want to punch their face in.
Despite everything, Iguazu's actually pretty dedicated to making sure every safety procedure is completed before he goes out, but he also tends to make small mistakes; the most common is him not tucking all of his hair under the cap whoops.
The PCA does not have contact with their coral weapons on the ground and it Concerns Them Greatly.
A large stock of inactive Gen-4s had disappeared sometime around when Rubicon-3's situation - this Also Concerned The PCA Greatly.
The guinea pig from Arquebus' side is O'Keeffe and he is also Not Very Happy About It.
The situation on the station is full of intrigue that Iguazu absolutely does Not care about, but it's safe to say that even he recognizes that it's a tense situation of decidedly un-jolly cooperation.
The planet seems quite volatile; threads of coral escape from the atmosphere like solar flares before being drawn back into the storm.
Is Rubicon-3 Actually Haunted? Who Knows, But Iguazu's Definitely Seeing Something Out There!
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aalien-s · 6 months
So i was like: What if.
And then drew brozone as mlp
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I may be cringe but i am free
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