#freeze dried blueberries
morethansalad · 6 months
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Vegan Spiced Autumn Cake
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bonviesnack234 · 23 days
Healthy & Sugar Free Snacks
It is very hard to find someone who does not enjoy eating fruits in this entire world. Fruits, often regarded as nature's candy, embody sweetness, delectability, and health benefits. Elevating their appeal further is the transformative process of freeze-drying. Freeze-dried fruits emerge as an unparalleled snacking partner for several compelling reasons. Their extended shelf life surpasses that of their fresh counterparts, thanks to the removal of water during the freeze-drying process. This absence of moisture inhibits bacterial growth, ensuring longevity that spans months or even years without succumbing to spoilage.
Beyond durability, freeze-dried fruits offer an intensified sweetness that captivates taste buds. The absence of water concentrates the natural sugars, or the trending No Sugar Challenge, resulting in a flavour-packed, satisfying snack. Moreover, the removal of water contributes to enhanced portability, making these fruits an ideal on-the-go option. In essence, freeze-dried fruits not only preserve the inherent goodness of fresh produce but also elevate it, providing a delectable, enduring, and conveniently portable snack for those who appreciate the sweet side of nature.
Bonvie Snacks: A Healthy Choice of Snacking Partner
Bonvie's process commences with freezing the fruit, followed by placement in a vacuum chamber. Gradually raising the temperature while reducing pressure causes the ice in the fruit to evaporate, leaving a crisp texture and retaining essential nutrients. This unique method imparts a distinctive crunch to their treats. Properly stored in an airtight container, freeze-dried fruit boasts an impressive shelf life, surviving up to a year after opening.
Beyond its longevity, freeze-dried fruit stands out as a health-conscious choice and can help with weight loss as well. Low in calories and rich in fiber, it offers a nutritional boost with crucial vitamins and minerals. The absence of water intensifies the flavour, rendering it a satisfying sweet snack or a delightful addition to various dishes. Bonvie's approach not only preserves the fruit but elevates its nutritional profile, making it a versatile and wholesome option for those seeking both taste and health benefits.
Explore the delectable world of Bonvie's snacks, a delightful array that caters to diverse cravings while prioritising hunger satisfaction. Bonvie offers an enticing selection, featuring banana chips, mango bites, apple bites, strawberry bites, and fruit powder, each boasting a unique flavour palette and distinct health benefits. Whether you crave the satisfying crunch of banana chips or the sweet allure of mango and strawberry bites, Bonvie caters to every taste.
What sets these snacks apart is their health-conscious approach; free from added sugars and preservatives, they provide guilt-free indulgence. Ideal for on-the-go nutrition or a wholesome sweet treat, Bonvie's freeze-dried fruits stand out for their versatility and nutrient-rich profile. Tailored to the preferences of health-conscious individuals, these snacks offer a convenient, satisfying option that strikes a harmonious balance between taste and well-being. Elevate your snacking experience with Bonvie's commitment to flavour, health, and quality.
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nelyafinwe · 1 year
do yall wanna see my reverse goodberry spell. no? too bad
Trauma Berry
1st level necromancy Casting time: 1 action Range: touch Components: V S M (a sprig of nightshade) Duration: Instantaneous Classes: Druid, Ranger Up to ten berries appear in your hand and are infused with magic for the duration. A creature can use its action to eat one berry. Eating a berry deals 1 damage (necrotic), and the creature is considered Exhausted for one day. For each month unconsumed, the berries deal 1+1/2 caster level damage.
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whippetcrimes · 2 years
Also guess who has a perfect heel while I'm carrying blueberries but refuses to even participate in dog class??
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noirvette · 1 year
[band smau]
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Kyle did NOT like grocery shopping, it wasn't something he really ever was a fan of doing. He would do it if necessary but it wasn't like he was willing to jump at the opportunity to go out and shop for essentials. However, Stan had a date with Wendy and he couldn't go, so Kyle offered to do this week's shopping trip.
It really wasn't that Kyle hated the act of grocery shopping, it was just that he hated coming back to hearing "Oh... this isn't what I was wanting" whenever he came back. Whether it was from his mom growing up, or now while living with Stan, both have remarked that apparently he was "too serious with the shopping" or whatever that meant.
Stan had at least written a list of things he wanted this time for Kyle, but Kyle couldn't help but nitpick his list; freeze dried blueberries..? Last time Kyle checked Stan hated freeze dried fruit. But, whatever, Stan was paying him back for the things he wanted, so Kyle won't complain too much.
Kyle sighs, crouching down to grab a box of lucky charms cereal Stan begged to get, even writing it on the list in capital letters. As he gets up with the box and turns to start walking back to his cart, someone accidentally runs into him.
"? Oh, I'm so sorry, are you-" Kyle pauses as he sees who ran into him.
Red McArthur.
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Red smiles, walking into the grocery stores having seen Kyle Broflovski walk in. She lied a little bit to Kevin, she really had no solid plan, she didn't even have a full grasp of what Kevin would even want as material to 'ruin' him.
She supposed she could talk to him, but she doubted he'd even want to utter a 'hello' towards her and instead he may walk the other direction if he even saw her, so how the hell was she supposed to be able to get any sort've information from him?
She managed to keep her distance from Kyle as he shopped around, if he was in the produce fruits area, she was looking at the vegetables and debating 'what one to grab'. When he left to go towards the dairy section, she waited about 3-4 minutes before slowly making her way over towards that section from the opposite end. From there on out, if they ended up in the same aisle, which happened as she was following him, she would be at the opposite end.
How he never noticed her for most of the trip was insane to her, but Red was thankful nonetheless, it gave her the chance to think of ways on how to manage to get information out of him. She could expose to Kevin some of the odd items he was buying; who buys regular plain bagels..? Either way, it wasn't until he turned for the cereal that Red thought of the perfect way to get information out of him.
Red quietly followed him into the cereal aisle, taking a quick glance at some of the cereals to make it look as if she was meant to be there. Red inched her way closer after she saw Kyle stop his cart and move towards a different section of cereals.
Quickly grabbing some random brand, she flipped it to the side pretending to read the calorie information and walked towards Kyle, purposefully running into him as he stood up.
"? Oh, I'm so sorry, are you-" Red slowly looked up as Kyle spoke and saw him freeze as he made eye contact with her.
"Oh! Kyle. I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were right there.. I was engaged in reading the uhh.. honeycomb information. What a surprise, great to see you!" Red smiled.
Kyle stood quiet for a second, "Red."
"Oh.. yowch he does nottt look happy to see me." Red thought.
Red pursed her lips before glancing at the cereal box in Kyle's hand, "Yum lucky charms, haha Kenny loves that cereal."
Kyle's face twitches in irritation, "Does he? Great..."
Red smiles once more, "Well I ought to go, it was lovelyyyy seeing you again Kyle."
"I can't say the same." He scowled.
"Oh.. man people really can hate a girl for going after a man she likes." Red internally rolled her eyes and walked away.
Red heads into another aisle, putting the cereal away and walks over towards the front door of the grocery store, swinging Kyle's house keys in her hand.
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Kyle sighed as he got into his car, seeing Red had really brought his entire mood down. He starts his car and turns his playlist on, ready to just head back and put these groceries away and wait for Stan to come back home to tell him about what happened. Hand hitting his steering wheel to the beat of 'No More Lies' by Thundercat and Tame Impala, he tunes out most of his drive back to his apartment complex.
He pulls into a parking space and shuts off his car, patting his right pocket for his house keys, he freezes as he feels the empty pocket, he pats his other pockets trying to feel around for any sort of keys but has no luck.
"Oh fuck did they fall out..?" Kyle says aloud to himself. He opens the car door and grabs his phone, turning on the flashlight. Climbing out of the car to take a peek under his seat, he sees no keys and groans, "Just my luck."
Kyle climbs back into his car, shooting Stan a quick text, praying that he's still at the apartment miraculously.
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Kyle bites his lip in frustration and calls up Clyde. After a few rings, Clyde answers, "Hey man! What's up?"
"Hey Clyde, I have an ask for you."
"Oh, uhhhhh.." Kyle could hear some hushed whispers before Clyde is back, "Sure... what's up."
"Okay... so Stan is on a date with Wendy right now and I left to go grocery shop and now I'm pretty sure I left my house keys in the apartment so I was wondering if I could stay at yours for a bit? Just until he's done.. if you're out or... busy right now then no worries."
"Dude.. that sucks, I so would.." More hushed whispers and Clyde comes back once more, "I'm busy though at the moment. Are you done now?"
Kyle clicks his tongue, "Yeah..."
He hears Clyde hum in thought, "Okay.. then yeah man I can't, I'm sorry have you called Nichole or Y/n?"
"I haven't you're the first I called."
More whispering and then, "Aww... Kyle that warms my heart.. I'd call Y/n though next, Nichole is out with Heidi from what I heard..besides Y/n is back at her apartment now."
"Yeah well it has been a little over a week.. I’d hope the locks have been changed.. but uh, thanks Clyde."
"Yeah! Bye man."
"See ya."
Kyle hangs up and stares at his phone a bit awkwardly.. before calling you.
"Hey Kyle!" You cheerfully call over the phone.
"Hey! Uh.. I have a question for you."
"What's up?"
Kyle sighs and repeats what he told Clyde, ""Okay so... I went grocery shopping for Stan and I, and now I'm pretty sure I left my house keys in the apartment and Stan is out with Wendy and won't be home for a while so I was wondering if I could stay at yours for a bit? Just until he's done.. if you're busy though don't worry about it I can call someone else.."
"Oh that sucks, no, I'm not busy at the moment, I am cooking dinner right now though, have you ate?"
Kyle blinks, "Uh.. no I haven't.."
"Great! I uh.. well you can come over with your groceries and we can put the cold stuff away.. assuming you have some, and I can make you a plate to eat, sounds good?"
"Uh.. yeah.. yeah! Sounds good I'll be over in about 10 minutes..?"
"Perfect, that should be when I'm done cooking anyways, see you in 10."
"Yeah see you in 10.."
He hangs up again and he sits frozen, pretty much at a loss for words and then in an autopilot like trance, starts his car up once more and heads over to your place.
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TAGLIST: @captivq @kimiesstuff @bwljules @the-cooler-kira @1one1person1 @kenny-the-ken @neenieweenie @n0tangeliccc @frogindisguise @revzxn @ryenwritess @mirophobic @gonefiishiing @musiclovebot @bootsieboo @bonez4brainz @s0l4riss @1996kj @sweetadonisbutbetter @scinclaitnoir @okarigold
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ilovesloppy · 1 month
'*•.♡my safe foods♡.•*'
•sugar free jolly ranchers: yummy and low cal but they make you SHITTTTT (just a little warning)
•sugar free jell-o: do i even need to explain?
•freeze dried fruit (strawberries specifically): a whole bag of freeze dried strawberries from trader joe’s is only 100cal and i love them
•honeydew + watermelon: very water dense, low cal, and filling
•granola bars (obviously): they aren’t super low cal, but they have a lot of good shit in them and give me energy
•honey crisp apples
•cucumbers and celery + salt
•cherry coke zero (and regular): WAY better than diet coke and still no cals
•blueberry tea with honey or stevia (depending on my daily cal plan)
•zero sugar root beer
•GERBER PUFFS (omnomnomnom)
•fruity baby food/snacks
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magicratfingers · 11 months
Today I tried to make a Midsommar Dani popcorn ball out of freeze dried blueberries and sour cream & onion corn puffs
and when I tell you how fucking delicious
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autumntouched · 1 year
omg i am a firm believer that 1.) jake was born to be a girl dad and 2.) nat notices her tiny bump one day before showering and she calls him into the bathroom and she’s standing there all giddy and is like “do you notice something different about me” and he immediately starts crying when he notices the little bump 🥹🥹
Day 20 of Ode to Phoenix
Did I want to write the Hannix Football Rivalry AU requests in order? Yes. Did that happen? Apparently not. This one just jumped out of me, and I was in too deep to write anything else for today
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Jake as a girl dad has me 😍🥰🥹 He definitely was
Omg, I am giggling kicking my feet at this thought about her baby bump discovery 💗
Summary: Hannix Football Rivalry AU. Natasha has a Baby on Board, and it's not Bob
Pairing: Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Warnings: Pregnancy symptoms, early pregnancy partner struggles, mention of oral sex but nothing explicit
A/N: To whoever requested, I hope you enjoy my love xx
Do You Notice Something Different?
Natasha stumbles into the bathroom and pushes her hair out of her face, grateful it’s finally Saturday. Despite listening to her family and friends talk about their pregnancies for several years, nothing prepared her for the level of exhaustion she’s felt these last few weeks. Jake has pretty much taken over everything in their life that isn’t her job. Including making an early morning run to the grocery store because she’s craving lemon, blueberry ricotta pancakes she once had at a restaurant in New York City.
She strips off her pajamas before emptying her bladder for the third time already this morning. While she pees, Natasha closes her eyes and drops her head into her hands. Outside of deployments, the last few weeks are the longest she and Jake have gone without having sex since they started hooking up. Whether she’s been too tired, too sick, or too sore, usually some combo thereof, he's taken it all in stride. He's even been understanding about her not wanting him to touch her, although she can tell that part has been the hardest on him. Until recently, she hadn't realized how important their physical connection is to him.
But it finally seems like she’s coming out the other side of the miserable first weeks with her appetite, for food and sex, starting to return. At least this morning she'd been able to think about giving Jake a blow job without triggering her gag reflex.
She flushes the toilet and leans forward over the sink to wash her hands. Tentatively, she ventures a look in the mirror. Her face is getting its color back, although the faint lines around her eyes and mouth have deepened. Her breasts, well, those are definitely different. They're fuller and heavier, stretching her bras to the brink of their adjustments. She'll have to buy new ones soon.
Her hands freeze as her gaze drifts down further. Is that a trick of the reflection? Hurriedly, Natasha straightens and looks down at her stomach. It's slight, but it's there. A little bump in her abdomen. She sucks in her stomach, but it keeps its shape.
She turns off the water and dries her hands, accidentally pulling the towel off the rack in her rush. She tosses it onto the counter and places her hands flat on her sides then slides them to meet in the middle of her stomach. They rise slightly before they stop over her belly button. Definitely a bump.
Hand over her mouth, Natasha looks in the mirror and turns to check her profile, to be sure. There it is. A small, round protrusion. The first sign of Jake's birthday baby.
"Jake!" she shouts. "Jake, come here!"
In her excitement, she doesn't realize that screaming for her husband while pregnant might send the wrong signal. "What is it!" There's a commotion in the kitchen and then the sound of Jake's footsteps pounding through the house. "Nat! Sweetheart, are you okay?" he yells. Oh shit, he's going to break his neck thinking she's hurt.
"Wait, I'm fine, but come here!" she calls back. It doesn't sound like he's slowed down. "I'm fine!"
He bursts into the bathroom with a look of panic on his face, hands still covered in flour from making her pancakes. But she's too excited to wait for him to calm down.
"Do you notice something different about me?" she asks giddily, holding her arms out at her sides.
For a long moment, Jake looks like he's still trying to process that he didn't find her in a heap on the floor. Then his eyes drift down her body, and she can't really blame him when they get stuck on her breasts. His face goes bright red, although there's an aroused gleam in his eye. He swallows but doesn't say anything.
She knows why he's silent and finds yet another reason to fall in love with him. Not that she'd dwelled on having a smaller chest much, because it's generally convenient as an aviator, but it was always something that made her self-conscious in bed. Since the night early in their relationship when she'd drunkenly apologized to him for it, Jake has always made sure she knows how much he adores her perfect little chest. Which isn't quite as little anymore.
She giggles and reassures him that he won't hurt her feelings for appreciating the change. "Okay, yes. You can enjoy those later." His face gets even redder. "Besides that, notice anything different?" She turns to the side as a hint.
He drags his gaze lower and the arousal blasts right out of his face. His jaw slackens, and his eyes are bright and already glistening when he looks back up at her. "Is that?" he checks but chokes up.
Natasha bites her lip, feeling tears prick at her own eyes in response to his. She cries at the sight of a dryer sheet on the floor these days so she's not going to be able to withstand him crying. She nods. He takes a step toward her then hesitates, and her heart clenches with guilt. The last time he'd touched her, trying to help while she threw up in a bag in their car, she'd pushed him away and yelled at him to leave her alone. After apologizing for lashing out, she'd miserably told him she needed space and watched as he hid his hurt while promising her he would do whatever she needed.
She reaches out and takes his hand to bring it to her stomach. His touch remains light and uncertain so she steps into it until his large palm lies flat across the bump of their baby. She closes her eyes, feeling the protective warmth and curve of his fingers, dry and slightly rough from the flour still on them. Relief washes over her when she realizes that she's missed his caresses, the tender way his thumb strokes across her skin, the firm pressure of his love expressed in a touch.
A warm drop hits her bare shoulder, and Natasha looks up to see Jake standing over her, tears running freely down the handsome planes of his face. A few get caught in the corners of his trembling smile. "Is that our baby, sweetheart?"
"Yeah," she says softly, her own vision blurry as she thumbs away the tears from his lips before standing on tiptoe to kiss him. "That's our baby, sweetheart."
As hungry as she is, Natasha doesn't want him to leave her yet. She leads him into the shower and settles her back into the curve of his solid chest. They stand under the water, his temple pressed to hers, arms circled around her and hands splayed over the little bulge of their baby.
He squeezes her then starts to drop his hold, but she catches his arms. "No. I don't want you to let us go."
Jake kisses the curve of her ear. "I won't," he promises.
Tag List: @melodiousoblivionao3
Ode to Phoenix Masterlist
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astronicht · 8 months
whumptober day 2: thermometer
hockey rpf | nolan/travis | canoe tripping AU | 2.3k, rated T
Nolan used to work as a promotional contractor for a snowmobile company, one of the big ones. He’d spend all winter taking executives and investors out on three-day snowmobile trips in Colorado and Utah and BC, and then all summer at home with his mom watching Deadliest Catch and Treehouse Masters. Sometimes they ate weed gummies and Nolan gave his opinion on Pinterest boards.
His point was, no matter what his buddies who are hunting guides or fancy whitewater kayakers or Montana Forest Service think, taking a bunch of strangers with little to no winter wilderness survival experience who can’t be outright insulted or bossed around is pretty fucking dangerous. As such, Nolan is not going to get in trouble in the fucking eastern provinces. This is Ontario, for fuck’s sake.
He’s soloing his buddy’s nice Swift canoe with a little one-person tent and the sausage jerky his mom freeze-dried, also courtesy of pinterest somehow, and some rice and stuff. No gun because he’s in a Provincial Park for most of it, and the only people who can hunt here are the nation down at Golden Lake, and then usually only when the government asks them to do some culling the wolves haven’t managed over the winter.
He’s already thrown up the sausage jerky, but it took him half a day to realize it wasn’t just queasiness but a fever — probably, he has no way to tell. Nolan just has the shakes and a sharp pain in his abdomen, the bad-news kind, which meant a kind that Nolan was not already used to from his job before the snowmobile thing. It had started at his naval but moved right towards his hip, deep in his gut. He’s trying to remember which side your appendix is on.
Midafternoon in September is golden-green on the lake, which is called Otter Slide, and it’s cool and beautiful. The lake is all black water under the tree line, but swallowing the sky further out. Nolan remembers being young on the lake back home, watching boys in the shallows, watching girls pick up leeches on sticks and put them on logs, everyone’s jeans rolled up. He feels really bad. Even his sweat smells wrong. He was supposed to paddle westwards today, do an easy but long red-line portage, get further away from people.
He focuses. In the park Nolan dutifully gets campsite permits and camps in the marked spots, though not usually the actual site where he booked, so he knows there are a few other sites on the lake, marked from the water with an orange sign on a tree. They were all empty last night, Nolan gloriously alone on Otter Slide until the pain started, sudden and sharp. He hates pain that comes from nothing; he’d rather tear his rotator cuff again than get the weird senseless shit.
Someone appears on the lake: a speck of a red canoe coming from the eastern portages. Shit, he hopes they’re not booked at this campsite tonight, but they glide on to a campsite on the peninsula which earlier in the season would’ve been covered in blueberries. Maybe if Nolan ate blueberries instead of jerky he’d be okay.
It’s a man he thinks, though he can’t be sure. It’s someone who can solo a canoe just fine, which is a nice change from the paddling Nolan saw near the Outfitters on Opeongo. Nolan thinks his Otter Slide neighbor maybe looks his way, sees the Swift canoe bobbing where Nolan didn’t even haul it out last night, already feeling kind of shitty. The neighbor brings a pack up and then comes back down for the canoe, flips it expertly, walks it on his shoulders up the incline. He is not wearing a shirt. So, there, it’s not like Nolan is even fully alone. It’s midday, it’s a mild September, frost not coming for another week. Still. He’s not stupid about being in the bush. If he’s not feeling better in the morning, he’ll fucking pack out to the nearest highway.
It’s about 6PM when he wakes up scared. He thinks he can’t breathe in the tent but then it’s cold outside, gloomy under the trees but still day on the lake, sky blue-pink pastels, water welcoming black with ripples like fish scales picking up the bright dusk. Either there is something really wrong in his gut or something really bad in the fancy dried meat. Maybe they fucked it up somehow. Nolan’s mom’s friend helped. What if she fucked it up somehow. He thinks about blueberries again.
Around 6:40 the sky isn’t lighter and it’s not getting better and he realizes he’s been hunched and shivering on the dirt outside his tent, where it’s safe to wretch, for forty-five minutes that have slipped away like nothing. Okay, alright. He’s not thinking about anything, really, it’s some little animal part of him that scuttles bent-over down the smooth glacial stone towards the water. It’s good that the Swift is already in the water. He can just crawl in, an animal with something terribly wrong inside it going to its burrow. It fits around him. The water rocks.
A voice says, “Howdy,” warily. Someone’s put their bright headlamp on even though the sky is still golden pink over the lake and it’s right in Nolan’s eyes. He shuts them. He’s in his boat, for some reason, curled around his abdomen. He doesn’t know how he paddled; he’s sitting in the stern of the canoe but up by the thwart, which isn’t right at all for soloing. This guy is going to think he is so stupid. “You’re the guy in the Swift from across the way, huh?”
It’s a man’s voice, talking slow and deliberate. “You got a problem?” the guy asks carefully, but like he’s going to handle Nolan however Nolan needs to be handled. Nolan wants to laugh.
“I think,” Nolan says, trying to also be cool and deliberate. He can’t really breathe deeply anymore or the pain will make him throw up again though. “I think…” he looks up into the glaring headlight. “Someone poisoned my beef jerky. Or my appendix is doing bad.”
“Aw shit,” says the guy, and gets him out of the canoe and into a tent, a process which means Nolan nearly pukes on the guy’s books twice. He’s got a shirt on now, the guy. It smells like sweat and campfire, which is not a nice smell, but it’s exactly like Nolan smells. It’s a two-person tent being used as a single, and the guy switches on a little solar lamp that casts a blueish light over everything. Nolan hadn’t realized it was getting dark.
“Do you have a thermometer?” Nolan mutters. “I just want to know if I have a fever.”
“Buddy, I think we can bypass the thermometer. Can you show me where it hurts the worst.”
“Do you have one though,” Nolan says.
“...Yes,” the guy says.
Nolan nods, feeling sweat break out on his upper lip. “Cool,” he says. His hair is plastered all over his face. Maybe he should do something about that? “It’s about here.” He gestures.
The guy nods. “Alright. I’m going to do something that’s going to suck, and I just need you to tell me if when I let go it hurts more or less, okay?”
“Can I take my temperature first.”
The guy stares. His mouth is actually a little parted. His hair looks like it’s been flattened under a toque for a week and his stubble is gross. Nolan likes the way his teeth glint with his spit.
“Yeah,” he says. “I’ve got it, hold on.” He fishes around in a plastic bag — like a grocery bag — that seems to contain his toiletries, which he had to fish out of a drybag that he appears to be using as a pillow. Nolan eyes the rest of the plastic bag and wonders if Pepto Bismol could help him now.
The guy sees him looking and says, “Hey, look, I get heartburn. It’s—right, thermometer, I’ve got you, I’ve got you, don’t look at me like that.” He takes the little plastic cover off the thermometer for Nolan. It feels like a man lighting Nolan’s cigarette. He opens his mouth and the guy — coachable — carefully pops it in. “Put it, uh, beneath your tongue,” the guy says.
Nolan opens his mouth to demonstrate. The guy looks a little wide-eyed, but he looks.
The thing that was going to suck does indeed suck. The guy places his hand on Nolan’s side, over the worst of it, and presses down a little. Nolan assumes this is the sucking part until the guy lets up the pressure and says, “Sorry—sorry— okay, better or—aw, shit,” as Nolan grunts around a scream and bites down on the thermometer hard enough to crack the case, but not break it.
It trills happily, an odd sound when he’s been in the woods for fifteen days with his phone on airplane mode. Oh, his phone. Right.
“Worse when I let go?” the guy asks tentatively. “Not to uh, assume there buddy, but uh,”
“Worse,” Nolan says, letting the thermometer tumble out of his mouth to talk. The guy picks it up without hesitating even though it’s covered in Nolan’s saliva.
“37.9, mild fever there baby, good call,” the guy says, and Nolan nods, satisfied. He’s lying on his back and wheezing. “Also I think you totally have appendicitis.”
Apparently the wait time at the Whitley Bay ER is usually minimum two hours, even if you get there at 5AM on what is apparently a Tuesday. The guy, whose name became Travis a couple hundred meters through the first night-black portage to Lake Opeongo with Nolan’s Swift — “It is so much lighter, we’re taking your fancy canoe” — talked to a few people when they got in and suddenly Nolan had an IV in his hand and someone taking him in for imaging.
“I’ll do your paperwork,” Travis had said as Nolan boggled and was wheeled away.
“You don’t know my name,” Nolan told him.
“Baby, I know your name,” Travis had said. Nolan narrowed his eyes. “You told me, I promise.” Travis said. “I promise.”
He had said that a lot, over the night, his hand on Nolan’s arm on his good side. There were three portages to Lake Opeongo. The stars had throbbed through the pines and both of them had forgotten to be unbothered by the concept of black bears and were fucking terrified anytime something moved in the big black woods of quiet Ontario, because Nolan was a small hurt thing.
“I promise,” Travis said, “I promise.” In the distance, very far off, wolves were beginning their autumn calling, and Travis had promised lots of shit. Between portages Nolan had laid in the belly of the canoe, rocked like a child. Even when he retched over the gunnel a couple times, Travis never so much as let the canoe tip.
He is woken up to take antibiotics. He still smells very strongly of campfire and clothes he has not changed in five days.
There is a pack of grocery store blueberries on the bedside table, and also Travis. He’s in a new outfit, clean clothes over unshowered man.
“I went to Walmart,” Travis says proudly. He must have bought the blueberries there, and the clothes. His shirt is advertising an anime. Nolan does not think Travis knows this. Maybe he can convince him to watch it. “They wouldn’t let me sleep in here and it’s only like an hour to Huntsville. One way.”
Nolan stares at him.
“You doing better, babe?” Travis says, unbothered.
“No,” Nolan says pointedly, scowling. He is scheduled for surgery.
“You feeling better than when you showed up on my doorstep telling me you’d been poisoned by wild mushrooms in your beef jerky recipe, and then we spent all night packing out to my pickup at the Opeongo put-in? You were a trooper, babe. You did so good. Your appendix was so burst, I saw the pics.”
Nolan frowns. “I don’t think there are mushrooms in there. There could be though…”
“Let’s not go back down the mushroom road unless we have to,” Travis suggests, a little hastily. Nolan does not remember this part very well.
It’s silent for a minute. Nolan wonders if he can get Travis to feed in one blueberry or if the nurse would know.
“How’d you know it was appendicitis? You’re not a doctor,” Nolan challenges. “What do you do.”
Travis blinks, lights up a bit, dims again as he apparently decides to cut down on the explanation. It’s fascinating to watch. Travis picks at one of his cuticles and says,
“Yeah! Well, I didn’t know for sure, man, but it was that or something else worth getting checked out, so. What I do. Not much work around here, but uh I’ve done a few things. Nowadays— okay, you ever heard of a show called Treehouse Masters?” He looks so hopeful, wide-eyed in his Attack on Titan t-shirt and scruffy stubble. “They stopped airing it a while back, but….” Travis lets the sentence trail away, gesturing like he can stuff the meaning into the air around Nolan’s head.
“No,” Nolan says avidly, and watches hungrily as Travis deflates. He needs to text his mom. He needs to tell her about Travis from Treehouse Masters.
“Okay, forget that— I’m a carpenter, or whatever.” Cabinetry specialty? Nolan does not ask. “But before that I was a nurse.”
Nolan grunts, mildly surprised.
“Yeah, school and everything. Hey, want me to feed you one blueberry. Or, shit, you’re totally fasting for surgery. No blueberries yet babe. But I’ll save ‘em for you, promised didn’t I?”
“What if I just hold it in my mouth,” Nolan suggests. “I’ll spit it out when I’m done.”
Oh, maybe they have him on something in this IV. Indoor thought.
Travis is opening the blueberry box. “Yeah babe, sure. Here, just hold it on your tongue like an ice chip. Open up, babe.”
Nolan opens up.
Spent actual real life time plotting the tripping route for this one and then fucked it up anyway.
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Breakfast Bowl Easter Eggs (Vegan & Gluten-Free)
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bonviesnack234 · 26 days
Benefits Of a High Protein Diet
Nowadays, people are very concerned about their health, and therefore, they put a lot of stress on what to eat and the right quantity of consumption. In order to stay healthy, it is very important to maintain focus and discipline. Weight loss is definitely the first step towards transformation.
However, alongside weight loss, a high protein intake is very necessary that further helps in muscle gain and health factors. Bonvie freeze-dried fruit snacks, full of nutrients and containing 100% real fruit, are also highly rich in protein.
Bonvie Snacks: No added sugar or preservatives
Freeze-dried fruit snacks offer a health-conscious alternative with simplicity as their core virtue. Comprising solely the fruit itself, devoid of added sugars, preservatives, or other additives, these snacks provide a guilt-free indulgence. The singular ingredient approach ensures a nutritious bite that appeals even to children. Beyond the health benefits, the convenience of freeze-dried fruits stands out. Unlike the elaborate preparation fresh fruits demand, these snacks require nothing more than opening the package.
This simplicity translates into an effortless, healthy snack for various occasions. Whether en route to work, providing a quick car snack for kids headed to soccer practice, or grabbing a swift bite during dinner preparations, freeze-dried fruit snacks have become a versatile and time-saving choice. The ease of incorporating a healthy option into daily routines makes them a go-to solution for those seeking nutritional convenience.
Bonvie’s special freeze-dried fruit snacks offer a distinct advantage with their high concentration of vitamins and minerals. The preservation process ensures that all nutrients are maintained, delivering optimal nutritional content without excess water weight. This makes freeze-dried fruits an excellent source of essential elements such as iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber.
Notably, they stand out as a health-conscious snack option since they are devoid of added sugars and preservatives. Whether you're in need of a nutritious on-the-go snack or craving a sweet treat, freeze-dried fruits prove to be a versatile and wholesome choice. Their nutrient-rich profile aligns with the preferences of individuals mindful of their health, offering a convenient and satisfying option for those seeking a balance between taste and well-being.
Wide Range of Delicious Flavours
These yummy and delicious snacks also keep hunger levels in mind, providing a wide range of flavours. Explore a varied assortment with Bonvie's delightful selection, featuring banana chips, mango bites, apple bites, strawberry bites, and fruit powder. Each option presents a distinctive palette of flavours coupled with unique health benefits. Whether you yearn for the satisfying crunch of banana chips or the sweet indulgence of mango and strawberry bites, Bonvie caters to every palate. 
Embark on a flavorful journey that tantalises your taste buds with the crispiness, sweetness, and diverse textures meticulously crafted by Bonvie. The enticing range not only satisfies your cravings but also offers a spectrum of nutritional advantages. Indulge in the mouth-watering world of Bonvie, where every bite promises a harmonious blend of taste and well-being, ensuring a fulfilling experience for your senses.
Freeze-dried meals undergo a substantial weight reduction, up to 90%, primarily due to a remarkable 98% loss in water content. This process proves invaluable for individuals navigating extended periods, such as long-distance endurance races, where food weight and packaging dimensions are critical factors. Particularly advantageous for those who must carry provisions for days or even months, freeze-dried meals offer a substantial weight advantage over dehydrated alternatives.
Our fruit snacks boast a compact packaging design, facilitating effortless on-the-go consumption. The fruit crisps, available in a diverse range of flavours, emerge as the perfect, nutritious indulgence suitable for all ages. These fruit snacks redefine convenience, offering a delightful blend of crispiness, crunchiness, and health benefits. With a focus on being fun, tasty, and convenient, our freeze-dried snacks stand as a wholesome choice for individuals seeking a delightful and nourishing snack.
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captawesomesauce · 10 months
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So I'm just getting a bit of my stuff prepped for Hurricane Hilary and these pics are just a snippet of what I've got lined up. The thing is, I'm not too worried about Hilary as I'm planning on staying home, chilling, and just reading on my kindle until it passes. BUT, all of this stuff is good to have in case of an earthquake which can happen any day of the week, any time of the day! So it's good to be prepared! For those who want my list that I have been checking off today, it's below the read more. The key things are:
Food (x)
Water (x)
Meds & First Aid (x)
Cash on hand (x)
Gas in car (x)
Fans for dealing with the heat (x)
Solar Panels & Battery packs (x)
Stuff to do (arts/crafts/kindle) (x)
Wet weather gear (x)
Clothes 1 pair of leather wildland gloves Clothes 1 pair of padded extraction gloves Clothes 2 Fire Brush jackets Clothes 2 Hard hats Clothes 2 pair of good closed toe shoes Clothes 2 pair of gorilla grip safety gloves Clothes 2 rain coats Clothes 2 rain hats Clothes 2 Umbrellas Cooling 1 Fan/lantern (C batteries w/4 extra batteries) Cooling 1 standing room fan Cooling 3 handheld fans w/water tanks Fire 1 Fire extinguisher outside front door Fire 1 window/balcony escape ladder Fire 3 Fire blankets (1 in the kitchen, 1 bedroom, 1 office) Fire 4 Fire extinguishers throughout the house Food 1 long bbq lighter Food Lots of blueberries Food Lots of canned soups Food lots of condiments Food Lots of crackers/chips/Pretzels Food Lots of freeze dried fruits/veggies Food Lots of Nuts and Trailmix Food Lots of ramen Food Lots of shelf stable/canned meats Food Lots of veggies Light 1 handheld led lantern/flashlight Light 12+ led lights for rooms Light 2 chest mounted lights with reflective harnesses Light 2 handheld flashlights Light 2 head mounted lights Light 8 led puck lights med 1 large stocked first aid kit w/burn & trauma supplies med 1 small stocked first aid kit with bleeding supplies med blood pressure cuff Med N95 & P100 masks med pulse ox meter med stethscope Misc Cash on hand in small bills Power 1 100w Solar Panel Power 1 car jumper/battery pack Power 1 Large Battery pack 146WH 42000mAH Power 1 Large Battery pack 150Wh 40800mAH Power 1 Large Battery pack 250WH 64800mAH Power 1 orange solar panel battery pack (10,000) Power 1 orange solar panel battery pack with wireless charging (10,000) Power 1 white battery pack Power 2 21W Solar Panel Power lots of rechargeable and non-rechargeable AA/AAA batteries Radio 1 desk scanner with NOAA weather alert Radio 2 handheld transceivers Radio 2 programmed handheld scanners w/NOAA radio SD Mace Peppergun SD Taser Stuff to do 2 kindles loaded with books Stuff to do arts and crafts projects Tool 1 demolition tool Tool 1 folding pocket knife Tool 1 Machete/Saw Tool 1 Multipurpose Shovel (shovel/e-tool/window breaker/fire starter/saw/axe) tool 1 raptor EMS shears Tool 1 SOG multitool Tool 2 full rolls of duct tape Tool 2 full rolls of masking tape Tool Various Bungee cords Tool Various ropes & tie downs Water 1 5 gallon collapsible water bucket in the tub Water 1 5 gallon water bottle w/dispenser Water 1 large pitcher of water Water 2 30 cup water filter pitchers Water gallons of bottled water Water multiple 2l and 3l camping bladders of water
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heartsoji · 1 year
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SAWAMURA DAICHI - regular hot drip coffee, probs with a bit of ordinary cream/milk
SUGAWARA KOSHI - iced brown sugar oat milk latte with light ice
AZUMANE ASAHI - a bottle of apple juice but then he gets laughed at so he puts it back and orders a hot honey citrus tea
NISHINOYA YUU - grape frappuccino with extra whipped cream and pistachios on top
TANAKA RYUNOSUKE - bro gets a chocolate croissant and an iced water usually, but sometimes he'll get hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and a warmed cheese danish with strawberry jam on top on the side when he's in a good mood
KAGEYAMA TOBIO - blueberry milk tea latte with cheese foam and tapioca is his fav but sometimes he can't speak properly and just orders a cup of steamed milk
HINATA SHOYO - strawberry acai refresher with extra berries and one of those cheese and grapes and crackers boxes
TSUKISHIMA KEI - hot oolong tea with honey usually, but he'll also get the occasional twice-a-year java chip frappucino
YAMAGUCHI TADASHI - vanilla creme frappucino
KUROO TETSURO - hot black coffee
KAI NOBUYUKI - hot hazelnut soy milk latte
YAKU MORISUKE - peach green tea (switches if he wants iced or hot based on mood and weather) with 2/3rds of a sugar packet or half a pump of cane sugar
YAMAMOTO TAKETORA - prides himself in having never gotten an overpriced cafe drink
KOZUME KENMA -large strawberry creme frappuccino with extra extra whipped cream, extra strawberry syrup, extra freeze-dried strawberry powder, and an extra pump of simple syrup
FUKUNAGA SHOHEI -lemon tea (changes if he wants iced or hot based on his mood)
INUOKA SO - mango dragonfruit refresher with strawberry base, light ice, extra dragonfruit bits
HAIBA LEV -says"i'll take whatever your favorite drink is!" then records it, and doesnt give it to the worker and just keeps it (he never understood the vids where they would give it to the worker. hes just like bro why'd u order it if u werent gonna drink it)
SHIBAYAMA YUKI - strawberry frappucino with extra freeze-dried strawberry bits
OIKAWA TOORU - vanilla creme frappucino or iced sugar cookie latte in the winter (will scream at u if u call him a basic white girl)
MATSUKAWA ISSEI - homie goes to the convenience store across the street and gets some weird cheesey beef sandwich with relish on top and a giant slurpee
HANAMAKI TAKAHIRO - homie goes with matsukawa to get a nasty pork sandwich with mustard but then runs back to get an extra hot quadruple shot upside-down caramel macchiato with soy milk
IWAIZUMI HAJIME -hot soy latte
YAHABA SHIGERU - espresso con pana
WATARI SHINJI - iced peach green tea lemonade with no ice
KYOTANI KENTARO - gets nothing when with the group but comes back after to get a pinkity drinkity with cold foam
KINDAICHI YUTARO - pistachio frappucino with a shot of espresso
KUNIMI AKIRA - hot soy half-caff pistachio/hazelnut latte with caramel drizzle at 120 degrees
BOKUTO KOTARO - either a unicorn frappucino or a chocolate cold brew
KITA SHINSUKE - a hot americano
OJIRO ARAN - a hot matcha latte
AKAGI MICHINARI - iced matcha latte
MIYA ATSUMU - pink drink with extra berries and no ice
SUNA RINTARO - hot caramel macchiato
MIYA OSAMU - hot chai tea latte with pistachio foam and a warmed brownie
KOMORI MOTOYA - iced matcha latte with strawberry jam
SAKUSA KIYOOMI - a single shot of espresso
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angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
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Berry Custard Cake
4 eggs, separated, at room temperature
½ cup + 2 Tbsp.  sugar
1 Tbsp. water
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 stick butter, melted
1.2 oz. freeze-dried blueberries, pulverized to a fine crumb in a food processor
¾ cup flour
2 cups milk, lukewarm
4 Tbsp. powdered sugar
4 oz. blackberries
Heat oven to at 325°F. Lightly cover an 8x8 pan with baking spray. Place egg whites in a stand mixer bowl fitted with a whisk attachment and beat on low until foamy, about 4 minutes. Add in 2 tablespoons sugar and increase speed to medium high and beat until stiff, about 4-5 minutes. Transfer mixture to another bowl; set aside. Clean out mixer bowl and whisk.
Place egg yolks, remaining sugar, water and vanilla into stand mixer bowl fitted with a whisk attachment until mixture is pale, fluffy and ribbons on itself when whisk attachment is gently lifted, about 5-7 minutes. With the mixer running, gradually add the melted butter down the side wall of the bowl , continue beating for another minute.  Sift pulverized dehydrated blueberry and flour into egg yolk mixture and gently fold until incorporated. Add lukewarm milk (do not use cold milk or the butter harden) and beat until well incorporated. Gently fold in beaten egg whites mixture.
Pour batter into prepared 8 inch x 8 inch baking dish. Bake at 325°F oven for about 45-55 minutes or until the top is golden; center should slightly jiggle when side of pan is tapped. Cool in the pan for at least 3 hours. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar and fresh blackberries.
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tamariasykes-art · 2 years
Favourite sweets/ desserts Headcanons for the (demi)gods!
Does an idea ever hit you in the face like a brick? Because that’s what inspired me to write this headcanon list. Kept it a bit shorter than usual, because I would also love to hear other peoples ideas/ thoughts on this.
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Marika: A part of me of thinks she would eat whole sugar cubes, just because. The other part of me is convinced that she does not actually eat food unless in the company of family.
Godfrey: With the harsh conditions in the badlands,  I don’t think sweets are of a particular concern for Godfrey and his warriors when all they aim to do is to survive. I don’t think outside of dried fruits he ever ate something that could be considered sweet. When he was still Elden Lord, he liked to eat applie pie because it wasn’t overly sweet and still a bit savory.
Godwyn: The wealth of his heritage allows him to enjoy all kinds of delicacies. Whatever he is served will usually have some extravagance to it. Picture a chocolate cake with flakes of leaf gold sprinkled on top of it. Godwyn himself doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth however.
Morgott: Claims that overly sweet food makes his teeth food and in general shies away from eating any of it. He mostly sticks to cake and other pastries, with his favorite being apple Pie and also Baumkuchen (Because that literally translates to treecake and it is very funny to me)
Mogh: Dark chocolate in combination with any type of fruits is his go too. He loves chocolate bars with nuts and grapes inside. I can also definitely see him as the type to enjoy very expensive pralines.
Godrick: I imagine that in addition to all the other health issues going on, Godrick probably has inherited all of his ancestors allergies and dental problems. So, he has bad teeth and has to watch what he eats. In addition to that is sugar very expensive and he hasn’t really been blessed with a fortune from his family. He eats dried fruits, which can be hard to chew tough and uses honey to sweeten food.
Miquella: Ice cream and marshmallows. Even better if both are combined. He would probably snack the latter as often as possible, but Loretta ended up moving the glass to the upper shelves where he can not reach it. He also likes various fruits, most of which are grown on the land of the Haligtree.
Malenia: Miquella always shares his ice cream with her, but she has a tendency to get brain freeze from it. She also has some bad memories of rotten fruit, so she tends to avoid baked goods or other desserts containing it. Nuts however are a different matter, with her favorite being hazelnut. And a slice of hazelnut cake will definitely cheer her up.
Radagon: Probably the one who makes all the desserts. Unlike Marika he actually eats sweets, but doesn’t have a particular favorite. However, he definitely makes cookies for the kids only to eat the majority of them himself.
Rennala: Croissants. She enjoys a hearty breakfast with her family before a long day and croissants are always a must. She eats them either with fruit or different types of jam. (And yes, she is aware how ironic the resemblance between her favorite dessert and her crown is.)
Ranni: Blueberry tart. I definitely can see her as the type of person to sit down and enjoy a slice of tart and some tea or perhaps have a picnic with Blaidd, Iji and her Tarnished.
Radahn: Pancakes or waffles, topped of with syrup and fruits. He is just like his mother in that he believes and extensive breakfast is the perfect start in the day. Leonard on the other hand gets to eat an apple as a treat.
Rykard: Candied fruits all the way! He is especially fond of candied raisin and plums. He also loves sour cherries and will eat them raw before anyone has a chance to use them as ingredients. He likes to try new, unique flavors and doesn’t shy away from adding some questionable ingredients to his meals.
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what are ya'lls favorite snacks?
Okay so I know it's not technically a snack but I really like to put soda in a cup and then put it in the freezer for a few hours so it gets solid and I have like.. my own homemade slushie. Donnie says it's weird but I don't listen to him anyway. Other than that I like the frosted animal cracker things and mini brownies!! They're good :3
^ Okay to the above I say it's weird because it IS weird Mikey and I'd like you to stop taking up space in the freezer with this. But I'm pretty plain when it comes to snacks. As in I'll eat saltine crackers right out of the box. But I also like prepackaged cookies and freeze-dried fruit (except not raspberries or blueberries anymore because if we have any in the kitchen Leo will eat them because according to him "they're worth the trip to the hospital").
Honestly I'll eat almost anything, I'm really not picky. Except cheese crackers/chips. I freaking. Hate them. But if I HAD to choose one then probablyyyyyy--- mm-- idk man probably poptarts or something. Specifically the banana bread ones. Thanks for the ask! :>
I don't think I really have a favoriet, I like most snacks about the same. But I do tend to go for crunchy things more and I eat the hard mini pretzels a lot because basiclaly nobody else does. So if I had to pick I'd pick those. Probably not a good idea for my braces & everything but whtever they're good.
(I was hoping to get something drawn for this but I didn't want it to sit in my asks too long and I do not have the arm strength for art right now :((
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