#fairy tail has taken over my life
foreverfairytailfan · 9 months
My obsession has gotten to the point where I’m naming my Stardew Valley after fictional characters. Anyways so today Lucy the chicken did the cutest thing—
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beargyufairy · 4 months
Just My Thoughts Pt. 7
Natsu’s Growth
I’ve been disappointed a few times at how Hiro Mashima writes his characters and plot. But never have I ever been as disappointed as I was when I read this panel in the 100 YQ.
For reference, Natsu made a joke about disinfecting Lucy’s burns. It was not even a funny joke. I don’t think anyone laughed. Lucy was burned after trying to calm Natsu who consumed Ignia’s flames to battle against the water dragon god. While he did succeed in the fight, he lost control of himself and was stumped by the flames.
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This is such a disappointing situation when it comes to Natsu and his development as a character. Everything he experienced in the original manga/anime is put to shame. It’s like his growth as a person disappeared into thin air. I mean come on!! Is Mashima being serious right now?! Because am I supposed to believe this is the same Natsu who wouldn’t let Gray use Ice Shell on more than one occasion?! Natsu knows the consequences of Ice Shell and refuses to let that happen to Gray no matter how dire the circumstances are. Even though Gray and Natsu would never admit it, their relationship is unique and filled with love. They may be rivals and opposite (considering the ice/fire, demon/devil slayer attributes) but their friendship has grown so much since the start of Fairy Tail. Doesn’t this show how considerate Natsu is?! How important the lives of his friends is to him?
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If that isnt enough here’s another example. When Erza was sacrificing herself in the Tower of Heaven arc, Natsu refused to let her go and eventually saved her. Erza is important to him and Fairy Tail. He wants her to live on. Doesn’t this show how much Natsu cares about everyone?! Is he making a joke about Erza?! No he isn’t.
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Okay fine those examples aren’t about Lucy right, so why does it matter?! Because Natsu would never joke about burning his friends, accident or not. And if it’s about Lucy, then most definitely not. Lucy is probably the member of Fairy Tail he cares about the most (aside from Happy). When Future Lucy died, Natsu almost went completely rogue (pun intended, if you know what I mean). He even stated that something precious was taken from him. Furthermore, when Lucy was “dead” during the Alverez arc, Natsu lost it. Literally, he became END, the demon everyone fears, the strongest creation of Zeref, the black wizard. Lucy’s life was so important to him that without it, there was nothing holding him back. He even stated that he can’t be stopped after having flashbacks about her supposed death.
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Natsu couldn’t care less about the world ending. He wanted to fight the people that made Lucy cry. That’s what he was focused on. And so after all this, Mashima wants me to believe that Natsu would joke about burning Lucy?! Yeah, I don’t think so. After everything Natsu went through, he would’ve at least felt guilty. Considering that it was Lucy of all people he burned, he would’ve apologized over and over again. Why?! Because she’s so important to him. He literally became a demon when he thought she died!! Isn’t that proof enough?! I also think that he would feel so grateful to her. This isn’t the first time Lucy helped Natsu control himself. She’s always there for him. But Natsu has never lost control like this before. Did Natsu ever properly thank Lucy for saving by rewriting the book of END?! He’s literally only alive because of her. She tampered with a demonic force and black magic yet Lucy is so damn under appreciated that it pains me!!
If the goal was to lighten the situation considering the intensity of the battle against the water dragon god and Ignia’s involvement, a joke that doesn’t make Lucy’s burn seem pathetic would’ve been better. A joke about anything else would’ve been better. Seriously, Lucy knew the consequences of trying to stop Natsu, especially when noting that she was scared of his flames for the very first time. She did anyway because she cares about Natsu and knows that she can help him, even if it means she will get burned. I would also like to note that Lucy never actually saw Natsu as END. She arrived after he gained some sense of control. Considering everything, if Hiro Mashima doesn’t make up to me by having her fear of Natsu’s flame and her lack of experience with END play into the story I’m gonna be so mad. Since he already disappointed me with how he’s treating Lucy’s injury/burn, I really hope he plays the rest of the story properly.
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I’m very disappointed in how not only Natsu’s character is being portrayed and downgraded, but also how Lucy is yet again the butt of the joke. She does so much for her team and friends but is always ignored (I’m still upset about Aquarius’ sacrifice that’s not talked about enough).
Thank you for listening.
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nihilisticlinguistics · 11 months
can't remember where i saw the post reccing Juniper and Thorn by Ava Reid, but they were so right.
Juniper and Thorn is set in the fantasy Russia-esque city of Oblya, in the midst of change as it industrializes and draws in immigrant populations. The protagonist, Marlinchen, is the youngest daughter of the last wizard in Oblya, a man cursed to be dissatisfied with everything in his life.
It's very tightly written -- I could tell within the first few pages that this was a book to pay close attention to. Elements introduced in the first few chapters remained relevant throughout, from the beauty of the eldest sister Undine to the spiny-tailed monster under Marlinchen's bed.
Like a good Grimm fairy tale, Juniper and Thorn uses the fantastic to underscore the real. Marlinchen doesn't just live under her abusive father's thumb; she lives under his abusive, magical thumb, with all the power he can wield to control her life. His curse drives the central conflicts of the story, feeding into his consuming hunger, his relentless desire for money, his anger at his daughters, his anger with the changing world that no longer respects his magical gifts.
Juniper and Thorn contains a romance that I would compare, if anything, to the fairy-tale, Cinderella-esque story of escaping family abuse coupled with the realism that shines through the entire novel. Sevastyan, the male romantic lead, is the youngest principal dancer in the local ballet company, but he's also an ethnic minority (if Oblya is "fantasy Russia," the Yehuli people can be read as "fantasy Jewish") in an unfamiliar city and victim to abuses of a different kind. He's drawn to Marlinchen for reasons that similarly thread the line between fantasy and realism, and he's both an archetype to her (emphasized by his heroic role in the ballet) and just a hurt, lonely man who likes her.
Anyone with a close familiarity with stories is likely to be able to guess the twist, if you're paying attention, but it's a credit to Reid that even after I figured out what was coming, enough story elements were left open that I was never quite sure how it was happening until I was almost upon the reveal. When the last piece clicked into place, I actually said aloud, "Oh, there it is!" It was such a delight, like being led blindfolded by the hand and being able to trust my guide to deliver me through the woods.
Reid's world-building also stands out. It lands in perfect synchrony with the plot; the industrialization of Oblya caused Marlinchen's father to lose his standing as a great wizard, keeps their situation on the verge of poverty, and brings the temptations of the outside world that put the daughters in conflict with their wizard father. Juniper and Thorn spends only just enough time on the worldbuilding to paint a vivid portrait of local life and imply the scope of the world beyond Oblya's gridiron streets. Reid neatly avoids the temptation to over-design her world with more details than the story can use; the entire tale occurs in Oblya, so she sticks close to Oblya, to great effect.
If there's any quibble I have with Juniper and Thorn, it's in the overuse of simile in the early chapters. It's clearly meant to establish the gothic atmosphere, with striking metaphor that calls up gory or spooky symbols, but early on it seems that every other line contains such a line. While each simile and metaphor has the intended effect, taken all together they can feel over-saturated and lose their impact. This issue lightens up as the story continues, and eventually these similes become more clearly defined as part of Marlinchen's own grim and violent thoughts.
A few warnings, however; if you're sensitive to depictions of sex, gore, sexual assault, or abuse, this book may not be for you. All four appear throughout this book, and while the depictions vary in explicitness and intensity, Reid doesn't shy away from their effect on Marlinchen's psyche.
All in all, an excellent adult fantasy fairy tale! I would highly recommend this book to fans of dark fiction, especially dark fantasy, and those seeking a fairy tale with more bite.
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the-likesofus · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by the wonderful @thekristen999, @spotsandsocks, and @hippolotamus xx
How many works do you have on ao3? 49
What's your total ao3 word count?
156,649 which seems crazy omg
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently 9-1-1
Previously: Fairy Tail, Akagami no Shirayukihime, and some rpf for K-Pop bands
Top five fics by kudos:
Words Fall Short (Tongue Tied and Lonely) 15k words
Buck misoverhears Eddie complaining to Hen at work and presumes the worst. He slowly starts to phase himself out of Eddie's life and Eddie doesn't know why.
you are my boy, buckaroo 1.7k words
Buck is in the wrong place at the wrong time and Athena comes to the rescue.
Lazy Sunday (Lay With Me) 1.2k words
A quiet, cuddly Sunday morning between Buck and Eddie on the Diaz couch.
ring the bells 5.3k words - Buddie CoffeeShop AU
Buck starts frequenting a coffee shop near the firehouse in hopes of running into the beautiful man whose coffee he mistakenly drank.
Wine (Whine) 1.5k words
Buck makes plans without Eddie so Eddie goes to Karen for wine and a whine and then comes home to Buck.
Do you respond to comments? Yes! I try to! I usually reply to some the same day I post a fic and then go back and reply to the rest a few weeks later. But every comment is so important to me <3
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am incapable of not writing happy endings haha but the angstiest content in a fic was probably in lightning crashes seeing as Buck literally died right in front of Eddie's eyes, more than once.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Crushes, Shivers and Bruised Knuckles has a super cute sappy ending <3
Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, I've had the odd snide comment but so far I've been pretty lucky.
Do you write smut? Nope. Just not my writing vibe.
Craziest crossover:
Haven't written any crossover fics yet but i've been dipping my toes into AUs a bit more recently.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Years ago yes sort of, I had a fic reposted to another website without my permission but still credited to me.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, not yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not published, but the lovely @lilbuddie and I have played around with some ideas before.
All time favourite ship? Buddie, they have taken me over body and soul. Never has a ship inspired me to write so many fics.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a few WIPs from other fandoms (not 911) that I abandoned a long time ago and now the source material has changed too much for the fics to make sense to finish which is sad cos some of them I was really excited about (RIP the Australian Adoption Adventure fic).
What are your writing strengths?
Descriptions, particularly of physical intamicy/tactile situations cos I'm hyper aware of where everyone's limbs are at all times. I think I'm pretty good at getting character's verbal tone right too.
What are your writing weaknesses? Other than finishing WIPs?? Long fics, honestly. I have so many ideas but find it really hard to plot out and execute long form fics.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Character specific I think.
First fandom you wrote in? Fairy Tail
Favourite fic you've written? I have some new WIPs coming soon that I think will take the title but here's some current favs:
Crushes, Shivers and Bruised Knuckles 9k words
Eddie starts kickboxing, goes to therapy and realizes he's in love with Buck.
lightning crashes 9.7k words
Eddie is thrown from the ladder truck during a lightning storm on a call but it is Buck who ends up in the hospital.
Not 9-1-1:
Hindsight (Through Rose Tinted Glasses) - Stray Kids (8.6k)
Hearts Beat (Louder Than Bombs) - NCT War AU (25k ongoing)
Tagging a few lovely mutuals who might like to share:
@loserdiaz @shortsighted-owl @sibylsleaves @monsterrae1 @spaceprincessem @elvensorceress @bekkachaos and anyone else who wants to tag me in their version of this! I love hear about people's writing xx
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Do you think you could come up with some headcanons for Happy, Marl and Lucky post-Edolas arc? I haven’t seen a single piece of fanon work for them and it’s a shame because Fly to Your Friends! was one of my favourite episodes in that arc, and I always thought that little family should’ve deserved more screen time.
I literally just watched that episode omg. I wish they had more scenes together
Happy visits them frequently. They still believe he doesn't know who they are, but Happy has known the whole time
It was really important to Happy that they meet Natsu too (it went better than expected but Natsu did get yelled at several times)
Marl insists that they celebrate the day Happy reunited with them every year
Thanks to Lucky, Happy has become quite the farmer (a hobby that has taken over his home with Natsu)
Lucky does not like the Fairy Tail guild. He always yells that its too loud (Marl doesn't mind the guildhall)
Marl is always pestering Happy about when Happy and Carla are gonna get together (She adores Carla and has begun meddling)
They sat Happy down years into him regularly visiting and told him they were his parents. Happy pretended to be shocked but they quickly figured out that he already knew
Lucky has grounded Happy. Happy was convinced the punishment wouldn't last since he doesn't live with them, but Natsu took Lucky's side
Marl and Lucky take the time to teach Happy everything they know about exceed culture. Happy really enjoys learning about what his life would've been like
Happy has his own room in their house. Lucky insists that it's just a guest room, but Marl has it decorated specifically based on Happy's interests and taste
Happy does stay over there from time to time. He tries not to stay too long, not wanting to be a bother but his parents usually make up some excuse for him to stay longer
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poncivalpishpuff · 1 year
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My NeverAfter OC (warning spoilers up to ep 6ish)
Princess Catrìona
 Sister of Kate Crackernuts
  (Kah-tree-nah) The Scottish Gaelic name for Katherine (Kate)
The story of Kate Crackernuts
"Kate Crackernuts" is a Scottish fairy tale collected by Andrew Lang in the Orkney Islands and published in Longman's Magazine in 1889. The tale is about a princess who rescues her beautiful sister from an evil enchantment and a prince from a wasting sickness caused by dancing nightly with the fairies.
In the original version, both sisters have the name “Kate” and are the same age.
First Neverafter (Ep1-3]
Closely follows the original tale, with the dark times coming after their story ‘ended’
Both grew up in a Small forgotten kingdom bordering Jubilee
Catríona is the daughter of the King and Kate Crackernuts is the daughter of the new Queen (The Stepmother)
The Hen-wife and the Stepmother on the third try trick her into losing her beautiful head and switching it for a sheep’s one when she is 18
Kate grabbed Catríona's human head and they ran away to fend for themselves, where they came upon the kingdom of Jubilee
Kate finds that one of King Cole’s sons is sick, and goes on to watch him for three nights, following him to the Green-hill where faeries force him to dance the night away
Over three nights Kate gets the cures for her sister and the prince
Kate Crackernuts reunited Catríona with her human head and healed King Cole’s sick son from the wasting
The sick, now healed, son marries Kate and the good son marries the ill, now healed, Catríona [Their Happily Ever After]
As the war came to Jubilee they fought alongside their husbands and died on the battlefield at the age of 24
Present day post merging of the two lives:
The faeries of the Green-hill bring back Catriona into the new world
as something (the Stepmother) has reached Kate first,
they didn’t want to summon either of the princesses, but the princes have disappeared, due to Jubilee not existing, in this new version
the Mother Goose putting Old King Cole in the book, and his kingdom disappearing from the Neverafter [fairies and Catriona don’t know this]
in this world the Stepmother has stolen her human head and locked Kate away somewhere, stopping them both from escaping together
The second world Catriona had left her father’s castle on her own scared of her Stepmother who stole her head and of what the people would say of her sheep head.
Neither sister completed their set stories
Fairies task Catriona with finding the source of the stories going missing and bring it to them, for Catriona and Kate cannot have their happily ever after if their princes doesn’t exist
Throughout her journey in her second life, she has started to doubt the sincerity of the fairies, but for the major part still sees them as the preferable side and an opponent to The Stepmother
Returned around the same time as PCs despite dying much earlier than the group, the faeries were reluctant to employ a princess and spent more time trying to find other methods, the reluctance is noticeable to Catriona when she is in the in-between with the faeries of the Green-Hill
we'll see what happens in Tuffeton, but I think she would be tailing the party after hearing news of the disappearance of the massive spider that had taken the village previously
Her new body/skills
the stepmother still has her human head and in turn, Catriona now has the head of a ewe with curling horns she can use to ram her opponents. [Minotaur reskin]
she speaks with a sheepish lisp as she had to reteach herself how to speak common as she initially could only bleat when her head was stolen
she can speak to any type of sheep, and understands some goat tongue
This Catriona has been wondering the Neverafter after running away, studying magic as a force to rescue her sister, and combat the Stepmother [3rd level Fighter Eldritch Knight]
Break down of her Image
The head is of a Scottish Blackface sheep, where the ewes also have horns The armour is believed to be dated around 1515 from Greenwich, England, and belonged to Henry VIII The sword is a European sword dated around 1400AD The page is from a 16th Century manuscript written in Latin, Scots, and Gaelic
Again all original art and character designs are by Giuseppe Lama
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shelbyshoe · 3 months
Mobile Master List ⋆。°✩
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💜 Here is a collection of all the writing I have posted to this blog. Everything with links will be on this blog, FFN, and AO3. I’ll add to this list as I update.💜
I do not consent to reposting, copying, translating, or using my work for AI character bots without my permission.
Resident Evil
RE Multi-Chapter₊˚⊹☆
~When the World Falls Apart (Aeon)
Leon S. Kennedy is the luckiest unlucky man Ada has ever met. Unlucky that he's gone missing, but lucky she's willing to go into a secret facility that the government refuses to touch in order to find him.
Now, she's wandering around a labyrinth with her voice stolen and a gun that doesn't belong to her. Leon's Red9 is the key to finding him and escaping this hellish prison.
Too bad that all Ada has to go on is his voice emanating from his weapon, and there's something he's not telling her.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
RE One-Shots ₊˚⊹☆
~Take a Walk With Me (Aeon)
Leon and Ada retire to a charming harbor town. He has a day off from his job at the docks and takes advantage of the time he has with Ada, far away from the rest of the world, where they can finally grow old together and live in peace.
Rated: M
Status: Complete
Aeon Fluff Week 2024
RE Drabbles/Ficlettes₊˚⊹☆
~Please, Don't Go (Aeon)
The death of Ada Wong
~Thirst Trap (Aeon)
Ada finds Leon thirst traps on tiktok.
~I See You Everywhere (Aeon)
Leon is never surprised to see Ada when he sees her in everything.
~Draw Me Naked (Aeon)
Leon is in a college art class and Ada has volunteered to be the live drawing model.
~Selfish With You (Aeon)
Leon confronts Ada about her motivations for helping him without taking credit for it.
~Sweet Rivalry (Claireada)
Claire has to confront Ada, the leader of her rival girl gang.
~Stay With Me (Claireada)
Claire and Ada had a fight where Ada feels it's best to leave.
~Don't I Know You? (Aeon)
In a universe where Leon and Ada never went to RC. He feels like something is missing, that he was destined to meet her. And then he does.
~There Was Only One Coffin (Claireada)
Claire and Ada are vampires. There was only one bed- I mean, coffin.
Fairy Tail
FT Drabbles/Ficlettes₊˚⊹☆
~Gray VS END (NaLu + Gruvia)
Gray vs Natsu END fight
Rated: T
Status: Complete
~Meeting the Goddess (NaLu)
Nalu as Hades and Persephone
Rated: G
Status: Complete
FT One Shots₊˚⊹☆
~The End (NaLu/ENDLu)
Natsu has defeated Zeref, but at the cost of his humanity. In this path in life, he has chosen the demon seed to defeat his greatest enemy and has taken Lucy with him.
Rated: T
Status: Complete
~The Beginning (NaLu)
Dragon slayers are shunned after the battle with Zeref. Natsu had chosen the dragon seed to defeat him, but at a price. Dragon transformations are more frequent, and one day they will be permanent. Each, in pairs, are out to find the cure along with Natsu and Lucy.
Rated: T
Status: Complete
~Divine Touch ( NaLu + Gruvia)
Lucy is a renowned artist for the nobility longing for a man, well a muse, that she can't stop painting. Natsu is a god of creativity who craves freedom from Lucy's studio. Their desire for each other mount, but they fear the one golden rule. With just one touch their contract is dissolved, destroying everything they've built and keeping them apart forever.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~Garden and Lace (NaLu)
By the end of their mission, Levy is over Natsu and Lucy's arguing. She decides to take matters into her own hands. To finally have some peace and quiet, she traps them in her little glass bottle that houses her secret garden. With lots of time to kill, Natsu and Lucy must make up, but Lucy has other sensual plans of revenge.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~Tell Her You Love Her (NaLu)
Every night Natsu wakes in a cold sweat. Clearly, the cough is waking him, not his dreams of her. It isn't the flowers that tumble from his lips that scare him. It's telling Lucy he loves her. (Hanahaki)
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~Looks Like Rent Is Due (NaLu)
Lucy is fired, again. Saving the day with psychic abilities isn't as rewarding as you think it is. Down on her luck, and with only half rent, she strikes a deal with her landlord's brother, a vampire named Natsu. Free rent for free blood. At least it's a trial run, and he's incredibly hot.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~A Smutty ENDing
Lucy wakes up from the most thrilling wet dream she's ever had. In her delirium, she writes it down. But not in the book she thought. Natsu isn't going to be happy that she wrote smut in the book of E.N.D. Well, maybe he is.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
FT Multi-chapter₊˚⊹☆
~Drained (NaLu)
After Lucy and Natsu are poisoned by a mysterious wanted criminal, they begin to share strange and emotional dreams. As they find themselves drawn closer together by their intimate interactions while asleep, something dangerous is happening to their bodies while awake. To find a cure they must go on a treacherous journey to recapture the escaped criminal.
Rated: E
Status: Ongoing (Planning on remastering and adding final chapter plus epilogue.)
~Desire in Strawberries (NaLu)
Natsu and Lucy are swept away by a festival held by their wealthy client, Lady Nakahara. There is more than mystery and the scent of strawberries in the air as they find themselves intimately closer to one another. What they thought was a friendly feast turns into something more as the puzzling night goes on.
Rated: E
Status: Ongoing (Replotting)
~Fairies After Dark (NaLu)
Natsu, a Horde vampire, desires nothing more than to find his father and leave his brother behind. Lucy, an immortal Valkyrie, needs to get this Horde bounty off her head. Doesn't help the assassin after her is a gorgeous vampire with cherry pink hair.
Rated: E
Status: Ongoing (Priority Fic)
NaLu lovefest 2017₊˚⊹☆
~Day 1: Lust (Fruit and Fantasy)
Look but don't touch. Natsu and Lucy volunteered to help for the Fairy Tail fresh market. Keeping their hands to themselves, and fantasies at bay seem to be harder for them than they thought
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~Day 3: Hickey (Shiver)
Natsu and Lucy take a job that sends them on a hike into the mountains. It's a cold winter day and steamy night before they make it to their destination.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
~Day 5: Chains (Chains)
Lucy is rewarded a virtual reality headset by a client. It was fun to create new places with one of her best friends. It isn't until Natsu turns up, with sexy intentions, that she finds herself way over her head.
Rated: E
Status: Complete (3 ch. 16k words)
One Piece
One Piece One Shots₊˚⊹☆
~Comfort Me (Zoyori/ Zoro x Hiyori)
After a vicious attack by ninja in the region of Hakumai in Wano, Zoro and Hiyori stop to rest at Enma shrine. Their curiosity in each other bubble to the surface as she confesses her drive to take vengeance into her own hands. Feeling powerless, they find comfort in each other, even for the moment of reprieve they so longed for.
Rated: E
Status: Complete
Diamond No Ace
DNA Drabbles₊˚⊹☆
~Winter (MiyuSawa)
Romance, Slice of Life
Status: Complete
~END!Lucy (NaLu)
Status: Complete
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heredis-sanguinis · 7 months
Name: Cella
Pronouns: She/Her
Preference of communication: I prefer Discord. Tumblr's IM system is spotty as hell and most of the times does not update for me. Especially on mobile, which is where I'm at most of my days, because of my work schedule being all over the place. I'm willing to exchange Discord handles if people ask for it.
Name of muse(s): Active: Vladimir, Vayne (In process of re-making blog theme and sorting out archives) Inactive: Kalista, Karthus, Thresh, Illaoi, Swain, Veigar, Scarlet (LoL OC), Emperor Mateus (FFII), WoL (FFXIV OC), Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)
Experience / How long (Months/Years?): Oh man, I lost track of that stuff. I've been in the League rpc since before the lore reboot, back when we still had summoners and the Institute of War and the single circular-like continent. And before that I've been in other fandoms. I'd say, including ttrpg rping I've been at this game for over 20 years now (yes I am OLD) I've used Tumblr, Skype, Discord, MSN Messenger, PlayByWeb among others as mediums.
Best experience: I can go over the various specific threads and interactions that are close to my heart. But I really think that the lasting friendships I've build with past and present partners to be my best experiences. To meet so many different flavours of people, with their own lives and interests and stories, and become a part of their life (and vice versa) is what matters more to me than whatever rp-ing does.
RP pet peeves / dealbreakers: I'd like to think that I'm fairly easy-going as a writing partner. But, like anyone, I do have some lines I do not cross. Aged-up canon muses are a big no-no for me. I've had horrible and unpleasant experiences both personally and in fandoms with those. i.e. Annie is a child and someone rp-ing a young adult version of her just creeps me out, because obvious reasons are obvious. I adhere very strictly to the canon ages of canon characters, especially since Riot gave us an actual timeline to work with, or at least moderately accurately deduct dates with.
As far as pet peeves there is actually only one I can think of right now, my muses not being taken seriously and being ridiculed and made silly or memed at. This has happened to Vlad a few times and I just hard-pull the plug on interactions if it happens. He's a 1500+ year old homicidal tactical-thinking bloodmage, who is bored out of his mind most of the time. The fact he may crack a joke or two, or act aloof at times, does not mean he will not turn your muse inside out when insulted. This does not mean, in any way, he is unavailable for more casual interactions, but there is a very fine line between casual talk dare I say banter and downright memeing on him, and pushing him around. Luckily this has not happened in a long while, but it is something I can be sensitive on.
Muse preferences fluff, angst or smut: Angst > fluff > smut; though it can change depending on vibe and muses. Smut is something I rarely post publicly or write with someone else. I become extremely self-aware of my writing and over-analyse each and every word to the point it can take literal weeks until I come up with a reply that I do not want to gouge my eyes out at. Angst works wonders for my singular brain cell that thrives on it. Fluff is something that does not often happen, especially with my selection of muses. But it can be nice every once in a while.
Plots of memes: I can work with both. I don't mind plotting at all, but I prefer to not plot every little step out of an interaction between two muses. I like to be surprised by a partner's muse's reaction or response. And it feels a lot more natural, because there is always a certain level of compromises when it comes to plotting. Memes are a perfect ice-breaker as opposed to a first-meeting interaction (because let's face it, those can be pretty boring if it falls down to 'hi my name is x, who are you?') It makes us writers think out of the box slightly to have our dumbass children play together.
Long or short replies: It depends on the setting for the interaction. But I try to at least go for several paragraphs to give my partner something to work with and also offer development for both muses and give insight into mine's thoughts and actions. I'll never expect to be matched in length and will never fault someone for this either.
Best time to write: Since I work in three different shifts, which alternates per week, my activity hours shift a lot. So my 'best time' to write also changes. It mainly depends on a mood to write, especially with a manchild like Vlad as a muse.
Are you like your muse(s)?: Somewhat? I share some interests and personality qualities with my muses, for sure. But I wouldn't say I am a lot like them per se.
Tagged by: @blackrosesmatron Tagging: Anyone that hasn't done this yet and wants to do it. Consider yourself tagged!
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fairybond · 1 year
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About Page  |  Headcanon page  | Canon divs  | Verses  | Tags | Trivia
Below are points I consider to be important regarding my muse and I hope they will be kept in mind during plotting/writing. Links to specific headcanon or divergence posts may be included in the below and I may add to this post in the future, as I go back over the manga or think about things further.
Note: filler arcs/chapters and the 100 Year Quest are not included as canon here.
Gajevy is Not canon on this blog. She does not have any romantic or whatever feelings for him. When Gaj attacked her during the FT vs PL arc, it had a huge effect on her (mentally, physically, and emotionally) and there are still echoes of that even now, despite her best efforts and the fact she does view him as a guildmate (even tho she’s not in the guild but you know what i mean).
Following the brutal defeat of Shadow Gear at the hands of Gajeel, and her becoming painfully aware of her lack of physical strength, Levy trained herself to increase her speed, agility/dexterity and learn techniques that would help her use her opponents strength or size against them. She also worked to increase her magical strength and capabilities. She is not to be underestimated, especially now.
Tenrou arc – as a way to try deal with her issues since Phantom Lord and Gajeel himself, she was the one that asked him to be her partner for the S-class trials.
The One Year - she did not retain her guildmark after FT was disbanded. She maintained contact with her friends where she could and they all made effort to continue to see and support each other.
She was involved in the trials of the Avatar members as she had been involved in that mission and was working for the Law and Enforcement department.
She only temporarily rejoined FT at the revival, intending just to help them get set up and, of course, to help with getting Makarov back from Alvarez if she could. She returned to work at the Council once he was back and she realised just how bad the situation was going to get.
Therefore, she was with the Council forces during the war and was leading some of the efforts. But she did get separated and so still ended up near Gajeel during his fight with Bloodman and did witness Gajeel ‘dying’ (tho this can be omitted depending on Gaj rpers canons)
After the war, she became the new Head of Magical Law Enforcement and was involved in the situation of Crime Sorciere and other’s conditional pardons. At times, she is supervising Macbeth/Midnight.
She still keeps in contact with her friends at FT and tries to get them to behave since she doesnt really want to have to arrest them or enforce anything too harsh (but she’ll do it if it comes down to it)
During her pre-FT childhood, her family’s living conditions were very poor (lack of warmth and food) and this had an adverse effect on her physical development and immune system. She would get sick quite easily, and although her health improved greatly upon being taken in by the orphanage (and later, Fairy Tail), she still had to be careful. Her health took another hit during the events with the Tartaros guild and the poisonous water she and the others were submerged in, and then again during the war with the Alvarez empire and the exposure to the Magic-Barrier Particles (Anti-Ethernano). She has done well in her recovery, all things considered, but her lungs have suffered some damage and are unlikely to ever fully recover.
Jet and Droy are both incredibly important to her (We do not accept Jet and Droy erasure on this blog). At FT’s revival, she almost committed to returning to the guild because she missed Shadow Gear and knew the boys enjoyed the guild life. They would have loved her to come back, but knew her job at the Council was important. They stayed with FT until after the war but have since retired from the guild mage life and returned to the jobs they picked up during the disbandment, realising they got more joy from it and that the guild mage life wasn’t for them after all. Shadow Gear still regularly hang out and message/call each other frequently too.
Her father was an avid researcher, she got her love of books and knowledge from him (she was constantly reading in the hopes of finding something interesting to share with him, or reading simply to distract herself from the quiet house and hunger pangs) but he was obsessed with his research, his quest to find the cure for magical illnesses and even death itself. He feared losing Levy the same way he had lost her mother. His attention to his research was so complete,  he hardly acknowledged her, and she dared not interrupt him. She kept to herself. Part of her motivation to learn magic when she was younger, came from the hopes that in doing so, she would be good enough to hold his attention. The need to read as a means of calming herself, and the constant need to learn more and do better, are things she carries from her time with him.
Her mother died when she was very young. It became her mother’s best friend and fellow guildmate, Aubrey, that ended up mostly raising Levy. Aubrey took her away from her father when it became apparent the man couldn’t divide his focus between his work and his child, however she unfortunately became another soul lost to the cultists of Zeref sometime later. This left Levy to the hands of the orphanage in Magnolia.
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hopeless80sromantic · 2 years
Nick and Charlie Breakup (screenplay of 'Nick and Charlie' Novella)
Hi, in no particular order of scenes I have been writing a screen play of 'Nick and Charlie'. I have put music cues to help set the scene. They are not verbatim to the novella as changes needed for visual medium. (See my blog for next scene)
ACTION: NICK has been looking for CHARLIE. Walks into the room and finds CHARLIE sat with ISSAC on the floor. There are other people in the room.
NICK (mock cheerfulness): Heeeeey. What’s up?
CHARLIE: (Laughs) Are you going to start talking about University again?
NICK: What?
ACTION: CHARLIE gets up and tries to kiss NICK who appears startled but quickly pushes him away gently.
NICK: Okay, uh, you’re hammered.
CHARLIE: C’mon Nick…
CHARLIE tries to kiss him again. NICK leans backwards
NICK: Charlie, no, stop, you’re being really weird?
CHARLIE: I’m not!
NICK: You are. I need to talk to you.
ACTION: NICK takes CHARLIE by the wrist and leads him out to the conservatory which is quiet, no one else there. CHARLIE follows limply. There are two small lamps on and fairy lights, and the party disco lights appear through the windows. Rain is battering against the plastic roof.
Int. Conservatory. NIGHT.
NICK deposits CHARLIE into a wicker chair and crouches beside him.
NICK: Char, what’s going on?
(a beat. CHARLIE doesn’t respond but looks at him sourly)
Music cue: Mathilda Mann – Hell.
NICK: (agitated) Charlie. Why are you acting like this?  You’re all over me one minute and then seem really angry with me the rest of the time.
CHARLIE: Stop shouting at me!
NICK: I’m not ! I… (tails off, realising he is shouting). You’re being kind of a dick tonight do you know that?
(a beat)
CHARLIE: Well, you know, you can just break up with me if you want.
NICK: (Baffled) What?
CHARLIE (agitated): I said you can break up with me. If you want.
NICK: (Hurt, concerned): Charlie? You can’t just chuck that at me because I’ve asked you why you’re being unreasonable?
CHARLIE (standing up): Unreasonable? I’m the one being unreasonable?
NICK: Yes you are!
CHARLIE well I’m the one getting left behind! Whilst you swan off to your perfect new life at your perfect new university with your perfect new rugby team.
NICK: Charlie…
(Nick tries to approach Charlie)
CHARLIE: (shouting in Nick’s face) You keep going on about ‘oh we’ll video call loads’ like that actually will make up for me being stuck in this crappy town all by myself whilst you’re having the best time ever. Having a long distance boyfriend is only every going to be rubbish!
NICK: (Angrily squaring up to Charlie) What, am I supposed to not go to uni then? I’m a year older than you, I’m going to uni first, that’s not my fault Charlie!
Overlapping dialogue:
NICK: You have no right to be angry with me about this. / CHARLIE (more distressed than angry): You keep talking about it like, like you’re so keen to leave and … get rid of me. So, you might as well do it now.
CHARLIE: (getting steelier) Clean break. Make a fresh start.
NICK (taken aback): Where’s this coming from?
Overlapping dialogue:
Nick: Is that what you want? /CHARLIE: Tao and Elle are breaking up. (bitterly) People don’t stay with their high school boyfriends.
(a beat)
[Music fades out. Rain sounds pounding]
NICK (on brink of tears): So what, your friends are splitting up so you think we should to? Is that what this has all been about? You don’t even want to try? I’m, We’re not worth it?
(Action: Charlie covers his face with this hands, he can’t even speak right now. This is a nightmare)
NICK (cont). To even try? …. So far I’m hearing that the person that doesn’t want to do long distance is you. The person that doesn’t think its going to work, is you. You want to break up so you’re trying to goad me into doing your dirty work?
CHARLIE: I want you to be happy but its like you don’t care that I’m going to be miserable.
[Lightening flashes. Thunder rumbles]
NICK (furious): Mate, what is wrong with you?
CHARLIE (coldly): Don’t call me Mate, you never call me Mate.
NICK: I can’t believe this. I can’t believe you’re behaving like this. I literally can’t cope with you right now.
CHARLIE: Well just go then! Piss off!
NICK: You know what?
NICK stares at CHARLIE, then turns and leaves.
(CHARLIE crumples to the floor.)
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foreverfairytailfan · 5 months
Long rant. Like LONG long. Feel free to scroll on by but I seriously needed this off my chest so just be prepared if you decide to read it💀 also not trying to (and wont with all due respect) debate with anyone about the things I’ve mentioned below, this is just purely how I feel inside atm, plus it’s super sloppy and emotionally charged; I would’ve done a much better job at talking if it was a debate post, but it’s not lol. Debating stuff about FT can always happen another time on another day so hopefully this post isn’t misunderstood to be starting something, just a simple rant :) okaythanksforyourtimehaveagoodday
Mentions of death, as well as murder/killing
One thing I always see people complain about is how Fairy Tail hardly has any killings. First of all, wtf??? How have we become so desensitized that we want to see innocent characters to die? Like I get it contributes to good story telling by expressing the emotional process of it all, and I certainly know I’m not immune to a good and gripping character death when it’s done right, but come on do we really need to have people dying left and right ALL THE TIME?? If the story has to have so many deaths 24/7 to make it a good story, is it really a good story?
Second, there was in fact death in Fairy Tail; it’s just not enough death for people to mention apparently?? While the deaths are rare in FT, when they happen I think it hits harder, and it makes it much more personal because it’s not a normal occurrence. It affects you on a deeper level because you weren’t expecting it already, you know? It shows us that death shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Third, death is not gonna happen frequently for Fairy Tail. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARENT ACTIVELY FIGHTING CRIME!! THEY ARE NOT A GUILD ABOUT FIGHTING PEOPLE!!! They. are. not. superheros!! They are a magic guild that cares about family, their town and townspeople, and supporting one another. They always try keep the violence to themselves (aka roughhousing) and taking jobs that can have potential battles involved.
They don’t ask to be dragged into shit like guild wars, fighting literal dragons and crazies, and life threatening forces! They fight because they’re good people who want to protect the ones they love, innocents, and their planet. This is not a shonen about killing their enemies and bathing in their blood and victory, all they want is to have peace and fun with each other. There is more to the story than death. There are multiple tragic things that happen in the series that are just as heartbreaking as a death.
It’s a feel good series that doesn’t focus on the deep negatives, but how people overcome said negatives and use the power of the love for their found family to fight for what’s right. You say it’s a surface level series, but the truth is your not willing to look deeper under it because you can’t be bothered to see there is more to a series than many deaths, killings, etc.
there are so many shows and mangas like FT that don’t get a quarter of hate like FT does and I just think it’s incredibly stupid and unfair to target a show over petty reasons such as LACK OF DEATH?? It’s a wonderful show that is supposed to cheer you up and make you feel happy, why can’t we just have a series that’s exactly like that and still be considered a good story? And yes, Fairy Tail isn’t perfect; no series is. It has its flaws just like any other shonen.
My point is that FT is picked on way too much for reasons that other anime’s display as well, and that there’s a lot of hypocrisy in FT haters. I never understood why Fairy Tail was the scapegoat for all the hate when their favorite shows and mangas do the exact same thing! If Fairy Tail isn’t what you’re looking for, then move on without shitting on it.
The people of Fairy Tail are extremely important to me, as cheesy and cringe as that sounds. They raised me, taught me lessons that I still hold dear to my heart to this day. It has picked me up in times of need while still being able to evoke strong emotions from me. It just gets under my skin when so many people either pick it apart and don’t bother to dig deeper behind the meaning of it, or just sexualize the characters constantly without paying attention to the valuable lessons we could be learning from them instead.
I know it’s just a show/series at the end of the day, and I shouldn’t let it bother me this much; but I can’t help it, the characters are like family to me and have helped me process many emotions and gotten me through dark times. I just think if you’re gonna hate, you should do your research first and then come back with plausible reasons. I respect all opinions (as long as it doesn’t hurt others) and I never try to say that they’re wrong and I’m right blahblahblah because we all have our own preferences and that should be celebrated, as well as be able to have the right to express them; but let’s not over do it with hate outloud and in the open where people can be affected by the hurtful things you say.
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321spongebolt · 24 days
Concept for my scrapped "Shrek" OC
In honor of Shrek 2's 20th anniversary today, I thought I would tell you about an OC I thought would work out for "Shrek", but in 2011-ish, I felt like my character didn't add much, so I had to scrap him. But I still remember the plan I had going for my reposed OC.
His name is simply "Lord of the Monkeys", and no, he's not a rip-off of Tarzan or George of the Jungle. He's a completely different character altogether. He's a human being who can talk to primates and summon them from anywhere. He can also climb trees and fly with the wings from his armpits (Kinda like Banshee from "X-Men"). Down below is my storyline for him throughout each movie and TV special.
The Lord of the Monkeys was once presumed to be a dead corpse lying on a tree by Shrek's swamp, until Shrek's roar caused him to wake up and fall from the tree after the angry mob left the swamp screaming. He meant no harm to Shrek and asked for food and shelter. Shrek begrudgingly allows him to stay, only under the condition that he resorts to only eating Shrek's leftovers. The next morning, they both meet Donkey, who just bumped into Shrek's foot. Shrek lets out a snarl at the Captain of the Guard after the other guards ran away, and the three head back to Shrek's home. While Shrek has allowed the Lord of the Monkeys to stay as his slave, he's only allowing Donkey a one-night stay. During dinner, Shrek sees the other fairy tale characters who were recently banished to his swamp by Lord Farquaad, and Shrek makes an announcement that he and his new slave will take to Lord Farquaad to get those fairytale characters to leave the swamp, with Donkey joining Shrek and LoM ("Lord of the Monkeys").
Donkey leads the two (and of course, the other monkeys my OC had as extra backup) to Duloc, Lord Farquaad's castle home. Despite the vacancy, nobody was there, not even in the gift shops. The Lord of the Monkeys goes to one as Donkey messes with the photo machine that plays "Welcome to Duloc". As soon as Shrek and Donkey got their pictures taken, the Lord of the Monkeys came back with souvenirs he stores in his little backpack. The three, plus the additional monkeys fight off Farquaad's guards, and Lord Farquaad makes the deal with Shrek to rescue Princess Fiona from the Dragon's Keep in exchange for the deed to Shrek's swamp.
After a long walk through the forest, Shrek, Donkey, the Lord of the Monkeys, and his monkey crew arrive at the Dragon's Keep outside. The Lord of the Monkeys flies over the bridge and successfully makes it across, no problem. His monkeys crossed the bridge by walking on the ropes. And while Shrek shook the bridge to make Donkey cower away, he and Donkey made it across as well. Donkey and the Lord of the Monkeys spot Dragon, and LoM helps Shrek until they both got flung into separate parts of the castle. Shrek landing in Fiona's bedroom, and the Lord of the Monkeys ending up in another room. As Shrek pulls Fiona out, he reunites with the Lord of the Monkeys, whom Fiona introduces herself to. After hearing Dragon's roar, Fiona is outraged that Shrek didn't kill it, and Shrek kept pulling Fiona while The Lord of the Monkeys and his crew kept up while running through the halls.
In Dragon's room, which is filled with gold and jewels, the monkeys carry whichever amount they can carry to their master, who stows it into the backpack as Shrek frees Donkey from Dragon's tail. Dragon was trying to kiss Donkey, but Dragon kissed Shrek's butt instead. Shrek let the chandelier go, and the boys and apes ran around for dear life while reuniting with Fiona. The Lord of the Monkeys flies out of the castle, with Shrek, Donkey, Fiona, and the monkeys following him. Even after Dragon destroyed the bridge with her fire breath, the monkeys still linked with each other's arms like "Barrel of Monkeys", and they, Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey escaped the Dragon as she roared in despair.
Fiona asks that Shrek removes his helmet, but while Shrek refuses, he still does it as Fiona insisted. Fiona is disappointed. The Lord of the Monkeys offers to be Fiona's rescuer if she's not comfortable about Shrek, but Fiona, although she thanks him for the offer, gently puts him down, telling him that Lord Farquaad is her true love, and that he should've rescued her. She yells at Shrek about setting up camp, and he finds her an empty cave. Fiona breaks off a bark of tree as a makeshift door and says goodnight to Shrek and Donkey. Once she gets settled in the cave, she surprisingly sees that the Lord of the Monkeys decorated inside the cave with Lord Farquaad merchandise. Fiona apologizes for not paying attention to her "surprise", and starts to warm up a little. Then off-screen, she would tell the Lord of the Monkeys why she had to refuse being in a relationship with him. That night, when the curse kicks in as The Lord of the Monkeys and his primates sleep, Fiona overhears Shrek ranting to Donkey about how the world judges Shrek's appearance and why he's better off living alone.
The next morning, as soon as Fiona sings her "bird song", she makes the crew breakfast with eggs. In the middle of their walk back to Duloc, Robin Hood swings in and captures Fiona, but in the middle of his singing, Fiona kicks him and LoM and his army of primates join in and help Fiona fight off the Merry Men and the friar playing the accordion. With Robin Hood and his Merry Men unconscious, Shrek tries to congratulate Fiona, only for Fiona and the Lord of the Monkeys to shout "There's an arrow in your butt!" in the middle of Fiona's speech. Fiona and LoM order Donkey to find blue flowers with red thorns to distract him. Then, the two humans struggle with getting the arrow out of Shrek's butt. But when Donkey comes back, Shrek is distracted long enough for Fiona to rip out the arrow in one swipe, and LoM bandages Shrek's butt while applying first aid.
The foursome make it to the windmill and see Duloc from miles away. As LoM watches over Donkey, Shrek and Fiona have a private dinner by the campfire, where Shrek made cooked rotisserie styled weed rats. Donkey interrupts as they're about to kiss, mentioning how lovely the sunset is, which scares Fiona. She goes into the windmill, with LoM following her as the other primates look for trees to nest in for the night. Donkey comes in to look for Fiona and LoM, but they scare each other until Fiona calms Donkey down. Fiona tells Donkey and LoM about her ogre form, and how when she was a child, an evil witch cursed Fiona to become an ogre at night. The boys try comforting Fiona and Fiona tells Donkey and LoM about how she has to marry Lord Farquaad and no one else tomorrow.
Shrek comes to the windmill to give Fiona a sunflower he picked from miles away, but when he comes to the door, he overhears Fiona saying "I'm a beautiful princess, and who could ever love a hideous ugly beast? That's why I can't be with Shrek! And "beautiful" and "ugly" don't go together!". Completely misunderstood, Shrek throws the flower and leaves in sadness. She asks if Donkey and LoM never tell the world about Fiona's secret, but while Donkey promises, he insists that Fiona should tell Shrek herself. Fiona sees the flower in front of her, and plucks each pedal, "I tell him, I tell him not.", until the last pedal gives her the sign to tell Shrek.
Before Fiona can say anything, the sun rises, lifting the curse and turning Fiona back into a human. LoM sees Fiona's transformation and sees Shrek angry, clearly hurt by what Fiona said last night. He would also accuse LoM for stealing Fiona from him. Lord Farquaad shows up to give Shrek's deed to his swamp and to take Fiona's hand in marriage. Fiona, unsure of what to do, decides to marry Farquaad and climbs on the back of Farquaad's horse saying "Fare thee well, ogre and friends!" to Shrek and LoM. And Lord of the Monkeys asks that Fiona don't forget about him. Donkey tries to tell Shrek to go after Fiona, but Shrek instead yells at Donkey and LoM and tells them, "You're not coming home with me! I live alone! My swamp! Me! Nobody else, understand? Nobody! Especially useless pathetic annoying talking donkeys!" and storms off, with Donkey sadly saying "Shrek". LoM however blocks Shrek and tells him off, hurting Shrek even more, because he did promise that LoM was allowed as just his slave, but now that Shrek broke his promise, LoM can't trust him anymore.
As Shrek returns to his swamp in sadness, Donkey and LoM go their separate ways. LoM started collecting the monkeys and apes he left behind while flying, and Donkey reunited with Dragon, and Donkey now realizes she wasn't trying to be vicious. She was just lonely. Donkey goes back to the swamp to make Shrek apologize, and while they still butt heads, Donkey told Shrek that Fiona was talking about someone else. Shrek finally apologizes to Donkey and Donkey summons Dragon. Alongside her, LoM came back with his army of monkeys, and he flies right next to Dragon as Shrek, Donkey, and the other flightless chimps ride on her back and arrive at Duloc.
With Dragon and LoM separated from each other, LoM breaks into the cathedral as Shrek shouts "I OBJECT!". Shrek tells Fiona that Farquaad only wants to marry Fiona just so he'll be king, and while she doesn't believe him at first, the crowd laughs at Shrek, once again earning Fiona sympathy. She watches the sunset, reciting the curse, "By night one way, by day another, this shall be the norm until you find true love's first kiss, and then take love's true form." and turns into an ogre. Shrek responds, "Well, um... that explains a lot." and apologizes to LoM for doubting him. Farquaad, however, orders his guards to attack the ogres.
As Shrek and Fiona continue fighting each guard, LoM orders his monkeys to attack. But Shrek whistles for Dragon and Dragon and Donkey crash through the window, much to the horror of Thelonious and the congregation. But Dragon eats Lord Farquaad and burps out his crown, which is now in possession of LoM, despite not being the next ruler of Duloc. Shrek and Fiona kiss and get married, and Fiona is now a permanent ogre. And at the end of the movie, Shrek and Fiona ride off in an onion carriage into the sunset.
On the home media releases of "Shrek", LoM also appears in "Shrek Karaoke Dance Party" before the credits roll (I just don't know what song he would've sung).
As soon as Shrek and Fiona return from their honeymoon, The Lord of the Monkeys and Donkey greet the newly-wed couple, and explain that they took care of the household chores like sorting the mail, watering the plants, and even feeding the fish. The messenger and royal trumpeters arrive, and Princess Fiona receives a summons to Far Far Away for a wedding ball to celebrate her rescue. King Harold and Queen Lillian also wrote to bring Fiona's new husband with her to thank him. Although Shrek finds it to be a bad idea, LoM and Donkey would love to go to Far Far Away, which is what they do. LoM rides in the middle of the onion carriage with Fiona and Shrek on opposite sides, and Donkey sitting on top of the luggage. LoM tells the fairytale creatures the list of chores they have to do, and tells them that for now, they can have fun.
After the long carriage ride, the foursome make it to Far Far Away. Donkey goes to park the carriage, and Shrek, Fiona, and LoM slowly walk down the red carpet to greet the king and queen. At dinner, Queen Lillian is rather curious about LoM and he explains his origins. Then she asks about Shrek's origins, which Donkey blabs out that Shrek lives in a swamp. After Lillian mentions, "Well I suppose that would be a fine place to raise the children.", Harold and Shrek get into a fight as dinner is served. After throwing the pig into the air, and Fiona storming out, LoM calls out both Shrek and the king, and he goes after Fiona to comfort her.
LoM sneaks into Fiona's room, and sees Fairy Godmother, which makes LoM feel in love. During Fairy Godmother's song, LoM caught as many raining coins as his empty sack could carry. Of course, while LoM may have been a bit of a butt-monkey throughout the song, Fiona eventually notices him as soon as Shrek and Donkey enter her bedroom. Fiona introduces Shrek and LoM to Fairy Godmother, and Fairy Godmother is appalled about Shrek being Fiona's rescuer. However, LoM has a talk with Fairy Godmother about how much he loves her and her magic. Fairy Godmother is flattered and gives him her number, and she gives Fiona her business card, which Shrek swipes away.
Fiona dismisses LoM and explains he did nothing wrong, then turns to Shrek and gets mad at him for not getting along with her father. Shrek explains that he didn't think he was going to get Harold's blessing even if he did want it, and explains that nothing will ever change with him being an ogre. Afterwards, as Shrek has problems falling asleep, King Harold comes to see Shrek and apologizes. Shrek suggests that he and Harold were both acting like jerks at dinner and that they should get to know each other better, which the king agrees with. The next morning, exactly 7:30am by the Old Oak like Harold suggested, Shrek, Donkey, LoM, and the monkeys get lost in the woods. What they didn't know was that the king hired Puss in Boots to slaughter Shrek. The Lord of Monkeys and his pets try fighting Puss to protect Shrek, until Puss jumps back into his boots and puts his hat and cape back on. Puss introduces himself until Puss coughs out a hairball. Shrek, realizing he was lied to by King Harold, goes to a stream to mope at his reflection.
Shrek remembers the card from Fairy Godmother and asks Donkey to cry to activate it. Puss sneaks from behind and stomps on Donkey's hoof, causing him to scream in pain and shed a tear, and the four boys see Fairy Godmother's message from the bubble. After it pops, they walk to Fairy Godmother's cottage and potion factory. Once inside, the boys interrupt Fairy Godmother, and Fairy Godmother is annoyed. However, she is happy to see LoM and his pets. Shrek explains to Fairy Godmother that Fiona isn't happy, and Fairy Godmother looks into books like "Cinderella", "Snow White", "Sleeping Beauty", "Hansel and Gretel", "Thumbelina", "Beauty and the Beast", "Rapunzel", "The Golden Bird", "The Little Mermaid", and "Pretty Woman", only to find no ogres. After telling Shrek ogres don't live happily ever after, she shoos the boys out. However, she's nicer to LoM and his pets, advising that they shouldn't be in the factory, much to the primates' disappointments. Shrek and LoM sneak past the scientist with their disguises, with Shrek's disguise having the lab coat covering his eyes, and the long blue rubber gloves covering his ears. When they make it to the Potion Room, Shrek and LoM tells Donkey to keep watch, while Puss and LoM climb the walls to look for a potion of handsomeness. LoM and Puss don't see anything, until Puss sees the Happily Ever After potion and cuts a hole through the glass with his claws to get it out.
After the boys exit the cottage with the Happily Ever After potion, Puss offers to drink it until Donkey takes a chug. LoM goes next, and then finally Shrek. As the boys head for a barn to take shelter from the rainstorm, a sudden change happens to Shrek, who is now a human being instead of an ogre. As with Donkey, he is now a white horse with blonde hair. And LoM notices he's become a sorcerer, with magical powers. The four make it to Far Far Away and arrive at King Harold and Queen Lillian's castle and Shrek tells a guard that he's here to see Princess Fiona. Ironically, Shrek hears Fiona scream upon seeing a reflection of herself as a human again. Shrek runs into Fiona's bedroom as Fiona runs through the halls looking for Shrek, only for Shrek to be locked in Fiona's room by Fairy Godmother with her magic. Fiona ends up meeting Prince Charming, who pretends to be Shrek to fool Fiona.
After being told by Fairy Godmother to let Fiona go, Shrek sadly leaves the castle and goes to the Poison Apple to drown his sorrows with milk. Donkey, Puss, and LoM accompany him, until LoM sees King Harold in a hooded cloak and starts to grow suspicious. From outside, he overhears Fairy Godmother telling King Harold to have Fiona drink the love potion and make her love Prince Charming. After hearing Fairy Godmother threaten King Harold, LoM starts to becomes scared and starts to feel a small regret for falling in love with Fairy Godmother. Thankfully, she hadn't noticed her secret admirer spying on him, and instead chases after Shrek, Donkey, and Puss. With LoM free, he and his army of monkeys run back to the swamp as soon as the Fairytale Creatures saw the human Shrek get arrested on "K.N.I.G.H.T.S". By coincidence, LoM reunites with his old friends and he tells them everything as LoM and his army of primates head to Far Far Away at the jail where Shrek, Donkey, and Puss are hung. They blow up the caged ceiling and Pinocchio flies down the ceiling with strings on his wrists and ankles. Gingy slides down and lands on the puppet's back, and Shrek and Donkey try to make up a fake lie for Pinocchio to say, which was "I'm wearing ladies' underwear.", but it doesn't work, because Pinocchio is telling the truth. However, when he denies it, his nose gets longer and longer, allowing the Gingerbread Man to free the trio of prisoners.
The crew make a visit to the Muffin Man's bakery, and they all cook up a monstrous gingerbread cookie named Mongo, who rampages through Far Far Away to crash the party. As Fairy Godmother sings a cover of "Holding Out For a Hero", Mongo grabs the drawbridge and pulls on it so Shrek can open it from the other side as the monstrous cookie falls into the castle moat. Puss rescues Gingy with his sword, and Gingy lands in Pinocchio's hands as the cavalry charges through the halls. Shrek stops the music by breaking in, and he tells Fairy Godmother to back away from his wife. After Fairy Godmother yells "You could've just gone back to your swamp and leave well enough alone!", LoM enters the crowd and yells that their wedding is off. Fairy Godmother, however, reveals that she never really liked LoM back, which breaks his heart. However, he and Shrek still have their friends fight the evil fairy and try to steal her wand.
Fairy Godmother remembers her love potion, and tells Prince Charming to kiss Fiona, only the potion doesn't seem to effect Fiona. Fiona slams her head against Prince Charming's and reveals her true love for Shrek. Fairy Godmother blames King Harold and Harold explains that he gave her the wrong tea. Prince Charming takes his mother's wand out of Puss' hand and throws it to Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother catches it as she prepares to zap Shrek and Fiona out of existence, however, King Harold blocks them with his armor, making the magic deflect and hit Fairy Godmother instead. When Fairy Godmother is about to try again, she suddenly turns into a bubble and pops, killing herself, and leaving her glasses and magic wand behind. LoM decides to keep the wand for himself.
Everyone gathers around King Harold's armor, thinking he's dead, but Fairy Godmother's magic instead turned Harold into a frog, which was his original form. Harold apologizes to Shrek and Fiona and asks for a second chance, along with his blessing. The clock strikes midnight, and Fiona reveals that the happily ever after she wanted was with Shrek. The two humans kiss, and Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, LoM change back to their old selves. Shrek tells Donkey he's still a steed in his eyes, and LoM, despite being normal again, is still satisfied to have Fairy Godmother's wand so he can learn magic his own way without the Happily Ever After potion.
LoM sings "Livin' La Vida Loca" with Donkey and Puss, and after the song, Dragon flies down to the stage to tell Donkey he's a father now, much to the surprise of Shrek, Donkey, and LoM. Six Dronkeys fly down to tickle Donkey and Dragon breathes a heart-shaped smoke ring to the camera, ending the movie.
On the home media releases of "Shrek", LoM also appears in "Far Far Away Idol", but I don't remember what song he would sing. I know he would've been one of the winners like Shrek and Fiona, Donkey, and Puss were.
Continuing directly from the last film, LoM accompanies Shrek and Fiona as they fill in for King Harold and Queen Lillian, despite the disastrous results. He even attends King Harold's funeral outside the kingdom. After hearing about this Arthur Pendragon, he and his army of primates go with Shrek, Donkey, and Puss on a pirate ship to Worcestershire. All the while, he tries to comfort Shrek about his father issues as Donkey and Puss do. When they arrive at their destination, they search around the campus for Arthur. They follow the guys wearing mascot suits, and LoM hurts Shrek with Donkey and Puss to prove Shrek's costume is real.
When they arrive in the stadium, they recruit Arthur and set sail to Far Far Away, only for Shrek and Arthur to fight as Arthur turns the ship around. In the middle of their argument, the ship crashes into the rocks, and they wind up where Merlin lives. While talking to the wizard, Shrek and Artie get into another argument, with LoM trying to break up the fight and ask Merlin himself. They spend the night by a campfire, with Donkey seeing the smoke as an ice cream sundae, Puss seeing a village, and LoM seeing a gorilla. Shrek lies that he sees a rainbow pony (even though he saw a baby carriage) and Arthur sees a bird, confessing the metaphor Merlin was explaining, how the bird was Artie, and the other bird was Artie's father.
The next morning, LoM and his army of primates help Shrek, Donkey, Puss, and Artie fight Captain Hook and the pirates, and Merlin teleports the five back to Far Far Away, with Puss and Donkey's voices switched. Regardless, they enter Far Far Away, which has been wrecked by Prince Charming, and thanks to Pinocchio, Shrek finds out Prince Charming is putting on a one-night show where he's about to kill Shrek. The five meet Prince Charming, and Shrek tells Artie that Shrek was supposed to be king, but Shrek didn't want that responsibility. Artie, feeling betrayed, walks away, while Donkey, Puss, and LoM and his pets are thrown in the dungeon with Fiona, Queen Lillian, Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Doris. Queen Lillian smashes through the brick wall with her forehead, and the prisoners plan their escape. Snow White sings to distract the trees, and has her birds attack them, allowing LoM and the princesses to fly/climb up to the castle walls and run over the roof to attack the guards
That night, as soon as Prince Charming is about to slice Shrek, Dragon's fire melts the sword as she flies down next to LoM, who is flying next to her. The princesses and fairy tale characters start a war on the stage. As they fight, Artie's "STOP!" catches everyone's attention as Artie jumps down onto the stage. He tells everyone his speech about how just because villains are losers, doesn't mean they are losers. The villains reform, and Prince Charming becomes furious. LoM reveals Fairy Godmother's wand that he was going to use on Prince Charming to make him into a bubble, but Prince Charming and LoM fight over it in a game of tug o'war, until Prince Charming gets the upper hand, reclaiming what is rightfully his. Prince Charming faces Shrek and goes back to trying to impale him. But Shrek dodges the incoming attack, making Prince Charming's sword stuck to the tower prop. Prince Charming struggles pulling it out, but can't do it. Dragon knocks it over with her tail, and after saying "Mommy?", Prince Charming makes his last ditch effort to zap LoM with Fairy Godmother's wand as Prince Charming gets crushed and dies as his crown rolls across the stage.
While Shrek and the others are happy that Prince Charming is dead, they mourn for LoM's death. However, as with King Harold, LoM is still alive, but in a different form. In this case, LoM is stuck as a monkey just like the rest of his pets. But he's still able to talk to the others. If you wanted, you can have Shrek make a solemn promise that one day, he'll find someone magical enough to transform him back into a human, then he would turn to Artie, allowing him to make his choice. Artie dons Prince Charming's crown, and pulls the sword clean out of the tower prop, assuming his new position as the new king of Far Far Away. As soon as Shrek and the others return home to the swamp, LoM gives Fiona birth to three ogre babies, and they all play with the ogre babies and the Dronkeys until Shrek, Fiona, and LoM decide to go to sleep.
Shortly around the time "Shrek the Third" was first released on DVD and Blu-Ray by Paramount Home Entertainment, "Shrek the Halls" premiered on television in November 2007, and this is where things start to get juicy for my scrapped character.
So, The Lord of the Monkeys is eager to celebrate Christmas with Shrek, Donkey, Fiona, and of course, Shrek's triplets, Fergus, Farkle, and Felicia. And when the Fairytale Creatures get involved, Donkey, Puss, and Gingy tell their own poetic Christmas stories about how they see Christmas. LoM wouldn't have had his own story to tell (mainly due to the fact that I couldn't think of something that works best with my character, even if were jungle-themed). After finding out Shrek hid this book, "Christmas for Village Idiots", Donkey and Shrek get into a tug o'war and the book flies into the fish head on the wall, which causes a domino effect, making Shrek's house a big mess. To add insult to injury (pardon my pun), Shrek accidentally tips over the Christmas tree into the fireplace, and Shrek's butt is on fire. As he screams while his butt burns, Pinocchio gets out a bucket of water and splashes Shrek, putting out the flame. Shrek loses his temper and kicks everyone, even poor LoM and his primates out of the swamp.
However, as Shrek apologizes to everyone, he noticed LoM wasn't with Fiona, Donkey, and the others. As a connection to "Shrek the Third", Shrek starts to worry about The Lord of the Monkeys. He made a promise that he would help him find a way to turn human again, but after blowing up and kicking him and his pets out, Shrek shows full remorse for how he had acted to him as he did to the others. Fiona would remind Shrek that they'll worry about him after Christmas as they return back to the swamp, as Shrek tells his own poetic Christmas story.
If you wanted to, maybe after the end credits where Shrek and the others see Santa's sleigh flying above them, and making Shrek's ears form on the moon, we could have a post-credit like ending where LoM, now at his lowest point, makes a bitter statement about how he'll be back for revenge.
Continuing from what had happened to my character at the end of "Shrek the Halls", LoM (Now human again) introduces himself to Rumpelstiltskin as soon as he gets kicked out of the library by Pinocchio. LoM tells Rumpelstiltskin what his friendship was like with Shrek until he kicked him and his pets out of the house on what was supposed to be his first Christmas. Rumpelstiltskin feels sorry for how Shrek had treated him and LoM makes a deal that if he can help LoM get revenge on Shrek, LoM will allow Rumpelstiltskin to go with whatever he had planned. Rumpelstiltskin gladly accepts and is hired as LoM's evil henchman.
(SIDE NOTE: Now, before we continue, I owe you a huge explanation. If you remember reading my character's storyline in "Shrek the Third", Prince Charming turned LoM into a monkey with Fairy Godmother's wand before he died in a last ditch effort. And he has remained a monkey all throughout "Shrek the Halls". Looking back on it around 10 or so years ago, I personally can imagine that sometime before meeting Rumpelstiltskin, The Lord of the Monkeys went to Far Far Away for a favor from Queen Lillian and the new king, Artie. Queen Lillian, knowing full well that LoM deserves some reward for helping save Far Far Away, asks what his reward should be. LoM asks if they still have Fairy Godmother's magic wand, and Artie explains that after tearing apart Prince Charming's theater, they kept Fairy Godmother's wand locked on display in a glass case so no one can take advantage of the wand's power. Realizing LoM currently uses it, Queen Lillian uses the wand's magic to turn LoM back to his human form and allow him back the wand. She could even talk to him about his abuse on Christmas, and Artie could suggest that even though Shrek was mean to the Lord of the Monkeys, LoM should just let Shrek have a second chance like he did. We see that while LoM is paying attention, he could possibly have his fingers crossed behind his back without anyone noticing, and LoM lies that he will forgive Shrek (when really he's not going to), but he still thanks the queen and Artie and leaves Far Far Away to look for someone mean.)
When we LoM and his partner-in-crime near the dumpster at the back of The Candy Apple (it used to be The Poison Apple), they both hide as Shrek storms out and has an argument with Fiona. When LoM looks at Shrek and hears him say, "Back when the world made sense!", LoM becomes concerned saying "He wants to be hunted again", then turns to Rumpelstiltskin and tells him to write down that note as part of their evil scheme. LoM also suggests to invite Shrek for dinner too. Later after Shrek signs Rumpelstiltskin's contract and disappears, the inside of the carriage breaks apart as Shrek falls into the timeline of when he was born. At first, Shrek enjoys scaring the townsfolk, until he sees "wanted" posters for Fiona, which doesn't like. After seeing his swamp is empty, Shrek sees LoM on a distant hilltop, all human again. Shrek is happy to see LoM all back to his former glory, but LoM reminds Shrek of the day he kicked him out of the swamp on Christmas Eve. Shrek tells his former friend that he was wrong to lose his temper with him and apologizes, but LoM rejects his apology, making Shrek realize something about this world doesn't feel right. LoM summons his pets and orders them to attack Shrek just as Rumpelstiltskin's witches do. With Shrek captured and taken to this alternate universe's Far Far Away, LoM reveals that Rumpelstiltskin is his henchman. And with Fairy Godmother's wand, he no longer needs it (but still keeps it with him just in case), and reveals a new crown he made which uses the diamond, The Blue Monkey. With his new crown, LoM can punish criminals by turning them into monkeys with The Blue Monkey, just like how Prince Charming did to LoM. After Shrek learns that old friend isn't from this alternate reality, LoM flies after Shrek to turn him and Donkey into monkeys. Shrek really doesn't want to fight his old friend, but doesn't want him going on the path of revenge. Shrek and Donkey escape, and Rumpelstiltskin holds his own meeting as LoM does his own separate meeting for how to capture Shrek, becoming more and more bitter to the point where he now wants to kill Shrek, rather than hurt him.
After Shrek willingly gives himself up to Rumpelstiltskin, Shrek is locked up in the same room as the AU Fiona, who admires Shrek's rhyme about her curse and his act of selflessness. Shrek, finally having enough of LoM bullying him yells at LoM and begs for him to just change. LoM won't see reason, and smiles that Shrek is finally getting what he deserves. During the final fight, my character's army of primates attack the ogres with the witches, and LoM fights Shrek head on. AU Donkey and AU Puss also try fighting him. Once the battle has one, The Lord of the Monkeys throws a huge tantrum and yells out that he'll finish Shrek himself, much to the horror of Rumpelstiltskin. LoM aims the crown on himself and turns himself into a nightmarish King Kong-sized version of himself. Ranging at about 10 or 15 feet high, LoM unleashes all his wrath on Shrek and his friends, going gorilla (pun intended) as he pounds Shrek to a pulp.
Even with Shrek's friends from this alternate reality fighting back, they stand no chance again LoM. But before he can make the final blow, he sees Shrek slowly dissolving and losing energy as his time is up, just like Rumpelstiltskin planned. Shrek faces his former friend pleads with regret and gives out the longest heartfelt apology to The Lord of the Monkeys. Shrek recaps the whole movie franchise's events, reminding LoM about the good he's done for him and everyone else. After said apology, while Shrek and AU Fiona have their final words together, LoM slowly starts to feel deep regret for going too far. And when he sees that Shrek disappeared and AU Fiona is still an ogre, LoM uses his Blue Monkey crown to shrink himself back to normal size and turn human again. Everyone disappears and the alternate reality breaks apart, with Rumpelstiltskin, The Lord of the Monkeys, and the army of primates screaming as they fall from the sky and end up back at The Candy Apple. LoM hits his head, but does not develop amnesia. LoM hears Shrek's roar and starts to feel like Shrek's in trouble. Rumpelstiltskin asks where he's going and LoM tells him that Shrek is more important to him and fires him, but thanks him for the time he spent with him.
LoM and his pets enter the Candy Apple from the back door, much to the surprise of everyone, and they are happy to see him alive. Shrek is the most surprised, considering he wanted to kill him, but LoM apologizes to Shrek and asks him for a second chance, and he willingly accepts.
Optionally, you can also have a scene of him walking up to Queen Lillian with guilt and ask that she take Fairy Godmother's wand away from him, along with his Blue Monkey crown he made himself, but Queen Lillian allows him to keep those things. Because 1, she believes everyone deserves a second chance. And 2, she would be proud of him for giving Shrek another chance and for forgiving himself.
For the first part of the end credits as "I'm a Believer (Weezer version)" plays, a couple of ogres from the alternate reality would give LoM his Blue Monkey Crown back, along with Fairy Godmother's wand. And after "Right Back Where We Started From" plays, LoM could sing a cover of "Hero" from Nickleback as a means of LoM looking back at his character development, how he was good, then became evil, and then went back to good by redeeming himself and making amends with Shrek.
For the home media releases of "Shrek Forever After", I wouldn't include him in "Donkey's Christmas Shrek-tacular", because I saw that after-movie short film years after I scrapped my character. If he were in there though, he would've finally been able to celebrate his first Christmas without a hitch. So maybe think of this as part of Shrek making it up to LoM after what happened last Christmas.
While LoM doesn't have a scary story to tell, he still takes on Shrek's dare of spending the night in Lord Farquaad's castle in Duloc. He and Shrek were tied after Fiona, Fergus, Farkle, and Felicia scared Donkey out. LoM decides to have his own Halloween fun while the ogres celebrate the rest of Halloween by throwing eggs at the seven dwarfs.
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pink-sunrise-56 · 6 months
Sun’s Angel (01)
Fucken hell it’s 4 am and I haven’t slept-(well I actually slept all day 🫣) and my hyper fixation on fairy tail, Greek mythology and angels(Christianity, despite my dislike for the history and some people who are from this region, but that’s on trauma ✨)
Here is part 1💫
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🕊️ first person view🕊️
As I stumbled out of the alyssum they kept me in for these 8 years after,
‘I was found in a destroyed city, I was sent on a decade long mission. The city was destroyed by a monster, a god, they people prayed and worshiped for centuries, decided he was bored and thought his devotees were a plaything.
When the council found me I was exhausted and the deity was destroyed to ashes as so was his followers.
They assumed I went rouge and slaughtered the innocent.
That is how I was sent to that alyssum, but I did make some acquaintances .. Jellal, Cobra, Midnight, Ultear. They were all people I could use my telepathy magic on within the prison.’
I looked up the rising sun, I outstretched my white feathered wings, soaking in the sunshine. I sighed softly as I ascend into the sky.
I notice I’m still in fiore. Which is good.
I take a deep breath as I send out a light gold aura of magic out to synchronize myself with the area.
My guild!
I grin in victory as I set off at a high velocity to where I sense my friends!
As I come in closer I notice the guild has changed….for the worse..
I slowly descend as I hover only a foot off the ground as I stare in disbelief of what happened to my home.
I drop myself to the ground on my feet as Ī cautiously walk towards the doors, it’s early morning so no one really should be here.
I guess I was wrong as I hear noise from inside.
‘My hands are shaking.
I’m shaking.
I’m scared.
Why am I scared?
I have nothing to fear?
They are my family.
My family I haven’t seen in 8 years.
I sucked in the crisp morning air as I opened the door.’
‘I was not expecting for everyone to stop.’
And stare.
I mean I do look different, I’m wearing convict clothing, my hair is longer, messy, greasy and knotted.
I look outright exhausted.
Wendy was the first to speak up.
“Zazriel… it’s you.. you’re alive..” I was expecting her to cry so I wasn’t surprised by that but I was taken off guard by her hugging me.
“Oof!?” I yelp as I fall to the ground with her on top of me hugging the dear life out of me.
And that was cue for everyone to either cry or bombard me with questions.
I grunt as I move Wendy into my arms as I sit up, I always saw her my little sister.
Makarov approached me.
“What happened.. Zazriel, Macao said after we disappeared and a year later he gets a leader that you have been convicted as a criminal and traitor.”
I look at my guild.
‘Ok I can do it.’
“I was supposed to kill a deity that took longer then expected..and he destroyed everything. Slaughtered all of the civilians even when I moved to safe places. The council thought I did it. Even though they knew I was a god slayer.”
I spoke with venom In my voice.
Gramps nodded.
“How did you get out?”
Ī immediately looked away and started to sweat.
“I broke out..” I let out a nervous laugh.
He let out a tired sigh.
“This.. is something.. I will have a talk with other people I know that can help out with this, for now get changed and knowing my guild we will celebrate your Return!”
He laughs.
Wendy moved off of me,
“Zazriel!” My ears perked up at the sound of Mira’s voice, oh how much I missed her.
Ī immediately sped over to her.
She handed me some of my old clothes.
I smiled at her as I walked into the bathroom of the guild and changed into something comfy.
☀️☀️☀️that is all I can write for tonight 😭 I spent a hour editing and writing, I haven’t wrote a lot since high school ☀️☀️
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astrcthesiai-archived · 10 months
// I'd love to see you gush about your oc/s, that you been thinking about lately. So call this your chance to throw out any thoughts you had of them, how much you love them, musings, headcanons, aesthetics or anything that you have wanted to tell ♡♡ (or feel free to save this for later too ♡)
Ooh! I love talking about my oc’s! Thank you!
Higanbana is lightly based off of Izanami, the ruler and goddess of the dead. She refused her other half because he was not her type (she’s more into other women and feminine nonbinary folks). She does not trust men or masculine nonbinary, in fact. There are many gods in her pantheon that want power, and Higan wants nothing to do with the power struggle. Her mission is to one day destroy everything in existence to stop it. She has reincarnated multiple times in her life, and is slowly getting back her memories. And unfortunately, the power struggle between the gods has gone too far in her eyes. I will only ship her with Demi-gods and other immortals.
Nebula is my celestial spirit mage. She has other magic so she isn’t as useless in a fight? I’m thinking moon magic as her secondary. Her strongest is possibly Draco and Phoenix, which are silver keys. She uses Cassiopeia and Andromeda to bind her enemies. She really wants to get her hands on a golden key, but she respects the fact that they’re taken by Yukino and Lucy. She was jealous that Lucy is the most beloved of the constellations, but has been told by Draco, the constellations absolutely adore Yukino and her as well. That the Star King is aware of the humans that summon his subjects. Nebula concentrates on getting the other silver keys while strengthening her moon magic. She is part of the guild, Siren Wing which specializes in the destruction/monitoring of dark guilds.
Mistress Nemain, “the Morrigan” is the Miranda (oc) of the Fairy Tail universe. She manipulates darkness and shadows. She may be young but she is wise beyond her years. She firmly believes that it’s how one uses magic that determines whether or not a person is good or bad. She despises Ivan of Raven Tail, for furthering the perspective that ravens are nothing but bad luck. She is the guild master for Siren Wing, a guild that specializes in the destruction and monitoring of dark guilds. She sponsors the independent guild, Crime Sorciere in their endeavors. She does not particularly like the Council either.
Sanguine Valentine, manipulates a strange magic known as vampire slayer magic. She has the ability to slay vampires and any of the undead at the cost of slowly becoming one of them, albeit an anathema. She is flirtatious but has standards. Her magic is over blood and fire manipulation. She must also drink blood to sustain herself, a consequence of using her magic. She is part of Siren Wing, continues to go on missions with Mistress Nemain. Sanguine excels heavily in knowledge of cults, the undead, and vampire politics. Sanguine is not her real name.
Sabrina Nivian, is a water dragon slayer. Her dragon mother and Fuyu’s dragon father raised her and Fuyu together. This way, Sabrina knows ice and water dragon slayer magic. She does not remember, but she was ordered to kill her dragon mother out of mercy. Sabrina does her absolute best to investigate where the dragons ended up. She searches for a sign of them, an egg so she can atone for her mother’s death and care for a dragon of her very own. From her dragon mother’s last letter to her, she is able to receive a lead, “water dragon god”. She has not bonded with an exceed yet.
Fuyu Boreal, is an ice dragon slayer. Her dragon father raised her with Sabrina’s dragon mother. Fuyu knows ice and water dragon slayer magic. Fuyu was instructed to kill her father out of mercy. In her father’s last words were to look for the water dragon god. She has not bonded with an exceed yet. She also investigates where the dragons ended up and how to find a cure for her parent’s illness.
Then I have dragon au’s for Crimson and Miyuki.
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dzmoot · 1 year
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In the wondrous land of Aaz, you never know what might be lurking around the corner. There's tiger bear hybrids, blue monkey people and fairies with fishy faces. You might find fields of fragrant flowers, cities made of green glass and sand-witches smushed into jelly by foreign farmhouses from far away.
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There was also a group of friends, one made of hay, one made of tin, one made of porcelain and two who were fur and blood. They were on their way to see a mysterious wizard in the glass city to get the things they desperately wanted, a heart, a brain and some nerve. They danced, sang songs, skipped down the yellow stone road like they were in a musical and then.....
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Zappy, Kruonch, Hampire, Siobhan and Zilch came soaring in from Namasis straight into the bodies of these misfit friends, their alternate counterparts. As Siobhan came to in her alternate body, she looked down at her getup and examined her pigtails. She wasn't too thrilled about her look but was excited and glad that everyone now knew that what she was telling them about the "manyverse" and Aiken Drum was true.
You didn't believe me, but here we are. I believe you owe me an apology, Zappy!
But Zappy just staggered around, unable to support himself with his wobbly, hay filled legs. Then he tried to talk, but he spoke in an unintelligible gibberish and slobbered from his mouth. Siobhan looked under his hat and to her shock saw a hole in his head revealing no brain inside!
What is this, Star Trek?
Kruonch just stood there like a statue, ironic considering that's basically what he was in this universe. Siobhan asked her father if he understood anything the scarecrow Zappy just said, but he spoke like a pompous dirtbag, appalling Siobhan.
Who cares about him, who cares about any of you! I have no feelings, no ticker in my chest. It's as hollow as Zappy's IQ!
Siobhan couldn't believe that her own father, physically and metaphorically had no heart and that Zappy had no brain to speak of, only straw and a broken broom handle as a spinal cord. As for Hampire, he stood still like Kruonch, but not for the same reason.
I have no magic in this universe! I haven't got anything. I'm a big, scared coward!
And he began to weep into his paws. Zilch, who for the first time in his life had legs to stand on, came up to Siobhan and whimpered.
THE LADLE! Where's the ladle?!
She and Zilch began searching enviously in the nearby woods and flower beds but had no luck. The stiff Kruonch pulled an can of oil off the nearby tree stump and began squirting himself with it, moving his joints around and getting in every crevice. Zappy collapsed on the yellow stone road and began squirming around trying to get back up. Hampire continued to sob buckets and wiped his eyes with his tail. As Siobhan and Zilch continued to search for the missing ladle, a large pink bubble approached them. As it dissolved, out came an odd looking good witch with fins, gills and a large wand. Her bulging, fishy eyes stared down at the baby doll and dog and she knew from the start they were in quite a dilemma.
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You're not from around here, are you?
Siobhan's nerves were shot, but this magical mistress did seem friendly.
No, we're not. I'm Siobhan, this is my dog Zilch and those three doofuses over there are my friends. We came here via magic ladle but it's gone and we can't find it anywhere.
The fishy fairy, forming a large grin with her large rubbery lips waved her arms in the air.
Oh, my little dot, do not fret. Your ladle has been taken by Worthiggs the Bellow Bodied. He lives in a cottage not too far from here. I'm sure he'll gladly give you the ladle.
Siobhan smiled and ran up to give the fish fairy a big hug.
Thank you, you're a lifesaver!
The fishy fairy departed in her big pink bubble as Siobhan, Zilch and the others made their way to this Worthiggs' cottage.
Come on, you pickleheads! Get a move on!
Zappy once again spoke in his gibberish as the stuck up Kruonch pushed him out of the way to get to the front of the group. Hampire nearly scraped his leg on the walkway and, you guessed it, started crying. Siobhan was rolling her eyes at her friends' new personalities and hoped that the next dimension they'd go to, they would be back to their old selves or something pretty darn close to it. They slowly approached Worthiggs' house when from afar, in a dark castle atop of spooky mountain with a hundred or so winged lemurs swarming about, a wicked witch was spying on them through her bubbling brew, her eyes set on Siobhan's footwear.
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That brat has my sister's scarlet shoes! I must have them!
She then summoned her lemurs, telling them to fly to Siobhan's location and bring her and her friends to the castle.
I have some fun things in store for those little pretties, and their little doggy too!
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kaito-yuki · 2 years
@stellcrblossom​ asked // Aug 27, 2021 · a year ago
Manipulation - sakurai
Angst Prompt Writing Drabble Challenge
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“Father! Where’s Ember?! Where are you keeping her?!” Sakurai demanded as he entered the throne room of the Kingdom of Asterius, his former home where he was born and raised. After running away from home, he found a new life in Lamina Scale, and ran a local flower shop near there too. He eventually started a relationship with Ember, Natsu and Lucy’s daughter from Fairy Tail, recently kidnapped to force Sakurai to return home.
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“So you have returned, Sakuraius. Though the location of Ember Dragneel is none of your concern. Rest assured, she is safe.” Sakurai’s father, King Asterius addressed his son casually from his throne. Though Sakurai was really nothing more than a failure to him, being unable to inherit his magic and will due to inheriting more from his mother.
“If you won’t tell me, then I will just find her myself. But why Ember? You could have kidnapped anyone else in my guild and I would have still returned! Actually you could have even just kidnapped me all the same. But I thought you would want nothing to do with me after I ran away, I was always nothing but a failure to you after all, so how could you know so much?!” Sakurai demanded. He was content with his new life in Lamina Scale, but his past caught up to him at the time when he was happiest.
“Foolish boy. Did you not think I sent spies to keep you under surveillance after you ran away? I could have easily hired them to retrieve you, but I chose not to. Because I saw a more beneficial route, with your growing ties with that guild, and that girl.” King Asterius revealed to Sakurai’s shock, then continued on with more.
“As for Ember Dragneel in particular. Lucy Heartfilia was promised to me many years ago by her father, but I was denied what was rightfully mine. However I received compensation in exchange,” he stated, soon showing him a piece of floating pale blue lacrima.
“No way, that’s Kaito’s…" Sakurai’s eyes widened at the familiar looking ice dragon lacrima, why would Ember’s uncle do such a thing? Due to the overprotective nature he especially when they first started dating, he would never willingly, unless it was to protect-
“Exactly, that foolish Ice Dragon Slayer. He would rather supply me with his dragon lacrima then give Lucy or her daughter to me,” King Asterius confirmed. “But no matter, the contract will still be fulfilled once your dear Ember is married to Prince Morius. My true and only son, they are fated to be wed.”
Sakurai bowed his head, gritting his teeth at what he was putting Ember through, being forced to marry someone she did not know, yet alone love. “This is not fate, this is you manipulating everyone so you have your way!” He yelled, leaping at his father with his arm raised.
“Bloom! Grand Flower Sword: Gladiolus!” Summoning his Grand Garden magic, Sakurai created a sword made from numerous vines before swinging it down towards his father’s head, only for his wrist to be caught and held back.
“What is this? A flower sword? Pathetic, just like your mother before you,” Asterius commented in disappointment, then let out a blast of his magic to send Sakurai rolling back. “It pales to my Machine Supremacy Magic, I am counting on your allies from Fairy Tail and other guilds to come rescue you and the girl, they stand no chance against me and my Machias Army. And once they have been dealt with, I will have my reason to expand my empire and seize control of Fiore, and the rest that get in the way of my absolute rule!”
“I won’t let you do that, everyone has found happiness there. I will not let you take that away from them, like you did to me!” Sakurai vowed as he rose to his feet, his body was aching all over just for that simple attack. He stood no chance, but he was determined to rescue Ember somehow.
“I know you would be troubelsome, so I have taken measures to make sure you do not interfere. When we made contact before, I inserted a tiny chip into your body. Soon it will override you very will. If you will not follow me obediently then I will just simply make you.” An excruciating joint of pain suddenly coursed through Sakurai’s body, now realising it was back when Asterious touched his wrist to catch his attack. He started going numb, his thoughts hazy as his control over his body diminished to like he was dreaming.
“I’m sorry, everyone. Please don’t come after me, or Ember. My father, he is too strong, he will…" Sakurai thought, his subconscious fading to become an emotionless soldier, loyal; under his father’s absolute control through his magic.
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