#fem!jaune arc
therealmofamorus · 2 years
Smash or Pass: Fem!Jaune Arc of RWBY
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madmanwonder · 1 year
Type: Ask
Summary of the Question: Bleiss notices Jeanne and Garnet hanging together. How does she greet them?
"Want to f$ck?" Bleiss said to Jeanne and Garnet with all of her signature crass confidence. A smirk on her pretty lips as she stared at the baffled duo's with hunger in her blood-red eyes.
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rocknroll7575 · 1 month
Joan: Care to explain what you meant, when you said, it would be "Poggers" if I had a "monster futa cock" to impregnante your "boy pussy" with? Hm? Because I'm gonna be honest... that does sound pretty poggers~!
Walter: YES!
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novankenn · 6 months
They're... ADORABLE! I Must HAVE!
Winter Schnee, had arrived at Beacon to check-up on her sister Weiss. The siblings were having a rather enjoyable reunion of sorts, and were currently taking a stroll through Beacon's Remnant renown gardens.
Weiss: So that is how everything is going so far... and aside from the attention of an a specific individual I am very content to continue my studies here at Beacon.
Winter: I am impressed Weiss. I would have...
Weiss: Winter? Is there something...
Weiss then notices where Winter's attention was focused, and snorted. Seated on a bench in the garden was Pyrrha Nikos, a champion, a huntress-in-training without peer... and her partner, Joan Arc.
Weiss: I have no clue what SHE sees in that!
Winter didn't respond, watching intently as Pyrrha rubbed comforting circles upon the obviously distraught, young woman.
Weiss: That girl... she should know I'm not interested in anything she has to...
Winter: (Giving Weiss sideways glare) Are you the cause of that?
Weiss: (stammering) Well... um... yes... no... (finally composing herself) she's constantly harassing me with date requests, it's been going on for weeks! I needed to put an end to them... she's... she's a stalker!
Winter: THAT ANGEL? How could you?!?
Weiss didn't know what to say as Winter stormed off, directly towards the pair seated on the bench.
Pyrrha: Um... hello? Can I help you?
Winter: I am Winter Schnee, which unfortunately makes me Weiss' sister...
Joan: (Sobbing) I'm sor...
Winter: Enough of that. I'm here to make amends for my sister's treatment of you...
Pyrrha grew a little apprehensive at the hungry look Winter was shooting Joan and her.
Pyrrha: And how...?
Winter said nothing further as she reached down, and with gentle pressure pulled Joan to her feet...
Joan: EEP! (Finding herself suddenly draped over Winter's shoulder)
Pyrrha: Hey put her dow... (Suddenly unable to move) HEY?!?
Winter: None of that! You're both shall be my guests...
Pyrrha: (Struggling against the black glyph that has immobilized her) Guests?
Winter: To my accommodations... that is where I will be making my apologizes to you and this angel... for Weiss' behavior. You two are much too... adorable... I want.
Winter then starts walking, carting Joan like a sack of flour, while also dragging Pyrrha behind her with a glyph.
Pyrrha: WEISS HELP!!!
Weiss: Winter???
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tokufan400 · 5 months
Smash or Pass: Joan Arc (Fem Jaune)
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Arc-Swapped Au: how is Jaune feeling after getting back and getting hear everyone talk about how amazing Jeanne was?
Well that was fast. The first prompt was barely five minutes old, and here someone is already asking for a sequel.
And, I’m answering it…
The Return
Jaune: Hey guys!
Pyrrha: Jaune! You’re back!
Nora: Jaune-Jaune!
Ren: Its a relief to see you again.
Jaune: Naww… Thanks guys.
Nora: Where were you?
Pyrrha: Yeah, we went to bed, and we wake up, and it’s your highly attractive female version of you!
Ren: Quite attractive.
Nora: She was really hot!
Jaune: Of course you’d say that…
Ren: Were the two of you swapped; She came here to your world, and you went to hers?
Jaune: Yeah pretty much; Everyone on Team RWBY were guys, as well as you, Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: R-Really?
Jaune: You were a girl, Ren.
Ren: I was?
Jaune: And, you were still a girl, Nora.
Nora: I am a multiversal constant. There will only be one, Nora. And, I will be a girl!
JPR: …
Jaune: So yeah… W-What was it like to have, Jeanne here?
Pyrrha: Oh she was wonderful to have around! She was always so bright, and cheerful to have around! And, she looked absolutely beautiful!
Ren: I found her presence very relaxing to be around.
Nora: And, her smile was stunning! But, the bright light hurt my eyes.
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Ren: Yeah, he smile was like the perfect summers day~!
Pyrrha: Jeanne was wonderful to be around~!
Jaune: …
Yang: I heard someone say: Jeanne! Is Jeanne back?! Ohh… it’s you…
Jaune: Ow…
Ruby: Is big sis back?! Oh, hi, Jaune.
Jaune: Hi…
Blake: Is the angel back! Oh, it’s just, Jaune…
Jaune: Nice to see you too, Blake…
Weiss: Where is she?! Where is my future wife?!! Oh… It’s just you, Arc…
Jaune: …
Jaune: I see, Jeanne made quite the impression…
Yang: Oh she was a riot to be around!
Blake: She was the most wonderful person I ever met~!
Ruby: She was the big sister I never new I wanted!
Weiss: She will be my future wife.
Jaune: …
Jaune: So anyway, as I said I met the gender swapped version of you guys, as well as team, RWBY.
Ruby: Really? What was I like?
Yang: I best I was really cool!
Blake: Probably wasn’t much of a difference with me was there?
Weiss: No doubt I was perfect as always.
Jaune: Hell if I know. As soon as I got there, her Team RWBY, and Pyrrha tried to kill me.
Pyrrha: They what?!
Jaune: Yep, as soon as I showed up, Pyrros, male you, Pyrrha. Threw me against a wall with his semblance, and threatened to gut me if I didn’t say where, Jeanne was.
Pyrrha: Oh my…
Jaune: Yeah, luckily, Rin, female Ren…
Nora: Bet she’s pretty hot~!
Jaune: And, Nora were there to stop him. I then explained I had no idea what happened, then boy team, RWBY came in, and threatened to kill me. They wanted their, ‘Angel’ back. After I said, I didn’t know, Blake, male, Blake bound me up with his weapon. William, male, Weiss, used his semblance to pin me to the wall. Ruben, male, Ruby pointed his gun at me, and Yin, male, Yang socked me in the stomach when I couldn’t answer his questions…
Yang: Ouch!
Ruby: That’s mean!
Blake: Why would I do that?
Weiss: Seems like something I would do…
Jaune: Yeah, they were going to gut me if I didn’t tell them what happened to, Jeanne. Luckily the teachers saved me from that…
Ren: Did they?
Jaune: No, not really. They interrogated me, and threw me in a cell while they worked all of this out… Jeanne told me you were having a lot of fun though. Seemingly she awoke some stuff in you as well.
Yang: Well… I always had a feeling was into girls…
Blake: Same, but only for the right girl.
Ruby: I loved my Onee-Chan!
Weiss: I was going to marry her!
Jaune: Nice! Well… Now I hate her even more than I did before! Peachy…
Pyrrha: How could you say that?!
Nora: What did she do to deserve that?!
Jaune: Sorry, I just so happen to be, Jaune Arc, the ‘loveable’ goofball stuck in the tree, who barely anyone likes, and is willing to put a spec of trust in! Compare to the, Angel of Beacon, Jeanne Arc! A person with her own fan club, who everyone loved! Who was properly trained to be a Huntress, who everyone put their faith in her! How can I not love the better version of me?!
Weiss: Well what did you expect? She is perfection incarnate, and you’re trash incarnate.
Ruby: Weiss that’s mean!
Blake: But, true.
Ruby: Blake?!
Yang: What, Vomit Boy just isn’t anywhere close as fantastic as, Jeanne is.
Ruby: You too, Yang?!
Yang: You were thinking something similar too, Rubes.
Ruby: But, I wasn’t going to say it!
Jaune: …
Ruby: Oops… He-hehe… S-Sorry…
Jaune: I fucking hate my life, twice over now…
Pyrrha: Uhh… Do you perhaps want a hug, Jaune?
Jaune: I want to kill myself…
Yang: …
Weiss: …
Nora: …
Ruby: …
Ren: …
Blake: …
Pyrrha: Oh… Oh no…
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
I feel like my (objectively correct) interpretation of Percy Jackson VS Most of the fandom's interpretation of Percy Jackson can pretty easily be explained by how to me Percy is not a white boyloser(affectionate)who pulls everyone he wants and is a BAMF(derogatory)but a super cool afrolatino dude who's too busy healing from his trauma and parenting Nico and Hazel to want anybody that he hasn't already been close to for years and is a crustpunk so instead of being an ultra powerful and cruel authority figure,he beats the shit out of them or kills them depending on far they go with it.Also worth noting that the fandom's Percy is A DudeTM while my Percy is a femme bigender transfem and an unironic misandrist because the only older man in their life who hasn't treated them like shit is,like,Beckendorf
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izlaniusliddel · 1 year
A Cry For Help PT1
Joan followed Pyrrha as she opened the door leading out to the roof. "Pyrrha, I know I'm going through a lot right now, but, I'm not that depressed, I could always be a farmer or something." Joan said looking down at the ground below them, they were so high up that the few students that out at this hour seemed little more than ants from the little rooftop. "NO," Pyrrha shouted hugging the blonde girl and pulling her away from the edge and turning Joan to face her, "That's not why I brought you up here," she let go of Joan, her cheeks turning almost as red as her own hair. "Joan, I know that you're having a difficult time in class, and that you're still not the strongest fighter," that last part only made Joan feel worse like she really wasn't worth it like she really was just a fraud especially coming from Pyrrha it made her want to curl up into her hoodie and cry, "So," Joan's thought was cut off "I want to help you." Pyrrha finished "What?" Joan asked, "We can train up here after class, where no one can bother us." Pyrrha said with a little bit of hope in her voice, secretly she just wanted to get closer to the blonde and having developed feelings for the knight loving her clumsy and airheaded nature. "You think I need help?" Joan said trying to hide the hurt that only bled out into her words, Pyrrha caught onto this and quickly stuttered "N-No, that's not what I meant." "But you just said it." Joan looking down at their feet. "Joan, everybody needs a little push from time to time, it doesn't make you any different from the rest of us," Pyrrha started trying to talk the blonde up "You made it to Beacon, that speaks volumes of what you're capable of." Joan turned away, that last part stung her to her very core, it was only a second before she responded but it felt like an agonizing eternity before she responded, "You're wrong," Joan said, again gazing down at the people on the ground below, she sighed "I don't belong here." "That's a terrible thing to say of course you do!" Pyrrha stated fully believing her words, Joan turned around her face looking almost angry. "No I don't," she stated seriously before sighing and looking back down at her feet, "i wasn't really accepted into Beacon."Joan turned to look at the people below "W-what do you mean?" Pyrrha reached her hand out to the blonde but she just snapped and spilt her guts to her partner "I mean I didn't go to combat school, I didn't pass any tests, i didn't earn my place at this academy, i lied!" she turned around "I got my hands on some fake transcripts and I lied." she was on the verge of tears now,Pyrrha was stunned to say the least this girl that was leading he and the rest of her team and that she was now falling head over heels for, lied? "W-what, but why?" "Because this is what I've always wanted to be, my mother, my father, my grandfather and his father before him were all warriors, they were all heroes," Joan was now full on crying "And I wanted to be one too, I was just never good enough." she gazed back to the people below. Pyrrha walked over to her and placed a hand on the blonde knight's shoulder. "Then let me help you," "I DON'T WANT HELP, I DON'T WANT TO BE THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS, I WANT TO BE THE HERO!!!!" Joan snapped and turned to face Pyrrha, her eyes filled with angry, sad, and ashamed tears "Joan,I," Pyrrha started only to be cut off by the blonde "I'M TIRED OF BEING THE LOVEABLE BIMBO STUCK IN THE TREE WHILE HER FRIENDS FIGHT FOR THEIR LIVES! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! IF I CAN'T DO THIS ON MY OWN," Joan grabbed her arm and looked away from Pyrrha, from her partner, from her eyes, her disappointed eyes. "then what good am I?" the last part of her sentence was more like a whisper. Looking at the pain she was in,Pyrrha would be lying if she said it didn't break her heart, and she wanted nothing more than to comfort the knight, hug her, hold her, tell her that everything would be okay, she went for it she tried to pull Joan into a hug, but, Joan pulled way "Just, leave me alone, okay?" Joan said,
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therealmofamorus · 2 years
Jeanne: Hi! I am Jeanne Arc. Nice to meet you 😊
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Naruto: Name Naruto Uzumaki. Awesome in meetings with you *Thinking* I am so going to put a baby into you.
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madmanwonder · 1 year
Type: Ask
Summary of the Question: How does Bleiss act like towards Garnet?
The same way she act toward Jeanne. Lust and affection.
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Jaunce arc x cat!reader headcanons
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Alright and thank you for telling me the prompt as I would have liked to do this as it’s rwby and rwby is one of my favorite fandoms! 😁 and I didn’t want to have to delete your requests
Warning: noob author, female reader, ooc (out of characters), angst? Maybe, and possibly others.
Characters: jaune arc
You’re the younger sister of Blake belladonna, you had been with her most of the time as she’s basically all you knew besides you mother and father though she made sure you didn’t join the white fang once Adam came into control and she was soon aware about his goals and intentions. You made it to beacon about the time future team rwby though you had to be put on solo until further notice as the others were already on a team and with the sudden un even amount of students being there for a four squad team for you, though you did become an honorary member to both team rwby and team jnpr so you got to be with you sister and soon to be crush.
You and your sister share the opposite of cat features with Blake having ears that she hides with a bow and you having a tail that you hide ion your top/pants, as the Faunus discrimination is still going on and both of you don’t want to go though that in case some of the people wanted to tease you tow or others for it.
You and jaune had a good friendship though you soon realize that he probably wouldn’t want to be with a Faunus sop you just tried to be his friend even though you soon came to realize you developed feeling for the sweet boy.
Though sadly it seems like he has eyes on weiss then afterwards Pyrrha even though you’re the one to have spend most of the time with him and helping him improve, you go to Blake for any sisterly advise she might how.
Though she only said that if he doesn’t love you for al the help you give him then maybe he doesn’t deserve your help if he can. See who is the one putting the effort of helping and getting to know him more than cause he’s the team leader.
(Some things between Pyrrha and jaune won’t happen, sorry if you wanted something from tthat.)
It wasn’t until the attack on Nora and rens home town when Tyrian had poisoned you and qrow did he realized that he loves you and it wasn’t Pyrrha that did all those things for him but you, though he doesn’t know if you were doing that because you two were friends or was it more than that so he did the only thing he could think of at the moment which was act like he and you were only friends.
Instead of Weiss it was you that got injured and he thought he lost you so he finally confessed as he wanted you to know before you possibly died but thankfully because of him you survived and was able to tell him you feel the same as he did. His sister that you guys had soon met after some more things (that i can’t remember as it’s been a while since i seen the season.) happened was both happy and sad that her little brother is all grown up and has a girlfriend.
(A/n: i hope you like what i could do as i didn’t really know how to lead it up to season 6 plus i sadly couldn’t think of anything else from what i got from what little you gave me with the prompt. Hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
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novankenn · 6 months
the Hunted
Joan Arc and Pyrrha Nikos, the two MOST famous students at Beacon. Pyrrha, the Four Time Mistral Champion... the Champion. Joan, the cutely innocent content creator of Only Hunters and Dust-Tube... the Angel.
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(Image generated by perchance ai text-to-image)
Life for the new couple was good. Of course there were issues with paparazzi, and overly dedicated fans... but for the most part life was good. That was until a 4 Billion Lien bounty was placed upon the pair, and unleashed utter chaos about them.
Surrounded on all sides by people driven by greed, they couldn't fight against such odds... so they took the only option left... to run... to escape... to find sanctuary.
That sanctuary was in the south, Joan's hometown... Ansel.
1 - the Homestretch 2 - a Warning & Head Start 3 - an Assist 4 - the Triad 4.1 - Unknown Revelations 5 - Flight from Beacon 6 - a Decision is Made 7 - the First Night 8 - Grimm? NOT a problem 9 - Close Call 10 - the Mastermind
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n6918 · 2 years
Female Ren thought she could just give Jaune one of her Aura massages and come out of it unfazed, but she soon found herself near drooling over him. Asking if he wanted a happy ending, wasn't clear to Jaune at first, but when he was turned on his back, a naked fem!Ren ready to massage his cock.
Jaune: I I I… I don’t… Kno~
Fem Ren: shhh~
As she took away The finger she had used to silence him she pushed up his legs and made him hold them in the air. Then she pushed his cock up against her stomach, mildly giggling as she saw that it reached her belly button. And as his big round eyes watch slowly she inserted him into herself. Sitting there watching his eyes go cross eyed from the pleasure; she then used her aura to crush his dick inside her.
Jaune didn’t know what was happening, she wasn’t moving in yet he was feeling more pleasure than it ever felt in his life. He would cum and cum over and over as if she was trying to milk everything out of him. And yet she still did not move just staring down with a smug look on her face. If he didn’t get her to stop soon he was going to faint.
Jaune: rest~ please~
Fem Ren: … no~
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vecnawrites · 10 months
Patreon Reward: Pure Support Group, Chapter Nine: Malachite Sisters
It's time for the Malachite Sisters to tell their story...
Pyrrha looked over the group that had arrived for this meeting of FABJA. It was a rather full house this time, or at least, it felt more so than usual.
Velvet and Ruby were sitting next to one another, whispering fiercely to one another as they talked about something, most likely Joan related. Judging from the tents in their lower garments, it was Joan related.
Weiss had her hands over her lap, but from her blush and fidgeting, she too, was aroused. The reason? Coco was next to her, whispering and showing her pictures on her scroll. Pyrrha narrowed her eyes, and hoped for her sake that none of them were of Joan, especially taken without her permission. Otherwise, something bad may happen to her legs once Nora found out.
Across from them, Neon and Ciel sat with Fiona, muttering softly as they gestured to one another, Neon the most animated and Ciel the most subdued, with a silent Elm behind them, though she was obviously effected by the words.
Reese and Arslan were sitting together, Reese actually in Arslan’s lap, and Pyrrha prayed to any god that was listening that they weren’t actually fucking here, otherwise, Nora would literally not be able to be stopped, especially since she had Lian on her lap right now, mainly to hide the hard on she was sporting.
The only reason all three of them were there was because Joan had decided to have a ‘sleepover’ with May tonight. She wouldn’t deny the jealousy she felt at that, but it made it easier that Joan was obviously just wanting to spend some time with her godsister.
Yang and Blake were towards the back of the room, chatting with one another as they talked about more mundane things; then again, neither had seen Joan that day, as far as she knew.
Her eyes slightly narrowed as she took sight of the last five, huddled in a circle. Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, Neopolitan Torchwick, and Melanie and Miltiades Malachite, the twins looking haunted and ruffled as the other three sat around them. They were silent, but Pyrrha could tell that they had given the pair some form of comfort.
But now, it was time to start the meeting.
She coughed into her hand, silencing the conversations and bringing attention to her. She gave everyone a pleasant smile. “Hello, everyone and welcome to a new meeting of FABJA. Tonight, we have two speakers who had an experience at the same time…” she glanced to the blushing twins, “Melanie? Miltiades? You have the floor.”
The twins looked at one another, both flushing horribly, before they spoke in tandem.
“It was earlier today…�� they began,
Melanie and Miltiades groaned as they thumbed through the books on Valean History, having to do research for a combined project for Doctor Oobleck and Professor Port about Grimm Migration Habits and how they had impacted the creation of Vale.
So, here they were, browsing through at least fifty books with publication dates ranging from five years ago to before the Great War, some of which were rare since a lot of books had been destroyed in the effort to eradicate art itself. And they still needed more sources.
“I’ll go and see if there are any more books relating to the subject, Milty.” Melanie rose from her seat, happy for the excuse to stretch her legs and get away from the books that were currently turning her brains into soup. She swore at words and events were bouncing around and getting mixed up in her head. Which they probably were. She was smart, for sure, but History wasn’t her strong suit. Which is why she and Miltiades were doubling up on the project.
Stretching, Melanie felt her joints pop before she made her way down between the stacks of books, wondering what works would actually help with their project. As she walked down the stacks, she wondered if any of the books at all would be worthwhile to help with their project.
As she made her way through the stacks, she bumped into someone, both of them yelping as they managed to avoid falling over, Melanie wondering who she had hit, only to suck a breath in as she saw a blonde braid of hair, bright blue eyes, and curves that strained the uniform that they wore.
Melanie felt her cock chubbing and her balls gurgling in her panties already at the sight of Joan Arc standing before her, looking frazzled as well from the bump.
“Sorry, sorry!” Melanie blurted out, hoping that she hadn’t upset the beautiful girl that she and her sister had been wanting to get closer to.
Thankfully, the blonde only smiled. “It’s okay, Melanie, I wasn’t looking.” and boy, did the fact that the blonde recognized her off the bat sent her heart a flutter. “What are you looking for?”
“Miltia and I are working on that project that Port and Oobleck about how Grimm Migrations affected history. We’re hip deep in books and still need more sources…” Melanie sighed, shaking her head.
She forced the blush down as she saw Joan visibly brighten, her smile almost blinding in nature at this point. “Oh, yeah that was rough. Thankfully, I finished that a couple days ago!” Melanie blinked once, twice, three times. Then, Joan said the magic words, ones that sung like an angelic chorus in her head. “Would you like some help with getting a few more sources that you may not have?”
Melanie couldn’t nod her head fast enough. Getting to spend time with her cute crush and getting what she needed to finish this hellish project with her sister! Count her in!
She followed the bubbly blonde through the stacks, her eyes embarrassingly dropping below the waist immediately and following the swing of her hips. She tried to resist, but it was impossible. Joan’s hips and rear were fucking hypnotic; it was like watching a pendulum sway.
She felt some pain on the inside of her mouth, but assumed she bit herself by accident when they had collided. It couldn’t be anything else, after all.
Melanie whimpered as she felt her cock swell in her panties as she watched the sway and jiggle before her, her balls reminding her of the fact that neither she nor her sister had emptied themselves in the past couple of days, since they had been forced to focus on this project.
Miltiades buried her face in her hands. “That’s when Goodwitch asked me about scheduling our Semblance check…” she mumbled, the red of her cheeks bleeding through her hands.
“Wait...you mean you-” Yang was cut off by Melanie continuing, her voice shrill and echoing through the room.
Miltiades was wondering where her sister was, it having been several long minutes already, although she did understand that she probably was looking through the stacks for books, but that did not explain the sensations that their semblance was giving her.
A quick lance of pain, followed by a bubbling sense of arousal, making her cock bloat a little as blood rushed to it. She bit her lower lip as she tried to calm herself (and Melanie) down. The last thing either of them needed was for them to have an ‘attack’ in the library and be banned from it.
“Miss Malachite?” Miltiades was pulled from her thoughts as she heard a voice call out to her, and glanced up, swallowing hard as she saw Deputy Headmistress Goodwitch having walked up near her without her noticing.
“Yes, Professor Goodwitch?” she asked, biting the inside of her cheek again to try and signal to Melanie to knock it out, whatever it was that she was doing.
“Yes, I wanted to tell you and your sister that we have scheduled several tests to see if we can’t help you both with your semblance.” while Miltiades would feel relief at that statement, since Beacon’s idea of ‘training’ would be leagues more sane than Neo’s (despite how much it had helped), the rapidly building arousal in her belly, in her balls, was filling her with panic instead, and she was hoping that the damned signal was letting her sister know to stop whatever she was doing.
Melanie was in heaven. She was currently sitting at a table with her (and several others close by, but they didn’t count) and pouring over several books and taking notes with her. They were close enough that she could smell her, the scent of lemons and oranges tickling her nose. Part of her longed to ask if it was her natural scent or a perfume, but she refrained, feeling it would be too creepy.
She felt creepy enough with her cock being a steel beam underneath the table, practically touching the tabletop from the bottom as she listened to Joan’s voice and her eyes following her swaying boobs as she leafed through book pages.
She knew that she was in real trouble now, panic starting to hit her as she realized that she wouldn’t be able to get up at all if she needed to, and anyone looking under the table would see something incredibly embarrassing.
“-the Slaughter of Nevermore Ravine was called that due to well, the Mantle Army being stupid enough to go into a dry ravine and being pinned down and most of their forces impaled by Nevermore Pinions from the ones that were nesting there.”
Okay, Melanie knew that the subject matter was morbid, but hearing the beautiful girl saying the words ‘pinned down’ and ‘impaled’ put more intimate images in her head, ones where the girl speaking was ‘pinned down’ between her and Miltiades and ‘impaled’ on their cocks, squealing and writhing in pleasure as they fucked her.
She was only half listening now, vaguely noticing that the others around them had left, leaving them alone, which she was going to savor.
Melanie was pulled out of her thoughts as Joan suddenly put a hand over her mouth and yawned, her incredible bust pushing out against the button up top, straining it. Oh, how she wished that she could see under it…
Melanie’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open as the buttons on Joan’s top exploded off of her body, flying across the room and ‘plink’ing along the ground as Joan’s top opened up and her absolutely massive breasts spilled out, cradled in a lovely blue with yellow trim bra that looked like it was on its last legs holding her impressive proportions.
Joan immediately tried tugging her top closed back over her chest, but all she succeeded in doing was making her breasts jiggle in such a way that Melanie had no hope in keeping her arousal down. Standing, she covered her chest and rushed off, her skirt moving with enough force that she saw pure white silk before the blonde vanished into the stacks, leaving her alone.
Biting her lip, Melanie buried her face in her arms as her balls unloaded all over the floor beneath the table with extreme prejudice as she came with a muted scream of pleasure.
Through the pleasure, all Melanie could do was hope that Miltiades had managed to get somewhere without embarrassing herself…
Miltiades wanted to die. Why? Not only had something enticed her sister to an orgasm, but she had been hit as well due to the ‘looping’ effect of their arousal! That wouldn’t be too bad, but the fact of the matter was, she hadn’t been able to get away and to a private place in order to release!
The result?
She had cum, and not only had she absolutely ruined hours of their work, Professor Goodwitch stood still before her, frozen in shock, her face and chest splattered with her cum.
The silence was damning, before Glynda spoke, her voice dead. “We shall never speak of this, Miss Malachite. Please take your sister to the Infirmary at the appointment time next week.” the woman growled, before stalking off.
Miltiades dearly wanted to ask if she was actually going to walk the halls painted in her cum, but she wasn’t stupid. As it was, her balls were still emptying themselves, and her voice didn’t work anyway, so it was a moot point.
She groaned, face planting into the table, the cum soaked papers sticking to her cheek.
“And that’s what happened…” Miltiades groaned out, both herself and Melanie shuddering and cum seeping through their clothes as they remembered what had happened earlier.
While everyone was sympathetic at the story, there was one other pressing matter, a persistent thought that only one person dared ask.
“How did you survive jizzing all over Goodwitch!?” Yang blurted out, her own erection straining against her shorts.
Both siblings buried their faces in their hands, refusing to speak anymore.
Realizing that she had to get things back on track before they derailed (especially since Nora had that look in her eye that said that she was about to listen to impulsive thoughts, and Reese was squirming on Arslan’s lap) further than they already were, Pyrrha coughed into her hand and cleared her throat. “Okay!” she flushed a bit as she heard her voice reach a high pitch, but she soldiered on, “Yang, that was rude, you know the rules of this support group!” she saw Yang flinch, and looked back at the others. “Melanie, Miltiades, thank you for sharing, and I am sorry you had such an embarrassing experience. Let’s all retire for the night...we all need to get some rest, I believe.”
“...and we all need to dump out a few loads as well…” despite the fact that it was plainly Neon that muttered that, no one said anything.
It was very true, after all.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Will there be a continuation of ‘I will see you again~!’ ?
It leaves me with so many questions and wondering so many things.
It’s implied that everyone else was a girl so far so he’ll be the only boy with Jeanne being his twin. Will he hate Jeanne though as they grow up? Will he actually meet genuine friends?
Is our favourite noodle finally going to get happiness in this new world?
Love your stuff. Always looking forward to reading it.
We’re Together Once More~!
Saphron: Awww~!
Saphire: They’re so precious~!
Luna: How are they so cute together~ ?
Juniper: Is something going on?
Saphron: Look at the twins mom! Aren’t they just so cute~?!
Juniper: …
The Arc Matriarch overlooks the two year old twins on a blanket on the floor as, Jeanne was hugging her brother, rubbing her cheek against his fed up face.
Juniper: Awww~! That’s so precious~!
Sqphron: Look how much she loves her older brother~!
Luna: I’ve got photos!
Meanwhile in the world of the twins and their semi-telepathic twin link. Jaune was pushing his arms gainst, Jeanne’s face to get her off of him.
Jaune: J-Jeanne!
Jeanne: Mmm~! Big bro!
Jaune: Jeanne, get off of me!
Jeanne: Never! You’ll just run away from me if I do!
Jaune: Give me some space, and I promise I won’t leave!
Jeanne: Promise?
Jaune: Arc’s promise.
Jeanne: Mmm… Okay, but if run away from me, I’m chasing after you!
Jeanne then begrudgingly move away from, Jaune a respectful distance away. Still close enough to pounce him if he got any ideas.
Jaune: Ugh… why are you so clingy? My sisters in my past life were never this clingy! Except for, Carol… she was too clingy…Far too clingy for my liking…
Jeanne: Hey! I was devastated after I lost you in our past lives! Now, your my older brother! I’m not letting you get away from me that easily!
Jaune: Oh… I didn’t know you took my death that hard…
Jeanne: How could I not?! ‘Me,’ basically celebrating my death isn’t something one can easily get over. I did eventually… But, it took years for that to happen…
Jaune: It that how you saw my death; As if you were the one who died?
Jeanne: Well, we are the gender counterparts of each other. So, I always saw you as me, and me as you, in a certain way that is.
Jaune: Hmm… I can understand that…
Jeanne: Jaune… I know your life was hard… and, you knowing what my life was like made it harder for you to bare. But, your death didn’t make my life any easier. I saw your death as partially my fault; not that you sacrificed yourself to save others, that’s an, Arc thing to do. But, you were so at peace with it… That you were more than willing to die, and never have to deal with me again. That… the hurt more than I ever thought it could… So I am going to do everything in my power to make your life a better one than the last one! So, can you please do one thing, just one thing for me…?
Jaune: And, what would that be?
Jeanne: Don’t die. Don’t wish to die. Don’t wish to die to be rid of me. Live, live for me, for your family, and most important of all; Live for yourself. Can you promise me this? Please…?
Jaune looked away form his younger sister to stare into the eyes of his older sister, and mother, and saw the wealth of happiness, warmth, and joy in their faces as they stared upon them. He could feel a pool of guilt fill into his very being as he came to realize at long last they his death may have been liberating, but how many people did he hurt with his death?
He looked down as his small baby hands, clenching into fists as he recounted the mistakes he seemingly made in his past life. His mind only being broken away as he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder, and a pair of warm eyes staring at him. He smiled, as he turned, to gaze upon his little sister, and pulled her into a warm hug, as he gently rubbed her back.
Jaune: I promise you, Jeanne I won’t go, and get myself killed. This time I’m going to live, for you, our family, and most of all for myself.
Jeanne: Arc’s promise?
Jaune: Arc’s promise.
The rest of the, Arc family cooed as they saw the siblings lovingly embrace one another.
Luna: More! I need more photos! NOW!!!
Juniper: Oh they are just so precious~!
Saphron: You would think that they’d be at each other’s throats. Being twins, and opposite genders, and all.
Saphire: Give them time. Siblings will eventually come into conflict with one another.
Juniper: Since you mentioned siblings, I suppose now would be a good time to tell you I’m pregnant.
SSC: Wait, WHAT?!
Jeanne: What do you think they’re freaking out about?
Jaune: Mom’s probably just let it slip she’s pregnant again.
Jeanne: Ahh… There’s one more after this one right?
Jaune: Yes, but this one should be the twins if I’m not mistaken.
Jeanne: Sheesh… Mom, and dad have a hell of a libido.
Jaune: Arc’s have a hell of a libido.
Jeanne: First hand experience?
Jaune: Yes.
Jeanne: Never experienced it myself; well, with a guy that is.
Jaune: Well; New life, and new possibilities await us.
Jeanne: True, so instead of, Terra taking your virginity, can I have it instead?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Imma gonna kill you now…
Jeanne: Relax, Jaune I was…?!
Jeanne: AHHHHH?!?!!
And, with that, Jaune was beating, Jeanne over the head with his, Pumpkin Pete’s plushie. And, as the the family watch on this cruel act of violence, Sapphire couldn’t help, but smugly smile at her sister.
Saphire: See, told you it was only a matter of time.
Saphron: Oh, shut up…
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juanarc-thethird · 5 months
My Stories #6
Know Your Audience
Part 1 /
What is wrong with you?!
Yang / Cinder / Pyrrha /
Jaune is a Slut for money.
Winter / Penny / Weiss / Elm /
We're just going to cuddle, I promise.
Penny / Kali / Blake / Willow / Vernal / Neo / May Zedong / Harriet
Blake is Thirsty
Weiss / Ruby / Yang
Just listen to my voice~
Part 1 /
The great baby fever
Part 1 /
After the Ever After
Beginning / Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Nora the Mad Scientist
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
I know all your Secrets!
Part 1
Be My House Husband (Jaune x Coco)
Part 1 / Part 2
Be My House Husband ( Jaune x Fem Character)
Winter /
You called? (Name in progress)
Ruby / Neo / Winter / Blake / Yang / Reese / Cinder
Never leave those two alone
Part 1 /
I have a license for that!
Part 1 / Part 2
Gray Sweatpants are dangerous!
Part 1 / Part 2
The Arc's Wrath!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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