#fragmented futures
nordictwin · 5 months
A list of my IWATEX AUs and fanfics.
Since a lot of people have found me through IWATEX, I figured I should probably make an actual list of my AUs and fanfiction, just to have them all in one place.
Fragmented Futures - aka. the Everyone Knows AU
Probably the one most of you are here for, since it's the one I've posted about the most, but written the least for in terms of actual fic. An AU in which all of the Stratos-Helios kids suddenly become aware, that they're stuck in a timeloop... all except Sol. Or so the others think.
A story full of kids being friends, learning new stuff about themselves, and a generous dash of eldritch shenanigans.
Currently in the works for this AU: an as of yet "non-canon" vent-fic, in which I subject Sol to something a little more realistic than my usual treatment of them. Not sure if it'll be incorporated into the fic proper, but as of this point in writing, it's just meant to be a little side-thing set in the same universe.
The Tragedy of the Exocolony on Vertumna IV
The AU/fanfiction that has me in a chokehold at the moment, TOTEOV is an eldritch horror story that takes all my love for Sym and the Overseer, flips it upside-down, and turns it into a toxic mess of good intentions gone horrifically wrong. Oh, and Rex and Vace are forced to work together.
A story that draws heavily on the tropes of children stolen away by the supernatural, such as The Pied Piper of Hamelin and other fae tales.
Heed the tags. Seriously.
The Solution AU
An AU I've never really mentioned here except once, nor written a single word for. Ironically, this is actually the origin AU of TOTEOV.
The basic premise is that Sol, after many trips around the loop, decides to look for a permanent solution. They eventually decide that the best way to do so, is for them to become a Gardener from the very beginning and create an entirely new timeline from scratch. In collaboration with the Overseer, they turn the clock back to just before the Verma's departure and get implanted in the system as a seed to sprout in the future.
The issue is that this means Solanaceae won't ever have existed amongst the humans. And they're fine with paying this price, if it means a more harmonious future overall.
So aboard the Stratospheric, when that time comes, there is no child born to Flulu and Geranium, no cheerful Sol amongst the kids. Instead, when Besk dies, the twins are adopted by the cultivators and grow up... not quite the same as in the original timeline, but also not too different from how we know them.
And on Vertumna, Sol welcomes humanity to guide their gradual integration into the ecosystem. Looking from afar, forgotten by everyone they love except the Gardeners.
......except this is one of my AUs, so of course nothing is as it seems, and Sol will re-learn just how strong the power of love is.
The Person You'll Grow to Be - completed, canon-compliant fanfic.
My first fanfic for this fandom. Aka the Flulu Loves Her Kid So Much fic.
A story going from Flulu learning of her pregnancy all the way to her death during the famine. An tale of her love for Sol and how she felt about a lot of things.
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argetcross · 3 months
No one tells you this about writing a long fic, but you spend SO MUCH TIME getting distracted reading your own fic.
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the-habitat-sysblog · 5 months
it's quite frustrating when you work up the courage to tell someone you have DID, but they hit you with "well, *i've* never noticed you switch" or "to me you're always the same person".
i think those statements are so misinformed to how DID (most often) presents. there are some things to note when observing DID from the outside:
not all cases of DID are overt. overt refers to your symptoms, switches & differences between alters being obvious to people from the outside. overt DID is less common than its counterpart *covert* (more secretive) DID. in covert DID, symptoms may be less noticeable from the outside, & that may lead to difficulty being diagnosed.
masking. masking is the ability some people possess to pretend to be someone/something that they are not. in DID, alters who are not the host part may mask as the host part to feel safe, undetectable, or simply out of instinct. before discovery of the system, this may be a subconscious effort; after discovery of the system, this may be purposeful in order to hide alter differences from others, for any reason.
complexity of identity. let us imagine that the host in a system is an ambivert - not quite introverted, & not quite extroverted. this host switches out, in front of their friend group, & a social part or other extroverted & friendly alter takes their place. their friends assume that they are just in a "friendlier mood", while in reality this person has switched. meanwhile this alter has a completely different set of interests, identity, & such, but since it is not brought up in conversation, the friend group does not suspect their friend has switched between separated self-states. identity is complex, & alters are (often, not always) able to feel & express a large range of emotions, depending in their mood. this can make it harder to tell the difference between an alter being in a strange mood, & a whole new part fronting!
so, next time you meet someone with DID, believe them. not all of our experiences are visible! edit: "DID" here can also be replaced with OSDD1, P-DID or UDD, but i just used DID because that's my specific experience.
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tanadrin · 2 months
i would enjoy the civ series a lot more if it didn't have, like, a paper-thin pseudo-historical skin on it. i guess i'm no fun, but george washington fighting the aztecs doesn't feel like a game about history. it feels like weird nonsense mad libs.
the crazy thing is that SMAC showed a reskin of the basic civ concept was a terrific delivery mechanism for lore and a fun new setting. not just far-future science fiction either. you could do something with fantasy like Lords of Magic, or a postapocalyptic setting, or a more focused historical setting. but the cartoony theme park version of world history just doesn't engage me in the same way.
i think this is also why i find the civ scenarios a lot of fun. they're much more focused and structured in terms of narrative. they scratch that 4X gameplay itch without ripping all the signifiers from their historical context in a way that leaves them meaningless and empty.
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arcanespillo · 11 months
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The sheep or the horse, numb as the moon, need God to be sung unto them. The dog needs it too. He is sick of dead bodies.
The Saints Come Marching In, Anne Sexton\Dream a Little Dream of Me script\How to Be a Dog, Andrew Kane\Angel of Hope and Calendars, Anne Sexton
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arthdoesart · 5 months
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Posting my old SUF art here from IG 💎🌸
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ceephorsshitshow · 1 year
Spicy take I just realized while drawing my comic:
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He covered it in breaking points
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artsycooky13 · 4 months
Can I just say that your adult Steven design is one of the best interpretations I've ever seen of him as an adult and he makes me go shajwhekskeuehsndndkdkejejsj
thank you kindly! I love the big ol boy too!
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nordictwin · 10 months
Fragmented Futures - an Everyone Knows AU fic.
Well, here we go. The prologue to the Everyone Knows AU is up! Please enjoy Fragmented Futures - New Game.
I say it in the notes on AO3, but when I first posted about this idea, I seriously had no idea it'd be as welcomed as it is. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to all of you IWATEX fans who keep finding and sharing the AU - it means the world to me!
Full transparency, I don't know when or if a new part will be up. I have other things I want to work on + a rather hectic life in the background, but this was fun to work on.
(I also did not expect the slight hint of eldritch!Sol at the end. This is supposed to be half-comedy, damn it, but I do love a little cosmic horror.)
I hope you all like it 😊
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yahoo201027 · 1 year
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Day in Fandom History: March 20…
After crashing Greg’s van at the end of the previous episode, rather than accepting help from Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst, Steven decides to head off into the woods to get help from a certain someone on how to maintain his powers. “Fragments” premiered on this day, 3 Years Ago.
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dan9a-00 · 5 days
I need more posts about how similar kim dokja and aventurine are oughhh I'm gonna explodeeeee
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sfsolstice · 3 months
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exurb1a, from "Mum" in Poems for the Lost Because I'm Lost Too
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scatterbrainedbot · 10 months
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hey so uh question for u guys. hypothetically, if approached by the dying soul of ur future self, are u morally obligated to give up part of yours to save him? ......guys pls respond hes coming closer
(inspired of course by peepaw leos current situation in @/somerandomdudelmao 's cass apocalypse series)
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Some indie game recommendations from ones I’ve played or know enough about them to suggest them to others(mostly in no particular order), Part 5.
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
Chained Echoes
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A Short Hike
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Dead Cells
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House Flipper
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Advent Crossroad
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Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion
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SEASON: A letter to the future
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Coffee Talk
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Heart Fragment
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Donut County
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World of Horror
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Freedom Planet
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Evil Tonight
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Vigil: The Longest Night
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Find Love or Die Trying
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Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
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Rise of the Third Power
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Dark Nights
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False Skies
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Rain World
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Queen Beast(despite how it’s listed on Steam, it doesn’t seem to be that type of VN, according to it’s VNDB page’s contents)
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Noel the Mortal Fate
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Katana Zero
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Jenny LeClue - Detectivu
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Mythic Ocean
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Vengeful Heart
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fictionadventurer · 6 months
Rewatching The Muppet Christmas Carol after rereading the book has me wishing we could have seen Michael Caine play Scrooge in a more detailed and book-accurate version of the story. He's got the perfect face and demeanor for Scrooge as Dickens wrote him. There's a fierceness on the surface, and an underlying good nature that's just waiting to be let out. You can believe he was the young clerk who delighted in a good Christmas party, and believe that he's become the cold, hard, grasping miser who won't even spend money to give himself a good fire, and whose humor comes out in cruel witticisms. He would totally be the Scrooge who gets caught up in the the childish delight of watching past Christmas parties and playing along with the games at the present one.
Unfortunately, the condensed story takes the angle of "Scrooge has never liked Christmas". It makes young Scrooge someone who's worrying over what his employer spends to throw a Christmas party (rather than delighting in a simple affair that only costs a few pounds). Caine's Scrooge shows moments of childish delight, but he doesn't really understand the spirit of Christmas until the very end of his time with the Ghost of Christmas Present. And it's fine. Turning a Victorian book into a ninety-minute Muppet musical for children is going to involve significant changes. Caine did excellently with the material he had. I just wish he'd had the chance to do more.
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