#experimenting with different methods rn
semisentient-entity · 6 months
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I drew the evil lesbian again
@abluehappyface @possibly-eli @the-cinnamon-snail @space-frog-boy @pinelo-hearts
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gaytedlasso · 11 months
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Wat duh fuuuuu—
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exopelagic · 17 days
liveblogging my descent into madness
#okay okay okay okay okay okay okay#my supervisor set a new deadline for Now. tonight#bc he wants to meet tomorrow 2 with more draft to talk about#rn im on 4 full pages and trying to figure out what the hell my analysis would practically look like step by step#which is hard when im not that good at stats and this is actually one of the things he should be helping me with#and he evaded questions when I did ask him abt#but! getting annoyed doesn’t help me now#I am putting together bullet point steps to help me get my head round it bc it’s midnight and I’m having trouble like#keeping how exactly the methods work straight in my head#generalised linear mixed models! woo!! I don’t know whether they substitute for finding an association between two factors first or are like#subsequent step to that. more refined. gives amount of variance in x due to y that can be explained by z factor#if I had more time I’d be able to figure this out and I will want to ask about this so maybe that’s worth leaving for now as long as I know#roughly what outputs I’m expecting and what things I’ll need to separate for each hypothesis#ohhhhhhh wait I’m describing summary statistics. Im saying I’ll do summary statistics for each factor first before I do a glmm#eg for spatial effect I need to see the correlation between distance and occupancy in individual sites#and whether there’s a difference in the average distance between my two groups#wait so that’s not a correlation it’s comparing two categories and seeing whether their distributions differ which. anova? non parametric?#dude i have no idea at this point I think this is smth I have to ask about#okay. so I haven’t touched my extension section and I want to have something there that he can give feedback on#so for each of my objectives I’ll detail an experiment I couldn’t do that would advance the objective somehow#in the first two that’ll be quantification#or do I do that? what did he say last week#okay im going now I got shit to do#deeply sorry to anyone who is still reading these science is hard and I’m TIRED#luke.txt
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moonahyeon · 3 months
I just shifted this morning 😭 FOR THE FIRST TIME !! I’m so excited that I finally did it but why am I kinda disappointed it was so normal.. I feel like I’m not as happy as I thought I’d be, shifting for the first time. I had all these expectations, yknow? plus rn I’m not doing the best physically bc of how nauseous I feel from traveling irl (like in my CR) to another continent so that might be affecting my mood.
how? 🌸
I finally took a break from trying to shift to my kpop dr so I could organize a new script for it in notion. So I decided I would try to shift to my waiting room for the mean time. I saw @pinkerinos story on how they shifted after I woke up at like 10am in the morning and it motivated me sm I wanted to follow what they did. thank you to them 🙏🙏 I was really tired when I woke up and wanted to go back to sleep but felt musty so I washed up and tidied my room. Until I went back to bed, I said affirmations (some in my head, most out loud). I didn’t use a method but I was saying things like “shifting to my waiting room is “easy-peasy lemon squeeze-y”. yeah it’s kinda cringe 😭 but I was trying to make it catchy so I would remember it.
I didn’t have to do a 500 hour meditation, or even specify if it was an awake or asleep method. Looking back I think I shifted out of pure delusional confidence. I didn’t shift to my waiting room or any dr I had scripted for. I think my intentions got mixed up because I shifted to a reality where I had my kpop dr face/body. But I wasn’t an idol. I lived in a coastal town in sk and spoke and thought in korean when I’m not fluent in this reality. I hadn’t realized I shifted until I was in the elevator of my apartment complex heading downstairs to work (I lived on the second floor but their were shops/plaza on the first floor). When I realized I shifted to some random reality I didn’t care it wasn’t my DR and stayed for the sake of having shifted. My initial reaction was to hit myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming but in general I felt normal? — is that common for anyone else❔
I think the fact I’m somewhere where it’s summer/the beach affected the place I shifted to.
has this happened to anyone? I shifted back to a dream bc in my OR I was still sleeping. After spending 5-7ish hours in that reality I shifted back willingly bc it was jus a regular life, labor, and I had to deal with annoying ass customers. 😭😭 when I came back I woke up in a dream?? I don’t lucid dream so my memory is distorted from that point on. I woke up irl soon after and started to doubt myself .. was it all a dream?? But there were too many reasons it wasn’t “just a dream”.
reasons why it wasn’t a dream:
I have a dream journal and every dream I’ve had has been sporadic and irregular with time. In the reality I shifted to time was “linear” and I remembered the past, experienced the present, and worried about the future.
When I have a dream I’m never “present”/aware I only remember what I experience after I wake up. But in that reality I felt everything happen in the present like it would in my OR.
Also I had such complex memories/thoughts I couldn’t even think of as a 14yr old in my OR.
srry if this storytime was too long and or boring 😭 I’m not a blogger or someone who posts. I’m more of an observer but I wanted to share my story!
Also tysm to the shiftblr and loa girlies I couldn’t have shifted without them!! 💗💗 they gave me such a different perspective on shifting compared to shifttok.
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kyxworld · 3 months
The cake part is what I don’t understand the most because yeah if I don’t make the distinction between imagination vs reality its all awareness so if I imagine eating a cake I’ve eaten it but you say « you’ve choices either go out and buy it or don’t do anything abt it. but somehow you eat the cake. whether it be today, tmrw or the next week (all illusory as hell) » so it’s no longer instant ? Because if it just appears Why I'd need to buy it ? Even if there’s not really today tomorrow or next week because it’s always in the moment it’s like creating duality ? Because when bloggers say if I want a new appearance okay I’m aware of what I want to experience and that’s it so I don’t wait ? I don’t change anything because everything just is ? But your example is very different or maybe I didn’t really understand ? :/ because it very much feel like "oh imagine it just in your head and be happy because it’s the same as what you would call reality so you already experienced it"
oh god, the example i gave seems to be very misleading. *deep exhale* you’re thinking too much honestly. wayyy too much. even my brain hurts from comprehending this 🧍🏻‍♀️.
see everything is instant FOR “ ”. you’re still identifying as a human. you’re trying to change, do something,TRYING, desiring change so much. this moment is perfect as it is. whatever you’re aware of rn? IS. that’s all. now again, TIME AND AGAIN, you’re using illusory senses as validation. (i’m gonna cry 🧍🏻)
you say, you know your “desired appearance” is what you have, yet COME asking, i don’t see it. if that’s what you decide, it is. that’s what you’re aware, that’s what is. you’re relying on unreal senses, and still treating this as a method. it’s not.
ALSO if you want cake, it is instant, you experienced it. you’re still waiting for the “senses” 😭💀
(the example i gave is very misleading, going to edit out 🧍🏻‍♀️)
someone pls help out 🥲
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charmedreincarnation · 3 months
Hi charm. Your posts have helped me lots! Im keeping consistent for once and understand the law and shifting properly. My question is that I’ve been trying to considerate my understanding and application of states and A+P. This sounds stupid but I go back and forth and try to apply them, but the debates about them don’t make sense to me. I think rn I reinstate more with states but some I do prefer to just affirm and I’m just curious on which one you “preferred” and how you applied that to shifting. Thanks 😊
I think it really does depend. I love the law of consciousness, and under that really anything goes. But for me personally, I really do think there’s a point of no return when it comes to A and P and states. Just in my experience, feel free to believe and do what you like. First and foremost, your beliefs are more important in your reality. But I feel like everyone says that so often. If you don’t understand that, it's not really my job to coddle anyone at this point 😭😭 everyone is their own god and that’s the most important thing to understand.
But I started my journey back in 2020 when I was 16, and I manifested so much with mirror work and affirmations because I didn’t know about the law, and honestly I barely knew anything about manifesting either. I was only a shifter. And all my shifting friends, not on Tumblr, who shifted pretty easily and I consider "master shifters" (not that it exists or matters), honestly didn’t get into LOA either. They just affirmed (but used LOA, by knowing they’d wake up in their desired reality without knowing). Ever since then, they don’t gripe in the community because sometimes ignorance rlly is bliss. If I was in 2020 and stuck with that, I would have gotten everything so easily. But looking back, somethings happen for a reason because the desires and drs I wanted at 16 are nothing like the life/drs I want and have right now. I’m so grateful I struggled for a bit; it was a blessing in disguise 😭😭😭.
Around that time, I hated LOA because I talked about this in a different ask, but my favorite master shifter on Reddit (I’m an OG Reddit girl) who brought LOA to Reddit eventually left because she claimed she thought she was mentally ill, and shifting is psychosis. So I hated Neville and LOA for a while, which is so funny, because what did he do? I also didn’t like states because none of my shifting friends knew about that, and all shifting was just knowing and affirming. I wanted to do that too, not live in my head or whatever I understood states as.
I obviously eventually learned about LOA properly and learned so much about the "mechanics" and origins and over-consumed, just like a lot of you guys. When I tried to go back to A+P, I struggled so much because I really did believe in states. I thought about my horrible childhood, but how I got through it was knowing and believing in magic and my eternal happiness. From ages 9-14, I was a very happy and lucky child despite my circumstances and depression, because I was in the state of someone who had it all. I always knew life was more than what we can see with our eyes, so really, I knew A+P wasn’t really what was working, it was my state. But I refused to admit that for a while and got mad when my affirmations stopped working (that’s what I mean by point of no return).
Also, my shifting friends are using states, and when I started asking them about it, they started talking learned about their methods and how they suceeed easily. Most of them used some variation of SATS without knowing and music to fulfill their inner man and know that, regardless, they’ll wake up in their desired reality. So I started doing the same, and that’s how I manifested my first shift.
But everyone is so different. Like look at all the success stories. Some people just use science and logic with lucid dreaming steps. A lot of people in LOA now didn’t even use LOA to manifest at first or get into the void or whatever. Some people shift without knowing or by accident, etc., etc. The point is understanding states helped me because that’s the type of person I am; I like knowing the mechanics behind the seemingly magic. But maybe you don’t, maybe you don’t care about states, you know they’re behind everything but don’t care. That’s all good too. I don’t care how anyone achieves or understands the law to get their dream life, as long as they’re not spreading misinformation. The law is about you and understanding what fulfills you; you don’t need to follow debates to fulfill yourself.
A lot of people feel very strongly about their beliefs because it’s what helped them achieve their dream life, so they’ll die on hills for it. And I honestly get it; that’s how you feel about shifting. So I really don’t like when people try to dunk on it or like "debunk it." And that’s how everyone feels for their beliefs; it’s the human in us, we feel strongly about our passions. But don’t let people make you feel bad about your beliefs. Sometimes Tumblr can get like middle school-esque with the labels and drama, but again, it’s a good reminder that no matter how godly you are, we still have our human shell, and that’s oddly comfortable to me so I don’t care that much tbh. Just do you girl, at the end of the day it’s your happiness that matters
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subsystems · 22 days
hope sending ask is ok rn, i have hard time looking resource. looking for book how to co-exist with independent dissociative parts (have system but not feel safe in saying DID yet). cannot do therapist addressing parts yet but want to cope in daily life. hope can help. or others comment/reblog and give. thank you 🍀
This ask was sent a while ago, I hope you're doing okay now anon. You say you can't talk to a therapist yet but I hope you have someone else in your life who is supportive and you can talk to about these things! You shouldn't have to face this alone.
Even though you don't have therapeutic support, it's still possible to build up communication and cooperation with your parts. I reblog a lot of tips and resources to my coping tag if you want to check that out. Here are some other resources that you might find helpful:
DID/OSDD Self-help Masterlist There are so many resources here, categorized by different topics. You'll find stuff here for both survivors and loved ones, and you don't need to have DID/OSDD to use them!
Beauty After Bruises Blog You'll find so many articles here on coping with daily life as a dissociative survivor. I love how they're written, they feel very approachable and almost calming to read.
Dissociative Living Admittedly, I haven't read many of these articles but the few I've seen have been good. I think their writing is very approachable for people who are new to all of this.
DIS-SOS Lots of advice and informative articles on living with DID here -- in both English and German! I've found some really interesting and unique coping tips here, I definitely recommend it. It's actually because of this blog that I discovered one of my favorite methods of system communication.
CTAD Clinic Youtube Channel A channel run by the director of this clinic which specializes in dissociation and trauma. I've watched probably all of his videos -- they're very good! Lots of the videos provide tools and self-help tips on coping with dissociation & dissociative parts!
Carolyn Spring's Blog You'll find amazing articles here about trauma and dissociation, but do be aware that the author is both a professional and a survivor with DID herself. She isn't afraid to talk about her lived experience, shining a light on the reality of trauma and dissociation which can be confronting but oh-so empowering to read.
System Speak Podcast A podcast run by a DID system. She talks about her own healing journey as well as interviews professionals and dives into the psychology behind trauma and dissociation. Personally, I think the website is a bit hard to navigate but every podcast I've listened to has been extremely informative and relatable!
Self-help books can also be extremely useful if you don't have access to a therapist. You can find a bunch of free downloads here! I would recommend starting with "Got Parts? An Insider's Guide to Managing Life Successfully with Dissociative Identity Disorder" by ATW. Personally, I think this is the best book to start with. It's a bit old and there are some outdated ideas in it, but I think it's a very gentle entry into learning system communication and coping with DID if you have never worked with a therapist.
Some other resources that might be useful:
Strategies for coping with distressing voices
FREE 100 page e-book for trauma survivors
Talk/vent to listeners on this non-crisis support chat line
Apply for a grant to receive financial help or a therapy box -> (Also learn about the Therapy Box Project! If anyone is able to donate, please do!)
- Sunflower
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edwadio · 3 months
hi❤️ imma keep it short because i dont mean to wallow in self pity or trauma dump, but long story short my life is a total mess rn, and i feel like my body dysmorphia is the one thing ruining my life(i dont wanan go to school, work, leave the house etc because of that) and ive known about manifesting for years but cant seem to manifest physical appearance. could u pls tell me what i can do, maybe ive overconsumed info, idk. like ill just follow the steps u tell me, and wont read anything else, and maybe u have tips for appearance specifically, i avoid mirrors because i spiral because of them, so ye thats all! I love your blog and i would be so incredibly grateful if u could help me xxx ❤️
hi!!! well, manifestation of appearance is no different than manifestation of anything else.
start with what you would like to change in your appearance, define exactly in your imagination the image of yourself in which you are already a person who looks exactly as you want. ex: you can imagine yourself looking in the mirror as a person who already has your dream look.
once you know what you look like as the person who has your desire then allow yourself to accept that this is your actual and true appearance in 4D. trust yourself and KNOW that you are the creator in your one true world(4D) who has already created your ideal image of yourself.
once you accept and know that you are your desire in 4D then live in a neutral world(3D) with the knowledge that it is a mirror that must reflect your fulfilled state.
don't expect change from 3D, don't look for anything here, just be your desire in 4D and persevere in it.
if 3D circumstances get you, let them pass through you, let yourself experience it(I beg you ppl don't suppress your emotions) and return to the fulfilled state then when you are ready. you can use methods to enter the state if you like, or you can just make decisions.
that's it
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vyl3tpwny · 1 year
do you have a preferred method to get vsts and other such instruments for a DAW?? im poor as heck and dont know ANYTHING about piracy, im so scared of getting goobered by people on the internet
i wish i knew more about the best go-to sites for pirating rn unfortunately i have no clue. ppl on the internet can have such shit intentions too so i dont even know where to look or who to ask. but also here's some free + VERY cheap things u may consider (below the break):
vital synth (i will always shill for vital bc i use it constantly and its free lol)
ob-xd synth (it says buy for $49, but the free download is on the left. the buy link is just a donate)
klanghelm plugins (all these are made by one dude. mjuc is a great vintage style compressor, the dc8c is a pretty featured compressor for the price, sdrr has a particularly nice tube saturation/distortion, and vumt is a great metering plugin, i have vumt on every single project since 2019)
analog obsession (if you donate $5 to their patreon you can get every single plugin they make. also all made and maintained by one person. lots of different things, so i recommend just downloading everything and exploring the functions of the plugins)
tokyo dawn labs (all very high quality mixing stuff. they have free versions of most of their premium stuff and they're quite featured despite being free. ez.)
kilohearts (they recently made all their main effects free. and if you want their flagship stuff, its all rent-to-own as well.)
sforzando (soundfont player. if you dont know what soundfonts are, theyre essentially really condensed, lightweight sampled instruments. they can often sound rlly cheap or tacky [which might be good, i definitely love that sound] but just install this and google [instrument] soundfont and just find lots of free instruments that way)
togu audio line (some free effects and instruments if you scroll down. but i also recommend TAL Sampler if you want a cool sampler and can afford it)
meldaproduction (has a free plugin suite. theres an annoying watermark at the bottom for free versions, but everyone understands. shit is expensive)
native instruments (they have the komplete start bundle which is just a bunch of free decent stuff)
musicradar FREE SAMPLES (ive sworn by a few of the sample resources that i've gotten from musicradar as far back as 2011 lol)
looperman FREE SAMPLES (looperman is a user-sourced sample website where ppl upload samples they've made* and you can just download and use them for free. sometimes people request specific credit, so check for that if you can. *NOTE: its very possible for people to upload unlicensed samples or stuff they didn't make so use your best judgement when sorting through stuff)
freesound FREE SAMPLES (freesound rules always reliable)
synth1 (AHHHH IM SO HAPPY I CAN RECOMMEND THIS RIGHT NOW!!!! synth1 used to be abandonware but was finally picked up again and is supported by modern systems once more. i used this religiously from 2013-2017. and i'm going to start using it again honestly)
valhalladsp (this is the only exclusively premium thing i'm going to leave in this thread [aside from bitwig, below], but it's just that god damn good. every plugin of theirs is $50, so if you can manage to go for ValhallaVintageVerb and/or ValhallaDelay you will basically never need another reverb/delay ever again; would recommend NOT pirating from them if you can help it bc theyre definitely a very small company but u know.. ur call)
bitwig (if you need a DAW, i can now heartily recommend Bitwig. it's on the rent to own program through splice if you're ok getting it legally...)
i know this isnt what u asked but i hope its still helpful. i've also rescinded my recommendations for spitfire audio bc the company was revealed to be run by a bunch of queerphobic knuckleheads. everything in this list i have personally used for my own music and can vouch for them from actual experience (YES even bitwig, i made the song "Futura" on Carousel exclusively with Bitwig, making it the first time i've made an entire song outside of Ableton since 2014).
again i hope this helps, forgive me for not knowing enough about pirating at the moment 😭 please make so much music and please look at this animal:
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snapscube · 11 months
What got you to start editing out the intros on snapcube 2? I suppose it helps get to the games faster, but as a hardcore Vodhead, I kind of liked those.
I've gone back and forth about keeping pre-streams in the VODs for a couple years now. Whenever I decide to take them out I always have a couple people being like "aw I liked those", but then when I leave them in I can tell the majority of viewers will just skip to gameplay anyway and of course there's the age-old "skip to [timestamp here] for the game" comments. Not that I really mind people having the option per-se, but essentially over the years I've gotten the impression that there's always gonna be someone who feels like the experience of the VODs could be improved by either including them or cutting them and it's just gonna come down to individual preference, so I should go with my gut and how I like to produce things.
SO to actually answer your question as it stands technically, what got me to start removing the opening sections of streams RECENTLY is that I actually just completely upended the way I produce these VODs. I used to have an entire, seamless recording running from the moment I started streaming to the very last second, when I hit my "go live" button the recording would turn on automatically and I never touched it. Then when it came time to post I would put the recording in my editing software, cut out the starting soon screen and all the breaks, and then render and upload manually. At some point during or right before the Tears of the Kingdom series I changed this completely. Having to render out new versions of cut down VODs overnight became way more trouble than it was worth, literally hours of downtime where I couldn't do much on my PC while it was working on exporting them.
So I created a new method that goes something like this:
start the stream, play music
after a few songs, hop on mic and settle in with chat. talk about stuff, chill.
once i am ready to Do The Actual Content, i hit the button to start recording stream locally so the recording only ever begins when i'm ready to go.
i address vodheads and introduce them to the stream separately, then the show starts for real
if there are any stream breaks, i pause the recording as i leave and start it up again once i come back so there is literally nothing i have to edit out of the final recorded file
once the stream is over, take the recording and quickly convert it to mp4 so i can upload it to youtube as-is. every cut is already made, it's in full quality, and i don't have to render it.
now, i totally could just start recording once i hit my "bootup jingle" sound and hop on mic earlier in that process! the practical difference would not be really much to sneeze at on my end. i actually have already done this a couple times! however, what also ended up happening is that the Tears of the Kingdom series like.... REALLLY cut down on how much time i was even spending in the pre-stream to begin with. i was so pumped about that playthrough and i wanted to really maximize my time playing the game while i was live, so often there just really wasn't anything interesting in the pre-stream chat to begin with. this wasn't always the case, but it was reliable enough that i got used to just starting the recording when i started the game. then once i got used to it i kinda started to like it and like how the final VODs turned out when you could just click on it and jump right in, and i've kinda kept up a similar pacing and cadence to my streams post-TOTK.
ultimately, the TL;DR answer is that it's just how i prefer to produce the VODs right now and it makes my workflow a lot easier and makes me feel good about the final product! not saying this will never change, again it's something i go back and forth on. but it's how it is rn!
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gaybatmanenthusiast · 9 months
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⋆★ word count : 548
⋆★ warnings : n/a
⋆★ summary : (m/n) is new to the force and him and detective leon clash !
⋆★ extra : RAAAHHHHHH on that stardew grind rn icl
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Detective (M/N), renowned for his meticulous attention to detail and methodical investigative skills, joined the same police department as the charismatic and impulsive Detective Leon. Right from the start, their conflicting approaches to solving cases clashed like oil and water.
(M/N) preferred to gather evidence systematically, following a carefully crafted plan. On the other hand, Leon relied on his intuition and instincts, often diving headfirst into situations without a second thought. Their clashes created tension between them, making their partnership difficult in the beginning.
As fate would have it, (M/N) and Leon were paired together to work on a challenging murder case. Initially, each was skeptical of the other's methods, but as they started pooling their strengths, they realized that their differences were a blessing in disguise. (M/N)'s analytical mind spotted crucial details that Leon would have missed, while Leon's spur-of-the-moment decisions broke open new leads that (M/N) would have never considered.
Slowly, respect began to blossom between them. They admired each other's unique skills and learned to trust each other's judgment. Their once-opposing styles merged, and they became an unstoppable team, earning a reputation for solving the toughest cases.
Together, (M/N) and Leon faced countless challenges, cracking cases that seemed unsolvable to others. Their colleagues and superiors noticed their remarkable success rate, and their partnership became legendary within the department. They were entrusted with the most high-profile cases, taking on criminals that others deemed unbeatable.
But amidst the intensity of their work, something unexpected blossomed between them. The deep respect and friendship they had developed over time started to evolve into something more romantic. Their hearts beat faster in each other's presence, and their gazes held more meaning than mere camaraderie.
Working closely together, their shared victories and shared experiences deepened their connection. (M/N) began to appreciate Leon's passion and spontaneity, while Leon admired (M/N)'s intelligence and dedication. It was during a particularly challenging case that their emotions finally came bubbling to the surface.
In a moment of vulnerability, (M/N) confessed his growing feelings for Leon, uncertain how the impulsive detective would react. But Leon's eyes sparkled with the same emotions, and in that instant, they knew their partnership would forever transcend the boundaries of friendship.
Their partnership evolved into a beautiful romance, adding an extra layer of depth and emotion to their crime-solving adventures. They navigated the complexities of balancing personal and professional life, supporting and lifting each other through the highs and lows of their demanding profession.
Together, (M/N) and Leon faced danger head-on, solved mysteries that perplexed others, and made a lasting difference in the world. Their love story became the foundation that fueled their determination to bring justice to the victims and protect the innocent.
(M/N) and Leon's partnership flourished, their love becoming the driving force behind their crime-solving endeavors. Their bond only grew stronger as they faced countless challenges together, with their colleagues and superiors in awe of their unwavering commitment.
As they held hands, ready to tackle another case, they knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, their love for each other would guide them through. With (M/N)'s analytical mind and Leon's intuitive instincts, they became an indestructible force, forever united in their pursuit of truth and justice.
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crazylittlejester · 9 days
Hola! Do you have any advice an Wars’s characterisation? For example, how you feel he reacts to stress or his go to methods of connecting with people?
felt like you were the guy to ask :)
so this is all for how I personally characterize him, this is just my take on him feel free to do your own thing :)
For me, he has different levels of stress. For more minor things he’s able to just force it aside and push through whatever he’s doing, but for bigger things he gets quieter and snappier. Like ‘normal’ level of stress where he’s trying to figure out a battle plan for the chain but maybe it’s too loud and it’s hard for him to focus? He’s going to grit his teeth and power through, he’s not happy about it but he’s going to get it done. War of Eras battle planning? Late at night? He’s still trying to power through but maybe this time there are silent tears. Twilight is laying there dying and Time is preoccupied so watching out for all the others is up to him? Shockingly he’s keeping it together despite this being terrifying and extremely stressful, because in life or death situations he forces himself to be the rock for everyone else. It’s only once the real ‘stress’ is actually over that he allows himself to feel it, and with large events like that he’s quiet. He doesn’t speak as much, he looks more exhausted than he normally allows himself to appear, and when he does speak it’s very flat or a bit snappier than usual, which of course he does feel bad about, but at the time he can’t control
Either way, he doesn’t want his own stress to stop him from doing what needs to get done so he doesn’t deal with it in a healthy way. He’s suppressing it both cases, but in one he successfully files it away for later (it will of course come to bite him in the ass later down the line), and in the other case it’s overwhelming after the actual event has passed, and it’s very noticeable in his behavior (this excludes how i think he’d react in more trauma related situations)
For connecting with others, I think he struggles with it a bit. He’s definitely an extrovert, for me he’s loved talking with people his whole life, but due to everything he’s been through he cannot stop himself from mentally marking down peoples flaws and weaknesses and he feels bad about it, because here’s this person he’s trying to get closer to and his brain is like “here’s how to defeat them if they try to attack you”. He does not trust easily, and he definitely acts and presents himself a certain way towards people he doesn’t know/doesn’t know very well that is VERY different from how he presents himself around friends. I think he really connects with the others through shared experiences where the others do something kind for him they didn’t have to do, or do something to protect him. Like protecting him in a battle, or tossing him an extra fruit, or including him in little activities they’re doing, or even standing up for him in a bar. It helps him feel like maybe he can trust them. He is a kind person and he does nice things for the others in return, but he really connects with them when they’re doing something for him, because it makes him feel like he can allow himself to be closer to them
His trust cannot be earned with words, it must be earned through action and time
I also write him as a person who grew up very used to friendly, safe touch, and whose love language used to be giving hugs to show affection and care. He’s not the best with his words, and hugs used to be easier for him but because of trauma he can’t do that anymore. He has a very complicated relationship with physical touch now, and there are times where he really needs it but can’t actually handle it so he’ll sit away by himself. Over the years he’s gotten better with being able to allow himself to give out hugs or accept them, but that’s not an easy way for him to connect with people any more, so he connects with them and shows he cares through little acts. Wind ripped a hole in his tunic again? It’s fixed by morning, and Wind always just catches Warriors putting his needle and thread away. Wild’s scars are aching and he ran out of lotion somehow? There’s magically more in the bottom of his bag, and Warriors is seen walking away from it. Legend woke up from a nightmare and can’t fall asleep? Warriors will start reading his book aloud if he’s the one up on watch, and while Legend will probably never verbally thank him for it, it’s the fact that he’s able to go back to sleep within fifteen-thirty minutes that lets Warriors know it works and Legend is grateful for it
I headcanon sometimes it’s hard for him to physically connect with the others, but he shows his support and love in other little ways and connects with them that way :)
anyways sorry this took me so long to type out, I really hope it’s coherent and helpful :) and again, this is just how I personally characterize him this isn’t like, the only way to characterize him by any means, feel free to do whatever you’d like !!
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pamicakery · 2 months
₊✩‧₊˚౨ I used to fear myself ৎ˚₊✩‧₊
(a little personal post about how I feel rn)
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It's been 3 dayish that I am having an existencial questioning. It's like I spent more than 8 years trying to find happiness in method like 5x 55, drinking your new reality, inner child healing, karma arranging, scripting, acting in the 3d, dieting etc..
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I listen to those law of attraction gurus, who told me that I must be '' Okay '' with not having my desires, that the universe had better in store, or that I can't chose the appearance of my Sp and such.
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I used to think low of myself, because I never dated a, never worked, never been pretty. And then I listened to '' Detachement '' from Edward art and it clicked
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From memory, he said that to unchained ourselves, we have to detached ourselves from our experiences, past experiences, our past, mistakes, our bad assumptions about tomorrow, our identity, skin color, origins, what people think of us, and we think of ourselves, our states.
I was like
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'' Wait... I am more than this..human experience ''
Without my victim mindset, my past, and my assumptions about Tomorrow what am I? I am pure consciousness, energy, Divine creator. I am.
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We can be beyond and going beyond our senses, beyond our old assumptions. I always thought that I wanted to be a model a, be insanely rich.
Success doesn't depend on material objects, or achievement on a paper. Money is just some numbers and a face on a bills or a digit. Desired face and body are just an arrangement of flesh and bones.
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When I first shared my thought on this, my parents and friends thought I was crazy, '' You can't be god '', '' Who do you think you are? '', '' Why are you not rich rn? ''
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Our journey is full of up and down and it's good because, we become more and more clever about the reality of this world. People who say '' The law isn't real '', '' it's BS '', '' You can't manidest things out of thick air '' Are limited by their own bondage.
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I used to fear myself, because I never trusted myself. '' I can't do this '', '' I'm not good at this '', '' I am not qualified for this ''
But now I am like '' I want to discover all the opportunity I can have in my life ''. For my parents, achievement is being married, having kids, and pay bills and die.
Being different is a good thing. I used to want how to manifest this or that. Now I desire nothing, I don't look at Loa content, nor tumblr content. I don't know what is happening to me. I know I can do anything but I want anything too.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
An upcoming main cast character in a story I'm working on is a multigender boygirl, and I'd really like to (as with all my writing) make sure my characterisations and writing reflect and represent real experiences as much as possible. I've also started asking other multigender folks so I can get an even better pulse on it than just my own experiences and knowledge, so - the question.
What sort of internal experiences would you like to see expressed in the writing of multigender characters, especially boygirls?
Thank you so much for asking!!!
Some general things I'd enjoy seeingI
In general, I'd love to see the different ways people conceive of their genders. There are so many labels, now and and throughout time- I like boygirl, but also manwoman and androgyne. Some people used to use "bisexual" as a description of gender. And multigender people often have such diverse ways of seeing their genders & the way their genders interact. If one of someone's genders technically aligns with their AGAB, some might feel partially cis and some might see that gender as equally trans. I think it would be lovely to see multigender characters who are really deep and complex and feel like a full person, and also have their genders considered a meaningful part of them.
Multigender sexuality, if it makes sense to incorporate it into the story. It's something that gets very heavily policed (and I personally have had to deal with the trauma of having mine policed) and I'd love to see some represention of what it's like to have multiple sexualities/labels. There's also the complicated topic of relationships, and how multigender people interact with those. There's concerns of your partner/s being comfortable with your genders, and being respectful of them. A couple people on that other post made the good point that multigender people aren't depicted as desirable partners. At least some of us worry if we could ever be desirable, because we fear our multigenderedness makes us too complicated and strange for people to actually consider as partners. & on a less sad note, there's also how different people describe their relationships; spouse? wifesband? boygirlfriend?
Atypical medical transitions! There's still not enough awareness of how genderqueer transitions can look. I, personally, would enjoy seeing a character who is also multigender and salmacian, (although salmacians can be any gender), especially because it's so rarely heard of by people outside of porn. But you could also use stuff like different ways of doing HRT, like SERMs & other stuff (can't be fucked to find links rn but if anyone wants to add atypical HRT methods go ahead)
The daily ins-and-outs of presentation, pronouns, and names. I'm someone who changes their presentation pretty regularly, who sometimes prefers different pronouns, and generally prefers different names based on the dominant gender/s of that day. I also tend to crossdress; I dress much more femme when I'm a man and much more butch when I'm a woman, although I always stay androgynous. Some people may be gender conforming for one or all of their genders, some people may not vary their presentation at all!
Related to above: the struggle of everyday binarism. you are surrounded, especially as androgynes, by the forced choice between genders, especially male and female (just by virtues of those being the most discussed and compared). People expect you to be able to fall in one, OR maybe to fall in male, female, or neutral- but ime people generally don't think about you falling in multiple. It's an issue on things like forms that ask you to choose just one gender, or using bathrooms. It can be daunting to speak up about your experience as any gender, both because it might cause people to view you exclusively as that gender, and because you worry people will discount your experiences because you are multigender. People often don't think of us as fully any of our genders, in comparison to monogender people. You may not want to include discrimination in your story, but if you choose to I would enjoy it because I'm the kind of person who prefers stories that tackle those issues to ones where they don't exist.
Shapeshifting. I feel like it's a near universal genderfluid desire. Absolute ideal body situation tbh
If you have any other questions about multigender characters I'd be happy to answer them :)
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quodekash · 8 months
ployphach phatchatorn thanawat. she's not in dangerous romance, but man is she pretty and gorgeous and perfect. let's all just think about her for a second.
okay now that that's out of the way, continuing episode 7 of dangerous romance
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:( my boy
you silly little man kang, you need to know your limits
I know you wanted to be cool and to prove yourself by eating the spicy food (and also sailom definitely thought the raspy coughing sounds you were making from the spice were kinda sexy-sounding) but sometimes your own health and safety should be prioritised above impressing people
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AND HE IMMEDIATELY LOOKS RIGHT AT GUY BECAUSE OF COURSE THEYRE SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER (well, across the corner but its still technically next to him in my book)
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my boy looks uncomfy
I can't tell if its bc of the bar setting or if its bc he's right next to his enemy/crush and his enemy/crush is staring directly at him in a way that says "I want to destroy you" but in a few different ways
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I still dont know if they're going down the maxauto route or not, if its platonic or romantic, but either way their dynamic is incredible and I love it so much
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HE IS 17/18
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everybody say thank you kang
"thaaaank youuu kaaaaannngg"
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I think they're both aware of their feelings for each other but they're afraid of it/rejection and thus express those feelings through anger and I just can't wait for them to hate fuc
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they cheersed
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I can't tell what he's thinking
it could be anywhere from "im so tired" to "he's so hot" to "man I wish I was that bottle rn" to just completely unimpressed
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we all knew it would end like this
there was no other way it could've gone
(dear lord jesus please let them kiss in a moment)
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I have such a severe case of side couple syndrome idk if you've noticed
im making strange noises
they're so important to me
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I feel like its important for everyone to know that im currently lying on my stomach looking at my laptop with my feet in the air kicking, but im also balancing my pillow on top of my feet because I do that sometimes, and im doing incredibly well at kicking my feet while not letting the pillow fall
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oh he's recoiling
he has trauma we havent even begun to unpack yet
thinking back to the dog quote, where he implies his dad used harsh methods to "train" him, and he probably hit him a lot. the way he's yelling now, and the way kang is shrinking away in fear, keeping his voice low, avoiding eye contact, tells me this is bringing back a lot of repressed memories of pain and fear
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that was... weirdly kind
I think he realised he had an audience, and he has a reputation of goodness to maintain for his election, and he needs to make sure he's still got a good eye from the public, and the public happens to contain kang's friends
but behind closed doors, the monster of pure anger that kang sees him as emerges from the shadows, leaking from all the dark corners of their mansion, and kang shuts himself off to not have to experience the horrors looming above him in the shape of his father
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YES okay so my thoughts were right
my thoughts were: the 'so we can go official now?' clip is gonna happen this episode
its gonna be kang's bravery in standing up for auto that makes sailom agree to let them be official
but I wasn't sure how that would happen this episode because I wasn't sure if there would be a soccer match this episode
BUT HERE IS PROOF so basically im amazing and im gonna be right and we should all appreciate me
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is this connection how hes gonna end up at kang's house to steal and commit crimes and perhaps shoot kang's dad @respectthepetty
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well- I feel slightly better about it now
okay they do look lovely and pimfah loves it and doesnt like feel uncomfortable so thats good
I just. you would think they would wear something less fancy for a... soccer game
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felt that
my emotions are stored in my eyes bro, whatever it is, its coming out in tears
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GROUP HUGSSS I love group hugs
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
Hi. I am not sure if this is a weird question to ask but i was wondering if you had any recommendations for resources for learning about coyotes (especially in terms of morphology/coloration and the different subspecies)?
The Clever Coyote, though dated, was the first book to really give any in-depth info about the subspecies morphology. It's a good jumping off point even with the info being older.
Coyotes: Biology, Behaviors, and Management is like The Coyote Bible (tm). It's the most through book about them when it comes to information about the species.
Some other books I really enjoyed were Wonders of Coyotes, The Controversial Coyote, God's Dog, and Americans Hate Coyotes. The first two are more general info about coyotes and a bit of their history. God's Dog is about the author's observations studying a family of western coyotes and how she was lobbying against the cruel hunting methods used to exterminate the species in the 70s-80s. Americans Hate Coyotes is a collection of essays about how coyotes are deeply linked to early colonization and modern American economics and politics.
There's a few individual studies on color morphs in specific areas, melanistic coyotes found in GA, and white coyotes found in New England. Nothing comprehensive to my knowledge :[! That's literally what I've been trying to record all these years and it's been difficult without access to places that can test samples from the hides.
The subspecies have become a hotly debated topic in recent years, so I just go by the info I've read and my personal experiences when I work on coyotes from different regions. So far everything on my end matches with the descriptions of the subspecies available but their's a big genetics study going on rn to help smooth out a lot of the info and provide more definitive answers.
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