#fear of death tw
its-my-whump · 8 months
Whumptober 05
No. 5: “You better pray I don't get up this time around.”
Debris | Pinned Down | “It's broken.”
*explained :-) from Whumptober 01 to 04
You don't need to read the whole story. Everyday can stand for its own. And that poor soul has to suffer through every single one of them, I promise!
Hummingbird 05
...He screamed from the top of his lungs. His heart wanted to jump out of his chest in painful jumbling beats. His arms felt like dead weight, his legs giving in. The torture stopped. Little electric impulses still on their way to leave him and slowly his world turned black.
His mind floated away to a point in time roughly 2 days ago.
His jaw tightened around the obstical in his mouth. Salvia was there, when the taste of a day old bread, butter, cheese and pepperoni interacted with his tastebuts. Chewing was even more exhausting than biting off a piece. His jaw clenched, his eyes were heavy. The noise of his colleagues talking and enjoying their break had turned into a static, soothing tone. His mind was drifting. His hands, too weak to hold up the bread any longer, sank down, while he forced himself to chew the dry bite.
His head was as heavy as his eyes and he let it sink down a bit, just to take some weight of his shoulders.
The monotonous mumbling let him float in the moment. What would he give to just lay down for a second. Sam was so tired.
Days on end at the nightshift were taking their toll on him. He hadn't really seen the sun for almost 10 days. Only the tiny line left and right or just under his blackout curtains, when he was desperately turning under his sheets. He couldn't really sleep, no matter how exhausted he was. His body clock was screw up beyond recogniction.
A hand on his shoulder shock him gently. The mumbling had stop, his eyes flew open. Noises of people getting up and returning to their workspace filled the air. The happy chatting had turned into a buzz of activity. The container, used as a break room, was almost cleared, when Sam lifted his head.
Garcia was looking at him funny. "Fell asleep while eating again, mhm." It was a plain statement.
"Hurry, little one. Break's already over."
Garcia had made it his habit to call Sam "little one", but the Mexican was actually more than a head smaller than him. Still, Sam was the youngest on their shift, which made him the little one, anyway.
The short guy turned and exited the break room, following the others.
Sam was alone all of a sudden, still sitting and trying to blink himself back to the moment, while his heavy head sank back down again. 'It's only been a few minutes hasn't it? Break shouldn't be over already.' His eyes slowly adjusted, seeing his hands, laying in his lap. The bread, he had taken just one bite from was on the floor. The two slices had separated, spreading the toppings over the floor near his feet. One slice of cheese had artfully been arranged above the steelcap of his dusty working boot. The pepperoni was half under the sole of his other boot. Even, if he would have been any kind of hungry, he wouldn't have touched his lunch anymore.
Frustrated he lifted his head again. A look at the clock on the opposite wall let his spirit sink another inch. It was only half past 2am and his shift wasn't over till 6. 'How was he supposed to manage?'
The ticking hand also told him, that his break was over for 6 minutes by now. Damn, he was in trouble.
His now empty hands pushed down on the table surface to get himself some support getting back up on feet. Sam's legs were heavy and fatigue was a constant companions, when he stumbled back to his spot under the flashlights.
Surely right around the corner Mr. Harold was waiting for him, arms offensively crossed over this chest. "You don't want your job anymore, kid?" His question was harsh and challenging.
Sam actually thought, the man was screaming at him, while his head was still in a daze. He wanted to punch that guy right in his smug face and yell at him, that he hated this god damn shitty job, that was highly underpaid for all the strain and the ungodly hours he was working. But Sam was too tired. Instead, his shoulders just shrugged by themselves and he blazed a trail around the human obstacle to get back to work. A disgusted and almost insulting sneer was the old man's answer when he left.
Last time Sam looked, it was only 3:15am. He didn't know, how he should manage the rest of his shift. There was a short, very welcomed delay because a light had to be moved and he used the few seconds to lean against the control box nearby. 'Only 2 hours, 48 minutes.' When he needed to move on, he would notice or someone would make him notice. That's how it worked here. His head was pressed against the cool metal, when he rested his eyes for a moment. Just a tiny, tiny moment.
A loud yell, some commotion. "..TCH OUT!" Unyielding stone and soft flesh connected. A dull sound combined with the dull effect hart and heavy rubble had on the bone in his upper arm, brought him back to the moment. The pain was instant and blunt.
His legs were just buckling, his eyes flew open, while his body was going down, only intercepted by the hard surface of the stonewall he appearendly just had hit. Not a clue, why, or what was happening. A blast of more debris came from above. Little and bigger pieces of gravel raining down on him, making distinct sounds of impact on the metallic surface of the controll box somewhere behind him. His biceps already throbbed miserably, something big must have braised him. Still falling, suddenly, his right knee stopped him abruptly by hitten the hard ground. More pain shot up. His right hand reached for the floor just before the sharp sting from his knee and the dull throb from his arm erased his last selfpreserving defenses. "Shit." Sam growled out of reflex. He landed on his belly, raising his arms above his head to protect it. His left arm protested the sudden movement in pain.
A fearful gaze to the upper wall and he saw the cart making its way over the edge. Someone screamed. His eyes just closed by themself, while his heart was hammering inside his chest. "Shit!" He was about to bite the dust. Long seconds of nothingness.
Then an earpiercing loud cracking sound, an explosion of light behind his closed lids. A shock from the ground echoing inside his belly, rockimg his body and the world turned deadly silent and black.
Sam could hear himself breath. 'So he wasn't dead?' Light was moving somewhere. Like the sun was rising. Reluctantly and only so very slowly he opened his eyes.
The dust around him was dancing in the beam of the spotlight, that was putting him right into focus. Someone was just getting the flashlight back up. Very slowly he lowered his arms from his head and turned his neck. The explosion of light was apparently the spotlight being knocked over. A miracle it didn't shatter. Fuck the spotlight. A miracle he wasn't dead!
The cart was a piece of crap metal, which had impacted a good 10 feet away from him. 'He actually wasn't dead!!'
But by God, he was awake, 100% awake. He hadn't been this awake in over a week. And he hadn't been in so much pain for so much longer. He had faceplanted on the dusty ground, but beside his left shoulder and right knee hardly anything really hurt. Which could be only a sideeffect of tons of adrenaline rushing through his body right now.
Hands grabbed for him and pulled him up. Many different voices, reassuring if he was okay. He couldn't differentiat. It was still overwhelming, his head spinning and his heart painfully pounding.
"M okay." His right hand, visibly shaking, signaling them, that he was. "M okay." He repeated, until they gave him some space. His right hand instinctivly went for his left upper arm.
After the sensation of someone using his arm as a anvil and also driving a nail into his kneecap subsided a bit, he collected himself and clumbsly came back to his feet. The adrenaline rush made it possible to keep his head relatively straight and his body vertical for now. People moved away. Gracia threw him an alarmed look. A nod signaled the Mexican, that he was still in one piece. "It is broken." It sounded more like a statement then a question from the short guy, pointing at Sam's hand grabbing his arm. "Na." Sam shook his head slightly, dust colored the imidiate air around his head. "Just bruised. I guess." It didn't feel broken, but it hurt like hell. "I'm okay."
They didn't really believe, that someone would be okay, after seeing his life flash before his eyes. But everybody slowly retreated back to their stations, leaving Sam shaken, standing there starring at the demolished cart, while holding his arm.
Dickhead Harold was moving in the halfshadows behind the light, never even approaching to ask what happened or if anyone was injured. What happened was apparently pretty clear, overworked, tired staff and miserable occupational safety and the lack of an health and safety officer.
Two colleagues finally took pity and brought the remains of that cart out of sight. A shy voice reached Sam's hearing. He turned to look at the upper edge of the wall. "I'm so fucking sorry my man. The slop just moved. Are you okay?"
"Yeah." His voice was still a bit shaken, but Sam waved his good arm and gave a tumbs up.
He was fare from okay, but as everybody else, he needed that damn money. And this kind of foreseen occurrences were almost normal, maybe not on a daily basis, though. As long as you were able to stand on your own two feet, no broken bones and/or you weren't bleeding out, you kept on working.
His unpleasantly new-found energy lasted till around 5 am, from there on out it was going down again and fatigue and the adrenaline crush hit him with a vengance. Sam was slow, had to pause and even sit down repeately during the last hour of his shift. If he would leave, he wouldn't get his full salary so he fought through.
Mr. Harold intercepted his path towards the showers at 2 minutes past 6. The same challenging posture like hours before, his arms crossed and an accusing look in his dead eyes. His chin made a tiny disapproving gesture. Sam needed to stop and let go of his left arm to take the check, that was shoved towards him forcefully.
"You don't need to come in tomorrow, Cooper."
Sam was dumbstruck, just staring back. More satisfaction in Harolds eyes. "We're letting you go."
Hummingbird masterlist
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hurtthemgently · 2 years
27. If you could go back in time, what would you have done differently?
28. What is the worst case scenario to you, right now?
For Kimmi!
“I- I didn’t know there was a vampire living here. I would have glamoured my scent, tried to blend in better with everyone else. And I wouldn’t have ever gotten into that truck-” they’re already near tears.
“I wouldn’t have gone anywhere near Ceran if I knew he was going to do this. There’s so much that.. that I could have done… I just wish that I hadn’t been so careless.” Their shoulders are shaking with sobs.
After taking some time to calm down, they feel ready for the next question.
They go quiet for a second, jaw tensing. “I don’t know.. the iron ink is terrifying but..” they take a shaky breath. “Ceran has mentioned how much easier it is to get blood from random people- he keeps telling me that I’m difficult…”
They close their eyes, trying to think about anything besides the awful possibility. But they have no choice but to keep going. “The worst thing- if he gets bored of me- he’ll.. no one would ever find out what happened to me.”
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captainharlock · 15 days
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comic i made about out-aging the person i've been grieving
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vesper100 · 2 months
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nosramus and enki discuss the homunculus
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eugenoid-draws · 1 month
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Thinking about how little bodily autonomy Daan possessed his whole life
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Vincent Price, Pamela Lincoln, and Darryl Hickman
The Tingler (1959) // dir. William Castle
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shinekocreator · 2 months
based on this amazing prompt by @ghost-bxrd (it's hella ooc, but if you wanted it in character, you wouldn't be here)
⚠️Tw: mentions of death, stopped heart, panic, fear⚠️
They weren't supposed to find out, at least, not like this.
His heart, which just a few moments ago wasn't beating at all, is now beating too fast, too loud, too strong.
He wants to move, to say something, to do something, but he can't. His lungs are still empty, so he starts breathing, too short, too fast.
This isn't good. They're not supposed to know, not supposed to see.
How could he let this happen? Why did he even agree to this stupid sleepover? Now they're all going to know.
All of them?
Panic creeps into his mind. What if he finds out? He can't find out.
He takes a look around the room, Dick is holding him, and he says something that Jason can't hear. Damian looks scared and on the verge of tears. Tim is in the corner holding Cass's hand, trying to reassure her that everything is alright, even if he doesn't believe so himself. Steph and Duke aren't in the room. He has no idea where they could've gone. Barbara is on her laptop, probably searching for a course of action.
"... Just breathe in slowly. " he can finally make out what Dick is saying. So he does just that, trying to slow his breathing and heartbeat, using Dick's voice as both a guideline and an anchor.
It works. He can talk now. He pulls Damian into a hug, which Damian doesn't reject. "I'm alright, Baby Bird, I'm alright."
Damian starts sobbing into his arms. "Your heart, it stopped, and you, you weren't breathing and I, and I don't know what to do because I don't want you to die again!"
"I'm not. You guys aren't getting rid of me so easily," he jokes, then kisses Damian's head. Damian doesn't flinch or move away. He must be really concerned then.
Jason turns to Dick "what exactly happened?"
"Just like Damian said, your heart stopped, so did your breathing. Does this... Happen often?"
Jason nods. He's not sure what to say.
Then Tim speaks "What the actual fuck Todd?! You have any Idea how scared we were? Why didn't you say anything?"
Jason slowly gets up and goes to hug Tim. He can't seem to find the right words.
Tim pushes him away with a horrified expression. "Dude, you're freezing cold!"
Hearing that, Cass brings him the warmest blanket she can find. "No more cold," her warm smile is radiant, Jason wants to hug her but knows he shouldn't.
Barbara comes closer and helps wrap the blanket around him. She doesn't need to say anything.
Jason pulls her into a hug, then brings in Dick, Cass joins them soon after, and so do Tim and Damian.
It's not as cold anymore, Jason feels warmth spreading throughout his body.
After they let go of him, Jason finally pays some mind to the absence of people in the room.
"Where's Steph? And Where's Duke?"
Dick rubs the back of his neck. NO NO NONONO!!
"They went with Alfred to calm Bruce down."
Jason removes his grip from the blanket, letting it fall to the floor as he attempts to escape and leave the manor altogether, but the presence of a man in the doorway stops him in his tracks.
Jason takes a step back, and right before he manages to turn around and run for the window, two strong arms wrap around him, pulling him in for a hug.
And Jason fully breaks down.
Bruce holds him while he sobs and whimpers, giving him a moment to let everything out and calm down a little.
"It's alright, I'm still here. You're still here. We're still here." Bruce says, whether to Jason or himself, no one knows.
Jason can feel Bruce shaking. He tries to grasp the fact that Bruce cares and wants him around. Tries to process that Bruce was scared, terrified of the thought of Jason dying again.
Jason takes notice of the tears running down Bruce's face, moving his hand up to gently wipe them away.
"I'm still here, old man, I'm not dying again."
That's the last thing he says before he allows himself to relax and hug Bruce back, after mouthing a quick "thank you" to Stephanie, Duke, and Alfred, knowing he's wanted and loved by his family.
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jellyvibes710 · 3 months
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A moment In his thoughts
A moment to himself
Not a moment of doubt
Be selfish he told himself, yet he can’t seem to do that.
A moment of arrogance and he almost lost all he holds close
Just a moment
Was all it took to lose himself.
Death never scared him
But the thoughts of losing all that made him who he was made his blood run cold
It’s the only thing keeping him going most days
He’s scared
He’s scared to lose all the lessons he’s learned, he’s scared to lose his brothers smiles, scared to lose the comfort of his dads hugs, scared to lose the hum of his twins rants that never failed to put him to sleep, to lose his baby brother’s affection, to lose his older brother’s hope in making him a better leader, to lose his sister’s care.
Maybe he’s always been selfish, what had he ever gave them?
Nothing that he knows of.
What a nuisance
The noose around their necks
The brick tied to their ankles
A parasite that eats their minds
A pest.
He watches as the blood drains from his body, getting lost in the glow of stars
A moment to himself
A moment in his thoughts
A moment of numbness
A moment of silence
A moment of acceptance
The process of giving up
His eyes fall close
He allows the flicker of hope to sizzle out
Lost in stars, lost in his mind, his body a husk of what it once was
A roar in the distance echos through the endless sky
And he allows death to enter his doorway
He felt a soft warmth itch across his cold scales
In his final moments, he allows himself to let his tears slip through his closed eyes, feeling as they dripped off to be lost in the depths of space along with the rest of him
He feels a familiar warmth and he allows himself to lean into it, and pull him into the light
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dailyflicks · 1 year
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That was July 19th, 1978. 5,937 days ago. My sister was dead and so was I. And most days, I wish I’d stayed dead. FEAR STREET PART TWO: 1978 (2021), dir. by Leigh Janiak
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sunglassesmish · 1 year
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i am honestly crying.
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yummycrummy · 7 months
Man doesn't take rejection very well
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was the only girl in an all-boys Catholic school, scared shitless and accused of murder.
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dailyperkele · 4 months
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DAY 3 - A bloody invite
You want me to believe no contestant ever just decked him in the face the moment they were teleported atop the tower during the dream? No one got a "fight" response to all that madness?
Just let him have an appetizer to the final duel- just one lil' kill as a treat.
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nat20composure · 11 months
Reupload bc oops, one file Bad idea
Fear and Hunger comic based on the game mechanic where the Girl will throw herself in front of you.......Makes me burst into tears so I had to try and make you guys burst into tears about it too
TW child death, limb loss, blood
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
Death is scary.
As a concept, it fills many hearts with anxiety, fear, and dread. It keeps people awake at night; it leaves an uneasy feeling in the stomach; it leaves many wondering if they've done all they can with their lives. It is a permanent change - the greatest unknown to all of humankind.
We fear things we don't understand by nature, however natural they may be. We fear major changes outside our control - so little in life is within our reach. We worry and panic and demonize and ignore. We focus so heavily on the bad aspects that we forget to look at the good.
The beautiful life that we've already lived, no matter how difficult; such things deserve celebration. The peace death can bring, transitioning from one chaotic world to one that is silent and calm. The knowledge that it's ok not to know what happens with certainty, it's ok that we don't know everything. Maybe it's not as bad as we think it is. Maybe it's kind and embracing. Maybe it welcomes us as an old friend, with compassion, hospitality, and gentleness.
Death is life's ultimate change, when we move from one form to something entirely new and unexperienced. That can be scary. Change can be scary. But just like in life, I choose to believe that not all change is bad change. There are many things we haven't experienced until we finally do; riding a rollercoaster, going to university, moving to a new place - all of these are changes, some scarier than others, that can result in beautiful experiences beyond what we could've possibly imagined. Whose to death won't be the same?
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nat1volition · 3 months
the life he’s had could make a good man turn bad… but he remains good and kind in spite of it
Image description under the cut!
[Image ID: a video made up of multiple frames synced to music,
Frame 1: Ragnvaldr smiles down at the girl, who Cahara holds in his arms, while Moonless trots happily alongside them all. Captions read “good times, for a change” and “TW CHILD DEATH”
Frame 2: Ragnvaldr as a young man, no scars on his face, looking up hopefully. Captions read “see, the life I’ve had”
Frame 3: Ragnvaldr in a battered helmet, with horrified wide eyes and two fresh cuts across his left side, blood running from them. Captions same as above, then change to “could make a good man…”
Frame 4: Ragnvaldr stares down, devastated. Blood streaks his lips and a bloody handprint sits on his chest. Tears fall from his eyes. Captions read “bad”
Frame 5: Ragnvaldr appears as in his canon portrait, staring stoically forward, now much more grizzled and harsh looking. Captions read same as above.
Frame 6: younger Ragnvaldr smiles down at his infant son, holding his small hand as his boy laughs. Captions read “so please, please, please”
Frame 7: Ragnvaldr sits hunched over the bloodied body of his young son, shadows hanging over them both. Captions read same as above.
Frame 8: Ragnvaldr looks wistfully at the girl, who stands in front of him, wearing his furs and touching his cheek. Tears well in his eyes as he touches her face. Captions read “let me get what I want”
Frame 9: The girl walks away, only her long hair in frame, while Cahara sits beside Ragnvaldr and comforts him. Captions same as above.
Frame 10: Cahara and Ragnvaldr both stare up at the new God of Fear and Hunger, dark and luminous, standing over them both. Captions read “Lord knows it would be the first time”
/.End ID]
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