#finally finished the first season
cyhaino · 9 months
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Guillermo de la Cruz per episode | ANCESTRY
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mimimar · 2 months
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finally completed my comic based on the song ivy by taylor swift!✿ please zoom in to read the text and see the details~
you can get the digital zine pdf here! it includes extras like character profiles, costume design, more art of willow and ivy, zine-exclusive sketches and an illustrated guide to the symbolism of all the flowers in this comic.
you can also get prints of individual pages here!
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turbo-tsundere · 4 months
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uc1wa · 6 months
making out with jason in the backseat of his car mhmmmmmm
tags: fem reader, slight dumbification
it was exhausting, the bickering that hadn’t seemed to stop after leaving the gala you and jason had attended. you weren’t sure where it started, but it was painfully obvious that jason’s vigilante work was stressing him out, on top of bruce forcing him to go to gala’s every weekend.
gala season was exhausting in itself, but when working a job during the day, attending galas every weekend, and being a vigilante at night, jason was frustrated.
fifteen minutes from the gala and twenty minutes from yours and jason’s home, he had pulled his car into a commuter parking lot that was empty. flickering yellow lights partially illuminating the space, but the dark tinted windows didn’t allow much of it to make its way inside of the vehicle.
you’re turned in your seat, arched eyebrow while jason’s hands are holding the steering wheel with a grip that had the potential to snap it in half.
jason wasn’t saying anything as he took his hands off the steer, opening his car door and closing it with a harsh sound, making his way to the back end doors and taking a seat in his backseat, eyes looking at you knowingly.
"please don’t make me wait," his words come out like a warning, like if he has to ask again, he’s not going to touch your body for the next week.
your eyes watch his figure, the way he’s sat in the middle of the three seats that line the section of the car. his legs that are spread in a way that’s inviting you to take your seat where you belong. one arm is crossed over his chest while the other is resting on it, hand holding up his tilted head that has a bored expression on it, lips in a straight line and eyebrows holding no emotion.
you know better, so you do as he says, slipping into the back seat and sitting on his lap comfortably, the top of your head touching the car roof, but the slight discomfort is wavering as you're stared at with dark eyes.
"you know i’m tired baby. don’t you?" he asks, crossing his hands over his chest, careful to not touch the hips that he would usually claim as his. your head nods, eyes widened at the fact that your boyfriend isn’t all over you yet.
his eyebrow arches half a centimeter, moving back down to where it was not a second later. "then why do you keep testing me? can’t ever listen to me when i say be quiet, can you? just wanna keep running your mouth, and at a gala too? no fucking manners."
he's right, you know you need to stop blabbering on when jason tells you to be quiet. you know how to act at galas. hell, you've been to hundreds, it felt like. but... can you blame yourself for wanting attention? after all, you're getting it just like you'd planned.
you're quiet, looking at every line on your boyfriend's face, like studying the face you've grown to love will give you an answer on what to say next. but, jason knows what you're about to say; he knows the way you're about to apologize one-too-many times, all pathetic.
so, uncrossing his arms from his chest, a hand grabs your chin and pulls you forward, smooshing your lips together with his in nothing but harsh intent. a kiss that's short of sensual and filled with teeth and uncomfort—until it isn't. until jason's tongue is licking the inner of your cheeks and the roof of your mouth. until your lipgloss is smeared over his lips and it's hard to catch your breath and you can't help but to grind yourself down on his growing erection. as always, you'll get the attention you deserve, that jason swears he'll never give you, 'till he does.
note: am wishing everyone a good and great finals season. scheduling this 4 saturday so my blog isn’t dry asf hahaha. wooohoooo two more weeks!
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blackseafoam · 17 days
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✨our kid✨
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arttsuka · 6 months
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Guess who finished tos (again).
Also please ignore the ugly hand and focus on the good one.
I keep forgetting to take a picture of the sketch.
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Do you guys like seeing these unfinished pictures?
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cosycrescent · 11 months
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“i never came to the beach or stood by the ocean;
but you brought be here, and i’m happy that you did
because now i’m as free as the birds catching the wind”
- herne bay malibu
thank you @aliceoseman for creating these characters <3
click image for better quality
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starlightseraph · 4 months
currently on episode 23 of series 1 of the x files. jesus christ i am so bisexual.
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geronimomo-spd · 9 months
Evil of the Daleks Two be like: oh, you want me to discribe Jamie?? how amazing and kind Jamie is?? how his instincts of kindness and saving a life makes him so incredible and better then a dalek??? don't mind if i fucking do! first of all-
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yesokayiknow · 2 months
best part of listening to the edas after only having watched ~1.5 seasons of classic who is that sometimes a guy will turn up and eight's like there he is. my sworn nemesis. the man i battled against in several bodies. the man so horrific i will drop everything to stop. the only man i've ever been afraid of. and i'm like hell yeah fuck that guy. also who is he
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todays most memorable episode as a first time watcher, is probably "the tales of ba sing se" and "the guru".
I decided not to watch the season 2 finale today, I'm saving the best for tomorrow because a part of me feels like "the crossroads of destiny" is a very impactful episode.
Alright, I CRIED when iroh sang the vines song to Lu Ten's picture :( it was so sad. Zuko being such an awkward date with Jin was so cute?? Like he never used firebending as he came to ba sing se but then used it for the first time to make jin happy :(💖
Now, im actually impressed with the way the plot is progressing?? I really thought team avatar has had a head start because of the solar eclipse invasion but now Azula found out about it?? But tbh when the gaurds told the earth King that "three kyoshi warriors" had arrived at ba sing se, I kinda guessed it was them. But still a great continuation regardless. Also, not from this episode, but Jet's death was super shocking to me??? I wasn't expecting that to happen, it was so random, I didn't like him much but I did feel sad with how his life ended.
Can I just say that I'm super happy with how Zuko was content with his tea shop life with iroh?? He looked so happy and peaceful for the first time, and was super cheery :( but I do know it won't stay that way for long so that's sad.
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avoiltaire · 9 months
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s1 kaguya & her student council 💕‼️
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belovedcherie · 6 months
current abnormal obsession is the trolls trilogy (TRILOGY!!!) and broppy☹️
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personinthepalace · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time a major streaming service cancelled a beloved book-to-tv show adaptation (of my favorite books!) after adapting just the first two books then I would have two nickels
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I'm just really tired of this happening guys. I would like the less well-known books to win for once
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amphypan · 2 years
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existentialeggdogg · 9 days
can someone tell me WHY THE FUCK the gay people in my shows always try running away together but get separated by uncontrollable circumstances?? and then have major miscommunication??? and why is the common thread Taika Waititi???
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