#freak a guy out a little which is what happened yesterday/last night
dredshirtroberts · 5 months
feeling a lot more stable about everything, i decided to forego keeping a bandaid on because my fucking skin cannot take the adhesives for that long omg itches so bad around them
I have a plan in place to replace the bandaids should i require not needing to see my elbow again about it, but i also wanted to see for myself how bad it was.
BOY HOWDY do I bruise purty. That shit is dark where it's not already going greenyellow. looks like I put a sharpie in a chokehold and barely managed to wrangle it into submission like damn.
#i am probably going to have us put on a replacement bandage over the bruising because it's honestly yeah a little distressing to see#but i no longer feel like it's going to explode open and spurt blood everywhere if i'm not careful and that's important#this would be easier if we were like one solid continuous consciousness but unfortunately we're not#and for anyone who wasn't there during the cause of the Visible Injury having a visible injury suddenly be a lot worse#than what you were anticipating based on what the last person who looked at it remembers (let alone was just expecting in general)#(because lets face it i've not bruised this badly after a poke before. i think the closest was the IV for sedation before i got my#wisdom teeth taken out) and if you're maybe significantly younger than most of the rest of the soup in the bowl at the time it can y'know#freak a guy out a little which is what happened yesterday/last night#i'm glad i'm not navigating this without the context of being several opossums in a trenchcoat because that would be i think even more#distressing than it already has been. it keeps embarrassment for uncharacteristic freakouts to a minimum at least#gonna try and let it breathe for a bit and just kind of chill out with the elbow exposed a little to hopefully help#both with like acclimation to the sight and also maybe the cool air will help it feel better.#but also like i just cannot do that much bandage adhesive on my skin for that long it is so itchy around where i was wearing them augh#doesn't help my upper arm where my vaccines went look like i got bit by the worlds largest skeeter like damn#miecz posting#garrett posting
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ellephlox · 2 years
Summary: You get sick and refuse to let Matt help you because you don’t want him to get sick, too — the question is, how long can you keep him away?
Pairing: Matt x fem!reader
Warnings: Some gross pneumonia descriptions, light swearing, nothing else!
A/N: So I’ve been away for awhile, and I’m really sorry about that. I’ve been trying to write my own book and I finished the second draft, so taking the time for fan fiction has been on the back burner lately. But of course with the RETURN OF OUR BELOVED KING on She-Hulk, I had to take the time to write something because IM STILL FREAKING OUT GUYS MATT IS BACK AND HES SO AMAZING AND HOT AND ALLSKJF LSDKFJLSKDJFLSDK
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You felt the chest pain on your way home from work — the kind that arrived out of nowhere, as though it dropped from the sky into your lungs, and seriously made you wonder how colds were able to work that quickly. 
Of course, maybe it wasn’t a cold. You kept your hopes up as you cooked dinner, testing your chest a few times with a few large intakes of breath, but each time was the same result: a small tickle in the back, like a little voice saying, Hey, I’m here, and you’re going to be miserable for the next couple of days! 
Which really stunk, if you were being honest. It was getting towards mid-October and you were hoping to carve pumpkins with Matt or do some other corny autumn activity that every other normal couple did in the city. Not that you two weren’t normal. But other couples didn’t really have to contend with the whole I’ll-see-you-later-honey-after-I-beat-up-some-bad-guys-tonight, and you figured it must make movie nights a lot more frequent for most people than it did for you and Matt. That was another thing on your list, too — watching a horror movie to get into the Halloween spirit. 
“I’m not into horror movies,” Matt had said when you’d pitched the idea to him. “Audio commentary kind of kills the whole scary aspect.”
“Then you’re watching the wrong movies. I don’t mean movies with gallons of blood and cheap jump scares. I mean psychological horrors, the kinds that make you stay awake at night because they’re that freaky. We’re doing it, Murdock, whether you want to or not.”
Whether you want to or not, however, didn’t include the extenuating circumstances of getting sick.
It took longer than usual to get up the stairs to your apartment. You felt so drained that you wouldn’t have minded showering and then crashing into bed, if you weren’t hungry. The wind rattled at your windows as you cooked a big pot of rice, enough to last the next few days. You’d bought fixings yesterday to make a homemade curry with it, but one look at your pantry and you scrapped those plans in exchange for half a jar of pesto with a dubious expiration date on it. Matt wasn’t supposed to be over until after seven in the evening, thanks to the unforgiving hours of lawyering, but you called him as you stirred the pesto in with the rice. 
“I was wondering when you’d call,” he said. His voice was lighthearted. 
“Hi,” you said, as casually as possible. “How was your day?”
“I officially reduced the pile of paperwork on my desk from ten inches high to eight inches high, so I’d call it a success. You at your place?”
“Yeah. Hey, I wanted to let you know that I think I’m coming down with something, so maybe you should stay at your own place tonight.” Before Matt could ask, you added, “I’m fine. Just one of the colds that’s going around. But I’d feel horrible if you got it.”
“What about the pumpkins?”
“Pumpkins can wait. I haven’t even bought them yet.”
“Oh.” He sounded disappointed, and your stomach flipped. What a way to boost my self-esteem that he actually likes me. “How about we just don’t share sodas, then?”
You frowned. “Last time this happened, I told you to stay away from me and then you just ended up kissing me. The next day, lo and behold, you started coughing. So, no. Not happening.”
“You kissed me, if I remember correctly.”
“Excuse me? What kind of a lawyer are you? That’s gaslighting, sir.”
He continued, ignoring you. “Maybe I’ll just hear some suspicious noises coming from your apartment tonight. And then I’ll have to investigate, because it’s my civic duty as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. And when I see a beautiful girl, sitting on the couch and pathetically eating rice and pesto alone, I’ll just have to join her. Accidentally, of course.”
“What I’m interpreting from that is that you go cuddle up with any girl that you find eating alone in her apartment.”
“What I’m interpreting is that Matt says he’s doing all these dangerous things at night but really he’s just chilling out while enjoying the lavish praise of being a local superhero,” Foggy said, his voice distant in the background. 
You snorted. “Am I on speakerphone?”
“No,” Foggy answered, sounding far too cheerful for someone working far beyond sunset. “Matt just keeps his phone volume weirdly high for someone who supposedly has super-hearing.”
“I do have super-hearing, Foggy.”
“Then how are you not shattering your eardrums? Between your phone volume and crashing at girls’ apartments to eat rice and pesto, I’m really doubting this whole Daredevil façade,” Foggy said. 
“Anyway,” Matt cut in, “I’ll pop in tonight, just to bring over some food and meds. Do you want anything specific?”
“Matt, really. I don’t want you catching this. And it’s late, you should get home and actually get some sleep for once. I’m fine, it just feels like a cold.” You would have elaborated, but your chest decided to seize at that moment, and you had to trail off quickly before it became apparent in your voice. 
He sort of listened to you that night. He had swung by (through the window? Or with the spare key you’d given him? There was no way to know) and dropped off food, but it was while you were asleep, and it looked as though he’d only gone into the kitchen then left. 
You’d only found the food when you wandered in blearily at three in the morning, sweating and freezing at the same time. There was no point for the thermometer; a fever was obvious and you didn’t particularly care what the number was. The cough was worse, though. It made it hard to fall back asleep — every few seconds you’d feel as though your lungs were spasming, and the back of your throat felt as though it had been bitten by fire ants. 
Sirens rang in the distance. You hoped it wasn’t for something Matt was involved in; not because you didn’t trust him to handle it, but because it was three in the morning and you’d kick his ass if he wasn’t sleeping at this point. 
Then the headache hit you. Maybe you wouldn’t be kicking his ass anytime soon. 
The pressure was enough to make you stumble into the counter as you rummaged for a glass of water. Everything about your arms felt off, as though your muscles had been crushed into powder, and you misjudged your grasp on the glass. It fell, crashing to the floor and skating outwards like a nebula of knives. Automatically you reached for the paper towels, and in your haze you stepped forward. 
Glass crunched under your foot and you swore, not at the pain but at your own stupidity. It took another half an hour to bandage up the bottom of your foot and at that point you were too exhausted to finish cleaning up the glass. 
When you woke up next, sun was filtering through your curtains and your mouth was as dry as though you’d swallowed ten cotton swabs. Dazed, you picked up your phone, and squinted at the notifications; one missed call from Matt and a followup text. Quickly you sent him an I’m okay message and then fell back onto your pillow. 
The fever felt worse. Goosebumps ran up and down your legs, but you were simultaneously sweaty under your sheets, so you threw them off to go shower. Only then did you remember the glass you’d stepped on because your foot protested angrily as soon as you placed it onto the carpet. 
Hopping was the only option remaining, and that expended just about every ounce of energy you’d garnered while sleeping, so that you just about collapsed against the bathroom wall, wheezing, by the time you’d made it. And of course that was when your phone rang, so you hopped back to your room, and barely made it in time before it went to voicemail. 
“Hello?” you croaked. 
“That’s all I need to hear. I’m coming over.”
“I... what?”
“Yeah. You sound terrible, Y/N.” Matt’s voice was overly concerned, and you didn’t like it at all; you could practically feel the pity coming off of him. At least, it felt like pity. And that wasn’t what you wanted. 
“Matt, not only will I personally make you rue the day that you step foot in here while I’m sick, but—” You broke off, coughing, and wincing at the same time because you could imagine Matt’s expression on the other end.
“I don’t like talking to you over the phone,” he said in a low voice. “I hate not hearing your heartbeat, hearing your lungs, feeling your temperature. You’re being overruled. I’m coming.”
“Don’t you have to be at the court today?”
“Not until ten.”
Defeated, you flung the phone on the other side of the room. That conversation sucked out everything you had, and you gave up on the idea of taking a shower. The bed looked much more comfortable. It didn’t help that your breaths were getting alarmingly short, and it was difficult to draw in anything more than a quick inhale. Your eyes were closed for about five seconds before they popped back open. 
Matt was coming. Damn it, damn it, damn it. You went to the windows and locked them all, then crossed to the front door. He had a spare key, but you also had a bolt, and you slid it across, feeling somewhat proud of yourself for having made the trek to the entryway. The bar is very, very low at this point. 
You’d run a marathon right now before letting Matt get anywhere near you. That resolve was the only thing penetrating the fog around your head, and you double-checked the windows again. It wasn’t as though he’d be leaping and climbing up to them, anyway; he was coming from the office, and would therefore be in his lawyer suit. With the number of people down on the streets and the broad daylight, Matt would be hard-pressed to make it up to your fire escape without the newspaper headline being BLIND ACROBAT BREAKING AND ENTERING IN HELL’S KITCHEN the next day. 
Sure enough, ten minutes later Matt was outside your door, and his sharp rap on the door did nothing to make you move. You sat at the counter, sipping on some water, and shook your head. “Nope. Not happening.”
“Y/N, I can hear the crackling in your lungs,” he said, his patience more intact than you would have expected. He thinks he’s going to win.
“My lungs aren’t crackling. They’re just... not feeling so hot.” Now overly-conscious of your breathing, you tried to make your breaths smoother and less obviously sick. 
There was a pause on the other side of the door. “You’ve got too fast of a heartbeat. Unlock the bolt or I’ll kick the door down.”
“Yeah, my heart’s racing, because there’s a man threatening to kick my door down,” you said, and feeling inspired, you clicked the on button of the remote next to you. The television flashed to life, showing the weather report, and you turned the volume up. Take that, Matt. “See? No more lung crackling or racing heartbeats.”
The only issue was that now you could hardly hear him. You barely made out his next sentence, it was so faint on the other side of the door. “I can still hear both, you know,” he said, muffled. “You know how many televisions there are in the average block of apartments that I have to filter out every single night?”
“Shit.” You shut the television off. “Listen away, then. It’s not going to change anything because I’m not letting you in.” 
“I wasn’t kidding about kicking the door down.”
"And I’m not kidding about not letting you in. Plus, you’d have some tough questions to answer when my neighbors report you for kicking down my door, Devil Man.”
“Why won’t you accept help when you need it? You really need a doctor.”
“Hypocrite,” you said under your breath, relishing the fact that he could hear you.
“I can hear you.” Just as you’d expected. “And what I do is irrelevant to the fact that you’re currently sitting in your apartment with what’s probably pneumonia.”
“Oh, it’s not pneumonia,” you said dismissively, though you felt awful enough that he was probably right. At least, your lungs seemed to concur with that diagnosis, and as if to verbally agree with him you coughed, wheezing and choking for air.  
“If I didn’t have to be at the court in half an hour, I’d go home and get into the suit just to have an excuse to come through your window right now.” Matt was pissed, that was for sure. There was a dangerous undertone to his voice, softened only by that ever-present concern in what he was saying. 
“I know, Matt.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s a lost cause, alright? Tomorrow I’ll be feeling a lot better and then maybe — maybe — I’ll let you come in. And that’s if we keep all the windows open for fresh air and—”
“Why do I smell your blood?”
You glanced down at your foot. Traitor. It had stopped bleeding ages ago, but you should’ve changed the bandage again one more time before Matt showed up. “I’m... doing acupuncture. On myself.”
“Fine. I made a blood oath and pricked my thumb to assure myself that I will never, ever let you catch a sickness from me.”
“In ten seconds this door is coming down unless you tell me. And if you could hear my heartbeat, you’d know I’m not lying.”
“Fine! I just stepped on some glass, okay? But my foot is fine, it’s seen worse days. I mean, you should’ve seen that time that I got a pedicure and the lady told me my heels were the most cracked she’d seen in a long time.” You were rambling, and that wasn’t a good idea, because it made you lose your breath and then you were gasping for air. 
After another five minutes of arguing that ended only when you swore to call the doctor if you got any worse, he left, grumbling that Foggy would kill both of you if he was late for court, and that was the only reason he was giving up — “temporarily”. 
Only when it was too late did you realize that was a mistake, and that you should have let him help.  
It was past two in the afternoon when you woke up from a nap, and every muscle in your body felt as though it were frozen. You were trembling slightly from the cold, but couldn’t muster the energy to even sit up and grab the blanket at the foot of your bed. It was difficult to swallow, and you clutched at your throat, certain that someone must be standing over you and clasping their hands around your neck, but there was no one there. 
“Matt,” you whispered, expecting him to be there, or to hear you, but there was no one. Taking slow breaths, you tried to calm down on your own. One, two, three. One, two, three. All you could manage were short, raspy breaths that hardly got enough air, and your head pounded. Blindly you reached out for your glass of water, and nearly dropped it again, your hands were shaking so much. The feeling of your lips against the rim was like pressing a dried sponge to the edge of a bowl and the water tasted sour in your mouth. 
And then you tried swallowing. It was as though someone had blocked up your throat, because you couldn’t swallow, and you gasped, heart racing as panic flooded through you; for a moment you couldn’t breathe and then you finally coughed up the water, chest heaving from the sharpness of each cough. You grabbed a tissue, hacking into it for at least another thirty seconds, and finally a glob of mucus came up and your airway cleared up just enough that you could breathe a bit more. 
You almost tossed the tissue to the floor without looking at it, but a flash of red caught your eye. 
Blood. In the mucus. 
That was the tipping point for you. Didn’t people die shortly after coughing up blood in the movies? That was how it went. A character coughs, looks into their hand, and then resignedly tucks it away without the other characters seeing. It was like the knoll of death, ringing in your ears. 
You hardly knew what you were doing as you dialed Matt’s number, not even thinking about what you were tapping into your phone but allowing muscle memory to guide you. 
“Hello?” He picked up almost immediately. 
“Matt—” You started to speak his name, but halted; it was too painful. Dropping your voice to a whisper, you started over. “Matt, I think I need you here.”
“What? What is it?” 
“I’m—” You glanced down at the tissue. Literally dying here? That was a surefire way to make Matt have a heart attack. “I’m not doing so well. I might take you up on your offer to help.”
He didn’t hesitate. “I’ll be over in five minutes. Did you call the doctor already?”
“No.” The thought of calling the doctor was exhausting on its own. 
Matt seemed to notice that. “I’ll call,” he assured you. “Can you breathe alright?”
“Not really.” Tears were spiking in your eyes and you brushed them away. “I just coughed and... there was some blood in it.” You wheezed for breath, the drawing in of air rattling everything inside of you and getting caught at the top of your throat.
“I’m taking you to a hospital.”
“No, sweetheart. You need a real doctor. I’ll be over in a minute.”
Somehow you must have fallen asleep again, because Matt was lifting you from the bed and you wrapped your arms around him. “Can’t breathe,” you whispered, gasping for breath. 
“I know. I can hear your lungs,” Matt said, voice strained. “I’ve got a cab waiting on the street. Can you walk or do you need me to carry you?”
“I... I can walk.” You slung an arm around him and made your way slowly out of the room, limping with every step on your bandaged foot. Matt, to his credit, allowed you to do what you could. His tie was loosened and his suit jacket was gone, but he still wore a button-down, tucked into his pants. 
“Bet you won your case, then,” you whispered, hardly even aware of what was coming out of your mouth. “No one can... say no to this.”
“Hm. This.” You meant to nod up and down at Matt, but it came across as more of a head shake. “You.”
And then your assertion that you could walk proved difficult to fulfill, so you redirected your efforts to not face-planting in your living room, despite the strong, steady hands Matt kept on you the entire time. Once you reached your stairs he took over for the most part; your feet were hardly touching the ground with the amount of support he was giving. 
That was where your memory cut out. You must have passed out, because the next time you opened your eyes, it was in the hospital bed, and Matt was reading next to you, his long gaze fixed on the wall in front of him as his fingers danced over the text. 
“Hi,” you whispered lamely. Everything about you was groggy and it was hard enough just to focus on him. 
Him. Only he could look handsome in a hospital. At some point he’d exchanged the suit for a tee shirt and sweats, and his hair stuck out at every angle possible. You wondered vaguely if he’d come from Fogwell’s. 
He set the book down, relief evident on his face. “Hey, sweetie. How are you doing?”
You ignored his question. “How do you always manage to look good?”
He nudged you. “I should be the one asking you that.”
“That’s... the biggest lie I’ve ever heard. Even if you weren’t blind, it’d be a lie.” You closed your eyes, then opened them again. The ceiling was too white. “What happened?”
"Aspiration pneumonia.”
“You have aspiration pneumonia,” he said. “Which just happens to be a type of pneumonia that’s not contagious.”
You meditated on this. “So?”
“So you could’ve let me into your apartment, that whole time,” he said, looking distinctly indignant, and it was enough to make you laugh. The laugh was short-lived, because it quickly transformed into a wracking cough that made your entire chest throb, but Matt was on his feet in an instant, holding your hand.
Only when the coughing stopped did you remember the bolt on your door. “Matt?”
“How’d you get in?”
“Broke down the door, like I promised.”
“Are... are you serious? What about the neighbors?”
He laughed. “You know, breaking down a door isn’t incriminating evidence that I’m Daredevil. I told them you were having an emergency, and when they saw you, they believed me.”
“They saw me?” You didn’t remember an audience when Matt was helping you out of the apartment.
“Well, you were taking your sweet time on the stairs, and coughing loudly enough for anyone in a mile radius to hear you, so yeah, they wanted to see what was happening.”
You buried your face in your hands. “That’s just great. And now, what, is my apartment wide open for anyone to go in?”
“No, I called in a favor with Foggy, and he’s hanging out there until someone can come in and fix it.”
“Even better. Now I’m indebted to Foggy.”
Matt smiled coyly. “Oh, and I should mention—”
“Oh, no. What?”
“—that there’s something else you’ll love about all of this.”
“Stop smiling like that. Why are you smiling like that?”
“Aspiration pneumonia is commonly associated with the institutionalized elderly. In other words, it’s a nursing home problem.”
“A nursing home problem?”
“A nursing home problem,” he confirmed. “I was thinking that maybe for your next birthday I could get you fitted for dentures.”
“Hilarious. Really, so funny. You really should have been a comedian. I swear to you that the next time you get sick, I’m going to make fun of you and you’ll never hear the end of it. Got it?”
He grinned and squeezed your hand. “Murdocks don’t get sick.”
“That is the second biggest lie I’ve ever heard. I seem to recall that time you projectile-vomited off of the Ferris wheel.”
“Because I was motion-sick, not sick-sick.”
Your eyelids were already getting heavy just from the five-minute conversation. You beckoned him closer and leaned onto his shoulder, pressing yourself into his warmth. He smelled like fresh deodorant and coffee. “Pumpkin carving as soon as I can leave?”
“Definitely,” he said, placing your fingers onto the pulse that drummed under his wrist. “And this time, I’m not lying.”
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Summary: You and Pablo have ben going out on dates when a false rumor made you doubt yourself and shut him out...until he finally gets to confess his feelings.
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: slight angst/ smutty themes/ fluffy ending
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You met Pablo at one of the after parties through shared friends, and since you guys started talking you fell madly in love with the Barça golden boy.
He was so caring and knew just how to make you feel like the only girl in his word. Everything seemed to be perfect unless a particular rumor sparked your interest.
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Barça Golden Boy, Pablo Gavi, caught with his new girlfriend, young influencer and model, Jessica Sin. What are your thoughts on this newest football couple???
After reading that title and looking at that picture for what felt like eternity, you shut off your phone feeling tears fall down your cheeks.
"Was he really pretending this whole time!?" you said out loud to yourself in utter disbelief.
After reading the rest of story which claims they only started dating a few weeks ago, you remembered that Pablo told you he will be a little distant due to preparation for El Copa del Rey. Yeah, right! He was probably fucking her during that exact time!
"I'm so stupid! Díos!" you said in defeat getting your backpack and packing some of your clothes you kept at Pablo's apartment leaving before he came back.
You weren't even gonna tell him 'goodbye'. He didn't deserve any sympathy from you after this!
When Pablo came home, completely exhausted from yet another all day training session, he was surprised that you were not waiting for him.
Last time the two of you texted, you made a plan to do dinner and a movie at his apartment and he was planning on begging you for a sleepover as well...after so many busy days, he just missed spending time with his girl.
He took his phone to text you.
pablo: why are you not here bombón?? don't tell me you forgot about our date :(( Read 10:30pm
Pablo finished his shower, putting on some grey sweatpants before taking his phone and raising his eyebrows after seeing that you just left him on read.
His first instinct is that something must have came up and you couldn't talk right now. He trusted you enough to give you space and wait for your call.
The next morning, you didn't even have the strength to get up and go to school from crying all night thinking to yourself how impossible getting over Pablo is going to be...he was your first real love...first time you thought you found someone you wanted to build a life together.
But of course he wanted a model and an influencer! It should have been strange to you that he ever showed interest to such a normal and boring college girl.
Pablo woke up late cause he had a day off from training expecting to see a message from you pop on his phone but there was nothing. Just his read message from last night...he was starting to get worried so he decided to text you again.
pablo: amor, is everything okay? pls answer me, I'm starting to get worried. Read 11:12pm
You read the text tossing your phone away as more tears escaped your tired eyes. Was he really acting like nothing happened!?
Seeing that again just read his message, Pablo was seriously freaking out at this point. Did he do something? Were you mad at him? A call from Pedri interrupted his thought process.
"Hermano, have you heard of the gossip yet?" Pedri said and Pablo rolled his eyes never being the one to care much for fake internet drama.
"Pedri, I really don't care which Kardashian cheated on her husband this time! I can't reach Y/N. She is mad at me and I don't know why!" Pablo said irritated.
"I know why she is mad! It's because the gossip is about you cabrón!" Pedri said sending Pablo the link to the exact story you read yesterday night.
"Mierda!" Pablo said now realizing what had happened last night.
Of course the story was bullshit and Pablo felt horrible that you had to deal with it but that's part of his career as well (unfortunately!). He needed to explain everything to you as soon as possible!
Pablo Gavi (12 missed calls)
He just wouldn't give up for hours and ever when you turned off your ringer, you just couldn't stop thinking about answering him. You wanted to hear his voice again..hell you wanted to kiss him right now..but you knew you should't. You needed to distance yourself until you get completely over him!
"Hija. There is a chico looking for you at the front door?" your mom said peeking through your bedroom door and you froze knowing exactly who it was...you couldn't face him now...no freaking way!
"Tell him I'm not home, please mamá!" you say and she waited for you to change your mind seeing how genuinely worried the boy was but after a few seconds she respected your wishes.
"Lo siento but she isn't home. Is there a message you'd like me to leave?" when Pablo heard those words from your mom, his heart broke..you didn't want to see him.
"Um..just tell her it was a misunderstanding..por favor" Pablo said before leaving stealing a glance at your bedroom window with a small hope of seeing your face but you never came.
pablo: I know you are seeing my messages, so please just give me a chance to explain to you what happened. none of it is true, mi amor. i don't even know who that girl is, I promise you. I never had someone in my life like this, someone so genuine and kind. I can't function without you mi vida, please just come back to me and we will talk about everything. i love you so much <3
Reading that message you were crying ugly tears. You didn't know what to believe anymore...everyone online kept saying Pablo will end up with a model...the girl from the picture fits him perfectly..she isn't average like you...but Pablo's words were always genuine and you began wondering if you should have given him a chance to explain himself before jumping to conclusions.
"He's sitting in front of our house...waiting for you..and he said it was a misunderstanding? I don't know what's going on hija, but the boy seemed sincero..maybe give him a chance?" you mom said and you smiled wiping away your tears before peeking through a window seeing Pablo sitting on the edge of the road looking straight at you.
When Pablo met your eyes he got up moving across the street and standing underneath your window..it was corny but he didn't care when it came to you.
You gulped opening your window slowly looking down at those warm eyes you fell deeply in love with.
"I wanna be only with you...nobody else. Please let me explain bombón" Pablo spoke first and you felt your heart tighten at the familiar nickname.
"Bueno..we can talk..but that's all" you say and he nodded waiting for you happy that you were still giving him a chance which he fully intended to take.
"We should go somewhere private?" Pablo suggested and you nodded letting him drive you to his place although you were still keeping your guard up.
The drive was quiet for awhile...it was a little awkward because you both obviously wanted to hold hands like you always would but kept your distance instead.
"You look beautiful amor... com siempre" Pablo needed to break the silence and you just took the compliment blushing a little in response.
When you arrived he opened your door and led you inside while making sure to give you enough space so that you are not uncomfortable by his presence.
The moment you both sat down on the couch he began talking.
"None of it is true. I was signing some stuff for the fans and she asked for a picture, that's all. I haven't even asked for her name...and I would never betray your trust like that. Amor, I love you...like this isn't just a crush for me anymore" Pablo opened up and hearing those words leave his lips made something in your melt.
"Pablo..I'm scared...I don't want to get hurt" you admit deep down knowing that even if this wasn't true, you were way too "normal" for someone like him..he deserved more.
"I would never hurt you...I would rather beat myself every single day than do something to bring you pain mi vida...you have to believe me please..I don't know her.." he felt his eyes fill with tears as he came down on his knees besides you holding your hand and kissing them repeatedly.
"I believe you Pablo..but this happened because I know I'm not for you..I'm not a model or an influencer or someone that fits with the famous footballer..I'm just a college girl! I don't have the body or the fame!" you finally admit what's on your heart and he looks up at you as tears fall down his cheek.
"Don't you ever talk down on yourself in front of me Y/N! You are the most genuine and kind girl I have ever met in my life. You want to know something? I am the one who is lucky you chose me to be in your life. You are smart, selfless and real...unlike all those models out there, you are real mi amor..and that's precious because it became so rare" Pablo's words were making your heart tighten and tears spill down your cheeks. Never did someone say something like this you..and truly meant every word.
"And as for the body..amor..you got me weak every single time I see you..trust me on that one" Pablo added with a little smirk seeing a smile creep on your face.
"Come here.." he got up opening his arms welcomingly and you couldn't resist anymore hugging him tightly and resting your head against his strong chest listening to his sped up heartbeat.
"You're mine and now everyone knows it too..." Pablo whispered caressing your back and you were too busy listening to his heartbeat to register it right away but when you did you pulled away looking up in confusion.
"What did you do Gavira?" you asked and he chuckled taking his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and showing you his newest Instagram Post.
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mi bombón <3 @y.n.bebe
@gavibarca @jessicasinthequeen used this story to grow followers while this girl didn't post anything...shows you who is the real one! good choice @pablogavi !!!
@gavinhofans: I knew it!! he would never date someone so superfiecial like @jessicasinthequeen liked by 10K others
@pablitoo: this is soo cute <33
@gavifan: pablo dating a normal girl is so adorable <33 she is a real one pablitooo!!
@barcafans: this just proves how fake all the gossips are!! this is real love!!!
@pablosgirl I'm sad he is taken but I'm glad it's by a normal girl! we love the queen! @y.n.bebe
"Díos mío! Tu eres tan loco!" you said reading all the loving comments his fans gave you being overjoyed that you were not a model or an influencer..you were so wrong.
"Estoy loco por ti, bombón." he answered and you put the phone away snaking your arms around his neck while kissing his lis passionately.
"I thought we are just talking and nothing else" he teased reminding you of your words while you were running your hand through his hair leaving small kissed on his face and neck.
"Shut up! I love you too...demasiado" you whisper and he rises your chin kissing your softly while grabbing your thighs remembering that there are other ways to show just how much he loves you...;))
492 notes · View notes
devilat-thedoor · 10 months
Hands to Yourself Pt6
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This one took me longer than usual and i’m sorry for that! but can you blame me when the boys have been prancing around stage in all their glory, looking that fine????? please don’t mind the many grammatical errors that this is probably littered with. anyways… Here she is, Part 6, hot and ready for you💖
Part 5
Word Count: 11.8k
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Warnings: As always 18+ Minors DNI. light smut, Oral(m receiving.) Mentions of sickness and death. not much more than that. heavy on the fluff though. if i miss anything, please don’t hesitate to tell me.
Jake POV
You could see the gears turning. It was written all over her face as she pieced it together. The way her nostrils flared with every huff that escaped them. She was angry. Fuck. You were angry. What is Sage planning? What’s her endgame? Did she think that there was a chance you would leave Y/N? For her? After what she did… The mere thought of her was nauseating. The guys were standing before you, an onslaught of questions flowing from their mouths. You tuned them out for a moment, focusing on her. “Y/N, we’ll-“ Just as your hand landed on the small of her back, she pulled away.
“I’m sorry, I just need a minute.” She was rushing out of the kitchen before you could say anything. Danny stepped in front of you before you could go after her.
“What is going on?” You couldn’t focus on what he was saying, she was your only concern.
As you made a move to step around Danny, Josh stopped you, placing his hand on your shoulder. “I’ll go check on her, you just fill these two in on what’s been happening.” He gestured between Sam and Daniel and then turned to follow her path.
Your drummer spoke up again as you watched Josh leave the room. “Look, man, Dess told me about you guys hooking up, but she-”
“Hooking up?” Sam interrupted Danny, “You slept with Sage? But Y/N… What- Does she-”
You held your hand up, signaling for him to stop talking, “We both did, Sam. Me and Y/N, together… It just happened?” Pinching the bridge of your nose, you took a deep breath and calmly explained everything. Josh already knew what was going on. Danny only knew what Odessa had told him, which didn’t seem to be much, and your little brother was entirely clueless. So you gave them the full story. “...I woke up and Sage had herself wrapped around me. Y/N wasn’t in the bed anymore, so I got up and found her on the couch. I knew that night that something was off, something shifted in the dynamic between her and Sage and then the cookout…” You sipped your coffee telling them about the messages that you had received. “…And then Y/N got a message yesterday with a video and after the text I got, I was just freaked out. I said a lot of shit to her that I didn’t mean and it got ugly. I left, went to Josh’s for some clarity. God, I treated her so horribly… When I came home and we talked last night, we didn’t think it was possible that it could’ve been Sage, but now… I don’t know.” You shook your head, dragging a hand down your face. “After the cookout… After what she did. I don’t ever want to see her face again, but she’s clearly not going away. I don’t know what she wants.”
“Did you really think that she would cheat on you?” Sam’s brows were pinched together as he stared at you. “With me or Josh? You think she would actually do that to you, Jake?” His tone was accusatory, making you feel like shit.
The guilt was already weighing on you for accusing her in the first place. “No! I mean- In my heart I know she wouldn’t, but the accumulation of everything that’s happened the past few weeks has had my head all over the place.” You rubbed the back of your neck, “Listen, it’s fucked up, I know that, Sam. But all I can do now is try to fix what Sage fucking broke.”
Danny placed a hand on your shoulder, “As long as you and her trust each other, there’s nothing to fix, man.” He was always great at being the voice of reason. “Everyone can see how perfect you two are together and whatever Sage tries won’t stand a chance. You love Y/N and you trust her, right? Because I know that’s how she feels.”
“I can’t see myself with anybody else. Fuck, I can’t even bear the thought of what my life would be without her.” It wasn’t a lie. Nobody in a million years could compare to her, could make you feel the way she does. No one would love you the way she does and vice versa. “She’s the first person I want to share everything with. Every thought, every idea, every bit of news, good or bad. There’s no one else.” You couldn’t hold back your grin, “From the moment I laid eyes on her, all that time ago, I knew she’d be the only woman I’d want to love for the rest of my life…”
You looked up into Daniel’s eyes as his mouth lifted into a warm smile, “I know, brother.”
You broke away from Jake, all but sprinting to the bathroom. Pushing the door to shut, you dropped to your knees, heaving violently into the toilet. The only contents in your stomach were the few sips of coffee you’d had on your drive home, but that didn’t stop the painful stomach contractions that came with every gag. Just as you flushed the toilet and slumped against the outside of the shower, a few softs knocks hit the bathroom door.
You looked up to realize that you didn’t close the door the whole way and Josh’s soft voice came through as he slowly opened it up further, “Can I come in, Y/N? You okay?” The concern in his tone was evident.
“Yeah, come in.” Standing up, you went to the sink for the mouth wash.
Josh peeked around the door to find you before stepping in and closing it completely, “Are you sick?” He moved closer, pulling the hand towel from the rack and held it out to you.
Taking it with a weak smile, you wiped your mouth before responding, “No, I’m okay, Josh. Really.” You were trying to convince yourself as much as you were trying to convince him. “I think with everything that’s been going on, my anxiety is finally catching up. Hit me like a freight train.” You forced out a quiet chuckle. “I can only assume Jake has told you everything.”
“Yeah…” He pressed his lips together in thought for a moment. “How are you doing after yesterday? Because I know Jake was pretty torn up when he showed up at my place.”
You looked down, picking at your fingernails, “I didn’t mean to hurt him.” Your voice was barely a whisper. “I couldn’t explain the video and I knew it looked bad, but I couldn’t just keep it from him. He had a right to see it.” Tears were forming and you tried to blink them away.
Josh reached out, taking your hand in his, “No, sweetheart, you don’t understand.” He waited for you to look at him, “He was beating himself up for how he talked to you, the things he said.”
The first tear slid down your cheek as you shook your head. “I deserved it… After everything he’s had to deal with these past few weeks?” Pulling your hand from Josh’s, you buried your face in them, “I just keep fucking up, Josh. I keep making these stupid mistakes and Jake has to deal with the repercussions.” You sunk to the floor, crying harder. “At some point he’s gonna realize that he deserves better than what I’ve been giving him.” The thought of Jake leaving you had your body shaking.
Josh crouched down to meet you face to face, “You can’t be serious, Y/N?” His tone was unusually stern. “Mistakes were made, yeah. On all sides… But you need to understand that there is nobody for him but you.” His eyes held a sincere gaze as he spoke, “Whether he’s said it to you or not, he wants you for the rest of his life. I can feel it whenever I’m in the same vicinity as you two, that energy.” You sniffled, taking in everything he was saying, “I could feel it from the moment he laid eyes on you.”
A smile spread across your face as you remembered the day you’d met him.
It was a chilly fall morning and you were running errands in the city. You’d only lived here for a few months and planned on exploring the shops to find some things for your apartment. You pulled the sleeves of your oat colored sweater over your cold hands as you looked through the large windows of the coffee shop, deciding that a hot, caffeinated beverage was just what you needed. You walked inside, welcoming the warmth that came from the heating vents. There were a few people in line ahead of you so you took your time looking over the menu board. You heard the chime echo through the space, signaling that someone else had come in the door. Glancing over your shoulder, you caught sight of him. Just a small glimpse but it was enough for you to do a double take. He was so young then with his windblown, messy hair. You couldn’t help looking at him. He wore dirty, tan boots, tight black jeans and a faded, brick red t-shirt that had the neckline hem cut off and stretched. As your eyes wandered to his face, adorned with a pair of sunglasses to cover his eyes, you were met with his perfect, intoxicating smile. You were so mesmerized by it that you didn’t hear the girl at the counter calling you up. His mouth started moving and it took you a few seconds to realize he was talking. “I’m sorry, what?” You blinked at him.
His smile came back, it almost looked brighter the second time, “Uhh, you’re up.” He nodded towards the counter behind you with a quiet chuckle.
“Oh. Um thanks.” You turned away quickly, cursing yourself for gawking at him. The barista took your order and told you the total. You could feel his eyes burning into your back as you dug through your purse for your wallet. “Shit… I uh- My wallet isn’t here. It’s-.” A red hot blush spread over your face as you stammered through an unnecessary explanation, “I guess just cancel that, I-”
“You can just put her coffee on my order, I’ll cover it.” He stepped up beside you, pulling his card from his wallet and telling the girl his simple order.
Your eyes went wide, “Oh. no, you don’t need to do that!” The embarrassment you felt was growing by the second, you just wanted out of the situation.
He was already handing the card over, a small smirk on his lips, “It’s really no big deal.”
You opened your mouth to argue but clamped it shut as his hand came up to your back. The touch was so light, if it wasn’t for the electric current you were positive was flowing through his fingertips, you wouldn’t have noticed it. He ushered you towards the opposite end of the counter. The silence carried an odd tension as you both stood and waited for your drinks until you couldn’t take it anymore. “Thank you, by the way. You really didn’t have to, but I appreciate it.” You offered a soft smile.
“What’s your name?” The question came abruptly. “I’m Jake.” He pulled his sunglasses off and hung them from his neckline, finally showcasing the prettiest brown eyes you’d ever seen. He was bafflingly handsome and every time his lips curled into that perfect smile, you felt butterflies in your stomach.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you tore your eyes from him staring at the floor. “Uh. Y/N… I- Yeah. It’s nice to meet you.” You held your hand out awkwardly, unsure of what else to do. He slid his hand into yours, holding onto it for what felt like forever, when the barista slid the cups over the pickup counter for you. You took your hand back and grabbed one of the cups, “Thanks again, for this. I’ll pay you back.” Turning on your heels, you stalked towards the door, not wanting to embarrass yourself any further. The brisk wind sent a shiver through your body as you stepped outside. Bringing the cup to your mouth, you took a large gulp. The bitterness hit your tastebuds and it took everything not to spit it all out. This wasn’t your coffee.
“I think you grabbed mine.” Jake was standing there as you turned around, holding the correct cup out to you.
Your eyes blew wide. “Shit. I’m so sorry, I already drank out of it.” You looked back and forth between the cup in your hand and the one in his. “Fuck. Uh. I’ll buy you a new one. I-”
He chuckled, taking the cup from you and placing the other in your open hand. “You don’t have your wallet, remember?” His laugh was the warmest sound you’d ever heard and, to this day, you could still attest to that. “Tell you what, when you do find your wallet, text me.” He drew his phone from his pocket and offered it to you. “Then you can buy me a coffee…As a payback.”
You took the phone from him, reluctantly, “Okay.” You put your phone number in and gave it back, watching as he clicked around on the screen. The notification sound rang out from your phone nestled in your back pocket. He kept eye contact with you while you pulled your phone out to look over the screen.
“Now you have my number,” He tucked his phone away just as another guy came up to him on the sidewalk, greeting him.
“Dude, are you ready? We’ve been waiting.” His fluffy curls danced around his face in the fall breeze as he turned to look at you with a beaming grin, incredibly similar to Jake’s.. “Hi. I’m Josh. My, aren’t you just breathtaking?” There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he said it, glancing at Jake. “You a friend of Jakey’s?” He held his hand out for you to shake and you were thrown off by his bubbly personality.
“Uhhh…” As you reached to take his hand, Jake clapped him on the shoulder.
“If you don’t scare her off first. Let’s go.” He gave Josh a gentle shove, prompting him to walk back in the direction he came from. “Sorry, my brother can be a little high-spirited.”
A quiet giggle left you as you watched Josh walk away, “Brother?” You looked back to Jake, taking a drink of your coffee.
“Twin, actually.” He gave a shrug before Josh called his name from down the street. “I’m gonna go before he comes back. I hope you find your wallet.”  As he went to move past you, he stopped, placing his hand on your arm, “It was really good meeting you, Y/N.” The way your name rolled off of his tongue left you dazed. You gathered yourself enough to tell him goodbye and go on your way.
“I gave him shit for days about following you into that coffee shop.” Josh snorted out a laugh, “He kept his phone on him, waiting for a text from you and I told him he probably creeped you out.”
“He followed me into the shop that morning?” This was the first time you were hearing this. “I thought he just happened to come in after me.”
Josh tilted his head, gazing at you, “He never told you that?” You shook your head at him, waiting for him to give you his POV of that day. “Shit, I don’t remember what we were even in the city for, but we were walking down the street, me, him and Sam, and he saw you come out of a little antique store, stopped him right in his tracks. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, just kept mumbling about how beautiful you were. Actually, I think the word he used was ‘breathtaking.’” You couldn’t contain your smile as you listened to him. “I knew it. I could see it in the way he watched you walk through the door of the cafe… You had him wrapped around your finger from that very moment. He told me he’d be right back and then he was gone, going after you like his life depended on it.”
“I almost didn’t text him at all. Fought with myself for a few days over it. I had myself convinced that he was probably just looking for a quick hookup and texting him was a terrible idea.” The memory made you laugh, “But I couldn’t get him out of my head, no matter how hard I tried, I kept seeing his smile. And then I caved after telling myself the worst that could happen is my suspicions being right. What did I have to lose, yanno?”
“D’you ever think about what your life would be like if you hadn’t met him?” Josh watched as you thought over your answer, adding, “or me? Obviously.” He flashed his blinding smile.
You pulled at a loose thread on your leggings, mulling over the question. “I mean, when I first moved here, I definitely didn’t picture this for myself.” You gestured to the general area around you. “I was in a really bad place, just looking for a fresh start. The only thing I cared about was the food truck and getting my shit together, but when Jake walked into the coffee shop, the first smile he gave me… I didn’t know it then, but he shifted the entire trajectory of my life.” Chewing on your lip, you shook your head in disbelief. “Josh, I genuinely can’t even imagine what I would be doing, the person I’d be, if I had never met him. Anytime I think about my life or my future, he’s all I see, all I want. Even looking back at my past, everything before him seems like a different life altogether.”
Josh opened his mouth to respond as the door pushed open. Jake appeared from behind it, “Hey, are you okay?” His eyes landed on you, sitting on the floor with tear-stained cheeks.
“I’ll give you two a minute.” Josh patted your knee, giving you a look of empathy, before standing up and exiting the bathroom.
Jake held his hand out for you to take, pulling you up from the floor. “Were you crying, love?” His arms snaked around you, locking you against him.
You welcomed his touch, tucking yourself into him and burying your face in his neck. “I was.” He was warm as you nuzzled your nose against his skin, inhaling his natural Jake scent. “I’m okay, though, baby. Promise.” Nothing felt more like home than this, being wrapped in his arms, and you tightened your hold on him.
He followed your lead and hugged you tighter, leaving a lingering kiss to your temple. “Can you come out and eat your food, please?” You chuckled at his question as you lifted your head to look at him. “What? I know you didn’t have dinner last night. You need to eat, my love.” He pushed a stray hair out of your face as he gazed down at you.
The thought of food was making your stomach churn again and you weren’t sure why. But the way his espresso colored eyes were pleading with you made it impossible to tell him no. “Okay.” You allowed him to walk you out of the bathroom and back to the kitchen where the other three boys still remained. Jake pulled a stool out at the island, ushering you into it, and placed your bagel in front of you, watching you expectantly. The smell of the cream cheese smeared on top of it brought your nausea back, saliva pooling in your mouth. Maybe you were getting sick? He tapped his knuckle on the counter, gaining your attention, and mouthed the word ‘eat’ at you. Choking back the sick feeling, you ripped a small piece off and popped it into your mouth, making a show of chewing it up and swallowing it. “I’m eating, Jacob. You don’t have to babysit me.” You stuck your tongue out, proving your point.
“Don’t be a brat.” He gave you a pointed look and you just smirked in return. “What do you wanna do today, my love?” He leaned his elbows on the countertop, waiting for your answer. “You wanna get dinner, just us? Go out for drinks? You pick.”
“Ooh! Actually, I really wanna go back to that farmer’s market outside of town.” You’d been meaning to go back for weeks, but life kept getting in the way. “I wanted to pick up more of their wine and talk to the guy about maybe putting weekly orders in with them for the truck.” With summer flying by, you were already running through new ideas and recipes to try for fall.
The excitement in your voice warmed Jake’s heart, he couldn’t think of anything he’d love more than spending a day out of the house with you. “Yeah, okay. That sounds fun, baby.” He picked up the other half of your bagel, taking a large bite. “Finish eating and we can head out.”
The guys had left the house shortly before you did. Now you sat in the passenger seat of Jake’s car, feet kicked up on the dashboard while you sang along to the music, driving down the highway. He let his eyes drift from the road every so often, listening to you sing. “…Oh I don’t want a soul, baby… Hangin’ around my house when I’m not at home….” His hand left its place on the shifter and grasped yours. You turned your face away from the window and looked at him as he brought your hand up to kiss your knuckles. “What was that for?”
Jake smiled, watching the road ahead of him. “I love listening to you sing the blues.” His admission made you blush. You knew you didn’t have the prettiest voice, but Jake would listen to it for hours on end if he had the chance. He kept hold of your hand as you went back to quietly singing.
You watched him as you sang, the way his lip would curl into a smirk every time you were a little too far off key. You were in the middle of ‘Cross Road Blues’ by Robert Johnson when Jake pulled his hand from yours to turn the volume down. “What? Was I that bad?” You feigned a look of hurt, holding your hand over your chest. He gave a quiet chuckle before licking his lips. There was a shift in his breathing and he almost seemed nervous. “Jake, what’s wrong?” You sat up in your seat, planting your feet back on the floor mat as you looked at him. “Did I do-“
He cut you off. “Would you marry me?” The question spilled from his mouth so fast, you almost didn’t register it. Jake watched your eyes widen and tried to reword his question, worried that he’d freaked you out. “I mean, I- Could you see yourself…marrying- spending your life- Or- Fuck.” You watched him rub his sweaty palms over his jeans before putting them back on the steering wheel.
This wasn’t a topic that you had discussed with him. You had a home with him, shared a beautiful life with him everyday. You were already his, marriage just seemed like a fancy word to prove it. “Jake…”
“Nope, just disregard all of that. I- Yeah.” He reached for the knob, turning the volume back up.
You grinned hard at his flustered state. Your heart swelled as you turned the music back down and took his hand again, leaning over the center console. “Jacob,” He glanced at you from the corner of his eye as you spoke, “If I can’t spend the rest of my life with you, I don’t want it.” You pressed your lips to his cheek, “So to answer your question, I would marry you in a heartbeat, no questions asked. But as long as you keep loving me the way you do and as long as you want me, then I don’t need a ring or a piece of paper that says I’m yours. This,” You pointed between the two of you, “will always be more than enough for me, baby.”
His dimples formed slowly as he matched your face splitting smile, “I’ll love you forever as long as you let me, baby.” He brought your hand back to lips, kissing your ring finger.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence for the last eight minutes of the drive. Jake turned into the parking lot and you pointed to the far left end towards the market. When he put the car in park, you were quick to jump out, grabbing your tote bags from the back seat. “Baby, c’mon! It’s still early, so everything shouldn’t be completely picked through!” You took his hand as he walked around to your side, practically dragging him across the pavement. 
You stepped up to the first table, covered side to side with various fruits. You scanned the areas, hoping to find the old man from last time, but he found you first. “I was startin’ to wonder when you’d be back!” His voice startled you and you were a bit surprised that he had recognized you. “How’d your old man end up likin’ that Cabernet?”
The giggle that tumbled from your mouth couldn’t be stopped, “Well he’s here today, so you can ask him.” You looked at Jake, “This is Jake, my old man.”
He held his hand out to your boyfriend, “Jake, I’m Henry. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He held his hand out for him to shake. Jake accepted it and the man turned his attention back to you, “I’m sorry, darlin’. I don’t think I got your name last time you were here.”
“Oh, it’s Y/N.” You gave a polite smile.
“Y/N.” He repeated it as though he was committing it to memory. “Well, what are you folks here for today? Lookin’ for anything in particular?”
Jake spoke up, “Well, Henry, I would really love to get my hands on a few bottles of that Cabernet. It was one of the best reds I’ve had.” Henry beamed, leading Jake towards the table that housed all the crates of wine. You watched as they went, carrying on a conversation that you couldn’t hear. Taking your time, you began perusing the tables, looking for nothing specific. You filled one bag with fresh peaches and plums and various kinds of berries. Filled another with jars of homemade jams, ranging from wild blueberry to muscat grape, and a variety of the infused honeys that Odessa had raved about. Making your way to the crates of veggies, you realized how heavy the bags were getting. “Let me take those, love.” Jake was beside you, pulling them from your arms. He leaned in, pecking your cheek. “You find anything good?”
“Mhmm.” You plucked a basket of green beans from the table, looking them over before carefully tucking them into your last bag. “Lots of stuff. Did they have any of that wine left?” You moved along, grabbing a zucchini and sorting through the colorful display of peppers.
He walked behind you, watching the way you examined everything you picked up. “They did, I had him package up three bottles of the Cabernet, two of that Syrah that you really liked and a few different whites.”
You turned around to look at him, “That’s a lot of wine, Jacob. Are you looking to get me drunk?” You raised your eyebrows at him and he playfully rolled his eyes, shaking his head. 
Henry called your name, pulling your attention from Jake. He stood at the table with the metal cash box, waving you over with a big smile. You stuffed a few different sweet peppers into your tote and laced your fingers with Jake’s, walking over to Henry. He had his arm around a woman’s shoulders as you approached. “Y/N, Jake, this is my daughter, Laney. She makes all that wine over there!” He wore a proud expression as he introduced her.
“Elaine is fine, actually.” She chuckled as she looked at her dad. “He’s the only one that calls me ‘Laney.’” 
You shook her hand, “You own the winery? I’m completely obsessed with the flavor profiles you use. They’re so unique. I bought a Sauvignon Blanc the last time I was here and I was blown away by how well the mint and honeydew flavors came together.” Her face lit up as you gushed over her products. You turned to Jake, “Did you get a bottle of the Sauvignon? You didn’t get to try it last time, baby.” He didn’t get a chance to answer as you continued talking, “The Syrah was my absolute favorite! The smokiness of the tobacco was so perfectly paired with the sweetness of the berries.”
Jake finally spoke up, talking to Elaine. “She’ll be here for hours talking about flavor profiles. Culinary school turned her into quite the critic.” He joked, bumping into you with his shoulder.
The blush crept onto your cheeks as you bit back your smile. “I’m only a critic when you overcook pasta or burn biscuits from a can.” You raised your eyebrows, giving him a challenging stare.
He faked a hurt expression, “Hey now, that’s uncalled for. I make purposeful mistakes to feed your ego, keep you on your toes.” His lip twitched as he tried to fight his smile. “We can’t all be great chefs… So I let you be better than me.”
Henry interrupted with a hearty laugh, “You two remind me of me and my sweetie when we were young!” He nudged his daughter, “Your mother would’ve gotten a kick out of the way they bicker!”
Elaine gave a tight smile, her eyes saddened, “Yeah, Pop. Mom would’ve loved it.” You watched as tears formed in her eyes. She blinked them back quickly, “Umm. It’s been really nice to meet the two of you, but I should get home to the husband and kids. I really hope you come back. I’m glad you enjoy the wine, really.” She turned to Henry, giving him a hug and swift peck on his cheek before mumbling something to him and leaving with a wave.
Watching her walk away, you wondered if you made her uncomfortable with the way you were going on about her wine. But Henry shut that thought down when he opened his mouth. “I’m sorry about that… Laney’s mother, my beautiful Jane. She passed away late last year.” He wore a somber look, “This is our first market season without her and it’s been hard, especially for Laney.”
“Henry, I’m so sorry.” You placed your hand on his shoulder in a form of comfort and tried to lift his spirits. “I bet she was quite the woman.”
His eyes lit up, “Oh she sure was. Prettiest little lady I’d ever set eyes on.” You mirrored his smile as he talked about his late wife. “She could light a room the second she walked into it. Met her when we were about 19 or 20 and I’ll tell you this, love at first sight is real, kiddo.” He patted Jake on the arm. “I pulled up to the A&W in my dad’s pickup and she was there, having a root beer float with her gals. I knew when I saw her, she was the only woman for me. Asked her on a date, right then and there, and a year later, we were married. When y’know what you got, y’gotta hold on tight to it, Jake. You understand me?”
Jake’s cheeks lifted high as he glanced at you before turning his attention back to the old man, “I understand you perfectly, Henry.” His fingers weaved with yours again, giving your hand a squeeze. “I know good and well what I’ve got.”
“How long have you kids been married?” 
Before you could tell him that you weren’t actually married, Jake took the lead, “A few years now. Since about 2018? Does that sound right, my love?” He looked at you, his large eyes full of love and you nodded, completely agreeing with him. Turning back to Henry, he continued, “Just like you, Henry, I knew from the moment I laid eyes on her that she was it for me. I couldn’t risk letting her get away.”
Henry’s smile cracked across his face, bright and wide, “You make sure you cherish her. Both of you, cherish one another, hold on tight. You know what you have. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my sweet Jane, and every day my love still grows for her.”
You stared at Jake as he listened to the other man and really let the words soak in. There was nobody else in this lifetime or the next for you. Only Jake.
After talking for a while longer, you had written your phone number down for Henry and promised that you and Jake would be back soon. You paid for your things and then the two of you were on your way. Jake took the last bag from you, placing it in the trunk with the other two bags and the crate of wine bottles. You waited for him to close the trunk and wrapped your arms around his midsection, looking into his eyes. “Do we have that kind of love, Jake? The kind that just goes on forever, no matter what.”
He grazed his fingers over your cheek and cupped your face, “Eternal, my beautiful girl.” It was all he said before dropping lips to yours, holding you so gently as his mouth moved with your own. You could’ve stayed in this moment with him forever, but you were forced to break away when Jake’s phone started ringing. He took the device from his pocket, reading the caller ID. “It’s Daniel.” He put the phone to ear and you listened as he talked. “Hey man, what’s up?…okay…let me ask her, hang on.” He held the phone a few inches from his head, directing his question at you, “You wanna go to Odessa’s work for karaoke night? Her and Danny invited us.” You gave a small nod and he went back to the conversation with the drummer. “Yeah, we’re in…what time?... sure, yeah. We’ll be there… alright, see you.” He hung the phone up and stuffed it back into his pocket. “You ready to go home, love? You wanna stop anywhere else? Grab a bite?”
You gave him your softest smile, leaning in to peck his lips one more time. “Home please? I’ll whip something up for us.”
“Sounds perfect.” He walked you to your side, opening the door and waiting for you to slide into the seat.
You stood in the kitchen after emptying all of your bags and rummaged through the cabinets, pulling ingredients for the dinner you planned to make. It was going on 5pm and you didn’t need to be at the bar until 8. “Baby, can you put the flat top on the grill and turn it on for me?” You called out to Jake who sat in the living room, strumming out a tune on his guitar. For a moment, you weren’t sure if he’d heard you but then the sound stopped and a few seconds later, he was coming into the kitchen.
He stood across the island from you, watching you chop up peppers and onions into thin stips. “What are you making?” His eyes scanned the countertop, looking over the food and spices you had scattered.
Scraping the veggies from the cutting board, you tossed them into a small bowl and went to the fridge to retrieve the chicken that had been marinating for a half hour. “Chicken fajita bowls. Is that okay?” You were worried it wasn’t what he’d wanted as you hadn’t asked him. “I can make something else…”
“Y/N, no. Chicken fajitas are great.” He chuckled at your panicked expression. “I’ll go start the grill.” He came around the island, kissing the top of your head, before heading out the back door. Setting the rice cooker to warm, you started on the corn salsa and black beans. You finished preparing everything when he came back in, “Do you need help?” He stared as you gathered the bowls into your arms and tried to pick up the few seasonings you needed. You shook your head at him, stubborn as always, and moved past him, out the door. Jake walked to the drawers beside the fridge, pulling out a spatula and grabbed the bottle of olive oil from the counter then followed after you.
You smiled at him as he put the spatula and oil down beside the grill. “Thank you, baby.” Splashing some of the oil on the hot surface, you dumped the chicken on, spreading it around. The sizzling sound came, followed by the savory aroma of the spices.
Jake moved behind you, wrapping his arms around your tummy and resting his chin on your shoulder. “I need to get you a ‘kiss the cook apron.’ You can wear that and nothing else whenever you cook on the grill.”
“I’m sure the neighbors would love to see that, Jake.” You giggled at him, flipping the chicken around on the flat top. “Me, ass out, flipping hot dogs? What a sight.” You felt his lips press to the spot behind your ear.
The bulge in his jeans was pressing into you, showing what the idea was doing to him. “Hmm. What if we build a higher fence?” He propositioned as you added more oil to grill. “Complete privacy to do whatever we want…” His voice was low, and you could feel it in your belly as you shifted on your feet.
You pushed the chicken to one side and dumped the onions and peppers in the middle. “It’s never stopped us before… All those times in the pool.” You pressed your ass into him as you continued cooking. “Or the nights, in the middle of the yard, when we lay out and watch the stars… They all have a perfect view of us from their upstairs windows, I’m sure.” You could feel his lips on your skin, curling into his devious smirk. He pulled away abruptly and, without another word, walked into the house. You shook your head with a quiet laugh unsure of what he was up to. Once the food was finished, you scooped it all onto the reserved platter and shut the grill off before heading back into the kitchen. Your jaw dropped as you saw Jake, standing by your small dining table with a single candle lit and a bottle of the Sauvignon Blanc that you had raved about sitting beside two glasses. He had the table set with plates and utensils, bowls filled with the rice and beans and salsa you had made along with a small variety of sauces. He’d even taken the time to slice up an avocado. “Jake, baby, what is all this?”
He took the platter from you and placed it in the center of the table before coming back, and leading you over, pulling a chair out for you. “I just wanted to have a nice dinner with you.” He waited for you to sit and pushed the chair in. He picked up the bottle of wine and popped the cork with the opener, pouring a glass and offering it to you. You graciously accepted it, waiting for him to pour his own glass and take a seat across from you. A smile lifted on your mouth as you watched him raise his glass to you, “To us… To an auspicious and prosperous life. To forever.”
You clinked your cup against his, “Eternity.” You sipped your wine, overcome with a feeling of peace that you hadn’t felt in a while. Jake began making your plate, layering scoops onto the dish in a calculated manner. After he finished with yours, he made his own and settled back into his chair. “Thank you for this, Jake. Really, this is… perfect.”
“You did all the real work, my love.” He reached over the table, taking your hand in his and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles as he dug into his food. You sat and ate, making light conversation, talking about what kind of excitement the night would hold. After a second glass of wine, your plates were empty and you made a move to stand and clear them from the table but Jake halted you. “No, I got this. Why don’t you start getting ready to go out.” He took your plate from your hands and walked to the sink.
“We still have an hour before we need to leave, I can help clean up, baby.” You gathered the leftovers and began digging for tupperware to put it all away. Hustling through the clean up, you helped Jake load the dishwasher and wiped the counters down while he did the table. Once the kitchen seemed to be in pristine condition, you both made your way to the bedroom to change. Jake pulled his t-shirt off, followed by his jeans, leaving him in his tight boxers. He passed you walking into the closet and you followed, standing in the doorway to admire him. You watched as he pulled a pair of black chino pants from the shelf above him, knowing exactly which ones they were. They were a relaxed fit, but hugged his thighs in a most sinful way with the hem stopping just above his ankles. “Are you gonna wear the hat?” The question came after he pulled his stretched out white t-shirt from its hanger, slinging it over his shoulder.
“Do you want me to wear the hat?” He asked, a slight smirk to his lips. You moved forward, tugging him toward you by the waistband of his boxers.
You brought a hand to his chin, running your thumb over the tiny patch of hair that resulted from him not shaving for a couple of days. “Mhm. Keep this too.” You poked at his patchy mustache, “That’ll be enjoyable for me later.” You winked at him before turning away to pick out your own clothes. He pulled one final garment from a hanger and gave your ass a light tap as he exited the closet. Sifting through your clothing for a few minutes, you finally decided on a pair of black, high waisted, skinny jeans with rips along the thighs and a fiery red, lace corset top. When you stepped out into the bedroom, Jake was already dressed, pulling a black jacket over his shirt. Your jaw practically hit the floor when you took him in. He chuckled at your expression, but he didn’t know that his appearance had you instantly wet. You dropped the clothes to Jake’s dresser and rushed him, crashing your lips into his. You pushed the jacket back down his arms and moved him backwards. His hands grasped at you, unsure of where you were taking him, what you were going to do. “You’re so fucking hot, Jakey.” Your lips went to his exposed collarbone, nipping not-so-gently as you pushed him to sit on the edge of the bed.
He laughed harder, thrown off by your desperation as you dropped to your knees. “Baby…” His laughter was cut off, replaced by a strangled grunt when you palmed him through the pants. “Shit, Y/N… We’re gonna be late.” He swallowed hard, watching you frantically fumble with his button.
You finally popped it and pulled the zipper down before looking up into his eyes, “Baby, please take these off.” You tugged on the pant legs, a pleading look on your face, “Right now, Jacob. Please.” You begged, licking your lips. You just needed to taste him.
He was nodding his head quickly, lifting his hips to slide the pants down along with his boxers. You didn’t waste a second, leaning over his cock and letting a string of spit fall from your mouth, right onto the tip. You could feel him shiver as your finger curled around him. Using your saliva as a lubricant, your hand glided up and down his length, feeling him grow harder by the second. He watched you bite down on your lip as you stayed focused on your hand, twisting and pumping at a decent pace. When he was fully hard, his tip red hot, you left a soft lick, tasting his precum. You listened as he mumbled curses under his breath and finally pulled him into your mouth, wrapping your lips tightly around him. One of his hands came to the back of your neck while the other gripped at the duvet beneath him. You continued stroking, expertly flicking your wrist in a way that drove him mad, and slowly took him deeper into your mouth. “God, baby. That feels- Ohh.” You flattened your palm at the base, swallowing his cock until he was buried in your throat. Holding him there, you rolled your tongue along the underside, your throat pulsing around his head. His eyes squeezed shut as his grip on your neck tightened. “Too fucking good, Y/N.” He was panting as you released him from your lips with a loud pop. His eyes shot up, looking down at you. You held eye contact as you began stroking him again and dropped your mouth, sucking one of his balls between your lips. Letting it fall from your mouth, you lapped at them with your tongue and watched as his eyes rolled back, disappearing into his skull. His knuckles were white from the grip he had on the blanket. When you took his cock back into the satin-soft warmth of your mouth, his hand weaved into your hair, pushing you down on him, “Please, baby. Can I please?” Jake’s voice was a mere whisper, begging you to let him cum. You couldn’t answer with words, so you answered with your actions. Bobbing your head faster, you sucked hard, hollowing your cheeks. You could feel him twitch on your tongue and used that as a signal, moving your hand to massage his balls. Without a warning, Jake forced your head down, nestling himself in the very back of your throat. A gag ripped from your throat has the first string of his cum shot out. Your eyes were blurry as they began to water and you repressed another gag, focusing on the angelic whimpers Jake made as he emptied himself into your mouth. Your fingers were digging into his thighs when he loosened his hold on your head. He allowed you to bob a few more times, letting him come back down from his climax. When his cock softened, you let him fall from your mouth and looked up at him with the sweetest smile. His face held an incredulous expression as he stared down at you, “God really took his time with you, didn’t he?” His thumb brushed over your bottom lip, still glistening with spit.
You only offered a giggle in return as you stood up and went to the dresser to retrieve your clothes. “Clean up and get dressed, we got 20 minutes, baby.” You were already heading for the bathroom before he could respond. After you changed, you stood in front of the mirror putting on a bit of mascara and finishing with a shiny lip gloss. You pulled your hair from the ponytail and shook it out, letting the waves fall. Once you were satisfied with your appearance, you emerged from the bathroom and found Jake in the living room, looking at his watch. He was dressed in his outfit again, the hat snug on his head with his hair pulled back into a low bun. “Are you waiting on me, Jakey?”
His eyes traveled down your body and back up, soaking you in. He grinned, pulling his sunglasses from his neckline and putting them on, “It’s already after 8, my love. Josh keeps asking where we are.” He took your hand and led you out of the house, locking the door behind him.
The drive was quick and the summer sun was just beginning to set. When you got to the bar, you and Jake grabbed drinks and found everyone on the outside deck chatting. You locked eyes with Odessa and she gave a small wave. You hadn’t really talked to her much since the night of the cookout but you missed her. Making your way over, you tapped on her shoulder, “Hey, can we talk for a second?”
She nodded and followed you away from the group, once in a quiet spot, she began muttering out an apology. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I had no idea that she was capable of doing something that vile. I swear, I would have never introduced her, wouldn’t have even been friends with her. I don’t know how to begin to explain how horribly I feel, I-”
“Dess,” You placed your hand on her shoulder, waiting for her to calm down. “You don’t need to apologize. I think we’ve all established how manipulative and demented she is… But you and me, we’re fine. I’ve actually missed you a lot.” You pulled her into a hug and she hugged you back tighter. “So much has been happening, I’m sure Danny told you.”
She released you, “He did… When he told me about the messages you and Jake have been getting? Do you really think it’s Sage?” You gave a shrug and a slight nod. “And she stole Jake’s shirt?! That’s literally insane behavior.”
You didn’t get a chance to respond as a hand pressed flat against your back. You could smell his cologne before you looked at him, instantly letting you know it was Josh. “You girls gonna stand in a corner all night or are we gonna sign up for karaoke?”
Wrapping your arm around his side, you looked at him with a smile. “Only if you promise to do at least one duet with me.”
“Of course, mama. As long as it’s not ‘Summer Lovin’. Never again.” He shook his head and you pinched his ribs, staring at him in mock offense. “OW!”
“We sounded great when we did that song!” You knew it wasn’t true. You couldn’t hold a candle to Josh’s voice but he would never turn you down for a duet. “I wasn’t going to suggest that anyways. I have a better song in mind.” You stuck your tongue out at him.
He rolled his eyes with a chuckle, “Okay, well let’s hear it.” He waited expectantly.
“You’re just gonna have to wait and see.” And with that, you turned on your heels, walking back to where Jake stood. He was mid conversation with Daniel when you approached. He could already sense your presence without looking and lifted his arm, allowing you to tuck yourself under it. You watched as he talked, appreciating how truly handsome he looked tonight. Your mind drifted back to the moments before you left the house, causing your thighs to subtly clench together. He dropped his eyes to you for a moment, reading your mind and gave that devilish smile before turning back to Danny.
Odessa came up then, “Okay, guys, Rory is taking sign ups now. It’s not a very full house tonight, so I bet we can all get a couple go’s in!” She pointed to a tall, muscular man that was standing beside the small stage at a booth, typing on a laptop.
You tugged on Jake’s shirt to get his attention like a lost child, “Baby, will you sing a song with me tonight? Pleeease?” You pleaded, hoping that tonight would finally be the time he got up on the stage and graced you with his soft voice.
He tried to stifle his smile, not wanting to hurt you, but declined, “Not tonight, my love. Next time, okay?” He kissed your temple, turning back to Danny.
The disappointment was evident in your voice as you mumbled. “You say that everytime.” You broke away from him, taking Odesss’s hand and going to sign you and Josh up for the song you chose. Odessa signed herself up for a couple spots, unable to decide on a single song and forcing you into signing up to sing ‘Landslide’ by Fleetwood Mac with her. Josh wandered over, picking a couple songs to sing and trying to get a peek at your duet song. You shooed him away, following him back over to your table. Jake and Danny were huddled closely, whispering to each other. “Care to share your secrets with the class, boys?” You joked as you came up behind them. 
Jake turned around, eyes wide as he looked at you, “No secrets. No we uh- We were just talking about this new melody I’ve been working on… Wanted his help on it.” His eyes flashed to Danny and back to you.
Ignoring his odd behavior, you excused yourself to go get another drink, asking Dess to come with you but Danny stopped her. “I actually need to talk to her about something really quickly, she’ll meet you at the bar, yeah?” You brows knitted as you stared at him, just giving a slow, confused nod before walking away. Why is everyone being so weird tonight?
Stepping up to the bar, you waited for the bartender to have a free second before you signaled for her. She flashed you a kind smile, asking what you’d like. “Just a tequila soda, please.” She pulled a glass from below the bar top and began making your drink, moving quickly. She slapped a napkin on the bar and placed the cup on top of it, sliding it over to you. “Thank you!” You picked the glass up as she moved to the next customer and brought it the straw to your lips. The smell of the liquor hit your nostril, making your stomach flip. Ignoring it, you took a sip but when the tequila hit your tastebuds, you gagged, throwing your hand over your mouth.
The bartender was watching you from where she stood and came back over, “Everything okay, hun? Do you want something else?” You placed the cup back on the counter and apologized, asking for a cup of water. “No need for sorry’s, honey. Here you go.” She slid the water to you and you grabbed it, taking a few gulps.
Odessa came up beside you then with a giant grin on her face and when you turned to look at her, she tried to conceal it, but failed miserably. “What are you smiling about?” You narrowed your eyes at her.
She waved you off, “Uhh nothing… Danny is just being really sweet tonight.” She didn’t elaborate further and before you could pry, she tore eyes away from you pointing to the door and yelling a little too loud, “Oh hey! Look, Sam is here!”
You looked in the direction she was pointing and saw him weaving through people, carrying a large case at his side. You watched as he walked straight to the stage, leaning the case against the wall behind the booth and made a beeline for the bar, right towards you and Odessa. When his eyes landed on you, then went wide for a second and he almost stopped moving, but quickly recovered, giving you his familiar Sammy smile. “What’s in the case, Sammy?” You inquired, sipping your water as he stood on the opposite side of Dess.
“Oh it’s my keyboard. I- Uh, well.” Your face twisted in confusion, listening to him stammer out an explanation.
Odessa piped up, speaking for him, “Danny asked him to bring it, apparently wants to sing a special song for me that they don’t have in the system. I’m not supposed to know so ‘shh’” She held her finger to her lips and Sam visibly relaxed next to her, having been saved from ruining a surprise.
“Oh. Is that why everyone is acting strange? Why didn’t they just tell me, I can keep a secret?!” You crossed your arms over your chest, “Obviously other people can’t if you know already.”
She just laughed and changed the subject, trying to distract you from it. “So what song did you pick for you and Josh to do?”
A voice rang out over the speakers before you could answer and you looked to the stage, watching Rory as he spoke into the microphone. “Good evening, folks! We’ve got a few good songs coming up for karaoke night, I hope you’re all ready!” There was a slew of hoots and hollers, “Okay! Now if you wanna get in on the fun, just come right up here and see me with the sign up sheet, we still have a ton of openings.” He waved his clipboard in the air for a few seconds. “We’re kicking off tonight with our very own Odessa, singing ‘Me and Bobby McGee’ by Janis Joplin! Can we get a round of applause for her?”
You clapped hard, cheering as Odessa walked through the crowd and to the stage. “You wanna head to the table with everyone else before she starts?” You asked Sam and he nodded, picking his drink up and following you. You slid into the chair beside Jake just as the opening acoustic notes came through the speaker. Odessa’s voice echoed through the mic with the first line and you listened in awe as she sang. Halfway through the song, you turned to look at Danny. His face was lit up as he watched her, an expression of pride and adoration gracing his features. Your heart swelled at the sight. They locked eyes and you could feel the love between them in that moment. She closed the song out on a lingering note and finished with a dramatic bow. You whistled loud, clapping for her as she exited the stage.
Rory came back, “Isn’t she great, folks!” He smiled as everyone erupted into more cheers. “Don’t worry, that’s not the last you’ll see of her tonight, but for now, up next we have, “ He paused, looking down at his clipboard and you knew it was your duet. “Josh and Y/N performing ‘Don’t Go Breaking My Heart’ by Elton John and Kiki Dee. Let’s make some noise for them!”
You stood up, looking at Josh as people began clapping. He stood, taking your hand and leading you up to the stage, “We’re gonna kill this, you know that?” He whispered as he handed you a microphone. A grin split over your face and you shook out your nervous hands.As many times as you’d been up this very stage, singing karaoke with Josh, the nerves never went away. You scanned the crowd for your table, locking eyes with Jake and he gave you his warmest smile, instantly calming you. The music started and you waited for Josh to sing first, giving you your cue.
Don’t go breaking my heart…
-I couldn’t if I tried…
Oh honey, if I get restless…
-Baby, you’re not that kind…
His voice sounded flawless as always and any insecurity you felt over your own went out the window, replaced with an overwhelming feeling of joy. Josh took your hand, twirling you around the stage and you tried to stifle your giggles to finish the song out, but it was hard. The last line of the lyrics rolled up the screen and you pointed at Jake as you sang it out, “I won’t go breaking your heart…” You finished, blowing him a kiss and he made a show of catching it, placing it directly over his heart. The energy in the bar was high as you and Josh left the stage, hearing the other patrons cheering for you.
Your body was buzzing as you got back to the table and Jake pulled you to sit on his lap, holding you close. “You did great up there, my love.” He kissed your cheek and you leaned into him, reeling from the excitement of your performance.
A few other people went up to sing. Then it was Odessa again, singing ‘Valerie’ by Amy Winehouse. It turned out to be a crowd favorite and by the end of it, she had everyone singing with her, shouting the lyrics at the top of their lungs. She pulled you back up to sing ‘Landslide’ and then she was done for the night, settling into Danny’s lap and sipping her beer. Josh went up a few more times as well, forcing Sam into doing ‘Love Shack’ by the B-52s with him. His little brother protested the whole way to the stage, but he had fun, whether he wanted to admit it or not. You laughed as you watched them, holding onto Jake’s hand.
Things started slowing down, less people wanting to get up on stage, and Odessa called your name from across the table. “Will you come to the bathroom with me?” She gave you puppy eyes and you smiled.
“Yeah, I have to pee anyway.” You stood from your chair, but Jake’s hand tightened around yours as you went to walk away. When you turned to look at him, he pulled you down into a kiss and something about it felt different. Like he was anxious or panicked and you suddenly realized how sweaty his hand was. You pulled away, looking down at him, “Baby, what’s wrong? Are you nervous?”
He took his hand from your and wiped it over his pants. “No, love. Just weird about PDA, you know that.” He waved you off, not giving you the option to question him anymore, “Go ahead to the bathroom, hurry back.” You watched as he turned back to the table, picking his drink up and gulping it down.
You let it go and followed Odessa to the restroom. After you peed, you joined her in front of the mirror, washing your hands and applying more lip gloss. “Hey, does Jake seem off to you?” You looked down at your hands as you asked it.
“What do you mean, babe? I haven’t noticed anything.” She took her time, staring into the mirror and playing with her hair. Pulling it up and then letting it back down. You watched her do this for a minute or so before telling her you were going to head back out. “No, wait!” She half shouted, causing you to jump. When you stared at her in shock, she mumbled an apology. “I’m almost done, I just don’t want to be in here by myself.” She pouted at you and your face softened.
“Isn’t Danny supposed to be singing you a song? You’re gonna end up missing it if you take any longer.”
Her phone chimed then and she scanned over the message that came through, her eyes lighting up, “You’re right! Let’s go.” She grasped your hand, dragging you out of the bathroom.
When you stepped back into the crowd, Rory was talking onto the microphone. “We have one more performance for you all tonight, I’m told this one is very important, for a special girl in the crowd.” You squeezed Odessa’s hand, excited for her. She continued pulling you towards the table as Rory resumed the introduction, “Please welcome, one more time, Josh! Accompanied by his brother Sam on the keys.”
You stopped in your tracks, turning to face the stage. “I thought Danny-”
“C’mon, I don’t wanna miss it!” Odessa kept moving. You made it back to the table and Danny was sitting there, in the same chair he’d been in all night. But Jake was gone. You asked where he went and Danny told you must have been in the bathroom. You sat down, confused at what was going on.
Before you could make another inquiry, Sammy’s fingers hit the keyboard, a soft melody floating from the amp it was plugged into. You recognized the song immediately. Then came Josh’s haunting voice, blanketing the space as he crooned the lyrics. “When the rain is blowing in your face, and the whole world is on your case… I could offer you a warm embrace, to make you feel my love.” You watched as couples around the bar, old and young, stood up and began slow dancing with one another. You looked around the area for Jake, wanting nothing than to hold him in your arms and sway with him.
You looked at Danny and Odessa, standing beside the table. He had his arms around her, her back to his chest as they rocked back and forth and you felt a pang through your chest. Odessa caught your eyes and gave you a sympathetic look. You stood up, ready to make your way outside for a breath of air, but something stopped you. Another voice replaced Josh’s and you whipped your head around, searching for him. Jake. His voice carried through the room but you couldn’t find him and then, suddenly, he was there. Standing in front of the stage, gazing at you as he sang. “I know you haven’t made your mind up yet, but I will never do you wrong… I’ve known it from the moment that we met, no doubt in my mind where you belong…” Tears flooded your eyes as you stared at him, completely stunned. Josh carefully harmonized with his twin, being sure to give Jake the spotlight. The people who stood between you and him slowly parted, giving you a clear line of sight to each other. You stayed planted in place, afraid to move out of fear that this was a dream you could wake from at any moment. But that didn’t stop Jake. He took one step closer, then two, three, closing the distance. “I could make you happy, make your dreams come true… Nothing that I wouldn’t do. Go to the ends of the earth for you, to make you feel my love…” He was standing in front of you now, taking your hand in his. You tears were flowing fast, streaming down your cheeks in full force. He just smiled at you, singing the last line, “To make you feel my love.” Your eyes blew wide as he dropped to his knee, realized he was holding your left hand, his thumb brushing over the ring finger. A collection of gasps from the surrounding people filled the air. You kept your eyes on his, unable to speak as Sam let his key notes fade to silence. Everyone stayed quiet and you held your breath as the tears dripped down your face. “Y/N. My love.” He let Daniel take the mic from his hand and replace it with something else. You wished you could see him clearly, but your watering eyes made it hard. “From the very second I set eyes on you, I knew…” He paused, taking a deep breath to compose himself. You could tell he was getting just as choked up as you were. “I knew that I’d never want, never need anyone else. For the rest of my days, it’s you. Forever, baby.” He held the ring up, letting it shine under the dim bar lighting. You didn’t give him a chance to ask the question as you flung your arms around him, burying your face in his neck. He fell backwards as he caught you, landing on his ass. He laughed holding you tightly. Your favorite laugh. “Is that a yes”
You pulled away and saw his eyes shining with tears as well. You nodded fast as he cupped your face, wiping your cheeks. “Eternal, baby.” He flashed you his perfect smile and pulled you into a kiss. The entire room burst into a fit of whoops and claps as everyone cheered and shouted congratulatory sentiments. You finally stood, helping Jake from the floor and allowed him to slide the ring onto your finger. Admiring it for a few moments, your body felt warm. It still felt like a dream, too perfect, like it could be ripped away from you at any minute. You looked back to Jake, “I love you, Jacob Thomas Kiszka. I love you so much.” You reached up, brushing the single tear from his eye and pressed your lips to his again, holding on to this moment. Memorizing every granular detail for safekeeping in your memories.
Once it felt like the world finally started moving again, Sam and Josh and Danny and Dess were there, surrounding you. Josh pulled his twin into a tight hug while Odessa grabbed at your hand, examining the simple, dainty ring with a teardrop diamond. Your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. Sammy wrapped you in a bear hug, so suffocatingly tight. And then Danny was next as Sam moved to Jake. Josh was the last one to step up to you and he looked like he’d been crying himself. “You know he threw this all together this morning, right?”
“This just doesn’t feel real, Josh.” You leaned into him, laying your head on his shoulder as you watched Jake. His smile was grand, splitting over his cheeks and forcing his eyes to crinkle. Your heart felt so full, like it was going to burst with the amount of love you had for him. It couldn’t have been a more perfect moment, surrounded by the people that you loved most. The only person missing was your brother. You lifted your head, pulling your phone from your back pocket, “I need to call my brother.”
“I’ll let you have a minute, mama.” Josh went back to Jake’s side, clapping him on the shoulder.
You watched them laugh together for a few seconds before unlocking your phone. There was a message notification and you clicked on it, before opening your contact list. Your face twisted into a grimace when you saw her name over the unread message. You almost just deleted it, but a nagging feeling was rising in your chest as your thumb hovered over the thread. Shaking the feeling away, you clicked, curious as to what she had to say. Your jaw clenched as you read over the message again and again, willing it to say something else. Anything else. When you looked up to Jake, his smile dropped, seeing the blood drain from your face. He broke away from Josh, rushing over to you. His voice was muffled as he asked you what was wrong. You couldn’t answer him, stuck in an odd state of shock. He took the phone from your hand as you stared blankly ahead and found the cause of your shift in demeanor. A single text message.
Sage 8:57pm: It’s Sage. i’m pregnant.
@gvfpal @takenbythemadness @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @mybussyinchrist @alwaysonthemend @objectsinspvce @wetkleenex-gvf @myleftsock @everyglowinthetwilightknows @ppoutine @aintthatapity @sinarainbows @anythingforjtk @ohyoufancyhuh @montenegroisr @gvf23 @ageofbajabule @sacredmachine @ieatedsammy @seditabets @gretavansara @starcatcher-jake @hellowgoodbye
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pastelavender88 · 1 year
Sinbound- Chapter 11
Summary: It’s been a month since the events of the last chapter: Eddie and Buck are on the outs and Buck’s family is back in town; Something major happens to Y/n.
Warning: Talks of miscarriage.
Series Masterlist
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It’s been a month since Eddie and I broke up. It was touch and go for a while. The night of the breakup I asked for 2 hours. It doesn’t take 2 hours to basically pick up your whole life. Alex and I took all our clothes and toiletries but we still had to come back and get the rest of our things. I decided it would be best to leave all the baby’s stuff there, but excluding that I still had a ton of things. Bobby and Athena served as the buffer between Eddie and I. Athena would text me to tell me that Bobby told her Eddie and Christopher would be out of the house from 12-4 pm and stuff like that. Eddie and I still haven’t spoken since that night even though he tried. He gave me a good 2 days before he was blowing up my cell and trying to talk and work things out, but I was serious when I meant Eddie and I were done. The betrayal still keeps me awake at night if I let my mind wander enough and the events starting on the night in question and the big blow up play in my head like a movie. Alex and I moved in with Buck for the time being while I figured out the next step in our lives. Buck was more than happy to welcome us and he’s been accommodating in any way he can. He’s been going with me to my doctor appointments, driving me around a lot since I’ve gotten a little bigger and lazier to do it myself, and even taking a parenting class with me. Even though I had Alex already a lot of things have changed in the last 12 years.  Speaking of all the things Buck is doing for me, Eddie is quite pissed at him because of it. Also, the fact that Buck is the one that told me about Eddie’s infidelity. So everything has been quite an adjustment. It was morning and Buck was off today so that meant family breakfast. Which was really more me cooking whatever I was craving and everyone being too lazy to complain or make anything else. Today was chicken, waffles, spicy syrup, bacon, eggs, and french toast. (Don’t judge but I craved this my whole pregnancy.) Buck came down from the room and sat at the table. The reason I call it the room is because technically it’s both Buck and I’s room. See Buck only has two rooms in his loft but the other room is Alex’s and it’s not exactly big enough to share. So Buck and I share the room in the sense that both of our things are there like clothes, shoes, jewelry, little things like that. Buck did buy a couch though, so that way he has something to sleep on. Right now Buck was trying to convince me to go with him and Alex to pick up his parents later. “They would love to see you. I mean it’s been over a year since they last saw you.” “Yeah and since then I got knocked up and then left a single mom. Again.” “True, but you look really cute pregnant and they haven’t seen this glow.” He said, as he pointed his fork at me. “That may be the case but seriously I’m not up for that yet.” Buck could tell my mood was becoming somber, so he let it go. “Alright. Did I tell you guys what happened yesterday at work? Some guy’s kids buried him in the sand and splashed water on him when a freak flash of lightning hit and turned the sand into glass. It was insane.” “Buck I’m trying to eat.” “Mom, that's actually really cool and mother nature at work. What did that guy say in that really old dinosaur movie ‘life always finds a way’. Life is science.” “Did she just call Jurassic Park a really old movie?” I asked Buck. I turned to Alex. “That movie came out the year I was born for your info.” “How do you think I feel? I’m older than you by two years.” Buck joked. The conversation kept flowing from there and eventually it was time to clean up and start the day. Since the break up with Eddie I haven’t really been writing much so my day usually centers around Buck and Alex. I felt like a 50’s housewife. After making sure everyone had everything they needed for their day I would tidy the house, wash dishes, do laundry. It was a feminist nightmare but I was so numb I didn’t really care. I’ve been seeing a therapist but it didn’t help as much as I thought it would. Most people describe therapy as this life-altering interaction but for me it felt like when you were called to the guidance counselor in school about bullying or something. Like I was put on the spot. Don’t get me wrong there was improvement but I just didn’t feel satisfied or “fixed” in a sense. We dived into my relationship issues a lot and I understand what Eddie was saying. The “relationship” that Buck and I had while Eddie and I were still together was emotional cheating, which proved my point. We were bad for each other. Eddie and I both rushed into this relationship after commitment issues on both sides, so we were destined for doom. Either way the pain inside of me from his affair with Ana wasn’t going away because I know that what I did didn’t warrant that. Instead of breaking it off or establishing clear boundaries, Eddie decided that cheating was the best route. So here I am feeling like less than a person over a toxic relationship we both should have some coming to an end. Buck’s POV Since Y/n didn’t want to come with me I was forced to suffer with my parents alone. It was worth it since Albert was there. “Uh, Albert, hey, check this out.” I showed Albert Y/n’s ultrasound picture. It was so cool to be a part of this process and I couldn’t help but show it off. “You brought more than takeout.” Albert replied, “Well, uh, Chimney didn't tell you?” “Yeah, that I've been gone less than a year and you're a father again? No.” God I hope my parents didn’t hear that. “Uh, no, not-not exactly.” “But that's a…” Albert started. “Baby. Buck...?” My mom was suddenly standing behind me. “Is there something you need to tell us? You're gonna be an uncle again!” My mom shouted as she jumped to conclusions. “Phillip! Maddie and Howard are gonna have another baby!” My mom yelled as she went to hug Chimney. “What?” Chim asked, confused. “That's fantastic! I had a feeling when you bought this house.” My dad replied. “I mean, it's a little soon to be pregnant again, but... Why not?!” Mom said. “This is very good news, Howard. Why didn't you tell us sooner? “ Chimney’s stepmom asked. “Uh, guys... Guys, we're... not pregnant.” He said. “You're not?” Mom asked. “No.” “Then who is?” Mom asked as she turned to me. “That’s what I was trying to say. Y/n is pregnant again. It’s a girl.” “You and Y/n are having another baby?” My dad asked. “No, mom is having a baby with Eddie.” Throughout all the confusion, everyone forgot Alex was sitting at the table on her tablet. “But, they're not together anymore so we're living with dad.” “Okay, let’s not deepdive into it. Give your mom some privacy.” When we got home it was time for a talk about privacy. “So Y/n and living with you while she’s pregnant with another man’s baby?” My dad asked. “And you’re going to help raise the baby?” “It's not like that. We’re not together, I’m just helping her while she figures a few things out. Also, if she wants of course I’ll help raise the baby but we haven’t thought that far ahead. We’re taking things day-by-day.” The way everyone except Maddie, Chimney, and Alex were looking at me I could tell they had a lot to say. “I think it's…” My mom started. “Here we go. “ I knew I was about to get an earful. “Great.” She finished. That shocked me. “Uh, yeah?” “You’re a wonderful father to Alex and I know if you need to be you’ll be a wonderful father to this little girl as well.” Dad replied. “Not only are you a good father but you’re a good man.” My mom said as she stepped towards me for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her. “Here. Dad, you want to see?” I said showing him the sonogram “Oh, absolutely.”  He said as he took the phone from me. “Phillip. You are going to allow this?” Howie’s dad asked. “It's not really for me to allow.” Dad replied. “A man cannot raise a child fathered by another man, it's unnatural.” Howie’s father reiterated. “Says the expert in child-rearing, huh? I would think you would relate to Buck's decision. Father them and let someone else raise them.” “Howie.” Albert explained. “Whoa, Chim. It's-it's okay.” I said. “A man who cannot control his family is not a man.” Howie’s dad added to already building tension. “Maybe a man who's too controlling forces his sons to hide from him in another country.” My dad fired back. “Okay, easy. Come on, Dad.” I said. “Children need to learn that actions have consequences.” “I'm sorry, but how is any of this your business?” my mom asked Howie’s dad. “He did announce it to everyone.” Albert’s mom said. ‘Well, that wasn't exactly my choice.” I said, making it clear. “It was a bad choice.” “My dad helping out my mom wasn’t a bad choice, you’re just mean.” Alex called out. “Alex. Honey, you can not talk to adults like that.” “See this is exactly what I am talking about. Your child has no manners and you plan to raise another?” “Oh, that's rich.” My dad replied yet again, kicking everything off. Everyone started to argue until due to a storm the lights went out.   “Buck, grab some candles, we got the doors”. Howie called me. As mom played with Jee and Alex, Maddie and I talked. “I think maybe Albert was right.” I said to Maddie. “Oh, I wouldn't say that out loud.” “Ever think about what it might've been like...?” “What?” “If Daniel had lived.” I asked her. “Yeah, sometimes.” “You?” Just then the lights came back on and everyone was relieved. “I think it would've been just like this.” Y/n’s POV (Think of this happening at the same time as Buck’s) I was sitting on the couch after cleaning when I heard a knock on the door. “Did you forget your key or something Buck?” I swung open the door and there stood Eddie. I crossed my arms and clenched my fists tight. The nerve he had to show up here. “What are you doing here Eddie?” “I’m here to talk to you. You haven’t spoken to me in a month. At least not without a third party being involved. I haven’t gone to any of your appointments since then.” “You barely went before so what’s the difference?” “Y/n, how long are we going to do this? Huh? Are we gonna be those parents that drag their kids through hell?” “Don’t do that. I can’t do this right now.” “So when are we going to do this? Talk things out?” “I don’t know Eddie. It’s only been a month.” “We need to talk about this.” “No. I need time. Time away from you. I’ll tell you when I’m ready to talk to you.” I went to shut the door on Eddie but he put his hand there to stop it. “I miss you Y/n. Christopher missed you.” “I miss Christopher too. He’s more than welcome over here, because you’re pissed with Buck you won’t let him over here.” Eddie was quiet. “Eddie, I want to move forward but I need to do it at my own pace. The way you’re behaving isn’t helping.  I mean I feel like you aren’t even sorry.” “I am sorry. I will always be sorry for what I did. Not only because I hurt you but because I destroyed everything we built when I did it. I’m so sorry Y/n.” “I hear you Eddie I do, but I still need time. Okay?” “Alright. I’ll go. I love you y/n.” I still loved Eddie but I didn’t know if I was in love with him anymore. “Goodbye, Eddie.” Time went on and eventually Buck came home. “Hey, where’s Alex?” “She’s spending the night at Maddie and Chim’s house.” “I thought the house wasn’t done and what clothes is she going to wear?” “Our daughter is a sneaky one. She put her clothes in my truck along with a sleeping bag. How am I supposed to say no to that?” “I’m sure it’s really easy but she’s got you wrapped around her finger.” “Yeah, she does.” Buck came and sat down beside me on the couch. “So it’s just the two of us tonight, what are we doing? “I was thinking of doing something a little risky…” “Oh really?” “Oh yeah.” “How risky we talking?” “Oh you know, I’m gonna change and slip into something a little more comfortable, and then…” “Then what?” “We’re gonna eat so much ice cream our guts explode and watch trashy reality tv.” “Now that’s what I’m talking about.” Buck said. We’d always had that joking relationship that could be borderline sexual but now that we actually live together the sexual part was definitely a no-no. “I’ll be back.” I went upstairs to change. “What kind of ice cream we doing tonight, Rocky road or fudge?” “Ooh, let’s do a rocky road tonight.” I started to change when I felt a warm sensation in my pants. I looked down at my now ruined pants and noticed blood. I carefully rushed down the stairs. Buck was facing away from me but heard me come down the stairs. “You changed already, that was fast.” He turned around and saw my expression. “What’s the matter?” “I’m bleeding.” I could tell Buck wasn’t catching on to what I was saying. “Like down there.” Buck became a panicked nervous mess. “Oh my god! Okay. Let me grab my shoes and my keys and we’ll throw you in the car.” Before I could say anything he darted off. He looked around the front door and then made his way into the living room. “Where are my shoes? Where are my keys?” “Buck calm down. Your keys are on the hook and your shoes are in the room. I’m gonna put on a pad and change, while I’m doing that, call Dr.Manning.” “Alright.” I went into the room changed and put on a pad in case of more bleeding. When I came back down, Buck was waiting on me. “Dr.Manning is going to meet us at the hospital.” “Okay.” We made our way downstairs and got into the car when I realized I forgot to call Eddie. I went to reach my phone and couldn’t find it. “Buck, can you call Eddie? I left my phone inside the loft.” “Yeah of course.” Buck called Eddie but it went straight to voicemail. “Hey Eddie, I’m taking Y/n to the hospital to see Dr.Manning. Call me back when you get this,” He hung up and turned towards me. “Are you okay? Are you in pain?” “No, I'm doing okay, just the bleeding.” I was trying to keep a leveled head but my mind was racing. It was going to places I didn’t want it to go. “You know when I was pregnant with Alex I had a scare kind of like this. I was in the hospital for 2 days. They said her heart rate was low and there was a chance I could lose her. What if I lose this baby Buck?” My tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. Buck grabbed my hand and caressed it.“Don’t think like that. We’re going to see Dr.Manning and she’s going to tell us that that beautiful baby girl of yours is okay and whatever is happening is probably normal, okay?” “Okay. Thanks Buck.” “Of course.” He said as he kissed my hand. Buck and I arrived at the hospital where Dr.Manning was waiting. She ushered us into the ultrasound room and began to take a sonogram. “Okay, let’s take a look.” She moved the wand around and I saw how she squinted at the screen. “Here’s the baby right here. Let’s hear this heartbeat.” She moved over and I heard her heartbeat. It sounded good or at least I think. “That’s a strong and healthy heart beat right there.” I let out a relieved breath. She moved the wand around more until she stopped at this big blob. “Okay, here’s the problem. You’re suffering from Placenta previa. It’s when the placenta completely or partially covers the opening of the uterus. How bad was the bleeding?” “If I was on my period I would say it’s a light flow.” “And are you still bleeding now.” “No, I don't feel anything.” “I’m gonna keep you here for the rest of the night and monitor everything. In the morning I’ll let you know whether or not you’ll be discharged. Let me just say since it’s your second child it’s more than likely gonna resolve itself. What’s your birthing plan?” “I planned on doing a vaginal birth.” “Okay. We’re going to do more appointments than usual and if this resolves itself we can go ahead with that plan. If not we’re going to have to do a c-section delivery. Okay?” “Alright.” “Dad is more than welcome to stay if he would like. I’m going to make sure a room is prepared and ready for you. Let me know if you need anything.” I didn’t feel like correcting her about Buck in any way. “Okay.” She departed the room and Buck and I sat there almost as if we were waiting on the other person to say something first.” “Do you want me to stay with you?” Buck said, breaking the silence. “Only if you’d like to.” “Of course I would. Do you want me to go home and get anything?” “No I’m okay. It’s just for the night right?” “Right.” Soon a nurse came and brought us to the room we would be staying in for the night and we got comfortable. Sometime throughout the night the anxiety left me and before I knew it I was asleep. I was awoken by a nurse and Dr. Manning coming in. Buck was already awake. “Good morning. How are you feeling?” “I’m fine. Just nervous to be honest.” “Well I have good news, we found nothing concerning while monitoring you over night so that means you can go home. We’ll be having more frequent visits but I’m sure you have nothing to worry about.” “That’s great thanks doc.” Buck replied. “Just doing my job, but this does mean a few things. No moderate or strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, standing for long periods of time and sadly no sexual intercourse or sexual activity that could lead to orgasm. At least until the baby is born.” I wanted to dig a hole so deep and crawl in it. “Any followup questions?” “Nope, I’m good. You got any, Y/n?” Buck replied with a grin. “She’s covered everything. Thanks, we’ll be out of your hair now.” Dr. Manning said her goodbyes to us, leaving alone to brew in the awkwardness. “No sex until the baby gets here. Well I guess there’s no point in you living with me anymore.” I believe that was Buck’s bad attempt at a joke. “Haha, so funny. Besides it’s mostly if the issue doesn’t resolve itself I think.” I don’t know why I answered like it was a serious possibility. “Let’s go. I’m hungry.” I quickly made my way out of the room in order to avoid talking about this any further.
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i-smoke-chapstick · 3 months
I was grazing through the jervis x reader tag when I stumbled across your account. I read over your rules and what fandoms(characters) you write for and was wondering if I could either get headcanons or just a story, whichever is easier, if Jervis tetch (Benedict Samuel’s version) spotting fem or gn reader who has dwarfism( and if you’re not sure with writing this, it can just be a really short reader), hanging about with Jim (Either can be Jim’s sibling or close friend up to you) and is instantly just “😍🫣”. This can be during the breakout episode with the j squad. He starts trying to get close to them without getting arrested by Jim, leaving rhyme like letters for them, flowers, etc. Reader takes the letters to Jim who instantly knows who it is cause who else rhymes like that? Reader is then unsure about Jervis’s actions, thinking they aren’t real feelings since he is technically mad and messed up in the head and they are hella shy and insecure for obvious reasons.
I just realized I’m reflecting a little here. Sorry 💀. Basically I have dwarfism and it’s lovely to read others interpretations on people who have it. Not just readers who are short but actually have the disability.
You can either continue from here or cut it to an ending btw. Sfw or NSFW is both fine with me. Thank ya tons! And I’ll understand if ya can’t or just don’t want too!
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Jervis is intrigued, obsessed, and very deeply in love.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!jervis x dwarf!female reader. Anon who sent this- thank you for entrusting me!! I absolutely love obsessed Jervis teehee. warning for pretty obsessive behavior. (jer has no sense of boundaries)
♫ “Tonight, you're mine completely. / Can I believe the magic of your sighs?” Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? by Amy Winehouse
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You've heard the whispers from Jim. He's been freaking the fuck out, for lack of better words. Not just one mad man on the loose- but three. You tell him there's a mad men on the loose every other day...it's Gotham. He just sighs.
Three of the big bads escaped Arkham last night- only one of which who you'd met personally a few months back. Though, you remember it like it was yesterday.
You were in the GCPD with Gordan and Harvey when it happened. You typically avoided the place- the guys there were assholes. You heard all the same comments before, about how you looked. Thank god for Harvey and Jim- especially Harvey, who had chewed a cadet out for laughing.
Jim had holed himself up with a girl named Alice Tetch. He had advised you came to the GCPD that day, horrible idea, you had to admit. "It's for your own protection." He said, but had left you out of the interrogation room by yourself.
You facepalmed as you watched the officers do there work awkwardly. Every now and again you'd catch one staring and you'd grimace.
It came to a head when you heard a strange circus-like music playing. And then your jaw dropped when two wrestlers stood up on the desks, followed by the loud intercom of a voice overhead.
"Ladies and gentlemen! It is with great excitement that we welcome you to our show..."
And then a cop fell from the top floor and splat on Harvey's desk. Yep. Great idea Jim.
You felt yourself shaking- watching the scene unfold before you in chaos and horror. You backed up into the door- unable to move or run.
Suddenly- turning to your left, a man came into your vision. You had to look up to see him; tall and dark with a top hat.
He cocked his head as he looked down on you, eyebrows pulled together. You swallowed, and after a beat of silence, a strange smile broke out on his face.
He seemed to be studying you, paused in his movements.
"Hello." He greeted, curtly. It was as though he was making a mental note of you. Before you knew it, you were being pushed to the side- and made his way right into the interrogation room.
You feared for Jim, but he always had it handled. So...you ran towards a back exit and booked it.
Your luck would have it that now, in the present, Jervis Tetch (that's what you eventually learned his name was) was fiending for a new obsession. That just happened to be you.
The Arkham breakout happened just earlier last night, and you've found numerous letters, flowers, even an antique pocket watch, and light blue dress tailored to your size. Every where you went in your day-to-day a gift was tastefully and subtly placed.
"With every beat, my soul's unrest,
In dreams of you, I am obsessed,
In Gotham's night, you're my desire,
My precious door-mouse, in this world of fire."
Okay- well, a bit cheesy. The letters read...interesting poems. You found it strangely flattering.
You hadn't figured who it was until you begrudgingly went back to the GCPD to tell Jim- who gaped at you. At first, he was hellbent that this was Jervis trying to lure you in, kill you as punishment for the whole Alice situation.
You too found the whole situation confusing. But as the days continued to go by with more and more and more unique gifts and oddly heartfelt poems, it was getting a tad too real.
No, Jervis was most definitely infatuated with you.
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Now, you're in your apartment. And you hear a gentle knock at the door.
You open a single latch, allowing you to peak out the creak before letting the visitor in.
You have to look up once again to see him, and you're blood runs both cold and hot and the man. He must stand at least two feet taller than you- looking deep into your eyes with the smile of a gentleman.
"May I come in?" He chirps, gleefully. Against your better judgement, you step away from the door, standing on your toes to unlock it.
He makes his way in, hands clasped together. He scans your apartment, noting his gifts strewn about. Even the flowers he bought you in a vase. His smile widens.
"Hello, my dear." He turns to you, happily. "I see you've gotten my gifts."
"Um, yeah." You manage to speak, sucking your teeth and fidgeting. Before you know it, one of your small hands is being engulfed by his own. He kneels down before you, so you're on the same level.
"Well?" He prompts, squeezing your hand gently. "What do you think, my dear door-mouse?"
"They were....really nice, actually." You speak- and flinch out of his hold. His brows furrow when you do this.
The first thing to run through his mind is that you don't reciprocate the feelings of infatuation. That's how Alice was. He wouldn't have any qualms hypnotizing you, that's for sure. But it would be nice to be appreciated.
You can tell by the offended look on his face what he's thinking, and rush to explain.
"No, no! I...I loved them. I guess, I'm just not sure why you're interested in me?" You nod to yourself. Not just referencing your disability- but your lack of any real conversation with the man.
His face lights up again in understanding.
"Ah! Trivial, my dear. On the contrary, I find you maddeningly lovely." He speaks- and forces his hand onto yours again.
All you can do is nod- a million thoughts racing in your head. You're sure he's crazy, but you find it...kind of nice.
He's incredibly handsy, sitting on his knees in front of you, manhandling you a bit. Before you know it, he's pulling you into him, spouting words of affirmation and nuzzling into you like a cat.
Briefly, you think of what Jim might have to say if he finds out about this and tense.
You realize this is just the beginning.
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rubyreduji · 2 years
like a deja vu of heaven — hvc
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summary: you meet your soulmate in a dream
tags: angst, fluff, soulmate!au, gn!reader, past hjs x reader warnings: mentions of partner death, grief wc: 4.4k an: hansol best boy. i have this thought that hansol would be the best boyfriend in svt but that’s a whole different post. sorry if is reads a little weird :/ i liked this concept but really struggled writing it...
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Your eyes flutter open and you’re met with a blue sky. A warm breeze brushes against your skin and you sit up. You’re in a field.
You feel strange. Like you’re not in a dream but you’re not in real life either. You’re in a limbo between the two. The last time you felt this way you were younger, and the feeling was comforting. This time you’re just on edge.
You’re afraid to get up but you know you have to. Slowly you remove yourself off the ground and look around. Everything around you looks the same so you just start walking. You’re only walking for a few minutes when you hear a voice behind you.
“Yeoboseyo?” You stiffen at the voice. The word is Korean, you recognize that much, but you can’t translate it. (You never really picked up on the language as much as you'd have liked to.) You don’t want to turn around. You don’t want to confirm what you think is happening. “Excuse me?” This time it’s asked in English. The voice is deep and smooth and heart breaking.
You wake up.
Sobs rip from your throat as tears stream down your face. You sit up and bury your hands in your face. How can this be happening? You don’t want this. You only want him but you know that’s impossible.
You don’t sleep for the rest of the night.
The next time you fall asleep and wake up you’re not in the field. You’re in the passenger seat of a car.
“Hi.” The same deep voice from last night speaks. You don’t want to look at him. “I’m Hansol, but everyone calls me Vernon. I think you’re my soulmate?”
You look out the window, turning your head away from him. The scenery that passes by is too much of a blur to make anything out. It hurts your eyes but the pain is less than the one that clenches at your heart.
“Oh. I get it. Finding your soulmate is scary. Or at least that’s what I heard. I’m honestly just more nervous than anything. Kind of freaked me out yesterday. This whole…dreamscape thing. It’s so realistic but also not? Then I wake up and it’s like I didn’t even sleep but my body feels like it did. Then there was you showing up and then just disappearing.”
Vernon continues to talk as you stare out the window. You want to tell him to shut up but talking to him means you have to acknowledge he exists. Acknowledge that he’s your soulmate. And that’s just something you can’t do. So you listen to him talk for the rest of the night, staring out the window the whole time.
This continues every night for a week. You have to give it to Hansol (you’ve internally decided you like Hansol better than Vernon), he’s very resilient. He talks to you every night. He tells you about himself. His family, his friends, his job, his hobbies, his likes and dislikes. He tells you all about him. He recounts his day to you and then tells you his plans for the next day so when you meet again he can tell you if things went how he planned.
Every time you meet you’re in a different location. It’s different from what you’re used to. You liked the night you guys sat at the top of a stilled ferris wheel. All around you guys were colorful lights of an empty theme park. It was the closest you had been to Hansol and his arm kept brushing up against yours. He told you about how he and his friends Seungkwan and Chan went to the fair that day which probably inspired the dreamscape.
You still can’t look at him, and it still pains your heart to sit next to him, but his voice has started to bring comfort to you. Listening to him talk as you stare at your surroundings. You let the night take you away and you suffer the consequences every morning. Crying quietly to yourself as you will yourself not to break even more.
It’s on day nine when you finally speak to Hansol.
“Y/N,” you offer up in a small voice.
Luckily for Hansol he hears. “Y/N? That’s nice. Pretty. I’m Vernon, but you uh, know that.”
Tonight you two are in a castle. It’s Hansol’s dream. He always seems to be dreaming of exciting places. You only dream of landscapes.
The way the dreamscape works is whoever falls asleep first you end up in their dreams. Hansol seems to have a strange sleep schedule as he might be asleep way before you while the next night it could take him hours to come find you in your dream.
Hansol is in a knight costume while you’re dressed up like royalty. You think it’s a little silly but it’s also nice. You two walk the corridors of the castle together.
“You’re uhm, older than me right?” Hansol asks. If this was any other moment you might tease him for the question but instead you just nod slightly. “Cool. You’re very attractive by the way. Sorry if that's weird.”
You smile softly, turning your head away from Hansol so he can’t see your grin. You think Hansol is cute in an adorable puppy type way. You find yourself enjoying his nightly company, even if it pains you as well.
It seems that Hansol is happy just knowing your name because he spends the rest of the night talking and when you wake up that morning, for the first time, you don’t cry.
Slowly you start to warm up to the idea of talking to Hansol. You answer a few of his questions or tell him a few things. Never anything too much or all at once, but it’s a start, and he seems elated to have even just the minimal interaction with you. 
It’s on day fifteen when Hansol touches you. It’s different than that day on the ferris wheel when your arms kept accidentally brushing. This time it’s deliberately. You guys are in one of your dreams. You’re on a lake front with mountains in the back. You sit on the edge of a forest with your knees pulled to your chest as Hansol sticks his feet in the water.
“And then Seungkwan was all ‘hyung you can’t just do that’ but it’s Jihoon-hyung so of course he can just do that. Oh and then Y/N you would never BELIEVE what Seungcheol-hyung did!” Hansol grabs your arm and you jump a bit and Hansol stops his movements as well.
Even in the dreamscape touching Hansol feels strange. His grip is firm but still gentle and you can feel the warmth radiating off of his palms. His hands are big and his fingers are thick, his knuckles are pronounced. They’re familiar, they remind you of his hands, but not quite.
The touch makes you shrivel back, like he’s burned you. You stare at his hand as you back up. You realize it’s too much. It’s all too much.
“Don’t touch me!” You shout, terror laced in the back of your voice. “J-just…leave me alone!” 
You wake up. Tears are already streaming down your face as you sit up in bed. You draw your knees up to your chest again and sob into your arms. Maybe things aren’t getting better.
You don’t sleep the next night. A part of it is because you can’t shut your brain off to think, the other part is because you’re a bit too afraid to face Hansol again. Unfortunately sleep takes you over sometime in the afternoon. Hansol isn’t there as you sit on a beach, staring at the way the waves lap at the sand. You wake up early in the morning, way before Hansol falls asleep. 
The time you fall asleep you end up in Hansol’s dream. You sit together at a kitchen table. The kitchen is designed like one of those 1950s generic checkered kitchens. The cabinets are a garish mint color and the chairs and table are a bright red. Neither of you speak. You sit in silence the whole night, not even looking at each other.
The following night you’re in Hansol’s dream again. You barely have time to register that you’re in what you think is a botanical garden because Hansol practically pounced on you.
“Y/N! You’re here! Thank god. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I touched you and freaked you out and I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you last night. It felt wrong the moment I woke up and I went to bed extra early tonight so I could catch you as soon as possible. It scared me the other night when you didn’t go to bed and I felt awful and I knew I needed to apologize so I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have touched you like that the other night,” Hansol rambles on. He’s out of breath by the time he finishes talking and you have to take a moment to process all of his words.
“You uh, didn’t do anything wrong Hansol,” you tell him slowly, choosing your words carefully. “I should be apologizing. I’m sorry for the way I reacted.”
“No you’re okay! I was the one who scared you,” Hansol says with a frown.
“There’s something I need to tell you Hansol.” You walk a few feet to the nearest bench and Hansol follows, sitting cautiously beside you. 
Neither of you talk for a while. You sit there in silence, calculating your words, what you want to say. You stare at the broken down dirt path beneath your feet, willing the right words to come to you. Willing yourself to be able to get through this conversation.
“I’m…terrified,” you whisper. Hansol doesn’t say anything, just waits for you to continue. “I’ve, uh, heard of it before, but I didn’t really think it would happen to me. Nobody talks about how hard it is though.” You pause again. Hansol’s hand twitches, like he wants to reach out for you, but stops. “Josh. That was his name. Joshua Hong.”
Hansol seems to realize all of it now. His mouth falls open slightly and his eyes soften. “Oh.”
“He was…beautiful. The best thing to ever happen to me. He’s been gone for three years now. I miss him everyday.” Your hand reaches under your shirt and pulls up the necklace with two rings on it. You fiddle with them. “You’re sweet Hansol, you really are, and I’m sorry you have to be in this situation. It’s just…so scary for me. This truly means he’s gone. And I don’t want anyone thinking I’ve replaced him or anything. It’s not like this is a choice you know?”
“I just think that if I let you in that it’s like it’s going to erase everything I had with him. Which I know is untrue and silly but he was my soulmate. And I know you are too, but…it’s different. And I hate having to tell you that but it’s the truth. A part of it for me is really hard too because I used to dream about him. Not soulmate dreamscape dreams but actual dreams. It was my way of still having him even though he’s gone. Now that I’m having dreamscape dreams again it’s…harder. Honestly I think I’m most afraid that I’m going to start to forget him. Especially if I let someone new into my life.”
“You won’t,” Hansol tells you, his voice firm. “He was the love of your life. He was your soulmate. You’ll never forget him. You’re not forcing him out of your heart, you’re just making room for another person. If of course…that’s what you want. If not I completely get it and we can stay friends or not at all and I’m sure there’s a way where we can stop doing this dreamscape thing and-”
“Hansol.” You grab his hand and his fingers enclose around yours immediately. This touch feels different again. It still burns but this time it burns in a different way. A good way. You hold his hand tightly, like you’re afraid you’ll lose him as well if you let go. “I want to let you in. I just…need more time.”
“Of course.”
The next time you see Hansol isn’t in a dream. It shocks you when you’re scrolling through your Twitter feed to see a photo of the smiling boy. It takes you a second to realize who you’re looking at but the wide toothy grin and kind brown eyes are unmistakable.
You look at the tweet again.
Vernon Chwe. Tuesday Night. 9pm.
The tweet is from the bar you go to. Sometimes they hire musicians to do gigs for live music nights.
You're at a loss for words. If you were being honest you thought Hansol lived in Korea. The one rule of the dreamscape is that you can't tell your soulmate where you are or give any hints indicating your location. You weren't expecting Hansol to live in New York though.
Joshua lived in California and you just happened to meet him when you were there for your aunt’s wedding. You guys did long distance during high school until you went to college and Joshua moved to New York to pursue his theatre major and to be with you. After you both graduated college Joshua proposed to you and you happily accepted only for him to get into a car wreck a year later. You’ve never lived outside of New York and a part of you is shocked that Hansol has been here all along, just down the street.
You look down at the tweet and contemplate if you should go see him. Is it too soon? It’s been three years since Joshua’s passing but it has never gotten easier. Would it harm you to just meet Hansol though? Just to make a friend.
Tuesday. That’s tomorrow. You wonder why Hansol hasn’t brought this up before, he usually tells you all about his plans for the week. He’s told you that he’s trying to become a musician but you didn’t know that he’s been getting gigs as well.
The small voice in the back of your head tells you that Joshua would want you to go. Would want you to meet Hansol. You had conversations about this before; what you would do if something happened to either of you. You both agreed that the other should find happiness again, no matter what form that came in. You knew that. Still you never expected to have another soulmate. Dating another person? Sure. But a new soulmate? It was a totally different situation.
You think about how Joshua would say that it’s even more reason to go meet him. Joshua was a big believer in the soulmate system. You remember when you first met him in the dreamscape, how excited he was. You also remember the day you guys got engaged.
“Joshua Hong, let me down!” You giggle as he spins you around. 
“No way! You said yes and now I’m never letting go of you! My future spouse!” Joshua does put you down though but only so he can pull you into a kiss. “Maybe the universe does know what it’s doing with this soulmate stuff, huh?”
“Maybe,” you grin at him, “or maybe you’re just that irresistible.”
“That too.” Joshua kisses you again. “Hey Y/N?”
“I’m happy that it's you. That you’re my soulmate. Even if it doesn’t really matter. I’m glad the universe agrees that we belong together. That it brought me to you.”
He was like that. A true romantic at heart.
It’s decided then. You’re going to meet Hansol.
You’re at the bar. It’s fairly packed for a Tuesday night but you luckily find an empty table to the side. It’s 8:37pm and everyone seems to be excited for the performance. A part of you wishes that you brought someone with you. It’s nerve wracking sitting and waiting for Hansol to come on stage.
Five minutes until 9:00 Hansol walks on stage. Your breath hitches as you see him. It’s still the same Hansol you see in your dreams. Fluffy hair and wide smile and kind eyes. You watch him as he gets ready for his set, talking to the band and testing the mic.
Finally at 9:00 Hansol clears his throat into the mic, getting the crowd’s attention.
“Hello everyone! I’m Vernon Chwe and I’ll be performing for you tonight. Thank you Pledis on Fifth for having me sing tonight.”
His voice is the same voice you hear every night. It’s deep and smooth but hearing it in person sends shivers down your body. This is real. Hansol is really in front of you, only a few feet away. You contemplate leaving, just making a run for it while you can, but you also can’t seem to get up out of your seat.
The whole night you sit and watch Hansol perform. Everyone around you is mingling with each other and drinking their drinks and doing whatnot but you can’t tear your eyes from the man. His stage presence is natural and charming and his voice is calming and melodic. You stare at his face as he performs. A natural grin sits on his face and you soak in the way he glows under the stage lights. 
Before you realize it his set is up and he’s thanking the audience. You realize if you don’t work quick you’ll miss your chance to talk to him. Maybe it’s a good idea, you’ll see him tonight anyways when you fall asleep. You’ve nearly worked yourself into backing out when suddenly a hand lands on your shoulder and you jump, spinning around to see who just touched you.
When you turn around you realize you’ve come face to face with the one and only Hansol Vernon Chwe. You suck in a breath as you stare at him. Your mouth goes dry and suddenly you freeze up.
“Hi,” Hansol breathes out.
“You uh, live in New York.” You can only nod. “I’m uh, wow. Sorry I just- I really wasn’t expecting to see you here. I understand if you want space though. Thinking about it now, I probably should have let you come to me on your own.” Hansol frowns a bit.
“Your set was amazing,” you blurt out, not sure what else to say. Hansol still grins at you though.
“Do you want to come get food with me? I’m super hungry after the show. Don’t feel obligated though!”
“Y-yeah, sure. Food sounds good.”
It’s not awkward, yet it is at the same time. You’re not sure how to feel.
You and Hansol sit in a booth at a diner as Hansol scarfs down a hamburger. You pick at your basket of fries, chewing thoughtfully as you think of what to say to Hansol. It doesn’t feel much different than when you dream together, but this time it’s actually real.
“I’d like to become friends,” you finally break the silence. “I think that uh, spending time together would be nice. It would help me out too. If you’d want to, that is.” 
“Yeah!” Hansol perks up. “That would be cool.”
“I’ll still need some time and space. And everything won’t be perfect and glamorized, but I want to try.”
“I’ll be there for whatever you need Y/N,” Hansol tells you, sincerity written all over his face. “Just don’t push yourself, okay? I’ll be okay no matter what happens.”
“Thank you Hansol, I’m fortunate to have you.” And you mean it.
After your initial meeting, you and Hansol start to steadily hang out. You make sure to go out to his gigs when you can and he accompanies you to random places you want to go explore. You get more comfortable with his presence in your daily life and your dream life. You realize it’s been a while since you made an effort to connect with someone in this way and you’re glad you let Hansol in. He’s funny and caring and selfless and the most laid back person you’ve met.
Hansol’s presence doesn’t deter the grief of Joshua though. You still think of him everyday. Some days are worse than others. It’s been a few months since you and Hansol met in person and as much as you want to let him in even more, you don’t know if you would be able to handle it. You feel guilty about keeping him at arm's length, but you’re afraid you’ll feel even more guilty if you let him get closer. You’re grateful for how understanding and patient Hansol is. 
You think that you could come to love Hansol one day. Maybe not in the same way you loved Joshua, but in a new way. A completely unique Hansol way. You know that you’ll always love Joshua and he will always be in your heart, in your head, that he will always have that impact on your life, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn to love again.
Your therapist has told you that healing isn’t linear but rather fluctuating. That you’ll learn to grow with it so it will be easier to bear, even if you still have bad days. You know he’s right because you’ve made a lot of progress since Joshua’s passing three years ago. Maybe the next step is opening up your heart more?
You groan to yourself and flop onto your bed. This has been eating you up inside for weeks now. You really like Hansol, but you can’t tell if you like him because he’s him or because he’s your soulmate and you feel obligated or because you’re trying to find another way to help you grow from your grief. You think it’s because you truly like Hansol, but then you over think it and wonder if that’s just what you’re telling yourself to feel better.
It isn’t until later in the day, when Hansol is at your apartment watching a movie, when you find your answer.
Hansol is telling you another one of his stories. He’s laughing about something that Seungkwan and Chan were fighting over and you can’t help but smile along. Hansol’s energy brightens up the room and you can’t help but be a little transfixed by it. It’s something you’ve found yourself doing more and more lately. Hansol’s energy is just contagious and you get pulled in by his warm personality.
Before you and Joshua met, you always thought about what makes a person a soulmate. What connects two people to make them destined for each other. How can the universe just match two people up and expect them to be perfect for each other. Then you met Joshua and you understood. You two were a match made in heaven, a true picture of soulmates. You think that maybe Hansol is also the perfect match for you. The person you need right now. The thought scares you, but gives you hope as well.
You know that you still need to do one more thing though. You need to know it’s truly right before letting Hansol in.
“Hey Hansol?” You cut off his story but he doesn’t seem to mind, just looking back at you with a curiousness in his eyes. “Would you…will you come visit Josh with me?”
You’re not sure how he’s going to respond. It’s a big ask and you would understand if he said not. Instead Hansol just grabs your hand. “Of course.”
Hansol is in jeans and a nice jacket when you meet him. He has a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. “I didn’t know if I should bring flowers or not. Sorry if that’s wrong.”
“No, it’s nice. Thank you, Josh would love them.” You smile at Hansol reassuringly. “Guiltily, it’s been a while since I’ve gone and seen him. Thank you for joining me today.”
Joshua is buried in New York, which was a difficult decision for his parents to make. You wouldn’t have minded if he was buried in California, but his parents agreed that he belonged in New York, where his heart was, where you are.
You guide Hansol to his grave and gently knee in front of it. The headstone is still fairly clean and there are withered flowers in the cemetery vase.
“Hi Josh,” you say as you take the old flowers out of the vase. “Sorry it’s been a while, there’s so much that’s been going on in my life recently. I still miss you everyday though. You’re always on my mind. I also uh, brought a friend today.” You gesture for Hansol to kneel down with you. He joins you and hands you the flower so you can add them to the vase. “Josh, this is Hansol…my soulmate.”
Hansol looks at you then but then looks back down at the grave. “Nice to uh, meet you Joshua. I’ve heard great things about you. I guess we’re also both pretty lucky guys.”
You roll your eyes at this. It’s a joke that Joshua would enjoy. “Josh, remember that conversation we had. Where we talked about what we would do if anything happened between us. We both agreed that we would want the other to be happy, no matter what form that came in. You know I love you, that I always will, but…I think that maybe…Hansol can make me happy too.” 
“Y/N?” Hansol looks over at you. You reach over to grab his hand and he lets you. 
“I’m not sure where this is going to take us, or what is going to happen, but I want to try Hansol. It will be a slow process but I want to let you in. If you’ll have me? I know I’m a bit broken but-”
“You’re not broken.” Hansol squeezes your hand. “You’re perfect Y/N. I know that things won’t always be easy, but I want to be here for you. In any form you’ll let me.”
“I,” you look down at Josh’s headstone, “I came here to uh, get closure? Which obviously it’s not really closure but, I just wanted to make sure this is okay. Come talk to him and see if he would send me a sign. I feel…lighter? Like I know that this is the right decision.” 
“Yeah. Thank you for being so patient. Thank you for coming with me today.”
When you finally leave the cemetery your hand is enveloped by Hansol’s and your heart feels a bit less empty than it used to. You think to yourself that just maybe, things might work out.
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babygirl-diaz · 2 years
Samtember 24: Drunk | Hungover
1050 words | Rated G | for @samtember2022
Sam groaned as he woke up with a headache. His brain felt like it was about to explode. His ass was also a little sore.. Sam felt something heavy on across his back and when he turned his head, his eyes widened when he came face to face with Joaquin Torres, fast asleep across his back. Shit, shit, shit. This couldn’t be happening. He couldn’t have slept with Torres in his drunken state. That was wrong on so many levels. Sam pushed back at Torres to get him to wake up and when he did, Torres just sleepily smiled at Sam. Sam hated to admit it but the guy looked cute. But then the realization seemed to dawn on Torres, and he sat up quickly. 
“Sam?” He asked. 
Sam winced as he sat up on the bed as well. “Yeah, it’s me,” he said dryly. “It looks like we slept with each other last night.” 
Torres seemed to be looking elsewhere, and his eyes widened. “What are you--” Sam stopped talking when his eyes landed on his ring finger. Was that- was that a wedding band? No, no, no, no, no. This couldn’t be. He couldn’t have gotten married. 
“Sam, hey, it’s okay…. Shit…” 
Sam didn’t know he was panicking until he felt Torres in front of him, trying to calm him down. 
Sam counted back from 10 in his head and tried to calm himself down. He soon felt his breath return to normal. 
“Better?” Torres asked, concern written all over his face. 
Sam couldn’t take his eyes off the younger man’s ring finger, which also had a shiny silver ring. 
“What the hell did we do?” Sam asked. 
“We got married, I guess,” Torres shrugged. 
“How are you so calm about this?” Sam couldn’t help but ask. 
“I’m not. But I don’t wanna freak out too. You’re freaking out enough for the both of us, as it is,” Torres replied, smirking at him. 
Sam huffed out a laugh at that and rolled his eyes. “We’re gonna have to get this annulled, obviously.” 
Sam didn’t miss the way a sad look passed Torres’ face, but he brushed it off. “Yeah, of- of course,” Torres replied. “But you’ll have to stay married to me for at least a day since it’s Sunday.” 
“I think I can deal with that.” Sam smiled at the younger man. 
There was a knock on Sam’s door, and he frowned. “Who is it?” He called out. 
“It’s Bucky,” came the voice from the other side. 
“Shit!” Sam hissed under his breath and got out of bed quickly. He wore the first thing he could find. “Just stay quiet! And get under the covers!” He whispered to Joaquin. “Coming!” He told Bucky. 
“Sam,” Joaquin called out. 
“Shhh!” Sam shushed him before rushing to the door. 
He opened it and stayed in front of it so that Bucky couldn’t see the bed. 
“What the hell are you wearing?” Bucky asked, looking at Sam from top to bottom. 
Sam realized he was wearing a blue floral shirt that he most definitely did not own. “Uh… I… I spilled something on my shirt yesterday, so I had to buy this from the gift shop.” 
“You couldn’t just come to your room and change?” Bucky inquired. 
“I was at a different hotel,” Sam replied with an edge in his voice. “Why are you here? To interrogate about my shirt?” 
Bucky seemed to be taken aback by Sam’s sudden outburst. “I just came to check on you. Sorry, I left early last night. I was exhausted.” 
“It’s all good.” Sam shrugged. “I didn’t stay long after you and came back to my room.” That was a lie. Sam had no idea how long he stayed at the bar or how on Earth he ended up married to Torres. Speaking of- Sam immediately wrapped his arms across his chest to hide the wedding band still on his finger. He couldn’t let Bucky see that. 
“Hey listen, there is another reason I came here,” Bucky said scratching the back of his head. “Back home we never get time but here- I- I wanted to know if you would like to go to lunch with me?” 
“Lunch?” Sam asked, confused. “Yeah, sure. I was gonna have lunch with you, anyway.” 
“No, I mean, I mean as a date,” Bucky clarified himself. 
Sam’s mouth dropped slightly when he heard that. “W- what?” 
“Yeah, no pressure, though. You can always say no.” 
How was Sam supposed to say no to that? He had been waiting for Bucky to ask him out for- forever. 
“No- I mean yes- Yes, of course, I will go out with you!” Sam replied eagerly. 
‘Yeah?” A huge smile spread across Bucky’s face. “Meet me downstairs in 30. I’ll take you to the Sparrow and Wolf restaurant.” 
Sam frowned and narrowed his eyes at him. “Is that a pun?” 
“No, it’s an actual place and an amazing one, from what I hear,” Bucky replied, chuckling. He leaned in and kissed Sam on the cheek before saying, “I’ll see you soon.” 
Once he left, Sam closed the door behind him and leaned back against it, smiling to himself. 
Torres pushed the covers away and sat up on the bed, and Sam’s smile fell right off his face. He looked at the ring on his finger and what he had done last night, came back to him. 
“So you’re going out with Bucky?” Torres asked. 
“Yeah, I am,” Sam replied as he took off Torres’ shirt and went over to the bed. “Why?” 
“But you’re married to me,” Torres replied. 
Sam frowned at the younger man. “By mistake. I like Bucky.” 
Torres got out of bed and came over to Sam. He started wearing his clothes, and he said, “Well, there’s a problem then.” 
“What problem?” 
Torres finished wearing his clothes, and he got closer to Sam. “I like you. I was drunk last night, but I have liked you since the day I met you.” 
“What?” Sam gulped. 
Torres wrapped an arm around Sam’s waist and pulled him close, kissing him on the cheek, right where Bucky had kissed him. “And sorry, Sam, but I don’t intend to get a divorce.” 
With that, he let Sam go and left the room. Well, shit. 
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hawkinshellraiser · 1 year
"Nope. Nothing left out." He glanced out the side mirror as he made a turn, still very careful not to give anything away. Robin had him under a microscope, and it didn't sound like she was going to let it go. "Not much to do the day after you almost die." He smoothed the edge of his shirt collar down with his thumb. "Surprised you haven't started messing with the radio. You always have some shit playing by now."
Nancy stared at him silently for a moment, processing. She'd thought he would say something like climb out the window or something weird like this. To say that "having sex with Steve Harrington" was not at all on her radar would be an understatement. "I'm... you did what?" Her face morphed from a confused expression into an incredulous one. "Oh my God. Last night? What... how did that come to be?" She'd never heard Steve utter a word about Eddie like that. Granted, he did kind of have that lost puppy look when he was around... which probably should have given him away.
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Robin rolled her eyes but reached forward and started messing with the radio, just so Steve wouldn't get completely freaked out by her borderline interrogation. She settled on a station playing Cyndi Lauper and leaned back in the passengers seat. "Well, I guess a boring night was what you guys both needed," she said, trying to keep her eyes focused out the window instead of burning holes into Steve's head. "But, you know you could tell me anything, right? Like, hypothetically, if you guys had gone out and robbed a bank or something you could tell me and I would never tell another soul, and I wouldn't judge you for it. Though I might be a little offended you didn't ask me to come."
Eddie couldn't help the heat that rose to his face at Nancy's reaction, trying to swallow down the guilt he'd been suppressing that he was fucking up their friend group. "Honestly, Wheeler, I'd love to tell you. But I'm not really sure," he admitted. "I think it had to do with the bat bites, how I was a fucking mess yesterday. Steve was too. I don't know. I was taking a shower and it just... happened." He looked up at her, looking only a little bit afraid of what she'd say.
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the-amalgam-house · 9 months
The feeling of a switch is so weird. It's pretty rare in the first place, since it tends to only happen when I'm in extreme distress or way too dissociated to function (that is to say I'm almost always dissociating but I can still function like half of the time), but a couple nights ago was a very non emergency just mid conversation switch.
I was talking with ilo about some things in the past, most notably the time where she almost fully took over front as deadname for like...YEARS. And like, at some point I actually could recognize myself like shifting to the back. Like I decided I didn't want to drive at that moment and though I was still aware of being me and being part of the conversation, ilo was in the drivers seat. She had said before she never wanted to front again, but I guess it felt safe enough in that moment to take the lead.
She started to freak out when she heard Kanon walking around the house, though, like almost a full on panic attack. I had to help calm her down and take front again, and Idric seemed to sense the distress and joined us only for a couple minutes. We all could sense that if ilo went panic mode when she'd switch with milo, which is uh. I love them but that's not exactly the best idea, especially if ilo stayed fronting.
We continued conversation a little bit, and ilo feels guilty about stuff with introducing Kanon to the church and the things that followed. She wants to apologize but is way too scared to do it herself, and/or way too emotional to do it on impulse. So I think once I can come up with a way to word it, I'm the middle man in this endeavor.
We also think there's another person in here. Sprayed with the severe distress of returning home from visiting family, which in the end is not as big a deal as I was making it but I have Big Feelings and it's rough.
I wasn't sure at first. He kind of showed up the same way Frelly did, in dreams. But while Frelly was eager to be known, this guy seems to just been really aloof about it, which is why I was unsure if this was just a Dream OC thing or a headmate thing. The two feelings are very different, though I can't really explain how. But it FEELS like a headmate thing.
Talking to ilo, she confirmed that yeah he's in here, he just prefers to do his own thing and Being Known isn't that important to him.
His name is Oliver Jackson Wilde, making him the 4th person in here with an actual last name. Maybe 5th idk yet since some ppl are still trying to decide on full names.
He's very punk and anarchy, but also boho nature, but ALSO tribal dance, if literally any of that makes sense. Doesn't seem to have actually interacted with anyone before yesterday, the closest being ilo, who is also very boho nature witchy. But last night I was curious and went into Minecraft to try to build a space for him, and he actually spoke up to say he doesn't want a room, just a movie theater. He'll crash in the guest room if he wants but he's very Free Spirit and likes to live in nature more often than not, but he wanted a place to hang out and watch movies, so we have a movie theater now. It's a short walk away from the main house, seats like 16 ppl, and has a snack bar.
I honestly do love using Minecraft to help visualize. I wish I could flesh it all out even more in a way that's easily accessible, but even Sims has limits that are too strict for what I'd be trying to do so Minecraft it is!
(Besides, I don't have a PC rn, gave it to Nina cause hers shorted out in the storm)
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pablitogavii · 10 months
Happy Family Pt. 2
Here is PT.1 for y'all :)
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The next morning you were the first one downstairs preparing some coffee while texting one of your best friends from back home. You just needed to tell someone what happened last night or you would burst.
"Morning hermanita..." you suddenly heard dropping your phone on the ground not expecting him to be so close and he chuckled picking it up for you.
"You really enjoy scaring me, don't you!?" you say about to take your phone away but he kept it looking at the messages which made you freak out.
"Apparently you don't mind me that much, hermanita" he smirked reading your message before giving you back the phone and you were once again bright red. Damn it! He keeps winning this war!
"Buenos dias kids. I will drive you both today" Sr. Pablo said carrying his morning newspaper while Belen went to make some breakfast. She told me yesterday during dinner that she loves to have all meals as a family and I thought that was so adorable.
"Por que!?" Pablo said and his dad gave him a stern look reminding him of the promise you broke yesterday so he just shut up sitting down waiting for breakfast.
"Bon día!" a boy entered carrying the bag with fresh pastries putting it on the island before greeting he parents, shaking hands with Gavi and finally arriving to where I was sitting.
"I'm Javi..nice to meet you..I'm.." he shook your hand and you interrupted him knowing exactly who he was from the talk.
"Aurora's boyfriend" you say and he smiles nodding his head as she joined in hugging him tightly.
"This is mi nueva hermanita cariño..I told her about you" she said and the boy blushed a little nodding his head and joining in for breakfast.
I went to change into my new uniform after we all ate walking downstairs where Pablo stood in his training kit making me unable not to look..he looked so much better in barça attire.
He was just as guilty looking up as I walked down the stairs staring at my placed skirt raising up a little as I stepped down. He moved a little coughing when his dad joined us and we went to one of his cars.
I was surprised that he opened the door for me thinking to myself that although being cocky idiot, he was raised in a good family and was still a true gentleman.
"Gracias.." you say trying to be kind entering the car and he closed the door before getting in the passenger seat. You had to stop by the gas station and when his dad left, he turn around shamelessly looking at you from head to toe.
"Do you want a picture cabrón!?" you say looking away from your phone and he smirked nodding his head about to take his phone but only chuckling when you blushed red.
"I don't need a picture hermanita..I will remember you in that little uniform for sure..just like I remember you in those red panties..every detail" he whispered the last part and you felt yourself shivering while playing with the edge of your skirt in nervousness. Thankfully his dad came back quickly and he turned around.
When you arrived to the university, there was a hoard of fans around the car knocking on his window until he opened and gave a few signatures.
"And this always happens??" you ask truthfully never experiencing anything like this before and Pablo's dad chuckled nodding his head.
"At least nobody will notice me being the new kid.." you joked grabbing your bag and leaving the car hiding from the camera shots and rushing to the entrance. Pablo watched after you clenching his jaw when some guy smirked while looking at your ass while following after you.
"Hey! You're Pablo Gavi's new hermanita right?" curly haired girl who was sitting next to you in class whispered and you sighed knowing this would happen.
"Yes, I am..and no, I can't get you to meet him!" you say opening your book but she only chuckled shaking her head.
"No..no..you got me wrong. I saw you come in and noticed him in the passenger seat. I have a boyfriend, and thought you could use a friend. I'm Nicole" she said and you nodded smiling at her.
"I'm sorry..I just thought.." you started but she interrupted you.
"You're right to be careful..most would only play nice to get to him through you" she said and you nodded before the class finally started.
"Hey Nick! Back to school party tonight at 10? Bring that bombón too" some tall guy said to us while we were waiting in the lunch line and she smirked nodding her head.
"Who is that??" you say thinking he was kinda handsome but still a little too cocky for your taste. It seems all cocky guys glued to you since you arrived to Spain!
"That's Charlie. But don't fall for his charm..he's the biggest player. Doesn't mean we don't take the free party ticket tho! I'll pick you up at nine?" she said and you nodded although you still had to ask your 'new parents'.
During the dinner, when everyone was there you decided to bring up the party you were invited to hoping they would let you go.
"It's the back to school party and I would really like to go and meet some friends?" you said and they looked at each other trying to decide together.
"Since you just got here, we would like someone we know to go with you.." Sr. Pablo said and you understood knowing that they are responsible for you while you live with them.
"I would go but it's date night tonight..but Pablo is free?" Aurora said and you knew this would be a hard thing to ask but you really wanted to go. You just turned towards Pablo who was eating his toast carelessly meeting your big pleading eyes.
"Stop looking at me like that!" he said but you kept looking at him sadly now pouting as well while his parents smirked chuckling amongst each other.
"Come on hermano! You can't say no to that!" Aurora said smiling at you and he sighed shrugging his shoulders agreeing like it's not a big deal.
You jumped hugging him from behind without thinking which took you both by surprise. You returned to sit down and eat with blushing cheeks but happy to have convinced him to take you.
"Are you ready finally!?" he knocked on your door and you opened making him stand back looking at you in awe which defiantly built your confidence.
"Um..you look nice hermanita" he said you smirked nodding your head and walking by him towards the stairs.
"Thank you Pablo" you said for the first time using his name instead of some insulting nickname. He smiled after hearing that following after you.
"Ready to go chica!?" Nicole was in her jeep in front of the house and you smiled nodding your head but Pablo unlocked his own car.
"You're riding with me! No arguments!" he said before you could whine and you just shrugged nodding your head and getting into the passenger seat as he held the door open.
When you arrived, you met with Nicole introducing her to Pablo before you three entered the club. Pablo was not much of a party lover especially since people always surround him asking for pictures and autographs.
"I'll be by the bar..behave yourself hermanita!" his voice was low and threatening and your panties were ruined but you decided to ignore it walking with your best friend to the crowd of people.
Nicole introduced you to some of her other friends when Charlie walked up with a bottle of vodka and a girl on his shoulder. He was clearly known by everyone but when he saw you he let go of her giving his whole focus to you instead of anyone else.
"It's a second time we meet..I think I deserve to know your name now bombón??" he said reaching out his hand as the girl snarled snatching the bottle and leaving.
You shook his hand smiling feeling a little uncomfortable with the whole situation but still liking the attention you were receiving.
"I'm Y/n..nice to meet you Charlie" you said and he smirked asking how you knew his name but everyone knew who he was anyways. Like you said before, too cocky for your liking!
"Y/n..how about I get you a drink to start this party huh?" he said taking your hand and pulling you towards the bar but you knew Pablo was there and didn't want to make a scene.
"No..um..that's okay..I'm not thirsty right now" you tried to get out of this but it was no use since he kept offering while pulling you to the bar where Pablo was sitting with own drink.
"Tyga! Let's make this bombón a rum cola" Charlie said making Pablo turn to the side clenching his jaw when he saw the same guy who was checking you out holding your wrist.
"You will not make her anything Tyga!" Pablo's voice was low and threatening and the bartender stopped pouring the rum in the glass.
You gulped when Pablo walked up around the bar to where you were standing snaking his muscled arm around your waist and pulling you to his side making Charlie let go off your wrist.
Pablo might not be as tall but he was bulking and didn't look like someone you should mess with, especially when he was angry like this. Charlie was just as angry getting closer and making Pablo hide you behind his back.
"Listen you can be the famous footballer all you want, I don't care cabrón!" Charlie yelled and people started to show up cheering for a fight and you started to freak out while holding onto Pablo's shirt helplessly.
"Stay away from her! I won't repeat it again.." was all Pablo said trying his best not to cause a scene and end up in every gossip magazine the next morning.
"Didn't think I needed Golden Boy's permission to fuck you, bombón??" Charlie smirked while everyone laughed and you felt so embarrassed from how he was talking to you. Who the hell did he think he was!?
Pablo was thinking the same exact thing tensing up about to move towards him but you pulled him back just wanting to disappear from here.
"Pablo, please don't..let's just go home" you snaked your arm around him waist to keep him from moving. Obviously you couldn't hold him back being much weaker but he was letting you calm him down.
"Yeah just go home footballer!" Charlie smirked and Pablo couldn't help his anger again pulling away from him and hitting his face with all his strength.
Before Charlie stood up, you screamed standing in between them and placing your hands on Pablo's strong chest not letting him move forwards.
"Please Pablo..for me.." you whispered the last part and Pablo looked down at your eyes sighed gulping heavily before grabbing your hand and taking you out of the bar. The ride home was quiet and you could tell that Pablo was very angry so you didn't want to test your luck.
"Thank you for walking away.." you broke the silence not expecting him to attack you about what happened next which is exactly what he did. Pablo told you to 'behave' and the next thing you do is get a drink with a playboy!?
"How could you be so fucking stupid huh!? Can't you tell when someone just wants to use you!?" Pablo was gripping his steering wheel and now you were getting angry as well. Why would he get angry at you for something that asshole did!?
"Well, if I'm so stupid why the hell did you save me!?" you spat and his jaw clenched breaking suddenly and your body trashed forwards and you were turning towards him angrily.
"You're in MY house, MY city and MY car so you're MY responsibility! Get that!?" he was yelling and you felt hurt that he just saw you as some bother in his life. Were you really such a horrible thing that happened to his life!?
"Then I'll stay away from you! Just drive me home, please.." you were sad and something in Pablo broke not wanting to be so harsh but the previous anger towards that asshole was still holding him.
You pulled your legs to your chest crying softly and Pablo felt like a real asshole trying his best not to look but every once in awhile he stole a glance at you wishing he can just dry your tears with his hands. You finally arrived home and you left before he could open your door rushing straight to your room. You just wanted to sleep and forget about tonight!
Pablo sighed walking past his old room towards the guest room wanting so badly to walk in an apologize for his actions. He didn't do that tho not knowing if it was a smart idea so he just left to get some sleep hoping things would be better in the morning.
Here's the second part :) I hope you like it!
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beebeebunni · 1 year
I must regale you all with the most exciting thing to happen at work yesterday. TL;DR: There was a live racoon stuck in one of our trucks. Bunch of supervisors (all guys) stood around the truck door trying to figure out what to do. Backed truck out into yard and scared it out, or so I'm told.
This involves two departments Sort Aisle (where I am) and the Unload (where the trucks come to well get unloaded. Now the Unload is connected wo the Sort Aisle through belts that go into the trucks so the stuff coming out can get sent to the proper area. . So between where I stand and the truck door there is roughly a foot of moving belts and space. Other important info is that when packages get sent they're usually on palettes and are basically wrap with plastic wrap to keep things from flying all over the place in the truck. Last night, in the truck across from me the Unload Supervisor was finishing out a truck when he freaks and comes running out yelling over to my Supervisor that there is a racoon. At which point we all stop and go "What?" My supervisor goes over to see what the other was talking about, and yells over to us that there is a racoon trapped in the plastic wrap of a palette. After some radio chatter and then trying to figure out what to do I hear from the walkway underneath the belt the head supervisor go "There's a racoon?!" Queue him, his assistant supervisor, four other supervisors that I assume had nothing else to do, and two maintenance guys suddenly going int he truck, confirming that it is in fact a live racoon then noping out the truck. Sadly, head sup sent me to Small Sort so I didn't see them resolve the issue. Only to find out when I get up to Smalls, I wasn't actually needed, but ended up staying anyway cause someone wanted to go home early. Though did find that the news of the racoon hadn't spread that far cause when the Smalls supervisor asked if the Sort Aisle was heavy I replied with "Well, the one side is a bit of a mess, but that's just cause they kept stopping to try and see the racoon in the truck." He was shocked to say the least. Luckily, I was not left hanging the rest of the night as one of the full-timers from the Unload came up, and I got ask her if they got the racoon. Apparently they just backed the truck out into the yard, and scared the little fella out. Still mad I missed it.
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lowtaxsa · 1 year
A Night on the Town
Let me tell you, folks, last night was one for the books, or maybe for the trash, who knows? So there I was, at my favorite dive bar, the one that smells like a hobo's armpit and serves beer as flat as the Earth – according to those flat-earther nutjobs. And then, bam! The bartender, the almighty gatekeeper of booze, cuts me off! Me, of all people! Like I'm some kind of degenerate, when really, I'm a staple of this fine city, a cornerstone of cultural decay.
Now, I don't take that sorta thing sitting down, no sir. I let him have it, served him a heaping plate of Lowtax's wrath, which tastes a bit like stale nachos and desperation, if you're wondering. But then, whaddaya know, he tosses me out on my ass like I'm yesterday's garbage! The gall of that man!
So, screw that guy and his high horse, or high barstool, or whatever. I stumble, wobble, and saunter my way to the next dump, and it's full of fancy drinks with ingredients you can't even pronounce. I mean, who needs a Smoked Hibiscus Elderberry Sazerac anyway? Not me, that's for sure!
I was sitting there, lost in a haze of booze and self-indulgence, the bitter stench of spilled alcohol permeating the air as the bar seemed to sway with each resounding note of "Piano Man." It was one of those nights, where reality and delusion collide in a cacophony of Hunter S. Thompson-esque debauchery. A night where I could almost see the good doctor himself, perched on a barstool in the corner, clad in aviator sunglasses and chewing on a cigarette holder, muttering something about the American Dream and the cruel mistress of intoxication.
And then, like some deranged fairy tale, I meet the strangest cast of characters. There's the guy with the raccoon, trying to sell me the freaking "Mona Lisa," or some crap like that. Then, Mr. Pretentious Poet, spewing nonsense about the moon and the stars and other stuff nobody really cares about. Well, one thing leads to another, and I'm trading blows with this wordsmith – turns out I'm a poet with my fists, who knew?
Anyway, so I'm stumbling around like a drunk marionette, and I meet this other guy, a regular Indiana Jones, talking about hidden treasure in an old warehouse. Treasure, you say? Sounds like a terrible idea, sign me up! Off we go, into the night, or maybe it was daytime, who can even tell anymore?
And there it was, the warehouse of legend, filled with gold, or rats, or, uh, moldy newspapers. It's hard to say. I don't know how it happened, really, one minute we're playing detective, the next minute we're amateur arsonists. Accidental, I swear! My lighter must've been possessed by some fire demon, or maybe it was just faulty, who can say?
So there I stood, watching this beautiful inferno, a veritable symphony of destruction, with the flames licking at the sky like the Devil's own tongue. It was a sight to behold, like a twisted work of art, or maybe it was just an old warehouse burning down, who can even tell?
But hey, no harm, no foul, right? Just a bunch of rats and pigeons out of a home, and it's not like they were paying rent or anything. Maybe they can file for insurance, or get a nice little nest egg from FEMA. Yeah, that's it. It's all part of the circle of life, or the circle of property damage, whichever comes first.
So that's my story of a night gone haywire, all because some self-righteous bartender thought I'd had enough. Well, joke's on him, 'cause I've got a hangover that could slay a dragon, and memories that'll last me 'til the next bender. And you know what they say, when life hands you lemons, just burn down a warehouse and call it a day. Or something like that.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's a huge problem with the rental stuff and it's gigantic and it affects everybody and it is going to hit the fan he said in the new year which it is doing right now
Huge number of people were told they couldn't figure out what he was saying and then they figured it out. And it's happening now and it's hitting now it is the first of the month it's the beginning of the month and they have three days of federal employees on the job and it makes a big difference because the courts would be closed and nowadays judges orders are required and real ones and it's gone round and round and round until it landed back there.
In the neighborhood they're probably 1500 people who live here out of those 1500 500 or without a current contract but are sharing and here in Florida they call it air mob and her son and daughter say that's really bad because it means that it mobilizes people to get here that's what it means and he didn't catch it before and they're doing it now no they're going after these people who are in apartments that they don't have a name on the lease. Next door to him is an extreme case where they don't have the name of the lease and they are not even subletting they're squatting on someone else's apartment and she has to go from apartment to apartment and hold on to them and stock them and empty out spoiled stuff and she does like all day long and she hates them because she has this last night thing to do and she's always seen shopping she doesn't different outfits and different grocery stores but what a pain in the ass you said and they like specific things that are not always in at one store. And they each like specific things like Mr Jones sausage links and if she gets like an alternate they complain cuz it's code and it's annoying takes a lot of time the cops are watching and you keep spilling the beans and think nobody's listening and it's horrible the guy is a freak okay he's a he's a f****** massive freak he flipped out on her and our son said you shouldn't flip out like that you have things to do and really leaders in that little babies came up to you a bunch of times that you pulled out yeah I'm taking action not in my own people and you're a f****** moron you're not my people idiot so he freaks out and says you're actually right I freak out on everyone it's stupid I'm trying to stop and he can't so we noticed that too and we don't like him for it it's actually real. Today they say he's going to get a notice and Stan is prepping it Sherry plans to deliver it and one to Dave too to vacate the premises or be arrested by the local sheriff's office no it'll be arrested it says and the guy is going to be out of the sheriff's office shortly too. They plan to get here today and deliver it and yeah it would probably need help getting it here but there are others that they have to deliver to too and there are going to tell them out by the end of the day like five or 6:00 p.m. cuz you're told to be out by yesterday 5 or 6:00 p.m. and then they'll say it wasn't up until midnight and said you're there now and they will say that because they are. And as they're leaving they say get off my land and say you're not right I'm calling them now and she calls them now he didn't on four houses so far the cops come right out she waits for them to drive by and she pulls in and they are resting them as she's talking to them yes and see please present papers chosen the lease and they have at least two and it says the same thing some of them scratch it out and put a different date in your case you can't have a date that starts when it finishes so they understood that but it still looks bad no it starts on the it ends in the in the year 20 five and starts in 23 is not right this is 2 years
So can I get to this stuff but really they're emptying out right now and it's bad news and we have a lot of it happening
Thor Freya
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cinematicsoph · 2 years
you don't go to parties [chapter two]
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You Don't Go To Parties - Chapter Two
Rating: PG-13 ish
Warning: swearing, mentions of drinking
Word Count: 1,348 words
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   "Yo! Ash! Get out of bed man, it's already 10 and I need your help cleaning up!"
   "Michael Gordon Clifford, I swear to all the gods above, you better let me sleep." Look, he knows he says this every time, but this was probably the worst hangover Ashton's ever had in his life. He's in no way a lightweight, and he usually remembers the parties he hosts the next day. But today? Absolutely nothing. His mind is blank, he's sleeping on the couch instead of his nice bed (which explains the sore back), and he only has one sock on. He doesn't even remember wearing two socks. "Wait, what the fuck happened last night?!"
   A cliché line that Ash never thought he'd have to say. He took pride in being able to remember every insignificant little detail of all of his parties. For example, he loved that he remembered this one party in his freshman year because Mikey had tried to do a handstand and ended up kicking his crush in the nose. Ashton never wanted Michael to forget that. But yesterday was still completely blank. He couldn't remember anything after trying to build up the courage to talk to his mystery girl before she disappeared.
   Holy fuck. Mystery girl. Did he miss his chance to talk to her? Did he talk to her and just forget? God he really fucked up. What did he even have to drink last night?
   "DUDE! You totally spaced out there, you good?"
   "What?" Ashton looked up at Michael. "I-I'm fine, just trying to remember last night."
   "Well, if you were listening to me you would've heard me tell you that you ended up freaking out over some mystery? So Cal gave you a cig to calm you down which then caused someone to bring their weed and it all blossomed from there. Seriously I don't think I've ever seen you that fucked. Even our first freshman party."
   Some mystery? That had to be his mystery girl, right? Ashton couldn't think of any other mystery. While trying to process all the information Michael just gave him, Ash's phone went off. He expected it to be one of the guys, but instead saw the name Cameron.
   "Mikey, do you know anyone by the name Cameron?" Ashton looks up and notices that Michael is already gone. "Thanks, buddy. You're a lot of help." He rolls his eyes and looks back at his phone.
   thanks for the advice yesterday, i really needed it :)
   Advice? If there are only two things Ashton knows it's that: 1. he is awful at giving advice and 2. never trust Cal with a secret (poor guy ends up forgetting it's a secret and blabs it to whoever will listen).
   Advice? Who is this? No, that sounds rude. You’re welcome :) Always here for help. “No, Ashton. You fucking moron, you’re awful at advice!” He groans and deletes the message. He also prays to the gods that Cameron is not staring at the three little dots constantly pop up and go away. "Who the hell is Cameron?!"
   "Fuck, Kat. I probably scared him away!!" Cameron was pacing back and forth staring at her phone waiting for a text back from the guy she met at the party yesterday. She had seen him around, but she never learned his name. Then at the party she finally got the courage to talk to him. She wasn’t one to have crushes, but damn was he fine. She was drawn to him as soon as she went to her first Kappa Tau party. But she knew that he was a sophomore and probably wouldn’t care too much about some “baby” freshman.
   Cameron Solace was in no way a partier in high school. But her best friend Katrina Larson dragged her to nearly every frat house that was throwing a party during rush week. They went all over and there didn’t seem to be many going on until they reached Kappa Tau Gamma. Everyone at the school seemed to be there. There were people in the front and back yard, people in the house, even people on the roof (Cam decided she didn’t want to know how that happened).
   “K, please. You know I hate parties.” Cameron drags her feet on the sidewalk, willing herself to stay in place even as her best friend (tries) to drag her to the frat house.
   “Come on, C. Stay for 30 minutes and if you still hate it, we can go back to ZBZ. Deal?” Going back to their sorority house, Zeta Beta Zeta, wasn’t much better since it’d be empty until everyone decides to come back from the parties. Then it’ll be full of drunk college girls who don’t know their right from left. But anything would be better than staying here.
   “Deal. I’m starting a timer right now. You can’t trick me out of this.” Cameron pulls out her phone and sets a timer for 30 minutes. She knew if she didn’t Kat would try to trick her into staying longer than necessary. They walk into the house and Cam immediately looses her hearing due to the loud ass music blaring through the place.
   “I’m gonna go get a drink! You want something?” Kat yells over the music (if Cameron wasn’t deaf already, she definitely would be now).
   “Yeah, you know what I like! Meet me at the staircase.” Cam goes to walk towards the staircase, and as she’s walking she could’ve sworn she felt someone’s eyes on her. She chooses to ignore it and continued to the stairs. She looks around the house, searching for anyone she may recognize. Then her eyes landed on him. Tall, handsome, prettiest eyes you’ve ever seen. She felt like she could faint right then and there, even with no alcohol in her system. She had to know who he was.
   And she did. She somehow ended up sitting in the hallway with him, talking about her homesickness and the stress of being a college freshman. She had asked him for advice on how to pass her film class (even though he wasn’t a film major) until she realized they had never exchanged names.
   “I don’t think I ever caught your name, I’m Cameron by the way.”
   “I’m Ashton.”
   “C, you’re freaking out for no reason. He has to be really messed up to freak out over that simple of a text.”
   “I’m freaking out man!” Ashton finished telling Luke the entire story of what had happened. Or at least all that he remembers. “I have no memory of who Cameron is or what advice I gave them. I’m terrible at advice! I probably fucked this poor person over with my shitty advice!”
   “Dude, you’re freaking out for no reason. There’s no problem with blacking out after a party. I mean look at Mikey, he blacks out all the time. Just text or call this Cameron, explain to them that you were high and drunk as hell last night, and let them know that you can’t remember what happened.” Luke was sitting on Ash’s bed as Ash paced back and forth, biting his lip anxiously.
   “That’s not a douchebag move? Like I just forget every girl I talk to? What if they think I’m toxic?”
   “Oh my God, just give me your phone!” Luke reaches out and grabs Ashton’s phone from his hand before he could react. He starts typing and Ash is worried that whatever Luke says won’t be good enough (not that he didn’t believe in Luke, he did, she was just also going absolute batshit). “There.” Luke hands his phone back and Ashton sees that not only did Luke type the message, he also sent it already.
   No problem. But look, I got really messed up last night and if I’m being completely honest I forgot everything that happened. Can we start over?
   “Really dude? It was that easy?”
   “It was that easy.” As Luke gets up and walks out of Ashton’s room, Ash’s phone already goes off.
   i’d like that, i’m Cameron :)
   I’m Ashton :)
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stringsofstarlight · 2 years
      It is a bonafide fact, my darling, that the little voice in your head is the worst freaking enemy for your long term happiness.   Yes, I saw the event concluded yesterday and heard you were on the way back to the states.  What do you want me to do about it?   You have successfully blocked all data on certain subjects since the carbon thing came all out.  BTW, carbon credits are super fucking cheap right now, no seriously, they are way below value and wouldn’t cost much of anything to be proactive and take a forward looking stance on the environment.     Your pain body is going to keep questioning all of this, I can feel all of your insecurities and foibles bubbling to the top of the tayldron (cauldron+tay).  I can make it until midnights is released, my daughter is coming here for her birthday on the 24th.  I found a way last night to combat the forces allied against me, I put it into action last night, could sleep soundly for the first time in 2 months.  The long white beard maintenance guy got a text from the younger assistant last night, which inplicated both of them if anything happened to ME!…which was the plan since I arrived so early.  It dawned on my last night that a string of connections with cause an alibi to go poof, real quick like.   My apologies for falling asleep so early, I was waiting until after the midnight hour, both of us in wait for you, my darling.    I know it must feel intense to be the center of all this attention and sensual loving, let’s embrace it and see how far this thing can go.  I love you.❤️‍🔥
eternal love,
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