#fire Kingdom
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The Ring Of Fire🎶🔥
From Adventure Time Comic V4 Cover Gallery
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bruxa-art · 3 months
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Love her 🔥🔥🔥
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inbarfink · 4 months
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azuremliam · 3 months
Does the cordyceps fungus exist in Bug-world?
((btw i LOVE your world building!! :D its very well made!))
@bringerofmilk Ngl your ask has perfect timing because I was actually just working on stuff for Cordyceps in Bug World! (And thank you!!!!!!!! :D)
Liam has gotten into a bit of an argument with Scarab about said fungus actually! The fungus wouldn't infect him (his kind may look like bugs but they're they're shapeshifters) but Liam has seen what it does to insect people and hates the thought of Scarab winding up like them.
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More drawings and big time infodumping/elaborating about it under the readmore! :)
Cordyceps in Bug World is common in certain areas, mostly near sections of giant fungal forests! It doesn't infect humans, or most mutants changed by the mushroom (lol) war toxic wastes.
It does 100% infect the giant humanoid insects changed my Myriaxanthus' primordial magic however. It's not frequent- but those that choose to live near the fungus forest have high infection rates.
You'd think, "why do some insect folk choose to live near there if there's a high fatality rate because of it?"
Other mushrooms tasty- a more elaborate explanation: Generations of insect people have history of farming safer fungus, and just simply live with the risks! Some, however few, species have developed a natural immunity to the fungal take over- but not many boast the same ability.
Healthier and younger insect folk have more likely instances of their antibodies neutralizing the spores on the other hand. So older or sick bugs living near it tend to be the most frequent infected.
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Those on the outskirts of the fungal forests who get infected, slowly start to forget things. Until all the remains is the urge to go into the fungus filled forest and climb to the highest point.
Those infected wandering into the forest are allowed in without a fuss by the guards. It's a painful thing to go through for infected, but said pain diminishes when within the depths of the forest.
It's not very studied by the denizens of Bug World, but its all agreed that allowing them passage within the forest is the kinder option because of the numbness gained for those slowly growing the new mushrooms breaking out of their bodies.
It's very common with the ants farming edible fungus living nearby.
Depending on the progression of the infection, some can still slightly recognize and communicate with other's passing by. Mostly simple gestures and words, like "hello", "go this way" "dangerous" and a very, very common word said by infected "goodbye".
The spires of mushrooms tower high, and if looked closed enough at, bare shapes of those unfortunate to get infected, now completely consumed by the fungus.
Liam hates mushrooms because of this, and will never eat any despite what anyone says if they're safe eat. This paranoia sticks with their Cosmic self too!
And also, despite their phobia, they have to traverse through said forests to deliver packages occasionally to the mushroom farms.
The hate it- but it's their job and they gotta do it. Especially when only non-insectoid couriers are allowed passage through. It makes them really sad when they pass by any unfortunate insect aimlessly wandering about though.
The outfit Liam is wearing is co-made by the Fire and Candy Kingdoms! The insides keep the wearer cool, while the outer is hot enough to incinerate any floating spores that come in contact with it. It's a requirement for all couriers seeking passage at checkpoints through fungal forests.
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Said checkpoints surround a one mile radius of the fungal forests and are managed by the Fire Kingdom! There's Death warning signs outside of the literal fire wall for precautions during high winds.
When gusts of winds kick up the guards stationed there flare up the said fire wall installations and keep the flames up and running until it calms down. They also do "trimming" to the towers of mushrooms- they can't exceed the height of the fire wall (which gets pretty high up in the sky!)
It's especially dangerous (for bug people at least but any person with spores getting on their clothing can spread it unintentionally) to be near during rainstorms. So hives and towns don't tend to be near any of the farming areas at all.
Even the giant golden beasts tend to avoid the fungal forests!
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a-hypnos-v · 2 years
Heatbending as a form of Sub-Bending
So! Fire sub-bending is way more lame than it should be- lighting is awesome, cool, amazing yeah yeah- but I propose an idea:
The sun warriors said something along the lines that fire is life, and that it’s in everything if I remember correctly. So: What If firebenders could bend (absorb) heat? They can redirect lighting, and they draw they’re fire from the sun, a giant flaming source of heat. It wouldn’t be far-fetched (I think.)
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So as you can see in my visual aid: a fire bender could hypothetically freeze someone to death (ironic), though I’m not sure how accessible this would be — it can be anywhere between bloodbending-rare to metalbending-common really.
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elfpunks · 7 months
hiiii i made a quiz! take it please and i’ll send u one virtual smooch on ur forehead
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marilynsweet · 1 year
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Updated the Fire Court!! Page two will be up in an indiscernible amount of time
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lejolibeignet · 2 months
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Hello. Zuko here. But I guess you probably already know me. ☄️🔥
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fizzyrockzz · 7 months
Ah yes 7 hours, and 78 layers (I'm never drawing his ass with fire hair again.)
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Kingdom AU
(Kingdom AU idea credits: @peppperspray )
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ageofshadows666 · 1 year
(Adventure Time) Why Princess Bubblegum is a bad person:
1. She wants the Duke of Nuts arrested just because he stole her pudding (in which we learn he needs pudding because of his deficiency). She literally forced the poor guy into hiding just because she hates him.
2. When Bubblegum discovered the King of Ooo was going to officiate Tree Trunk’s wedding instead of her, she went completely bonkers and broke into the King of Ooo’s caravan. She interrupted the wedding when she could have waited.
3 . She brutally attacked the Fire Kingdom. First, she implanted a video camera inside Cinnamon Bun before allowing him to live in the Fire Kingdom. Then she had Ice King cool the kingdom’s core, putting the people of the Fire Kingdom in danger. She knew this would force Flame Princess into turning to her for help, and she convinced Flame Princess to show her the Sleeping Fire Giants. She proceeded to attempt to steal the sparks and then lied about it before her bag ripped. She then manipulated Flame Princess by provoking her and using her quick-to-anger personality against her, destroying all the Fire Giants except one. Even though Flame Princess isn’t a huge fan of Bubblegum, she had no intention of ever attacking the Candy Kingdom. By spying on the Fire Kingdom and stealing their weapons, Bubblegum could have started a war between the two nations. If it wasn’t for Flame Princess’ mercy, the Candy Kingdom might have been up in flames by now.
Yes, Bubblegum does care greatly about her people and will go to great lengths to protect them. But that does not justify her actions listed above.
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vennysoup · 2 years
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reminder that the fire kingdom's jester is named hephaester
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gaylactic-fire · 7 months
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The Curse
Aka Hylia's favourite transmasc gets amnesia and forgets what periods are
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vepuei · 4 months
Tembren Vōlïzï - Galactic Ownership and Power
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cosmiart · 21 days
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"How is that I come to find my cousin in this nest of adders, ser?"
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marilynsweet · 1 year
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