#fae rules
bet-on-me-13 · 21 days
Danny is a Fae at Starbucks
So! Danny works by Fae Rules, Names and all, but he has no idea about that because he was forced to run away from Home (and the Ghost portal) before his Ghostly Education could be completed.
He runs to Gotham and eventually gets a job at Starbucks, or some other Cafe.
He has to ask the question "Could I get your name please?" A LOT while working there. And unintentionally steals hundreds of Names by the end of his first day, much less a week or a month into his job.
One day, Constantine visits Gotham for a Meeting with Batman, but by the time he gets to the Meeting Point he has bigger issues to discuss.
"Why the hell does half of your City belong to a Fae Lord?!"
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the parallels between using AI and fae rules. be as specific as possible so your words aren't misinterpreted. do not trust anything it says. and god help you if you refuse to acknowledge the help it gave you
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corvus-ambrosius · 2 months
fae rules questions
if I bring a pack lunch to the fae world can I still eat it? this is a very much needed question
like does my sandwich become magic? is my apple suddenly an immortal apple that traps me in a different world? what about my water?
on a separate note would you be able to drink you're own sweat? like it sound absolutely disgusting and not healthy? but would I still get trapped?
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cmweller · 11 months
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Challenge #03845-J193: Turn of Fate
They put a knockout in the tea they served to everyone, and left a note of apology by the sleeping forms. A tear slid down a tired face, weapons strapped on, this would be the last battle. Live or die, the danger would finally be over. But this time, their friends would be spared, they would face it alone. -- Anon Guest
Promise Hardbattle had made the tea ceremony a ritual before facing any enemy. He and his friends sharing one last brew before their next uncertain fate.
"I hate prophecies," he said, nursing his cup as the others sipped at the aromatic liquid. "According to the word of some blind, mad old bat, I don't live to see my fiftieth birthday. And that's tomorrow."
"Prophecies are horseshit," said Doomsong as they stretched their bad leg. "Remember that tea-reader in Nifesbridge? Said I'd die next to my best friend."
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 268
Fright Knight sighs, running a clawed hand through his hair in an attempt to stop the flames from flickering into being. It had been far too long since he had taken a human-ish form. His human-ish form. Ugh. He didn’t exactly care for his human form after so long as a ghost, but needs must he supposed. 
Especially with the whole, we’re going to punch a backdoor into the literal daycare part of the Infinite Realms and be surprised when literal toddlers go exploring. 
Well, at least it got him off of guard duty for a bit, which was relieving. Not that he didn’t love the darkness, but it got boring in the shadow of his sword for literal centuries with nothing else happening. He was a warrior for Realm’s sake! Borderline an Ancient in both power and age! He wasn’t meant to stay so still for so long. 
So while ghostling wrangling wasn’t exactly in his area of expertise, he could definitely gather them back up to the Realms. And deal with the curs who had decided to attack literal babies. 
The Daycare area was already understaffed due to just how large it was, and the one in charge of this section had practically sobbed to the Council (In another world they would have been put on hold for a century in line for their concerns, and then more once a Sarcophagus was opened, but they had told the other ghosts in distress, causing others to let them go up in said line) how they were almost certain they had felt at least one core form Outside the realms thanks to the breach. 
Which had understandably put everyone at an uproar. 
So here he was slipping between shadows to do reconnaissance and take stock of if any Ghostlings had left the city. And gently scruffing those he comes across in exasperation because what are you doing, ghostling? Look at the mess, what would your caretaker say? 
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nyxshadowhawk · 1 month
One day, I'll have kids, and my kids are going to want to go on the internet. And this is what I'll tell them:
The internet is like Fairyland. It is a wondrous place, a place of many marvels and many opportunities.
It is also a dangerous place, with strange rules that often seem arbitrary — to navigate it, you have to learn its fairy-logic, and learn to speak its language.
It is a place of tests and trials — the folk can be cruel, pointlessly so, just because it amuses them. It's often not personal, even if it seems like it is. The worst are the Trolls, but they will lose power if you don't engage with them.
It is a place of illusion and lies. Everyone wears a mask, and not all the masked people are actually people. Don't believe everything you see or hear, for illusions are everywhere.
Time moves differently there. Entire days can go by, seemingly in an instant.
Do not accept anything you're offered, and be very careful to whom you tell your True Name.
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ghouljams · 1 year
Part 2 of Love stabbing Ghost! Soap to the rescue.
You're at a house, it's right in the middle of a place it probably shouldn't be. Arched door and gabled roof sandwiched between two very modern and tall looking buildings. Simon knocks on it twice and waits. There's a very loud noise from inside and then a lot more loud noise before the door is yanked open. There's a man, just about Simon's height, with a Mohawk and a smile leaning against the doorframe. He looks happy to see your boyfriend.
"Ghost," he glances down at the unattended stab wound in Simon's stomach, "I see you're doing well."
"You're hilarious," Simon says, pushing past him and into the home. You don't move. Something is... stopping you. The other man smiles at you, waiting. Simon turns to look for you over his shoulder and stops. "Soap," Simon warns, but it's something else too, questioning.
Soap cocks his head at you, you've never seen a man that looks like him before. Too human. Like everything human about him has been cranked up to 11. He's not blocking you from entering the house, but he hasn't invited you in either. It would be rude to-
"She can't cross the threshold," Soap grins, his smile so wide you think you could count all his teeth. You vibrate just on the edge of something, you can feel it like a second door preventing you from crossing into his home. He nods his head at you finally, "Alright, come in. Can't have you attracting attention."
The door opens and you slide past him. Simon grabs you quickly, tipping your head this way and that to study you. He looks so concerned that you don't put up a fight. Soap ignores both of you, walking past to rummage around in his kitchen. You look around as Simon looks at you. It's a cute place, comfortable, you'd almost call it cozy. 
"How many tethers you got in her?" Soap calls, setting a white medical kit on the coffee table.
"Enough," Simon tells him, finally releasing your face. You wish he'd at least kiss you if he was going to hold onto you for so long. You must pout because he leans down to do just that, soft and sweet as he presses his lips to yours.
"Yer aff yer heid," Soap pats the couch and Simon releases you again. He strips his shirt off and sits where Soap directed with a grunt. Soap pokes at the skin around the wound and you lean over the back of the couch to want. “How’d you do this, lass?”
“Knife.” You tell him plainly. Soap snorts, Simon sighs, shooting you a warning look. “He asked me to, said ‘I want you to stab me’. So I stabbed him.” Soap gives Simon a look of concern.
“Mate your kinks are really gettin’ out of hand.”
“Didn’t think she’d do it.” Simon replies gruffly, you see him wince when Soap presses too hard too close to the edge of the wound, “Was trying to teach her about us.”
“You barely know about us.” Soap hums, grabbing a needle and thread from the med kit. You settle a hand on Simon’s shoulder as Soap starts stitching him up, squeezing to try and take some of his attention from the pain. You’re starting to get phantom pains just watching him, you can’t imagine how Simon’s so stoic about it.
“What’s your name lass?” Soap asks, and you frown.
“How’s that any of your business?” You reply, trying to memorize the way he twists sutures and snips the thread. Next time you stab Simon you should at least know how to stitch him up. Simon gives a small purr, aborted immediately when Soap pulls the last stitch tight.
“Christ you are a fucking mess, you know that?” Soap’s not talking to you, he’s talking to Simon. Looking him over, plucking at invisible threads with a frown. “How’d you-” He pulls on something and you smack his hand without thinking. Soap looks at you like you’ve grown a second head. He stands from the couch and stares the two of you down. “Simon Riley,” He says with purpose.
Simon doesn’t move, just raises a brow. Soap makes a ‘come on’ gesture and groans.
“You are fuckin’ jokin’.” He presses his hands to his face before dropping them and pointing at Simon. You’re starting to like this guy. Or maybe that’s Simon’s pleased hum through the tethers. “You-” He groans again, “I can’t believe you. Best mates for years and you don’t even- Price is going to kill you.”
“What’s happening?” You whisper ask Simon. Soap turns his annoyance on you.
“What’s happening, is you own this bastard and he didn’t even send out a wedding invite.”
“I didn’t think she’d give me her name,” Simon starts. Soap holds up a hand to cut him off.
“You are on probation, I’m not listening to you anymore, don’t talk to me.” You bite down a smile, you definitely like this guy.
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
adding a dog into the poll for women? feels not great for women. not to mention people are gonna #dogsweep and then what's the point
Hey. Maybe chill about the silly Tumblr polls. Is this dumb? Yes. However, the dog fits the stated criteria, and far be it from me to backpedal just because I didn't think to include species designation among the poll guidelines.
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telleroftime · 5 months
I think I covered Vampire!Sukuna that's forced to respect the innate rules of a vampire before -- such as the one where they must be invited into ones home -- but I just had a few more ideas regarding it.
Well, in this case it would also be Fae!Reader, which is once again a pairing I'm pretty sure I mentioned before. Anyways, yes! Vampire!Sukuna that camps outside of Fae!Reader's bungalow. That or human!Reader that grew up with the fae and is much more aware of how the forest works than the mighty and evil Sukuna. Featuring Uraume in certain places.
When the Reader first notices Sukuna they aren't too worried. He may be a vampire now but he was born a human mortal so they know that the same tricks would work on him too. They set up precautions and change their presence around their territory. Namely a lot more fairy rings appear in key locations. The mythology surrounding fairy rings states that if humans dance on them they would be punished by the fairies and made to dance in the ring until they pass out. Reader knows that and very quickly shuts down Sukuna's game of cat and mouse by tricking him into walking on one.
And they would proceed to exploit such tricks. Not only the natural rules of fae but also the bodily limitations of a vampire. They'd be cosied up in their little cottage at night knowing well that Sukuna cannot enter without an invitation, and during the day they would traverse through patches of light whilst grinning in the directions of the shadows.
You'd think that Sukuna could use Uraume's human nature to get to Reader but that wouldn't work either. If the fae don't want to be found by a human then the human will never find them.
Now, the Reader wouldn't be too interested in tricking Sukuna into something much more malicious than simple tricks, especially not after growing familiar with his vampiric presence, so one way or another they would need to stop him from accidentally falling into a fae-bound deal. By that I mean they would have to interrupt him and Uraume whenever it sounded like they were about to say "thank you." Sukuna would never but Uraume might. Same with apologies.
I love the idea of Uraume thinking that Reader is simply being humble when they say "don't thank me" and "don't apologise to me" when in reality Reader is getting a headache from controlling the impulse to form a contract with them.
I also love the visual of Reader slapping a hand around Uraume's mouth when they are about to thank another fae.
When it comes to names, the first time Sukuna introduces himself to Reader they instantly know that's not his real name. Names hold power especially in the hands of the fae, though since it also wasn't a lie they wouldn't press him about it. Uraume on the other hand makes the mistake of handing them their name which to Reader means there's on less threat. A human whose name is revealed is of no power in the eyes of the forest.
And speaking of lies, Reader would be able to catch Sukuna out on every like he speaks. Not like he himself would lie (seeing as he never seemed to lie in the anime). Uraume too. But if he ever did Reader would know... Though that aspect of fae nature would easily backfire on the Reader since they themself wouldn't be able to speak a lie. Only finely chosen words. So you know, plot.
And since I spoke more about Fae!Reader...
The fae are weak to iron so Reader would avoid any metals and alloys containing it. It'd leave them using pure silver which Sukuna, as a vampire, would be weak to. He would stay away from silver alloys and would instead opt for, you guessed it, iron. His weapons would be made of iron.
Imagine Sukuna making fun of Reader's weakness to iron so they just throw a silver fork at him, or better yet some random log as they comment how a "wooden stake" could finish him off.
Outside of vampires being unable to enter a home without first being invited, another thing vampires cannot do is cross running water. So, imagine finally Sukuna gets to chase the Reader. Finally everything is in line for him to drink their blood. It's the middle of the night and the Reader is far away from the nearest fairy ring and he's about to grasp them... when they suddenly cross a river and Sukuna is stranded on the opposite side to them. He'd be so unhappy.
And yeah. I think that's it for now.
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monstersandmaw · 10 months
*trips and stumbles into a modern supernatural story setting*
a young woman who's kinda done with dating but is out with her succubus bestie because said bestie needed a night out and oh no she just accidentally used the Unseelie Prince himself as a fake boyfriend to get rid of the human creep who's been hitting on her all evening in the nightclub which also doubles as a supernatural haven (but only if the supernaturals abide by the treaty that says they can't use their power on the humans who are also occasionally allowed in to help make the place look more legit...)
And oh no, the Unseelie Prince is not impressed at the gall of this boring human falling into his royal lap and demanding that he pretend to be something so revoltingly demeaning as her boyfriend, but then she realises that he's not going to play along and stands up with this kicked-puppy look in her eyes and... what's a dark and uncompromising Unseelie Prince to do but kiss this human breathless, and with only a look tell the creep to fuck off or he'll decorate the walls with his insides...
And then the pathetic little human has the nerve afterwards to 'thank' the Unseelie Fae Prince with a reputation for eviscerating people who look at him sidelong for too long? Like she's his equal? Like what he deigned to do for her was something she's just going to brush off and forget and not owe him ten different ways til Sunday??? And then she just... walks away from him after that and goes back to her bestie who comes back to wonder what in the name of all creation just happened - 'I leave my human alone for five minutes and this is the mess she gets into? Have you lost your goddamned mind, girl?’
So yeah. That's where I'm at today.
How are you?
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p0k3m0nz · 1 year
Based on that one fae comic
“Alright child of man, I will heal Grim from his deathly sickness, but for a price” Malleus said
“Anything as long as he is ok” you whispered out tearing up a bit
“The price for a life is another life, you take from death you have to give to life, it will be your firstborn child” Malleus looked away sadly “Grim will be healed but do not forget the price”
“Well… May I take your name then Malleus?” You smiled
“My name? Child of men,why should I give you my name?” Malleus questioned looking very confused
“Well if I have your name we can be wed, and once we are wed we can have a child” You looked too smug for someone who came to beg for Grims life not even a minute ago
“You… a child? With me?” Malleus now looked dazed “Child of man you are quite bold…” he smiled “I must admit you have taken my heart, you may as well take my name too”
“We shall be wed in spring!” You hugged the tall fae who was smiling like a huge dork, but man do you love your huge dork
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months
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Enjoy this picture of me from Halloween!
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defectivegembrain · 1 month
I think I probably come across quite stilted in emails especially in the greeting bit because I'll just be like "hello" without saying the person's name, but I have this internal rule I just can't shake that I'm not allowed to just say people's names to them, like it feels intimate and inappropriate even if they've said my name
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swordsonnet · 2 months
there's been a bit of a "be careful what you wish for" theme going on with the tmagp cases so far - in a lot of them, a character wants a certain thing and then has that wish granted through supernatural means, but it always comes at a cost to themselves and/or others.
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ghouljams · 1 year
Please! Fae!Konig basically advertising you as a day care so he can see you with more babies. OR OOOR KIDNAPPING FAE CHILDREN PRETENDING THEY JUSY SHOWED UP. He only stops after one of them tries to eat you.
"Oh, the seedling is back," he says staring down the toddler on your hip. You look up from where you're fussing with a display. He's later than usual today. Whatever, it's none of your business what he does when he isn't bothering you.
"Yeah, their mom stopped by before open. Said she'd be back around 1, and the kid was pretty easy last time so why not." You bounce the little critter on your hip, watching it collapse against your shoulder in that funny way babies do. König stares at it. His lengthening silence is really starting to worry you.
"Kinda starting to freak me out big guy," You tell him, handing the kid a daisy so they stop yanking on your necklace.
"You like children," He says slowly, like he's feeling you out for a bigger question. You narrow your eyes at him, trying to get a read on what that next question might be. He doesn't meet your gaze, eyes on anything but you as he fidgets with the hem of his shirt.
"I guess? I mean," you look down at the toddler -the seedling König called it- and it's chubby baby cheeks, "they're cute when they're like this." This being well behaved and not trying to burst your eardrums with their screams.
"And you are not upset that it is here?" You stare up at him where he looms over you, the angle makes your neck hurt. His fidgeting his stopped, and there's something excited in his eyes. Plus he's bigger, he tends to be bigger when he's excited.
"What did you do?"
Your shop is overrun with tiny adorable monsters by 11 am. Most of them are big enough to wander around and stare bug eyed at the flower displays, but one is passed to you still swaddled. You try to protest but the mother puts actual paper money in your hand before going to peruse your new fertilizer selection, so you let it slide. You've recruited the older children to terrorize König, since he all but admitted this was his fault.
He's sitting on the floor near your gift display letting one little girl stick stickers to his hood while another ties ribbons around his arm. He catches a little boy around the middle as he runs by and wrestles the giggling child into playing with the girls. It's cute, he'd be a good dad.
His head jerks to look at you so fast you think he'll get whiplash as soon as the thought crosses your mind. Coincidentally this is also when the swaddled baby bites you, tiny needling teeth ripping through your tee and into your skin. You swear loudly without thinking and the seedling holding your other hand(the only one supposed to be here) echoes you in its sweet little voice.
You think very mean thoughts at König as he bandages your shoulder. At least he has the decency to look apologetic.
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droodlebug · 7 months
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I wanted to draw him with Ellis soooo bad I haven't played her in years but she's a gnome warlock and I feel like they'd get along until she reveals she is like incredibly in love with her fae patron and Wyll gets flabbergasted at someone who is so seemingly put together doing this like. willingly
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