#fe3h fan student
kynimdraws · 2 months
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Name: Kylee (they/them). 30+
A totally normal Korean American mostly known for my drawings, specifically my Pokemon nuzlocke comics. But I will talk about other things on occasion because I do have periods of being fixated on certain topics. I also am a doctor!
Interests: Pokemon, League of Legends (everything except the game lmao), Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Animal Crossing, Mother series, Korean history/culture, character design
General FYIs: 
General inquiries/commission work/etc should be sent thru kynimdraws [at] gmail [dot] com! Tumblr messaging/asks/etc is not 100% reliable
I will not follow NSFW accounts but I am fine talking/interacting with them. There may be suggestive shitposting but I like keeping my content on the SFW side
I am VERY picky about who I follow/interact with online. Fandom content in particular is a minefield for me aka I have many things I dislike and don’t want to see, even if it might be a popular thing in media that I otherwise enjoy. Therefore, I will unfollow/block/mute liberally. There are times I accidentally block a blog bc I mistake them for bots. So if you got hit with that, just send me an ask or email me
I am very open about what I like and dislike, and none of those things are a direct attack on your sensibilities. I have never gone out of my way to directly send hate or whatever have you if I end up seeing shit I don’t like. My complaints in my little online space ain't a personal attack on you.
My ask/submission box/DMs  are open for criticisms if you have any issues you want to resolve in private. No one is perfect and I may have done ignorant shit that needs to be pointed out. I have deleted or edited posts in the past if people tell me what I did wrong. PS I get that some of my stuff may upset you, but try to act civil when pointing shit out please.
I try to tag all my things whenever I can. Again, send me a message if anything bothers you. I am all for good debate but if you send me excessive hate or threats bc I have different opinions about matters that are trivial, I will block/delete them.
If you wish to use any of my hcs, please credit me. And if you are comfortable with it, send me the works so I can check them out! Or @ me if that is easier.
FIRE EMBLEM FYI: Specifically for 3Houses/3Hopes because I need a separate one for this franchise specificially given how many crazy things I got due to being involved in this fanbase via my fanworks:
DO NOT try to convince me to like or tolerate Byleth/student ships, ESPECIALLY the ones with the lords (aka CIaude, Dimitri, EdeIgard). I already summarized why I don’t like FE3H Byleth ships with student chars here. While the spinoff game FEW3H has now removed that teacher/student problematic situation, the fandom keeps putting the FE3H elements into the FEW3H fanworks (i.e. remembering Byleth from “another life” trope)...so no thanks!! DO NOT SHOW ME IT!!!
As for the Byleth ships with faculty members, my response is here so don’t try to bait me about that topic either thanks.
I do not care whom you ingame S-support. 3Houses limits the dating-sim part of the game to that character, so I cannot care less about how you play the game. The main issue I have is when people treat Byleth the “character” as a legit ship material when I personally think they are a cool character ruined by fans who are too obsessed with badly executed self insert otome tropes bc they self-project super hard onto them. Just to be clear, any FE3H or FEW3H OC/Canon >>>>>>Byleth ships personally. Even Byleth-sonas that remove the teacher/student aspects are better than canon FE3H!Byleth
Please don't drag FE VA statements as some sort of “gotcha” on my opinions like this post here. IDC what other people prefer with ship shit, that’s their problem and not mine. I am not gonna bother them about it. So don’t bother ME about it.
Links to check out:
Myths of Unova + Episode Grey (Pkmn White/White2 Comic)
Tales of Sinnoh (Pkmn Diamond Comic)
Art Site (Portfolio)
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desceros · 4 months
i came into your askbox to wax poetic about your latest leo fic (<- girl who was internally wilding out in the library and had to leave) and then i saw: FELILETH??? BYLIX???? desceros fe3h fan real????? i must know all your thoughts.
oh i've been a fire emblem fan for a long, long time hahahahaha
i did really enjoy three houses! it executed on the "ohhh the turmoil of having to pick a side" that fates... tried to do and really fell down on. i liked that there wasn't a third "actually you can recruit everyone and oh by the way this is how you have a happy ever after" route. i do end up ng+ everything so i can skip most of the professor parts on subsequent playthroughs, i must confess.... and i do wish that some of the classes had been de-gendered (listen. listen to me. look into my eyes. ignore how broken the wyvern lord class is and listen. war master hilda. be radicalized with me.); but i loved how flexible the classes were in general compared to previous games. i also loved the ability to poach other students into your class, though i wish that had caused More drama. (and, sidebar, i love that there are students that you Can't Poach bc they're too loyal to their leader. excellent. mwah. chef kiss.)
i came in expecting felix to be my favorite bc i love that stoic dark-haired asshole swordsman (for context, my fav fire emblem character of All Time is still probably lon'qu), and while he is largely my favorite, i LOVED dimitri. and i just. was so shocked in the beginning bc he's so cute? so precious? so Not My Type? and then. well. Oh. I See. Actually, No, He Is Very Much My Type. i just have a feral asshole radar that pinged him, i guess. also the hand symbolism with him and byleth.... sighs and chin hands. so good. (can you tell i like the blue lions class a lot yet? the religious piety mixed with the hard edge needed to stand as the northern wall.... the poverty-struck kingdom floundering to survive while still bending knee to a church that has all but forsaken them.... wistful sigh)
...but yeah. felix is still my favorite. i recruit him any time i do any other route besides blue lions (and yes, i always have him kill sylvain bc i'm a messy asshole who loves angst), and blyeth/felix is just an s-tier ship. the fuckin!!!! kabedon in the s-support!!! coughs up blood and dies.
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eclipse-colony · 5 months
Byleth intro
Name: Byleth
Role: unlabeled
Source: fire emblem three houses au
Age:20-21 possible age slider
Gender: woman
Sexuality: Bisexual
Signoff: -🪶
Semi verbal. In my source I was mute, and communicated in sign language and writing.
Appearance: I look the same as in the beginning of the game except I have the male byleth outfit I also have several scars from my time as a mercenary. If I age past the timeskip I have short hair.
Differences from game: in my memories I was not a professor I was a combat instructor like jeritza. I also did not go out on missions with students, I was not a fan of combat once I began living at the monastery I wanted to put the days of fighting behind me.
If there are any other fe3h fictives I would be interested in meeting you.
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eirichele · 5 months
this is kind of out of the blue i guess but i hate how fe3h normalized student x teacher ships SOOO much. seeing people claim edeleth or claudeleth or dimileth aren't problematic is just like 🤨 it's a 17 year old student with their 21 year old TEACHER. the most ridiculous argument i've heard is that the power imbalance doesn't exist because all 3 of the lords are members of the nobility while byleth is a commoner which is so silly ??
lmfaooo dont apologize i always get complaining about fe fans. people just think power imbalances work like algebra and they cancel each other out like "uu this person is a minor but theyre a powerful noble/king/whatever the fuck so it doesnt count and they can consent to this poor meow meow uwu adult with no power" literally die idc 🤷🏽‍♀️exact same people who will argue with a straight face that ambr hrd abused jhnny dpp despite his obvious power imbalance
atp i honestly dont give a shit about getting into 3h discourse, i just block those kinda people and go, but i super get the frustration of what you're saying because pulling out arguments with harmful irl implications to defend a fictional anime ship is so beyond vile idek how they're still doing it in 2023. "this kid has the power to do something about their grooming but they never do so clearly its not grooming therefore dmlth good :)" is fucking stupid like. how many victims were in a similar position where they could have done something to stop their abuse and didnt because they were protecting their abuser/didnt recognize the abuse at all?? like ship your bad taste great value reyIo if you want but leave irl survivors out of it omgggggg its just irresponsible to repeat this kinda rhetoric no matter what the context of the conversation is (yes even dumb anime ship discourse. hello)
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comfort-questing · 7 months
20 questions for writers
tagged by @therosefrontier :) thanks!
How many works do you have on AO3?
21, but one's a collection of fe3h drabbles and small fics totalling 13.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
98,576 apparently! ...seems about right.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
uh. Genshin... Critrole... Fire Emblem Three Houses... also Fate Zero, finally, triumphantly, eventually. I've written bits of stuff here and there for other ones but most of it isn't published.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
night and death and the rain are given, 729, because Kaeya whump brings out the fans?? also I had a good update schedule for it, haha, which probably helped.
flame to dark, 393, my first Genshin fic. I guess Diluc whump is also popular. I remember being so chuffed that people liked it.
something which nobody may keep. 219, fain's dear angst art made into a Whumptober 2022 prompt... wait, that was just last year?
the sea, the storm, the stars, 217, right after. writing about Kazuha is hard because thinking about him hurts a little, but I do love this story so.
a gently welcoming darkestness, 186, which surprises me that it made the top 5 since that was where my regular update schedule went to die, and didn't take off as quickly. but I'm glad folk ended up liking it.
all Genshin, haha. and 4/5 ragbros.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! although if someone comments on each chapter I may not respond to every single one. but I like to respond, because I like to be responded to on mine when I can be, and because it does make me so happy for them to comment.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh boy. that's a toss-up between the last of my fe3h drabbles that I put up, "not glory nor goodness," and just about any of my fate zero pieces, but probably on these sands I built my fortresses. the horror of having to kill Felix at Arianhrod, because not killing him means other students die, vs. Saber's shame and self-hatred and having to kill one of her old associates too. maybe I should say the fe3h one because I don't like re-reading it but I will the other one.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I... was going to say I usually did happy endings but that's not quite true. I write ambiguous, nervous, and hopeful-in-the-midst-of-confusion endings. I think the only uncomplicated happy endings I've done were the fluff fics for a couple exchanges. specially driftwood and light for Critrole, which is all about getting rescued!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, thankfully, though I did get someone once commenting that my snarky/dark humor author's notes on some whump fic ruined the mood. it stung a bit, but I kept doing it, and also deleted the comment.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
heh... I do not... I tend to think what characters do in the bedroom is their own business, although now and again I admit some amorphous spicy headcanon occurs to me. usually in regards to someone else's suggestion or a fic that I scroll past that I think brazenly mischaracterizes their sex lives...
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
usually don't, but I do have a funky little dialogue piece between RWBY characters and Morgaine and Vanye from the Morgaine Chronicles that I never posted. This is because I think I may be the only person in the universe who is familiar with both fandoms. if there are any others I really want to meet them though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
hope not! ...though there was one that got published shortly after the author put kudos on one of mine, and it was a very similar concept and similar imagery at several points. but they did a totally different thing with it and went in a different direction! so even if it was borrowed it was Fair Use and I'm rather proud of them. :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but I'd love to someday! I am not good at plots. I admire when folk are good at plots. I want to be part of their plots and fill in all the corners with conversations and angst and character stuff.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I'm not really a shipper of anything particularly, but... I suppose the only ship tag I actually ever used is for Zen and Shirayuki from snow white with the red hair? and I do love their relationship, haha.
oh! that reminds me. I think my favorite ships are Hak/Yona from Yona of the Dawn and also Royai from FMA just like my tagger said.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
...of original works? oh so many. of fanfic? uh... I want to write a Fate/Stay Night AU where Saber saves Ilya, and I did start it. what's likelier to happen there is I write it as a bunch of short stories and they may just end up being bittersweet with a side of catharsis?
I want to write an Inazuma Rebellion AU for Genshin but that's more of a "literally never started" than any kind of "in progress."
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think it's fair to say description? people mention it a lot, and I like to write it. I love words. words are amazing. the things that people can do with words are amazing. I like to make words do cool things too.
I like writing dialogue a lot too, when I can.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plots. pacing, sometimes. fight scenes, or used to be, but I think I'm getting better at them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I never have, but if it came up I could try? though I certainly wouldn't trust google translate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
in little bits and snipppets... the Chronicles of Narnia when I was a small kid, and then Warriors Cats like the rest of us (heh), and I think Redwall? I made stories up about the sci-fi series Dad read to us when I was very very young, but I don't think I'd call them writing per se.
and then I did a lot of mediocre heartfelt Lord of the Rings fic when I was 11-12ish, which I didn't post although my friend encouraged me to. that was the first fandom where I wrote anything more than, like, half a page. in fact, it was very many pages. I want to say there were like 4 separate OCs and concepts I was writing, and they never intersected, they were all just different twists I had.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
that's a tough one. I... actually really love my longer fe3h fic, the bright and the broken - which completely elided all ships in a very shippy fandom with an alacrity that was not my intent but my outcome. the conv I wrote there, about helping people being like dropping pebbles in a well, and never knowing which one is going to be the one that lifts them high enough to reach the light... I think about that still and I'm not sure where I got it but I think it's true. also encapsulates what I love the most about Three Houses. loving people is how you change the course of the narrative... you can't save everyone all the time but you can save almost everyone most of the time if you do what you can??
I think my fate/zero trilogy is the most uh... emotionally cathartic of them for me though. I hope it finds the approximately 2.9 people in the universe besides me that it makes sense to, wherever they are.
tagging @notfromcold, @erinaceina, @isnt-it-pretty, anyone else who wants to bc I'm sure I'm forgetting folk
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seakicker · 2 years
hi hello ms juju seakicker i would like to inform you that i was hanging out w my irl bestie and she mentioned your milf x venti fic and, before she could mention the title, i asked "seakicker?? i fucking love seakicker!!" so long story short i just found out my irl bestie childhood friend is also a seakicker fan. have a good day!
THIS IS SO COOL WHDJDHFJFH SMALL WORLD HUH….. god. one time i got recognized by someone who was in the same student club discord server at the college i go to 😭🙏 they dmed me privately like “oh wait are you seakicker? i love your dimitri fe3h works” or something along that line. very surreal experience lol
thank you to both you and your friend for enjoying what i do!!!! glad you guys can bond over shared enjoyment of milf chaser venti lolol. much love ❤️❤️
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melonymint753 · 10 months
"what's your favorite FE3H house" always makes me go 🤔 because my first reaction is Blue Lions, but by that I just mean Dedue, and Ingrid to a reflexive extent (I just think she's ace and like her no hetero ending with Ashe who I also think is ace), and don't really feel for the other students.
Black Eagles is okay all around, I like Bernie but get why people dislike her (the things she says is more accurately an inner monologue).
I got burned out and never finished GD and SS, but I'd likely have become a Claude fan, had Dedue not taken up all my care energy. Hilda's aesthetic is great and I love bratty girls but I can't get too deeply invested into her given the racism and the weirdly mean way they wrote her support with Marianne
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
I'm not on social media much and I came to FE3H super late so maybe you can explain it? I've heard the term "khalidstan" once before but i never actually see Claude fans (like literally) It's like they don't exist or they're not very active ? it's always Dimitri or edelgard . So Like Where are they ? And Where does this term come from?! is this a Twitter thing (I don't use Twitter...is that where all the FE fans are LOL) i cant even imagine a claude stan And Since his fans dont exist to me I don't even know what "takes" they have on him LOL. the few takes ive seen on Claude are from edelstans (Do they just attack like everyone that goes against their waifu? I bet they hate Hilda for not being recruitable on CF lol)
Just as "Edelstan" does not refer to all of Edelgard's fans but rather to a specific type of combative and exhaustively argumentative subgroup, so too are the Khalidstans distinct from the much larger body of Claude fans. In their case they are easily identified by their insistence that Claude should always be referred to as Khalid, hence the name. As Reddit is the home turf of Edelstans, so is Twitter for the Khalidstans. Most of them were active on Tumblr at one time, but have since left or gone inactive on this platform after they realized they weren't welcome. (I flatter myself to imagine that their weeks-long attempt at trolling me in the summer of 2020 partially contributed to their leaving Tumblr, as I am notoriously impossible to troll.)
Khalidstans are fewer in number than Edelstans, although this does mean that it's easier to identify their defining characteristics:
As mentioned, they always refer to Claude as Khalid, even though that name appears nowhere in the text of Three Houses and was only introduced in a Japanese interview on the game.
They are also antis - members of the broader fandom movement who (mis)apply social justice lingo to vilify characters and ships they dislike on moral grounds - who have denounced Studentleth (Byleth/any student character) pairings as pedophilic. It was my sharing with my followers a lengthy piece one of them had written accusing Three Houses of promoting grooming and pedophilia that got them targeting me for trolling. Related to this, one of them wrote an obvious and widely-mocked troll fic of Claude's mother traveling to Garreg Mach and physically assaulting Byleth for flirting with her son.
Unlike the Edelstans who mire themselves in Watsonian rhetoric, Khalidstans are Doylist to a fault. They accuse IS of being racist for writing Claude Khalid with any negative traits and/or any positive associations with "white" characters. This manifests as their hating Dimitri and Dimidue (they're among the people who call them a white savior pairing, naturally), Hilda and Hilclaude for House Goneril keeping Almyran indentured servants, Rhea and the other Nabateans (who don't count as genocide victims in their eyes because they're light-skinned), Edelgard and Hubert (the former, an imperialist; the latter, racist to Petra in one of their supports which is clearly the most evil thing he's ever done *rolls eyes*), Felix and Ingrid for their behavior toward Dedue, and probably others I'm forgetting. One of them additionally coined the confusing term "white of color" which they then used to refer to characters like Ashe and Marianne, and neither I nor anyone else can understand what on earth that could refer to aside from those being "white" characters that that person likes despite their skin color.
In connection with the above, they are known for creating elaborate headcanons and OCs involving Almyra, Brigid, Duscur, and other lands outside Fódlan - which would be fine were it not always such a transparent means of bashing canon and the long list of characters and ships they hate. They've produced such gems as the headcanon that Lorenz is half-Dagdan (meaning coded East Asian, to them) because of his hair color and slanted eyes, which matters for the next point; a fic where Claude, Petra, and Dedue are in a poly relationship that serves only to bash Dedue's relationship with Dimitri and tell us how much happier he is with his two new lovers; the belief that Cyril is effectively Rhea's slave and that if IS weren't so racist he'd happily turn on her; and repeated complaints whenever Claude gets any new official art or a Heroes alt that IS is whitewashing him/not making him dark enough, possibly in part because his being biracial conflicts with their oddly conservative attitude toward interracial relationships. As ought to be apparent, despite their alleged progressivism the Khalidstans can be quite reductive when it comes to characters, valuing them solely on the basis of their skin color and other physical traits and assuming that all the game's darker-skinned characters would automatically understand and relate to each other even if they have no canon interaction.
Of course, this also ties into the fact that several of the most prominent Khalidstans have freely admitted to having never played Three Houses at all, which explains why they spend most of their time rejecting canon and building up their AUs. This doesn't stop them from getting embroiled in fandom drama, however; there's the anti-Studentleth screeds on Twitter, as mentioned, but they also took the side of Claurenz in an apparently heated ship war between them and Dimiclaude shippers. They justify shipping Claurenz because of the headcanon about him being half-Dagdan (and therefore not "white"), which is to them obviously superior to shipping Claude with evil racist conservative/centrist Dimitri.
Khalidstans' impact on fandom is less obvious than Edelstans', because there aren't as many and because Twitter is less suited to lengthy theories and exposés than Reddit (or Tumblr). Nonetheless, some of the discourse around the Three Hopes demo carries signs of their influence. They led the charge in praising Three Hopes because Shez is a student and not a teacher (thereby avoiding "pedophilia"), and I can't help but think of them whenever I see people surprised or angry at the developers because Almyra invades the Alliance and Claude helps to repel them. The events we've seen of Golden Wildfire thus far are consistent with Claude and Almyra as we saw them in Three Houses, but not with the Khalidstans' fanon interpretations of Almyra as an enlightened paradise with no serious problems except constant aggression from the evil racists of Fódlan. Regarding an upcoming political shakeup in Leicester that dataminers have uncovered, this discourse is likely to only get worse after the full game releases.
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tinnictheguardian · 2 years
Blue Lions: Byleth vs Shez *spoilers*
Let's be clear, Byleth was never a 100% fan favourite as many people thought of her as nothing more than a self-insert. While others, myself included, felt that she came with too many pre-defined traits to be a self-insert. I mean, she had Jeralt! That alone pretty much put her in a different category to other silent protagonists, for example, every Elder Scroll PC!
However, just on account of being full-voiced, Shez seems to have captured hearts and minds and is seen as more of their own character than Byleth. Indeed, a lot of people have started saying Byleth was the worst part of FE3H. I disagree and I'll share my spoiler-filled, including data mined stuff, thoughts under the cut!
I think it's pretty clear by now that Three Hopes is a different lens on the War phase of Three Houses. The spoilers have indicated that the War phase is unlikely to be significantly different to Three Houses because apparently, Azure Gleam has a fight with the hegemon. This makes sense because the majority of the complaints people had for Three Houses did revolve around the war phase.
Shez is allowing for more factional insight in relation to the War. Looking at the Blue Lion C-support with Shez, they are all about how the Lions relate to each other and their culture. Felix talks about how well he knows his three friends. Ingrid gives Shez a crash course in Kingdom nobility. Rodrigue talks about the adaptations the Kingdom has had to make due to their geography and landscape. While Sylvain is about the worry he voices in passing that the crests are failing and one day soon, relics will just be something to look at and can't be used to defend people.
However, the flip side of this is that there is a pretty severe case of the "no new friends" thing happening with the Blue Lions. Now, this might be patched later and there is evidence that some characters from opposition factions can be recruited into your own camp. But as things stand, the Blue Lions can be divided into an in-group of the Fearghus four of Dimitri, Felix, Ingrid and Sylvain, and an out-group of Dedue, Ashe, Annette and Mercedes.
Ashe and Mercedes are adopted members of the Fearghus high or at least wealthy (in the case of Mercedes's adopted merchant father). While Dedue is a man of Duscar. Annette is interesting in that she is a crest-bearing noble of the kingdom but due to Gustava not bringing his daughter to work and her uncle's loyalty not being firm on account of bordering the Empire, she's not part of the core Fearghus group and Duke Felix Fraldarius has to treat her as a political calculus and not just be charmed by her songs.
As a result, A-support between the in-group and the out-group are somewhat lacking. Felix, for example, doesn't have an A-support with Annette or Mercedes. He had one with both in Three Houses. Sylvain's only outgroup A-support is with Ashe, which he didn't have in Three House but he loses his A-support with Annette and Mercedes. Ingrid does not gain any new A-supports, but she preserves her out-group A-support with Ashe and Dedue. But even Dimitri loses his out-groups A-support with Annette!
For me, Byleth was a justified Corrin in that she seemed to be loved and adored by her students but it wasn't without justification as you got to witness how she went from an outsider to a beloved professor over the course of the year. So it made sense that she could bring together people from diverse backgrounds and mould them into a coherent whole around her.
Now I maintain that despite how amazing Byleth was, it doesn't make sense that Ingrid, Sylvain and even Felix would side with her over the Kingdom in Crimson Flower. But you can make a good case that Byleth as a professor emphasised her students follow their own ideas and not be bound by their background, as highlighted by the C and B supports she can have with her students in the Academy phase. So it makes sense that even Kingdom students might choose to trust their professor despite their own misgivings.
The same is not true of Shez so far. Shez is becoming part of whatever group she chooses to support. Byleth in SS, VW and AM had her own faction in that she was a representative of the Church and to an extent, that was the problem. Byleth had power but the mechanics of the game meant she couldn't exercise the power the lore gave her. It didn't really matter as much in AM or CF because those were the Lords story but you really felt the lack of Byleth's agency in SS and VW, with VW not even being about the Lord.
So for those who wanted more of the Lords and to learn more about the mystery of the TWSITD, and here I am assuming we will get more answers about them, Hopes is great!
However, I don't think throwing Byleth under the bus is fair. She served a different purpose to Shez in Three Houses. She broke down cross-cultural barriers, that was, unfortunately, both her strength and her weakness - for those who wanted more of the culture of the Lords!
At any rate, I look forward to seeing what the full Three Hopes game brings!
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04, 05, 07. I noticed you're a huge fan of Black Eagles so I'm curious of which students from the other classes you like
xD you've noticed well !!! For a little bit of context, the Black Eagles have always been my favorite class but I am obviously biased- and CF is my go-to route, which is why I am so vocal about it - especially since it gets a lot of criticism, so I like sharing my own experience with it a lot. But even though I don’t talk a lot about them, I also love the other Houses’ students !
My favorite Golden Deer is a tough question but I’d feel like it’s a tie between Marianne and Ignatz. I love seeing Marianne’s growth as a character every time and she’s just an overall sweetheart, doubling as an absolute badass on the battlefield. Her supports with Shez in Three Hopes just solidified my love for her even more. But overall, I’d have to pick Ignatz as my favorite deer; after all, he is a struggling artist faced with a ton of problems and I can certainly relate to the feeling. But even beyond that, I think what I appreciate the most about his character is his resilience. He is incredibly brave and I don’t think people give him enough credit- keeping on when you feel like him is incredibly hard sometimes, yet he does, and his passion doesn’t stop him from taking responsibility when he needs to. He keeps being the kindest person he can, keeps fighting and being there for his friends and family, keeps being him while asserting himself more and more- and I’m here for it.
Same for the Blue Lions, it’s a bit of a struggle.Then again, all of them grow a lot in their own way, even Sylvain who I didn’t expect that much from. At first my favorite was Ingrid, but nowadays I’m more edging towards Ashe. Then again, he is an incredibly kind character who clings to his dreams and cares deeply about his friends, his family, and his values- something which, in my opinion, is extremely interesting in regards to the route he picks. Does he stand besides his King as his knight or does he embrace lord Lonato’s destiny to turn against the Church ? Then again, his Three Hopes dialogues once you’ve recruited him in Scarlet Blaze are centered around that conflict, to which he can’t really find an answer. On a lighter note, him confronting his fears to go fetch Annette’s doll in fe3h just warmed my heart.
I am not gonna lie, I care a little bit less about the Ashen Wolves than the others. Basically, I got the DLC pretty late after its release, and life has been really busy since then (and when Three Hopes came out I prioritized that), so I am still at the final chapter of the DLC but I haven’t completed it yet. But based on my incomplete experience of the DLC and Three Hopes, I’d have to say that for now my favorites are Balthus (who I love because he is so extra and also because he was the first to recognize Byleth as their teacher) and Hapi (because I love her sass). Constance is a fun character, but just not my cup of tea, and Yuri is a little bit too extra for me (also for some reason I think the voice really doesn't fit the character and I hate -HATE- the Trickster design he deserved so much better seriously).
So, yeah ! I don't know if my answer is as articulate as I'd like it to be though... In any case, thanks for the ask! =D
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catboygirling · 2 years
How about 30-34 for the fe3h asks
30. What characters should have more support options and who should have been their support options?
I'm not a particularly big fan of Edelgard, but I think she and Sylvain could have an interesting dynamic. They both have quite a bit of Crest-related baggage. I remember that in the Sylvain/Mercedes ending House Gautier end up being ruled by one of their kids who didn't have a Crest, so why not have something similar happen with the next emperor?
Oh, and Seteth and Linhardt! I just really want Linhardt vague-ing about Seteth being Cichol.
31. What is your favorite pre-timeskip character design or outfit?
Well. I started growing out my hair and throwing it over my shoulder purely because of Mercedes. And her little shawl is cute!
32. What is your favorite post-timeskip character design or outfit?
Linhardt and Ferdinand... my men-with-long-hair bias shows its face yet again.
33. What is your least favorite (or hated) pre-timeskip character design or outfit?
Ignatz. I hate his stupid bowl cut. And I have an extra vendetta against him because he's one of two characters in this entire cast to have glasses, and they're both lame as fuck. As a glasses-wearer I don't claim him.
34. What is your least favorite (or hated) post-timeskip character design or outfit?
I honestly don't think I hate any of them (though I do mourn for the loss of Mercedes' long hair), but I'll forever be disappointed that the students were the only ones to get new designs. I guess the outfits could be excused, because the adults mostly wear armor and I can buy that the designs of them wouldn't change much over five years. But you're telling me Alois went from 45 to 50 and he doesn't have any gray hairs?
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lady-byleth · 2 years
Oh, wow! Didn’t know you were a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan!
I wonder if you spotted the similarities between Ryou Marufuji’s arc in YGO GX and Dimitri’s in FE3H?
Granted, I didn’t get that far in GX, but still. I know the spoilers.
Did you notice any other similarities, beyond “everything goes to hell after the school arc where the students do more fighting than most students ever should?”
Well, there sure are some similarities but I think Kaiser was less "consumed by trauma and hallucinating" and more "on a self destructive path" and the way he ended season 3 was very heroic in a way that was very different from Mitya.
Though full disclosure, I watched the first and second season only in German and don't remember much so I might be lacking some context. I didn't start watching in Japanese until season 3, the only season that matters xD
Also sry for the late replies, I've been completely consumed by Harvestella for 4 days now
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emperorsegg · 1 year
as much as i love edelgard, i cant be exposed to any public discussion of fe3h for long periods of time bc i feel very anxious and unwell afterwards. i think they just remind me of how unusually mean-spirited the fe fandom is lol
like idk. it always felt very… paranoia-inducing.
(big rant about fe3h fandom incoming so im putting it under the cut)
like… the sheer amount of “transformative lens/critical discussion” stuff i saw about the game’s writing never felt like it came from a place of “i love this and i want to analyze it from a place of love” - and more “i hate this and i want to whittle it to my own perception of how things should be written”.
not that there wasn’t anything to critique (there absolutely was wrt the questionable racism plotlines, etc.) but… there was this sense of underlying bitterness in these discussions that made me feel extremely uneasy and unconfident wrt talking about my own stances - which usually came from the former position. like i was more naïve from approaching my critiques/analyses with a constructive lens versus a destructive one.
or the constantly moving goalposts of which supports were deemed “problematic” and which ones “weren’t”.
like, with my own otp (edeleth) - it was initially very well-received bc it was a prominent and extremely plot-relevant f/f couple; something that didnt have precedence in fire emblem.
but then as the months rolled by more and more people wrote it off as problematic - whether it was bc “it romanticized teacher/student grooming (ignoring them having only a 3 year age gap and not being teacher/student when they do become romantic)” or “it destroyed edelgard’s powerful, confident personality in her own route for waifubait”.
the shipping goalpost moving got so bad that i lost several friends and mutuals over it; including a friend that i had for 7 years.
a lot of people just acted plain mean in the community too. just. saying the most awful stuff without considering the weight of what they were saying. (eg. i saw someone gleefully say that the release of the fe3h warriors spinoff would be like the collapse of the twin towers for edeleth and dimileth fans - which is. a hell of a phrase to say lol).
and there was a lot of other stuff too. zine drama, fallouts over the most innocuous of shit (i fell out with another friend bc i had the audacity to… politely agree with a legimate criticism of their fan project?), as well as some bullshit of my own making (i did not set my own boundaries w/ this fandom - and it hurt me and many others in the end).
i dunno. i guess what i wanted to say was like… the release of fe engage is making me remember all of this shit again and i feel the need to vent again lol. esp since there’s stupid discourse about the new game and ppl making the absolute worst assumptions abt each other again.
im tired. i hate fire emblem. i wish these idiots would consume more adult works and realize that pissing and moaning over the latest mildly sexy FEH alt or someone pairing their corrin with xander or w/e is stupid and waste of fucking time. its fucking fire emblem, my guy.
90% of the time its a stupid medieval fantasy video game filled with cheesy anime tropes.
do something more productive with your life.
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lunasilverhart · 1 year
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I posted 13,458 times in 2022
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#lex prattles on - 9 posts
#alexis prattles on - 6 posts
#thank you - 5 posts
#dimitri my beloved - 3 posts
#haha yeah - 3 posts
#yeah - 3 posts
#animorphs - 2 posts
#mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? - 2 posts
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#up closer to the panhandle - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
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1 note - Posted September 8, 2022
1 note - Posted April 1, 2022
1 note - Posted November 4, 2022
also I played fe3h finally. I fucking love the Blue Lions. I love Dimitri. I would kill for Dimitri. Dimitri is my babygirl. I love the lord, the class, the route, TOTAL PACKAGE.
also Claude can fucking get it, I love GD route so much but I just. don’t like half the class. I’m sorry. I want to like them so bad but they just don’t click. Route’s fucking amazing tho. final battle was batshit and I lost my MIND at God Shattering Star.
meanwhile I love almost the whole Black Eagles class but the lord and like, one other student.... I’m sorry. I can’t fuckign do it. Silver Snow route is pretty alright (SETETH CONTENT MY LOVE) but Crimson Flower just sucks so much ass and you can TELL it was a last-minute addition. It’s so short. Edelgard you deserved better and maybe I could have loved you too if you only could have gotten the time and development you deserved
2 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tell us your definitive list of Fate blorbos!
blorbo: Artoria in any of her forms because THAT'S MY HUSBAND
scrunkly: fuck dude idk right now I think it's Voyager
scrimblo bimblo: another tough one, I gotta say either Maiya or Bazett but Bazett just got an FGO version so HELL FUCKIN YEAH
glup shitto: my obscure fave isn't even canon he's literally a fan character and anytime I see a green-eyed redhead anime boy I lose my shit a little. Seigi Nomikata I fucking love you
poor little meow meow: ARJUNA MY BELOVED but also idk is Caenis still considered problematic???
horse plinko: I want to antagonize Oberon. For so many reasons.
eeby deeby: eat shit Dioscuri y'all were mean to Caenis
2 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
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the-flying-beetle · 4 years
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i promised a FE3H self insert so here we are!!
Ciel Leumund (they/them) is a commoner from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Their family has roots in the Alliance and migrated up Faerghus’ east coast until permanently offering their services as shipbuilders to house Fraldarius. For manifesting a minor crest of Chevalier, Ciel was enrolled at the Officers Academy as part of the Ashen Wolves. If left unrecruited by the beginning of the war, they fight along the troops of House Fraldarius (and in Azure Moon, are added to the roster as the Kingdom army receives reinforcements from Rodrigue).
please remember that likes do absolutely nothing to actually support me, but reblogs help. thank you! 
(more info under the cut~)
Though instinctively very concerned for and about everyone and everything, Ciel values a logical approach and keeps remarkably calm in critical situations. Much like the lordling of their territory, they are rarely satisfied with their own achievements for long and strive for perfection through rigorous training. Due to a fear of failure, however, they usually shy away from their competitive nature, a weakness they recognize with as much honesty as everything else.
Quick on their feet and gifted in both magical and precision-based physical offense, they are a reliable and remarkably mobile infantry unit (doing especially well as Trickster or Mortal Savant), and if helped to overcome their... “respect“ for horses, they also make for a very capable Dark Knight, Bow Knight or Valkyrie. Just don’t slow them down with too much armor or make them punch people with their precious hands.
Right, that’s all for now. Might post preferred gifts and possible shared endings at another point with more polished artwork 👁️👁️
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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C Supports in a nutshell: Lysithea & Claude
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