popculturerobots · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!
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triangulumlights · 4 months
Chosen Children Tri Heights (sort of...)
I say sort of because I did my best.
ANYWAY, as we all probably know, there were super helpful official height charts for the chosen children in 02.
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This gives us nice specific heights for the older kids and several of the younger kids, although you do need to estimate for some of them (like Hikari, who looks shorter than the 150 cm line, so I personally guess 147 cm for her.) So from this, you can make a nice little height comparison chart online using your comparison chart of choice. I picked heightcomparison.com since I liked that you could choose models.
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Fun! This looks about right, so it feels like a good baseline to use for then trying to figure out how to find heights in Tri.
The easiest way, or at least I thought, to do this would be to find something to use as a baseline; someone who stood next to at least one or two of the 02 kids who also stood next to the Tri kids. My first thought, of course, was Gennai, since Gennai (or one of his clones) was near several of the chosen during the world tour arc in 02, and Dark Gennai (or whatever we wanna call this guy) interacts with several of them in Tri. Sounds reasonable, right? Right.
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These seemed like pretty reasonable screenshots to work with, since we have three chosen that are both in 02 and Tri. So I slapped a guess into the height comparison chart.
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...Immediate issues, unfortunately. Mainly in that although Hikari and Koushirou look okay next to this height guess, Jyou seems too tall. However, when I made Gennai taller, then Kou and Hikari were too short (they're already slightly smaller than they should be here), and since the height difference was only slightly off with Jyou and Gennai I figured this was pretty good.
So onto trying to compare Dark Gennai to someone in Tri, where again, I suffered. Of course Dark Gennai is near several of the chosen, but of course he's a huge creep, so he's not just standing there like a normal person. Of course not.
However, a few things were immediately noticeable. One: he's not that much taller than Jyou, as you can see their proportions are similar. Two: he's not that much taller than Meiko, somehow, but he's also at an angle so looks shorter. Three: he stands next to the railing of the boat the kids hide out on in... Uh... Loss? I think that's the right movie. Anyway.
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I thought that, of these, the railing height might be a good place to start. If there was a decent shot of one of the chosen near the same railing, it'd be easy to compare; the railing is about mid-hip on Dark Gennai, so all I'd have to do is figure out how high it is on one of the kids, and trial and error until I got a height. Then I could compare the other chosen to that kid and should be easy.
I should have known better. Alas.
We do, at least, get both Koushirou and Jyou near the railing, but the only clear good shot of one of them standing straight up next to it is at an odd angle.
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From this, it looks like the railing around Koushirou's waist/bottom of his ribs, maybe slightly higher. His elbows are bent 90 degrees to use the laptop, though the laptop itself would add a small amount of extra height.
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These shots he isn't standing up straight, but they all seem consistent with the railing being at his waist.
There's also a few shots of Jyou that are useful-ish.
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Jyou where did the rest of your arm go it doesn't look like it's hanging over the rail it looks gone
The rail looks about belt/top of hip level on Jyou, which makes sense for how much taller he seems to be than Koushirou (Jyou sitting flat on the ground still has his head higher than the rail, while Koushirou kneeling barely comes up to it.) Since we have good-ish estimates for both Kou and Jyou next to the rail, I went ahead and plugged in Dark Gennai's height, then compared 02 Kou and 02 Jyou to him to start off with.
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...Huh. This looks... Correct. Mid-hip on Dark Gennai (about 95 cm or so?) is right at waist/lower ribs on Koushirou, and at the top of Jyou's hips. But they can't just be their 02 heights, because Koushirou is now taller than Sora, Takeru, and Mimi in Tri, whereas they were taller than him in 02. So even if those three had stayed the same height, Koushirou must be at least slightly taller than he was in 02. And if you look at where Koushirou and Dark Gennai's elbows would be, it does seem like Koushirou needs to be slightly taller, so maybe we just have a case of anime proportion problems.
But before I mess with Koushirou's height, gotta figure out how much taller than Sora and Takeru he is. Fortunately he stands near both of them in various shots so it's easy to compare, just gotta find some nice shots where the animation is good so it's fair to assume they're on-model, so starting with Kou and Takeru--
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That's... Not helpful... Even the still animations from the credits scenes don't match. Tri. Tri why do you do this. I am one of you animation stans (when the animation's good, anyway; I love the style is what I mean) so why must you betray me so?
But okay. Official stills and such mostly put Koushirou slightly taller than Takeru, so that's what I'm going to go with. Now, comparing Kou and Sora, in addition to the group shots above--
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It's much more consistent with them; Koushirou's just slightly taller. Takeru is typically shorter than Sora in official art, making the order Takeru < Sora < Koushirou, but probably only a few centimeters between each of them. Whatever. I'm going to do my best.
In 02, Takeru and Sora are the same height, so lets bump up Sora a few cm and Kou a few more cm than that.
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This looks pretty good, actually. Assuming Takeru didn't get any taller is fine by me, since he was 11 in 02 and 14 in Tri; he could easily be one of those people that shoots up in intermittent growth spurts, especially since he's pretty tall in 02 comparatively. Additionally, the 02 height chart makes it unclear if it's measuring the top of his head or somewhere in his hat, so he could've actually gotten a little taller since 02 if he was actually shorter than 160 cm.
Anyway. The comparison here between Kou and Dark Gennai still seems alright, so we can work from here. Since I decided to default to the two official credits scenes with the whole group, I'm going to base adding the others from that. The only exception will be for Mimi, since she's consistently close to Sora's height in most of the show and artwork, and one of the credits scenes makes her way shorter due to her pose. Here's what I came up with.
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A few particular notes. The height difference between Taichi and Koushirou is not that pronounced in Tri; it's there, but it's not the big difference from 01 and 02. The top of Kou's head is about forehead-height on Taichi. On the other hand, Yamato is distinctly taller than Taichi most of the time, though like with Takeru his height varies. He could be slightly shorter or taller than this. Like I mentioned before Mimi is usually slightly shorter than Sora, with Meiko being slightly taller than Sora, about Koushirou's height. Hikari seems to have had the biggest growth spurt, with the top of her head usually around Sora's forehead or Takeru's eye level. Ish. Again, varies. And then, of course, Jyou is tall; he's not hugely taller than Yamato, but it's noticeable. Mimi comes up to a little higher than his chin. I would add screencaps, but I still need to add Daigo and Maki to the chart and only have one more image left in the post limit.
They're relatively easy to add, since both stand near the kids several times. Daigo is tall but not as tall as I would've guessed; Taichi comes up to his cheekbones, Maki slightly lower. Maki is also taller than Meiko by a noticeable amount, but not a large one. So with them added:
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Okay. This is my best guess for heights in Tri, and it leaves them all with a little more room to grow in Kizuna, which I might try to figure out later. Maybe. This was way harder than I thought.
Anyway feel free to disagree and discuss! I just thought this would be fun (and it was, despite the struggle) and maybe useful to people, though the real takeaway from this is that Tri is super inconsistent so really do whatever you want.
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sluggybasson107 · 1 year
I don’t think the Digimon fandom talks enough about the time Jyou tackled Dark Gennai
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digimoninteractions · 5 months
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[ID: A panoramic screenshot from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 39 showing Gennai sitting on a rock and facing Quinglongmon. End ID]
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anime2357 · 9 months
Listening to Bo Burnham’s Welcome to the Internet while thinking that it would make a great song for a digimon musical where dark gennai is singing this to the digidestined.
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chesburg · 8 months
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digimonarchive · 9 months
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Sora Takenouchi and Piyomon/Biyomon picspam 2
Also appearing in the picspam: Gomamon, old Gennai, Mimi Tachikawa, Palmon and Nanomon/Datamon
Digimon Adventure ending credits ('I Wish' by Ai Maeda)
Digimon Adventure episodes 6, 7, 8, 11 and 14
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sirfowlman · 8 months
Digimon World lore & a crackpot fan theory about digital humans & Digimon Adventure
Ordinarily, I wouldn't bring up any fan theories or any connections between the World & Adventure; other than they shared some locations, like File Island. Then I found out that, storywise, Digimon World 2 was indeed a sequel to Digimon World 1 (thank you, Wayneisboss) & that DW & Adventure were pulling some ideas from the franchise's early lore but obviously went in different directions.
This fan theory came rushing through my head as I was watched the aforementioned Wayneisboss' review of Digimon World 2. Sorta like this!
You know those abandoned human objects & buildings that were strewn about in the Digital Worlds of DW1 & Digimon Adventure? In Digimon World, these items were confirmed to be abandoned by humans from Earth that were trying to colonise File Island. For one reason or another, a schism broke out between humans & digimon, which resulted in the humans fleeing the island.
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In DW2, all of the humans (including our playable character) were revealed to be the descendants of said human survivors that fled File Island. The survivors had went on to settle the Folder Continent & had built Digital City.
Now on to Digimon Adventure. What if something similar happened to their Digital World? What if humans also tried to colonise Adventure's Digital World at some point, but failed? Though unlike their DW counterparts, the majority of them were wiped out, leaving only various man-made objects, autonomous vehicles, empty buildings, & perhaps a few survivors like Gennai, his clones(?)/kin(?) & NotKen McPedo the Mysterious Man, who were digitised at some point.
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I think some other Digimon media have featured similar stuff, but I only singled out World & Adventure as they're the most familiar to me. There are also other digital humans similar to Gennai, but their origins are quite varied. From androids, to A.I.s, to digital clones.
Okay, I think that's enough theorizing for one day.
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hikari-m · 27 days
"Yesterday was Ohigan, so I went to visit the cemetary."
"Yes. Now I can calmly say {with certainty} that, the parents I have now are 'my parents'.
... But my parents 'in {"Heaven"}' {'Tengoku'} 天国 are also important." {"Taisetsu des!"}
"...What's wrong? ...Gennai-san?... {Gennai}'s making such a {somber} face--"
"Oh, it must be about 'that'..." - Koushiro, before ending email with a long dialogue about the "meaning of being a Chosen Child", among other discussion on the "number of Chosen Children" '{that's expanding}' frequently within numbers of years
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{Clip'd by Me} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Repost to Other Sites} {Do Not Re-produce My Editing Under Any Circumstances without my Permission} (Please ASK to Share)
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is-it-raining-yet · 10 months
Made a digital painting of Gennai, who is a digital character
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dragonofeternal · 1 year
I've given in to the devil on my shoulder and recreated the poll that made me get into my first internet argument. This is JUST for the original incarnation of Adventure not 02 or movies, since this poll originally ran in like 2000 on a defunct forum that probably couldn't be refound for all the love or money in the world.
Please reblog and defend your answers as you see fit.
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demonoflight · 2 years
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In Digimon Adventure 02 episode 39, when Gennai explains to the Chosen that he and his colleagues went around deleting information about Digimon from government and military servers, these are the images shown. One of these guys looks like Gennai, but the others have different skintones, the hems of their robes are colored differently, and I think the shape of their jaws is a little different too. However, when we do meet some of Gennai’s colleagues in the World Tour episodes, they’re all just Gennai clones with different names and demeanors.
So these non-Gennai “guardians” could just be an animation/coloring oversight (I mean. it’s a Deguchi episode). But... what if there ARE others? What if Gennai has more colleagues that aren’t just his clones? What if these alternate color guys work with the other Holy Beasts while Gennai is under Qinglongmon’s employ?
You know. Just a thought. I’m just really fascinated by the alternate color guys. There’s a lot of potential there.
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scrubf1re · 1 year
Me attempting to clear up a fandom misconception about digimon adventure tri.
Probably a hot take (or more just an excuse to clear up what I feel is a misconception) but while I understand thinking it's weird for some (but not all like how the news reporter’s statement in part 1 about how “This same creature has appeared a few times in the past. Each time it’s caused serious damage.” in regards to how this isn’t the first time Greymon has appeared in Odaiba and another reporter literally calling Meicrackmon a digimon after destroying a power plant in part 5) people to forget about the digimon in tri I don't think digimon fans realise that the alternative scenario where they do remember doesn't make as much sense as they think it does. Mainly because in 02 it was explained that it was because the Gennai and his many copies messed with info all over the net regarding what happened the first time a digimon related world ending threat happened to the real world.
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Remember how Iori/Cody remembered said events when talking with Gennai in this screenshot but Daisuke/Davis didn't recognise digimon at all and freaked out when he first saw one and went to the digital world at the start of 02? Info regarding digimon was messed with in an attempt to hide their existence from the public and as a result many people forgot while others didn’t.
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Even if it's not stated in tri it's not unreasonable to believe the same exact thing happened again in tri (or more specifically some time before the events of tri given that we see Gennai (or at least a copy of him) in the same kind of pod as the 02 kids in part 6 meaning he was out of commission)
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since it's a sequel and therefore should follow the same rules as adventure and 02 and even if it was stated that alternative scenario could still be criticised as being a rather redundant piece of info for the audience since it already happened in 02 if you ask me. Heck if it didn’t happen again in tri I bet fans would be asking why Gennai and his copies didn’t try to hide the digital world’s existence again especially since he brought up in 02 how hiding it was necessary to prevent governments from exploiting the digimon’s power especially when the international chosen children/digidestined still aren’t public knowledge in tri much like in 02. Basically what this thread is trying to say is that it wouldn't make as much sense for everyone to remember the events of Odaiba in tri as some digimon fans think it would (I blame the abridged series for spreading this misconception if you ask me) given what's already happened to the publics knowledge of digimon in 02. Weirdly enough it would've been even weirder if the same thing happened again in Last Evolution: Kizuna since at that point the human world had already faced three world ending threats whereas in 02 and tri it only faced one and two respectively (alongside the fact that Gennai was out of commission much like the 02 kids during tri like I said before) and the fact that the international chosen children/digidestined don’t seem to be hiding themselves in that movie like they used to (which given how everyone has a digimon partner in the 02 epilogue is likely why since it’s meant to build up to it). Funny how there's a logical in universe explanation for all three situations in the adventure continuity if you ask me. I know I've already made a similar thread in the past I just wanted to update said thread and fix up mistakes said thread made in the first place. TLDR: while I can understand where the criticism is coming from, I just feel the reason I cannot bring myself to agree with it is because the criticism itself makes less and less sense the longer I think about it given the points I've already brought up in this thread. Let me know if my reasons made sense or not.
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digimoninteractions · 5 months
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[ID: Screenshots from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 39 showing: (1) Hikari and Taichi looking at Gennai with his hood up. (2) Koushirou looking at Gennai. Tentomon is also on Koushirou's desk. (3) The same but Gennai looking at Koushirou. (4) Gennai and the group looking at Koushirou's computer. (5) Gennai watching at the group looks out the window. (6) Gennai facing the group. (7) Iori talking to Gennai. (8) Gennai talking to Miyako and Iori. End ID]
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colin-creations · 8 months
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Digimonth No. 5, Clock. A sort of half-spoiler for Digimon Nightmare Offensive. Gennai, what are you going to do?
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chesburg · 2 years
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i drew this for my dear friend, emi m, for her birthday! about her, i appreciate her so much as a person and a fellow fan of maskcover (she also drew the pfp i have as you can see!!) please go check her blog out :)
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