#for now Im probably going to start moving ice to a warmer part of the map to melt it but after that idk
arolesbianism · 5 months
Also in my current main oni playthrough I'm at 22 duplicants and my goal for the playthrough is to get all of them so I'm abt halfway there but god damn do I not have enough space for more of these fuckers I'm going to be able to shove some more into my two newest colonies on the two planetoids I've traveled to so far but one of them like Just got started so it's going to be a while before I'm confident in upscaling it, and the other one is mostly made up of radioactive biomes and salt water biomes with the only more livable biomes being at the very edges and the very bottom of the map, so while I do have a pretty stable base getting set up over there it's going to be pretty obnoxious getting the living space set up due to how little space I have in my current main base area and how far away the other forest biomes are from that. On the bright side I found the mysterious hermit home on the brand new planetoid so I at least don't have to worry abt him as much, although I'm gonna be real idk how I'm going to get food production up and running since there's like No dirt, and I don't rly want to have to send someone back up through the surface magma biome to pick up any dropped off supplies.
#rat rambles#the good news is that theres sleet weat on the newest one so once I get a lil more established thats smth I can start farming#theres also grub fruit and sweetles so Ill probably we farming those for a bit too#I say for a bit because while there is a sulfur gyser there its in the magma and I dont wanna fuck with that right now at least#if I was better at this game Id totally go for it but Im not so Ill take the cowards route#hopefully I can print some other seeds into that colony although Im not rly sure which plants Id want#I guess bristle blossoms wouldnt be bad? most of the planet is quite warm tho so idk#its mostly wasteland and chilly biomes Im pretty sure so not the best but could be worse#the main big big issue is going to be oxygen production and water#for now Im probably going to start moving ice to a warmer part of the map to melt it but after that idk#I guess I could just get the hermit and then bounce#honestly thats probably what Ill do since I really dont want to have to deal with the limited water#all my other colonies have infinite water sources already so I might as well focus living quarters there#my first colony is gonna stay limited tho since its the rly cold starting planetoid#Ive gotten my main base warm enough but I dont rly want to expand too much from there#mostly because the left of it is my sleet wheat farm and the right is where my cold slush guyser is#which I rly Should warm up more but Im going to be real I dont want to go too heavy on the forced warming#I want to leave myself with room to build more machinery without burning my base up basically#my other main planetoid is basically paradise for the dupes living there tho theyre doing great my chef even gets his own personal bedroom#I have a great farm set up and have way way more food than even ten more dupes could ever eat#I have been considering bringing in more dupes there but I wanna up my oxygen production more first#I finally ran out of algae and while I could theoretically produce more Ive slowly transferring to the water eating oxygen producer instead#I say slowly cause the process of getting the steam guiser on that plannet to be a decent water supply has been rough#its still not done since Im trying to get a steam turbine cooling loop set up on the other planet to utalize both the water and steam#but its been real hard given the lack of usable space in that colonu#my main problem is that I cant get the temperature to stay at a consistent level due to using heavy wiring#which is really frustrating since these things have so much power flowing through them I absolutely cannot afford to use normal wiring#like I could try to implement power tranformers into the design but Id really rather not since thatd mean taking up even more space#I might just get a insulated heavy wire connector mod or smth I rly cant be bothered after putting this much time into this project#oni posting
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youngbloodlisk · 6 months
parade day - enhypen bias x reader, fluff
the bias isn't actually in it all that much, but just like trust me lol
applicable for any enha member, no name stated, though if you feel it's a bit ooc for your member of choice to say certain things feel free to alter it a little in your own mind to make it fit better!
I shiver, feeling like an ice block from the inside out, despite the amount of layers on my body and the hot drink in my gloved hands.
I breathe out air warmer than my surroundings, granting me the appearance of a steam cloud coming from my mouth.
As I take a drink from my paper cup, I can't help but wonder to myself why Thanksgiving has to be in November. And why parades have to be outdoors. And why I had to be here so early in the morning just to stand here for hours.
Then, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Not just a generic vibration, but the custom vibration that he set for himself on my phone. 'So I always know it's him before I even look.'
⁃ how's the crowd
He's such an ass. He's currently inside, waiting for the staff to tell him to go out and board the float. Inside. He's inside. In the heat.
⁃ cold, dick. how's the nice warm heated building 🤩
⁃ lovely, thank you.
⁃ no but fr ur not too cold right? you have jackets on?
⁃ i can send someone to u with my jacket if u need it
⁃ did you get the drink u said u we're gonna get?
⁃ yes yes yes I have jackets I have my drink im fine lmao
He might be kind of an ass but he's so sweet.
⁃ ok good.
⁃ only a few hours!
⁃ after we pass by the main part you can leave baby
⁃ ik you said you were gonna wait around for me but you don't have to
⁃ I don't need you freezing your ass off
⁃ THAT would be tragic. r.i.p. ass
I can't help but roll my eyes.
⁃ you're such a perv
⁃ woah rude!
Instead of responding, I slide my phone back into my pocket. I don't really have anything else to say at the moment. If I tell him straight up that I WILL be waiting until the end of the parade for him, he'll just whine about how I don't have to.
And now I stand. And wait...
And I waited for about 5 hours. We had to be here at 4:30 in the morning, both for him to get where he needed to go with his members and for me to get an absolutely prime spot in the crowd. The parade didn't actually start until about 9:30.
It's not every day that your boyfriend performs in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Longest five hours of my life, but whatever. He better not mess up the choreography after all this shit or I'm gonna be pissed.
Not really, it would actually be pretty funny. But the point is- this is pretty exhausting. Especially since I'm here all by myself.
Other members have partners, but they either couldn't come out for the parade or they don't like me. Not kidding, they seriously just don't like me that much. But that's okay! I don't particularly like them either. Anyways, all that resulted in me being here alone, without anybody to talk to to pass time.
But whatever. Whatever! It's over. The agonizingly boring five hours is over, and the parade is finally starting.
The float I'm really here for is a few floats and balloons back, but the parade feels like it moves quickly, so it doesn't seem to take very long at all.
The big Baby Shark float approaches and I see him already trying to find me in the crowd.
"Excuse me, could my daughter stand in front of you? Just for this performance?" A woman asks from behind me. I look next to her and see a young girl, probably about 10 or 11, holding a picket with my boyfriend's face on it.
She looks like this is the best day of her life. She isn't even looking at me, like she doesn't even care if she has the best view of the group. Just being here and seeing them is enough to fill her with pure joy.
"Of course! Of course she can!"
"Oh, thank you so much." She prompts her daughter to move forward as I scoot back a bit to make room for her. "She loves these boys, she's been talking about it for days. Thank you."
"It's no problem at all." I turn my attention to the young girl. "Is he your favorite?" I point to her picket.
She nods, excitedly.
"He's so pretty."
"He really is. He's my favorite too."
I look up again, seeing that he's still trying to find me. I wave with all my might, willing him to spot me, and soon enough he does. As soon as I have his attention, I frantically point to the girl who is now holding her picket up and waving at him. He leans down a bit to indicate that he's changed his attention to her as he smiles, waves at her, and sends a hand heart in her direction.
She squeals and jumps up and down.
"He saw me!! He saw me!! Mama, he saw me!! He gave me a heart!"
The cute little girl continues to freak out, making me worry slightly that she might just explode, as the float stops and the guys climb down, getting ready to perform.
There was some benefit to getting here so early. The performances are all directly in front of me (and this little girl, who I feel some level of community with at the moment.)
The hosts finish up their introductory stuff about the float, the movie, and the group, and the Baby Shark music begins to play (soon transitioning into the Keep Swimmin' Through tune.)
I watch him intently, full of pride for him and his success with the group.
I know he can't entirely take this seriously. It's a song for a Baby Shark movie. It's not like it's the most serious of performances in the first place. But I also know that deep down he can't believe he's here either. He can't believe he's doing this. He'd probably agree to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star acapella if it meant he got to be in such a big event that few kpop groups have been in.
The group does a great job. Of course they do. None of them mess up the choreography, so I remain not pissed off. (Lol)
After the performance, they simply walk off next to the float, but my boyfriend makes sure to send a quick flying kiss to both me and the little Engene in front of me before leaving the main square.
"He saw me again!!" She squeals.
"That's great, honey!" Her mother says before whispering to me, "Do you know that boy or something? He seemed to know you?"
I laugh a bit.
"Yes, ma'am. He's my boyfriend."
"Oh my! Oh, you must be very proud of him."
"You have no idea."
The rest of the parade is uneventful, just nice entertainment.
When it ends, I say goodbye to the little Engene and her mom, and seek out a heated place as fast as possible. I'm finally able to find a store nearby that is both open and not too busy. I wait in that store until my boyfriend is released from his duties and able to text me where to find him.
When I finally do leave and find him, he hugs me tighter than usual and holds on longer than usual.
"Are you alright?" I ask, slightly concerned.
"So cold. You're so warm."
I laugh, though I understand. I have to pry him off of me, taking a second to kiss his cold lips.
"You guys did great. Was it fun?"
"Yeah, it was. Less fun though and more just... just a really crazy experience."
"I bet. Did you see a lot of Engenes throughout the parade?"
"Yeah! A lot more than I expected. They really showed out. That little girl in front of you was adorable."
"You're her bias, and I think your heart and kiss made her entire day. Month. Life, possibly."
"Well, I wouldn't have seen her and made her entire life if it wasn't for you."
He takes my hands and pulls me close to him, bringing his face near to mine.
"It really is all thanks to me, isn't it? Technically, maybe /I/ made her entire life. You were just the tool."
"Mhm, mhm. Sure..." He trails off, pressing his lips into mine in a much deeper way than the short kiss earlier.
I feel a warmth run through my body, like the warmth of his kiss is being injected into my veins.
He cuts it off suddenly, staying close enough for his lips to still brush against mine. We utter a sentence each before resuming the kiss.
"Thank you for coming and standing out in the cold just for me."
"Baby, I'm so proud of you."
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
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PART 2 | previously: part 1 | masterlist
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: swearing, violence, mention of blood
synopsis: When UA’s hot heads, Katsuki Bakugou and you, are forced to put your hatred for each other aside and plan the third year Prom, things end up getting a little heated...
a/n: hi hi❤️ i hope you all are doing well! this part is more fight scene style so it was a little harder to write since im not used to writing fight scenes but i hope it turned out okay :) taglist is open so just lmk if you’d like to be added :)) enjoy xx
two: a good team
You stared at the projection, hoping that it was just a figment of your imagination and that your name wasn’t actually next to Bakugou’s.
“Uh Mr. Aizawa, don’t you think Y/N and Bakugou should be split up? They might blow up the whole training course,” said Denki.
“I agree with Charge Bolt over here. I would respectfully like to request a partner change,” you smiled, raising your hand.
“I’d rather go with Deku than you…” muttered Bakugou.
“Ouch Kacchan.”
“Teams are final, no one is switching,” said Aizawa firmly, “besides, you two need to learn how to work with each other eventually.”
You rolled your eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.
“The villain team can go and head inside. You’ll have 5 minutes until the heroes go inside,” explained Aizawa. Deku and Todoroki ran inside the training ground as you and Bakugou waited on the other side.
“You better not get in my way,” Bakugou muttered.
“We need a plan idiot. If Todoroki freezes us we’ll be screwed,” you said.
“Fine. I’ll take out Deku and Icyhot and you grab the hostage.”
“That is not at all what I was talking about. Remember we have to immobilize them before grabbing the hostage. No way you could take out both of them at the same time.”
“HUH? You’re doubting me?”
“I’m being realistic. As much as I’d rather be kicking your ass right now, we have to work together on this.”
Bakugou sighed.
Finally, the buzzer rang, allowing you and Bakugou entrance into the training ground. This being newly constructed, you had no idea what to expect.
“What the…” your voice trailed off as you looked around the facility. There were multiple small buildings, simulating a city setting. In the middle of it all there was a building bigger than the rest. At the very top, there hung the ‘hostage’ tied up over the edge. You could see another person up there, but couldn’t tell who it is.
“Okay listen, whoever is up there with the hostage is probably Deku, because he’s better with one on one fights. I’m assuming Todoroki is hidden in the lower levels of the building to stop us from getting up to the roof. He'll probably do a surprise ice attack and freeze our feet,” you explained.
You looked over at Bakugou, who was just staring up at the building.
“Hey explosion boy, did you listen to anything I just said?” You asked, poking his arm.
“I’ll fly up, take the hostage, then deal with Deku. You have fun with Icyhot,” he said, beginning to fire up his hands. You shook your head.
“Oh my god do you ever listen? Fine go,” you huffed.
Bakugou didn’t hesitate a second to start blasting his explosions to carry himself up.
Once he was in the air, you began to run towards the lower level of the building. You quieted your feet as you got closer to the opened door. You decided to create a small explosion, just big enough to detect whether or not Shoto was hidden as you suspected. You began to generate heat waves and nitrogen atoms, pressing your hands together to create fusion. Once the atoms were fused together, you threw it inside.
Perfect. Once you heard that sweet sound you creeped inside. Your mini explosion blew a large hole in the walls that surrounded you. You felt the air get colder, signaling that Shoto was most likely near. Being against someone with a colder quirk was definitely a conflict for you. You tried to follow the colder air, as your suit warned you of your body heat lowering.
“Of course it had to be ice…” you mumbled.
“Ice isn’t all bad,” a voice said. You jumped and saw Todoroki emerge from the leftover smoke of your explosion.
“Really half-and-half? I’m more of a fire girl myself. You should use that sweet left side of yours instead,” you smiled.
Of course he wouldn’t fall for it. He knew damn well that if your body got too cold, your quirk would turn timid.
“No thanks.”
Todoroki shot out large slabs of ice towards you in an attempt to keep you contained. Lucky for you though, you saw it coming and dodged the other way. As a counter attack to Shoto’s ice, you threw another small nitrogen explosion towards him. The ice chucks flew up, leaving a scratch on Shoto’s face.
“Shit-” he mumbled. Shoto continued to shoot ice at you but you kept on sending small explosions towards him. As the temperatures lowered, so did your explosive powers.
“You should really use a variety of moves, Shoto. Ice gets old pretty easily,” you teased. Your strategy was to wear him out before you.
“Oh really?” Shoto placed his hands on the floor.
Shit that’s exactly what I didn’t want him to do.
You jumped up just as the ice would have covered your feet. But now you were having to stand in the slippery ice. Suddenly, you had an idea.
You began creating hydrogen atoms in both hands, using the last of your stored heat to bond them. Shoto continued to throw ice daggers your way, causing you to multitask. Once your bonds were built to your desiring, you executed your plan.
“Jokes on you Shoto, I actually like the cold.” From the distance that Todoroki was standing from the wall, you needed to throw your explosions far enough away from him so you don’t permanently injure him. Shoto threw one last ice slab towards you and you threw your two bonds on both sides of him.
As the smoke cleared, you saw that you had busted the walls down.
Well we’ll definitely get points off for that.
You felt a sharp pain in your bicep and saw that there was a piece of ice stuck between your skin.
Fuck that hurts.
You ripped the ice chunk out of your arm and threw it on the floor. The cut began to bleed but you ignored it. It was the least of your worries right now.
You waved away the smoke and tried to find Todoroki. He laid on his back, covered in debris.
“Sorry Shoto, you should’ve used fire like I said.”
You attached the makeshift handcuffs to the almost passed out Todoroki.
“Excuse me but I’ve gotta go deal with that idiot Bakugou now.”
You rushed up the stairs to get onto the roof. Once outside, you were relieved to be in the sunshine again. You looked around and saw Deku and Bakugou fighting. The roof was destroyed from Bakugou’s explosions. Deku must have given him a tougher time than expected. Deku had Bakugou pinned onto the ground.
“Wow Bakugou, I take out Todoroki and you still haven’t caught Miydoria? Amateur work,” you laughed.
“NOT THE TIME MS. ATOMIC OKAY!” huffed Bakugou.
“Ha, guess I’ll have to just save your ass. Sorry about this Deku.”
You charged over to Deku and Bakugou. You hit Deku with a tiny explosion on his side. Now that you were in a warmer atmosphere, your construction time was almost instantaneous. Deku flew off of Katsuki leaving both of you with the upper hand. Deku stood up, sparking green.
“Don’t be sorry for me Y/N.” Deku ran towards you, yelling his signature phrase and punched you in the stomach. You collapsed onto the ground.
“You little shit-” you groaned.
That’s definitely gonna leave a bruise.
Bakugou went back to fighting Izuku as you caught your breath.
“Y/N GET OVER HERE!” shouted Bakugou.
You stumbled onto your feet and began generating another explosion, bigger than your last ones. You had another idea and hoped Bakugou would go along with it. You ran over to Bakugou, jumped onto his shoulders, and threw your bond towards the ground as Bakugou used his explosions to fly you both away from the debris. Deku went tumbling across the roof.
Once the smoke had cleared and you saw that Deku wasn’t getting back up, you knew the two of you had won. Bakugou set the both of you down and you hopped off of him.
“Uh, you handcuff Deku and I’ll untie the hostage,” you said. Bakugou nodded. You unhooked the hostage from the ledge and threw it over your shoulder.
“Hero team wins. Nice job. I’ll get Recovery Girl…” called Aizawa from the loud speaker. You looked over at a collapsed Deku.
“Told you,” you smirked.
You and Bakugou made your way down the building to the rest of your classmates as they waited outside the gate.
“WOW great job guys!” cheered Kirishima.
“How did you know to get on Bakugou’s shoulders Y/N?” asked Denki. Your face went warm.
“Uh just out of instinct duh. I’m surprised that whole trick even worked,” you replied nervously.
“Yeah well if it weren’t for me it wouldn’t have,” said Bakugou. You rolled your eyes.
“You two actually make a pretty good team,” smiled Kirishima.
“Shut up,” said you and Bakugou, at the same time. Yours and Bakugou’s eyes widened at each other.
“Oh so now you’re copying me, dumbass?” growled Bakugou.
“I SAID IT FIRST, IDIOT!” You huffed.
“It’s like they’re the same person…” whispered Uraraka.
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @bokutory @complimentaryhugsgirl @cloudswritings @kriswu46 @neodnyl @evivn1 @jazzylove @mileven-reddie @whalerus @misssugarless @random-fandom-girl-24 @fanfiction-and-stress @ushiwakatrash @minhoswife ]
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
Hi, I just want to say that I really love your writings and they actually really help me relax after a hard day!😊But today i just wanted to feel pain, so can I please have a dying! reader headcannon with Chrollo. If you do write for these, Im really sorry if you dont.
Oh, anon, who hurt you? I'll make myself cry, most probably 😭
Anyway, thank you and I'm glad to hear that! 😄 And thank you for the request as well! I hope you'll enjoy this! 🙇
A/N: the idea sorta came while listening to A Grave Mistake by Ice Nine Kills (I love the live version from SiriusXM, like please 😭💞). And I was so close to writing a scenario and then I read headcanons and I just kinds stopped like oh, yeah 😂
Warning: very long, angsty, description of injuries and death
you’d never thought it could hurt so badly
or that there’d be so much blood
but, alas, that was the unfortunate situation you found yourself in
the several gashes you’d acquired during your fight were making you dizzy from blood loss
your attacker had died a few seconds before, blood still flowing from the stomach wound you gave him
that was also the only serious hit you managed to land on him
unfortunately, you just knew that it only saved you for a bit more time
you had barely managed to get out your phone, only to see the screen cracked
and you were honestly scared it wouldn't work, but you felt relief when the screen lit up
you called Chrollo, but you had to put the phone on the ground, next to your ear
you had never felt happier to hear his voice
if only you could see him one last time as well...
Hello, love! And Happy Anniversary! Where are you? I hope you're on your way because I wouldn't want dinner to get cold-
he suddenly went quiet as he heard you and you could hear shuffling in the background
(Y/N), where are you?
you told him, wheezing when you felt a sharp pain in your side as you tried to breathe in more air
you heard more shuffling before the city noise filled the background on the other end
Stay on the phone with me. Tell me what happened.
it hurt so badly to talk
your throat felt as dry as bone and also wet and the taste of blood was prominent
but you tried to talk, telling him about the one who attacked you while on your way home and how you tried to defend yourself, but their Nen far surpassed yours
apparently, your attacker had friends who wanted to destroy the Spider as well
and they would cling to anything that would hurt them or get them closer to the Phantom Troupe
you’d rather tell your boyfriend about this face to face, though
you did laugh and you heard his chuckle when you told Chrollo about the fatal hit you inflicted on your attacker
but when he asked you how bad your injuries were, you couldn’t answer
what were you supposed to say?
that you’d never seen so much blood in your entire life?
or that you could feel yourself slipping away?
(Y/N)? Talk to me, darling. I’m almost there. Just keep talking.
you told Chrollo about the cake you had bought and how you wanted to go on a date the next day or just sleep in and spend the entire day celebrating at home
he only hummed, hurrying over to you as fast as he could
good thing Shalnark installed an app on your phone that allowed Chrollo to pinpoint your location with accuracy
he swore he’d only use it in case of emergency and he’d kept his word
Chrollo felt his heart drop into his stomach when he saw your figure and all the blood surrounding you and the figure a few meters away from you
(Y/N)? I’m here now. Everything’s going to be fine, okay?
his hand caressed your cheek while the other hovered over your waist, where most of the blood seemed to come from
you leaned into his touch, smiling at him despite all the pain you felt and the numbness that started to overtake your limbs
Chrollo had already called Machi to heal you and Feitan, more for reinforcement than anything
and a few seconds later you could both hear them rapidly approaching you
Machi, please.
she only nodded and got to work, with Feitan going over to your attacker and inspecting him closely
Chrollo held your hand the entire time, smiling down at you and kissing your knuckles, hoping that you’d be saved and coming back with him injured, but alive
Machi managed to stitch most of your wounds and the bleeding stopped, but you were still pale and trembling from all the blood loss
How are you feeling, love? Better?
you wanted to say yes, just to keep that hopeful sparkle in his eyes
but you couldn’t
No... It hurts a lot... I don’t think I’ll-
Stop. Don’t say it.
Machi had gotten up and taken a few steps away from the two of you, still hearing you, but giving you some privacy
she’d done her best and you were thankful for that
you had felt her hands tremble slightly
you were friends and her boss’ lover
the idea of someone else she grew close to dying was making her sick
and Chrollo felt the same way
despite being around death so often and for his entire life, he still hated the idea of someone he cared about leaving his side like this
it was too soon
he still had so many things he wanted to experience with you and show you
he couldn’t lose you just like that
it wasn’t fair
there were tears forming in his eyes and you felt your heart clench in pain and pity when they started descending down his cheeks
your fingers wiped them away, the dry blood on your fingertips leaving faint marks where they got the blood wet again
Shhh... Don’t worry, we’ll meet again one day. Okay? And I’ll watch over you. So don’t cry anymore, please.
you were no better since you were crying as well
it really wasn’t fair
you didn’t want to die
you didn’t want to leave Chrollo
and seeing him actually react like this really moved you
as cool and charming as he always acted, even with you for the most part
you really didn’t think that he felt so strongly about you
you kissed the top of his head lightly as his face rested over your neck, lips pressing over the still warm skin and moving as if he was mumbling
or praying
Chrollo, sweetheart, please, look at me.
his eyes were teary and a little bloodshot as his hands were holding tightly onto yours
you looked so pale, but you still smiled at him
and Chrollo felt his heart crack
because it was his fault
he should’ve kept you safe
he was still trying not to be loud
and only you could see his face and feel his trembling hands
It’s not your fault. Understood? Don’t blame yourself. I want you to promise me this.
he couldn’t do that and you knew it
he’d always feel some guilt because this could’ve been avoided
if only he’d been with you, he could’ve protected you
just like he promised you
and he broke it
I promise.
he knew how stubborn you were sometimes
you wouldn’t take no or I can’t for an answer
not this time
I love you, (Y/N). I’ll always do.
his voice was anything but loud
this was only for you to hear and no one else
not even Machi or Feitan
So will I, Chrollo. Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone, alright?
you smirked playfully, though even you felt like it was a pitiful attempt at making everything more light-hearted
he cracked a broken smile and kissed your forehead, arms slowly lifting you up so he could hug you properly
you hugged him back tightly, hand going through his hair as his hands clung to your torn clothes, feeling the dry blood that had soaked through
it honestly hurt to stay like this
but it didn’t matter anymore
even now, you felt safe in his arms
his cologne always brought you this feeling of familiarity and home
and his skin was so warm that you never wanted to part with him
but you slowly started feeling even more sluggish
there were black spots gradually growing in size and numbers and you closed your eyes, letting your other senses heighten
his breathing was ragged but still quiet
his fingers were digging into your skin only a little
his grip tightened just as yours started to weaken
you could only press a kiss to his shoulder before you felt a few more tears fall onto your skin
if only you could apologise for making him cry, you would’ve done it
but you could barely open your mouth to utter a whimpered sorry
and the last thing you heard was Chrollo, thanking you for loving him
as he got up, with your lifeless body in his arms, cradling you protectively
Chrollo looked down at your face
you looked as if you were sleeping
just like that time when you went to an amusement park and he had to carry you home because of how tired you were
if only there wasn’t so much blood and your body was warmer
Machi and Feitan were looking at the both of you without saying a word
Machi’s eyes were shining with unshed tears
while Feitan grimaced behind his mask
things would never be the same now that you were gone
he could already sense the change in Chrollo
Feitan, do you know who he is?
Yes, seen him before. Yakuza from the northern side of the city. Had a clash a few months ago.
Chrollo only nodded and his fingers tightened their grip a little over your skin that was growing colder
Let’s head back. After all, we should forgive our enemies. But not before they are hanged.
Chrollo and the other two Spiders walked away from the scene in silence
every memory the two of you had built over time, good or bad, was burnt into his mind and kept replaying
he glanced at you again
you would never be forgotten
you would always be loved
Chrollo swore this
and swore to get even and kill them all
revenge is a confession of pain
and he had never felt so much of it before
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Weak Spots
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Summary:  Red knew he should've just kept walking.
Read it on AO3
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Red didn’t do walks. Why the fuck would he, for his health? Wasn’t a workout plan out there that was gonna build him any muscle and when your main mode of transportation was taking a step through the void, you tended to keep the travel expenses to a minimum.
So no, he didn’t do walks, or strolls, or jogs, did he look like his fucking brother? Maybe a little around the eye sockets, but where Edge was always on the move, Red’s internal gearshift was set on park. He liked to have a clear idea of where he was coming from and where he was going to, and not much in between.
All of that was a longass way of saying that wandering down the street with a cigar in one hand and an itchy tailbone in the other was not his normal state of being. Just the walking part, the smokes and the ass scratch were a daily occurrence.
Sometimes, though, the urge struck to get out, to circle the block and have a looksee around that wasn’t through a camera lens. His leg bones got jittery, was all, and tended to take him along for the ride.
If you asked Sans, they weren’t walks at all, it was only him taking a mo’ to survey his domain. Said if Red coulda taken a piss, he’d be whizzing on any tree or fire hydrant he passed. But no one fucking asked Sans, so who gave a shit what that fucker thought about it.
He’d be paying for that remark in spades when Red got back. Spades, diamonds, clubs, he’d owe in all the suits.
(maybe even hearts)
Red shuffled easily along, the soles of his boots scraping the concrete. Up to the border where Old New Home and New New Home met and transformed from mostly abandoned carbon copy houses to pretty little family homes. Didn’t usually go this far out, but it was better’n trudging through the roughly plowed streets of his neighborhood. The sidewalks here were newer and heated, cleared from any snowy sludge, and Red was plenty done with all forms snow; after years in Snowdin, he’d had enough of it for this lifetime and halfway into the next.
The sidewalk made a lazy loop through the little park system that was slowly getting built up. Ebott had a few parks, sure, but not all Monsters wanted to drive out or haul their kiddos on the bus for a little swing set time. No one was on the playground right now, the swings hanging empty, the jungle gym iced over. Maybe on a warmer day, the kiddos would be out but today the chill was keeping them behind closed doors, wasn’t another soul in sight and—
In one corner of the park, deep in the snowdrifts and sitting at the wide base of sheltering tree was someone in a bright orange jacket. For a split second, he thought it was Stretch sitting huddled over there; not too many other people around here chose to dress like they were in search of a fucking crosswalk to guard.
A blink and a closer look proved it was a trick of sight, not that Red was that far off. Turned out to be Andy, the honey bun’s shorter platonic soulmate was the one parked alone in the snow. Kid was sitting with his head resting on his updrawn knees, his arms wrapped around ‘em and Red’d seen enough people in that position to recognize when someone was havin’ a cry. ‘course, usually it was his fault…
What he should do is just keep on walking. Kid hadn’t seen him and whatever his troubles were, there were plenty of other shoulders out there he could spill ‘em on. Hell, Blue might kick his own brother out of the way to rip his damn shirt off so Jeff could use it as a Kleenex and apologize for not washin’ it first.
Red had enough on his plate, thanks, and he didn’t need anyone feeding him whatever was the daily special for angst.
Keep on walking, yep, that was what he should do. Maybe even take a shortcut, head on back home where Sans was probably still curled up on the sofa in the same grungy shorts he’d worn the day before, socks sagging down to puddle at his ankles and a smear of ketchup on the front of his t-shirt. No one was ever gonna paint him like one of their French girls and that was fine by Red. Let his bro keep the pretty one, Red had a claim on the asshole, even had his name on ‘im these days and Sans wore it bold as the brass it was engraved on.
Shoulda, coulda…didn’t. Red heaved out a sigh and stopped. His bro was the one who kept collecting liabilities but fuck if Red hadn’t picked up a coupla weak spots of his own along the way and Handy Andy was one of ‘em.
If Grillby could only see him now, he’d laugh his flaming fucking head off.
So Red took a detour, wandered over in Andy’s direction. The snow was deeper out here, spilling cold into the tops of his boots and why the fuck couldn’t people have a crisis where it was warm? Andy didn’t look up and Red leaned against the tree trunk, grimacing at the chill leaking through his jacket as he struck a match against the rough bark.
That got him a startled gasp and Jeff jerked, looking up at him with a tearstained face and red-rimmed eyes.
Red worked on lighting a fresh cigar, wondered idly if he's gonna have to arrange some kind of 'accident'. Better not be Antwan making the kid cry, 'cause if he had to murder his bro's best friend, it'd be a lot of damn work; he’d need to make that case airtight, Edge always gotta be so suspicious. Trained baby bro too well in that.
But patience was asking too fucking much and his feet were cold, so Red asked gruffly, "so what's the problem, kid?"
“Nothing,” Jeff said, sniffling,
“uh huh. just rehearsing for the big play, is that it?”
He was quiet for a long moment and Red didn’t say another word, only smoked his cigar and let the silence crawl up Andy’s spine, prickling like a sin until he finally blurted, “My mom called.”
“that so,” Red said, indifferently. Leaving the door open and as suspected, Jeff blundered right on through it.
“My dad had a heart attack and he's in the hospital,” Jeff said. A fresh wash of tears fell down his cheeks and he wiped them impatiently away on his sleeve. “She said he’s stable and he doesn’t want to see me, but she wanted to let me know.”
“sounds like a bitch move right there.” He snuck a glance and saw the protest rising on Jeff’s face in a ‘don’t call my mom’ a bitch sort of way, watched as it faded.
“Maybe it was,” Jeff said, low. He dropped his chin back on his knees, his gaze resting on wide field of untouched snow in front of him. “You’d think I’d be over it. It’s been years since he kicked me out. I want to hate him, you know? Sometimes I even do, but…it's still my dad. It still hurts, every stupid time.”
“uh huh.” Yeah, Red got that. Sometimes all the what ifs and could bes and wishes for things to be different got clotted up with reality. It happened. "so why ain't you with the honey bun or sacked up with your booty call? why are you sittin' here alone like a dumbass?"
Jeff didn't answer for a long minute, his eyes on the ground, until he finally muttered, "Because they'd try to make me feel better."
Red only nodded, shifting to stand upright with a grunt. "gotcha. welp, wallow away, kid." He stuck his cigar between his teeth, shoved his hands in his pockets, and started off, tromping back through the snow. A low, muted sob rose behind him and Red paused long to call back, "i'll give ya a coupla hours to get it out of your system, kid. cry, scream, play country music, don't give a shit, but after that, you better be headed someplace more cheerful, you get me?"
"Okay," Jeff sniffled, all pained gratitude and fresh tears. "Thanks, Red."
"don't. i wasn't even here." Red walked out back out to the sidewalk and left the kid to it, headed in the direction of home, and if he pulled up the camera hidden on one corner of the jungle gym on his phone, eh, Jeff should know better by now than to ever think Red wasn't watching.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Top 12 Three Caballeros Moments: Ride of the Three Caballeros Epilogue!
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Salduos Amigos...and Adios, as this is the FINAL part of my 20 part look at those happy amigos, those snappy chappies in matching serapes, those birds of the feather, THE THREE CABALLEROS, THE RIDE OF THE THREE CABALLEROS! Yes after 19 other articles, all paid for by megafan and patron of the blog @weirdkev27​, it’s time to bid our boys a fond farewell.  And what a ride i’ts been... we’ve had trips to Bahia, animaton sequences requiring a LOT of 1940′s cocaine ,Jose reinacting the plot of “Come a LIttle Bit Closer” by jay and the americans but ironcially not in the Badman Jose roll,, a less happy reunion where Donald went full vanilla ice for a few moments, Panchito giving us his long and storied family history in song form, Donald needing a vacation after his girlfriend punched him in the face and instead getting eaten by a giant snake, FLAMENCO MASTER HORACE HORSECOLLAR, Soccer with super cars, and our heroes having a warm and fun reunion and having to admit their lives didn’t turn out so good while Dewey jacaksses around in the subplot.
 And all of this lead into their very own series where our heroes met a goddess and wayne knight all in the same day, defeated THE MIGHTY MINOTAUR, got into a giant robot fight on the fucking moon, meeting the roman gods who live on and tend to the norse world tree for some reason, preventing a stupidly started lava apocalypse, going to goblin jail via song, meeting some literal dead presidents, chasing a bear around a fancy rich people town, getting into the ch-ch-chalk zone, fighting a wrestling match against the respresntive of the god of death, dying and coming back to life as a result of said wrestling match, going to camelot to train with king arthrus’ self helf book, going to a yeti spa and finally returning for one last battle with an evil wizard, his pet monkeybatdonkeyrat, and wayne knight, and have to put up with Donald’s shrill abusive ex girlfriend through about half of it. All in all good stuff and i’ll always be greatful for kevn funding this and giving me the chance to both finally watch legend and in general cover these wonderful characters. While i’m sure Panchito and Jose wil lbe back for the big finale of Ducktales, I’m gonna miss these guys and hope they get another shot at the big time one day. 
But Kevin had a great idea, one I decided to do for free since this thing cost 100 dollars together as it was a movie, and 20 episodes of television, so it was a LOT to do.  Fun but a lot of work. A top 12 list of the best moments from across the works covered for this retrospective. From the movie to the series, these are the best of the best moments of the best boys around. So without further adeu join me under the cut as I throw one hell of an after party for one hell of a ride.
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12. The Cold Blooded Penguin (The Three Caballeros (Movie) )
This one is low because it doesn’t exactly involve the boys at all as this was a short in their movie. But what can I say, I love penguins, especially Opus.
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And the charming tale of a pengy named Pablo who has trouble with the cold and wants to head off for warmer climates just never ceases to entertain me. It’s adorable, pretty funny and just a nice little start to the film every time I watch it. Especially his friends with the sleepy, depressed eyebrows. Really relate to them, especially the tall one with a ponch, aka me as a penguin.  Not much else to say hence why it’s so low, but I really enjoyed this short and can’t help but put Pablo on the list.. and wish he’d gotten a nod in Legend, but then again given we weren’t given a second season they were probably just saving him. 
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11. Charon’s Fabulous Cruise (Legend of the Three Caballeros) Another Cabs free entry but I Just love this concept: Charon, ferryman of the river sticks.. deciding since he’s not getting as many customers to turn it into a cruise ship complete with add. IT’s low both because it dosen’t involve the boys and it dosen’t take up much of it’s episode.. but damn if it ain’t funny. And Jim Cummings just brings his all to it.. granted HE always does, the man’s a legend for a reason, but dosne’t make his performance any less lovely. WIsh we got a second season just so we could see this guy again among other reasons. 
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10. You Don’t Get a Vacation You Take it (Legend of the Three Caballeros)  Wayne Knight as Sheldgoose.. was easily one of the best parts of Legend of the Three Caballeros. While the show itself was fairly high quality it’s other main villain Feldrake eventually fell into just calling Sheldgoose a moron and hitting him as his only character. IN contrast while at first apperance Sheldgoose was just a rich asshole with hair that looks like a bad toupe but apparently is his actual hair and what he choose to go with and a hell of a moustache.. and while that’s all true, he’s also cunning and manipultive, often making Feldrake’s plans work simply by using clever manipulations. He’s funny, enaging and the sadest part of no second season is not getting more of this guy. Hopefully he’ll show up in another.. even the comics using him without Wayne Knight’s Dulect Tones would be nice. He’s a good villian and would fit just as well in the classic comics being either a snooty nuisance to donald in some way, or being a rival fro scrooge, also being rich but his family having earned it by stealing from others.  But for now what we got ain’t bad and hte best example of just what sheldgoose is capable of is also his first bit of contirbuting more than as a set of hands for feldrake, phrasing. His vilian song. Yes Wayne Knight FINALLY gets a villian song. Your very welcome. 
The song is just fun, a Luau type song with a sinster undercurrent and wayne knight just having a hell of a time, alternating between speaking and singing> It’s low on this list because i’ts an OKAY song, i’ve seen better villian songs, I just really liked this one, and because it dosen’t exactly involved the boys, but I still hold to my convictions in putting this one on here.
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9. Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero González (House of Mouse) Only House of Mouse entry, and suprisingly it’s not Donald squeaking “And i’m donald duck!” , which has been burned into my brain for a few decades. No it’s the groups OTHER song in there second apperance on the show Not So Goofy, sung by the incomprable Rob Pauslen. While I sitll think he was easily the worst Jose of the bunch, and that the roll never should’ve been given to a white man to begin with, credit where it’s do: he wasn’t a have bad panchito. He only voiced everyone’s faviorite rooster, suck it Foghorn Leghorn, once, for a song, likely to capatalize on the fact Paulsen was famed for Yakko’s World and other songs where he sang a lot at once, but boy did he make a meal of it. Observe.
The song is lightly hampered by the fact it also uses his version of Jose which is probably the worst work i’ve heard from Rob. And given it’s the only roll i’ve heard of his that wasn’t very good and he’s still VERY CLEARLY trying his best, that says a lot to the guy’s quality. And im not saying all this to avoid backlash, I stand by what I say and how I say it.. i’m saying it because I truly love and respect the guy this just was not his best work. This song however is Rob on full blast, using his ablitlity to talk fast no matter the voice to give us one heck of a lively performance and name for Panchito, one that was reused for Ride of the Three Cabs though sadly minus the song, as I would’ve LOVED to hear Jamie Camill belt this one out. But the lively animation and liveleir performance earn this one a spot.
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8. Baia, Donald (The Three Caballeros) For this one i’m squishing three different but related parts of the movie together: The “Have you been to Baia, Donald” song, the train trip there and the awesome musical number at the end. But all three flow together as one great sequence with the frist two serviing as a fun prelude for a fun sequence as Donald and Jose try to woo a lady named Yaya, played by Aurora Miranda, and get into a big and fun dance number that for the time is AMAZINGLY blended with the live action work. The song is an utter ear worm, the seqeunce is fun and it lacks some of the creepiness Donald’s later session of flirting had and the colors are vibrant as hell. Wonderful, beautiful stuff. It’s really hard to talk about as not a lot happens in it other than a fun bit of song and dance.. but sometimes tha’ts just waht you need: a bunch of actors, two of which were animated, moving and groving to a heckuva beat. 
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7. I Love You Guys (Legend of the Three Caballeros)  This was just a very sweet moment but one I treasure. The Cabs beat a giant horrifying rage beast.. by genuinely apoologizing to donald, telling him they love him then having a group hug. After a full episode before this of them just kinda ignoring what he cared about, Xandra and the boys genuine apologies and Donald genuinely telling them “I love you guys” and realizing for the first time in his life he’s genuinely loved and appricated. It just feels so fucking nice. Shame they didn’t you know.. end the Daisy plot with him realizing he dind’t need or or that he wasn’t angsiting over a selfish goldigger in the first place but hey, you take what you can get sometimes and the getting is good here. 
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6. The Cabs Song .. in Comic Form! (The Three Caballeros Ride Again!) 
Another fairly quick one to talk about but one’s that damn impressive. The Three Cabs ride again is a wonderful story that reunites our birds of a feather for an adventure in mexico.. and one of it’s two best moments, the other one way further up from Don Rosa’s classic, seriously check it out it’s good, is when the boys, to distract their enemy for the story, play their classic song.  Musical numbers.. are hard to pull off in comics. As Linkara, comic critic and one of my inspirations check him out on youtube he’s really fantastic, has mentioned quite a bit not having the sound to go with it is an uphill battle. But i’m not as against this as he is.. as long as you can convey the ENERGY of said song and perofrmance in the page. As long as you got that, you can pull it off and boy oh boy oh boy did Rosa ever. While it’s only about a page and a half long it’s just a fun, wonderful litlte sequence, from the crowd that has no reaction til lthe end when our big bad clubs them with the guitar, to our heroes swipining tablecoths to seve as serape to Donald falling outside, it’s one of the highlights of an alreayd impressive story. 
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5. Jam Session (Ducktales, The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!) 
Only one Ducktales moment but it’s a keeper to be sure and now I HAVE seen Legend... I can say as I did there Jamie Camil REALLY shoudlv’e been kept as Panchito but “The Town Where Everyone Was Nice”.. really was still ag reat version of the characters and still kept them true. It wasn’t AS good as the Legend versions.. but honestly that’s fine. Not every version HAS to be good as the others and they were still wella cted, wonderfully animated and the story was great. And the moment that shows it off best is the boys quite moment after lunch, where they remincse, have fun, think about old times.. then hear a radio and slowly but surely have a fun dance number together, playing like old times. It’s this moment that makes me REALLY question why people hated this so much, as this one tiny moment captures the cabs chemistry and comrander in just two short minutes, Donald getting angry, Jose defusing int with a dance then him joining in, the three just jamming iwth whatever’s on hand and jose magically playing the fluit with his umbrella. I’ts all just so charming I love it. The end version of the three cabs IS really awesome, it just didn’t make the cut. Still liked it though.. but this.. this is better. Sometimes less is more you know?
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4. The Three Cablleros Song (The Three Caballeros (Movie) ) Look you knew this was coming, I knew this was coming, we all knew this was coming. But the song is no less awesome, with fluid animation, wonderful vocals and lyrics, and an unberably catchy tune. It’s iconic to the characters, having popped up in four different renditions during this retrsopective, all of them pretty damn good, but no one tops the original.  Even the two more dated bits, some latin baby and Panchito having a gun solo, somehow don’t hamper what’s otherwise an iconic moment. It’s fun, it’s fancy free, and it establishes the boys dynamic perfectly, one that as we’ve seen would last a few lifetimes and probably will last forever. 
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3. We Say So! (The Three Caballeros Ride Again) While Ride again is a VERY good story, it’s best moment is ironiclaly it’s end despite leaving you wanting more and more. After a fun adventure and a laugh over it being for nothing really, our friends return to Jose’s job at a night club, which his manager, who understandably has issues with Jose choosing wooing ladies over actually doing his job sometimes, only gives him back because it’s a big night but needs a big act. The first touching moment here is the fact the boys pitch in without being asked because hteir friend needs them. But the real moment is what happens after: The Triplets return from the hotel, still bemoaning as they did ealrier in the story that Donald has no friends and assume when they see him on stage and see him crash off it that he incited a riot.. only for his friends to assure him he’s a very fine fellow and they say so.. and in an instnat the boys realize donald DOES have friends.. and the best friends a duck can ask for. And after a lifetime of being spat on and barely winning.. Donald gets an unquestioned victory, stnading proudly with his friends for a packed house who still want more while his nephews look on proudly. I say so.. and what I say is that this moment is one of Rosa’s finest and one of the most touching thigns the man’s ever written. 
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2. This is Just Where I Came In (The Legend of the Three Caballeros) The Legend of the Three Cabs was excellent and it ended on one hell of a high. After a heck of a fight via callbacks that barely didnt’ make the list, our heroes rush in to stop Feldrake. their sorcerer nemisis,  from reviving.. only for it to be too late. He’s back in full and soon warps reality around him leaving the boys hometown of the New Quackmore insitute as a series of rubble, buildings and people clinging desperatly to both floating in a hell of a starry backdrop, the only chance to stop this from happenign to the world resting in our heroes. And it’s so we catch up with where the seires began: our three heros decked out in truly awesome armor, though why Panchtio’s is roman I have no idea, fighting a giant and mosnterious felldrake and while his deisgn in that form is eh, his threat is palpable and the fight is goregous and pitch perfect.. and only gets better when we catch up, as Xandra swoops in to save htem from the cliffhanger the series started with. It only isn’t up top because of tow reasons; I like the first moment better.. and the boys do fall in a magic pool of amulet juice and emerge with powers due to a character we just meet when they do so. It’s a bit of a cop out.. but even with it being a cop out and a dues ex machina of the HIGHEST order.. it dosen’t stop it form being awesome when our heroes emerge merged with thier amulets energies, in their signutre colors and whoop felldrakes ass with a revivied Xandra’s help and then nearly reseal feldrake before his being resealed, but in Sheldgoose, resotres everything and our heroes get a WELL earned bout of praise from the town and a fancy mansion and in donald’s case a new job. A specatuclar, tense and gorgeous finale to a wonderful series. 
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1. Ride Em, Vaquero! (The Magificent 7 (Minus 4) Caballeros)  Look I know it sounds like a bit of a downgrade to go from a battle for the fate of the world to our heroes fighting a spoiled prince and a giant anaconda just to make it out alive.. but frankly this battle is more tense, has all boys showing off even better, and has a climax so awesome even saving the unvierse with suddenly gained magic powers can’t top it.  For the setting our heroes end up trapped in a lost city with the bad guy of the comic, Don Rosa’s second to last and his second of only two cabs stories, prepared to get away. But then Donald snaps, spurred on bya ll the shit he had to put up with back home,and TACKLES the fucking guy in his boat getting into one hell of a scrap. And if that wasn’t enough, what brings this to true glory is a giant Anaconda who shoed up earlier, popping up.. leading to Donald fighting our big bad.. WHILE BEING TANGLED UP IN A FUCKING PYTHON. 
What truly clinches this as the best of the best for me though is Jose and Panchito’s actions, with Jose fighting the guy off off donlad, and actually having his umbrella WORK this time, and while the bad guy gets the raft from our heroes.. he falls off a cliff. So how do our heroes escape.. simple .. PANCHITO LASSOS THE FLEEING SNAKE AND THEY RIDE IT OUT AS SEEN ABOVE THROUGH A POND FULL OF DANGEROUS CREATURES WHO ALL STARE IN AWE AT THE SIGHT OR FLEE.  You.. you just can’t top that. The awesomness, the teamwork, the sheer balls on panchito..i t’s all just so beauitful and sums up what the boys are about: Deft teamwork, camradire.. and doing utterly insane shit as only best friends can. 
So with that.. this ride has come to an end. As I said before and will say again, it’s been fun, easily the biggest project i’ve done so far, and easily one of my faviorites. I love these guys and geninely hope we see them again real soon. So before I go, i’d like to say some thank yous. I”d like to thank ALL of the talented people involved in the making of the original film, as there are way too many to mention as it was a package movie but without you lovely and mostly deceased people we’d never have these wonderful guys. I’d like to thank Don Rosa for bringing the boys back and better than ever and beautifully so AND returning to them again. I’d like to thank Henry Gilroy and Phil Walsh, who wrote the first and second house of mouse cabs episodes for bringing the boys back to the screen, as well as series creators Robert Gainway and Tony Craig and the MASSIVE pile of storyboarders for both episode.  I’d like to thank the people behind mickey and the roadster racers, while your episodes were not very good I am glad the boys got more screentime, i’d like thank Frank Angrones and Matt Youngberg for their wonderful versions of the boys and total respect to their legacy, and i’d REALLY like to thank Matt Danner for giving us a wonderful series and finally giving the boys a starring roll again. 
I’d also like to thank the MANY voice actors who voiced these wonderful characters, your beautiful all of you. To Donald’s voice actors for this retrospective i’d like to thank Clarence Nash, you absolute legend may you rest in peace, Tony Anselmo, may you keep on living please god we’ve lost a lot of good people lately don’t be one of them, and even Daniel Ross, who might not be the best Donald but he’s one of only five and you can’t take that way from him. 
For Jose i’d like to thank Jose Olivara, without you I don’t think we would’ve even gotten to the Cablleros as a group, Rob Paulsen, you tried your best and your still a winner in my heart, Eric Bauza, you genuinely were the best, and Bernardo Del Paula, who gave Bauza a run for his money and I hope returns in the role in the future. 
And finally for Panchito we have Joaquin Grey, again wouldn’t of had the rest without you man nice job, Carlos Alarzqaui, did the job and did it well, Rob Paulsen, gave us one hell of a song, Jamie Camill, the best around no one’s ever going to keep him down, Arturo Del Purto who while I prefer jamie.. still was excellent and I wouldn’t be mad if he returned again. 
And last but not least I’d like to sincerly thank @weirdkev27​. These reviews have GENUINELY helped me finacially since i’ts hard for me to find a job since I cannot drive and have a disablity, and thanks to htem i’ve been able to live comfortably and thanks to you in general i’ve been able to do what I love and get paid for it. You got me to do this wonderful restrospective, have been a genine support to the blog and a treasure to work with. Thanks man, your the best.  So with that, it’s time to ride off into the sunset. If the cabs get another apperance outside of ducktales, I will pick this up again... and wether it’s in a year or ten you bet your bottom peso they’ll be back. Who says so? I says so. 
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uniasus · 3 years
Ice Above The Clouds
It’s day on of Summer of Whump! Today’s prompt is freezing, filled for you with Percy Jackson, Blackjack, and a Nico so ready to tell Percy “I told you so”.
Read here, or on Ao3.
“Are you sure about this?”
Percy shot Nico a bland look, making a show of lifting his backpack higher. “Am I sure about surprising my girlfriend for the holidays? Yes.”
“No, that I get-“
“Giving Will a surprise, eh?”
“Shut up, Percy! No, I just mean. You have your license. Why not just…drive?”
“And miss out on the chance to bond with my best bud Blackjack?” Percy gasped.
Blackjack, in the stall behind them, threw back his head and neighed. I’m offended. Does he doubt me?
“Blackjack also resents the fact that you’re implying he can’t take me there,” Percy shared.
“What, no! Blackjack, you’re a very strong flier. It’s just, have you seen the weather? It’s gonna be a cold flight.”
Percy pointed to his wool hat, double-wrapped scarf, and poofy jacket. “Also got warmers in my shoes and look! Gloves!” He wiggled his fingers. “I’m sweating right now, but I’ll be great in the air.”
Nico still looked unsure.
“It’s always cold when you fly,” Percy continued. “Winter or not. And I did look at the weather – it’ll be sunny. No storms between here and California.”
“Fine,” Nico huffed. “But if you lose a finger to frost bite-“
“You can tell me ‘I told you so’”. Percy unlatched the stall door. “Ready, Blackjack?”
You bet, boss. I’m eager to stretch my wings. The pegasus stretched out his black wings, then shook his body before trotting outside. California, here we come!
Nico watched him mount up. “Tell Annabeth hi. And IM when you get there.”
“Yes, mom.” Percy rolled his eyes and mounted Blackjack. With a whinny, the pegasus took three running steps before lifting into the air. Percy whooped with joy.
Percy wasn’t stupid. He had checked the weather and put on all the layers he thought he’d needed. It’s not like he’d be up in the air long – Blackjack was fast and estimated one long day of flying to get to San Francisco. Percy had had long days before. And honestly, after the events of the Giant War and all that quest encompassed, he preferred the cold to heat anyway.
That said, he might have underestimated how cold the trip would be. They’d left camp at dawn to maximize the light, and on-the-ground temperatures had been 35F. Cold, but not too cold. Especially with the right gear. Things would get warmer as they traveled west.
Unfortunately, he had underestimated the drop in temperature at the heights Blackjack flew. The pegasus had gone slightly higher than normal to start, avoiding a slew of small planes flying over New York state, and stayed there. Faster winds up here, boss. We could get there faster, maybe.
“Let’s do it!” Percy could barely hear his own shout over the wind, but Blackjack’s more sensitive hearing had picked it up. Still, at that height, with the winds sending cold air down his throat, Percy couldn’t talk much. Instead, he listened to Blackjack ramble in his head and responded with leg and arms taps. It was a system they’d worked out before.
Percy had brought along sunglasses, the sun might be rising behind them but it was still bright in the sky, but he was wishing he brought other things too. A pair of stretch gloves, to wear under his current ones. Extra toe warmers to put all over his body, like each shoulder. He wished he had a balaclava to protect his face – the wind they flew into was harsh. He kept his eyes closed for stretches at a time to prevent them from drying out.
He wondered how cold it was, ignoring Blackjack’s declaration of a personal quest to sample the grass from every San Francisco park. Below freezing, that’s for sure. What about the windchill? Had they hit negative numbers?
-35F was when they closed schools for fear of kids getting frostbite while waiting for the bus in Minnesota, he heard. Certainly it couldn’t be that cold. He could move all his fingers. He clutched at Blackjack’s mane tighter, trying to focus on his friend’s chatter. He didn’t want to think about the pull of the wind on his coat and backpack, the increasingly numb parts of his skin where the wind found gaps in his clothes, his scarf stiff with his frozen breath and the ice cube on his nose. The wind was loud, his eyelids heavy. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, the sharp peppermint bit of the icy wind with each inhale keeping him awake. But really, it would be so much better if he could just fall asleep. Sleep through the cold and wake up when Blackjack flew at lower heights into the warmer west…
An impact against his sternum jerked him away. He felt groggy, slow, and uncertain of his limbs.
Boss! Boss!  
“ ’ackjack?”
Are you okay? You fell! Why didn’t you tell me you needed a break?
Percy might have made a noise. He wasn’t sure. His lips felt too numb to move right. Gods, he was cold. He wanted to sleep, to bury himself in a blanket and bake in a bed oven. He tried to grab something, but only succeeded at swinging his dead weight of an arm through air. The warmth against his stomach slipped, someone shouted Boss! but he didn’t care who.
The wind in his ears sounded like a lullaby.
Percy woke, shivering and hungry and cocooned in a black hole that he slowly identified as a tight pocket created by Blackjack’s body. The pegasus was curled as tight as he could be around Percy, wing extended to surround Percy. As Percy shifted against Blackjack’s side, the pegasus woke up.
“Blackjack?” A shudder ran through Percy’s body and he huddled deeper into his coat. “What happened?”
Blackjack lipped at Percy’s knees, head halfway into the wing-cavern. You fell asleep and fell off. Twice. I caught you.
Percy rubbed his chest. No wonder it hurt, if he slammed into Blackjack’s back at the speed of gravity. Probably not worth nibbling on the emergency ambrosia he always carried though. “I’m getting you a whole box of donuts when we get there. Where are we?”
Not sure. But we haven’t hit the Rockies yet.
Iowa or Nebraska then. Unless the cold had gotten to him really early and they landed in rural Illinois.
“Nico’s gonna tell me ‘told you so’.”
Why didn’t you tell me you were cold? I could have flown lower.
“Didn’t think we’d be up that higher. Or that it would be that cold.” Percy stroked the part of Blackjack’s neck he could reach. “Don’t think I was thinking right for awhile. How long have we been here?”
An hour?
“I don’t have the supplies to stay here. I didn’t pack food. We’ll need to get going again.”
Once you stop shivering.
“I can handle a little cold.”
Blackjack shifted his wing so Percy could feel the full force of his stink eye. It wasn’t the best stink eye Percy had ever seen, but with the removal of the wing came full exposure to the outside air. They were in an empty field, didn’t help pinpoint where they were sadly, and the wind that cut across the ground had Percy instinctively pull back into Blackjack’s warmth.
Blackjack replaced his wing.
“It’s winter, I won’t not be cold,” Percy pouted.
Once you stop shivering under my wing, we’ll go.
Percy sighed, but he knew Blackjack was right. He nestled into Blackjack’s side, bringing his knees up close. Part of the reason for the trip was guy time anyway. “Do you think the grass at Land’s End will tasty salty?”
I hope so!
Smiling, Percy dived into a conversation way too deeply about a food he would never eat. He’d get to surprise Annabeth eventually.
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hermannsthumb · 4 years
Hello!! If you're not too busy and are so inclined, could you do 24, 27, 37 for the fall prompts? For Newt and Hermann o b v i o u s l y. Thank u so so much!! Keep up the great work xoxo
24. Warm Sweaters + 37. Cold
from autumn fic prompts here
im cheating a LITTLE and not filling the “27. corn maze” part because I wrote it last year and im def not inspired enough to do another HAHA. and also...because I want to work towards finishing my @theloccent bingo card belatedly with Spooning and Huddling for Warmth. SORRY I TOOK SO LONG, ive had a weird summer and i just moved/started grad school last week, it hasn't been very conducive for writing. set ambiguously before they're transferred to the HK shatterdome
“I must say, Newton,” Hermann says, “I believe I sorely underestimated your abilities.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Newt says, gloomily.
“You went above and beyond what I expected.”
“I get it,” Newt says.
“It takes a true sort of talent to screw things up as much as you have.”
“I get it,” Newt says.
Hermann is not smirking--he’s too angry right now for that--but he does have a somewhat unpleasant curl to his mouth that’s making Newt boil hot with embarrassment all the same. Sort of a sneer, maybe. “I get it,” Newt says for the third time. “I’m a fuck-up, I’m a walking disaster, I--” He kicks the front of the rental car hard with the end of his boot, relishing in the dull thud that echoes from it, and less in the dull pain. “--can’t even figure out how to patch a fucking tire.”
“Or drive,” Hermann offers, helpfully. “You can’t drive, either.”
“Neither can you, Mr. Speed Demon,” Newt shoots back, but he knows it falls flat. After all--when their connecting flight got cancelled, Hermann wasn't the one who insisted they leave the relative safety of the airport to peel out into a snowstorm in search of a hotel. Hermann wasn’t the one who insisted on driving the rental. Hermann isn’t the one who got them lost down some shitty little road in the middle of nowhere, with snow piling up all around them, and he definitely isn’t the one who got distracted behind the wheel trying to adjust the radio and didn't see a patch of ice in time and sent the car--well. The point is, they’re down two tires, probably an engine, most definitely their only mode of transportation, and sure as hell aren’t near any hotel.
Around them is snow as far as the eye can see. When they get home (and that’s if they ever make it back to the airport), Newt is requesting a transfer to the LA Shatterdome ASAP. “Well, Newton?” Hermann says. He’s bundled up in his stupid parka and more scarves than Newt even owns. Newt can barely see his face. “What’s your next brilliant plan? Build an igloo?”
Not a bad idea, at this rate; the snow is no joke. “I’m thinking,” Newt grumbles. His breath puffs out white in front of him. “Tow truck,” he says. “We need a tow truck.”
“Astute,” Hermann says.
Newt ignores him and pulls his cell phone from his pocket. No bars. Right, of course, middle of fucking nowhere. “Do you have any reception?” Newt sighs.
“I didn’t bring my mobile,” Hermann says.
Newt’s eyes snap up to fix on him incredulously. “You didn’t bring--?! What the hell, man?”
“I had no need for it on the trip,” Hermann says. “We’re meant to be at a conference. I didn't think we’d get lost.” He doesn’t even have the audacity to look ashamed. Newt debates hurling his cell phone into the snow bank in frustration, but decides against it, because it did kind of cost a lot.
“Unbelievable,” he says instead. “Fucking unbelievable. Fine. Let’s go find--”
“You’re not saying we ought to walk somewhere?” Hermann interrupts.
“What other options do we have?” Newt says. “Freeze to death? There’s gotta be at least a gas station or something nearby--I could find someone to tow the car, while you--” He looks Hermann up and down, from his oversized Oxfords to his twenty scarves to his pathetic red cheeks. Hermann’s leg gets stiff as hell in the cold; there’s no way he’d be able to make any kind of distance right now, and who knows how long they’d be walking. There’s also no way Newt’s leaving him behind. “Come on,” he finally sighs, and touches Hermann’s elbow tentatively. “Let’s just get back in the car. It’s warmer in there.”
Maybe he’ll go off by himself once the snow stops. Or maybe, if they’re lucky, someone will stop by and offer them a ride before that. “Only barely,” Hermann says with a scowl, but he obliges.
Newt doesn’t get back in the car right away, though. Instead, he pops the trunk, pulls out their duffel bags, and begins feeling around the backseat. They’ve only had the rental for a few hours, and Newt isn’t exactly the most skilled around cars, but he thinks... “What are you doing back there?” Hermann says.
“One sec,” Newt says, and when he tugs a little lever off to the side, the seats fold down. Another tug, and they fold back into the trunk, leaving the back half of the car entirely flat. “Oh, awesome!”
Newt ignores Hermann and begins digging around in their duffel bags. He has nothing but a few spare sweatshirts and boxers in his own; Hermann’s proves far more promising. “Score,” Newt whistles, and pulls out two--three--four ugly sweaters. “Holy shit, dude, we were only supposed to be there for a night. Why’d you pack so much?”
“I like to be prepared,” Hermann says. “Which you clearly know nothing about. Hang on--” He cranes his neck around his seat headrest to frown at Newt. “Why are you--?”
“You’re a regular Boy Scout,” Newt interrupts. He climbs into the back of the car, kicks his boots a few times against the back fender to knock off all the snow, and shuts the trunk behind him. “Come on,” he says, unlacing his boots, “get back here already. I’m cold.”
Hermann stares at him.
Newt shucks off his leather jacket and pulls one of Hermann’s sweater over his head instead. It’s insane how much of a difference it makes--maybe Hermann has been on something all these years when he tells Newt he needs proper winter wear or whatever the fuck. He pulls on a second one for good measure, pleasantly surprised to find he can still move his arms, and then pulls on a second pair of his socks over his first. “C’mon, Hermann,” he says. “Time to share some body heat, dude.”
Hermann grumbles, and he shakes his head, and he tucks the hood of his parka down over his face (like being unable to see Newt means Newt will just magically forget he’s there), and then--finally--he turns back to face Newt again. “This is ridiculous,” he declares. “We must have other options.”
Newt lays down and stretches out on his side, blinking up at Hermann coyly. “You’re making it weird for no reason,” he says. “It doesn’t have to be weird, you know.” It can be perfectly natural--two dudes, who sometimes fight, and sometimes do things a little more amorous than fight, sharing body heat. That's all. “It’s just biology. Cats do it, penguins do it--”
“No,” Hermann says.
He comes to the backseat anyway. Newt likes to think it’s because he’s too irresistible.
“I call being big spoon,” Newt says happily, and he tucks himself around Hermann’s bony--and, at the moment, puffy--back before Hermann can protest. One leg, he nudges between Hermann’s, making sure not to put any weight where he shouldn’t; he settles the arm wrapped around Hermann at his waist, splaying his hand somewhere around Hermann’s upper abdomen. “There. Isn’t that nice?”
“Hmph,” Hermann says.
Outside, the storm rages on around them, snow piling up on the windows and frosting them over where it hasn’t landed yet. The last dregs of the heat in the car die out. Newt tucks himself a little closer to Hermann, inhaling his shampoo, the slight damp scent his fuzzy parka hood always has. Hasn’t the guy ever heard of dry-cleaning? “Feeling cozy?” Newt mumbles.
“You’re shivering,” Hermann tells him.
“Am I?” Newt says.
He is. Huh. Hermann turns over with a grunt, then unzips his parka and tucks Newt into it in one fluid motion. Newt winds his arms around Hermann instinctively. “There we are,” Hermann murmurs. “Let’s get you warm.”
The zipper goes back up with some difficulty, pressing Newt so tight against Hermann’s chest he can barely move. Hermann’s chin bumps his forehead. Newt looks up to find his wide mouth parted slightly. “I think I want to kiss you,” Newt says, surprising himself.
“Hm?” Hermann says.
“I want to kiss you,” Newt repeats a little louder, and that gets a reaction--Hermann’s eyebrows leap to his sweaty bangs, and his whole body stiffens. “Listen--listen. Uh. The best way to share body heat--you know--it’s stuff like that. Kissing, and--”
“I am not having sex with you in the back of a bloody rental car,” Hermann half-shouts. 
Newt wriggles around a little until he can steal an uncoordinated kiss from Hermann, landing it somewhere to the left of his mouth. He has better aim with his next one. “I won’t tell anyone if you don't,” he promises.
“We are not,” Hermann says, but the next kiss, he instigates himself.
They’re rescued half an hour later when a local knocks on the window and asks if they need a lift; the bed and breakfast Newt was so sure he was leading them to, as it turns out, is only a five minute walk away, hidden from view by some trees and the snow. “At least we had some fun bonding time,” Newt tells Hermann sheepishly in the lobby.
Hermann scowls, but to Newt’s delight, requests a single queen for them both.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
[created by: pinkchocolate]
When was the last time you were surprised, in a pleasant way? Wednesday when Bea had food delivered to my house. One of our clients was hosting a roundtable session and our task was to order food to be delivered to the attendees’ house, and it turns out she snuck in an order for me as well. 
It was super touching and I tried to do a nice deed yesterday by getting food for her as well; but as I mentioned on my previous survey, I got paired with a scammer delivery guy instead who ended up stealing my order...that I already paid for... :( It was such a flop and I ended up having to give away the surprise to Bea since I had to check if she received it, and that’s when I learned she never got anything. I’ll try again next week or whenever I get my money refunded, hahaha.
What color was the last fruit or vegetable that you ate? Green (green onion).
Is there a compliment you've received, that sticks in your mind? I like it whenever I’m told I write well, since that’s my main talent and it’s always nice to be complimented on my skills.
The last time you received a gift, what did the wrapping paper look like? I have no idea but probably red/green and holiday-themed since it most likely had been a Christmas gift.
What was the last book you read? Did you enjoy it? Not reading anything.
If so, what did you specifically like about it?
Anyone you haven't talked to in a while, that you'd like to hear from? Not really. It’d be cool to hang out with Sofie again because I haven’t seen her since our little trip to Nasugbu, but I’m not necessarily waiting on a message from them.
When you were a kid, did you own any accessories with your name on? Probably a bracelet.
Do you own any items of clothing that you haven't yet worn? Yup. I got a yellow romper from one of my aunts for Christmas, but I haven’t had the chance to wear it yet. It’s short and airy, so I’ll probably pull it out once the climate gets warmer again.
Were you awake before 8am today? Yeah, I got up at 4:30 earlier even though I fell asleep at like midnight. I think my body understands that my brain wants me to get as little sleep as possible during weekends so I can maximize my free time, so it woke me up by then.
Is there any food in your house at the moment, that you're looking forward to eating? I still have some of the chicken wings that Bea ordered for me. She got such a huge order and it’s taking me forever to finish the damn box of wings lol.
Is there anyone you know who dislikes the Internet, technology etc.? My grandma refuses to learn how to use a phone or laptop. Which confuses me because usually she’ll ask my mom to relay a message to one of her friends who are on Facebook, and my mom ends up playing messenger. Like pls just get at least a Facebook account if you want to keep keeping in touch with your acquaintances anyway :(((
Name any item in your bedroom that is blue. Trying to remember what’s in my room since I’m currently staying in the living room...and I think I have push pins that are blue.
Is there an ice-cream flavor that you strongly dislike? Which one? Rocky road and Double Dutch. Marshmallows and/or nuts in my ice cream is a big nope.
Are there any cat cafes in your hometown? There could be but I’ve heard little of them. I’m more aware of existing dog cafes.
Do you own any books with an image of a cat on the front cover? I doubt it.
Does anything you own have an image of a bird on it? It’s possible, but again I’m not in my room to check if that’s the case.
Do you know anyone named Abigail? Yes, my mom.
Do you ever use flavored lip balms? I don’t use lip balms at all.
^ If you do, what flavors do you like the most? Kate once had a peanut butter lip scrub that I loooooved to borrow. Other than that, the strawberry ones are nice too.
Does anyone you know own a spaniel? How about an Irish setter? My great-aunt once had a spaniel. Not sure about Irish setters.
What are your plans for the remainder of today? I wanna eat at La Creperie and spoil myself a litle bit, but we’ll see if I’ll have the energy to drive to the mall today. I’ll also have some work to do since we have a presentation on Monday :(
[created by: pinkchocolate]
Have you met somebody that you want to spend the rest of your life with? Yeah, ideally that would’ve been the case but they thought differently. I admittedly still feel the same, but I’ve also since been able to move on and move forward. If that makes sense.
Who was your closest friend when you were 7 years old? Do you still speak to that person? I actually met Angela when we were 7. And yes, we’re still the best of friends. I just shot a birthday greeting video for her mom last night.
Who was the last male you talked to? Does he have facial hair? Technically it was Cooper, but the last male person had been my dad. He does but for the most part he keeps it to a stubble.
How many times does the letter 'R' occur in your full name? Twice; in my first name and in my surname.
Is there anyone you love, whose name starts with 'S'? Sure, I can think of a couple of relatives whose names start with S.
What color is your TV remote? I haven’t used a remote in ages lmao, but if I remember correctly ours is mainly black.
When was the last time you went to a wedding? Who got married? 2007. My uncle and his then-girlfriend, who of course became my aunt when they wed. We’ve since had relatives who got married after that period, but for all those occasions only my parents received an invitation. It’s understandable though, I know they want to save up on costs and stuff.
Name a band you like, that starts with the 2nd letter of your name. One Direction is the only group coming to mind.
Have you ever dressed up as a Disney character? Which one? My 7th birthday gown was inspired by Cinderella’s, but it wasn’t the same exact dress as it was orange.
Have you ever played chess? If so, are you good at it? No. I’ve never been able to understand the rules.
If I wanted to buy you a chocolate bar, what kind should I NOT get? Mr. Goodbar has always been the least exciting chocolate to get hahaha.
Of all your close friends, who have you known the longest? Angela.
Do you own anything that has an image of a butterfly on it? Again, I could. I can’t think of any particular item, though.
Has anyone told you recently that they miss you? Yes, orgmates for the most part.
What was the last song you heard, that made you feel emotional? HYD by Hayley Williams.
What color are the socks you're currently wearing? I’m not wearing any socks right now. < Me neither.
How many friends do you have whose name starts with the letter 'R'? Just Rita.
How many vowels are there in your first name? One. Two if you count y.
When was the last time you took a selfie? Last Saturday, I think.
Name someone you know who has curly hair. Andi.
Have you ever worn orange eye-shadow? Never tried.
Name a song that reminds you of someone close to you. Be Alright by Dean Lewis.
Has anyone ever walked out of your life with no explanation? Yeah but they tried very poorly to keep in touch. It ended up being detrimental to me more than anything else so I took the initiative to be one step ahead and cut ties altogether.
Do you know anyone else with the same first name as you? I can think of one Robyn and one Robin.
Think back to 10 years ago. What TV show(s) were you into? Wrestling programs were all I watched as a 13 year old.
Do you have a favorite T-shirt? What color is it? Yes, one of my wrestling shirts. It’s predominantly white but it has some black and red on it as well.
As a child, did you ever have any scented gel pens or markers? Yessssssss. I spent more time sniffing them than writing with them too, lol.
Name an alcoholic beverage that you dislike. I find whiskey pretty nasty. I hate beer as well but sometimes I gotta drink it, especially when socializing.
Do you own anything that previously belonged to someone else? I wouldn’t say I own them; they do belong to the original owner and I’m just still borrowing them.
Who is the 8th contact in your phone? How did you meet them? That would be Angela haha; we met when we got assigned to be seatmates in 1st grade since our surnames were arranged alphabetically in class.
Is there anyone who sends you messages to say good morning/night? No.
Can you recall the last time you were on a dance floor? March 2020, at a club with mostly Hans’s friends.
Have you ever let someone go, and then regretted it? No.
Do you own any color changing mood jewelry? Nope and I don’t believe in those either so I don’t see a reason why I should get my own.
[created by: pinkchocolate]
Was there anything that you planned to do today, but didn't? It’s only 7:06 AM so I’ll refer to my plans yesterday instead – I wanted to continue working on a Google Slides presentation by nighttime, but I was so tired from my shift yesterday and even got a migraine that I never got around to it. I’ll have to work on it this weekend instead.
Is there anyone you interact with often on social media but not in person? I mean, hasn’t this been the case over the last year with the pandemic? I communicate mainly through social media now, if not through IM apps like Viber.
What color box does your favorite cereal come in? Don’t really like cereal. The closest thing I have to a ‘favorite,’ Cookie Crisps, comes in a white box, though.
Do you have any plates, dishes, mugs etc. with pretty illustrations on them? Nah, don’t really like printed stuff. Angela had a customized Friends-themed mug made for me but I wouldn’t call it an ~illustration, since the main design is just my name styled in the Friends logo.
Does anywhere on your body currently hurt, or feel sore? I actually took a break from this survey to take Cooper for a walk, and I think I can confirm that I definitely have some kind of allergy to grass. My legs were super irritated the whole time and my skin has since turned reddish.
What is your favorite snack to eat with a hot beverage? Croissants.
Is there any advice you have been given, that sticks in your mind? “Let your healing take time,” from Andi. He also accompanied it the advice with an anecdote about this basketball player who insisted on playing even while he was still dealing with an injury, and playing only aggravated that injury so he was forced to sit out for an even longer time than what was initially set for him. That was really helpful and I keep it close to me to this day.
What's the nicest advice you have ever been given about love/relationships? Know when it’s enough and when to leave, and be kind to yourself.
Do you own any adult coloring books? What kind(s) do you like? Yeah, I have like three thick ones. I just haven’t gotten the chance to touch them because for the meantime I only have cheap coloring pencils that start to get dull after a few strokes. I’ve yet to buy a more premium set of pencils.
When was the last time you got some new headphones? Headphones would be 2013 when my dad got me a pair of Beats. Not a big user so I haven’t felt the need to get new ones.
Is there a lamp in your living room? What color is its shade? No but my mom has wanting to get one for a while. She just can’t seem to find one that she likes.
Do you know anyone whose name starts with the letter X? I went to high school with a Xenia. Super nice guy; we were close friends for a while since we were seatmates, and our friend groups also overlapped.
Have you eaten any rice or pasta today? Not yet. I will definitely be eating rice though, because Philippines.
Name a food that you dislike the texture of. I don’t like rice pudding at all, or oatmeal. But those are also taste issues as well as texture issues. < Oooh, oatmeal is a good one. I also could never enjoy marshmallows in my ice cream.
Which of your friends do you confide in the most? Angela.
Have you ever fallen out of love with someone? I wouldn’t say that. There will still always be a part of me that has some sort of feelings for my exes. But the extent to which I love them/care about them fades over time, thankfully. < Yeah, exactly.
^ If so, why do you think that happened?
If you have pets, do you talk to them? Sure.
Are there any TV shows that you strongly dislike, but others seem to love? I tried to get into Grey’s Anatomy or Glee on Netflix, because they were “popular”, but I tried a few episodes, and just couldn’t seem to get into them. < OMG same again, especially with Grey’s??? I tried watching it a couple of weeks ago but I noped out as soon as I heard how poppish the theme song was. I’ve always thought it was a serious drama show but it turned out to have so many teen show elements to it that I was definitely taken aback. The script and some of the acting also kind of sucked, so that was a letdown.
Is there anything you haven't done lately, that you'd like to do soon? Coloring.
Do you own any T-shirts with brand logos on them? Yes, my dad got me a Vegemite shirt from his last contract abroad hahah. He was staying in Australia and I asked him to get a jar of Vegemite so I can finally have a taste, but I think he was scared that I’d hate it and end up throwing out the whole jar so he just got me a shirt instead lol. I’ve also got a Nike shirt somewhere in my closet.
Have you experienced any kind of food cravings lately? Surprisingly not. I’ve been longing to eat at La Creperie again but I’m not craving for anything particular.
Have you watched or read the news today? I watch the news every weeknight since we have it on during dinner.
Describe the cover illustration of the book closest to you. Can’t see any books near me.
Are there any take-away or fast food places close to your house? There’s a McDonald’s literally beside our village, and beside it are a Shakey’s and a Dunkin’ Donuts. There’s also a Burger King right across. If you drive for like five more seconds, there’ll also be a Starbucks.
^ If so, do you ever order food from any of them? Only from Starbucks. I don’t really get fast food anymore.
Is there anything happening tomorrow, that you're looking forward to? Nothing yet so far.
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the-gay-in-the-way · 6 years
“Why be Sad When you can be Even Sadder?”, Part one
So this is a fanfiction I accidentally wrote that revolves around a particular headcanon of mine based off of Thomas’s short, “My Remedy for the Blues!”.
The headcanon is this:
Virgil and Patton are the sides that really represent Thomas’s emotions, both good and bad. 
Patton represents a lot of the main ones, including sadness.
So sometimes, just like I’m sure many people do, he just feels the need to be sad for no apparent reason.
Since Virgil is also an “emotional” side, he understands this better than the others.
So he and Patton had gotten into the habit of meeting up in private sometimes and just... letting themselves be sad together.
They watch sad movies and eat ice cream and listen to sad music and talk about whatever just generally makes them sad.
And then they eventually say goodbye and part ways, feeling a lot better after letting all of their emotions out, until the next time they meet up to be sad again.
I honestly love this little headcanon a lot and I was really just gonna write all of that down really quickly and go to sleep cus it was midnight when I started making this post and I was actually pretty tired at that point so sleep sounded GREAT, but then I really started to get into detail with the little fanon universe I intended for the headcanon to take place in and then suddenly I was writing an entire fic that’s probably gonna need a second part for the actual headcanon bit and it’s already four in the morning now and I’m SO sleepy but I have to finish this now because I’ve committed at this point and stopping would now be considered blasphemy to literally everything I represent as a human being.
So here we are.
I present to you a headcanon and a fanfiction that I had absolutely no intention of writing but ended up writing anyways.
I hope you enjoy.
(Or just ignore the rest of this post and only read the headcanon)
(It’s your choice)
(Btw this fic is purely platonic)
(But it is specifically platonic Moxiety at the moment)
(That will change in the future if I decide to write more for this little universe but it is what it is right now)
(I just love platonic Moxiety a lot ok)
(I need to cherish and protecc my soft beans)
(I’m crying now)
(I’m so tired)
(Anyways, whatever, do what you want)
(I’m just gonna go now and suffer from sleep deprivation tomorrow)
Virgil appears one day as a surprise to the others when he just suddenly runs into the room while they’re watching Thomas on the tv and shouts at Thomas with his warped voice to make him stop when he almost walks in front of a moving car.
Patton is delighted by the new addition of a side that seems to have the ability to save Thomas from harm simply by shouting at him.
Logan and Roman, however, are not.
They are upset that there is a side that can control Thomas at will.
So they quickly learn to hate him and try to keep him away from themselves, each other, and Thomas.
Patton isn’t ok with that but Virgil leaves before he can say anything to defend him, and the others use that as extra evidence to argue against Patton on the matter.
So Anxiety becomes an outcast and Patton is incredibly sad about losing the opportunity to befriend the new kid.
Until, one day, he runs into him in the kitchen.
Or falls into him, as the case happened be.
Patton is tired and it’s late but he’s also thirsty so he finds himself in the kitchen drinking some water.
Once he’s finished with his drink he goes to leave the room but ends up tripping over air and falls onto something that is a lot softer, warmer, and higher up than the ground.
As it turns out, Virgil had been going around the house to make sure nothing was wrong with the others(he always does this. Every night he waits until everyone goes to bed and then walks over to each side’s bedroom to check and make sure that they are alright. Sometimes they’re not and whenever that happens he tries to leave out little treats or gifts and finds ways to make the sides day easier the next day to help them feel a little better(all without them noticing it’s him doing it, of course)) and had noticed that Patton’s door was open and the side was nowhere to be seen. So he’d focused for a second and just barely heard someone shuffling around in the kitchen downstairs and had gone to check on the moral side, just in case there was somethjng seriously wrong.
By the time he reached the kitchen, Patton was putting his empty glass into the sink to be cleaned the next morning and was walking towards the entrance where Virgil was silently standing.
Virgil had planned on simply waiting until Patton left and just quietly watching him from the shadows as he returned to his room, but then Patton tripped and he found himself reacting without thinking.
Patton looked up after his fall and was surprised to see the new side, who he still didn’t know the name of yet, looking down at him with wide eyes and holding him carefully against his chest.
Not knowing what else to do in this situation, Patton spoke.
And Virgil found himself responding without even meaning to because, what else was he even supposed to do in this kind of situation?
“You caught me...”
Patton’s face scrunched up.
And suddenly Virgil could move and think again and his brain was rapidly devolving into a panic because, oh my god I just caught morality I am holding morality I am holding one of the sides he is in my arms what is going on what just happened oh my gOD IM STILL HOLDING HIM I HAVENT LET GO YET WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME HE PROBABLY HATES ME LIKE THE OTHERS I JUST GRABBED HIM LIKE IT WAS NOTHING LET HIM GO NOW!
So Virgil quickly let go of the moral side and tried to step back.
Except Patton was also holding Virgil around the waist.
So, while Virgil stepped back, Patton simply ended up being dragged forward alongside him.
There was a very quiet moment of silence as Virgil looked down at the side still attached to him with shock and Patton blinked a couple times in surprise as he found himself becoming a little more horizontal to the ground while he continued to look up at the one supporting him.
And then Patton started to lose his grip and slide down Virgil’s body and onto the ground and Virgil did the only thing he COULD do in that situation.
He picked up Morality.
He did his best to be careful and quick as he grabbed the side from under his armpits and pulled him up off the ground for a moment before carefully placing him onto his own two feet.
Patton was still loosely holding onto Virgil and blinking rapidly in surprise as he was placed down again.
And another moment of quiet occurred as Virgil looked at the hands holding onto his shirt, seemingly on reflex, and tried to figure out if he should simply try to break away from them and run or if he should ask Morality if he was ok.
In the end, he ignored his own fear and decided that making sure the other side was alright took priority.
As always.
Patton blinked, still simply dumbfounded by being picked up by the side that didn’t actually look like they had the strength to do such a thing so easily, and Virgil continued talking.
“Are you...ok, Morality?”
The moral side blinked a few more times in silence as Virgil waited with some concern slowly building in his chest.
Then it was like a switch had been flipped and suddenly Patton was alive again.
The shout startled Virgil so much he ended up pulling the other against his chest again in some sort of protective act of instinct and Patton let out a surprised squeak and a giggle before wrapping his own arms around the new side once again as well.
Virgil stared at him with surprise after darting his eyes around to check their surroundings for danger.
Patton giggled a little more before settling again and sending Virgil a smile that made him kind of want to just curl up on the floor and cry a little.
“Sorry, kiddo. I was just surprised is all. I didn’t expect someone to catch me when I was falling earlier and I definitely wasn’t expecting you to pick me up either so I just couldn’t figure out what to do with myself for a minute there.”
“Oh, ok then.”
Virgil was now blinking at the cheerful side with some more surprise and confusion.
He had no idea what was even going on at this point.
It was at this point though that he realized he was still pretty much hugging the other side and he quickly released him once again.
And, thankfully, Patton let go as well.
“Thank you for that, by the way.”
Virgil scrunched his own face up, confused.
Patton, if anything, only seemed to grin wider.
Virgil was pretty sure his soul was going to slowly leave his body if this kept up.
“For catching me. It probably would have hurt a lot if I’d actually fallen, so I really appreciate you being here to help me. So, thank you!”
Yup, his soul was now leaving his body and he was going to just collapse on the floor in front of the kitchen until someone finally came by to toss his corpse into the abyss where he belonged.
Maybe Morality would be so kind as to do it himself.
“Um...yeah. No problem. Don’t mention it. It wasn’t a big deal. I just didn’t really want you to fall and get hurt or anything...”
Virgil trailed off as he realized he was starting to ramble and Patton continued to smile at him.
There was a moment of very awkward silence.
Then Virgil remembered that the other sides actually hated him and he was supposed to be staying away from them not talking to them and touching them and being smiled at by them and he did what he probably should have done as soon as he put Morality down the first time.
And the anxious side sunk into the floor and disappeared before Patton could even ask him his name.
But that wouldn’t keep him down too long, Patton decided as he held up a fist with a determined expression on his face.
The new side was a lot nicer than the other two seemed to think, as Patton had been quite sure to be the case since he seemed to be here to protect Thomas to begin with, and he was now determined to make up for not giving him a proper welcome before by befriending him now.
So Patton got to work.
He kept an eye out for the side, watching his door whenever he had the chance and trying to keep an eye out for a flash of black or purple anywhere.(I like the idea that Virgil started off with a simple long sleeve purple shirt and black jeans when he became a side and the hoodie was something he decided to wear later.)
He even tried to spend more time in the common area at night in the hopes of catching him.
And he knew that he’d been there at some point.
Because, sometimes, he’d fall asleep waiting and would later end up waking up tucked into his own bed.
And when he’d asked the others how they’d slept that night, they never said anything about waking up, finding him, and taking him to bed.
So the new side was definitely coming out at night but Patton still couldn’t find him and the other simply refused to come out when he called and talk to him.
It took two weeks before Patton finally came up with an idea he thought would work in getting the side to finally speak to him again.
He came down that night and waited for a while, as he always did.
And then he got up from his spot on the couch, hopped up onto the banister, and let himself fall.
There was a terrifying second or two where he thought that maybe he had miscalculated and the new side wasn’t around to catch him tonight and he would end up falling flat on his back and cracking his skull open or something, but then there was a blur of black and purple in the corner of his eye and he was suddenly resting in a set of very gentle arms that held him close to a chest that had a VERY fast heartbeat.
Virgil had almost just died.
If his soul hadn’t left last time, then it definitely did just now.
He’d been so confused when the moral side had gotten up and climbed onto the banister but he had never, not even once, thought that he would just fall off of it like that.
He’d been all the way in the kitchen one second and right beside the stairs in the next and his heart was pounding so hard from the adrenaline pulsing in his veins that he was pretty sure he was about to pass out from fear alone.
This wasn’t fair.
Why did he have to be the one to do this?
Why couldn’t he be like the others and just go to sleep at night?
And suddenly Morality was laughing and Virgil really just wanted to cry and go to bed because this was all just SO unfair.
“You caught me!”
Patton threw his arms around the other side’s neck and couldn’t help the delighted laughter that fell out of him in that moment.
He’d finally found him again!
The other side sighed and gave Patton the smallest of squeezes.
“Yeah...but why were you falling in the first place? What were you doing standing on the banister like that?”
Virgil wasn’t sure what explanation he was expecting the other to give, but it was not what he ended up receiving.
“I was trying to get your attention again.”
Morality seemed slightly embarrassed but mostly just obstinate as he stared Virgil down.
The new side blinked.
Patton looked away.
The embarrassment was really starting to take over at this point and it was getting a little bit more difficult to insist, even in his own mind, that this had been the best course of action.
“Well, I wanted to talk to you. But whenever I tried to find you, you weren’t around and I couldn’t get you to come out. So I thought that, maybe, you’d catch me again if I fell. So I figured I should fall from the banister to make sure that you saw me falling and had time to react.”
By the end of the explanation, Patton couldn’t actually look at the other side anymore and was instead staring down at his purple-clad chest.
For a moment, there was silence and Patton was pretty sure that the new side was gonna think he was an idiot now, but then something miraculous happened.
Virgil’s chest started to shake, then his shoulders, then his arms, and then he couldn’t contain it anymore and laughter bloomed through the common room like a boom of thunder in a storm.
Patton looked up in shock and would later tell anyone who listened that this was the moment when he had promised himself that he would do whatever it took to protect his strange dark son for the rest of his days because Virgil’s face was lit up with the biggest grin and his eyes were squeezed shut as he laughed a full belly laughing guffaw that shook his entire body, and Patton by extension, and filled the room with one of the nicest and purest sounds Patton had ever had the joy of hearing.
He was pretty sure he had stars in his eyes as he watched the new side laugh until he couldn’t take it anymore and fell surprisingly gently, probably for Patton’s sake, onto his knees on the floor.
The laughter continued and Patton remained in the side’s shaking arms as he ended up doubling over and laughing into Patton’s shoulder.
Not that he minded.
If anything, he was delighted.
This was amazing.
Not only had he gotten the other side’s attention at last, he had also made him laugh so hard he didn’t even seem capable of controlling himself anymore.
But, eventually, the laughter faded off and the other side finally calmed down.
Virgil hadn’t really meant for any of that to happen and was reluctant to take his face away from where it was hidden against Morality’s shoulder.
So, for a moment, a just let himself take a second to really calm down and catch his breath again as the moral side remained perfectly still against him.
But he had to face everything eventually, so he finally took his head away from the side’s shoulder and only glanced at him for a moment before looking away with a blush quickly seeping over his face and ears.
“Sorry about that...”
Patton had to blink back into reality again before quickly speaking.
“Oh no! It’s fine! It was pretty funny and you have a really nice laugh so I don’t mind.”
Patton hadn’t really meant to say that last part, but it was true so that was fine.
Virgil blushed a little bit more and had to fight against the instinct in him that simply screamed to run away now that Morality was safe again.
Because the side had done all of this to talk to him again and if he left now there was a very high possibility that this would keep happening until Morality finally had the conversation he’d wanted to have in the first place.
“Right, well...anyways, what did you want to talk about, Morality?”
Patton twitched, apparently the new side had an impressive pair of big purple puppy eyes(this fanon Virgil has purple eyes, deal with it) and it was a struggle not to just let himself squeal and pull the side back against his shoulder again.
“Oh. Right. Yeah, that. Oh! Yeah, I wanted to ask what your name was!”
Morality wiggled a little in Virgil’s arms and he would have put the side down if he wasn’t worried about him not letting go again like last time.
“Oh, it’s, um...Anxiety”
The cheerful side blinked and looked into empty space for a moment before a look of realization came across his face.
“Oh, yeah! I remember Logan mentioning that word before. It’s like being scared and nervous about things, right?”
Patton felt it when the other side twitched a bit in what seemed like an aborted sort of flinch before he responded with his head down.
“Yeah, basically.”
The words, “kicked puppy”, repeatedly cycled through the moral side’s brain like a sad little siren.
Roman and Logan were in so much trouble, Patton decided then.
Because it seemed like the new side thought that he was a bad thing.
It probably really got to him when the others immediately got angry at him upon his arrival.
And having the title of Anxiety, which Patton remembered Logan calling an illness at one point, definitely wouldn’t have helped him feel better about himself.
But that wasn’t important right now.
Right now, Patton had a new friend to help feel better about themselves.
“So you keep Thomas safe from all of the bad things?”
Anxiety’s head shot up so fast his neck cracked and Patton could almost feel the whiplash second hand.
His voice was small and breathless and it kind of made Patton want to cry, but he stayed strong and continued on with as cheerful a voice as he’d been using the entire time.
“You protect Thomas. You make him nervous and scared of the things he should avoid and can even make him directly avoid them. You’re like his knight in shining armor or something!”
And Patton was pretty proud of himself for a moment.
He was pretty sure that he’d actually said the right thing this time and Anxiety was gonna feel a bit better about himself and maybe be more willing to spend time with Patton now and they would be friends and it would be great!
But then he was met with a sight that made his heart feel like it was falling to pieces.
Tears, tainted black by the dark smudges Patton hadn’t even noticed under the other side’s eyes, fell silently from Anxiety’s wide purple eyes.
And Virgil was trying so hard to figure out what was happening, again.
He didn’t understand.
And suddenly Anxiety is gone and Patton finds himself sitting on the floor beside the stairs.
And that’s the end of the first chapter.
*flairs out tired jazz hands*
Man, this took a turn near the end that I feel makes sense and is necessary but it was very much not my intent.
Then again, this entire thing was not my intent but it happened anyways so I should really just accept that I have absolutely no control over what is going on in my life at this point and try to be happy about whatever ends up happening.
So most of this was fluff but we ended up with something vaguely resembling angst at the very end.
Don’t worry tho, I’ll eventually do the second part and we’ll see how all of this eventually gets sorted out.
Anyways, I hope whoever reads this actually likes it a little and doesn’t find this to be a waste of time and space because that’s just my entire life in a nutshell and I could kind of do with at least a little bit of gratification for the things that I spend my time doing.
*sighs in asexual*
It is four in the morning and I’m dying a little every second.
Anyways, I’ll just leave now and maybe sleep before I have to do things in the morning.
Later, I guess.
*falls onto floor and kind of just sighs in resignation as a cat comes over and sits on my back*
Here’s a link that leads to the next part of the CAP Series.
A Bed of Links:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Cerillen
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Cerillen/pseuds/Cerillen
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPz4p5XdoRESDKZeMDnWXFQ
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cerillen
Discord: https://discord.gg/FsUhc5f
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yeosangs-horizon · 7 years
Company (Changkyun x Reader) 
Tumblr media
Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1.8k
The time on my watch said 9:40 PM, almost time to close this damn coffee shop and get on with my night. I looked outside the foggy streets, anticipating anybody that would come in that this time of night. 
The jazz music blasted softly in the depths of the shop as I leaned and rested my hand on my mandible, contemplating thoughts and ideas through my brain. I didn’t even take note when the soft jingle of the bell on the door rang as a tall brown haired man with soft facial features stepped in. I looked up and shook my head as my subconscious thoughts faded away once more.
I gazed up, my eyes meeting his soft mocha pupils as I set off a fake grin, keeping my appearance with the social ‘norm’. “What can I get started up for you?” I asked, doing my regular duties as a barista. “Just one iced caramel macchiato please,” he spoke with his low toned voice throughout the quiet cafe. I nodded as I took the cash that he had for his order. “So what brings you here in this time of night?” I asked, wondering why such a good looking man would be up and about in this time of night and weather. “Oh just wandering about the city, y’know…” he trailed off. “Oh! My name is Changkyun but you can just call me IM for short, it’s my name for my rapping career,” he spoke gleefully. I smirked a bit, making small talk with him. “Well nice to meet you IM, my name would be (Y/N), but for future reference I like Changkyun better,” I answered swiftly as I poured the iced drink into the cup.
I handed the cold drink to him as I leaned back on the counter, waiting for him to leave so I could close the shop. It was one of those days where I had to finish alone because the rest of my coworkers decided that they had family emergencies to tend to. As soon as I looked up, I saw his slim figure leaning in on one of the soft bean bag chairs that we had set up in our lobby. I let out a small sigh and walked to the register to warn him about our closing time, after all, I didn’t want to be stuck at the shop until an hour after I stopped getting paid, a broke college kid like me didn’t have time to be wasting. 
“Changkyun, y’know we close in about 5 minutes right?” I asked with a hint of tired sarcasm in my tone, just to imbibe the knowledge into his mind. “Yeah, I know, but it’s only just be so if you need to tend to your duties of closing I can watch the shop for a bit for you,” he offered, not giving any explanation as to why he would not leave.
“Or you could just leave?” I chimed in, hoping to not sound so rude. “Sorry if I offended you, I just-- really don’t have the time to be attracting more customers in last minute,” I complained as I gazed at him again. His soft brown locks mixed in with his pale skin, he sure was something. “I mean if you insist, I only came here, looking for somebody to talk with, I’m somewhat new to the city,” he confessed. So he was only looking for company… “Don’t you have anybody else to chat with, or did you really move here alone?” I inquired, wondering more about his situation as seconds ticked away.
I wouldn’t mind sacrificing my beautiful sleep to him either. “Yep, I’m all alone, but with my minimal skills that I have I’ve done this quite a few times, with moving to different cities and a couple of countries as well,” he explained while gazing at me. I felt the urge to get closer to him and a spark of sympathy and adoration for Changkyun. I stripped off my apron and went to sit to the spot next to him as he placed his finished drink down. “I really like it in this city as of right now though, the hotel I’m staying at is pretty up to speed with the latest technology I’d say,” he rambled on. 
“W-wait, you’re staying at a hotel? For how long? Isn’t that expensive?” I bombarded him with questions at that point. “It’s honestly for the best, I’m going to be here for half a year so they gave me a pretty good discount, I figured that renting would be too much of a hassle since all these people ever want here is money and a long contract,” he spoke diligently. “And if I haven’t mentioned before, I’m here because of my career as a photographer but an underground rapper, I’m almost known internationally, been at this for 3 years now persay,” he reminisced. I was in awe by his courageousness. “That’s surely a talent right there,” I mumbled, feeling a wave of drowsiness come over me. I felt his arm snake around my shoulders as I sat there.
I glanced up at the clock, 10:20 PM. Well shit, I guess I’m getting little to no sleep tonight. I shot up in a panic as my cheeks flushed pink. “I should probably clean and get ready to go now. I mean, if you’d really like to you could stay until I finish… How far away is your hotel anyway?” I asked as I rushed behind the counter to sweep and tidy up the place. “I walked here which took about 2 hours since I must’ve stumbled off my original path, so I’d say about 4 miles down that way,” he pointed down the dark misty street. I felt a pang in my heart as a smile arose to my face. “If you’d like… you can stay with me, my apartment is just down a couple blocks and I know my neighbourhood is relatively safe since I really don’t want you walking back in this hour,” I offered, with hesitation.
 I felt his eyes land on my being as he answered. “I mean-- if you’re seriously offering then sure, I wouldn’t mind staying with someone as hardworking and gorgeous as you,” he flirted. “Well then, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind rapping for me either, that’s a part of the deal now,” I laughed half jokingly. He shrugged and replied, “If you want me to,”.
As soon as I put back my tools and materials in the right place, I shut all the lights off which startled Changkyun. I gazed back at him as I made my way towards the door. “Ready to go?” I asked as I swung my bag over my left shoulder. He nodded and let out a small yawn whilst trotting to the door frame. “Fuck… I forgot my jacket at home,” I yelped as the piercing cold wind shattered my pores. I then felt the warmth from Changkyun’s arms enveloping around my body. I let out the faintest smile as he pressed his warm cheeks onto mine. “I don’t get cold easily, I don’t mind repaying you in affection either,” he chuckled. I quickly locked the door behind me and shoved the key in the depths of my drawstring bag. 
As I turned towards the main road to my apartment, I felt Changkyun’s arm snake around my torso. I leaned into his warmth as we trudged through the mist back to my apartment. In this moment, I realized that I didn’t want to let go, no, it felt as if I’ve known him for ages. I felt our hands get closer as we grasped each other for warmth and soon our fingers intertwine in a loving gesture. His soft white hoodie gave me warmth as my shuddering hands soon was filled with life again. Hand in hand I led him up the stairs to my apartment door. I fumbled around in my bag until I managed to get ahold of my keys.
I bursted into the living space, feeling the warmth of my apartment seeping into my skin. I practically slammed the door behind me shut as Changkyun fell on the couch, exhausted and also freezing. “So welcome to my small apartment, as a broke college student I can’t offer you much except for my company and some hot water as of right now,” I chuckled. He turned his neck to gaze at me and let out a genuine smile. 
“I don’t mind, your company is just perfect and enough right now.” I turned my head towards my room, the only room in my apartment not to mention. “You can come in y’know, it’s much cozier in here,” I mentioned. Changkyun shuffled into my bedroom, where I had a simple aesthetic pastel layout with a couch draped in a baby blue covering. “You can spend the night there if you’d like,” I offered. He accepted the offer as he laid his entire being on the couch. The way his locks draped over his relaxing face made me smile, he looked so comfortable. He seemed unbelievably exhausted, even after his coffee. I didn’t notice myself running my fingers through his locks and the small smile that seeped through his resting face.
“Whoops,” I whispered to myself but as I went to back away, I felt a strong arm claw me back into his grasp. I had no choice but to lay down next to the man I practically just met. It felt right, as if it was some sort of destiny that I didn’t believe in or something along those lines. I inhaled his sweet scent and rested my head right next to his. The shallow breathing with his warm arms tangled around my torso was enough to drive my beating heart crazy. I sank deeper into his grasp as he fell into REM sleep. I rested my eyes as I felt my body sinking into his cozyness.
I felt the rays of sunshine hit my arm, making my limb warmer than the rest of my body. I almost jolted awake when but calmed my mind down when I remembered the events that occurred the night before. I sank my head into his shoulder once again as Changkyun remained still with a small grin on his face, happy from what had occurred I guessed. I shifted my weight and he started to move. “Morning beautiful, how was your sleep?” he swooned, acting as if he’d done this a million times.
 I shrugged, “Very comfortable I’d say, you?” I inquired while stretching my arms out. “It was sweet, I liked it,” he confessed softly. I felt his hands intertwine with mine again as he gently kissed me on the cheek. “I guess I should go out looking for company more often hmm, not that I will ever again after this experience,” he chuckled. “Well yeah, I’m probably the best there is,” I boasted with sarcasm. I felt his weight shift onto me as we fell on the couch again, laughing as if we were long time friends and lovers. “(Y/N), you’re really something y’know, thanks for the night, now you don’t mind if I stay here for another 6 months right?”
155 notes · View notes
luffysfakebeard · 7 years
hi!! i don't know if you're taking prompts (so if you're not, ignore this!!) but i saw a text post a trillion years ago that was like "imagine your otp meeting in a 7am lecture and one of them is pouring redbull into their coffee and looks straight at the other and says 'im going to die' and just drinks the whole thing" and ever since i started watching skam this reminded me of something isak would definitely do. aaaanywayyy, i love your fics, keep writing and being awesome!
The Study Buddy; 2070 words[AO3]
It was Even’s firm belief that whoever scheduled a guest speakerat 7.15AM on a Monday deserved to have hellfire rain down upon them.  Hewasn’t even sure why he said he’d go; when one of his lecturer’s the previousThursday had told the class that there was a speaker on Monday that they mightfind interesting Even had made a note of it even though it was optional.
Maybe he was losing his mind.  He had chosen to go to a 7.15 talk.
He couldn’t even remember what the lecturer had said it was about; just that it could be interestingand might help some of them gain some insight for their film projects.  That had probably been what pushed him to go,because as much as Even loves his eight hours of sleep he wanted his film to beperfect more.
When Even walked into the lecture hall at almost 7.10 there wereabout a dozen students scattered around, which was honestly more than he wasexpecting to see.  He chose a seatsomewhere in the middle and slumped down, quickly biting the inside of hischeek to silence the whine he wanted to let out.
The plastic chair was Baltic.  Despite it being mid-November – in Norway– he was pretty sure that the heating wasn’t on yet.  The pipes were creaking and groaning, though,and he realised that the heating was probably only just coming on now to get upto a pleasant temperature at 8AM when normal lecture times start.
Great.  The guy in here after me will probably betoasty warm while I’ll be a fucking ice sculpture, Even thought sullenly. He was pretty sure he could feel his lips pushing into a grumpy pout asthe cold from the chair seeped through his clothes and bit at his skin.
He put his travel mug down on the floor and struggled out of hismittens – it was cold, alright? and everyoneknows that mittens are warmer than gloves Even will defend his mittens with hisdying breath – and was just getting his notepad out when he saw him.
Him being a completely frazzled looking student – maybe a year ortwo Even’s junior – stumbling through the door. He looked like he was wearing about ten layers underneath his huge coat,and Even could see snow caught in the fold of his beanie.  Like most of the students there the boy camein armed with coffee; his hands – which looked snug as fuck in a pair of mittens, Even noticed – were clutching onto alarge take away cup from the nearby coffee shop as if it was the only thingtethering him to reality.
Even picked up his travel mug and took a sip as he watched theboy stumble into a seat and flop down onto it like a dead fish.  And wow, Even had thought he was bad at mornings.  There were probably corpses that woke upbetter than this kid.
Although he doubted any corpse was as pretty as this boy.
Even felt blessed to have seen such a pretty face.  He didn’t feel quite so salty about this bloody early morning guest speaker now.
He watched with interest as the boy set his coffee downreluctantly and wiggled some layers off. Even counted a coat, a scarf, the mittens, and a bulky jumper before theboy decided that was quite enough outwear to remove.  The boy was left in a big hoodie that Evenwas sure was soft as fuck to the touch and probably concealed three more shirts underneath.
The angel clearly felt the cold.
Even empathised.  His asswas already numb from his stupid frozen chair and he’d barely been in it twominutes.  He took another pull from hiscoffee to try to warm himself up from the inside out before the speaker showedup and he’d be expected to concentrate and take notes and all that bullshitrequired of students.
And, okay, the thing is…Evendidn’t mean to watch the kid.  It’s just that he was sat directly in Even’s line of sight and hisface was so pretty that Even just couldn’t bring himself to look around at theother bland exhausted faces in the room or pretend to try to read the leaflets onthe pin board.
So when the guy proceeded to pull a huge can of Red Bull out of his snow dusted backpack it wasn’t likeEven could look away.  He watched as theguy popped the lid off his take away cup and immediately the smell of strongcoffee permeated the air.
Even perked up a little just from the smell.  He drank a little bit more of his own coffee,but what the boy did next made Even freeze in place.
Even watched in horror as the kid cracked open the Red Bull,took a few long pulls from his coffee to make room in the mug, and then pouredthe entirety of the energy drink into his coffee.  He put the lid back on his cup and swirled itaround a little.
It was then that the boy glanced around.
And, of course, he caught Even staring straight at him with a horrifiedlook in his eyes and his lips still around his travel mug.
“I’m probably gonna die. But who wants to live at this time in the morning anyway?” The kidshrugged.  And then, in what Even couldonly assume was a power move to assert his dominance, the kid drank the entirecontents of the large cup while maintaining eye contact with Even who was stillparalysed with shock.
It was only when the kid finished his poisonous concoction andturned his back on Even that Even regained control over his body.  He lowered his mug away from his mouth, forsome reason put off the idea of caffeine completely.  He wasn’t a massive caffeine consumer ingeneral; he was pretty sure his skin was buzzing just from watching that kid neck so much caffeine at once.
It was one of the most disgusting things Even had ever seen.
He’d worked as a barista throughout secondary school and knew hewas a bit of a coffee snob because of it, but the kid’s blatant disregard forhis coffee offended some part of Even purely on principle.
But fuck if he couldn’t stop thinking about it or watching thatboy.  The guest speaker came in and Evenbarely noticed.  All of his attention wason the caffeine addict a few rows ahead of him.
Much to his surprise, the kid didn’t drop dead of a massive heartattack.  In fact, the kid was morefocused than Even was; he was watching the speaker and taking notes and noddinga little every now and then.
Even, on the other hand, wasn’t listening to a thing the speakerwas saying because he was transfixed by a curl of golden hair that had escapedfrom under the back of the boy’s beanie.
Curiosity was killing him.
The more he looked at the boy, the more he wanted to know.  Did he have no taste buds?  How tired do you have to be to combine coffeeand Red Bull?  What makes you even consider combining those things?  What was his name?  What was he studying that could be relevantto the guest speaker?  Why had Even notnoticed him around when he looked like an angel?  How had he not blinked once while he made eyecontact with Even and drank that monstrosity?
Even needed answers,dammit!
It was only when the boy slouched down to grab his backpack andthen stood up that Even realised the talk was over.
And he hadn’t heard a single word of it.
At that moment he realised a few things in quick succession.
1.      He got up at 6AM to listen to a guest speaker and instead ogledthe back of a pretty boy’s head for 90 minutes
2.      He had nothing to show for the last 90 minutes of his life.  No notes, no photos of the board on hisphone, nothing.
3.      He needed to do something fastto make it look like he’d actually been paying attention to that talk becausethe boy was looking over his shoulder and Even still had his blank notebook onhis lap.
4.      Impossibly, the boy looked even prettier from the front.
Even slammed his notebook shut and practically threw it into hisbag, almost knocking his half full travel mug over in his haste.  He grabbed the mug as it wobbled beforegetting to his feet, swinging his backpack over one shoulder and stretching hisback.  An hour and a half in the chairfrom hell hadn’t done him any favours he thought as his spine cracked andpopped.
He chanced a glance over at the boy as he finished his stretchand was surprised to find amused hazel eyes staring directly at him.
“Yes?” Even quirked an eyebrow.
“You know I could feel you staring holes through my skull thewhole time, right?” The boy raised an eyebrow right back.
Even had no idea how to respond to that.
“Aren’t you going to ask my name or something?” The boy promptedand Even’s brain finally caught up with him.
“I normally ask interesting people out for coffee, but I thinkyou’ve had enough caffeine for a week.” He replied smoothly.  Satisfaction welled up in his chest at thepink blush that dusted the boy’s pale cheeks.
“So is this you notasking me out?” There was definitely a little tinge of disappointment in theboy’s voice, Even was sure of it.
“This is me saying that if you have any more caffeine you willprobably die.  How about breakfastinstead?” Even smiled his best smile.  Hewasn’t blind; he knew he ticked a lot of the boxes of ‘how to be good lookingin the west’ and he wasn’t afraid to use that to his advantage if the situationcalled for it.
And getting to know a cute boy definitely called for it.
“Breakfast sounds good.” The kid smirked.  “You probably owe me a meal after all thatstaring.” He added casually as he turned away and walked towards the door.
“You started it!” Even protested as he followed him out into thecrisp cool morning.
“You were already staring at me when I looked around actually.”The boy looked so fucking smug.  Theworst part was that Even couldn’t even argue, because it was true.
He had been looking at the kid since he walked through the door.
“Are you going to tell me your name or what?” Even huffed.  He knew he sounded grumpy, like a sore loser,but the kid just laughed.
“Isak.  I’m Isak.  And you? What name should I be putting on my sexual harassment report?” Isakteased.
“Seriously?  It was earlyand I was tired and there was a pretty boy, I just sort of zoned out and youwere right in front of me.” Even grumbled. He was still turning the name over in his head; desperate to roll itaround his mouth and see how it tasted.
“Do you stare at allthe pretty boys for an hour and a half?”
“Only the reallypretty ones.” Even winked, taking pleasure in the way Isak flushed all the wayup to the tips of his ears.  He hadn’tput his beanie back on and snow was drifting into his hair.  He looked like a renaissance painting.
“Come on then, I’ve told you my name.  Who are you, huh?” Isak prompted and Evenshot a cheeky grin over at him.
“Even.  Even Bech Næsheim.  Your future boyfriend.”
“Wow.” Isak snorted.  “Ican’t tell if my heart’s beating so fast from the caffeine or from your totallyromantic introduction.” He rolled his hazel eyes and Even swore he fell alittle bit in love with this sassy boy there and then.
“Hey, if you have a heart attack at breakfast we’ll probably getit for free.” Even winked.
“I can already feel my heart outside of my body; let’s not jinxit, hmm?”
“I still can’t believe you drank that in one go.” Even shook hishead in disbelief, pushing the café door open and letting Isak in.
“I call it the Study Buddy.”
“You’ve done that more than once?!”
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