#gaz cosplay
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"Leave me alone, or there's going to be a new hole in your face!"
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trash-chick · 5 months
Recent Gaz Membrane cosplay
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centiskull · 1 year
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“No matter where you go, no matter where you hide, nothing will stop me from raining terror and fear unlike mankind has ever seen.”
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meowmeowriley · 3 months
Convention Commotion
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With help from the lovely @tactax-art, who encouraged me and drew the art for me, this is a lil continuation of the previous cosplayer AU for my beloved Costume Anon ❤ Hope everyone enjoys 😉 proper art near the end of the fic.
What had started as his uncle taking pity on him for not being able to go to a convention by himself, had become a tradition of sorts. Any time uncle John was on leave, he'd ask Andy if there were any conventions. And any time there were, they'd meet up with Simon.
"Ye cannae call him Simon, Andy. It's Lieutenant Ghost, or Lt., or Mr. Riley. Or anythin' else, really. Just show him some respect." Uncle John had chastised him after he'd asked once if Simon was gonna be at convention they'd just arrived at.
"Until he joins the army, Johnny, I'll have none of that nonsense." Uncle John had jumped out of his skin (Andy had too, but that was less surprising. He wasn't a highly trained soldier, after all.) when the big fucker had snuck up on them and began speaking. "Just Simon is fine, Andy."
"Chew ma banger, uncle John." He'd said with a shit eating grin, before ducking out of the way of his uncles swipes.
So they'd taken to meeting up with Simon at conventions. Andy had realized two things rather quickly. One: there was undeniable chemistry between the two of them, and two: neither one of them was going to make a move on the other.
They danced around each other. Flirting, but in a "ha ha, I'm only gay for the joke" kinda way. They stared at one another, getting lost in each others eye's in a sickening display of obviously clear affection. God forbid one didn't catch the other's eye, either, because when that happened the one staring would take on this dreamy dopey smile. They were constantly touching. Brushing up against one another, putting their hands on the other's shoulder, or back, or thigh.
They were disgusting. It was adorable. And he had to share it. Because if Andy could see how perfect they were together, so would the internet. 28,000 followers on tiktok later, and every convention they went to, Andy filmed the whole thing. He'd divvy up the videos and get months worth of content, to tide them over till his uncles next leave. Simon and uncle John had no idea how large their fan base was. Or how feral. Those who weren't hard-core shipping the two together, were vying for the attention of one or the other, or both, in the comments.
For most, though, they'd lose their minds with every little interaction. Every gentle touch, prolonged moment of eye contact, soft smile, or act of service from one man to the other, and their fans were swooning, and it seemed all their waiting was finally paying off. Or, at least, Simon was now aware of John's feelings, though how he'd found out was less than ideal.
Soap was ecstatic. After the Spiderman and Deadpool totally-not-couples-costumes went over so well with other patrons at their last convention, Andrew had assured them that their tiktok fans were over the moon for them as well, Simon had agreed to do more comic book stuff with him. While Soap had wanted to be Deadpool, he couldn't deny how well it suited Ghost to be the merc with a mouth. Soap hadn't known beforehand how much the man loved katanas, nor that he even knew how to use them. More important than his skill with the (in this case fake) blades, however, was Simon's ass in that outfit. Which had led him down a rabbit hole of sorts. Yes, it was the source of plenty of wet dreams both before and after seeing him in spandex, but that wasn't what this was about. No, after seeing Ghost dressed as Deadpool with his nearly godly physique, John couldn't help but think of the superior comic book company: DC. Ghost would make an incredible Red Hood, and Soap had wanted to be Nightwing since he was a lad. After voicing that desire, Ghost had agreed, and got to work on the costumes.
At some point during the process, Gaz had found him deep in his work and asked Ghost about it. He then promptly kicked down Soap's door to yell at him for not telling him about their 'convention dates' he wouldn't hear of it that they weren't dates.
"So Gaz is comin' now." He'd said in lieu of greeting when he'd entered Ghost's room that night.
"Mhmm." Ghost had nodded and continued to work away at his sewing machine. "Said he had a matching cosplay. 'Red Robin', he'd called it. Assured me it was different from mine. Tried to tell him I wouldn't know or care, I just enjoy makin the costumes." Soap had made himself comfy on Ghost's bed, and pulled out his journal to doodle. Ghost continued. "Roach is tagging along too, said he has a costume for Blue Beetle. Said it's not Batman related, but it's the same comic franchise."
"Blue Beetle's costume is pretty sick, that'll be cool." Soap had been a little down in that moment that the others would be tagging along, and he'd no longer have Ghost to himself, but he got over it quickly. They were still his friends. "We should drag Price along. Bring the whole team."
"You convince him to go, and just tell me what to make."
And now here they were. The 141, arguably the worlds most elite counterterrorism task force, dressed up as various DC characters. At a cosplay convention. Soap had never felt hotter.
Andy had hit it off with Roach pretty much immediately, the two of them talking at length about tiktok of all things. Soap wasn't aware that Roach had one. They couldn't convince Price to wear a costume, but that was okay. Several people approached him and said his Dum Dum Dugan colspay was cool, resulting in all three of his sergeants cackling at his confusion.
"You can't smoke that in here, boss." Ghost had whispered when Price placed a cigar in his mouth.
"I'm not. It's for emotional support." It fueled other peoples assumptions that he was cosplaying a marvel character, is what it was doing.
As was usual for a convention with Simon and his incredible cosplays, they were stopped by tons of people for pictures, and Andy recorded everything.
"Excuse me." Their group turned around to see a man in red, maroon, and gold robes of some sort.
"Oh, cool! Prince Zuko!" Well at least Roach knew who he was.
"Oh, uh, my friends call me Costume An-... You know what? Yeah. Just Zuko works. Can I get a picture of you guys?" Everyone nodded or gave the guy some sort of affirmative, and he turned specifically to Gaz and Ghost. "Do you know the panel where Tim kicks Jason in the balls? Can you do that? It's my favorite."
Soap knew the panel. Gaz knew the panel. Ghost certainly did not. All eyes were on him. He shrugged. "I'm wearing a cup." Gaz had the most feral grin Soap had ever seen him with. In hindsight, that should've been their warning.
"Right, Lt., you're gonna stand here," Gaz placed Ghost with his back to the cameras held by both Zuko and Andy. He used his foot to guide Ghost's stance wider. "Like that. Perfect. Everyone ready?" Gaz had the cheek to wink at Andy's camera.
He reared back.
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And gave it everything he had.
That cup could only do Simon so much good.
Everyone winced as Ghost crumpled. "Gaz what the bloody fuck?!"
Price was barely keeping a straight face. He used his hand to grab his cigar and hide his failure. "Haven't heard your voice that high since you enlisted, Simon."
"He's dead." Soap whispered.
"You're dead." Roach informed Gaz as he made his way away from Ghost, who was still crouched on the floor.
"I'm dead." Gaz agreed, albeit with a shit eating grin. "Worth it, though. Bastard used me as a training dummy for forty-five goddamn minutes yesterday!" Soap had seen the aftermath, Ghost was pissed at some rookies and dragged poor Gaz into the ring to blow off some steam. The bruising all over Gaz's body were no joke.
"You said you weren't going to hold it against me!" Ghost wheezed.
"I lied!" Gaz shot back.
"Dude..." Andy definitely felt bad for poor Ghost, as did Soap.
"Man I needed those working." He bemoaned. Talk about foot in mouth, he hadn't meant to say that out loud.
"Oh, d'you two get your shit together? I'm sorry, I guess." Gaz laid a hand on Soap's shoulder.
"You'll apologize to him and not to me?!" Ghost's voice was marginally less strained and more angry.
"I was apologizing for accidentally cockblocking you two. I didn't know." Well neither did Ghost! John thought angrily.
Gaz clearly realized his mistake, because Ghost was on his feet, and Soap himself was fuming at being outed like that. He bolted. Soap gave chase, and could hear Ghost charging after as well.
Andy turned to their new buddy, Zuko. "You'll send those to me, right?" He asked.  He didn't really feel like Simon deserved that, but damn was it funny.
"He's gonna be okay, right?" Zuko asked.
"Ghost has taken worse hits. Gaz might need medical leave when they catch him though." Roach said while laughing. Soldiers were weird. But damn tiktok was gonna love this. Maybe they would finally get their shit together after they finish breaking their friend's legs.
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mrehkka · 3 months
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Some more ZAGR doodles! Haha I think their first "date" probably wouldn't seem like one. Gaz was like "we can go out to eat but don't sit next to me and don't talk to me I have a boss to beat". Zim enjoyed it lmao. Next date, they actually play games together, and since Zim ALSO games and also he has a computer as a second brain, he predicts the game's RNG for Gaz lmao
Then we have Gaz dressing Zim up haha and finally another gaming date- this time when they've dated a while so cuddles are welcome! (Gaz is playing with joycons if it's not obvious lol).
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droidbyte · 2 months
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boy-of-death · 1 month
I just discovered the call of duty fandom and let me tell you I never read so much fanfic and hc in a week!!!
I will probably never play the game but I will still love those characters till my last breath. I am living for the cod cosplay community on TikTok and yes I was dragged there by the sheer power of our leader,✨💕Brittany Broski 💕✨
So here some fic/hc ideas I would love to read about but didn’t find🥲
• cod men going to the ren faire with reader who’s super excited and make the men dress up too (Simon dressed in a armor 🫠) ( the 141 that decided to go as a team with reader and they all play along and coordinate their outfits)
• gamer cod men that teach reader how to play and are super kind about it (bonus if in exchange reader tech them how to play cozy games like “animal crossing” or “a little to the left”
• cod men doing a date at the museum and reader is just a history nerd and basically do a guided tour and the men are just listening and be like: yup I am in love!
• cod men and reader drinking tea on the outside tables of a cafe and just gossiping about life and people that walked by (soap and reader with sunglasses just judging everyone like nobody could hear them and randomly dropping a “smash” every time someone hot pass them)
• (this one is especially for soap and it’s based on this TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe9Taj72/ )
Just soap putting a kilt on at every single opportunity he gets because he loves it so much and reader had once said that they like it on him . So that’s how you get soap just rocking the kilt at almost every events they go together and of course, more than one time, there was a LOT of wind (Scotland is windy as fuck) and him being the idiot that he is and never learning from his mistakes, ended up butt naked in front of the whole wedding/party/baptism/family dinner/formal evening with the 141 … (he is a total idiot but I love him)
• cod men when reader put on the broski report every time they take the car and it’s just the both of them being super invested in what Brittany is saying. Bonus if it’s the first time reader put it on and of course it’s one of those episodes where she’s saying the most random shit and the proceeds to talk about religion and philosophy and they’re just there driving being like: “ I don’t know what this woman is saying but she did make some very good points” just becoming massives fan and buying matching sweatshirts with the broski report logo on it for them and reader. And yes, they start quoting her every day and it confuses everybody else!
Well, this was longer than I was expecting (that’s what she said) but for a first real post I’m pretty happy about it! Hope you enjoyed it and If by miracle someone found this post and want to use one of the prompts/hc feel free to use it! (Just tag me so I can see the results !)
✨💕have a nice day everybody!!!💕✨
(Sorry English is not my first language 😅)
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shadeops21 · 2 years
MWII Cosplay Guides - Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Part 4 of my ongoing series of Cosplay Guides for Modern Warfare II!
Previous installments can be found below: John "Soap" Mactavish (link to updated higher-res images) Simon "Ghost" Riley Los Vaqueros - Alejandro Vargas & Rudolfo Parra Side Guide - Helmets of Soap and Ghost
Additionally, the FULL RES versions of these guides are now available for download on my DeviantArt page, organised in their own folder for quick access. You can find them here!
Tonight's installment is another fan favourite, though we didn't get as much playtime with him as we did in the previous game. Understandable as he's the veteran now, and we got more time with Soap and Ghost as a result. I'll happily accept that trade-off.
Sgt Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick! While he did have more than three 'appearances' in the game, I've only chosen to make three as his pure civilian attire is simple and needs no guide, and the other was his Marina kit which is essentially a wetsuit... and who's going to spend all day at a convention or other event in a wetsuit??
I've also included a guide for his helmet and hat. The hat's pretty straightforward, but the headset with it is a harder one to get a hold of.
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Standard warnings/reminders apply: some of what you may see may not be commercially available as it either might be government sales only, or not physically exist in that colour/pattern.
If you have any questions about what you see here, or any suggestions, corrections, or requests, please don’t hesitate to leave it as a note or in a reblog!
And please share this (and past and future) post around, so as many people can see it as possible. I want to share and spread this knowledge with as many as possible!
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cigsnfilms · 8 months
My heart goes out to his family, friends, and all his fans that are currently mourning his passing. What they did to Inquisitor was pure evil, and i hope that Tito, Aj and KeeganMask are held accountable for their actions.
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bmbrice · 8 months
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Halloween ‘23 Poll#17
Halloween '23 Poll #17 Al as a hybrid of Gaz Membrane and the Zora aesthetic from BOTW. I consider myself blessed I didn't have to to also try to mix Darth Vader into this lmao (poll was almost a three way tie) Better hand over the game btw Next poll is open for voting and will end tomorrow at 9am Eastern: https://www.supercellcomic.com/poll.html Want to see your fave characters/costumes in future polls? Submit them here: https://supercellcomic.com/halloween.html
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Y’all liked our cosplays a whole lot, so now I’m excited to announce a TOS/Discovery crossover fan film we made at Neutral Zone Studios! The full short comes out March 1st. Watch the trailer below!
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"Dib, your stupid friend is here!"
Sadly I can't find any urls for this amazing Tak.
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trash-chick · 5 months
Gaz Membrane, invader zim
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secondsis66 · 2 years
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Call me Ghoul 👻
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player-membrane · 2 years
Hope your doing well Gaz☺️💖
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I’m fine. Taking some breaks. Agnt mentioned that I’ve been using kanna emoji a lot and then I remember that I cosplayed her before(cuz of Dib. weeb wanted us to go into cosplay when attending the event.) I was trying to take a normal photo but Dib accidentally stepped on Palico’s tail. lol. Palico jumped on him and it was funny.
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haikumaven · 1 year
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"All I want is to have some pizza, hang out with dad, and not let your weirdness mess up my day!" Who is your favourite Invader Zim character?? I got this dress and tights from @hottopic 💜🖤 #htfxfebruarymusthaves #sponsoredbyht #hottopic #htfanatic #htfandom #htcosplay #cosplays #cosplayer #cosplayers #gaz #gazcosplay #invaderzim #zim #cosplaydress #dress #ootd #selfiesunday https://www.instagram.com/p/CpJPPvKsFzj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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