best-fictional-cat · 1 year
Round 2 Group 3
Felix the cat (Paramount) vs Burgerpants (Undertale)
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(Queer)Platonic f/o tag dump
Pt. 2
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noffy96 · 1 year
NicePants fic
So a first for me, not writing about skeletons, but one of my favorite other ships
This was supposed to be written for Valentines Day. But guess what it got away from me. But that's nothing new. So here we go.
Valentines Gifts
Word count: 9078 words
Summary :
The other was grinning wildly like he had done some perfect detective work. And he had figured him all out He glanced around and when he was sure no one was around, he leaned forward. Close to the others face
You know, I was planning on sharing some of it, but if you have to be a little shit, I just keep them all to myself” To his delight, the other smile grew and saw his tail doing a happy little whip “What’s this, good little Felix using bad words, what would the mothers think~”
The Nicecream guy, can't wait to spend the rest of this Valentine's Day, with his roommate/best friend. But after a bit of an unpleasant encounter with an admirer, Burgerpants lets something slip, that might change their relationship forever. As gifts are exchanged, will the feelings behind them as well?
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He handed the young woman her two nicecreams, and waved her off, as she happily went to what he assumed was her boyfriend. He quickly checked his storage, he was nearly out. But he thinks he might make it to the end of his shift., happy that he had packed all the extras and then some. Despite the light chill, it seemed a lot of couples still wanted one of his nicecreams on their dates this lovely Valentine's Day.
“If you keep standing like that for too long, someone might just steal your money you know” He started smiling at the voice and quickly stood up “Hey Burgy, you’re off early”
The orange cat monster was leaning against the cart, positioned such that no one would get to his register, and a wave of fondness for his best friend came over him once again. In his arms was a giant bouquet of flowers “Yeah the director let everyone go early, so thought I keep you company” “Awe Thank you, you don’t have to stay tho…I think I'll be here a while longer”
The other just shrugged, “That’s fine, I just do some work here, if I go home I’ll probably distract myself. You got any plans for dinner?” He had to fight the blush, that wanted to come on his face.
“Not really, but I assumed neither of us wanted to cook, so bought pizza yesterday, should be in the freezer” “Fuck, you’re the best”
He laughed, and playfully hit the other's arm “Language, I don’t wanna lose customers”
The other rolled his eyes “No one here, you worrywart.” Letting the insult slide, he eyed the bouquet “so what’s with the flowers, got an admirer at the theatre?”
He kinda hated that a flame of jealousy came up as a small smile came over the others face as he stared at the flowers. Most people would describe the other as coming across as unpleasant. But then again most people still called him the same nickname he had when he still worked for the MTT resort. And not a lot of people saw this side of him, the softer side, beneath the gruffness. Part of him selfishly wanted it all for himself. But he squashed that part down hard or tried to at least.
He would be happy for his friend. No matter what. That is what he decided long ago, no matter how complicated his feelings for his roommate got. He would always and forever be his friend first.
Cal had some shitty people in his life, and he wasn’t about to become one of them.
The other faced him again. “It’s from the kids, apparently since it’s a day of love, and they love what I do for them” He lifted the flowers a little, indicating the gift he had received
He felt slightly more awful for being jealous of the gift now. Cal deserved the recognition he got, he was doing so much to help the local theatre grow. Nice to see that other people saw it as well. “It’s lovely…and very big, I’m not sure if we got a vase big enough”
The other's ears perked up excitedly. “It is, isn’t it? Apparently, all the kids picked a flower to put in, even some of the older kids that have quit came by to add to it?! ALSO, they wrote this little card! “ He was shown a little card that was tied with a glittering string around the stems, seeing several messages in different colored pens. “Not everyone was able to write…but yeah it's pretty nice. Was surprised to find it on the desk. Thought it was a secret admirer, but this was way better”
He chuckled leaning on his cart to look over more of the flowers. Now he wasn’t as clouded by jealousy, he could see the mismatch of it, that most flowers were not typically what you would find in a valentines Day bouquet. Some of them were a bit squished from travel. But it was overall a very lovely piece. “It really is, isn’t it? This big piece from someone you don’t know would be a bit…creepy I suppose”
The other looked at him like he was confused for a second. He wonders what the other found so strange to get that look. But dismissed it for now. He stretched back up “If you going to keep hanging around. I can keep it safe here if you want? “ He would hate for the other to get upset that the gift that clearly meant so much already would get destroyed.
“Maybe when we go home, I wanna keep looking at this” He gave a nod. “Sure thing, Cal”
His heart did that little flutter again when he saw the other smile at the nickname. As far as he knew, he was the only one that uses it. That even used the others first name. Cal was definitely the only one that used his, it might make Having a secret crush on your best friend turned roommate a lot harder. But he really couldn’t bring himself for the other to stop. It was nice that the other knew it…and that he used it. Even if only when they were back home.
Cal got pretty tired of the: ‘No Burgerpants and Nicecream Guy aren’t our real names, why would you think that?!’ discussion and apologies. He honestly didn’t care much either way. Having ‘Nice’ and “Guy” as a nickname wasn’t too bad. But he could see how it graded on the other. And the whole, not really bothering to get to know you was also annoying, besides he agreed that ‘Burgerpants' is quite a mean nickname. And was annoyed at Catty and Bratty for spreading it around as much as they had. But he also didn't wanna put Cal into the ‘Have to explain myself’ situation he hated so much. So he called him Bp, when they were out. Like most people currently did.
That and Burgy, cause he couldn’t help the small tease, and the small smile was something he would treasure any time he saw it. It might not be as fond of a smile as when he used the other's real name. But it was close enough for his desperate heart to be enough.
“So what about you?”
“Huh? What?”
The other raised his eyebrow at me
“So how many flowers and gifts did you get?”
“Oh…I…Well..it’s not like…”
The other laughed
“Hey buddy, for one I know how many, little old ladies come here, and you manage to charm every single one of them. So I am sure some of them handed you something and you are too nice to refuse them. Two, you are clueless when it comes to girls flirting with your gay ass, and once again you’re too nice to refuse anyone, so tell me…how much shit you got”
The other was grinning wildly like he had done some perfect detective work. And he had figured him all out He glanced around and when he was sure no one was around, he leaned forward. Close to the others face
“You know, I was planning on sharing some of it, but if you have to be a little shit, I just keep them all to myself” To his delight, the other smile grew and saw his tail doing a happy little whip “What’s this, good little Felix using bad words, what would the mothers think~”
What would they think indeed? He was quite fond of his reputation...even if it was sometimes exhausting to keep up. He adored not having to hold back around Cal. “They would never believe you if you told them”
The other shrugged “Fair…but that’s what's so fun.” He heard some steps coming up the path so he stood back up again. “You are right, but I still have a job to do, so unless you are buying~?”
Cal laughed, “Nah, I steal some at home,” He said with a wink and then pointed at the benches under the gazebo up the small hill nearby. “I’ll be over there, working on the script, get me when you're ready to go, kay”
“Always, good luck” “Thanks, I need it, the sponsors are demanding a stupid scene, so I gotta do a whole overhaul, I tell you the details later, cause it’s Bul-” But he cut himself off, as a mother a child appeared in view” “Well…you get it. Good luck buddy”
He waved and kept glancing at him till he sat down. Even when he was handling his new customer. When the little girl was happily licking at her new treat the grandmother said in a gentle tone. “That you’re boyfriend waiting for you, till you get off dear? “
He felt his face flush completely. “Oh…what..no..he is not…we are not” The old lady laughed behind her hand “Oh I am sorry, you both kept glancing at each other…so I kinda assumed. Little advice from me. Don’t wait around okay? He seems like a good boy.”
He nervously waved his hands around, praying the other wasn’t looking this way and still busy unpacking. “Yeah..well..thanks…I'll keep that in mind…Haveaniceday”
But what…Cal was starting to? He had been looking and he hadn’t noticed, must have been a mistake. “Sorry Dear, didn’t mean to fluster you so much,” “I-it’s fine..”
The woman gave a gentle smile and walked away, her daughter waving at him happily. He waved back, burying his face in his arms for a second.
This wasn’t the first time people had noticed his crush on Callied. He breathed out and glazed at the gazebo, to see the other writing with several notebooks in front of him. Cal tucked his jacket further around himself, he knew the other wouldn’t leave. But he hoped he didn’t catch a cold from sitting in the chill.
And like that time passed pretty steadily, he kept glancing at Cal. Whenever he didn’t have customers, and with it being mid-February wasn’t a lot. Even if it was busier than normal days. He happily chatted with his regulars and waved them off. Apologized when one of his more popular flavors ran out, But luckily people were understanding, if not a bit disappointed. But overall, the day was relaxing.
When the sun started to set, and he checked if he should close shop for the rest of the day, he heard a familiar sound approaching. he straightens himself for the umpteenth time in the last few minutes. He waved at the skeletons monsters, surprised when the two of them stopped in front of his cart.
He spoke with a smile to one of his old neighbors. “Papyrus, What can I help you with? Having a good run?”
Said skeleton beamed as his partner stood a few paces behind stretching. He had only met the new skeleton monster a few times, he looked a lot like Papyrus, he believed his name was Edgar? Edward? He wasn’t too sure.
“Hallo good friend, Could we get two of your sugary cold treats today?”
He gave a smile. “Of course, the usual or want to be adventurous and try something new” Papyrus had been good to him in Snowdin. The guy was obviously not a huge fan of ice cream in the cold like most living in Snowdin had been. But he had been coming back regularly. Saying stuff like ‘Other people need to try this' and ‘I believe you will get so many customers if they just try it’’ He hadn’t gotten the teasing behind the others back some people had been doing, The guy seemed to genuinely want to help.
He also was very particular with his order. Rarely if ever tried something else, and even after he did, saying he liked the flavor, never changing what his regular was. Now on the surface, he had reinvented most of his flavors But he always kept making this one, in case Papyrus wanted to come by…or those people that craved that nostalgia kick.
“Just the usual for us! And how have you been? No date this Valentine's?”
He scooped down, to get the icecreams for Papyrus. “Been doing good. The winter months are always a bit slow and no not this year.”
“Still think that is nonsense, your treats can be enjoyed year-round, people just don’t have standards. And I am sorry to hear,”
“Don’t be buddy, it’s fine.” Papyrus gave him a grin, as he continued with their small order.
“Oh, your bell is still broken I see” He nodded sadly, He had it installed when they came to the surface, it helped people know he was walking around the park, but after getting a few bumps too many, it had fallen off its hook,
“Yeah, probably gotta wait till summer before I can get that fixed, rather keep the saving in case the coolers brake you know” “Yes, prioritizing things is good, I admit I miss hearing it around the park.”
“Me too pal, And here you go,” He handed Papyrus the order “Thank you so much. Sorry we can’t stay much longer, we got plans still.”
“Actually” the other skeleton suddenly said, and he turned to face the other, sharper-boned-looking skeleton "Do you have anything honey flavored, we’re meeting a friend later, and I don’t want to leave him out"
Papyrus's grin grew even wider, which was a sight to behold, but it was undercut cause from a distance he could someone walking on heels, the slight tap, tap of it was a bit annoying. He hoped it wasn’t who he thought it was.
He didn’t lose focus and said with a sad smile. “I don’t’ The other expression stayed neutral, but he swear he could sense a hint of disappointment in his eyes. And he decided “But I got a honey syrup that, goes well with the citrus-flavored one. It only melts the ice cream faster, and I don’t know how fast you are meeting up for it to be worth it for you”
The darker glad skeleton started down the road, then at papyrus then slowly turned back “How long does it take to melt?”
He was surprised. “6 minutes, for it to begin melting, I assume your hands be fully covered in sticky goop in 15” He and Papyrus glanced at each other. Papyrus's grin broadend even wider ‘Our record is 8 minutes…but iIthink we could beat that’ Papyrus stated
The darker glad skeleton pulled out his wallet and said, “Then we take one, and pay now, and excuse our rudeness for we be running right off”
He grinned at them, as he took the payment “No problem at all,” he quickly went to grab the syrup, and kept the nicecream in the cooling for as long as possible, summoning ice to the palms of his hands to help it along. “Also a heads up sounds like a stroller is coming this way, so be careful when you two dash off”
“Impressive hearing as always Guy!, thank you for the warning” Papyrus praised “Indeed impressive” He shrugged “Long ears, and living with younger siblings, you need to know what sounds mean danger’ Both skeletons snorted ‘Tell me about it’ They said at the same time.
He glanced up at them “Ready?” They both nodded “Then here” He quickly handed them the ice cream and they took off, he waved after them and yelled ‘Have a nice day!’ with a big grin.
He glanced back at Cal to see if had noticed the whole thing. Only to see a familiar person standing next to him. Seemed he was right. Charlotte was another bunny monster, she came by often, buying stuff. And he might be dense when it came to flirting attempts from most. But even he had noticed, and trying to hint at her that he wasn’t interested didn’t seem to help. He saw the large number of flowers in her hands. And he really hoped those weren’t for him.
A stroller came into his view so he had to look away. He had been keeping his ears out, in case she came closer. But by doing so he was also able to listen in to bits of the conversation.
“...are…even …here?” Cal's response was a low grumble, and even tho it was lower than Charlotte’s voice he knew that meant ‘ none of your fucking business She continued to be passive-aggressive, and he missed a bit due to taking the young family's order. He tried to listen and work on the order, but their baby started crying. He wanted to curse in his head. But the little family of course couldn’t help it.
When he waved them off he turned back to look at his friend. Cal had a look of frustrated anger but also…also he looked kinda sad. But what he heard next made his own blood boil
“And the flowers, what are you even doing with those? They are really tacky, aren’t they? He would never fall for such a try-hard. So why are you even bothering? You should just throw that ugly shit away, here let me help”
Cal had quickly stood up, but before things could get any type of ugly. He had rounded his own cart, taking off the breaks and walking towards them, saying with a voice that hopefully sounded friendly and not like he had heard the conversation.
He hoped he pulled it off Cal was the better actor. “Hey, Burgy! You ready to go?..” He carefully didn’t address her. As he walked further up the hill, stopping just beside him, The mud and grass that were now in his wheels, was a sacrifice he was willing to make.
Charlotte looked mortified for a second. While he got a raised eyebrow from Cal, who glanced between him and looking pissed off at her. Carefully pulling the flowers to the other side so she couldn’t reach them.
“Yeah…let me just…grab my stuff..”
Charlotte let out a soft cough, probably trying to get his attention, but he ignored her and just looked at Cal instead. “Did you manage to finish your script?” Cal shook his head, quickly gathering his strewn-about papers into his bag.
“Um, excuse me…Guy?” “Oh I am sorry, I am closed for today, if you want some nicecream, you have to come back the day after tomorrow”
Charlotte's face flushed, and he saw Cal, hide a grin in the corner of his eye. She recovered quickly, “Oh no that's fine, I am here to give you something” Glancing at the absurdly large bouquet of roses in her arms, and saw a box behind it. Meeting Charlotte’s eyes again, she was grinning widely, and it took everything not to cringe visibly
“I’m sorry” he forced a polite smile “I don’t take gifts from people that insult my friends” “What?” Charlotte’s eyes tuned to Cal angrily, who was done packing his things and stood beside him. He no longer tried to hide his grin
“I heard you talking as I came over here” Now that Cal's gift was out of her range he didn’t feel like he had to keep up the act of innocence anymore. She looked a bit horrified, but again quickly recovered “Oh, you must have misunderstood me,” she said with a laugh, as Cal glared at her “I was just explaining to him the meaning of those flowers, wouldn’t wanna upset a date, and offered to get rid of it,”
His smile dropped, she was just blatantly lying at this point, And Callied bristled beside him But before Cal could say anything” he said “I don’t take anything from liars either”
Callied angry bristle turned into a surprised bark of laughter, and he could feel the edge of the grin at his own lips. He continued on looking at Charlotte’s shocked face
“And for your information, I would be lucky to receive such lovely flowers, as would anyone with a bit of taste. Now if you excuse us, we need to go have dinner, you ready to go Bp?”
Cal was still laughing at Charlotte’s shocked face “Yeah, ready, bye bitch” “Burgy~! “ he said mock scandalized, as he picked up the handles of his cart and walked down the hill, leaving angrily stuttering Charlotte behind.
“What? She ain't a customer” He glanced behind them, happy that Charlotte didn’t decide to follow, and harassed them further, as they slowly walked towards the park exit.
Cal was looking back as well, seemingly happy to leave her as they did, but as their eyes met, there was a sudden uncertainty in his eyes. And he mumbled, almost too low to hear “Did you mean that…about the flowers..” He did his best not to frown, right now he had the feeling Cal wouldn’t interrupt that as him being mad at Charlotte, she had clearly said more nasty things, than just what he overheard at the end. “Every word”
It was near the exit of the park that he decided to stop for a second. The mud from the hill was making pushing his cart harder. And besides the day being pretty relaxing, he had been out longer than he had in months Trying to give his muscles a short rest, before the rest of their walk through the ever-growing monster town. Rolling his shoulder, trying to get a crack out of it.
Cal gave him a sympathetic look. “Long day huh?” “Longer with her dropping in at the end, I dunno how many times I told her I wasn’t interested, and she still tries to ask me out? Sorry you got dragged into that” I Callied rolled his eyes and smacked his arm “What did I tell you about apologizing for what other people do to me” He rubbed the part that Cal just hit, and pouted, “Not to..but this” “Nope, zip it, ain't your fault,”
Callied sighed and shook his head “Seriously, you attractive people have the weirdest problems” He stopped mid-stretch of his other arm, sure he misheard it “What?” he turned to face his friend, who was looking back at him questioningly Did…did Cal find him attractive?... Did he? that...That couldn’t be true right? Right? He had misheard him, right?
“What…did you say?” he felt his face flush He expect Cal to dismiss it, to say something different than what he heard. To maybe laugh, at him not being fully awake. He didn’t expect to see Cal's own face erupt in a blush, and nervously stuttering out half sentences.
He felt his own soul beat start racing up, and before he thought it through he blurted out “You find me attractive?” Callied flushed even harder, tail wagging back and forth, hairs standing straight up like he was frightened. His own face felt very hot as well, but this…this wouldn’t be the reaction of someone that liked him right? Was he horrified by the implications?! He looked down at the ground, trying not to frown. Of course, he misheard, Cal wasn’t interested in him at all. What was he thinking?!
“Nnghg Yes! You idiot, of course, I do” His eyes snapped back up, Cal had crossed his arms and wasn’t looking at him, The frustrated look was a bit undercut by the bouquet he was still holding.
Oh…. His soul was beating a mile a minute, and he felt his face flush even darker. He pressed a hand against it, trying to cool it down a bit. He was pretty sure was smiling like a doofus, but what did that matter? Callied liked him! Okay found him Attractive! But still!! Him! Okay, okay, he really shouldn’t get his hopes up, and probably say something. But he could scream with happiness!
He had a feeling that calling Callied handsome as well would not work out, he would scoff and huff about it. The other didn’t have the highest self-esteem. But the silence was stretching on as he was having an internal freakout. So he opened his mouth to thank Cal, but then, at the last second changed it.
“I am happy, you think so” Even though Cal's cheeks were already quite dark, they turned a darker shade again. Still avoiding eye contact. “Yeah well, when have I ever lied to you?”
His soul was still racing, but he didn’t wanna push Cal more. He was happy with this, an unexpected Valentine's gift just for himself. It was maybe a bit selfish, but he would hold onto this moment for a long time to come.
“Last week, when you told me you didn’t steal the last of my treats” Cal laughed, tension unspooling from him, as his hair and ears flattened again, And it was a good look on him, “I told you I was sorry alright, really thought we had another left!” He gave a chuckle in response. “I know”
Cal had stopped laughing and was looking at him. It was a look he had seen before. It was a rare one, it was the one he had when he was debating taking a big risk. Cal didn’t like to take many risks, some of his biggest hadn’t turned out so great. He understood, but what he didn’t understand was why he was now at the receiving end of one.
The last time he was at the end of it, was when he had offered Cal to look into moving in together and being roommates. Both he and Cal had been struggling to afford to live in the city alone. He had thought that with the two of them working together, they could at least manage to live somewhere decent. A place where by that by the end of the month, they both have a bit of money to spare and set aside for their dreams.
Cal had been hesitant. Of course, he had been. But it had been a good decision, Cal was one of the best roommates he had had. And he was so glad it hadn’t damaged their friendship at all. No, it had grown stronger, as had his feelings for the smaller cat monster.
The look changed into one of determination, he opened his mouth to say something, not sure what he was gonna ask but he didn’t have to as Cal started talking.
“I was gonna give you this later, but now might be more appropriate” Cal's face had scrunched up really small, making it also harder to hear him. When had been the last time Cal had been nervous enough to lose control of his face-morphing abilities around him? He couldn’t remember, Cal took a couple of steps towards him, grabbed his arm, and put a small box in his hand.
He felt his own face start flushing again. wait…it couldn’t be Looking back up at Callieds face, the other murmured “Happy Valentines Day” Their eyes met for a brief second before Cal broke their gaze and stepped away, with a dark flush covering his cheekbones.
His head was reeling, he got a valentines Day gift from Callied…? He got a Valentines Day gift from Callied! Holy shit this was definitely the best day ever, there was a smile on his face, as his trembling hand touched the edges of the gold ribbon holding the lid of the box secure
“Thank you…” he said a bit dazed “You ain't even opened it yet” He didn’t have to look up, to know the other was pretending to look away while following every action from the corner of his eye
“You got me a gift,” He looked back up to meet the others slightly surprised faces “That itself deserves thanks”
Cal spluttered some words, but nothing coherent and his gaze dropped back to the small red box in his hands. He slid the golden ribbon off with ease and lifted the lid, Gasping as he saw what he saw inside. He tried to still his trembling fingers as he lifted up the small bronze bell. A perfect replacement for his cart. He shook it lightly to hear it ring, and he couldn’t help the surprised huff of laughter
“Callied…this is…” Forgetting they were not alone, he rang the bell again. He wanted to burst out laughing, he wanted to cry. In all the time that he worked his little cart, no one ever got him a gift like this. Something that he needed, They got him things to decorate it, but never something he could really use.
And while this might not sound like it would, it did. He had been heartbroken when the previous one broke. It was one of the first things he bought from himself after he stopped living with his parents. The cart had been a hand-me-down from his grandfather, and it had been him who had taught him the art of ice cream making. While his parents didn’t discourage him when he worked the cart in the underground. Seeing it as a nice part-time job. They had been less than happy, that he wanted to keep it going and start his own business.
But he persisted, managed to get an economics degree, and was managing on his own, and one day. He will achieve his full-on dream of owning a parlor. But for now, his small cart was what served him. The little bell had been his own idea. It attracted customers with its sound, taking a hint from the little tunes, he heard the human ice-cream cars liked to play
It had been for that at first, But it had turned into something that meant so much more and that, was the kids. All kids loved rigging the small bell. He let kids ring it after buying something. And it could brighten up any kid's day.
He don’t know how many nights he had sat on the couch, curled up and sad at all the kids he had to disappoint now that it had been broken.
Cal had tried to distract him from the sad thoughts that could sneak up on him so unexpectedly. Doing everything watching movies with him, and playing games But it didn’t always work. But now...
He had clutched the small bell close to his chest. “Thank you…” his voice cracked a bit and he laughed. Feeling a bit embarrassed, here he was, in the park, nearly crying over a bell.
“Yeah…you shouldn’t have to wait till summer to spread joy” He let out another laugh, quickly wiping away the few stray tears. He carefully put the bell back in the box. Still holding it close to his chest. He didn’t know what to say, That thank you wasn’t enough, cause this was the most wonderful thing he had ever gotten in his life. It was then that he remembered something, it wouldn’t hold a candle to this gift, but he was sure it would make Cal happy.
“I actually got you something too…but I left it back home, didn’t want to risk it getting damaged”
Cal had been looking very proud and happy. Turned to look very surprised, himself, eyes growing larger for a second.
“You got me a gift?” Callied asked hesitantly, And he gave a nod “...for today?” He gave another nod, his own face still flushed “Why…?”
Callied sounded so unsure like he couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t surprised the other questioned it, he heard the many, far to many stories of people trying to set him up for fun. If you think he be offended that the other didn’t trust him, you be wrong. He would have been more worried if he had just accepted it. It would have meant, Cal had felt like he had to accept it.
He gave a smile. There had been many reasons he got the gift. Because of his crush on him. Because of the fact that Callied deserved some nice things. Because he likes seeing him happy. …but in the end, he settle on saying what was the most true
“Because I wanted to”
Cal avoided his eyes, and he gave another light chuckle, “You want to put your flowers in the storage compartment before going on?” Deciding to keep going, Let Cal, think about what this meant on his own. Hopefully coming to the correct conclusions
Cal gave a nod, as he undid the lock, and opened the hidden latch from the side. Cal bend down and carefully put the flowers in, then he held out his hand,
“Let's put that here to…to keep it safe”
A surge of warm feeling came over him, and he very carefully put the small gift box back in Cal’s hand. Cal reached forward, before his eyes widened, and quickly snatched the golden ribbon that had fallen to the ground in his admiration of the gift, and tied the lid close with a quick knot.
Cal rose again, still with a slight flush on his cheeks. Cal closed the hatch, it locked into place “There we go..” he mumbled. He reached over heart racing, as he gently covered the others hand and gave it a squeeze “Let’s go..”
The trip home was spent in mostly silence. He wondered what was going through Cal's mind at the moment. What would he be thinking of, would he be thinking of the gift, or was he still questioning his motives? Was he wondering if he made the right choice back in the park? And what did this whole thing mean for them anyway? This gift, the small wonderful little gift, just thinking about it made his heart start racing again. He hopes his face wasn’t as flushed as it felt.
Cal had gotten him something that meant so much. Something that Cal knew meant a lot to him, and given it today. ‘Happy valentines Day The words were still echoing in his mind, along with the look he had gotten. There had been something in there, desperate and pleading for him to understand. It had been buried deep. He hoped he was right, that maybe, just maybe. Callied felt the same as him. But he didn’t dwell on that thought for long. He would focus on getting Cal his gift. To show him he cared for Cal as well, However, Cal was gonna take that. He’ll see how he handles it when they get there.
They arrived in front of their small apartment building, and he spoke up to put his little plan into action. “How about you go up and turn the oven on, while I go lock up the cart? Then I can give you the gift while we wait for the pizza to heat up” It was best to let Cal think he forgot, didn’t want him to jump to the wrong conclusions. “Yeah sure,” Cal wasn’t looking at him but he didn’t push it.
“Thanks, I’ll be sure to be quick” and he steered his cart to the basement door of their complex. But quickly turned around to say to the retreating back of his roommate “And maybe look for a vase for those flowers?” He got a thumbs up, in return and he left for the basement
He had been very happy when they found this place, the basement of the complex had a little ramp that let down too, and several garage boxes, that you could rent for extra storage. Most people in the building, if they rented one, used theirs for their motorcycles which helped them get quicker around the city. For him, it was the perfect place to safely keep the ice cream cart. And the apartment itself wasn’t too shabby either, a small two-bedroom apartment. Big enough to give each other the space they needed. Cal had said that some of the tech crew had joked it kinda looked like they were living like a married couple. And it was something he couldn’t unsee himself.
Quickly going through the routine of emptying the till, taking the coolers out, and taking everything out of the storage. Double checking, he locked everything, he took the coolers, money, gifts he got from customers, the bouquet, and Callieds gift. And quickly but carefully headed back upstairs.
He heard the oven as he stepped into their small apartment. As well as some clinking of glasses. He glanced into the kitchen and saw Callied searching their topmost cupboard...Having to use his magic to stretch out and reach it. It made him smile, and he continued onward to the living room, setting everything beside the coolers on the table.
“Cal? The bouquet is on the table!”
He didn’t hear a response and continued on to put the coolers in his bedroom. He put them in the corner with the rest of his stuff for the cart. Writing on a sticky note he had to clean his cartwheels, and placing it on his laptop so he would see it. The coolers need a good cleaning as well, but that was something for tomorrow. For now, he quickly went over to his desk and grabbed his gift from the bottommost drawer.
Letting out a shuddering breath, his soul started racing as he went back to their living room. He had been surprised with how easily he had kept it hidden in their own home, but he had now, he just hoped the other liked it. Hiding the gift behind his back, he heard a sudden shout
“Ah! Found you, you bastard!” and he gave a chuckle, as he heard the faucet go “Mission successful? “ he called out A moment later, Cal appeared with a half-full vase and a triumphant grin. Nervous and thoughts of the gift were briefly forgotten it seemed. “Clearly, knew we should have one, pretty sure one of your aunts gave us this thing”
He shrugged, he honestly couldn’t remember. It was in the back of the closet for a reason. His smile grew as he saw Cal, carefully put the flowers in the vase, arranging them, so that all would be visible, and none swallowed up.
He shuffled up to the couch and sat beside Cal, as he continued to work on it. The card was set safely aside, next to the box containing his own gift. His soul skipped another beat as he looked at it. Filling him with warmth and a reminder of why was doing this, and he cleared his throat to get Cal's attention.
Cal seemed slightly surprised to see him so close, and he gave the other a shaky grin, Pulling the gift from behind his back, Cal’s eyes snapped to it. His face shrinking slightly, he hoped it was not a bad sign.
He found it cute really, the way Cal's face seemed to morph into so many different expressions. This time thou, it was making his anxious heartbeat impossibly faster. He took another calming breath. And said softly
“Happy Valentines Day, I really hope you like it”
He carefully handed the rectangular wrapped gift to him. Cal's hands shook a bit as he took it. Holding carefully and put it on his lap, fingers gliding over the paper, He noticed Cal look up so he did too, giving him what he hoped an encouraging smile
“Go on…open it.”
Cal started into his eyes a moment longer, like he was reading him, trying to figure out what his motifs were. He wonders what he found. He had nothing to hide, not from Cal, Even his feelings for him, as close to the chest as he held them. He never really hid them. Maybe not show how deep they truly went, but hide, no not fully. Don’t think he could.
But he had known his place, at least. He was Callieds friend. Best friend even, and that was enough. Callied trusted in him, and he trusted Callied. Would do anything for him, but that wouldn't change. Romantic feelings or not. Or maybe he had always had a crush on his best friend, long before he realized it. Who knows... This gift he had prepared. He hadn’t meant it as a show of his feelings for Callied. No, it was meant to show Callied he mattered, that his dreams mattered. This gift was nothing like that bronze little bell, but it would show Callied he cared, and with it that this. Whatever this here is. Was welcomed.
Callied extended one claw, to carefully slice through the tape holding the packaging together. When all was done and the other was slowly folding open the wrapping paper, his soul started racing once more. Revealing the simple red bound book, he saw the brows furrow in confusion. Carefully flipped it over, but there was no title on either side.
Cal eyed him questioningly, but he only gave an encouraging nod,
He saw the others eyes widen as he opened the first page, even further when he quickly started flipping through the rest. He saw surprise and awe in the ever-growing eyes. “Felix…” His soul made a happy little flutter as he heard his name. As Callied swallowed nervously. “Felix’s…what..what is…”
He chuckled warmly. He looked down at the book, It was a custom-ordered scrapbook. The pages were paper, and you could slide a picture on every page, On one page it is in the corner, the other in the middle, and it could be rotated slightly. And he had filled the first couple of pages himself.
“You said you wanted something you could show old and new kids in the theatre. Get them to reminisce, and be inspired. Thought it would help”
He had chosen different types of pictures. Some of the kids at opening night, in the middle of a scene they worked so hard on, Another photo of Cal helping out the tech crew. A group shot of the cast at the end of one of the plays. All of the photos he had surrounded with text and stickers, or even tickets of the shows It were just six pages, he wanted the rest to be filled by Cal. So on the last page, he left just the photo, no text.
The theatre's budget was small, what they got usually went to costuming and props for the next show. Something that preserved what they’d done, more than just the single wall of cast photos in the staff room. It proved these kids were making something. That their work could be used to help the new kids.
He saw the other reading the texts he wrote and he chuckled “I hope I captured what you loved about these moments, You told me all about it for hours, but to just put them in a few words, was a bit harder. But..you get the idea of it, right? Do You like it”
Cal nodded, eyes still going over every single word. He smiled as he saw the others absorb the pages he had made. His chest felt warm and satisfied. He did well. This was something that Cal could use, but also for himself, to see what he achieved. To never forget the little victories. He reached forward and gently squeezed the others hand for a second before standing up. Happy to let the other enjoy it for a while. “I’m glad you like it, I go throw our dinner in the oven okay?” He stood up, letting go of the other. But as he took two steps he heard a soft
“Felix..?” “ yeah?” He said turning back around to see, Cal carefully closing the book and setting it on the table as he stood up. “What is i-” He got cut off as Cal moved forward and enveloped him in a hug.
He looked down surprised, to find Cal's head buried in his chest. And he wasn’t able to control his blush, as he slowly warped his arms around Cal in return. “Thank you…” he heard softly.
His soul beat raised again, as did the flush in his cheeks Because Cal was definitely hearing that. But Callied didn’t let go, quite the opposite, he seemed to hold on a bit tighter. So slowly, ever so slowly he rested his head on top of Cals. Feeling the others soft fur against his face, the tips of Cal's ears against his Jaw.
“No…thank you, my gift is nothing compared to yours” Cal shook his head lightly, beneath him “No…yours is..” Then he heard the other let out a sigh, and a slight chuckle “I aint doing this, ‘no you’ game”
He chuckled softly himself, squeezing Cal closer to himself. He was gonna enjoy every single second he got out of this embrace. “Would you….would you still have given it today?…if I hadn’t given mine?”
He gave a nod, “Yeah, yeah I had planned to give it today” He heard the other take a shuddering gasp, the arms that were wrapped around his waist moved up to hold onto his back instead. Making him feel more surrounded by the other's presence. And it took everything in him to not squeeze back harder.
“If-if Charlotte hadn’t shown up, you wouldn't have complained, and wouldn’t have said what I did. And I think…I think I might have chickened out on giving you mine…”Cal admitted, sounding guilty,
His soul was nearly stammering out of his chest. The other had gotten it for the purpose of giving it today. TODAY! Of all days, a valentines Day present. It could still have been a gift for a friend. Part of him still expected it to be just that. But another part, a hopeful part that he stifled so many times, through the past few years, was screaming at him to not be so blind.
“That’s okay” he whispered “Knowing you, you would get your message across either way” There was a slight tremble going through Callieds frame, and he pulled back slightly. Trying to check on him. Callied did as well, meeting the other's eyes and freezing in place. Never had he seen them from this close. And he was mesmerized by them, trying to commit the shade of brown to memory. And Callied was staring right back, a flush was covering both their cheeks.
“Fuck…I am hoping I am reading this right, if not…sorry”
Before he could react, or even fully understood what Cal had set. One hand had let go of his back, come to the back of his head, and pulled him down into a kiss. His eyes widened, and his blush deepened. Cal had closed his eyes and was pressing closer clumsily. His brain did him a solid and not overthink, and he pressed his lips back against Cals. It took a few tries but as his own eyes closed, their lips had found a rhythm. Softly gliding against each other back and forth.
He raised one hand to cup the others cheek and keep him close. Callieds tail was whipping excitedly back and forth. His own was probably twitching as well. As the realization that he was kissing his best friend was washing over him. His best friend, Who’s lips were currently still pressing against his own. That he now knew tasted lightly of ginger. Whose fur was stuck between his fingers as he held their cheek.
That was blushing just as brightly, keeping him close just as tightly. And he responded to every questionable move of lips with an answer of his own. But the need to breathe did soon come, and they pulled apart. Not far, he could still feel their breaths fan over their faces. Their eyes met again, and they leaned in once more.
This time he could feel a tongue probing at his lips and he didn’t hesitate to open them. Pulling the other closer against himself. Feeling the heat rise beneath his fingers, gently stroking the cheek with his thumb. Trying to tamper the noise he made as tear tongues touched. Callied's hand moved from the back of his head to the top, scratching lightly between his ears, Wich he felt twitch in response.
His soul was hammering against his chest, and he could feel Cals hammering in turn. Callieds tail had wrapped itself around the arm that held Callied to his chest. He was having trouble keeping up with all the sensations flooding him. This time Callied pulled away, panting lightly. And he looked down at him, his lips wet, eyes wide. He was gorgeous.
He had to stop himself from leaning in for a third kiss. But he wanted to, he wanted so badly to just keep on kissing. And as he looked at him, the words that he had kept locked away for so long. For years and years tumbled out of his mouth.
“Love you” His cheeks couldn’t possibly grow any darker, and he felt the heat spread down his neck and chest. He saw Cal's eyes widen once more. And he felt his nerves rise, scared. Oh so scared he had screwed everything up. That this couldn’t be what he thought it could be. That he had just ruined the best relationship he had. And then a slow smile broke over Callieds face.
The hand on his head slid down till it was cupping his cheek. He felt the thumb stroke his cheek. And with a dark flush on his own face Callied whispered back
“I love you too”
Oh… Oh…. He felt himself start to shake, then laugh. Cal loved him…Callied Loved HIM! And then he picked the other up and spun them around as he kept laughing “Woah! Hey! Carefully you big buffoon” But Cal was laughing as well, there was no heat in the words, as he was clung to just as hard.,
He kept swaying them back and forth. He pressed a kiss against the others cheek, something he had wanted to do for ages. Then he pressed another a bit higher, then another, and soon he was leaving kisses all across Callied's face.
“F-felix~! “ the other laughed loudly, half-heartily trying to pull away, “Come on, haha, Felix!!!” He didn’t stop for a second, He was gonna shower Cal with all the love he could muster. Then he felt two hands grab his face holding it in place. And suddenly the roles reversed. Cal started leaving pecks all across his face.
He felt his face turn its darkest shade yet as he laughed. Happily, deliciously, not really knowing how to react now that the affection was turned to him. The kisses slowed down, a last one placed on the tip of his nose that twitched in response.
Cal let out what could only be described as a giggle, face quickly flushing at the realization. He leaned forward, letting their noses touch. Nuzzling them together softly. If was soft, and he finally got why there were nose-nuzzling championships underground.
He did it again, just to feel that warmth spread. Cal shyly returned the favor, He felt his hand shake against the other's waist. If he just tilted their heads, they could kiss again. Something in the others shy seeming eyes changed. It was small, like a flicker of understanding.
“Felix…?” His own cheeks burned, and Cal still sounded a bit out of breath. His hand had fallen to the others shoulder, and he squeezed it briefly. Cal turned his head slightly, their lips almost brushing. He felt his own eyes widen as he looked into Callieds eyes. A question, was in there, as were nerves. But this time he took the step. And slotted their lips together once more.
He was sure he would never get tired of this taste. If Callied would let him of course. The hands cupping his face were holding him in place. But had no intention of going anywhere. He was also quickly getting addicted to the others taste, this warmth, this love. Reaching up a hand to cup the back of the others head, Pushing him further against himself, Changing direction as he felt his fingers brush against Cal’s ear. Scratching at the base, and feeling them move against his palm.
They stayed like that for a while, hands holding cheeks, ears, and the back of each other's heads. Jus slowly learning what the other liked, until eventually they slowly parted, lips swollen. And their bodies slightly trembling. Giving Cal a last slightly trembling kiss on the forehead, and then being pulled down and receiving one in return. They slowly let each other go. Leaving a bit of space between them.
He started down at his…. Could he call Cal his boyfriend now? Was that allowed? It still kinda felt like he was dreaming. All of this was kinda to good to be true.
“So..” he mumbled “That happened “ Cal averted his eyes to the side, the blush still on his face “Sure did..” He tried to suppress another chuckle but didn’t manage “I am glad it did..”
Something in Cal's shoulders relaxed, and he felt himself relax with it as well “Yeah…me too”
Both of them just kinda stood there with grins and blushing faces before Callied pointed a thump over his shoulder and asked “Pizza?” He let out a startled laugh “Pizza��
They could figure out, the details of this new relationship later. For now, some celebratory food sounded great. After they put the pizzas in the oven, they leaned against the counter, waiting on the timer. He listened with a smile to Cal’s story of what the sponsors were demanding him to add to his next play. While he gave some small anecdotes about his day. It was chipping away at the weight of everything that had changed, and reassuring them both. That at the same time, they were the same as they had always been
And as they sat at the table mid-way through eating their pizzas. It was that he reached over, and took Cals’unoccupied hand. Callied put down the slice he was about to take a bite out of. Gaining a light flush on his cheeks once again.
He squeezed the hand softly “Happy Valentines Day…Callied” He felt the small tremble in his hand, but he could also see the way the others mouth slowly curved up “Happy Valentines Day, Felix”
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sp00kywrites · 9 months
Tumblr media
He's so obvious oh my god-
Literally burning holes into the person's head, with a blank expression to.
Would just lean his head on your shoulder and subtly try and make you leave with him. Wouldn't really confront the guy verbally.
But you could tell from his body language.
When you finally leave hell be so clingy and insecure.
definitely thinking you're gonna leave him for somebody cooler.
Please reassure him it means so much♡
Would take kisses as a sorry
On the cheek in his forehead lips, anywhere else is fine. Just give him a quick peck.
Also, watch his favorite movie with him, too! Coraline, comfort movie, really. And some snacks and comfy clothes. He'll fall deeper in love.
Then, just fall asleep in his arms. All he could ask for is you.
For this scenario, I'll pretend the guy making burgerpants jealous is the nice cream guy AKA felix
You punched Felix's shoulder when he made a kissy face. Giggling like a kid, you've been friends with the moron for years. People even thought you were dating,you shook those awkward memories away. Don't wanna ruin the good mood.
You feel a fluffy sensation on your shoulder, slightly cranking your neck downward. You stare at burgerpants who buried his head in your nape. "Hey, you okay?" You tried to grab his hand, but he pulled away. "I left the oven on. We should leave." He crossed his arms and began to walk, oh! He was jealous. It was rare for him to be jealous.
You felt a smile creep on your lips, running towards him. You took his hand in yours. "Hey, you know we're just friends, right? Me and felix are just friends." You tried to get him to look at you. He averted eye contact. "Yeah...hey you not gonna... leave me? Right?" He finally looked you in the eye.
"What!? No, I would never EVER ever." You paused as you opened your car door. "Leave you. Okay? That's the dumbest thing you ever said." You gave him a quick peck on the nose. "Seriously. I love you." You yanked open the car door and sat inside,he did the same.
"I love you too."
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My updated character list: (characters I will write for)
Leo, raph, mikey, donnie
Leo, raph, mikey, donnie, casey.
2003 TMNT:
Leo, raph, mikey, donnie, Casey, usagi.
Saitama (Platonic or familial only)
Leorio, kurapika, illumi, uvogin
Gon, killua, hisoka (Platonic or familial only)
Excalibur (platonic or familial only)
Sans, papyrus, mettaton, nabstablook, burgerpants.
Flowey (Platonic or familial only)
Sans, papyrus.
Sans, papyrus.
Sans, papyrus.
Sans(Cobra), papyrus(Libra), Knifepants(burgerpants)
Flowey (Platonic or familial only)
Neighthan, Duece, Clawd, Heath, Hoodude.
Tom lucitor, Marco Diaz, Toffee.
Janna (Platonic only)
Luka , Adrien, Nathaniel, Mark, Ivan, Felix.
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the-bastards-box · 2 years
10,14,2 for Felix and Venn
2. What’s their date of birth? Do they follow the stereotypes of their zodiac?
Venn - October 3rd
Felix - September 1st
10. Are they a dog or a cat person?
Both are cat people
14. What’s their biggest secret?
Venn - The event of how he lost his tentacle
Felix - He doesn't have secrets really
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blue-shore-hotel · 2 years
17 Tosk and Felix
17. On average, how much sleep do they get at a time?
Tosk - Like a week of sleep, but he doesn't sleep for a month so yeah
Felix - probably a bit below the ammount you're supposed to get
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underimagines · 6 years
How about some platonic Burgerpants and Sans headcanons?
Sans & Felix (B.P.) Platonic Headcanons:
- Bratty & Catty aren’t the only ones Felix has ever smuggled out Glamburgers for, ya know. He shuffles them off to Sans all the time, in return for little things. A coupla’ dog-treats here & there (though he prefers cat-nip). Anything he can smoke that can take the edge off of work.
- They hang out now & then, when one of them gets a break. Felix will head off to Waterfall to cool off from the Core & Hotland’s heat when Sans is at his post. Or Sans will drop by Felix’s pit-stop after one of his stand-up routines for a quick refresher. They’re brief visits, but after a while, they started to kinda pile up the familiarity between the two of them.
- Misery loves company. & they are both miserable, constantly. So, y’know, they love having each others company. Complaining is a common past-time, though they’ve both got little gems of positivity to share with one another now & then. It’s the equal balance of pessimism & optimism that really solidifies their friendship.
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The Undertale Crew ~ Kissing Headcannons
People like me are ruining the fandom. But...
Here y’all filthy sinners. Also, warning: if complete and utter fluff is not your thing, then I advise against reading this post. Also includes PDA and height headcannons because I have no impulse control.
-Soft and gentle. Almost like a face-nuzzle. With his teeth. Because... no lips... He’s actually kinda surprised that you don’t dislike the feeling of literal teeth against your skin, but he doesn’t really complain since, well, you like them.
-Too lazy to always go up on his toes to smooch your face or wait for an opportunity when you’re down to his level (his level is 5 foot. He smol), so you find that he has a fondness for your hand or, if you’re minuscule enough, your neck. Also, he never asks to kiss you. It’s spontaneous and kinda jarring because, y’all could be doing nothing when surprise motherf*cker you just smooched the skeleton.
-Caution: he might fall asleep half-kiss if you’re lazing around during it, and/or there is a 99.99% chance he’ll follow the display of affection with a display of puns on said affection. Bad puns. Stop him.
-Likes to receive kisses on the cheek. Not too much effort, but he knows you love him. Plus, you’re lips are soft, and he enjoys the feeling of them on his bones. They’re nice, but he doesn’t want to abuse his privilege, so he won’t demand much of you.
-When you lounge around with him, there is a high percentile chance he’ll nudge your temple once or twice. It’s lethargic and faint, but you know it’s there. He just wants to make sure you still tolerate his presence, no biggie.
-Overall there isn’t a lot of kissing initiated by him, but he’s contented with you just being there, and he makes sure his lethargic opposition to PDA and/or excessive apathy doesn’t get in the way of you fully understanding that.
-Boisterous, and usually painful because his overzealous nature can get in the way of the common sense that his teeth hurt like balls clunking against your comparatively squishier lips that exuberantly.
-But sweet and genuine kisses nonetheless, swollen bruises aside.
-Picks you up in a swinging hug almost every time without fail. Will make you feel fairly dizzy by the end of it, and not just because of the affection. Will also trigger fear of heights if you have it, probably. Because, I don’t know, a 7 foot something monster is picking you a few feet off the ground? He might accidentally throw you once in a while. Whoops, nope, he didn’t mean to do that. Forgive him.
-Likes to proclaim his uttermost feelings to you in-between smooches. Even in public. PDA to him has no bounds. If you’re uncomfortable with that amount of... zest being shown to others outside of your home, he will pitifully attempt to restrain himself until you get back to the house.
-He just loves you too much, dammit.
-He likes any and all kinds of kisses, but has a squeamish dislike for French-kissing. It isn’t because of you, or anything, of course. He just feels as if it’s too... scandalous to be doing on a normal, everyday basis. Also, the tongues. Why. It just doesn’t look like a good time to him, and he’ll be hesitant on trying it.
-Fuhuhuhu kissing is for the weak, nerd!
-She is weak. She is very weak.
-Passionate as all hell, she’ll pick you up and proceed to nearly cut your face into slivers with her sharp teeth. If she isn’t able to lift you (which would be a very rare occurrence, since she’s strong AF and 6′ 5″) or you’re just that much taller than her, she’ll wrap her arms around your neck to plant a few than just one on you.
-It usually ends with a kind of breathless ‘Fuhu! Love you, babe!’
-She doesn’t mind PDA, but she is very respectful of your boundaries and will even stop being so brash if you kindly ask her to subdue her muscles, because they’re hard and painful and she often underestimates her own strength. She might be a little downtrodden that she’s accidentally been hurting you, but she’ll take whatever measures it takes for it never to happen again.
-Like Papyrus, kissing with her has no bounds. But, unlike Papsicle, she can 100% do French-kissing and will. She enjoys smooches on the lips or anywhere on her neck, and she will just melt if you start to kiss her scars or gills.
-Chaste, shy, and barely-there. She’ll also stutter out many apologies afterwards, or, if not that, you’ll hear a quiet ‘hhhhnnnnnnnn’ when she hides her reddened face in her claws.
-Very smol at 4′ 4″, you can lift her and smooch her at the same time.
-Very embarrassed and blushy but loves you very much and will take all of you abuse undying displays of your utmost love and cherishing with minimal internal death.
-That being said, she will flush and bear it through PDA, but you’d have a pistachio-sized brain to even imagine that she’d return the favour outside of closed doors. The second you get home, she might be comfortable with a few kisses, but before that she Suffering.
-Likes all kisses that don’t involve the lips or anything below the neck. Cheeks, foreheads, noses, ears, even eyelids are all acceptable places to smooch her and she will 100% appreciate.
-Motherly and... you have to remind her that you’re her S/O and that she can kiss your lips, otherwise she’ll just be very self-conscious about it until the day she dies.
-Very fluffy and tender. She usually bends down to plant one on your temple or on your head, but when she’s sitting with you and your heights are then similar, she goes for your cheeks and nose. And what I mean by similar heights, I mean she’s 8 foot something and she’s almost 99% of the time taller than you.
-Nose-nuzzle champions 20XX, no effort required. None.
-PDA is a bit stilted in public, both because of awkward height-differences and awkward social situations. She is usually surrounded by children 24/7 and would rather not be a bad influence upon their behavior... but she is more than willing to hold your hand in her paw or nudge your temple once in a while.
-Likes ear-kisses. They tickle both you and her, sure, but if you want to see her begin to giggle semi-immediately, just attack her floofy ears with smooches. (You also might get some hair stuck on your lips, please pardon her).
-What kiss? I’m allowed to kiss you? Since... when?
-You have to tell him that you like him very much and that he 100% has permission to smooch you to get him to even attempt stealing one.
-A bit gruff because he underestimates his enthusiasm at times, but his big muzzle and heaven-sent beard make up for it. It’s so s o f t. Literally God’s gift to your face. His beard feels like it’s made of the inner layer of fur off of a Siberian Husky. And, if you know what I’m talking about, you know that that shit is fluffy.
-Has a weakness for your cheeks and jawline because you complain that it tickles. He will tease you to no end about it and there is a 1000000% chance he will continue to pester you with his floof.
-PDA is... inelegant, per say. He’s most likely way taller than you (nine foot something, anyone?), so it’s much more noticeable than if he was about your height, and people are watching, and he’s worried you’ll get bullied because of him being your boyfriend, and- save him.
-His favourite kisses include nose-kisses and cheek-kisses. Smooch this man on the nose. Become the next nose-nuzzle champions. (Although he might be insecure about doing it again; it brings back some bad memories for him).
-He’s a literal kitten when it comes to this. He becomes really cuddly and giggly, and you can almost always tell when he wants to kiss you because his flames flare a bit and he adjusts his glasses, not looking at you straight in the eye and crumpling his posture.
-Very warm, genuine, and wholesome, just like him. If he gets permission to kiss you, he tries his best not to let his shyness get in the way of giving you the best smooch he has to offer. It feels as if you’re being enveloped with a fresh-out-of-the-dryer blanket and you’ve just stuffed your face into it, although with the literal Godsend of a ginger, loving, utterly sincere kiss.
-Not gonna lie; he’s the best kisser out of everyone on this list, and is the only person to truly treat kissing as a Big Deal, besides Nabstablook. Also, his first kiss was likely you, as he did not have any prior relationships Underground. Every kiss is treasured with him and he will never forget a single one.
-PDA is a bit overbearing, to be honest. Like Grillby, please, for the love of God, stop hanging off of my arm-! He just loves you too much, dammit. Whenever you enter the bar, whenever you’re on any public dates, whenever anything happens, you will most likely get a face-nuzzle and a few kisses on the cheek from your favourite, six foot fiery boyfriend. If he wasn’t such a kitten, he’d be scary as hell at that height and with that amount of fire (pun intended).
-He likes any kind of smooches, really. As long as you’re willing to provide them then he is Down.
~W.D. Gaster~
-You thought Grillby acted nervous when asking for a kiss? Ha!
-He wrings his hands together, sweats, stutters and almost gives up because he finds that he looks pathetic like this. Pick up on the slight changes in his mood or habits and you’ll know when he wants something like this, saving you both the ungraceful dancing-around-each-other.
-Gentle, a bit shaky, and dry because goddamit, Gaster, can you just take care of yourself and drink water like a normal person but otherwise very heartfelt and sweet. Kinda tastes like cherry lollipops or sriracha sauce but shhh accept it.
-Has to bend waaaayy down to smooch you, but he can and will do it. It’s kinda funny to see an 8 foot monster basically at a 90 degree angle, and you better tease him about that because it gives his face the most adorable dusting of lavender you will ever witness.
-PDA is everywhere. He loves to hold your hand, link arms with you, and, if you let him, he’ll kiss the literal hell out of your face. Loves to rest his head on yours or have you lean up against his chest because then he knows you’re there, you’re his, and you’re not going anywhere.
-He enjoys whatever kisses you’re willing to give him. Just... smooch his entire face. Return the favour. Assert your dominance. Start a war.
~Burgerpants (Felix)~
-He won’t initiate kisses. He just won’t. Too nervous. Too insecure. What if you don’t want to be kissed? What if you don’t like smooches? What if you actually don’t like him? What if- save him.
-His tail swishes, his ears flatten, his fur and paws get hot, and you can hear the faint rumble of a purr in his chest when you lock lips. It’s an unsure AF kiss, but you know he loves you when he goes as far as kiss you when you ask. He also tastes like cigarette smoke and fruit-flavoured vape, but don’t mention it if you don’t want an even more self-loathing kitten on your hands. You’ll also probably get cat fur on your lips and in your mouth. Sorry ‘bout that.
-Is a bit short at 5′ 9″ (well, at least, to him he’s too short), so there’s a chance that he has to physically move more than he’d like to in attempt to smooch your cheek. It makes it 100000000% more embarrassing, and gives a thousand more situations that won’t go wrong, but he thinks they will anyway.
-PDA is stunted. There is none of it. He’s too Anxiety-Ridden for that. He’s also terrified that Mettaton will see you hanging around the burger joint and fire him as well as give you both bloody ears. He might hold your hand in his paw or wrap his tail around your legs if he really likes you enough, though.
-He’d be surprised that you’d want to kiss him, so he’s accepting of all smooches. But don’t be shocked when sometimes he doesn’t want one. He’s a cat. What do you expect? Cats are assholes sometimes, live with it. You’re the one who went so far as to find a boyfriend in a cat, so accept the consequences of his moments of being a prick.
~Nicecream Man (Nicey/Bleu)~
-This goober loves you so much. Too much. He’s all over you at all times during the day, and he doesn’t ask for kisses before he initiates them. They’re all just sweet nuzzles with his velvety-soft nose with the ‘mwah!’ sound effect afterwards, but he’s too much of a cornball to care how sappy he is.
-You know the Thumper thing? Yeah. When you smooch, his ears twist like pretzels and his foot involuntarily thumps against that ground. He probably won’t fall to the ground every time you two snuggle each other’s faces, but the first time you two kiss, he’s definitely falling to the floor in a melted, lovestruck puddle of joy.
-He tol at 6′ 3″, and he’s very lanky so he most likely is gonna lean down do that he can smooch your cheek. And, even if he is that much of a tower, he still hangs off of your arm (like a child) and wraps his fingers around yours, letting his head rest on your head.
-PDA is everywhere. Like, gross, get a goshdarn room. There are no limits to him, but he will be respectful of your boundaries if you set any. He gives you personalized Nicecream messages within the wrapper, and most are so bad. ‘Love you, beautiful!~~~’ ‘*Kiss* >//u//<’ ‘You’re the light of my life and you should never forget that. If you do, I’ll give this to you again.’ ‘You’re the most perfect person to ever-’ I think you get the point.
-Likes the kind of kisses that are light but chaste. The cheesier the better. He’s not really the passionate romantic, he’s more of the ‘buy them dinner and take them on a moonlit walk in the park’ kind of guy than the ‘butter then up so they’ll screw me’ douche. So his romantic advances are mostly just in hope of cuddles and sweet words.
-This darling loves you, don’t get him wrong. He adores every piece of your body and every fragment of your SOUL. He’d trade the rest of his life for another day with you if you were on your deathbed. But he cannot give up his fame. His stardom. You will be all over every media whether you like it or not, and there will most likely be no privacy in your relationship.
-When you kiss, he tries to do it as far into solitude as he can get you two. He wants your behind-the-scenes to be remotely between you and him, because, as you stepped into his life and made him feel things he had never felt, he became annoyed with the fact that paparazzi followed your every movements. It finally got to him with you around.
-He wraps his robotic arms in a burrito around your body, squeezing every plausible area of your outer self with those metallic noodles, picks you up, and then plants one on you; passionate and utterly dramatized, just like him. It’s warm, despite it being metal, and surprisingly malleable. You don’t know how, but okay. You’ll roll with it. Either that situation, or you both are basically trying to meld bodies whilst dancing, hands knowing no boundaries, faces locked in a battle of domination. Pick your battles. Win the wars.
-PDA is a bit of a bitch with the public always trying to breathe down your backs, but Mettaton will always make sure that you’re as comfortable as he can possibly make you when camera flashes begin to stalk you as their prey. It’s not all day every day that the paparazzi tail you both, and only on those days does MTT smooch your cheek and wrap an arm around your waist. Otherwise, he will limit himself to modestly holding your hand or having an arm snugly around your shoulders until you get home, where you’re (hopefully) alone.
-He’s eccentric. He likes kisses with energy, with movement, with... uh... something else going on. He’s a man of passion and vigor, and he strives on dancing and play-wrestling. He also won’t argue if you pin him down and kiss his neck.
~Nabstablook (Nabstabot EX)~
(Background- I headcannon that MTT convinced Blooky to meld into a robotic body once they reached the surface so that he would be more physically pleasing to their new fanbase of humans. Nabstablook wasn’t keen on the idea, but fell for his cousin’s pleads and did it so that MTT wouldn’t be disappointed in him. He never fully became corporeal, though, and can exit his body whenever he pleases).
-Hahahahahahahahaha save him. He doesn’t understand what romantic love is, to be honest. Why does he feel hot in his chest, why is his SOUL feel like its trying to break out of its glass casing? He doesn’t know how you make him feel that way, but he knows that he cares about you and that he feels good in your presence. (MTT soon tells him that he’s fallen deeply in love and suddenly he feels as if he hasn’t done enough for you so cue anxiety).
-His kisses are small and timid, much like him, but you can sense the meaning behind them. He doesn’t take things like that lightly, and you have to respect that about him or else you could very well make him assume he’s inadequate or, even worse, break his heart. He’s also 5′ 3″ in his robot body, so he is smol and adorable and please smooch this bean’s nose because he will blush really hard.
-He shakes when you kiss on the lips, his fans whirring to try and cool his robotic body so that he doesn’t overheat and his hands trembling against your shoulders. He cries a bit every time (and he profusely apologizes) and, the first time you smooch his face, he ends up aborting mission. He n o p e s right out of his robot and that’s probably the first time you see his ghost form. He starts sobbing because he thinks you’ll think he’s appalling and he’s sorry for making you see something like that, so you have to sit him down and go on a spiel that he’s beautiful, no matter what form he takes. Then he cries because he loves you and he’s never heard someone say that about him before.
-PDA is awkward. MTT wants you on every magazine, every TV program, every DJ Napstabot merch item, everything. Blooky gets really anxious when in the eyes of the public, so you both decide that you’d give each other space outside of your homes. Not that he doesn’t love to hug you (because you’re soft and warm and beautiful and he doesn’t know why’d you love someone like him) but he’s bad at life. He has too much social anxiety for that.
-If you want him to blow a fuse, kiss him anywhere but his cheeks. Smooching his neck will cause the most embarrassed squeak you’ve ever heard in your life, his fans buzzing so loud that everything else mutes. He likes being kissed on the cheeks, head, and, once he gets used to it, the lips.
I think that, overtime, you can tell when I got to my favourite characters. Whoops, sorry about that. If you want more in-detail headcannons or fanfiction requests, please don’t be afraid of asking! I’ll happily write you an indulgent fic, if you so desire~
~Mod Jellyfish~
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best-fictional-cat · 1 year
Finally, what you've all been waiting for (probably):
Round 2+ brackets!!!
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(randomised - with very slight adjustments - using a wheel; possibly subject to change in the further rounds but very unlikely)
Group 1
Coco Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse) vs Miyuki (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Slugcat (Rain World) vs Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro)
Behemoth (Master and Margarita) vs Amp / Anp / Anpu (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots) vs Pixie (Pixie and Brutus)
Chi Yamada (Chi's sweet home) vs Rum Tum Tugger (Cats the musical)
Tabby Slime (Slime Rancher) vs Tangy (Animal Crossing)
Cringer / Battlecat (He-man) vs Cinderpelt (Warrior cats)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Scourge (Warrior cats)
Group 2
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods) vs Natsume Soseki (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Domino (Amphibia) vs Shoe + Wagahai (Ace Attorney)
808 (Hi-Fi Rush) vs Niko (Oneshot)
Squirrelflight (Warrior cats) vs T'Ana (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
Hong + On (Trash of the Count's Family) vs Alpine (Marvel comics)
Jaspers (Homestuck) vs Mao Mao Mao (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan (Doctor Who) vs Caroline Coughs (Sparklecare hospital)
Mewo (Omori) vs Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns)
Group 3
Greebo (Discworld) vs Aldwyn (The Familiars)
Simba (The Lion King) vs Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Jenny Linsky (Jenny Linsky, Esther Averill) vs Findus (Pettson and Findus)
Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland) vs Mad Mew Mew (Undertale)
Felix the cat (Paramount) vs Burgerpants (Undertale)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) vs Ghost (The Owl House)
Rosie (Animal Crossing) vs Talking Cat (Rick and Morty)
Hiili (Fox Fires) vs Mew (Marvel comics)
Group 4
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes) vs Tom Kitten (The Tale of Tom Kitten)
Meowthra (Lego Ninjago Movie) vs Jonesy (Alien)
Vodka Mutini / Dr.Meowgon Spangler (Homestuck) vs Lucifer (Cinderella)
Charmmy Kitty (Sanrio) vs Puppycat (Bee and Puppycat)
Nermal (Garfield) vs Lion (Steven Universe)
Spot (Star Trek: The Next Generation) vs Diana (Sailor Moon)
Midnight (Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones) vs Scout (Cattails)
Sakamoto (Nichijou) vs Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Group 5
Periwinkle (Blue's clues) vs Fluffal Cat (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) vs Frumpkin (Critical Role)
Ember (Cattails) vs Nyanky (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Heinkel (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Amanojaku (Ghost Stories)
Khoshekh (Welcome to Night Vale) vs Catty (Undertale)
Kuro (Blue Exorcist) vs Catra (She-Ra)
Juan The Small Magical Latino Cat (Monster Prom) vs Tigger Sugden (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Bungle the glass cat (Oz) vs Potato (Cat loaf adventures)
Group 6
Chairman Meow (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) vs Finley / Jelly Donut (Hustle Cat)
Cattail (Plants vs Zombies) vs Nameless evil white cat (James Bond)
Thomas O'Malley + Aristocats (Aristocats) vs Panther Lily (Fairy Tail)
Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach) vs Jellie (Double Life SMP)
Blake Belladonna (RWBY) vs Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Invisible cat (The Invisible Man, H.G.Wells) vs Haru (My Roommate is a Cat)
Pusheen (Pusheen) vs Yellowfang (Warrior cats)
Kirjava (His Dark Materials) vs Kuroneko-sama (Trigun)
Group 7
Gary the Snail (Spongebob Squarepants) vs Skitty (Pokémon)
Bob (Animal Crossing) vs The Kitty (The Bad Guys)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone) vs Capper (My Little Pony)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service) vs Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi)
The Black Cat (The Black Cat, E.A.Poe) vs Nyako / Meowy (Chainsaw Man)
Tabby Von Meow (Webkinz) vs Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Solembum (Inheritance Cycle) vs Lil' Judd (Splatoon)
Bagheera (The Jungle Book) vs Gatomon (Digimon)
Group 8
Plagg (Miraculous) vs Luxor (Tutenstein)
Meowth (Pokémon) vs Remlit (Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword)
Leafpool (Warrior cats) vs The Cat in the Hat (The Cat in the Hat)
Maurice (Discworld) vs Jemima (Cats the musical)
Xiaohei (The Legend of Hei) vs Artemis (Sailor Moon)
Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots) vs Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Shrödinger's cat (you know the one) vs The Cat (Coraline)
Pasty (Neko Atsume) vs Pangur Bán (Irish poem)
This round will start in a few days, I need a bit more time to make the pictures and arrange the polls ^~^
I think I'll be posting them similarly to round 1 except now each group will be out every 12 hours! I will update you on the exact time this round starts when it's done :)
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crappyartforyou · 7 years
Burgerpants babysitting Frisk headcanons?
Felix:  Burgerpants had to watch Frisk for Mettaton. No question. He watched Frisk in the MTT Burger Emporium, keeping them out of trouble while taking orders and preparing them. He decides, **** it, he’s teaching Frisk how to cook too. He lifts them up and shows them different foods on the menu and how to prepare them. Hey, it kills two birds with one stone! Frisk learns valuable lessons and Burgerpants can keep a close eye on them! When he has to focus more on work, he decides to unlock a room for them to jump on the bed, sleep, whatever. He leaves snacks and a coloring book with crayons to keep them busy. The hotel has security cameras so Burgerpants can watch them and listen to make sure they’re not in trouble.
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noffy96 · 1 year
Nicepants ship child
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( text in picture written out below)
( 'Callied')
- works at local theatre
- director / screenwriter
- writes some shows for MTT
- magic = 'stretchy body'
(especially in the face)
Nicecream Guy
( 'Felix')
- now owns a ice cream palor
-they all live above it
-teaches Roman how to make ice cream
-Has ice magic
- 5 years old
- both magic from parents but weaker
- is incredibly loyal
- loves costumes/ fairy tales
- loves helping in the shop
- BP = Dad. NC = Pops
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Yes I have so many ideas for these two. They where the ones that got me in the fandom. Love to finally draw this again
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harmonytre-reblogs · 3 years
“This is how I think of “shipping”: When you start shipping someone, it starts out as a little sailboat. As hints are seen (in the actual show, movie, book, game, etc.), the sailboat slowly grows larger. When it becomes canon, the boat becomes a giant pirate ship with cannons (get it?). If the people suddenly break up, that means the ship ran into a giant Broken-Love-Iceberg.“
-me (HarmonyTRE)
(P. S. All of these I ship platonically too, and the younger couples are only wholesome. NONE of these I ship in more than romantic ways. And some of them I don’t ship now, but shipped when I was younger so they feel nostalgic. So if the ship seems odd, it’s probably that asdfghjkl.)
Fandom/show/movie/game/short film/etc.
Never Draw
Commission Only
Other Media (short films, comics, etc.)
Live Action
Steven Universe AUs
Undertale AUs
Not Finished/Caught Up
(long, so I’ll put under the cut)
Never Draw:
Frisk/Sans (fr.ans)
Keith/Lance (kl.ance)
Shiro/any of the minor paladins
Papyrus/Chara (?)
Papyrus/Sans (fon.tcest)
Steven/gem ships
Steven/Pink Steven
Commission Only (won’t do for requests, challenges, etc.)
Lance/Allura (Allurance, Cotton Candy, Mr. and Mrs. Blue Lion)
Au Sanses (unless listed, and only if they have clearly different personalities, appearances, and names)
Allura/Shiro (Shallura)
Voltron: Legendary Defender
!Pidge/Lance (Plance)
Keith/Allura (Kallura)
Hunk/Shay (Hunay)
Romelle/Matt (Romatt)
Pidge/Hunk (Punk)
Hunk/Romelle (Hunelle)
Keith/Axca (Kaxca)
James/Ina (Leiffin)
Keith/Pidge (Kidge)
Ryan/Nadia (Kindia)
Lotor/Allura (Lotura)
Krolia/Tex (Krolidad, Krolitex)
Zarkon/Honerva (Zanerva)
Krolia/Kolivan (Kolivan)
James/Veronica (Jamonica)
Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
!Marinette/Ladybug/Adrien/CatNoir (Love square, Marichat, Adrinette, Ladynoir, Ladrien)
!Alya/Nino (DJWiFi)
Mylene/Ivan (Myvan)
Penny/JaggedStone (Jaggenny)
Plagg/Tikki (CheeseCake)
Nathaniel/Alix (Nathanix)
Steven Universe
She-ra and the Princesses of Power (SPoP) {Double Trouble, Glimmer, Entrapta, Wrong Hordak}
!Glimmer/Bow (Glow, Glimbow)
Seahawk/Mermista (Seamista)
Entrapta/Hordak (Entrapdak)
Catra/Adora (Catradora)
Scorpia/Perfuma (Scorfuma)
Spinerella/Netossa (Spinnetossa)
*Star vs. the Forces of Evil (Marco, Janna, Tom, Star}
!Branch/Poppy (Broppy)
Phineas and Ferb
Phineas/Isabella (Phinabella)
Candace/Jeremy (Candermemy)
Baljeet/Ginger (Baljinger)
!Ren/Nora (Renora)
Sun/Blake (BlackSun)
Pyrra/Jaune (Arcos)
Weiss/Neptune (Iceberg)
Velvet/Fox (Zootopia)
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Troy/Benson (Trenson)
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
The Dragon Prince
My Little Pony (MLP)
!Fluttershy/Discord (Fluttercord)
!YonaYak/Sandbar (Yonabar)
DerpyHooves/DoctorWhooves (DerpyWhooves)
PinkiePie/CheeseSandwhich (CheesePie)
Ember/Thorax (Emberax)
Sunburst/StarlightGlimmer (StarBurst)
HTTYD (How to Train Your Dragon) (any show besides Race to the Edge, because I haven’t seen it)
Hiccup/Astrid (Hiccstrid)
Fishlegs/Heather (Feather)
Toothless/Nubless (Nightlight)
Pokemon {seen all but seasons 8-15, 21+}
!Jessie/James (Rocketshipping, KojiMusa, JAJL)
Ash/Misty (Pokeshipping, Sakashipping, Gakishipping, Bikeshipping, Sushishipping, AAML, Twerpshipping)
!Serena/Clemont (Geekchicshipping)
Lana/Sophocles (Sparksurfershipping)
Butch/Cassidy (Neoshipping)
Serena’sSylveon/Clemont’sBunnelby (Fairybunnyshipping)
Brock/Lucy (luckshipping, squintshipping, blushshipping)
NurseJoy/Nicholas (from Celebi episode)
May/Drew (Contestshipping, ShuHaru, DAML, Mew, Day)
Togedemaru/Pikachu (SpikyPika)
Brock/Wilohmena (Sissyshipping)
Glitch Techs
Zahra/Five (?)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Sokka/Toph (Tokka)
Zuko/Katara (Zutara)
Katara/Aang (Kataang)
Suki/Sokka (Sukka)
Rise of the Guardians
Big Hero 6
Gogo/Fred (Gogozilla)
HoneyLemon/Tadashi (Tadahoney)
Your Name (Kimi no na Wa)
A Silent Voice
Leap! (Ballerina)
Victor/Felicie (Felictor)
Inside Out
Anger/Disgust (Angust)
Wreck-it-Ralph (and Breaks the Internet)
Felix/TamoraCalhoun (Hero’s Cuties)
Branch/Poppy (Broppy)
Hotel Transylvania
Jonathan/Mavis (Jonavis)
Smurfs: The Lost Village
Judy/Nick (WildeHopps)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (and 2)
SamSparks/FlintLockwood (Sparkswood)
Lego Movie (and 2nd)
Megamind/Roxanne (Megarox)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
!Toriel/Sans (Soriel)
Undyne/Alphys (Alphyne)
Muffet/Mettaton (Muffaton)
!Nice Cream Guy / Burgerpants (Nicepants)
Sans/Grillby (Sansby)
Gaster/Asgore (Kingdings)
Toriel/Asgore (Asgoriel, Torigore)
Asgore/Rudy (?)
Grillby/Muffet (?)
Royal Guards
Noelle/Susie (Suselle)
Henry Stickmin
Henry/Charles (Chenry, Stickvin)
Riddle School
Other media (short films/comics/etc)
Live Action
Juliet/Shawn (Shules)
The Space Between Us
The Goldbergs
The Greatest Showman
The Librarians (tv series)
!Cassanda/Ezekiel (Casekiel)
Eve/Flynn (Fleve)
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Alex Inc.
JD/Elliot (Jelliot)
The Office
Pam/Jim (PB&J)
Drop Dead Diva
Stranger Things
Mike/Eleven (Mileven)
Nancy/Jonathan (Jancy)
Joyce/Hopper (Jopper)
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
Steven Universe AUs
Feral Beast Steeb
Pink Steven AU
Cactus Steven AUs Blog
LISTEN ALL NIGHT (suf-fering)
Undertale/Deltarune AUs
Timetale AU (Punny Skele-scientist, Allesia the Hedge)
Sans/Alphys (Salphys)
Paper Trail (lynxgriffin)
Susie/Noelle (Suselle)
Overtale (yuramec version)
Sans/Toriel (Soriel)
Sans/Napstablook (Napstasans)
Sans/Toriel (Soriel)
Payryus/Mettaton (Papyton)
Alphys/Undyne (Alphyne)
Sans/Toriel (Soriel)
Sans/Grillby (Sansby)
Gaster/Alphys (Bi-entists)
Rain/Imposter (platonic)
Not finished/caught up
Fruits basket{season 2}
Tohru/Kyo (Kyoru)
Wild Kratts {quite a lot to catch up on}
JimmyZ/Koki (Joki)
My Hero Academia/Boku No Hiro Academia {recent season}
!DenkiKaminari/KyoukaJirou (Kamijirou)
IzukuMidoriya/OchakoUraka (Izuocha)
EjirouKirishima/MinaAshido (Kirimina)
ShoutoTodoroki/MomoYaoyoruzu (Todomomo)
FumikageTokoyami/TsuyuAsui (Tokotsuyu)
MashiraoOjiro/TooruHagakure (Ojitooru)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) (TMNT) {half of final season}
April/Donatello (Apritello)
Leonardo/Karai (Leorai)
Mikey/Renet (Renetangelo)
The Flash {recent 1-2 seasons}
Barry/Iris (Westallen)
!Kaitlyn/Cisco (Snowmone, Snowvibe, Killervibe, Frostvibe, Vibefrost)
Joe/Cecile (Joecile)
Digimon Tamers {missed quite a lot because my brother watched without me}
Juri/Takato (Jurato)
Rika/Ryo (Ryuki)
Kingdom Hearts
Once Upon a Time (OUaT)
CaptianHook/EmmaSwan (CaptainSwan)
Belle/Rumpilstiltskin (Rumbelle)
Regina/Robin (OutlawQueen)
Doctor Who
TheDoctor/Riversong (Twiver)
Amy/Rory (Ponds)
God Friended Me {just part of 1st season}
Heroes {just starting season 2}
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
OK Asriel Dreemurr here to talk about time and character ages and i'd LOVE if others can tell me your thoughts/experiences!!! My relation to other characters is so weird because i knew a lot of them when we were kids and then they grew up after i died and i came back postgame like oh wow! All of my friends are suddenly adults! My burgerpants for example really was my age (like in deltarune!) And it's just so weird. Papyrus was probably about our (mine and Chara's) age too, but i don't really remember meeting him much. About 13? Or so years passed after me and Chara died, so. Undyne was barely older than Chara. I knew her!! She played with me and Chara! And then suddenly i wake up and she's 20something and i'm still 11. Characters that were roughly my age (11): Burgerpants(Felix), Bratty, Catty, Papyrus? Characters roughly Chara's age (13) Undyne, Alphys (Undyne was 13/14 and Alphys was 15ish i think).....Sans i think was an adult already. But when i woke up everyone was an adult suddenly and i felt really isolated. Even though i had Chara they had still spent so much time bonding with Frisk already...Anyway!!! Any other Asriels/Charas/Other characters remember age things like this??
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the-bastards-box · 2 years
OC time! Felix!
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Reference commissioned from @alexmey-does-an-arts (sorry for the tag)
Felix is one of the newer OCs! He's open for asks on my @blue-shore-hotel Ask blog!
Design notes:
He's a Cat Monster
His fur is rather soft and well kept
He Has claws, but doesn't use them much
Character notes:
He's co-owning the Blue Shore Hotel with Tosk
He left his AU after it suffered a genocide route
He's dating Tosk and Reaper and Has a daughter with them named Calico
He treats Joy as his daughter too
He's much happier since he got out of his AU
His birthday is on 1st of September
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blue-shore-hotel · 2 years
How did everyone first end up at the hotel anyways? :0
Tosk: Well I always was here, just one day I woke up here, Felix Heard about this place and decided to stay
Canvas: And I was brought here by Ink years ago
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