#for god and ulster
tmarshconnors · 11 months
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Orange Lilies
Lilium bulbiferum, common names orange lily, fire lily, Jimmy's Bane, tiger lily and St. John's Lily, is a herbaceous European lily with underground bulbs, belonging to the Liliaceae.
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hi more ulster cycle art based on this passage: “From the Monday after the feast of Samain at summer’s end to the Wednesday after the feast of Imbolc at spring’s beginning, Cúchulainn never slept — unless against his spear for an instant after the middle of the day, with head on fist and fist on spear and the spear against his knee” - táin bó cúailnge tr. thomas kinsella
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sissiarte · 18 days
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Cú Chulainn and the three people who want to be buried with him :) I'm very happy that I'm finally settling their designs !!!!!!
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godsofhumanity · 2 days
Cu Chulainn: Just want to wish Ferdiad the most special, magical birthday ever. I love you with all my heart. Cu Chulainn: Also, happy birthday to my wife, Emer.
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trans-cuchulainn · 11 months
i do think it's kind of funny that ao3 seems to have made a blanket change to all the "mythology" tags to make them "religion and lore" (not a good change) EXCEPT the "arthurian mythology" tag, which remains intact despite a Number of people trying to get that one reworked or at least different wrangled for ages. they're like "we're taking mythology away from all the contexts where it might be applicable. and leaving it in the context where it's dubious. this is a sensible change"
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dullahandyke · 1 year
Yes win my Irish folklore podcast of choice has an ep on the curse of macha! Was thinking abt it all class <3
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15pantheons · 1 year
Cú Chulainn: *falls down the stairs*  Ferdiad: Are you okay?  Emer: Stop falling down the stairs!  Morrigan: How’d the ground taste? 
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breitzbachbea · 7 months
Relistening to 'We sell any monk' and the thing about selling from Dublin (makes sense!) to as far away as Italy (also makes sense!) makes me want to have a very silly little medieval AU. They end up in the Emirate of Sicily - as a bunch, though being sold separately and still ending up in the same place may be even better.
Anyways, Michele lives there and meets the unfortunate souls, whose backstory is "Yeah, no, not monks - " "We're the only sons you see -" "And I never was particularly holy or called to Christ anyways, I just lived around a monastery -" "You've seen that fecker, you expect his sister to be pious? No, no nun either." "Anyways. We're from around Dubh Linn and uh. You know. Thought a raid couldn't hurt." "Oh yeah, that were your words, weren't they!"
This goes on for another five minutes. Especially if Michele introduces himself and someone, in true Irish fashion, is like "Oh, I met someone from Byzantium on my way here. Do you know a Tiffany from Ravenna?"
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grailwishes · 1 year
new character tags ( blorbos first ) ^-^
📖  *  guinevere pendragon.   ‣  queen of camelot.
📖  *  cassandra of troy.   ‣  princess prophetess.
📖  *  helen of sparta.   ‣  the most beautiful woman.
📖  *  maid marian / william scarlet.   ‣  lady of the merry men.
📖  *  saito momoka.   ‣  wisteria & peaches.
📖  *  yuuki cupid saito.   ‣  last hope of humanity.
📖  *  percival.   ‣  the dove knight.
📖  *  gawain.   ‣  knight of the sun.
📖  *  agravain.   ‣  knight of iron.
📖  *  sieg.   ‣  balmung's heir.
📖  *  siegfried.   ‣  dragon slayer.
📖  *  emiya shirou.   ‣  hero of justice.
📖  *  cú chulainn / sétanta.   ‣  hero of ulster.
📖  *  fiore forvedge.   ‣  yggdmillennia's true talent.
📖  *  jeanne d'arc.   ‣  holy maiden.
📖  *  rama.   ‣  brahmastra.
📖  *  asterios.   ‣  chaos labyrinth.
📖  *  nursery rhyme.   ‣  born of fairytales.
📖  *  bazett fraga mcremitz.   ‣  god's holder.
📖  *  waver velvet / lord el-melloi II.   ‣  cringefail professor.
📖  *  grey.   ‣  grave for you.
📖  *  charlemagne.   ‣  joyeuse ordre.
📖  *  name.   ‣  tag.
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alternis · 1 year
I always excuse my autism accent on the fact my dad is irish, which is true! it's just that... he doesn't have an irish accent. bc he deliberately gave himself a neutral english accent as a teenager.
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noctilionoidea · 2 years
No thoughts only Cú
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
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“I have never made an inflammatory statement in my life”
Ian Richard Kyle Paisley was a Northern Irish loyalist politician and Protestant religious leader.
Born: 6 April 1926, Armagh, Northern Ireland
Died: 12 September 2014, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
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dduane · 2 months
I've been enjoying the recent Middle Kingdoms works, and was especially taken by the ritual hospitality in "The Landlady". It seemed reminiscent of traditional Irish phrases I've encountered translated into English. If there any influence? To what degree has Ireland leaked into your understanding of the Middle Kingdoms and their cultures?
Re: the Irish influence: there's occasionally some effect on casual idiomatic usages in characters' general conversation, yes. In fact, while doing some editing work on TOTF3: The Librarian just a day or three ago, I caught Freelorn's edgy friend-who-killed-him-that-one-time, Sem, using phrases that unquestionably were not just Irish-originated, but Ulster-originated. :) (And plainly this is @petermorwood's fault. But since the character seems comfortable with the usage, and from where I'm sitting it sounds right for him, I'm not going to mess with it.)
As regards Irish influence on the Kingdoms' formal hospitality-language and culture, though, I'm not seeing much evidence of that. Not that I haven't done a fair amount of reading about Brehon law and other adjacent matters over time as a matter of casual research. But none of that seems to be reflected in any of the notes I made on the Kingdoms' cultures while developing them.
The connection I am pretty sure of is to translations of stock epithets and phrases (and the presence of various general concepts and actions) associated with the practice of formal xenia in ancient Greece, particularly as described in the Odyssey.
In particular, the Kingdoms' worldview seems to share a core concept with the ancient Greek one as regards xenia. This is the idea that personified Deity is walking around in the world, making itself responsible for the protection of people who call on others' hospitality. Both cultures have the idea that people's behavior may be tested by the gods—or God(dess)—to see how well they're obeying the rules set out regarding the welcome properly due to strangers and those in need.*
In the Kingdoms, the concept has had what seemed to me like a more or less logical expansion into the relationship between the heads of organized Houses—what we could equate with local familial lordships, though the actuality in the Realms is a lot less patriarchially hierarchical and more complex—and the people who come to hold land of/from the Houses' heads.
So it made sense to me that there would be basic gestures and phrases that express agreement to various aspects of the contract between a House's head and their holders. Since both writing and literacy died off during that alternate Earth's domination by the Dark, and had to be revived and relearned after its destruction, this contract was for a long time always verbal. Over the centuries, ritualized concrete practices—the exchange of bread and water between Holders and head of House, for example—grew up alongside the spoken content to make it plain that everybody understood the nature and intention of the contract. These, too, I derived from material in the Odyssey and other works of that period: situations, for example, where simply eating something that someone else has given you is itself confirmation that the contract between host and guest is in place and working.
Anyway: thanks for the question. Hope this helps!
*But then readers of the MK books will of course recognize this as the kind of thing the Goddess already does in Her world—not being one of those lurking-and-skulking sorts of deity who leaves you wondering all your life about whether they're real or not. Her basic contract with Her creation already contains the concept that everybody gets to meet Her personally at least once; and—either in Her proper person, or in the form of other people—sometimes more than once. Because yeah, She's busy... but what's the point of being a deity if you don't have the time to sit down with your creation for drinks every now and then...?
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werewolfetone · 6 months
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oifaaa · 4 months
God i love museums hey anyone wanna go to the ulster America folk park with me
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gatheringbones · 11 months
[“The elephant in the room of immigration is the US military invasion and annexation of half of Mexican territory that spanned more than two decades, 1821 to 1848. During that same period, the eastern half of the United States was being ethnically cleansed with the forced removal of Native nations. White supremacy and settler-colonial violence are permanently embedded in US topography. The United States has a foundational problem of white nationalism that wasn’t new with Nixon or Reagan or Trump. White nationalism was inscribed in the founding of the United States as a European settler-colonial expansionist entity, the economy of which was grounded in the violent theft of land and in racial slavery, and with settlers armed to the teeth throughout its history, presently numbering over three hundred million people with the same number of firearms in civilian hands. Yet only a third of the population own those guns, an average of eight each, and 3 percent of the population own 50 percent of the guns in civilian hands. A great majority of this minority of gun owners are white men who are descendants of the original settlers, or pretend to be. These descendants are most obvious in the former Confederate and border states but actually are also scattered in clusters and communities in all parts of the United States. They are the latter-day carriers of the United States’ national origin myth, a matrix of stories that attempts to justify conquest and settlement, transforming the white frontier settler into an “indigenous people,” believing that they are the true natives of the continent, much as the South African Boers regarded themselves as the “true” children of Israel, powered by Calvinism; the Calvinist Scots settlers did in Ulster, Ireland; or Jewish settlers in Palestine—all established by an imaginary God-given covenant making them the chosen peoples.”]
roxanne dunbar-ortiz, from not a nation of immigrants: settler colonialism, white supremacy, and a history of erasure and exclusion, 2021
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