nyooome · 5 months
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gaako doodle
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raveneaine · 2 years
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We Are The Side Characters Of The Demon World!
Show love to these characters as well. Shaoron is nice and all, but-
Wholesome Azuki and Gaako
Anyways Season 3 is coming out soon, so Hype
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fungusamongus · 2 years
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gaako wants something; shika is clueless.
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neonebula · 2 years
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lasaraconor · 5 hours
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
So, just breaking up requests with throwing up stuff for various fandoms that I’ve been writing or had stored away from previous writing! I thought it would give a better variety of all the fandoms I do write for and really get me back into the swing of things, while still getting you guys (semi)well-written replies! So, for these headcanons, I used this prompt over here and, instead of picking a character and spelling their name, I spelled out the name of the fandom, Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! fully and wrote headcanons I have for the various characters! I hope you’ll all enjoy!
          W: Would they rather go to the beach or to the mountains?
I feel like Ameri has seen the beach scenes in First Love Memories so many times and she sort of romanticizes the beach and really wants to go there with a lover. It’s one of the top things she really wants to do, honestly, though the actual experience would fluster her! After all, what swimsuit should she wear? There’re so many options; how can she ever pick! And there’s so many things to do at the beach, she couldn’t possibly figure out which one they should do first!
As for the mountains, I really feel like Balam enjoys being up in the mountains, seeing the different species of animals and plants, enjoying the relative peace of the mountains.
Clara and Agares, however, would choose neither because neither of them really appeals strongly to them. Clara much prefers a good forest, with lots of trees and clearings and things to explore. Agares, on the other hand, just wants to stay home and doesn’t get why he keeps being dragged out when he just wants some quality nap time.
          E: Do they have a good relationship with their siblings?
While it’s not quite a legit sibling relationship, I do feel like Elizabetta always wanted siblings. While she appreciates that there are some advantages to being an only child, I really feel like she wanted the sibling experience. She wanted older brothers to dote on her or older sisters to look up to. She wanted younger siblings to guide and watch over. I really do feel like, in some ways, she tries really hard to be like a ‘cool big sis’ to some of the other characters, especially Clara, and it would be such a huge compliment for her if one of the other girls were to tell her that’s how they think of her.
          L: Do they binge watch shows on Netflix?
Okay, so assuming that the demon world has their own version of Netflix, because of course they do, I feel like Jazz only binges under specific conditions. On his own, I don’t feel he really binges anything. He enjoys watching certain things and can definitely sit down and watch them for a couple hours tops but sitting down and watching a full season in one go is not his cup of tea. I feel the only time he really sits down and binges something is if he’s watching it with someone else. He can binge happily with other people because, to him, it’s more a companionship thing than a solitary hobby.
          C: Have they ever lost anyone close to them?
I feel like Kalego does have experience dealing with death. I really can’t pinpoint who or how many people he’s lost but I feel either a friend or a grandparent, maybe? I just really do feel strongly though that he has experience with losing someone, with death, and with grieving.
          O: How would they describe their childhood in general?
I feel like Garu had a pretty normal childhood, if somewhat solitary. He was a bit of an odd duck as a child, really very interested in science and inventing. He was really outgoing and not at all shy but didn’t make friends easily and was often out tinkering on his own. However, he had a good relationship with his parents and was generally a pretty happy child.
          M: Would they rather live in the country or in the city?
I feel like Orobas would be pretty happy in either the country or the city. He’s a pretty adaptable guy but if he had to choose, I feel like he’d pick the country to live in, though he wouldn’t want to live alone in the country. He still wants some companionship but would appreciate the peace and quiet of countryside living more than being constantly surrounded by people and noise in the city.
          E: Do they have a good relationship with their siblings?
Jazz and Rock’s sibling relationship is…strained, to say the least. However, while he’s definitely very selfish in a lot of ways, I don’t necessarily see Rock as being purposefully a complete asshole and I definitely don’t think he hates his little brother. I think, in some messed up way that probably stems from the attitude in the demon world and the way Rock was raised, that his bullying of Jazz is kind of Rock’s way of trying to ‘toughen up’ his little brother and to make Jazz better with both his bloodline magic and as a person. It doesn’t excuse Rock’s actions and I think it definitely sours what could have been a good brotherly relationship, but I do think the elder Andro brother isn’t acting out of pure malice.
          T: What is their full name?
Orias does have a middle name…his full name is Oswell Orion Orias. His family really likes alliteration.
          O: How would they describe their childhood in general?
Allocer’s childhood was solitary but peaceful. He was a curious child, to the point his first word was ‘why’ and he had a thirst for learning from a very young age that his parents fostered and encouraged. He spent a lot of time reading instead of outside playing with other kids and his school life was mostly dedicated to learning and studying. He didn’t make many close friends until he went to Bablys but doesn’t remember his childhood as bad by any means.
          D: Are they religious?
I feel like, with all the other weird things the demon world has, there’s definitely a cult based around beauty and that Dosanko definitely is a member of that particular cult!
          E: Do they have a good relationship with their siblings?
I feel like the Marbas family are all really close to one another, actually. They’re a pretty tight knit clan, though there are, of course, some tensions or arguments between family members, as you’ll find in any family. They fight, ma
          M: Would they rather live in the country or in the city?
I feel that, after experiencing both, Iruma really does prefer city life. While peace and quiet is nice, the city inspires him in a way. There are always new people to meet, things to do, and it makes him happy in a way that the general peace and quiet of country living doesn’t.
          O: How would they describe their childhood in general?
I feel the only way to describe Balam’s childhood is…eventful. He just seemed to have the knack, all through his childhood and teenage years, really, of getting himself into insane situations. It wasn’t even so much that he tried. In fact, knowing that he worried his parents and the few friends he found himself able to gain, he would try so hard not to get into scrapes but he just seemed to attract weird, sometimes dangerous, situations.
          N: How do they feel about politics?
I feel like Azz actually has some rather strong opinions on politics, though he’s smart enough to keep them to himself most times. Growing up with his mother being part of the Thirteen Crowns, I feel he was exposed to political opinions quite often, really, growing up and that he learned and was encouraged to shape his own opinions regarding political subjects. While his views do align with his mother’s quite often, they do differ in certain areas. Again though, Asmodeus keeps his political views to himself a lot of the time, though he will chime in with them if he’s talking to someone he trusts, and the subject gets brought up.
          S: Do they read their horoscope?
It depends on the day and the mood he’s in, but Furfur does read his horoscope. If he’s in a playful mood, he’ll even use his horoscope to make his decisions for the day. Sometimes he’ll go against everything in the horoscope, sometimes he follows it to the letter. It just amuses him to see how right or wrong the advice for the day was and leads him into interesting situations, which is really all he wants in life.
          C: Have they ever lost anyone close to them?
We know that Furcas has a daughter. But, and maybe I’m wrong here because, again, I haven’t finished up the manga…I feel like she’s a widow. I feel like she’s gone through the death of her husband and the grief of that, combined with the stress of having to suddenly become a single parent. While she enjoyed a good drink before that, I really feel like she started drinking more heavily as well in the wake of her husband’s death, as that was the only way she knew of to handle it.
          H: What do they smell like?
Okay, but I feel like Dali spends enough time with Suzy, and is genuinely good friends with her, that he smells a little like the plants and flowers she grows, mixed with a kind of pleasant musky odor and a hint of spice and old leather from a cologne he favours.
          O: How would they describe their childhood in general?
I feel like Blushenko was actually rather bullied as a child by his schoolmates and he was a little bit of a headstrong troublemaker growing up because of that. Though he matured through his teenage years, his childhood was complicated for him and isn’t something he likes to think about.
          O: How would they describe their childhood in general?
Momonoki’s childhood was relatively good. Her parents and her got along and she was the apple of her grandfather’s eye. She made friends well in school, was a good student and really didn’t have a lot of issues that way. However, I feel like her upbringing was quite strict and there was a lot of pressure she felt, a lot of emphasis on her achieving good marks and excelling in school and with her bloodline ability and that she sometimes felt a little overwhelmed at times with it all.
          L: Do they binge watch shows on Netflix?
Robin, not too surprisingly, does love the demon world’s version of Netflix but he’s flighty with it. He’ll either latch onto a show and binge every episode one right after the other or he’ll hop between shows constantly, sometimes in the middle of episodes, because he gets bored with them.
          I: How do they feel about tattoos? Do they have any?
Iruma actually really likes the look of certain tattoos. Some of the jobs he had to work, he got used to tattoos on some of the adults, both good and mediocre ones. He appreciates the work that went into most of them and loves the really detailed, super-colorful pieces that he’s seen on some people. However, he has no desire to get a tattoo himself – he’s a little terrified of the process of getting them and the pain associated with it.
          R: Who is the first person they call when they are in trouble?
Kiriwo, whenever in trouble, will immediately call Baal. Ever since Kiriwo met Baal, that’s been his go-to, the one person Amy feels will be able to solve any issue.
          U: Do they have a criminal record of any kind?
Baal should have a criminal record. He really should. But the fact is, the man is brilliant in his own way and either doesn’t get caught or, if caught, is able to keep or excuse his actions as being just the demonic blood and instincts he has.
          M: Would they rather live in the country or in the city?
I feel like, though Delkira loves the city and, once upon a time, couldn’t imagine being anywhere other than it, the longer he lived and the more power he gained, the less patience he had for it and the more he wanted an escape from the city, from the people, from life itself and the more he wanted a quiet, peaceful, beautiful life in a more country environment, where he could just be.
          A: Do they have any pet peeves?
Gaako’s pet peeve is definitely Iruma by this point, just because of the strength of the obsession her best friend Eiko has with him. Sometimes, she swears if she hears Iruma’s name one more time, she’ll go completely insane.
          K: Do they have a quote that they live by?
Ocho, as part of the Cult of the Numeral 2, kind of lives by their vision and mantras, more or less.
          U: Do they have a criminal record of any kind?
General Furfur definitely has committed war crimes. Just saying. And numerous crimes growing up as he was a hellion of a child. The only reason he doesn’t have a criminal record is he always had the luck to either be on the winning side or to be sneaky enough to not get caught.
          N: How do they feel about politics?
Henri is very political. He’s a very moral character, for a demon, with very black and white views on the world in general and on what is right and what is wrong. He’s pretty forthright on his views as well since he doesn’t feel like he should have to hide them. He believes in following the rules and has a more accepting view of humans than most other demons.
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naolyrules · 1 year
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Hello, how are you? Well, I imagined Gaako in a defenseless rabbit situation and this came out.
I hope to fix my phone as soon as possible to fix this drawing a bit.
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draconicshinx · 11 months
changing my icon because while I love it I also want gaako
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rtnortherlyarchives · 2 years
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Gaako, The Scourge of Great Evil and Also Badness (self-titled)
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gaaraworshipper · 3 years
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@iam-gaaras-loveintrest why would you encourage me like that with that post about genderbend Gaara?
Credits to @kiyoshy who said she should have painted nails💅
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nerdy-izuku · 3 years
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#undecisive Eiko-Chan
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somesandthings · 5 years
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27 - 11
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sharkiityart · 4 years
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gaako headin to school with a tasty breakfast
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fungusamongus · 2 years
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here’s a short stutter bae comic about how shikamaru hates temari lmao
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pikaboubou · 4 years
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Part of a music video I was in for my friend Byrong Yang aka Mannarose. You can see the video on his facebook page https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Video-Creator/mannarose/posts/
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itryedtobecreative · 4 years
Umm, I made a thing if anyone is interested.
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