#for like two minutes at most exo is so serious to me
darker-overlord · 11 months
ok taking a break from being a kpop stan (derogatory) im back😍🙏🙏
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Ok so imagine Saint and Osiris's first date ever. Osiris obviously asks first because he's overconfident as fuck and would totally make the first move.
Saint is flabbergasted and absolutely blushing however an Exo would blush. He accepts without hesitation.
Osiris nods and tells him good, they'll meet here tomorrow evening and go to his favorite restaurant together. The place serves the most wonderful and well made dishes in the entire Last City.
The next evening when the two meet up, Osiris reaches and grabs Saint's hand, causing the Exo to be super elated and giddy. Osiris guides him through alleyways and between buildings, through to a dingy district that's pretty run down, and up to a small, decrepit structure. Calling it a building would be... an insult to architecture everywhere. Osiris leads Saint past the bar guarding the entrance, and the place is... lights are dim and flickering rapidly, some are out, the wall paint is peeling, and there are two tables and a back counter where a VERY tired person stands. She looks up wearily.
"Ah. Osiris. Back for more cheese fries?" she asks.
"The biggest helping you can make!" Osiris replies proudly. "And Saint, what would you like? Hot dogs? Onion rings? Chicken wings? But don't go for the pizza, it tastes like cardboard."
With how this place looks, Saint is surprised the pizza isn't made with cardboard. Awkwardly, he politely orders some onion rings. He and Osiris sit down at a table together.
Minutes later, the tired worker comes out with two GINORMOUS takeout containers, one with cheese fries, and the other with onion rings. There is enough of each to last for at least a week of dinners.
Saint has no idea what to do with this many onion rings. He goes ahead and grabs just one, eating it.
However, Osiris shoves his entire right hand into his helping of fries, scoops out as much as he can, and bites into it directly, filling his mouth until both cheeks are puffed outward. With a mouthful of food, he asks, "So how are the onions?"
"........ Good......." Saint hesitantly replies.
Within the hour, Osiris has consumed his entire container, including scraping the cheese clean with his fingers and licking it off.
However... Saint has barely made a dent in his food, it seems, even though he swears he ate at least half the container.
Osiris sees this and shrugs. "Well! Leftovers for a while, right?" And with that, he helps shove the massive container of onion rings shut, and hands it to Saint. "Next time you can choose the place!! I'm excited to see if it'll match this food!!"
He's dead serious, Saint realizes. Osiris truly believes this is fantastic food in every sense.
Saint makes a personal note to find a place with cheese fries for their next date.
(Omg sorry this took me forever to write lol. But you can't tell me that Osiris eats healthy, wholesome meals at all. That man would find a hamburger in the garbage half eaten, and think to himself that no one's gonna eat the rest, so he will.)
HHHHHH oh my, at first when you described the place I thought that this was gonna be a Balto moment LMFAO this is hilarious
I would've gone with the chicken wings 👀LOL! I eat the same as osiris… just picker.…
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
Imagine having a crush on Kai but figuring he only likes hot girls...so you ask Queen Hwasa to give you lessons
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You'd liked Kai for a while now but were one of those people who just didn't act on your crushes. You liked to scope them out first and find out if there was more there than attraction. With Kai you judged him based on his stage character and figured the two of you wouldn't get along. He was hot, calm and cool whereas you were loud excitable and goofy. So you'd written him off as just another crush you'd never approach when Hwasa did her Olive Young campaign with him and told you that was a load of crap. Hwasa found out that Kai was actually quiet, sweet and a lot more endearing than his intimidating stage character. He was funny, smart and so much more than a hot body. She was immediately stunned by how similar the two of you were and even told Kai that. He said he'd love to meet you to see for himself which was so exciting and flattering. You decided to go for it but because you hadn’t seen this different side of Kai you were still a little nervous. You thought it would be a good idea to channel Kai's energy and get lessons from the queen of sexy herself Hwasa on how to match Kai's hot energy. You figured you couldn't just go up and say hi to one of the most popular idols around and Hwasa agreed to teach you.
Your group Mamamoo were up for an award and it was likely you'd win. So Hwasa thought that'd be a perfect time for you to give Kai something to watch. "Okay so the key to a good entrance is the sexy walk" Hwasa said "you need to strut. Keep your eyes straight ahead and don't look at anyone. Move your hips and just act like you own the whole place. Okay?". You nodded "okay!" and started skipping. Hwasa laughed "love the energy y/n but you're going too quickly". You nodded "got it!" but slowed it down so much you looked like Mariano from Encanto. Hwasa smirked "a little faster, look watch me". She demonstrated the walk and you cheered her on. "Okay now you!" she said. You were still walking too fast but you had definitely improved. "Again!" Hwasa called and you kept at it for 20 minutes until Hwasa nodded "you're ready". You kept practising the walk in your dressing room and your members found it funny how much you were enjoying it. "Your face looks so serious!" Wheein giggled and Hwasa tolled her eyes "that's what makes the sexy walk sexy! You never smile, a smirk is allowed but a bitch face is the best". "I am going to kill this!" you grinned and the members smiled. Your confidence was still with you as you waited backstage for the award but the second they called "Mamamoo!" you froze. "Wait I can't do it!" you said halting and Hwasa frowned "yes you can". "But Exo have front-row seats!". "Exactly" Hwasa nodded "it's perfect". You shook your head "no because he'll see me!". "Yes which is why it's perfect" Hwasa replied. "No I can't!" you cried and the host said your name again confused why you hadn't appeared. "Are we going?" Solar asked while Wheein frowned "Y/n are you okay?". Hwasa took your hands "look y/n you can do this! It's the nerves talking. I'll do it with you and we'll look amazing okay?". You sighed but nodded "okay!" and let the girls lead you out. Your training immediately went out of your head and you forgot how to walk. All you could remember was Hwasa saying to hold your head up so you raised it and stared at the ceiling. You might've raised it a little too high because you totally didn't see the podium and knocked into it sending your award flying. You yelped and stuck your hands out. You punched the microphone to the other side of the stage but managed to catch the award before it hit the ground. Your members all laughed as you held it up before realising you had it upside down and flipped it around almost dropping it again. The host rushed to pick up the microphone which was still rolling away and you blushed embarrassed. "It's okay, could've happened to anyone" Solar told you but of course it happened to you right in front of Exo. You wanted the ground to swallow you up.   Backstage your members assured you it wasn't that bad. "It was cute!" Solar said "like a harmless clumsy thing and the fact you caught it is impressive". "I'm more impressed with how she broke the microphone!" Moonbyul cried and Hwasa shot her a look "not helping". "What? It IS impressive, I once dropped mine down the stairs and it still worked. One punch from y/n and it's done". You laughed starting to feel better and the girls continued until you were ready to put it behind you. "Okay so sexy walking didn't work what's next?" you asked as you all walked to the car taking you to the after-party. “Next is sexy dancing" Hwasa told you and you nodded "ah good I do this all the time". Hwasa paused "no you don't". "Hey!" you cried "I'm a great dancer, everyone loves when I dance". "Yeah because you're funny and energetic not because you're hot". Your jaw dropped and Moonbyul snorted as the other girls laughed. "You're great on stage but your natural dancing is a lot more...like a child throwing their arms around everywhere". You chuckled at Hwasa's description and Wheein patted you "I think your dancing is good y/n". "Thank you Wheein" you said pointedly looking at Hwasa. "You don't care if you look good which is nice" Wheein finished and Hwasa burst out laughing. You put your head in your hands, this being sexy thing was a lot harder than you thought. Hwasa coached you again on how to dance sexily and after a few drinks you were ready. Hwasa led you over to the dance floor and you put what she said into practice. So far things were going well. You were controlling your energy like Hwasa said and using your hips more which was apparently hot. It wasn't as fun as high-energy dancing but you were getting a good reception and Kai was watching you from across the room! 
Then they put Cyberpunk by Ateez on and you froze. 
This was your favourite song at the moment and Hwasa knew that. She looked at you and shook her head "no y/n stay strong...". "But how do I dance slowly to this? It's so good you have to move" you whined. "You can do it” Hwasa told you but your foot started twitching to the beat. You moved your arms along and started losing it. "I'm going...I'm going" you told Hwasa and she grabbed your arm "stay strong y/n!". "Can't. Be. Sexy. Must. Dance. Properly!" you cried and as the chorus started you started jumping. You kicked as the beat hit and did your typical big dancing. You dramatically sang along to Jongho's bit of the chorus and heard someone cheering. You turned to see San and Wooyoung from Ateez watching you and they were clearly loving your take on it. You grinned and challenged them to keep up. This progressed to you and San being in a dance battle while Hwasa watched wondering how you'd strayed so far from sexy dancing. You won the dance battle. When it got to the part where Jongho climbs up the chorus, going higher and higher with each second and you imitated that. San bowed to you admitting defeat and you laughed pulling him back up before carrying on dancing. You apologise to Hwasa but were having too much fun to be hot. After you'd worn yourself out Hwasa took you to get a drink and to re-assess. "Okay so the dancing and walk was a failure but you have one thing left". You nodded "okay what do i do?". "Flirt with his friend". "Why?" you asked and Hwasa smiled "because it will drive him crazy! You pretend like he's not even there and walk away leaving him desperate for you". You nodded "okay which friend do I flirt with?". "Just pick any of them it doesn't matter who". "Should we go over what I should say?" you asked and Hwasa shook her head "No you're good at flirting so I'm not worried about that. Kai is at the bar and Baekhyun is on the outside. Just go up to the side of him and start flirting". You nodded "okay!" And made your way forwards. However before you got there Baekhyun left and the person now on the outside was Chen. Hwasa's eyes widened as you headed for him instead and she tried to stop you but you didn't see her gestures. You stopped beside Chen and greeted him before launching into your flirting. Hwasa gaped as you tried it on with Chen. "Hey what's y/n doing?" Solar asked and Hwasa frowned "oh you know just trying to break up a marriage". "What!" Moonbyul cried "why would she do that?". "Because I told her to" Hwasa sighed. "Doesn't she know Chen's married?" Wheein asked. Hwasa shook her head "clearly not! You know y/n doesn't listen to idol news". The girls watched as Chen asked for your phone and put a number in it. Their jaws dropped as he passed it back with a smile. You had surely not just gotten a married man's phone number accidentally! You walked back to Hwasa smirking "smashed that!". "You know he's married right?" Solar asked and your eyes widened "what? No!". Hwasa groaned "and he gave you his number...what did he say". "Erm that this person really wanted to hear from me and that he hoped I'd call". The girls were all horrified and couldn't believe what had happened "how awful!". After failing miserably at the 3 things you were meant to do sexily you decided to just give up and Hwasa agreed to call it a night. So you stuck with the girls and tried to salvage something out of this night but you were struggling. Why did being sexy come so easy to people like Kai and Hwasa but seemed impossible to you? Life just wasn't fair. You went to the bathroom to find some quiet and on the way back found someone waiting outside. Only you didn’t see him until it was too late and only just stopped yourself crashing into him. "Kai!" You said shocked and he smiled "Hi y/n". "Hi!" you said before looking around "were you waiting for someone?". He laughed "kinda" but he didn't say more so you just smiled "so are you having a good night?". "Yes but yours seemed so much more fun. You saved that award on stage, had a dance battle and got a married man's number". The colour drained from your face "I had no idea Chen was married, I thought that was just a rumour! I promise I'm not going to use it, I would never go with a married guy". Kai nodded "I totally believe you but did you look at the number?". You frowned "no..." and took your phone out. You scrolled through your contacts but there was no Chen saved. "Weird he's not there" you said frowning when you spotted a different name. Kai. "Wait but you're here. How did your number get there?". Kai smiled blushing slightly "Chen. I didn't ask him to do it but he said he was doing me a favour. See I've been wanting to talk to you for a while but could never work out the courage to so Chen made me". You blinked "you were nervous to talk to me? Why?". "Because you're so fun and lively!" Kai smiled "whenever I see you, you're always smiling and I had no idea if a girl like you would even notice someone more serious like me. Then Hwasa started sending some pretty big hints and I began to hope". You groaned "I'm so going to kill her! What did she say?". "Oh just some things about us being well-matched and getting along" he shrugged. You laughed "she must've been playing us both. Tonight she was training me on how to be a girl you'd like but it all went wrong". Kai frowned "did it? You looked pretty good to me". You laughed "oh come on! You like sexy hot girls and tonight I punched a microphone, did a roundhouse kick on the dance floor nearly breaking my shoes and flirted unknowingly with a married man. I was anything but sexy". Kai shook his head "one what makes you think I don't find those things sexy and two what made you think I only liked sexy girls?". "Well you're Kai! You're hot every single second of the day! Your red suit nearly broke the internet and for good reason". Kai chuckled "I'm not actually that hot, that's all costume and choreography. Off stage I'm just pretty boring and I find your attitude and approach to life a lot hotter. I like how you're so yourself and do whatever comes into your mind. That's sexy". You blinked "it is? I thought it was all about rolling your hips and gyrating?". Kai laughed "see that's what I mean I've never heard a girl say gyrating before". You paused "should I not say that around boys?". Kai shook his head "you can say it around me as much as you like" and he smiled. You blushed at the way he was looking at you and looked down "okay". Kai couldn't seem to stop smiling as he watched you. "So now your know the number is mine and not Chen's...do you think you'll use it?". You wanted to squeal yes but knew Hwasa would tell you to act cool so you flicked your hair back and tried to act natural. "I don't know...maybe" you shrugged and Kai smiled. "Well i'd love to hear from you so I hope you do. Goodnight y/n" and with a wink he left. You waited for him to leave and fell against the wall. That was the moment your members appeared and they rushed over to you. "Y/n what's wrong?" Solar asked. "Are you okay?" Wheein said and you shook your head "Kai just winked at me and asked me out". You explained the situation and they all screamed. "See he liked you just the way you are!" Solar said smugly and you shrugged "apparently! What is wrong with him?". "Nothing!" Moonbyul said "you're great" and Hwasa nodded "I told you the two of you were perfect for each other!". Wheein nodded "now text him!". You smiled "I think that can wait for tomorrow, I've got a night to enjoy with my girls" and you led them all back to the dancefloor. This time you danced exactly how you liked and Kai smiled watching you from afar. To him you looked perfect. 
Okay but can we all agree the Kai x Hwasa Olive Young campaign was the greatest thing ever? They were so great and had so much chemistry! We need a Mamamoo x Exo collab asap
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oohfluffy · 3 years
Sick | DKS
Group: EXO
Member: Do Kyungsoo
Theme: Fluff | Boyfriend!AU
Word Count: 840
“Shut up. You’ll get me sick.”
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The rain kept pouring, and the skies have been hiding the sun as if there's only night to be seen.
You reached out to the bedside table for your cup of coffee, only to grunt in pain as your headache resurfaced with your sudden movement. You heard the door closed as his voice called your name in haste.
"Baby, stop moving. I'll get that."
With your eyes almost shutting close again, you can see his figure moving on your side of the bed. He was wearing very comfy clothes, sweaters and jogging pants. His hair was messy, but it made him look so much more attractive. You mumbled something as he sat beside you.
"Sit up, you'll spill the coffee on the sheets." He said as he guided your weak body to sit up. You've been burning hot since dawn, and he can't sleep again when your fever hasn't gone down for a bit. You grunted as your back straightened, feeling the coldness of the room when your arms got exposed. Your boyfriend instantly noticed and brought the covers up to your chest, trying to make you feel warm again. You chuckled as you patted his hands away.
"How would I drink my coffee?" You mumbled, making him stop. His eyes widened, wider than his usual wide eyes.
He's already making your day with his cuteness.
"Kyungsoo-ah." You said as you watched him carefully bringing the cup of coffee to you. His eyes met yours as soon as you called him. Those eyes that caught your attention the first time you saw him. They're full of wonder and curiosity before, and now, they're still the same but with love and sincerity this time. He tilted his head. "Thank you."
"Psh, I thought something was wrong. Here, warm yourself up." He smiled as he gently grabbed your hands to wrap them around the warm cup. You smiled, feeling content with how much he's been taking care of you. "I'm still heating the soup. The meds are here." He tapped the side table before leaning in.
You raised your eyebrows at him, lips quirked up.
"What is it? You can't flirt with a sick person, Kyungsoo." You giggled as he caressed your blushing cheek. Your lips were pale, but they were still seductive and sexy in his eyes. "I know that look."
"What look? I'm just checking if your fever went down already."
"You liar. You just checked my temperature 5 minutes ago."
"I want to check it again." Kyungsoo smiled as he kissed your cheek, feeling the smoke from the cup of coffee you're holding. He nuzzled his nose on your skin before pulling away. "I'll bring the soup. Stay still, okay?"
"It's not like I want to move around in this state." You shrugged before taking a sip of the coffee. It was not too sweet, just as you like it. Kyungsoo stood up, patting his pants as he walked back to the door. You glanced at the side of the bed and saw that he didn't make his side of the bed.
"You have work in an hour, right?" You breathed out as the warm liquid comforted your shivering form. He turned to you with a grin. "What's that look? You filed a leave?" You jokingly said before taking another sip.
You almost spit out your coffee when he nodded.
"What? You're sick, baby." He looked at you as if offended by your reaction.
"This is just a cold, Kyungsoo!"
"Still sick." He shrugged as he leaned against the door. He pointed at the sheets with a disapproving look. "Watch the sheets, babe."
"I get sick only for a day! Two days at most, but it's not serious, man!" You incredulously said as you laughed at his furrowing brows. He's not having any of your reasons. "You don't need to file a leave."
"I already filed a leave for three days, in case you're still sick on the second day. The third day will be… cuddle day since I need to rest." He mumbled confidently as he rolled his eyes, making you swoon. You placed the cup back on the bed side table. "I'll just be worrying about you at work, so this is the best choice—"
"Come here, you sweet shit—"
"Words, babe." Kyungsoo sternly said as he walked back to you with his slouching form. You laughed, admiring how strict he was with you. No wonder he managed to handle your personality.
He tamed the notorious you.
You opened your arms lovingly and welcomed his warmth. Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around you while immediately settling his head on top of yours. You nuzzled your nose on his chest, feeling sleepy and content with him beside you.
"I don't think I need meds anymore. I just need you." You said in an annoyingly sweet voice, making Kyungsoo chuckle. His chest quivered, and you enjoyed hearing his heartbeat from there. His arms tightened around you as he kissed the top of your head.
"Shut up. You'll get me sick."
This drabble is to celebrate my boi Kyungsoo's solo today. Hope y'all are looking forward to it, and let's stream together later! It's quite a long time since I wrote a drabble, but hope you enjoyed it!
Look out for the new series I'll be writing 👀
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mint-yooxgi · 3 years
{6} - Obsession
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Yandere AU - Part of the EXO Obsession Series
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst
Pairing: EXO OT9 X Reader (with a particular focus on X-EXO)
Words: 3,742
Warnings: This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: It's finally here! Yay! After months of waiting, I really hope you all enjoy the update as well as what I have planned for the rest of the series. So, since this is posted on a Friday, Friday's will be Obsession posting days, but every two weeks! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Previous ~ Next
“How did you-“
“Find you? Get in?” He cuts you off before you can even finish your question. “Tracking you was the easy part. All I had to do was follow your scent. Once I picked up on that, I found this quant abode here and waited to see if you would actually show up. Once you did, I knew I had you. You’re cautious, I’ll give you that, but I’m quicker.”
Your eyes narrow as he stands up from the chair. Who knows how long he’s known about this place, and if he can find it, then his original most certainly can, too. You need answers, and you’ll make sure he give them to you.
“How long?”
“About three days,” he hums, nonchalantly.
“Why wait until now to make your move?” You watch him carefully, analyzing every move he makes as he starts to pace the opposite side of your room slowly, each step deliberately dragged out.
The grip you have on the blade in your hand tightens.
“It’s the perfect time, is it not?” Suho quirks a brow in amusement. You’ve never seen him act like this before, an air of arrogance surrounding him as he takes another step. “We’ve successfully infiltrated the compound. The morale of the team is failing, and you’re upset about the ring. What better time to make my appearance than now when I can make the first move? Tell me, has my other self offered you solace yet?”
“You should know,” you retort, shoulders tense.
“I bet he was livid when he found out you didn’t trust him with something as important, as precious to you as that ring. I know I was,” he chuckles, halting his movements for the time being in favour of turning to face you head on. “Let me guess, he told you not to hesitate to call him for anything at all.”
Your breath hitches slightly at the way he says those words, exactly as Junmyeon had said them earlier that same day. A smirk dances on his features: he’s got you.
“If only my original wasn’t such a coward,” he tuts. “We could have been together by now, but no. He’s too concerned about appearances and whatnot.”
“He’s doing better than you,” you counter, and he quirks a brow, clearly amused by your pointed tone.
“Don’t lie to yourself, love,” in an instant, he has you pinned to the wall, hand gripping your one wrist firmly enough to have you dropping your grip on the blade you’re holding. The blade falls to the floor with a small clatter. A gasp escapes your lips as you feel his breath ghost your ear, his voice low as he says, “I could hear your heart racing in excitement all the way across the room.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” your voice is low in response, playing him at his own game as your own breath hits his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. “Now, get off of me before I make you.”
You’re surprised by his bold actions, but also, from the way he’s been acting, you’ve been expecting him to get in closer any minute. You’d prefer not to be in this position with him for much longer, but perhaps you can use it to your advantage. It’s not like you’re enjoying all of this back and forth.
However, to a pair of prying eyes looking in from the darkness of the foliage outside your window, this position you find yourself in appears in quite the contrast to how you really feel on the inside.
“I’d like to see you try,” you can practically hear the smirk in his voice as he drags his nose along the column of your neck, pushing his body even further into yours as he keeps you pinned against the wall. His free hand that had previously been holding onto your waist drifts lower, grabbing the underside of your one thigh and tugging it up so your leg comes to wrap around his waist. He’s only ever dreamed of being in this sort of position with you, and now that he is, he wants to savour the feeling for as long as he can.
“Suho,” your voice is nothing but a warning, and you can feel him tense against you, a sigh falling from his lips.
“Again, with that name,” he leans back slightly, just enough to be able to stare into your eyes properly. “I’d prefer it if you called me by my name, love.”
“I’ll call you whatever the hell I want to until you get off of me,” you retort, and though you can see the amusement shining in his eyes, he reluctantly lets you go, taking a few steps back to give you some space. Rubbing at your wrist which had been previously held in his grip, you eye him warily, but you play along. For now. “Thank you, Junmyeon.”
A smug smile tugs at his lips, “there, now, was that so hard?”
You stare at him for a moment, adjusting your stance until you feel the coolness of the metal from the blade against your foot. In the blink of an eye, you manage to drop your body in a roll, grabbing the blade, once more holding it in your hand. Your stare is cold as you remain crouched low to the ground, holding the blade in front of you firmly.
“What is it that you want?” You ask, hearing him let out another sigh at your behaviour.
“I thought I- we made that obvious,” he replies, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “You.”
“Then why go to all this trouble to get me? Why not just take me now?”
“It’s like we’ve already said, we want you to come to us rather than us just taking you, but we will resort to those means if necessary.” He says.
“Even if that means hurting me?” This time, it’s your turn to quirk a brow.
“We wouldn’t ever dream of hurting you,” he replies with no hesitation. “The others, on the other hand, are fair game.”
“You of all people should know that hurting them would be like hurting me, no matter how you try and frame it,” you say. “Besides, what’s to stop me from plunging this dagger into my own heart right here, right now?”
“Ah, yes, your seemingly noble act of self-sacrifice,” he hums. “Go ahead, I won’t stop you this time. The others aren’t around to do anything about it either.”
“You seem confident I won’t do it,” flipping the dagger, you point the tip at your chest and you notice him falter slightly before righting himself once more. Seems he’s had a change of heart.
“You may talk big, but you and I both know that you don’t want to die,” Suho’s voice is level, confident in what he’s saying. “No matter how brave of a face you put on, I know the truth. The thought of death terrifies you.”
You grit your teeth, grip becoming so tight on the blade your hand starts to cramp. How he knows this fact is beyond you, and you’re shocked he’d even bring it up at all. Sure you may put on a tough facade for your team most of the time, but he’s right. Death has always terrified you, but your sense of duty has always overpowered that fear.
“Your silence speaks volumes, love,” he smirks, moving over to the patio doors attached to your room. His eyes catch a slight movement as he slides the door open, a gentle breeze drifting through the room as he turns his head to look at you from over his shoulder. “You have three days, and then we’re coming for you. You best be ready for when that time comes.”
Without another word, he’s disappeared, nothing but your open patio door serving as a reminder to what has just transpired in your room moments before.
Letting out a sigh of relief, you release the breath you had unwillingly been holding. The dagger in your hand falls to the floor once more as you relax your tense muscles. Everything has just gotten that much more complicated.
Clearing your mind in the next moment, you stand quickly, locking your patio doors and moving to set your alarm. The last thing you need is another unexpected visit from one of the other clones today.
Picking the blade back up, you keep it at your side as you walk through your house. Doing the only thing you can think of at this time to do, you call Kyungsoo.
Explaining the situation to him takes no more than two minutes, and you can hear him exhale loudly on the other end of the phone.
“You know what this means, right?” He asks, and you can hear some shuffling coming from his end.
“I am aware, yes,” you reply, running a hand over your face as you stare at your tired reflection in the hallway mirror. “I could use all the help I can get at this point.”
“We’ll be there in less than an hour,” is the last thing you hear before the line goes dead. Trust Kyungsoo to always be on top of things when stuff like this happens. Now, all that’s left to do is wait until they arrive.
Meanwhile, as soon as he ends the call with you, Kyungsoo lets out another sigh. You just can’t seem to catch a break.
“What’s wrong?” Yixing peeks his head over the monitors at Kyungsoo.
“Get Minseok, we’re leaving,” is the only reply he gets. “I’ll explain on the way.”
The two share a look, and it’s enough for Yixing to understand that this is about you. Something’s happened, and he knows it’s serious if Kyungsoo refuses to even divulge the topic while at the compound. Too many prying eyes, and ears for that matter.
Not even ten minutes later, the three of them are all packed into Kyungsoo’s car, heading straight to the highway in order to get to your place. Granted, they did have to dodge some questions from your strike team about where they’re going. Luckily, they managed to escape without too many suspicions raised. At least, that’s what they think.
“Is it just me, or are the techs all suspiciously acting real close to (Y/n) all of a sudden?” Baekhyun voices as the six of them go over their stations once more to make sure they didn’t miss filing anything that got stolen by the clones.
“Jun, Dae and I did sort of walk in on them talking about something in her office yesterday,” Sehun recalls, tapping the pen he’s holding on the bottom of his chin as he recalls the hushed whispers he had heard through the door. “It sounded important.”
“You guys don’t think something else has happened regarding our clones, has it?” Jongin furrows his brow in concern, sharing a look with each of his teammates.
“I don’t think they’re being completely honest with us,” Junmyeon adds, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“Shouldn’t we give them the benefit of the doubt, though?” Chanyeol reasons, resting the clipboard he’s holding on his hip. “They are our teammates, I’m sure they’d tell us if it were important.”
“Baekhyun’s right,” Jongdae says, and all eyes turn to look at him. “Clearly there’s an air of distrust between us, especially now that the clones have infiltrated the compound and taken her ring.”
“What ring?” Jongin’s brow furrows even further in confusion. So far, he’s the only one who hasn’t received an explanation for it. “You mean the one she came in seething about today while we were in interrogation?”
“Yeah,” Jongdae confirms. “If Kyungsoo was the only other one beside me who knew about it, and Yixing and Minseok are practically uninvolved in this, I’d say they’re probably the people she trusts most right now.”
“This is ridiculous,” Baekhyun huffs.
“Like it or not, Jongdae’s right,” Junmyeon sighs.
“Wait, hold up,” Jongin interjects. “Will one of you please explain this ring to me?”
“It was her grandmother’s ring, given to her to give to the person she wants to spend the rest of her life with,” Sehun explains, a slight daze falling over his features as he recounts everything you told them. Once he’s done explaining, Jongin falls silent.
“Oh,” he breathes, the same thoughts coursing through his head as with the others when they first learnt of this ring. “Well, clearly we need to find the clones and get this ring back as soon as we can.”
“That’s the plan,” Chanyeol nods, only causing Baekhyun to frown with the growing tension now engulfing the room. Each of them want to be the one to get that ring back and destroy their clones first to prove to you that they are the one that is worthy to be yours.
“We need to work together, lest we want to fall apart,” Jongdae says, somewhat hesitantly.
A brief silence settles over the six of them, a few of them nodding their agreement. However, each pair of eyes holds wariness in them, not knowing if they can trust each other to the extent that they have in the past.
“Who’s going to give her the ring back when we find it?” Baekhyun asks, and it’s like someone has stolen all the air from the room as soon as the words leave his lips.
“I am,” both Jongdae and Junmyeon answer at the same time, immediately turning to glare at the other in response.
“I’m her second in command, it would make sense for me to return it to her in the end,” Junmyeon explains.
“And I was the one who got her into this mess with the ring in the first place, so it would make most sense if I’m the one to return it to her,” Jongdae counters.
“You just want to make yourself look like the hero in her eyes,” Junmyeon narrows his eyes at Jongdae, a silent warning to not challenge him right now.
“Like you’re any different,” Jongdae scoffs, standing up from his seated position on the bench. “You’re just hoping she’ll tell you to keep the ring once you present it back to her.”
“Now wait just a fucking minute-” this time, its Baekhyun who stands, a fire lit behind his eyes as the six of them begin to argue over who will get to present you your ring once they get it back.
With each passing minute, their voices grow louder. So much so, that their shouting can be heard all the way from outside the room, though half of it is incoherent. By the time another person enters the room, Chanyeol has Sehun pinned against the wall, sparks are dancing along Jongdae’s fingertips as Junmyeon takes a fighting stance, and Baekhyun is reaching for his switchblade to point at Jongin’s throat.
“Enough!” Dahyun’s voice booms across the room, successfully startling the six men out of their blind rage. “Now, I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but you’re all acting like wild animals. No, even wild animals have more decency than you guys right now. There is a crisis going on here, the last thing we need is to be infighting with one another. Pull yourselves together! Go home and get some rest; take a breather and start fresh tomorrow. There are bigger things at play here than what meets the eye.”
At her words, they all straighten themselves out. Sehun, Chanyeol and Jongin hang their heads slightly in shame, while Baekhyun, Junmyeon, and Jongdae all scowl.
“Good,” she nods once she sees that they’ve all calmed down somewhat. “Oh, and by the way, you two,” she motions to Jongdae and Jongin, “are cleared. Now, I repeat, go home and get some rest. We all need it.”
Without another word, she exits the room, leaving the six of them in a tense silence.
As each of them pack up for the evening, all of their minds are on one thing. Proving themselves to you by making sure that they are the only one to get your ring back for you.
Meanwhile, back at your place, you’ve just finished letting Kyungsoo, Minseok, and Yixing in. Quickly locking your door once more, you turn to face the men now standing in your hallway, two with looks of awe on their faces as they take in your house.
“Damn, (Y/n), didn’t know you had a home away from home,” Minseok muses, quirking a brow at you playfully.
“Maybe we should ‘stay with Kyungsoo’ more often, too,” Yixing jokes, causing you to crack a tense smile.
“Surprise,” you chuckle humourlessly, motioning with your head for them to head to the living room so you can all talk.
“Have you-“
“Already triple checked for bugs and any possible changes to my security system,” you cut Kyungsoo off. “I found none, but you’re free to check while I fill these two in.”
A nod is all you receive from Kyungsoo as you make it to your living room and sit on the couch, motioning for both Yixing and Minseok to join you. It takes about ten minutes to fill the two of them in since they kept asking questions. That, and you kept having to explain how you have this house, and why Kyungsoo was the only one to know about it. By the time you’re done, Kyungsoo rejoins the three of you.
“The good news is I found nothing,” he confirms what you’ve already deduced, you nodding to him in thanks.
“That’s good,” Yixing says, turning back to look at you.
“Hang on, I’m still not done processing what you’ve just told me about Suho,” Minseok shakes his head in disbelief. “That bastard did what?”
“Pinned me against the wall and grabbed my thigh to wrap my leg around his waist,” you reply calmly.
Kyungsoo’s eyes flash, “you failed to mention the leg part in your explanation earlier.”
“Did I?” You huff. “My bad.”
“Well, it’s very clear that you’re no longer safe here,” Yixing says. “At least by yourself.”
“That much is for certain,” you huff, leaning back on the couch.
“You’re still safer here than with one of us at our place,” Minseok notes, hand coming up to hold his chin as he thinks.
“That’s true, but who’s to say Junmyeon won’t do the exact same thing his clone did?” Yixing observes.
“I think Junmyeon has a little more dignity than his clone,” Kyungsoo adds. “Or at least, a little more respect for his captain.”
“I’d say so,” you sigh, bringing your one hand up to rub at your eyes. “He said I have three days. That means we only have two and a half to find them before they come for me. If that at all.”
“Already working on it,” Kyungsoo replies, pulling out his laptop from his bag. “Though I haven’t found much since this morning.”
“What program are you using?” Minseok leans over, watching as Kyungsoo types away on his laptop.
The two of them start conversing back and forth, working out the best means to find the clones before something else happens. Yixing takes this time to move beside you on the couch, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Are you okay?” His voice is soft, expression showing nothing but concern for you.
“I will be,” you exhale a long breath.
“If those bastards so much as lay another finger on you…” he lets his threat linger in the air, eyes cold and unforgiving as they narrow at the wall.
“I appreciate the sentiment, Yixing,” you grin halfheartedly. “I’m sure it’ll all be okay.”
At least, that’s what you keep telling yourself.
“Either way, you shouldn’t be left by yourself anymore,” Minseok pipes up from beside Kyungsoo. You weren’t even aware he had been listening in.
“I agree,” Kyungsoo nods, not taking his eyes off of his screen for a moment.
“We should come up with a schedule then,” Yixing nods.
“Well, the others still think I’m staying at Kyungsoo’s place, so we have to time it so in case they go over to his place, he’s there when he’s supposed to be,” you comment, and you see them nod in understanding.
“So, night shifts?” Minseok turns to look at Kyungsoo, who glances up briefly and then proceeds to nod once before going back to focussing on his laptop. “Cool, then Yixing and I can rotate mornings and afternoons.”
“Sounds good to me,” Yixing says with a faint smile.
“You guys really don’t need to be doing this for me, you know,” you tell them, and you’re taken aback at the intensity of their stares as they all whip their heads to look at you.
“Of course we do,” Minseok replies, standing up from his position to come sit on your opposite side. “Your safety is our number one priority.”
“Okay, but I need at least one afternoon off per week,” you joke and they smirk along with you.
“Whatever you need, we’ll provide for you,” Yixing assures you, squeezing your shoulder lightly.
“Thanks guys,” you smile weakly, the stress of the whole situation weighing down on your shoulders even more so than before. Now, you can’t even be in your own home without worrying a clone will appear unannounced. “I really appreciate it.”
“Like we said,” Minseok pats your back reassuringly, “it’s no problem.”
The rest of the evening is spent finalizing the rotation schedule for the next three days. You’ve all agreed to take the next few days off just to be safe. Unless there’s an emergency, or something that one of them needs to grab, like equipment, none of you will be going into the compound for work.They’ll make sure nothing, no one can break into your house again. At least, not while they’re around.
The longer they spend with you, the better you feel. It’s nice to have the three of them there with you, not only for protection, but also for the company as well. If you were by yourself, you’d probably be extra paranoid right now. With good reason, too, for you have yet to notice that extra pair of eyes watching you, lurking just outside your house. Someone that your security system just can’t seem to pick up on.
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taem-min-archived · 3 years
The Detouring Tour
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Pairing : Lay x female reader
Genres : Fluff and humour, domestic au, established relationship, angst if you squint
Summary : Getting lost in the winding streets of Venice sounds romantic. But what if it results in losing your wife and child in the maze of canals and roads instead?
Warnings: stressed out Yixing
A/N: I tried really hard. I really did. But if you don’t like it still I’m sorry. My writer’s block ruined this fic. But big big thanks to @stayinzencity @minlighthyuk  and @exoxobsession for helping me beta read this fic. Also thank you @dreamyyang for helping me with this cover~
Event:  This is for the Around the World in 31 Days event held by @supermwritersnet
WC: 1756
Tagging: @whatudoing @midnightmoi @nctisthecity @jimineos @sehyix @sunshine-skz @softforqiankun @shinee-ingdubu @exo-teez @myownperson-no-matter-what @thefrivolousbitch @soul-and-colour @10-ds-blog @luzdelmictlan @floraljae @030067 @bbhile @rainbowsalt0412 @yutasmile @nichobins @fifty-shades-of-mischeif @nekkocat05 @xavi-in-kpopland @cattycattycath @goticnerdwholikespink @sehunsbb @maryan028 @akqshie 
Networks: @kpopscape @kwritersworld @k-dinernet @multifandomnet @whipped-kpop-creators @prism-nw @exosnet @exo-writers-net​ @supermwritersnet​ @knet-bakery​
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Zhang Yixing knew he had messed up the minute he posed for another beautiful selfie to be taken with his beautiful wife and beautiful baby, only to find himself all alone, posing with the equally beautiful St.Mark's Basilica.
He whipped around, searching for them, his confusion turning into panic. Weren't they right behind him? Being the most popular tourist spot here, the square was naturally crowded. Naturally, Yixing couldn't spot his family in this huge sea of crowd.
And so, in the most panicked state of mind Zhang Yixing had ever been in his life ( well, second most panicked state of mind since the first time was when his tenth grade maths teacher gave him a surprise test in calculus), he came up with the most serious and obvious conclusion ever to be made in history.
He had lost his family.
Any rational person would have said, which century do you live in Yixing? Just call your wife!
And the always lost Yixing would have said, oh yes! How could I forget!
But amazingly, his rational brain was working too well than it should have been in this situation, which he was greatful for.
They hadn't bought any calling card. They were travelling many countries in one go and it didn't make sense buying ten calling cards, each to be used only for three days.
So Yixing reverted to the more medieval method of tracking lost people: retracing their old paths.
He thought where they were before coming to the Square.
They had been walking along the Grand Canal, right beside it's mouth.
He ran all the way there, past Ca d'Oro, down the steps leading to the edge of the Venetian island. He started walking along side the green water, looking at both sides for his wife and his baby (which was a tad bit too difficult for him considering the fact that he had to look in three directions, including his front, and not two).
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well, he was definitely missing his family a lot. Especially his baby. His small ball of love. All of a sudden, he felt another emotion other than panic and fear. And it was sadness. How could he have lost them? He was the most careless man, husband, father, human being, entity...
He paused in front of the Bridge of Sighs, a memory coming to his mind.
It had happened just a few minutes ago. He had managed to push through the crowds and stand at the very edge. Then he had tilted his body ever so slightly so that his young son,  Yixuan could feel the slight thrill of falling. He had laughed loudly, his usual high pitched laughter and Yixing joined in, followed by the nervous laughter of his wife, who was rightfully scared that Yixing might drop her son into the water.
But now he was back in the exact same place, only this time, all alone.
"Are you okay?" A heavy accented  voice asked him in English, snapping him out of his reverie.
He blinked and turned towards his right to find a young girl staring at him, looking concerened. He blinked again, and this time he felt the tears that had unknowingly run down his face, staining his cheeks wet.
He chided himself for crying so easily, as he rubbed away the tears hastily.
"Er, here." She said, shoving a box full tissue (which she seemed to be armed with) right into his face.
He gave her a tight lipped smile and took one.
Rubbing his already dry face he said, " Thanks. I'm fine."
Yixing had always been a bad liar, and judging by the look of disbelief on the young girl's face, he had flopped it again.
"Can I help you?" She asked.
"Er.." Yixing began but quickly, and smartly, realised that they were blocking the path of many tourists who were all dying to see the miniscule bridge through which prisoners used to be taken. He wondered how many of them, ready to snap photos, knew the history behind it and why it was called the Bridge of Sighs.
Making his way to an open space, he found that the girl had followed him.
"I'm fine. Really." He said hoping she would go away.
"You look lost."
"I'm not lost. My wife and child is." Yixing said, without sounding angry.
"If your wife and child are together, maybe then you are the one who is lost."
He sighed. "Where are your parents?" He asked, slight annoyance creeping into his voice.
"My dad let me roam around."
"What?" Which parent was this irresponsible?
The girl huffed, pulling the strap of her bag trying to look taller.
"I'm 16 you know. Besides, I'm Italian so I can find my way."
He relaxed. Then he cursed himself for wasting so much time here and began running when the girl called out once more.
"Wait! I can help you! Do you have any money with you?"
Yixing whipped around, coming to a halt.
"What? Of course I do-" he halted, after  feeling his empty pockets.
"Er no. " Hr said meekly, remembering his wallet was with his wife for safekeeping purposes.
"Aww you poor man." she said, pouting slightly.
"I'm not poor. Just because I don't have my wallet with me-"
"I meant I'm pitying you."
"I don't need your pity. Thank you."
"No really. I'm taking pity on you a lot so let's go find your family."
"I'm fine-"
"Have you tried going back to the Rialto Bridge? Chances are, she might have gone back there."
"Er..." before he could complete his sentences, the girl began marching away back to  Piazza San Marco.
"Maybe- maybe we- I mean I should search the Square." Yixing said, catching up with her.
She seemed to finally have some regard for his words and decided to search the Square (it is always wise to listen to elders even if they are extremely lost foreigners and you are a local) .
With speed she was walking in seemed like she was more interested in finding his family more than him. Yixing and no other option but to follow her.
And so, Zhang Yixing began his hunt (read desperate search) for his family with a rather talkative teenage girl.
By the time they had reached the Square (and believe me, it is a short walk), Yixing had by hearted her entire biodata including the fact that her twenty third cousin, sixteen removed looked uncannily like her and even had the same matching personality (he shuddered to think what would be his already worry burdened mental state if he had encountered both of them)
"San Marco is the tourist heart of Venice, home to iconic sights like St. Mark's Basilica, the Doge's Palace and the Bridge of Sighs. The area is -"
"You don't need to be my tour guide." Yixing muttered, holding her hand so that she didn't get lost in the huge crowd of tourists. The month of June was really busy. And having only one entry and one exit, the square was always crowded, even if it was raining heavily.
As more and more time passed, the more and more Yixing chewed his lips with worry (he always carried a lip balm with him). But right now, his sweaty hands seemed to be unable to take out the chapstick.
After an hour of searching, they couldn't find his family. Worry filled his heart as a rather horryfying image of his wife dancing (rather uncomfortably if I may so, she absolutely disliked dancing) to feed his son while Yixuan grew up to become a Gondolo driver.
Shaking away these nightmarish thought (and his tears) he stomped the ground angrily. Where could they be? Yixing could feel the frustation boiling his blood. He couldn't even think properly of where they might have gone.
"I told you we should have gone there." Elena (yes he remembered her name) said.
"Fine." he said, sounding defeated. The sadness was eating him up inside. This time the tears came down freely and he didn't even bother wiping them away.
He had lost them. Forever. Now they were parted away forever and some ugly part him told him that even the police wouldn't be able to help him. He would now be alone forever, never get to see his wife smile or see his baby laugh boohoo (we all are dramatic when we are in panic, please don't complain).
Hearing his upset voice, Elena looked up at him and gave his hand a squeeze.
"We'll find them." she said. "Please don't shed those Yixing tears Mr.Zhang. I hate to see you cry."
"Please go away." he muttered, covering his face. He felt her tug him by the hand, pulling him out of the Square, past the restaurants.
"Hey I know a joke! Why do people carry umbrellas?"
He groaned. "Why?"
"Because umbrellas can't walk."
He looked at her disgusted, as she snorted with laughter. But looking her laugh maniacally like that, he felt something light up inside him. He just hoped it was happiness and not mental instability or something.
Then she immediately stuck a serious face and said, "We'll find your-"
"BABY!" Yixing yelled, causing a lot of women and babies to turn towards him.
But he didn't care, because his eyes were on a particular woman with a small boy in her arms, as she fed him gelato.
She turned towards his voice and looked at him confused as he let go Elena's hand and ran towards his wife and child.
"Oh my baby!" he said, not sure himself whom he was referring to, his wife or child.
He grabbed both of them into a bear hug, as he felt tears burst through his eyes.
"Yixing?" Y/N asked. "W-What happened?"
He broke the hug shocked, "What do you mean? Didn't you both get lost?"
She blinked in confusion. "L-Lost?"
"You were right behind me and I turned around and then you were gone!"
"Oh Zhang Yixing!" Y/N said, before reaching up and placing a kiss on his lips. "I said I was going go and check out the shops, you silly man!"
He could hear Elena giggling which was followed by his baby son laughing, small spittle drooling from his small mouth. He felt his cheeks burn but as soon as his wife placed a kiss on it he was alright. After all, anyone could make mistakes and lose his wife.
He turned back to Elena, his cheeks slightly red and said, "Thank you. I, uh, have a habit of getting lost-"
"Can I get a gelato?"
"I- Of course. Thank you-"
"Triple chocolate please!"
Yixing sighed before pulling out the wallet from his wife's purse and made sure to wave it in front of her face so that she knew he wasn't poor.
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A/N: It would be great if you guys could say what you think of this story as it would help me improve my writing. It can be either in the comments section or in the reblog tags. Thank you!
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kpop---writings · 3 years
1 Million Views (M)
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An EXO-SC threesome request!
This is pure filthy smut
Also PLS I know their song is 1 Billion Views but that wasn’t realistic for what I was going for lmao ENJOY!
After adding the final touches to your look for the night, you pick up your phone and text the group chat. The group chat containing you and your two best friends, Park Chanyeol and Oh Sehun, titled, unoriginally, The 3 Musketeers!
“Are you boys ready for tonight? I’m starting in 30 minutes and you’re still not here. Don’t try to chicken out on me.”
You’re a cam girl and although you normally do solo videos, you were reading some comments on one of your videos and came across a man who wrote that he would “pay extra to see this girl get fucked by 2 dudes at once!” Naturally you see your favorite words, “pay more,” and immediately start thinking about every guy you know or would even feel comfortable with fucking at the same time. You truly could not think of a more perfect pair than your best friends from high school.
You remember the day you asked them and how you were so nervous you wanted to throw up.
“Are you guys available for a 3 way FaceTime call right now?” You sent to the group chat.
Sehun texted back first, “Yep!”
Chanyeol not too long after, “Double yep!”
You take a deep breath as you press the FaceTime icon at the top of the group chat. It only rang 3 times before they both answered.
“Hey!!” Sehun shouts.
“Are we in trouble?” Chanyeol asks in a joking way.
You just let out a short laugh before changing back to your nervous demeanor.
“Oh man. I was joking are we really?” Chanyeol speaks up again.
“No... no you guys aren’t in trouble,” You let out a nervous laugh this time.
“Come on, what’s bugging you I can see the gears in your head spinning,” Sehun asks.
“Okay okay okay. I have a very serious question. I am 100% not joking when I ask this. I need a real, honest answer. Okay?
You watch as both Chanyeol and Sehun just nod their heads, staring at the screen.
“Okay?” You repeat.
“Yes yes okay.”
“Okay, honest answer, got it.”
After they both give you the response you were looking for you finally ask them.
“Would you guys be okay with being in a video with me? Like, on my cam series?”
It’s no secret to them what you do, they are your best friends after all.
You watch as Sehun’s jaws drop and Chanyeol’s eyes grow even more wider than they naturally are.
Chanyeol speaks first. “Like both of us in a video with you at the same time?”
You nod your head unable to look back at the screen. You’re secretly glad you did this through FaceTime and not in person. You don’t think you could’ve handled it. 
You hear Sehun ask a question as well. “What exactly will we be doing?”
You clear your throat as your eyes find focus away from the phone screen and on a plant somewhere in your room.
“Well we would be doing some sexual things of course. Um...you guys would be, you know, doing things to me together.” Why is it suddenly so hard to explain what a threesome is?
“So we’re having a threesome? For your cam girl series?”
“Yes, if you guys are up for it? Someone commented that they would pay extra to see it, so I can of course split the money with you guys no problem. I will be promoting on my channel as something extra premium for my already premium customers, so I will definitely be making a lot more than usual.” You’re rambling now.
“I’m down,” Sehun says with a wicked smile.
“Me too, let’s get this bread!” Chanyeol adds.
You relax with their enthusiastic answers and you three all break into smiles as you begin to plan out all the details for your special video.
Chanyeol texts back, “Relax were outside come open the door.”
You smile and squeal getting all giddy because you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t imagined fucking Chanyeol and Sehun at some point during the time you’ve known them. Now you’re about to fuck them both! At the same time!
You open the door and your greeted with both of their toothy smiles, you can't help but give them a toothy smile back.
“Come in, guys!” You say excitedly. 
You’re wearing your robe right now because you want to get their raw reaction to what you’re wearing underneath when you turn on the camera.
You lead them down the hallway to your room. In the corner you’ve got a red sheet on the wall as a back ground, you’ve got your camera set up on the tripod with a big ring light around it. 
“This is a nice set up!” Sehun says, genuinely impressed.
“Sehun, I’m a professional. I have to have the best quality videos out there.” You say with a proud smile.
They both let out a little laugh.
“Oh! I almost forgot.” You pick up the two black ski masks you bought for them. “I wasn’t sure if you guys were comfortable with showing your faces on camera, so I got you these just in case!”
“Oh this is perfect, thanks.” Chanyeol says as he grabs one.
Sehun takes off his shirt before grabbing his and putting it on.
You admire his slender, yet muscular frame. His pale skin making it look even more majestic. The faint outlines of a six pack showing. You’re ready to start touching him already.
You look over and see Chanyeol has done the same. His body is just as attractive as Sehun’s. His skin slightly more tanned, muscles more defined. You want to give him a nice long lick from the hem of his pants to his neck. With their masks on, it’s hard to focus on anything but their bodies.
Your alarm goes off, pulling you out of your trance, letting you know it’s time to start. “Okay are you guys ready? Don’t forget this is LIVE.” You put emphasis on live because you guys talked about it before and had to carefully plan it so it would look as natural as possible. You don’t want your viewers knowing you’ve never had sex with them before. You like for them to think you’re a dirty girl even off camera, it really sells the persona you’ve created.
You physically place them on either side of you and look in the camera’s view finder to make sure it looks good.
You look over to Chanyeol, “Are you ready?” He gives you a wink.
You look over to Sehun and ask him the same. He responds by making a kissy face to you. You smile and press the start button on the computer, starting the live.
You watch as the viewer number climb rapidly. Once it hits 10,000 you start talking.
“Hi lovers.” You start if your most sultry voice you can muster, your cam voice. “I have two special guests with me today,” You run your hand down Sehun’s stomach, trying to ignore the way he tenses. “Over here we have Mr. S.” You move over to Chanyeol and do the same. “And on this side we have Mr. C.”
With your robe still tied, you let it slip off your shoulders just a little bit, using your forearms to keep it up. You notice in the view finder Chanyeol and Sehun both turn their heads to you, watching you.
“I hear my lovers were just dying to see me get fucked by two men. Is this true?” You watch the comments and reactions flow in on your computer. You look back at the camera with a sexy smirk and finally untie and drop the robe completely.
Under the robe your breast are completely bare and your panties are black lace, crotchless thongs. You put on a bit of body glitter on your chest, you notice your viewers love when you’re sparkly. You’ve got some dark lipstick and a dark cat eye to match. 
You are sure to keep eye contact with the camera as your hands find Sehun’s dick through his sweatpants. You start rubbing him through his pants making sure the outline is very evident for the viewers to see. You look over your shoulder at Chanyeol who is rubbing himself through his sweatpants.
“Ohh lovers, I think Mr. C is getting a little jealous watching me give all my attention to Mr. S.” You watch Chanyeol pull his dick out and start jerking off while staring very deeply into your eyes. You movements almost falter on Sehun’s dick. You’re trying your hardest to keep it together, this is live!
You break the eye contact and look back to the camera, “Actually, lovers, I think this is making Mr. C very horny.” You pull Sehun’s pants down to his ankles and he kicks it off the rest of the way. “Let’s give him a little more to watch.”
You turn your full attention to Sehun and wrap your hand around his dick as you jerk him slowly. Then you pull him down for a heated kiss with your other hand. Sehun’s hands grip your waist on either side. Your mouths begin to move in sync and you slip your tongue into his mouth and he gladly sucks on it pulling a moan out of you. As the kiss gets deeper you feel a third hand roughly grab your right breast, the one closer to the camera, and you can feel the head a Chanyeol’s dick against your ass. You start pushing back against him and he lets out a moan. You let go of Sehun’s dick to pull him closer so that his is rubbing against your clit. You have Chanyeol grinding against your ass and Sehun against your clit. You could cum right now. 
The hand that was on your breast is now around your jaw and pulling you away from Sehun’s lips. Chanyeol turns you so that you're now in a heated kiss with him. Sehun’s takes this moment to kiss and lick all over your exposed neck. You feel Sehun continue to go further and further down your body until feel him lick at your clit. Chanyeol lets your jaw go and you can finally take a deep breath. You let a sensual moan as Sehun encases your clit with his mouth giving it a gentle suck. You lean your head back onto Chanyeols chest and he grabs your hand and it puts around his dick. He starts fucking into your hand as you try to meet his pace. 
You turn back to the camera so your viewers can watch your face as you get your pussy ate while jerking off Chanyeol. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the viewfinder and even you have to admit the scene unfolding right now looks so good.
“You like how he’s eating your pussy huh? Are you going to cum on his face? I bet your lovers would love to watch you cum on his face.” Chanyeol suddenly says as his hands knead at your breast. Your eyes screw shut and you feel your hips begin to buck even more into Sehun’s face. That was so unexpected. They said they weren’t comfortable with speaking. You thought they would be silent. 
Chanyeol starts sucking on your neck. “Come on, baby, cum on his face for me, I’m sure he’d love it too.” You look down and Sehun is already looking at you. You watch his tongue swirl around your clit before sucking on it again. The sight mixed with Chanyeol’s hands on your breast and his deep grunting in your ear as he fucks your hand makes your whole body come undone. You feel your orgasm take over you as you cry out that you’re cumming.
Your body starts to shake and Sehun holds your legs to keep you from squeezing his head while he helps you ride out your orgasm with soft, wide tongue licks. Chanyeol is peppering your neck with kisses, also attempting to help you ride this out.
Once you’ve finally come down, you glance over to the computer and see the view number climbing even more and lots of reactions and comments coming in. Aside from the amazing orgasm you just had, you’re also thinking about how much money you’re about to make from this special.
Sehun comes back up and pulls you to his lips, making you taste yourself. You moan into his mouth while Chanyeol finally pulls his sweatpants off. When you and Sehun finally pull away from each other you watch as Chanyeol walks closer to the camera holding his dick. Once he’s close enough, he starts shaking it around for your viewers. Oh, he loves this, you think to yourself.
“Should we fuck your sweet babydoll at the same time...” He looks back at you and Sehun, dick still in his hand, “Or take turns?” He’s incredibly comfortable in front of the camera behind that mask.
All three of your attentions turn over to the computer screen watching the viewers comments come in.
“Fuck that slut at the same time she’ll fucking love it!”
“Her wet pussy can handle two dicks at the same time”
“We paid to see her fucked by two guys at once”
More and more comments of that nature keep rolling in and Chanyeol looks back to the camera, stroking his dick slowly. “Looks like babydoll’s pussy is about to get stretched out,” he says with a smirk.
There’s a rather large, pink bean bag chair behind you that you normally use for your solo acts. You take a seat on it and spread your legs as far as they’ll go, while Chanyeol adjusts the camera angle.
Once finished with camera he comes over to sit next you and shoves his index in middle finger in your mouth, knowing that he wants you to get them wet for your pussy. Sehun sits on the opposite side and shoves his same two fingers in your mouth too.  Once they’re both moistened to their satisfaction they bring them down to your pussy.
Chanyeol slips them in you doing a scissoring motion to stretch you, Sehun doing the same.
It’s Sehun’s turn to talk, to your surprise. “We have to get baby dolls pussy prepared for us,” He says looking at the camera. “We want to make sure her pussy is stretched so good for the both of us.”
You lean your head back and let out a long moan as they both finger you with their index and middle fingers. You’ve never been this stretched out before and base on the size of their dicks, you’re a little nervous it might still be painful even after the prepping.
You feel someone’s thumb collect some of the wetness around your pussy and then start gently rubbing your clit. Your head snaps back up quickly and you suck your bottom lip in biting it hard. Your eyebrows crease and your eyes are screwed shit again. You feel like you could come again. Chanyeol leans in to kiss you and after not even two seconds of making out you feel Sehuns lips add to the mix. Here you are in a three way kiss with your two best friends and their fingers up your pussy. Never in a million years did you foresee this happening.
They both start moving down at the same time, kissing, licking, and sucking on either side of your neck. You can feel your face contorting again, you’re trying to catch your breath while the moans slips out very breathy. You can feel your pussy trying to clench and your legs start trembling. The warm feeling in your stomach getting warmer and warmer before spreading throughout your whole body. 
“Ahhhh fuck! Ohhh fuck fuck fuck! I’m cumming again oh my fu-” You cut yourself with a loud, breathy moan as you reach the peak of your orgasm. Your face is all warm and sticky with a thin layer of sweat, your lips feel swollen. You’re sure you look fucked out and you haven’t even been fucked yet.
Once you’ve calmed down you open your eyes to see both Chanyeol and Sehun staring at you with wide eyes and their mouths slightly open. Looks like they enjoyed the show. You nod your head signaling that you’re ready for them.
Chanyeol stands first to go fix the camera angle again, this time zooming it in a little bit more to focus on where your pussy’s going to be. To help figure out where exactly you go ahead and move to sit on Sehun’s lap in the center of the bean bag. You align his tip with you glistening and already sensitive pussy and slide down with ease. Sehun scoots into a more laying down position and at an angle so the camera gets a great shot of your stretched out pussy.
Once Chanyeol gets the angle perfect he comes back in the frame, puts a little spit on his hand to rub on the tip of his dick. Then you feel him towards the back of your entrance. He sticks is finger in again trying to prepare you a little more to make this as painful as possible. Once he feels you’re ready, he finally slides in too.
The moan you let out came from deep within you. In no way did the stretch their four fingers did compare to the stretch both of their dicks did. It’s a bit painful and you have to put a hand on Chanyeol’s hip stopping him from going any deeper. You allow your pussy to get accustomed to the stretch before letting them start moving.
Once you’ve taken your hand away from his hip, Chanyeol takes it as a sign and is the first one to move. Sehun watches your face for any sign that you’re in pain and he notices you’re okay and starts moving underneath you as well.
Once they both get their rhythm they get very into it, they’re both moaning, yet they sound so different. You can’t even describe the feeling you have right now. Two dicks moving in you at the same time. It’s not the best feeling, but it’s also not the worst.
They start to speed up you can tell Chanyeol, especially, must be close. He grabs your arms and pulls them behind you, making you sit up in the process. You're a moaning mess along with them. Sehun has his feet firmly planted on the ground, allowing him to thrust up with even more speed. His hands are gripping your hips so hard, you’re sure there will be a bruise. 
You and Sehun are staring into each other’s eyes. You wish you could see his whole face taken over with ecstasy. You so badly want to tear this masks off. Chanyeol lets go of one of your arms and wraps his hand around your neck. You reciprocate by using your free arm to reach back and pull him even closer with your hand tangled in his hair.
“You’re such a slut, babydoll, aren’t you?” Chanyeol says loud enough for your mic to catch.
You simply nod your head, not trusting your voice right now.
He lets go of your neck to slap your titty. “Use your voice, babydoll! I asked you a question!”
His hand goes back to your throat and you scream out “Yes!” before he tightens his hand around it again.
You hear Sehun from under you, “Only sluts can handle two dicks in her this good!”
“Yes!! You both feel so good!! I want you both to cum in me! Let me feel you both cum!!” You don't know what's gotten into you but that wasn’t part of the plan. Caught up in the moment I guess?
Nonetheless, you feel Chanyeol’s grip around your neck falter and he does one last, hard thrust into you before his body tenses and he groans loudly into your neck. He came first. Sehun goes a little bit longer, adding to Chanyeol’s pleasure with the friction, before his hips start jutting sporadically inside of you finally cumming as well with a loud moan, turning his head to the side, eyes shut tight and mouth wide open.
For a moment you three just lay there, completely fucked out and exhausted. Chanyeol pulls out and you let out a moan from feeling your pussy relaxed after being so stretched. He helps you off of Sehun and onto wobbly legs. You make your way to the camera and bend over in front of it, ready to sign off.
“Lovers, how was that?” You ask, still panting. “Was it worth every penny? I sure hope so. I love being your guys’ little slut.” You smile before biting your bottom lip and winking at the camera. “Thank you so much for tuning in, until next time.” You kiss your hand and blow it to the camera, then reaching over to your computer, you end the live.
After the live ended, you see your stats for the video and you’re completely shocked to see that you had 1 million viewers tonight!
“How would you guys like to make a couple more videos with me?” You ask turning around to see that they’ve both taken their masks off. They both looks so good right now, ecstasy still written all over their face.
They look at each other, still breathless, and then back to you, both smiling.
After tonight, you know your guys’ friendship will never be the same. But you’re kind of okay with that, because they really know how to make you feel good and fuck you out!
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krreader · 4 years
BTS reacting to another idol flirting with you when you come and visit them.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts ; monsta x ; exo ; nct ; kard ; seventeen ; super junior ; got7 warnings: language genre: fluff ; crack  word count: 1.7k+
a/n: I’m always scared with these kind of requests that they’re repetitive because I’ve done requests like these before. But I do hope that it’s still fun to read and that you like it ♥
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kim seokjin
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Jin and you had your anniversary today. However, an idol can't exactly postpone a performance because of a reason such as this one, especially when no fan even knew he was in a relationship in the first place.
You understood, though. You had known what you'd get yourself into the moment you two agreed to turn this into something serious and so you weren't angry at him for doing his job. You had simply agreed that you'd pick him up from the show and then you'd either go and have dinner or drive over to his apartment to cook together, depending on how tired he was.
You must have come a little early though, because when Jin walked out of their dressing room, all ready to go, he found you standing in the hallway talking to Jooheon.
“No, don't be ridiculous. Get your things, I'm driving you there.”
“You're the best and I love you,” Jooheon kissed your cheek, then ran into his dressing room to get his things.
And well, Jin had seen this and stared at you with an open mouth, not quite believing what he had just witnessed, especially the nonchalant look that you had on your face threw him off.
“What? He wants to call someone to pick him up, the address is on our way, we'll just drop him off.”
“And he couldn't say that to you like any other normal human being? He had to say I love you and... kiss your cheek?”
“He’s like family. Jooheon loves you like an older brother. Do you really think he'd ever do something to risk that relationship?”
Probably not.
And when Jooheon walked back out and you three walked to your car, Jin asked: “It's not your apartment. Where are you going?”
“Ah.. it’s.. my girlfriend, hyung.”
No reason to be jealous. None. 
min yoongi
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“You're finally awake,” Hoseok laughed when Yoongi opened his eyes and slowly sat up, brushing his hands over his face, “(Y/N) stopped by. But since you were asleep, she wandered off.”
“Where to?” he asked with a yawn.
“Don't know. She said something about needing to see Baekhyun.”
Oh boy, despite the lack of sleep due to him having worked his ass off all night long, he sprinted out of the make-up room in search of you, until he found you talking in an empty hallway with Baekhyun.
“I'm not messing around,” he chuckled, “I'm telling the truth.”
“You're an idiot,” you shook your head, but there was a smile on your face.
“Am I interrupting?” Yoongi stood between you two and since you hadn't exactly been far away from each other, he now suddenly stood very close to Baekhyun.
“Ah, Yoongi,” Baekhyun chuckled a little uncomfortably and took a step back, “We were just.. I mean, we just..-” he cleared his throat, turning around to nothing but emptiness, “Ah, those are my guys. I better get back. Nice talking to you, (Y/N).”
Despite Yoongi being younger, Baekhyun knew when to step back. This must have looked like something it really wasn’t, but from someone that had just walked in, he understood why Yoongi didn’t like what he saw.
“He keeps doing that. They keep doing that. Why do they keep doing that,” Yoongi muttered mostly to himself, then grabbed your hand and interlinked your fingers with his, “You’re mine.”
You giggled a little at how possessive he suddenly became. 
jung hoseok
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Hoseok had only left for like five minutes, but when he came back, he found you in deep conversation with Yuta, talking about, what sounded to him like, Yuta asking you to come to Japan with him, because he could easily show you around.
Who did that?
Who asked someone who was in a relationship to go on vacation with him? That wasn’t cool. 
“She's good,” Hoseok interrupted, before Yuta could speak more on it, “We've already planned our next vacations. Japan isn't on the list unfortunately. But thank you for the offer.”
He didn't give him another chance to speak, only waited until Yuta was gone to turn around.
“You just made a fool out of yourself, Hoseok.”
“Because I don't want some guy to take my girlfriend to his home country?”
“Because I asked him if he could make me a list of things that we could do. Japan might not be on our list, but I wanted to add it as a surprise for you,” you shrugged, “Now you ruined it and I doubt he's ever going to talk to me again, because everyone in this industry has too much respect for you. So good job, buddy. Your jealousy once again clouded your judgment.”
He felt like the biggest fucking idiot on the planet.
kim namjoon
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This is exactly why Namjoon didn't like taking you to award shows with him.
In a world where everyone was so special, the one that wasn't an idol, but also wasn't a staff member, was the most interesting person in the room. So naturally, everyone was drawn to you. What were you doing here? Who were you with? Where were you from? 
And then there were those who didn't know that you were in a relationship with Namjoon and they just outright asked questions like: Are you still single? Do you want to go out with me?
And unfortunately, tonight was no different.
“I just think it's nice to see someone else who speaks English like me,” Matthew from KARD grinned at you with a little more than simple curiosity in his eyes.
Namjoon saw that little spark and he crossed the room in an instant.
“I don't think it's that special. There are many people here who speak English well, like..-”
“Like her boyfriend,” Namjoon smiled, even though that smile didn't reach his eye. And he didn't want to start trouble here, he actually really liked Matthew and he knew he was older so he wanted to be respectful. So he ended up excusing you two and pulled you away from him, since that seemed to be the best and easiest option to get out of the conversation.
“Jealous, are we?”
“Of him?” Namjoon snorted, squeezing your butt once he was sure that nobody was looking, “I know I don't have to be jealous of anyone, sweetheart.”
His actions told a different story though.
park jimin
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Jimin had been so excited about today.
He had practiced so hard for this performance, was ready to show it to his fans and everyone else that was here at this show and to top it all off, you had managed to get a day off and could watch him perform live for the first time in a very long time.
So Jimin walked up on that stage and showed everyone that he was indeed one of the world's most talented singers and dancers, only to walk off stage to find you not beaming at him like he had hoped, but instead, talking with a few guys from Seventeen.
“You're so sweet,” was the first thing Jimin heard you say to the youngest of the group, Dino blushing from ear to ear.
No, this was definitely not what he had hoped, nor wanted.
He was jealous, also a little bit disappointed, but mostly jealous. That is why he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, despite all the sweat.
All of the Seventeen members immediately bowed, almost all scurrying off as soon as he appeared, except for Dino, who lingered a little longer.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” he smiled happily at you, then he ran after his members.
You looked up, grinning when you found your boyfriend glaring so hard that if he had laser beam powers, he would glare holes into Dino's back.
“You don't have to be jealous. He told me that he was a fan of my writing style and how I'm the only author he reads articles from nowadays,” Jimin relaxed instantly, but there was still the matter of you not..- “And also, you were fantastic up on that stage. I'm so proud of you, baby.”
Oh, well, in that case.
kim taehyung
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Taehyung often felt like you going to award shows with him was kind of pointless, since he was either out watching others perform, or performing himself. He didn't have a lot of time to spend backstage.
But today, they had a really special performance and a rather long one that he wanted you to witness live, especially because he had hyped it up so much beforehand.
Performance in itself was good, but when he walked out and into the green room, he found you at a table with Super Junior members.
“I just think it's really interesting, why you chose him, I mean.”
Taehyung's jealousy flared up to the ceiling and he was about to waltz in there and tell them to leave you alone, despite them being so much older and more experienced, but he was glad that he stopped in his tracks before he did.
“He was there for me when I needed him most, despite him being so busy. We were friends before we became partners and I don't think anyone knows me as good as he does. I'm dating my soulmate, it's as easy as that.”
You shut them up the right way and Taehyung just watched with a soft smile, once again realizing how lucky he was.
jeon jeongguk
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The moment that Jeongguk saw you talking to BamBam and Yugyeom, he made his way over and put his hands on your shoulders, beginning to massage them.
“Can you not flirt with my girlfriend please?”
“We just asked her why she didn't pick one of us, but you. We're more handsome than you ever could be,” BamBam teased.
“They actually just asked what cologne you were using today, because you smelled fantastic.”
“Wow, you're such a traitor,” Yugyeom got up, sticking out his tongue before leaving you and Jeongguk on your own.
Jeongguk grinned and leaned down to kiss your cheek, whispering a soft: “I love you,” into your ear.
Dream team.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
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He waited until they made it home, the cockpit of Two stinking of wildfire smoke despite her filtration systems. No doubt it was leeching off their uniforms and it sunk into everything.
Throughout the rest of the mission, Gordon had kept an eye on his brother. He knew he would hide a missing leg if he could and if he wasn’t entirely focussed on watching out for Virgil, it could have been easily missed. the subtle flinches, the shortened breaths, the way he didn’t turn fully to join in the tired discussion on the way home.
After it happened, first chance he got, Gordon commed John to give him the lowdown on Virgil’s condition and begged his big brother not to notify his eldest brother.
“Gordon, Scott needs to know.”
“Not yet, please, John. Scott is under enough stress, let me handle this one.”
The silence at the other end of the comline was enough to give Gordon hope as he galloped the pod towards the old dam wall.
“It’s a question of safety and whether he is fit to fly. His respiration and heart rates are up. He’s obviously in some pain. His blood pressure is steady and there is no sign of bleeding...yet. This could endanger his life.”
Gordon swallowed. He knew what Scott would do if he found out. “Keep an eye on him, then. Just don’t tell Scott. He doesn’t need to worry.” He didn’t need to worry about Virgil telling Scott anything. The man rarely admitted to injury unless he had to. “You monitor him from up there. I’ll co-pilot home.”
“Scott will not be happy if he finds out.”
“You let me worry about that. I owe Virg this.”
“You’re scared Scott won’t let him launch with us.”
Of course he was. “We can’t launch without him, John. I’ll look after him, I promise.”
His space bro had grumbled some more, but eventually let it slide with some dire threats if Virgil’s health deteriorated.
A few words to Alan and the incident was secure for the moment.
Of course, Virgil then picked the damn crablogger off the forest floor. Having seen him move an entire tanker, something that weighed so much more than the old logging machine, it seemed a small thing, yet the tanker had required everything Two could put into her rear thrusters. The crablogger was relying on Two’s VTOL which, while strong, had nowhere near the shove of those rockets sticking out her tail.
Two struggled and Virgil with her. John pinged Gordon twice, concerned about Virgil’s blood pressure and the strain he was under. If Gordon was honest, his own blood pressure skyrocketed at the news, but he hung on. Don’t tell Scott.
So it was with some relief when Two picked up her pod and Gordon was finally able to re-board the green behemoth and check on her pilot himself.
Virgil’s hands were steady on the yoke as they turned for home, but he was pale and his breathing faster than it should be. He looked exhausted.
“Hey, Virg, want me to take over? This was a rough one.”
The raised eyebrow glare he received in answer was a very clear negative.
Stubborn idiot.
So it wasn’t until Two finally settled on her turntable and wound down to silence, that Gordon was able to take his bull-headed brother by the horns.
He waited that extra moment for Alan to skedaddle out of the cockpit and start working on the module reset, before tackling Virgil head on.
“So are they broken, cracked or just bruised?”
Virgil’s head turned on his neck so fast, Gordon was surprised he didn’t hear it snap. “What?”
“Virg, I’m not an idiot. I’m the one who shot you with the magnetic grapple. I saw what it did to you.”
His brother closed his eyes. “Don’t tell Scott.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. Even pinged Johnny to stop him from following procedure.”
“He knows?”
“Of course, he does. Your suit screamed at him.”
“But Scott doesn’t?”
“Not from me, Alan or from Johnny.”
“Oh, thank god.” Virgil wilted where he sat, head falling into his hands with a groan.
Gordon almost commed Scott right in that moment. It always hurt to see a brother hurt, but the bigger the brother the scarier it was and Virgil was one of the biggest. He swallowed and took it on. “Okay, we gotta get you checked out.”
A ragged breath. “I don’t think it is too bad.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” He climbed out of the co-pilot’s chair and offered his brother a hand. “C’mon, Virg.”
Virgil pushed his chair back and with the upmost care, leveraged himself out of it.
A wince and a couple of words under the man’s breath and they made their way to the infirmary.
Alan was waiting there for them.
“Alan!” Gordon hissed at his brother. “You’re supposed to be covering for us with the module.”
“I just want to see if Virgil is okay.” His little brother’s blue eyes were wide with worry. “I saw what happened, too.”
Virgil sighed. “I’m okay, Allie, I promise.”
“But what if you can’t come with us?”
Virgil straightened and strode over to Alan, his two big hands landing on those much smaller shoulders. “Nothing is stopping me from going to get Dad. I’m not staying behind.”
Gordon swallowed behind him, knowing that if push came to shove, it would be him that burst that bubble. God, please let Virgil be okay.
“C’mon, Virg. Strip and up on the bed. Alan, go be the distraction I told you to be.”
Alan’s lips thinned and he glared a little, but it was more worry and sad than anger. “You let me know as soon as you can.”
“I will, just go! Scott will be back soon and if that module is still sitting there in that condition, he’ll start asking questions we can’t answer. I’ll be down to help as soon as possible.”
“Okay, okay, I’m going.” His hand brushed over Virgil’s arm and squeezed gently as he walked past. He didn’t say anything, but the intent was obvious.
Virgil’s eyes followed him. “Thanks, Allie.”
A small smile and he was gone.
“Strip, Virg, we gotta get this done before Scott gets back.”
Virgil had a lump in his throat. He was caught between what was right and what he wanted.
He shed his clothes down to his undershorts, noting every movement, every spark of pain.
The magnetic grapple had caught him side on, flipping him into a mid-air roll and flinging him across the ground. The exo-suit took most of the impact, but his body strained against the padding that could only take so much.
As he climbed up on the bed, every damned bruise on his body complained.
“Shit, Virg.”
He straightened on the edge of the bed and looked down at himself. Yeah, it felt pretty much like that.
His right arm had some serious complaints about its treatment as the impact point. Again, the exo-suit claw had taken the brunt of the force, or it would have been likely he’d be missing said arm, but the bruising was blatant, mottling an outline of the suit’s contact points. His shoulder wasn’t happy at the wrench it had received either.
But none of that compared to where the arm of the exo-suit had collided with his torso and hip. The padding was there, but as a lower point of stress on usual use, it was thinner and his ribs had taken a beating.
He was reminded with every breath.
“Lie down and let the scanner tell us what the damage is.” Gordon’s expression was ever so worried.
Lying down hurt. Gordon helped him get horizontal.
Virgil let the breath from his body escape and relaxed ever so slowly into the mattress. “Ow.”
“No kidding.”
Gordon hit the sensors and a holographic version of Virgil’s innards appeared above him.
A moment as Gordon studied the readouts.
Virgil held his breath.
“Oh, thank god.” Gordon wilted beside the bed. “You tough bastard. Lots of bruising, but nothing broken.” A frown. “No wait.” Virgil sucked in another breath. “A crack. You’ve cracked a single rib.” An exhausted sigh. “Hell, Virg, you’re black and blue, but mostly in one piece. It’s a damned miracle.”
Virgil closed his eyes in relief.
And his exhausted body took the opportunity for what it was and attempted to drag him under.
“Hey, don’t fall asleep here. Only a few more minutes. Just need to make sure I double check everything.” His aquanaut brother played the medbed’s controls to run a variety of scans. “You’re going to need pain relief.”
“I’ll manage.”
“Manage to hide this from Scott? You know him. He’ll freak.”
“I’ve had worse.”
Those brown eyes looked down at him in concern. “Virgil, we’re going into space. You know as much as I that we will be out of our comfort zone.”
“I can handle space.” A frown. “Are you okay?”
A glare. “Of course, I’m okay. I’m just saying that it is space bro territory, not ours. Both of us will be outside our specialisation. That in itself will require extra thought on a daily basis. Not to mention that this is about Dad. The next few days are going to be anything but restful. With these injuries on top of it all and the need to keep them from Scott...there is no shame in the need for pain management.”
“I cannot face this fogged out of my brain on pain pills.” He pushed himself up into a sitting position, his legs sliding off the side of the bed.
Ow, god damnit, ow!
Gordon grabbed him, helping him up. The holograms blinked out.
“At least take some paracetamol. It won’t mess with your head.”
He sighed and everything hurt. “Fine. Give me the damned pills.”
It was a sign, obviously, that Virgil didn’t get up and get them himself. The next few days were going to suck big time.
Gordon dug through the cabinet, came back with a box of pills and handed them to Virgil. “Be kind to yourself, please.”
Virgil sighed, taking the box with resignation. “Thanks, Gordy.”
An arm wrapped gently around his shoulders and he found himself subject to a Gordon hug. “Sorry I had to shoot you.”
Virgil let his head drop gently against Gordon’s. “Had to be done. Thank you.”
“John, Alan and I will be keeping an eye on you.”
“I figured.”
“Look after yourself. I don’t want to have to tell Scott.”
“Neither do I.” Hell, it wasn’t just about whether he would be allowed to go on the mission. The thought of adding injury to the worry Scott already had... “I’ll do my best.”
“Your best is pretty damned good.”
Virgil smiled just a little. “Family trait.”
Gordon snorted and pulled away gently. “Get your clothes on before eagle-eye gets home. Cover those bruises up. Look after that rib.”
“Thanks, Gordy.”
“Anytime. I’ve got to go cover for you with Alan. Go hide in your room and let the Terrible Two tackle our authority figure.”
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Okay, so technically he was used to being part of that authority.
Gordon grinned. “Trust me, Virg.”
Flat glare. “Yeah, sure.”
“You wound me.” A mock hand to his chest. “And after I shot you to save you. This is the gratitude I get.”
He ducked out the door before the pillow could hit him.
Whatever the Terrible Two did, it worked. Scott returned after taking the rescue scouts home and no doubt getting caught up in reminiscing about his own days as the leader of their pack. Scott never did anything by halves and his career as a rescue scout was a prime example of starting at the bottom and taking out the top by conquering it. The man was a hard act to follow and Virgil was well experienced in that following thing.
It was a good thing, though. His big brother came back happy for the first time in ages. Scott was sentimental to some extent. He liked to look back.
Looking back at their father was fast becoming looking forward.
Virgil crawled out of bed for the debrief. He kept up the facade of happy and healthy despite the looks three of his brothers managed to throw him on a semi-regular basis.
He snuck out and went to bed early, claiming he had a project he was working on. The next morning, he wondered how the hell he was going to do this.
He could barely move.
He was shirtless, on his belly and everything just hurt.
Hell, damn, how?
“Lie still, Virgil.” Gordon’s voice was quiet.
“Gordy?” His voice was morning rough and muffled by his pillow.
“Stiff as a board?”
“Ow, yeah.”
“I can help with that. Give me a second.”
But then something wonderfully warm touched his back. It was moist and smooth and god, it gently rubbed out the stiffness.
Virgil groaned into his pillow.
Gordon snorted. “I finally get to return the favour for all those post swim meet rubdowns you so kindly did for me.”
Another groan. It hurt, but god, the relief...
Gordon worked gently over his back and arm, some fragrant cream allowing his hands to slide smoothly across his skin.
“How does that feel?”
A grunt.
Another snort. “Don’t bother going back to sleep, Brains has gone over Two and will be reporting his findings in the lounge in half an hour.”
Virgil flung himself out of bed and everything moved.
Including the room.
Gordon grabbed him. “Hey, slow down, give yourself a moment.”
He scrunched his eyes closed. Breathing still hurt like hell. Maybe he could hide in his studio for most of the day and curl up on the couch there.
“Here.” He opened his eyes to find Gordon offering him a couple of pills and a glass of water. “It’s only paracetamol, I promise.”
At this point he was almost willing to try the harder drugs. Wordlessly he took the glass and the pills and threw them down his throat.
“Thank you, Gordon.”
“Not a problem.” But his brother’s eyes were assessing him. “You sure you can do this?”
A single nod. “I have to.”
A hand landed on his shoulder and squeezed gently. “I want to check you out again today. Alan is going to drag Scott out to the sensor bank on the far side of the Island at two o’clock. You meet me in the infirmary?”
Another single nod.
“Grab yourself a shower and I’ll have some breakfast ready for you downstairs. If you can make it past Grandma, Scott should be a breeze.”
Virgil groaned.
“Yeah, well, that’s the deal. Hopefully one day we will be able to look back and share this story with a laugh, but right now, you’ve got to get through this without endangering yourself or anyone else.”
“Thanks, Gordy.”
“You’ve already said that. Just remember this next time Scott comes to you with blue hair looking for me, yeah?” And his goofy little brother grinned at him.
Oh, right, he might be paying for this forever.
A small smile.
It was worth it.
Half an hour later when the good news that Thunderbird Two had survived the mission better than he had, came through, he definitely was elated enough to throw himself off the couch and offer Brains another hug.
But he was ever so glad when the man refused it.
They were going after Dad.
The determination in his big brother’s eyes was a fire that burned within them all.
And together they could do this.
Read the sequel.
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Broken Trust~ Part 16
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Paring: Bang Chan x reader; Mark Tuan x reader(arranged marriage)
Genre: Mafia au, angst, little bit of everything honestly
Warnings: Cursing, mafia life shizzle
“Weren’t you the one who was just complaining about being bored and not having enough freedom,” Mark questions with an eye brow raised.
“Yeah but that doesn’t mean I want to go to a stupid party,” You complain while flopping down into the chair that sat in front of his desk.
Mark had just informed you about a party that he wanted you to go to with him. He claimed that it would be good for your public image and it would be a good chance for you to leave the house. Which was true but when you said you wanted a little more freedom, you meant away from him. You did not mean that you wanted to go to another party filled with old creepy men where you just had to smile and stay by Marks side.
“Y/n please, it’ll be fun. When was the last time you went to a party?”
“When Chan came back.”
“Oh...right,” He said awkwardly while scratching the back of his neck.
“Can I at least pick out my dress this time, I hated the one you made me wear last time,” You sigh out, realizing that you really don’t have a say in the matter.
Even if you didn’t want to go, Mark was going to end up forcing you to go so you might as well suck it up. No point in arguing with the young man.
“Yeah sure, do you need to go shopping or are you just going to pick one out of your closest? If you’re shopping I can send Irene-”
“Why do you make Irene go everywhere with me?”
“Aren’t you friends?” He questions a little confused.
“Bro are you serious? She snitched on me because she’s in love with you, what makes you think we’re friends?”
“She snitched on you because she cares for you, she didn’t want you making a dumb decision,” He stated with a little shrug.
“If she had it her way she would have killed me so she could be with you.”
“I would never be with her y/n and she knows that. You don’t have to worry,” he reassures.
“You think I’m worried about that? Trust me, that’s the least of my worries,” You inform him while standing up and going to exit the room.
“And no, I don’t need to go shopping. I’ll just wear one of my old dresses or I’ll raid Jihyo’s closet.”
Before you exit, you hear a knock on Mark’s door and a head pops into the room. 
Speak of the devil.
“Hey! I hope I’m not interrupting anything but Y/n when you get the chance, I need to talk to you.”
“You aren’t interrupting anything Jihyo, I was actually just leaving. I’ll talk to you later Mark.”
As you two leave Jihyo shoots you a worried glance.
“Trouble in paradise again?”
“I just don’t want to go to this stupid party,” You mumble.
“Yeah me either but that’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about,” She says, her tone making you a little uneasy.
“Oh yikes, not liking that tone now,” you comment as you walk up to your room.
“Maybe it would be better if we go to my room, just in case Mark walks in,” She says, lowering her voice a little.
“Okay sure.”
“After about a minute or two of walking you finally make it Jihyo’s room.
“This place is too damn big, be taking me 30 minutes just to get from one side to the next,” You complain as you enter her room, sitting down on her queen sized bed.
“All jokes aside, what’s up?”
“Word got to Stray Kids that a party is happening tonight and they figured that Mark and you would be going so I’m almost 100% sure they’re gonna be at the party,” She informed you, walking over to her closet to go through her clothes.
“Well shit,” you mumble.
It had only been a week since your talk with Blackpink and you were kind of hoping that you would have more time before you saw all of them (skz) again.
“I was on the phone with Rosé earlier and she was telling me that Chan seems very determined to talk to you. When they told him the entire “oh yeah she doesn’t like you and actually wanted to side with Mark” thingy he really didn’t believe them so I don’t see you having an easy time trying to convince him.”
“This was such a dumb idea,” You groan.
“I tried to tell you,” She shrugs as she pulls out a red dress and holds it up to her body, looking in her mirror.
“You look good in red,” You comment, getting a little sidetracked. 
“Thank you very much, I think I’m gonna wear this tonight.”
“You should. I still don’t know what I’m gonna wear, figured I’d raid your closet.”
“Well we can worry about your dress later, right now, we need to figure out what you’re about to do with the Chan situation. I don’t see how they plan to talk to you, Mark is probably gonna be glued to your hip the entire night.”
“Not if I tell him I want to have some girl time with you,” You suggest with a shrug.
“Still, I doubt he’ll keep you out of his view for long.”
“Well maybe we could use someone as a distraction....I could probably get a few members from NCT to distract him.”
“But would they do it? We thought that we would have Red Velvet on our side but clearly we don’t. So how can we be too sure that NCT will be willing to distract Mark? They might snitch.”
“The difference is, I should have known that Irene would snitch. Chan had already told me that she was in love with Mark so it didn’t really surprise me when she sided with him. With NCT, they have no reason to be loyal to Mark or to JYP in general. If we send Johnny, Ten, Kun, Jaemin, and Haechan, I think we would be good. Kun could supervise while the others can just be their dramatic annoying selves. I think that they could keep him occupied for awhile,” You explain, Jihyo nodding along.
“Well that clears up the Mark problem but that still doesn’t solve anything with Chan. I honestly don’t think he’ll believe you y/n.”
“Well they have to find me before they’re able to talk to me right? So if I just act all lovey dovey to Mark tonight then maybe he’ll have an easier time believing me.”
“I still don’t understand why you can’t just tell him the truth.”
“Well if I do what do you think is going to happen?” You question.
Jihyo sits and thinks for a second before letting out a long sigh.
“If you tell the truth, they’ll probably make a scene and all hell is going to break lose.”
“I mean it’s bound to happen either way, might as well push the date forward.’
“This is so hard,” You complain while rubbing your face.
“When you see Chan, you’ll know what to tell him in the moment. Whether you tell him the truth or not, just know I’m going to support you no matter what. I know you’re trying to do what’s best for everyone but at the end of the day, don’t forget that no matter what you do, a war is going to happen. It doesn’t matter what side you’re on.”
“I know...I’m just so scared of losing everyone.”
“But y/n, we’re in the mafia. Death and violence is normal in this field, you of all people should know that. You aren’t going to be able to save everyone.”
“But I can try, can’t I?”
Jihyo gives you a pitiful smile. 
“Like I said, when the time comes to talk to Chan, you’ll know what to say. Just know that he is a very stubborn man.”
“Gosh you’re telling me,” You laugh remembering when you were little kids how damn stubborn and determined he could be.
“Come on, get up! Let’s figure out what dress you’re gonna wear.”
It took you way too long to pick out your dress but you finally found one that you were satisfied with. Once you were done, you quickly called up Kun and told him how you needed him to distract Mark so that you could slip away for a bit. He agreed, of course, and told you that he could inform the other boys. You were still in Jihyo’s room, touching up your hair and makeup when you heard a light knock on her door.
“Come in,” She called out as she was putting her earrings in.
Mark stepped into the room, wearing an all black suit with a black under shirt.
“You both look beautiful,” Mark comments as he awkwardly stood in the doorway.
“Thank you, you look handsome as well,” You say while standing up.
“Are you almost ready to leave?”
You turn to look at Jihyo who gives you a big smile and nods her head.
“Yeah we’re ready,” You tell him with a small smile.
“Great let’s go. Jihyo, I’m assuming you’re going to ride with us.”
“If you don’t mind.”
“It’s no problem,” He reassures.
The three of you make your way downstairs and file into the limo. Jaebum, Jackson, Youngjae, Mina, Sana and Jeongyeon join the three of you as well.
“Where’s Joy?” You ask Jaebum as the driver pulls out of the driveway. 
“Why the hell would I know or care?”
“Aren’t you two dating or something?” You ask, a little confused.
“No, she’s just nice to play with when I’m bored,” He said with a shrug. 
“You’re such a dirty pig,” You mumble.
Honestly, this side of Jaebum was still very new to you. He had always been kind and almost like an older brother to you but you guess it was just a facade to get you to trust him. He simply rolls his eyes at your comment and begins a conversation with Youngjae. The rest of the ride went by pretty quickly. The boys talking among themselves while the girls were laughing at all the stories Sana was telling.
“Well looks like we’re here,” Jihyo comments, glancing over at you to make sure you were alright.
“I’m only here for the drinks,” Jeongyeon states while stepping out of the car, making you laugh a little.
Mark and you were the last two to leave the car but before you could step out he stopped you.
“Listen, I don’t want you to feel like you have to stay by my side the entire night. I know I’ve have been very overbearing recently so I want you to have fun. Just promise me you’ll come and find me if you feel as though something is wrong.”
“I promise.”
You had been at the part for almost two hours and for the most part, you had stayed by Mark’s side, your arms interlocked together. Jihyo being with you as well. The plan was that Jihyo would stay as a lookout for Stray kids and as soon as she sees them she would go “order a drink” but she really would just be going to get Kun and them to come over. Mark was currently discussing some stuff with Jackson, Yixing from EXO, and Namjoon from BTS when Jihyo spoke up.
“I’m going to go get a drink, I’ll be right back,” She said, the boys paying little attention to her.
You felt your heart rate increase as you glanced around the room trying to find where Stray Kids were at.
“Are you okay?” Mark whispered in your ear, causing you to jump a little.
“Oh yeah sorry, I just zoned out a little,” You tell him with a fake smile. 
“Are you sure because we can go home if you want,” He says while caressing your cheek.
“Ah no there is no need-”
“Mark!” You hear Johnny happily call out.
Mark pulls his hand away from you and goes to give Johnny a hug.
“Long time no see!”
Mark get’s so wrapped up in the conversation with the rest of the boys that he doesn’t notice Kun giving you a little nod and he doesn’t notice you slipping away. You kind of just wonder around because you still had yet to be able to find where the fuck Chan and the rest of them were at. Just as you were about to give up and call Jihyo, you feel a hand grab your arm.
“Looking for someone?” Jaebum asks causing you to roll your eyes.
“Even if I was, what’s it to you?” You sass back.
“Does Mark know you snuck off?”
“He was busy talking and I didn’t sneak off.”
You both stare at each other with icy glares, Jaebum being the first to break the eye contact.
“Y/n! There you are!”
Thank you god Jihyo for saving the day.
“I was looking everywhere for you,” She says as we pulls you out of Jaebums grasp.
“So was I before some rudely interrupted my searching,” You say, throwing JB a dirty look.
He raised his hands in your surrender before excusing himself from the two of you.
“What a dick,” You mutter.
“What did he even want?”
“He was asking if I was looking for someone and if Mark knew I had slipped away.”
“Well I guess you better hurry up and talk to Chan before JB goes to Mark.”
You nod your head as Jihyo begins leading you to where Chan was. Jihyo came to a stop at a side door in the room that lead to the outside. She scanned the area very quickly before returning her attention back to you.
“If you go out there, Chan is waiting for you. Blackpink are here and so is Felix and Hyunjin but they’re keeping a low profile. Sana should be here after she comes back from the bathroom so the two of us will keep a look out. If we see Mark or any one of concern will come get you okay?”
You nod your head while inhaling sharply. Jihyo softly pats your back as her saying one last “you got this”. Glancing around the room one more time, you quickly slip outside to go find Chan. Looking to your left, you see the outline of his broad shoulders as he sits on a bench, staring up at the night sky.
“Chan?” You call out softly, causing him to turn around and give you a wide smile.
This was going to be a lot harder then you thought it would be.
A/n: This chapter was a little slower compared to 14 and 15 buuuut the next chapter will pick up with the drama and tea lmao
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
Catching Rain
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Minseok x Reader
Summary: You were more than satisfied with your life. You attended a nice college, had nice friends, a nice boyfriend. That’s what your life was: nice. You weren’t looking for anything more, so what were you to do when this seemingly harmless boy walked into your life and turned your nice little world into one much more dangerous?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I Epilogue
The beams of sunlight fell down from the wide open sky, placing warm yet gentle kisses on your cheeks and nose. It was rare for the weather to be so nice this time of year. Usually, the bitterness of winter was still holding on. But today, spring was reminding you that it was just around the corner. The heavy, feather-stuffed coat could be kept in the closet, at least for today. The striped flannel was more than enough protection from the slight breeze though you barely noticed its touch. Above you, the sky was a dazzling pastel blue with only a few puffs of white here and there.
You fingers itched down by your side where they kept you steady on the stone table where you sat. It was truly a beautiful day, too beautiful for late February. The lighting was too perfect to be ignored. With enough coverage so the shot wouldn’t be overwhelmed….
“What are you plotting?”
Your eyes snap open and you look down at your best friend. The thought had only just popped into your head. How she could read you so easily was truly terrifying at times. “Nothing,” you lied coolly. “I’m not plotting anything.”
Willa rolled her eyes. “Please. You had that smirk on your face and your fingers were practically dancing on the table. You’re easier to read than you think.”
“(y/n), please tell me you’re not going to go out into the woods again?” Erik looked up from his tablet with pleading eyes. His wire-rimmed glasses were perched on the tip of his nose, giving him a childlike quality. The wind ruffled his sandy hair. He squinted up at you with concern. You were a bit surprised that he’d caught the conversation, given how concentrated he was on his drawing. “You remember what happened last time.”
Of course you did. You were there, weren’t you? Sure, to say that it wasn’t a slightly scary experience would be a lie. But it was something you’d expected to happen eventually considering your outside activities.
A branch knocked loose by the storm from the night before had fallen from its perch, hitting you in the head. While you remained conscious, you were disoriented and had trouble finding your way back to the city. It was nearly dark by the time you made it to your car, but you had no issues driving yourself to the emergency room. The doctor declare you fine beyond the small gash atop your head, however he still preferred someone else to drive you home. Poor Erik nearly had a heart attack when he found you sitting in a hospital bed with dried blood on your face.
“It was a freak accident,” you reassured him. “Not likely to happen again.”
“But the odds still exist,” he argued. You “hmphed” at him. Why was he suddenly spouting statistics at you?
“Not to mention, there have been more wolf sightings,” Willa added, earning a glare from you. Wasn’t she supposed to be on your side?
But you couldn’t stay mad at them for long. Your brain was too logical, too in tune with being able to understand people to ignore their side of the argument. Hopping down from the table, you gave in. “Alright, I get it! You guys are saying no ventures into the trees where I get the most beautiful photographs I’ve ever taken. Noted.”
“You are such a city girl,” Willa said teasingly. It was true, though.
Throughout your childhood, your exposure to nature was the local park with its scarily overweight squirrels and hordes of annoying ants. It was a shock to your family when you chose to go to college outside of the city you knew and loved, electing to attend a smaller campus surrounded by woods and a good two hours from the nearest airport. They didn’t think you would be happy so far away. But you needed the change. You wanted to challenge yourself. Besides, if you hadn’t come out here, you wouldn’t have met Willa or Erik. And they made you very happy indeed.
Swiping up your bag from the bench, you gave Erik a quick kiss goodbye and waved to Willa. “I’ll see you guys after class.”
Willa grimaced. “Actually, I have to work.”
Erik looked equally as guilty. “And I’m meeting with Don to help out the theatre department.”
Perfect. “Don’t worry about it,” you said with feigned of disappointment. “I’ll survive. Maybe take some pictures of downtown. I’ll see you guys later.” With both of them occupied, there was no one check in on you. And you hadn’t exactly promised either of them….
Your light steps from the free evening grew heavier as you came closer to the building that the math-related classes called home.
Truly, this was your own fault. No one should have allowed you to pick your own schedule. The first two and a half years of college were spent taking all the fun, digital art major-related classes you could. The idea that you would eventually have to take the general studies classes was a problem for future you to handle. And that’s what brought you here: almost to the end of the finish line and now you were stuck taking all the subjects that you weren’t good at in order to actually graduate on time next year with your bachelors and qualify to move on to the masters. You hadn’t pinned down exactly what you would focus on when that time came, but it meant staying here, with Erik. And you loathed the idea of being left behind while your friends moved on with their lives.
The main hall inside was buzzing with voices as dozens of students hung about, arguing over answers and whining about what they would do once the weekend had finally arrived. Words mixed in with the clacking of keyboards and the faint scribbling of hurried pencils that didn’t do the homework the night before. It always amazed you how loud this place could be. Your earlier assumptions had made you think that this hall would be a second library, with stressed out students shushing each other so they could concentrate. But really, it felt more like the cafeteria; a social hangout before life interrupted again.
The classroom was mostly full by the time you arrived. Rows of crooked desks filled up two-thirds of the room with just enough space for the GTA to stand at the whiteboard and not be uncomfortable or crowded. Taking your normal seat near the front – which was unsurprisingly empty for the most part - you took out your notebook and pencil, ready jot down the main points of the day’s lesson. Until then, you scroll through the endless stream of social media on your phone.
While you were normally a friendly person, you’d elected at the beginning of the winter semester to stay serious and not give in to any distractions during this period. Because you knew yourself and you knew that you would give in to any temptation to not pay attention during this hour and a half, including talking to the shy freshman girl behind you who looked desperate for some form of friendship.
Two minutes before the class was scheduled to begin, the GTA walked in, a binder tucked under his arm and a messenger bag hanging from his shoulder. None of the conversations slowed down as he unpacked his laptop on the old desk situated in the front. Even as he opened it up and cleared his throat, the whispered chatting went on. It didn’t help that he wasn’t the most authoritative-looking person. He was on the shorter side with a friendly face that made him feel more like a peer than a teacher. Or maybe it was just because he was closer to your age that made you feel that way. It certainly didn’t help that he asked to be called by his first name rather than the typical formal address that you’d been raised with.
Sungkyu smiled brightly as he stood up. The marker made a pop when he uncapped it. “We’ll start on page ninety-nine, chapter four part two.”
That was how he started each class. No hello or good afternoons with mumbled replies. Straight to the lesson without forcing everyone to pretend like they were excited to be there or demanding a more energetic reply. Perhaps that was the one advantage of having a GTA. They knew what nonsense to skip.
An hour and a half later, you were free. Sure, your brain felt a bit like mush from concentrating so hard on the algebra equations, but now you could relax. Since that was your last class of the day, you were back to that lightness, with that spring in your step. The sun had somehow become brighter, even more inviting in the small amount of time you’d spent indoors. How could you ignore the call now?
Back in your dorm, you unloaded your backpack of the unneeded supplies for your venture. Out came the textbooks and binders that were neatly organized. In their place came a water bottle from the mini fridge you and Willa kept between your beds, a couple of granola bars you stashed away for emergencies, and the leather bound sketchpad Erik had given you for your birthday last year that housed all the photo ideas that randomly popped into your head throughout the day. Checking your watch, you assumed that you had a good three or four hours before your absence was discovered. A slight sense of adventure tingled in your chest as you slung your bag over your shoulder and scooped up your camera case from the foot of your bed.
You didn’t look back as you left the dorm and headed for your car. When – because it was a matter of time, not if – Erik and Willa found out, they’d be sure to lecture you until the end of time. But you had a feeling that it would be worth it. What was that famous saying again? Better to ask forgiveness than permission?
As much as you appreciated their concern and understood where they were coming from, the trees were calling out to you, begging to be captured within the lens of your camera. The photographer that lived inside urged you on. If they were really that upset, you’d make them dinner to make up for it.
Minseok wasn’t hiding per se. He simply needed a quiet place to grade these papers and with eight other rowdy wolves coming in and out of the house, “quiet” was not exactly an easy thing to find. So… yes, he was sort of hiding in his car in the detached garage. It wouldn’t be for much longer; he only had two or three more assignments to look over and, at this point, he had the answers memorized, meaning he didn’t have to stop and look at the key every five seconds.
Blowing out air, Minseok ran a hand through his black hair as he leaned back. Sometimes he wondered why he took up this position. He didn’t need to. It wasn’t required for him like it was in other masters degrees. But the offer was given and he took it. Maybe he liked the excuse that he was busy so he couldn’t go out with the younger wolves all the time. Unlike the extroverts who knew every restaurant and bar in town like the back of their hands, he preferred it out here, in the woods. Homebody felt like an understatement.
Finally through with grading, he neatly packed the papers away into his bag (divided by clear plastic folders labeled by class) and got out of the car. He left the garage with a smile on his face. Before his feet could hit the first porch step, his name rang out in the field. 
He half-laughed, half-sighed as he shook his head. He shouldn’t be surprised that he was discovered the moment he left the safety of the garage.
Running towards him as he turned around were the three goofballs of the pack: Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Jongdae. Their faces and clothes were covered in mud, making Minseok take a step back.
“Where have you been?” Chanyeol asked when they came to a stop in front of him. Thankfully, they kept their distance. Now Minseok just needed to keep them from going in the house.
“Grading papers,” Minseok replied. He wasn’t going to reveal where he was grading them.
“That sounds boring,” Baekhyun said with an expression that made it seem like he’d smelled something bad. Although, given his current state, that was quiet possible.
Jongdae whipped his hair, sending tiny droplets of muddy water everywhere. Minseok jumped back in an effort to dodge them, which sent the former into a laughing fit.
“Come on, Minseok,” Jongdae waved his hand through the air, still trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard. “You know, wolves aren’t supposed to mind getting dirty.”
“Wolves, no. Humans, yes.” The eldest wolf eyed the three of them. “Well, most humans, anyway.”
Smiling broadly and unbothered, Chanyeol made a move towards the porch.
“No,” Minseok said firmly, blocking the giant’s path. Putting his bag down on the porch he pointed to the side. “Go around and use the hose. You’ll get mud everywhere.”
“We’ll clean it up,” Jongdae whined.
“Not to his standards,” Baekhyun chuckled. Completely unbothered, he followed orders and ran to the back of the house. At first, Chanyeol pouted as well, but then he must have found the fun in the idea because only a few seconds later he was ripping his shirt over his head and running after his best friend.
Jongdae gave one last look of pleading. “Can I please go inside and take a shower?”
Minseok nodded. “After you use the hose.”
“But it’s cold.”
But wolves don’t get cold. Minseok went to pat the poor guy on the back, but then stopped, remembering why he wasn’t letting him inside in the first place. “Rinse off and then we’ll go for a real run to dry you off.”
Jongdae mulled over the offer. Grinning, he said, “Deal!” He was back behind the house in the blink of an eye.
Looking over at his bag, Minseok contemplated his options. He could leave it there and risk one of the guys forgetting the “hands-off” rule or he could take it upstairs to his room, leaving those three alone with the water hose for five minutes. It might not sound like a terrible option, but Minseok had known them long enough to understand that they could find trouble without even looking for it.
He decided to go with the second option anyway, knowing his students’ papers would at least be safe.
Just inside the living room, Sehun was glued to the TV screen, controller in hand. He was pressing down on the buttons with more force than necessary. The maknae would never admit it, but he was too competitive when it came to video games. One time, Minseok walked in on Baekhyun whacking Sehun on the head with the plastic controller because he was getting beat so badly. Thankfully, this time Sehun was alone. If he remembered correctly, Jongin and Yixing were in class while Junmyeon was conducting his office hours. At least the four of them took school seriously.
Minseok didn’t bother greeting Sehun as he made his way through the living room and up the stairs.
His bedroom, pristine and magazine-worthy – was at the end of the hall, near Junmyeon’s master. It was a good thing that Junmyeon’s great-to-however-many-degrees-grandfather thought to build a large farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. The alpha didn’t think that it had ever been quite this full since it had mostly been just his family that occupied the walls in the past, but the foresight to think of a larger pack down the line had been there. Each of the wolves were able to have their own rooms, their own space. Given how sloppy some of the others could be, Minseok was thankful. It hadn’t always been that way, but those days were long gone.
Near the beginning when Minseok first officially joined the pack, he’d tried living alone in his parents’ old place in town. The call to be together, with his brothers, was too great. It was an uncomfortable feeling. To this day he wasn’t sure if it was the wolf’s nature that caused it or simply the fact that, as the eldest, he worried about the younger wolves and preferred to be around where he could keep an eye on them. That meant that the peace and quiet was over, but sacrifices could be made and he was much happier here, anyway.
Placing his bag on the desk, Minseok sighed to himself before heading back downstairs where trouble waited.
To absolutely no one’s surprise, Chanyeol, Bakehyun, and Jongdae had turned rinsing off into a full on water war. Pretty much all the mud had been washed away, but that didn’t stop them from stealing the hose from each other and creating new mud in the backyard. They were all without their shirts, showing they were in this for the long hall.
At one point, Jongdae had snuck behind Chanyeol, who currently had possession of the garden hose, and twisted the rubber tube to stop the flow of water. Confused, Chanyeol looked directly in the mouth to discover the reason why. Which meant he fell right into Jongdae’s trap. The troll let go of the hose and the water came rushing back, spraying like a geyser in Chanyeol’s face.
Jongdae fell backwards onto his butt with how hard he was laughing. Chanyeol whipped around to get him back, catching Minseok in the crossfire.
Chanyeol cringed guilty. “Oops. Sorry.”
Minseok chuckled it off. It was just a shirt. “It’s alright. I promised Jongdae a run anyway. It’ll be dry by the time we get back.”
Baekhyun perked up. “A run?”
Minseok nodded. “Yes, you can come, too.” He was already undoing the buttons, folding the shirt and placing it on the ground once it was off. Maybe this run was what he needed. He wasn’t sure what difference it could possibly make. He’d been on hundreds of runs in the past. But something told him to go now. So, once he was ready, he shifted onto all fours and ran after the other wolves who’d already almost reached the tree line.
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Allotrope pt. 6
Genre: Idolverse Pairing: Kim Junmyeon (Suho) x reader Warnings: Fluffy memories and happiness. Explicit sex of various types. Dominant roleplay. Slight mentions of three-way. X-EXO Suho has wrecked me beyond my own grave thanks. prev. / next Words: 11k.
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Illuminating your lockscreen, the face that stares back at you is hauntingly beautiful. A face you know well, but the cerulean of his eyes contrasts excitingly with the shock of red hair on his head as he wears a devilish smirk. You turn your phone face down in your lap, trying to quell the excitement in your bones as you wait patiently for your cab to arrive at the location Sehun sent to you. He seemed to be quite fond of you now that your relationship is legitimate and he knows you well enough to tell you aren’t just fucking with his closest brother. ‘You should come to the MV shoot. Manager said you could’ he had texted you last night. You’d wanted to scold him for asking you to come at the very last moment, less than 24 hours before, but refrained because at least he asked you to come at all. ‘Don’t tell hyung’ came a second text. ‘It will be a nice surprise’ he had followed up in a series of messages with thumbs up and secret emojis. You haven’t been able to see your boyfriend for several weeks. Only messages and video calls were smattered between your hectic lives as often as time would allow you both. This relationship has not been easy necessarily, but the work you and Junmyeon have both put forth in effort has not gone unnoticed by the other, or those around you. You bicker from time to time, but not over anything serious. Mostly about what to order for dinner or characters in books you’re both reading or movies you’re watching together. It’s the distance at times and the lingering sense of isolation or loneliness you feel when you can’t see each other for weeks and video-chats are a weak solace to soothe the ache. It was worse at first- attempting to get used to the come and go of his chaotic schedules before your own replaced the free time. You’ll admit the severity lagged when you went back to school, less idle than before. This late in the year, you’re halfway finished with the current semester, and Junmyeon is close to releasing their latest album, ‘Obsession’ with the rest of the group. You hope that all of the time you’ve been unable to be together has grown sweet fruit for you both. He did share a lot of selfies with you, featuring his new red hair which he happily told you he really likes. In his words, he said it makes him feel rebellious. You can’t say you dislike the color on him, especially when it is styled into the horns of his painfully hot doppelganger of X-EXO, but you prefer him in his natural state, all fluffy and unstyled dark hair. The teaser images he sent to your phone last week had come with a warning ‘For Y/N’s eyes only!’ via text with lots of cute sound words. You had to cover your mouth to prevent your soft gasp from escaping into even the quiet of the library. You bent yourself over suspiciously, shielding your screen as you memorized the images. Bouncing your leg in the back of the cab, thoughts of Junmyeon continue to permeate your consciousness, and you let them without feeling sad or lonely. You’ll finally get to hold him today, so you replay your favorite memories in your head with a fondness that makes your heart flutter. You recall the middle of July, when the Summer heat was at its peak and you had a video call with him from the roof of your apartment building. You had explained your fascination with the magic of the balmy summer night sky and the light show that danced above your head with a giddy happiness. You know he was barely able to see your face or the stars from the screen, but it was something. Three days later, immediately after the release party for Chanyeol and Sehun’s unit album, Junmyeon had taken you to a restaurant with rooftop dining. He had reserved the entire space so you could enjoy the night sky like that with him, in person this time. Properly, he had reasoned. You hardly remember the meal, but you smile fondly as you conjure the memory of his face. The soft glow of tall white taper candles illuminating his cheeks and lips and that reflected the stars in his own eyes. You cover your mouth at your own sappiness, but it’s the truth. Trying his best to be as romantic and cheesy as possible, he’d brought you to the center of the roof and hummed a tune at first, that eventually turned to singing quietly to you while he twirled you around slowly. Swaying in time to the tempo he kept, smiling like idiots every time your eyes met while he held your hand in one of his, the other at your waist. Vaguely, you remember you were wearing shorts and a t-shirt. He was, too. Casual to match your level of comfort. You laugh to yourself and catch the eyes of the driver in the rearview mirror when you remember the embarrassment of your attire for such an occasion once you realized what was going on. Sweetly, Junmyeon was right beside you, holding your hand and telling you it didn’t matter because he liked you best when you were relaxed. That night you remember falling asleep with your head on his chest, listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat as he hummed contentedly and drifted off. Another memory pops into your head from the following month. In your apartment when he wanted to try cooking with you. You were aware he was not ever one to cook, and you couldn’t say you were greatly skilled at any of the meals you’d ever made. Eventually, after many, many tweaks to the recipe and ditching it in the trash altogether once, you had managed to make something not just edible, but good. Perhaps the ambition to try a new recipe was at fault for the chaos in your kitchen. You had eaten quickly, ignoring the mess of ingredients everywhere. Certain there was rice in your hair, you snuck a peek at Junmyeon, who had a smear of flour across one eyebrow and his forehead. The shock that made his eyes sparkle with delight when he realized it was good is something you’ll never forget. He was so proud, tucking a giant smirk into the corner of his lips so he could chew properly as he said the word. The fondness that fills your chest with warmth and fuzziness remembering the time spent together cooking it is sweeter and more satisfying than any meal could ever be. The laughter and the way Junmyeon smiled at you in triumph when you succeeded with the second attempt. The joke he made about the two of you hosting a MasterClass on cooking. You worked together to clean up to an acceptable standard before he whisked you away for a shower and claims of being hungry for dessert. In September, you’d purchased tickets to surprise him with, going to a new interactive set of exhibits at a gallery in the city, although the weather didn’t turn out to be very nice. Happily walking side by side through each piece or stopping to take some pictures of each other at a few. The final exhibit was a large display involving lights and mirrors. You were walking through it giggling to yourself until the gloomy day turned into a storm that knocked the power out. You had been able to see most of the exhibits, so neither of you were upset that you suddenly had to leave and go back to your apartment. Thankfully, you always kept a micro umbrella in your purse. As it turns out, umbrellas that small are not meant for two. You both got wet, huddling under the small protection you had and laughing until your cheeks hurt, but at least you had anything at all to cover your heads. Just after arriving and unlocking your door, Junmyeon became extremely playful. Much the entertainer, he dragged you up onto the roof to enjoy the warm rain after you ditched your things inside. Your clothes were already dripping with rainwater. It came down heavily, soaking your hair and face. You had laughed, barely able to keep your eyes open as it poured over you. That was when he had kissed you. Taking your cheeks in both of his hands, he had pulled you against him and kissed the droplets from your lips until you could hear your heart beating louder than the rain. Your lover had kissed you as if he were afraid he would melt and the feel of your body against him was the only tether to the moment. He’d kissed you until you felt soaked through from more than just rain. Your boyfriend said nothing but carefully walked you back down the emergency stairs and into your apartment and straight into your living room, flinging sopping wet shirts and pants across the floor with wet slaps against the kitchen tile, desperate to keep his lips on yours. He still kissed you, slowly and deeply, even after he had laced your fingers together and pressed your back into the cushions of your couch.
You remember his tenderness and the way he had made love to you. The way he kept his forehead pressed against yours, and every drop of rain that fell from his hair onto your skin was kissed away by the fullness of his lips. The way the rain beating against the windowpanes painted his skin in moving watercolor hues of muted gray blue. The deep and slow strokes of his length along your walls, making you both feel every inch of one another, softly in a way that still satisfied the need to reach completion together.
You remember quietly listening to the sound of the storm as you stood naked in the middle of your living room, caressing towels over one another and the gentle press of your lips to his as you fluffed his hair.
You recall the power was out all night, and Junmyeon choosing to light some candles and read a book he was almost halfway finished. You begged him to read some aloud to you as you made a pillow out of his thigh, much to his initial refusal. The topic was something philosophical but not boring, and you had fallen asleep to the feel of his warm and comforting skin and the sound of his soothing voice within minutes.
Just last month in October, during your first week of exams, he had surprised you with flowers. Knowing it was your first day of the brutal and long testing periods, you had come home with a stale but free end-of-day bagel protruding from between your lips from your favorite shop across the street from your apartment. You found a large bouquet of your favorite flowers in a vase on the kitchen island. A box of your favorite chocolate sat beside it with a card.
‘Sweetheart, I hope these will make you smile after your first day of exams. You’ve worked so hard and I’m really proud of you. So cheer up and keep fighting! I want to see you soon… ;^; PS don’t worry I didn’t break in. I asked Soohyun to deliver these. xoxo J.’
The gifts were wholly appreciated and sweet, but the fact that he had to ask Soohyun for help made you feel a little bit bad for both of them. The idea of giving him a key is one you had entertained before- especially when he needed some time to himself. Junmyeon knows he is welcome even if you’re not home.
You remember when it dawned on you randomly, going around your apartment and smiling, suddenly wondering when the second toothbrush showed up in the cup on the sink. Or when the shoe rack in your closet began to house pairs of men’s sneakers or slides beside your own. Or when a pair of reading glasses that aren’t yours showed up on the nightstand opposite yours beside the bed, sitting atop a book with a marker jutting from the top halfway through its pages which you’ve never read, along with a copy of a script for a play he was starring in soon. Or when the roller of men’s deodorant showed up on your vanity beside your own.
In that moment, the natural progression of your relationship with him made your chest swell with pride, easing some of your fears. You had asked Soohyun for his opinion before you committed to it. When the question popped out, you were met with honest but sincere acceptance. It felt like crossing a line or taking that next step. The notion made you feel nervous and turbulent, but Soohyun’s trust and guidance was something you knew you could rely on. It wasn’t as if he was moving in completely.
You had given the key to Junmyeon the week before the SM Halloween Party, nonchalantly and casually pulling it from your bag with a cute rabbit keychain. You dropped it into his palm just as you were leaving their dorm after helping some of the boys with their costumes, making last minute adjustments.
You wanted to tell him he didn’t have to use it if he didn’t want to or if it felt weird, but that you wanted him to have it sincerely. Instead, nervously you said nothing at all and made a beeline for the door, quickly making an exit before he could respond, fanning the flames on your cheeks as you left.
Junmyeon had been faster, catching you before you could make your way too far down the hall on their floor and spinning you into his frame with happiness.
Several times he had taken you up on the offer just to get some peace. His manager always knew where he was, and you have come home from work to find him there multiple times. Once, you recall with a laugh, cutely sitting in the middle of your couch with a notebook in front of him and his hair clearly mused from running his hand through it, scribbling lyrics for the solo album he has been working on from time to time.
Another day he was pacing back and forth in the living room with his script in hand for the play he was starring in. He asked you to help him with a scene or two after you took a shower and ordered takeout.
Your favorite instance of finding him in your home was a late night after a long and boring lecture and an even longer shift immediately after. Tired and frustrated and you believed with red wine in your hair from an incident involving another server, all you wanted was to take a hot shower and go to sleep.
You didn’t know he was there at first, too focused on tossing your bag down on the couch and turning the knob down until it couldn’t go any hotter in the shower. Walking into your room with a towel wrapped around your body, you’d found your bedspread a heap of mess and a head of fluffy black hair peeking out from the top.
The sight of him so content in your bed, even without you, eased any remaining stress your shower couldn’t burn out of your weary bones. He stirred briefly when you swept some of his bangs out of his eyes, brows furrowing and his bottom lip, much fuller and more prominent than his top, pushing into an easy pout. He groaned only once when you had pressed your lips to his cheek before dressing and sliding under the covers on your side.
After you’d settled and your eyes closed, you heard him move. Before sweet sleep could take you, he had found you in his own sleep, curling his arm into the crook of your waist to press your back to his chest. Faintly, you remember his lips finding the back of your neck as you both fell asleep.
The memory of Halloween comes next, constricting your chest in a mix of emotions. The SM Halloween Party. The only event you could safely be invited to attend to keep your relationship private. However, the one place that made you feel extremely self-conscious.
You would meet many pairs of eyes, from company managers and executives to other idols who knew Junmyeon better than you. The thought of their disapproving eyes upon you made you pace in front of your mirror. Junmyeon was due to arrive any moment, and the feel of your costume against your skin didn’t feel right.
When he entered, wearing his fangs and cape and looking every bit as handsome as you knew he truly was, he frowned at you. At the way you had chewed your lip swollen and the frantic, unsettling looking in your eyes as you grabbed at the parts of yourself you disliked most in the mirror, pinching at your skin through the costume.
He'd stepped behind you, holding you still by your hips and asking what was wrong. When you had told him, you remember the look in his eyes when his gaze met yours in the mirror. The way his face softened for you and he kissed gently at the back and sides of your neck. You remember, with a grin, the way he bit playfully at your skin with the plastic teeth over his own while his big brown eyes looked at you with so much ardor you couldn’t watch for long.
Goosebumps light your skin there in the cab, remembering with a shudder the way he made you believe that you were beautiful, telling you to remember than confidence is sexy and validating your right to think so about yourself.
The way he made you feel what you do to him and the way he coaxed you to your bed, stripping you both of your costumes. The way he finally, at long last, made you believe there was nothing to be worried about when you clutched your headboard with both hands and let him lie beneath your spread thighs.
He comforted your skin with his palms, soothing over the muscles in a loving manner until he needed you closer, digging his fingertips into the flesh to pull you down against him. All while his tongue licked every drop of your anxiety from you with a delightful groan.
You sat, riding the pleasure as your worry melted into his mouth like liquid candy. The way you were convinced by his body tells, transfixed with your head twisted back to watch his own pleasure seeping down the sides of his cock, sitting red and swollen and jumping with every sound you made. The way his abdomen was tight, his hips struggling to remain still.
The way, when you reached back to touch him, he denied you. When you lifted your core from his mouth for a moment to protest, the growl of your name he emitted was nearly your undoing. He told you, voice dangerously low, that if you touched him at all he would explode.
The way, moments later when you screamed his name and shuddered above him, his own body twitched in euphoric bliss as he lost control and the proof of his need for you dripped heavily from his twitching length to pool on his abdomen.
The way he beamed with pride while he held your hand tightly in his when you entered the party an hour late and received the first wave of watchful and curious eyes. That night, there were no eyes meeting yours that made you feel inferior. Only smiles and laughter and new friendships were formed.
You’re jostled from the memories when the car pulls onto a graveled surface. Outside the window, you watch the tires kick up dust until the car smoothly glides to a stop in front of a large building that resembles a warehouse. The last rays of the sun pushing through twilight are casting a beautiful array of colors across the sky.
Giving the driver your thanks, you step out to the greeting wave of Junmyeon’s Manager holding open a door. “Thank you for letting me watch,” you bow.
He smiles at you, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with a finger, “You’re welcome. It’s nice to see you again, have you been well?” You smile at him in return, falling into step beside him where he guides you.
Your heart begins thumping in your chest deeply as if it only comes to life in the vicinity of your lover. “I’ve been busy, but fine thank you.”, you reply.
Rounding a corner and through another door, you are met with a wide expanse of space. Cameras and lights and sound equipment of all sorts are set up on various small stages, miniature sets of rooms for certain scenes within the video you assume.
A row of chairs and mirrors lines a wall beside you, and an assortment of sporting-goods brands duffle bags and sneakers, hats and sweatshirts are piled beside each one. Makeup kits and cosmetics, combs and cans of hairspray are organized atop each of the tables beside each mirror.
“Oh! Look who decided to show up,” hollers a familiar voice. Your head follows the sound of it to see Baekhyun swinging his arms as he approaches you. He looks handsome with his shock of white hair, and mysterious with the delicate silver chain draped over his nose and cheeks.
You smile at him, covering your mouth at the sight of his appearance, dressed as his evil doppelganger, “You look awesome.”
He grins at you cheekily and lifts his brows coquettishly, “Thank you.”
“We’re almost finished for today, but I’m glad you could come. We weren’t sure if you would be able to.”, he comments.
Nodding, you look around the sets for the rest of them. You can’t see them, but you can hear laughter around the side of one of the walls, “Yeah, I’m glad too.”
Baekhyun pauses his stride as he passes you, beckoning you after him. Looking to Junmyeon’s Manager, he motions for you to follow the idol. “He has no idea you’re here,” Baekhyun says with mischief in his tone.
Rounding the corner, your eyes find the other men standing in a loose circle on one of the sets, laughing. Baekhyun extends his arms wide while approaching, “Yah look who I found!”
They catch his comment, heads turning and multi-colored eyes lifting at different moments within the same two seconds to see who is beside him. They are all dressed in mostly-leather costumes, colored in pairs that match in some way. Reds, yellows and blacks. You hold your breath, watching the expression that morphs on Junmyeon’s face.
His brows rise toward his red hairline in shock before they fall back down and knit in confusion accompanied by his pouted lips. Immediately after, he smiles fully. Your favorite slight-box grin that makes the apples of his cheeks rise high and makes his eyes curl into half-moons, crinkling at the corners. It completely diminishes any traces of the danger his other half is portrayed to possess.
You watch him, almost in slow motion as he moves toward you in long strides. The flaming tips of his shoes pointed straight toward you until his arms extend and he crushes you to him, folding your body against his chest with both arms.
Laughing, you let him hug you, enjoying the brief moment of physical contact before a Manager tells them all the break is over. Just before he must let you go; you pick up the familiar scent of his deodorant. The thought that it is comforting makes you stifle another laugh.
Quietly standing beside their manager, you watch the rest of tonight’s shoot go by in a flurry of movement. You watch Chanyeol brag about being the only member flexible enough for the intro center of the choreography, only to complain about the soreness in his groin after.
You laugh when Jongdae nearly sends the chess table prop crashing to the ground as he leans a palm against it during the last powerful chorus every single time they run through it.  He shouts his frustration in a whine each time a quiet wave of laughter moves through the crew from it. Your attention is rapt on Junmyeon as they repeat the dance over and over, looking every bit as powerful and dangerous as his X-EXO counterpart is meant to be.
They’re all doing their best not to move too much or look too winded or tired. Their breaths are measured where they stand in the middle of the set resembling an abandoned parking garage. The white flicker of the light in the back of the space doesn’t quite penetrate the depth of darkness surrounding the idols, but you can still clearly see Junmyeon’s eyes staring at you from his position on the right.
The moment the director calls cut they drop to the floor or lean on their knees or one another, panting for breath. The crew surrounding the set begins to clap, voicing praise for the job well done today.
You wait patiently, not quite sure what to do with yourself and feeling a bit out of place as you stand there awkwardly playing with your hands. Junmyeon finds you a moment later, hastily swallowing large mouthfuls of water from a bottle. He drinks the entirety of one while his eyes look down at you before twisting the cap from another and raising it to his lips.
He relents, offering you the remaining half after he’s had his fill. You smile at him, taking the bottle from his fingers. Sweat shines on his forehead, neck and chest. “You worked hard today,” you grin up at him.
Junmyeon smiles, wiping at the corner of his mouth and taking your hand in his, “Thank you.”
He leads you away from the bustling set full of crew, managers and idols for just a moment’s worth of privacy. You wrap your arms around his torso, resting your chin on his sternum as you look up at him. He fusses briefly, protesting, “I’m sweaty and gross.”
You laugh, squeezing the balmy warmth of him tighter, “I don’t care. I’ve missed you.”
He smiles, lighting up for you and breaking free just so he can dip low enough to capture your lips in a lingering kiss. Even the simple pressing of his mouth against yours sends shivers down your spine. The feel of his palms are warm against your neck and cheek as he steals one, two more quick pecks.
Too quickly you feel the heat of blood rushing to your cheeks and your heart hammering so fast in your chest you have to step away to catch your breath.
He laughs, grinning, “Did you miss me that badly?” His fingers reach for you again, pulling you back toward him.
“I did, but I’m blaming all of this for now,” you admit, gesturing to his entire frame.
He quirks a brow at you, licking his lips, “What about it?” Junmyeon knows exactly what you mean. He knows you’re absolutely weak for this look on him and that the entirety of X-EXO Suho makes you squeeze your thighs together and bite your lip.
“You know what I mean,” you suck the flesh of your bottom lip between your teeth, embarrassed by your physical response to his proximity.
A wolfish grin spreads across his face, dropping into the persona of his evil counterpart. The hand at your waist grips you tighter as the other raises your chin to look at him. He tilts his head, eyes narrowing until he whispers, “What are you thinking about?”
You struggle against him just a little, squirming in his strong hold, “Do I excite you?” He whispers the question, eyeing your lips as he rubs his thumb along the softness of it once you release it from your teeth.
Sehun’s voice drenches the moment in ice cold water, “Hyung, hurry up!” he whines from a distance.
You take a deep breath, released from Junmyeon’s firm hold as he sighs, instead taking your hand in his as he melts back into his usual self, smiling prettily at you with wide eyes that sparkle like the sun glinting off of pool water. You notice the tips of his ears are red but choose not to say anything about them, busying yourself with ordering an uber instead.
Much too quickly for your preference, the men you know and adore come to say goodbye one by one as they change back into their street clothes before leaving the set for the day. Of course, only Junmyeon puts his hands on you. He holds you until the last possible moment as the dot on your phone draws up to the building and it vibrates, alerting you that your ride is here.
Three weeks have passed since the music video shooting, but thankfully you’ve been able to see Junmyeon a few times. You’d been there to celebrate both the release of the new album and Chanyeol’s birthday, joining them in their dorm just after their live broadcast two days ago.
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment, remembering the loud complaints from the birthday boy himself when he came knocking on Junmyeon’s door telling you both what he wants for his birthday from you. Silence, so he doesn’t have to drown out the sounds of pleasure seeping through the door or leave the dorms altogether.
Today, Junmyeon, nor any of the boys for that matter, have any idea you’re here. It’s all thanks to his Manager, truthfully. He had given you special copies of the new album, one of each kind, all autographed. Additionally, his parcel had come with a lightstick that was already glittering with the name ‘SUHO’ down the shaft, and a ticket to their SM stage with a VIP pass.
Over the last several months, you’ve had snippets of conversation with all of their Managers, but Junmyeon’s in particular seems to have taken a liking to you the most. He has been the one to help you arrange time to see Junmyeon and who has accompanied you on a few dates with him, quietly admiring the way you’re growing together. Admittedly, his presence as a silent third wheel took some getting used to.
He has told you, on more than one occasion over a meal, how thankful he is to you for having come into Junmyeon’s life and for being supportive and understanding of his career and the difficulties that come with it. It has always ended with you thanking him in return for being supportive of your relationship and for being such a pillar of strength for Junmyeon.
The crew standing in the pit between the stage and the guardrail you’re crammed against seem to know who you are. A few of them you recognize as well. One woman holding a clipboard and a wearing a headset brightly smiles directly at you. One of their set directors, if you’re not mistaken.
The show begins with EXO themselves, all dressed in black and looking ready for a fight. You have a blast screaming the fan chant along with the song, raising your lightstick high and waving it around with the powerful music.
You don’t stop until the boys are standing still and panting, having snapped their necks for the final move of the choreography. The approach the front of the stage, sweeping their eyes over the sea of their beloved fans. You’re sure it’s probably difficult for them to see the faces of the fans with the bright stage lights shining down on them and drowning the crowd in darkness.
When they’ve finished waving, the lights dim and the idols in front of you light up with smiles and more vigorous, friendly waves all around, able to see faces and read signs in the undulating mass of cheering. You do the one thing you know will get you noticed.
You stand still.
Chanyeol notices you first after a few minutes, squatted down and waving with a head tilt at the crowd. He plays off his surprise well before he stands and turns back nonchalantly. Baekhyun comes after, grinning wide and barking a laugh.
None of the fans seem any wiser, and the anxiety you thought you would feel never swells in your throat. They’re so good at interacting with their fans that nobody has any clue what the easy smiles and laughter passed between you all mean.
Junmyeon appears to have been clued in on your presence, his eyes flicking to yours briefly to confirm you’re standing there pressed up against the railing, but he controls his expression into his typical smile. He doesn’t dare to express any greater form of glee toward you than anyone else.
A bit later, after their comments as EXO, they descend beneath the stage with waves and smiles, only to slip out from the wings of the stage minutes later.
This time, they’re not who they seem while they sing the same track, if only with a bit of an aggressive edge and intensity to their choreography and looks. They seem dangerous, smirking and cocky but ultimately enjoying every moment they get to spend as their alternate selves on stage.
This time, Junmyeon looks directly at you and rubs at his bottom lip as if he wants to reprimand someone. Fans around you erupt with squeals, confessions of love unable to be contained within their throats.
He takes his in-ear out and squats down near you, waving to fans and licking his lips. “He’s ridiculously hot as X-Suho, isn’t he?” one of the women beside you sighs dreamily, fanning herself.  You laugh with her, agreeing wholeheartedly.
His brow raises conspicuously as he stands back up and peers down at you with a wicked grin. You don’t think he heard you or the woman beside you, and it isn’t like he doesn’t know what this side of him does to you. You’ve confessed to him at least once how much this persona of his makes you sweat.
He takes six long strides to the other side of the stage to pay that end as much attention. Time passes slowly as you watch them entertain both the cameras and themselves as X-EXO. They laugh and sing and dance and play games. Before you realize what’s happened, he’s gone, along with most of the others. Only Sehun and Chanyeol are left on the stage, asking the fans if they like EXO or X-EXO more. They mock EXO, gently scolding fans with their disappointment when they tell the crowd to be consistent.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket, and you peer at it to see a text from his Manager.
‘Go back out and follow the signs for VIP access.’ It reads.
You look up and around but can’t see much other than lightsticks illuminating a mass of darkness. It’s pretty, you think. Without much struggle, you maneuver your way back out of the crowd. It warms your heart, to think their fans are decent and considerate enough to move out of the way or ask if you’re alright as you leave. You don’t mention the VIP access, you don’t want a target on your back.
You’ve found the VIP area and find, sneakily, you’re the only one there. You wonder if you were the only person granted one. Their Manager walks through a door, smiling as he greets you and motions for you to follow.
Halfway down a long corridor behind the stage, Junmyeon comes into view, stalking toward you. He doesn’t say anything at all. He grins at his Manager, nodding, before he slips his hand into yours and pulls you further down the hall.
There is a pause in front of a closed door, where you nearly plant your nose directly into his shoulder when he stops. Junmyeon’s brows knit together and his eyes narrow. His mouth makes a shape similar to a loose ‘o’, a series of micro-expressions that together you’ve learned mean he is pensive but uncertain.
The bright blue of his eyes look sharply in each direction before he takes a deep breath and quickly shoves the door handle down and pulls you into the room before slamming it closed.
You’re barely able to note the color of the walls before he whirls on you, seeming menacing and troublesome. He still doesn’t say anything, watching the stillness of your frame and making you squirm under his gaze.
You don’t move. Instead, you’re fascinated by the role he plays. You use the moment to take a good look at him. The effect of the cut at the corner of his left cheekbone, the cerulean color of the contacts softly edged by dark shadow of burnt reds and browns. The slant of his brows and the shape of his hairline crested red and gelled into horns that don’t seem cliché, but rather, ridiculously good-looking on his head.
You feel the heat of his closeness, the warmth of his skin in the center of his exposed chest and abdomen. The color of his suit and his hair and the flames on the tips of his shoes calling him to become the opposite personification of his element. It doesn’t feel wrong though. Instead if feels dangerous and passionate and you don’t fight the way this color wraps itself around him and becomes something altogether sinfully good and unholy.
It makes you bite your lip, and the motion is not lost on him. His hand lifts to your neck. He slides his palm flat, fingers brushing your throat, up until he cups the tip of your chin and tilts your face up to his. “What are you thinking about?”, he asks quietly. You never did answer him at the video shoot.
“You,” comes your answer, whispered into the space between you.
“Me? Not Junmyeon?”, he asks curiously, wolfish as he steps closer into your space. You understand the game he’s playing and for once, you don’t want to bicker with him on it. The way he’s looking at you as if he intends to devour you makes excitement thrum in your veins like electricity.
“Answer me,” he bites, stirring you from your thoughts. The command in his tone sends a shiver down your spine.
“Yes, you,” the words come easily from your throat, thick with a potency for action between your bodies.
He smirks, tilting his head and leaning in to whisper, “I heard you earlier, by the way. What is it, I wonder, that excites you so much?”
You don’t answer again, much to his displeasure. “Being a bad girl today, are we angel?” he mocks. The sound of a new pet name falling from his lips sends heat to your cheeks instead, smiling at him.
“Oh?” he tuts, “I’ll have to fix that.”
This dangerous side of him steals the breath from your lungs with lips that send an inferno straight to your core. He bites at your lips, demanding entrance and groaning aloud when you acquiesce.
He kisses you hard, branding you with the searing heat of his lips as he repeats his desire for you over and over until you’re squeezing your thighs together with a moan. His fingers leave your neck, climbing higher into your hair and gently pulling a fist full of it back.
When he finds your eyes, you see an edge of uncertainty, a question swimming even in the artificial blue depths.
He swallows thickly, brushing saliva from the corner of his mouth with the back of one knuckle, “I won’t be gentle, angel. If you can’t handle it we have to stop here.” You appreciate his warning to make sure you’re okay with the game he wants to play.
He relents when your expression morphs into delighted eagerness, wanting to play just as badly. “I don’t want you to be gentle,” you breathe, trying to move your head, testing if he maintains his grip on your hair. You hum happily, finding that he does.
He smiles devilishly, using his strength to force your knees to the floor. Releasing you, he moves his hand to brush your hair from your eyes. Your own hands climb his thighs, softly pressing into his muscles through the fabric of his pants.
You look up to his face, watching him lean a palm against the wall. He smirks, raising his brows and letting his mouth drop open when your fingers smooth over the outline of his erection. He swallows, dropping his jeweled hand toward your mouth and extending two fingers, “Open.”
The words aren’t a suggestion, rather a demand. You comply immediately, feeling yourself grow slick as he presses the digits to your tongue with a hiss. He bites his lip, spreading them out to pet at your tongue. Raising his brows slightly in anticipation, you close your lips around them when the fingers connect once more.
Then, you hollow your cheeks and suck. Pulling out all your tricks, you lave around the digits and force your tongue between them, much to the audible pleasure of the man above you. While you work, your hands continue their torturous fluttering around the bulge at the front of his pants. Eventually your need for him on your tongue becomes too much.
Popping the button of his, you pause to tease him. Your lover growls, quickly reaching to free his girth from the confines of fabric. You try not to look too excited, wetting your lips again and swallowing around the ache of emptiness in your throat. You’ve had him time and time again but the sight of his arousal never ceases to make your own pool between your legs in answer.
He takes your hair in his fist again, coaxing you toward his lap and flicking his chin up once, “Suck.”
The command is enough to make you groan around every inch of his length, welcoming him happily into the slick warmth of your mouth. You pleasure him in earnest, running the flat of your tongue along the underside and swallowing around the head.
He keeps his grip firm in your hair, enough to control your pace. His hips roll against you slowly, working himself into your mouth as he watches from above. It only takes a few minutes before he sags against the wall, letting his forehead fall forward against his forearm, watching you intently. Your ability to turn him into a pile of bliss and your enjoyment of giving him this type of pleasure will never stop amazing him.
Gently, you let your teeth graze along his length, eliciting a hiss from him, “You love sucking cock don’t you angel?”
You whine around him, kissing at the flushed tip briefly before letting him sink his hips forward until your nose nearly presses against his abdomen. Unwilling to let such a moment overtake him and ruin his role, he pulls you off, groaning when you pout at the loss of him between your lips.
He doesn’t fail to notice the way your own fingers have slipped down to work between your spread thighs on the floor, rubbing at yourself through the fabric of your jeans.
“Get up,” he instructs, releasing your hair to curl his fingers around you wrist and pulling you up from the floor. He moves, walking backwards a few paces and letting himself fall onto a couch in the center of the small room. Something in the back of your mind tells you this is a waiting room, unimportant and ignored in the wake of your quest for pleasure. You follow obediently, standing between his spread legs. He reaches for you, bunching your sweater in his palms and yanking it from its place, neatly tucked into your jeans.
“Do you know what I want, angel?” he asks with a voice full of gravel. You’ll never get over his voice when he’s turned on or when he’s speaking lowly. The way it drops octaves and sounds deeper than his usual tenor. That’s not to say his voice isn’t always lovely, but the huskiness of your effect on him is something that never fails to raise your confidence and libido.
You shake your head at him, holding up your sweater for him with both hands while he uses just a little more force than necessary unbuttoning your jeans and yanking the denim down your thighs. You place a hand on his shoulder for balance as you step out of each leg.
He smiles, happily focused on getting you out of them as quickly as possible, before he looks up and leans toward your mouth. “I want to bury my cock in this pretty little pussy,” he says against your lips, digging his thumb into your panties suddenly, directly over your clit. Just in time to make you cry out softly, directly into his mouth. The words paint your cheeks with a hot blush, whimpering as he cups the back of your thighs in his palms and pulls you onto his lap.
“You’re soaked,” he comments, petting his index finger along the damp fabric between your legs. “I bet I don’t even need to stretch you out.” The way he purrs the words against the side of your neck is truly sinful, and every syllable sounds exactly like it is intended coming out of his filthy mouth.
Pulling you against him, he kisses you again when your hands find his shoulders, curling in the padding of his red suit jacket. He kisses you over and over, addicting, until you’re lightheaded and high on the taste of his lips and the feel of his sturdy frame beneath you.
Impatient, he pulls your sweater over your head, whipping it into a ball and throwing it to the floor. His palms slide up over your ribs, taking handfuls of your breasts and squeezing through the material of your bra. He repeats the motion with the flesh of your ass, slipping his palm beneath the hem of your panties and groaning against your throat.
He bites at the skin below your ear, earning him a gasp. The bruise he sucks into the flesh is coupled with the motion of his hands shoving your hips down against his erection. You moan in tandem as he guides your rocking motion with a handful of your rear.
“Does that feel good angel?” he rasps. You meet his sharp eyes with hooded ones of your own, nodding. He forces your back to bow, leaning into him completely. Your breath halts when you feel him take more flesh into his palm and squeeze, letting his fingers slide between your cheeks to press feather light against the hidden ring of muscle as they pass.
You meet his gaze, speaking without any actual words. You’ve both been experimenting with it, willing or wanting to try but taking it slowly and unable to get more than a full, single finger in for now.
He relents, aware that the current situation is not the best place, but not without pressing his index finger over it and rubbing gentle circles to make you shiver in his grasp. His hand moves out of your panties just to pull them down your thighs and help you kick them off.
“I really want to spank you…but we’ll have to save that for later,” he comments gruffly, biting at his own lips as he squeezes you one more time.
Then the clasp of your bra falls open and the straps are sliding down your arms. His mouth and hands replace the fabric immediately, licking and pinching at the buds of your nipples until you’re moaning. Twitching, he works you back down against his length while he kisses your breasts.
Sounds of pleasure harmonize between you at the sudden feeling of his length sliding through your folds, wet and warm. Your hips move of their own accord now, working yourself across his lap to an agreeable rhythm.
He pulls your head to meet his lips again, kissing and biting at your lips until the need for air grows too important. He watches your face as you work yourself against him, “You want it, angel?”
You nod without hesitation, lifting yourself and taking his cock in your hand. He stops you without a word. Only a sinister smile as he forces you from your perch to turn you around and spread your legs back over him facing the wall.
Caught up in the heat, you had been too preoccupied to notice the wall you face is mirrored from floor to ceiling. Your own eyes greet you in the mirror, dilated with bliss. They rake down the form of the naked woman staring back at you, admiring the purple petals of his marks blooming softly across the pink flush of your chest and neck.
A pair of intense blue eyes catch your attention from behind you, the face of your lover expressing a grin when you smile. His palms, strong and warm, attached to fingers dressed in jewels manipulate you in a manner that is rough and gentle all at once.
Slowly, he guides your hips up, holding them with both hands as he sinks you down appropriately, effectively catching the head of his cock at your center. Your lips drop open in a slack-jawed groan as you let yourself slide down inch by inch. You can feel his lips dragging against your spine, burning kisses along your skin.
He was right, much to your mutual delight, there is not much prepping to do. The way he is filling you, wet and warm is a kind of bliss you relish, basking in the pleasure while you reach up to grasp your own breast in your palm. Your eyes watch the explicit scene unfold in the mirror, feeling a little like you’re watching porn.
Your lover adjusts himself, pressing his shoulders into the couch cushions. One of his hands grasps your hip still, the other sliding up and down over your ribs. He moans once you’ve established your rhythm. He follows your speed, lifting his hips to thrust up into your heat with every bounce on his cock.
You feel heat all over your body, but most prominently on your cheeks, concentrated there in a deep rose and so turned on you feel like tears might soon spill from your eyes. He fucks you like this, drinking in every sound you make, getting louder by the second.
“Look at you,” he comments gruffly, pressing his fingertips into your skin. The sight of your joining bodies in the mirror pulls a soft hum of pleasure from his chest, “So good for me.”
His hands pull you back to lean against him, only for one to lift and cover your mouth. Both of you watch your bodies come together repeatedly in the mirror. “You’re being so loud, angel,” he says against your hair, panting. “Someone could come in at any second,” he reminds.
The idea of being caught sends a thrill straight to your core, squeezing around his thrusts. He feels it, groaning against the side of your neck. You’re sweating now, trying not to get carried away by the overwhelming surge pleasure you feel. You’ve been so on edge for him.
“Oh?” he muses, slowing the pace but slamming you against his lap harder and deeper, “Would you like that? Want someone to walk in and see you spread open for me?”
You go with it, nodding. He tuts at you, releasing your mouth to run the hand down your side. He glides it over your mound to tap at your clit with his index finger.
He's quiet for a moment, focused on the sight of you in the mirror. “What if it was one of my brothers, hm?”, he asks huskily. This time, you hesitate, but the way you swallow and your walls flutter around him tells all.
“Which one,” he growls now, circling your bud with his finger slowly while he grinds up into you. “Is it Baekhyun?”
You don’t have time to say anything, watching him question you as he fucks you through the mirror. His gaze meets yours, “Chanyeol?” he says, watching your face as your brows furrow in bliss and your lips drop open. He doesn’t relent, flicking his fingers over your clit quickly with a smirk.
He raises you completely from his cock once, landing a mild smack against your folds when you don’t answer with words. You whine at the loss of him. “Answer me,” he demands, and for a moment you fear this is a cruel joke and a line being crossed and that Junmyeon is actually upset with you.
He seems to sense your fear, immediately guiding you back over the head of his length and sweetly sliding you down until you’re seated fully on his lap again, “I think he would like that,” he sighs, turning your head to kiss your lips before he moves again. Something to let you know that he is not upset at all.
“Would you let him watch?” he rasps when you’ve resumed, and the fear has passed. You nod, whimpering at the idea of another person, let alone someone you know well, to watch you so intimately.
He chuckles beneath you, thrusting up once roughly to make you cry out, “Would you let him touch you, angel?”
You moan, closing your eyes and letting a hand drift to your clit. “What a bad girl,” he comments, replacing his own fingers on your bundle of nerves and meeting your eyes in the mirror, “Want him to get on his knees and lick your pretty little clit while I fuck you like this?”
You moan loudly, bouncing with fervor. “Use your words, angel,” he commands softly, thrusting up into you harder. From what you can see of him in the mirror, his expression mirrors yours. His chest and face are flushed red, his lips swollen and red from biting them.
“Yes,” you moan. The man beneath you groans a curse aloud. Your legs are starting to become jello, tired from exertion.
“What else? Would you want me to flip you on your knees and fuck you while you choke on his cock?” he asks, and the visual has you skyrocketing on pleasure. Your walls begin to squeeze him tighter. You pull air harder, in thick swallows as you chase the high.
Your lover moans quietly, lifting you altogether once more, pausing just briefly enough to let you get on your knees and continue. He manipulates your body to lean forward as far as you comfortably can, grasping a hip in one hand and a wrist in the other, pulled back toward his chest. The new angle hits differently, spiraling closer to orgasm the deeper he reaches.
“Would you fuck him? Let him slide his thick cock into your pussy while I fucked you here?” he groans, sliding a finger up the cleft of your ass. Your answering moan is all he wants, rewarding you with a handful of the flesh and a smack that sounds loud in the small room. You yelp at the sudden feeling and slight sting, but it doesn’t hurt at all.
He groans audibly with the motion, soothing his palm over the skin. “Or would you rather he fucked all of my come back into your abused pussy, hm?”
You gasp, finding your clit again with your own fingers. The man beneath you growls, “You only get to come on my cock... as long as everyone knows this pussy is mine.” You straighten your back, pleasure shooting up your spine when he smacks the same cheek once more.
“Fuck,” you mewl, rubbing faster while he pulls your hips back and forth at a bruising pace. His dirty talk is sending you into oblivion so quickly you can’t keep your eyes open any longer to watch the scene in the mirror. The obscene sounds of wetness between your bodies certainly doesn’t help in slowing the delirium of bliss.
“Fuck,” he mirrors your word, “You’re so close angel…” His lips find your spine again, fingertips digging into the skin of your hips to rock you against him harder.
“You’re going to take it all like a good girl…” he pants out, adjusting himself beneath you so that he can piston his own hips faster against you. He reaches up to take a handful of your left breast, tweaking the nipple between his fingers briefly until his hips falter and his pace becomes frantic.
He begins holding his breath behind you, filling his lungs with shallow bites of oxygen and humming his pleasure. This part is always your favorite, even if he disagrees. Hearing, seeing, feeling, it doesn’t matter. Experiencing him coming undone often gives you the right leverage to ride the crest of your own wave, crashing down around you only moments before he does.
You can feel the damp heat of his breath against your back, your fingers bringing you so close to your high that your legs begin shaking on either side of his thighs, “Jun…” you whimper softly, falling out of the roles.
You suck in one sharp gasp, back bowing forward and he catches you by the waist with one strong arm, gripping you to him like a vice as you ride him through your orgasm on a silent scream.
With lips planted at your shoulder, he kisses at your skin and pulls your hips down over him tightly. He releases a long moan with the breath he was holding, letting your walls pulse around him until there’s nothing left. His fingers find their way to your sensitive clit, petting just enough to feel you jolt against him once or twice. To feel you squeeze the last few drops from him with a hiss.
Spent and tired, you slowly open your eyes to find the mess of your bodies in the mirror. Your fingers clutch at his knees through the fabric of his red pants, burning beneath your palms. Behind you, your lover has an arm slung over his eyes and his exposed chest rises and falls quickly in long, deep breaths.
An uncomfortable sort of lead makes a home in the pit of your stomach. One you think showed up just before the height of your pleasure, your head aware it was hovering at the edges of thought but too charged to give its presence any attention.
You turn as best as your body can manage, looking for his eyes. Two that now make you frown, unable to see the true depth of them through the artificial color. He feels you move, lifting his arm just enough to meet your searching eyes. He gives you a dazzling smile.
And it breaks you.
A choked laugh bubbles up and rips past your lips in tandem with tears that slide down your cheeks. His arm moves from his face to yours, grunting his worry and dissatisfaction when he can’t hold you properly in this position.
Gentle palms cradle your thighs as he lifts you from his softening length, earning a whimper from you and ignoring the mess of your mutual need the action creates.
“Did I hurt you?” he whispers, wiping tears with his thumbs as he pulls you against his chest, “I’m sorry.”
An apology only makes you sob harder against him. You should be the one who is sorry, feeling the shame wash over you and stick like poisonous tar in your mouth. Shaking your head at him, you try to work words in through your tears.
“No,” you choke again, looking to the ceiling and blinking rapidly as you try to keep it in, “I’m sorry.”
When you look to him again, he softens. “For what? You didn’t do anything wrong,” he clarifies.
Your arms gesture around, between your bodies wildly and to the door and the mirror and Junmyeon can’t quite understand what you’re trying to articulate until a name froths from your lips in a garbled cry.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he coos, understanding painting his features. He smiles at you, something you don’t think you deserve.
“I’m so sorry,” you moan, pressing the heels of your palms to your eyes. Junmyeon rubs at your body with soothing, comforting hands. “It’s just you,” you try to continue, taking deep breaths through your tears, “I didn’t mean it.”
The way your voice shatters makes your boyfriend crush you to his chest, hastily pulling you across his lap again and tucking your legs up against his side. He wraps his arms around as much of you as he can, kissing your hair and your shoulder and your ear, everywhere his lips can reach without dislodging you from his hold.
“Y/N,” he says calmly, “Please don’t think that was a mistake.”
You don’t respond at first, continuing to let your heart lodge itself in your throat. Part of you wishes it would just suffocate you so you would not have to feel this awful or guilty.
Junmyeon stirs you from your thoughts. “I’m sorry I suggested it if it made you uncomfortable,” he clarifies.
Your glassy and red eyes snap to his, “No, please don’t be. I’m the one who…” you trail, unable to get the words out, “I feel awful.”
“Hey,” he tries, pulling your hands away from your face so he can kiss at the apples of your cheeks and your lips so you stop biting them so hard to keep in your cries. “Why?”
“I feel like I cheated,” you confess immediately through a sob. Holding the words on your tongue is nearly unbearable, you feel absolutely disgusted with yourself. You feel crazy and sick and ridiculous all at once. Your body feels hot and cold at the same time.
Junmyeon stills against you, nodding his head, “Sweetheart, no. Inviting another person into our sex life mutually is not cheating. It is certainly something worth discussing together but it is not at all even close to that. Please don’t be upset.”
You drag two large swallows of air into your lungs and breathe for a moment, “But we didn’t talk about it first, and I l-liked it.”
He smiles at you, genuinely, “It’s okay. Like I said, I brought it up. I’m okay with inviting him into the bedroom, too. Just maybe not all the time.”
“I don’t want to,” you state, shaking your head and letting your hands run the length of Junmyeon’s arms and chest, “I don’t want it to be real. I only want you,” you choke down again, clearing your throat, “I’ve only wanted you.”
The grin that spreads across his face makes him look up at the ceiling, swiping his tongue over his lips as he fights down his smile. This is a quirk of his you know means your words have made him extremely happy or he thinks you’re incredibly endearing… or both.
His reaction seems to deflate some of the tension from your shoulders, “I’m sorry I’m crazy,” you admit.
Then the smile falls, “You’re not crazy at all, and I know it’s hard for you to ignore being told you are for a long time.” He says the words without stopping, all on one breath because he knows you would try to object.
“You are a wonderful person and you’re thoughtful and considerate and not at all anything like what those people tried to make you believe,” he petitions with furrowed brows. His features smooth again with a whisper, “I’m so lucky to have you.”
The words spring new tears to your eyes and you wrap your arms around his neck, hugging his head to your chest, “Thank you.”
When you release him, he nods and pecks your lips quickly. You smile, feeling a bit sheepish and on edge still and altogether emotionally and physically drained. His fingers are gentle as he brings them to your face to wipe your slowing tears.
You place your hand over his, guiding it to your lips where you place a kiss against the skin. He looks at you fondly, softening with your affection, “Please just know I mean it. I don’t think about anyone else; I don’t want anyone else. I don’t need anyone else. Just you.”
He nods, sitting up to bring your lips together in a series of kisses that soothe your soul and heal the bleeding scars left on your heart from others.
In this moment, it’s another kind of thought that creeps in slowly at the edges of your consciousness. One you’ve had in passing a few times, more frequent lately than not. Taking up larger spaces in your head and heart and getting closer and closer to whispering its name in your ear.
You don’t speak much while you clean up as best you can, both spent. There is some slight difficulty on your  part with dressing because of how sore you feel. Junmyeon, ever the most considerate and thoughtful, helps you lift each leg to step into your jeans, pulling them up your hips. He places a chaste kiss squarely at your abdomen before he buttons them for you. Then pats the thickness of your rear after, eyeing the way it moves slightly with mischievous eyes.
The grin he serves you as he follows you out of the room earns him a playful flick to one of his own brown nipples, exposed by his attire. He laughs at your antics while you find your way back to his Manager.
As you’re wrapping your arms around him to say goodbye you can feel his lips at your hairline, slowly rocking you back and forth for a moment. The second you separate to stand on your toes and kiss at his lips, the creeping thought comes to sharp clarity in your mind. The sudden realization of it crashes against you ribcage like thunder.
You follow his Manager out, looking back with a silent wave and wanting to say, “I love you.”
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purpleyellow · 4 years
When my love blooms
BTS 8th member
Sunny’s masterlist
“Sunny's expeciences during When Our Love Blooms”
a/n: JUST FYI, Jinyoung plays a dude named Jaehyun and Sunny plays the character named Jisoo.  Your opinion is very important for me, send feedback and requests anytime 💜 Also, don’t be shy and interact a little, ask box is always open
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Looking at herself in the mirror, Sunny fixed her now brown hair and snapped a quick picture. Sending it to the BTS group chat with an “I should have bangs more often :p” she quickly locked her phone and put it away, leaving the small changing trailer the stylists had led her to.
“Sunny, let’s go this way so you can do a table reading before we start shooting” One of the producers called her to one big room where most of the staff were already seated in a big table.
Looking for her name tag, she saw her empty spot next to Got7’s Jinyoung, who was already seated playing on his phone. The few times Sunny had met him before, they never really interacted that much, since she usually stuck to talking to Bambam because they’ve known each other since trainees. Bowing respectfully, she sat down next to him trying not to stay too close.
“Excited to start shooting?” Jinyoung tried to make the atmosphere less awkward, turning towards her as he took a sip of his coffee.
“Yes, a little nervous as well” Sunny nodded, suddenly trying to remember all of the acting classes she had taken the week prior.
“You’ll be fine, table readings are a great way to get used to the storyline and build confidence in your character” he smiled sweetly at her.
Smiling a thanks to him, she paid attention as the director and producers started giving out tips to the actors and fully explaining the storyline to every little detail. “It’s important all of you get in sync with the ages you’ll be interpreting” was a sentence heavily repeated, since the story would be set in two different times.
After about two hours, when the meeting ended, the two idols stood up and grabbed their stuff from the table. “Your character is really in love with mine” Jinyoung nudged her with his elbow smirking.
“He’ll be just as whipped for her in less than two episodes” Rolling her eyes, Sunny joked back and started walking side by side. 
Looking around to see if anyone was paying attention, she decided to share one of her worries with him. “I know this might seem out of nowhere, but I’m dating Sehun from EXO. And by what they said a few minutes ago there will be a lot of kissing involved. Do you think I should tell him about it?” 
With wide eyes at the sudden confession, Jinyoung assessed the situation before speaking “Does he know you’re acting and I’m the love interest?” After Sunny confirmed he shrug his shoulder, face back to its relaxed state “Then it’s implied. Mentioning it to him would only make it look like it’s a bigger deal than it actually is”
Still a bit unsure about it, Sunny tried to assure herself it would be fine, Sehun had never been the jealous type and he looked very excited when she told him about the project. Sensing her uncertainty, Jinyoung placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Look, seventy percent of the shots will be manipulating camera angles and lighting, we’ll just need to stand very close to each other” She rose an eyebrow at the last part and he sighed “I swear everything will be strictly platonic, just try to look like you’re in love with me when the cameras are rolling” With a breathy laugh, Sunny calmed down a little.
Stepping out of the fake bedroom, the girl grabbed a tissue handed by a staff member and started to dry a few tears. Waiting for the director to tell her what to do next, she looked around and found a very excited boy jumping and waving her way. 
“Okay everyone, that’s enough for today” The middle-aged man shouted and Sunny took off towards J-Hope. 
Engulfing her in a hug, he patted the top of her head and smiled brightly “I missed you so much. You’ve been working a lot lately, we barely see each other on the dorms since you always leave way too early and come home very late”
“It’ll only be for a couple of weeks. Here let’s go to catering, I haven’t eaten yet” Sunny grabbed his arm and took him to a bunch of trailers parked. 
After she got her lunch, they sat down in a table and she started eating with him stealing a couple of bites here and there. “Jungkook said he will pay you a visit as well, he’s trying to set a date with Yugyeom so they can come together”
“He’s really tight with his 97 friends huh? I wonder if he would come at all if Jinyoung wasn’t in this” Sunny rolled her eyes remembering the many times she had to repeat what she had said because Jungkook was too absorbed in his group chat to pay attention.
“Let’s just be happy he’s making friends” Hobi smiled and Sunny laughed “I’m being serious, you were very quick to befriend other idols and do your thing, I thought Kookie would never leave our side” 
“But he did talk to other people” Sunny tried to reason with him.
“Yeah, only when V or Jimin was around, the boy took introverted to another level” he looked around and reverted his gaze to her. “And you, have you made more friends here?”
“I talk with a few actors and the staff are nice I guess” Sunny shrug her shoulders “You just said I made friends easily, why so worried out of nowhere?”
“Because I know you” Hobi smiled gently at her “You probably spend most of your day worrying about doing a good job and studying the script. Not trying to break this to you, but I don’t think you’ll ever get the chance to do this again, do you really  want to let the experience pass instead of making connections and having the time of your life?”
Sighing, Sunny placed her arms on the table and looked around as well “It’s just, people here are always working. I know that seems like heaven for me, but it gets tiring only talking about techniques and obsessing over the storyline. Also, I don’t think other people are interested in talking with an idol. I’m like a choir kid who wanted to try out the drama club”
J Hope laughed at her comparison “I’m glad you’re not leaving Bangtan to become an actress then” He smirked and she rolled her eyes with a small smile “How about the other actors? I guess Jinyoung’s on the same boat as you”
“I guess so. We talk in between shots sometimes, he’s probably the closest I have to a friend” as she said that the boy raised his arms in victory.
DAY6 (yes, it was on purpose)
“Okay, cut” The director yelled and Jinyoung retreated his lips from the corner of Sunny’s mouth “Please don’t leave the phonebooth, I’m going to check if we need to do that once again”
With the amount of space restricted, Sunny rested her back on the glass and the Got7 member tried to back away as much as possible, but it wasn’t enough to be a respectable space. 
“I’m sorry if this is awkward,”  Jinyoung said looking everywhere but at her. Not that Sunny knew because she was literally doing the same. “I’d open the door, but I’m sure he’d yell at me for doing so”
The girl didn’t have time to respond back, as someone yelled they were done for the day. Finally breathing properly, she stepped out of the small place and saw Yugyeom and Jungkook on the back watching the staff work. 
Looking at Sunny with wide eyes, her groupmate walked very fast towards her and dragged her somewhere more secluded. “Do you know how intimate that looked?” he said like he was scared making the girl laugh.
“Well, it is a romantic drama. I’m sure it was supposed to look like that” she said shrugging her shoulders and leaving to get out of her costume.
Grabbing her arm again, Jungkook prevented her from moving “Still, it’s awkward. Aren’t you uncomfortable with it? We can talk to your manager and get them to change the script or something”
“Are you crazy?” Sunny put her hands on his shoulders and shook him a little, getting him out of his shock “They signed me to play their character, I’m sure they would straight up fire me if I did anything even remotely close to changing the scenes”
“Well… I-I’m uncomfortable with it” He stuttered a bit but ended up crossing his arms and fixing his posture as if he was some kind of authority, all Sunny did was raise an eyebrow at him “Sehun Hyung won’t like this either. Plus you’re like a child, isn’t this like, illegal?”
“I’m literally a year younger than you” she reminded him,
“Well, it’s legal then” He nodded “But, Sehun? Does he know this?”
“Of course, I’m not going to lie to him about where I spend most of my day”
“I’m not talking about that” it was Jungkook’s turn to raise an eyebrow, making Sunny sigh.
“I haven’t told him about the kisses, if that’s even what they are, but he does know I have a love interest” She linked arms with him and started walking towards a trailer, she desperately wanted to get out of those clothes and go home “I’m scared if I talk too much about it it’s going to seem like I care too much about what’s going on”
“But if you don’t it might seem like you’re trying to hide something” Jungkook pointed out being led by her “If it were me I’d want to know. I would probably become petty though”
“Yeah, you would” Sunny smiled at his personality.
“What do you mean by those not being kisses by the way?”
“Oh. Fake kisses are so boring, like, lips aren’t even fully touching. Plus, the real feeling of-”
“That’s enough” He cut her off flustered “ I already know that I don’t know why I needed for you to say it. Please forget I even asked”
“So, that’s what has been going on” Sunny said to her phone. Pacing from one side to the other on the empty makeup trailer.
“Okay” She heard Sehun’s muffled laugh on the other side “I already know you would be doing stuff like that. It does worry me a little that something made you feel like you had to tell me this now”
“I had talked with Jinyoung about this and he told me it wasn’t a big deal, but Jungkook came yesterday and said it would be better if you were aware”
“Oh, so you asked your fake boyfriend what to do about your real boyfriend?” Sunny could feel him smirking through the phone and unconsciously rolled her eyes.
“This really isn’t going to become a problem right?” She stopped pacing and faced her brunette figure in the mirror.
“Trust me it isn’t. You’re going to give me double the kisses to make up though” Sunny smiled at his silliness “I have to go right now. I love you”
“I love you too” she blew a kiss and he hung up.
Leaving the trailer, she saw Jinyoung also walking towards the set she was going to. “Hey, settled everything with the boyfriend?” 
“Yeah, and he said he already expected it” Sunny started walking with him, the space between them enough to fit another person.
“I told you, you should have trusted Sunbae” Jinyoung smiled at her, using his nickname from the drama, and Sunny rolled her eyes once again.
“Keep talking like that, and I’ll have to start calling you Jaehyun” she spoke with a mischievous grin and it was his turn to roll his eyes.
“Aah Jisoo, your friendship means the world to me”
2 Months later
Sunny was laying on her bed while scrolling through social media and checking out people’s reviews on the latest episode when her notification bar rolled down showing a new message from Sehun 
“Come to my place, we need to talk”
(please don’t kill me, pt 2 will be coming soon)
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ruakichan · 3 years
Another state of roo gaming conglomopost.
I may have mentioned it offhand, but I recently moved to a place that has no internet. I’ve had to rely on my phone & mobile data for online access, and the area has like... 2 bars on 4G on a good day with the weather and stars aligned. So while I’ve been able to access mobages that aren’t too hard on the data, like Exos and Alchstars, games like GBF had to be put on the ‘log in and that’s it’ backend. I tried to do GW and that was just ... lololololol.
So I’ve been doing some console gaming!  Namely Ace Attorney Chronicles and Tales of Arise. Gonna talk briefly about that! While I am avoiding spoilers and will talk in generalities, if you’re wanting to avoid any talk about those two, please be mindful of the cut!
First off, Ace Attorney.  I’ve played all the games since the franchise was first localized, so was pretty happy we got these since we missed out on their initial release for the handhelds. That said, it’s definitely the AA formula—including the good and bad.  Love the wacky cast, offbeat humor, and off-the-wall wild storylines, especially since most of it is a huge lampshade to Sherlock Holmes stories (including outright mocking the “logic” of the Speckled Band), of which I’m also a huge fan of.  But it still has the biggest issue I always had with the AA games: soooooo muchhhh unnecessary text that takes forever to get the point. So I have to take this game in baby steps. I think I’m only on the last case for the first game right now.
Don’t like the prosecutor. I actually just let his lines autorun while I play my mobages when he’s up on the screen. So much racism. Sooooo so much. There’s a lot of it in the game, due to setting, but my god this guy won’t shut the fuck up, and I have to deal with enough of that IRL. I also just rushed through the fourth case cause of it. Not what I want in my escapism, thanks.
Overall though, I’m enjoying it, though the “Jury System” ignites a righteous rage in me in how unfairly irrational it is and I want to shake every single person on that board.
Next up, Tales of Arise, which I’m currently devoting most of my spare attention to these days (I’ve recruited the last of the main cast right now). It’s been a while since I really enjoyed a Tales of game; Xillia 2 was my last one that I really got into; I enjoyed Zestiria to an extent but the battle system was just tedious. (Did not play Berseria since nothing about it got my attention and Crestoria was such a shitshow at launch.)
Don’t like the theme song for Arise, especially after White Light from Zesty being such a banger. Intro felt lackluster too; I know UFOtable can do better, so seeing this one was a disappointment.
Sakuraba is my absolute favorite composer for video games, but Arise’s BGMs are so, so bad. So generic and lacking any strong motifs, I really felt that he phoned it in. I can’t tell any of the songs apart, but at least they’re so generic that it’s easy to tune most of them out.
English dub is pretty good! I always try to give dubs a chance and I think they did a nice job with this! Only one that I’ve side-eyed has been Law, who is my current favorite character, so I’m a bit sad about that.  Characters are decent enough; no one for me to get fannish over, but no one I’m like ‘god get them off my screen.’ They’re there, they’re inoffensive.
Battle system, once you get the ball rolling, is fairly fun and fluid, especially the Fatal Strikes or whatever they’re called in this game. Boss battles are extremely grueling at the moment—they are very tanky and spongy, so battles can last a long time.  Unfortunately sometimes there’s a lot going on on the screen, with a lot of systems the game wants you to manage, so it can be easy to get one-shot by a mistake you didn’t even know what was coming.  But nothing too frustrating. I feel like the game wants to encourage a lot of grinding but doesn’t actually give you a lot of places to grind at (Zesty had this problem too).  Button layout is a bit weird and gave me huge Graces vibes; unfortunately you can’t change the config. But still, I’m definitely enjoying it better than Zesty’s, but it isn’t as fun as Vesperia’s or Xillia 2′s.
Story wise... oh man. I know Tales of can be a trope-y series, but this one just plays everything straight. Everything I predicted just from being exposed to it for a few minutes, has come out exactly as I thought. No subversions or aversions here LOL, no shocking revelations. It’s also not a very compelling plot? It’s just a plot. Maybe it’ll get better now that I got all my party members and we can focus on fleshing out the story more.
The story is also fairly serious and there aren’t a lot of light-hearted moments, even in skits. I really do miss this aspect since it’s one of the reasons I like Tales of games—the humorous parts really help connect me to characters more, as it makes them feel more rounded and human, than just SERIOUS! ANGST! all the damn time. I can play a Final Fantasy game if I wanted that.
Speaking of skits, the presentation style is weird. Like, it’s hard to explain without someone visually watching it, but I really don’t understand why they went this route of faux comic book/storyboard scenes. I guess to save money on modelling actions but at this point, just do talking heads? I dunno. I got used to it, but it’s still really jarring when they come up.
Anyhoo, it’s still a decent enough game, though I’m still waiting for something to really ‘wow’ me.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Exo-skeleton.”
Didn’t have a lot of time this morning, but I wanted to continue with my series on the Drev war. I hope you guys enjoy learning a little more background on exactly what operation stee-eye was
The rundi chairwoman stood outside the triage tent watching little flakes of ash as they drifted down from the darkened sky above them. Two human bodyguards stood at her back staring into the darkness with her, their predatory human eyes wide with intent, the little black pupils in their eyes reacting to the shifting light.
She knew something was up when the humans suddenly turned their heads to the side staring off into the ash. Their bodies had gone tense, and their hands were tight around their weapons, though they did not raise them assuming that anything that tried to get into camp unwanted would be rebuffed by the perimeter guards. Nervously, she shifted in place wondering what it is the humans could know that she didn’t. They stared out intently at the falling ash shifting back and forth on two legs as if they were warming themselves up for something.
It was almost a good minute later before she was able to detect what they had heard. It was a distant rumbling sound rising slowly through the thick silence of the falling ash with an undertone of a high pitched wine. Upon hearing it more closely, the humans relaxed somewhat, though the Rundi chairwoman couldn’t have determined what it was.
That was until a set of light cut through the ash, and the humans moved to stand in front of her. She peered around their backs as the five large vehicles came rolling to a stop their engines still roaring. She could tell they were human simply based on the sound they made. No other alien technology sounded like that. And with the drab green/grey color, like the tents and the uniforms which the soldiers wore, it was pretty clear who they had been sent by.
Powerful beams of light at the front of the vehicles highlighted great swaths of falling ash which coated the ground and plunged the entire landscape into darkness. The doors to the side of the trucks opened, and a group of humans filed out into the ash. They were wearing clean olive uniforms that were quickly marred by the falling ash. In their hands, they were holding large metal boxes with strange red and white symbols on them.
“Move, move, move, every second counts people, get in there and get to work. If you ever forget what you are doing let me remind you WE ARE WINNING THE WAR.” THe rundi chairwoman shifted and turned her heard towards the booming voice, finding a short squat female human at the front of the trucks, wearing the grey uniform her hands on her hips as se lorded over her human companions. 
In response to her words, the humans sped up marching with each other in formation towards the triage tent.
A familiar face appeared for the ash, and the admiral came up next to the woman making quick conversation nodding towards the tent and then gesturing wildly with his hands. The rundi chairwoman could not hear what they were saying from here, but whatever it was, it had both of them very excited. He made a motion towards the Rundi chairwoman, before both moving to join her and her guards amidst the falling ash.
“Chairwoman, meet Colonel Price, overseer of operation Steel eye.”
The Chairwoman looked between them confused, “Steel eye? What is that.”
“That is what is going to win us the war.” He announced proudly
She looked on skeptical, “Not to question you or anything, but the drev have proven themselves to be more difficult to defeat than we first intended. What makes you so sure that this is going to change anything.” 
The human didn’t seem bothered by her question but allowed his grin to grow wider. The two humans exchanged a glance, and she was motioned to follow them as they made their way back towards the triage tent.
“Our biggest problem during this war was to assume the Drev were more primitive than they actually are. Surely, we said to ourselves, they use spears and plate armor, how dangerous can they be. But of course we failed to remember that the Drev have made their way to space, and most of what they do is heavily based in tradition than it is in actual ability. We quickly lost ground, and the Drev war practice focuses on maiming the opponent rather than killing them outright. This works as an effective tool. Suddenly we have hundreds of wounded soldiers, and no way to take care of them. This puts a great burden on our camp, and the people in it. We have to move them, take care of them, and our resources are being eaten up quickly. They are intentionally drowning us in our own wounded. It turns out we may have as many wounded as we do living….. But what if I old you we could bring our wounded back into the game, stronger and better than before.”
The rundi chair woman looked on skeptically as they stepped into the tent gearing themselves up in the clean suits watching as the strange soldiers with their strange boxes headed through the flaps and into the back of the tent.
“And how do you expect to do that.”
The Admiral turned to look at the Colonel this time, whose expression remained very serious, “These men and women have agreed to undergo an experimental procedure that will give them the upper hand in close combat, They are going to head the final spearhead into the Drev line.”
The rundi chairwoman still didn’t understand entirely what was going on, but she let it continue listening skeptically barely aware that she was returning back into that horrible place.
Lieutenant Adam Vir was pulled from his pain induced haze by the sudden swelling of voices. He tried to relax, tried not to fight against the horrific throbbing pain. The more he was tense, the worse the pain got, it was easier just to relax and let the feeling consume him until there was nothing left but a blank haze.
Even focused as he was, the lights above would not go into focus. He could feel the mat at his back, and the uniform rolled into a pillow under his head. He tried not to think about the throbbing in his leg…. Or the throbbing where his leg was now absent. Thinking about it made the pain grow worse, and tears sprung quickly to his eyes. He moaned in agony cursing himself for focusing, for choosing to crawl out of the safe darkness of his suffering.
“Start form the back and move up, the ones in the back have been here longer.”
He cracked an eye immediately blinded by the light, shut his eyes and tried to open them again. A shadow fell over his face, and he looked up. A hazy face came into view behind a hazmat mask. He tried to comprehend what he was seeing, but another wave of pain brought him back to his pain. He felt his body constrict in response to it, his spine arching painfully.
Another moan escaped his lips wet with saliva and distorted by his clenched diaphragm.
“Shh, you’ll be alright. Someone muttered softly, “We brought you a present.”
The sentence was so strange that it momentarily distracted him.
He cracked an eye Just in time to see a hazy clear back full of fluid.
“IV painkillers.”
He nearly cried in relief… well actually he did, cry in relief that is. He was in so much pain he didn’t care. Someone was rolling up the sleeve on one of his arms cold gloves against his hot skin.
“Are you kidding me, that’s for later. We start with straight Fentanyl.” He barely felt the prick of the needle. Compared to the pain of his leg it was nothing, not even worth thinking about. Of course within the next few minutes, thinking no longer became an issue. 
IT started as a slow spreading of warmth through his body, a warm drowsiness that seemed to seep honey sunlight through his veins sweet with relief. When it hit him he gasped, the ache in his missing leg fell away. Tears leaked down his face as he was overwhelmed with a relief and happiness so profound he doubted he would ever, or had ever felt such a sensation. He felt as if he was floating away carried by the relief, the sweet sweet release from pain.
The light above him grew hazy growing up in his vision and overwhelming his senses.
He didn’t feel himself falling away.
Didn’t feel his body relax.
He felt simply a warm drowsiness spreading through his limbs, finally allowing him to sleep.
The rundi chairwoman watched with great discomfort as the humans worked. LIttle needles attached to tubes were being placed subdermally upon the humans. Thankfully the groaning and moaning of agony had died away. Humans once writhing in agony were now still, their heads rolled to the side in peaceful slumber or catatonic euphoria.
“What did you do.” “They’ve been giving painkillers.”
“Yes, they block pain signals to the brain by mimicking the endogenous painkillers found in the human body accept 1000 times more powerful. At the back of the room, two of the medics were unwinding the bandages of the young man which the rundi chairwoman was acquainted. She had to look away in disgust as the wound was uncovered feeling sick.
A few other humans were injecting more drugs down the tube and into his system.
The admiral walked forward, “Well?”
The two medics looked up, “Surprisingly good sir, we can definitely work with this.”
Good, “Get him loaded up.”
The rundi watched as the humans moved the unconscious body onto a backboard, picked him up and began carrying him down the line of unconscious bodies. They passed by and she was stunned by the strangely peaceful look on the human’s face. They were brought out to follow as one of the large trucks was backed up to the tent opening in order to avoid contamination from the ash.
When the doors were opened, she was nearly blinded by the white sterility inside, and hardly understood what she was seeing. There were a lot of machines and equipment. There was some sort of chair placed under many lights, and at least three humans dressed in strange green clothing, their faces covered, and their eyes shielded by clear glasses.
The human was hauled up into the back and transferred to the chair.
Then her eyes fell on something hanging at the back of the truck, “What is that.” I appeared to be some sort of large metal skeleton, or at least something similar.”
“That, is project steeleye.”
The young man was a mess, covered in grime and blood. It was a wonder that he wasn’t being affected by gangrene or something worse. Even so, there were signs of a beginning infection, and the wound was beginning to heal rather poorly. They first had to take the time and clean him up as best they could cut away the soiled clothes, washing and sterilizing the skin with what must have been gallons of the stuff.They then placed a breathing tube, a pulseox, ekg, catheter and whatever else would be required for this daring, and probably insane surger.
They would go ahead and start with the leg, as it was the most important part of this procedure. It was the only reason they were going to be able to use the Exo-armor. The human body was not capable of supporting or sustaining the piece of military hardware, but the leg would act as both a battery pack and support for the rest of the frame that would then be attached to the skeletal structure.
They began by sawing off the very base layer of the severed stump where they found bright pink tissue and oozing red blood, all healthy. They followed that by placing a plate just under the skin before sewing it back up. The plate was meant to integrate with the technology of the leg, technology which would allow the young man to feel pressure, heat, cold and the leg’s location in space. It was the most advanced piece of prosthetic technology ever invented, and was so expensive it may as well have been priceless.
The leg was brought to them in a sterilized package opened and then attached to the leg as immediately as possible. 
That done, they flipped the subject onto his front spreading his arms out to one side and placing his face downwards. A mechanical crane on the top of the vehicle was used to maneuver the exo-armor into place.
This was the dangerous part.
Though the leg would be what primarily supported the skeleton, it still had to be attached directly to the spine. It wasn’t just supposed to move in response to movements, it was supposed to move in response to the brain. There was a very high likelihood of both paralysis and bacterial meningitis as a result of their tampering. 
They began with the spine, cutting inwards and then lowering the exo-seleton gently onto the back inserting the little probes and allowing them to auto-attach. 
They then did the same thing with the legs and the arms finishing with the forearms and fingers.
It was a strange apparatus appearing greatly alien, but once it was fitted with metal plates. It would act as both armor, and increase strength and speed by an estimation greater than 50%.
Only time would tell if any of the subjects would survive 
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stratus-skye07 · 4 years
Suga Craze [Seven] | Suga
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[Six] [Masterlist]
The throbbing in my head is starting to get worse just as I begin to wake up from my unwanted nap. I push myself to sit up when a hand grabs me by the shoulder to push me down. The realization of what happened before I lost consciousness reminds me that I’m most likely a hostage again. I grab the wrist and pull it off me when I see the owner of the hand.
“Yoongi?” I pull him down to give him a hug at the relief that I am safe with Yoongi. I wasn’t a hostage but how did I end up back home?
I looked around to find that I was back home. The rest of Bangtan were surrounding my bed.
“How did I get here?” I ask.
“CL brought you home. We called Jin to check on the bump on your head.” Yoongi touches my head until I feel the sting of the bump.
Jin smiles, “Luckily, your head is as hard as your hits. You don’t have a concussion.”
“CL, where is she? Is she okay?” I ask worryingly. Yoongi begins to avoid eye contact with me and looks back at the rest of the group. There was a huge awkwardness in the atmosphere.
“Y/N, I need you to tell me what happened?” He asks in a much more serious tone.
“Didn’t CL tell you?” If I’m here then she has to be okay as well. 
Yoongi squeezes my hands, “Just tell me.”
I take a breath to soothe my anxiety before explaining, “We were ambushed by a group of masked men. They wanted me to come with them. I fought back the best I could but one of them hit me and knocked me out.”
Namjoon steps forwards to ask, “Did you recognize any of them?”
I shake my head, “No, they were all wearing masks but I remember that one of them had a tattoo on his wrist. It looked like a hexagon with an X and a line through it.”
Jimin has a hopeful tone in his voice, “That’s EXO’s mark. They must’ve-” V places his hand on Jimin’s shoulder to silence him.
That awkward feeling is coming back in the atmosphere again but this time it’s much more harsh, “Does someone wanna tell me why everyone’s acting weird?”
“Y/N, did these men have guns?” Namjoon asks.
I nod, “Yes, but what does that have to-”
He interrupts me before hearing my question, “And did you manage to shoot one of those men?”
“Yeah, I only managed to hit one of them before I was knocked out.” I practically stutter from the interrogation feeling.
Yoongi sighs in disappointment which makes me even more nervous, “Babe,”
“What? Ask CL. She’ll tell you what happened?” I say frantically.
J-Hope clears his throat, “We did but your stories don’t exactly match.”
“What do you mean?” I ask.
Yoongi turns back towards Bangtan, “I need everyone to clear the room. Now!” He orders in a serious tone that makes me nervous.
Within seconds, the room is emptied out and only the two of us are left in the awkwardness that is our bedroom.
I adjust myself in bed as if it would help such an uncomfortable feeling, “You’re scaring me.” I say, watching Yoongi’s expression.
He scoffs, “I could say the same.”
I lean in closer to get what he was hiding from me out in the open, “What’s wrong?”
He looks me in the eyes, “You shot CL.”
My heart sinks, “What? N-no I didn’t. She was unconscious. I couldn’t have shot her.”
His jaw tightens, “Jin treated her wound. It wasn’t anything serious but the evidence speaks for itself.”
I shake my head replaying all the possibilities that I could’ve hit her but none come to mind. “That’s not possible.” I say in a whispered voice.
“She said that when you two were walking, you started to get paranoid that someone was following you. CL checked the area but there was no one. One minute, you’re fine and the next, you were attacking her thinking she was trying to hurt you. You took her gun and tried shooting her. The only way she could stop you was to knock you out.” He explains without making any eye contact with me.
I try so hard to force my brain to remember the events he’s telling me but nothing is clicking. I know what happened. We were ambushed...weren’t we?
Tears begin to spill down my face as the frustration of having no memory of it begins to scare me, “I don’t remember any of that happening. Yoongi-”
Without thinking about it, Yoongi pulls me into his arms to soothe me but it doesn’t calm me at all. No, I’m sure of what happened. Then why am I doubting it so much?
Later in the night, I find it hard to sleep especially after everything that happened. I haven’t seen CL to talk to her about what went on at that bridge. Yoongi hasn’t come back since he said he was going to look into what I told him about EXO.
I decide that I should at least try to convince him to get some sleep and focus on work in the morning.
I head towards his office where I see the light from inside the room lighting up a small line into the hallway where the door was opened slightly. I’m about to knock when I hear voices from the inside.
“Honestly Yoongi, I’m fine.” It was CL’s voice, “It’s not the first time I’ve been shot and it probably won’t be the last so stop worrying.”
I peek in through the crack of the door to see CL sitting on the edge of the desk and Yoongi standing to the side of her, looking at the bandaged wound on her arm.
He sighs, “I’m more worried about Y/N. This isn’t like her. She was already dealing with what happened to Hyung-Sik and her dad being killed. I think everything’s taking a toll on her.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help.”
“It’s not your fault. You’re the closest thing she’s had to a friend.” He says.
“Considering how today went, you should keep an eye on her.” CL adds, “What if this kind of thing happens again but she comes after you or one of the members?”
“It won’t. I’ll help her deal with all the pain she’s been through.” Yoongi defends.
“Can I make a suggestion?” Yoongi nods, “I have a safe house near Seoul. Maybe you could have her live there for a while to destress herself. Being in a dangerous environment like this could trigger her at any moment.”
Yoongi doesn’t bat an eye to respond, “Thank you for the offer but I have to keep her close. She’s my wife and I can’t just send her away like that.”
I’m causing so much trouble for Yoongi that maybe I should just go away. The only reason he won’t let me go is because I’m pregnant so he won’t risk something happening to me in a safe house away from him. 
What if I am a danger to others?
The following night, I decided to go inside the soon-to-be nursery and sit. I’ve been thinking about yesterday all day. It turns out that there were no CCTV’s anywhere near the area that CL and I had been walking. I continued to tell Yoongi about EXO being involved somehow but he told me that only EXO members have the tattoos I drew. Also, they were in China doing a job the past few days. V managed to get footage of them arriving at Incheon airport this morning, with all nine members alive and well which doesn’t prove that I managed to shoot and kill one of them.
I begin to think how nothing's making sense. I honestly start to think that maybe I am just losing it this time. So much has happened all at once that I’ve had to deal with plus getting pregnant has completely messed up my hormonal balance that maybe it's also screwing up the chemical balance in my brain.
I begin to rub the small lump that has started to form in my stomach, “I’m sorry that your mom’s messed up.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you.” Yoongi appears at the door. He pulls another chair to sit beside me.
I chuckle, “Can you honestly say that with a straight face?”
He places his hand over mine, “Yes, I know that you’re the strongest person I’ve ever known.”
“I don’t feel strong. I'm beginning to think that I am just losing my mind. Soon enough you’ll have to put me in a white jacket and a room with mattress covered walls.” I suggest jokingly.
“Babe, you’ve gone through so much this past year. I’m surprised that you didn’t break down sooner. I’m so sorry that it’s been so stressful for you but I know that you’ll get past all the pain you’ve been through. When the baby comes you’ll look back at everything and think that it was all hard but it was worth it once you get to hold our baby in your arms.”
I look down at my abdomen, “For their sake, I hope so.”
Yoongi looks earnestly at me then smiles, “You want to know a secret?”
“What?” I respond with little interest but still give in to his attempt.
“Suho was the other mafia leader to ask your dad for your hand in marriage. He was close to having you but in the end I managed to convince your dad that I was the right choice for a husband.”
I chuckle lightly, “Is that the real reason you don’t like Suho?”
He nods, “Yeah, ever since then I’ve been keeping a close eye on him just in case he’d try to lure you away from me.”
“Do you still think he has a chance at convincing me to join him?” I ask.
He shrugs his shoulders with a look of doubt, “Well if you were to see his mansion that would be a whole different story all together.”
“He has a mansion?” I ask jokingly, acting as if I was truly being persuaded.
Yoongi looks at my face for a solid second before answering in a serious tone, “No.”
I laugh as I take his cheeks into my hands and kiss him, “Cutie.”
“I’m a mafia leader,” He stands up to adjust his clothes, “I’m not cute. I’m sexy.”
He begins to walk toward the door when I yell out, “Suga is very sexy!” I can hear muffled laughter coming from down the hall but once Yoongi exits the room they quickly silence.
After Yoongi left to carry on with some extra work, I began to walk around the nursery and imagine what it would be filled with once we are able to reveal the pregnancy. My heart begins to swell with complete happiness of what being parents will be like once I start to picture everything that’s to come down the line.
There’s suddenly a hand on my shoulder. I smile thinking of Yoongi and I, spending a majority of time in this room. I look up in the mirror that was in front of me when everything in my body goes cold. The figure standing behind me wasn’t Yoongi but Hyung-Sik. 
I close my eyes and pray to myself, “You’re not real. You’re not real.”
He chuckles when I hear something break then the room gets dark. With ease he wraps his arm around my chest to hold me firmly against his, almost like a choke hold but he wasn’t trying to choke me. I continue to repeat my words in hopes that he will disappear and I’ve overcome this crazy mental issue I’ve been having.
I decide to open my eyes and look at him when the feeling of him holding me doesn’t go away. Instead he walks us over towards the mirror and smashes it with his fist, sending pieces of glass to fall to the floor. He takes a shard from the remaining pieces that stayed then points it towards my throat.
With ease he cuts my neck causing me to scream from the pain, “Is this real enough?” He asks sadistically.
I begin to pull at his arm but he doesn’t budge, “How are you still alive?”
He smiles that familiar evil grin of his, “You think I would go down so easily?”
“Y/N!” Yoongi shouts from the door that Hyung-Sik managed to lock. “What's going on in there?! Open the door!” He starts banging on the door.
Just as I’m about to shout for him, Hyung-Sik sticks the glass shard deeper into my skin so that I have to grab his wrist to stop him from pushing it any further.
“What do you want? To finish the job?” I ask.
“No,” He growls, he responds, “I want you to suffer so much that Suga won’t even be able to help you. The only way for it to end is to kill yourself.”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
He laughs, “We’ll see, I’ve made some new friends since that last time we saw each other. They want you dead just as much as I do. Sooner or later you’ll end up like your father.”
In that instant, the fight or flight response changes to fight as I grab his hand that has the shard and struggle to get it out of his grasp. He uses his strength to push me into the dresser and pushes it towards my throat. Once I begin to overpower him, he pulls back and tosses me to the ground. I manage to take the shard away from him. I rise to my feet with the sharp piece of glass ready to strike wherever he may come at me in the darkness.
“Y/N!” Finally Yoongi and the rest of Bangtan break through the door. “Are you okay?” The lights finally come on as I look around to find no one else in the room.
No, he was here. I’m sure of it this time.
“What are you doing?!” Yoongi quickly grabs my wrist, “Drop it!” He orders me, preparing to twist my arm if I didn’t let go of the piece of glass. I look over at Yoongi and Bangtan as they gaze at me with a look of shock and worry.
Once again, Jin was called to treat the cut on my neck. I told Yoongi I could do it myself but he wouldn’t even trust me to treat myself.
“You’re lucky this cut wasn’t any deeper or else it would’ve-”
“Hit an artery? Yeah, I know.” I interrupt knowing full well what could’ve happened if the glass went through.
Jin continues to place the bandage on my neck. Yoongi and I just stare at each other the whole time. His facial expression doesn’t change but I know he’s annoyed with me. He hasn’t asked any question yet but I know once Jin leaves he’s gonna explode.
“Okay,” Jin removes his gloves and begins to pack his things, “you’re all patched up.”
I smile slightly at him, “Thank you.”
“You can go now.” Yoongi orders with such a cold tone.
I begin to prepare for what’s to come as soon as Jin closes the door behind him and leaves us alone. Yoongi sighs, rubbing his face as he walks over towards the side table to lean over it.
I tell him the truth, “He was here.”
Suddenly, he clears the table with one sweep of his hand causing such a ruckus as well as a mess. I maintain my composure as he starts fuming.
“I don’t know how much longer you’re gonna keep his corpse tied to you!” His voice roars throughout the room.
“You think I enjoy it!” I roar back, “I know it’s hard to believe but he was here!”
“He’s fucking dead, Y/N! How many times do I have to say this!” He points to the window, “Do you want me to dig him up and drag his corpse here?!” 
I stand from the bed to slowly approach him, “He said this would happen. He’s been watching me and he’s the one that killed dad. It’s a part of his plan so you won’t believe me. He wants to break me until I kill myself.”
Yoongi approaches me to cup my face close to his, “Is that what you were trying to do, kill yourself?”
“What!?” I push him back for even thinking that I would be so dumb to do something like that, “No, of course not.”
Yoongi pulls a bottle of pills out of his jacket pocket, “I know I’m not a doctor or anything but thankfully Google was able to help me understand this really complicated name which turned out to be antidepressant.”
The anger starts to boil inside me, “You went through my stuff. What happened to trust?”
“My exact thoughts,” He chucks the bottle against the wall causing the pills to explode on the ground, “How long have you been hiding this from me!?”
“Yes, I was taking those. I didn’t tell you about it because I didn’t want you to worry about me. I mean come on, Yoongi. Do you honestly think I would do that to myself? To our baby?” I gesture to myself.
“You had a shard in your hand ready to kill. What am I supposed to think?”
I scoff, “Are you not listening to me? Hyung-Sik was here. I don’t know how but he is and wants me to pay for what I did to him.”
“No one was here, Y/N. V already looked at the surveillance cameras of the house and no one has been in or out of here.”
I run my hands through my hair, nearly wanting to rip strands “He snuck in somehow. I know I can’t explain how but he did! Why won’t you believe at least my word?”
“Because I know that the sky is blue no matter how many times you tell me a different color. I know that Hyung-Sik is dead and gone. Even if I were to search for him, I know where I’ll end up finding him. In the ground, where we left him.” He says.
“Then look into EXO. They have to be hiding him or have something to do with him. Hyung-Sik said-”
“Enough!” He raises his voice so loud that it even scares me, “Park Hyung-Sik didn’t say anything because he is dead!?”
Feeling somewhat defeated, I end up doing something I’ve never had to do in my life. “Yoongi,” I slowly drop to my knees before him, “Please, help me.”
His jaw tenses as his eyes begin to sparkle with water, “Get up.”
Placing my palms on the floor I bow until my head touches the floor, “My husband, please help me.”
Yoongi stands there for a good minute until he sighs and makes his way towards the door. He stops for a second which blooms hope in my heart until he speaks again.
He opens the door, “Jungkook,” he summons the youngest, who appears quickly.
“What do you need, Suga?” He asks.
“I’m placing Y/N under house arrest. Stay in this room and make sure she doesn't leave. She’s to never be by herself. Do not let her out of your sight.”
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