#freeform dreads
three--dimensional · 1 year
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1-yep · 6 months
Hey natty ladies. How can i prevent my freeforms dreads from balding. Prefer African American or african views😊
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thottybrucewayne · 9 months
Ngl, I get mad as fuck when I think about what the fandomfication process is doing to Hobie.
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He's not mean! He's not a bully! He's not "toxic"! He's like, the best Black Punk rep I've seen in media in a long time and the best anarchist rep I've seen in media, EVER! Yall have been so weird and antiblack about him and it hurts because I was SO excited to see ANY version of Hobie get attention. Now I just kinda wish they never put him in the movie in the first place :/
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seedroot · 11 months
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getting old means growing out your hair and getting more piercings
inspired by this tweet
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netflixandnudez · 1 year
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yungrezadagawd · 7 months
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batmanbeyondrocks · 7 months
Credit: Bean🙎🏿‍♂️@godfirstbeann
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brian4rmthe6 · 1 year
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dreadar · 2 years
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@tianaloveslocs #dreadlocks #rastas #dreadhead #dreadlove #dreadlife #dreads #locs #girlwithdreads #dreadjourney #freeform #girlswithdreads #girlswithlocs https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj-VlnFuYVq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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glimeboy · 1 year
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michaeljacksonsdoctor · 3 months
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i hold my weight☠️
0 notes
alexiejernae · 2 years
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Interlocked ✨
Half Up Half Down
#scstylist #locnation #locjourney #interlocking #columbiasc #womenwithlocs #locstyles
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Can we give it up for guys with hair like Hobie please?
Can we get a round of applause for the black men in the chat with freeform locs? Or unkempt dreads? Or thick unlocked afros?
Because there's something we need to talk about -
Hobie's Hair: Representation, Reality, and Internalized Racism within Fandom
Here we are again - an essay about Hobie and racism. But this time - it's not coming from outside the house. Oh no, no no no.
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The racism is coming from inside the house.
We need to talk about Hobies hair, how we treat black hair as a community, and the deep internalized racism that is revealed when Hobies hair is brought to reality.
[A LONGish essay about Hobie, Race, Hair, and the HEAVY internalized racism towards 4C hair. This essay doesn't explain much about black hair, but it's more a conversation of self-hate and representation]
Like Hobies hair is beautiful and it's genuinely heartbreaking to see so many people in the fandom be like 'yeah I love his hair but I could never date an actual guy with hair like that'
Or cringing at guys with nappy hair, or overall speaking about how off-putting their hair is.
Hobies hair is beautiful, but the amount of people that like it in canon - and only canon - is too high.
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They'll say that for some reason, when it comes to real freeform locs - they can't find it attractive. That they for some reason, they still have the idea that people with freeform locs don't - or even can't, wash their hair, even if they know that's not true.
And like.. come on, guys. Come on.
There are actual black men with hair like that. There are HOBIE COSPLAYERS with hair like that.
and they're in the fandom too.
In fact, I'd say a good majority of black men have hair like Hobie - we're just forced to shave it off.
For us, anything longer than a high top that isn't an afro with nice defined curles is considered unruly, unkepted, or outright dirty.
People will just straight up call it dirty or say they don't wash their hair.
Just because their hair looks weird.
Because really that's all it is. It LOOKS WEIRD. And because it looks weird - and because it's something inherently exclusive to black people, it's admonished as being disgusting or ugly.
White men are able to roll out of bed 365 days a year and take a shower, leaving the house with barely even any hair gel.
That's considered normal, average. Boring even.
A black man rolls out of bed the same 365 days, washes his hair the same way, and leaves the house - and he's unkempt.
Why? Because his hair naturally locs up.
And because it locks up, it looks weird, and since it looks weird it's inappropriate for the workplace, it's unattractive, eww do they even wash it?
It's so SAD. Like genuinely sad. Especially in the Hobie fandom.
I think it needs to be highlighted that Hobies hair AREN'T wicks. Wicks are formed using tools. Wicks are locs - but they're manipulated locs. They take styling to look that way.
HOBIES HAIR is freeform. As in, that's just how it grows from it head. That's not a hairstyle like hair spikes, or Gwen's undercut.
That's just his hair.
And it's the only hair type on earth that's ubiquitously known as ugly.
So ugly in fact that men who have it are encouraged to either 1) shave it and maintain that shave at risk of ridicule or 2) invest lots of money and time into maintaining a detangled manicured afro of 'reasonable' size and shape or 3) get it braided and maintain those braids at risk of ridicule- you see where I'm going with this.
For people like me and Hobies, those with 4C hair: We're told quite early, even by the black people around us, that our hair as it is is unpresentable.
We're expected to manipulate and manage our hair every day of our lives, because if we don't, even for a week or two - we're suddenly 'unpresentable', unemployable, and straight up unattractive. Even the sight of our new growth is a sign we need to 'get our hair done'.
For us, hair growth isn't exciting. It's just anther reminder we need to go back to the salon or barbers.
And y'all - it's EXHAUSTING. Physically and mentally exhausting.
That's why Hobie has hair like that.
Because it's exhausting, it's unfair. And it's accepted. Even in this fandom.
Hobie does it because it's not right.
He, as a person, understands that he has a right to exist anywhere he pleases - in his entirety, regardless of how disruptive you see him.
Hobie wears his freeform hair because he doesn't want to physically manipulate his hair - and he doesn't want society to manipulate his hair either.
It's a noble cause.
And you know what, the dudes you see with hair like this - the ones you think might be dirty or ugly - they're wearing it for THE SAME REASON.
The reason men like The Weeknd and Jay-Z chose to wear their hair this way is because they are literally the only black men in society who can wear their hair like that and still keep a job. I'm so serious.
If you are a black man, or a black person in general - you better have 'fuck you' amounts of money if you'd like to have freeform locs.
Because your chances of getting a job hit the floor. The number of people interested in dating you - or even seeing you as attractive, drops like 95%.
All because your natural hair is visible to other people.
And they find that so distracting or so unattractive that it calls your very hygiene - or housing status - into question. (Yes, I have heard people say that they suspect men with freeform hair are wearing it only because they are homeless.)
And now that we have a character like Hobie - this attitude, one that we're all taught, is something we have to face head-on.
Because it fucking SUCKS to be told all your life that your hair is ugly and inherently more dirty than all others to the point that the only option is it's rigorous rearrangement or straight up removal.
And then you get a character like Hobie Brown, such good representation!!!
Only to turn around and see the fandom going 'Yeah, Hobies hot. But guys with hair ACTUALLY like that? Uhhh, no thanks. Sorry, I'll pass. Respectfully, no.'
And you wanna know the most fucked up thing about it? Huh!?
A large portion of the black people - black women in specific - who say they don't find freeform hair attractive, or hair like Hobies attractive -
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So many of y'all who say this would absolutely have hair like Hobies if you didn't detangle it.
The statement in itself - age the critique of freeform hair - is one of self-hate.
So many of the women I see say this have 4c hair themselves.
But because of the stigma and discrimination we received as children, many of us don't even know what our hair looks like unpermed, undamaged, without being detangled once a week.
If you are a black woman and you wouldn't date a guy with hair like this, please candidly ask yourself:
If you didn't detangled your hair for a year - would your hair look like Hobies?
Because I'm pretty sure for a good deal of y'all the answer is yes.
For the majority of us, if we didn't detangle, decondition, oil, cut, or shave our heads - if all we did was wash or hair - we'd have hair like Hobies.
It would stick out and stand up and clump together and that's FINE.
In fact, it's better for your hair.
Ever wonder why we have to moisturize and detangle and condition and use oil treatments and-
Because our hair naturally wants to loc. When it locs like Hobies hair, the oils from the root of your scalp can coat the strands easier, like a rope sucking up water.
A single piece of string can't move or suck up much water. But a thick thick rope can.
Just the same, when your hair is detangled - it's hard for the hair to move or suck up the oil. So it sits on the scalp and builds up. Like a single string.
When your hair is loced, the oils can move from your scalp down (or rather for us, UP) your hair way easier. Like a rope sucking it up.
Making your scalp cleaner, your hair more moisturised and overall more healthy.
At that point, you don't NEED conditioner. Or oil. Or aloe or whatever the hell the beauty supply got.
You just need to wash it, and your locs help regulate your hair. The help keep your oil production even and your hair moisturized.
Because your hair can self regulate. Just like everyone else's.
I'm learning this myself. As someone who just started their semi-freeform locs a couple months ago: My hair is as clean and as soft as it's ever been in my life.
My whole life I thought my hair was oily as fuck.
If I breathed too hard I'd get build up. Parting my hair physically hurt and almost ever hair style I ever tried was sensory hell. I'd shaved my head 8 years back and have kept it low for that long, simply because dealing with my actual hair was too tedious and painful.
And so I went freeform - because of Hobie.
For the past three months the only thing I've put in my hair is water and shampoo.
Maybe a little salt water if I wanna tighten up the locs a bit. But nothing else.
My hair is cleaner.
It's completely conditioned.
The curls found their own pattern and loced up without me even needing to part my hair. Like my head knew where each loc was gonna go.
Honestly, I barely worry about it anymore. In fact, if I don't touch my hair every other day or so, just lightly touching each loc end - the locs would combine more, getting thicker, and then I'd REALLY have hair like Hobies.
And my hair looks a fucking mess.
That's the hardest part now - not dealing with my hair. Dealing with people who see my hair.
I've learned idea that locs are inherently more dirty or harder to clean is actually the opposite of reality.
Detangled hair is absolutely harder to clean and maintain.
The reason detangled hair takes so long to manage is because you strip the oils off the scalp because it can't get down the strands of hair. Since every strand is separated, the oil just sticks to the scalp. So you wash it out.
But now that you've got no oil your hair and scalp is dry so now you need conditioner. But conditioner isn't enough. You need oil. But oil can cause buildup too so maybe use pink gel. But pink gel is too processed so do a hair mask- ETC ETC ETC for forever and ever and ever.
All because we are always, without break, fighting against our hairs natural instinct to loc.
Why? Because it looks weird. Because we are so used to constantly treating and cleaning and managing our hair that a lot of us genuinely believe that if we were to stop for even a month our hair would become ratty, smelly, matted messes no matter how much we showered.
At least that's what I believed.
But if we let ourselves and our hair be - in reality, both us and our hair becomes stronger, more healthy, and less stressed.
That's why so many people call it a Locs JOURNEY. Cause it truly is a journey of self-care, and unlearning self-admonishing ideas about our bodies and hair.
We as black people - like everyone on this Earth - have hair genetically evolved to manage itself on a reasonable level.
The amount of labor and thought that black people are required to put into their hair on top of that - even when it's 'NATURAL' - is not reasonable.
That's why there will be people in the natural hair community, with natural hair - who still think freeforms are ugly and nasty because they themselves choose to detangle and condition and the works to their hair. Even people with manicured locs believe this.
Because there is the believe that healthy black hair = lots of black labor. And they value natural hairstyles that require more labor.
Many don't believe that black people can have natural and healthy hair with minimal work - just like every other race.
But it's true. It's just so happens that when it does, it 'looks weird'.
And when it comes to Hobie - it kills me to see this.
To see people consuming Hobies messages of punk and politics, but never of race. His racial solidarity and displays of blackness.
Even us as a black community.
GAH sometimes I feel like he'd hear the stuff some people say about freeforms and be like
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Hell, Hobie would hear that shit ALL THE TIME.
I imagine it really really hurts to see a character that represents a part of you often demonized and discredited - only to turn around and see the fans of said character still think what he's representating is nice in theory, but ugly in practice.
Especially if you're say.. A Hobie cosplayer.
Hobie wears his hair that way because it's his hair - it's not a hairstyle - is anything it's the opposite. And it has a right to exist.
That's the reason why Rastafarians wear locs - freeform locs. Not because they're hippies. Because they love the black form and allow their bodies to grow and manifest in the world without unnecessary manipulation from outside forces - including themselves.
Their hair is their hair. And it has the right to exist as much as any other part of their body.
For Hobie and the real-life men and women who have this hair it's a concious social risk that effects almost every aspect of their life from work to romance, friendships, who will sit next you on the bus and who'll avoid the hell outta you for no reason.
And they do it out of love for themselves and the beauty of black hair.
And because of that, they are considered less attractive, less clean, less 'normal'.
To black people with freeform hair I love you. To the black people with hair like Hobies: Your hair isn't ugly. You aren't dirty.
You're resilient and confident as hell and the realest mfers on earth.
If you're considering getting locs or going freeform. Do it. Absolutely do it. If you want proof you can be cute as hell with freeforms check out this YouTuber named DomiBoy.
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He makes videos documenting his locs journey. He has Congos, which are very very similar to freeform. He makes great videos plus he's adorable and funny okay
If you're a black person without locs or freeforms, please - question what your hair would look like if you didn't manipulate it.
Have you ever gone a period in your life where you haven't detangled, conditioned, parted, braided, gelled, permed your hair etc?
What do you think it would look like if you didn't? How do you think people would treat you?
How do you feel about your hair when your roots grow out? Or your braids get loose? Do you know what your hair looks like untouched?
Question what do you think of freeforms? And why do you think that?
No matter who you are, you should ask yourself -
If a guy said he found curly hair ubiquitously ugly, and questioned if curly haired people were clean, wouldn't it be odd and messed up?
Have I heard myself or others refer to 4c locced hair as ugly? Or questioned their hygiene?
Do I think freeform loced black hair is ugly? Would I date someone with this hair? Why or why not?
Start a discussion with yourself.
As someone with 4c hair and starting a loc journey, I feel like this had to be said. Because it's something that affects and influences a lot of us.
There has beauty in Hobie and there is beauty in black hair. We just have to unlearn a lot of things to see it.
Anyway Hobies hair is hot. Freeforms are hot. I love black people. The end
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netflixandnudez · 2 years
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luvjunie · 1 year
hobie has wicks/freeform dreads pleaseee stop drawing him with an afro!! 😭
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it may seem like it isn’t to some, but this is such a vital component to his image, because locking your hair is one of the biggest forms of self expression and a prime example of freeing oneself from societal norms and this is quite literally everything hobie stands for! a lot of the time when people have locs and allow them to transform into freeforms, they’re releasing the control they have over their hair and allowing it to do whatever it wants without forcing it to conform to what others “think” it should look like. Every detail surrounding his character runs so much deeper than what’s plain to the eye and i absolutely love it.
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Hobie hates being controlled or being told what to do, and the same goes for his awesome ass hair!
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Along for The Ride - Part 3
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
Summary: Transported to Middle Earth, you must Join Thorin Oakenshield's Company as they travel to reclaim Erebor! OR: My take on the classic 'modern girl in Middle Earth' troupe. With this first installment, we are following the first movie of The Hobbit trilogy, and falling in love with Kili on the way! The final installment for the first movie.
Tags: Kili / Reader, Reader-Insert, Slow Burn, Modern Character in Middle Earth, During The Hobbit, How Do I Tag, Canon-Typical Violence, Kíli Is a Little Shit (Tolkien), wrote this while I had covid, in like 4 days lol, implied soulmates, Dwarf Culture & Customs, Freeform, Holding Hands, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sleepy Cuddles, Protective Thorin Oakenshield Company Members, Dwalin & Thorin Oakenshield Friendship, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Where In Middle-Earth Is Gandalf?, Hair Braiding, Dwarf Courting, My First Tumblr Fic, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fíli & Kíli & Thorin Live, Thorin Oakenshield Lives, Fíli Lives (Tolkien), Kíli Lives (Tolkien)
Word Count: 3,717
A/N: I was utterly appalled by the lack of Kili writers on here and Ao3. Y'all who write for Kili, I've been eating your crumbs like it's the shit (cause it is) for weeks, but one can't be sustained on crumbs alone so I've prepared a feast!! This is the first fic I've ever wanted to post, please be gentle. Comments, Likes, and Reblogs are loved and treasured!!
Image credit: @skyfullofsong123
Divider credit: @cafekitsune
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“Go wake the love birds will ya,” Bofur said to Nori while packing his things.
“Kili, Y/N, Time to wake up.” Nori gently shook your shoulder where Kili’s hand held you.
You suddenly woke with a startled, “Gaah!” Head butting Kili awake in the process.
“Aahgg” Kili held his lip where you’d hit him in your daze, “Y/N!?”
“Sorry, Kee!” You quickly apologized, resisting the urge to shoo his hand away so you could examine the wound yourself. Nori laughed lightly at your pain.
“Feeling better, Y/N?” Bofur asked from across the cave, “Had us worried.” Kili pushed your legs off him so he could start packing.
“Awe you guys” You smiled “I’m feeling much better thanks to my space heater” You thanked Kili in a roundabout way.
“Always happy to help.” He replied smiling despite his slightly swollen lower lip. He handed you your coat in exchange for his bedding. You put on your now dry coat (elvish material must dry fast) and packed your bedding. You donned your bag and joined the others as they discussed the upcoming anticipated terrain for the day. Bilbo seemed particularly out of it beside you while Thorin talked about the expected route of travel.
“What’s that Bilbo?” You asked pointing with your eyes to the blue glow around this sword. He had enough time to look at it then you in panic before the floor gave way beneath you.
You slid into a tunnel that rolled and slid you further into the mountain. The company yelled and grunted as they were thrown this way and that by the smooth curves and drops. As quick as it started you were dropped into a basket of sorts with little cushioning. Everyone groaned at the bruises that would surely appear.
“LOOK OUT!” Someone yelled making the company scramble in panic as a hoard of goblins sculked toward you.
“OH MY GOD!” You exclaimed in horror at their appearance. The company tried to fight them off but were quickly overrun. The goblins snarled as they mobbed you, dragging everyone to their feet by pulling on clothes, limbs, anything. The sniveling creatures pushed you forward through a corridor of other nasty dirty goblins creating a river of utter dreadfulness.
Time it suddenly slowed. A moth fluttered in front of you and in a voice that sounded like the wizard was saying: “…or. Gandalf. Stall. For. Gandalf. Stall. For. Gandalf. Stall. For. Gan...” Time resumed its normal pace when the moth was out of your earshot. You turned to try to follow it, having to fight against the grabby hands that held you back.
“Oof!” you ran into Kili almost tripping on him.
“Y/N, what are you looking at?” He tried to follow your gaze but didn’t see the moth.
“The wizard is coming we need to stall—” You were cut off by the creatures pushing you forward again grumbling to keep moving. “Tell the others!” You had to shout to him.
While the rest of the company shouted helpful things like ‘Get back!’, ‘You’ll pay for this!’ and ‘Unhand me!’ you opted for something more ‘HOLY SHIT THESE FUCKERS ARE UGLY!’. These concerns you vocalized quite loudly hoping to get a rise out of them.
“Ew ew ew!” You shoved at your captors “This is so gross!” Your shrill scream was rising in pitch but so much was happening that you didn’t notice its effect on the goblins near you. They kept pushing you forward, chittering at you as you passed.
You were funneled into a large open space that looked like a beehive with how the disgusting things were lining the walls and strung about in the air. You were stopped on a round platform in front of a huge goblin. Your weapons were dropped a few feet in front of the group.
“That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen,” you said looking at the corpulent mass of flesh and borderline decay before you. “That is truly a face only a mother could love.” The company chuckled, trying to be serious but failing.
“Who dares enter my kingdom armed?” The moving sack of meat said, looking at you all.
“Holy shit! It can talk!” You exclaimed, truly surprised by this turn of events.
“It?! I am the king of these parts!” He said, making his subjects loud and rowdy.
“I assume the role is inherited cause no one would willingly elect you, Jesus!” You had to look away before your eyes burned. “Sorry, my brain is just having a hard time coping with how ugly you all are” You closed your eyes and rubbed your temples.
“They are dwarves, your malevolence,” An underling said to his king.
“Don’t just stand there! Search them!” He commanded his hoard.
Clammy fingers groped everywhere on your person making you scream at the sudden defilement. The goblins covered their ears at your high pitch, releasing you and the company from their search.
“Now you listen here you ugly piece of shit” You marched right up to the edge of your group to properly address the king “That was completely uncalled for! Ordering your subjects to violate us when we’d already been searched on the way here!” You pointed to the weapons on the floor in front of him.
“Well excuse me for wanting to be thorough, she-dwarf” the king threw what he thought was an insult of his own at you. “And what business do you have in my kingdom?” He asked.
Before anyone else could respond you crossed your arms and said: “Non ya”
“Non ya? What’s non ya?” The king was utterly confused, and so were the dwarves behind you if their murmuring was anything to go by.
“Non ya business” You simply replied with a smirk. The dwarves erupted in a choir of ‘Ooohh’s, even patting you on the shoulder and laughing at your wordplay. The king looked scandalized, huffing and puffing in anger.
“If you will not talk, we’ll make you squawk!” The large goblin said with far too much joy, “Bring up the bone-breaking mangler! We’ll start with the impertinent she-dwarf” He pointed at you making panic race down your spine.
“Wait!” Thorin yelled stepping forward to pull you by the collar of your shirt back into the safety of the group.
“Well, if it isn’t Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror! King under the mountain!” The ugly creature bowed in mock respect, “Oh, but you don’t have a mountain, which makes you no one really.”
You weren’t the only one seething in anger from the disrespect.
“I know someone who would pay a very pretty price for your head,” the disgusting veiny king said.
“Awe you guys” Dwalin suddenly piped up, “He thinks Thorin’s pretty!” making the group laugh.
“ERG! Insolent dwarves! The pale orc doesn’t need anything attached to your head for payment” The king under this mountain suddenly turned smug, “Perhaps you know of whom I speak, He sits astride a white Warg, an old enemy of yours.”
“Azog the defiler is dead,” Thorin said slightly defensively. “He died in battle long ago.”
“So, you think his defiling days are over, do you?” The king turned to his scribe who hung off the edge of the platform. “Tell Azog I have his prize” The subordinate goblin chittered and swung away.
Fili pulled you to him and Bifur, “I thought you said Gandalf was coming,” he loudly whispered.
“He is, we need to stall for longer” You tried your best to keep the worried waver from your voice.
A rhythmic thumping started rattling the suspended platform. Everyone looked over to see a large torture device being rolled towards you. The king started singing an honestly catchy tune if it hadn’t been about how your bones would be shattered and from racks you’d be hung. The devices kept rolling closer, and the goblins jumped and jostled against you all.
A goblin off to the side shrieked and threw Thorin’s blade down.
“Tha-that’s the goblin cleaver!” The king scampered to his thrown, away from the discarded blade, “Kill them! Beat them! Break them!”
The underlings wailed against the company. Dwalin and Kili covered you, so they’d take the brunt of your attacks.
Suddenly a pure white light burst from the center of the platform, throwing everyone and everything back.
“We must take up arms!” Gandalf stepped forward “FIGHT!” His battle cry brought the company out of their stunned daze. Kili grabbed your hand as you both stood.
“Stay with the group!” He told you. The look in his eyes promised to protect you. He caught his sword at the hilt, swinging it to cut an attacking goblin down.
“I’ll keep up” You replied confident in your abilities. Weapons were thrown and exchanged in a wonderous display of practiced coordination, wiping out most of the creatures that detained you.
“Follow me.” Gandalf called the company to him, “Quickly! RUN!” He yelled, leading the dwarves across a bridge as mobs of goblins pursued you. It was all a bit of a blur. You ran and ran while the dwarves fought off attackers, chopping their heads off in one swift blow and pushing their bodies from the path.
“POST!” Dwalin yelled reaching down to pick up a pole, you helped pick it up alongside a few of the other dwarves. You all pushed and pulled it, knocking handfuls of goblins out of the way. The post was dropped so the warriors could use their weapons. Everyone was fighting so well…everyone except you. When the group started running again you did too.
‘That’s one thing I’m good at I guess’ you thought.
You stopped beside Gandalf as the others caught up. Kili ran across a ladder and jumped off in front of you with an odd smile.
“What’s a girl like you doin’ in a cavern like this!” He grinned at you as you all started running.
“Is—” You couldn’t help but laugh a little “Was that a pick-up line? In the middle of battle?!” You yelled at him with a smile.
He jumped over a recently deceased goblin, looked back at you, and winked. You scoffed in disbelief despite your blush. You all followed the wizard to the end of a walkway when the rope was severed, sending it swinging through the air toward the other side of the crevasse. Several dwarves jumped off at the first pass, but you were stuck on the swinging pendulum. It swung back to the goblin-filled walkway you just left, picking some up on the way. On the return swing, you jumped off. Kili caught you; you were ready for your comeback.
“Fancy seeing you here” You smirked at him as the company scrambled from the now-falling swing. He laughed a little as he ran, cutting down goblins with every swipe of his mighty blade.
The ground changed from creaky wood boards to jagged rock. Gandalf stabbed an overhang with his staff, dislodging a boulder that rolled down the slope. You and several others pushed it to help it gain speed, following behind it as it mowed down every revolting creature in its path till it fell from a cliff into the depths. The company kept running and fighting off the hoards. A goblin-less part of the wooden scaffolding was quickly filled in as you approached it.
The goblin king erupted from below the wood boards, just in front of the line of dwarves.
“HOLY SHIT!” You yelled startled. You were now trapped on all sides.
“You can’t escape me!” He sneered down at Gandalf, “What are you going to do now Wizard?” the large goblin looked down at him.
Gandalf thrust his staff into his large bleary eye causing him to reel back and howl in pain, exposing his round belly. The Wizard took the opportunity and slashed him across the stomach, bringing the filthy creature to his knees.
“That’ll do it,” The king said grimly just before Gandalf slit his throat. The dead weight lurched forward causing the wood boards beneath the company to shake. The scaffolding gave way beneath you all. Everyone screamed as the structure slid down the bumpy rock. It was wedged between the narrowing rockfaces which slowed its descent before it crashed down and collapsed. You and the wizard stood, thankfully not held down by the rubble. Everyone groaned under the weight of the boards.
“That coulda been worse,” Bofur said. In a twist of fate, it got much worse for those still stuck because the enormous weight of the goblin king crashed onto them. Groans and curses were muttered by all as they removed themselves from the planks.
“GANDALF!” Kili yelled upon seeing the ocean of angry goblins running at full speed toward them. You were helping the others to their feet.
“We can’t fight them all,” Dwalin said helping his bother.
“Daylight is the only thing that can save us,” The wizard said, desperate to get out of the caves, “Come on!” You all started running again as you followed the wizard to safety.
“I see it!” Ori exclaimed pointing to the pinprick of sunlight beaming from the other side of the corridor. You were running as hard as you could but were slowing just the slightest. The company burst from the cave as the sun was painting the sky with its last rays.
You slowed as you made your way down the mountainside. Gandalf took a head count while everyone caught their breath.
“Where’s Bilbo?” He asked the group “Where’s our Hobbit?”
“I think I saw him slip away when they first captured us,” Nori said.
“Slip away?!” Gandalf said exasperated, “What do you mean? Explain yourself!”
“I’ll tell you what happened,” Thorin said sounding agitated, “Master Baggins saw his chance and took it. He’s thought of nothing but his warm bed and hearth since he first stepped out of his hobbit hole. He is long gone by now.” Everyone looked around not knowing how to feel.
You felt sad, he was good company and a welcomed change from the sometimes coarse mannerisms of the dwarfs.
“No, he isn’t,” Bilbo appeared from behind a tree.
“I have never been so happy to see anyone in my entire life” Gandalf approached him with a glad smile.
“We’d given you up!” Kili said in disbelief.
“How’d you get past the goblins?” Fili asked with admiration and curiosity.
“How indeed” Dwalin repeated.
“Well, what does it matter” Gandalf tried to turn the conversation elsewhere, “He’s back.”
“It does matter” Thorin overruled Gandalf's words, “Why did you come back?”
“I know you’ve always doubted me,” Bilbo said to him “And you’re right, I miss my books and my armchair and my garden. That’s where I belong, I have a home to go back to, and that’s why I came back, cause you don’t have one…a home. It was taken from you. And I want to help you take it back if I can.”
Meanwhile, you are off to the side panting your little heart out from all that running.
Wargs howled in the distance.
“RUN!” Gandalf yelled. You could barely move, exhausted from the previous run.
“Oh lass,” Dori, ever the mother hen, trotted beside you as you made your best attempt at running, “Hop on” He leaned over so you could jump on his back. You hesitated.
“Are…you…sure” You panted. You were picked up by Oin and Gloin and placed onto Dori’s back. He immediately picked up speed catching up with the rest of the group. You could hear the Wargs snarling as they drew closer. The group slowed as they reached the edge of the cliff.
“Up into the trees!” Gandalf yelled, “Climb!”
Dori, this absolute unit, climbed the tree with you on his back. He passed you to a branch as Wargs circled the tree below. They began jumping up into the lower branches, chomping them down and shaking the tree.
“You alright Y/N?” Kili asked from a branch above yours.
“Peachy!” You replied sarcastically. Your tree began leaning. The Wargs jumped against it knocking it into the tree beside it. You all jumped into the still-standing tree, but it was no sooner knocked over into the next. You all jumped again making the tree slowly lean over the side of the cliff. Gandalf began passing flaming pinecones to everyone to throw at the attacking Wargs, catching their muzzles and the underbrush on fire. The Wargs retreated but a new problem arose. The tree everyone was in began to fall over. Those on the wrong side hung above a large drop. Thorin ran from the tree to challenge Azog. He was swiftly brought down. Before the Warg could make the final chomp on the company leader, Thorin slashed it across the nose making it drop him. An orc was ordered to behead him. As he lined up his blade to make the final blow, Bilbo tackled him. He stabbed the offending orc in the chest and stomach multiple times. You pulled yourself into a more secure position, so you were lying on your stomach against the tree.
“Y/N” Kili called to you reaching for your hand. You helped pull him onto the tree trunk, then helped Fili up too. The three of you pulled some of the other dwarves up together. Kili grabbed your waist to shift you so he could get around you on the narrow tree. You didn’t have time to dwell on the blush it created as the dwarves ran into battle to protect Thorin and Bilbo. You watched from the relative safety of the tree.
Watching Kili with the heat of battle rage in his eyes was extremely arousing to your surprise. He looked natural with a sword which made you wonder why Fili would say he wasn’t.
A sudden shriek of an eagle from above startled you. Talons plucked you and Gandalf from the tree and then dropped you onto the back of a huge eagle. The rest of the company joined on the backs of eagles as well. Thorin was knocked out in the talons of one.
In the sky of the setting sun, you were beside the wizard as you flew.
“Now that we have a moment,” Gandalf said, “We have much to discuss, my dear.”
On the back of the enormous eagle, Gandalf explained what he had learned. If someone from each world experiences an equal amount of loneliness and yearning at the same time, and the universe deems them a favorable couple, the person from your world would be allowed transport to Middle Earth. When they touch the staff, they appear next to the wizard who is closest to their counterpart. Fate brings the two together every time. He wasn't told of a way to return to your world because none had ever wanted to do so, but if you wished him to, he could find a way.
“I think I just need some time to process all this if you don’t mind,” you said not wanting to offend him. You wanted to be alone with your thoughts for a while.
“Not at all my dear,” He smiled, admiring your strength in the face of new developments.
The eagles flew the company over beautiful mountains in a sky painted by the rising sun. It was stunning. You didn’t know how long you were flying, so caught up in your thoughts.
The birds began circling a rock that stood above the forest below. Thorin was gingerly placed by the eagle. You and Gandalf landed on the rock next. Both of you ran over to the company leader to see how bad his injuries were. The other members began trickling onto the rock. They watched as the wizard said some foreign words over Thorin, making him wake. He asked if Bilbo was alright. He stood and went on about how he doubted him, but you rushed over to Kili after he’d landed toward the back of the group.
“Are you ok? You’re not hurt, are you?” You looked him over, moving his thick coat to make sure he wasn’t hiding a wound.
“I’m ok! I promise!” he smiled and took your hand in his, “How bout you, are you ok?” You’d never know how much he wanted to put his hand on your cheek in that moment and kiss you.
“Of course, I’m fine” you squeezed his hands a little, “I’m not the one who went running into battle,” you said in worried scrutiny. The memories of him fighting the orcs flashed vividly through your suddenly aroused mind. He must have noticed the way you subtly bit your lip and looked at him through your lashes.
“Oh, just admit it” He smirked mischievously at you looking into your eyes, “You liked it” he whispered in that deep gruff tone that you were beginning to like very much.
Everyone cheered and you turned to see Thorin hugging Bilbo. You were happy they were getting along. After Thorin pulled back, his eyes locked onto something in the distance. Everyone followed his gaze as he walked up the rock face.
“Is that what I think it is?” Bilbo said in disbelief. You all followed Thorin to get a better look.
A solitary break in the line of the horizon was a stark contrast against the vibrant colors of the rising sun. A lonely mountain sat apart from the rest, so very far away.
“Erebor,” Gandalf introduced you all to your destination, “The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle Earth.”
“Our home,” Thorin said with pride and a little relief. A bird flew past, chirping delightfully.
“The birds are returning to the mountain,” Oin said pointing to it. You grazed your hand against Kili’s and let it linger there while you watched the bird flutter away.
“That, my dear Oin, is a Thrush” Gandalf stated. Kili turned his hand so his pinkie could reach to find yours.
“But we’ll take it as a sign,” Thorin looked at Bilbo, “A good omen.” Everyone took in the view and prepared themselves for the next push to the mountain.
You wrapped your pinkie around Kili’s. You couldn’t keep your happy smile from your lips. You knew you were acting like a silly little schoolgirl; he brought it out in you in the best ways.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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