#general scott
deadpresidents · 5 months
It is perfectly manifest that General Taylor is very hostile to the administration and seeks a cause to quarrel with it. This he shall not have unless he places himself wholly in the wrong, as indeed he has already done. He is evidently a weak man and has been made giddy with the idea of the Presidency. He is most ungrateful, for I have promoted him, as I now think beyond his deserts, and without reference to his politics. I am now satisfied that he is a narrow-minded, bigoted partisan without resources and wholly unqualified for the command he holds...I am now satisfied that anybody would do better than Taylor. Taylor is no doubt brave and will fight, but is not fit for a higher command than that of a Regiment. I have no prejudice against him, but think he has acted with great weakness and folly.
-- President James K. Polk, on General Zachary Taylor, commander of U.S. troops during the Mexican-American War, in a personal diary entry, November 21, 1846.
General Taylor's military success in Mexico had raised his profile nationally and made him a popular potential candidate for political office, which bothered President Polk, despite the fact that Polk only intended to serve a single, four-year term in the White House. As Taylor became more popular, President Polk worked to sideline him and eventually replaced him as commander with General Winfield Scott (who had political ambitions of his own). Much to Polk's chagrin, Taylor was easily elected President in 1848 and succeeded the retiring Polk, who died just over 100 days later in June 1849. President Taylor barely outlasted Polk, and died in office in July 1850.
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blairpfaff · 4 months
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I'll protect you from the hooded claw Keep the vampires from your door When the chips are down I'll be around With my undying, death-defying love for you
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luigra · 1 year
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The creationist myth
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zegalba · 2 years
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Al Generated Harajuku Aliens using streestyle images from the lates 90s and early 2000s by Scott Wetterschneider (2022)
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catboy-scott-agenda · 13 days
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i have explanations for all of my choices. i will not be giving them.
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sarcasm-and-stiles · 3 months
Stiles: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Scott: Wasn't Y/N with you?
Y/N: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
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lost-in-frog-land · 1 year
these came to me in a vision
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foolpoof · 2 months
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Star Trek Six Fanarts! Well. 18 Fanarts. I got carried away okay?
Two are suggestions from discords I’m in, and the third one is all my favs! If any of these in particular tickle your fancy, feel free to use it as an icon! Just tag me please!
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pedroam-bang · 6 months
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ARC troopers - Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003-2005)
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deadpresidents · 1 year
“Compassion is always due to an enraged imbecile”
Attempting to besmirch each other, the two men ranted like spoiled adolescents. [Commanding General of the U.S. Army Winfield] Scott informed [Secretary of War Jefferson] Davis that he would treat all of Davis’s letters as official, “whether designed as private and scurrilous, or public missives of arrogance and superciliousness.” He characterized them as “examples of chicanery and tergiversation, of prodigality in assertion and utter penury in proofs and probabilities.” At one point, Scott declared: “My silence, under the new provocation, has been the result, first, of pity, and next, forgetfulness. Compassion is always due to an enraged imbecile, who lays about him in blows which hurt only himself, or who, at their worst, seeks to stifle his opponent by the dint of naughty words.”
Davis likewise leaped into the epistolary gutter. “Your petulance, characteristic egotism and recklessness of accusation have imposed on me the task of unveiling some of your deformities...” Davis went on to tell the general that his reputation had been “clouded by grovelling vices” such as “querulousness, insubordination, greed of lucre and want of truth.” Although Davis’s depictions of Scott were apt, he was seemingly unaware that he had descended to his antagonist’s level...To make matters even more embarrassing, Congress in December 1856 called for all the correspondence, publishing it in a volume of more than 250 pages for the entire country to see personal hostility and professional jealousy turned into acrimonious hatred.
-- William J. Cooper Jr. on the bitter feud between Commanding General of the U.S. Army Winfield Scott and then-Secretary of War Jefferson Davis during the Pierce Administration, in Cooper’s excellent 2000 biography Jefferson Davis, American (BOOK | KINDLE).
I’ve spent years looking for an original copy of the collected correspondence featuring this pre-Civil War feud between General Scott, the longtime commanding general of the United States Army and Jefferson Davis, who was the civilian leader of all military forces as Secretary of War during the Administration of President Pierce (1853-1857). The letters that Davis and Scott fired back at each other -- through official channels! -- are amazing due to both the viciousness and the pettiness of the language they used.
Over the years, I’ve found incomplete batches of the letters and fragments of the correspondence in various books that I’ve bought, but I could never find everything that I was looking for. However, I finally found the collected correspondence in the U.S. Senate’s Executive Documents from the 3rd Session of the 34th Congress (thanks 34th Congress!), and after searching all over the place, also found a place that would print them in book form for a reasonable price. So, I’m going to start sifting through the letters and will probably end up sharing some of the more entertaining exchanges because this feud is an absolute masterpiece of 19th Century shit-talking. 
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bashfoal · 8 months
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it is green
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travellingtribble · 18 days
I'm in my feels thinking about how fucked up the TOS crew ended like
Kirk got stuck in the nexus from ~2293 to 2371 only to die again, for good, as soon as he got out? Come on. come on man.
Bones got old. like really old. and didn't get to see Kirk again??? It's been a while since I watched the TNG episode with McCoy, I don't remember what he says, but he was like 150 years old. Did he ever even see Kirk before he got stuck in the Nexus. Did he ever see Spock? (I'd hope so, Spock disappears years later, in Picard if I'm correct?)
Spock was... around doing Spock stuff. And then Kirk died and did Spock even know? did someone tell Spock that his literal soulmate died. twice. and then Spock got stuck in another universe, a reality slightly different from his own, where everyone is younger than him and Jim is not really Jim and he has his own Spock anyway and his planet is gone and he lived the rest of his days in the Kelvin timeline, alone.
And Scotty got stuck in a transporter buffer for 75 years. That's so long. They had to tell him Kirk was gone? (although, they were together when that happened, weren't they? they were on the Enterprise-B, technically Scotty knew that Kirk was "dead" didn't he? I guess spending 75 years stuck in a buffer mode will screw up your memory though.) Did he see Spock again? Did he see Bones again before either of them died?
Basically the only ones we didn't see explicitly (or implicitly) die or disappear of the OG crew are Uhura, Chekov and Sulu. Where were they? what were they doing? did they know about Kirk? about Scotty? about Spock?
Sorry but like. that is so fucked up. why does nobody talk about this!!!
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spellboundbat · 2 months
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mcybree · 3 months
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In his head. I wanted a blorbo-themed phone wallpaper so I made one for myself ig
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as my lockscreen (yay!!) + no houses version
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nerdy-hyperfixations · 2 months
I just want to remind everyone that Wallace is canonically the worse one to sleep in the same bed with.
Scott can be a bad roommate in every other aspect but GUYS Wallace is the one that canonically snores and kicks in his sleep.
Scott sleeps like a princess with his back against the sheet lying perfectly straight (and also taking all the covers) and Wallace sleeps semi-on-his-side and apparently just fucking punting Scott in the leg every so often (not to mention he talked in his sleep too) and I don’t know why this is important to me but it is.
Because when people draw them cuddling in their sleep it’s always Wallace being normal and Scott turning and snoring and shit but you’re missing out on sleepy-cuddly Wallace turning and snoring on Scott. Let that cringe-fail 25 year old be annoying. Istg.
I’m talking to the Mobillace people too btw. Not that I’ve seen anyone draw them cuddling in bed (which is a CRIME btw. Draw that. For me.) but like imagine how funny it would be: Mobile stays the night for the first time and the hot-weirdo is a bed-menace, snoring and kicking and tossing and turning and suction cupping for warmth and Mobile is like “I want him to be my boyfriend” THATS FUNNY! LIKE-
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