#fuckshit x reader
kya-is-kool · 5 months
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•i feel like even though he's the driver of the group, when it's just you two you normally drive. he's a passenger princess n shi 💀
•calls you ma, mamas, baby, mama, all them fboy pet names
•he's honestly so easy going. like he always has the "whatever you say beautiful" type attitude. not really one to disagree with you
•if you already know how to skate, he finds it so hot. like if you get angry because you can't do a trick right, it's hot to him. or you being able to do some super crazy trick, it's hot to him
•on the other hand, if you can't skate he teaches you. simple things though, like how to shove it, riding off small ramps nothing too crazy
•when it comes to intimacy, he definitely knows what he's doing. he's experienced, but like i said, he's easygoing for you. so if you like to take the lead, he's cool with that. if you'd rather him take the lead, he's cool with that too.
•he's literally the king of pda. he ain't scared, he'll hold your hand, hold your waist, kiss you (fully make out in public too). if you're not comfortable with pda, he'll try so hard to keep his hands off you, but inevitably will be touching you in some sort of way because he's fuckshit, he has to
•random but he really likes when you touch his thighs, hands, or neck in any way
•he's one interesting guy
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
Hi idk if your even taking request but I was wondering if you could do a mid 90s?? But just of fuckshit yk? 
yes ofc 🙏🙏🙏 requests are always open pookies !! hopefully I got what you're looking for 🤞🤞
FUCKSHIT ; dating headcanons
warnings ; language, mentions of weed, cigarettes, and alcohol
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this man has a soft side
he's not the hard, rebellious boy he puts an act on for
when it's just you two, he's really clingy and shit
he's usually the driver but most the time you're driving him around, istg
fucking passenger princess ass
you even have to order for him when getting fast food
"Dude just lean over me, I'm not memorizing your whole order"
he likes sharing music with you, like if he has a new favorite song or if he got into a new artist, he always goes to show you first
"It's a fuckin kids meal!"
getting high with him in his car and sleeping the nights in the back is a usual activity
skating with him ⁉️⁉️⁉️
constantly complimenting you and catcalling you
if you're learning something new, he refuses you trying to give up. literally places you back on your board and shoves you away
"you got this shawty!"
calls you all those fuckboy nicknames like ma, mamas, shawty, etc.
he usually calls you a nickname though, he likes putting the friendship you had before the relationship over the whole dating thing
very carefree in your relationship
he's not controlling at all idk what some of yall are talking about
he's pretty lowkey about the whole relationship thing, like his friends obv know and yk estees group, other skater groups and whatever, but he's not prancing it around
look, if you dress a little less for a chilly day, he's got a hoodie and probably some spare pants for you too
he's pretty much like a 7 or 8 on a pda scale but he's not making out with you in public
he'd literally kill you if you even suggested that
for valentines day you just straight up got him a tiny box of joints that you hand wrapped yourself and a six pack
he totally forgot to get you anything but repayed you in some stickers and t-shirts from motorz that you wanted
unlike popular opinion, he's not that much of a player
at least to you
there's some sort of mutual bond you've gotten from your friendship and you carried it into your relationship. there's no lying, there's no hiding shit
people fuck up, it's fine
although when he gets fucked up, he gets fucked up
he's not abusive, just scary cause he gets loud and dumb
if you have acne, he loves it. it makes you look like a real person and not all those conventionally attractive fuckers who are made of plastic
he's been diagnosed with ADD so thats a whole different thing in itself
he seems like the type of person to trace over your bacne scars with a marker
also uses the marker on your back to draw random doodles
always gotta sign his name on your shoulder blade for some reason
he loves skating with you, his passion and his love
he's corny as fuck sometimes and the other boys pick at him but he can't help it
constant makeout sessions when you're alone at motorz/at each other's houses
he subtly matches his outfits with you sometimes
like if you're wearing a red flannel, he'll wear a red tshirt. if you're wearing nikes, he is too
ass smacking competitions
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cosmicck · 8 months
hey idk if you reqests are open but i saw that you might of wanted to write for the mid 90's if you are could you do it when were kinda in stevies place you kinda innocent but not really ykyk
thanks hope you have a great day/night
1996. MID 90'S💿
it's useless.
i tried,
but to no avail.
to tell you.
how much i know,
how much i care.
song: . . .ılı YOUNGEST DAUGHTER superheaven
TW: male leaning reader(fem welcome), abuse mentions(since reader is somewhat in the position of stevie), reader is a little older than original stevie(about 15-16 instead of thirteen) but can be imagined to simply look up to fuckshit and ray, reader is hinted to have feelings for fuckshit and/or ray but of course it's the mid 90's, ruben's an asshole, 4th grade is a sweetheart bro, yes there is an edit link on 'mid 90's', last few sentences are just fuckshit and ray
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ray who would notice you first walking into the store, your mood was sour and the left side of your chest burned and ached due to the harsh feeling of being thrown against the hard turquoise green wall, to only be thrown back onto the floor with countless punches being throw on you. he's see you but only talk to you really the moment you'd come back after filling up the water jug which originally looked to be used for milk. "what's a kid like you doin' out here." "i'm no older than you." "for real? shit, you look twelve." you'd take that as a compliment in a way, laughing it off along with him as he chugged the gallon a bit of the water rolling down his chin. you liked him, he was comforting to be around.
fuckshit who would laugh at the first words he even heard you utter. the joke was dumb, but it worked out for him put another smile on his face his usual words, "fuck shit, that was dope. this nigga kinda funny i liked that." the sound of your newly made nickname would slur out dramatically as he spoke to you, made you feel special like you were really apart of the group already. the sun would shine warmly onto your skin as fuckshit would only keep up with you in the back, nodding his head as you were slowly getting the hang of your board. "there you go! just like that, push your body weight a little more."
4th grade who would get a moment with you in the shop a lone as he tampered with a few settings on his camera letting you watch. a few small questions turned into a full conversation mostly half of the reasons why you'd even become friends with them in the first place. "ya'll looked cool, i wanted to fit in and be like the rest of you." "but what if we weren't. you know, 'cool.'" "i'd still want friends regardless fourth grade." he truly felt you on that one. feeling left out and alone and seeing a group of kids or a kid that gives you an ache, 'i have to get them to notice me.' those few thoughts running through your mind. just wanting to feel like someone for the one time.
ruben who would grow to dislike you. giving small 'fuck you's' that would sound like jokes at first but each time you spoke to him the conversations would get smaller and less interesting. he didn't like the way ray would come and sit next to you on the floor and his arm would stay on your shoulders being humorous with the others. that stupid look in your eyes as you watched him speak, the smile you had slowly fading as you slowly really started to admire him and take in all his details and habits, he could simply tell and that shit would piss him off enough to leave. but not home. "uh— ruben? where you goin'?" "fuck off ray." it only felt as if they'd talk when he was getting ready to leave.
ray who would really talk to you as you'd go over to some party. he would cheer you on as some girl would drag you to a room but some feeling would bubble up giving his face a frown the moment he realized it. he didn't like you were going in there with her, it felt weird as if you was 'growing up too fast' though he only just met you but that wasn't even the only feeling. he'd root for you the second time meeting you back outside. you were fucked up and high on some shit but that smile on your face didn't go unnoticed the hat you wore falling off your head mid-step. he wasn't all for partying, and meth, and smoking, and drinking all of that shit but you? you needed to get home you looked on your last breath.
fuckshit who would drive you home just to get a frantic knock on his own few hours after, your body crashing into his almost like a hug but your breathing was quick sounding like you really ran your ass over here. "woah, shit what you doin' over here? it's late as shit you should be home." "please, i don't wanna go home.." the sobs you let out made him give in but he'd keep you at his doorstep for a while, the both of his arms coming the wrap around you only one of them atop your head which would be giving his best to give you more comfort. he could barely look at the bruises on your arms which he was sure you had more, your brother chased you around the damn house. he bit the skin off his lip seeing the lines on your neck not mentioning much, he knew what you tried to do. "come on, let's get to bed man."
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fuckshitslover · 1 year
shook up - fuckshit
you woke up, alarmed as you heard the ringing of your clock, about to lean forward, you put your hand on the linen, expecting to feel the soft quilt. instead, you felt something out of the ordinary. soft, hard flesh of someone's arm.
you quickly turned your head, to see an all too familiar face laying next to you, fuckshit. (or andre , as his family calls him). you two were best friends, so seeing him in your bed wasnt too unusual.
but you were naked.
and so was he.
that was what was out of the ordinary. you were confused, and apparently, he was too. you saw him start stirring in his sleep and out of habit, pulled up the quilt over your bare chest, although you didnt feel that there was really a point in that. he sputters something and then rubs his eyes, opening them to a very confused face, his best friend, you.
he wasn't nearly as shocked as you were, until he realised he had no clothes on, and neither did you. he was taken aback, trying to form a sentence but the confusion added to his regular amount of grammar skills gave him no luck.
you felt a pounding headache, signifying that you two had been drinking that night.
his thoughts, obviously moving slower that yours caused him to blurt out "do you think we fucked?" straight to the point i guess.
"looks like it"
"fuck... shiiiiiit. thats something new".
he was still obviously too fucked out to realise what this meant, it had pretty much put a ripple in the time space continuum! even if he didn't yet, you knew that you guys could never be the same again, even if you tried you would always have this moment playing in the back of your mind. suddenly, you heard rapid knocking on your door and fuckshit turned around as he knew you were going to get up.
you reached into your wardrobe and pulled out a robe and ran to the door. you heard fuckshit scrambling to get his clothes (that were sprawled out on the floor) and you opened the door.
you were met with a camera clad fourthgrade, ray next to him with a thirteen year old behind him.
i wonder where ruben is?
they invited themselves into your home as the kid stayed with ray in the living room, fourthgrade ran to you room, appearing to be filming for this weird school project he was doing.
he opened the door with a swift 'aha' and ran over to what sounded like fuckshit cursing him out.
might make a part 2, might not. tell me if you want one.
also i have a hc that fuckshit's name is actually andre fischer.
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h0rneyb1ch · 8 months
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xelmokidx · 5 months
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Mid90’s x gn or fem!reader / slight Fuckshit x gn!reader
Reader wanted a nickname, so the boys tried to come up with one. It sucked + readers' first time meeting the boys. 
Warnings!!: two mentions of fem pronouns sorta. Just fluff:D
Spike Psyche. That's my nickname. Out of all the things my friends could have nick-named me. Spike Psyche. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I say, appalled. Fuckshit nods, swigging back his Coke. 
“Yup.” he replies as Sunburn (aka stevie) giggles at the name.“Why?” I exclaim in disbelief. 
Ray chuckles at the nickname before muttering
 “Thats fucked up” Fuckshit opens his stupid mouth again. “Because all you talk about Is chopping off our heads and putting them on spikes, and how you want to kill yourself after every minor inconvenience.” I gasp, putting my hand over my chest dramatically. “I do not!”
Ruben shakes his head. “Yes, you do.”
FourthGrade chuckles behind his camera and I glare at him. He sinks down into the couch. “I do not talk about killing myself that much guys, if anything Ruben does more than me!” Ruben whips his head around to look at me. “Man, fuck you” He starts “I do not talk about that depressed shit.” I shake my head. “Y’all are trippin’” I look around the shop and see some customers listening in on our conversation. “I will not let yall call me that dumbass name, I like Y/N so much better”
Fourth grade finally chimes in. “But last week you said you hated your basic name and you wanted a nickname.” Bless his innocent soul. “Well I take it back, i am not answering to ‘Spike Psyche’” I sink into the couch with a pout. “Well fine ma, we’ll find you a “good nickname” Fuckshit reasons. I nod. We sit in silence as Ray gets up to help the customer. I look around the shop. 
New posters of artists I like are on the walls. Fuckshit insisted on making the space mine as well as theirs. All I heard was ‘we need new decorations and you have good taste in music’ I didn't really mind though. I've always wanted to add my own little spice into the skate shop ever since I first stepped foot in it. I think back a couple years. 
I was 13. I wanted a new board for my birthday. So, my dad took me to the nearest shop. Four boys sat on a couch near a wall, watching MTV on their small TV. The tall one noticed us first. He nudged the golden haired boy to his left, who then looked up at me. “Oh shit” he muttered under his breath. My dad frowned. I guess he caught that. “Hey, welcome to Motorz, how can I help y'all today?” he asked, clearly trying to impress my dad (on account of my dads business attire). 
My dad spoke for me while I hid behind him in fear. I was never good with new people. Especially ones I found cool. 
As my dad pressed questions like ‘How old even are you?’ and ‘fuckshits your name?’ I only found the kid cooler. How did you even wind up with a name like Fuckshit? 
Soon enough, my own personal skateboard was in my hands, and my dad was dragging me out of the shop despite my wanting to stay. As I looked behind me to the boys, and the supposed fuckshit was waving to me out the door. With my other free hand I waved back. He smiled a soft smile, and then walked back into the shop yelling “that chick was hot!” I smiled to myself the whole way home. I went back to the shop after school one day to see fuckshit again, and just stayed there for three years. My dad warmed up to fuckshit eventually, but still has some grudges against him. 
And I'm still in love with the stupid kid, even though he gets on my nerves almost every day.
 I look at fuckshit now. His hair is longer, yet less taken care of and frizzy. He has more scars from skateboarding. And his eyes look even more green against his tan olive skin. Suddenly, he speaks. “I got it!” I roll my eyes and mutter “what is it?” He smirks and walks over to me slightly slotting his legs between mine. “Your new nickname is Stalker, because you're always staring at me” The boys erupt in laughter. I gasp “fuck you” 
“You wish ma,” 
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nicotinefeind · 6 months
why he kinda..
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deathmetalangel · 1 year
yoo whats up, i got an idea for a request.
fuckshit from mid90s x male reader if ur good with that,
was thinking it could be somewhere along the lines of enemies to lovers, and they could be all competitive and in envy of each other at first but are like actually lustful and and end up together? like reader is from a different skater friend group that owns another skate shop in town and yeah thanks dude
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warnings: swearing, enemies to lovers, mention of homophobia, underage drinking, smoking, partying, sexual innuendos, i actually really like this
they say they really hate each other, but everyone seems to doubt that
It was another day in the very busy city of Los Angeles. Summer break had made the local teens run rampant through the streets. Especially the ones that lived downtown with no way to get around and nothing to do besides skating.
The two local skate shops were ran and acted as home to two opposing or rival skater groups. The Motor Avenue boys were chill and easygoing compared to the hard nosed Xtreme teens. The oldest of the group was the tallest and most intimidating. A man of few words the seventeen year old was ‘lovingly’ nicknamed Myers. He never complained though.
“Myers where the fuck were you? We literally agreed to meet ten minutes ago.” The second oldest boy, MD, starts to nag.
“Yo, shut the fuck up. Hop off my dick MD. I was only ten minutes late. It isn’t like some Big Brother scouts are gonna see you or something in the ten minutes I missed.”
The three younger boys watch the two fight. They were used to it and didn’t care as much as MD did about time restraints. “Can we just skate? Sheesh. Everything doesn’t gotta be a fucking issue. Especially when a guy who’s government is so embarrassing he nicknamed himself after Molly wants to act tough.” MD turns back towards the sloppy boy.
Red doesn’t even get any amusement from how pissed the guy was. He just wanted to skate. “You know what Red how about-” The youngest kid, a newly fourteen year old, shushes his older brother.
“You’re embarrassing me. Just get your board MD. I wanna skate this pool, plus you promised you’d teach me to drop in.” The h/c haired boy sighs and grabs his skateboard. The two go off ahead of their friends, but stop before they fully get to the empty pool.
Myers and the two other guys walk over to see what stalled the pair when they see them. The Motor boys. “Son of a bitch. Who told those losers we found this place?” All eyes land on the other group of skaters.
“N****, who you calling a fucking loser? Look at yourself.” The very well known Fuckshit shouts out from the other side of the bowl. MD huffs before dropping his board.
"Loser? I'll beat your ass right here right now you wannabe hood rat! I’ll pull your head out of your fucking ass while I’m at it!" Both boys start to make their way to one another when Myers pulls his friend back.
MD glares at the taller boy who was making a fool out of him. "Nah we can't let them talk shit, they're lame ass wannabes Myers. Don't go sticking up for them now. No wonder Ash broke up with your pussy ass."
"Leave her out of this. I'm just stopping you from doing something stupid." MD tries to break free. but ultimately fails. He shouts at Myers, who doesn't even respond.
Myers eventually lets him down and walks over to the other side of the bowl to talk it out. "Yo Ray MD didn't mean no disrespect, but we found this spot first. MD is just pissed because he was the one who found it."
MD steps to Fuckshit. "Damn right I found it." The two begin to square each other up. Seeing who would win in a fight before actually fighting. Y/n would be damned if he let this guy get the best of him.
“Take it easy dawg. We can share the bowl. This shit is huge anyways.” Red negotiates the deal with the two parties. Ray shrugs and turns to his crew. They seemed to be fine with it, only Fuckshit had a problem. And his problem was y/n.
Soon enough both crews start to skate and show off their best tricks while trying to land new ones, but the whole time y/n and Fuckshit are attempting to one up each other. Fuckshit lands a simple ollie, y/n has to land a 360 flip. They just kept going back and forth even though the rest of the guys were chilling.
It starts to get dark fast. Summer days lasted long, but the nights lasted longer. “Yo my bitch invited me to a party, she said her private school friends are gonna be there. You know how Catholic school girls are, such fucking sluts!” The suggestion belonged to the youngest, about 15 years old, the infamous Brick. Why he was called Brick, he once beat a kid with a brick. Said it was ‘on accident’.
“Yo Myers can you drive us?” Red turns to the boy who just got out of the bowl. He just nods and picks up his board. Red wants to just pick up and leave, but he turns back towards the Motor guys. "Hey you foo's wanna hit up the function?" Y/n whips around almost angry at the suggestion.
Fuckshit turns to Ray who shrugs. The boy sees how pissed off y/n was and chuckles under his breath. "Fo sho. What's the addy?" Red writes down the address on some random piece of paper he had for some reason and both squads head on their way.
All of the Xtreme kids pile into Myers minivan, yeah he borrowed his moms car. "I don't know why you had to invite those losers Red, they're fucking buzzkills."
"You're just mad cause your gay as wants to fuck on Fuckshit or sum, pop a fucking xan and relax dude. You're looking hella weird with how much you be obsessed with the n****."
The rest of the car ride was boring, well to MD. Y/n thought staring angrily out the window was better than talking to his friends until they got to the house. That and he was contemplating what Red had said earlier, was he really that obsessed with the blond? No way, it was just a rivalry like Myers and Ray, but Myers and Ray didn't constantly look at each other from the opposite side of the skatepark.
Y/n had bigger problems to deal with when he was smack dab in the middle of a blaring party with a hoe on his right and a 40 in his left hand. "Shit ma you know I ain't about this shit." The girl was already getting annoyed at him. After ten minutes of her trying to get his attention y/n just stood there like a statue. His eyes not once wavering and glancing at the scantily dressed girl.
"Ugh you're fucking gay or something. I mean who could resist all this." She motions down her body with a smirk. Her hips sway like she's still trying to get at him.
Y/n makes a face, he wasn't exactly interested in the girl who the guys called chlamydia girl. "Anyone with standards that doesn't think with their std infected dick could." Her face turns bright red and she's livid, but he just decides to dip before she yaps his ear off. That girl was weird.
He was already buzzed when he made it outside. All of his friends were inside, but he needed a break from that shit. Y/n sits down on the bottom step, shivering slightly when the cold concrete touches his back through his tee and undershirt. Ignoring the sounds around him he lights the blunt he rolled before he left his house. His nerves steady as he starts to inhale the smoke.
"Can I get a hit of that?" Y/n looks up at Fuckshit who was taking a seat next to him. Y/n shrugs and passes the blunt to him. "You know you talk a lot of shit for someone who skates like shit." He chuckles while blowing out smoke.
Y/n turns to look at him. "Yeah and the bitches say you fuck like shit so who's really the loser?"
"You really are fucking annoying ain't you? Always got something smart to say."
"You're the one who started throwing jabs while hitting my blunt, weed isn't cheap. Well, my strain isn't."
"Damn homie thinks he's bougie cause he smokes fancy ass weed. Just shut up man you look better with your mouth shut." Fuckshit was obviously already on something, you couldn't force half of this shit out of him normally.
Y/n didn't really know what to say. "What you wanna fuck me or something man?" It was mostly meant as a joke and the rest meant to test the waters. They were supposed to hate each other, but now it was hard to tell where they stood.
Fuckshit hits the blunt again. "What if I do? Ain't no shame in my game n****, cause you be eye banging me all the damn time."
"I don't eye bang you fucker." Y/n gets in his face slightly embarrassed at the insinuation. Fuckshit just laughs and blows smoke into his face.
"Sure you don't MD. It's aight tho, I know I'm sexy."
"You know if you weren't such an asshole you'd be cuter."
"Nah you like me cause I am an asshole don't you? Ha look at you getting all nervous n shit. I make you nervous? Can't believe how little it takes to get the big bad MD nervous."
Y/n presses forward instinctively. His lips pressing against Fuckshit's to stop the onslaught of teases. "Fuck shit," The blond mumbles slightly when they pull apart.
"Come on, ain't no way you're driving home. I'll let you crash at my place. Give me your keys I'll give them to Ray then well walk to my crib." Y/n grabs the boy who had already smoked the whole blunt, selfish bastard.
"Can I get head?"
"Shut the fuck up."
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queff-boi · 13 days
Crossing lines
The night buzzed with the energy of the party, music thumping through the walls, laughter and shouts blending into a chaotic symphony. Fuckshit and m/n had always been at odds, trading barbs and glares whenever they crossed paths. Tonight was no different. They'd arrived separately, determined to avoid each other.
As the night wore on, the house filled with a haze of smoke and the scent of spilled beer. Fuckshit found himself slumped on a battered couch, a blunt lazily passed between him and a few others. M/n wandered in, eyes scanning the room until they landed on the couch. With a resigned sigh, he squeezed into the spot next to fuckshit.
"Didn't think i'd see you here," Fuckshit muttered, taking a long drag and passing the blunt.
"Yeah, well, life's full of disappointments," M/n shot back, grabbing the blunt and inhaling deeply.
They sat in silence for a while, the blunt moving between them, the music and the chatter around them fading into the background. It was a fragile truce, each hit smoothing the edges of their animosity.
"Why you always gotta be such a dick?" Fuckshit finally broke the silence, his voice low and rough.
"Me? You're the one who always starts shit," you snapped, his eyes narrowing.
"You think you're better than everyone else, don't you?" Fuckshit leaned closer, his breath hot and smelling faintly of weed.
"You're the ones who's all talk, Fuckshit. You think you're tough, but you're just a poser," M/n retorted, their faces inches apart now.
The argument escalated, voices rising above the din of the party, fingers jabbing at chests, eyes blazing. Then, out of nowhere, Fuckshit grabbed m/n by the collar and crashed their lips together, silencing the triade. The kiss was rough, desprate, and for a moment, m/n was to stunned to react.
Then you kissed back, matching Fuckshit's intensity, their hands tangling in each others hair. When they finally pulled apart, both of you were breathing hard, the anger replaced by something else, something neither wanted to name.
"Fuck, shiiit," Fuckshit breathed, his forehead resting against yours. "Let's get out of here." he said.
You nodded, swallowing hard, and they stumbled out of the house, the night air cool against their flushed skin. They found themselves at Fuckshit's place. The door barely closed behind them before they were on each other again, shedding clothes and inhibitions alike.
In the dim light of Fuckshit's room, they fell into bed, their bodies colliding, driven by a mix of anger, lust, and something else lurking beneath the surface. It was messy, raw, and real, each touch a testament to the thin line between hate and desire.
When it was over, they lay tangled in the sheets, the silence heavy with unspoken words. M/n turned his head, catching Fuckshit's gaze, seeing a flicker of something vulnerable in his eyes.
"Guess we're not enemies anymore," you murmured, a half smile playing on your lips.
"Yeah," Fuckshit replied, his hand reaching out to rest on your chest. "Guess not." he said.
They drifted off, the tensions of the past dissolving into the darkness, the beginning of something neither had expected.
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Can u do a fem!reader wanting to do fuckshuts hair?
stop I love this sm. also I apologize for any typos, I just got acrylics for the first time and I'm struggling rn :,)
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༺ fuckshit x gn!reader ༻
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Fuckshit and I laid in his bed listening to the new Bigge cd he got yesterday.
He was on his back reading lyrics along with the music in the background.
I softly picked up a curl from near my face and twirled it around my pointer finger before letting it fall.
"You have such nice hair.." I whispered since our faces were pretty close to each other.
He looked at me for a second and smiled a bit at the compliment.
"Yeah..its a pain in the ass to keep up with though." Andre sighed in annoyance at just the thought.
"I could braid it if you'd like? You know, keep it outta your face n all.." I offered.
"Fuck it, sure." He agreed.
Fuckshit got up from his spot on the bed and sat down on the floor in front of me.
I sat up and swung my legs over so he was sitting in between them.
I decided on just one braid going down his back since it wouldn't take very long.
It wasn't the easiest thing since his hair was kind of a mess but I made it work.
Once I was done I realized I didn't have anything to tie it with, I scanned his room and didn't see any in sight.
"I dont have a rubber band or anything." I said, hoping he had one I didn't see.
Andre slightly rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie and slipped the elastic he kept on his wrist, handing it back to me.
I tied off his hair and smoothed my hands over the top of his head.
"All done." I kissed the crown of his head and rested my chin on top.
"Thank you, baby. Always so good to me." He thanked and tipped his head back to peck my lips while he smiled.
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any likes, comments or reblogs are appreciated!! pls dont repost on other platforms unless you give credit!!
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ares--athena · 3 months
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Fuckshit x black fem! Reader
Summary: headcanons for dating fuckshit from mid90s
A/n : if nobody else will write for this movie ig i will
A late birthday self indulgence my birthday was a month ago 02/18 so enjoy!
You would meet because his parents want him to get higher grades and no else would do it
Fuckshit is not the kind of guy your parents want you to be with
The type to teach you to do tricks on his skateboard
You would definitely have to get along with the rest of his crew but Ray especially for this relationship to work
If you do know how to skateboard that would be something you both bond over
Definitely the type to help you with your hair and all styles too, box braids, locs, afro, or just curl depending on your hair type
Would definitely get along with older cousins and siblings especially if they're chill like he is
If you want your younger siblings and cousins or family members in general to have a good role model; it's not him.
Sometimes he has rough patches where you have to help him with his work, when he just only wants skate.
If you cook or bake he's your number one fan
anything you make pasta, burgers, cookies, cakes, literally anything this man will eat it and 9/10 will enjoy it.
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kya-is-kool · 5 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐒 !: okay so i'll say it again just to prevent confusion, i have a hc that fuckshits real name is aaron, so reader might be calling him that
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: fuckshit sneaks through your window after getting in a fight seeking your comfort, and for you to patch him up because god knows he couldn't do it himself
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you find your eyes growing heavy as they desperately try to chase each word on the page of your book. you're so close to finishing it, but can't seem to find it in yourself. "i'd better go to sleep," you say, to no one in particular. you turn off your lamp, letting the moonlight spill into your room as the only source of illumination. suddenly, there's a tap at your window. then, there's another tap followed by another and another and...you finally get out of your bed, determined to put an end to the tapping noise.
"what the hell?" you utter. once you reach your window, you look down to find fuckshit, pebbles in hand. he looks up at you, and gives a half smile. your brows furrow, as you open the window. "what are you doing here? it's nearly twelve in the morning, dude."
"i know i just..." he trails off, getting lost in the attempt to find the right words. "is there a way up there?"
"aaron i don't think it's a good idea," you say, looking out the window cautiously making sure none of your parents have noticed and investigated.
"please, [name]." you think about it, and how could you really say no?
"alright, fine. there's a ladder on the side of the house." after a few moments of waiting, surely enough he returns with the ladder, fearlessly climbing up. you help him inside, even though there isn't much light in the room, you're still able to make out the dark bruises littering his body and his bloody nose. you rush to the lamp, and turn it on before going back over to the boy.
"what the hell happened to you?" you ask, concern laced in your tone. you place a hand on his cheek, studying his face making sure there are no dire injuries there apart from his nose.
"those fuckin' idiots were talking 'bout you, ma. i dont know where my head was at but i just started..hitting them," he admits, looking down, and leaning into your touch just a bit.
"aaron, baby, i need you to understand that it doesn't matter what they say, okay?" he doesn't say anything to that, and looks back up to your eyes. "c'mon, let's get you cleaned up." he nods, as you lead him to your bathroom. you switch on the light, and gesture to the counter.
"sit there," you instruct softly. he does as you say, and looks at you patiently as you get out the first aid kit. you go to stand between his legs, before you grab a wipe, and reach up to his nose.
"how bad does it hurt?" you ask, as you touch it lightly. he hisses slightly in pain.
"s'not too bad," he answers. you nod, and start to wipe away the blood. as you continue taking care of him, he simply gazes into your eyes, seemingly in a daze.
"you okay, baby?" you ask, looking at him with slight worry.
"yeah i'm good," he responds, as you apply a bandaid to the cut going across his nose. you then tilt his chin up gently to take a look at his bruised jaw.
"you poor thing," you coo.
"i'm tellin' you it's not that bad," he counters, with a small smile. you shake your head smile, and begin to patch up his knuckles. you apply some bandages, and clean up the blood. you rest your hands on his thighs, before pecking him on the lips.
"all done," you say, proud of your work. he smiles as he admires you.
"thanks," he says, before his eyes flicker to your lips. you take that as him asking for a kiss, which you happily oblige to. you lean in, kissing him softly. he kisses back contently, and after a moment you pull away.
"so who won the fight though?" you mumble against his lips. he chuckles.
"obviously me."
"oh obviously, huh?" you tease, with a small laugh. you kiss him again, smiling into it.
"only for you, [name]."
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
MID90S ; first kiss
includes ; fuckshit, ray & fourthgrade
warnings ; language, talk of weed, mentions of alcohol, mentions/jokes of sex
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while at a skate park in the dark
you two were just smoking and enjoying the silence of the night
he just turns to you with a little smile
and you just go for it
quickly leads to a makeout session
you were so high you didn't even remember
the next day at Motorz, he's talking to the other boys all about it before you get there
rays like "Hey y/n. so how was your night?"
and you're totally oblivious for a minute
the others are like "yo fuckshit lied lmao"
but he stands his ground
"I'm not lying n****! dude, how high were you? do you actually not remember??"
you guys were jamming to music after closing at motorz
he turns your head to face him while one of his favorite songs is playing
then he just kisses you all within a second
he just smiles and shrugs
then you kiss him back before he can turn away
fuckshit comes back for a hoodie that he accidently left and walks into you two making out on the couch
"yo, can I have my hoodie?"
he's unphased but internally cheering for you guys
you quickly toss him the hoodie and get back to sucking face
then the blonde just shrugs and leaves
he immediately calls fourthgrade over the nearest payphone to tell him
and then the next morning at the court house before you and Ray show up, he gossips about it to Ruben and Stevie as well
"Yeah, Ray's dreams are now taken up by screwing y/n
you guys were skating around town and caught a break at a gas station
you got slushies
outside before you get back to skating, he just grabs your face, kisses you and skates away
you just sit there like "wth" and chase after him
you don't talk about it til estees party bc you were both bored and didn't want to smoke or drink with the others
"I like you"
"I can tell. I mean, feelings reciprocated"
"Uh huh"
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Could you do yandere Fuckshit and ruben from mid 90s? Like how they act and what type of yanderes they'd be and How'd they approach the reader and maybe if sunburn could be like a platonic yandere if your comfortable ofc xx
Yandere Fuckshit
He manages to impress you immediately with his charisma. Thanks to its attractiveness, it attracts all your attention. He's not very good at empathy. He is not afraid to use violence when it comes to you and your relationship. He is very fierce, especially against his opponents.
Yandere Ruben
He is the possessive type. He is narrow-minded about changing his thoughts and ideas. He is always following you. It's violent when it comes to you. It is especially severe towards those who oppose and harm your relationship.
Yandere Sunburn (Stevie)
He is the selfish type. He is narrow-minded about changing his thoughts. It has a possessive nature. His smug attitude causes some fights. Because of its stickiness, you have to spend most of your time with it. This makes it difficult for you to spend time with others.
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fuckshitslover · 1 year
Do you think you could make a like fuckshit x reader nsfw please?? Mans isn’t wrote about enough.🥲
Your wish is my command ;) comments appreciated
PROMPT:    Multiple orgasms. Fuckshit is obsessed with making Y/N cum over and over again.
STORY: That’s how it always has been. Fuckshit has a massive thing for making you cum repeatedly. You didn't expect it from him, he’s a laid-back guy so you thought he would be like that in the bedroom too… Oh how wrong you were. If he’s really in the mood you’ll be in for it. Your look when you're spiralling in pleasure after your 3rd orgasm is heaven to him. Sitting on your bed, sprawled out, laying on your boyfriend’s chest, him pounding into your pussy at a rapid pace from behind. You could only think about what was happening in the moment, fuckshit’s fingers circling your clit rapidly, creating a sense of pleasure that you never thought you would be able to achieve. This had been going on for nearly an hour, and you were starting to cry from the euphoric feeling. “morrreee!” you felt his warm cum shoot high into your pussy, making you feel even better. Fuckshit pulled out, immediately using his other hand and shoving two fingers into your sopping cunt. Your moans weren't even coherent anymore, just babbling, eyes rolling into the back of your head in pleasure just as you cum for the however-many-eth time (you can't even remember). You collapse onto fuckshit’s chest, as he strokes your sides.
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xelmokidx · 8 months
dude for years I’ve been looking for fuckshit x reader or fourthgrade x reader but the findings have been extremely scarce and I am depressed about that.
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Like look at them
dude I might just write abt them for the sake of humanity
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