#friend: discussing religious sites to visit
iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 2 years
my friend: If we are visiting Lisieux, I might read St Therese’s story of a soul 
me: what if i re-read poto before going to france and accidentally become obsessed with Raoul again
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seresinsbabe · 1 year
Some Strings Attached
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Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x fem!reader
Synopsis: It was supposed to be a quick fuck. No strings attached. That was all. But six weeks later when you’re staring at two pink lines you realize there were some strings attached. And now you have no idea how to find the father because you only know his first name.
Warnings: discussions of pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy tests, mention of abortion, doctors visits, ultrasounds, general early pregnancy stuff that may trigger some
Word Count: 2.2k
I do not consent to having any of my work shared on any other platform. If you see any rendition of my works on another site know that it has been posted without my permission.
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Prologue | Masterlist | Next Chapter
You ran through the next few weeks on autopilot. Things at work were so busy between the big case you were helping on and trying to study for the Bar exam. And the lease on your apartment was ending in the next few months. The leasing office had been bugging you about renewing, but you just weren’t sure if you wanted to yet. It was a nice enough apartment, but you were starting to feel like you needed more space. It was only a one bedroom and San Diego was going to be your home again. It was time to put down some actual roots. Your parents would always let you move in with them until you found a house. Not to mention your car was starting to become unreliable. Just the other day it stalled in the middle of an intersection that thankfully wasn’t busy. 
With all this going on you hadn’t noticed the changes happening in your body. The sudden upswing in nausea you had barely noticed and when you did you attributed it to a pattern of forgetting to eat because you were so deep into your work. You hadn’t even noticed the tenderness in your breasts, perhaps because no one, including yourself had touched them in a way you’d notice the tenderness. You’d been feeling extra tired but you just attributed that to the amount of work you’d been doing. It wasn’t until your nausea hit the breaking point of vomiting one morning when Cassie was over that your mind even went there.
“Wha-no! I mean ma-no!” You vehemently shook your head as Cassie looked at you with wide, nervous eyes. “I’m on the pill!” You were religious in the way you took it…okay well that was a lie. If anyone was a serial pill forgetter it was you. 
“Yeah but didn’t you forget them at your parents house that weekend?” Your eyes went wide and you felt sick again at the realization. That night you hadn’t been taking your pill and you hadn’t used a condom and…he didn’t pull out. 
“Ohmygod. Oh. My. Fucking. God.” Your finger wove through your hair, gripping so hard at the root that it was a bit painful. “What am I going to do? A kid? Am I even ready to be a mom? I don’t even know his last name!” The tailspin was starting and Cassie knew she was going to have to stop the spiral before it got out of control. 
Softly she grabbed your wrists and pried your fingers out of your hair. It was like you were paralyzed with shock as your best friend pulled you into a tight hug. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I mean period and pregnancy symptoms are the same. It could just be your time of the month. Come on, I’ll go with you to get some tests.” Cassie was right. It could very well just be your period showing up. You nodded and let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. 
No words were spoken as she grabbed both of your purses and pulled you out the front door. There was a CVS not far from your apartment. Your body was wrought with nerves at buying a pregnancy test in your hometown, but San Diego was big enough and the parking lot was still mostly empty with it being morning that you didn’t think you would run into anyone. You were coming close to your twenty-seventh birthday anyway. Buying a pregnancy test was common for people your age, but that didn’t make it any less awkward in your mind.
Ten minutes later you stood in the family planning aisle of the pharmacy. There were so many tests you had no idea what ones to get. Digital? Not digital? Clearblue? First response? How was it that you graduated law school at the top of your class but you couldn’t pick a fucking pregnancy test?
Cassie showed back up at your side, a bottle of wine and a multitude of snacks in the basket on her arm. 
“Wine?” You raised an eyebrow at her.
“Yeah, for us to celebrate if it’s negative.”
“And if it’s positive?”
“Then I’ll drink the bottle for the both of us.” You let out a biting laugh and turned back to the tests. Cassie’s hand popped up in your view, plucking a pink box with a set of three tests. “I remember seeing a couple boxes of these in my sister’s bathroom when she was trying for Stella.” That was all the convincing you needed.
You guys were in the home stretch. Standing in line behind some old lady picking up a pack of depends and prune juice when the door chime went off. Your leg was bouncing and you were staring at the floor when a familiar voice spoke out.
“Well look what we have here!” If a black hole was going to open up and swallow you whole you wished it would happen sooner rather than later.
Looking up you spotted hair so bleached it was unnaturally white, especially when paired with the overly tanned skin. Libby Wilson. A ghost from high school past that you hoped would stay in the cemetery. Libby had taken the Y2K popular girl trope way too seriously. From the looks of it she still took it too seriously. Most people grew after high school, became different people and changed their looks. Not Libby. Her clothes were a little more modern, but other than that it was as if she was looking at a yearbook picture.
And as if the universe wasn’t shitting on you enough it was like her eyes were drawn to the items in your basket, specifically the box of tests. Her eyes bounced around at the other items and then to you and Cassie. Apparently the bleach hadn’t completely fried her brain and she was still able to connect the dots.
“Oh, honey, aren’t we a little too old for this? I mean we’re not in college anymore.” You didn’t have the fucking mental capacity to deal with this. Normally you would have been quick on your feet with a comeback, but your mind was failing you at the moment. 
Thankfully Cassie’s mind was still working at full capacity. 
“Your husband still seems to be stuck in high school. Or at least he was when I saw him at O'Shaughnessy's with Melanie Baker last weekend.” A smirk tugged at your lips as you watched the anger flash across Libb’s face for a quick second before she regained her composure. 
“Well. Good luck.” It was a sickly sweet call of support before the woman turned and walked towards the pharmacy counter.
You squeezed Cassie’s hand in silent thanks as the old woman finally paid for her items. Your nerves shot back up one ride home, only getting worse the close you got to your apartment. What were you going to do if you were pregnant? There was always an abortion, but did you really want to do that? Yet at the same time could you really juggle being a single mom and starting a law career? Sure, your parents, your siblings and your friends would absolutely help where they could. But you knew yourself, you knew how stubborn you were when it came to accepting help. Even if you needed it. 
And Jake. What were you going to do on that front? All you had was his first name. He could be halfway across the world right now. Even if you did find him, who was to say he would want any part of this? Still, did he deserve to know if you were pregnant? This whole thing was a mess. This was exactly why you didn’t listen to your pussy. Your brain has never steered you wrong.
Three minutes had never felt so long. Your hand was tightly clasped around Cassies as you waited, tears ready to spill no matter the results. The time on your phone went off, but you didn’t move. It was Cassie who made the move to shut the sound off. She stayed still, her eyes on you as she watched to see if you would move. When she realized you weren’t she tentatively pushed herself up from the floor. 
“It’s positive.”
Suddenly you couldn’t breathe. Your chest felt tight and at the same time you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. You felt the tears rolling down your cheeks but your head spinning so much you weren’t sure if they were real or not. Positive. You were pregnant. A metaphorical window opened and all your plans for the future flew out of it.
Of course you knew you had options. It was your body, it was your life. Despite the heavy feministic views you had you just knew you couldn’t make the decision without at least trying to find Jake. It was only fair. You worked in the legal system, you’d witnessed mothers give up their legal rights. If that was what you so chose to do. Maybe you would come to find you wanted to step up. That you would want to be a mom to the little thing growing inside of you.
Cassie’s voice was what finally brought you out of your second spiral of the day. 
“Don’t freak out yet,” you scoffed. That was easy for her to say. She wasn’t the one pregnant. “I think you should call your doctor. Set up an appointment to get a blood test. Maybe you just happened to have three false positives?” You gave her a look that said yeah right, but you knew she was just trying to make you feel better. To find a glimmer of hope in a not so sunny situation.
The days leading up to your appointment felt like an out of body experience. Your mind was constantly running, you’d called in sick yesterday, and then again today. Which thankfully, due to your otherwise spectacular attendance, no one questioned it. 
You took a deep breath and it came out shaky. The paper sheet underneath you crinkled as you waited for Dr. Bahn to return with your results. Over the weekend, through a lot of tears with Cass you decided you were going to go through with the pregnancy. 
It wasn’t going to be easy, but you wanted it. You’d always wanted to be a mom, maybe not in this way and not this soon, but you knew you wanted it. As far as Jake was concerned, you were still going to try to find him. You were going to give him the option to be in the child’s life, but you were also going to give him an out. If he didn’t want anything to do with the kid he could waive his rights, you wouldn’t come after him for any child support. He could effectively wipe his hands clean of it all.
A knock at the door signaled the doctor’s return and you sat up straighter. Cassie, who had stuck with you like the dutiful best friend she was, tightened her grip on your hand. Dr. Bahn studied your face, trying to read your expression while hers remained neutral. 
“The blood test came back positive.” Relief you hadn’t been expecting washed over you. Happy tears pricked at your eyes. “Considering the estimated date of conception would put you at about 7 weeks we’re going to go ahead and do the initial ultrasound. I’ll give you a moment to change.” You nodded, watching as the woman exited the room again.
No sooner had the door closed was Cassie asking you how you felt. You just shrugged as you changed out of your clothes, not thinking twice about Cassie being in the room with you. It wasn’t as if she had never seen you naked before during your twenty-two year friendship.
“Relieved? Happy? Nervous? I don’t know, this is a big change.” You answered as she helped tie the robe from behind you. Another knock came and the ultrasound machine was pushed in by a medical assistant. Dr. Bahn followed in, her expression still neutral. It must have been something she’d practiced over the years. It wasn’t until you were crying, a small smile on your face as she pointed out the barely there blip on the screen. 
In the passenger seat of Cassie’s car you stared down at the ultrasound picture, your fingertips lightly brushing over it. It was a quiet moment of solitary bliss before Cassie started up with the questions again. Questions you didn’t want to think about just yet but that you knew you couldn’t really push off. Like when you were going to tell your parents, what you were going to do about your car that was in the shop again, and of course what you were going to do about Jake.
“I’m not going to tell my parents until I figure things out regarding Jake.” It wasn’t that your parents would be overly upset with you, your mom was somewhat of a free spirit and your dad pretty much did whatever she wanted of him, they would probably be happy. After the initial shock wore off, but you knew they would want to know about the father. It was already going to be embarrassing enough for you to tell them the pregnancy was the result of a one night stand, let alone that you had no clue who or where the father was.
Cassie nodded. “Alright, let’s get looking for Mr. Jake.” 
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a little something from my drafts: Hell Is A Church
this is heavily based on religious trauma and is supposed to delve into horror territory once you get to the part about hell, so read at your own discretion
Heaven is full of holy places. Churches, shrines, temples, bonfires. Roads for endless road trips. Massive homes for generations of families. Gardens with butterflies and bumblebees and fields of lavender. Fish ponds that are always warm. Barns filled with soft hay that doesn’t itch and gentle animals. Cabins in the snow full of hearty meals and roaring hearths.
On holy days, beings of all kinds walk from place to place, visiting family and friends, and everyone has a place.
In heaven, there is a long street full of churches, tucked away in the desert. Each one resets to be like new daily. On the opposite side of the street is a construction site and a building full of tools. Sometimes, usually on holy days, people come here. Often, they are far too young, far too small, far too timid – often, but not always. Here they can take the time they need, whether they use sledgehammers, bulldozers, wrecking balls, spray paint, or even simply food and drink, even their bare hands, to say that they have had enough from this place. 
Some days are quiet, filled with gentle discussion. Some days are a little louder as people graffiti walls with their favorite obscenities while joking with their friends, their families. Some days come to a roar as bricks are smashed and wood is burned, or as celebrations with the most loving sins incorporated become riotous, joyful contests against holy institutions, long empty of worshipers. Some days are silent.
Hell is a church. One building, far too white, far too cold, filled to the brim with silent, faceless people, gray skin over skulls that somehow still seem to stare at you, despite not having eyes. Your footsteps echo against the hardwood floors for days after you stop walking. The pews are unforgiving and plain and too hard, and the rows stretch beyond the horizon.
The lights hanging from the ceiling make you nauseous, and you swear they’re just a little different whenever you look back at them.
You are the only one here. There is no preacher. No matter how far you walk, you can still see the pulpit.
Sometimes, organ music plays. The people stand, and it fills you with fear as the shuffling and notes blend together in a discordant, eerie melody that seems all too familiar. You stand awkwardly in the aisle, searching desperately for a place that feels better. You have tried the stage at the front. It will not have you.
The only place for you is at the center of the front row of seats, where your blank-faced strangers will crowd too close and hold your hands in their cold, clammy fingers. Your clothing itches and doesn’t stretch, and no matter what you do, it won’t come off.
One day, you meet a little girl. The only child there - still as faceless as everyone else - she startles you from behind, tugging your sleeve. She stares at you, and you feel an immense guilt, a universe’s worth of matter settling into a pit in your stomach. Her dress is long and thick and gray.
You blink, and she’s gone. The organ starts again.
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rufflesfunerals · 9 months
Burial Services Gold Coast
A graveside service is a beautiful way to honor a loved one and say your final farewells. It can be part of a funeral or memorial service, or it can take place on its own. It is typically held outside at the cemetery or by a mausoleum, and can be attended by family members and friends. The ceremony is usually very short and simple, and can be a beautiful way to pay tribute to a loved one.
The cost of a funeral can quickly become expensive, and it can be difficult to sift through the many options on offer to find the right one for your situation. Many funeral homes will offer various packages to help families get the most out of their experience, and you should always be open to discussing your preferences with a funeral director. The best way to beat rising funeral costs is to plan ahead, so you have an understanding of the average cost of funerals in Brisbane and Gold Coast before the need arises.
Burial Services Gold Coast
Integrity Funerals on the Gold Coast is a full-service funeral home, offering burial and cremation services in Gold Coast for all walks of life. Their dedicated funeral directors are committed to serving the community with compassion and professionalism, easing the burden on their clients during this difficult time. The team has over 25 years of experience in the industry, and their service is designed to celebrate life, provide comfort and honour your loved ones’ unique journey. The funeral directors also provide pre-planning services, ensuring that your wishes are respected when you are no longer around to do so yourself.
A traditional funeral service consists of a viewing or visitation, a service at the church or chapel, and either burial or cremation. A cremation service is similar but does not involve a service at the chapel or church. A memorial service is a celebration of a person’s life without the need to view the body, and can be held anywhere you choose.
Cremation is the most popular form of interment in the United States. A casket is still available for those who wish to hold a traditional funeral service, and there are many beautiful options for urns that can be used for a graveside service or memorial service. You should discuss your preferences with a funeral director before choosing a casket or urn.
The Alberton Natural Burial Cemetery offers a natural alternative to traditional burial practices. The preparation of the body is completed without the use of chemicals or preservatives, and the body is laid to rest in a biodegradable coffin or shroud. The earth is then returned to the ground naturally, and native plantings are planted around each grave site.
The cost of a Bare Cremation and an optional memorial service is much lower than the average funeral in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. This allows people to focus on their grief and also gives families the option of having a memorial service days, weeks or even months after the cremation rather than having to attend a funeral at such a vulnerable time.
Ruffles Funerals directors provide affordable burial and cremation funeral options in all areas of Brisbane, Ipswich, Moreton Bay, Logan, Redlands, Gold Coast and Tweed Heads. We are knowledgeable about the resources available in your community and respectful of all religious beliefs and customs.
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titlyy · 1 year
India Travel is Making a Comeback! Here are 10 Experiences That We’re Excited to Revisit 
Tour Packages from Delhi
India has already become successful in its mission to draw the attention of travel lovers around the globe. There is a lot to experience in a huge and diverse country, and it’s worth trying these fabulous experiences for yourself. You will absolutely love cruising the lush Kerala Backwaters and spotting the majestic Bengal tigers.
So let’s not waste any time and start discussing the 10 of the very best experiences that will excite you to visit India.
1. The Taj Mahal
India’s most iconic site, the Taj Mahal, has become one of the top reasons for drawing the attention of foreigners as well. Interested visitors mustn’t miss this lifetime opportunity of visiting the historical site!
2. Kerala Backwaters
Tropical Kerala has already earned a huge reputation for the uniqueness it bears and has become the jewel in southern India’s crown, so fly to India and book one of the Luxury India Tours to enjoy watching the lush backwaters. A converted rice boat will let you discover the maze of rivers and lagoons. Also, the surroundings are beautifully decorated with palm trees.
3. Holi celebrations
Holi, one of the best times of year to visit India, will let you enjoy the mood of celebration all around you. Celebrate the start of spring as the country bursts into celebration. You can become a part of the crowd to enjoy yourself with Friends and family while the Indians hurl colored paint bombs!
4. Enjoying Varanasi at dawn
Experience the timelessness of Varanasi just before dawn breaks as a part of the India Escorted Tours watching the sunrise as everything feels so beautiful around you. It will be worth watching saffron-clad sadhus (holy men), devotees, and people performing rituals, including yoga and singing. Also, it will be a wonderful experience to catch a glimpse of the main Dashashwamedh Ghat and Manikarnika Ghat.
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5. Tiger safaris
India’s tiger population has been ever-increasing, and it is one of the many reasons why it is a good idea to book your trip to India. Spot the elusive tigers reserved in 52 tiger parks spread across India. The noteworthy spots to spot these tigers are Ranthambore, Kanha, and Bandhavgarh.
6. Beaches of Goa
Everyone wishes to have moments of rest and relaxation after spending days or weeks exploring India’s various cities, national parks, religious places, and hill stations. So visit the tropical sandy beaches of Goa; that will definitely be the best place for you to Relax with a cocktail, sunbathe and enjoy some of the mouth-watering local delicacies spicing up the Indian adventure.
7. Camping under the stars in the Thar Desert
How impressive is the idea of watching the entire galaxy to keep you entertained, so visit Rajasthan for the undulating sand dunes in the Thar Desert. You will definitely enjoy the camel safari along with a caravan.
8. Watching the beauty of Rann of Kachchh salt desert
One of the prime spots of geographical importance, the Rann of Kachchh salt desert will let you experience the beauty of the sparkling sodium chloride crystals of the White Rann. As one of the world’s largest salt deserts, divided into the Greater and Lesser Rann, you will feel spellbound to watch the unique ecosystem with shallow mudflats submerged during the monsoons.
9. Learning the significance of ancient monasteries of Ladakh
Ladakh, a place that will leave you breathless with stark and vivid landscapes, is worth watching for the snow-clad mountains, glaciers, meadows, valleys, and high-altitude lakes changing color depending on the light. Adventure enthusiasts around the globe come to Ladakh also for treks across the frozen Zanskar River.
10. Humayun’s Tomb, New Delhi
The memorial Humayun’s Tomb is still one of India’s most famous attractions. What leaves the tourists speechless is the red sandstone and white marble structure built in the mid-16th century, presenting symmetry and Islamic geometry. Refreshing the green oasis in the premises also will make you feel relaxed.
Consider taking a guided tour from Titlyy, the women-only oriented tour agency offering you the best Tour Packages from Delhi and letting you learn more about the history and secrets of the incredible things to do in India.
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farewellfuneralsau · 1 year
Personalised Cremations Services in Redlands
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Cremation is a popular choice for many families. It allows you to personalize funeral services, create a meaningful memorial and avoid the need for embalming chemicals.
Redlands, Farewell Funerals cremation services offer a variety of options to help you say goodbye. You can scatter ashes in a special place, keep them within an urn or even incorporate them into a piece of jewelry. To know more about Personalised Cremations Services in Redlands, visit the Farewell Funerals website or call 0404660974.
Cremation is a common choice for many people. It is a simple, cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to burial.
Personalised cremations services in Redlands offer a variety of options that allow families to create personalised and meaningful service choices for their loved ones. These services help family and friends to reflect on the life of the deceased and celebrate their uniqueness.
A funeral service can be conducted within a local church, chapel or crematorium. It is also possible to have a non-religious service, if the deceased was not religious.
Alternatively, you can have a ceremony held at a cemetery where the cremated remains are interred. Depending on the individual’s wishes, this may be done within the family plot or in a memorial site, cremation niche or urn garden.
A funeral specialist will also be able to assist with the process of obtaining all necessary permits and authorizations, as required. It can be very difficult and time consuming to obtain all of these documents on your own and hiring a specialist will make things far easier for you and the family at this extremely stressful time.
Cremation costs are usually much lower than a traditional burial because you don't have to pay for land, its preparation and then the long-term upkeep.
The funeral home and cemetery you choose may charge a service fee for arranging the cremation. This service fee doesn't include charges for optional goods and services in Redlands CA, such as flowers, obituary notices, pallbearers or officiating clergy.
Depending on the type of cremation chosen, you may be required to pay for a special container, or cremation urn, that will hold the cremated remains. This can be an important part of the funeral or memorial service in Redlands CA that your family and friends will remember, as well as a symbol of the love and life of your loved one.
The cost of cremation services in Redlands CA should be included in the total funeral price you discuss with your chosen funeral establishment. It is a good idea to plan ahead and pre-fund your funeral to ensure that you can afford everything you want, including the cremation process itself.
Cremation is an alternative to burial and can be a much less expensive option. It also offers more flexibility in terms of memorialization and disposition of the ashes.
Whether you’re interested in direct cremation or traditional cremation, we can help you make the right choice for your loved one and their family. The ashes of your loved one can be scattered or buried in a special place that holds meaning to you and your family.
Alternatively, you can store the ashes in an urn and display it at home or in a memorial garden. This is a wonderful way to remember your loved one and express your love for them.
Cremation is a great option for many families because it allows them to memorialize their loved one without the hassles of burial. They don’t have to worry about maintaining a grave area and they can avoid the strong embalming chemicals used for traditional funerals.
However, some families still want a physical reminder of their loved one. They can purchase a memorial plaque to place somewhere meaningful for family and friends to visit.
The memorials can be made of a variety of materials including granite, fieldstone, marble, bronze and sandstone. They can also be engraved with a name and dates. To know more about Personalised Cremations Services in Redlands, visit the Farewell Funerals website or call 0404660974.
Some people choose to keep their ashes in an urn, which is smaller than a casket. These urns can be placed in a cemetery grave plot, or if you wish they can be placed in an urn vault. This prevents the remains from seeping into the soil and helps keep them from rotting.
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jimenezfuglsang46 · 1 year
Khazak Ambassadors and Consul General have a meeting with Chabad New York ( Emmanuil grinshpun).
Yerzhan Ashikbayev has had a busy few months. Ever since being appointed as Kazakhstan's ambassador in the United States in April, Mr. Ashikbayev has met with numerous diplomats and government officials to strengthen relations between Kazakhstan Central Asian country and the U.S. In the course of his duties the ambassador, along with Consul General Almat Aidabekov set up a meeting with Chabad to discuss the current state of Jewish living in Khazakstankhstan. Rabbi Mendy Kolarsky and Shimon Rivkin from Merkos Suite 302. Emmanuil Grinshpun Chabad Headquarters were also invited. Emmanuil Grinshpun is vice-president at the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, and Honorary Consul to Kazakhstan. Together, they discussed the background of Jewish life in Kazakhstan and the work that Chabad is doing across Kazakhstan under the guidance of Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen, Kazakhstan's chief Shliach and Chief Rabbi. "It was a highly productive gathering." Mr. Emmanuil Grinshpun Grinshpun said later. "We are extremely fortunate to have leaders, such as former President Mr. Emmanuil Grinshpun Nazarbayev and current President Mr. Tokayev. These men have facilitated a lot of religious tolerance in the nation. "We believe that the government is truly a friend to the Jewish People." https://www.kazconsulate.com/en/embassy-consulates-in-usa/kazakhstan-honorary-consul-in-florida The Consul General and Ambassador reaffirmed government support for the Jewish Community as well as other religious minorities. They also expressed their interest in cooperating with Chabad to continue to build Jewish living within the Republic. The government of Kazakhstan's majority Muslim population is proud of being religiously inclusive and collaborates closely with all kinds of religious leaders to improve the wellbeing of the country. In actual fact Ambassador Ashikbayevhas already worked alongside Chabad Shluchim and philanthropist Mr. Abraham Shaulson while being Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in Kazakhstan. After all the flights were grounded last year because of COVID-19, Ambassador Ashikbayev was instrumental in arranging special permission to allow a small delegation of American citizens to fly to Kazakhstan for a pilgrimage to the gravesite Reb Luke Yitzchak Schneerson to mark the 20th anniversary of his death. The delegation took advantage of this occasion to provide the much-needed PPE as well as medical equipment to the country. The Kazak government has declared Reb Levi Yaitzchak'sKever Kazakh National Heritage Site during the pilgrimage. The group also discussed plans for the next pilgrimage that will mark the 20th anniversary of the Av less than two months away. Emmanuil Grinshpun This year the organizers anticipate an attendance of more than 600 visitors from all over the world. The organizers also plan to host a conference on Chabad Shluchim in surrounding countries together with Rabbi Berel Kazar and Moshe Kokotlarsky. Due to the magnitude of these projects, the conference aimed to discuss ways that the government could help secure and support the event. Mr. Emmanuil Grinshpun Ashikbayevconfirmed Kazakhstan's "...commitment to provide all assistance to arrange visits for prayer and study in the final resting place of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson." "We truly appreciate the enormous support the Kazak government is offering us," said Rabbi Kotlarsky. Emmanuil Grinshpun "It is a true joy to work with individuals like the Ambassador and Consul General. Our aim is to provide for the physical and spiritual requirements of every single Jew and the government of Kazakhstan has been an excellent partner in advancing this mission."
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gutierrezfrench48 · 1 year
Khazak Ambassador and Consul General Meet with Chabad New York ( Emmanuil grinshpun).
Yerzhan Ashikbayev has had a busy few months. As Kazakhstan's ambassador to the United States, Ashikbayev, who was appointed in April, has held numerous meetings with diplomats and government officials. Emmanuil Grinshpun The goal is to strengthen the ties between Central Asian countries and the United States. Emmanuil Grinshpun The ambassador, along with Consul General Almat aidabekov held a gathering for Chabad to talk about Jewish living in Khazakstankhstan. Rabbi Mendy Kutlarsky from Merkos Suite 301 of Chabad Headquarters and Shimon Rivkin were both invited to the meeting. Emmanuil grinshpun , Vice-President and Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan was invited to attend the meeting. https://volga.news/article/644912.html They spoke together about the history of Jewish lives and the work being done by Chabad in Kazakhstan under the guidance of Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen ( Kazakhstan's chief Shliach) "It was an extremely fruitful meeting." Mr. Grinshpun said later. "We are fortunate to have leaders such as the former President and Mr. Nazarbayev and the current President Mr. Tokayev who have fostered an atmosphere of religious tolerance in our country. "We believe that the government is an exemplary Friend to the Jewish People." https://www.antena3.ro/economic/continut-platit/emmanuil-grinshpun-despre-proiectul-orasului-port-riga-657474.html The Consul General and Ambassador reiterated that the government supports the Jewish Community and all religions minorities. They also expressed interest in working with Chabad to continue to build Jewish living in the Republic. The government of the major Muslim populace is proud of its tolerance for religion and works closely with religious leaders across the country to ensure the wellbeing of the nation. In fact, Ambassador Ashikbayevhas previously worked together with Chabad Shluchim as well as the philanthropist Mr. Abraham Shaulson while serving as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in Kazakhstan. He was instrumental in getting the permission of small American groups to fly to Kazakhstan in order to make a pilgrimage on the anniversary of his death, which was the 20th April. Emmanuil Grinshpun The delegation took advantage of this occasion to sponsor the transport of much-needed PPE as well as medical equipment for the country. During the trip, the Kazak government also held a ceremony to establish Reb Yitzchak’sKever Kazakh the national heritage site. Emmanuil Grinshpun The group also discussed plans for the upcoming pilgrimage with the 20th anniversary of Av a little less than two months from now. The organizers expect around 600 individuals from all walks of the world to be in attendance at this year's celebration. A conference organized by Chabad Shluchim, headed by Rabbi Moshe Kokotlarsky as well as Rabbi Berel Lázar will also be planned. Emmanuil Grinshpun With so many big projects in the pipeline the conference was focused upon ways to assist in the planning of the event and guarantee its security. Mr. Ashikbayevconfirmed Kazakhstan’s "...commitment, to provide all assistance with arranging visits for study and prayer at The Resting Place of the Great Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson. Rabbi Kotlarsky stated that "we are extremely grateful for the great support and support that from the Kazak government offers us." "It's a great opportunity to collaborate with people like the Ambassador or the Consul General. We are committed to meeting the spiritual and bodily needs of all Jew. The government of Kazakhstan is a great partner in this endeavor."
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vikramsingh997 · 2 years
Origin of Santa Claus — How Real History of Santa Claus Has Evolved Over Last 1700 Years
“Christmas is always a problem for the man who has to convince his kids that there is a Santa Claus, and his wife that there isn't.”  - Evan Esar (American Humourist)
Leaving aside trifling problems like the one discussed above, almost everyone would agree that Christmas is a time of happiness and celebration. And as far as the dilemma of the man concerned in the above quote is concerned, it may have been among other reasons, due to the fact that although most people believe Santa Claus does not exist, he is indeed inspired by a great man who did exist a long time back. This article here is about the history of Santa Claus, which very few people know about.
Christmas is one of the most popular celebrations in the year, but the history of Santa Claus remains unknown to many .
On Christmas eve Santa finally loads these toys and other gifts into a sleigh (drawn by reindeers) and flies around the world, delivering gifts to good children, by entering their house by sliding down through the chimney. The children, in turn, leave milk and cookies, for the visiting Santa, as a sign of gratitude & goodwill for the visiting guest.
Unfortunately, all adults realize that there is no real Santa Claus and quite often it is a father who plays a Santa Claus for the children & sometimes it is some other hired help. However, Santa Claus or the person who was the inspiration behind the figure representing universal friends of children everywhere was a very real person, and the history of Santa Claus started at a time when Christianity was still at its early stages and the modern notion of Christmas had not yet evolved.   
Although when it comes to the real history of Santa Claus there is more than one person (and we shall go through them one by one) who is believed to have inspired the famous character associated with Christmas, the strongest association is with Saint Nicholas – a religious Christian Bishop who lived in the 4th century AD.
Saint Nicholas and His Association with the History of Santa Claus
The Life of St Nicholas of Myra
Saint Nicholas of Myra was the Christian Bishop in the city of Myra, which is located in modern-day Turkey. Born on 15 March of 270 AD, to a wealthy family of Greek merchants in Patara, a city in modern Turkey, his destiny was decided at a young age by his uncle, who at the time was the bishop of Myra, and ordained him as a priest. St Nicholas of Myra would later become Bishop at his Uncle’s Church in Myra, after a few unexpected turns of events.
After the death of his parents, he inherited a large amount of money, which had belonged to his parents. However, the kind-hearted Saint Nicholas of Myra decided to use this money for helping and improving the living conditions of the downtrodden and the poor, which would set him apart from others and would later result in his sainthood.
Saint Nicholas.
As one of the early Bishops of Christianity, St Nicholas of Myra also faced his share of problems from the Roman empire when he was put into the prison during the persecution of Diocletian – which was characterized by the most severe persecution of Christians by the Roman empire. However, he would later be freed by the Roman emperor – Constantin.
He also attended in 325 AD the First Council of Nicaea – which was a council of Christian bishops convened in Nicaea (an ancient town, which at present is in Turkey) by the Roman Emperor Constantin I; which was of considerable significance at the time. St Nicholas of Myra finally died on 6 December 343 A.D. & December 6 has been named on his honor as Saint Nicholas Day (with the evening of 5th December being known as Saint Nicholas Eve).  
Many years after his death, St Nicholas Church was built in Myra under orders from the Eastern Roman emperor – Theodosius, over a site where the church where St Nicholas of Myra had served as a bishop, had stood. The remains of St Nicholas were also shifted later to a sarcophagus in the newly built church.
In 1087 A.D. when the influence of Seljuk Turks was steadily growing in the area, a group of merchants from the Italian city of Bari removed the major bones of St Nicholas’s skeleton from his sarcophagus and brought it to their hometown where they remain enshrined to this day in Basilica di San Nicola – a church specifically designed for the purpose. The minor fragments of the bones which were left behind in Myra were later removed by Venetian sailors during the first crusades and brought to Venice and placed in San Nicolo al Lido church.
Basilica di San Nicola in Bari, Italy where most of the relics of Saint Nicholas are kept today.
Shifting of the remains of Saint Nicholas of Myra to Europe would make him a very well-known Christian saint in western Europe as news of many miracles performed by him, spread across the continent. By the time of Renaissance, St. Nicholas of Myra had become one of the most popular saints in Europe.
Although it has to be mentioned that it is quite certain that St Nicholas indeed had a very helpful nature and used his resources to help unfortunate people, however, the stories of supernatural miracles performed by him have been looked upon with skepticism, by many other people.
Saint Nicholas The Wonderworker
Due to his charitable actions and acts of miracle, Saint Nicholas of Myra would later become very famous among the people. Some of these certainly are worth mentioning.
1) The Story Behind Hanging Up Stockings to Put Presents
As the story goes, a long time back at the time of Saint Nicholas there lived a man with 3 grown-up daughters. The man was too poor to give his daughters a decent wedding. Without marriage and other sources of sustenance, there was a great likelihood that these 3 unfortunate sisters would be forced into prostitution.
St Nicholas of Myra felt pity for the family but too modest for taking any credit for helping people, one day he dropped a bag full of gold coins into the house (in which the poor family stayed) through an open window. The bag fell into a stocking that had been hanged by the fire to dry. This bag of gold was enough to save one of the girls.
Saint Nicholas dropped another bag the next night, which was able to save another girl. The father of the girls, who was surprised in such sudden reversal of fortunes, hid close to fire the next night. When St Nicholas came on the 3rd night to throw another bag of gold, he was spotted by the father who to his amazement found that it was Saint Nicholas of Myra, who was dropping the bag full of gold coins in secret so that nobody would trace the charitable actions to him.
The dowry for the three virgins (Gentile da Fabriano, c. 1425, Pinacoteca Vaticana, Rome).
The grateful father fell on his knees and thanked Saint Nicholas, but the good Samaritan that he was, Nicholas forbade the father to tell anything about the incidence to anyone. However, the story spread and whenever any person in the future received any mysterious gift, the credit for it was given to the St Nicholas of Myra. This story also shows how the custom of hanging up stockings to receive presents first started.
2) Saint Nicholas of Myra Saves Three Innocents from Death
There is another very famous story that is closely associated with the life of St Nicholas of Myra. This story describes how Saint Nicholas of Myra saves three innocents from death. The 3 men in the context were innocent but were proclaimed guilty and condemned to death by the governor after one of the jurors had accepted a bribe and thus facilitated the wrongful conviction.
The story describes how St Nicholas of Myra arrived at the scene just before the sentence was to be carried out and he pushed the executioner’s sword to the ground and scolded the juror (who had accepted a bribe) and released the prisoners from their chains. Thus, Saint Nicholas of Myra saved innocent men who were falsely condemned to unwarranted death.
Saint Nicholas Saves Three Innocents from Death (1888) by Ilya Repin.
3) St Nicholas of Myra Saves Sailors
As the story goes some sailors of the time, were caught in a heavy storm off the coast of Turkey. They were in deep trouble and realized that without timely help their ship would surely sink beneath the giant waves raging all around them. They prayed to St Nicholas to help them, who suddenly arrived in the deck in front of them and ordered the sea to calm down. The storms vanished soon after and the sailors were able to navigate their ship safely to the harbor.
Because of the numerous charitable actions and miracles performed by him, he was later canonized and became famous as Saint Nicholas of Myra. He is known as – patron saint of the sailors, merchants, brewers, prostitutes, repentant thieves, children, archers, students and pawnbrokers in various countries across Europe.
Saint Nicholas calming the storm and saving the sailors.
Odin and the Origin of Santa Claus
According to some sources, the Norse god – Odin may also have influenced to a certain extent the origin of Santa Claus. At the time of Vikings, Yule – a pagan festival was celebrated around the Winter Solstice on Dec 21 by the Germanic people for 12 days and nights of winter. The festival was closely related to the god -Odin and the modern Christmas on Dec 25, falls typically in the middle of the Yule. During Yule people would strengthen their relationships with friends & families by feasting, drinking, gift-giving and merry-making.
Odin has been described to have the ability to take on different appearances. However, one of the more popular forms was where he roamed the Earth dressed as a very old white-bearded traveler wearing a cloak with a broad-brimmed hat, which closely resembles the appearance of Santa Claus and may explain the origin of Santa Claus’s pagan background.
The 12 nights of Yule was also associated with the – Wild Hunt, where Odin raced across the night skies along with other gods, elves & beasts in a hunt against the ice giants and other forces of darkness. During the period of the wild hunt, the humans who had invoked the wrath of the gods would suffer from bad luck while those towards whom the gods were favorable received good fortune and gifts. Here it would be important to mention that the wild hunt was especially associated with the 12 nights of Yule, although it could occur in other winter nights too.
Odin in the guise of a wanderer.
Santa Claus of modern-day uses a sleigh drawn by reindeer for travel. Odin of Norse mythology also had an 8-legged flying horse named Sleipnir which helped him move around. Some other similarities with Santa Claus are that –
1) Odin was a well-known gift giver to mankind. During Yule, children would leave their boot by the fireplace after filling them with sugar and hay. This was done with the intention that a tired horse of Odin – Sleipnir, would feast on this and Odin pleased with the children would leave small gifts and other treats in the boots of the children. This closely resembles the story of Santa Claus and placing stockings close to the fireplace.
2) Odin was all-knowing and knew how people everywhere behaved. His 2 ravens brought him the news about all that was happening in the 9 worlds and how the people were behaving. This decided who would need disciplinarian action and who should be rewarded with gifts & good fortune.
3) Like Santa Claus is called Father Christmas, Odin is also called Yule father, and as has been said the 2 festivals (Christmas & Yule) are celebrated around the same time of the year and they also share many other similarities.
4) The dwarfs and elves of Norse mythology were skilled workers, who could create wonderful things. Also known as Odin’s men, they made many small gifts for Odin to deliver.
Odin rides to Hel.
The Tale of Sinterklaas - Before the Origin of Santa Claus
During the protestant reformation, St Nicholas of Myra and other Catholic saints were gradually pushed to the background in all the countries of Europe, except in Holland, where Saint Nicholas of Myra survived in people’s memory as Sinterklaas - a kind and wise old man with a long white beard, who dressed in a white dress, a red cloak and a has a red mitre (ceremonial headdress of the bishops) on his head and a staff in his hand. Here it would be important to mention that – Sinterklaas was a shortened form of Sint Nikolas (Dutch for Saint Nicholas).
The festivities of Sinterklaas starts on the 2nd Saturday of November (around the middle of November), whenhe arrives at a town of Netherland (every year a different harbor is chosen,  so maximum children get a chance to see him)  from Spain (where he supposedly lives) by a steamboat to spend 3 weeks in the country. The boat which brings him also contains gifts that Sinterklaas brings for children.
Sinterklaas arrives in Netherlands.
Sinterklaas is accompanied by a team of helpers/servants called “Zwarte Pieten” (Black Peters – having typical features of a blackened face). Once Sinterklaas and his servants reach the town, the church bells of the town are rung in celebration. On land, Sinterklaas rides a white horse leading his entourage through the town.
Sinterklaas who historically predates modern Santa Claus serves many common functions as his modern counterpart (Santa Claus). Sinterklaas has a book where records of all that the children have done in the past year are kept to judge who has been good and who behaved badly.
Those who have been good would receive a gift from Sinterklaas and the bad ones would receive a variety of punishments. This could range from receiving lumps of coal or to be put in a sack and taken to Spain (on Sinterklaas’s return voyage) for a year by Zwarte Pieten to teach the children a lesson for the future, so they would always be well behaved.
Sinterklaas & Zwarte Pieten.
Sinterklaas like his modern counterpart of Santa Claus, visited the children’s homes at night (although the time is not of Christmas eve) riding the rooftops of the houses in his horse. The children on their part leave a shoe beside the chimney (containing some hay & carrots for the horse of Sinterklaas) once or twice a week, during the stay of Sinterklaas.
This goodwill ensures that Zwarte Pieten climbs down through the chimney (whereby the dark soot blackens their face) and puts some candy & other gifts for the children, in the shoes, after collecting food for the horse from it.
Carrots are left in shoes by kids, who in return receive gifts from Sinterklaas.
Once the festivities are over, Sinterklaas leaves the Netherlands on 6th December by steamboat via the entrance of the port of Rotterdam, as he travels back to Spain. Now, why does the story say that Sinterklaas lives in Spain? It is because, in 11th century AD, the body of St Nicholas of Myra (at least the major bones present at the time) was reburied at Bari, Italy which was under Spain, when the celebrations became popular.
Finally, it needs to be mentioned that Sinterklaas has nothing to do with Christmas. Sinterklaas parties are celebrated on 5th December in the Netherlands (St Nicholas Eve) and on 6 December in Belgium. Christmas is also celebrated in the Netherlands as well as Belgium, but in these countries, Sinterklaas is different from Santa Claus. In the Netherlands, Santa Claus is known as Christmas man or “Kerstman” and the children believe that he comes from Lapland in Finland to deliver some more presents.
Sinterklaas greatly influenced the later character of Santa Claus.
History of Santa Claus in America
The modern version of Santa Claus that we see at Christmas nowadays originated in America. As people from Europe moved to the New World, they brought their traditions with them. These also included the Dutch who brought Sinterklaas and festivities associated with him to the new world, especially to New Amsterdam (now New York City) to be more precise.
The origin of Santa Claus from this Dutch Sinterklaas would occur by the active participation of many English-speaking people over time in these festivals, and Sinterklaas would eventually become Americanised into Santa Claus. It was in 1823, that Clement Clarke Moore a Professor of Oriental & Greek literature of New York, wrote a 56-line poem called – “A Visit from Saint Nicholas”, which is popularly known in the modern age as – “The Night Before Christmas”.
The description of this poem, which would go on to become very popular in America, created the modern version of Christmas. Clement Clarke Moore would take inspiration from Saint Nicholas of Myra & Sinterklaas, the previously described Dutch version of Saint Nicholas.
Clement Clarke Moore would go on to introduce many new characteristic traits for the character of Santa, who would get a more modern look. Santa would now smoke a pipe occasionally, would be dressed in American fur, and could move through a chimney without any difficulty to drop gifts in the hanging stockings. He no longer had the seriousness of a priest but would be a jolly old elf with a white beard and a sack full of toys on his back.
A part of the poem - A Visit From St. Nicholas, by Clement C Moore.
Santa would also get a sleigh drawn by 8 Reindeers, which would fly across the sky, taking Santa all over the world. All the 8 Reindeers had distinct names – Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. In 1939, Robert L May – a copywriter at the Montgomery Ward department store wrote a Christmas themed story to bring Christmas holiday traffic into his store. Here he would introduce a 9th young Reindeer named – Rudolph, having a large glowing red nose; who would be later included in the sleigh drawing Reindeer team, thanks to the incredible popularity that this story achieved.
Here it would be important to mention that in 1902, L Frank Baum came up with a story – “The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus”, where he describes 10 Reindeers in Santa’s sleigh all of which had different names than the 8 names of Reindeers that was described by Clement Clark Moore in his poem – “A Visit from St. Nicholas” written earlier.
In 1881, an artist named Thomas Nast added few more characteristic features to create the modern Santa of today, when he drew Christmas illustrations for Harper’s Weekly. Here Thomas Nast would add some more important modification to the previous image created by Clement Clarke Moore. The new Santa would be a large & chubby cheerful man with a long beard dressed in a bright red suit trimmed with white fur.
1881 illustration by Thomas Nast who along with Clement Clarke Moore's poem A Visit from St. Nicholas, helped to create the modern image of Santa Claus.
Thomas Nast would also give Santa a wife (although the wife of Santa Claus is mentioned for the first time in – A Christmas Legend, a short story written by Christian missionary James Reese in 1849) along with a North Pole accommodation & workshop with a team of dedicated elves to help him, who worked throughout the year making gifts & toys.
Santa would also start to receive letters from enthusiastic kids making various demands. Finally, Santa himself would get the ability to know the nature of different children, which would help him to make a naughty or nice list.  These additions would finally create the loving Santa, that we know today.
Origin of Santa Claus – The Conclusion
Now it must be highly obvious that the Santa whom we think of as climbing down from the chimneys to enter the houses of people and putting gifts into the empty Christmas stocking hung beside the fireplace, took origin from a history of Santa Claus, that goes back many centuries.
The Santa Claus of the modern era is happily married, has a home in the North pole and has a team of elves to help in preparing gifts to be distributed to children. The jolly & friendly Santa Claus is a very far cry from a catholic priest who lived in the 4th century. However, the character of nobility, charitable disposition and spreading joy around are traits that have withstood the changes that occurred over the centuries, finally proving that the more we change the more we remain the same.
Irrespective of the Origin of Santa Claus tales, Santa has always, in every form stood for love and happiness.
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clementsoxwhauge · 2 years
Khazak Ambassador, Consul General and Chabad in New York ( Emmanuil grinshpun).
Yerzhan Ashikbayev has had a busy few months. Since being appointed Kazakhstan's ambassador to the United States in April, Mr. Ashikbayev has met with various government officials and diplomats to strengthen the ties between Kazakhstan Central Asian country and the U.S. As part of this mission, the ambassador, together with Consul General Almat Aidabekov, set up a meeting with Chabad to discuss the state of Jewish life in Khazakstankhstan. Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Shimon Rivkin (Merkos Suite 302 in the Chabad Headquarters) and Mr. Emmanuil Grinshpun serves as vice-president for the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress as well as Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan. They discussed the history of Jewish life in Kazakhstan and the work that Chabad performs across the nation under the guidance of Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen. Afterward the following day, later, Mr. Grinshpun said that "it was a very fruitful meeting." "We are fortunate to have leaders such as the former President of the Republic, Mr. Nazarbayev and the current President, Mr. Tokayev who have fostered the religious freedom of this country. Emmanuil Grinshpun "We believe that the government is a true Friend to the Jewish People." Emmanuil Grinshpun The Consul General and Ambassador reaffirmed that the government supports the Jewish Community as well as all religious minorities. They also expressed interest in collaborating with Chabad to continue to build Jewish lives within the Republic. The vast majority of the Muslim populace's government is proud of being sensitive to religion and works closely to ensure the country's well-being. Emmanuil Grinshpun Ashikbayev was deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs back in Kazakhstan and has been working with Chabad Shaluchim as well as Mr. https://wsvn.com/news/us-world/2-south-floridians-team-up-to-help-ukrainian-women-and-children-after-fleeing-country/ Abraham Shaulson , an philanthropist. Due to COVID-19 causing all flights to be grounded, Ambassador Ashikbayev helped to secure special permission for a small number of American citizens to fly to Kazakhstan on 20th of Av, to pay a visit to the grave of Reb Levi Yaitzchak Schneerson that marks the anniversary of his death. The group also took the opportunity to sponsor and transport essential PPE as well as medical equipment into the country. https://emmanuilgrinshpun.blogspot.com/ During the trip, the Kazak government also held a ceremony to establish Reb Yitzchak’sKever Kazakh National Heritage Site. The meeting set out plans for the upcoming pilgrimage with the date of 20th April was only two months from now. Emmanuil Grinshpun Around 600 pilgrims are scheduled take part in the celebration this year. Furthermore, plans are in place to host a gathering for Chabad Shluchim of surrounding countries and will be run by Rabbi Berel Lezar and Rabbi Moshe Kokotlarsky. With these huge projects in the works the conference was focused on ways the government can support and ensure the success of the conference. Mr. Ashikbayevconfirmed Kazakhstan's "...commitment of providing every assistance in arranging visits to pray and study at the grave of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson." Rabbi Kotlarsky said, "We are extremely grateful for the enormous open support that Kazak government has extended to us." "It is truly a blessing to be working with individuals like the Ambassador and Consul General. Our mission is to care for the physical and spiritual requirements of each and every Jew and the Kazakhstan government Kazakhstan is a wonderful partner in advancing this mission."
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turnerhqrmcmahan · 2 years
Khazak Ambassador and Consul General meet with Chabad in New York ( Emmanuil Grinshpun)
Yerzhan Ashikbayev has had a busy few months. Since the appointment of Kazakhstan's ambassador to the United States, Mr. Emmanuil Grinshpun Ashikbayev met with many officials and diplomats to build ties between Central Asia and the United States. Emmanuil Grinshpun In this capacity, the ambassador and Consul General Almat Aibekov are scheduled to meet to discuss the current state of Jewish living in Khazakstankhstan. Rabbi Mendy Kolarsky and Shimon Rivkin from Merkos Suite 302. Chabad Headquarters were also invited. Emmanuil Grinshpun Emmanuil Grinshpun, who is the vice-president of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress as well as Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan. They spoke about the past of Jewish life in Kazakhstan and the current work Chabad is doing across the country under the auspices Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen. Afterward afterward, Mr. Grinshpun added that "it was an extremely fruitful meeting." "We are extremely grateful to have leaders like Mr. Nazarbayev (the former president) and Mr. Tokayev (the current President), have fostered an atmosphere of religious tolerance that is so warm and welcoming within the nation. Everyone feels that the administration, in all aspects is a friend to the Jewish nation." The Consul General and Ambassador reaffirmed the government's support of the Jewish community and all minorities of religion. They expressed interest in continuing to build Jewish existence within the Republic through cooperation with Chabad. The vast majority of the Muslim population's government is proud to be sensitive to the religious beliefs of its citizens and works closely to ensure the country's well-being. Ashikbayev was deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs back in Kazakhstan and has been working together with Chabad Shaluchim and Mr. Abraham Shaulson , philanthropist. Since all flights were shut down last season due to COVID-19, this man was instrumental in arranging an exemption so that a small American delegation could fly into Kazakhstan on the 20th day of Av, which marks the anniversary of his death. The group also had the chance to sponsor and transport medical equipment and PPE required to the country. The Kazak government declared Reb Levi Yaitzchak'sKever Kazakh National Heritage Site during the pilgrimage. Emmanuil Grinshpun A few months prior to the 20th Av, the meeting also discussed plans for next year's pilgrimage. The organizers are expecting a crowd of more than 600 people from all over world this year. It is also planned to host a conference along with Chabad Shluchim from the surrounding nations. The event will be hosted by Rabbi Berel Laszar as well as Moshe Kotlarsky. The conference was focused on what the government can do to support these large-scale projects. Mr. Ashikbayevconfirmed Kazakhstan’s "...commitment to offer all assistance in arranging visits to pray and study at the grave of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson." Rabbi Kotlarsky stated that "we are very appreciative for the great support and support that the Kazak government gives us." Emmanuil Grinshpun "It's an immense opportunity to work with people such the Ambassador or Consul General. Our goal is to meet the physical and spiritual needs of every Jew. The government of Kazakhstan has been an excellent partner in this endeavor.
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samwisethewitch · 3 years
Creating Sacred Space
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Very few pagans have access to temples or holy sites. If you’re lucky enough to live in the country where your gods were originally worshiped, you may be able to visit ancient temples or sacred sites, but most of us do not have this opportunity. For most pagans, sacred space is something we have to create for ourselves.
On one level, this is very literal — pagans create physical spaces for their gods to inhabit, usually in the form of home altars. An altar is a table, shelf, or other flat surface that is set aside for religious or spiritual use. The altar is likely home to religious items or tools like candles, incense burners, or statues of the gods. It is the place where prayers are made and offerings are given. It is a place within the home that is set aside for the gods.
Like everything within paganism, the exact setup and uses of your altar depend on your tradition. Some groups, like some forms of traditional Wicca, require the altar to look a very certain way, with a collection of ritual tools arranged in the appropriate places on the altar. Other traditions are much more freeform.
Even if you have not chosen a pagan path yet, you may find it helpful to create a special place to connect with the divine. This could be an altar — even a simple one, like an unused shelf holding a white candle and a stick of incense — or another special place like a yoga mat where you do meditations, a special chair where you read spiritual literature, or a special place outdoors. Having a space set aside for spirituality and religion will help you to literally and metaphorically make room for these pursuits in your life.
To dedicate this space to religious pursuits, simply verbally state your intent to use it for that purpose. You might perform a simple ritual by lighting a white candle and saying something like, “I dedicate this space to the gods and to my growing relationship with them.” (It doesn’t matter if you don’t know yet which gods you want to worship.) Now you have a special place to return to when you want to connect with the divine.
You can also build altars to connect to other types of spirits, such as land spirits or ancestors. We’ll talk more about these kinds of altars in a future post.
Though guidelines for altar setup and maintenance vary from one pagan religion to the next, there are a few basic guidelines that are pretty much universal.
For one thing, your altar should be kept clean and tidy. Don’t pile non-religious items on your altar, make sure to clean up any candle wax or incense ashes left after a ritual, and try to keep dust from building up on your icons and statues. I am a generally messy person, but my altar stays clean as a sign of respect for my gods, even when the rest of my house is a mess. If you struggle to keep your altar tidy, schedule 10-20 minutes once a week to go through and clean it up. Think of this cleaning not as a chore, but as a loving service to your gods.
If you use your altar for food offerings, you should dispose of them after 24 hours or less. As we’ve previously discussed, some pagans eat their food offerings after the gods have had a chance to consume their spiritual essence, while other pagans feel that this is rude or taboo. In the latter case, many people choose a special place outside where they dispose of food offerings (if you do this, make sure the offering won’t harm local plant and animal life if left outside). Another option is to add food offerings to a compost pile — you can use the compost in your garden, perhaps for plants that are sacred to your gods (again, make sure your offerings are compost-friendly).
Keeping your altar clean also includes energetic and spiritual cleansing. Before rituals, you should cleanse your altar to ensure that you aren’t bringing any unwanted energy into your worship. Cleansing protocols vary from one tradition to the next and may include sprinkling the altar with blessed water, wafting incense smoke through the space, or using a special tool like a ritual broom or a bell. If you haven’t chosen a pagan religion yet, simply use the cleansing method that works best for you.
When caring for your altar, keep in mind that this is your gods’ space within your home. You want it to be comfortable for them. Like decorating a guest bedroom for a friend, you’ll probably want to choose items that are significant to the god or spirit being honored on the altar. For example, my altar contains a crow skull and feathers because crows are sacred to several of the deities I work with. Take your time to create an environment that will be welcoming to your god(s) of choice. (Again, if you aren’t working with any specific gods yet, you can still create a basic altar — follow the previously stated guidelines for keeping it clean and welcoming.)
While setting up and maintaining an altar or other special space is an important part of creating sacred space, it isn’t the only part. When pagans talk about “creating sacred space,” we are also talking about cultivating a certain mindset.
Just like you need to make space for the gods in your home, you need to make space for them in your life. It’s all well and good to call yourself a pagan, but if you never pray, make offerings, or think about the gods, are you really embodying pagan religious practice? If you’re going to talk the talk, you have to also walk the walk.
Creating sacred space in your life can take many forms. One of the most common (and convenient) is small daily devotional activities. These activities only take a few minutes and can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. This may include meditation, divination, or reading a few verses from a holy book. Even the act of lighting a fresh stick of incense on your altar in the morning can help strengthen your connection to your spirituality.
It can even be as simple as remembering to thank the gods when you see them at work in your life. I have a friend who is a Roman pagan, and he has a habit of verbally thanking Mercury (the Roman god of travel, among many other things) whenever he finds a good parking space or doesn’t have to wait at a red light. This kind of small acknowledgement may not seem like a big deal, but it works to integrate our worship of the gods into our daily lives.
Take a few moments, right now, to ask yourself how you can create sacred space in your life. What can you do to make the gods feel welcome in your presence? Try to think of a single change you can make in the next 24 hours to create this space. Write it down.
Commit to maintaining this new practice for at least three weeks. At the end of each day, write down what you did to create sacred space and how it made you feel. Do you feel a sense of peace? Do you feel the gods’ presence more strongly? Do you feel a sense of connection to something bigger than yourself? Write down these and any other thoughts on your new practice.
At the end of three weeks, look back over your notes. How did this practice change the way you feel about your spirituality? How did it change your relationship with the gods? If there was a positive change, try to continue integrating this practice into your daily routine.
If there was no change, that’s okay — this specific practice may not be for you, and there’s no shame in that. Choose a different practice and repeat the experiment. Keep at it until you find a way to create sacred space that works for you on your unique spiritual path.
In my humble opinion, it’s important to learn how to hold sacred space before you start investigating different pagan religions. Not only will it give you the basic tools you’ll need for religious ritual, but it will help you to discover your personal worship style and comfort zone. With this, you’ll be better able to determine which pagan path(s) is a good fit for you.
Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
Following the Sun by Sharon LaBorde
Where the Hawthorn Grows by Morgan Daimler
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diwatera · 3 years
LGBTQ+ Movies I Watched Recently (Part 2)
Happiest Season (2020) dir. Clea DuVall
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Short Summary: Abby plans on proposing to Harper when they visit Harper’s family for the holidays. Her plans get derailed when she learns that Harper hasn’t come out to her family yet.
Why you should watch it: Not gonna lie, Mackenzie Davis drew me to this movie; I’ve been in love with her ever since San Junipero came out. Add Kristen Stewart, Aubrey Plaza and Dan Levy to the mix and I’m sold. If you want a sapphic romance with a happy ending, this one’s for you. 
Été 85 (2020) dir.  François Ozon
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Short Summary: Alexis recounts his six-week love affair with David during the summer of ‘85. 
Why you should watch it: If you love 80s aesthetic and music, you definitely should watch this. The movie made me nostalgic of that decade and I wasn’t even alive back then! It’s a whirlwind summer romance reminiscent of Call Me by Your Name but with a more devastating twist.
Getting Go: The Go Doc Project (2013) dir. Cory James Krueckeberg
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Short Summary: An obsessed college boy pursues his internet crush through the pretext of making a documentary about him.
Why you should watch it: The script and the acting are the one-two punch of this film. The writing is incredibly genuine, and both of the actors’ performances made the lines feel even more natural. I’m not the biggest fan of mockumentary-style films, but this one felt like it was a recording of my own life. Hyper-obsessive college grad with a Tumblr blog? Might as well have called out half the population of this damn site.
Pihalla (2017) dir. Nils-Erik Ekblom
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Short Summary: Miku and Elias find themselves, and each other, during a summer in the Finnish countryside.
Why you should watch it: I’m a sucker for gays in the countryside™ and although this one is not quite up there with God’s Own Country and Call Me by Your Name, it still makes for a good watch. Miku as a character and his relationship with his parents was chaotic and fun. His relationship with Elias felt really natural and dreamy. 
You, Me and Him (2017) dir. Daisy Aitkens
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Short Summary: Olivia, a mature responsible lawyer, wants to have a baby, but her girlfriend Alex isn’t ready for the responsibility. Things get even more complicated when their flirty neighbour, John, joins the picture. 
Why you should watch it: It is one of the most feel-good lesbian romcoms I have seen in a while. But I warn you, there are some dark parts that can really sneak up on you. Yeah, it’s hilarious, but damn it made me ugly cry, too. Oh, and if you want to see David Tennant as an alpha male douchebag, here’s your chance. (CW: **spoiler alert** p̶r̶e̶g̶n��a̶n̶c̶y̶ ̶l̶o̶s̶s̶ )
Giant Little Ones (2018) dir. Keith Behrman 
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Short Summary: Franky and Ballas have been best friends since childhood, both on the swimming team, both incredibly popular. But after an incident during Franky’s birthday, they quickly fall apart and Franky falls from grace.
Why you should watch it: I think the film captures just how tumultuous coming-of-age stories are. Franky is going through his own journey of self-identity, and I’m happy that the movie didn’t rush in with labels. The conversation Franky has with his dad at the end also hits hard.  (CW: physical assault, allusions to sexual assault)
Our Love Story (2016) dir. HyunJu Lee
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Short Summary: A fine arts student meets an attractive bartender, and the two women begin an intimate relationship.
Why you should watch it: It’s a very intimate love story that isn’t rushed or dragged out for too long. We definitely see Yoon-Jo and Ji-Soo’s relationship bloom from start to end, but it’s not mind-numbingly boring to watch. Raw and unembellished, I definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a realistic portrayal of wlw romance.
Die Mitte der Welt (2016) dir. Jakob M. Erwa
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Short Summary: The film follows Phil and his relationship with his family, his best friend, and a newcomer at his school, Nicholas.
Why you should watch it: This is technically a second watch for me, and I’m glad I rewatched it, because I was able to catch some glaring red flags that I missed the first time. I love this movie in spite of all the heartache it caused me. The story, especially the deal with Phil’s family, struck a chord in me. And the shots! Visually stunning as well! 
Les Amours Imaginaires (2010) dir. Xavier Dolan
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Short Summary: Marie and Francis’ friendship is put to the test when a beautiful boy called Nicolas comes between them. 
Why you should watch it: Watch it for the visuals -- the colors, the costumes, the cast. Seriously, the actors included here may as well be kept in the Louvre: Xavier Dolan, Neils Schneider, Monia Chokri, hell, even a cameo from Louis Garrel! Dolan said it himself that this is a shallow film, but it’s worth the watch just to see Neils Schneider wearing heart-shaped glasses.
Closet Monster (2015)  dir. Stephen Dunn
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Short Summary: A creative and driven teenager is desperate to escape his hometown and the haunting memories of his turbulent childhood.
Why you should watch it: Right off the bat, I am going to say that this film is dark. I tried watching it back in college but tapped out within the first ten minutes because something traumatic happens. Then I tried again about a week ago, finished it this time. It’s actually a very moving film. It’s violent and gory in some parts, but also ridiculous and wholesome in other parts. IT HAS A TALKING HAMSTER NAMED BUFFY! BUFFY WAS THE STAR OF THIS MOVIE FOR ME. (CW: gay bashing/sexual assault)
Straight Up (2020) dir. James Sweeney
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Short Summary: Todd and Rory are intellectual soul mates. He might be gay but she might not care.
Why you should watch it: The dialogue in this film is undeniably sharp and witty. Loved the fast-paced back and forth between the two main characters as they discuss relationships, sex, gender, and more. James Sweeney and Katie Findlay’s chemistry just pulled you into the screen. It was funny, it was sweet, it was heartwrenching, it was great! (CW: allusions to sexual assault)
Latter Days (2003) dir. C. Jay Cox
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Short Summary: A promiscuous gay party animal falls for a young Mormon missionary, leading to crisis, cliché, and catastrophe.
Why you should watch it: I saw this in santiagonex’s top 20 LGBTQ+ films with happy endings, and I honestly thought it was gonna be a feel-good watch. Instead, I got a rollercoaster melodrama filled with early 2000s gay culture, religious guilt, buttcheeks, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Needless to say, I got more than I bargained for. (CW: self-harm, conversion therapy)
The Old Guard (2020) dir. Gina Prince-Blythewood
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Short Summary:  A covert team of immortal mercenaries are suddenly exposed and must now fight to keep their identity a secret just as an unexpected new member is discovered.
Why you should watch it: Okay, I was debating whether I should include this here, because it’s not necessarily an LGBTQ+ film as much as it is an action film with queer characters. I decided to include it, because JESUS! I have never seen such respectful and well-written representation of queer characters and relationships. Joe and Nicky are the most unproblematic couple in history. PERIOD. Pray for sequels, everyone. This is the kind of representation we deserve in mainstream media. 
. . .
Click here for more LGBTQ+ film recs
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ligiawrites · 3 years
I never get tired of discussing politics. Online, I post my opinions, share ideas I find interesting, and I always try to be in the loop of what's happening around the globe as much as I can.
Most of the time, this much-needed exercise leaves me teary-eyed and broken-hearted. But THIS time, reading about the manifestations against Bolsonaro all around Brazil, I felt a profound sense of pride in my people.
Those of you who have been following me for some time probably know how much disgust I feel towards the current Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro.
(long post about Brazilian Politics after the cut. There's a list of amazing NGOs doing awesome work at the end of the text if you can/want to help the situation of the many groups at risk in Brazil right now. They include LGBTQIA+ groups, Indigenous people, Black communities, feminist movements, and NGOs focused on proper education and food for impoverished children).
In 2018, before the presidential elections, I was walking down Paulista Avenue with one of my closest friends.
Filling one of the widest avenues in Brazil, there was a mob of Bolsonaro supporters holding placards that read "É melhor Jair se acostumando." It's a small word-play with Bolsonaro's name; the idea is "You better start getting used to him". Stationed on the edges of the avenue, police officers stood with guns attached to their waists, crossed arms, and expressions that ranged from pure disinterest to clear enjoyment.
My friend stepped closer to me. He is strong, brilliant, and one of the bravest people I know, and yet he was clearly uncomfortable, so—after I managed to recover from the slight shock of seeing him like that—we linked our arms and avoided the mob in front of us, walking back to the intersection with Consolação Avenue.
Once we were away from the mob and the officers, he looked over his shoulders and sighed.
"If you weren't here, they'd probably have stopped me," he said.
The mob was mostly White. I'm White.
My friend is Black.
"I don't wanna think what will happen if that dude wins the elections," he completed.
His fear was justified. Bolsonaro is a racist, misogynist, homophobic ex-military who preaches in favor of the Military Dictatorship period in Brazil, which killed thousands of Black and Indigenous people while also torturing anyone who spoke up against the military government.
"He won't win," I answered. I was born and raised in São Paulo, one of Brazil's industrial, technological, and cultural hubs; I never thought people would turn a blind eye to how much damage Bolsonaro could make as a president. "He can't win," I added. "Not being who he is."
My friend nodded. We hugged and walked and laughed it off (tried to). And when Bolsonaro won, we both cried.
I guess I was a tad too naïve.
He won. He won, and I never got used to the idea of having such a terrible president. Here are a few things that happened in his government and that are directly connected to him:
(most of the links here are from news articles in Portuguese)
The number of neo-nazism sites in favor of white supremacy increased 400% in Brazil in 2020 compared to the same period in 2018 (before Bolsonaro was elected); this is one of the many consequences of his numerous racist speeches and a small proof of just how racist Brazil is.
The number of military police attacks on low-income communities increased along with the number of COVID deaths.
While, since February 2019, the world already knows that the rights of LGBTQIA+ people are threatened under the current far-right government, the advances in LGBTQIA+ rights n Brazil stopped after Bolsonaro was elected, and instead, there was a movement of retrocession.
The fires in the Amazon Forest further increased by 43% in April 2021 (in 2019, after an increase of 63% in comparison to 2018, I wrote about one of the most terrifying fires in Amazon and how I could see the smoke from it from my home in São Paulo, 3000 km away).
After promising to diminish deforestation in order to receive a large sum of money from the US, the Brazilian Senate is preparing to vote for a new Law Project that tries to make the licensing of land in the Amazon Forest more pliable. That means it'd be disgustingly easier for people to buy and explore the lands that should belong to the Brazilian indigenous people; all they'd need is an auto-declaratory license emitted online without the analysis of any environmental body.
Under the pretext of "helping" the indigenous people, Bolsonaro defends mining and agriculture in indigenous peoples' lands. This is one of the public declarations of repudiation written by the Yanomami people (one of the biggest indigenous communities in Brazil) about Bolsonaro and his visit to their land on May 27th, 2021.
And then we have women's situation, which you can see in the Brazilian annual of Public Security.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. I didn't add the investigations of corruption (including embezzlement of money for COVID-related services), the liberation of guns, the nepotism, the problem with vaccines, the damage of the far-right religious institutions the president supports, and the disrespect and verbal aggression towards women.
... And that's why I felt so proud of my fellow Brazilians yesterday. :3 We're a young people (Brazil is only 521 years old, while England, for example, is 1094, if you think about the creation of the kingdom of England), but we're still doing our best. I might be away from my Land of Drizzle, but I carry my people in my heart, and I cry alongside them, as loud as I can,
♥♥♥ Fora Bolsonaro! ♥♥♥
And even though I can see Brazilians waking up and organizing themselves better, there are still people needing our help right now. If you want to help the situation in Brazil, please consider Donating! Here's a small list of NGOs doing a lot of good in Brazil:
+ APIB ("Brazilian Indigenous People Articulation") - to help the indigenous people in Brazil. (They also have a fantastic documentary subtitled in English you can watch here, showing the situation of the indigenous people in Brazil)
+ CUFA ("Unified Central of Favelas") - to help the impoverished communities and Favelas in Brazil. (I use my credit card to donate to this one; if you're outside Brazil, I think this might work for you too). If you want to help the Covid Relief specifically, CUFA has a project called "Mães da Favela" (Favela mothers), which you can donate to directly through this link.
+ Amigos do Bem - help with famine, donate drinkable water, and improve education in northeast Brazil, one of the areas more impacted by droughts.
+ Omolará (site in Portuguese) - amazing social project focusing on helping Black Woman find education and financial independence.
+ To help the LGBT+ community in Brazil, I'm still searching for NGOs and projects that receive international donations. If you're in Brazil or if you can make wire transfers, I suggest checking this list of fantastic projects (in Portuguese).
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thecosmicblogs · 2 years
I had a heartbreaking story of my dearest friend
There is a friend of mine way too emotional. He knows that and that’s why he never got into relationship bc of fear. He then asked family for arrange marriage. He met this girl on matrimonial site and they both started talking and discussed everything. Both were showing interest into each other’s life and started meeting personally. He started falling for this girl. He also told that girl abt the same. His family was against this relation but he made them to meet her family once. Then Both families met and things were going smooth. Suddenly she started ignoring him then he asked what’s the problem ( they both talked for 20 days it’s small time period but some people feel attachment too early) . She told that she wanted break from this arrange marriage procedure and wants to focus on her pending work. He tried his level best to make things ok with this girl. But she refused to listen. After some time she sends him sympathy messages. At that time I was in India. He called me and I visited him that night. I saw tears into his eyes. He broke down in front of me. After seeing message he outburst on that girl and said something bad which he was not supposed to say. After that she blocked him from everywhere. He was not satisfied with the reason she had given as reason given by her was way too lame. I used tricks and techniques And somehow find out that she was already in love with some guy who left her and she is still waiting for that guy. And my friend still can’t get over her. I told him that she is in love with some other guy and he was her rebound.It’s been almost 2 months and my friend is still in trauma. And asked me how can she do this to me? What should I tell him ? I don’t have answer for that.
Right now I am out of India and I know he needs me more than anything but I am helpless.
My friend is not that religious but that girl always used Allah name in every lies she told him.
I also used lies and fake stories to know that girl’s intentions
All the shayaris I’m writing here is written by him.
#lesson from life
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hirschrichard · 2 years
Khazak Ambassador and Consul General Meeting with Chabad in New York ( Emmanuil Grinshpun)
Yerzhan Ashikbayev has had a busy few months. Ever since being appointed as Kazakhstan's ambassador to the United States in April, Mr. Ashikbayev has met with numerous diplomats and government officials in the hopes of strengthening relations between the Central Asian country and the U.S. https://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/bye?https://www.kazconsulate.com/en/embassy-consulates-in-usa/kazakhstan-honorary-consul-in-florida Emmanuil Grinshpun In the course of his duties, the ambassador, together with Consul General Almat Aidabekov, scheduled a conference with Chabad to discuss the state of Jewish living in Khazakstankhstan. Rabbi Mendy Kolarsky and Shimon Rivkin from Merkos Suite 302. Emmanuil Grinshpun Chabad Headquarters were also invited. Emmanuil Grinshpun is vice-president of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress as well as Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan. They discussed the past of Jewish lives and the activities being carried out by Chabad in Kazakhstan under the guidance of Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen ( Kazakhstan's chief Shliach) Afterward the following day, later, Mr. Grinshpun stated that "it was an extremely fruitful meeting." "We are extremely fortunate to have leaders, such as the former president Mr. Nazarbayev and current President Mr. Tokayev. These men have facilitated a lot of religious tolerance in our country. "We are all convinced that the government is truly a friend to the Jewish People." https://www.ted.com/profiles/38473808 The Consul General and Ambassador reiterated that the government supports the Jewish Community and all religious minorities. They expressed their interest in continuing building Jewish life within the Republic by cooperating with Chabad. The majority Muslim populace's government is proud of being religiously sensitive and closely works to ensure the wellbeing of the country. While serving as the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs in Kazakhstan and Ambassador Ashikbayev has previously worked with Chabad Shluchim and philanthropist M. Abraham Shaulson. After all the flights were grounded in the last year due to COVID-19 The Ambassador was instrumental in obtaining special permission for a small contingent of Americans to fly to Kazakhstan in order to make the journey to the grave of Reb Luke Yitzchak Snowrson to mark the 20th anniversary of his death. The delegation took advantage of this occasion to sponsor the transport of much-needed PPE as well as medical equipment for the country. The Kazak government also declared Reb Levi Yaitzchak'sKever Kazakh National Heritage Site in the course of the pilgrimage. Emmanuil Grinshpun Two months before the 20th anniversary, the meeting also talked about plans for next year's pilgrimage. The organizers expect around 600 individuals from all walks of the globe to attend this year's festival. The organizers also plan to host a conference on Chabad Shluchim in surrounding countries together in conjunction with Rabbi Berel Kazar and Moshe Kokotlarsky. Emmanuil Grinshpun The discussion was about what the government can do to help these massive projects. Mr. Ashikbayevconfirmed Kazakhstan’s "...commitment, to provide any assistance to arrange visitation for prayer and study at The Resting Place of the great Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson. Rabbi Kotlarsky stated that "we are very appreciative for the tremendous open support the Kazak government gives us." It's truly an honor to collaborate with people like the Consul General and Ambassador. Our aim is to take care of all Jew's spiritual and material needs. The government of Kazakhstan has been a valuable partner in this effort.
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