#forrest sinclair
simsatlantic · 1 year
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a couple selfies
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intimacyequalsdeath · 7 months
This little town.
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!Poly Sinclair Brothers x Reader
Notes: Minors DNI, No specific descriptions of reader just use of Y/n and sometimes they/them pronouns. Like the above states this is going to be a poly fic with all 3 Sinclair brothers so if you aren't into that then this fic is not for you!
"Babydoll come on just get back in the truck!" You heard Bo call from behind you as your crossed your arms and began the walk back to Ambrose on foot.
Bo had done it, he had royally pissed you off to the point you decided walking the 20 minute walk back to town would be better then sitting in his truck and having him lecture you on everything from how messy you are at killing to how maybe you should just stick to keeping busy in the main house and let him, Vince and Lester handle the heavy lifting.
If your kills were messy it was Bo's fault anyway, he was the one who taught you the ropes of how to do it in the first place. You wanted to learn from Vince but Bo insisted he would teach you and almost caused a war when Vincent tried to step in and correct something he had said.
You could here the truck slowly approach you from behind and keep a steady pace with how fast you were walking. You kept facing forward though, determined to give Bo a taste of his own medicine and maybe then he would understand you were over his bullshit.
"Jesus christ Darlin' I said I was sorry" He called again from the window. You rolled your eyes deciding that if he was gonna follow you back you would just cut through the woods instead.
Lester had taken you into the woods quite a few times so you knew how to figure out where the naturally carved trails were. You made a hard right and hurried into the woods hoping Bo wouldn't decide to pursue you on foot and would get the hint.
Soon you found yourself deep in the thick Louisiana woods, deeper then you had ever gone with Lester. You turned around and couldn't see the main road any longer.
Trying not to panic you continued further hoping that eventually you would come out somewhere in town, your brain hurt trying to force itself to remember the things Lester had told you in between hurried kisses since the woods was damn near the only alone time the two of you got away from Vince and Bo.
You didn't know how much time had passed but all you knew was that it was getting darker by the second. You had continued walking but never came out in the town like you had hoped too, you could feel the lump in your throat as your eyes welled up with tears at your situation.
How were you supposed to get home? If your boys were looking for you how were they going to find you? sure Lester had hunted and tracked before but you were way too deep in the woods for that.
You had tried to turn around and go back the way you came but ended up getting even more turned around as everything just started looking the same.
frustrated and starting to panic you began to pick up your pace, so focused on trying to get back home you didn't notice the drop off in the Forrest ground as your ankle hit it at a weird angle and you were brought to you ass, a throbbing pain radiating from your ankle up into your leg worsened the tears in your eyes as you started to accept your fate.
You would never see your boys again. They wouldn't be able to find you in time and you were going to die out here.
You leaned yourself against a tree and looked towards the orange colored sky above the tree tops. You should've listened to Bo, you should've just gotten back in his truck and had him take you back to Ambrose.
Why did you have to be so stubborn? It was one of the things that most annoyed you about really all of the Sinclair brothers but deep down you were just like them. You cursed yourself quietly before you slowly felt your eyes closing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You felt your body being lifted and jostled slight in your sleep filled haze. Your cheek was pressed up against a warm but firm mass as you felt yourself being carried.
You cracked your eyes open and looked ahead of you to see a rather familiar run down pick up truck with the passenger door open and waiting for you.
"Les'" You croaked out, voice still coated in sleepy gruffness.
"Hey darlin" He said softly, kissing the side of your head. "You have us a real good scare there hun" He told you as you reached the truck. For a second you nearly forgot about your throbbing ankle.
"I tried to come back home les I swear, I hurt my ankle really bad and couldn't walk anymore" You said as he sat you in the passenger seat of his truck.
Lester ran his hand through your hair while softly hushing you.
"It's ok little darlin' we ain't mad at ya none. We just got real scared when you didn't come home and Bo had told us what happened. Why don't we head home and get you cleaned up and take a look at that ankle?"
Your head bobbed in a nod as Lester closed your door and walked around to the other side of the truck, sliding in to the drivers seat before turning the key in the ignition as the truck sputtered to life.
When you reached the all too familiar town of Ambrose and Lester parked the truck outside the main house you watched as Bo and Vincent came rushing out the front door. Vincent made it to your side first and rushed to open the door and check on you.
He cradled your face in his hands gently moving it from side to side to check for any injuries before his eye met yours and you mustered a soft smile through the pain.
"I'm ok Vince, Honest. I only tripped and messed up my ankle" You told him, His head shot down to look at your offending appendage as Bo finally made his walk up to the side of the truck.
Your eyes met his as an almost ashamed look flashed over his face when he was met with your return and injury. He cleared his throat before he spoke.
"I'm real sorry about what happened baby" He sighed "I should've never said what I said to ya and when you ran off like that I should've known you wouldn't have any idea where to go and got my ass out of the truck to follow you"
His eyes left yours to look down at his boots. You smiled at how sincere he was being and knew you couldn't blame Bo for what happened. It was you who ran off into the woods in the first place.
"It's ok Bo I promise, I was just upset and you couldn't have known I would get lost and hurt myself" You told him reaching for his hand and squeezing it lightly. He met your eyes once again and gave you a smile before he gave Vincent a nudge out of the way so he could lift you out of the truck.
"Whaddya say we go get that ankle looked at and then Les' can heat up dinner?" He said pressing his lips to the shell of your ear. You smiled laughing a little and nodded.
"A night in with all my boys sounds good to me"
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companion-showdown · 1 month
Family Feud Masterpost
Who is the best family in the whoniverse?
this tournament was suggested anonymously
Mott-Noble-Temple vs Smith
Paternoster vs Mott-Noble-Temple
Smith vs Pond-Williams
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Paternoster vs Tyler
Khan vs Mott-Noble-Temple
Jones (Martha) vs Smith (Sarah-Jane)
Lethbridge-Stewart vs Pond-Williams
previous rounds under the cut
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Paternoster vs Leela, Andred, Veega and Rayo
Tyler vs The Adipose
Khan vs Nyssa, Tremas and Kassia
Faction Paradox vs Mott-Noble-Temple
Cooper-Williams vs Jones (Martha)
Summerfield vs Smith (Sarah-Jane)
Lethbridge-Stewart vs Chesterton-Wright
The TARDIS and Lolita vs Pond-Williams
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Paternoster vs O'Brien-Sinclair
Leela, Andred, Veega and Rayo vs Bel, Vinder, and their as yet unborn child
The House of Lungbarrow vs Tyler
Who vs The Adipose
McShane vs Khan
The Wu Diaspora vs Nyssa, Tremas and Kassia
The Family of Blood vs Faction Paradox
Jovanka vs Mott-Noble-Temple
Pollard vs Cooper-Williams
Jones-off (Jo's family vs Martha's)
Summerfield vs Sinclair (Helen)
Proctor vs Smith (Sarah-Jane)
Lethbridge-Stewart vs Owens
Sunday vs Chesterton-Wright
The TARDIS and Lolita vs The Slitheen
Chenka vs Pond-Williams
ROUND 1 (Group Stage)
Group 1
Jones (Jo)
Leela, Andred, Veega, Rayo
Group 2
Adric and Varsh
Nyssa, Tremas, Kassia
Group 3
Little House of Cwej
The House of Lungbarrow
The House of Dvora
The Wu Diaspora
The House of Witforge
Faction Paradox
Group 4
The TARDIS and Lolita
Group 5
Sinclair (Helen)
Munmeth and Muthmunna
Mesh Cose, Lon Shel, and Julian White Mammoth Tusk
Group 6
Smith (Mickey)
Jones (Martha)
Group 7
Group 8
Smith (Sarah-Jane)
Group 9
Family of Blood
Shafe Cane
Group 10
Swarm and Azure
Bel, Vinder, and as yet unborn child
Links to previous tournaments
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saltygilmores · 6 months
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This post is going to be a bit of a quicky. Scene: Lane's bathroom, where Rory is assisting Lane in dying her hair the color of Dean Forrester's balls. Purple. The dude's been waiting over 2 years to get past second base. Come on Rory. Throw him a handy. (Speaking of...the lack of Dean in this episode so far is making me fearful for when he may suddenly appear). Rory expresses her concern that using bleach in an unventilated bathroom might kill them both, but Lane is, like leave those windows locked! i want my mother to smell bleach when she arrives home! Because when she smells bleach she'll definitely think "Lane must be dying her hair" and not "someone is covering up a crime scene"
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My belief is that deep down, every Gilmore Girls character is a potential serial killer, and they all have one specific event that will set their killing sprees into motion. Dave Ryglaski suddenly getting sucked into the Male Gilmore Girls Character California Wormhole may just be Lane's.
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This episode's got the words "hell" AND "condoms" in it plus not one but TWO rapidfire pop culure references from the 1990's, and not 1973? We're getting bold and spicy in Season 3! Ole! The procedure goes horribly wrong and causes Lane tremendous scalp pain, so back to the beauty supply store they shall go in a few moments, where Shane has returned after servicing Jess on her smoke break. I really love the word "servicing" as a stand in for "blowjob", quite honestly. Per Wikipedia: Vin Diesel's birth name is Mark Sinclair. Sinclair began going by his stage name "Vin Diesel" while working as a bouncer at the New York nightclub Tunnel, wanting a tougher sounding name for his occupation. Vin comes from his mother's married last name Vincent, while the surname Diesel came from his friends due to his tendency to be energetic.
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Why does that jacket make such a difference on Luke? When he takes that jacket off he looks super dorky, but jacket on, he looks pretty dang hot. More layers for Luke, fewer layers for Jess. One of the moots told me this event is supposed to be taking place at 4pm for an after school club, which is supposed to explain why L&L are talking to a classroom of teenagers while the main Teens of The Hollow are carousing about town, bleaching their scalps and getting serviced in closets.
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In my regular Post-Post discussion with @frazzledsoul, we discussed how Luke, I mean, Butch here, graduated in 1984, the year Jess was born. At the same time Liz always refers to him as "big brother", so she would have been younger than 17 when she gave birth to Jess? Even though the writers retconned some of the other Liz Lore established in 2x5 (like that she was married) I think it's generally accepted that she was around 18 when she gave birth and not quite as young as Lorelai was when she had Rory. This is what 80% of the fanfics about Jess’ early life that I used to read had seemed to share a consensus on anyway. So we discussed the possiblity that Liz and Luke may be very close in age, even less than a year apart so they ended up in the same grade, which is plausible, or less likely, they're twins, but I'm not sold on that. Lastly, it's possible she just calls him "big brother" merely because she's annoying and the drugs have fried her brain and she doesn't even know what day of the week it is no less how old her own brother is.
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That's the best part about Gilmore Girls.
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The bleach appears to have seeped into Lane's braincase and she's delirious. She's not making any sense. I'm afraid there is no saving her now.
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I mean, this has always been Rory's typical expression whenever another person reminds her that she's supposed to be so freaking in love with Dean, but she's aware she's actually dating a pile of camel droppings while everyone else has their heads so far up their asses that they don't see it, but now she's got the JessSweats on top of it. She's in a real pickle.
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What is the "feeling" of dating Dean Forrester exactly? Is it that feeling Rory has been experiencing for the last 2 years, the feeling that there's vomit stuck in the back of her throat that is always so close to spewing out but it never does? Is that what you want Lane?
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This is one of the clearest views of the Quarter on a String I've seen thus far, and now that I can see it so clearly, it actually looks more like a dented bottle cap and not a quarter.
All this time I've been giving Dean Forrester credit for spending 25 cents on this thing when he actually paid nothing because he stole it from Lorelai's business competitor, the homeless man who scours The Hollow for scrap metal and change with a metal detector. I was thinking an after school business club at Stars Hollow High School where you had to listen to Lorelai Gilmore speak would be pretty sucky, but then I remembered the alternative is being not at school in Stars Hollow instead and that's worse.
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Lorelai Gilmore everyone, the Prominent Local Luminary. Beautiful handwriting on the chalkboard, did Jess write that too?
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Oh how I love 35 year old high school Extras. "You all know Luke Danes from his fabulous diner." Yeah, it's where these "high school students" hold their AARP meetings. Luke Danes seeing a room full of high school students: I've never seen any of you people in my god damn ife but if you want a job waiting tables at a place where nobody tips and I flout child labor laws and pay you in lettuce scraps then come on down and fill out an application. Also, my nephew could use some friends. Lorelai Gilmore, seeing a room full of high school students: Which one of you handsome boys want to become my daughter's stepdad?
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Yes, I have a question for Ms. Gilmore. After Crusty got you pregnant the first time, why do you still keep letting him stick his CrustyWiener inside of you again and again? Take your time I'll wait. By the way, did you know that David Sutcliffe recently said women shouldn't have the right to vote? Just putting that little nugget out there. What was surely going to be a motivational speech for the ages by Some Lady Who Barely Works At Some Inn is totally derailed when the 50 year old students keep asking Lorelai how babies are made. Despite her best efforts to change the subject, she fails miserably but for some reason KarenDebbie is put out by Lorelai's handling of the affair. I'm not sure what Lorelai was supposed to do exactly.
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girlygirltournament · 9 months
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(32 bracket base here by @mad-scientist-showdown)
This is the full 128 bracket!! Full list of matches under cut!!
Preliminary Polls
Round 1 Statistics
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Round 6 (the finals!)
Bracket 1 - Side A
Mizuki Akiyama (Project SEKAI) Vs. Maria Campbell (My Next Life as a Villainess)
Flora (Winx Club) vs. Abby Sciuto (NCIS)
Mitsuba Sousuke (Toilet-bound Hanako-kun) vs. Forrest (Fire Emblem)
Enid Sinclair (Wednesday) vs. Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon)
Haley (Stardew Valley) vs. Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Veruca Salt (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Willy Wonka) vs. Sonoko Suzuki (Detective Conan)
Cinderella (Cinderella) vs. Silena Beauregard (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) vs. Amy Rose (Sonic)
Bracket 1 - Side B
Sakura Chiyo (Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun) vs. Lydia Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
Caroline Forbes (The Vampire Diaries) vs. Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon)
Rosie Mayfield (Style Savvy) vs. London Tipton (Suite Life of Zack and Cody)
Momoi Satsuki (Kuroko's Basketball) vs. Tuesday Simmons (Carole and Tuesday)
Effie Trinket (The Hunger Games) vs. Stella (Winx Club)
Honey-Senpai (Ouran High School Host Club) vs. Victorique de Blois (Gosick)
Sakura Minamoto (Zombieland Saga) vs Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Cure Sparkle/Hiramitsu Hinata (Precure Pretty Cure) vs Lindsay (Total Drama)
Bracket 2 - Side A
Lola (Shark Tale) vs. Colette "Coco" (Thea Sisters)
Therese Wolf (Fable Comics) Vs. Orca/Dex @labor9 (Tumblr User)
Princess Ozma (Wizard of Oz) vs. Aelita Schaeffer (Code Lyoko)
Webby Vanderquack (Ducktales) vs. Hiyoko Tosaka (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Fernet (100% Orange Juice) vs. Donko (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Blythe Baxter (Littlest Pet Shop) vs. Shezow/ Guy Hamdon (Shezow)
Numbah 3 / Kuki Sanban (Codename: Kids Next Door) Vs. Ami Onuki (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi)
Jessica Day (New Girl) vs. Caitlin Cooke (6Teen)
Bracket 2 - Side B
Shirou Fuji (Mizutama Honey Boy) vs. Kitty (BBC Ghosts)
Rainbow Brite (Rainbow Brite) vs. Zari (Duolingo)
Momoko Ryugasaki (Kamikaze Girls) vs. Peaches (Ice Age)
Barbie (Sandman) vs. Tilly (Rent a Bridesmaid by Jacqueline Wilson)
Sally (Ninjago) vs. Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony Generation 3)
Princess Pea (Super Why!) vs. Mai Oota / P-Chan (Gokinjo Monogatari/Neighborhood Story)
The Cat (Red Dwarf) Vs. Queen Red Riding Hood (The Land of Stories)
Arcee (Transformers Generation 1) vs. Gaby Solis (Desperate Housewives)
Bracket 3 - Side A
Cher Horowitz (Clueless) vs. Cornelia Hale (W.I.T.C.H)
Marianne Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility) vs. Clover (Totally Spies)
Perfuma (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Lilligant (Pokémon) vs. Biscuit Krueger (Hunter x Hunter)
Allison Reynolds (The Foxhole Court: All For the Game) art by @detrinity vs. Isabella Garcia Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Hello Kitty (Sanrio) Vs. Barbie (Mattel)
Mari Tsutsui (Rainbow Days/Nijiiro Days) vs. Ella (Total Drama)
Tahani Al Jamil (The Good Place) vs. Rosalina (Mario)
Bracket 3 - Side B
Elle Woods (Legally Blonde) Vs Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo)
Ty Lee (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. Amulet Heart (Shugo Chara!)
Holly Munro (Lockwood and Co) art by @lucy-j-carlyle vs. Nikki (UP2U: World Traveller, Love Nikki, Shining Nikki)
Birdo (Mario) vs Lambdadelta (Umineko: When They Cry)
Smurfette (The Smurfs) vs. Regina George (Mean Girls)
Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess Jellyfish) vs. Todomatsu Matsuno (Osomatsu-san)
Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls) vs. Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
My Melody (Sanrio) vs. Nui Harime (Kill La Kill)
Bracket 4 - Side A
Emily (Stardew Valley) vs. Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
Nana Komatsu (Nana) vs. Lucia Nanami (Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch)
Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes) vs. Minako Aino/Sailor Venus (Sailor Moon)
Rose Lavillant (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Marie (The Aristocats)
Glinda (The Wizard Of Oz) vs. Hilda Valentine Gonreil (Fire Emblem)
Ichigo Momomiya/Mew Ichigo (Tokyo Mew Mew) vs. Coco (Bluey)
Princess Peach (Mario) vs. Starfire (Teen Titans)
Draculaura (Monster High) vs. Charlotte La Bouff (Princess and the Frog)
Bracket 4 - Side B
Bee (Bee and Puppycat) vs. Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls) vs. Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberry Shortcake)
James (Pokémon) vs. Kurako/Kuranosuke Koibuchi (Princess Jellyfish)
Platinum the Trinity (BlazBlue) vs. Aoi Hyōdō (Maid-sama/Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama!)
Mad Mew Mew (Undertale) vs. Minnie Mouse (Disney)
Tsunoda (Aggretsuko) vs. Cure Coral/Sango Suzumura (Tropical Rouge Precure)
Daisy Duck (Disney) vs. Cure Flora/Haruka Haruno (Go Princess Precure)
Yukiko Kanzaki (Assassination Classroom) vs. Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
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burgundybmw · 2 years
Munson's Mixtape
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Mixtape Masterlist
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Cunningham!Reader
Word Count: 2,663
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, Canon character death (RIP Chrissy), Discussion of the handcuffs, Mentions of abusive parents.
Summary: Chrissy has been acting weird, and like a good big sister Y/N drives to Hawkins from Notre Dame to check in on her. Only to find out she has plans to meet up with Eddie Munson. Things take a turn for the worse and now Y/N gets wrapped in to the horrors of Hawkins. Hey, at least she has the company of the guitarist she was sweet on back in high school for comfort.
Author’s Note: How is everybody feeling after Volume 2 dropped? A certain major spoiler popped on my phone as a Twitter notification so I haven't watched the last episode yet. Without saying too much, I'm personally gonna square up with the Duffer Brothers.
Track Four
The campaign was an overwhelming success. It was a bit touch and go towards the end, with most of the party falling to the infamous Vecna's curse. Only Henderson and Y/N remained, and while the rest of the group wanted to flee, they both decided to fight to the death. In the end, it was Y/N's roll of 20 that sealed the win for everyone. Eddie was ecstatic, not only did Y/N have fun playing with the party, it was her that won it all. The boys all huddled around her, cheering her on for the excellent win, and despite Eddie's brief flash of jealousy, he was happy for her. The smile she had on her face lit up the entire room, and Eddie wished he could write a million campaigns for her to win so he could see see that smile again.
The campaign finished up a bit earlier than the championship game, Henderson and Wheeler headed off to the gym to see what Sinclair was up to, and Jeff and Gareth got in their cars to head home. Leaving Eddie and Y/N behind.
"It was a great campaign Eddie, I had a lot of fun" Eddie turned to Y/N, adrenaline still high from the evening.
"Why thank you my fair lady, t'was an excellent win" Eddie bowed at the waist, opening his hand toward the champion of the night.
"I really needed that. School has been stressful and all of this stuff with Chrissy has been weighing on me. It was definitely needed" Eddie had completely forgotten the reason she was at Hellfire in the first place. So caught up with spending time with her, he neglected the plan they set forth all together.
"Yea well, you're welcome. Um, speaking of. We should quickly head to my trailer, get you set up before I swing back to get Chrissy." Y/N nodded, and followed him to the parking lot. When they got to her car Eddie opened the door for her.
"Why thank you Eddie, apparently chivalry isn't dead after all" as she got in her car Eddie couldn't stop the boyish grin on his face. He shut the door and raced over to his van. Mentally preparing himself for the evening ahead.
All of the light hearted feelings Y/N had during the campaign slowly began to dwindle inside of her. As she followed Eddie to Forrest Hills, the nerves began to settle in again. Knowing that within the hour she would have to confront her sister about what was going on with her, terrified to find out the truth. As she pulled into the trailer park Eddie instructed Y/N to park further away from his place, so that Chrissy wouldn't see it. Once parked, she hopped into Eddie's van to drive the rest of the way to his trailer. Y/N had never been inside Eddie's van before, only briefly catching a glimpse inside when he searched for the mixtape he made her. The smell of weed and motor oil remained, but she was surprised to see that there wasn't any garbage on the floor like last time.
Once they pulled up to the trailer, reality set in. She was about to go into Eddie Munson's home. Where he lived, ate, and slept. Y/N was about to have an intervention for her little sister. Her sister who has woken her up in a panic every night this week. It was overwhelming, she felt her chest begin to tighten, breath coming in and out a bit took quickly.
"Hey, are you okay?" Eddie asked, his big brown doe eyes staring into hers. Y/N took a deep breath, now wasn't the time to freak out.
"Yea I will be. Let's just get inside." Eddie nodded and got out of the van, walking on the other side to open the door for her. He did the same to the front door of the trailer, and Y/N was surprised to see what was inside.
The trailer itself wasn't very big, there was some mugs hanging around the place, a couch and old tv in the corner in between two doors she assumed were Eddie and Wayne's bedroom. It was cozy, and had a more lived in feel to it. Unlike her childhood home, where it looked like it was up for sale rather than occupied with a family of four.
"I know it's not the Ritz but.. hey it's home" Eddie said has he shut the door behind him. He looked embarrassed, but he didn't need to worry about it. Y/N didn't care.
"It's fine Eddie. Um, where do you want me?"
"The bedroom." Eddie quickly responded, but realized the implications of his statement as soon as he said it. "I mean, that's the best place to hide out when Chrissy gets here." Y/N nodded and willed the heat in her face to go away. Eddie walked past her to open the door to his bedroom, quickly picking up some dirty laundry that littered the floor.
"Sorry, didn't expect the company of a lady tonight. I would have cleaned up more." Y/N shook her head, unbothered as she took a peak around Eddie's space. The walls were covered with posters from different metal and rock bands. An amp was placed in the corner, his beloved electric guitar hanging on the wall beside it. To her right was Eddie's single bed. The sheets looked clean enough so she sat down, making herself comfortable. It was then she noticed something else on the wall besides posters.
"Are those handcuffs hanging up there?" she asked, and Eddie froze. He looked like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar.
"Ugh yea they are..." he stammered out.
"Why do you have handcuffs on the wall?" Had Eddie been arrested before? Were they some part of his look. She knew he liked to wear chains around his belt loops, maybe it was something like that?
"Well, ha, you see.. um.. do you want the honest answer or the PG-13 version?" Y/N's eyes widened at that, the dots slowly connecting in her mind. The previous heat in her face back in full force, and an unexpected shiver went down her spine.
"The PG-13 version." Y/N didn't think she could handle anything else. Especially while she was sitting here, on Eddie's bed, the place where he could be using those handcuffs, whatever purpose they served.
"I ugh... use them when certain guests come over." Y/N's imagination ran wild. Eddie used those cuffs, on people, plural. The little green monster on her shoulder made an appearance again, claws digging into her, laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. So what if Eddie got laid? He was a grown man, he could do whatever he wants. So what if he had kinky sex, has brought people to the very bed she was sitting on. Wrapped the cold metal around their wrists, waiting for whatever Eddie was going to do to them next. Y/N needed to stop that train of thought immediately, now was not the time for girlish fantasies.
"Oh.. um cool?" A lovely rose blush graced Eddie's cheeks, he nodded fixated on cleaning up the place. An awkward silence filled the room, Y/N so desperately wanted to break it. She just couldn't stop thinking about those handcuffs on the wall.
"What time are you picking up Chrissy?" Y/N asked, something to fill the never ending silence.
"I should leave now, wouldn't want to keep her waiting. When I let her in just stay here till I come get you, then you ladies can um, talk it out." Y/N nodded, watched as Eddie walked out the door to his bedroom. After she heard him turn the ignition on his van, Y/N got up and decided to snoop around. She knows it's wrong to invade Eddie's privacy, but she really wanted to know what he's been up to for the past 2 years.
Eddie's room was very cluttered, there were cans stacked on shelves, magazines thrown over the place, his bookshelf covered with different knick knacks so you could barely see the titles. Y/N noticed a notebook resting on the edge of Eddie's nightstand and picked it up. It was filled with a variety of different notes, schedules for band practice, ideas for campaigns, song lyrics written on some of the margins. As Y/N flipped through the notebook the overwhelming sense of guilt returned, this was some type of journal for Eddie. She shouldn't be looking at it, knowing if he looked inside her diary she'd be mortified. But she just couldn't stop herself.
Once she got closer to the middle of the notebook, she noticed Eddie liked to draw a lot. There were so many sketches of just little things. Work ups of the Hellfire logo, cartoons of the teachers of Hawkins High, they were fun. Nothing too serious, very Eddie.
It wasn't until she got to the dead center of the notebook when she realized Eddie had some more serious art talent. There was a photo realistic drawing of his beloved guitar in pencil on one page, a drawing of DnD dice in charcoal. Y/N smiled to herself, Eddie was really good. She always knew he was a more artistic type of guy, maybe after he graduated from Hawkins High he could pursue art and music. Get out of Hawkins, move to some big city where people were more open to guys like him. As Y/N flipped through some more, she noticed that two of the pages were taped together towards the end, curiosity took over as she gently undid the old masking tape.
It was a watercolor piece. An elf with pointed ears, a long flowing navy blue and gold gown. She was sitting in a field of clovers with a book in her hand, and she looked beautiful. As Y/N looked on she noticed that herself and the drawing had similar features. Same hair color, skin tone, body type. Her heart started pounding in her chest as she looked at the elf girl in the notebook. There was no way this could possibly be her, it had to be a coincidence. Maybe she was a character from some fantasy book Eddie had read, she picked through her brain, trying to recall if there was anyone in The Lord of the Rings who was described in such a way, but she couldn't remember.
She couldn't think too much about before she heard a car pull up to the trailer. Y/N immediately put the book back in its place, patiently waiting for Eddie and Chrissy to walk in. She could hear them talking, but couldn't decipher any words. Before she knew Eddie opened the door to his bedroom.
"Okay Chrissy is in the other room, how do you want to play this?" Y/N should've taken the time Eddie was gone to think about how to confront her sister, but she was too busy being nosy and prying into his business.
"I think I'll just... wing it?"
"Wing it?"
"Yea I'll wing it." Eddie sighed, running his hands over his face.
"You know I've never been to an intervention before, but I doubt any them just wing it."
"Well I don't know! I've never done this before either!" The lights of the trailer began to flicker. Both Eddie and Y/N looked up and back to each other.
"What was that?" Y/N asked.
"The electricity here is shit, goes out all the time." Y/N nodded, she didn't have time to shoot the shit with Eddie. Chrissy was in the other room waiting.
"Okay let's just go." Y/N was the first person to walk out the bedroom, Eddie following quickly behind. Chrissy was standing in the center of the room, motionless. The lights around her were flickering, eyes milky and white. Something was wrong, seriously wrong.
"Chrissy? Chrissy what's wrong?" Y/N ran up to her sister, hands gripping onto her shoulders. She looked like she was in a trance, the lights were flickering more furiously now, and it scared Y/N half to death.
"Did you give her anything!?" Y/N shouted to Eddie.
"What? No! She was fine when I walked into the bedroom I swear!" Eddie began shaking Chrissy now too. The lights were going haywire, Chrissy's eyes were rolling into the back of her head.
"Chrissy.. Chrissy wake up! I don't like this!! Chrissy wake up!!" Eddie looked terrified. All of the sudden Chrissy's body began to levitate towards the ceiling. Y/N let out a scream.
"Chrissy!!" She tried to reach for her sister, pull her back down to Earth, but her body suddenly launched itself to the ceiling. Eddie was screaming now too. Y/N grabbed a chair from the small kitchenette to her side, she stepped on top and managed to grab a hold of Chrissy's shoulders.
"Chrissy please!! Come on!! Please I'm begging you please!!" Y/N had no idea who she was begging to, what the hell was happening to her sister. She refused to let go, pulling against her body with all she had in her. The chair suddenly knocked under her feet, and Y/N was hanging there by the strength of her fingertips. She refused to let go.
"Y/N!" Eddie shouted, but Y/N couldn't hear him. Her ears were ringing, panic settling deep in her bones. She felt Chrissy's bones breaking underneath her hands, warping in directions they shouldn't be in. Y/N took one last look at her sisters face, before her jaw dislocated, and both of her eyes ripped out from the back of her skull. Blood splattered on Y/N and before she knew it, both girls were falling to the floor.
Eddie was screaming again, Y/N still couldn't hear him clearly. The ringing in her ears was so loud, and the weight on her chest was heavy and cold. Y/N closed her eyes, pretending this was just a nightmare. Chrissy was fine, of course Chrissy was fine. She's always fine. Y/N was gonna open her eyes and she'll find herself back in her dorm room in Notre Dame. This is just a horrible, vivid nightmare. All of the sudden the weight on her chest begin to lift, and she saw Eddie holding Chrissy's body trying to get to her.
"Don't touch her!" Y/N yelled, tightening the grip on her sister. Eddie's face was filled with tears, eyes wild with panic.
"Y/N, she's... Chrissy is..."
"No! No! Chrissy is okay! She's fine! She's safe with me! Don't touch her! Don't take her away from me!" Y/N was crying now. Her hand running through Chrissy's blood soaked ponytail, something she used to do when they were little.
Whenever their mother was being especially cruel, both girls would hide in the bathroom on the second floor. Their mother would pound on the locked bathroom door, yelling at her daughters to let her in. Chrissy would cry, hold on tight to her big sister. Y/N would be terrified, praying that their mother wouldn't come in. She always had to stay strong for Chrissy, because Chrissy was always a bit sensitive. Easily scared. She couldn't afford to show weakness, scare her even more. Y/N would hold her little sister tight, and run her fingers through the ponytails she always wore. Try to comfort her as their mother's yells got louder and louder. Chrissy loved The Wizard of Oz, anytime they had a showing at the theater she would beg their parents to see it, Over the Rainbow was her favorite song. When their mother's screams would ring through the old wooden door, fists pounding away, Y/N would sing, and it always calmed her down. During the past few days, Chrissy called her every night when she woke up, and asked her big sister to sing for her again. It didn't matter what time it was, Y/N always did it. Y/N began to sing again.
"Somewhere over the rainbow... way up high... There's a land that I heard of... once in a lullaby..."
@imchangkyunned , @creativedogs , @nightless ,
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lvdbbooks · 9 months
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Various Artists Newspaper, Primary Information, 2023
416 pages. 9.75 x 13.38 Inches. Paperback. Edition of 4500.
『Newspaper』は、1969年に創刊されたアンディ・ウォーホルの『Interview』や、レス・レヴィンの『Culture Hero』に先駆けるアーティストが発行するタブロイド誌のひとつですが、他のタブロイド紙とは対照的に、『Newspaper』はイメージに特化していました。
Published by Steve Lawrence and edited with Peter Hujar and Andrew Ullrick, Newspaper was published in New York City between 1968 and 1971.
Newspaper was a wordless, picture-only periodical thatran for fourteen issues and featured the disparate practices of over forty artists. With an editorial focus on placing appropriated material alongside new works, the periodical sought to codify a visual language of high and low culture that represented contemporary society in the late 1960s. While largely overlooked in art-historical discourse, Newspaper showcased many of the most revered artists working in the United States at the time, as well as an emerging coterie of queer artists.
The mid to late sixties was a flourishing period for artists experimenting with new media formats such as books, records, and magazines to create or distribute their work. Newspaper was one of the first artist-published tabloids of its era, preceding Andy Warhol’s Interview and Les Levine’s Culture Hero, both of which debuted in 1969. However, in contrast to other tabloids, Newspaper focused strictly on images.
At a time when photography was not being exhibited regularly in galleries, Newspaper provided an alternative exhibition space for the medium and some of the era’s greatest photographers. The publication’s large size and unbound format encouraged readers to take it apart and hang its pages, which was how Newspaper was installed at the Museum of Modern Art’s influential Information show in 1970.
This is not to say that Newspaper only existed within the narrow confines of the art world, far from it. It lived within (and shared contributors with) a robust network of underground and queer periodicals like The New York Review of Sex, Rags, and Gay Power, among others. Yet, unlike many of these tabloids, Newspaper has largely disappeared from the discourse around underground magazines, queer publishing, and artists’ periodicals.
All fourteen issues of Newspaper are compiled in this volume for the first time.
Featured artists include: Diane Arbus, Art Workers Coalition, Richard Avedon, Clyde Baines, Sheyla Baykal, Peter Beard, Brigid Berlin, Richard Bernstein, Ann Douglas, Paul Fisher, Maurice Hogenboom, Peter Hujar, Scott Hyde, Christo and Jeanne-Claude Javacheff, Ray Johnson, Edwin Klein, Yayoi Kusama, Gerald Laing, Dorothea Lange, Steve Lawrence, Jeff Lew, Roy Lichtenstein, Frank Mercado, Duane Michals, Jack Mitchell, Forrest “Frosty” Myers, Billy Name, Stephen Paley, Warner Pearson, Jurgen Warner Piepke, Charles Pratt, Joseph Raffael, Mel Ramos, Lilo Raymond, Ruspoli-Rodriguez, Lucas Samaras, Alan Saret, Bill Schwedler, Leni Sinclair, Norman Snyder, Elizabeth Staal, Stanley Stellar, Terry Stevenson, Paul Thek, Andrew Ullrick, Andy Warhol, William T. Wiley, and May Wilson.
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thaliasandy · 1 year
[Jason is the bad guy in this headcanon (as he is on the show in my opinion) so please scroll on if you think he's a pure little cinnamon bun.]
Max didn't know what happened in those hours but she saw Chrissy Cunningham and Eddie Munson enter his trailer looking flirty as hell and they looked even more like a love sick couple when the cheerleader sneakily left at dusk, they even shared a kiss on his porch, which Max had only noticed because her nighmares kept her up pretty much all night.
What she knew for sure though was that she wouldn't watch Jason Carver berate his girlfriend, in a hushed tone, trying not to catch anyones attention, while grasping her upper arm in a grip so tight it would surely leave a nasty bruise.
The couple stood close enough to Max' locker for her to hear him mention how his friend saw her leaving the Forrest Hills trailer park.
"What the hell were you doing there, Chrissy? I know that freak lives there. I've seen you looking at him... Did you fuck him?"
Chrissy looked like she was about to cry.
"You're hurting me! I...I didn't do anything, I swear!"
"Then tell me what you were doing there, right now!" He demanded, backing her into the wall.
"Hey Chrissy!" Max excitedly shouted as she squeezed herself inbetween them, making Jason take his hand off Chrissy's arm.
"Just play along" she whispered into the visibly shaken older girls ear as she hugged her.
"You forgot your notebook at my place last night."
Max has never been happier about keeping that extremely glittery pink notebook (that her mom bought for her from a clearance shelf) in her locker, because it's the most "girly" looking thing she owns and made her plan to get Chrissy out of this situation a little more believable.
She shoved the notebook into Chrissy's hands.
"I really need help with this project I'm working on, do you mind if I steal your girlfriend for a moment?"
He looked angrily at Max before glaring back at Chrissy.
"You were tutoring her?"
"...Yeah babe, that's what I was trying to tell you."
She used her sweetest voice and put on her fakest smile and he seemed to believe it for the time being.
"I'll talk to you later Jason, okay...?"
He was very obviously still angry but before he could say something else Max took Chrissy's still shaking hand and pulled her along until they were out of Jason's sight.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah...Thank you...why did you help me?"
"No problem. Your boyfriend seems like a jerk...well and...this is going to sound so weird but I know you were with Eddie last night..."
Chrissy's eyes widened, a gasp leaving her lips.
"He was just helping me with something!" Chrissy tried to defend herself.
"That's none of my business, I just live next door to him and saw you."
"YOU SAW US?!" The panicked tone of her voice and the sudden blush spreading on her face told Max the chaste kiss she'd witnessed might not have been all that happened.
"No! I just saw you leave his trailer this morning...but you might want to make sure you're not alone with Jason when he finds out about...whatever is really going on between you and Eddie."
Chrissy knew there was no point in denying it anymore now.
She felt tears form in her eyes.
"What do I do now? He can't find out! I have to warn Eddie!"
Max tried to calm down the crying cheerleader by placing a gentle hand on her back.
"Come on, my friends probably know where he is..."
"Your friends?"
"Yeah, theyre playing Dungeons and Dragons together; Dustin, Mike, and Lucas."
"Lucas Sinclair? No! He's Jason's friend!"
She looked like she was seconds away from having a panic attack.
"Shhh don't worry, he's not going to tell him anything. But if it makes you feel safer we'll just ask Dustin, alright?"
Chrissy knew who he was, Eddie almost beat up Jason right there in the cafeteria a couple of months ago for making fun of Dustin.
She nodded, wiping at the corners of her eyes with the sleeve of her white jacket, careful not to smudge her make up, before she followed the younger girl.
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
>request/idea rules<
requests: open
anthony "tony" stark/iron man, peter benjamin parker/spider-man, wade wilson/deadpool, helmut zemo, james "bucky" barnes/winter soldier, matthew "matt" murdock/daredevil, franklin "foggy" nelson, frank castle/the punisher, william "billy" russo/jigsaw, miguel o'hara, spider-punk/hobart "hobie" brown (smatsv)
billy lenz (black christmas 1974), brahms heelshire, martin mathias (martin 1977), harry warden/the miner (og and remake), asa emory (the collector), jason voorhees (og and 2009 remake), michael myers (og and rz remake), lester sinclair (house of wax), mark hoffman (saw 4/5), lawrance gordan (saw 2004)
final/”good” guys
arkin o'brien (the collector/the collection), nicholas "nick" henry jones(house of wax), peter strahm (saw 4/5), adam faulkner stanheight (saw 2004)
error 143
micah yujin
john doe +
john doe
richy rogers, phil hawkins, jake "hakermen", thomas, daniel "dan" anderson
killer frequency
forrest nash, henry barrow
the price of flesh
machaete, thomas (tom), jackal (jack/dean), derek goffard, matt goffard, mason heiral, dragon (jace/jason), komodo (mike/michael), the announcer (fox/ren hana)
that's not my neighbour 
physicist/dr. w. afton, milkman/francis mosses, hoon (milkman doppelganger), scarlet milk (milkman doppleganger), pilot/steven rudboys, d.d.d agent (hazmat guy), teutates taranis, abducius morail, yog sothoth
call of duty (+modern warfare 2)
könig, simon "ghost" riley, kyle "gaz" garrick, john "soap" mactavish, alejandro vargas, rodolfo "rudy" parra, gary "roach" sanderson
the batman (2022)
the riddler/edward nashton
 there will be blood (2007)
eli sunday
marble hornets (2009-2014)
masky/timothy "tim" wright, skully/jay merrick, alexander "alex" kralie, hoody/brian thomas
>will not do<
• incest
• suicide
• ddlg/ddlb
• scat/urine
• pregnancy
• heavy angst
• teacher/student
• sa/rape/non-con
• full smut/sex scenes
• illnesses/issues we're unfamiliar with (ask)
• underage/child anything (papa, uncle, child, etc. reader &/or character)
• fem reader (including pronouns/detailed anatomy due to high discomfort) - anything else is fine
> can/will do<
• fics (1k+)
• past abuse
• headcanons
• drabbles (100-1k)
• alpha/beta/omega
• polyamory relationships
• blood, gore, violence, etc.
• self-harm (to a degree. ask)
• anything soft, comfort, fluff
• aus (soulmate, cafe, bookstore, etc.)
• some ships/otps/rarepairs (feel free to ask)
• death of character/reader (character/reader kills the other)
• nearly any pronouns (including neos, just provide pronouns)
• male/masc, gender-neutral, nonbinary, trans male reader, neogenders/xenogender reader (this includes monster, human, alien, divine etc. readers)
• "steamy" scenes/dub-con <- will be posted on ao3 ONLY (link will be provided for requests)
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simsatlantic · 1 year
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olive invited her family over to see the new house, and this is pretty much how it went
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mintfm · 6 months
mw bipoc?
some faces that come to mind are ayo edebiri, janelle monáe, yandeh sallah, nicole byer, jonathan daviss, jaz sinclair, tati gabrielle, lovie simone, anna diop, d’pharaoh woon-a-tai, forrest goodluck, mj rodriguez, brett gray, t'nia miller, carlacia grant, madison bailey, alaqua cox, sivan alyra rose, amber midthunder, devery jacobs, kehlani, kiowa goron, madeleine madden, adut akech, morgan holmstrom, star slade, yalitza aparicio, khadijha red thunder, auli'i cravalho, yara shahidi, quannah chasinghorse, martin sensmeier, kali reis, anna lambe, savannah smith, zahn mcclarnon, sofia jamora, alex aiono, lindsay watson, joshua odjick, thomas weatherall, drew ray tanner, laura kariuki, alisha boe, daniel kaluuya, maisie richardson-sellers, john boyega, alycia pascual-peña, chandler kinney, angela bassett, ashley moore, amber riley, dichen lachman, henry golding, coco jones, brenda song, tika sumpter, sophie wilde, tahirah sharif, and keke palmer.
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companion-showdown · 11 days
Who is the best member of UNIT? Nomination Day
the rules are:
must be a member of UNIT, a precursor to UNIT, or a succesor of UNIT
must be emplyed by the relevant organisation (eg Sarah-Jane doesn't count just because she's around UNIT a lot). Some exceptions may be made if for example the relevant organisation doesn't emply anyone, but the character must be as close to an official member as its possible to be
No nominees that are spoilers for series 14, meaning their working for UNIT must be pre-The Giggle
Please bare in mind when you are nominating that I am hoping to keep the number of nominations under 64 to run this as a mini-tournament. This is not a hard rule so if nominations do exceed 64 its not a big deal, just something I'd like everyone to bare in mind
at the moment these are just the ones who'll obviously be nominated, nobody has actually nominated them except, I guess, me
The Brigadier
The Doctor
Sergeant Benton
Mike Yates
Liz Shaw
Jo Grant
Harry Sullivan
Martha Jones
Kate Stewart
Petronella Osgood
Mel Bush
actual nominations
Erisa Magambo
Malcolm Taylor
Abby McPhail
Anthony Sinclair
Ron Winters
Tony Clare
Other Petronella Osgood, + the other other one to replace the other one (zygon/human)
Jane Fonda!Iris Wildthyme
Captain Scarlet (SPECTRUM)
Captain Black (SPECTRUM)
Kathleen (UNISYC)
Adrienne Kramer
Winifred Bambera
Shirley Anne Bingham
Tom Osgood
Muriel Frost
Hamlet Macbeth
Sam Bishop
Josh Carter
Jacqui McGee
Ross Brimmicombe-Wood
The Vlinx
Corporal Bell
Chris Cwej
Roz Forrester
June Turner
Inspector Drake
Inspector Thorn
Emily Chaudry
Robert Dalton
Nominations will be open for at least 24 hours (until 29/05, 20:00 BST (GMT/UTC+1))
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Character Discription for my House of 1000 Corpses Au, original characters:
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@vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @myers-meadow
I’ll let these two lovelies explain theirs if they want to, they’d do a better job than men. Also I changed Blink’s real name ever so slightly to fit the vibe better, I was originally lazy and just gave them my name because nobody really uses their birth name ever, lol.
Francesca “Blinky” Firefly:
Nicknames: Blinky, Blink, Bee, Bumble Bee, Blinky the Clown, Little Clown.
Age: 18
Gender: Demi-Girl
Pronouns: They/She
Sexuality/Romantic: Demisexual-Panromantic
Hair: 4A type curls, if straightened their hair goes just past their shoulders. They dye the ends either purple or burgundy depending on the season.
On lazy days they toss it into a single puff. But Selena and Manon help them do protective styles every few months to keep their hair healthy. Sometimes their braids are shorter, sometimes longer. Just depends on their mood.
Eyes: Dark Brown, almost Black. They’re a little lighter on the very edge, almost like an orange/amber colour. It’s more prominent on their left eye.
Build: Dainty frame, sort of thin and frail everywhere. They only weigh about 110 at their highest.
Style: If Blinky is not wearing a “costume” they like monochromatic or two tone outfits. They love colour but not too much at once, so they keep their pallet simple. They love baggy, oversized clothing and anything soft. And they’re the queen of random cute accessories, they make most of them themself.
Height: 4’11
Personality: Vegetarian, Confused, Bubbly, Autistic, Fiercely Loyal, Protective, Innovative, Hard-Working, Clumsy Sensitive and Nihilistic.
Likes: Red and Purple, Stuffies, Clowns and Circus, Morbid or Dead Things, Funky Music, Squirrels and Reptiles.
Dislikes: Rude People, Racist (or anyone who’s discriminatory), Swearing (themselves), Water, Scared of Dogs and dislikes Christmas.
Weapon of choice/Killing Style: Baseball Bat (with or without spikes and nails), Bow and Arrow and Scythe.
Hamartia: Additive Tendencies
Lover: Macy (or as they call her Mae Mae)
Hogwarts House (for funzies, lol): Hufflepuff
Macy Theodosia Love-Hewitt:
Nicknames: M, Theo, Teddy or Switch Blade.
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality/Romantic: Lesbian
Hair: She has long black hair that goes midway down her back, and a white skunk stripe in the front that’s natural. It’s on the right side, as well as part of her eyebrow and eyelashes being white. Normally keeps it up in a high ponytail, or if it’s down she wears a bandana over it, to keep it out of her face.
She’ll put it in a bun if she’s going out killing so it’s less likely that a victim could grab her hair and hurt her.
Eyes: Dull, almost icy blue.
Build: She has a stalky, more muscular build like her half brother Thomas.
Style: 90’s grunge, loves wearing a lot of leather or flannel shirts. Always wearing platform boots. Wears a few rings but doesn’t accessories much other than that. She has a ring that matches with her brother.
Height: 6’3
Personality: Cannibal, Sadistic, Moody, Abrasive, Private, Ambitious, Romantic, Charismatic and Adaptable.
Likes: Black, Blood, Snakes, Metal Music, Forrests, Bonfires, Punk Fashion, Rain/Thunder Storms, Dyed hair and Geeky People.
Dislikes: Bright Colours, Nazis (that’s usually a given but she really really fucking hates them), Conservatives, Driving anything other than her motorcycle, The Cold and Comedy (she has a sense of humour it’s just really hard to get her to laugh, usually only Blinky can.)
Weapon of choice/Killing style: Guns, Moon Axe or Throwing Blades.
Hamartia: Self Sacrificing
Lover: Blinky (Bumble Bee started with her)
Hogwarts House (for funzies, lol): Slytherin
If it wasn’t obvious, she’s Thomas Hewitts half sister… lol. When in Texas I guess!
AN: I don’t know what else to add lol.
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gailynovelry · 1 year
Hi! For the ask game: 1,7,11
1-. What was your writing-highlight this year? What made it special and how will you reflect on it next year?
I actually reached my NaNo goal for once (15k to Ember Warrior). That was pretty special, since I don't normally do much writing during November at all. Taught me that I work best when I work consistently with really tiny, really flexible, really predictable goals.
7. What are three songs you put on your WIP playlists this year?
"Savages" by Marina and the Diamonds was plonked down into Toybox's playlist. It's kind of the summarizes the backstabby vibe of the whole timeloop + The Playwright's (not fully correct) philosophy on the situation.
"Sleepwalk" by Forrest Day also got added to the unofficial Ghosts of Grimmigkeit Manor playlist in my brain. Since part of the plot is that a murderous ghost keeps trying to possess the triplets when they're asleep, it's quite fitting!
Finally, I put a bardcore version of "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence on Navaeli's playlist, because I feel like the poor girl would vibe to it pretty hard, but sadly the cover I was using got removed from youtube. : (
I discovered that Poppy dropped Titan Sinclair and became a really cool metal artist in the meanwhile, so a lot of her new songs were added to my wip lists too!
11. Which scene was harder/easier to write than anticipated? Why?
Certain scenes with Crislie figuring out the wyfwolf stuff have been unexpectedly hard, in the same way that certain scenes with Meparik and Courtfather Snow got difficult during Winter Herald. Just accidentally snagged on IRL conflicts I've experienced at the same time. Since they're really emotionally resonant for me, I get a little tripped up finding a resolution that makes sense for the character, the story, and for myself too!
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autoacafiles · 2 years
So who in totals travelled with the doctor? I know we saw donna, but what other companions are there?
This is gonna be a big one, so *Takes a deep breath* In his first incarnation, the First Doctor started his travels with his granddaughter Susan, accidentally taking her school teachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. Along his travels, people would come and go, including Vicki Pallister, Steven Taylor, Katarina, Sara Kingdom, Oliver Harper, Dodo Chaplet, Ben Jackson and Polly Wright.
In his second incarnation, the Second Doctor would continue his travels with Ben and Polly, taking on Jamie McCrimmon, who would stick with him through his life. Along the way, The Doctor would also travel with Victoria Waterfield and Zoe Heriot. It was during this time that The Doctor would also meet Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, who would become an important figure during his most of his lives.
In exile is his third incarnation, the Third Doctor was forced to work with the Brigadier as UNIT's scientific advisor. Working initially with Liz Shaw, Mike Yates and John Benton, he would finally be able to travel again, first with Jo Grant, and later Sarah-Jane Smith.
In his fourth incarnation, continuing to travel with Sarah-Jane Smith and joined by Harry Sullivan, the Fourth Doctor would go on to travel with Naomi Cross, Leela of the Sevateem, Margaret Hopwood, two models of the robot dog K9, "Anne Kelso", Romana in two of her incarnations and Adric.
In his fifth incarnation, The Doctor continued travelling with Adric and took on Nyssa of Trakken and Tegan Jovanka, who he had met towards the end of his previous incarnation. Along the way, he would also travel with Marc, Thomas Brewster, Hannah Bartholomew, Vislor Turlough, Peri Brown and Erimem.
Still travelling with Peri in his sixth incarnation, The Doctor would travel with others including Frobisher, Evelyn Smythe, Charlotte Pollard (retroactively under the guise of Mila due to already travelling with his Eighth Incarnation), Flip Jackson, Constance Clarke, Melanie Bush and Hebe Harrison.
Continuing to travel with Mel in his seventh Incarnation, the Doctor would go on to be joined by Ace McShane, Bernice Summerfield, Hex Schofield, Sally Morgan, Lysandra Aristedes, Mags, Raine Creevy, Elizabeth Klein, Will Arrowsmith, Chris Cwej and Roz Forrester, though ultimately ended up travelling on his home.
The Eighth Doctor would find himself starting afresh, briefly meeting Grace Holloway and Chang Lee, before going on to travel with Izzy Sinclair, Fitz Kreiner, Charlotte Pollard, C'rizz, Mary Shelley, Lucie Miller, Tamsin Drew, Molly O'Sullivan, Liv Chenka, Helen Sinclair, Tania Bell, Andy Davidson and Bliss.
The War Doctor would go on to make a point of travelling alone, never taking on a travelling companion during his life.
Though he would continue travelling alone for much of his life, the Ninth Doctor would finally yield and take on Rose Tyler as a companion, and later Adam Mitchell, Captain Jack Harkness and Tara Mishra
In his tenth incarnation, The Doctor would continue travelling with Rose, though would later go on to travel with Mickey Smith, Martha Jones, a returning Captain Jack, Donna Noble, Gabby Gonzalez, Cindy Wu, Anya Kingdom and Mark Seven.
The Eleventh Doctor would start his travels with Amy Pond, going on to take on Rory Williams, Alice Obiefune, John Jones, ARC, The Squire, Abslom Daak, The Sapling, Valerie Lockwood and Clara Oswald.
Clara Oswald would continue to travel with the Twelfth Doctor, who would go on to travel with Hattie Munroe, Nardole and Bill Potts.
In her Thirteenth Incarnation, the Doctor would spend her entire incarnation travelling Yasmin Khan, being joined by Ryan Sinclair, Graham O'Brien and Dan Lewis.
Throughout many of their lives, The Doctor would constantly meet River Song, though on many occasions would be forced to forget their encounters to preserve the web of time.
And with that, I'm taking a nap - Dev~
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starcourtsims · 1 year
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its a cruel summer with you..!
⚠️slight sh tw for second sim
last batch of sims for a couple days :)
red haired sim is victoria sinclaire (she/her). her traits are loner, shutterbug (cc), and art lover. her aspiration is painter extraordinaire.
her lovely gf is calli forrest (she/her). her aspiration is party animal (cc) and her traits are outgoing, neat, and self assured.
lmk if you want the links to certain cc used, ill try my best to get it for you :)
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