#male!ruby rose
madmanwonder · 1 year
Type: Ask
Summary of the Question: Bleiss notices Jeanne and Garnet hanging together. How does she greet them?
"Want to f$ck?" Bleiss said to Jeanne and Garnet with all of her signature crass confidence. A smirk on her pretty lips as she stared at the baffled duo's with hunger in her blood-red eyes.
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quantumshade · 4 months
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this is an absolutely insane thing to say for multiple reasons but the most glaring are a.) using the phrase “sausage fest” is an incredibly loaded and weird term to use when 3 out of 4 rtd2 episodes so far have included trans women and b.) the implication that chris chibnall (a man) did not write his stories from a quote-unquote “male perspective”. sorry but casting a cis white woman as the doctor does not absolve you of all misogyny and racism.
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the-ultimate-puppteer · 3 months
I just found your page and I can’t stop reading your headcanons! I do have a request for all of team RWBY (Even though I know you said a limit of three characters) This doesn’t have to be a poly ship.
How would team RWBY to finding out their boyfriend is a masked superhero? The kind that gets mentioned on the news and on the internet. They don’t tell team RWBY who they are, but they find evidence like the mask in their bag, or their secret stash of gear and tools.
Team RWBY discovering their Shared Boyfriend is a masked superhero
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•To dive right Into it the girls were worried about you like super worried about you
•You were tired all the time and were acting introverted and asocial… well more than you usually are
•They thought of ways to approach you about your current state but none of them knew how
•Yang and Blake though that they should just go at it the same way Yang got Blake outta her funk
•Though that fell flat when they realized they didn't even know what the cause was
•That's when Ruby came up with the brilliant idea to snoop around you're room to try and find clues
•Needless to say the rest of the team was in
•What they found however wasn't what they were expecting
•They found all types of gadgets in hidden places in your room and they also found trauma kits which was very worrying
•They also found quite a stockpile of dust which made them worried that it was stolen which brought up a whole new issue
•That's when they found it, the mask and hoodie you were when you go out to fight crime
•That when it all clicked, it's also when you entered into your dorm room
•Chaos ensued after that
•Ruby being Ruby had the most vibrant reaction shouting out that you were the vigilante thatha been appearing on the news and how cool it was
•Yang being almost as loud commented that it was actually pretty cool and flirtatious commented about how she's the girlfriend of a superstud now
•Blake being the calmest of the bunch said how everything makes way more sense now and pouted a bit saying why didn't you tell them
•Weiss being weiss scolded you about how you haven't been getting enough rest and about how dangerous what you were doing was but that she supports you and just wants you to take better care of yourself
•You being you took it all in stride and promised everyone that you take better care of yourself, but you felt the need to bring up that they could've just asked what was going on with you and you'd have told them
•Then you teased them about being so concerned for him that they couldn't help but snoop into your business, saying they must really be smitten with you
•Needless to say that ended up with a very embarrassed Team RWBY
This is the Vigilante Costume Reader uses
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obligatoryjauneblog · 2 months
Ruby: Hey Nora, what's up?
Nora: Can I stay over tonight? The guys said they need the dorm for.... male bonding?
Ruby: Uh sure? What are they doing?
Nora: I don't know but it involves liters of lube apparently.
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Can you get more rwby and chaotic reader quotes cause I like chaos?
As an avid rwby lover, I must comply.
Instead of quotes I'm using convos I've had with my friends because we are absolutely chaotic.
Y/n, walking into RWBYS dorm: Ruby have you seen my hairti-
*sees her braiding Yangs hair while she's asleep.
Y/n: okay then.
Blake: why can't the gods grant me the sweet release of death.
Y/n: babe, all they said was there was no more fish left.
Blake: I came here because yang said the fish was amazing, but there's no fucking fish, y/n. Life has lost meaning
Y/n: so, I've called you here today because of the intense sexual tension I feel whenever the two of you are together and it's getting annoying-
Both: what the fu-
Yang told Weiss y/n said winter was hot
Weiss kicks in the door: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU Y/N-
Y/n: *falls off their bed* BITCH WHAT-
Y/n: coco, I love you so much. I would die for you.
Coco: K, so can you help me with my algebra homework ple-
Y/n, getting in their car: BYE BITCH, LOVE YOU
Cinder: I'm going to choke you out the next time you make a sex joke.
Y/n: ayo that's kinda kinky bro.
Cinder: you have 5 seconds to run away.
Y/n: the only thing I love is carnage and destruction.
Fox: you liar, you literally cried when Velvet told you that you could hold her hand.
Y/n: I will throw hands, you whore-
Y/n: the best way to distract people is to walk up on stage, scream incoherently and then start drawing on your face with lipstick.
Emerald: wh-
Y/n: I've tested it many times. It works very well.
Emerald: I regret saying yes to this date.
RWBY + Y/n playing quickfire dnd
Ruby, the Dm: okay, so you guys are all drowning.
Y/n: my Character, Madam FuckOff farts and inhales that as oxygen
Ruby: what the- okay roll survival?
Yang: incoherent cackling
Y/n HMMMMM shit I got a 4.
Ruby: Madam ForkOff inhales her fart and dies, its a very, very sad event.
Weiss: that wouldn't have worked anyways, wh-
Blake, trying not to laugh: shhh, Weiss we're mourning Madam FuckOff
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
How to instantly ruin a male character's design:
Give him an undercut
How to instantly improve a female character's design:
Give her an undercut
@insomniac-jay @honeypotsworld @floof-ghostie @julieemarine @nogender-onlystars @genderfluid-bat @cottoncandyteeth @cottoncandyspikes @jellyjays @agrebel18 @what-shitfuckery-is-this-ew @yukii0nna @pyrocortex @ammomancer @asmashed-papaya @leo-thecactus @malikselfindulgence @nightwings-robin @catlliecal
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endgaims · 2 years
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Here is the piece I did for the RWBY Couture Fashion Zine in which I requested to draw our Qrow in mafia style clothing 😁 Thank you to @rwbycouture for giving me the opportunity to draw him.
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Alyx wasn't alone.
And she likely didn't leave.
Here me out: The first thing we learn about Alyx is she feels loneliness upon returning from the EverAfter. However, up until this point, she's been described as fairly estranged from everyone. No-one mentions her by name, humans are pretty hated by those who know what humans are.
So, why is she lonely?
Because Alyx didn't fall alone. She fell with someone else.
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This person is the likely culprit, seeing as in the beginning we see two dashes across the sky.
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Considering a good dose of RWBY fairytales feature Ozma in some capacity, people making stories based on their own adventures isn't too far-fetched.
I'm thinking they both entered, but only one was able to leave. Maybe one person had to stay behind, maybe one of them died. Nonetheless, they wrote the story by erasing the second person or merging their interactions into one person.
How likely is it that Alyx had to give up both her happiest and saddest memory? Doesn't it make more sense if only one of them had to give up their happiest, and the other, their saddest?
We've already seen some revision. The Red King died! Likely killed by a human! We don't know for sure that was Alyx – it wasn't in her story. But how much can we trust her narrative, if there's possibly some heavy revisionism going on?
Listen to the Curious Cat. When Ruby says they're humans, they answer: "You're not nearly as interesting as the others I've met." That's otherS. Plural. Could be referring to Neo, Jaune, or maybe there's a whole village! But equally likely Alyx wasn't prancing around alone.
There's even more evidence in the song, Inside. During the instrumental break, I posit we get a conversation between Alyx and the mysterious companion:
"Okay, I'm almost certain that last time WE went to the left." "So, no way, WE should not turn back, WE need to go in that direction."
That only begs the question: why were they erased from the narrative?
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therealmofamorus · 1 month
Ruby: Take a good look at my spartan angel new tattoo on her ass~!
Jaune: Tada!
Jaune turned his startled girlfriend and flipped her skirt up and her underwear down to reveal her tattoo to their individual teammates.
Weiss: How shameless!
Blake: Nice~
Yang: *heartbroken* Ruby used to like Saturday morning cartoons….
Nora: *smirk* To think that we thought you were the wholesome one in our group….
Ren: I owe Nora 500 lien now thanks to you.
Pyrrha face was red in shame as she looked down at the ground as she tried to covered her new tattoo “Invincibutt” on her asscheeks while her two lovers were standing on each side of her.
Pyrrha: S-sorry!
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madmanwonder · 1 year
Type: Ask
Summary of the Question: How does Bleiss act like towards Garnet?
The same way she act toward Jeanne. Lust and affection.
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evren-sadwrn · 2 months
Pride Anon here (I still have to get around to making my own Tumblr, still staying anon because I'm logged in on my sibling's) and I have to say, your religious zealot hater sucks some serious shit. I'd like to know what they're doing liking movies full of crime and murder if they're so pure and righteous? Also talking about a franchise makes it more popular, period...there is literally no such thing as bad publicity. This person needs to go on Pureflix and find some wholesome entertainment that is more their speed and leave the rest of us degenerates to enjoy our queer-coded murder movies in peace.
I think they’re forgetting the fact that a lot of the actors ARE either queer or supportive of LGBTQ+. Ares’ actress, Ruby Rose is a lesbian and I think also identifies as genderfluid? I forgot. And they’re also very clearly forgetting that John Wick is described to be a campy action series, in which camp is very influenced by the LGBTQ+ community.
And might I also add that the Adjudicator(s) are definitely queer and transgender. Katie McGrath is pretty much a lesbian icon and Asia Kate Dillon identifies as nonbinary irl. Not to mention Rina Sawayama who plays Akira Shimazu who identifies somewhere on the bi/pan spectrum.
So yeah this series is really queer coded. I mean come on. Just look at John Wick Chapter 4
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the-ultimate-puppteer · 2 months
This one's a bit personal haha, but I'd love to see Ruby (RWBY) x an autistic male reader. They grew up together, and now that they're a couple, how does Ruby feel when the reader tells her sometimes he wonders why she's with him.
At least for me, being autistic has made me feel like I'm 'too much work' a lot when it comes to people close to me, especially people I've known for a long time.
Ruby Rose with an Autistic Male reader who feels insecure
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•Ruby has know you since you both were children you were actually Yang's friend first given you were that same age as her
•But you'd actually grown more closer to Ruby as opposed to Yang which made you stand out more than her other friends
•When you'd both started dating she was over the moon, she'd always been pretty smitten with you though she'd hidden it well
•That's why it hurt her when you'd asked her why you were dating someone like him
•You'd felt that you were just not good enough for Ruby and that you were to much work in regards to you being autistic
•There were somethings that she’d have to miss out on simply because they made you extremely uncomfortable
•Or things that you simply had difficulty understanding
•You felt that maybe she'd be better off with someone else, someone that people wouldn't view as broken
•The words you spoken to her of how you felt about yourself honestly broke her heart
•That's why when she told you that she'd me we want to be with anyone but you
•That she loved everything about you and that you weren't broken but someone who was unique and one of a kind to her
•That it brought tears to your eyes, to hear from the woman you loved that she felt so much for you that she loved you so much you couldn't help but cry while holding her close to you
•It was from them that Ruby grew determined to show you how much she loved and valued you so not even an inkling of those negative thoughts would tear their ugly heads again
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kayentokk · 1 year
The Right One
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Request; “Ruby Rose X Male! Reader where Ruby will meet Reader’s parents who are an extremely wealthy couple and are close friends of the Schnee family.”
A/N;Ruby is aged up a little for this scenario. I hope this fulfilled your request, it was fun to write. :)
Contains; fluff, comfort, kisses
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“Ruby you’ll do fine, I promise,” you stated calmly to her from the drivers seat. She nodded to your reassurance and nervously smiled. To be honest though, you weren’t exactly sure how well it was going to go. Yes, your parents can be nice, and yes, they love who you love, but they are unpredictable at times.
You walked to the front of your parents’ tall gate, aligned with beautiful swirls and statues. For a moment you both stood there in silence, you turned, kissed her cheek, and proceeded to ring the doorbell.
To your surprise, instead of one of the doormen or maids, your parents actually came to greet you. With bright smiles on their faces, they embraced you in a warm hug.
“Welcome,” they said to the both of you in tandem.
After making your way inside and doing the quick introductions, your parents had you take ruby on a tour of the house while dinner was being prepared. You showed her the gardens, various sport courts, the bathrooms, in case she has to go, and your bedroom, which she fancied the most.
While on your way back to the main dining room, Ruby tugged your sleeve and you turned looking at her.
“I’m kinda nervous,” she exhaled as of a weight was lifted off of her chest.
“I know, it’s okay,” you said as you pulled her into a hug.
“If you want, we can leave, I’ll tell them you-“
“No,” she cut you off determined, “I’m going to do this. I can do this,” she said convincingly, more to herself than you.
“Yes, yes you can,” you smiled pecking her on the cheek. For a moment you remembered why you fell in love with her to begin with, that persevering, determined spirit. There was never anything that she’d give up on willingly, and one of those things was you.
You made your way downstairs and joined your parents at the table. Your mother sat across from Ruby, and your father across from you. The plates aligned with gold accents and the silverware placed in its proper order. Forks on the left, the smaller one outside of the bigger one, the knife and spoons on the right, the bigger spoon outside the smaller one. Wow, they really went all out, you said to yourself.
The dinner was going pretty well, you had the normal conversations about Ruby’s achievements, why she likes you, how she’s doing.
“So, Ruby, I hear you’re friends with the Schnees’ daughter, Weiss?”
“Oh, yes I am,” she happily replied.
“Great because as a matter of fact, we happen to be great friends with her parents.”
“Oh really? That’s nice, maybe we could all get together sometime?”
“Oh why, we would be delighted.”
This seemed to be going pretty well, your mother showed no signs of disliking Ruby, and your father as well. In your head this could have played out a number of ways, as it did before with past relationships, but you were happy that this one was with her. That this was finally, the right one.
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@/firefly-graphics for the divider
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satoshy12 · 1 year
DP + RWBY Yang x Danny (reason fanfic and art) Mini male Weiss
Yang:" So, Team meet my little Babypop. It's a mini male Weiss!" Ruby:" A mini male Weiss?" Blake:" You Ara Ara'd him?" Weiss:" A mini me?" Yang smiled gives Danny a kiss to the cheek. Before their very eyes he transformed into a White/silver haired boy in a bodysuit with a huge blush.
Yang:" See a tiny male Weiss! He can even use Ice!"
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cyarsk5230 · 11 months
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archfiendoyt · 2 years
Yang X Reader
*You & Yang Are Alone In Dorm*
*A few moments later*
Ruby Walking Down The Hallway (Or Whatever The Freak That Shisno Called)
And There What Appears To Be, Alot Of Noise Outside Of The Dorm Room.
Instead Of Waiting For It to Die Down, Ruby Does The Smartest Thing And Opens The Door And What She Witnesses.
You Giving Yang, A Massage
Nothing Weird (Yet)
Yang, Happily: Oh Hi Ruby!
Ruby, In Her Mind: Well this is not what I had in mind.
*Ruby just walks out of the dorm, due to awkward silentness*
Yang: She can be weird sometimes, but hey that's my sis.
Yang: Ah right there that's the spot.
Yang : Was I being too loud? Maybe I should keep it down just a bit.
You: Nod
Yang Happily: Okay, thanks by the way.
Sorry it was not that good, this is my first whatchamacallit.(Plus I'm new to all this stuff.)
And I put the smut tag for the confusion.
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